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The image of a country is not just about economic

and military strength. The soft face of a country also
makes a difference. Sports is one such soft power
which can capture the world’s attention to India.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
01. Sport: a strong soft power

02. In search of dynamic,

evolving sports policies

04. Reforms that transform

06. Fundamental principles of reforms

and achievements

08. Khelo india scheme creates

a sports culture in India

Table of 09. Sports for women: shakti se sashaktikaran

10. Sports for divyang athletes:
harnessing special abilities

11. Sports for peace and development:

sports unites all

13. Indigenous games:

promoting a glorious legacy

15. Impact of Khelo India

17. Nurturing sporting excellence

19. Fit India movement:

improving India’s global fitness index

21. Impact going forward

22. India speaks

In search of dynamic,
evolving sports policies
India is one of the most populous countries in the world, with
a demographic population that lends itself to a diverse gene
pool that has the ability to excel in sports. However, a field as
dynamic as sport needed fine tuning of policies to match the
dreams and needs of athletes. For decades, the policies, albeit
well-intentioned, were intermittent and could not quite catch
up with the rapidly evolving international sports ecosystem
which may have hindered Indian athletes from reaching the
pinnacle of excellence at the world stage.

Sport: A strong
soft power
The power of sport to transform a nation is huge. It has
the ability to develop individual personalities of citizens
on the one hand and put the nation on the global map
as a sporting superpower on the other. There is huge
national pride attached to success in sports and it has
the ability to cohesively bind the country beyond caste,
creed, religion and build a happier and healthier
society. India's demographic advantage also holds the
promise of a large pool of sporting talent who can be
nurtured to represent India at the world stage.

1 2
The policies launched from the time of Independence
created a handful of athletes who displayed sparks of
brilliance. Through the 1950s till the turn of the
millennium and for a decade after that, Indian sports
icons who earned international recognition, were
limited to names like Major Dhyanchand, Milkha Singh,
PT Usha, among others. The lack of a focussed culture
to strengthen a sports culture in the country, and
nurture a wide base of talent reflected in our podium
finish results in major International Sports Events in the
past years.

Reforms that transform

A need was therefore felt to completely revamp the
existing sports ecosystem in the country, with focus on
grassroot-level talent identification, infrastructure
building, support to elite athletes and creating an overall
sports culture that would provide equal opportunities to
women, divyangs and youth from far flung areas. The
result was the introduction of the following schemes.
Policies to harness Khelo India Scheme: Turning a new leaf in grassroot
true potential sport; journey of Khelo India; how it came into being
The Khelo India Scheme was was the pre-cursor to the
The policies launched from the time of Independence formulated by merging the infrastructure component of
created a handful of athletes who displayed sparks of existing, now erstwhile, the Khelo India Scheme, the
brilliance. Through the 1950s till the turn of the schemes of Rajiv Gandhi Khel NSTSS envisaged searching
millennium and for a decade after that, Indian sports Abhiyan (RGKA), Urban and nurturing of sporting
icons who earned international recognition, were Sports Infrastructure Scheme talent. However the schemes
limited to names like Major Dhyanchand, Milkha Singh, (USIS) and National Sports could not take off largely
PT Usha, among others. The lack of a focussed culture Talent Search Scheme owning to the lack of
to strengthen a sports culture in the country, and (NSTSS). At their inception, co-ordination and a
nurture a wide base of talent reflected in our podium RGKA envisaged creation of combined vision of the
finish results in major International Sports Events in the sports complex in all blocks Centre and the States. The
past years. across the country and National Games, the biggest
conduct competitions, USIS event for grassroot-level
3 4
talent identification were Scheme during the year TOPS: Sustained support to sporting
held at long intervals, leaving 2016-17 and on the basis of
excellence; journey of the reform
aspiring athletes to look for consultations with major
avenues to showcase their stakeholders, especially the The Mission Olympic Cell (MOC) was formed in April
talent. The launch of the State Governments and of 2016 to provide impetus to Indian athletes
Khelo India Scheme 2016, inputs received from them, competing in the Olympics. It was realized that the
corrected these anomalies. the Khelo India Scheme was MOC could be made more effective by further fine
Taking from the experience revamped with 12 verticals in tunings such as increasing the involvement of
gained in implementing the 2017. National Sporting Federations, involving experts of
various sporting disciplines, including sports
science, and the appreciating and consideration of
Annual Sports
sports-specific nuances, while extending support to
Competition athletes. Therefore, to promote Sporting Excellence
Promotion of Rural among elite athletes, the Target Olympic Podium
Talent Search
Promotion of Rural
and Development
Scheme (TOPS), which was initially formulated in
Tribal games
2014, was revamped completely to address the
Support to further requirements of the MOC. Consequently,
National/ professional teams, including research analysts,
Sports for Peace
and Development
Sports Academies athlete relationship managers, sports science and
sports-specific experts were brought on board to
Promotion State Level
Khelo India create a focussed support system for elite athletes.
of Sports
among Persons Centres
with Disabilities Personalised Personalised
coaching support equipment
Physical Fitness from best global support
Sports for of School going coaches
Women Children

