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Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2014.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;


In the matter of :-

Dhrupdev Mishra, son of Late Bhawani Mishra

Resident of village- Bishunpura, P.O. Jagdishpur , P.S. Nautan , District –




1.The State of Bihar.

2. Balram Mishra , son of Late Bhawani Mishra,

3. Pappu Mishra,

4. Rameshwar Mishra,

5. Manu Mishra ,

All sons of Balram Mishra,

All residents of village- Bishunpura, P.O.

Jagdishpur , P.S. Nautan , District – Siwan.



The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the

judgment and order dated 8th July, 2014 passed by Sri Abhishek Ranjan ,

the learned Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class, Siwan in Trial No.6536 of 2014

arising out of G.R.No.1644 of 2013 , whereby and where under the learned

trial court had convicted the accused persons (Opposite-party nos. 2 to 5 )

guilty for offences under Section 323 of the Indian Penal Code and

considering their clean antecedent , benefit of Section -3 of the Probation of

Offenders Act was granted to the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 5 .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved either before the learned

Sessions Judge , Siwan or before this Hon’ble Court against the

impugned order dated 08.07.2014.

3. That, Nautan P.S. Case No.60 of 2003 dated 04.10.2003 was

submitted on the basis of Fardbeyan of the informant Dhurpdev

Mishra ,petitioner herein, recorded by Sri K. Chaudhary , Sub-Inspector of

Police , Mairwa Police- Station on 01.10.2003 at Primary Health Centre,


A true photo stat/ typed copy of the F.I.R. of

Nautan P.S. Case No.60 of 2003 dated 04.10.2003

is annexed herewith and marked as ANNEXURE-

“1” for identification forming part of this petition.

4. That, according to the Fardbeyan ,the prosecution case, in short

interalia is that on 01.10.2003 at about 8 A.M. while his daughter Pushpa

Mishra was taking her son to attend the call of nature his agnates

Rameshwar Mishra , Pappu Mishra and Manu Mishra all sons of Balram

Mishra came there and stated abusive language .

It was the further case of the informant that when they were

asked for not asking the abusive language , Rameshwar Mishra assaulted by

fists and slaps and had snatched the golden chain and nose pin.

On alarm by his daughter Pushpa , the informant rushed there

when Balram Mishra assaulted on his shoulder by Lathi ( hard and blunt

substance ) . At the same time Rameshwar Mishra reached there with

Farsa and assaulted on the informant’s head as a result of which blood was

oozing from the head injuries and thereafter Pappu Mishra and Manu

Mishra again assaulted him by hard and blunt substance.

It was a further case of the petitioner that on alarm , his son

Dwijendra Mishra rushed there when he was also assaulted by hard and
blunt substance and when the villagers reached there and intervened ,the

matter could be pacified.

5. That, since the petitioner had sustained grievous head injury

and his treatment was not possible at Primary Health Centre , Mairwa , he

was referred for better treatment to Kanpur Medical College and Hospital

by the Incharge Medical Officer, Primary Health Centre, Mairwa on

01.10.2013 itself . The Mairwa Police- Station was accordingly informed

by the Incharge Medical Officer, Primary Health Centre , Mairwa vide letter

dated 01.10.2013.

A true typed copy of the letter of Incharge

Medical Officer, Primary Health Centre , Mairwa

dated 01.10.2013 is annexed herewith and marked

as ANNEXURE- “2” to this petition.

6. That, after institution of the case , the police proceeded with

investigation but since it was found that they are helping the accused

persons ,therefore, a protest petition was filed on behalf of the petitioner

against the police investigation.

7. That, before the police could have completed the investigation

and submitted charge-sheet , the injury report from G.S.B.M Medical

College, Kanpur was issued and when it was received by the Incharge

Medical Officer , Mairwa Primary Health Centre , on 01.02.2004 , he

changed his earlier opinion regarding the nature of injuries sustained by the

petitioner . It is stated that earlier ,in the opinion of the Incharge Medical
Officer of Mairwa Primary Health Centre ,the nature of injuries sustained

by the petitioner was opined to be simple in nature but on receipt of the

opinion of the doctor of the Medical College, the Incharge Medical Officer,

Primary Health Centre Mairwa had changed his opinion and informed

Nautan Police on 01.02.2004 that the nature of injuries sustained by the

petitioner is grievous in nature.

A true typed copy of the injury report dated

01.02.2004 is annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “3” to this petition.

8. That, notwithstanding the injury report that the petitioner had

sustained grievous injury on his head , Nautan Police submitted Charge-

Sheet No.71 of 2004 dated 19.02.2004 for the offences under Sections

341, 323, 447, 504 and 34 of the Indian Penal Code . It is relevant to state

that the Incharge Medical Officer had already issued supplementary injury

report on 01.02.2004 itself.

A true photo stat copy of the Charge-Sheet No.71

of 2004 dated 19.02.2004 is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “4” to this petition.

9. That, after submission of charge-sheet under the aforesaid

Sections though the petitioner’s protest was available on record but without

any notice to the petitioner and without affording any opportunity of

hearing ,the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate ,Siwan took cognizance for
the offences under Sections 341, 323, 447, 504 /34 of the Indian Penal Code

vide order dated 21.02.2004.

A true typed copy of the cognizance order dated

21.02.2004 is annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “5” to this petition.

10. That, at the time of cognizance even the learned Assistant

Prosecution Officer did not inform the court that the materials are

available on record that the accused persons have committed offences

under Sections 379 and 307 of the Indian Penal Code.

11. That, since the petitioner and his other family members were

residing at Kanpur and ,therefore, they had no detail information about the

events of the case since they had faith that the Assistant Prosecution Officer

would take care of the case.

12. That, after cognizance the case was transferred to the court of

learned Judicial Magistrate 1st Class, Siwan for trial , charges were framed

and trial proceeded.

13. That, though the petitioner was the informant of the case but

no summon was served upon him to appear and depose as a witness on

behalf of the prosecution.

14. That, P.W.2 Dwijendra Mishra was examined as P.W.2 .In his

deposition ,he had categorically stated that his father was assaulted by

Balram Mishra on his shoulder with stick and Rameshwar Mishra assaulted
his father on head with axe. Pappu and Manu assaulted his father by stick

and he was also assaulted by stick by the accused persons.

15. That, P.W.3 Mohan Mishra and P.W.4 Yugal Mishra had also

supported the prosecution case but very conveniently neither any summon

was issued to the Investigating Officer nor the Medical Officer ,who had

treated the petitioner for the injuries sustained by him and had issued the

injury report.

16. That, even the injury report was not marked as Exhibit in this

case nor the First Information Report .

17. That, therefore, the trial was conducted by the learned Judicial

Magistrate 1st Class in most perfunctory manner and it appears that since

the Assistant Prosecution Officer had also gone in collusion of the accused

persons , he did not assist the court properly in the matter.

18. That, since the relevant documents like the injury report ,

which would have corroborated the allegation of assault upon the

petitioner on his head by axe was not brought on record as exhibit nor the

opportunity was granted to the petitioner to depose in the case and bring

those material on record by the impugned judgment and order ,the learned

Judicial Magistrate found the case true only for the offence under Section

323 of the Indian Penal Code ,they were convicted accordingly and they

were granted the benefit of Probation of Offenders Act .

19. That, it is stated that being an old man , the petitioner even

without summons appeared before the court for his evidence but for one
reason or the other his evidence could not be recorded and the prosecution

evidence was closed though the petitioner was main witness of the case.

20. That, it is further stated that on behalf of the accused persons

there was a counter case in respect of same occurrence but trial thereof is

still pending .

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 8th July, 2014 passed

by Sri Abhishek Ranjan , the learned Judicial

Magistrate 1st Class, Siwan in Trial No.6536 of

2014 arising out of G.R.No.1644 of 2013 , the

above named petitioner begs to prefer this

revision application on amongst the other



I. For that, the impugned judgment and order dated 08.07.2014

is bad in law as well as on facts .

II. For that, the trial was conducted by the learned trial court

in most perfunctory manner and no opportunity was granted to the

prosecution to examine the relevant witnesses including the

petitioner ,who had sustained injury in the said occurrence.

III. For that, though there was allegation of causing injury on head

by axe but neither the learned trial court nor the Assistant Prosecution

Officer thought it proper to call for the injury report and get it exhibited .
Even the Fardbeyan was not exhibited in this case only because the

Assistant Prosecution Officer had gone in connivance of the accused persons

and he was not discharging his functions as the Prosecution Officer.

IV. For that , though it is a police case but neither the learned trial

court nor the Assistant Prosecution Officer had taken any steps for

examination of Investigating Officer and doctor in order to help the accused


V. For that, there was a case and counter case in respect of same

offence, the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure required them to

be tried simultaneously but in this case, the counter case is still pending

against the petitioners and others whereas the petitioner’s case has been

disposed of under the impugned judgment and order.

VI. For that, the impugned judgment and order suffers from

perversity and ,therefore, cannot be sustained in the eye of law.

VUI. For that , the impugned judgment and order is otherwise bad in

law and is fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this revision application, call

for the records of the learned trial court and issue notice to the

opposite-party nos.2 to 5 and after hearing the parties be

further pleased to set aside the judgment and order dated 8 th

July, 2014 passed by Sri Abhishek Ranjan , the learned

Judicial Magistrate 1st Class, Siwan in Trial No.6536 of 2014

arising out of G.R.No.1644 of 2013 .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordship may deem fit

and proper in the facts and circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2014.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;

In the matter of :-

Shiv Ratan Mishra ,son of Late Mahendra Mishra,

Resident of village – Yadupatti , P.S. Pupri ,District – Sitamarhi.



1.The State of Bihar.

2. Ganesh Mishra , son of Late Parshuram Mishra ,

Resident of village – Yadupatti , P.S. Pupri ,District – Sitamarhi.

…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTIES.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

dated 23.05.2014 passed in Sessions Trial No.106 of 2006 by Sri P.N.

Singh , the learned 1st Additional Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi , whereby

and where under the learned Additional District & Sessions Judge was

pleased to reject the petition filed on behalf of the defense to mark Exhibit

the Pupri P.S. Non- F.I.R. No.01 of 1995 .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble Court

against the impugned order dated 23.05.2014.

3. That, it is stated that the informant Ganesh Mishra filed a

complaint petition in the court of learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi which was registered as Complaint Case

NO.219 of 1995 alleging therein that he is residing at Noida whereas his

brother Uma Shankar Mishra is pulling rickshaw in Rewari ( Hariyana ) .

His brother Uma Shankar Mishra received an information on telephone by

unknown person that his father died then his brother met with him on

08.09.1995 at Noida and asked about the information of father of his death.

The informant further alleged that on such information he and

his father proceeded to his village – Yadupatti and when he and his father

reached at the house till the dead body of father was cremated .

The informant further alleged that he could gent knowledge

that on 27.08.1995 at about 10 A.M. in the day , Upendra Mishra ,

Mahendra Mishra , Yogendra Mishra , Ram Babu Mishra , Uday Mishra ,

Manoj Mishra , Shiv Ratan Mishra , Hari Shankar Chaudhary and Raj

Kumar Manjhi came to his door having armed with Lathi Danda and

started to damage the house upon which his father Parshuram Mishra

restrained them and asked that why they are doing such type of injustice

work upon which Upendra Mishra assaulted his father Parshuram Mishra

as a result of which he fell down thereafter Mahendra Mishra assaulted on

the chest of his father by foot and other accused persons also assaulted his

father .

The informant further alleged that the witnesses namely

Birendra Mahseth , Baijnath Manjhi , Rajesh Kumar , Ram Lala Mishra ,

Sunita Devi forbade them to not do so then they left to assault his father .

The informant further alleged that on the same night at about

12.00 in the night his father died duet to injury received by him on the whole


The informant further alleged that the accused persons asked

his sister namely Sunita Devi , if she asked about the said incidence to any

one then she will be killed ,therefore, his sister kept mum due to fear .

The informant further alleged that the accused persons

cremated his father Parshuram Mishra in the earth due to conceal the


The informant further alleged that accused Raj Kumar Manjhi

had opened a shop of tea and sweets forcibly at the land of the petitioner

and on asking ,he said that Upendra Mishra had provided the land to him for

opening the shop .

The informant further alleged that the land bearing Khata

N.329 , Khesra No.5594 measuring an area 12 Decimals belonging in the

Khatiyan in the name of Deo Narayan Mishra and Parshuram Mishra.

4. That, the aforesaid complaint filed by the informant was

registered as Complaint Case No.219 of 1995 and the same was sent to the

concerned Police –Station under Section 156(3) of the Code of Criminal

Procedure for institution of the First Information Report and investigation of

the case.

5. That, after receipt of complaint , Pupri Police drew up a formal

First Information Report and registered a case being Pupri P.S. Case

NO.148 of 1995 dated 20.12.1995 attributing offences under Section

147,148, 323, 302 , 201/34 of the Indian Penal Code .

A true photo stat copy of the F.I.R. of

Pupri P.S. Case No.148 of 1995 dated

20.12.1995 is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “1” to this


6. That, it is relevant to mention here that much prior to the

aforesaid occurrence , the co-accused Ram Babu Mishra filed a petition

before the Sub- Divisional Magistrate, Pupri at Sitamarhi on 18.01.1995

against Sri Malwar Mishra , Ajay Kumar Mishra , Samir Kumar Mishra ,

Sudhir Kumar Mishra and Rajesh Kumar Mishra stating therein that on

16.01.1995 , at about 4 O’clock , his villager Malwar Mishra and his

sons came at the Khalihan and asked that he ( Ram Babu Mishra ) made a

witness in the case of Umesh Mishra ,they will kill him and also to

implicate him after dying of Parshuram Mishra ,in Murder case . Thereafter

sons of Malwar Mishra abused and started to assault him and in the mean

time his villager- Uday Mishra , Shiv Ratan Mishra , Ramashish Mishra and

others came there as a result of which his life could be saved. It appears

that after killing Parshuram Mishra ,Malwar Mishra will implicate him and

his family members in a murder case . For the said incidence , he had

already submitted an application in Yadupatti Shivir which was registered

in Station Diary being NO.208 dated 18.01.1992 for which an enquiry was

made .

7. That, the aforesaid complaint filed by Ram Babu Mishra was

registered as Pupri P.S. Non- F.I.R. No.01 of 1995 under Section 107 of

the Indian Penal Code .

A true photo stat/ typed copy of the

Pupri P.S. Non- F.I.R. No.01 of 1995

is annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” to this petition.

8. That, from perusal of ANNEXURE- “2” ,it is apparently clear

that Malwar Mishra had asked to Ram Babu Mishra after dying of

Parshuram Mishra , he will implicate him and his entire family members in

murder case of Parshuram Mishra ,therefore, the said document is necessary

to mark Exhibit in the present case for proper adjudication of the case to

show the innocence of the accused persons of Pupri P.S. Case No.148 of


9. That, it is stated that after institution of the First Information

Report bearing Pupri P.S. Case No.148 of 1995 ,the police submitted

charge-sheet and accordingly cognizance was taken by the learned


10. That, thereafter charges were framed ,case was committed to

the court of Sessions and trial has been commenced.

11. That, it is stated that on behalf of the defence a petition was

filed before the learned trial court on 23.05.2014 along with certified copy

of paper of Pupri P.S. Non- F.I.R. NO.01 /95 for marking Exhibit or to call

for the original record from the court of Sub-Divisional Officer , Pupri for


A true photo stat copy of the petition

dated 23.05.2014 is annexed herewith

and marked as ANNEXURE- “3” to

this petition.

12. That, it is relevant to state here that the petition dated

18.01.1995 filed by Ram Babu Mishra to the Out Post Incharge ,Yadupatti

upon which Sanha Entry No.208 was lodged ,had already been marked as

Ext. C in the instant case on the request of the defence but due to mistake at

that relevant time the copy of Non- F.I.R. No.01 of 1995 was not produced

by the defence to mark it as Exhibit.

13. That, it is stated that the said document i.e. Non- F.I.R. No.01

of 1995 most essential and important document for proper adjudication of

the case as also to come out the end of justice .

14. That, it is that the learned 1 st Additional Sessions Judge did

not take into consideration this vital document to mark as exhibit for proper

adjudication of the case in the interest of justice and dismissed the petition

filed by the defense by the impugned order merely on the ground that the

defense has filed the instant petition only to linger in disposal of the case.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order

dated 23.05.2014 passed in Sessions Trial

No.106 of 2006 by Sri P.N. Singh , the learned

Additional District & Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi ,

the above named petitioner begs to prefer this

revision application on amongst the other



I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned 1 st

Additional Sessions Judge is bad in law as well as on facts .

II. For that, while passing the impugned order the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that in the Non- F.I.R.

No.01 of 1995 filed by Ram Babu Mishra ,it is categorically mentioned that

Malwar Mishra asked that after dying of Parshuram Mishra , he will

implicate him and his family members in murder case of Parshuram

Mishra ,therefore, the marking of the said document as Exhibit is necessary

for proper adjudication of the case .

III. For that, while passing the impugned order the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that due to mistake

earlier , the said document was not pressed by the defence for marking it as


IV. For that, while passing the impugned order the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that if any document is

important for proper adjudication of the case , at any stage prior to judgment

of the case ,it could be marked as Exhibit.

V. For that, while passing the impugned order the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that non-marking of the


Pupri P.S. Non- F.I.R. No.01 of 1995 is injustice with the defence since it

is most important document to come out the final conclusion of the trial.

VI. For that , the impugned order is otherwise bad in law and is fit

to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this revision application, call

for the records and issue notice to the opposite-party no.2 and

after hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside the

order dated 23.05.2014 passed in Sessions Trial No.106 of

2006 by Sri P.N. Singh , the learned 1 st Additional Sessions

Judge , Sitamarhi.


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordship may deem fit

and proper in the facts and circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the further

proceeding of Sessions Trial No.106 of 2006 pending in the

court of the learned 1st Additional Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi

may kindly be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2014.


Cr. Rev. No.__499_______________/OF 2008.

In the matter of an application for

early hearing ;


In the matter of :-

Subhash Singh ….………………………………..…PETITIONER


The State of Bihar …………………..………OPPOSITE-PARTY.

The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;



1. That, this interlocutory application is being filed on behalf of

the petitioner above named for early hearing of Cr. Rev. No.499 of 2008

because the petitioner is an employee of Railway Work Shop , Jamalpur as

Crain Driver , Grade-III bearing his Ticket No.267.

2. That, the petitioner appeared in the departmental examination

of Trade Enquiry for the post of Technician Grade-II ( Crain Driver ) and

he has been selected for promotion to the post of Technical Grade-II

( Crain Driver ) in the year 2001 itself but after being declared successful

neither the petitioner is holding the promoted post nor he is getting

enhanced pay-scale consequently ,the petitioner is facing irreparable

monetary loss as well as his designation also because of judgment and

order dated 02.09.2013 passed by Sri N.K. Tripathy ,the learned Judicial

Magistrate 1st Class , Munger in G.R. No.297 of 1999 , Trial No.192 of

2003 by which the petitioner was convicted under Section 323 and 341 of
the Indian Penal Code and sentenced to giving them the benefit of under

Section 3 of Probation of Offender Act of due admonition .

3. That, though the Officers of the Railway Works Shop,

Jamalpur while considering the representation of the petitioner for

promotion then he asked to declare the probation period ,if any passed by the

court of law ,herein , the case of the petitioner , the petitioner filed aforesaid

criminal revision for setting aside the order of the learned trial court as well

as the appellate court . In such a situation ,it will be better for the petitioner


to get the aforesaid revision case be disposed of as early as possible for

which the petitioner filed the present interlocutory application for early

hearing of the case.

A true photo stat copy of the letter

dated 20.05.2004 is annexed herewith

and marked as ANNEXURE- “1” to

this interlocutory application.

4. That, though the present case is not a case of moral turpitude or

any heinous crime ,so that the petitioner is being deprived for his due

promotion for which he has been declared successful.

5. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the present

one earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to hear Cr.

Rev. No.499 of 2008 as early as possible .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2014.(Limitation )


S.L.A. NO._________________/OF 2014.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-

Sitaram Prasad Sah….………………………………..…PETITIONER

The State of Bihar and others…………………RESPONDENTS.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;



1. That, this interlocutory application is being filed on behalf of

the petitioner above named for condonation of delay in filing of the instant

Special Leave Application.

2. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present on earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

3. That, it is stated that the petitioner had filed the instant

Special Leave Application against the judgment and order dated

20.09.2013 passed by Sri Md. Habibullah , the learned Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi in G. R. No.388 of 2007 / Trial

No.234 of 2013 , whereby and where under the learned Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate was pleased to acquit the Respondent nos. 2 to 6 ,who

were charged for the offence under Sections 147, 323, 504, 354 of the

Indian Penal Code.

4. That, it is stated that the petitioner is a very poor and illiterate

persons and he does not know about any legal impediment .

5. That, it is stated that apart from the learned Public

Prosecutor ,the petitioner had also engaged a lawyer before the learned

trial court and the petitioner is under the impression that the learned

counsel engaged by him would inform about the judgment of the case but

the learned counsel did not inform about the order passed by the learned

trial court.

6. That, it is stated that in the second week of first week of

March, 2014 when the petitioner heard a rumour that the accused persons


of the case has been acquitted by the learned trial court then the petitioner

immediately contacted the said Advocate of the learned trial court then he

asked the petitioner about the said judgment and order .

7. That, it is stated that thereafter the petitioner immediately

came at Patna and contacted the learned counsel and the instant petition is

being filed.

8. That, though there is no deliberate latches on the part of the

petitioner .

9. That, if the delay in filing of the revision application is not

condoned ,the petitioner would suffer an irreparable loss and injury which

cannot be sustained in other way.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to condone

the delay in filing the present criminal revision

application .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.


S.L.A NO.__________________/OF 2014 .

In the matter of an application under

Section 378(3) of the Code of Criminal
In the matter of:-
Sitaram Prasad Sah, son of Late Raghubar Sah,
Resident of village- Kabahi Darbar, P.S. Kabahi , District – Bara (Nepal) ,
presently residing at village- Banauli , P.S. Sursand ,District – Sitamarhi.
………………… PETITIONER .
1.The State of Bihar.
2. Ram Pravesh Thakur,
3. Ram Prakash Thakur,
4. Ramesh Thakur ,
5. Suresh Thakur,
All sons of Rajendra Thakur,
6. Rajendra Thakur ,son of Ram Naresh Thakur,
All resident of village- Purbari Tola , P.S. Sursand , District –


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the appellant above named;


1. That, this Special Leave Application on behalf of the

petitioner above named is directed against the judgment and order dated

20.09.2013 passed by Sri Md. Habibullah , the learned Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi in G. R. No.388 of 2007 / Trial

No.234 of 2013 , whereby and where under the learned Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate was pleased to acquit the Respondent nos. 2 to 6 ,who

were charged for the offence under Sections 147, 323, 504, 354 of the

Indian Penal Code .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble Court

earlier against the impugned Judgment and order.


3. That, prosecution case as spelt out in the complaint petition

in brief is that the brother-in-law of informant namely Sitaram Sah son of

Parmeshwar Dayal Sah at the time of occurrence he was behind the jail in

connection with Sursand P.S. Case No.05 of 2007 and on 01.03.2002 ,he

had got the sale-deed with respect to land of Khata No.101 , Khesra

No.425 , measuring an area ½ decimal from one Yogendra Sah and also

took the possession of the said land .

The informant –petitioner further said that on 05.08.2007

Sunday at 7 P.M. he received information by his Bhagina namely Raja Sah

that the accused persons (Respondent nos. 2 to 5 ) and others are carrying

glass and iron from the hut situated in the said land as also putting a

Gumati after removing the hut .

The informant –petitioner further said that on such informant

he , his sister Siya Devi and villager witness Habib Rain had got to the
place of occurrence and asked them to not do so upon which all the accused

persons became angry and started to abuse in filthy language .

The informant further said that on his protest on the order of

accused Ram Pravesh Thakur ,all the accused persons abused his sister in

filthy language as also assaulted her . The accused Ram Pravesh Thakur

naked his sister by pulling Saree as also snatched ear ring.

4. That, the aforesaid complaint filed by the petitioner was

registered as Complaint Case No.257 of 2007 and the same was sent to


the concerned Police Station by the court under Section 156(3) Code of

Criminal Procedure for institution of the First Information Report and

further investigation of the case.

5. That, accordingly after receipt of the complaint , Sursand Police

drew up a formal First Information Report and registered a case being

Sursand P.S. Case No.117 of 2007.

6. That, after institution of the First Information Report ,the

police proceeded with the investigation and after completion of

investigation ,the Investigating Officer submitted charge-sheet against the

accused persons under Sections 323 and 504 of the Indian Penal Code.

7. That, after submission of charge- sheet ,the learned Magistrate

took cognizance against the accused persons i.e. Respondent nos. 2 to 6

under Sections 147,323, 504 of the Indian Penal Code .

8. That, it is stated that after order taking cognizance , the case

was sent for trial and on the basis of evidence Section 354 of the Indian

Penal Code was added.

9. That, it is stated that on behalf of the prosecution altogether 6

witnesses were examined such as :-

P.W.1 : Raja Sahu ( eye witness),

P.W.2 : Md. Habib Rain

P.W.3 : Kanhai Thakur

P.W.4 : Sitaram Sah


P.W.5 : Siya Devi ( victim and injured )

P.W.6 : Sitaram Prasad Sah ( informant and eye witness ).

10. That, it is stated that apart from the oral evidence one

documentary evidence was exhibited such as signature of informant

(petitioner ) on complaint as Ext. 1.

11. That, it is stated that on behalf of defense only one witness was

examined such as Ram Kailash Rai.

12. That, apart from the oral witness on behalf of defense some

documentary evidence were exhibited such as Sale –Deed No.2464 an 2465

as Ext. A and A/1 and Receipt No.145369.

13. That, it is stated that all the witnesses including the independent

witness P.W2 Habib Rain have fully supported the prosecution version as

spelt out in the complaint petition.

14. That, it is stated that there is no any contradiction in between

the evidence of the prosecution witnesses .

15. That, it is stated that there is categorical statement of

independent witness P.W.2 Md. Habib Rain that the accused persons were

removing the iron and on protest by Siya Devi ( P.W.5) ,the accused

persons abused and assaulted as also accused Ram Pravesh Thakur opened

the Saree of P.W.5 as also snatched ear ring .


16. That, the defense has failed to deny the version as spelt out in

the complaint petition as also the evidence come during the course of

investigation and the evidence of the prosecution witnesses.

17. That, it is stated that even in the cross –examination none of the

witnesses betrayed from their consistent statement even though the learned

trial court without going into the facts in detail passed the impugned

judgment and order by acquitted the accused persons vide judgment and

order dated 20.09.2013.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 20.09.2013 passed by

Sri Md. Habibullah , the learned Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi in G. R.

No.388 of 2007 / Trial No.234 of 2013,the above

named petitioner begs to prefer this memo of

appeal on amongst the other following


I. For that the impugned Judgment is bad in law as well as on


II. For that , the learned trial court has not perused the evidence

in its proper perspective .


III. For that, the learned trial court has acquitted the accused

persons i.e. Respondent no.2 to 6 without taking into consideration that the

evidence of prosecution witnesses are consistent .

IV. For that, while acquitting the accused persons ,the learned

trial court failed to appreciate that there is no contradiction in between the

deposition of witnesses .

V. For that, while acquitting the accused persons ,the learned

trial court failed to appreciate that the independent witness P.W.2 Habi Rain

categorically stated that on asking of P.W.5 ,he had gone to the place of

occurrence where the accused persons abused and assaulted the P.W.5 as

also opened her Sari .

VI. For that , while acquitting the accused persons ,the learned

trial court failed to appreciate that the defense has failed to betray the

prosecution witnesses in cross -examination .

VII. For that, while acquitting the accused persons ,the learned

trial court failed to appreciate that all the witnesses have fully supported the

prosecution version .

VIII. For that, the impugned judgment and order on the point of

sentence is otherwise bad in law and fit to be set aside.

It is, therefore, most humbly prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this appeal ,issue notice to the

Respondent ,call for the records of learned trial court and after


hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside the

judgment and order dated 20.09.2013 passed by Sri Md.

Habibullah , the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Pupri at Sitamarhi in G. R. No.388 of 2007 / Trial No.234 of

2013 and convict the accused persons i.e. Respondent nos. 2 to

6 under the charges framed against them .

A N D /O R

Pass such other order or orders as your Lordship may deem fit

and proper in the facts and circumstances of the case .

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2014.(Limitation )


S.L.A. NO._________________/OF 2014.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-
Upendra Paswan ….………………………………..…PETITIONER


The State of Bihar and others…………………RESPONDENTS.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;



1. That, this interlocutory application is being filed on behalf of

the petitioner above named for condonation of delay in filing of the instant

Special Leave Application.

2. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present on earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

3. That, it is stated that the petitioner had filed the instant

Special Leave Application against the judgment and order dated

22.04.2013 passed by Sri Jagannath Rai, learned 1 st Additional Sessions

Judge –cum- Special Judge , Sitamarhi in S.C./S.T. Case No.04 of 2011

arising out of Complaint Case No. C-1-617 of 2006 , Trial No.02 of 2011

whereby and where under the learned Additional Sessions Judge was
pleased to acquit the accused persons who were charged for the offence

under Sections 384, 379 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 3 (1) (X) ,

3(1) (ix) ,3(II) (V) , 3 (II)(VI) and 3 (II) (VII) of the S.C. /S.T. Prevention

of Atrocities Act .

4. That, it is stated that the petitioner is a very poor and illiterate

persons and he does not know about any legal impediment .

5. That, it is stated that apart from the learned Public

Prosecutor ,the petitioner had deputed a private Clerk of the Civil Court

to watch out the case and inform about the development of the case but the

said Private

Clerk did not inform about the said judgment and order and the petitioner


is under the impression that the case is pending.

6. That, it is stated that in the second week of February,2014

when the petitioner heard a rumour that the accused persons of the case has

been acquitted by the learned trial court then the petitioner immediately

contacted the said private Clerk of the Civil Court then he asked the

petitioner about the said judgment and order .

7. That, it is stated that thereafter the petitioner immediately

came at Patna and contacted the learned counsel and the instant petition is

being filed.

8. That, though there is no deliberate latches on the part of the

petitioner .
9. That, if the delay in filing of the revision application is not

condoned ,the petitioner would suffer an irreparable loss and injury which

cannot be sustained in other way.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to condone

the delay in filing the present criminal revision

application .

Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships
may deem fit and proper in the facts and
circumstances of the case.
And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2014.(Limitation )

Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2014.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-

Anjani Kumar Singh ………………………………..…PETITIONER


The State of Bihar and another..……………OPPOSITE -PARTIES.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioners above named;



1. That, this interlocutory application is being filed on behalf of

the petitioner above named for condonation of delay in filing of the instant

revision application.

2. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present on earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

3. That, it is stated that the petitioner had filed the instant

criminal revision application against the order dated 15.01.2013 passed by

the learned Principal Judge, Family Court, Muzaffarpur whereby and where

under the petitioner was directed to pay the amount of Rs.500/- to the

Opposite-party no.2 as litigation cost on each date and the petitioner is

under the impression that the matter come to an end on 4-5 dates ,therefore,

the petitioner could not approach this Hon'ble Court ,challenging the said

order .

