Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service With Training Guide - 610201

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Using Advanced Workflow

Techniques in Self-Service
Training Guide
Training Guide Icons

Icon Use

Computer-based activity for the student to perform. Written steps are not

Written activity for the student to perform.

Instructor demonstrates a process.

Where to find more information on the subject.


Computer-based activity for the student to perform. Written steps are included.

Failure to heed the warning can lead to loss of data.

Question or problem for the student to think about and the class to discuss.

Solution to a computer-based or written activity.

Course Details:
Duration: 3 hours
Release: 60
Delivery Methods: Instructor-Led Training
Country: US, Canada, UK

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Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service Contents 3

Training Guide Icons........................................................................................................................... 2
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Learning Objectives....................................................................................................................................... 5
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Available Resources ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Our Training Scenario ................................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction to Self-Service ................................................................................................................ 7
Advanced Workflow Techniques .................................................................................................................. 8
Create a Workflow with a Timeout ..................................................................................................... 9
Add Condition Nodes to a Workflow................................................................................................. 17
Message Responses .................................................................................................................................... 18
Associate Forms with a Decision Node .............................................................................................. 26

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Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service Overview 5

Welcome to Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service. This course is intended for
administrators who are required to develop or maintain workflows and forms for Dayforce Self-Service.
Are you familiar with setting up form approvals in Dayforce but wondering what techniques you can use
to further tailor form processing?
This course will help inspire more creativity when using forms and addresses how to handle the
following situations you may come across in your day-to-day activities. You will learn how to:
• Move forms along workflows after a certain amount of time for approvers who are slow in
• Create different version of the same form for different groups such as employees and managers
• Show only certain form fields to employees or managers
The following sections are included in this course:

Section Description
Introduction to Self-Service Introduces Dayforce Self-Service and describes how to use
Self- Service to make updates to employee information.
Create a Workflow with a Timeout Describes how to add timeouts to a workflow to ensure
forms are routed in a timely manner.

Add Condition Nodes to a Workflow Describes how to use conditions nodes to configure logical
expressions that are evaluated within workflows with a
true or false value.
Associate Forms with a Decision Node Explains how to associate different forms to a workflow
depending on how the workflow has been configured.

Learning Objectives
By completing this course, you will be able to:
• Add a timeout to a workflow
• Describe how to use condition nodes in a workflow
• Associate forms to workflows or decision nodes
• Validate workflow results

Certain Dayforce courses are required as prerequisites prior to attending this course. The following
courses will provide the foundational knowledge you need to understand the key Dayforce features
discussed in this course.
• Setting Up Self-Service Workflows and Managing Forms

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6 Overview Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service

Available Resources
A variety of supporting guides are available through the Ceridian Support Portal (
using the Knowledge Articles search feature. Talk to your organization’s support user or Implementation
Consultant for help with obtaining these guides, depending on if you are in implementation or live.
• Self Service Guide
• Expression Builder Guide

Our Training Scenario

The best way to learn about Dayforce is to use the application. The following sample company is used
throughout the class to reinforce concepts and processes.
XYZ Company is an electronics distributor and retailer. They would like to set up a few new workflow
processes and forms. They need to:
• Create a workflow that escalates forms to the next level of management if they are not
approved by a direct manager in a timely manner. Once created, assign the workflow to the
Direct Deposit form and grant access to the appropriate roles.
• Create a workflow that requires approval for pay increases that are greater than 10%. Once
created, assign the workflow to the Position and Compensation Change form and grant access
to the appropriate roles.
• Create two versions of the Termination form where managers can input specific information and
HR/Payroll users can complete other information.
• Create a form that will display different information based on the country the user works in.
Once created, assign a workflow to the Confidential Information form and grant access to the
appropriate roles.
• Add additional fields to the Confidential Information (USA) form.

