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1. Use SI Units in solving the following problems.
2. The time taken to solve the different problems is not the same. Some take about ½ hour. But a lot of them may
take less and some may take more time.
3. Take g = 9.806 m/s2.


1.A homing pigeon is released at point A and is observed. It flies 10 km due South, then goes due East for 15 km.
Next it goes South-East for 10 km and finally goes due South 5 km to reach its destination B. determine the shortest
distance between A and B. neglect the earth’s curvature. Find AB.
2.What is the sum of the forces transmitted by the structural members to the pin at A?
3.Resolve the 100N force into a set of components along the slot shown and in the vertical direction. If the spring
constant is 100N/m, what is the extension of the spring?

4.A 1000N force is resolved into components along AB and AC. If the component along AB is 700N, determine the
angle  and value of the component along AC.
5.The 500N force is to be resolved into components along the AB and AC directions measured by the angles  and .
If the component along AC is to be 1000N and the component along AB is to be 800N, compute  and .

6.A 50m long diagonal member OE in a space frame is

inclined at  = 700 and  = 300 to the x and y axes
respectively. What is ? How long must members OA,
AC, OB, BC and CE to be support end E of OE?

7.What is the sum of the following set of three vectors?

A = 6i + 10j + 16k; B = 2i – 3j
C is a vector in the xy plane at an inclination of 45 to the positive x axis and directed away from the origin, it has a
magnitude of 25N.
8.Given the vectors
A = 6i + 3j + 10k; B = 2i – 5j + 5k; C = 5i – 2j + 7k
What vector D gives the following results?
D. A = 20 D.B = 5 D. I = 10
9.A force vector of magnitude 100N has a line of action with difference cosines l = 0.7, m = 0.2, n = 0.69 relative to a
reference xyz. The vector points away from the origin. What is the component of the force vector along a direction n
having direction cosines l = -0.3, m = 0.1 and n = 0.95 for the xyz reference?
(HINT: Whenever simply a component is asked for, it is virtually always the rectangular component that is desired).
10.Given a force F = 10i + 5j + Ak(N). If this force is to have a rectangular component of 8N along a line having a unit
vector r = 0.6i + 0.8k, what should A be? What is the angle between R and r?
11.Show that (A X B).C + (B x C).A = (C xA).B (This is called the scalar triple product.)
12.If vectors A and B in the xy plane have a dot product of 50 units, and if the magnitudes of these vectors are 10 units
and 8 units, respectively, what is A x B?
13.Making use of the cross product, give the unit
vector n normal to the inclined surface ABC.
14.What is the component of the cross product A x B
along the direction n, where
A = 10i + 16j + 3k;
B = 5i – 2j + 2k;
n = 0.8i + 0.6k
15.Four members of a space frame are loaded as shown. What are the orthogonal scalar components of the forces on
the ball joint at O? The 1000N force goes through points D and E of the rectangular parallelepiped.
16.A particle moves along a circular path of radius 1m in the xy plane. What is the position vector r of this particle as a
function of the coordinate x?

17.The total equivalent forces from water and gravity

are shown on the dam. (We will soon be able to
compute such equivalents). Compute the moment of
these forces about the toe of the dam in the right hand
18.A force F = 10i + 6j –6k N acts at position (10,3,4)
m relative to a coordinate system. What is the moment
of the force about the origin?
19.What is the moment of the force in Prob. 18 about
the point (6,-4,-3) m?
20.Three guy wires are used in the support system for
a television transmission tower that is 600m tall. Wires
A and B are tightened to a tension of 60kN, whereas
wire C has only 30kN of tension. What is the moment
of the wire forces about the base of the tower? The y
axis is collinear with AO.(Shames 3.23, check 4.17)
21.The x and y axes shown form non-orthogonal
cartesian coordinates in the plane. It is desired to write
the forces F in the form F = Fxi +Fyj. determine the
values of Fx and Fy. Are these components the
perpendicular projections onto the corresponding
22.Three people pull horizontally on cables attached to an automobile. Cable 2 and 3 are pulled by 200-N forces. It is
desired that the resultant of the forces exerted by the three cables be oriented along OP. determine the required pull
on cable 1 to have=0 or 20 .( Ans. 335 N, 900 N)

