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NAME: Princess Rochelle D.

Morente SECTION: Our Lady of Hope CLUSTER: A


TOPIC: Housekeeping




Directions: Make a workflow chart of task based on the video watched.

Then, answer the following given questions.

Click the link to watch the video on Hotel Housekeeping-Cleaning Tips .

Retrieved 30 June 2020, from

a. What are the Procedural Requirements in Handling Housekeeping?

The Procedural Requirements in Handling Housekeeping are the correct

usage of materials, tidying up the cart and closet, supplying all the
materials to be replenished in the rooms, picking up trash in the rooms
and bringing cleaning devices.

b. What do you think will happen if one of the work procedures will not be
What will happen if one of the work procedures will not be accomplished
is that it may increase the risk of being in contact with germs and viruses
and the place will not look organized or tidy.
2. Broadening of Concepts
 How hotels and other hospitality organization are rated?
Hotels and other hospitality organizations are rated by their services.

 What do you think are the reasons why hotels are rated as such 5-star/4-star/3-
star hotel?
The reasons why hotels are rated suck as 5-star / 4-star / 3-star is
because of how they are they serve their guests and how they handle
proper housekeeping. Because of these ratings, it may show how
people do/don’t recommend a hotel.

 What is the importance of familiarizing yourself of the different hotel codes? As

a guest? As a housekeeping personnel?
The importance of familiarizing yourself of the different hotel codes is
that you can determine if it is ready to be occupied for other guests.
Housekeeping personel can check if they will have to clean the room

 How does good housekeeping improve safety?

Good housekeeping improves safety by keeping things organized. It
helps us avoid tripping and slipping, making our home clean, avoid fire
hazards, less exposure to hazardous objects and a safe workspace.

3. Integration
 Why do we need to follow the rules and regulations of the school /class?
We need to follow the rules and regulations of the school / class in
order to avoid commiting minor or major offenses and we are able to
discipline ourselves so that we may continue to improve. It also helps
the school to become a safe place for students as well.

 Can we manifest the spirit or value of obedience by simply following the

basic rules and regulation?
We can manifest the spirit or value of obedience by simply following
the basic rules and regulation for it may help us apply the things we
have learned outside the school.
Directions: Read each statement and write your answer on the
space provided.

1. What is the purpose of this signage?

The purpose of this signage is to tell us
that we must practice good housekeeping.

2. What makes a good signage?

What makes a good signage is that it is easy
to understand.

3. Describe the signage. What may have

signage was placed? What might happen
The signage is very informative and helpful. Source: Emedco
What may have happened before this signage was placed is that we might
not know that we must practice it. What might happen after is that we
might start maintaining our home clean and organized.

4. After a very tiring activity, you decided to rest in your room and locked the door.
What signage would you make to let the family members know of your condition?

A signage that I would make to let my family members know of my

condition is telling that I’m taking a rest and that they should not disturb

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