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Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service Introduction to Self-Service 7

Introduction to Self-Service
Self-Service allows users to complete data changes themselves by filling out online forms. Self-Service
routes the form, based on a predefined workflow, to the appropriate user’s Message Center. Some
forms require no approval and are committed to the database once the user submits the form; however,
some forms will require approval.
Dayforce Self-Service consists of three main components:
• Forms filled out by users – you can create or modify forms to meet specific requirements.
Decide which forms are available, their location within Dayforce, and which users can fill them
• Workflows that determine the route for forms – Create or modify workflows to meet the
processing requirements for your forms. Does a form need approval? Do other groups need to
be notified of the changes made with a form?
• Messaging to keep all applicable users informed – Messaging is the medium by which approvals
and notifications are sent and received.
Self-Service is configured by enabling necessary features and access, creating required workflows, and
testing functionality of those newly created workflows. The following diagram provides an overview of
the flow of various tasks you would complete to update Self-Service.

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8 Introduction to Self-Service Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service

Advanced Workflow Techniques

When working with some of the more advanced features of self-service you can add condition nodes or
a timeout to a workflow, associate multiple versions of a form to a workflow, forward a form to a
particular employee based on information in their HR Record, or even add additional fields to a form if
In this course, we will be reviewing some techniques that can allow you to make a more customized
form or workflow that suit your business needs. Specifically, we will be reviewing:
• Creating a Workflow with a Timeout – Applied to the Decision Node of a workflow. This allows a
form to be routed elsewhere when a recipient doesn’t respond to the form within a specified
• Adding Condition Nodes to a Workflow – Expressions are defined for Condition Nodes and are
evaluated as either true or false. The outcome determines the way the workflow progresses
from that point.
• Associating Forms with Decision Nodes – A specific form can be assigned through the Decision
node in a workflow.
• Forwarding Forms – Used to route the appropriate version of a form to an employee.
• Adding Additional Fields to a Form – You can add fields to a form to update additional fields in
the database, such as an employee's Additional Properties.

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Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service Create a Workflow with a Timeout 9

Create a Workflow with a Timeout

Path: Workflow Administration > Workflow Designer
There may be times that you need to designate a workflow to take an alternate route if action isn’t
taken within a certain amount of time on a particular item. To do this, you add a timeout value to a
decision node within a workflow.
For example, XYZ Company wants their managers to respond to forms in a timely manner. If a manager
does not respond to a form within one day, the form should be sent automatically to that manager’s
manager for action.

To implement this process in a workflow, you can configure a timeout value for a specific Decision Node.

Once you have selected the appropriate Decision Node, in the Properties tab you can designate the
Timeout Value in minutes. In this example, you can see the Timeout Value is set to 1,440 minutes to
reroute the form if the manager has not taken any action within 24 hours.

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10 Create a Workflow with a Timeout Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service

You also add an Output Connector with a response value of “Timeout” that will route the form
When there is a timeout in the workflow, then the workflow node that follows the connector becomes
active when the timeout value has elapsed.
In this example, a timeout is in place to tell the workflow to automatically route the form to the
manager’s manager if the manager has not acted within the timeout configured in the Decision node.

Activity: Create a Workflow with a Timeout

Time: 12 minutes
Login: systemadmin
XYZ Company would like to have a process set up so that if a form that requires approval by a direct
manager is not approved in a timely manner*, it would be sent to the next level of management for
To achieve this, you will need to create a workflow. There is an existing workflow that requires manager
approval, but doesn’t contain that additional level of approval, if needed. You can copy the existing
workflow to use as a foundation for your new one. Outlined below are the modifications you will need
to make to that existing workflow to fit your need.
*For training purposes, we will set our timeout to 1 minute. Normally, it would be more realistic to make this timeout
be longer (i.e., 1 day), depending on the needs of your organization and what is being approved.