23.Joint E ( fig.A ) of the bridge structure is shown isolated in fig. B knowing that the magnitude of forces F1, F2, and
F3 are 4,5 and 6 KN respectively, determine the magnitude of F4 such that the resultant of these forces at joint E is
vertical. ( Note that the members are bars, not cables so they can sustain compressive forces).
24.The stiffness of the spring are K1= 20 KN/m and K2= 10 KN/m. If the 500 Kg block is suspended in static
equilibrium in the position shown, determine the unstretched length of the springs. (Ans. L1 = 0.228 m , L2 = 0.150 m )

25.The diagram shows the side view and cross section of a V- Block that is holding a 200 g steel sphere. The reaction
between the sphere and the fixed vertical wall is 1000N. determine the reaction forces exerted between the sphere
and the walls of the groove, and between the sphere and the inclined movable block. (Ans. 167 N with the
groove and 1035 N with the block).

26.A body is acted on by the following forces –

F1 = (50i +80j - 20k) acting at ( 0,-2,0)
F2 = (75i – 40j + 15k) acting at (0,6,6)
F3 = -20i + 60j acting at (-3,0,-5)
C = 100i + 80j -50k (Nm) acting at the origin.
Find the simplest equilibrant for the above, and locate the point on the xy plane where the equilibrant force should act.
(Note : The simplest equilibrant is a wrench).

27.Find the resultant of the force system at point A. the 300N, 200N and 900N loads are at the centers of the pipe

28.Find the simplest resultant of the forces shown acting on the beam. Give the intercept with the axis of the beam.

29. Where should a 100N force in a downward direction be placed for the simplest resultant of all shown forces to be
at position (5,5)m?

30. Explain why the system shown can be considered a system of parallel forces. Find the simplest resultant for this
31. Draw a free body diagram, first of the whole apparatus, then of each of its parts: AB, AC, BC, and D. Include the
weights of all bodies. Label the forces. (Refer figure).

32. A 700N circus performer causes a 0.15-m sag in the middle of a 12-m tightrope with a 5000-N initial tension. What
additional tension is induced in the cable? What is the cable tension when the performer is 3m from the end and the
sag is 0.12-m? (Shames 5.20)

33.Cylinders A and B weigh 500N each and cylinder C weighs 1000N. Compute all contact forces. (Shames 5.23)

34. An elastic cord AB is just taut before the 1000N force is applied. If it takes 5.0 N/mm of elongation of the cord,
what is the tension T in the cord after the 1000N force is applied? Set up the equation for T but do not solve. (Shames

35. What force F do the pliers develop on the pipe section D? neglect friction (Shames 5.36)

36. Light rods AD and BC are pinned together at C and support a 300N and a 100N load. What are the supporting
forces at A and B ?

37. Draw FBD’s for figures given an P6,7 & 8. their which are not clear in page 6-7 are drawn on P8.

38. Determine the horizontal force F that must be applied to corner C of the 100 Kg crate to hold it in position on the
hill as shown. Both surfaces of contact are smooth. The center of mass of the crate is at the geometric center G.
39. The forked bar is supported by fixed pin A and
short link BH. A 50 Kg block is suspended from a cable
that passes over ideal pulleys C and D which are
pinned to the bar, as shown. Knowing that=45 ,
determine the reaction force exerted by the short link.

40. Solve problem 1.39 if, instead of being fastened at

point E, the cable is fastened to the bar at point F.

41. Determine the reactions required to support the beams and trusses shown.

42. Which of the bodies/ structures shown (refer figures) are statically indeterminate and why ? ( P’s are known, Length are
known Qs + Fs are Unknown.)

43. Find the forces on the block of ice from the hooks at A and F ( refer figure).
44. A 3—D force system has the following forces—
F1 = 10i + 4j acting at ( 3,0,1 )
F2 = 5j + 6k acting at ( 0,2,4 )
F3 = - 9j acting at ( 0,0,5 )
Find the equilibrant –
i) to act the origin
ii) to act at ( 4,4,4 )
complete the simplest equilibrant and its intersection with
the x-y plane.

