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Chapter 3

Reaction Thermodynamics

Dr. Dawit G


Chemical Reaction
Fuels and Combustion
Theoretical and Actual Combustion Processes
Enthalpy of Formation and Enthalpy of Combustion
Thermodynamic Analysis
First-Law Analysis of Reacting Systems
Adiabatic Flame Temperature
Entropy Change of reacting Systems
Second-Law Analysis of Reacting Systems
Chemical Reactions
• We need to consider the chemical internal energy
(which is the energy associated with the destruction
and formation of chemical bonds between the
atoms) when dealing with reacting systems.

• Any material that can be burned to release energy is

called a fuel, and a chemical reaction during which a
fuel is oxidized and a large quantity of energy is
released is called combustion.

Fuels and Combustion
Most liquid hydrocarbon fuels (CnHm) are obtained from
crude oil distillation.

The most volatile

vaporize first, Gasoline
forming what we
know as gasoline. Kerosene
The less volatile CRUDE Diesel fuel
fuels obtained OIL Fuel oil
during distillation
are kerosene,
diesel fuel, and
fuel oil.
Each kmol of O2 in Air is Accompanied by 3.76 kmol of N2

The oxidizer most often

used in combustion
processes is air. The dry
air can be approximated as
21 % oxygen and 79%
nitrogen (0.9% argon, and
small amount of CO, He,
Neon, and H2) by mole
numbers. Therefore,

• 1 kmol 02 + 3.76 kmol N2 = 4.76 kmol air

Steady-Flow Combustion Process
In a steady-flow combustion process, the components
that exist before the reaction are called reactants and the
components that exist after the reaction are called
products. Chemical equations are balanced on the basis
of the conservation of mass principle, which states that
the total mass of each element is conserved during a
chemical reaction.


For example, C + O2  CO2 , where C and O2 are the

reactants, and CO2 is the product.
Air-Fuel Ratio
The ratio of the mass of air to the mass of fuel during a
combustion process is called the air-fuel ratio AF:
 A  mair
AF    
 F  m fuel
where mair  nM air is the mass of air, and
m fuel  ni M i fuel is the mass of fuel.

For example,

AF =17
One kmol of octane (C8H18) is burned with air that
contains 20 kmol of O2. Assuming the products contain
only CO2, H2O, O2, and N2, determine the mole number of
each gas in the product and the air-fuel ratio for this
combustion process.
Solution :
C8 H18  20O2  3.76 N 2   xCO2  yH 2O  zO2  wN 2
x, y, z, and w are determined by applying the mass balance
to each of the elments,
x  8, y  9, z  7.5, and w  75.2 , then,
mair nM air 20  4.76  29 kg air
AF     24.2
m fuel nM C  nM H 2 8  12  9  2 kg fuel
Completion of the Combustion Process
• The combustion process is complete if all the combustible
components in the fuel are burned to completion. That is, a
combustion process is complete if all the carbon in the fuel
burns to CO2, all the hydrogen burns to H2O , and all the
sulfur (if any) burns to SO2.
• Insufficient oxygen causes incomplete combustion,
unburned fuel, C, H2, CO, or OH would be in the products.
• At ordinary combustion temperatures, nitrogen behaves as
an inert gas and does not react with other chemical

Theoretical and Actual Combustion
• The complete combustion process with no free
oxygen in the products is called stoichiometric, or
theoretical combustion. For example, the theoretical
combustion of methane is

• The amount of air in excess of the stoichiometric

amount is called excess air, or percent excess air.
• Amounts of air less than the stoichiometric amount
are called deficiency of air, or percent deficiency of air.
Stoichiometric Air
• The minimum amount of air needed for the complete
combustion of a fuel is called the stoichiometric or
theoretical air. The theoretical air is also referred to as
the chemically correct amount of air or 100 percent
theoretical air.
• The ideal combustion process during which a fuel is
burned completely with theoretical air is called the
stoichiometric or theoretical combustion of that fuel.