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Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service Create a Workflow with a Timeout 11

• Copy the One Level Approval (Manager) workflow in Workflow Manager to make the necessary
• Add a 1-minute timeout value to the existing Manager Decision node
• Add a new node to Route the form to Manager’s Manager if the Manager Decision isn’t made in
a timely manner
• Add a subject and a message to the new Routing node, using fields where appropriate, to
indicate why the manager’s manager is receiving the request
o Subject – “<<WorkflowState.FormName>>: <<DisplayName>> - Timeout Exceeded”
o Message Body: “The decision for the <<WorkflowState.FormName>> form for
<<DisplayName>> is overdue. Please review and approve or decline the request.
• Connect the existing Manager Decision node to the new Routing node
• Add a new Decision node for the 2nd level manager’s decision (if needed)
• Connect the Manager’s Manager Routing node to the 2nd level Manager Decision node
• Make the connections from the 2nd level Manager’s Decision node to be able to approve (and
Save) or Decline the form.

Create a workflow with a timeout:
Path: Workflow Administration > Workflow Designer
Copy the existing workflow and input the new workflow details:
1. Click the One Level Approval (Manager) workflow.
2. Click Copy.
3. In the Name and Description fields, type “One Level Approval (Manager) with Timeout”.
4. In the Effective From field, enter January 1st of the current year.
5. In the Reference Code field, type “ONELVLMGRTO”.

Add the Timeout Value to the Workflow:

6. Click the Diagram tab.
7. Click the Manager Decision node.
8. From within the Node Properties panel, set the Timeout Value to “1”.

Edit the Workflow:

9. Drag a Routing node above of Manager Decision.
10. Drag a Decision node to the right of the new Routing node.
11. Create a connection from the top of Manager Decision to the new Routing node.
12. Create a connection from the new Routing node to the new Decision node.
13. Create a connection from the new Decision node to the Save Data node.
14. Create a connection from the new Decision node to the bottom of the Decline Notification
The diagram should appear as shown below:

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12 Create a Workflow with a Timeout Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service

Configure the new Routing Properties:

15. Click the new Routing node.
16. In the Node Properties panel, type “Route to Manager’s Manager” in the Name field.
17. Click the Rout to Manager’s Manager node.
18. Select the Send to Affected Employee’s Manager checkbox.
19. In the Relative Level of Affected Employee’s Manager field, type “2”.

Configure the new Decision Properties:

20. Click the new Decision node.
21. In the Node Properties panel, type “2nd Level Manager Decision” in the Name field.

Create the Message Subject for the Second Level Manager Decision Node:
22. Click the 2nd Level Manager’s Decision node.
23. For the Message Subject click the Create Expression button.
24. To begin creating the expression, expand WorkflowState from the list and then click
25. In the text editor, type a colon and a space after <<WorkflowState.FormName>>.
26. Expand Employee from the list and then click DisplayName.
27. After <<DisplayName>> type “- Timeout Exceeded”.
28. Click OK. Confirm that “<<WorkflowState.FormName>>: <<DisplayName>> - Timeout Exceeded”
now shows in the Message Subject field.

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Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service Create a Workflow with a Timeout 13

Create the Message Body to go to the Second Level Manager:

29. For the Message Body field click the Create Expression button.
30. Type “The decision for the” in the text editor.
31. Expand WorkflowState from the list and then click FormName.
32. In the text editor type “form for” after <<WorkflowState.FormName>>.
33. Expand Employee from the list and then click DisplayName.
34. Type “is overdue. Please review and approve or decline the request.”
35. Click OK. The Message Body field should now display “Expression.”

Select the timeout message response:

36. Click the arrow between Manager Decision and Route to Manager’s Manager.
37. In the Link Properties panel, click the Response arrow and then click Timeout.

Select the approve message response:

38. Click the arrow between 2nd Level Manager Decision and Save Data.
39. In the Link Properties panel, click the Response arrow and then click Approve.