45. A box of the size 0.8x0.6x1m is placed in the positive

octant with one of its corners at the origin as shown. The
weight of the box is 400 N. the box has the following forces
acting on it. F1 = 200 N acting at D in the direction of OD,
F2 =300 N acting at C in the dirn. BC, F3 = 300 N acting at
P in the dirn. QP. Find the equilibrant to act at R. Find also
the simplest equilibrant and its location.

46. (a) In a coplanar force system, what is the simplest

resultant. Is it a single force, a single couple, or either, or
both or a wrench ?
(b) In a 3 –D general force system, what is the simplest
resultant ? can you change the location of the force or the
couple of the simplest resultant without changing the
magnitude of either ?

2.18. Determine the forces acting on the members of the

frame at A, B & C if
a) P = 2KN and Q = 0
b) P = 0 and Q = 2 KN
c) P = Q = 2KN

2.19. The 3-pin arch is subjected to a set of loads as

shown. Determine the reactions at pins A, B &C in
members AB and BC separately.
( Ans. BarAB: FA = 45i + 38.7j KN
FB = -60i + 6.3j KN ( i rt , j up )
Bar BC: FB = 60i – 6.3j KN, FC = -75i + 51.3j KN

1. Determine the forces in the members of each trusses shown. State whether the member is in tension or compression.
Use method of joints and /or method of sections wherever possible. ( Students are advised to practice both methods,
so that one can judge which method is faster in each case.)

2. A 200 N force is applied to the piston. For the should be applied to the crankshaft to hold the system
position where =90, determine the couple M that in static equilibrium.
3. solve problem 2 for =60.

4. The mechanism shown is in equilibrium in the

vertical plane. Collar C rides on the smooth vertical
guide and the unstretched length of the spring is
1m. knowing that the bars have a mass of 2 kg/m,
determine the stiffness of the spring and the
reaction at pin A.

5. Determine the forces acting on members AC and

CE of the frame shown

6. Determine the forces acting on members AC and

CE of the frame shown

7. The mechanism shown is a device for clamping on

to inaccessible objects. The spring has a stiffness
of 2 KN/m and an unstretched length of 40 mm.
determine the clamping force on the object if the
handles are squeezed with a pair of 10 N forces.

8. Determine the location of the centres of mass of

the homogeneous plates of constant thickness

9. Determine the locations of the centres of mass of

the bent wires shown having constant mass per
unit length
10. The aluminium disk shown has a steel insert
whose faces are flush with the faces of the disk.
The thickness of the disk is as indicated.
Determine the location of the center of mass of this

11. The body shown is a solid composed of plastic

having a density of 2,000 kg/m3. determine the
mass and the location of the center of mass of this

12. The crankpin shown is composed of steel.

Determine the mass and the location of the center
of mass of this body.

13. Determine the resultant of the distributed loading acting on the beam shown. Also determine the support reaction.

14. For the type of loading shown, determine the values of q1 & q2 that result in the reactions at the fixed support A being
(a) a force with no couple, (b) a couple with no force .In each case give the corresponding reaction.

15. The traffic sign shown is subjected to a 5 Kpa. Uniform pressure caused by the wind. Determine the reactions at the
fixed base of the polo resulting from this loading.

16. The snow load on a flat roof is as shown. Determine the resultant force exerted by the snow on the roof. Specify the
point of application of this force.

17. Find the simplest resultant of a normal pressure distribution over a rectangular area with sides a and b. give the
coordinates of the centre of pressure.
Unit -3

1. (a) State Pascal’s Law. (b) State Archimedes’s principle

2. Prove that the magnitude of the total force of hydrostatic pressure on a plane surface is equal to the area of the
surface times the pressure at the centre of gravity of the surface area irrespective of the inclination of the plane

3. Explain the term “centre of pressure” show that the centre of pressure of an inclined (not horizontal) plane surface is
always below the centroid of the area.

4. Name different types of manometers and explain their working. (Hint : The manometers are (i) simple,
(ii)micro,(iii)differential and (iv)interred manometers.