Excess Air
• The air in excess of the stoichiometric amount is
called the excess air. The amount of excess air is
usually expressed in terms of the stoichiometric air as
percent excess air or percent theoretical air.
Example -3.2
Ethane (C2H6) is burned with 20 percent excess air
during a combustion process. Assuming complete
combustion and a total pressure of 100 kPa, determine
the air-fuel ratio for this combustion process.
Solution :
C2 H 6  1.2ath O2  3.76 N 2   2CO2  3H 2O  0.2athO2  1.2  3.76ath N 2
where ath is the stoichiometric coefficient for air.
The coefficient ath is determined from the O2 balance to be
O2 : 1.2ath  2  1.5  0.2ath  ath  3.5, then
C2 H 6  4.2O2  3.76 N 2   2CO2  3H 2O  0.7O2  15.79 N 2
mair nM air 4.2  4.76  29 kg air
AF     19.3
m fuel nM C  nM H 2 2  12  3  2 kg fuel

Example -3.3
A certain natural gas has the following volumetric
analysis: 72% CH4, 9% H2, 14% N2, 2% O2, and 3% CO2.
This gas is now burned with the stoichiometric amount of
air that enters the combustion chamber at 20oC, 1 atm,
and 80% relative humidity. Assuming complete
combustion and a total pressure of 1 atm, determine the
dew-point temperature of the products. (What will be the
answer if the given was as mass analaysis?
Solution :
Considering 1kmol of fuel,
0.72CH 4  0.09H 2  0.14 N 2  0.02O2  0.03CO2   ath O2  3.76 N 2 
 xCO2  yH 2O  zN 2
The unknown coefficients in the above equation are determined
to be x  0.75, y  1.53,ath  1.465, and z  5.648
from mass balances on C, H , O2 , and N 2 , respectively.
Next we determine the amount of moisture that accompanie s 4.76 ath
that is 4.76ath  4.761.465  6.97 kmol of dry air.
The partial pressure of the moisture in the air is
Pv ,air   P o  0.802.339 kPa   1.871kPa
sat @ 20 C
nv ,air Pv ,air nv ,air 1.871
Assuming ideal - gas behavior,   
ntotal Ptotal nv ,air  6.97 101.325
 nv ,air  0.131kmol. By adding this amount of H 2O to both sides of the
equation, we have
0.72CH 4  0.09H 2  0.14 N 2  0.02O2  0.03CO2   1.465O2  3.76 N 2 
 0.131H 2O  0.75CO2  1.661H 2O  5.648N 2
Pv , prod nv , prod Pv , prod 1.661
Also,     Pv , prod  20.88 kPa
Pprod n prod 101.325 8.059
Thus, Tdp  Tsat @ 20.88 kPa  60.9o C
Forms of Energy
The microscopic form of energy of a substance consists
of sensible, latent, chemical, and nuclear energies.

Sensible and latent

energies are associated
with a change of state
(increasing temperature
for sensible and phase
for latent), chemical
energy associates with
the molecular structure,
and nuclear energy
associates with the
atomic structure.
Chemical Bonds in the Combustion Process
When the existing chemical bonds are destroyed and
new ones are formed during a combustion process,
usually a large amount of sensible energy is released.

The chosen reference

state is 25oC and 1 atm,
which is known as the
standard reference state.
Property values at the
standard reference state
are indicated by a
superscript o such as (ho
and uo). For N2 at 500 K,

h500 K  h o  14,581  8669  5912 kJ/kmol 16

TABLE A 18–26
Enthalpy of Combustion
The difference between the enthalpy of the products at a
specified state and the enthalpy of the reactants at the same
state for a complete reaction is called the enthalpy of reaction
For combustion processes, the enthalpy of reaction is usually
referred to as the enthalpy of combustion hc, which represents
the amount of heat released during a steady-flow combustion
process when 1 kmol (or 1 kg) of fuel is burned completely at a
specified temperature and pressure.