Select the decline message response:

40. Click the arrow between 2nd Level Manager Decision and Decline Notification.
41. In the Link Properties panel, click the Response arrow and then click Decline.
42. Click Save.
The completed One Level Approval (Manager) 1 Day Timeout workflow should appear as
shown below:

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14 Create a Workflow with a Timeout Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service

Activity: Assign Role Privileges to a Form

Time: 3 minutes
Login: systemadmin
Now that your workflow is created, you will want to ensure the right employee, managerial, and
HR/Payroll roles can access the direct deposit form that will require the approval. You’ll also want to
ensure the form can be accessed by clicking on the Forms icon that appears on the Home page. Finally,
you will want the Direct Deposit form to appear in the Personal Information Category when employees
access Forms.
• Make the Home Forms List the Parent Feature for the form
• Indicate that the Direct Deposit form should route according to the One Level Approval
(Manager) with Timeout workflow parameters
• Place the Direct Deposit Form in the Personal Information Category
• Make the form available for the following Roles:
o Client Administrator, HR/Payroll, Manager, and Associate Roles

Assign role privileges to a form:
Path: Workflow Administration > Role Privileges
1. Click Add.
2. From the Parent Feature list, click Home Forms List.
3. From the Form list, click Direct Deposit.
4. From the Workflow list, click “One Level Approval (Manager) with Timeout”.
5. From the Category list, click Personal Information.
6. Click in the Role column.
7. Move the following roles from the AVAILABLE to the SELECTED column, using the right arrow:
• Associate
• HR/Payroll
• Manager

8. Click OK.
9. Click Save.

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Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service Create a Workflow with a Timeout 15

Activity: Test the Workflow with a Timeout

Time: 5 minutes
Logins: 1806, systemadmin
Next, you will want to test that everything works as expected. You’ll want to first log in to the
application as an employee and submit the Direct Deposit form for approval. Once you submit the form,
you’ll then want to log back in as the administrator to confirm the form timed out after 1 minute and
was forwarded to Andy Cooper for approval.
Details for Employee Submission:
• Submit a Direct Deposit form as Amanda Morgan:
o User Name: 1806
o Request the Remainder/Full Amount be deposited
o Routing Number: 031100089 (PNC Bank)
o Account Number: 123456789
• The form should automatically route to Bobby Singh, Amanda’s manager.
Details for Workflow Verification:
• After at least one minute, log back in as the administrator to verify that the form timed out after
there was no response from Amanda’s manager, Bobby Singh.
o User Name: systemadmin

Test the workflow with a timeout:
Login as Amanda and submit the Direct Deposit form:
1. Open a new browser tab.
2. Login to Dayforce with the following information:
• Company Name: [Same as the previous activity]
• User Name: 1806
• Password: [provided by instructor]
3. Click Profile & Settings.
4. Click Forms.
5. Click Direct Deposit to open the form.

6. Click Add.
7. In the Routing Number field, type “031100089”.
8. In the Account Number field, type “123456789”.
9. In the Reenter Account Number field, type “123456789”.
10. Under Direct Deposit, select the Remainder/Full Amount option.
11. Verify that the Account Type is set to Checking.
12. Click Submit.

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16 Create a Workflow with a Timeout Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service

Confirm the form submitted:

13. Click to expand the My Form Submissions section.
14. After a few minutes, click Refresh. The form will be marked as Pending.
15. Logout of Dayforce.

Log in as the administrator to verify the Direct Deposit form forwarded to Bobby:
16. Login to Dayforce with the following information:
• Company Name: [Same as the previous activity]
• User Name: systemadmin
• Password: [provided by instructor]
17. Navigate to Workflow Administration > Workflow Management.
18. From the Form list, select Direct Deposit.
19. Click Apply Filter.
20. Click the Direct Deposit form from the search results.
21. Verify that the 2nd Level Manager Decision node is highlighted in yellow, and the Workflow
History indicates that the decision was sent to Bobby Singh, timed out, was sent to Andy
Cooper, and is now awaiting his approval.