5. What is the simplest resultant force from the water

and where does it act on the 60 m high 800m long
straight earthfill dam? (Water weighs 9818N/m3 ).

6. A block 0.3m thick is submerged in water.

Compute the simplest resultant force and the
center of pressure on the bottom surface AB.

7. D1 - what is the resultant force from water and

where does it act on the 40m high circular
concrete dam between two walls of a rocky gorge?
(water weighs 9818 N/m3).

8. A rectangular tank contains water. At the top of the

water there is a pressure of a 1380 N/mm2 (MPa)
absolute. What is the simplest resultant force in
the inside surface of the door ? (Hint : It is known
that the pressure in the water equals 8d, where d
is the distance below the surface of the water, plus
the pressure on the surface.)

9. The 1.5 m wide gate AB shown, can pivot about the horizontal shaft at A. it is held in closed position by the preloaded
spring. Determine the initial compressive force in the spring for which the gate will open when the depth d of water is
(i)2m , (ii) 4m,. Ans. (i) 71.9 KN, (ii) 159.5 KN

10. The buoy ( anchored float as navigation mark ) shown is a closed circular hollow cylinder 1.5 m dia, 3m long made up
of 1cm thick steel plate. What is the tension in the cable at the bottom of the buoy if a 2m long section of the buoy is
submerged ? Steel weighs. 0.077 N/cm3.

11. A piece of steel of specific gravity 7.8 floats over mercury of specific gravity 13.6. if sufficient water is added just to
cover the steel piece, what fraction of steel will be below the surface of mercury ? Ans. 0.54

12. A hollow metallic sphere weighing 100 N is floating in water. What should be the external diameter of the sphere so
that it may float half submerged in water?
13. A ship sinks 5 cm on entering a river from sea,
&rises 4 cm on discharging 40 t of cargo. Find its
original displacement ( Wt. of Ship with cargo )
Mass density of sea water 1025 Kg/m3.

14. A wedge of wood having a specific gravity of 0.6 is

forced into water by a 750 N force as shown. The
wedge is 0.6 m in width. What is the depth d ?

15. A cube of material of mass 100 Kg is lowered into

a tank containing a layer of mercury as shown.
Describe the position of the block when it has
reached equilibrium.

16. A vertical lock gate supports water to a depth of 9m on one side.the horizontal force on the gate is carried by three
horizontal beams fitted on the other side of the lock gate. Determine the positions of the beams to carry equal loads.
17. State the law if coulomb friction. (ii) Explain the
term “ Coefficient of friction”.
18. A Block has a force F applied to it. If this force has
a time variation as shown in the diagram, draw a
simple sketch showing the friction force variation
with time. Take us =0.3 and ud=0.2 for the problem.
19. To what angle must the driver elevate the dump
bed of the truck to cause the wooden crate of
weight W to slide out ? For wood on steel us=0.6
and ud=0.4
20. Bodies A & B weigh 500 N and 300N, respectively.
The platform on which they are placed is raised
from the horizontal position to an angle ..What is
the maximum angle that can be reached before
the bodies slip down the incline ? Take us for body
B and the plane as 0.2 and us for body A and the
plane as 0.3.
21. A5 KN create A rests on a 10 KN Crate B. The
centers of gravity of the crates are at the geometric
centers. The coefficients of static friction between
contact surface are shown in the diagram. The
force T is increased from zero. What is the first
action to occur ? ( Tipping or sliding of A or B ).
22. (a) The Coefficient of static friction between the 1
ton granite block and the floor is 0.35. Knowing
that h=2m, determine the smallest horizontal force
P that will cause the block to move.
(b) Determine the range of values of h in Prob. 22
(a) for which slipping will occur before tipping.
23. The 25 Kg door is mounted on the horizontal rail
by means of runners A & B. The coefficients of
friction for these runners are uA=uB=0.15. The door
handle is pulled to the right to open the door.
Determine (a) the max. distance d for the door
handle for which the door will not tip when it is
opened. (b) The force required to open the door if
d equals the value found in part (a), (c) the force
required to open the door if D equals one half the
value found in part (a). Ans. (a) 2.67m,(b) & (c)
36.8 N