hC  H prod  H react  393,520 kJ / kmol

For example, -393,520 kJ/kmol is the enthalpy of combustion for

CO2 at the standard reference state. The enthalpy of combustion
of a particular fuel will be different at different temperatures and
pressures. 17
Enthalpy of Formation

 The enthalpy of a substance at a specified state due to its

chemical composition is called the enthalpy of formation
hf. The enthalpy of formation of all stable elements is
assigned a value of zero at the standard reference state
of 25oC and 1 atm. For example, the enthalpy of
formation of CO2 at the standard reference state is
h fo,CO2  393,520 kJ / kmol

The negative sign is due to the fact that the enthalpy of 1

kmol of CO2 at 25oC and 1 atm is 393,520 kJ less than the
enthalpy of 1 kmol of C and 1 kmol of O2 at the same state.
In other words, 393,520 kJ of chemical energy released
(leaving the system as heat) when C and O2 combine to
form 1 kmol of CO2.
Heating Values
The heating value of a fuel is defined as the amount of heat
released when a fuel is burned completely in a steady-flow
process and the products are returned to the state of the
reactants. The heating value of a fuel is equal to the
absolute value of the enthalpy of combustion of the fuel.
Heating value is called the higher heating value (HHV)
when the H2O in the products is in the liquid form, and it is
called the lower heating value (LHV) when the H2O in the
products is in the vapor form. The two heating values are
related by

where m is mass of H2O in the products per unit mass of fuel

and hfg is the enthalpy of vaporization of water at 25oC.
Example -3.5
Determine the enthalpy of combustion of gaseous octane
(C8H18) at 25oC and 1 atm, using enthalpy-of-formation
data from Table A-26. Assume the water in the products is
in the liquid form. Find also the heating value.
Solution :
C8 H18  ath O2  3.76 N 2   8CO2  9 H 2Oliq   3.76ath N 2
Both the reactants and the products are at the standard reference
state of 25 o C and 1 atm. Also, N2 and O 2 are stable elements, and
thus their enthalpy of formation is zero. Then the enthalpy of
combustion of C8H18 becomes hc  H prod  H reac
 
  n p h fo, p   nr h fo,r  nh fo
 
 nh fo
H 2O liq 
 
 nh o
f C8 H18

 8 393,520  9  285,530  1 208,450

 5,512,180 kJ/kmol C8H18 HHV=h- /M 20
48,352 kJ/kg C8H18
Example -3.4
 Calculate the HHV and LHV of liquid propane fuel (C3H8) . Compare your results
with the values in Table A–27. use table A–26 and A–27

First-Law Analysis of Reacting Systems
The enthalpy of a chemical compound at a specified state is the sum
of the enthalpy of the compound at 25°C, 1 atm (hf°), and the sensible
enthalpy of the compound relative to 25°C, 1 atm.

Taking heat transfer to the system and work done by the system to be
positive quantities, the conservation of energy relation for chemically
reacting steady-flow systems can be expressed per unit mole of fuel as

Q  W   N p h fo  h  h o  p

  N r h fo  h  h o 

Where the superscript o represents properties at the standard

reference state of 25oC and 1 atm. 22
Closed Systems
For a closed system, the conservation of energy relation

Q  W   N p h fo  h  h o  Pv  p

  N r h fo  h  h o  Pv 

Note that Ein  Eout  U system , and u  h  pv

 
Thus, u of  u  u o  h fo  h  pv  u o

The pv terms are negligible for solids and liquids and

can be replaced by RuT for gases that behave as ideal

Example -3.5
Liquid propane (C3H8) enters a combustion chamber at 25oC at a
rate of 0.05 kg/min where it is mixed and burned with 50% percent
excess air that enters the combustion chamber at 7oC. An analysis
of the combustion gasses reveals that all the hydrogen in the fuel
burns to H2O but only 90 percent of the carbon burns to CO2, with
the remaining 10 percent forming CO. If the exit temperature of
the combustion gases is 1500 K, determine (a) the mass flow rate
of air and (b) the rate of heat transfer from the combustion
Solution :
Assumptions : 1. Steady operating conditions exist.
2. Air and the combustion gases are ideal gases.
3. Kinetic and potential energies are negligible .