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Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service Add Condition Nodes to a Workflow 17

Add Condition Nodes to a Workflow

Condition Nodes allow you to configure logical expressions within the workflow. Workflows evaluate
those expressions as either true or false. The outcome of the expression determines the route the
workflow takes to continue processing the form.

For example, a workflow can use a Condition node to determine whether a pay increase is more than
• When an employee’s pay increases by more than 10%, the condition is true, and the workflow
routes the request to Payroll for approval.
• When an employee’s pay increases by less than 10%, the condition is false, and the workflow
updates the database with the pay increase.

When you use a Condition node, you must enter an Expression in the Node Properties panel. The
expression can include database fields and the values that the condition is testing, such as a salary
increase amount. The outcome of the expression determines how the workflow routes the form. When
creating the expression, a list of available database fields appears to the left of the area where you enter
the expression.

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18 Add Condition Nodes to a Workflow Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service

In our example, two versions of a database field are used:

• <<List_EmployeeEmploymentStatus.Item.BaseRate>>
o The Base Rate as entered on the form
• current(<<List_EmployeeEmploymentStatus.Item.BaseRate>>)
o The employee’s current base rate from the HR record

If the expression cannot be evaluated, the default value for the outcome is false.

Message Responses
Path: Workflow Administration > Message Responses

Message Responses are the possible outcomes of a Decision or Condition node. Using the same
example above, you can attach both a True and False message response to the Condition node that is
looking at whether a pay increase is at or above 10% or not, and it will instruct the system where to
route the form.

Activity: Create a Conditional Workflow and Enter the Node Properties

Time: 15 minutes
Login: systemadmin
XYZ wants to change their process for how certain pay increases are processed. For pay increases that
are less than 10%, they should continue to be automatically processed and saved for the employee. For
any employee that receives a pay increase of 10% or more, payroll must now approve this increase
before it is processed.
You need to create a new workflow for this process; you can copy the “Approval by Payroll” workflow as
it is similar. You will want to add a Condition node to the copied workflow so that you can have the
system evaluate whether the pay increase is 10% or more, and should be routed to payroll for approval,
or if it is less than 10% and can be processed.
Details of Copied Workflow:

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Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service Add Condition Nodes to a Workflow 19

• Name and Description: Approval by Payroll GT 10 Percent

• Reference Code: COMP10
• Start Date: from Jan 1 of the current year
After you have created the new workflow, you need to define the properties for the Condition node in
the “Approval by Payroll GT 10 Percent” workflow diagram so it determines whether the percentage an
affected employee’s pay increase exceeds 10%. If the employee’s pay increases by 10% or more, the
condition is true, and the request is routed to a payroll administrator for approval. If the increase is less
than 10%, then the condition is false, and the increase is saved to the database.
Rename all nodes in the workflow to match the action.
Details of the Condition Node:
• The condition node’s expression should route the pay increase to be saved directly to the
database or to a payroll person for approval.
• The conditional expression should evaluate the amount of the pay increase:
o Pay increases 10% or greater should evaluate as true and be routed to payroll for approval.
o Pay increases of less than 10% should evaluate as false and should be saved for the
o The expression for the condition node is as follows:
<<List_EmployeeEmploymentStatus.Item.BaseRate>> GreaterThanEquals

Create a Conditional workflow and enter the node properties:
Path: Workflow Administration > Workflow Designer
Create the new workflow:
1. Select the Approval by Payroll workflow.
2. Click Copy.
3. In the Name and Description fields, type “Approval by Payroll GT 10 Percent”.
4. In the Effective From field, enter January 1st of the current year.
5. In the Reference Code field, type “COMP10”.
6. Click the Diagram tab.