4. That, it is stated that when the matter is not come to an end on

several dates ,then the learned counsel appearing on behalf of the petitioner

in the lower court advised the petitioner to challenge the said order before

this Hon'ble Court and accordingly the petitioner approached the present

counsel and accordingly on 01.11.2013 , the quashing application has been

filed for which there is no limitation but the stamp reporter pointed out the

defect that the quashing application is not maintainable and accordingly the

said quashing application is converted into revision application for which

limitation is expired on 18.04.2013.


5. That, though there is no deliberate latches on the part of the

petitioner .

6. That, if the delay in filing of the revision application is not

condoned ,the petitioner would suffer an irreparable loss and injury which

cannot be sustained in other way.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to condone

the delay in filing the present criminal revision

application .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2014.

In the matter of an application under

Section 19(iv) of the Family Court

Act, 1984 ;


In the matter of :-

Hari Narayan Kumar , son of Amiri Lal Sah ,

Resident of village- Dumarbana , P.S. Bairgania ,District – Sitamarhi.



1.The State of Bihar.

2. Khusbu Kumari ,wife of Hari Narayan Kumar ,

Resident of village- Dumarbana , P.S. Bairgania ,District – Sitamarhi.

…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTIES.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her


Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

dated 30.10.2013 passed in Misc. Case No.04 of 2012 by learned

Principal Judge , Family Court, Sitamarhi , whereby and where under the

learned Principal Judge was pleased to direct the petitioner to pay interim

maintenance allowance to the Opposite-party no.2 and her children

Rs.5,000/- ( Rupees Five Thousand only ) per month till the disposal of the

case .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble Court

against the impugned order dated 30.10.2013.

3. That, the Opposite-party no.2 had filed a maintenance case

in the court of learned Principal Judge , Family Court , Sitamarhi under

Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure alleging therein that her

marriage was performed with the petitioner on 02.02.2006 and from their

wedlock three issues were born out namely Asha Kumari, Ayush ah and

Ichha Kumari .

The Opposite-party no.2 further alleged that from very

beginning the petitioner always demand money and also induced to ask

money from her parents and in the event of refusal the petitioner and his

other family members always tortured her and threatened for dire


The Opposite-party no.2 further alleged that in the month of

July, 2010, she was forcibly ousted from the in-law’s house with a threat

that if in future she will try to come to the in-law’s house then she will

come with all the articles and cash as demanded by him.

The Opposite-party no.2 further alleged that for the said

incidence , she lodged a case against the petitioner and others in Police

Station under Section 498(A) of the Indian Penal Code and Section 3/ 4 of

the Dowry Prohibition Act which was registered as Bairgania P.S. Case

No.82 of 2010.

The Opposite-party no.2 further alleged that at the time of

anticipatory bail , the petitioner assured the learned court that he will keep

the Opposite-party no.2 with all dignity and honour and accordingly the

paragraph was granted bail and by the order of the court the petitioner took

away the Opposite-party in his house.

The Opposite-party no.2 further alleged that after some time

the petitioner again came in his earlier from and again started demanding

the articles and cash and on non-fulfillment the said demand , she was

again ousted from the house.

The Opposite-party no.2 further alleged that the petitioner

deserted her life and is not taking care either to her or the children as a

result of which she and her children is at the verge of starvation.

The Opposite-party no.2 further alleged that the petitioner has

sufficient means to pay the maintenance amount to her and her children

since the petitioner has sufficient source of incomes by the business ,

landed property and house .

4. That, it is stated that the aforesaid maintenance case filed by the

Opposite-party no.2 in the court of learned Principal Judge, Family Court,

Sitamarhi was registered as Maintenance Case No.04 of 2012 .

A true photo stat copy of the plaint of

Maintenance Case No.4 of 2012 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this petition.

4. That, it is relevant to mention here that the marriage of the

petitioner was performed with the Opposite-party no.2 under SAMUHIK

KANYADAN SAMAROH at Sahara town Lucknow on 03.02.2006 in the

presence of members of both the parties as organized by the Sahara

Welfare Foundation and in this regard an invitation letter was issued by the

Assistant Director (Events ) to the father of the Opposite-party no.2 on


A true photo stat copy of the

Invitation Letter dated 09.01.2006

is annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” to this petition.

5. That, it is stated that accordingly the marriage certificate was

granted by the Marriage Office of Lucknow on 03.02.2006 upon which the

petitioner and Opposite-party no.2 put their signature and the same was

witnessed by the mother of the Opposite-party no.2 and two others .

A true photo stat copy of the

Marriage Certificate dated

03.02.2006 is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “3” to this


6. That, from perusal of ANNEXURE- 2 and 3 ,it is apparently

clear that the marriage of the petitioner and Opposite-party no.2 was

performed without any dowry and expenditure of marriage .

7. That, it is stated that the mother of the Opposite-party no.2 is

the lady of questionable character and she is habitual to lodge false cases

against the innocent persons only to harass them as also to create hurdle in

discharge of the public duties . The lodgment of Complaint Case No.959 of

2008 by the mother of the Opposite-party no.2 namely Rani Devi against

Bunni Lal Sah and Hari Shankar Chaudhary is the example of that .

A true photo stat copy of the

Complaint Case No.959 of 2008 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “4” to this petition.

8. That, it is stated that the Block Development Officer , Bairgania

lodged a case bearing Bairgania P.S. Case No.105 of 2008 dated

20.08.2008 under Sections 147, 149, 353, 337, 307, 114, 379 , 388 and 504

of the Indian Penal Code against the mother of the Opposite-party no.2

namely Rani Devi and others when they creating obstacle and nuisance in

discharge of public duties .

A true photo stat copy of the F.I.R. of

Bairgania P.S. Case No.105 of 2008

dated 20.08.2008 is annexed herewith

and marked as ANNEXURE- “5” to

this petition.

9. That, it is relevant to mention here that after taking loan from

the Bank , the petitioner started a business of readymade shop but due to

bad luck the said business did not run properly and in the mean time the

petitioner met with an accident in the year 2013 in which both legs and

other part of the body has been fractured which is evident from the Medical

Prescription itself.

A true photo stat copy of the Medical

Prescription is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “6” to this


10. That, it is stated that due to non proper running of the

business ,the petitioner could not re-pay the Bank Loan amount ,therefore,

the Branch Manager , State Bank of India , Bairgania sent a notice to the

petitioner vide notice dated 31.01.2013 wherein the petitioner was asked to

deposit the principal amount of Rs.1,91,248/- with interest within 15 days

but the petitioner could not deposit the same .

A true photo stat copy of the Bank

Notice dated 31.01.2013 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “7” to this petition.

11. That, it is relevant to mention here that the father of the

petitioner is farmer and in the share of father of the petitioner there is only

6 Bighas of land and the petitioner has four brothers and three sister out of

which the marriage of only one sister has been performed.

12. That, it is also relevant to mention here that the petitioner was

hardly earning Rs.3,000/- per month and after accident he is not earning any

single farthing and he is fully dependant on others.

13. That, it is stated that the petitioner has four children out of

which two children are living with the petitioner and two are living with the

Opposite-party .

14. That, it is stated that Opposite-party no.2 had done all these

things on the instances of her mother ,who is the lady of questionable and

litigating character lady and the Opposite-party no.2 is in full grip of her

mother .

15. That, the fact is that the petitioner neither demanded any cash

or articles nor tortured the Opposite-party no.2 nor ousted from the house at

any point of time rather the petitioner loved the petitioner with his inner

heart but the Opposite-party no.2 at the instances of her mother had done all

these things.

16. That, it is stated that after service of notice ,the petitioner

appeared and filed his show-cause ,denying all the facts in detail as

mentioned above . In the show-cause ,the petitioner specifically said that he

is totally dependant on his parents and he is ready to keep the Opposite-

party no.2 along with the children and maintain them ,therefore, in such a

condition no interim maintenance allowance is liable to pay.

A true photo stat copy of the show-

cause filed by the petitioner is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “8” to this petition.

17. That, it is stated that learned Principal Judge , Family Court ,

Sitamarhi passed the impugned order dated 30.10.2013whereby and where

under he directed the petitioner to pay the interim maintenance allowance to

the Opposite-party no.2 and her children Rs.5,000/- per month without

going into the facts as mentioned in show-cause filed on behalf of the

petitioner as also the oral submission made on behalf of the petitioner ,l

18. That, the impugned order passed by the learned Principal Judge

is fit to be set aside since it is the disproportionate to the income of the

petitioner as well as non-consideration of the facts .

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order

dated 30.10.2013 passed in Misc. Case No.04 of

2012 by learned Principal Judge , Family Court,

Sitamarhi , the above named petitioner begs

to prefer this revision application on amongst the

other following


I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned Principal

Judge is bad in law as well as on facts .

II. For that, while passing the impugned order the learned

Principle Judge failed to appreciate that there is categorical statement of the

petitioner in his show-cause that he is ready to keep the Opposite-party

no.2 with her children and maintain them ,therefore, there is no occasion to

direct the petitioner to pay the interim maintenance allowance to the

Opposite-party no.2 though the court should have directed the Opposite-

party no.2 to go and live with the petitioner.

III. For that, while passing the impugned order the learned

Principle Judge failed to appreciate that there is categorical statement of

the petitioner that he is fully dependant on his parents and there is no

denial of the Opposite-party no.2 on this point then it is not proper for the

learned Principal Judge to direct the petitioner to pay the heavy amount of

Rs.5,000/- per month as interim maintenance.

IV. For that, the learned Principal Judge has fixed the amount of

interim maintenance which is quite disproportionate to the earning of the

petitioner and his family .

V. For that , while passing the impugned order the learned

Principle Judge failed to appreciate that the petitioner met with an accident

in which his both legs and other part of the body fractured and he is fully

dependant on others .

VI. For that , the impugned order is otherwise bad in law and is fit

to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

revision application, call for the records and

issue notice to the opposite-party no.2 and after

hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the order dated 30.10.2013 passed in Misc. Case

No.04 of 2012 by learned Principal Judge ,

Family Court, Sitamarhi.


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordship

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

operation of the impugned order dated

30.10.2013 passed in Misc. Case No.04 of 2012

by learned Principal Judge , Family Court,

Sitamarhi may kindly be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2014.(Limitation )


Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2014.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-

Md. Maksud Alam and another………………..…PETITIONERS


The State of Bihar ……….……....……………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioners above named;


1. That, this interlocutory application is being filed on behalf of

the petitioners above named for condonation of delay in filing of the instant

revision application.

2. That, the petitioners have not filed any application like the

present on earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

3. That, it is stated that against the judgment and order dated

13.05.2009 passed by Sri P. Paswan, the learned Judicial Magistrate , 1 st

Class , Sitamarhi , the petitioners preferred appeal bearing Cr. Appeal

No.27 of 2009 / 03 of 2012 and during the pendency of the appeal the

petitioners were enlarged on bail .

4. That, it is stated that after enlarge on bail ,the petitioners

proceeded to earn his livelihood with a request to the learned counsel

appearing on behalf of the petitioners in the learned lower appellate court

to inform them about the outcome of the appeal .

5. That, it is stated that the aforesaid criminal appeal was finally

heard by the learned appellate court on 28.02.2013 by which the appeal

filed by the petitioners was dismissed and judgment and order of the

learned trial court was upheld but the learned counsel appearing on behalf

of the petitioners before the learned appellate court could not inform the

petitioners ,therefore, the petitioners could not get knowledge about the

said order.

6. That, it is stated that when the petitioners contacted the learned

counsel in the second week of December ,2013 ,then they could get

knowledge about the order dated 28.02.2013 and they immediately

surrendered before the learned Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class ,Sitamarhi on

17.12.2013 and in this regard a surrender slip dated 17.12.2013 issued by the

learned Judicial Magistrate 1st Class , Sitamarhi on 17.12.2013 itself which

is evident from ANNEXURE- 2 of the revision application .

7. That, it is stated that thereafter after arranging the money , the

pairvikar of the petitioners in the last week of December , 2013 had

come at Patna and contacted the learned counsel and handed over the File to

file the present criminal revision application and accordingly the instant

criminal revision application is being filed .

8. That, though there is no deliberate latches on the part of the

petitioner .

9. That, if the delay in filing of the revision application is not

condoned ,the petitioner would suffer an irreparable loss and injury which

cannot be sustained in other way.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to condone

the delay in filing the present criminal revision

application .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.

Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2014.
In the matter of an application under
Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure,1973 ;
In the matter of :-
1. Md. Maksud Alam, son of Late Md. Yakub
2. Motiur Rahman @ Lal Babu, son of Late Md. Yakub ,
Both resident of village- Ram Nayak, P.S. Parihar , District –
The State of Bihar...………………………..……OPPOSITE -PARTY.

passed by learned Sri P. Paswan , Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class , Sitamarhi

was challenged before the learned Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi vide Cr.

Appeal No.27 of 2009/03 of 2012 which was heard by the learned Ad-hoc

Additional Sessions Judge -1 , Sitamarhi and dismissed vide its order dated

28.02.2013 and confirmed the order of learned trial court dated 13.05.2009.

11. That, it is stated that after getting knowledge of the dismissal

of the criminal appeal ,the petitioners immediately surrendered before the

learned trial court on 17.12.2013 .

A true photo stat copy of the surrender slip dated

17.12.2013 is annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” to this petition.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order dated

28.02.2013 passed by Sri Nand Kishore Tiwari , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal No. 27 of

2009/03 of 2012 ,confirming the judgment and order of the

learned trial court dated 13.05.2009, the above named

petitioners beg to prefer this revision application on amongst

the other following


(i) For that the impugned order dated 28.02.2013 is bad in law as

well as against the weight of evidence on record and it is quite perverse as it

will appear from the analysis made below.


Truth futures of the evidence as laid down



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2014.
In the matter of an application under
Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure,1973 ;
In the matter of :-
Kashi Nath Singh, son of Late Kailash Singh , legal heirs of the informant
Late Bans Layak Singh , resident of village- Kanchanpur , P.S. Bihta ,
District – Patna.
1.The State of Bihar.
2. Nagendra Singh @ Narendra Deo Singh , son of Late Raj Ballabh Singh ,
3. Ram Kewal Singh , son of Late Barhmadeo Singh ,
Both are resident of village- Bhadsara , P.S. Dulhin Bazar ,
District – Patna.

The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Chief


Justice of the Hon'ble High Court of Judicature at Patna and

Her Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

/judgment dated 30.08.2013 passed by Sri Mahavir Prasad ,the learned

Judicial Magistrate 1st Class , Danapur in Case No. 1312/1980 (G.R. No.)
621/2013 (Tr. No.)
arising out of Bikram P.S. Case No.01 of 1980 by which he has been

pleased to acquit both the accused persons without applying his judicial

mind and without considering the facts and circumstances of the case.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved earlier in this case either in

the Hon'ble High Court or before the learned Sessions Judge ,Patna against

the impugned order previous to this application.

3. That, during the pendency of the trial the informant namely

Bans Layak Singh died in the year 1994 and his wife also died during his

life time .The informant was issueless and the petitioner is his Bhagina

( sister’s son ) in whose favour the informant has executed a WILL with

regard to all his property including the land with regard to which the

accused persons have got a sale –deed executed on 18.08.1980 by

impersonation after the death of Late Subhagiya Devi on 16.08.1980 and


the informant was her legal heir and was inherited the property of Late

Subhagiya Devi.

4. That, the prosecution case ,in brief, is that the informant had

filed a complaint petition before the court of learned Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate ,Danapur on 12.09.1980 alleging therein that he has the

owner and proprietor of his ancestral property situated in Tauzi No.4387 ,

Khata No.83 , Plot No.2349 , 2362 ,2319, 4314,4518 and 4415 . It is further

alleged that he knows that the accused Satyadeo Sharma and Nagendra Deo
Sharma had set up their own mother Maha Sundari Devi to impersonate for

Mosmat Subhagiya Devi wife of Jadu Singh to execute a sale-deed on

18.08.1980 with a view to secure and obtain a fraudulent ,forged and

fabricated sale-deed in respect of the lands of the informant . It is further

alleged that the Mosmat Subhagiya Devi was the aunt of the informant and

she live with the informant during her life time and she had expired on

16.08.1980 because she was ailing since about 3 months prior to the date

of occurrence in the case and she never went out to be able to execute any

document as fabricated by the accused persons . It is further alleged that

Subhagiya Devi was aged about 90 years and was not able to move about

freely from inside the house and had to be assisted by some one in the house

of the informant to attend her natural calls . It is further alleged that the

accused persons conspired with each other fabricated document through

Maha Sundari Devi who has lent her services dishonestly and fraudulently


to appear and imposter for Subhagiya Devi and thereby have attended and

abetted the fabrication of the document in question . It is further alleged that

the informant got certified copy of the document and the document has not

been the signature of thumb impression of Subhagiya Devi rather it is

Maha Sundari Devi ,who had put her thumb impression. It is further

alleged that the accused persons Ram Kewal Singh and Sheo Kumar

Mishir had also joined in conspiracy for fabrication of the document with

the accused persons Satyadeo Sharma , Nagendra Deo Sharma and

Mahasundari Devi . It is further alleged that the informant requested to

arrest the accused persons and obtain the thumb impression for the purpose

of compare the signature or thumb impression of the registered sale-deed

and he further requested to seize the original sale-deed in question for

impending the original document from the Registration Office . The learned

Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Danapur sent the complaint petition

to Bikram Police Station to register the case and the Bikram P.S. Case

No.01 of 1980 80 Under Sections 419, 465, 467 and 120(B) of the Indian

Penal Code was registered and investigation was taken up .

5. That, the Investigating Officer of the case submitted charge

sheet against all the accused persons under aforementioned Sections.

6. That, the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Danapur took cognizance against all the accused persons and the case

record was transferred in the court of learned Judicial Magistrate 1st Class ,


Danapur for trial and disposal and lastly it was received in this court on


7. That, the charges were framed against the accused persons on

13.08.1984 . The name of the accused persons Mahasundari Devi and the

accused Satyadeo Sharma were deleted vide order dated 29.01.2002

because they have died . The name of the accused person Shiv Kumar was

also deleted vide order dated 16.06.2006 due to death and rest accused

persons have faced the trial.

8. That, the statements of the accused persons have been recorded

Under Section 313 of the Code of Criminal Procedure in which they

pleaded their innocence.

9. That, it appears that the accused persons got a collusive death

certificate no.77 dated 17.01.1981 in which the date of death of Subhagiya

Devi has been erroneously mentioned as 21.08.1980 to cover the execution

of the impugned sale-deed got executed by the accused persons on

18.08.1980 although Subhagiya Devi had already died on 16.08.1980.

The aforementioned death certificate dated 17.01.1981 was

procured by the accused persons in collusion with the then Panchayat

Secretary which has later been duly cancelled by Project Executive Officer

( P.E.O.) , Bikram ( Patna , the said cancellation order was contained in

memo no.595 dated 10.04.1981.


A true copy of the cancellation order

dated 10.04.1981 is made

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

10. That, despite the cancellation of the previous erroneous and

collusive death certificate to the accused persons submitted the death

certificate before the learned trial court and was made Exhibit-A and has

also been relied upon by the learned trial court and on the basis of

aforesaid collusive death certificate , the learned trial court did not accept
the prosecution case that Subhagiya Devi was already died on 16.08.1980

before the execution of the sale-deed purported to have been executed by

Subhagiya Devi on 18.08.1980.

11. That, the accused persons have also submitted that certified

copy of the aforesaid sale-deed executed on 18.08.1980 and the same was

made Exhibit- B.

12. That, according to the defense case itself the original sale-deed

dated 18.08.1980 which the accused persons have got executed on

18.08.1980 through Mahasundari Devi impersonating Subhagiya Devi the

real owner of the said land in question . The original sale-deed has been

suppressed by the accused persons with the sole intention that the signature/

thumb impression given by Mahasundari Devi as Subhagiya Devi on the

sale-deed may not be compared with the signature or thumb impression of

Subhagiya Devi.


13. That, the crux of the matter is that Subhagiya Devi died on

16.08.1980 itself in that view of the matter any sale-deed admittedly

accused had got executed on 18.08.1980 in their favour purported to be

executed by Subhagiya Devi can only be done by impersonating her and

thus any evidence of eye witness is not the crucial thing to be proved by

the prosecution.

14. That, the learned trial court has erred in drawing adverse

inference on the ground that there is no eye witness of the alleged

impersonation of Subhagiya Devi by any lady much less Mahasundari

Devi ,who also died during the primary stage of the trial and as such the

question as to accused Maha Sundari Devi had impersonated becomes non-


15. That, the learned trial court had also erred in drawing adverse

inference on the ground that the informant had not filed any suit for

cancellation of the impugned sale-deed executed on 18.08.1980 by


16. That, in view of the admission of the accused that a sale-deed

has been executed on 18.08.1980 with regard to the property of Mosmat

Subhagiya Devi in their favour the learned trial court has erred in giving

undue wait on the irrelevant evidence not given by the informant with

regard to plot number and non- production of the Khatiyan of land

transferred through the impugned sale-deed and as such the learned trial

court has erred in drawing adverse inference against the prosecution


erroneously holding that the prosecution has not been able to prove his

case beyond all reasonable doubt.

17. That, it goes without saying that the original sale-deed in

question is in possession of the accused persons ,who had simply filed and

got exhibited the certified copy of the sale-deed and as such the learned

trial court has erred in holding that the prosecution has not filed /exhibited

the registered sale-deed in question.

18. That, it would appear from the records of the case that

originally a complaint petition was filed in the court of the learned

Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate , Danapur ,which was referred by the

court to the Police for registration and investigation of the case by the

Police and the said complaint filed in the court was made basis of the

registration of the case by drawing First Information Report and as such in

that regard the learned trial court has erred in holding that First Information

Report bears no signature of the complaint /informant and the signature has

not been proved.

19. That, in the facts and circumstances of the case that the finding

of the learned trial court that the prosecution has not produced certified

copy of registered sale-deed is erroneous as certified copy of the sale-deed

in question is already available as exhibit in the case.

20. That, the finding of the learned trial court that no relative of

Subhagiya Devi has been examined by the prosecution is perverse and


against the records of the case Late Subhagiya Devi was aunt of P.W.4 and

was living with P.W.4 as P.W.4 was only legal heir of Late Subhagiya Devi,

who was widow and died issueless .

21. That, due to erroneous and non-consideration of the evidence

by the learned trial court the accused persons have been acquitted by the

learned trial court by impugned judgment and order dated 30.08.2013.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 30.08.2013 passed by

Sri Mahavir Prasad ,the learned Judicial

Magistrate 1st Class , Danapur in Case

No. 1312/1980 (G.R. No . ) ,(State through Bans

621/2013 (Tr. No.)

Layak Singh- Versus- Nagendra Singh and others(

, the petitioner begs to file this revision petition

on amongst others following


I. For that, the impugned judgment and order of acquittal

passed by the learned Judicial Magistrate is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, the findings given by the learned trial court are

perverse and against the records of the case which have erroneously

resulted in acquittal of accused persons.

III. For that, the learned trial court has committed serious error of

records resulting in acquittal of the accused persons .


IV. For that, impugned judgment and order of acquittal has been

passed on the basis of non-consideration and irrelevant consideration of

the facts made by the learned trial court.

V. For that the learned trial court has erroneously drawn adverse

inference leading to miscarriage of justice resulting in acquittal of the

accused persons.
It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this revision

application, call for the records of the case , issue

notice to the opposite-parties and after hearing

the parties allow the same and set aside the

impugned judgment and order dated 30.08.2013

passed by Sri Mahavir Prasad ,the learned

Judicial Magistrate 1st Class , Danapur in Case

No. 1312/1980 (G.R. No.) and pass such other

621/2013 (Tr. No.)
order and orders which may deem fit and proper.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2014.(Limitation )


Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2014.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-

Kashi Nath Singh ……………….…………………..…PETITIONER


The State of Bihar and others....……………OPPOSITE -PARTIES.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble limitation petition on

behalf of the petitioners above




1. That, this interlocutory application on behalf of the petitioner

above named is for condonation of delay in filing of the present criminal

revision application.

2. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present one earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

3. That, informant got himself examined in the trial as P.W.4 as

last prosecution witness on 09.01.1987 and thereafter the trial remained

pending for the examination of defense witness who was examined on

10.05.2013 and thereafter the statement of the two accused persons facing

the trial was recorded.

4. That, after the examination of the informant last prosecution

witness as P.W.4 on 09.01.1987 ,the learned A.P.P. had told the informant

that he is no more required in the case and in that circumstance the

informant was simply waiting for the conclusion of the trial and during the

pendency of the trial ,the informant died in the year 1994.

5. That, thereafter the petitioner also kept watching the case .But

during the aforesaid long period taken by the defense and kept the trial

prolonged for causing inordinate delay.

6. That, after the death of informant ,the petitioner remained a

casual visitor of the village of informant namely Lala Bhadsara.

7. That, it is relevant to state here that on 13.12.2013 , when the

petitioner went to village- Lala Bhadsara of informant in order to collect


the paddy from his inherited land , he came to know about the acquittal of

the accused persons , consequently the petitioner went to Danapur where

he inquired about the case from the court’s records and came to know that

the judgment in the aforesaid trial has been passed on 13.08.2013

acquitting the accused persons.

8. That, thereafter on 14.12.2013 , the petitioner applied for the

certified copy of the impugned judgment and order dated 30.08.2013

passed in Case No.1312/1980 ( G.R. NO.) which was made available to
621/2013 (Tr. No.)

the petitioner on 21.12.2013.

9. That, thereafter on 22.12.2013 the petitioner consulted his

lawyer in the Hon'ble High Court in order to move the High Court against

the order and judgment of acquittal. The lawyer during the aforesaid

consultation asked the petitioner to bring some relevant paper wanted in

the case which has been handed over to the counsel Sri Jitendra Nath

Tiwary and thereafter without causing any further delay the revision

petition is being filed.

10. That, in the aforesaid facts and circumstances delay caused in

filing of the revision petition is not deliberate as the petitioner has taken

all sincere efforts for filing the revision petition in the hi has been taken

after the knowledge of passing of the impugned judgment and order dated



It is ,therefore, respectfully prayed that your

Lordships may be graciously pleased to allow

this interlocutory application ,condoning the delay

in filing the present criminal revision petition in

the Hon'ble High Court and after hearing the

petitioner on merit the same may be disposed of

and pass such other order or orders which may

deem fit and proper.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2013.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;


In the matter of :-

Md. Tawrej Ahmad , son of Late Md. Mokimuddin ,

Resident of Mohalla- Shah Zubair Road, P.S. Munger Kotwali ,District –




The State of Bihar..……………………..………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;



1. That, this application on behalf of the petitioner above named

is directed against the order dated 24.09.2013 passed by learned Sri S.K.

Chaubey , the learned Sessions Judge , Munger in Sessions Case No.231

of 2011 ,whereby and where under the learned Sessions Judge ,Munger was

pleased to reject the petition filed by the petitioner under Section 67 and

68 of the Evidence Act to get the mark the sale-deed exhibited in the case .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble Court

against the impugned order dated 24.09.2013.

3. That, the petitioner is the informant of Munger Kotwali P.S.

Case No.278 of 2010 dated 01.07.2010 registered for the offences under

Sections 147,148, 149, 307, 341 , 323, 452 , 379 and 504 of the Indian Penal

Code , who lodged the aforesaid case against 10 accused persons for

committing attempt to murder and other offences also and the cause

behind the occurrence is the land which was purchased by the petitioner

from one Hussamuddin with constructed building and some portion of the

house own and possessed by Husammudin himself upon which one Md.

Ezaz , Md.Iftekhar Ali are the boundary raiyat ,whose houses are just

adjacent to the house of the petitioner and Husamuddin but the said

adjacent house owner Ezaz and Iftekhar Ali are claiming their ownership of

the land purchased by the petitioner . Initially the vendor of the house of the

namely Husamuddin executed a Jerbeyana on 09.11.2009 and thereafter


a registered sale-deed was executed on 09.08.2010 vide Kewala Deed

No.3002 .

A true photo stat as well as typed

copy of Kotwali P.S. Case No.278 of

2010 is annexed herewith and marked

as ANNEXURE- “1” to this


4. That, not even only the Husamuddin filed a Title Suit No.49

of 2013 which was pending in the court of learned Sub- Judge-2 nd Munger

against Md. Ezaz and others for declaration of his right title and ownership

. Herein this case, the sale-deed dated 09.08.2010 is to be exhibited in

Sessions Case No.231 of 2011 arising out of aforesaid Kotwali P.S. Case

No.278 of 2010 though the certified copy of the sale-deed , Jerbeyana ,

payment of money receipt and other details has already been submitted by

way of list of documents and a photo stat copy of the list of the documents

goes to show that the relevant documents were brought on record.

A true photo stat as well as typed

copy of the list of documents is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” to this application.

5. That, but the learned trial court did not eager to treat the sale-

deed as Exhibit in the trial bearing Sessions Case No.231 of 2011.


6. That, the petitioner earlier filed a petition dated 03.06.2013 to

call for the Register of Volume No.43 Page Nos. 100 to 108 from the

Registry Office, Sadar Munger ,so that the registered sale-deed can be

exhibited .On the contrary it is said that the petitioner is the tenant and
did not purchase the land as mentioned above . In this contention , the

learned trial court has observed and passed an order on

07.06.2013 ,mentioning therein that without giving proper evidence to

prove the sale-deed there is no necessity to call for the said Register from

the Registry Office and he rejected the petition of the petitioner dated


A true photo stat as well as typed

copy of the order dated 07.06.2013 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “3” to this application.

7. That, later on when the petitioner filed a petition on

25.07.2013 which was disposed of by the learned trial court vide order

dated 03.09.2013 by observing that the prosecution should file petition as

per Evidence Act in this regard.

A true photo stat as well as typed

copy of the order dated 03.09.2013 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “4” to this application.


8. That, therefore ,the petitioner filed an application under

Sections 67 and 68 of the Evidence Act under which provision the proof of

signature and handwriting of person alleged to have signed or written

documents produced as well as Section -68 reveals that the required

document should be filed under this provision and in such situation as

well as instruction of the learned trial court , the petitioner filed a petition

under Section 67 and 68 of the Evidence Act but the learned trial court

himself rejected the petition filed under Sections 67 and 68 of Evidence

Act dated 24.09.2013 and passed the order impugned on the same day

and directed the learned A.P.P. to produce remaining witnesses on the

next day.

A true photo stat copy of the petition

dated 24.09.2013 is annexed herewith

and marked as ANNEXURE- “5” to

this application.

9. That, the learned trial court is duty bound to adjudicate the

issue in proper manner and without being prejudiced either of the parties

where the issues raised that the sale-deed is important and necessary

document to establish the case of prosecution by the informant though the

defense raised an objection to not exhibit and mark the sale-deed ,so that the

case of prosecution can be failed . In this way ,it is very much necessary to

get the sale-deed be marked as an Exhibit and other documents also.


Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order

dated 24.09.2013 passed by learned Sri S.K.

Chaubey , the learned Sessions Judge , Munger in

Sessions Case No.231 of 2011 , the above

named petitioner begs to prefer this revision

application on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned Sessions

Judge , Munger is bad in law as well as on facts .

II. For that, the learned trial court failed to appreciate that the

issue raised by the petitioner for exhibit marked of the sale-deed which is

the cause of action of the petitioner but the learned trial court passed the

impugned order in haste .