C3 H 8 l   ath O2  3.76 N 2   3CO2  4 H 2Og   3.76ath N 2
O 2 balance : ath  3  2  5
For actual commbustio n with 50% excess air and 10% of C forming
CO in the products,
C3 H 8 l   7.5O2  3.76 N 2   2.7CO2  0.3CO  4 H 2Og   2.65O2  28.2 N 2
( a ) The air - fuel ratio for this combustion process is

AF 

7.5  4.76 kmol 29 kg / kmol 
 25.53kg air/kg fuel
m fuel 3 kmol 12 kg / kmol   4 kmol 2 kg / kmol 
 
Thus, m air   AF  m fuel  25.53kg air/kg fuel 0.05 kg fuel/min 
 1.18 kg air/min
b  The heat transfer for this steady - flow combustion process is

Qout   N p h fo  h  h o  p

  N r h fo  h  h o 

Substance h of h 280 K h 298 K h 1500 K
(kJ/kmol) (kJ/kmol) (kJ/kmol) (kJ/kmol)
C3H8 (l) -118,910 * * *
O2 0 8150 8682 49,292
N2 0 8141 8669 47,073
H2O (g) -241,820 * 9904 57,999
CO2 -393,520 * 9364 71,078
CO -110,530 * 8669 47,517

Qout   N r h fo  h280 K  h298

K r   N p h f  h1500 K  h298 K  p
o o

 1 kmol C 3 H 8   118 ,910  h280  h298
o  7.50  8150  8682

 7.5  3.760  8141  8669

 2.7 393,520  71,078  9364  0.3 110 ,530  47 ,517  8669
 4 241,820  57 ,999  9904  2.650  49 ,292  8682
 28.20  47 ,073  8669  363,882 kJ/kmol of C 3 H 8
 kg  kJ 1 kmol 
  6.89 kW
Thus, Q out  m Qout   0.05  363 ,882 
 min  kmol 44 kg of C 3 H 8 
Adiabatic Flame Temperature
In the absence of any heat loss to the surroundings
(Q = 0), the temperature of the products will reach a
maximum, which is called the adiabatic flame
temperature of the reaction. The adiabatic flame
temperature of a steady-flow combustion process is
determined from Hprod = Hreact or

 N p h fo  h  h o  p

  N r h fo  h  h o 

Theoretical Adiabatic Flame Temperature

The maximum temperature encountered in a combustion

chamber is lower-than the theoretical adiabatic flame

The adiabatic flame temperature of a fuel is not unique. Its

value depends on (1) the state of the reaction, (2) the
degree of completion of the reaction, and (3) the amount of
air used. 28
Example 3.6
Liquid octane (C8H18) enters the combustion chamber of a gas turbine
steadily at 1 atm and 25oC, and it is burned with air that enters the
combustion chamber at the same state. Disregarding any changes in
kinetic and potential energies, determine the adiabatic flame
temperature for (a) complete combustion with 100 percent theoretical air,
(b) complete combustion with 400 percent theoretical air, and c)
incomplete combustion (some CO in the products) with 90 percent
theoretical air.
Solution :
Assumptions : 1. Steady - flow combustion process.
2. The combustion chamber is adiabatic.
3. There are no work interactio ns. kE  PE  0.
4. Air and the combustion gases are ideal gases.