Utilisation and Play field

Creation/Upgradation development
of Sports
Infrastructure Community Out of Pocket International
Coaching training
Development Allowance
per month sessions

Dedicated relationship Sports

manager as bridge science
between SAI and support
athlete Top-of-line research
support to track opponent
5 6
FIT India Movement: Improving India's Fundamental principles of
fitness quotient
It was the vision of the Hon’ble and various Ministries such
reforms and achievements
Prime Minister to enunciate as Education, Panchayati
path breaking measures to Raj, Health, Ayush, among
Khelo India Scheme
put India on a FIT Track on a others. The deliberations The Scheme’s primary focus is
Fast Track and thus began a led to the creation of the 360 degree support
to create a national-level provided, a funding
people’s movement, with the framework for the platform for athletes to of ₹6.28 lakh per
effort to promote the concept Movement with focus on showcase their talent and to annum per athlete
of: Fitness is Fun, Fitness is improving the fitness identify them for further to 2,970 Khelo India
Easy, Fitness is Free. The FIT quotient of citizens through grooming and financial Athletes (KIAs)
India Movement is the planned fitness activities. support. The Khelo India which includes
first-of-its-kind Reform in the The deliberations took over Games has been a harbinger ₹10,000 per month
History of India. Interactions a year before the Movement of this effort. From 2017 to out of pocket
with experts from the field of was formally launched by 2020, 3 editions of Khelo India allowance for each
fitness, corporate companies Hon’able PM in August, KIA
School and Youth Games and 1
engaged in promoting fitness 2019. edition of the Khelo India
University Games have been
hosted, giving talented young
sportspersons a chance to win Athletes (KIAs) who
their way to a Khelo India are currently training
Scholarship and be trained for at Khelo India
higher levels of competition Academies, revamped
by the best coaches and in SAI Centers and are
state-of-art sporting given an Out of Pocket
complexes. The Games have Allowance of ₹10,000
seen a participation of over per month, besides
18,000 athletes, with close to being supported for
3,000 athletes identified as training, equipment,
Khelo India diet and education.

7 8
elite centers. Besides this, 1000 Khelo India Centers (KIC) are
being setup at the district level to strengthen grassroot-level
To provide a higher per capita sports infrastructure in States and to provide a source of
sporting infrastructure across income for local sporting talent by engaging them as coaches
the country in KICs.