24. Solve problem 23 if uA=0.20, uB=0.10

25. Determine the downward force P, applied to the 20
Kg Block required to move the 500Kg block. The
coefficient of static friction between all surfaces is
26. Two 500 N flat plates resting on horizontal surface
support a lightweight wedge as shown. The
coefficients of static friction between the plates and
the wedge and between the plates and the
horizontal surface are 0.40 and 0.30 respectively.
Determine (a) The maximum overhang d for which
the wedge will cause the plates to slide without
tipping, (b) The vertical force F that should to the
wedge in order to move the plates when d is
smaller than the value obtained in part (a).
27. Determine the minimum force P required to lift the
2500N drum shown. The mass of the wedge is
negligible and the coefficient of friction between all
surface is 0.25. which surfaces are on the verge of
sliding for this force P ?
28. (a) A vertical force P is to be applied to wedge E in
order to push end C of bar CD to the right. The
coefficient of static friction between all surface is
0.15 . determine the minimum force P that will
achieve this goal.
(b) determine whether the system in prob. 28 (a) is
self locking. That is, will the
wedge remain in place P is no longer applied to
the wedge ?

29. Derive expressions for the torque M needed to lift a weight W(N) with a square threaded screw with a pitch of P and a
lead of np. What will be the expression if the weight is to be lowered? Diameter of screw is d.
30. (a) The C clamp holds two pieces of wood
together. The clamp has a single square thread
with a pitch of 3mm and a mean diameter of 18
mm. The coefficient of static friction is 0.20.
determine the torque required to tighten the clamp
further when it is at rest, applying a clamping force
of 800N.
(b) What will be the torque if the screw is triple
31. The jack shown in cross section consists of the
threaded collar A, which bears on the frame B, as
it rides on screw C. The collar may be rotated by
turning bar AD. The screw itself is prevented from
rotating by the object being supported. The single
square thread has inner and outer radii of 20 mm
and 25 mm and its pitch is 10 mm. the coefficient
of friction for the screw threads is 0.40. the friction
between collar A and the frame is negligible.
Determine the smallest force applied perpendicular
to the diagram at end D of bar AD that will raise
the object carrying a 5 KN reaction.
32. Worm gear CD having a single square thread of 50
mm mean radius and 10 mm pitch meshes with
gear A. Gear A is rigidly attached to the drum that
holds the cable suspending the 100 Kg bucket B.
the coefficient of static friction between the threads
of the worm gear and teeth of gear A is 0.20.
determine the torque M that must be applied to the
shaft CD to lift the bucket slowly.
33. The scissors jack shown supports an automobile exerting the 4 KN load. The screw has a double square thread
whose pitch is 3mm. The mean radius of the thread is 20 mm. Knowing that the coefficient of static friction is 0.33,
determine the couple that should be applied to the screw (a) to raise the automobile further, (b) to lower the
automobile. The screw fits loosely in collar A. Friction between the shoulder in the screw and this collar is negligible.

34. (a) Derive an expression for the ratio of tensions

on the tight and slack side of a belt drive, in terms
(b) Derive an expression for the power transmitted
(in KW and in metric horse power unit separately) by a belt
drive running at N rpm with tensions T1 and T2 on the tight
and slack sides.
(c) if  and on driving and driven sides of a belt
drive are different, which of the values of  and are to
be chosen and why ?

35. A 800 N person stands on a 100N scaffold

attached to one end of a rope. The rope passes
over a fixed cylinder and the free end of the cable
is grasped by the person. The coefficient of static
friction between the cable and the cylinder is 0.50.
Determine the force the person must apply to (a)
lower the scaffold, (b) raise the scaffold.

36. A cable is wrapped around a fixed cylinder through

an angle . If the tension T on one end of the cable
is constant, show T= (T1+T2)1/2, where T1 and T2
are the maximum and minimum values of the
tension on the other end of the rope for which the
cable will not slip.