( a ). The balanced equation for the combustion process with the
theoretical amount of air is
C8 H18 l   12.5O2  3.76 N 2   8CO2  9 H 2O  47 N 2
The adiabatic flame temperatur e in this case is
 N p h fo  h  h o p   N r h fo,r  Nh fo C8H18
Substance h of h 298 K (Please refer to the ideal
(kJ/kmol) (kJ/kmol) gas Tables A─18 ~ A─27
C8H18 (l) -249,950 * for enthalpy of N2, O2,
O2 0 8682 CO2, CO, H2, H2O, and
N2 0 8669 enthalpy of formation of
H2O (g) -241,820 9904
CO2 -393,520 9364

8 kmol CO2  393,520  hCO2  9364  9 241,820  hH 2O  9904

 470  hN 2  8669  1 kmol C8 H18  249,950 kJ / kmol C8 H18 
which yields 8hCO2  9hH 2O  47hN 2  5,646,081kJ 30
It appears that we have one equation with three unknowns. But
actually w e have only one unknown - the temperatur e of the product,
T prod , since h  h(T) for ideal gases. Therefore, we will have to use a
trial - and - error approach to determine T prod .
1. Take 5,646,081 /( 8  9  47 )  88,220 kJ / kmol which corresponds to
2650 K for N 2 , 2100 K for H 2O, and 1800 K for CO2 .
2. Noting that the majority of the moles are N 2 , we guess a temperatur e
2400 K which is close to 2650 K, and at this temperatur e
8hCO2  9hH 2O  47hN 2  8  125,512  9  103,508  47  79,320  5,660,828
3. Try 2350 K, since 5,660,828 kJ is greater than 5,646,081 kJ
8hCO2  9hH 2O  47hN 2  8  122,091  9  100,846  47  77 ,496  5,526,654
4. By interpolat ion using these two pairs, we have T prod  2394.5 K

b  The balanced equation for the complete combustion process
with 400% theoretical air is
C8 H18 l   50O2  3.76 N 2   8CO2  9 H 2O  37.5O2  188N 2
By following the procedure used in ( a ), the adiabatic flame temperatur e
in this case is determined to be T prod  962 K

c  The balanced equation for the incomplete combustion process

with 90% theoretical air is
C8 H18 l   11.25O2  3.76 N 2   5.5CO2  2.5CO  9 H 2O  42.3N 2
By following the procedure used in ( a ), the adiabatic flame temperatur e
in this case is determined to be T prod  2236 K

Entropy Change of Reacting Systems

The entropy balance for any system (including reacting

systems) undergoing any process can be expressed as

Sin  Sout   S gen  Ssystem

Entropy Changes

Taking the positive direction of heat transfer to be to

the system, the entropy balance relation can be
expressed for a closed system or steady-flow
combustion chamber as

 S gen  S prod  S react  0 kJ/K 

For an adiabatic process the entropy balance relation

reduces to

S gen ,adiabatic  S prod  Sreact  0

The third law of thermodynamics

• The entropy relations for combustion processes involve

the entropies of the components, not entropy changes,
which was the case for non-reacting system. The search
for a common base for the entropy of all substances led
to the establishment of the third law of thermodynamics.
• The third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy
of a pure crystalline substance at absolute zero
temperature is zero. The third law provides a common
base for the entropy of all substances, and the entropy
values relative to this base are called the absolute
entropy, so, the values are listed in Tables A-18 through

Absolute Entropy of an Ideal Gas

The ideal-gas tables list

the absolute entropy
values over a wide
range of temperatures
but at a fixed pressure
of Po = 1 atm. Absolute
entropy values at other
pressures P for any
temperature T are
determined from • At a specified temperature,
the absolute entropy of an
 kJ  ideal gas at pressures
S T , P   s T , Po   Ru ln
o P
 kmol.K  other than P0 = 1 atm can
Po   be determined by
subtracting Ru ln (P/P0)
Absolute Entropy for Ideal-Gas Mixture

For component i of an ideal-gas mixture, the absolute

entropy can be written as

 kJ 
Si T , Pi   si T , Po   Ru ln
o yi Pm
 kmol.K 
Po  

where Pi is the partial pressure, yi is the mole fraction of

the component, Po = 1 atm, and Pm is the total pressure of
the mixture in atmospheres.