III. For that, the learned trial court failed to enumerate the

Sections 67 and 68 of the Evidence Act and pass the impugned order which

is quite illegal in the eye of law .

IV. For that, the learned trial court failed to consider to examine

the case in totality and its consequences and pass the impugned order

which is illegal in the eye of law and fit to be set aside.

V. For that , the impugned order is otherwise bad in law and is fit

to be set aside.


It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

revision application, call for the records and issue

notice to the opposite-party and after hearing the

parties be further pleased to set aside the

24.09.2013 passed by learned Sri S.K. Chaubey ,

the learned Sessions Judge , Munger in Sessions

Case No.231 of 2011 and direct the learned trial

court to get mark the sale-deed as exhibit in the

case .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordship

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the further

proceeding of the learned trial court may kindly

be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2013.(Limitation )


Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2013.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-

Chandradhari Singh ……………….…………………..…PETITIONER


The State of Bihar ……….……....……………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this interlocutory application is being filed on behalf of

the petitioner above named for condonation of delay in filing of the instant

revision application.

2. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present on earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

3. That, it is stated that against the judgment and order dated

24.11.2011 passed by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Sheohar ,the petitioner preferred appeal bearing Cr. Appeal No.108 of 2011

and during the pendency of the appeal the petitioner was enlarged on bail .

4. That, it is stated that after enlarge on bail ,the petitioner

proceeded to earn his livelihood with a request to the learned counsel

appearing on behalf of the petitioner in the learned lower appellate court to

inform him about the outcome of the appeal .

5. That, it is stated that the aforesaid criminal appeal was finally

heard by the learned appellate court on 01.06.2013 by which the appeal

filed by the petitioner was dismissed and judgment and order of the

learned trial court was upheld but the learned counsel appearing on behalf

of the petitioner before the learned appellate court could not inform the

petitioner ,therefore, the petitioner could not get knowledge about the said


6. That, it is stated that when the petitioner contacted the learned

counsel in the last week of October , 2013 ,then he could get knowledge

about the order dated 01.06.2013 and he immediately surrendered before the

learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sheohar on 31.10.2013 and in

this regard a surrender slip dated 31.10.2013 issued by the learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sheohar on 31.10.2013 itself which is

evident from ANNEXURE- 2 of the revision application .

7. That, it is stated that thereafter after arranging the money , the

pairvikar of the petitioner in the second week of November , 2013 had

come at Patna and contacted the learned counsel and handed over the File to

file the present criminal revision application and accordingly the instant

criminal revision application is being filed .

8. That, though there is no deliberate latches on the part of the

petitioner .

9. That, if the delay in filing of the revision application is not

condoned ,the petitioner would suffer an irreparable loss and injury which

cannot be sustained in other way.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to condone

the delay in filing the present criminal revision

application .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.




CR. REV. NO._________________/OF 2013.

In the matter of an application Under

Section-53 of the Juvenile Justice

( Care& Protection of Children ) Act,



In the matter of :-

Manoj Kumar, son of Chandeshwar Das ,

Resident of village- Pokhraira , P.S. Saraiya , District – Muzaffarpur.


The State of Bihar. …….…………..……………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

dated 25.09.2013 passed by Sri Subodh Kumar Srivastava , the learned 5 th

Additional Sessions Judge ,Muzaffarpur in Cr. Appeal No.73 of

2013 ,whereby and where under the learned Sessions Judge , Muzaffarpur

was pleased to dismiss the appeal filed by the petitioner and confirm the

order dated 14.08.2013 passed by the learned Juvenile Justice Board,

Muzaffarpur in Saraiya P.S. Case No.93 of 2013 dated 27.04.2013

registered for the offence under Section 376/511 of the Indian Penal Code

by which the learned Juvenile Justice Board was refused to grant bail to

the petitioner .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court any time earlier against the impugned order .

3. That, the petitioner has got no criminal antecedent .

4. That, the prosecution case as alleged in the First Information

Report , in short, interalia is that on 27.04.2013 ,the informant Ashok Sah

filed a written report before the Out Post Incharge of Jaitpur Out Post

alleging therein interalia that on 26.04.2013 at 5 P.M. in the evening her

daughter namely Soni Kumari aged about -14 years had gone to call of

nature outside the house and during the course of returning Manoj Kumar

(petitioner herein ) had tried to commit illegal work with his daughter after

overthrowing in the field of maize of Maheshwar Singh but his daughter

any how come to the house in weeping and narrated about the occurrence.

5. That, on the basis of the aforesaid written report of the

informant , Saraiya Police drew up a formal First Information Report

and registered a case being Saraiya P.S. Case No.93 of 2013 dated

27.04.2013 attributing offence under Section 376/511 of the Indian Penal

Code .

A true photo stat/typed copy of the

F.I.R. of Saraiya P.S. Case No.93 of

2013 dated 27.04.2013 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE-“1” for identification

forming part of this application.

6. That, this case is presently pending in the court of the learned

Juvenile Justice Board, Muzaffarpur arising out of Saraiya P.S. Case No.93

of 2013 dated 27.04.2013 attributing offence under Section 376/511 of

the Indian Penal Code .

7. That, the petitioner is innocent having committed no offence

whatsoever and he has been falsely implicated in the present case .

8. That, it is stated that the petitioner is minor since the petitioner

is aged about 17 years and his date of birth is 13.04.1996 which is evident

from the Admit Card issued by the Bihar School Examination Board, Patna.

A true photo stat copy of the Admit

Card of the petitioner is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE-“2” for identification

forming part of this application.

9. That, it is stated since the petitioner is minor ,therefore, the

learned Juvenile Justice Board, Muzaffarpur vide order dated 23.07.2013

declared the petitioner as Juvenile.

10. That, it is stated that the petitioner is appearing candidate of

Matriculation Examination on the date of so-called occurrence which is

evident from the admit card as contained in ANNEXURE- 2 itself ,therefore,

the informant lodged the instant case with false and concocted allegation

only with a view to spoil the bright career of the petitioner since there is

long dispute between both the families .

11. That, it is admitted fact that the family of the petitioner and the

family of the informant is the co-villager and agnates to each other.

12. That, it is stated that even according to recital of the First

Information Report , there is no allegation of committing rape rather there is

only allegation of trying to commit rape .

13. That, it is stated that according to the First Information Report

the alleged date and time of commission of the offence is 5 P.M. on

26.04.2013 but the information was given to the Police- Station on

27.04.2013 at 9.30 A.M. though the distance of the police- station is hardly

7 K.M.

14. That, the fact is that the petitioner has not committed any such

offence as alleged in the First Information Report and for the moment if the

petitioner has committed such offence but it is emphatically denied by the

petitioner then he is not waiting for his arrest rather he fled away from the

house but the petitioner did not do so which falsifies the entire prosecution

version .

15. That, it is stated that the petitioner was behind the bars since

27.04.2013 i.e. since the date of institution of the First Information Report


16. That, even though the petitioner was declared juvenile when

his bail application was filed before the learned Juvenile Justice

Board ,Muzaffarpur which was rejected vide order dated 14.08.2013.

A true photo stat/ typed copy of the

order dated 14.08.2013 passed by the

learned Juvenile Justice Board is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE-“3” for identification

forming part of this application.

17. That, against the order dated 14.08.2013 passed by the

learned Juvenile Justice Board ,Muzaffarpur , the petitioner filed appeal in

the court of learned Sessions Judge , Muzaffarpur which was numbered as

Cr. Appeal No.73 of 2013 wherein vide order dated 25,09,2013 ,the learned

5th Additional Sessions Judge ,Muzaffarpur was pleased to reject the

petitioner’s prayer for bail on the ground that if the appellant is released on

bail he may come in contact with unsocial element .

18. That, the parents of the petitioner undertakes to take care

about the activities of the petitioner in future.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with order

dated 25.09.2013 passed by Sri Subodh Kumar

Srivastava , the learned 5th Additional Sessions

Judge ,Muzaffarpur in Cr. Appeal No.73 of 2013 ,

the above named petitioner begs to prefer this

revision application on amongst the other



I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while passing the impugned order ,the learned

Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that prayer for bail of a juvenile can be

rejected only on the ground mentioned in the Juvenile Justice Act and for no

other reason.

III. For that, the reason assigned by the learned Additional

Sessions Judge for rejecting the petitioner’s prayer for bail is alien to the

provisions of Juvenile Justice Act and ,therefore, cannot be sustained in the

eye of law.

IV. For that, while dismissing the criminal appeal filed for grant of

bail to the petitioner ,the learned Additional Sessions Judge ,Muzaffarpur

also failed to appreciate the facts of the case that according to birth

certificate of the petitioner he is aged about -17 years and he is the

appearing candidate of Matriculation and if the petitioner is put behind the

bars then his bright career is being spoiled .

V. For that, while dismissing the criminal appeal filed for grant of

bail to the petitioner ,the learned Additional Sessions Judge ,Muzaffarpur

also failed to appreciate that the parents of the petitioner undertake to take

care and vigilant about the activities of the petitioner in future .

VI. For that, while dismissing the criminal appeal filed for grant of

bail to the petitioner ,the learned Additional Sessions Judge ,Muzaffarpur

also failed to appreciate that the petitioner has been falsely implicated in the

present case by the informant due to enmity only with a view to ruin the

bright career of the petitioner .

VII. For that, while dismissing the criminal appeal filed for grant of

bail to the petitioner ,the learned Additional Sessions Judge ,Muzaffarpur

also failed to appreciate that there is no any cogent evidence on record to

support the prosecution version as alleged in the First Information Report .

VIII. For that, while dismissing the criminal appeal , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that rejection of bail of the

petitioner would adversely affect the bright career of the petitioner .

IX. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party and

after hearing the parties be further pleased to set

aside the order dated 25.09.2013 passed by Sri

Subodh Kumar Srivastava , the learned 5 th

Additional Sessions Judge ,Muzaffarpur in Cr.

Appeal No.73 of 2013 and be further pleased to

direct for release of the petitioner on bail to the

satisfaction of the learned Juvenile Justice Board ,

Muzaffarpur in connection with Saraiya P.S. Case

No.93 of 2013 dated 27.04.2013 .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.




CR. REV. NO._________________/OF 2013.

In the matter of an application Under

Section-53 of the Juvenile Justice

( Care& Protection of Children ) Act,



In the matter of :-

Santu Kumar ,son of Photo Yadav,

Resident of village- Prem Tola , Farda , P.S. Naya Ram Nagar, District –



The State of Bihar. …….…………..……………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 05.07. 2013 passed by learned Sri Surendra Kumar

Choubey the learned Sessions Judge ,Munger in Cr. Appeal No.95 of 2013

,whereby and where under the learned Sessions Judge , Munger was

pleased to reject the appeal filed by the petitioner against the order dated

29.06.2013 passed by the learned Juvenile Justice Board , Munger by

which the learned Juvenile Justice Board, Munger was pleased to reject

petitioner’s application for bail in connection with G.R. Case No.1740A of

2012 arising out of Naya Ram Nagar P.S. Case No.161 of 2012 registered

for the offence under Sections 353, 307/34 of the Indian Penal Code and

Section 25(1-B)A/26/27/35 of the Arms Act .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court any time earlier against the impugned order .

3. That, the petitioner has got no criminal antecedent.

4. That, the prosecution case as alleged in the First Information

Report ,in brief , is that the informant who is the Out Post Incharge of

Safisarai recorded his self statement on 28.10.2012 stating therein that on


27.10.2012 at about 23.30 O’clock having got secret information that the

accused persons of Naya Ram Nagar ( Safiasarai ) P. S. Case No.81 of 2012

having armed with weapons concealed themselves near Jagdamba Asthan

and accordingly raiding party consisting the Police Officers and officials

reached near Jagdambapur and surrounded the miscreants and on

suspicion , the miscreants started firing and the police force arrested four

accused persons including this petitioner and all of them were search and

one double barrel gun was recovered from Deepak Yadav , one country

made pistol was recovered from Rahul Yadav and one country made pistol

and one cartridge was recovered from the petitioner and the details of arms

and cartridges has been mentioned in the First Information Report .

5. That, on the basis of aforesaid self recorded statement of

informant , Naya Ram Nagar ( Safiasarai ) P.S. Case No.161 of 2012 dated

28.10.2012 was registered for the offences under Sections 353, 307/34 of

the Indian Penal Code and Section 25(1-B) A /26/27/35 of the Arms Act.

A true photo stat as well as typed

copy of the F.I.R. of Naya Ram

Nagar ( Safiasarai ) P.S. Case No.161

of 2012 is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE-“1” to this



6. That, the petitioner is quite innocent and he has been falsely

implicated in this case because the father of the petitioner was asked to put

his signature on a blank paper for preparation of seizure list when the other
three accused persons were arrested and on denial some altercation took

place between the informant and the father of the petitioner .

Meanwhile ,having heard the alarm and sound of his father , the petitioner

reached there and started to rescue his father with the altercation between

the police and others , meanwhile the police has taken abroad the petitioner

on his Jeep and booked the petitioner in the present case by showing the

illegal recovery from his possession.

7. That, the petitioner was declared juvenile by the Juvenile

Justice Board and thereafter the petitioner moved his application before the

learned Juvenile Justice Board which was rejected on 29.06.2013 without

considering the nature of allegation as well as recovery of illegal

arms ,which was planted by the police at the instance of enemy of the

petitioner .

A true photo stat copy of the order

dated 29.06.2013 passed by the

learned Juvenile Justice Board is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE-“2” for identification

forming part of this application.


8. That, thereafter the petitioner preferred an appeal before the

learned Sessions Judge ,Munger and the learned Sessions Judge himself
without being examined the facts and circumstances as well as without

asking any affidavit or bond executed by the parents of the petitioner

detained himself that the petitioner is likely to go into the company of

known criminals and the petitioner may be exposed to moral ,physical and

psychological danger and the learned court drew his opinion that it is not

proper to release the petitioner on bail and by observing the aforesaid facts

and circumstances , the memo of appeal was dismissed by the learned

Sessions Judge ,Munger on 05.09.2013.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with judgment

and order dated 05.07. 2013 passed by learned Sri

Surendra Kumar Choubey the learned Sessions

Judge ,Munger in Cr. Appeal No.95 of 2013 , the

above named petitioner begs to prefer this revision

application on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, the petitioner is admittedly juvenile and it is quite

illegal to say that the petitioner is about to attain the age of majority and

on this ground the appeal is dismissed.


III. For that ,the petitioner is a man of clean antecedent and there is

no chance that he is likely to go in the company of known criminals.

IV. For that, the father of the petitioner is ready to swear affidavit

in this regard that the petitioner will live under the command and

guardianship of his father.

V. For that, the informant who is the Police Officer, himself

planted the case in retaliation due to the father of the petitioner was not

ready to put his signature on a blank paper for the purposes of preparation

of seizure list.

VI. For that, while dismissing the criminal appeal , the learned

Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that rejection of bail of the petitioner

would adversely affect his career.

VII. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party and

after hearing the parties be further pleased to set

aside the judgment and order dated 05.07. 2013

passed by learned Sri Surendra Kumar Choubey

the learned Sessions Judge ,Munger in Cr. Appeal

No.95 of 2013 and be further pleased to direct for

release of the petitioner on bail to the satisfaction


of the learned Juvenile Justice Board , Munger in

connection with G.R. Case NO.1740 A of 2012

arising out of Naya Ram Nagar ( Safiasarai ) P.S.

Case No.161 of 2012 .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2013.(Limitation )


Cr. Rev. NO.__730_______________/OF 2013.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-

Pankaj Kumar …………………………….……...….PETITIONER.


The State of Bihar through the Vigilance

and another …………………………………..…OPPOSITE-PARTIES.

The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;



1. That, this interlocutory application is being filed on behalf of

the petitioner above named for condonation of delay in filing of the instant

revision application.

2. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present on earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

3. That, it is stated that initially against the order dated

20.07.2012 passed by the learned Special Judge , Vigilance ( North

Bihar ) , Muzaffarpur in Case No. C-120 of 2012,the petitioner filed a

quashing application under Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure

before this Hon'ble Court and the same was registered but the same was

subsequently converted in to the present criminal revision application by the

order of this Hon'ble Court .

4. That, it is stated that for filing of quashing application under

Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure , there is no time bar under

the provision of law.

5. That, it is stated that due to aforesaid reason the present

revision application could not be filed within the prescribed period for filing

of revision application .

6. That, it is stated that there is no intentional or deliberate

latches on the part of the petitioner and whole thing has been happened due

to lack of knowledge .


7. That, if the delay in filing of the revision application is not

condoned ,the petitioner would suffer an irreparable loss and injury which

cannot be sustained in other way.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to condone

the delay in filing the present criminal revision

application .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2013.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;


In the matter of :-

Rakesh Kumar Singh , son of Jai Kishore Singh ,

Resident of village- Paroha , P.S. Dumra ,District – Sitamarhi , the

Advocate Clerk , Civil Court, Sitamarhi .



1.The State of Bihar.

2. Sri Daya Nidhan Pandey , son of not known to the petitioner ,

District Collector , Sitamarhi.

3. Raj Kumar Sinha, son of not known to the petitioner ,

District Section Officer –cum- Executive Magistrate , Copying

Department , Collectorate, Sitamarhi .




The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this application on behalf of the petitioner above named

is for setting aside the order dated 29.08.2012 passed by Sri Awadhesh

Kumar , the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi Sadar

in Complaint Case No. C1/1127 of 2011 , whereby and where under the

learned Magistrate has been pleased to dismiss the complaint petition filed

by the petitioner and directed the office to deposit the case records in the

Record Room.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble Court

or before the learned Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi earlier against the

impugned order dated 29.08.2012.

3. That, the petitioner had filed a complaint petition before the

learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi on 26.08.2011 stating

therein that he is working as Advocate Clerk in Civil Court ,Sitamarhi and

due to that , he usually used to go at Collectorate Sitamarhi in Copying

Department for taking certified copy of the documents of the parties.


The complainant further said that on 23.08.2011 at about 2.30

P.M. he reached near the Copying Section of Sitamarhi Collectorate ,

accused no.2 (Opposite-party no.3) restrained him and his witnesses and

told them about the purpose to come there then he and the witnesses told

the accused no.2 that they have already filed a requisition for certified

copy in the Copying Department upon which the accused no.2 he started

abusing and giving threatening for direct consequences.

The complaint further alleged that the accused no.2 took him

and the witnesses at the chamber of the District Magistrate ,Sitamarhi

( accused no.1) where he and the witnesses were restrained for one and

half hour and they have been left free after taking the bond in presence of

the learned counsel.

4. That, it is stated that the aforesaid complaint filed by the

petitioner in the court of learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi was

registered as Complaint Case No.C1/1127 of 2011 and the same was

transferred to the court of learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Sitamarhi Sadar under Section 192(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure

for enquiry .

A true photo stat copy of the

complaint petition of Complaint Case

No.C1/1127 of 2011 is annexed

herewith and marked as


ANNEXURE- “1” for identification

forming part of this petition.

5. That, it is stated that during the course of enquiry , the

petitioner was examined on solemn affirmation and he fully supported to

prosecution version as spelt out in the complaint petition.

A true photo stat copy of the S.A. of

the petitioner is annexed herewith

and marked as ANNEXURE- “2” for

identification forming part of this


6. That, it is stated that on behalf of the prosecution during the

course of enquiry three witnesses were examined such as Ram Janam Singh

, Govind Kumar and Nathuni Rai , who have also fully supported the

prosecution version as spelt out in the complaint petition.

True photo stat copies of the

deposition of witnesses are annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “3 series” for

identification forming part of this


7. That, it is stated that the petitioner had also produced the copy

of the requisition filed by the petitioner before the Copying Department for


obtaining the certified copy of the relevant documents on 12.08.2011

bearing Requisition No.1731 , 1732 and 1733 before the learned trial court.

True photo stat copies of the

Requisition Nos. 1731, 1732 , 1733

dated 12.08.2011 are annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “4 series” for

identification forming part of this


8. That, it is stated the petitioner had also produced the copy of

the bond dated 23.08.2011 by which the petitioner and other witnesses

were released from the custody of the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 on the

undertaking that they did not enter in the Record Room –cum- Copying

Section in future before the learned court below . The said bond was

obtained by the petitioner under Right to Information Act under memo

no.24 dated 01.02.2012.

A true photo stat copy of the memo

no.24 dated 01.02.2012 along with

bond dated 23.02.2011 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “5” for identification

forming part of this petition.


9. That, from perusal of ANNEXURE- 4 series and ANNEXURE-

5 it is apparently clear that the petitioner had applied for certified copy of

some of documents before the Copying Section of the Collectorate on

12 .08.2011 but till 23.08.2011 the certified copy of the same was not

supplied to the petitioner and when the petitioner along with the witnesses

visited the office of Copying Section to enquire about the position of the

supply of the certified copy then the Opposite-party no.3 misbehaved with
the petitioner and the witnesses and also kept under the custody and after

taking bond released them with the warning that they did not visit the

Copying Section in future for any work.

10. That, it is true that the Opposite-parties are the public

servant ,therefore, it is duty bound to discharge their public duties as

assigned to them but they did not discharge their public duties and when the

petitioner visited their office to remind their responsibilities and duties

vested in them then they abused and threatened the petitioner and the

witnesses as also to take the petitioner and witnesses in custody to teach the

lesson to them in abuse of the power .

11. That, it is also the fact on record that the requisition has been

filed by the petitioner for supply of the certified copy on 12.08.2011 and

till 23.08.2011 no copy was supplied to the petitioner and when the

petitioner enquired about the same then the petitioner was abused and kept

in custody which shows the abuse of the power vested in the public servant.


12. That, it is stated that the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate has been pleased to dismiss the complaint filed by the petitioner

merely on the ground that the Opposite-parties are the public

servant ,therefore, they are protected by the provisions of Section 197 of the

Code of Criminal Procedure without taking into consideration of the

evidences of the witnesses as also the documentary evidences produced by

the petitioner on record .

13. That, it is settled law that if there is sufficient evidence on the

record that the public servants are misusing their powers in discharge of the

public duties , they are liable to be prosecuted under the Act and in the

present case there is sufficient documentary and oral evidence on

record ,therefore, the impugned order is fit to be set aside .

14. That, in view of the aforesaid facts the impugned order passed

by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi , Sadar is fit

to be set aside .

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order

dated 29.08.2012 passed by Sri Awadhesh Kumar

, the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Sitamarhi Sadar in Complaint Case

No. C1/1127 of 2011 , the above named

petitioner begs to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following



I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sadar Sitamarhi is bad in law as well as

on facts .

II. For that, while dismissing the complaint petition filed by the

petitioner ,the learned Magistrate failed to appreciate that the requisition

was filed by the petitioner for supplying the certified copy of the documents
in the Copying Section on 12.08.2011 but no copy was supplied till

22.08.2011 and when the petitioner and witnesses go before the Opposite-

party no.3 to know about the position ,then the Opposite-party no.3 abused

the petitioner and the witnesses as also put in custody .

III. For that, while dismissing the complaint petition filed by the

petitioner ,the learned Magistrate failed to appreciate that all the witnesses

as well as the petitioner fully supported the prosecution version as spelt out

in the complaint petition .

IV. For that, while dismissing the complaint petition filed by the

petitioner ,the learned Magistrate failed to appreciate that the allegation

made by the petitioner in the complaint petition was fully supported by the

documentary evidences as produced before the Court.

V. For that, while passing the impugned order ,the learned

Magistrate ought to have considered that since the Opposite-parties are the

Government Servant ,therefore, they are protected by Section 197 of the


Code of Criminal Procedure even though they misused and abused their

power and committed wrong in discharge of public duties .

VI. For that , the order passed by the learned Magistrate is

illegal , improper and the same is fit to be set aside.

VII. For that , the impugned order is otherwise bad in law and is fit

to be set aside.
It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

revision application, call for the records and issue

notice to the opposite-parties and after hearing

the parties be further pleased to set aside the

order dated 29.08.2012 passed by Sri Awadhesh

Kumar , the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Sitamarhi Sadar in Complaint Case

No. C1/1127 of 2011 and direct the learned Sub-

Divisional Magistrate , Sitamarhi Sadar to proceed

against the Opposite-parties .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordship

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.




Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2013.

In the matter of an application under

Section 53 OF THE Juvenile Justice (

Care and Protection of Children) Act,



In the matter of :-

Minku Kumar Pandey ,son of Akhilesh Kumar Pandey , resident of

village- Bhagadwa ,Tola- Uttim Pandey , P.S. Majhaulia , District – West

Champaran .

……………………(Accused) PETITIONER.


The State of Bihar. ………….…….………………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Chief

Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the above named petitioner ;


1. That, the petitioner namely Minku Kumar Pandey ,who is

innocent but he has been falsely implicated in a case under Sections

20/22/23/24/27A/29 of the N.D.P.S. Act in Gopalpur P.S. Case No.48 of

2012 and the petitioner was declared juvenile by the Juvenile Justice

Board , Bettiah, West Champaran on . .201 and after that the

petitioner moved before the learned Principal Magistrate ,Juvenile Justice

Board , Bettiah , West Champaran for bail in Case No. J.J.B. Tr. No.223 of

2013 in connection with Gopalpur P.S. Case No.48 of 2012 but the same

has been rejected on 25.05.2013 and the petitioner preferred appeal but the

said appeal was dismissed by the learned Sessions Judge , West

Champaran , Bettiah vide judgment and order dated 28.06.2013 in

Criminal Appeal No.56 of 2013.

2. That, the petitioner has not come to this Hon'ble Court earlier

against the order dated 28.06.2013 passed in Cr. Appeal No.56 of 2013.

3. That, the prosecution case ,in brief, is that on 22.04.2012 at

about 8.15 A.M. , S.I. Kiran Shankar ,who happened to be Officer-in-

Charge of Gopalpur P.S. along with other police personnel reached near

Dhodhai Bridge and saw one Motor Cycle was coming from north on which

he stopped the Motorcycle.

4. That, he further stated that during in course of search he

found one plastic bag and one sock and when the informant asked about the

bags then the accused persons stated that there is Ganja and Charas kept in

the bags.

5. That, he further stated that in the presence of independent

witnesses namely Dhanai Sah and Hira Lal Sah searched the bags and

two bundles of Ganja and fourteen packets of Charas respectively both

weighing 10 Kg and 14 Kg respectively.

6. That, in course of query the accused persons disclosed their

names as Ruddu Pandey @ Vijit Kumar Pandey and Minku Pandey and

they disclosed the alleged contrabands belongs to one Kof Sharif Gaddi

and said Kof Sharif Gaddi handed over the contrabands to the accused

persons at Sikta and said to deliver the contrabands in Bettiah then money

will be given to you.

7. That, the informant asked about the Rajdoot Motorcycle

bearing registration number BR-2B-0294 then co-accused Ruddu Pandey

said that the alleged Motorcycle belongs to him and after that in the

pressure of witnesses the accused persons were arrested .

8. That, on the basis of statement of informant , a case was

instituted and a formal First Information Report was drawn.

The photo copy of the F.I.R. of Gopalpur P.S.

Case No.48 of 2012 is made ANNEXURE- “1” to

this petition.

9. That, the petitioner has been falsely implicated in the instant

case due to police high handedness .

10. That, the petitioner is student and he has nothing to do with the

seized contrabands.

11. That, in this case mandatory provisions of N.D.P.S. Act has not

been complied.

12. That, the petitioner having got o criminal antecedent .

13. That, in this case co-accused person namely Ruddu Kumar

Pandey @ Vijit Kumar Pandey ,who is similar to the petitioner and has

been granted bail by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Rajendra Kumar Mishra on . .

2013 in Cr. Rev. No. of 2013.

The photo copy of order dated . . 2013

passed in Cr. Rev. No. of 2013 is made

ANNEXURE- “2” to this petition.

14. That, the petitioner has been rotting in jail since 22.04.2012.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 28.06.2013 passed by

Sri Prem Chandra Gupta the learned Sessions

Judge , West Champaran , Bettiah in Cr. Appeal

No.56 of 2013 affirming the order dated

25.05.2013 passed by the learned Principal

Magistrate , Juvenile Justice Board , Bettiah , West

Champaran in J.J.B. Tr. No.223 of 2013 , the

above named petitioner begs to prefer this

revision petition on amongst the other following


I. For that, the orders passed by the learned courts below is

erroneous and bad on both law and facts .

II. For that, the petitioner is innocent and has been falsely

implicated in this case .

III. For that, no tangible evidence has appeared against the

petitioner .

IV. For that, the judgment and order is otherwise bad ,illegal and

unjustified in the fats and circumstances of the case.

It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may

be graciously pleased to admit this petition ,issue

notice , call for records and after hearing the

parties set aside the judgment and order dated

28.06.2013 passed in Cr. Appeal No.56 of 2013

and also the order dated 25.05.2013 passed in

J.J.B. Tr. No.223 of 2013 and further be pleased

to enlarge the petitioner on bail to the satisfaction

of the learned Principal Magistrate , Juvenile

Justice Board , Bettiah , West Champaran in

Gopalpur P.S. Case No.48 of 2012 and further be

pleased to pass such other order or orders as

Your Lordship may deem fit and proper.

And for this ,the petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray.


I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2013.(Limitation )


Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2013.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-

Manish Kumar Jha …………….…………………..…PETITIONER


The State of Bihar ………....……………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;



1. That, this interlocutory application is being filed on behalf of

the petitioner above named for condonation of delay in filing of the instant

revision application.

2. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present on earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

3. That, it is stated that against the judgment and order dated

18.08.2011 passed by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Sadar Sitamarhi ,the petitioner preferred appeal bearing Cr. Appeal No.89

of 2011 and during the pendency of the appeal the petitioner was enlarged

on bail .

4. That, it is stated that after enlarge on bail ,the petitioner

proceeded to earn his livelihood with a request to the learned counsel

appearing on behalf of the petitioner in the learned lower appellate court to

inform him about the outcome of the appeal .

5. That, it is stated that the aforesaid criminal appeal was finally

heard by the learned appellate court on 29.01.2013 by which the appeal

filed by the petitioner was dismissed and judgment and order of the

learned trial court was upheld but the learned counsel appearing on behalf

of the petitioner before the learned trial court could not inform the

petitioner ,therefore, the petitioner could not get knowledge about the said



6. That, it is stated that when the petitioner contacted the learned

counsel in the second week of July, 2013 ,then he could get knowledge

about the order dated 29.01.2013.

7. That, it is stated that thereafter in the early of third week of

July, 2013 ,he had come at Patna and contacted the learned counsel and

handed over the File to file the present criminal revision application and

accordingly the instant criminal revision application is being filed .

8. That, though there is no deliberate latches on the part of the

petitioner .

9. That, if the delay in filing of the revision application is not

condoned ,the petitioner would suffer an irreparable loss and injury which

cannot be sustained in other way.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to condone

the delay in filing the present criminal revision

application .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2013.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;


In the matter of :-

Manish Kumar Jha , son of Kamal Kant Jha,

Resident of village- Anhari , P.S. Riga ,District – Sitamarhi.



The State of Bihar…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;



1. That, this revision application is directed against the

judgment and order dated 29.01.2013 passed by Sri Hanuman Prasad

Tiwary ,the learned Ad-hoc Additional District & Sessions Judge -4 ,

Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal No.89 of 2011 whereby and where under the

learned Additional Sessions Judge was pleased to dismiss the appeal filed

by the petitioner and affirm the judgment and order on the point of

sentence dated 18.08.2011 passed by Sri Awadhesh Kumar ,the learned

Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sadar Sitamarhi in Case No. CI-

1343 of 2006 , Trial No.249 of 2011 , by which the learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sadar Sitamarhi has been pleased to

convict the petitioner under Section 498(A) of the Indian Penal Code and

sentenced to undergo R.I. for three years and fine of Rs.5,000/-.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgments and orders.