235 Academies have been accredited for

training of Khelo India Athletes (KIAs) in 21
sports disciplines. Besides, support has
4819 Trainees 09 Schools
been extended to 500 private academies have been covered in 66 Sports have been adopted as State level
Authority of India Training Centres Khelo India Centers (SLKIC)
under Khelo India Scheme in collaboration (STCs) under SLKIC
with National Sports Federations, so that
athletes have access to sporting
infrastructure all over the country and can 24 KISCE's 1000 KICs
train at a center most convenient to them. have been approved and 8 in districts across India
KISCE’s have been launched

2010-2014 – 38
infrastructure PRADESH
projects Sangey Lhaden
Sports Academy NAGALAND
2014-2020 – 267 States Sports
Academy IG

Khuman Lampak
Furthering collaboration with State Governments: Sh. Jaiprakash
Sporta Complex
Sports being a State subject, the interest of a State to further National Youth MIZORAM
its sporting ambitions is important. In a first-of-its-kind Centre Rajiv Gandhi Stadium
initiative made in 2020, the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports ODISHA
partnered with the States to create world-class sporting Kalinga Stadium

infrastructure which are being called Khelo India State Center

of Excellence (KISCE). These State-owned sports complexes KERALA Regional Sports
have been given financial support by the Ministry of Youth GV Raja Sr. Sec. School
Sports School
Affairs & Sports and each centre specializes in imparting
training in one or two sporting disciplines, thus making them

9 10
To create a strong network of community coaches:
Creating a proper pool of skilled coaches at the grassroot
level is the most important aspect of identifying the right
Khelo India Scheme creates talent. Therefore efforts have been made to upgrade the skill
set of physical education
a sports culture in India 15,000 PE teachers and train them into
teachers trained community coaches in
To assess the fitness levels of school going accordance with international
as community
children to identify future champions coaches to best practices. More than
identify young 15,000 PE teachers have been
Identifying sporting talent at a young age is advantageous talent trained as community coaches
since children best suited for a particular sport can be trained under the Khelo India Scheme.
from an early age. To this end more than 23 lakh school going
children in the age group of
5-18 years have been assessed Physical Fitness
using the Khelo India Mobile of 23 lakh school
App. More than 66,000 children assessed
physical education teachers to find future
have been trained to assess the champions
sporting prowess of children.

To ensure maximum utilisation and

access to playfields:
Access to playfields in crucial for young Indians to
develop a love for sports and therefore build a sporting
culture in India. A national inventory of playfields and
sports infrastructure has therefore been prepared on a
Geographic Information System (GIS) and more than
11,227 playfields have already been geo-tagged so that
citizens can have easy access to them, and the number
is growing with each passing week, as more playfields
find mention in the GIS.

11,227 playfields geo-tagged to provide

access to sporting facilities at grassroot

11 12
Specialised Women’s Only Leagues in Football, Basketball
and Hockey have been introduced to provide a level playing
field for women. At the grassroots level, women athletes
identified through the Khelo India Scheme has seen a steady
rise. The number of elite women athletes supported through
the Target Olympic Podium Scheme has seen a significant rise
too. Financial impetus to support having international
competitions for women in India has seen the hosting of the
World Boxing Championship in New Delhi in 2018, with a
grant of ₹3 crore, from Khelo India.

Exclusive sports Support to elite Financial

leagues for women athletes impetus to
women at the has risen from host
grassroot-level 48 in 2015 to international
178 in 2021 competitions

Sports for Women: for women

Shakti se sashaktikaran
India’s women athletes have been making a mark at the
international sports forum consistently in the last few years.
Badminton ace PV Sindhu winning the World Championship in
2019, Legendary Boxer MC Mary Kom bagging the World
Championship title for the sixth time in 2018, are shining
examples of the success of our women athletes. The support
to women athletes at the grassroot and elite level takes on
heightened importance given that 50 per cent of India’s
population is women. The participation of women athletes in
major international competitions has risen steadily, compared
to a decade before, owing to a plethora of schemes that have
been introduced to provide focussed attention to the woman