• The temperature of a component is the same as the temperature of the mixture,

and the partial pressure of a component is equal to the mixture pressure P m
multiplied by the mole fraction of the component.

 Second-Law Analysis of Reaction Systems

• The exergy destruction or irreversibility and the

reversible work associated with a chemical reaction are
determined from

I  X destroyed  Wrev  Wreact  To S gen kJ

The difference between
the availability of the
reactants and of the
products during a
chemical reaction is the
reversible work
associated with the
reaction. 38
Reversible Work
The reversible represents the maximum work that can
be done during a process. In absence of any changes
in kinetic and potential energies, the reversible work
relation for a steady-flow combustion process is
  
Wrev   N r h fo  h  h o  To s r   N p h fo  h  h o  To s  p
kJ 

• When both the reactants and the products are at the

temperature of the surroundings T0, the reversible
work can be expressed in terms of the Gibbs
functions as

Wrev   N r g of  g  g o    N g
r p
f  g  go  p
kJ 

where, h  To s  h  To s To  g o 39
Example 3.7 (adiabatic)
Methane (CH4) gas enters a steady-flow adiabatic
combustion chamber at 25oC and 1 atm. It is burned with
50% excess air that also enters at 25oC and 1 atm.
Assuming complete combustion, determine (a) the
temperature of the products, (b) the entropy generation,
and c) the reversible work and exergy destruction.
Assume that To = 298 K and the products leave the
combustion chamber at 1 atm pressure.
Solution :
Assumptions : 1. Steady - flow combustion process.
2. The combustion chamber is adiabatic.
3. There are no work interactio ns. kE  PE  0.
4. Air and the combustion gases are ideal gases.
5. Combustion is complete.
( a ). The balanced equation for the complete combustion process
with 50% excess air is
CH 4 g   3O2  3.76 N 2   CO2  2 H 2O  O2  11.28 N 2
Under steady - flow conditions, the adiabatic flame temperatur e is
determined from H prod  H react , which reduces to

 p f
N h o

 h  h o
 p
 
  N r h fo,r  Nh fo CH 4

Substance h of h 298 K
(kJ/kmol) (kJ/kmol)
CH4 (g) -74,850 *
O2 0 8682
N2 0 8669
H2O (g) -241,820 9904
CO2 -393,520 9364

1kmol CO2  393,520  hCO2  9364  2 241,820  hH 2O  9904

 11.280  hN 2  8669  10  hO2  8682  1kmol CH 4  74,850 kJ / kmol CH 4 
which yields hCO2  2hH 2O  hO2  11.28hN 2  937 ,950 kJ
By trial - and - error, the temperatur e of the products is found to be
T prod  1789.0 K
(b ). The entropy generation during this process is determined from
S gen  S sys  S surr  S gen  S prod  S react   N p s p   N r sr
On Table A - 26, both air and product gases are at a total pressure of 1 atm,
but the entropies are to be calculated at the partial pressure, which is equal to
Pi  yi Ptotal where yi is the mole fraction of component i, and
 
Si  N i si T , Pi   N i sio T , P   Ru ln yi Pm / Po  , where Ru  8.31434 kJ / kmol.K
Ni yi soi(T, 1 atm) Ruln(yiPm/Po) Nisi
CH4 1 1.00 186.16 * 186.16
O2 3 0.21 205.04 12.98 654.06
N2 11.28 0.79 191.61 1.96 2183.47
sreact = 3023.69
CO2 1 0.0654 302.517 22.674 325.19
H2O 2 0.1309 258.957 16.905 551.72
O2 1 0.0654 264.471 22.674 287.15
N2 11.28 0.7382 247.977 2.524 2825.65
sprod = 3989.71
S gen  S prod  S react  3989.71  23023.69  966.02 kJ / kmol.K CH 4 42
(c ). The exergy destructio n or irreversibility associated with this process
is determined from
X destroyed  To S gen