To edit the workflow diagram:

7. Add a Condition node to the workflow above the Start and Route to Payroll nodes.
8. Click the connector between the “Start” and “Route to Payroll” nodes and then click the Cut
9. Add a Connector from the “Start” node to the newly created “Condition” node.
10. Add a Connector from the “Condition” node to the “Process” node.
11. Add a Connector from the “Condition” node to the “Route to Payroll” node.
The diagram should appear as follows:

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20 Add Condition Nodes to a Workflow Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service

Add an Expression to Evaluate Pay Increase Percentage:

12. Click the Condition node.
13. In the Node Properties panel, type “GT 10 Percent” in the Name field.
14. Click the GT 10 Percent node.
15. For the Expression field, click the Create Expression button.
16. Click to expand List_EmployeeEmploymentStatus from the list.
17. Click to expand Item.
18. Click BaseRate to insert it into the text editor.
19. Type “ GreaterThanEquals current(”, making sure to leave a space before the word “Greater”.
20. From the list on the left, click Item and then click BaseRate to insert it into the text editor.
21. Type “)*1.1 ” after the <<List_EmployeeEmploymentStatus.Item.BaseRate>> field. Do not use
any spaces.
The expression should be displayed as follows:
<<List_EmployeeEmploymentStatus.Item.BaseRate>> GreaterThanEquals

22. Click OK.

Select the true message response:

23. Click the arrow between the GT 10 Percent node and the Route to Payroll node.
24. In the Link Properties panel, click the Response list and then select True.

Select the false message response:

25. Click the arrow between the GT 10 Percent node and the Process node.

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Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service Add Condition Nodes to a Workflow 21

26. In the Link Properties panel, click the Response list and then select False.
27. Click Save.
The diagram should appear as follows:

Activity: Configure Role Privileges for the Form

Time: 5 minutes
Login: systemadmin
Now that all the components are in place, you can assign the new workflow to the proper form. The
conditional workflow should connect to the Position and Compensation Change form by creating an
additional role privilege, and should be available to managers, payroll, and client administrators. The
form should be available in the Employee Information grouping.
• Update the Position and Compensation Change Form to be associated with the “Approve by
Payroll GT 10 Percent” workflow
• Have the form be available In the People feature
• Place the form In the Employee Information Category
• Make the form available to Managers, HR/Payroll, and Client Administrators

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22 Add Condition Nodes to a Workflow Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service

Configure Role Privileges for the form:
Path: Workflow Administration > Role Privileges
1. Click Add.
2. From the Parent Feature list, click HR Profile Forms List.
3. From the Form list, click Position and Compensation Change.
4. From the Workflow list, click Approval by Payroll GT 10 Percent.
5. From the Category list, click Employment Information.
6. Click the Role column.
7. Move the following roles from the AVAILBLE to the SELECTED column, using the right arrow:
• HR/Payroll
• Manager

8. Click OK.
9. Click Save.

Activity: Test the Form

Time: 5 minutes
Login: 1843
You have completed the configuration of XYZ Company’s updated processes for compensation
increases. Now you can test the new process by logging in as a manager and submitting two pay
increases for your employees, one above the 10% threshold, and one below, to ensure the increases are
routed for approval, or processed appropriately.
During your testing make sure you check the following:
• Verify that that when you click People, the Forms menu is displayed.
• Verify that the Forms menu contains the Employee Information category with the Position and
Compensation Change form listed.
Using the Position and Compensation Change form, enter a pay rate change for two employees (the
details are outlined in the Position and Compensation Change Details below). Submit the changes so you
can test your workflow and notifications.
• View Workflow Management History and Diagram.
• Verify that the right users received approval notifications based on the expression within the
• Accept the rate change.
• Verify that the employee’s rate has been updated in the employee’s profile.
Login details:
• Open a new tab in your browser to login as the manager, Bobby Singh, and submit the form
o Company: [same as previous activities]

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Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service Add Condition Nodes to a Workflow 23

o User Name: 1843

o Password: [provided by instructor]
• Return to the systemadmin login view Workflow Management.
Position and Compensation Change Details:
• Employee: Isabelle Diaz
o Effective: Today
o Reason: Merit
o Change Compensation: a 5% increase due to merit