13 14
Sports for divyang athletes:
Harnessing special abilities

Indian para-athletes have Besides on-ground support

been doing consistently to para athletes through
well at international various schemes, financial
competitions. In the Asian assistance of ₹6 crore was
Para Games in 2018 the also extended to Special
Indian contingent won 72 Olympics Bharat, All India
medals, 39 medals higher Sports Council of Deaf and
than in 2014. This has Paralympic Committee of
been possible by creating India for the year 2019-20,
specialised sports If we talk about athlete to support District and State
infrastructure for athletes centricity, every athlete
Games for Divyang athletes.
with disabilities. The SAI who’s qualified/ probable for
Tokyo is under SAI’s
National Centre of
trademark TOPS financial In a breakthrough decision
Excellence in Gandhinagar assistance program. PCI has to create an equal platform
is a dedicated centre for 50 athletes who are under
for para athletes, an
para athletes. Besides, this scheme and we have
additional fund of ₹19.75
support to para athletes equal representation as able
bodied athletes. lakhs to conduct Indian
through the TOPS
Open Para Athletics
Scheme has seen a - Deepa Malik
President, Championship, 2018 was
significant rise, from 09 Paralympic Committee of India sanctioned.
athletes in 2015 to 32
athletes in 2021.

15 16
Sports for peace Sports has the ability to
channelize the energy of

and development:
youth in a productive
manner. The reform
principle has thus been to
Sports unites all organise village-level
competitions in respect of

sports disciplines popular
in the State of Jammu & 95 DISTRICTS
Kashmir and Left Wing
Extremism (LWE) affected
States. In Gulmarg, Jammu
& Kashmir, two editions of
Sports has the ability to

14 14
channelize the energy of youth
in a productive manner. The

reform principle has thus been
to organise village-level

competitions in respect of
sports disciplines popular in
the State of Jammu & Kashmir
and Left Wing Extremism
(LWE) affected States. In
Gulmarg, Jammu & Kashmir,
two editions of inaugurated in
Srinagar in March 2021 to make
Jammu & Kashmir the hub of
winter and water sports. A
Khelo India Winter Games has
also been conducted in Ladakh
in February 2020. With an
effort to support the youth
living in LWE affected States,
95 districts in 14 States have

been sanctioned ₹10 lakh each
to host sports competition and
identify sporting talent.

17 18
Promoting a
glorious legacy
The Indigenous games of India are an inherent
part of its culture and heritage panning several
centuries. Preserving these games and
popularising it among India’s youth as well as
internationally therefore finds immediate
merit. The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
has taken consistent steps to ensure that these
games find a place of pride and have hosted
36 exclusive Indigenous Games
championships across 19 venues of India under
the Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat Scheme in
2019-20. Besides, four popular sports, namely
Mallakhamb from Maharashtra, Kalaripayyattu
from Kerala, Gatka from Punjab and Thang-Ta
from Manipur have been identified for special
support and have been included in the Khelo
India Youth Games 2021, to give the
sportspersons of indigenous games a national
platform. Financial support in the form of a
monthly scholarship of ₹10,000 have been
given to 335 deserving athletes. The feather

in the cap however, would be the recognition
of Yogasana as a sport and the formation of
the National Yogasana Sports Federation,
which was achieved after a deliberation of

over 5 years. Yogasana, India’s gift to the
World has now found its rightful place in
India’s sports ecosystem.