3. That, the prosecution case ,in brief , is that complainant Sonu

Devi ,who allegedly claimed herself as legally wedded wife of petitioner ,

filed a complaint petition alleging therein that she has allegedly solemnized
marriage with the petitioner on 22.08.2005 at Janki Mandir , Sitamarhi with

their own volition .

The complainant further alleged that her father –in-law wanted

to take motorcycle as dowry for which he has filed a petition before the


Superintendent of Police , Sitamarhi and subsequently a verification was

done by the Officer-in-Charge of Riga Police- Station and he submitted his

report saying that complainant along with the petitioner resides after

arranging marriage at Janki Asthan , Sitamarhi.

The complainant further alleged that she and the petitioner

appeared before the Notary Public at Sitamarhi and sworn their respective

affidavits regarding their marriage .

The complainant further alleged that the petitioner took her at

village- Anhari but after some time in course of demand of dowry , she was

tortured and after snatching her ornaments worth Rs.25,000/- she was

dragged out of the house after giving threatening to kill her. She came back

at her Naihar and filed the present complaint in the court against the

petitioner and other accused persons

4. That, it is stated that after institution of the complaint petition ,

the inquiry was made by the court and after inquiry the learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sadar Sitamarhi took cognizance against

the petitioner and other accused persons under Sections 498(A) , 379 of the
Indian Penal Code and Section 4 of the Dowry Prohibition Act and

accused persons were summoned for facing trial.

5. That, it is stated thereafter charges were framed under Section

498(A) , 379 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 4 of the Dowry

Prohibition Act against the petitioner and others and aforesaid charges


were read over and explained to the petitioner and others. At the time of

framing of the charges , the petitioner and others pleaded not guilty and

claimed to be tried .

6. That, it is stated that during the course of trial altogether five

prosecution witnesses were examined by the prosecution such as

P.W.1 : Dinesh Jha ( father of the complainant )

P.W.2 : Bindu Devi (mother of the complainant )

P.W.3 : Sonu Devi ( Complainant herself )

P.W.4. : Ramchandra Rai

P.W.5 : Braj Bhushan Pd. Yadav

7. That, it is stated that on behalf of the prosecution , apart from

oral evidences , documentary evidence were also produced in support of his

case such as photographs have been marked as Ext. X , S/1, X/2 and X/3

whereas the affidavits of complainant and petitioner have been marked as

Ext. 1 and 1/1 and signature of the complainant on the complaint petition

was marked as Ext.2.

8. That, it is stated that on behalf of Defense Anil Kumar Gupta

was examined as D.W.1 .

9. That, it is stated that on behalf of the defense documentary

evidences were produced to falsify the prosecution versions such as :-

Ext. A : Deposition of Misc. Case No.116 of 2007


Ext. B : The certificate granted by the Management of Janki Mandir


Ext. C : The transfer certificate of Government . Middle School ,


10. That, it is stated that P.W.1 and P.W.2 is the father and mother

of the complainant whereas P.W.3 complainant herself and P.W.5 is the co-

villager ,it means that all the prosecution witnesses are the interested

witnesses ,therefore, their statement are not trustworthy and they gave their

tutored statement only to support the prosecution version.

11. That, it is very surprising that the so-called date of marriage is

22.08.2005 ,which is the month of SHARAVAN and in this month no

marriage could be performed of any Hindu Family.

12. That, it is stated that the complainant P.W.3 claimed that her

marriage was allegedly performed with the petitioner in Janki Mandir ,

Sitamarhi but the certificate granted by the Management of Janki Mandir

(Ext.B) which was issued on the basis of marriage register speaks that no
any marriage was performed in the temple on 22.08.2005 which also

falsifies the prosecution version.

13. That, it is stated that the Transfer Certificate of Government

Middle School (Ext. C) of the petitioner shows that at the time of so-

called marriage ,the petitioner was minor ,therefore, on that ground the so-

called marriage is illegal and void.


14. That, it is stated that except the so-called affidavit sworn by

the petitioner before the Notary Public no any other document shows that

the marriage of the complainant was performed with the petitioner and its

genuineness is also doubtful since the prosecution has failed to establish

that the said affidavit sworn by the petitioner is genuine .

15. That, it is stated that the defense witness D.W.1 Anil Kumar

Gupta deposed before the Court that the photograph which have been

submitted by the complainant regarding the marriage may be prepared

after enlargement and photographs of other persons.

16. That, it is stated that the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Sadar Sitamarhi has been pleased to convict the petitioner

under Section 498(A) of the Indian Penal Code and sentenced him to

undergo R.I. for three years and fine of Rs.5,000/- disbelieving the

genuine and valid documents produced on behalf of the defense and relying

upon the affidavit sworn by the petitioner before the Notary Public and

photograph which is not the reliable documents .

A certified copy of the judgment and

order dated 18.08.2011 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

17. That, it is stated that against the judgment and order dated

18.08.2011 passed by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Sadar Sitamarhi ,the petitioner preferred a criminal appeal which was

registered as Cr. Appeal No.89 of 2011 and during the pendency of appeal,

the petitioner was released on bail .

18. That, it is stated that the said Criminal Appeal filed by the
petitioner was finally heard by the learned Ad-hoc Additional Sessions
Judge -4, Sitamarhi ,who was pleased to dismiss the appeal filed by the
petitioner and affirm the order passed by the learned trial court.
19. That, it is stated that in view of the aforesaid facts and material

available on record ,the impugned orders are fit to be set aside.

20. That, after passing the appellate order, the petitioner

surrendered in the court of learned Sub-Divisional Judicial
Magistrate ,Sitamarhi Sadar on 11.09.2013 in this regard surrender slip
was issued .
A true photo stat copy of the
surrender slip dated 11.09.2013 is
annexed herewith and marked as
ANNEXURE- “2” to this petition.
Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the
judgment and order dated 29.01.2013 passed by
Sri Hanuman Prasad Tiwary ,the learned Ad-hoc
Additional District & Sessions Judge-4, Sitamarhi
in Cr. Appeal No.89of 2011 as also the judgment
and order 18.08.2011 passed by Sri Awadhesh
Kumar learned Sub- Divisional Judicial
Magistrate , Sadar Sitamarhi in Case No. CI-
1343/2006 , Trial No.249 of 2011 the above
named petitioner begs to prefer this revision
application on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned trial court

as well as appellate court is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the statement of the prosecution witnesses before

the learned trial court .

III. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to examine the independent witnesses and all the witnesses are

interested witness and co-related with each other .

IV. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the Management of

the Janki Mandir where the marriage of the petitioner and the complainant
was performed on 22.08.2005 granted certificate (Ext.B ) that on

22.08.2005 no marriage of any person was performed in the premises of

temple as per the register of marriage .

V. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that at the time of so-

called marriage the petitioner was minor which is evident from the Transfer

Certificate ( Ext. C) ,therefore, any marriage is void and illegal.

VI. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the D.W.1 in his


deposition deposed that the photograph which have been submitted by the

complainant regarding the marriage may be prepared after enlargement

and photographs of other person .

VII. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court ought to have disbelieved the documents as

produced on behalf of the petitioner and relied upon the affidavit sworn by

the petitioner before the Notary Public which is also a manufactured

document since it was not proved by the prosecution as a valid and genuine

document .

VIII. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the so-called date of

marriage i.e. 22.08.2005 is the month of SHARAVAN and in this month no

marriage could be performed of any Hindu Family .

IX. For that , if the order of the learned trial court as well as

appellate court are allowed to be continued ,it will amount to miscarriage of


X. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law as well as

facts and fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this application,

issue notice to the opposite-party ,call for the

records of the learned court below and after


hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the judgment and order dated 29.01.2013

passed by Sri Hanuman Prasad Tiwary ,the

learned Ad-hoc Additional District & Sessions

Judge-4, Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal No.89of 2011

as also the judgment and order 18.08.2011 passed

by Sri Awadhesh Kumar learned Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate , Sadar Sitamarhi in Case

No. CI-1343/2006 , Trial No.249 of 2011 .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this revision

application ,the petitioner be released on bail as

also to stay the order of fine to the satisfaction of

the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Sadar Sitamarhi.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2013.(Limitation )


Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2013.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-
Subodh Kumar Singh ………….…………………..…PETITIONER


The State of Bihar and others ..……………OPPOSITE -PARTIES.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;



1. That, this interlocutory application is being filed on behalf of

the petitioner above named for condonation of delay in filing of the instant

revision application.

2. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present on earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

3. That, it is stated that the learned Presiding Officer of Special

Lok Adalat , Vaishali at Hajipur passed the impugned order dated

27.11.2009 passed in Hajipur Sadar P.S. Case No.197 of 2004 ex-parte i.e.

without hearing the petitioner ,therefore, the petitioner has got no

knowledge about the said case .

4. That, it is stated that at the first time on 14.04.2013 ,the

petitioner could heard the rumour that the accused persons are left free from

the charges then he immediately enquired the matter and found that his

protest petition has already been rejected by the impugned order dated


5. That, it is stated that the petitioner had filed a requisition for

supply of the service reports of summon on 23.04.2013 and 04.05.2013

then an information was supplied that the service report has not been

received in the office.

6. That, though there is no deliberate latches on the part of the

petitioner .


6. That, if the delay in filing of the revision application is not

condoned ,the petitioner would suffer an irreparable loss and injury which

cannot be sustained in other way.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to condone

the delay in filing the present criminal revision

application .

Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2013.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;


In the matter of :-

Subodh Kumar Singh , son of Sri Hari Keshwar Singh ,

Resident of village- Subhai South Tola , P.S. Sadar Hajipur ,District –

Vaishali at Hajipur , presently residing at Mohalla- Gandhi Ashram , P.S.

Hajipur Town ,District – Vaishali at Hajipur.



1.The State of Bihar.

2. Om Prakash Singh ,son of Sri Hari Keshwar Singh ,

3. Sushil Kumar Singh ,son of Sri Om Prakash Singh ,

4. Sunil Kumar Singh ,son of Sri Om Prakash Singh ,

All resident of village- Subhai South Tola , P.S. Sadar Hajipur

,District – Vaishali at Hajipur.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this application on behalf of the petitioner above is for

setting aside the order dated 27.11.2009 passed in Hajipur Sadar P.S.

Case No.197 of 2004 by the learned Presiding Officer of Special Lok

Adalat , Vaishali at Hajipur , whereby and where under the protest petition

filed by the petitioner was rejected and accept the final form submitted by

the Investigating Officer and also directed to deposit the records in the

Record Room.
2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble Court

or before the learned Sessions Judge , Vaishali at Hajipur earlier against the

impugned order dated 27.11.2009.

3. That, the petitioner had filed a complaint petition before the

learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Vaishali at Hajipur on 11.05.2004

stating therein that the accused No.1 Om Prakash Singh (Opposite-party

no.1 ) ,who is the own brother of the petitioner and other accused persons


are son of the accused no.1 and he had purchased a Truck bearing Reg.

No. WGA-6343 in the year 1989 .

The petitioner further said that after purchase , he came to

his house and after two days the Opposite-party no.2 came to his house and

in present of the parents and brother the Opposite-party no.2 requested the

petitioner to handover the truck for its running to him on yearly Rs.72,000/-

as also the maintenance and taxes will be born by the Opposite-party no.2.

The petitioner further said that the Opposite-party no.2 had

paid only Rs.1 Lac to him till date and the Opposite-party no.2 did not pay

Rs.18-19 Lacs even after repeated request made by the petitioner and only

assurances has been given that the income of truck has been invested in

business and its profit as well as the share of the property will be given to

him which was earned from the income of the truck. Since the Opposite-

party no.2 is the own brother of the petitioner ,therefore, the petitioner

believed on the assurance of the Opposite-party no.2.

The petitioner further said that he received an information

that the Opposite-party no.2 in connivance with Opposite-party nos. 3 and 4

manufactured a forged signature on a partner-sheep deed in the name of

younger brother of the petitioner namely Manoj Singh in the year 1993 and

also kept Manoj Singh in dark.

The petitioner further said that from the said income , the

Opposite-party no.2 possessed the property in the name of her wife and


when he asked share from the accused persons then the accused persons in

connivance with the other kidnapped the son of the petitioner namely

Saurav Kumar on 18.05.2013 for which Town P.S. Case No.275 of 2013

was instituted .

The petitioner further said that the accused persons threatened

him to keep mum.

4. That, it is stated that the aforesaid complaint filed by the

petitioner was registered as Complaint Case No.1103 of 2004 and the

same was sent to the concerned Police- Station under Section -156(3) of the

Code of Criminal Procedure for institution of First Information Report and

investigation of the case.

5. That, it is stated that after receipt of the aforesaid complaint ,

Hajipur Sadar Police drew up a formal First Information Report and

registered a case being Hajipur Sadar P.S. Case No.197 of 2004 dated
18.05.2004 attributing offences under Sections 406, 420, 467, 468, 120B/34

of the Indian Penal Code .

A true photo stat copy of the F.I.R. of

Hajipur Sadar P.S. Case No.197 of

2004 dated 18.05.2004 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” for identification

forming part of this petition.


6. That, it is stated that after institution of the First Information

Report ,the police proceeded with the investigation and the Investigating

Officer in connivance with the accused persons submitted final form

against the accused persons under Section 406, 420, 467 , 406 ,120(B) /34

Indian Penal Code saying civil dispute vide Final Form No.280 of 2004

dated 09.10.2004.

A true photo stat/typed copy of the

Final Form No.280 of 2004 dated

09.10.2004 is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “2” for

identification forming part of this


7. That, it is pertinent to mention here that prior to submission of

the Final Form seeing the conduct of the Investigating Officer of the case ,
the petitioner filed a protest petition in the court of learned Chief Judicial

Magistrate on 28.06.2004.

A true photo stat copy of the protest

petition dated 28.06.2004 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “3” for identification

forming part of this petition.


8. That, it is stated that vide order dated 24.11.2004,the learned

Chief Judicial Magistrate , Vaishali at Hajipur issued notice to the

petitioner for fixing the date 02.06.2005 but the said notice was not served

to the petitioner and thereafter no summons were issued to the petitioner

for his appearance.

A true photo stat/typed copy of the

order-sheet maintained by the learned

Chief Judicial Magistrate , Vaishali at

Hajipur is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “4” for

identification forming part of this

9. That, it is stated that since no summons were served to the

petitioner ,therefore, the petitioner could not appear before the learned

court below.

10. That, it appears that since the matter is pending since

long ,therefore, the case was sent to the Special Lok Adalat but the Special

Lok Adalat prior to passing the impugned order , no notice was sent either to

the petitioner or to the accused persons for their appearance and sue- motto

passed the impugned order dated 27.11.2009 that since Investigating Officer

had submitted final form or saying civil dispute ,therefore, the protest

petition filed by the petitioner was rejected.


11. That, it is that the petitioner has got no knowledge about the

impugned order dated 27.11.2009 and when the petitioner could rumour

that the accused persons are left free from the cases then he enquired the

case then found that his protest petition has already been rejected by the

impugned order dated 27.11.2009.

12. That, it is stated that immediately after knowledge the petitioner

had filed a requisition for supply of the certified copy of Vakalatnama of

informant and accused persons as also the service report of summons upon

which on the back of requisition ,the information was supplied that the

Vakalatnama was not filed on behalf of the accused persons and summons

were not served to the appellant .

A true photo stat copy of the

requisition dated 23.04.2013 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “5” for identification

forming part of this petition

13. That, it is stated that the petitioner also filed a requisition to

supply the service report upon which the office had supplied an information

that the service report has not been received in the office.

A true photo stat copy of the

requisition dated 04.05.2013 is

annexed herewith and marked as


ANNEXURE- “6” for identification

forming part of this petition.

14. That, it is stated that since the impugned order has been passed

by the learned Presiding Officer of the Special Lok Adalat without hearing

the parties ,therefore, on this ground alone the impugned order is fit to be set


15. That, it is stated that if the accused persons are left free from

the said charges ,which is miscarriage of justice with the petitioner and

abuse of the process of the court of law since in future the accused persons

will repeat such offence again.

16. That, in view of the aforesaid facts the impugned order passed

by the Presiding Officer of the Special Lok Adalat is fit to be set aside .

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order

dated 27.11.2009 passed in Hajipur Sadar P.S.

Case No.197 of 2004 by the learned Presiding

Officer of Special Lok Adalat , Vaishali at

Hajipur , the above named petitioner begs

to prefer this revision application on amongst the

other following


I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned Presiding

Officer of Special Lok Adalat is bad in law as well as on facts .


II. For that, while passing the impugned order the learned

Presiding Officer of Special Lok Adalat is failed to comply the principles

of NATURAL JUSTICE , since it was passed without giving opportunity of

hearing to the parties.

III. For that, while passing the impugned order the learned

Presiding Officer of Special Lok Adalat is failed to appreciate that since

the petitioner had already filed a protest petition against the police

investigation ,therefore, prior to acceptance of Final Report submitted by the

police , the learned Magistrate should have notice to the respective parties

prior to coming any conclusion but the learned Magistrate did not do so .
IV. For that, while passing the impugned order the learned

Presiding Officer of Special Lok Adalat is failed to appreciate that the Lok

Adalat was constituted only for the purposes to settle the issue on the

consent of both the parties but in the present case notices were not issued to

either of the parties.

V. For that, while passing the impugned order the learned

Presiding Officer of Special Lok Adalat is failed to appreciate that on the

material there is sufficient material on record against the accused persons

for commission of the criminal offences .

VI. For that , the order passed by the learned Presiding Officer of

the Special Lok Adalat is illegal , improper and the same is fit to be set



VII. For that , the impugned order is otherwise bad in law and is fit

to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

revision application, call for the records and issue

notice to the opposite-parties and after hearing

the parties be further pleased to set aside the

order dated 27.11.2009 passed in Hajipur Sadar

P.S. Case No.197 of 2004 by the learned

Presiding Officer of Special Lok Adalat , Vaishali

at Hajipur.


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordship

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.




Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2013.

In the matter of an application under

Section 53 OF THE Juvenile Justice (

Care and Protection of Children) Act,



In the matter of :-

Ruddu Kumar Pandey @ Vijit Kumar Pandey ,son of Narendra Kumar

Pandey , resident of village- Bhagadwa ,Tola- Uttim Pandey , P.S.

Majhaulia , District – West Champaran .

……………………(Accused) PETITIONER.


The State of Bihar. ………….…….………………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Chief

Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the above named petitioner ;


1. That, the petitioner namely Ruddu Pandey @ Vijit Kumar

Pandey ,who is innocent but he has been falsely implicated in a case under

Sections 20/22/23/24/27A/29 of the N.D.P.S. Act in Gopalpur P.S. Case

No.48 of 2012 and the petitioner was declared juvenile by the Juvenile

Justice Board , Bettiah, West Champaran on 20.07.2012 and after that the

petitioner moved before the learned Principal Magistrate ,Juvenile Justice

Board , Bettiah , West Champaran for bail in Case No. J.J.B. Tr. No.285 of

2012 in connection with Gopalpur P.S. Case No.48 of 2012 but the same

has been rejected on 27.07.2012 and the petitioner preferred appeal but the

said appeal was dismissed by the learned Sessions Judge , West

Champaran , Bettiah vide judgment and order dated 18.12.2012 in

Criminal Appeal No.93 of 2012.

2. That, the petitioner has not come to this Hon'ble Court earlier

against the order dated 18.12.2012 passed in Cr. Appeal No.93 of 2012.

3. That, the prosecution case ,in brief, is that on 22.04.2012 at

about 8.15 A.M. , S.I. Kiran Shankar ,who happened to be Officer-in-

Charge of Gopalpur P.S. along with other police personnel reached near

Dhodhai Bridge and saw one Motor Cycle was coming from north on which

he stopped the Motorcycle.

4. That, he further stated that during in course of search he

found one plastic bag and one sock and when the informant asked about the

bags then the accused persons stated that there is Ganja and Charas kept in

the bags.

5. That, he further stated that in the presence of independent

witnesses namely Dhanai Sah and Hira Lal Sah searched the bags and

two bundles of Ganja and fourteen packets of Charas respectively both

weighing 10 Kg and 14 Kg respectively.

6. That, in course of query the accused persons disclosed their

names as Ruddu Pandey @ Vijit Kumar Pandey and Minku Pandey and

they disclosed the alleged contrabands belongs to one Kof Sharif Gaddi

and said Kof Sharif Gaddi handed over the contrabands to the accused

persons at Sikta and said to deliver the contrabands in Bettiah then money

will be given to you.

7. That, the informant asked about the Rajdoot Motorcycle

bearing registration number BR-2B-0294 then co-accused Ruddu Pandey

said that the alleged Motorcycle belongs to him and after that in the

pressure of witnesses the accused persons were arrested .

8. That, on the basis of statement of informant , a case was

instituted and a formal First Information Report was drawn.

The photo copy of the F.I.R. of

Gopalpur P.S. Case No.48 of 2012 is

made ANNEXURE- “1” to this


9. That, the petitioner has been falsely implicated in the instant

case due to police high handedness .

10. That, the petitioner is student and he has nothing to do with the

seized contrabands.

11. That, in this case mandatory provisions of N.D.P.S. Act has not

been complied.

12. That, the petitioner having got o criminal antecedent .

13. That, the petitioner has been rotting in jail since 22.04.2012.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 18.12.2012 passed by

Sri Prem Chandra Gupta the learned Sessions

Judge , West Champaran , Bettiah in Cr. Appeal

No.93 of 2012 affirming the order dated

27.07.2012 passed by the learned Principal

Magistrate , Juvenile Justice Board , Bettiah , West

Champaran in J.J.B. Tr. No.285 of 2012 , the


above named petitioner begs to prefer this

revision petition on amongst the other following


I. For that, the orders passed by the learned courts below is

erroneous and bad on both law and facts .

II. For that, the petitioner is innocent and has been falsely

implicated in this case .

III. For that, no tangible evidence has appeared against the

petitioner during course of investigation .

IV. For that, the judgment and order is otherwise bad ,illegal and

unjustified in the fats and circumstances of the case.

It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may

be graciously pleased to admit this petition ,issue

notice , call for records and after hearing the

parties set aside the judgment and order dated

18.12.2012 passed in Cr. Appeal No.93 of 2012

and also the order dated 27.07.2012 passed in

J.J.B. Tr. No.285 of 2012 and further be pleased

to enlarge the petitioner on bail to the satisfaction

of the learned Principal Magistrate , Juvenile

Justice Board , Bettiah , West Champaran in

Gopalpur P.S. Case No.48 of 2012 and further be

pleased to pass such other order or orders as

Your Lordship may deem fit and proper.

And for this ,the petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray.


I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2013.(Withdrawal )


Cr. Rev. NO.___1007______________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Section 482 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure ;


In the matter of :-

Anil Kumar Singh ………….…………………..…PETITIONER


The State of Bihar and others ..……………OPPOSITE -PARTIES.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this interlocutory application is being filed on behalf of

the petitioner above named for withdrawal of the aforesaid Criminal

Revision No.1007 of 2009 which was admitted by this Hon'ble Court and

the petitioner of this revision application is poor person and he resides

outside the State for his livelihood and he does not want to proceed with

the case and after being advised by the well wisher of the petitioner and the

Opposite-parties also and on being amicable settlement outside the court

at village level , the petitioner wants to withdraw the case as per his own


2. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present one earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to grant

permission to withdraw the Criminal Revision

No.1007 of 2009 .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2013.

In the matter of an application under

Section 19(iv) of the Family Court

Act, 1984 ;


In the matter of :-

Kundan Kumar , son of Late Anant Lal Prasad ,

Resident of village- Sarobag, P.S. Dharhara , District – Munger.



1.The State of Bihar.

2. Soni Devi, wife of Kundan Kumar and daughter of Manohar Tanti ,

Resident of village- Bari Aashikpur (Bishari Asthan ) , P.O. Jamalpur ,

P.S. East Colony, District – Munger.

…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTIES.

The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her


Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

dated 09.11.2012 passed in Maintenance Case No.37(M) of 2012 by

learned Principal Judge , Family Court, Munger , whereby and where under

the amount of Rs.3,000/- was directed to be paid to the Opposite-party no.2

without considering the grounds or plea taken by the petitioner filed in the

aforesaid matrimonial case no.37(M) of 2012. .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble Court

against the impugned order dated 09.11.2012.

3. That, the Opposite-party no.2 has filed a maintenance case

no.37(M) of 2012 before the learned Principal Judge , Family Court ,

Munger stating therein that the marriage of the petitioner was solemnized

on 20.05.2009 with the Opposite-party no.2 and thereafter she went to her

matrimonial house and after some time the in-laws of the Opposite-party

no.2 started to demand Rs.1 Lac to construct his house upon which the

Opposite-party no.2 said her parent inability to pay such type of huge

amount . Thereafter she gave birth to a male child namely Nishant. It is

further alleged in the said petition that the petitioner carried to the


Opposite-party no.2 to his own house after pacifying the matter in between

the parties . Thereafter she became pregnant later on but the in-laws of the

Opposite-party no.2 started repeated demand of the said amount as well as

she was being assaulted and lastly on 30.06.2011 she was driven out from

her matrimonial house and consequently a complaint case bearing Case

No.694C of 2011 was lodged and she gave birth to another female child

namely Divya at her Maike and there is no any other source of income of

the Opposite-party no.2 and she claimed as her maintenance amount of

Rs.10,000/- per month because the petitioner runs the flour mill and he

earns Rs.20,000/- per month and accordingly the learned Principal Judge

has passed the impugned order without considering the material aspects of

the petitioner .
A true photo stat copy of the plaint of

Maintenance Case No.37( M) of 2012

is annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this petition.

4. That, the petitioner appeared in the said matrimonial case and

filed his rejoinder and he categorically asserted that he is an unemployed

person and after the death of his father , the birth of the petitioner became

separate in all respect and the mother of the petitioner is an old lady and

she is spending her life on his pension amount only . The petitioner became

helpless and when the maintenance case was instituted by the Opposite-


party no.2 ,the petitioner filed a petition under Section 9 of the Hindu

Marriage Act but the Opposite-party no.2 did not ready to reside with the

petitioner because he is totally unable to maintain her wife.

A true photo stat copy of the rejoinder

filed by the petitioner is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” to this petition.

5. That, the petitioner is preparing for competitive examination

in his village to get any job for his livelihood . In this way the petitioner is

quite unable to pay the maintenance amount to the Opposite-party no.2.

6. That, the learned Principal Judge has himself mentioned in the

impugned order that neither the petitioner appeared in the said case nor a

lawyer on his behalf also appeared.

7. That, in the impugned order it has been mentioned that it is also

not pleaded the petitioner has own source of income and the Opposite-party

no.2 has denied the allegation made in the petition itself but the learned

Principal Judge has not discussed the contention of the petition filed by the

petitioner in the impugned order itself and simply the learned Principal

Judge has concluded the order and directed the petitioner to pay altogether

the amount of Rs.3,000/- per month to the Opposite-party no.2. It is very

much surprising to mention here that the learned Principal Judge has not


discussed the point taken by the petitioner in his petition simply the order

of interim maintenance has been passed.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order

dated 09.11.2012 passed in Maintenance Case

No.37(M) of 2012 by learned Principal Judge ,

Family Court, Munger , the above named

petitioner begs to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following

I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned Principal

Judge is bad in law as well as on facts and the same is quite illegal in the

eye of law .

II. For that, the learned Principal Judge has quietly ignored the

defense of the petitioner as mentioned in his petition as contained in


III. For that, the learned Principal Judge has only focused that

the Opposite-party no.2 has no source of income and undisputedly the two

children and the Opposite-party no.2 is the liability of the petitioner which

is quite illegal in the eye of law .

IV. For that, the learned Principal Judge has fixed the amount of

interim maintenance which is quite disproportionate and the learned

Principal Judge has erred in passing the impugned order.


V. For that , the impugned order is otherwise bad in law and is fit

to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

revision application, call for the records and

issue notice to the opposite-party no.2 and after

hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the order dated 09.11.2012 passed in

Maintenance Case No.37(M) of 2012 by learned

Principal Judge , Family Court, Munger.


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordship

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

operation of the impugned order dated 09.11.2012

passed in Maintenance Case No.37(M) of 2012

by learned Principal Judge , Family Court,

Munger may kindly be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2012.(Limitation )


Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2012.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-

Manoj Das @ Manoj Kumar Das …………………..…PETITIONER


The State of Bihar and another ..……………OPPOSITE -PARTIES.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;



1. That, this interlocutory application is being filed on behalf of

the petitioner above named for condonation of delay in filing of the instant

revision application in which the limitation has been expired on 05.12.2012

though the said criminal revision has been filed on 07.12.2012 and the

Stamp Reporter has pointed out the defect upon limitation on 11.12.2012 .

2. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present on earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

3. That, the petitioner handed over the brief at the eleventh hour

to the concerned Advocate but it could not be filed within the period of

limitation due to mistake on the part of the concerned Advocate.

4. That, the concerned Advocate as soon as calculated the period

of filing the criminal revision application in the present case , it could be

filed on 07.12.2012.

5. That, though there is no deliberate latches on the part of the

petitioner as well as the concerned.

6. That, if the delay in filing of the revision application is not

condoned ,the petitioner would suffer an irreparable loss and injury which

cannot be sustained in other way.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to condone

the delay in filing the present criminal revision

application .



Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2012.

In the matter of an application under

Section 19(iv) of the Family Court

Act, 1984 ;


In the matter of :-

Manoj Das, son of Late Saryug Das ,

Resident of Mohalla- Nayagaon , P.S. East Colony , District – Munger.



1.The State of Bihar.

2. Kiran Devi, wife of Manoj Das , daughter of Sri Fanindra Das @ Fulo

Das , resident of village- Gandhipur , P.S. Bariyarpur ,District – Munger.

…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTIES.

The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her


Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

dated 27.08.2012 passed in Case No.104( Maint) of 2010 by learned Sri

Jitendra Kumar, the Principal Judge , Family Court, Munger , whereby and

where under the learned Principal Judge has passed an order to pay

altogether Rs.3,500/- including the earlier interim maintenance of

Rs.1,500/- which he is already paying as per the order of this Hon'ble

Court since the date of filing of the petition dated 07.12.2010 by the

Opposite-party no.2 . The petitioner was also directed to pay a lump-sump

of Rs.10,000/- towards litigation cost to the Opposite-party no.2.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble Court

against the impugned order dated 27.08.2012.

3. That, the Opposite-party no.2 filed a petition under Section

125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure on 07.12.2010 for her maintenance

though it is quite illegal and frivolous because she earlier lodged a

complaint case against her in-laws including the petitioner for offence

under Section 498A , 323, 504 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 3/ 4 of

the Dowry Prohibition Act in which it is said that on 14.07.1997 marriage


was solemnized with the petitioner and it is further alleged that a

Motorcycle along with Rs.2 Lacs were also demanded by them and on

being tortured by her in-laws family .On the other hand the petitioner has

contested and said that the Opposite-party no.2 has never lived with him

despite his request and she has illicit relation with her villager and marriage

between the parties dissolved by the Panchayat in the year 2001 itself.

