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Sr.No. Assignment Date Signature

Unit 1 : Digital Documentation (Advanced)

1 Understanding styles categories in OO Writer

2 Create & Update a new style from the selection

3 Creating templates in OO Writer

4 Implement mail merge

Unit 2 : Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced)

5 Understanding Consolidate Operation in OO Calc

6 Understanding Scenario Operation in OO Calc

7 Understanding Subtotal Operation in OO Calc

8 Understanding Goal Seek Operation in OO Calc

Unit 3 : Database Management System

9 Steps to create a table using table wizard

10 Create Query using wizard

11 Create form using wizard

12 Create report using wizard

13 SQL


1. Digital Documentation Advanced

Learning Outcome- Create and apply styles in digital

Assignment 1:
Objective: Understanding style categories in OO Writer.
Task: Start OO Writer and open style and formatting. Observe the inbuilt
list and categories of styles. Make a list of five commonly used styles in a

Most commonly used styles in the document are following:

1. Headings
2. Captions
3. Header
4. Footer
5. Text Body
Learning Outcome- Create and Update a new style in Digital
Assignment 2
Objective: Create & Update a new style from the selection in the Style
gallery and apply them in the document.
Task: Create new styles in OO Writer with the following specifications and
apply them in a document.
Learning Outcome - Create and use template
Assignment 3
Objective: Creating templates in OO Writer and saving for distribution.
Task: Create a document looks like a screenshot and save as a template. Follow
below-given instructions:
 Apply page borders as displayed in the screenshot. Apply border color as per
your choice.
 Page orientation must be landscape.
 Give your desired formatting for school name, school address, and text written in
the certificate.
 Save your file as a template and give the name certificate template.

Learning Outcome–Implement the mail merge

Assignment 4:

Objective: Implement mail merge

Task: Write a letter to invite your parents and other guests to attend the annual day
function of your school and merge them. Create a data source at least 5 addresses
2. Electronic spreadsheet (Advanced)

Learning Outcome–Consolidate Operation in OO calc

Assignment 1:
Objective: Understanding Consolidate Operation in OO calc

Task: Prepare monthly class test worksheet as given in below screenshot

and prepare consolidated result as displayed below.

1 Prepare worksheet as given below and do as directed:

Learning Outcome– Scenario Operation in OO Calc

Assignment 2:
Objective: Understanding Scenario Operation in OO calc

Task: Calculate the Price for different Variant for Vehicle Model using given data.

On road Price= Ex showroom Price+ RTO+Insurance+TCS

Remaining Amount= Total budget- on road price
Learning Outcome– Subtotal Operation in OO C alc
Assignment 3:
Objective: Understanding Subtotal Operation in OO calc

Task: Finding the total no of cars sold in given showroom location by using
given data.
Learning Outcome– Goal Seek Operation in OO C alc
Assignment 4:

Objective: Understanding Goal Seek Operation in OO calc

Task: Calculate Simple Interest if P=2500, roi=7.5% and time=2 years. Also
calculate value of P if SI is 4500.
3.Database Management System
Learning Outcome– Create and edit tables using wizard

Assignment 1
Objective: Steps to create a table using table wizard
Task: Create a tablenamed Employees using wizard as given below and
set Primary key to EmployeeID
Create any table in OO base using table wizard.
**Attach your table with data.
Learning Outcome– Retrieve data using query
Assignment 2:
Objective: Query creation using wizard
Task: Create table Marksheet (Using SQL Command )and perform the
bellow given queries using wizard and design view.

1. Create table marksheet using create command.

2. In the Database file Add these Fields: (Total: Datatype- Number 3 digits,
Percentage: Datatype - Number 3 digits with 2 decimal places, Grade:
Datatype- Char with 2 letters)
3. Insert more 3 records in MARKSHEET using SQL mode.
4. Display name, rollno, marks of 3 subjects, total and percentage using
design view.
5. Display name, rollno, grades from the marksheet table using query
6. Display the marks >35 for Sub101 and for Sub102 using design view.
7. Display the rollno, name and percentage whose percentage is more
than 70 using design view.
Learning Outcome– Create Forms using wizard
Assignment 3:
Objective: Creating form using wizard
Task: Create a form using wizard by selecting all the fields for the table -
Learning Outcome– Create Reports using wizard
Assignment 4
Objective: Creating report using wizard
Task: Create table a report using wizard by selecting all the fields for the
table - Marksheet
Learning Outcome– SQL Commands
Assignment 5
Objective: SQL Commands
Task: Create, update, insert and delete the records in a table using SQL
We will create a table and perform specific functions.

1. Create a table named STAFF with specified fields.

2. Add a new record of Fedrick.

3. Display all records in increasing order of experience.

4. Update the salary of people by adding 10,000 having experience more than
10 years.

5. Display employees that belong to Sales Department.

6. Delete the record of staff whose ID 117.

7. Delete the table along with contents and structure.

1. Create a table named STAFF:



Name VARCHAR(50),

Department VARCHAR(50),

Experience INT,

Salary DECIMAL(10,2)

2. Add a new record for Fedrick:

INSERT INTO STAFF (ID, Name, Department, Experience, Salary)

VALUES (NULL, 'Fedrick', 'HR', 8, 55000.00);

3. Display all records in increasing order of experience:


4. Update the salary of people by adding 10,000 for those with

experience more than 10 years:

UPDATE STAFF SET Salary = Salary + 10000 WHERE Experience > 10;

5. Display employees that belong to the Sales Department:

SELECT * FROM STAFF WHERE Department = 'Sales';

6. Delete the record of staff with ID 117:


7. Delete the table along with contents and structure:


---------------------------------------- THE END ---------------------------------------------

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