19 20
Impact of 1
Talent developed through

Khelo India 235 SAI and non-SAI

accredited Khelo India
Athletes trained in specific
S.No. Category Before After sport in 24 identified Khelo
India State Centre of
1 Integrated Schemes were A comprehensive Excellence.
mechanism sporadic in mechanism created
to promote nature and through Khelo India to 2
sporting did not cater build a sporting culture by Promotion No Special scheme to
culture and to the identifying and developing of mechanism to promote indigenous
excellence ecosystem as talent by providing annual indigenous promote games and athletes.
in sports a whole competitive platforms, games indigenous Athletes of indigenous
infrastructure across the games games are given
country. Out-of-Pocket Allowance
(OPA), training facilities in
2 Platform for Games were Through the annual Khelo top-end centres.
showcasing held only at India Youth Games and
talent the panchayat University Games, Sports for No specific Specific schemes put in
level. There athletes of age groups of inclusiveness scheme for place to empower women
were no U17 and U21 have got a women, to make a mark in sports
national level chance to showcase their divyang or as well as strengthened
competitions. sporting talent annually, athletes support to divyangs in the
at the national level. hailing from form of financial grants,
18,000 sportspersons Left Wing better training facilities.
have already participated Extremism Prize money for divyangs
in two editions of KIYG affected brought at par with able
and one edition of KIUG (LWE) areas. bodied athletes. Sporting
since 2018. infrastructure set up and
competitions organised in
Talent No structured Talent identified annually areas like Jammu and
identification mechanism through Khelo India Kashmir, Leh and Ladakh
and to identify or Games. 2,970 athletes and several Left Wing
development groom talent already identified since Extremism affected areas
from 2016. of the country.
grassroot to National Centre of
excellence. Excellence developed
across the country to train
elite athletes.

21 22
Impact of 1 especially ex sportspersons and
post their coaches, while creating
Khelo India sporting
grassroot level talent pool
of athletes.
S.No. Category Before After
Support to No structured 500 private academies in
1 Sports Sports 267 infrastructure projects private support to various sports disciplines
infrastructure infrastructure sanctioned in SAI, State players the private being funded by the
availability was restricted Governments and other institutions of Sports Ministry to ensure
to larger cities eligible entities, including 2 sports. eligible entities
and towns, Khelo India Centre of contributing to the sports
with aspiring Excellence in States and ecosystem are amply
athletes from Khelo India Centres in supported.
Tier 2 and 3 districts to ensure athletes
cities not have access to Use of No such The Khelo India
getting easy infrastructure. digital endeavours MobileApp launched by
access to medium to were made. Hon’ble PM in 2019 has
sporting transform assessed the fitness
infrastructure. sport parameters of more than
23 lakh school children,
Partnership Association Continuous hand holding thus identifying future
with States with States to build a robust sports sporting talent from the
restricted to ecosystem in the States. age of 5 years.
funding for This includes capacity
sports building of sports
projects infrastructure, support with
resources such as expert
coaches, training
equipment, sports science 2500
support. Bright examples 100

include the Khelo India 2000

Centre of Excellence being
built through State and 60
2970 Khelo India
Centre participation. The 66.04 Khelo India 1000
Khelo India Games are also 40

organised hand in hand 500

with States 24.31 0
0 TOPS 0
0 Before From
Before From 2014 2014-2020
Employment No planned 1000 proposed Khelo India 2014 2014-2020
avenues for career Centres to be set up in Number of Identified Athletes
sportspersons building district level to employ Sports scholarship distributed
opportunities, to Identified Athletes
(₹ in crore)

23 24
Nurturing sporting
The natural progression of grassroot-level talent
identification and nurturing is support to athletes
who make it to the elite level. With an effort to give
personalised support to elite athletes and to
provide best-in-class training, coaching, equipment
and sports science support to India’s elite athletes,
the following reforms have been put in place:

Creation of National Centres of Excellence (NCOE):

The Sports Authority has created
13 NCOEs across the country to
train elite athletes in Olympic
sports. The NCOEs are
established on the five pillars of
players, coaches, sports science,
equipment and infrastructure. Personalised support to Olympic-bound
World-class facilities have been athletes through TOPS:
provided in every NCOE with an The Target Olympic Podium Currently 441 athletes are
enhanced budget to provide Scheme has created a supported under the
specialised training. seamless experience for elite scheme and the impact of
athletes vis-à-vis funding TOPS support has been
support, specialized amply displayed with
equipment support, foreign athletes bringing in the
exposures and access to the best-ever medal tally for
best coaches in the world, India in Commonwealth
along with an Out of Pocket Games (CWG) (in foreign
Allowance of ₹50,000 per soil), the Asian Games (AG),
athlete, per month in the Asian Para Games and Youth
Core Group and ₹25,000 per Olympics in 2018.
athlete, per month in the
Developmental Group.
25 26