Though the complaint case was filed in the year 2009 against the petitioner

and his family members . Inspite of this ,the petitioner became ready to

keep the Opposite-party no.2.

4. That, the petitioner was appointed on compassionate ground

as a routine Clerk due to death of his father .When he was unemployed ,the

Opposite-party no.2 herself left the matrimonial house and she has some

illicit relationship with her villager and a Panchayati was also made and she

flatly denied to live with the petitioner and on that point of time ,the
petitioner was released on anticipatory bail in Cr. Misc. No.12293 of 2011

passed on 19th April,2011 but this Hon'ble Court at the time of passing the

order ,the petitioner was directed to pay Rs.1,500/- per month to the

complainant –Opposite-party no.2 from May, 2011 but herein this case the

learned Principal Judge , Family Court , Munger passed the order to pay

the maintenance of Rs.3,500/- per month including the aforesaid

Rs.1,500/- since the date of filing of the petition dated 07.12.2010 ,it is clear

cut violation of the order passed in Cr. Misc. No.12293 of 2011 on dated


19.04.2011 , though the Opposite-party no.2 with the greedy eyes ,

suddenly desired to live with the petitioner and having seen no scope ,

then he filed a Maintenance Case No.104M of 2010 whereas the petitioner

has joined the service .

A true photo stat copy of the order

19.04.2011 passed in Cr. Misc.

No.12293 of 2011 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

5. That, in the order of appointment vide memo no.3042 dated

24.08.2007 , the appointing authority as per instruction of the Government

as well as the Circular regarding compassionate appointment directed to

follow the terms and conditions such as to maintain the dependants of the

deceased employee and the petitioner having got his salary maintained the
dependant of his father such as brother , sisters and the loan taken by the

petitioner in the marriage of his sister is being refunded till now and a huge

amount of portion of the salary is being deducted against the loan taken by

the petitioner . In this way the petitioner is quite unable to pay the

enhanced maintenance passed in the impugned order . If the petitioner fails

to maintain the dependants of the deceased employees ,it is possible that

the petitioner can be ousted from the service. Note even only the petitioner


ultimately ready to keep the Opposite-party no.2 and a legal and genuine

proportion is being paid to the Opposite-party no.2.

6. That, so far the submission advances on behalf of the

Opposite-party no.2 that the mother of the petitioner herself a pensioner

but the pension amount is so meager that it cannot be sufficient to maintain

herself . On the contrary the petitioner expended in the treatment of her

mother as well as the family members . In this way , that claim of the

Opposite-party no.2 is not sustainable in the eye of law as well as the

factual circumstances of the petitioner .

7. That, so far litigation cost of lump-sump amount of

Rs.10,000/- is also unreasonable and irrational because in the family court

as well as the petition filed by the Opposite-party no.2 did not spend 1/4 th

amount of Rs.10,000/-.
Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order

dated 27.08.2012 passed in Case No.104( Maint)

of 2010 by learned Sri Jitendra Kumar, the

Principal Judge , Family Court, Munger , the

above named petitioner begs to prefer this

revision application on amongst the other




I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned Principal

Judge is bad in law as well as on facts and the same is quite illegal in the

eye of law .

II. For that, the petitioner factually a Government Servant but

he was appointed on compassionate ground and he is duty bound to

maintain the dependant of the deceased employee and the proportion of

maintenance amount is sufficient and genuine.

III. For that, the learned Principal Judge has erred in passing the

impugned order that maintenance amount of Rs.1,500/- ass per the direction

by this Hon'ble Court has to be paid since May,2011 but after being

misconceived the learned Principal Judge has passed the order and directed

the petitioner to pay an amount of Rs.3,500/- including the earlier amount

Rs.1,500/- as per direction of this Hon'ble Court since the date of filing of
the petition dated 07.12.2010 which is quite illegal in the eye of law as well

as the clear cut violation of the order of this Hon'ble Court and it causes

the irreparable loss to the petitioner .

IV. For that, the learned Principal Judge has also failed to

appreciate the financial condition of the petitioner and the petitioner was

directed to pay a lump-sump amount of Rs.10,000/- as litigation cost

which is quite illegal in both way.

V. For that , the impugned order is otherwise bad in law and is fit

to be set aside.


It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

revision application, call for the records and

issue notice to the opposite-party no.2 and after

hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the order dated 27.08.2012 passed in Case

No.104( Maint) of 2010 by learned Sri Jitendra

Kumar, the Principal Judge , Family Court,



Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordship

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

operation of the impugned order dated 27.08.2012

passed in Case No.104( Maint) of 2010 by

learned Sri Jitendra Kumar, the Principal Judge ,

Family Court, Munger may kindly be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. No._____________________/ OF 2012.


Cr. Rev. NO._____1039____________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;

In the matter of :-

Hiramati Devi, wife of Late Dhanpat Tiwary,

Resident of village- Baraki Nainijore , P.S. Brahmpur ( Nainijore) , District-




1.The State of Bihar.

2. Pradosh Tiwary, son of Late Parabhu Tiwary,

3. Rabindra Tiwary , son of Pradash Tiwary,

4. Shankar Tiwary, son of Pradosh Tiwary,


All resident of village and P.O. Baraki Nainijore , P.S.

Nainijore , District- Buxar



The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, the petitioner has filed the aforesaid case before the

Hon'ble High Court to set aside the order passed by the A.D.J. , F.T. Court-

V , Buxar dated 02.07.2010 in Sessions Trial No.219 of 1998 and direct the

learned court below to issue process under Section 82, 83 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure for procuring the attendance of the informant and the

Investigating Officer in the aforesaid case.

2. That, in the aforesaid case one of the Opposite-party (accused )

no.3 namely Rabindra Tiwary son of Pradash Tiwary as dead and after the

death of the accused person the case abates against him .

3. That, the name of the Opposite-party no.3 may be deleted from

the record of the case because he is dead.


4. That, for the ends of justice , the name of the Opposite-party

no.3 may be deleted from the record of the case.

5. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present one earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

It is ,therefore, prayed that Your Lordships may

be pleased to allow this application and the name

of the Opposite-party no.3 may be deleted from

the record of the case or/pass such order or orders

as Your Lordship may deem fit and proper.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2012.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;


In the matter of :-

Mina Kumari ,wife of Shyam Sundar Singh @ Sunil Singh ,

Resident of village- Morsand , P.S. Runnisaidpur , District – Sitamarhi.



1.The State of Bihar.

2. Satish Chandra Srivastava , son of Sidheshwari Sharan ,

Resident of Ward No.8 , Holding No.388, 381 Cinema Road, Gopalganj,

P.S. Gopalganj , District – Gopalganj , the Program Officer, Sitamarhi,

District – Sitamarhi.

…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTIES.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble


Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this application on behalf of the petitioner above is for

setting aside the order dated 06.09.2012 passed in Complaint Case

No. C-I/421 of 2011 by Sri Awadhesh Kumar, the learned Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate , Sadar , Sitamarhi, whereby and where under the

learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sadar Sitamarhi was pleased

to dismiss the complaint filed by the petitioner and also to direct the learned

court below to proceed with the complaint against the Opposite-party no.2.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble Court

or before the learned Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi earlier against the

impugned order dated 06.09.2012 .

3. That, the prosecution case as spelt out in the complaint petition

filed by the petitioner in the court of the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate ,

Sitamarhi , in brief is that, she is posted as an Aanganwari Sevika of Centre

No.132 under village- Morsand and on 15.11.2011 at about 2 P.M. , the

accused Opposite-party no.2 , Program Officer came at the Panchayat

Bhawan and asked about the irregularities committed in Take Home

Ration Scheme . The Opposite-party no.2 told her to give Rs.1,000/- per

month and he has also demanded Rs.5,000/- at once then the petitioner

opposed about it then the Opposite-party no.2 became angry and started to

abuse her .

The petitioner further said that she made warning to the

Opposite-party no.2 then the Opposite-party no.2 assaulted her and abused

in filthy language . The Opposite-party no.2 also torn her clothes and

thereafter he went away after taking some registers of the Centre .

The petitioner further said that she went at the Runnisaidpur

Police- Station but the police refused to lodge the case then she filed the

instant complaint case.

4. That, the aforesaid complaint filed by the petitioner was

registered as Complaint Case No.C-I/421 of 2011 under Sections 384,

385,379,323, 354 and 504 of the Indian Penal Code and the same was

transferred to the court of learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate ,Sitamarhi Sadar .

A true photo stat copy of the

complaint petition of Complaint Case

No.C-I/421 of 2011 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this petition.

5. That, it is stated that after institution of the complaint case, the

petitioner was examined on solemn affirmation and the petitioner fully


supported the prosecution version on solemn affirmation as spelt out in the

complaint petition.

6. That, it is stated that on behalf of the prosecution, five

prosecution witnesses namely Pranit Kumar , Kamini Devi, Pinki Devi and

Nagina Das were examined under Section 202 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure and they have fully supported the prosecution version as spelt out

in the complaint petition.

True photo stat/ typed copies of the

statement of enquiry witnesses are

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” series to this


7. That, it is stated that when the Opposite-party no.2 demanded

Rs.500/- per month as also at once for payment of Rs.5,000/- as bribe in the

name of so-called irregularities though there was no irregularities at the

Centre of petitioner ,therefore, the petitioner opposed the misdeeds of the

Opposite-party no.2 and she flatly refused to make payment of the said

bribe upon which the Opposite-party no.2 misbehaved with the petitioner

and in defense the Opposite-party no.2 lodged a false case against the

husband of the petitioner namely Sunil Kumar Singh in Runnisaidpur

Police- Station being Runnisaidpur P.S. Case No.128 of 2011 ,


8. That, it is stated that the Opposite-party no.2 lodged

Runnisaidpur P.S. Case No.128 of 2011 against the husband of the petitioner

when the Opposite-party no.2 had apprehension that the petitioner might

have lodged case or made complaint before the higher Authorities against

him about the offence committed by him with the petitioner .

9. That, it is stated that against the Opposite-party no.2 ,there was

ample material on record for taking cognizance against the Opposite-party

no.2 ,who during the course of discharge of his public duty misused his

official power in the name of enquiry for some unethical gain.

10. That, it is stated that the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Sitamarhi Sadar was pleased to dismiss the complaint filed by

the petitioner merely on the ground that the Opposite-party no.2 had lodged

a case against the husband of the petitioner as also the Opposite-party no.2

should be protected under Section 197 of the Code of Criminal Procedure

since the Opposite-party no.2 is a public servant.

11. That, it is stated that against the Opposite-party no.2 there is a

serious charge for demanding bribe and on non-fulfillment of the said bribe

he misbehaved with the petitioner taking the advantage of his post and the

said facts were fully supported by the prosecution witnesses.

12. That, it is stated that if the Opposite-party no.2 is left free from

the said charges ,which is miscarriage of justice with the petitioner and

abuse of the process of the court of law since in future the Opposite-party

no.2 will repeat such offence.

13. That, in view of the aforesaid facts the impugned order passed

by the learned Sub-Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi Sadar is fit to

be set aside .

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

order dated 06.09.2012 passed in Complaint Case

No. C1/421 of 2011 by Sri Awadhesh Kumar , the

learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Sadar , Sitamarhi, the above named petitioner

begs to prefer this revision application on amongst

the other following


I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate is bad in law as well as on facts .

II. For that, while passing the impugned order the learned Sub-

Divisional Magistrate failed to appreciate that there is serious charges

against the Opposite-party no.2 for demanding bribe and on non-fulfillment

of the said demand ,he misbehaved with the petitioner taking the advantage

of his post .

III. For that, while passing the impugned order, the learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate failed to appreciate that the petitioner on


solemn affirmation as well as other prosecution witnesses have fully

supported the prosecution version as spelt out in the complaint petition .

IV. For that, while passing the impugned order, the learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate failed to appreciate that the Opposite-party

no.2 lodged the case against the husband of the petitioner in self defense

for saving his skin for offence committed by him.

V. For that, while dismissing the complaint petition filed by the

petitioner ,the learned Magistrate failed to appreciate that the Opposite-

party no.2 misused his power during the course of discharge of his duty for

his unethical gain of bribe and on non-fulfillment of the said bribe he

misbehaved with the petitioner ,therefore, the Opposite-party no.2 could not

be protected under Section 197 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

VI. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned Magistrate

is fit to be set aside since it suffers from non-application of judicial mind and

it is passed taking the lenient view that the Opposite-party no.2 is holding

the post of District Program Officer.

VII. For that , the order passed by the learned Magistrate is illegal ,

improper and the same is fit to be set aside.

VIII. For that , the impugned order is otherwise bad in law and is fit

to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this


revision application, call for the records and

issue notice to the opposite-party no.2 and after

hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the order dated 06.09.2012 passed in Complaint

Case No. C-I/421 of 2011 by Sri Awadhesh

Kumar the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Sadar , Sitamarhi.


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordship

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.

Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2012.
In the matter of an application under
Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure ;
In the matter of :-
1. Sundar Pati Devi, wife of Late Butai Singh ,
2. Sanju Devi, daughter of Late Butai Singh ,
3. Binay Singh @ Binay Kumar Singh, son of Late Butai Singh ,
4. Renu Devi , wife of Binay Kumar Sinha ,
All residents of Mohalla- Indira Nagar( Rajapur ), P.S.
Patliputra , District – Patna.
1.The State of Bihar.
2. Bibha Bharti , daughter of Nawal Prasad Singh ,
Resident of Mohalla- Sadar Bazar , Jamalpur , P.S. Jamalpur , District –
…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTIES.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioners above named;


1. That, this criminal revision application is directed against the

order dated 26.04.2012 passed in G.R. Case No.388 of 2001 by learned

Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,Munger by which the petition filed by

the petitioners for recalling the witnesses for their cross examination has

been rejected.

2. That, the petitioners have not moved before this Hon’ble Court

or before the learned Sessions Judge , Munger earlier against the impugned

order .

3. That, the aforesaid case arises out of Jamalpur P.S. Case

No.32 of 2001 in which charge-sheet has been submitted against petitioners

for offence punishable under Sections 498(A) , 323, 324 of the Indian Penal

Code and Section 3/ 4 of the Dowry Prohibition Act and after charge trial

proceeded for the allegation of torture and demand of dowry.


4. That , during the course of trial of the instant criminal case the

evidence of P.W.1 Nawal Prasad Singh father of the Opposite-party

no.2 ,the evidence of P.W.2 Urmila Devi mother of the Opposite-party

no.2 and evidence of P.W.3 Vibha Bharti herself, concluded on 09.12.2005 ,

25.01.2006 and 07.03.2006 respectively . Besides the above evidence of the

Investigating Officer , P.W.7 was recorded on 11.01.2012.

5. That, after the evidence of the above witnesses P.Ws. 1,2, 3

and 7 , several developments took place which were either not within the

knowledge of the petitioner or which happened subsequently which may

be enumerated as follows :-
I. That, the said Matrimonial Case No.56 of 2001 was decreed in

favour of the petitioner from the court of learned Additional

Principal Judge , Family Court, Patna on 09.12.2009.

II. That, the Opposite-party no.2 Bibha Bharti preferred Misc.

Appeal No.26 of 2010 in this Hon'ble Court not against the

decree of divorce but against alimony ,which also was

dismissed as withdrawn on 02.01.2012 . It goes beyond saying

that the decree of Divorce remand final.

III. That, at the time of the hearing of the appeal preferred by

Opposite-party no.2 Vibha Kumari Rs.5 Lacs was demanded

on her behalf for quashing of the instance case.


IV. That, the Hon'ble Judge of this Hon'ble Court finding the

demand of money made on behalf of the Opposite-party no.2

and after made on behalf of the petitioner unbridgeable

observed –“ The Respondent ,if so advised , may take step in

the criminal case pending against him , now when decree of

divorce between the parties has attained finality , the criminal

court is expected to keep this fact in mind while proceeding

with the case in accordance with law.

V. That, climax of event is that the Opposite-party no.2 Vibha

Kumari got herself married with one Niraj Kumar @ Sitanshu

Kumar son of Bhubneshwar Prasad Singh of village- Pipra ,

P.S. Bath , District - Bhagalpur on 04.06.2002 in the temple of

Baba Baidyanath ( Jharkhand ).

VI. That, in the year 2004 a son was born out of the wedlock with

Niraj Kumar @ Sitanshu Kumar and Vibha Bharti . It also

transpires that the son died within a very short time. Thereafter

Opposite-party no.2 gave birth to a baby in Delhi in the year

2005 out of the same wedlock.

VII. That, the said Niraj Kumar @ Sitanshu Kumar brought a

Matrimonial Case No.190 of 2010 against Opposite-party no.2

Vibha Bharti . Besides her father Nawal Prasad Singh had also

been made Respondent no.2 second party and the accused


Uday Kumar had also been arrayed as Respondent no.2 , third

party in the court of learned Principal Judge, Family Court,

Bhagalpur on 19.07.2010.

VIII. That, the Opposite-party no.2 Vibha Bharti along with her

father Nawal Prasad Singh has appeared and have filed a joint

written statement in the said matrimonial case no.190 of 2010

in the court of learned Principal Judge, Bhagalpur.

IX. That, the Opposite-party no.2 Vibha Kumari put in a petition

under Section 24 of the Hindu Marriage Act read with Section

151 of the Code of Civil Procedure in the said Matrimonial

Case No.190 of 2010 with a prayer to pass an interim order to

pay cost for trial of the suit and maintenance for herself and

her minor daughter dated 19.10.2011.

Apart from the above several other incidents have

taken place after the evidence of the above four P.Ws.

6. That, under the above mentioned facts and circumstances of

this case the petitioners along with other accused person put in a petition

praying therein to recall P.Ws.1,2,3 and 7 for further cross-examination that

would be essential to the just decision of the case.

A true photo stat copy of the recall

petition dated 02.04.2012 is annexed


herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

7. That, after hearing both the sides the learned Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate rejected the petition of the accused persons by his

order dated 26.04.2012.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

order dated 26.04.2012 passed by the learned

Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Munger in

G.R. No.388 of 2001, the above named

petitioners beg to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned Magistrate

is erroneous both in law and on facts .

II. For that, the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate did

not apply his judicial mind while passing the impugned order and it is fit

to be set aside .

III. For that, the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate

should have considered the number of developments took place after the

evidence of P.Ws. 1,2,3 and 7 examined in this case and should have

passed order to recall these witnesses for further cross examination .


IV. For that, the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate

should have considered that the recall and further cross-examination of the

said P.Ws. was essential to the just decision of the case.

V. For that, the learned Magistrate should have allowed the

petition and should not have rejected the petition by his instant cryptic

order .

VI. For that, the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate

should have considered that the further cross-examination of the above

mentioned P.Ws. would have not only exposed that the P.Ws. have
concealed the material ad important aspect of the case but would have

established the falsity of the entire prosecution case .

VII. For that, for a just decision in this case it is necessary that

examined witness be recalled for their cross-examination.

VIII. For that, the learned Magistrate has erred in holding that no

subsequent event can be considered ignoring the fact that Hon'ble High

Court has given liberty to the parties to take proper step before the learned

court below.

VIII. For that , the order passed by the learned Magistrate is illegal ,

improper and the same is fit to be set aside.

IX. For that , the impugned order is otherwise bad in law and is fit

to be set aside.


It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may be

pleased to admit this revision application, call for

the records and issue notice to the opposite-party

and after hearing the parties set aside the order

dated 26.04.2012 in G.R. No.388 of 2001passed

by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Munger or pass such other order/

orders as may deem fit and proper .

During the course of the pendency of this revision

application further proceeding in the learned

court below against the petitioners may remain


And for this ,the petitioners shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2012.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;


In the matter of :-

Brahmdeo Mahto , son of Ram Dayal Mahto ,

Resident of village- Bakhari , P.S. Sursand , District – Sitamarhi



The State of Bihar…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;



1. That, this revision application is directed against the

judgment and order dated 23.02.2011 passed by Sri Surendra Prasad

Pandey ,the learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.3 ,

Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal No.38 of 2008 /14 of 2010 whereby and where

under the appeal filed by the petitioner is partly allowed and the sentence

awarded by the learned trial court for charge under Section 325 of the

Indian Penal Code is set aside and sentence awarded under Sections 323

and 341 of the Indian Penal Code is affirmed , arising out of judgment

and order dated 05.07.2008 passed by Sri Prem Kumar Srivastava learned

Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi in G.R. No.229 of

2004 , T.R. No.304 of 2008 , by which the learned Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi has been pleased to convict the

petitioner and others under Sections 341 and 323 of the Indian Penal

Code and sentenced them to undergo R.I. for a period of one month

for each Section and the petitioner was further convicted under Section

325 of the Indian Penal Code and sentenced him to undergo R.I. of six

months . All the sentences shall run concurrently .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgments and orders.

3. That, the prosecution case ,in brief , is that informant Ram

Chandra Mahto (P.W.4 ) submitted his report before the Officer-in-Charge


of Sursand Police- Station on 15.06.2004 alleging therein that petitioner

along with other accused persons Ram Dayal Mahto , Ramesh Mahto and

Shiv Dayal Mahto were filling earth to construct road on the land of the

informant on 14.06.2004. He further alleged that when he protested them

from filling earth , accused Ramesh Mahto caught hold his hand and

accused petitioner assaulted on his palm of left hand causing fracture

thereon . He further alleged on his alarm , his wife ( P.W.3 ) came there

then accused Ram Dayal Mahto and Shiv Dayal Mahto started beating to

her and all the accused persons uprooted Khunta meant for tying bullock

and petitioner also snatched away golden nose ring from nose of his wife .

The occurrence was witnessed by Ajay Thakur , Shankar Mandal.

4. That, on the basis of written report filed by the informant

(P.W.4 ) , Sursand Police drew up a formal First Information Report and

registered a case being Sursand P.S. Case No.59 of 2004 dated 15.06.2004

registered for the offences under Sections 341, 323, 325,379/34 of the

Indian Penal Code .

5. That, it is stated that after institution of the First Information

Report , the Police proceeded with the investigation .

6. That, it is stated that after investigation of the case ,the police

submitted charge-sheet against the petitioner and others under Sections 341,

323, 325, 379/34 of the Indian Penal Code .


7. That, it is stated that after submission of charge-sheet ,the

learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate. Pupri at Sitamarhi took

cognizance against the petitioner and others under Sections 341,323,325/34

and 379 of the Indian Penal Code vide order dated 28.10.2004 .

8. That, it is stated that thereafter the charges were framed

against the petitioner and others under the aforementioned Sections and

aforesaid charges were read over and explained to the petitioner and four

others .At the time of framing of the charges , the petitioner and others

pleaded not guilty and claimed to be tried .

9. That, it is stated that during the course of trial altogether six

prosecution witnesses were examined by the prosecution such as

P.W.1 : Ajay Thakur

P.W.2 : Shankar Mandal

P.W.3 : Sampat Devi

P.W.4. : Ramchandra Mahto (informant )

P.W.5 : Sachchida Nand Singh ( Investigating Officer the case)

P.W.6 : Dr. Sachchida Nand Singh ( who examined the informant )

10. That, it is stated that on behalf of the prosecution , apart from

oral evidences , documentary evidence were also produced in support of his

case such as :-

Ext.1 : Form First Information Report

Ext.2 : Signature of the Officer-in-Charge on Fardbeyan


Ext.3 : Injury Report of Ram Chandra Mahto

Ext.4 : Certified Copy of judgment of G.R. Case No.499 of 1979

11. That, it is stated that on behalf of Defense Satya Narayan

Singh and Bhola Mahto were examined as D.W.1 and D.W.2.

12. That, it is stated that on behalf of the defense altogether two

documentary evidences were produced to falsify the prosecution versions

such as :-

Ext. A :Rent Receipt

Ext. B : Sale Deed dated 04.04.1970

13. That , it is stated that all the prosecution witnesses are the

interested witnesses and co-related with the each other and all of them had

given tutored statements ,therefore, their statement is not trustworthy.

14. That, it is stated that P.W.4 informant did not produce any chit

of paper regarding land in question on which it is alleged that the accused

persons wanted to construct the road .

15. That, it is stated that P.W.2 in his evidence said that Mukhiya

of the Gram Panchayat had granted permission to him for constructing the

road ,therefore, he was filling earth there but informant prevented him for

doing so ,therefore, he stopped filling earth , which falsifies the genesis of

the prosecution version.

16. That, it is stated that wife of the informant P.W.3 is not the eye

witness of the so-called occurrence since P.W.2 in his evidence said that


the P.W.3 came at the place of occurrence after five minutes of the

occurrence .

17. That, it is stated that P.W.4 in his evidence himself admitted

that there were land dispute and a proceeding under 107 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure is going on between the parties.

18. That, it is stated that P.W.5 Investigating Officer in his

evidence said that the informant did not produce any paper of the land in

question when he inspected the place of occurrence and he also said that he

did not see earth which is said to have been kept on the place of occurrence.

19. That, it is stated that P.W.1 in his evidence said that the

accused persons were assaulting the informant indiscriminately by

surrounding him ,therefore, multiple injuries would have caused on the

person of the informant but according to the doctor P.W.6 only one injury

on the left palm of the informant was found which falsifies the prosecution

version .

20. That, it is stated that there is serious contradiction in between

the evidence of the prosecution witnesses .

21. That, it is stated that the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi has been pleased to convict the petitioner

and others under Sections 341 and 323 of the Indian Penal Code and

sentenced them to undergo R.I. for a period of one month for each

Section and the petitioner was further convicted under Section 325 of


the Indian Penal Code and sentenced him to undergo R.I. of six months

and all the sentences shall run concurrently without considering the

evidence available on record.

A certified copy of the judgment and

order dated 05.07.2008 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

22. That, it is stated that against the judgment and order dated

05.07.2008 passed by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Pupri at Sitamarhi ,the petitioner and others preferred a criminal appeal

which was registered as Cr. Appeal No.38 of 2008/14 of 2010 and during

the pendency of appeal, the petitioner was released on bail .

23. That, it is stated that the said Criminal Appeal filed by the

petitioner and others was finally heard by the learned Additional Sessions

Judge , Fast Track Court No. 3 Sitamarhi ,who was pleased to partly allow

the appeal filed by the petitioner and the sentence awarded by the learned

trial court for charge under Section 325 of the Indian Penal Code is not

sustainable and same is set aside and sentence awarded under Sections 323

and 341 of the Indian Penal Code is sustainable under law and the same is

affirmed .

24. That, it is stated that in view of the aforesaid facts and material

available on record ,the impugned orders are fit to be set aside.


Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 23.02.2011 passed by

Sri Surendra Prasad Pandey ,the learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court

No.3 , Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal No.38 of 2008 /14

of 2010 as also the judgment and order

05.07.2008 passed by Sri Prem Kumar Srivastava

learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Pupri at Sitamarhi in G.R. No.229 of 2004 , T.R.

No.304 of 2008 the above named petitioner

begs to prefer this revision application on amongst

the other following


I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned trial court

as well as appellate court is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the statement of the prosecution witnesses before

the learned trial court .

III. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has


failed to examine the independent witnesses and all the witnesses are

interested witness and co-related with each other .

IV. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to produce any chit of paper regarding the land in question before the

Investigating Officer of the case during the course of investigation as

admitted by the Investigating Officer i.e. P.W.5.

V. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the Investigating

Officer did not found earth at the place of occurrence which is said to have

been alleged in the First Information Report .

VI. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that P.W.2 in his

evident said that he saw the wife of the informant after five minutes of the

occurrence .

VII. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the informant P.W.4

in his evidence admitted that there is land dispute and a proceeding under

Section 107 of the Code of Criminal Procedure between the parties.

VIII. For that ,while continuing the conviction order of the learned

trial court ,the learned appellate court failed to appreciate that the P.W.2 in

his evidence said that the Mukhiya of Gram Panchayat had granted


permission for construction of the Road ,therefore, he was filling earth but

informant prevented him for doing so ,therefore, he stopped filling earth

which falsifies the genesis of the prosecution version .

IX. For that , if the order of the learned trial court as well as

appellate court are allowed to be continued ,it will amount to miscarriage of


X. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law as well as

facts and fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this application,

issue notice to the opposite-party ,call for the

records of the learned court below and after

hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the judgment and order dated 23.02.2011

passed by Sri Surendra Prasad Pandey ,the learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court

No.3 , Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal No.38 of 2008 /14

of 2010 as also the judgment and order

05.07.2008 passed by Sri Prem Kumar Srivastava

learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Pupri at Sitamarhi in G.R. No.229 of 2004 , T.R.

No.304 of 2008 .



Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.




Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;

In the matter of :-

Shamsujoha @ Md. Shamsujoha , son of Late Md. Daud ,

Resident of village- Barharwa , P.O. and P.S. Dumra , District – Sitamarhi



The State of Bihar…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the

judgment and order dated 24.10.2011 passed by Sri Ram Shankar

Singh , the learned Additional District & Sessions Judge , Fast Track

Court No. 3 , Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 21 of 2011 which was heard

along with Cr. Appeal No.05 of 2011 , whereby and where under the

learned Additional Sessions Judge, Sitamarhi has been pleased to dismiss

the criminal appeal filed by the petitioner and affirm the judgment and

order on the point of sentence dated 28.12.2010 passed by the learned

Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi Sadar in Trial No.1609 of

2010 , arising out of G.R. No.1576 of 2008 , by which the learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi Sadar has been pleased to

convict the petitioner and three others under Section 498(A) of the Indian

Penal Code and sentenced them to undergo S.I. for a period of two

year and a fine of Rs.5,000/- each and in default of payment of fine they

shall have to undergo further imprisonment of six months. The learned

Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi Sadar has further been

pleased to convicted the petitioner and three others under Section 4 of the

Dowry Prohibition Act and sentenced them to undergo S.I. for one year and

also a fine of Rs.2,000/- each for the same and in default of payment of

fine they shall have to undergo further imprisonment of six months. All

the sentences are run concurrently .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgments and orders.

3. That, it is stated that initially the complainant/informant

Jananti Khatoon filed a complaint case in the court of learned Chief

Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi which was registered as Complaint Case

No.1000 of 2008 and after institution of the complaint case ,the learned

Chief Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi was pleased to sent the complaint to

the Dumra Police- Station for institution of the First Information Report and

investigation of the case.

4. That, after receipt of the complaint , the Dumra Police drew up

a formal First Information Report and registered a case being Dumra P.S.

Case No.190 of 2008 dated 09.08.2008 registered for the offences under

Sections 341,323 and 498A of the Indian Penal Code and Section 3/ 4 of

the Dowry Prohibition Act.

5. That, the prosecution case as alleged in the complaint

petition /First Information Report ,in short, is that the marriage of the

complainant/informant Jannati Khatoon was solemnized with the

petitioner according to the Muslim customs and rites prior to 10 years of

filing of the complaint petition. The complainant further alleged that when

she went to her Sasural and started to live in matrimonial house . She

further alleged that at the time of marriage her parents had given

Rs.30,000/- and other house hold articles to the in-law’s family and the

amount of Mehar was fixed in her marriage Rs.10,786/-. It is further alleged

that after some time ,the accused persons started demanding dowry of

Rs.40,000/- and a Hero Honda Motorcycle and due to non-fulfillment of

said demand of dowry , the in-law’s family always subjected her to cruelty

and she was subjected to mental and physical torture . It is further alleged

that after the death of her father-in-law , accused persons stopping to

provide food to her and always assaulting her . The complainant further

alleged that her brother had given Rs.10,000/- to them but inspite of that

the accused persons on 05.07.2008 , assaulted her with Khanti and after

pouring Kerosene Oil , they wanted to kill her but any how she was saved .