 298 K 966.02 kJ /( kmol.K )CH 4   287,874

kmol CH 4
That is, 287,874 kJ of work potential is wasted during this combustion
process for each kmol of methane burned.
This process involves no actual work. Therefore, the reversible work and
exergy destroyed are identical :
Wrev  287,874 kJ/kmol CH4
That is, 287,874 kJ of work could be done during this process, but is not.
Instead, the entire work potential is wasted.

Example 3.8 (isothermal)
Methane (CH4) gas enters a steady-flow combustion
chamber at 25oC and 1 atm. It is burned with 50% excess
air, which also enters at 25oC and 1 atm. After
combustion, the products are allowed to cool to 25oC.
Assuming complete combustion, determine (a) the heat
transfer per kmol of CH4, (b) the entropy generation, and
c) the reversible work and exergy destruction. Assume
that To = 298 K and the products leave the combustion
chamber at 1 atm pressure.

Solution :
This is the same combustion process as discussed in the previous example,
except that the combustion products are brought to the state of the
surroundin gs by transfering heat from them. Thus the combustion equation
remains the same
CH 4 g   3O2  3.76 N 2   CO2  2 H 2O  O2  11.28 N 2
At 25o C, part of the water vapor will condense. The amount of water vapor
that remains in the products is determined from
Nv v @ 25o C Nv 3.169 kPa
    N v  0.43 kmol
N gas Ptotal 13.28  N v 101.325 kPa
Therefore, 1.57 kmol of the H 2O formed will be in the liquid form, which will
be removed at 25 o C and 1 atm.
Substance h of
Heat transfer during this steady - flow (kJ/kmol)
combustion process is determined from CH4 (g) -74,850
the steady - flow energy balance H2O (l) -285,830

Qout   N h    N h 
p f p
r f r
H2O (g)
Qout  1kmol CH 4   74,850 kJ / kmol CH 4 
 1kmol CO2   393,520 kJ / kmol CO2 
 0.43 kmol H 2Og   241,820 kJ / kmol H 2Og 
 1.57 kmol H 2Ol   285,830 kJ / kmol H 2Ol   871,406 kJ / kmol CH 4
(b ). The total entropy generation during this process is determined from
an entropy balance applied on an extended system that includes the
immediate surroundin gs of the combustion chamber
S gen  S prod  S react  out

 2845.35  3023.69kJ / kmol.K 

871,406 kJ / kmol
298 K
 2745.84 kJ / kmol.K CH 4
Ni yi soi(T, 1 atm) -Ruln(yi)Pm Nisi
CH4 1 1.00 186.16 * 186.16
O2 3 0.21 205.04 12.98 654.06
N2 11.28 0.79 191.61 1.96 2183.47
sreact = 3023.69
CO2 1 0.0729 213.80 21.77 235.57
H2O (l) 1.57 1.0000 69.92 * 109.77
H2O 0.43 0.0314 188.83 28.77 93.57
O2 1 0.0729 205.04 21.77 226.81
N2 11.28 0.8228 191.61 1.62 2179.63
sprod = 2845.35 46
(c ). The exergy destructio n and reversible work associated with this
process is determined from
X destroyed  To S gen

 298 K 2745.8 kJ /( kmol.K )CH 4   818,260

kmol CH 4
Wrev  X destroyed  818,260 kJ/kmol CH4

Since this process involves no actual work. Therefore, 818,260 kJ

of work could be done during this process. But is not. Instead, the
entire work potential is wasted. The reversible work in this case
represents the exergy of the reactants before the reaction starts
since the products are in equilibriu m with the surroundin gs,
that is, they are at the dead state.
Thank You


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