Commonwealth Fit India Movement:

Games (CWG)
36 64

Improving India’s
global fitness index
38 36
27 30
26 Bronze
22 20 20
17 19
20 15
11 Total
2006 2010 2014 2018
On 2nd October 2019 - the
150th Birth Anniversary of
Mahatma Gandhi, Fit India
Plog Run was organized
which saw a participation
80 of over 30 lakh people
across the country.
60 57
Games (AG) 53 Took place between
December 2020 to
January 2021 and saw a
Gold 40 36 participation of 1.2 crore
Silver 36 31 people. The second
26 edition of the event took
Bronze place in December 2020
20 17 14 17
16 and saw more than 15 lakh
10 10 registrations and
2006 2010 2014 2018
FIT INDIA Prabhatpheri in December 2020 also saw a
huge community participation with more than 55,000
community walks organized to create awareness on

27 28
FIT INDIA Freedom Run
The Fit India Freedom FIT INDIA School Week
Run was organised to
Fitness as a way of life should start at a
celebrate our 74th
young age. With this in mind, the Fit India
Independence Day from
School Week was launched in 2019 with
15th of August till 2nd
an effort to inculcate fitness habits among
October (151st birth
school children, while creating an
anniversary of Mahatma
awareness among parents and teachers.
Gandhi). This virtual run,
Over 4.3 lakh schools have participated
where people could run at
in the 2020 edition of the Fit India School
a place and pace of their
Week, which was organised virtually.
choice, saw over 7 crore
people participating. FIT INDIA School Certification
FIT INDIA Flag, 3-Star and 5-Star Fit India
The Reform, launched for the first time as a People’s School certificates have been given to
Movement on August 29, 2019, is a result of the vision of schools across the country, based on
Hon’ble Prime Minister. It was his clarion call to make India a physical activities organised for children
Fit Nation that is the starting point of this Movement. A fit and sporting infrastructure available in
nation has fit citizens, who can make a greater contribution to schools. So far, a total of 2.67 lakhs
the economy. Since its launch, lakhs of Indians have schools have been awarded with the FIT
participated in a range of fitness activities across the country. INDIA Flag, whereas over 38,000 and
Even during the pandemic, virtual fitness sessions organised 12,500 schools have registered for Fit
under this movement helped citizens to stay mentally and India 3 Star and 5 Star School
physically fit. The Movement engages citizens of all age Certification respectively.
groups, right from school children to senior citizens. Here’s a
look at all the events that citizens have taken up under the

29 30
FIT INDIA Dialogue
On the occasion of the 1st anniversary of Excellence in Sports
the Fit India Movement, a first of its kind as National Pride:
– “Fit India Dialogue” was hosted in
September 2020 by the Hon’ble Sports Unearthing Providing a holistic
Minister. In this unique event the Hon’ble Champions: environment with world Sports
Prime Minister interacted with notable class facilities to resulting from Extra
top fitness influencers of the country, Sustained in Indian athletes getting Curricular
emphasizing the imperative need of support to podium finish, establishing to Regular
fitness and gave the clarion call to Indians proficient India as a sporting Curriculum:
to spend 30 minutes daily on their athletes from powerhouse on the global
Fitness, - “Fitness Ka Dose Adha Ghanta grassroot to map. The
Roz”. The Fit India Dialogue has become development alignment
the centrepiece for conversations about to elite stage. of the
fitness. Hand-holding sports as
Fit India Youth Club Certification through their an integral
sporting part of the
With the vision of engaging the youth in school
Fitness activities and to make them curriculum
agents of change, Fit India Youth Clubs .
were launched on 15th August, 2020.
47,133 Fit India Youth Clubs have already
been registered across the country.

Impact going
A systematic and consolidated
Sports policy intervention in the form
for All: of Khelo India that ensures A distinct change in mindset
availability of sports facility to around fitness owing to Fit
every part of the country Fitness
in focus: India Movement . Fitness
becomes way of life for every

31 32
India Speaks:

33 34

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