• Employee: Sharon Tyler

o Effective: Today
o Position: Receiving Rcv. Manager
o Reason: Promotion
o Pay Type: Hourly (Non-Exempt)
o Pay Class: FT
o Normal Weekly Hours: 40
o Average Daily Hours: 8
o Change Compensation: a 15% increase due to a promotion

Test the form:
Log in as Bobby Singh:
1. Open a new tab in your browser.
2. Login with the following information:
• Company: [same as previous activities]
• User Name: 1843
• Password: [provided by instructor]
Submit the pay increases
Path: People
Submit Isabelle Diaz’s increase:
1. In the Name field, type “Isabelle”.
2. Click the Apply Filter button.
3. Click Isabelle Diaz from the list.

4. Click Forms.
5. Click the Position and Compensation Change form.
6. Verify that the Effective Date is set to Today.
7. From within the Work Assignment section, click the Reason list and then select Merit.

8. From within the Compensation Changes section, select the Change by increment option.

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24 Add Condition Nodes to a Workflow Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service

9. Click Add.
10. From the Reason list, click Merit.
11. From the Change Type list, click % Amount.
12. In the Change Value field, type “5”.
13. Click Submit.

Submit Sharon Tyler’s increase:

14. Type “Sharon” into the Search field and select Sharon Tyler from the list.
15. Click the Position and Compensation Change form.
16. Verify that the Effective Date is set to Today.
17. From within the Work Assignment section, click the Reason list and then select Promotion.
18. From the Position Title list, click Receiving Rcv. Manager.
19. Click OK on the Confirmation – Position and Compensation Change window.

20. From within the Pay and Rates section, verify the following settings:
• Pay Type: Hourly (Non-Exempt)
• Pay Class: FT
• Average Daily Hours: 8
• Normal Weekly Hours: 40

21. From within the Compensation Changes section, select the Change by increment option.
22. Click Add.
23. From the Reason list, click Promotion.
24. From the Change Type list, click % Amount.
25. In the Change Value field, type “15”.
26. Click Submit.

Review Isabelle’s increase in the Message Center:

Path: Message Center
1. Navigate to the Message Center.
2. Open the Position and Compensation Change message.
3. Do not log out, as you will return to this login for another activity.

Review the workflow statuses as the administrator:

Path: Workflow Administration > Workflow Management
1. Return to the browser tab where you are logged in as the systemadmin.
2. Navigate to Workflow Administration > Workflow Management.
3. From the Form list, click Position and Compensation Change.
4. Click Apply Filter.
5. Click Sharon Tyler’s submission.

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Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service Add Condition Nodes to a Workflow 25

6. View the History, Status, and Diagram, noting that this form has been submitted to Patty
Peterson (Payroll) for approval.
7. Close the slide-out panel.

8. Click Isabelle Diaz’s submission.

9. View the History, Status, and Diagram, noting that the form was processed without any
additional approval needed.

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26 Associate Forms with a Decision Node Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service

Associate Forms with a Decision Node

Path: Workflow Administration > Workflow Designer
In this section, you will learn how to associate various forms through a decision node in a workflow
process. Once you have created a workflow, you can associate a form with the entire process, so that
when the form is submitted, the associated workflow will automatically be triggered. In addition to
associating a form with a workflow, you can associate a form with an individual Decision node within a
Depending on certain business processes, not all information may be appropriate for all users to see. For
example, you might want to hide certain fields on a form from a manager, but the ultimate approver of
the form should be able to view all the fields on that same form. In these types of situations, you may
need to have multiple versions of the same form and configure who has access to which form.
To associate a form to an individual Decision node within a workflow, select the Decision node. The
Node Properties pane has an Associated Form option where you can designate which form to route to
the approver. Keep in mind that you must have already created all versions of the form that you require.
For example, a manager at the XYZ Company needs to terminate an employee. XYZ has an abbreviated
version of their termination form available to managers.
This version only has three fields on it:
• Termination Date
• Status
• Termination Reason
Once a manager completes this form, the form would then route to Payroll.
When Payroll opens the form, all fields are available on the termination form, including the fields listed
above that a manager can see, as well as:
• Available for Rehire
• Last Pay Date
• Upload Documents
In this case, the manager version of the form is attached to the workflow in Role Privileges, and the
payroll version of the form is specified as an Associated Form in the Decision node.