37. (a) A 50 N force is applied to a band brake which

restrains flywheel a against the counterclockwise
couple MA. the coefficients of static and kinetic
friction between the belt of the brake and the
flywheel are 0.40 and 0.30 respectively. Determine
the couple MA required to (a) hold the flywheel at
rest in a condition of impending slip, (b) rotate the
flywheel in the direction of the couple at a constant
rate of rotation.
(b) Solve the above problem if MA is clockwise.

38. Determine the maximum couple MA that the motor

may apply to pulley A without exceeding the
maximum allowable belt tension of 2500N. Also
determine the corresponding couple MB exerted on
pulley B by its drive shaft. Where will slipping first
occur? The coefficient of static friction between the
belt and the pulleys is 0.35 and the pulleys are
rotating at a constant rate.

39. The belt drive shown is called a rock wood mount.

In it the 200 N motor, whose center of mass
coincides with its shaft is mounted on a pivoted
platform. Determine the max. clockwise couple MA
the motor may apply to the drive pulley A, and also
determine the corresponding couple MB applied to
pulley B by its shaft. The coefficient of friction
between the belt and the pulley is 0.50. neglect the
mass of the platform.

40. Solve problem 39 in the case where the motor

applies a counterclockwise couple to pulley A.
41. What is the horse power transmitted (also power in KW transmitted) through the belt drive given the driving pulley is
1m dia and the driven pulley is 2m dia. Center distance between the two is 2m. motor runs at 980 rpm. On driving
pulley is 0.3 and on driven one is 0.25. max. tension is not to exceed 2KN.
UNIT – 4
In the following problems, the weight of the beam is to be neglected unless specifically mentioned.

1. Define the axial and there forces and to bending moment’s acting on the cross section at (a)location A, and (b) location B for
the bars shown. Find also the reactions.

2. Formulate the shear-force and bending moment equations for the simply supported beam and cantilevers shown and give
the salient values. Draw also the SFD & BMD. Shames Fig. P.6.29, P.6.31, P.6.33,

Compute shear force and axial forces bending moments for the bent beam as functions of s along the centreline of the beam.
(Shames P.6.34,

5. Determine the shear force, bending moment and axial force as functions of  for the circular beam. Shames P.6.38)

6. Give the shear force and bending moment equations for the cantilever beam. Except for determining the supporting forces,
do not use free body diagrams. Draw the SFD & BMD. (Shames P.6.45)

7. After finding the supporting forces for the simply supported beam AB, express the shear force and bending moment
equations without the aid of free body diagrams. The 10 KN load is applied to a bracket welded to the beam AB. (Shames

8.Derive the differential equations for a beam linking the M (B.M), q (rate of loading), and shear force V.
9. Give the SF & BM equations for the beams shown and sketch their SF & BM diagrams. Is there a point of contra flexure
(inflexion)? If so, where ?

10. An overhanging beam a length L has symmetrical overhangs on both sides equal to ‘a’ . if a UDL is there on the beam find
‘a’ as a function of ‘L’ such that max. BM in the beam is minimized. L is the total length of the beam.

11. Draw the SF, BM axial force and twisting moment diagrams for the bent bar shown in the figures, at location A in each

12. A section of the scaffold consists of a plank laid across two supports and extending a distance ‘a’ on either side of the
supports. A mason working at the centre of the plank thinks that he should stack his supply of bricks on the ends of the plank
in order to minimize the BM in the plank. Is he correct? if equal number of bricks are stacked on each side for what weight of
bricks is max. BM in the plank a minimum. Weight of mason and bricks in the centre is 1 KN. Span = distance between
supports is L ( L= 4m , a= 1m ).

13. Using the relationships between transverse load, the shear and the bending moment, sketch the S.F. and BM diagrams for
the beams shown.

14. The shear force diagrams for simply supported beams are partially known, as depicted in the figures. It is also known that
no couples are applied to the beams. Determine—
(a) The concentrated and the distributed forces on the beams,
(b) The length of the beam and other distances specifying the load positions and
(c) The magnitude & location of the max. B.M. in the beam also sketch the B.M.D.