The complainant further alleged that thereafter taking her two

children ,accused persons dragged her from the house then she came back

to the house of her parents . It is further alleged that on 06.07.2008 ,her

father and brother went to her Sasural and a Panchayati was held but no

result .

6. That, it is stated that after institution of the First Information

Report , the Police proceeded with the investigation .

7. That, it is stated that after investigation of the case ,the police

submitted charge-sheet against the petitioner and four others under Section
498(A) of the Indian Penal Code and Section 3 / 4 of the Dowry Prohibition

Act .


8. That, it is stated that after submission of charge-sheet ,the

learned Chief Judicial Magistrate took cognizance against the petitioner

and four others under Sections 498(A) of the Indian Penal Code and

Section 3/ 4 of the Dowry Prohibition Act .

9. That, it is stated that thereafter the charges were framed

against the petitioner and four others under the aforementioned Sections

and aforesaid charges were read over and explained to the petitioner and

four others .At the time of framing of the charges , the petitioner and four

others pleaded not guilty and claimed to be tried .

10. That, it is stated that during the course of trial altogether five

prosecution witnesses were examined by the prosecution such as

P.W.1 : Jananti Khatoon ( informant herself )

P.W.2 : Md. Manjoor

P.W.3 : Md. Jahid

P.W.4. : Shamila Khatoon ( mother of the informant )

P.W.5 : Rang Bahadur Singh ( Investigating Officer the case)

11. That, it is stated that on behalf of the prosecution , apart from

oral evidences , documentary evidence were also produced in support of his

case such as complaint petition as Exhibit-1 and signature of the Officer-in-

Charge of Dumra Police- Station on formal First Information Report as

Exhibit -2.


12. That, it is stated that on behalf of the defense altogether ten

documentary evidences were produced to falsify the prosecution versions

such as :-

Ext. A :Discharge slip of Tabassum Khatoon from King George’s

Medical University Lucknow.

Ext. A/1 :Letter of Dr. Ahmad which was written to the Hon'ble Health

Minister , Government of Uttar Pradesh.

Ext. A/2 :Discharge ticket of Indoor patient of King George’s Medical

University Lucknow .

Ext. A/3 :Advised Slip of King George Medical University, Lucknow

Ext. A/4, A/5 & A/6: Treatment Advised Slip.

Ext. A/7 :Advised slip of Sun Sanjivani Hospital Maternity and Eye –

Care Centre , Lucknow.

Ext. A/8 :The Certificate of Chief Medical Officer regarding disability

of Tabassum.

Ext. A/9 :The certificate of Shifa Nurshing Home , Lucknow.

13. That , it is stated that all the prosecution witnesses are the

interested witnesses and co-related with the each other and all of them had

given tutored statements ,therefore, their statement is not trustworthy.

14. That, it is stated that the informant /complainant ( P.W.1 ) is

habitual to lodge the false cases against the in-law’s family with the false


and concocted allegation only with a view to create havoc on the in-law’s


15. That, it is stated that the informant , her brother and father had

come to the house of the petitioner and assaulted the family member of the

petitioner for which a complaint petition was filed in the court of

learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi on behalf of the petitioner

against the informant and her brother and father and the said complaint was

sent to the Dumra Police- Station for institution of the First Information

Report upon which Dumra Police drew up a formal First Information

Report being Dumra P.S. Case No.189 of 2008 in which the informant and

her brother and father was ultimately found guilty under Section 323 of the

Indian Penal Code by the learned trial court .

16. That, it is stated that not even only this , the informant also

lodged the maintenance case against the petitioner for her maintenance and

her children before the learned Principal Judge, Family Court, Sitamarhi in

which the learned Principal Judge directed the petitioner to pay Rs.4,000/-

per month for their maintenance.

17. That, the fact is that the informant herself is not willing to live

with the petitioner since very early and with the false and concocted
allegation she lodged the cases against the petitioner one by one to extort

money from the in –law’s family in connivance with his brother and father.


18. That, it is stated that in the complaint case /First Information

Report , the specific case of the complainant /informant against accused

Tabassum Khatoon was that the said Tabassum Khatoon wanted to set fire

upon the informant but during the course of investigation as well as during

the course of trial ,the prosecution has failed to establish its case against

accused Tabassum since the documents of the Government Institution

shows that after falling from the roof of the house in the year 2005 the

accused Tabassum had become vision less and she had received various

treatment but she failed to recover the vision of her eye sight ,therefore, the

said accused Tabassum Khatoon was acquitted by the learned Trial Court.

19. That, it is stated that subsequently the prosecution has also

failed to establish her case against the accused persons merely on the

unreasonable doubts.

20. That, it is stated that the informant wanted to file bond of Rs.3

Lacs and started to bargain the petitioner ,it shows that the informant

herself did not ready to live with the petitioner and creating undue pressure

upon the petitioner .

21. That, it is stated that there is serious contradiction in between

the evidence of the prosecution witnesses .

22. That, it is stated that the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Sadar Sitamarhi convicted the petitioner vide judgment and

order dated 28.12.2010 ,without taking into consideration the material


available on record as well as prosecution has failed to examine the

independent witnesses , convicted the e petitioner and three others under

Section 498(A) of the Indian Penal Code and sentenced them to undergo

S.I. for a period of two year and a fine of Rs.5,000/- each and in default of

payment of fine they shall have to undergo further imprisonment of six

months. The learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi Sadar

has further been pleased to convicted the petitioner and three others under

Section 4 of the Dowry Prohibition Act and sentenced them to undergo S.I.

for one year and also a fine of Rs.2,000/- each for the same and in default

of payment of fine they shall have to undergo further imprisonment of six

months. All the sentences are run concurrently .

A certified copy of the judgment and

order dated 28.12.2010 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

23. That, it is pertinent to mention here that on the date of

conviction ,the petitioner had already in judicial custody .

24. That, it is stated that against the judgment and order dated

28.12.2010 passed by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Sadar Sitamarhi ,the petitioner preferred a criminal appeal which was

registered as Cr. Appeal No.21 of 2011 and other convicted accused persons

preferred another criminal appeal which was registered as Cr. Appeal


No.05 of 2011 and during the pendency of appeal, the petitioner was not

released on bail .

25. That, it is stated that the said Criminal Appeal filed by the

petitioner was finally heard by the learned Additional Sessions Judge ,

Fast Track Court No. 3 Sitamarhi along with criminal appeal filed by

other three other accused persons ,who was pleased to dismiss the criminal

appeal filed by the petitioner i.e. Cr. Appeal No.21 of 2011 and affirm the

judgment and order dated 28.12.2010 passed by learned Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate , Sadar Sitamarhi vide judgment and order dated

24.10.2011 without taking consideration of the glaring ignorance of non-

examination of independent witnesses as well as the prosecution has failed

to establish its case beyond all unreasonable doubts whereas the criminal

appeal filed by other three accused persons i.e. Cr. Appeal No.05 of 2011

was allowed by the said order .

26. That, it is stated that in view of the aforesaid facts and material

available on record ,the impugned orders are fit to be set aside.

27. That, it is stated that the petitioner has not been enlarged on

bail during the pendency of the criminal appeal and he is behind the bars

through out prior to his conviction .

28. That, the petitioner is languishing in jail custody since last 18



Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 24.10.2011 passed

by Sri Ram Shankar Singh , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. 5

,Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 21 of 2011 as also

the judgment and order on the point of sentence

dated 28.12.2010 passed by learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sadar Sitamarhi

in Trial No.1609 of 2010 arising out of G.R.

No.1576 of 2008 , the above named petitioner

begs to prefer this revision application on amongst

the other following


I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned trial court

as well as appellate court is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the statement of the prosecution witnesses before

the learned trial court .

III. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has


failed to examine the independent witnesses and all the witnesses are

interested witness and co-related with each other .

IV. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to establish its case against the accused one Tabassum Khatoon

against whom there is serious allegation that she wanted to set fire upon the

informant since during the course of trial it proves that she had become

vision less since 2005.

V. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the informant is

habitual to lodge the cases against the in-law’s family one by one to create

havoc on the in-law’s family as well as the petitioner .

VI. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the informant , her

brother and father attacked on the petitioner and his family members for

which a case was filed on behalf of the petitioner in which the brother and

father of the informant was found to be guilty under Section 323 of the

Indian Penal Code by the learned trial court .

VII. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that since the case

lodged by the informant is false and concocted ,therefore, there is no

independent witnesses have come to support the case of the prosecution .


VIII. For that ,while continuing the conviction order of the learned

trial court ,the learned appellate court failed to appreciate that the

prosecution has failed to prove its case against the accused

persons ,therefore, the learned appellate court acquitted all the accused

persons except the petitioner and confirmed the conviction order with

respect to the petitioner merely on the ground that the petitioner happens

to the husband of the informant .

IX. For that , if the order of the learned trial court as well as

appellate court are allowed to be continued ,it will amount to miscarriage of


X. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law as well as

facts and fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this application,

issue notice to the opposite-party ,call for the

records of the learned court below and after

hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the judgment and order dated 24.10.2011

passed by Sri Ram Shankar Singh , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. 5

,Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 21 of 2011 as also

the judgment and order on the point of sentence


dated 28.12.2010 passed by learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sadar Sitamarhi

in Trial No.1609 of 2010 arising out of G.R.

No.1576 of 2008 .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

petitioner be enlarged on bail as also to stay the

order of fine to the satisfaction of the learned

Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sadar at

Sitamarhi in Trial No.1609 of 2010 arising out of

G.R. No.1576 of 2008 .

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.

Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.
In the matter of an application under
Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure;
In the matter of :-
Md. Shamsujoha , son of Late Md. Daud ,

Resident of village- Barharwa , P.O. and P.S. Dumra , District – Sitamarhi.

1. The State of Bihar.
2. Jananti Khatoon , wife of Md. Shamsujoha ,
3. Seema Khatoon , minor daughter of Md. Shamsujoha
4. Masooma Khaton , minor daughter of Md. Shamsujoha,
5. Md. Aadil ,minor son of Md. Shamsujoha,
6. Md. Aakib ,minor son of Md. Shamsujoha,
Opposite-party nos. 3 to 6 are under the guardian of Jananti
Khatoon .
All are resident of village – Bariyarpur , P.S.
Sitamarhi ,District – Sitamarhi.

The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 26.08.2011 passed by Sri Ajit Kant Sharan , the learned

Principal Judge, Family Court, Sitamarhi in Maintenance Case No.50 of

2008 , whereby and where under the learned Principal Judge has been

pleased to direct the petitioner to pay a sum of Rs.4,000/- per month to the

Opposite-party no.2 for maintenance of the Opposite-party no.2 and her

children i.e. Opposite-party nos. 3 to 5 on or before the 10 th of following

month regularly without fail from the date of passing of this order .
2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court any time earlier against the impugned order .

3. That, the facts giving rise to the present revision application is

that the Opposite-party no.2 filed the maintenance case in the court of


learned Principal Judge , Family Court, Sitamarhi on 08.07.2008 alleging

therein that the Opposite-party no.2 was married with the petitioner as per

Muslim Rites and custom about 10 years ago at a dower debt of

Rs.10,786/- . It is further alleged that after marriage, the Opposite-party

no.2 started living with the petitioner and from their wedlock two sons

and two daughters were born out . It is further alleged that after marriage

the petitioner started ill treating the Opposite-party no.2 and demanded

Rs.40,000/- in cash and a Hero Honda Motorcycle from the Opposite-party

no.2 and her parents and when it was refused by them ,then the petitioner

started abusing the Opposite-party no.2 and stopped her food and treatment.

It is further alleged that on 05.07.2008 , the petitioner and his relative

assaulted the Opposite-party no.2 and ousted her and her three minor

children from his house and the Opposite-party no.2 with her three minor

children came to her Maike situated at village- Bariyarpur , P.S. and

District -Sitamarhi. It is further alleged that the Opposite-party no.2 has no

means to support her and her minor children and she is guardian of

Opposite-party nos. 3 to 6. and the parents of the Opposite-party no.2 are

poor person and are unable to maintain the Opposite-party no.2 and her
minor children and it is the duty of the petitioner to maintain his wife and

minor children. It is further alleged that the petitioner is a tailor and is

earning Rs.10,000/- per month from tailoring and he has also 6 Bighas of

land and the annual income from the landed property is more than Rs.1 Lac


and the petitioner has income of Rs.2,20,000/- annually from all the sources

and the petitioner is legally bound to maintain the Opposite-party no.2 and

her minor children.

4. That, it is stated that the aforesaid maintenance case filed by

the Opposite-party no.2 on 08.07.2008 in the court of learned Principal

Judge, Family Court, Sitamarhi was registered as Maintenance Case

No.50 of 2008.

A true photo stat copy of the plaint

of Maintenance Case No.50 of

2008 is annexed herewith and marked

as ANNEXURE- “1” to this


5. That, it is stated that after service of notice ,the petitioner

appeared before the learned Principal Judge and filed his written statement

on 24.09.2008 stating therein that all the allegations made in the complaint

filed by the Opposite-party no.2 is completely false and fabricated .The

petitioner categorically denied the statements made in the complaint of the

Opposite-party no.2 and he said that he is ready to keep the Opposite-

party no.2 as his wife as well as his children with full dignity and surety but

the Opposite-party no.2 herself did not ready to live with the petitioner and

deserted the life of the petitioner .


A true photo stat copy of the written

statement filed by the petitioner on

24.09.2008 is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “2” to this


6. That, it is stated that in the name of the family of the petitioner

only 19 ½ decimals are standing in which the petitioner has only 1/6 th share

which comes about only 3 decimals. In fact the petitioner is landless person

and he has only homestead land .

7. That, it is stated that the petitioner was doing the work of

Tailor in his native village and from the same income ,the petitioner was

any how maintaining his family .

8. That, it is stated that the petitioner neither demanded any

dowry nor ousted from his house rather the Opposite-party no.2 herself left

the house of the petitioner and deserted the life of the petitioner .

9. That, it is stated that the Opposite-party no.2 had lodged the

cases against the petitioner and his family members one after another i.e.

Dumra P.S. Case No.190 of 2008 and Dumra P.S. Case No.28 of 2010
registered for the offences under Section 498(A) of the Indian Penal Code

and other allied Sections of the Indian Penal Code .


10. That, it is stated that the petitioner was convicted by the

learned trial court in Dumra P.S. Case No.190 of 2008 lodged by the

Opposite-party no.2 and he is behind the bars since long .

11. That, it is stated that the petitioner had also filed the case

against the Opposite-party no.2 and his brother and father being Dumra P.S.

Case No.189 of 2008 in which they were found guilty under Section 323 of

the Indian Penal Code vide judgment and order dated 31.05.2011.

12. That, it is stated that due to lodgment of the criminal cases

against the petitioner by the Opposite-party no.2 one after another , the life

of the petitioner has been completely ruined.

13. That, it is stated that the petitioner is behind the bars since

long and the petitioner has no source of income and also there is no hope

after the release from the jail he would earn to maintain his life .

14. That, it is pertinent to mention here that the Opposite-party

no.2 herself is not ready to live with the petitioner and she deserted the

life of the petitioner after best efforts made by him .

15. That, the learned Principal Judge, Family Court , Sitamarhi

passed the impugned judgment and order dated 26.08.2011 , whereby and
where under the learned Principal Judge has been pleased to the petitioner

to pay a sum of Rs.4,000/- per month to the Opposite-party no.2 for

maintenance of the Opposite-party no.2 and her children i.e. Opposite-party


nos. 3 to 5 on or before the 10th of following month regularly without fail

from the date of passing of this order.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 26.08.2011 passed by

Sri Ajit Kant Sharan , the learned Principal

Judge, Family Court, Sitamarhi in Maintenance

Case No.50 of 2008 ,the above named

petitioner begs to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while passing the impugned order , the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that in view of the fact that the

Opposite-party no.2 is herself not ready to live with the petitioner though

the petitioner is ready to keep the Opposite-party no.2 and her children with

full dignity and surety ,therefore, the Opposite-party no.2 is not entitled to

get any maintenance or interim maintenance under Section 125 of the Code

of Criminal Procedure .
III. For that, while passing the impugned order, the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that even after the best efforts of the

petitioner ,the Opposite-party no.2 did not ready to live with the petitioner .


IV. For that, while passing the impugned order ,the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that the Opposite-party no.2 herself

deserted the life of the petitioner though the petitioner is ready to keep the

Opposite-party no.2 and her children with full dignity and

surety ,therefore, she would not be entitled to any maintenance under the

provisions of Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

V. For that, while fixing the maintenance ,the learned Principal

Judge failed to appreciate that due to lodgment of the criminal cases by the

Opposite-party no.2 against the petitioner one after another ,the life of the

petitioner completely ruined and in one of the case ,the petitioner was

convicted and at present he is behind the bars .

VI. For that, while fixing the maintenance ,the learned Principal

Judge failed to appreciate that the petitioner is landless person and he was

doing the work of tailoring in the village and from the said income any how

he could maintain his family ,therefore, the amount of maintenance of

Rs.4,000/- disproportionate to the income of the petitioner .

VII. For that, while passing the impugned order the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that the Opposite-party no.2 has

failed to establish the ground for maintenance and he did not produce any

evidence about the landed property of the petitioner as well as income of the

petitioner .

VIII. For that, the maintenance fixed by the learned Principal Judge


is excessive than the income of the petitioner .

IX. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party no.2

and after hearing the parties be further pleased to

set aside the judgment and order dated 26.08.2011

passed by Sri Ajit Kant Sharan , the learned

Principal Judge, Family Court, Sitamarhi in

Maintenance Case No.50 of 2008 .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

operation of the impugned judgment and order

dated 26.08.2011 passed by Sri Ajit Kant

Sharan , the learned Principal Judge, Family

Court, Sitamarhi in Maintenance Case No.50

of 2008 may kindly be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.




Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;


In the matter of :-

Amar Kumar @ Amarnath Prasad @ Amarnath Singh , son of Sri Raj

Kumar Sah, resident of village- Ashogi ,P.S. Bairgania ,District – Sitamarhi.



The State of Bihar…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the

judgment and order dated 30.09.2010 passed by Sri Nand Kishore

Tiwari , the learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. 1 ,

Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 50 of 2009/ 20 of 2009 , whereby and where

under the learned Additional Sessions Judge, Sitamarhi has been pleased to

dismiss the criminal appeal filed by the petitioner and affirm the judgment

and order on the point of sentence dated 30.06.2009 passed by the learned

Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,Pupri at Sitamarhi in Trial No.35 of

2009 , arising out of G.R. No.30 of 1998 ,Pupri P.S. Case No.07 of 1998

by which the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at

Sitamarhi has been pleased to convict the petitioner under Section 25(1-

b)a and 26 of the Arms Act and sentenced him to undergo R.I. for a

period of one year and a fine of Rs.1,000/- each for Section 25(1-B)a and

Section -26 of the Arms Act and in default of payment of fine he shall have

to undergo further imprisonment of three months for each of the default of

payment of fine.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgments and orders.


3. That, the prosecution case as alleged in the First Information

Report ,in short, is that the informant namely I.D. Chaudhary ,who is the

Sub-Inspector of Pupri Police- Station recorded his self statement alleging

therein that on 13.01.1998 at about 5 P.M. in the morning along with Sub-

Inspector , Rajeshwar Singh and Sub-Inspector K.B. Singh and other

police personnel were moving in village in connection with the

investigation of Pupri P.S. Case No.06 of 1998 registered for the offences

under Section 364/34 of the Indian Penal Code and also for recovery of

abducted Gandhi Chadra Chaudhary at village- Singhiyani . It is further

alleged that in the meantime they heard some noise and saw that a person

was trying to flee away seeing the police party , but on chase ,he was

arrested . It is further alleged that on search in presence of independent

witnesses, county made pistol loaded with 0.315 bore rifle cartridge were

recovered and one more cartridge was found in the pocket of shirt . It is

further alleged that thereafter the seizure list was prepared in presence of

both witnesses namely Ramprit Mukhiya and Jai Karan Paswan and both

the witnesses put their signature over it . It is further alleged that on

demand of paper regarding the recovered arms he neither produced any

paper nor replied satisfactory and accordingly the accused along with arm

has been taken into custody by the Police.

4. That, on the basis of the aforesaid self statement of the

informant , Pupri Police drew up a formal First Information Report and


registered a case being Pupri P.S. Case No.07 of 1998 registered for the

offences under Sections 25(1-B) a /26 of the Arms Act .

5. That, it is stated that after institution of the First Information

Report , the Police proceeded with the investigation .

6. That, it is stated that after investigation of the case ,the police

submitted charge-sheet against the petitioner under Sections 25(1-B) a/26 of

the Arms Act .

7. That, it is stated that after submission of charge-sheet ,the

learned Magistrate took cognizance against the petitioner under Sections

25(1-B) a/26 of the Arms Act .

8. That, it is stated that thereafter the charges were framed

against the petitioner under Sections 25(1-B) a/26 of the Arms Act and

aforesaid charges were read over and explained to the petitioner .At the

time of framing of the charges , the petitioner pleaded not guilty and claimed

to be tried .

9. That, it is stated that during the course of trial altogether four

prosecution witnesses were examined by the prosecution such as

P.W.1 : Indradeo Chaudhary (Informant )

P.W.2 : Sri Krishna Ram (Sergeant Major)

P.W.3 : Rajeshwar Singh (Member of the Police Party)

P.W.4. : Krishna Bali Singh (Investigating Officer of the case)


10. That, it is stated that on behalf of the prosecution , apart from

oral evidences , documentary evidence were also produced in support of his

case such as

Ext.1 :Seizure list prepared by S.I. , K.B. Singh

Ext.2 :Self statement prepared by S.I. , K.B. Singh ,

Ext.3 :First Information Report

Ext.4 :Sanction report of the District Magistrate

Ext.5 :Test report of the Sergeant Major

11. That, it is stated that P.W.3 in his evidence said that during the

course of chase of the accused , Ram Prit Mukhiya had allegedly arrived

there and at the place of occurrence itself the seizure list was prepared but

the P.W.3 in his evidence did not say about the presence of another seizure

list witness namely Jai Karan Paswan whose signature was also allegedly

obtained upon the Seizure list which also creates a serious doubt about the

prosecution version.

12. That, it is stated in the present case , non of the independent

witnesses have been examined by the prosecution to support its case rather

all the witnesses are Police Personnel and interested witnesses .

13. That, it is stated that seizure list witnesses namely Ram Prit

Mukhiya and Jai Karan Paswan have not been examined by the prosecution

in whose presence allegedly the so-called arms were recovered .


14. That, it is stated that P.W.1 (informant ) in his evidence said

that the arm was covered with rust whereas P.W.2 ( Sergeant Major ) in his

evidence said that during the course of testing of the recovered arms he

found that the firing pin and trigger spring of the arm effect .
15. That, it is stated that there is serious contradiction in between

the version of the First Information Report and evidence of the prosecution

witnesses during the course of trial.

16. That, it is stated that there is also serious contradiction in

between the version of prosecution witnesses .

17. That, it is stated that the prosecution has also did not establish

the case that from the possession of the so-called arms were recovered .

18. That, it is stated that the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Pupri at , Sitamarhi convicted the petitioner vide judgment

and order dated 30.06.2009 ,without taking into consideration the material

available on record as well as prosecution has failed to produce the

independent and seizure list witnesses and also there is serious

contradiction in between the evidence of each others , convicted the

petitioner under Section 25(1-b)a and 26 of the Arms Act and sentenced

him to undergo R.I. for a period of one year and a fine of Rs.1,000/- each

for Section 25(1-B)a and Section -26 of the Arms Act and in default of

payment of fine he shall have to undergo further imprisonment of three

months for each of the default of payment of fine.


A certified copy of the judgment and

order dated 30.06.2009 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

19. That, it is stated that against the judgment and order dated

30.06.20009 passed by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Pupri at Sitamarhi ,the petitioner preferred a criminal appeal which was

registered as Cr. Appeal No.50 of 2009 / 20 of 2009 and during the

pendency of appeal, the petitioner was released on bail .

20. That, it is stated that the said Criminal Appeal was finally heard

by the learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. 1

Sitamarhi ,who was pleased to dismiss the criminal appeal filed by the

petitioner and affirm the judgment and order dated 30.06.2009 passed

by learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi vide

judgment and order dated 30.09.2010 without taking consideration of the

glaring ignorance of non-examination of seizure list witnesses as well as

non-examination of none of the independent witnesses .

21. That, it is stated that since the petitioner is poor

person ,therefore, after filing of the criminal appeal in the year 2009 ,the

petitioner had gone to outside the State for earning his livelihood and the

appeal was taken up after such a long time and ultimately the appeal was

dismissed on 30.09.2010 but the learned Counsel appearing on behalf of


the petitioner in the appeal did not inform the petitioner about the dismissal

of appeal and when the petitioner had come to his native village , then

he has got knowledge about the dismissal of appeal then he immediately

surrendered before the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at

Sitamarhi on 08.10.2011 and since then the petitioner is languishing in jail

custody .

A true photo stat /typed copy of the

custody order dated 08.10.2011 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” to this


22. That, it is stated that in view of the aforesaid facts and material

available on record ,the impugned orders are fit to be set aside.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 30.09.2010 passed by

Sri Nand Kishore Tiwari , the learned Additional

Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. 1 ,Sitamarhi

in Cr. Appeal no. 50 of 2009 /20 of 2009 as

also the judgment and order on the point of

sentence dated 30.06.2009 passed by learned

Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at

Sitamarhi in Trial No.35 of 2009 arising out of


G.R. No.30 of 1998, Pupri P.S. Case No.07 of

1998 , the above named petitioner begs to

prefer this revision application on amongst the

other following

I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned trial court

as well as appellate court is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the statement of the prosecution witnesses before

the learned trial court .

III. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to examine the seizure list witnesses namely Ram Prit Mukhiya and

Jai Karan Paswan in whose presence so-called recovery was made from the

possession of the petitioner .

IV. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the statement of the P.W.1 (informant ) and P.W.2

Sergeant Major ,according to the P.W.1 the arms was covered with rust

whereas according to the P.W.2 the firing pin and trigger spring of the arm

was effective .


V. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to produce any independent witness to establish his case rather all
the witnesses are police personnel and interested witness and their

statements are not trustworthy .

VI. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to establish that from the possession of the petitioner so-called arms

was recovered .

VII. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that since the case

lodged by the informant is false and concocted and there is no independent

witnesses have come to support the case of the prosecution .

VIII. For that , if the order of the learned trial court as well as

appellate court are allowed to be continued ,it will amount to miscarriage of


IX. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law as well as

facts and fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this application,


issue notice to the opposite-party ,call for the

records of the learned court below and after

hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the judgment and order dated 30.09.2010

passed by Sri Nand Kishore Tiwari , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. 1

,Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 50 of 2009 /20 of

2009 as also the judgment and order on the point

of sentence dated 30.06.2009 passed by learned

Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at

Sitamarhi in Trial No.35 of 2009 arising out of

G.R. No.30 of 1998, Pupri P.S. Case No.07 of



Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

petitioner be enlarged on bail as also to stay the

order of fine to the satisfaction of the learned


Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at

Sitamarhi in Trial No.35 of 2009 arising out of

G.R. No.30 of 1998, Pupri P.S. Case No.07 of

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;


In the matter of :-

1. Hari Narayan Rai, son of Late Munni Rai,

Resident of village- Hariharpur , P.S. Bathnaha , District – Sitamarhi.

2. Ramchandra Rai, son of Late Brij Nandan Rai,

Resident of village- Pakaria , P.S. Parihar ,District – Sitamarhi.



The State of Bihar…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioners above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the part of

the judgment and order dated 20.11.2010 passed by Shri Nand Kishore

Tiwari , the learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. 1 ,

Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 33 of 2008/ 36 of 2009 , whereby and where

under the learned Additional Sessions Judge, Sitamarhi has been pleased to

dismiss the criminal appeal filed by the petitioners and others and affirm

the judgment and order dated 12.06.2008 passed by the learned 2 nd

Assistant Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi in Sessions Trial No. 278 of 2002 /53

of 2002 arising out of G.R. Case No. 1292 of 2001 / Parihar P.S. Case

No.55 of 2001 dated 07.11.2001 by which the learned 2 nd Assistant

Judge , Sitamarhi has been pleased to convict the petitioners under

Section 307 read with Section 149 ,351 and 148 of the Indian Penal Code

and sentenced to undergo R.I. for seven years under Section 307 of the

Indian Penal Code and two years under Section 149 of the Indian Penal
Code and fine of Rs.2000/- each and default of payment of fine convicts

will have to undergo further imprisonment for six months each however all

the sentence will run concurrently.

2. That, the petitioners have not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgments and orders.


3. That, the prosecution case ,in nut shell, as per the First

Information Report is that the informant Mukeshwar Rai ( P.W.4 ) gave

his Fardbeyan stating therein that his father and witness Arun Kumar were

going to attend natural call to western direction of the village and when they

reached near Pipal Tree standing at Chowk , accused person along with

other accused persons who has already let ambush suddenly fell upon them

. The accused Shyam Chandra Rai and Hari Narain Rai armed with Nepali

Kukri in their hand , accused Navin Rai held Riffle in hand and rest

accused persons were armed with Garasa and Lathi and accused Shyam

Chandra Rai exhorted other accused persons to kill all the three where upon

informant and his father came running to house of Chandeshwar Rai having

played there from and Arun Rai filed to village raising alarm . It is further

alleged that all the accused persons came running brandishing were

respective weapon held by them and accused Raj Kishore

Rai ,Harischandra Rai , Rakesh Rai , Ramchandra Rai caught hold the

hand and leg of his father and accused Hari Narain Rai and Shyam Chandra

Rai started cutting with dagger . It is further alleged that accused Shyam
Chandra Rai chopped off right hand of his father from elbow and accused

Hari Narain Rai made several murderous assault to his father with intend to

keep . As a result of which his left hand was cut out and two fingers of left

hand of his father were cut off and besides this accused persons caused

wound of both leg and hand of his father fell down being unconscious and


accused Raj Kishore Rai snatched away Titan watch of his father and

handed over the same to accused Harishchandra Rai and accused Anil Rai

took away Rs.3,000/- from the pocket of his father. It is further alleged that

accused Raj Kishore Rai and Rakesh Rai said to cut in two pieces ,the

informant and his father both. Thereafter all the accused persons fell upon

the informant and accused Navin Rai fired with Riffle upon informant

which hit on above elbow of right hand and caused damages thereon and in

mean while ,other accused persons assaulted him and his father with Lathi

and accused Raj Kishore Rai and Ram Chandra Rai inflicted Garasa on his

mother came to rescue then accused persons also badly assaulted her and

thereafter many villagers rushed there shouting and accused persons fled

away and accused Anil Rai went away dismembered of his father and

witnesses Arun Rai , Mukesh Rai , Kameshwar Rai , Rameshwar Rai ,

Maheshwar Rai and other persons saw the occurrence and villagers carry to

the informant and his father and caught to Parwaha Chowk and informant

and his father both were brought to Sitamarhi Sadar Hospital where they

treated . The cause behind the occurrence was that the accused Shyam
Chandra Rai , Hari Narain Rai asked the informant to compromise the case

pending between them , otherwise they would kill the informant’s father

did not concede the demand of the accused persons as a result of which

accused persons made murderous assault on them.