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Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service Associate Forms with a Decision Node 27

Activity: Update a Workflow to Include Multiple Versions of a Form

Time: 10 minutes
Login: systemadmin, 1843, and 1839
XYZ Company wants to have incorporate a change to the Termination Form available to Managers. They
wish to limit the information available for managers to input. The other, full form will only be available
to anyone in HR/Payroll roles.
Managers should only be able to input an employee’s termination date, the status, and the reason for
the termination. HR/Payroll users, however, should be able to input that same information, but should
also be able to indicate whether an employee is eligible for rehire and note the employee’s last pay
• Copy the “Approval By Payroll” Workflow and rename it “Termination Manager with Payroll
• Make the full form available to the approver by adding it to the HR/Payroll Decision node.
• Make the abbreviated form available to managers.
• Submit the form as a manager, Bobby Singh, to terminate employee Elaine Craig.
• Log on as Patty Peterson (HR/Payroll) to view the completed form.

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28 Associate Forms with a Decision Node Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service

Update a workflow to include multiple versions of a form:
Path: Workflow Administration > Workflow Designer
Copy the Approval By Payroll workflow:
1. Click the Approval By Payroll workflow.
2. Click Copy.
3. In the Name and Description fields, type “Termination Manager with Payroll Completion”.
4. In the Effective From date field, enter January 1st of the current year.
5. In the Reference Code field, type “TERMMGRPAY”.
6. Click the Diagram tab.

Update the workflow diagram:

7. Click the HR/Payroll Decision node.
8. In the Node Properties panel, click the Associated Form list and then select Terminate an
Employee Payroll.
9. Click Save.

Assign Role Privileges:

Path: Workflow Administration > Role Privileges
1. Click Add.
2. From the Parent Feature list, click HR Profile Forms List.
3. From the Form list, click Terminate an Employee Manager.
4. From the Workflow list, click Termination Manager with Payroll Completion.
5. From the Category list, click Employment Information.
6. Click the Role column.
7. Verify that Client Administrator appears in the SELECTED column.
8. Use the right arrow to move the Manager role from the AVAILBLE to the SELECTED column.
9. Click OK.
10. Click Save.

Login as a manager, Bobby Singh:

1. Open a new tab in your browser.
2. Login with the following information:
• Company: [same as previous activities]
• User Name: 1843
• Password: [provided by instructor]

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Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service Associate Forms with a Decision Node 29

Load Elaine Craig’s HR Record:

Path: People
1. In the Name field, type “Craig”.
2. Click Apply Filter.
3. Click Elaine Craig from the list.

4. Click Forms.
5. Click the Terminate an Employee Manager form.
6. In the Termination Date field, enter November 15th of last year.
7. From the Status list, click Terminated.
8. From the Reason list, click Resignation.
9. Click Submit.
10. Logout as 1843 (Bobby Singh).

Login as Patty Peterson (HR/Payroll role):

1. Open a new tab in your browser.
2. Login with the following information:
• Company: [same as previous activities]
• User Name: 1839
• Password: [provided by instructor]

3. Navigate to the Message Center.

4. Click Actions.
5. Click to open the Terminate an Employee Manager: Elaine Craig from Bobby Singh.
6. Notice there are additional fields available on the form that were not visible to Bobby Singh (i.e.,
Eligible for Rehire and Last Pay Date fields).
7. Logout as 1839 (Patty Peterson) and close the tab.

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