15. The shear diagram for a simply supported beam carrying no couples is known to the extent shown. The max. BM in the
beam is 20 KN-m. Make a sketch of the beam and the BMD showing all the salient points and distances.
From the BMD shown sketch the SFD and find the
rate of loading (Curves in the BMD are parabolic). If
the position of B and C are shifted symmetrically,
does it reduce the max. BM? find the positions of B &
C such that the max BM is minimized.

17.The overhanging beam is loaded by a sinusoidal

distributed force given by
q(x) = 400 Sin (x/20) (N/m)
where x is the distance in meters from the left
end. Sketch the SFD & BMD
specifying all critical values.

18. A temporary bridge is constructed between the two banks of a river by floating thick logs of wood. One of the logs 3 m
long and weighs 0.8 KN/m. over the log, there are two concentrated loads --
a) Each of 2 KN placed symmetrically at ½ m from each end. Find the rate of
reaction from water and draw the SFD & BMD.
b) One of 2 KN at ½ m from one end and the other 1KN at 1m from the other
end. Assuming the reaction from water to vary uniformly from
q at one end to aq at the other end, find q and draw the SFD &
BMD. (Find ‘a’ also)

UNIT:- 5

1. If W 1 = 100 N and W 2 = 150 N, find the angle for equilibrium. (Shames 10.4) Ans.  = 19.480. (Shames 10.4)

2. What weight W can be lifted with the A frame hoist in the position shown if the cable tension is T ? Ans. 3.44 KN.
(Shames 10.6)

3. A rock crusher is shown in action. If p1=500Kpa , p2=1000Kpa, What is the force on the rock at the configuration
shown ? The diameter of the pistons is 10 cm.(Shames 10.11)

4. Find the angle for equilibrium in terms of the parameters given in the diagram. Neglect friction and the weight of the
beam. Ans. Tan = (a-3b)/ ( a+b). (Shames 10.16)

5. what is the relation among P, Q and  for equilibrium ?

Ans. P/Q = [ (l1+l2)/ l1] Tan. (Shames 10.19)
6. A support system holds a 500N load. Without the
load  =450 and the spring is not compressed. If K
for the spring is 10,000N/m, how far down d will
the 500N load depress the upper platform if the
load is applied slowly and carefully ? neglect all
other weights DB=BE=AB=CB=400mm. ( Note :
The force from the spring is K times its
contraction). Ans. d=72mm. (Shames 10.28)

7. A cylinder of radius 0.6m has wrapped around it a

light, inextensible cord which is tied to a 0.5 KN
block B on a 300 inclined surface. The cylinder A is
connected to a torsional spring. This spring
requires a torque of 1500 N-m/Yad. And it is linear
and, of course, restoring. If B is connected to A
when the torsional spring is unstrained, and if B is
allowed to move slowly down the incline, what
distance d do you allow it to move to reach an
equilibrium configuration ? use the method of
stationary potential energy and then check the
result by more elementary reasoning. . (Shames

8. Light rods AB and BC support a 500N load. End A

of rod AB is pinned, whereas end C is on a roller.
A spring having a spring constant of 1000N/m is
connected to A and C. the spring is unstretched
when  that the force in the spring is
1066N when the 500N load is being supported.
(Shames 10.38)

9. Solve prob.6 using the method of total potential energy.

10. An elastic band is originally 1m long. Applying a tension force of 30N, the band will stretch 0.8m in length. What
deflection d does a 10N load induce on the band when the load is applied slowly at the center of the band ? consider
the force vs elongation of the band to be linear like a spring. (Hint: If you consider half of the band , you double the
“Spring Constant”. Ans. d=0.358m