4. That, on the basis of the aforesaid statement of the informant ,

Parihar Police drew up a formal First Information Report and registered a

case being Parihar P.S. Case No. 55 of 2001 registered for the offences

under Sections 147, 148, 149,342, 341, 323, 324, 307 , 379 of the Indian

Penal Code and Section 27 of the Arms Act .

5. That, it is stated that after institution of the First Information

Report , the Police proceeded with the investigation .

6. That, it is stated that after investigation of the case ,the police

submitted charge-sheet against the petitioners and others under the above

mentioned Sections .

7. That, it is stated that after submission of charge-sheet ,the

learned Magistrate took cognizance against the petitioners and others

under Sections 147,148,149, 341, 342, 323, 324, 326,307, 379 of the Indian

Penal Code and Section 27 of the Arms Act .

8. That, it is stated that after order taking cognizance ,the case

was committed to the court of Sessions and the case was transferred in the

court of Sessions Court for trial and disposal.

9. That, it is stated that thereafter the charges were framed

against the accused persons and others under Sections 307,149 of the

Indian Penal Code and all the accused persons were further charged for

the offence under Sections 147, 148,341 , 342 of the Indian Penal Code

and accused Raj Kishore Rai and Shyam Chandra Rai , Anil Rai and others


have further charged under Section 379 and 323 of the Indian Penal Code

and aforesaid charges were read over and explained to the accused .At the

time of framing of the charges , the petitioners and others pleaded not guilty

and claimed to be tried .

10. That, it is stated that during the course of trial altogether eight

prosecution witnesses were examined by the prosecution such as

P.W.1 : Mukesh Rai

P.W.2 : Fakira Rai ( victim himself )

P.W.3 : Arun Rai

P.W.4. : Mukeshwar Rai ( informant )

P.W.5 : Nagendra Rai (hearsay witness )

P.W.6 : Bishwanath Prasad Yadav ( formal witness )

P.W.7 : Dr. Laliteshwar Jha

P.W.8 : A. Ahmad ( Investigating Officer )

11. That, it is stated that the prosecution witnesses in their

evidence given the contradictory statement .

12. That, it is stated that apart from the oral evidence ,the

prosecution have also produced the certain documentary evidences before

the learned trial court in support of his case.

13. That, it is stated that there is no specific motive for alleged

occurrence committed by the accused persons . The informant alleged in

the First Information Report as well as his evidence , made during the


course of trial was very petty offences if resulted into alleged heinous


14. That, while convicting the accused persons ,the learned trial

court ought to have considered the contradictory statement given by the

witnesses .

15. That, it is stated that all the prosecution witnesses are

interested witness and therefore their evidence is not trustworthy.

16. That, as per the statement of the informant and the statement of

the victim ,different weapons were used by the accused persons in

committing such offence ,which creates serious doubt about the truthness of

the prosecution version.

17. That, it is stated that in the evidence of witnesses the serious

contradiction to each other and they also recourse contradictory to the

statement given by them before Investigating Officer under Section 161 of

the Code of Criminal Procedure .

18. That, it is stated that the learned 2 nd Assistant Sessions Judge ,

Sitamarhi convicted the petitioners and others without taking into

consideration the material available on record as well as prosecution has

failed to produce the independent witnesses and also there is serious

contradiction in between the evidence of each others and convicted the

petitioners and others under Section 307 of the Indian Penal Code and

sentenced to undergo R.I. for 7 years and further convicted under Section


149 of the Indian Penal Code and sentenced to undergo R.I. for 2 years and

others Sections 147 and 341 was not awarded separate sentence and also

awarded to pay fine of Rs.2,000/- each and all the sentences will run


A certified copy of the judgment

dated 12.06.2008 and order on the

point of sentence dated 13.06.2008

is annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

19. That, it is stated that against the judgment dated 12.06.2008

and order on the point of sentence dated 13.06.2008 passed by the learned

2nd Assistant Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi ,the petitioners and others preferred

a criminal appeal which was registered as Cr. Appeal No.33 of 2008 / 36 of

2010 and during the pendency of appeal, the petitioners were released on

bail .
20. That, it is stated that the said Criminal Appeal was finally heard

by the learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. 1

Sitamarhi ,who was pleased to dismiss the criminal appeal filed by the

petitioners and others and affirm the judgment dated 12.06.2008 and

order on the point of sentence dated 13.06.2008 passed by learned 2 nd

Assistant Sessions Judge Sitamarhi vide judgment and order dated



21. That, it is stated that since the petitioners are poor

person ,therefore, after filing of the criminal appeal in the year 2008 ,the

petitioners had gone to outside the State for earning their livelihood and

the appeal was taken up after such a long time and ultimately the appeal

was dismissed on 20.11.2010 but the learned Counsel appearing on behalf

of the petitioners in the appeal did not inform the petitioners about the

dismissal of appeal and when the petitioners had come their native

village , then they have got knowledge about the dismissal of appeal then

they immediately surrendered before the learned 2 nd Assistant Sessions

Judge , Sitamarhi on 17.02.2011 and since then the petitioners are

languishing in jail custody .

A true photo stat /typed copy of the custody order

dated 17.02.2011 is annexed herewith and marked

as ANNEXURE- “2” to this application.

22. That, other accused persons have been granted bail by this

Hon'ble Court vide order dated 27.09.2011 in Cr. Rev.No.903 of 2011.

23. That, it is stated that in view of the aforesaid facts and material

available on record ,the impugned orders are fit to be set aside.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 20.11.2010 passed by

Sri Nand Kishore Tiwary , the learned Additional

Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. 1 ,Sitamarhi


in Cr. Appeal no. 33 of 2008 /36 of 2009 as

also the judgment dated 12. 06. 2008 and order on

the point of sentence dated 13.06.2008 passed by

learned 2nd Assistant Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi

in Sessions Trial No.278 of 2002 /53 of 2002

arising out of G.R. No.1292 of 2001, Parihar P.S.

Case No.55 of 2001 , the above named

petitioners beg to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned trial court

as well as appellate court is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the statement of the prosecution witnesses before

the Investigating Officer under Section 161 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure as well as evidence of the witnesses before the learned trial

court .

III. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the prosecution witnesses .


IV. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the statement of the informant and the statement of

the victim for using weapon by the accused persons in committing such


V. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to produce any independent witness to establish his case rather all

the witnesses are interested witness and their statements are not

trustworthy .

VI. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to appreciate that the informant himself admitted that it is a land

dispute between both the parties.

VII. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that since the case

lodged by the informant is false and concocted and there is no independent

witnesses have to support the case of the prosecution .

VIII. For that , if the order of the learned trial court as well as

appellate court are allowed to be continued ,it will amount to miscarriage of



IX. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law as well as

facts and fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this application,

issue notice to the opposite-party ,call for the

records of the learned court below and after

hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the judgment and order dated 20.11.2010

passed by Sri Nand Kishore Tiwary , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. 1

,Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 33 of 2008 /36 of

2009 as also the judgment dated 12. 06. 2008

and order on the point of sentence dated

13.06.2008 passed by learned 2nd Assistant

Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi in Sessions Trial

No.278 of 2002 /53 of 2002 arising out of G.R.

No.1292 of 2001, Parihar P.S. Case No.55 of



Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.



During the pendency of this application ,the

petitioners be enlarged on bail to the satisfaction

of the learned 2nd Assistant Sessions Judge ,

Sitamarhi in Sessions Trial No.278 of 2002 /53 of

2002 arising out of G.R. No.1292 of 2001, Parihar

P.S. Case No.55 of 2001 .

And for this ,the petitioners shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Section 19(4) of the Family Court

Act, 1984;


In the matter of :-
Ashok Kumar, son of Late R. K. Singh ,

Resident of village – Chacki Lahna ,P.O. Chacki , District – Buxar (Bihar ).



1.The State of Bihar

2. Babita Kumari , daughter of Late Ganesh Prasad Yadav,

Resident of Kali Prasad Tola, P.O. and P.S. Purnea ,District – Purnea.



The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this application is being filed for setting aside the order

dated 02.08.2011 passed by learned Principal Judge, Family Court, Purnea

in Maintenance Case No.58of 2009 ,allowing a sum of Rs.2,500/- per

month to his wife Babita Kumari from the date of the order which shall be

payable on each 3rd day of the successive month.

2. That, the petitioner has not come to this Hon'ble Court earlier

in this matter against the impugned order.

3. That, the story can be stated in nut-shell as follows :-

(I) For that a petition of maintenance was filed by the Opposite-

party no.2 (wife of the petitioner ) before the learned Principal

Judge , Family Court, Purnea stating therein that she is the

legally wedded wife of the petitioner . The marriage was

performed on 21st May, 2004 with petitioner as per Hindu

Rituals at Sri Ram Temple in Dhanbad District ( Jharkhand ).

(II) For that, it is further stated that the grand maternal uncle of the

Opposite-party no.2 gave a sum of Rs.3,00,000/- as a gift as

well as gold ornaments of Rs.80,000/-.

(III) For that ,at the time of marriage ,petitioner’s age was 40 years

and the age of Opposite-party no.2 was 27 years.


(IV) For that ,further it is alleged that petitioner and his other

family members started demanding Rs.3,00,000/- as a dowry.

(V) For that ,as per stated in the maintenance petition that father of

Opposite-party no.2 was died prior to the marriage of her and

mother of Opposite-party no.2 is deaf and dumb by birth.

(VI) For that , it is further stated that petitioner and other members

of his family began to torture mentally and physically both for

non-fulfillment of the demand.

(VII) For that, it is further stated that petitioner had gone to Patna

and started a business in R.C.M.

(VIII) For that, it is stated that on 17 th December, 2008 ,petitioner

came at his brother’s house in Dhanbad and all of them began

to create pressure for Rs.3,00,000/- as a dowry otherwise ,she

( Opposite-party no.2 )would be ousted and ultimately ousted

on 17th October,2008 and kept her ornaments.

(IX) For that ,it is also stated that petitioner earns a sum of

Rs.70,000/- per month , Opposite-party no.2 started living with

her brother-in-law namely Hemant Kumar.

(X) For that , lastly it is stated that brother-in-law of Opposite-party

no.2 Hemant Kumar tried to negotiate but petitioner remained

adamant on his demand saying that he would not take away

the Opposite-party no.2.


(XI) For that, ultimately she made a demand of Rs.25,000/- per

month for her maintenance case i.e. 58 of 2009 dated


A true /typed copy of the

Maintenance Case No.58 of 2009 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

4. That, petitioner is quite innocent .He has been made an escape

goat in this case by Opposite-party no.2 in connivance with her brother-in-

law namely Hemant Kumar ,who is indulged in love with her.

5. That ,it is pertinent to mention here that three persons were

examined in the said maintenance case ,two of them are the close relatives

of Opposite-party no.2 and third herself Opposite-party no.2 .Meaning

thereby no independent witness has been examined . All witnesses are

interested witnesses .

True /typed copies of the deposition

of all three witnesses are annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2 series ” to this


6. That, Hemant Kumar ,who is the main architect of this case and

Opposite-party no.2 is residing with him at present . Truth is that there is an


illicit relationship of Opposite-party no.2 with Hemant Kumar .That is why

strategy was made after meeting of minds in a very planned way.

7. That, it is absolutely a false allegation leveled against the

petitioner and his family members that they made pressure upon Opposite-

party no.2 for Rs.3,00,000/- ( Rupees Three Lacs ) as a dowry and

ultimately they ousted her on 17th December, 2008 from their house due to

non-fulfillment of the demand. This facility reveals in a Panchnama in

which it is stated clearly that the conjugal life was never being solemnized

and both want to live independently . There is no whispering of any kind

of dowry demand in the whole Panchnama .Ultimately it was decided that

petitioner will have to pay a sum of Rs.1,00,000/- ( Rupees one Lac ) for

permanent settlement which has been paid by the petitioner on 17 th

December, 2008 itself. Petitioner paid this amount Rs.50,000/- by cash and

Rs.50,000/-by cheque.

True /typed copies of Panchnama as

well as Bank Statement are annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “3 series ” to this


8. That, it has become crystal clear that Opposite-party no.2 and

Hemant Kumar made this plan very strategically and petitioner has been

made a scape goat in this case.


9. That, it is pertinent to mention here that Hemant Kumar and

Babita Kumari (Opposite-party no.2 ) are enjoying their illicit relationship

and after realizing Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lac ) from petitioner they

have lodged a false complaint case i.e. Complaint Case No.578 of 2009 on

16th March, 2009.

10. That, it is also important to mention here that brother-in-law of

Opposite-party no.2 Hemant Kumar ,who is the conducting lawyer of

Babita Kumari of this complaint case.

11. That, it is equally important to mention here that the complaint

petition i.e. Complaint Case No.578 of 2009 has been filed by the Opposite-
party no.2 on 6th March, 2009 . Again Hemant Kumar is the conducting

lawyer in this case.

12. That, Babita Kumar indulged in love with her brother-in-law

Hemant Kumar ,who is the main architect of the whole conspiracy.

13. That, it has become crystal clear from the above mentioned

paragraphs that each and every document either complaint petition or

maintenance case ,all are nothing but the bundle of lies.

14. That, a divorce petition has been filed by the petitioner i.e. T

(M) .S. Case No.264 of 2010 under Section 3(1) (i-a)(i-b) of Hindi

Marriage Act before learned Principal Judge , Family Court, Dhanbad in

which Babita Kumar ( Opposite-party no.2 ) has not been appearing for

which summon has already been issued. Ultimately a Notice was issued to


Babita Kumari on 4th August ,2011 that appear on 19 th December, 2011

before the court otherwise ex-parte decision will be taken.

A true /photo stat copy of the notice

dated 04.08.2011 is annexed herewith

and marked as ANNEXURE- “4” to

this application.

15. That, as per statement of Opposite-party no.2 in the

maintenance case that petitioner is earning Rs.70,000/- per month working

in business in R.C.M. Company .However ,no document regarding the

income of the petitioner has been produced by the Opposite-party no.2.

16. That, it is strange and unbelievable but unfortunate that without

analyzing the falsity of the statement of Opposite-party no.2 , learned

Principal Judge , Family Court , Purnea had fixed the award of Rs.2,500/-

per month .Therefore, the fixation of this award is not justified.

17. That, in fact and circumstances of this case, if it is analyzed

and synthesized in its totality ,it will found that the whole allegation leveled

against the innocent petitioner is nothing but a bundle of lies . Truth is that

petitioner is not in a position to pay the award of Rs.2,500/- per month to

the Opposite-party no.2.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order

dated 02.08.2011 passed by the learned Principal

Judge, Family Court, Purnea in Maintenance


Case No.58 of 2009 , the above named

petitioner begs to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned order of the learned court below is

erroneous and illegal and contrary to the record.

II. For that, the learned court below has not analyzed and

synthesized the case in its totality and due to which learned court could

not come to a reasonable stage.

III. For that ,the learned court below has not properly appreciated

the innocency of the petitioner whereas such emphasis was given on the

statement of Opposite-party no.2 .

IV. For that, the amount of payment of maintenance is beyond

the capacity of the petitioner .

V. For that, the petitioner has been made an scape goat in this

case which is crystal clear at a glance that learned court below could not

observe this fact.

VI. For that ,petitioner is suffering multi

dimensionally ,psychologically ,socially ,erroneously , normally and

Opposite-party no.2 is enjoying her illicit relationship with her brother-in-

law Hemant Kumar.

VII. For that, in the facts and circumstances of the case, the

impugned order is not sustainable and is liable to be set aside.


It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party ,call

for the records of the learned court below and

after hearing the parties be further pleased to set

aside the order dated 02.08.2011 passed by the

learned Principal Judge, Family Court, Purnea in

Maintenance Case No.58 of 2009.


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

operation of the impugned order dated

02.08.2011 passed by the learned Principal Judge,

Family Court, Purnea in Maintenance Case No.58

of 2009 may kindly be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.




Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;


In the matter of :-

Md. Nazim, son of Late Kashim

Resident of village- Bangaon ,Tole- Darabkhana , P.S. Bajpatti ,District –




The State of Bihar…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the part of

the judgment and order dated 12th January ,2011 passed by Shri Arvind

Kumar Pandey , the learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court
No. 6 , Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 11 of 2009/01 of 2010 , whereby and

where under the learned Additional Sessions Judge has been pleased to

dismiss the criminal appeal filed by the petitioner and affirmed the

judgment and order dated 30.01.2009 passed by Sri Prem Kumar

Srivastava ,the learned Sub –Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at

Sitamarhi in G.R. Case No. 283/2000 , Trial No.70 of 2009 by which the

learned Judicial Magistrate has been pleased to convict the petitioner to

undergo R.I. for a period of six months for the offence under Section 325

of the Indian Penal Code.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgments and orders.

3. That, the prosecution case ,in nut shell, as per the First

Information Report is that the informant Mostt. Tahira Khatoon was

sitting at her door on 15.07.2000 at 9 A.M. in the mean time accused

Mahendra Jha , Nazim and Md. Anwar came there and on the order of

Mahendra Jha accused Md. Nazim gave Lathi blow on her hand resulting


fracture on her hand and accused Mahendra Jha gave 2-3 sticks blow to her .

It is further alleged that in the mean time the accused Arman and Nanhe

also came there and they also started to abuse the informant . She further

alleged that the accused Nanhe took away cash Rs.250/- from Anchal of her

Saree . On alarm witnesses came there and they took the informant to
Bajpatti Hospital where she was treated . The cause behind the occurrence

is land dispute between both the parties.

4. That, on the basis of the aforesaid Fardbeyan of the

informant , Bajpatti P.S. Case No.46 of 2000 was instituted registered

for the offences under Sections 341,323,325, 379 and 504/34 of the Indian

Penal Code .

5. That, it is stated that after institution of the First Information

Report , Police proceeded with the investigation .

6. That, it is stated that after investigation of the case ,the police

submitted charge-sheet against the petitioner and four others under the

above mentioned Sections .

7. That, it is stated that after submission of charge-sheet ,the

learned Magistrate took cognizance against the petitioner under the above

mentioned sections vide order dated 28.02.2001 .

8. That, it is stated that after order taking cognizance ,the

charges were framed against the petitioner and others under Sections

341,323, 325 and 504/34 of the Indian Penal Code and accused Nanhe was


charged under Section 379 of the Indian Penal Code vide order dated

14.03.2002 and at the time of framing of the charge , the petitioner and

others pleaded not guilty and claimed to be tried .

9. That, it is stated that during the course of trial altogether Six

prosecution witnesses were examined by prosecution such as

P.W.1 : Abdul Hamid ,step son of the informant

P.W.2 :Punyadeo Pandit

P.W.3 :Abdul Hafiz ,son of the informant

P.W.4. :Abdul Samir ,son of the informant

P.W.5 : Neyaz Ahmad (Investigating Officer of the case )

P.W.6 :Dr. Md. Ekramul Haque ,who treated the informant .

10. That, it is stated that apart from the oral evidences

documentary evidences were exhibited on behalf of the prosecution such

as :-

Ext. 1 :Signature of Abdul Samir on Fardbeyan

Ext. 2 :Fardbeyan

Ext. 3 :Form First Information Report

Ext. 4 :Injury Report of the informant

Ext. 5 : Certified copy of Old Khatiyan

11. That, it is stated that P.W.1 ,who is the step son of the

informant in his evidence claimed to be the eye witness of the occurrence

but in fact he is not the eye witness of the occurrence since the informant


in her Fardbeyan said that after her alarm the witnesses came and taken to

her in hospital .

12. That, it is stated that P.W.2 in his evidence did not say any

specific allegation of overtact against any of the accused persons rather he

said about the general and omnibus allegation against all the accused


13. That, it is stated that P.W.3 and P.W.4 who are the son of the

informant and they also are not the eye witness of the occurrence rather they

are the hear say witness. In their evidence they admitted that at the time of

occurrence they were working in the filed and on call they arrived at the

place of occurrence.

14. That, it is stated that P.W. 5 ,who is the Investigating Officer of

the case in his evidence said that no theft article was recovered during the

course of investigation and nothing was asked during the cross- examination

by the defense regarding the place of occurrence.

15. That, it is stated that P.W.6 ,who treated the informant and in

his evidence said that injuries received by the informant are also possible

by fall and no mark of identification has been given by P.W.6.

16. That, it is stated that according to the face value of the

prosecution case seems to be false since the prosecution has allegedly

claimed that the informant ,who is an old lady, was assaulted by five

persons .


17. That, it is stated that the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi , without taking into consideration the

material available on record , has been pleased to convict the petitioner to

undergo R.I. for a period of six months for the offence under Section 325
of the Indian Penal vide judgment and order on the point of sentence dated


A certified copy of the judgment and

order dated 30.01.2009 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

18. That, it is stated that against the order dated 30.01.2009

passed by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at

Sitamarhi ,the petitioner and others preferred a criminal appeal which was

registered as Cr. Appeal No.11 of 2009 / 01 of 2010 and during the

pendency of appeal, the petitioner was released on bail .

19. That, it is stated that the said Criminal Appeal was finally heard

by the learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. 6

Sitamarhi ,who was pleased to dismiss the criminal application filed by the

petitioner and affirmed the judgment and order dated 30.01.2009 passed

by Sri Prem Kumar Srivastava ,the learned Sub –Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi in G.R. Case No. 283/2000 , Trial No.70 of

2009 vide judgment and order dated 12.01.2011 .


20. That, it is stated that since the petitioner is a poor

person ,therefore, after filing of the present appeal in the year 2009 ,the

petitioner had gone to outside the State i.e. Punjab for earning his

livelihood and the appeal was taken up after such a long time and
ultimately the appeal was dismissed on 12.01.2011 but the learned

Counsel appearing on behalf of the petitioner in the appeal did not inform

the petitioner about the dismissal of appeal and when the petitioner had

come his native village , then he got knowledge about the dismissal of

appeal then he immediately surrendered before the ld Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi on 16.09.2011 and since then the

petitioner is languishing in jail custody .

A true photo stat /typed copy of the

custody order dated 116.09.2011 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” to this


21. That, it is stated that in view of the aforesaid facts and material

available on record ,the impugned orders is fit to be set aside.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 12.01.2011 passed by

Sri Arvind Kumar Pandey , the learned Additional

Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. 6 ,


Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 11 of 2009 /01of

2010 as also the judgment and order dated

30.01.2009 passed by Sri Prem Kumar

Srivastava ,the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi in Trial No.70 of

2009 arising out of G.R. No.283 of 2000 , the

above named petitioner begs to prefer this

revision application on amongst the other



I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned trial court

as well as appellate court is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the P.W.5 who is the

Investigating Officer of the case in his cross –examination did not say

about the place of occurrence .

III. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that P.W. 6 who

examined the informant in his evidence said that injuries are also possible

by fall and no mark of identification has been given by the P.W.5 .

IV. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial


court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the statement of the prosecution witnesses .

V. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to produce any independent witness to establish his case rather all
the witnesses are interested witness and their statements are not

trustworthy .

VI. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to appreciate that there is admitted land dispute in between both the

parties .

VII. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that all the prosecution

witnesses are not the eye witness rather they are hear-say witness and they

had come at the place of occurrence after the so-called occurrence.

VIII. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to appreciate that P.W.2 in his evidence did not say about the specific

overtact against any of the accused persons .

IX. For that , if the order of the learned trial court as well as

appellate court are allowed to be continued ,it will amount to miscarriage of



X. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law as well as

facts and fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this application,

issue notice to the opposite-party ,call for the

records of the learned court below and after

hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the judgment and order dated 12.01.2011

passed by Sri Arvind Kumar Pandey , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. 6

, Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 11 of 2009 /01of

2010 as also the judgment and order dated

30.01.2009 passed by Sri Prem Kumar

Srivastava ,the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi in Trial No.70 of

2009 arising out of G.R. No.283 of 2000 .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.



During the pendency of this application ,the

petitioner be enlarged on bail to the satisfaction of

the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Pupri at Sitamarhi in Trial No.70 of 2009

arising out of G.R. No.283 of 2000.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.




CR. REV. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application Under

Section-53 of the Juvenile Justice

( Care& Protection of Children ) Act,



In the matter of :-

Ravi Ranjan Kumar Ravi @ Ravi Ranjan Rai, son of Horil Rai

Resident of Mohalla- New Bankers Colony , Shastri Nagar, P.S. Mithanpura

,District –Muzaffarpur.



The State of Bihar. …….…………..……………OPPOSITE -PARTY.

The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

dated 25.08.2011 passed by the learned Sessions Judge ,Muzaffarpur in Cr.

Appeal No.34 of 2011 ,whereby and where under the learned Sessions

Judge , Muzaffarpur was pleased to reject the petitioner’s application for bail

in connection with Mithanpura P.S. Case No.33 of 2011 registered for the

offence under Section 376 of the Indian Penal Code.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court any time earlier against the impugned order .

3. That, the prosecution case in short interalia is that on

13.02.2011 ,the informant Sheema Masih ,wife of Stiphen Masih filed a

written report before the Station Head Officer of Mithanpura Police- Station

alleging therein interalia that on 12.02.2011 at about 10 A.M., the petitioner

allured her daughter Ujala Masih aged about-15 years and committed rape

with her from 10 A.M. of 12.02.2011 till 10 A.M. of 13.02.2011 .

She further alleged that she was knowing the petitioner as a

friend of her daughter but he has committed this offence after alluring her

for marriage.


4. That, on the basis of the aforesaid written report of the

informant , Mithanpura Police drew up a formal First Information

Report and registered a case being Mithanpura P.S. Case No.33 of 2011

dated 13.02.2011 attributing offence under Section 376 of the Indian

Penal Code .

A true photo stat/typed copy of the

F.I.R. of Mithanpura P.S. Case

No.33 of 2011 dated 13.02.2011 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE-“1” for identification

forming part of this application.

5. That, this case is presently pending in the court of the learned

Juvenile Justice Board, Muzaffarpur arising out of Mithanpura P.S. Case

No.33 of 2011 dated 13.02.2011 attributing offences under Section 376 of

the Indian Penal Code .

6. That, the petitioner is innocent having committed no offence

whatsoever and he has been falsely implicated in the present case .

7. That, it is stated that the petitioner has been dragged in this

case by the informant with some ulterior motive to grab money from the

family of the petitioner . The fact is that the petitioner is aged about only 13

years whereas the victim is aged about 18-19 years as determined by the

Medical Board.


True photo stat/ typed copies of the

birth certificate of the petitioner and

the report of the Medical Board are

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE-“2” & “2/1” for

identification forming part of this


8. That, the petitioner was detained by the victim and the friends

of the victim girl ,who have trapped this petitioner in the present case and

he was handed over to the police on the date of institution of the First

Information Report itself.

9. That, when the petitioner was produced before the court since

he was appearing to be a juvenile he was remanded to Remand Home and

vide order dated 30.04.2011 ,he was declared as juvenile by the learned

Juvenile Justice Board ,Muzaffarpur.

A true photo stat/typed copy of the

order dated 30.04.2011 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE-“3” for identification

forming part of this application.

10. That, even though the petitioner was declared juvenile when

his bail application was filed before the learned Juvenile Justice Board


,Muzaffarpur which was rejected vide order dated 13.05.2011 on the

ground that since the petitioner has committed a serious offence ,therefore,

a bad message go to the society ,if he is released on bail.

A true photo stat/ typed copy of the

order dated 13.05.2011 annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE-“4” for identification

forming part of this application.

11. That, against the order dated 13.05.2011 passed by the learned

Juvenile Justice Board ,Muzaffarpur , the petitioner filed appeal in the court

of learned Sessions Judge , Muzaffarpur which was numbered as Cr.

Appeal No.34 of 2011 wherein vide order dated 25.08.2011 ,the learned

Sessions Judge ,Muzaffarpur was pleased to reject the petitioner’s prayer for

bail on the ground that the release of the appellant on bail would defeat the

ends of justice.

12. That, the mother of the petitioner undertakes to take care about

the activities of the petitioner in future.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with order

dated 25.08.2011 passed by the learned Sessions

Judge ,Muzaffarpur in Criminal Appeal No.34 of

2011 , the above named petitioner begs to prefer


this revision application on amongst the other



I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while passing the impugned order ,the learned

Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that prayer for bail of a juvenile can be

rejected only on the ground mentioned in the Juvenile Justice Act and for no

other reason.

III. For that, the reason assigned by the learned Sessions Judge for

rejecting the petitioner’s prayer for bail is alien to the provisions of Juvenile

Justice Act and ,therefore, cannot be sustained in the eye of law.

IV. For that, while dismissing the criminal appeal filed for grant of

bail to the petitioner ,the learned Sessions Judge ,Muzaffarpur also failed to

appreciate the facts of the case that according to birth certificate of the

petitioner he is aged about -13 years and thus the allegation that he had

committed rape with victim whose age has been medically assessed to be

18-19 years ,is just improbable.

V. For that, while dismissing the criminal appeal , the learned

Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that rejection of bail of the petitioner

would adversely affect his career.

VI. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law .


It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party and

after hearing the parties be further pleased to set

aside the order dated 25.08.2011 passed by the

learned Sessions Judge ,Muzaffarpur in Cr.

Appeal No.34 of 2011 and be further pleased to

direct for release of the petitioner on bail to the

satisfaction of the learned Juvenile Justice Board ,

Muzaffarpur in connection with Mithanpura P.S.

Case No.33 of 2011 dated 13.02.2011.


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Md. Rashid ,son of Late Amid Mian @ Amir Mian ,

Resident of village- Kakarahat , P.S. Derni ,District – Saran at Chapra.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Idris Ali ,son of Md. Sadik,

3. Akbar Ali, son of Md. Sadik,

4. Md. Sadik ,son of Amid Mian ,

5. Najma Khatoon , wife of Akbar Mian,

6. Godaila Khatoon ,wife of Md. Hussain,

7. Nazrul Nisa Khatoon ,wife of Jummadin ,

All resident of village- Kakarahat , P.S. Derni ,District –

Saran at Chapra.



The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble Chief

Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the part of

the judgment and order dated 16.06.2011 passed by learned Dr. Ramesh

Chandra Dwivedi , 1st Assistant Sessions Judge ,Saran at Chapra in

Sessions Trial No.54 of 2009 arising out of Derni P.S. Case No.42 of 2008

registered for the offences under Sections 341,323, 324, 504 ,34 and 307 of

the Indian Penal Code whereby and where under the learned trial court

set free the Opposite-party nos. 5 to 7 on the basis of Section 3 and 4 of the

Probation of Offenders Act and rest of accused Opposite-party nos. 2 to 4

were directed to execute a bond of Rs.2,000/- with a direction to maintain

peace and harmony for a period of two years by giving the benefit of Section

-4 of the Probation of Offender Act.


2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgment and order dated 16.06.2011.

3. That, the fact of the case is referred here under that the

informant Md. Rashid ( petitioner ) submitted his written report before the

Station Head Officer of Derni Police – Station stating interalia that two

mango trees situated near the house of the informant whose stem came out

from the earth and on 18.06.2008 at about 9 A.M. ,the accused persons

namely Md. Sadik , Akbar Ali were cutting the stem of the mango trees on

which he forbade to cut the said stem then Akbar Ali , Sadik ,Idris have been

abused and said that the trees does not belong to you and all the three

accused persons such as Akbar Ali (Opposite-party no.3 ) , Md. Sadik

( Opposite-party no.4 ) and Idris Ali (Opposite-party no.2 ) assaulted with

Farsa and Rod and the informant sustained injury and other accused came

there and started to abuse and assaulted with Danda and villagers came

there and rescue and accordingly the First Information Report was lodged.