11. In prob.10 the band is first stretched and then tied

while stretched to supports A and B so that there is
an initial tension in the band of 15N. What is then
the deflection d caused by the 10N load ? Ans.
12. A thick plate whose bottom edge is that of a
circular arc of radius R is shown in fig. the center
of gravity of the plate is a distance h above the
ground when the plate is in the vertical position as
shown in the diagram. What relation must be
satisfied by h and R for stable equilibrium ? Ans.
13. A Section of cylinder is free to roll on a horizontal
surface. If  of a triangular portion of the cylinder is
18J/Cm and that of the semi-circular portion of the
cylinder is 10 Kg/Cm is the configuration shown in
the diagram in stable equilibrium? Ans. Stable
14. A system of spring and rigid bodies AB and BC is
acted on by a weight w through a pin connection at
A. If K is 50N/mm, what is the range of the value of
w so that the system has an unstable equilibrium
configuration when the rods AB and BC are
collinear? neglect the weight of the rods.
W<50,000 Stable.
15. A weight W is welded to a light rod AB. At B there
is a torsional spring for which it takes 800N-m to
rotate 1 rad. The torsional spring is linear and
restoring and is, for rotation, the analog of the
ordinary linear spring for extension or contraction.
If the torsional spring is unstrained when the rod is
vertical, what is the largest value of w for which we
have stable equilibrium in the vertical direction ?

16. A light rod AB is pinned to a block of weight W at

A. also at A are two identical spring K. Show that
for W less than 2KL, we have stable equilibrium in
the vertical position and for W>2KL, we have
unstable equilibrium. (The value W=2KL is called a
critical load)

17. Cylinders A and B have semi-circular cross

sections. Cylinder A supports a rectangular solid
shown as C. if PA=1600kg/m3 and PC=800kg/m3,
ascertain whether arrangement shown is in stable
equilibrium. (Hint: Make use of point o in
computing V.) Ans. Unstable

18. The spring is unstretched when =300. At any

position of the pendulum, the spring remains
horizontal. If the spring constant is 10 KN/m, at
what position will the system be in equilibrium?
Ans. =27.70
19. When rod AB is in the vertical position , the spring
attached to the wheel by a flexible cord is
unstretched. Determine all the possible angles for
equilibrium. Show which are stable and which are
not stable. The spring has a spring constant of
20. Two identical rods are pinned together at B and
are pinned at A and C. At B there is a torsional
spring requiring 500Nm/rad of rotation. What is the
max. weight W what each rod can have for a case
of stable equilibrium when the rods are collinear ?

21. A rectangular solid body of height h rest on a

cylinder with a semi-circular section. Set up criterin
for stable and unstable equilibrium in terms of h &
R for the position shown. Ans. R>h/2 Stable.
a) Define moment of inertia and product of
inertia of an area.
b) State and prove parallel axis theorem.

23. Find Ixx and Iyy and Ixy for the shapes shown.
3 3 2 2
24. Show that Ixx =bh /12, Iyy=b h/12, and Ixy=b h /24
for the right triangle shown.

25. Using the results of Prob.24, show that

Ixc.xc=bh3/36, Iyc.yc=hb3/36, and Ixc.xc= -b2h2/72 for
the right triangle shown.

26. Find the second moment of area of the rectangular

(with a hole ) about the base of the rectangular.
Also, determine the product of area about the base
and left side.

27. a)What do you understand by principal moment of

inertia ?
b)Derive an expression for moment of inertia and
product of inertia about axes X’,Y’ inclined at an angle 
with the X,Y axes about which the moments and product of
inertia are known.
Hence locate the orientation and the values of the principal
moments of inertia.
28. It is known that area A is 10m and has the
following moments and products of area for the
centroidal axes shown, Ixx=40m4, Iyy=20m4, Ixy=-
4m4. Find the moments and products of area for
the X’ Y’ reference at point A.

29. The cross section of a beam is shown. Compute

Ixx, Iyyand Ixy in the simplest way without using
formulas for second moments and products of
area for a triangle.

30. Use the calculus to show that the polar moment of

area of a circular area of radius r is r4/2 at the

31. Find the direction of the principal axes for the

angle section about point A. Also find the principal
mom. Of inertia.

32. Find Ix’x’, Iy’y’ and Ix’y’ at point A for the rectangular

33. Find the centroid of the area, and then find the
second moments of the area about centroidal axes
parallel to the sides of the area. Also find the
principal mom. Of inertia and pol. axes.

34. Find the principal second moments of area at a

point where Ixy=321cm4, Ixx=118.4cm4 and Iyy=1028

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