4. That, thereafter the case was instituted under Section

341,323,324, 504/34 of the Indian Penal Code and further Section 307 of

the Indian Penal Code was added vide order dated 16.07.2008. After being
made thorough investigation ,the police has submitted an application before

the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Saran at Chapra to add the Section -

307 of the Indian Penal Code and the same was ordered on 16.07.2008 and


according Section 307 of the Indian Penal Code was added and police has

submitted charge-sheet and the case was committed to the court of Sessions

and the charges were framed under Sections 323/149, 341/149, 324/149,

504/149 and 307/149 of the Indian Penal Code .

5. That, the findings of the learned trial court mentioned in

paragraph no.7 of the judgment that Md. Idris Ali , Akbar Ali as well as

Md. Sadik came there prior to assault made by the accused, Sadik and Akbar

Ali were cutting the root of mango tree and after being forbidden to cut

the same Idris having armed with Farsa and Akbar and Sadik armed with

rod came there and started to assault the petitioner (informant ) and

consequently the petitioner sustained injury on the neck and shoulder

region which is the vital part of the body assaulted by Idris with Farsa

blow repeatedly and thereafter Akbar Ali also assaulted with rod on the

hand of the petitioner . Consequently the bone was fractured and as per the

injury report as well as the testimony of the doctor goes to support the

prosecution case but the learned trial court did not take into

consideration ,the material aspect of the prosecution and superficially the

same was discussed by the learned trial court in paragraph no.9 of the

judgment .
6. That, there is no repeated blow of the assault made by the

Opposite-parties in this way this is not a case of attempt to murder . The

Section -307 of the Indian Penal Code reveals that when there is assault

upon the vital part of the body with an intention to kill him or injury may be


the cause of death of the injured person then it should be treated as under

the purview of 307 of the Indian Penal Code . Apart from this it is a case of

Section 326 of the Indian Penal Code at least or the accused persons can be

punished under Section 324 of the Indian Penal Code and other allied

Sections of the Indian Penal Code but the learned trial court did not take

into consideration the consistent evidence of the witnesses as well as the

documentary evidence such as injury report or the testimony of the doctor

and passed the judgment has simple as possible and the accused persons

given benefit of probation of Offenders Act.

7. That, on the first hand ,the learned trial court has categorically

discussed the allegation leveled against the Opposite-parties but in the

same paragraph of the judgment ,the learned trial court emphatically

discussed the minor contradiction of testimony of the witnesses such as

P.W.4 , P.W.5 but here in this case, it has not been denied that the

occurrence did not take place and the informant and the other injured

persons were not assaulted by the accused persons and all the accused

persons were facing trial and the learned trial court should have

considered in totality and entirety of the case and thereafter he should

have passed the judgment and he should have also convicted the accused

persons Opposite-parties .

8. That, the First Information Report is the summary of the

offence and it is clarified during the course of trial but the learned trial court


take shadow under the umbrella of the statement given in the First

Information Report .

9. That, the learned trial court should have also considered the

size of injury caused by sharp cutting weapons and also the vital part of the

body and so far the statement of the informant has also corroborated

consistently with the evidence and the injury report as well as testimony of

the doctor.

10. That, there is common object of the Opposite-parties to commit

such type of offence and after making unlawful assembly and they have full

knowledge about the commission of offence but perchance the informant

(petitioner ) survived during his treatment and other prosecution party

were also assaulted . In this way ,it is quite absurd to say that there is no any

intention or motive behind the occurrence to commit offence and it is also

absurd to say that there is no repeated blow by the Opposite-parties on the

contrary they all have assaulted to all of them of the prosecution party by

means of Farsa , Rod and Danda . It is also specific case of the prosecution

that three lady accused also assaulted the informant by Danda and Sota ,it

appears also from perusal of testimony of P.Ws.

11. That, the charges of offence under Section 307/149 of the

Indian Penal Code is said to have not proved by the learned trial court but

having seen the material documents such as injury report and testimony of

the doctor and other witnesses , there is assault on vital part of body by


Farsa and Rod and in this way there is no question to say that the

prosecution has not able to prove the charges of the offence under Section

307/149 of the Indian Penal Code . It is the learned trial court ,who have

seen the material on record and categorical statement in the judgment and

merely on the basis of contradiction ,the ample punishment has not been

given by the learned trial court which is quite illegal in the eye of law .

The learned trial court should have scrutinized the evidence in toto and

meticulously and then he should have passed the judgment of conviction.

12. That, in paragraph no.12 of the judgment ,the learned trial

court discussed the statement of P.W.12 Alamgir and P.W.3 Khalia

Khatoon but the testimony was discarded by the learned trial court merely

on the basis of minor contradiction in their deposition.

13. That, in almost all paragraphs of the judgment ,the testimony

of witnesses have been discussed but on the basis of the statement of D.Ws.

that there is land dispute between the parties and they are agnates and the

land upon which mango trees is situated has not been separated and a

Panchayati was held on 18.06.2008 and there was no assault on that day
but the learned trial court has not been discussed any where that the said

D.W.1 is the related witness of the accused-Opposite-parties .

14. That, on the first hand, all discussions of the testimony of

witnesses made in the judgment that lastly the learned trial court has said

that the prosecution has failed to prove the charge under Section 307 of the


Indian Penal Code against all the accused persons and the charge under

Section 324 of the Indian Penal Code against accused Godaila , Najma and

Nazrul Nisa and prosecution has proved the charge under Sections 323,

341, 404 of the Indian Penal Code against all the accused persons

/Opposite-parties and the charge of offence under Section 324 of the Indian

Penal Code against Idris , Sadik and Akbar Ali but no ample punishment

was awarded to Opposite-parties rather the learned trial court acquitted all

the accused persons for the charge under Section 307 of the Indian Penal

Code and the lady accused persons were also acquitted for the offence under

Section 324 of the Indian Penal Code . It is gross illegality committed by

the learned trial court that the bone of hand of the informant was fractured

and the learned trial court did not impose the punishment under Section

324 of the Indian Penal Code . Apart from this there is assault and injury on
the vital part of the petitioner as well as the other prosecution parties but

the learned trial court wrongly held and passed the judgment of acquittal

for offence under Section 307 and 324 of the Indian Penal Code . So far

the discussions made by the learned trial court for giving the benefit of

probation of Offender Act, it is quite illegal and beyond Section 3 and 4

of the said Act in this way the entire judgment and order dated 16.06.2011

is quite illegal in the eye of law as well as on facts and the same is fit to be

set aside.


Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the part

of the judgment and order dated 16.06.2011

passed by learned Dr. Ramesh Chandra

Dwivedi , 1st Assistant Sessions Judge ,Saran at

Chapra in Sessions Trial No.54 of 2009 , the

above named petitioner begs to prefer this

revision application on amongst the other



I. For that, the impugned judgment and order dated 16.06.2011 is

bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that , the learned trial court did not meticulously examine

the testimony of the witnesses as well as the injury report and the
testimony of doctor and he did not take into consideration about the

ingredients of Section -307and 324 of the Indian Penal Code .

III. For that, the learned trial court has also failed to consider the

admitted case of assault by means of deadly weapons by common object

and planned motive and intention of the Opposite-parties but the learned

trial court acquitted the Opposite-parties for the charge under Section 307

and 324 of the Indian Penal Code.

IV. For that, the learned trial court should have considered the

deposition of witnesses and material on record and he should have imposed

ample punishment for the said offence to the Opposite-parties .


V. For that, the learned trial court wrongly took shelter under

the umbrella of testimony of D.W.1 and falsified the prosecution case to

some extent .

VI. For that ,the learned trial court should have taken into

consideration the totality and entirety of the case where there is no denial of

commission of the offence but the learned trial court acquitted and light

punishment was awarded on the basis of minor contradictions in the

testimony of witnesses.

VI. For that, the impugned judgment and order is otherwise bad in

law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-

parties ,call for the records of the learned trial

court and after hearing the parties be further

pleased to set

aside the part of the judgment and order dated

16.06.2011 passed by learned Dr. Ramesh

Chandra Dwivedi , 1st Assistant Sessions

Judge ,Saran at Chapra in Sessions Trial No.54 of

2009 and convict the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 7

under Section 324 and 307 of the Indian Penal

Code .



Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2011.(Limitation )


Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-

Amar Kumar @ Amarnath Prasad

@ Amarnath Singh ……………………………..…PETITIONER


The State of Bihar ………..…..……………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;



1. That, this interlocutory application on behalf of the petitioner

above named is for condonation of delay in filing of the instant revision


2. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present on earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

3. That, it is stated that the aforesaid revision application is

directed against the judgment and order dated 30.09.2010.

4. That, it is stated that against the judgment and order on the

point of sentence dated 30.06.2009 passed by the learned trial court ,the

petitioner preferred criminal appeal before the learned Additional

Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.1 Sitamarhi and during the pendency

of appeal ,the petitioner was enlarged on bail , and thereafter the

petitioner proceeded outside the State for his livelihood as well as his

family members since the petitioner is very poor and illiterate person

after entrusting the pairvi to the learned counsel appearing on his behalf

and the petitioner had under the impression that the learned counsel

appearing on his behalf before the learned appellate court informed him

about the outcome of the appeal.

5. That, it is stated that since at the time of passing of the

impugned judgment and order dated 30.09.2010 , the petitioner was not

present in his native village as well as the learned counsel appearing on

behalf of the petitioner before the learned Additional Sessions Judge ,


Fast Track Court No. 1, Sitamarhi did not inform about the impugned

judgment and dated 30.09.2010 ,therefore, the petitioner could not

surrender before the learned trial court as well as he did not prefer any

revision against the order dated 30.09.2010 within time .

6. That, it is stated that when the petitioner had come to his

native village then the petitioner could get knowledge about the dismissal

of the appeal filed by him on 30.09.2010itself against the judgment and

order dated 30.06.2009 then the petitioner immediately surrendered before

the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi on

08.10.2011 and since then the petitioner is behind the bars .

7. That, it is stated that since the petitioner’s family are very

poor and rustic persons ,therefore, in arranging the money to file the

present criminal revision application before this Hon'ble Court ,the

family members had taken some time.

8. That, it is stated that after arranging the money , the father of

the petitioner contacted the counsel at Patna in last week of October,

2011 for filing the present criminal revision application and accordingly
the instant criminal revision application is being filed before this Hon'ble


9. That, there is no intentional latches on the part of the petitioner

to approach this Hon'ble court against the impugned order and the delay


has been caused in filing of the instant revision application because of

communication gap as well as paucity of money as mentioned above .

10. That, if the delay in filing of the revision application is not

condoned ,the petitioner would suffer an irreparable loss and injury which

cannot be sustained in other way.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to condone

the delay in filing the present criminal revision

application .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Ramdeo Sah, son of Late Saryug Sah,

Resident of village- Janar , P.S. Aurai, District – Muzaffarpur.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Shambhu Sah , son of Ramdeo Sah,

Resident of village- Janar , P.S. Aurai, District – Muzaffarpur , presently

posted as an Assistant Teacher , Middle School , Sahila Baijnath ,

Anchal- Aurai-II ,P.S. Hathauri ,District – Muzaffarpur.

3. Shankar Kumar Hemant , son of Ramdeo Sah,

Resident of village- Janar , P.S. Aurai, District – Muzaffarpur, presently

posted as T.T.I., Indian Rail, Solapur Junction ( Maharashtra ).



The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the part of

the order dated 26.05.2011 passed in Maintenance Case No.14 of 2009

by the learned Principal Judge, Family Court, Muzaffarpur , whereby and

where under the learned Principal Judge has been pleased to dispose of the
maintenance case on the basis of the affidavit sworn by the Opposite-party

nos. 2 and 3 and held that only the Opposite-party no.3 is to pay Rs.2,000/-

per month to the petitioner though in the Opposite-party no.2 in his affidavit

himself admitted that he will ready to pay Rs.2,000/- per month.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court any time earlier against the impugned order .

3. That, the facts giving rise to the present revision application is

that the petitioner filed the maintenance case in the court of learned

Principal Judge , Family Court, Muzaffarpur under Section 125 of the

Code of Criminal Procedure stating therein that the petitioner has two sons


i.e. Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 and in their education he had expensed

entire earnings of his life. The petitioner further said that he is aged

about 71 years and he is unable to do any physical work since last 10 years

and the age of his wife is also about -67 years and she is suffering from

Cancer since last 8-9 years . The petitioner further said that his first son is

a Government Assistant Teacher whereas his second son is T.T.I in Indian

Railway and their earnings are handsome . He further said that the

Opposite-party no.2 did not take care him as well as his wife and when the

Opposite-party no.3 visited the village he provided Rs.1,000/- . He further

said that when he asked money from the Opposite-party no.2 for treatment

of his wife then the Opposite-party no.3 asked that when the Opposite-

party no.2 will provide money then he only provide money . He further said
that in their maintenance the amount of Rs.6,000/- per months will be


4. That, it is stated that the aforesaid maintenance case filed by

the petitioner in the court of learned Principal Judge, Family Court,

Muzaffarpur was registered as Maintenance Case No.14 of 2009.

A true photo stat copy of the plaint

of Maintenance Case No.14 of

2009 is annexed herewith and marked

as ANNEXURE- “1” to this



5. That, it is stated that in the aforesaid maintenance case the

Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 appeared .

6. That, it is stated that the Opposite-party no.3 filed his affidavit

wherein he admitted that the Opposite-party no.2 is not paying any single

farthing for the maintenance of his parents and he also assured that he is

ready to obey the order of the court.

A true photo stat copy of the affidavit

dated 04.06.2009 along with the

petition dated 04.06.2009 filed by the

Opposite-party no.3 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” to this application.

7. That, it is stated that similarly the Opposite-party no.2 also

sworn an affidavit and filed it in the court of learned Principal Judge ,

wherein he said that he is ready to pay Rs.2,000/- per month to the

petitioner and also said that it is the pious duty of the Opposite-party no.3

to pay Rs.2,000/- per month to the petitioner .

A true photo stat copy of the affidavit

dated 04.06.2009 along with the

petition dated 26.05.2011 filed by the

Opposite-party no.2 is annexed


herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “3” to this application.

8. That, it is pertinent to mention here that the wife of the

petitioner is suffering from Cancer and she is under the treatment of

Mahavir Cancer Sansthan.

A true photo stat copy of the

prescription is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “4” to this


9. That, it is stated that on the basis of the affidavit sworn by the

Opposite-party nos.2 and 3 the aforesaid maintenance case was disposed of

by the learned Principal Judge vide order dated 26.05.2011 but in the
impugned order the learned Principal Judge held that only the Opposite-

party no.3 is to pay Rs.2,000/- per month though in the affidavit of the

Opposite-party no.2 it is admission that he is ready to pay Rs.2,000/- per

month to the petitioner .

10. That, it is stated that according to the impugned order ,the

learned Principal Judge has not held that the Opposite-party no.2 is also to

pay Rs.2,000/- per month ,therefore, the Opposite-party no.2 is betrayed

from his affidavit .

11. That, it is stated that since the Opposite-party no.2 is not paying

Rs.2,000/- per month ,therefore, the Opposite-party no.3 is also not paying


the same according to the impugned order.

12. That, it is stated that in fact the learned Principal Judge did not

pass any judicial order in the maintenance case filed by the petitioner rather

the learned Principal Judge is also failed to assert the undertaking of the

Opposite-party nos.2 and 3 in the impugned order.

13. That, in fact the order of the learned Principal Judge has no

order in the eye of law.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order

dated 26.05.2011 passed in Maintenance Case

No.14 of 2009 by the learned Principal Judge,

Family Court, Muzaffarpur ,the above named

petitioner begs to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while passing the impugned order , the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that the Opposite-party no.2 in his

affidavit agreed for payment of Rs.2,000/- per month but he did not direct

the Opposite-party no.2 to pay the same to the petitioner .

III. For that, while passing the impugned order, the learned

Principal Judge should have ordered to pay the amount of Rs.2,000/- in

clear terms as agreed by the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 in their affidavit .


IV. For that, while passing the impugned order ,the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate to pass any order in court’s term in

view of the undertakings of the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 in their

affidavit .

V. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party nos.2

and 3 and after hearing the parties be further

pleased to set aside the part of the order

26.05.2011 passed in Maintenance Case No.14

of 2009 by the learned Principal Judge, Family

Court, Muzaffarpur .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Thagan Mukhiya , son of Mukhlal Mukhiya,

Resident of village- Bhikha , P.S. Bajpatti, District – Sitamarhi.


1. The State of Bihar.

2. Kapal Thakur @ Kapildeo Thakur , son of Late Bilas Thakur ,

3. Ram Daras Thakur , son of Indradeo Thakur ,

Both resident of village- Bhikha , P.S. Bajpatti, District -




The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble Chief


Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 21st May , 2011 passed by Sri Surendra Prasad Pandey ,

learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.3 Sitamarhi in

Sessions Trial No.283 of 2008/ 153 of 2008 arising out of Bajpatti P.S.

Case No.08 of 2008 registered for the offences under Sections

302,201,120B/34 of the Indian Penal Code , whereby and where under

the learned Additional Sessions Judge was pleased to discharge/ acquit

the Opposite-party no.2 and 3 from the aforesaid charges leveled against

them on the ground that the prosecution has miserably failed to establish

the case .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgment and order dated 21.05.2011.

3. That, the prosecution case as spelt out in the First Information

Report , which was lodged on the basis of Fardbeyan of the petitioner

(P.W.5) recorded by the Officer-in-Charge of Bajpatti Police- Station on

23.02.2008 , in brief is that his son namely Ranjit Kumar Mukhiya usually

watched sugar cane field and he went to watch sugar cane field situated


near Marha Bridge at 5 P.M. on 16.02.2008 but he did not return at night

on that day then petitioner and his family members started searching for

him from their relative and villagers but no trace of deceased was found. It

is further said that the petitioner gave information to the Police- Station

about missing of his son on 19.02.2008 and station diary entry was made. It
is further said that a grass cutters of the village saw the dead body lying in

river Marha at 2 P.M. on 23.02.2008 and commotion was raised that dead

body was lying swollen near in Marha river towards western Chaur of

Bhikha then petitioner rushed there with his family members and saw dead

body was lying on water near embankment and dead body did not flow

with water as the same was obstructed by embankment and the petitioner

identified dead body as his son from cloth namely red shirt and Paint worn

by him and a sheet was wrapped around the neck of deceased and deceased

was done to death by pressing his neck and causing injury on his body. The

petitioner further said that the accused persons along with other accused

namely Chandeshwar Thakur , Indradeo Thakur , Ram Pravesh Thakur ,

Haresh Thakur , Raju Thakur , Sukeshwar Mukhiya , Ram Briksha Mukhiya

and Basudeo Mukhiya having conspired together about the cause of death

of his son and accused persons took away his son from Sugar cane filed

where he often went to watch there and caused his death by pressing his

neck with sheet and having caused injury on his body and they concealed

the dead body of deceased below embankment in flowing water of river


Marha and dead body surfaced having swollen and informant was witness

against accused persons in several cases ,therefore, tension continued

between petitioner and accused persons and activities of accused persons

appeared suspicious after occurrence and Ram Pravesh Thakur , Ram

Briksha Mukhiya followed petitioner to Bajpatti Market when he was

going to lodge Sanha . It is further said that the petitioner claimed that

accused persons caused death of his son having strangulation and having

caused injury on body of his son due to cases being fought with them.

4. That, on the basis of the aforesaid Fardbeyan of the petitioner ,

Bajpatti Police drew up a formal First Information Report and registered a

case being Bajpatti P.S. Case No.08 of 2008 registered for the offences

under Sections 302,201,120B/34 of the Indian Penal Code .

5. That, it is stated that after institution of the case, police

proceeded with the investigation and during the course of investigation the

Investigating Officer recorded the statement of so many independent

witnesses in the case –diary ,who supported the prosecution version .

6. That, it is stated that after thorough investigation of the case by

the Investigating Officer , the Police submitted charge-sheet against the

Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 under Sections 302,201,120B/34 of the Indian

Penal Code and the investigation was pending against rest accused

persons .


7. That, it is stated that after submission of the charge-sheet by the

police , the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi

took cognizance against the Opposite-party nos.2 and 3 Under Sections

302,201,120(B) of the Indian Penal Code after going through the material

available in the case-diary .

8. That, it is stated that after order taking cognizance , the case

was committed to the court of Sessions for its disposal and the charges were

framed against the Opposite-party nos.2 and 3 under Sections 120(B),

302/34 and 201 of the Indian Penal Code .

9. That, in order to prove the case, the prosecution had examined

altogether 9 witnesses such as :-

P.W.1 : Bipat Sah

P.W.2 : Binay Pandey

P.W.3 : Sita Ram Pandey

P.W.4 : Mahendra Pandey

P.W.5 : Thagan Mukhiya ( informant /petitioner )

P.W.6 : Siwan Mukhiya ( brother of the informant )

P.W.7 :Dr. Naresh Das (who conducted the post-mortem of deceased)

P.W.8 : Shivendra Kumar

P.W.9 : Jitendra Jha

10. That, it is stated that the prosecution had also produced

altogether 4 documentary evidences out of his oral evidence such as


Ext.1 : Post- Mortem Report

Ext.2 :Signature of witness on inquest report

Ext.3 : Formal First Information Report

Ext.4 : Fardbeyan .
11. That ,it is stated that on behalf of defense also two witnesses

were examined such as

D.W.1 :Rajkali Devi

D.W.2 :Dewan Mukhiya

12. That, it is stated that on behalf of defense documentary

evidence was also exhibited such as judgment of case no. CI-254/2006 as


13. That ,it is stated that P.W.1 in his evidence specifically said that

the accused persons were coming from the villager after covering their face

with Gamachha and he also said that some quarrel had taken place in

between the informant and the accused persons prior to 10 days of the

occurrence and accused persons threatened the informant for kill him.

14. That, it is stated that P.W.2 in his evidence also said that the

accused persons and deceased were talking near Marha river and he also

stated that the accused persons threatened the informant .

15. That, it is stated that P.W. 3 in his evidence also said that he

saw the accused persons and the deceased talking a Marha River where

the dead body was recovered.


16. That, it is stated that P.W.4 in his evidence said that the accused

persons abused when P.W.6 has come to the court for giving deposition .

17. That, it is stated that P.W.5 in his evidence fully supported the

prosecution version and also stated that he lodged Sanha about the missing
of his sons . He also said that P.W.1 informed him that his son was seeing

with the accused persons .

18. That, it is stated that P.W.6 also supported the prosecution

version and in his evidence said that the accused persons and others

followed him when he was going to Bajpatti Police –Station to inform

police .

19. That, P.W.7 in his evidence said that the cause of death of the

deceased due to asphyxia and hemorrhagic shock leading to C.R. failure

as a result of injury pressed by cloth like substance and sharp weapon. He

has proved Post- Mortem Report ( Exhibit-1).

20. That, it is stated that almost all the prosecution witnesses

examined on behalf of the prosecution had fully supported the prosecution

case .

21. That, it is stated that the learned trial court without taking into

consideration ,the consistent evidence of the prosecution witnesses who

specifically said that the deceased was last seen by them with the accused

persons at the place of occurrence and also said that there was admitted

enmity between the parties , acquitted the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3


from the charges.

22. That, it is stated that the learned trial court acquitted the

Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 only on the ground that the circumstantial

evidence is found missing .

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 21st May , 2011

passed by Sri Surendra Prasad Pandey , learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.3

Sitamarhi in Sessions Trial No.283 of 2008/ 153 of

2008 , the above named petitioner begs to prefer

this revision application on amongst the other



I. For that, the part of the impugned judgment and order dated

21.05.2011 is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 , the

learned trial court failed to appreciate that the P.W. 1 ,2 and 3 have

categorically said in their evidence that the deceased was last seen with the

accused persons at the place of occurrence.

III. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 ,

the learned trial court failed to appreciate that the P.W.1 in his evidence

categorically stated that prior to 10 days some occurrence had taken place in


between the informant and the accused persons and the accused persons had

threatened the informant for dire consequences.

IV. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 , the

learned trial court failed to appreciate that, the P.W. 7 , who conducted the
post-mortem of the deceased, in his evidence specifically said that the cause

of death of the deceased due to asphyxia and hemorrhagic shock leading

to C.R. failure as a result of injury pressed by cloth like substance and

sharp weapon.

V. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 , the

learned trial court failed to appreciate that P.W.5 has fully supported the

prosecution version and said in his evidence that the P.W.1 and 3 informed

him that his son was seeing with the accused persons.

VI. For that , the learned trial failed to consider the material

aspects of the case and discharge the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 from the

charges leveled against them .

VII. For that, the learned trial court failed to consider that all the

witnesses consistently support the contents of the prosecution version as

well as involvement of Opposite-party nos.2 and 3 in the said offence .

VIII. For that, the learned trial court acquitted the Opposite-party

nos.2 and 3 merely on the ground of the prosecution has failed to produce

the circumstantial evidence is found missing..


IX. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 , the

learned trial court failed to appreciate that against the Opposite-party nos.2

and 3 had complete intention and circumstance for killing of the deceased
and they were seen by the witnesses along with the deceased at the place of


X. For that, the impugned judgment and order is otherwise bad in

law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-

parties ,call for the records of the learned trial

court and after hearing the parties be further

pleased to set

aside the judgment and order dated 21 st May ,

2011 passed by Sri Surendra Prasad Pandey ,

learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track

Court No.3 Sitamarhi in Sessions Trial No.283 of

2008/ 153 of 2008 and convict the Opposite-party

nos. 2 and 3 for the charges leveled against him .

Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships
may deem fit and proper in the facts and
circumstances of the case.
And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.


Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Section 397 of the Code of Criminal



In the matter of :-

Raj Kumar Prasad ,son of Sri Naresh Prasad ,

Resident of Mohalla- Betwan Bazar , Datta Colony , P.S. Kashim Bazar ,

District – Munger.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Ragini Devi, daughter of Arun Kumar ,wife of Raj Kumar Prasad ,

Resident of Mohalla- Ghosi Tola , P.S. Kashim Bazar , District – Munger.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her


Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

dated 03.05.2011 passed in Maintenance Case No.4M/2007 by learned Sri

Bateshwar Nath Pandey , Principal Judge , Family Court , Munger ,whereby

and where under the learned Principal Judge passed an order to pay the

amount of Rs.3,000/- to the Opposite-party no.2 and Rs.2,000/- to the minor

son of Opposite-party no.2 per month by 10th of every months.

2. That, the petitioner has never moved before this Hon'ble Court

previously against the impugned order .

3. That, the facts of the case of Opposite-party no.2 as well as

rejoinder filed by the petitioner has been mentioned in the impugned order

itself in which admittedly the marriage was solemnized between the

petitioner and Opposite-party no.2 on 28.05.2000 . The allegation leveled

against the petitioner has been categorically denied by the petitioner and on

the other hand the petitioner and his parents were being tortured by the
Opposite-party no.2 by different mode of activities . The case which was

earlier lodged by Opposite-party no.2 was found to be false by Deputy

Superintendent of Police and on considered opinion of the police they were


directed to lead their happy conjugal life but the Opposite-party was

adamant to torture her in-laws and her husband .

4. That, lastly she lodged a false case in which the petitioner was

remanded into judicial custody and after being released on bail he is facing

the present case.

5. That, the petitioner is completely unemployed person and he is

fully dependant on his father and his income is so meager that he is quite

unable to give maintenance to Opposite-party no.2 as per the impugned

order i.e. total Rs.5,000/- .

6. That, it has come in the rival testimony of the witnesses and

undisputedly the petitioner does not have any Computer Coaching Centre

and he does not have any knowledge about computer degree . He is simply

passed the Intermediate Examination .He only taught some tiny boys later

on he working as a Staff in the X-Ray shop . So the economical condition is

so bad that he could not lead his personal happy life.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order

dated 03.05.2011 passed in Maintenance Case

No.4M/2007 by learned Sri Bateshwar Nath

Pandey , Principal Judge , Family Court ,

Munger ,the above named petitioner begs to prefer

this revision application on amongst the other




I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, the learned Principal Judge failed to appreciate that

testimony of witnesses produced by the petitioner by which it has come

undisputedly that the petitioner does not have any computer and its

knowledge and he has no such income of Rs.2,000/- from the said business.

III. For that ,the learned Principal Judge did not scrutinize the

entire material on record as well as the deposition of the witnesses and

passed the impugned order which is quite illegal in the eye of law as well as

on facts.

IV. For that, the learned Principal Judge failed to consider the

insufficient means of the petitioner which is apparent from the material on


V. For that, the impugned order is bad in law and on facts and the

same is fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party

no.2 ,call for the records of the case and after

hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the order dated 03.05.2011 passed in Maintenance

Case No.4M/2007 by learned Sri Bateshwar Nath


Pandey , Principal Judge , Family Court , Munger .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

operation of the impugned order dated 03.05.2011

passed in Case No.4M of 2007 may kindly be


And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2011.(Limitation )


Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-

Md. Nazim……….…………......……………..……PETITIONER


The State of Bihar ………………..……………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this interlocutory application on behalf of the petitioner


above named is for condonation of delay in filing of the instant revision


2. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present on earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

3. That, it is stated that the aforesaid revision application is

directed against the judgment and order dated 12th January, 2011.

4. That, it is stated that against the judgment and order dated

30.01.2009 passed by the learned trial court ,the petitioner preferred

appeal before the learned Additional Sessions Judge ,Sitamarhi and during

the pendency of appeal ,the petitioner was enlarged on bail , and

thereafter the petitioner proceeded outside the State i.e. Punjab for his

livelihood as well as his family members since the petitioner is a very

poor and illiterate person after entrusting the pairvi to the learned counsel

appearing on his behalf and the petitioner had under impression that the
learned counsel appearing on his behalf informed about the outcome of the


5. That, it is stated that since at the time of passing of the

impugned judgment and order dated 12th January, 2011 , the petitioner was

not present in his native village as well as the learned counsel appearing on

behalf of the petitioner before the learned Additional Sessions Judge ,

Fast Track Court No. 6, Sitamarhi did not inform about the impugned

judgment dated 12.01.2011 ,therefore, the petitioner could not


surrender before the learned trial court as well as he did not prefer any

revision against the order dated 12.01.2011 within time .

6. That, it is stated that when the petitioner had come to his

native village then the petitioner could get knowledge about the dismissal

of the appeal filed by the petitioner against the judgment and order dated

12.01.2011 then the petitioner immediately surrendered before the learned

Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi on 16.09..2011

and since then the petitioner is behind the bars .

7. That, it is stated that since the petitioner is very poor and

old person ,therefore, in arranging the money to file the present criminal

revision application before this Hon'ble Court ,the family members had

taken some time.

8. That, it is stated that after arranging the money , the pairvikar

of the petitioner contacted the counsel at Patna on 19.09.2011 for filing

the present criminal revision application and accordingly the instant

criminal revision application is being filed before this Hon'ble Court.

9. That, there is no intentional latches on the part of the petitioner

to approach this Hon'ble court against the impugned order and the delay

has been caused in filing of the instant revision application because of

communication gap as well as paucity of money as mentioned above .


10. That, if the delay in filing of the revision application is not

condoned ,the petitioner would suffer an irreparable loss and injury which

cannot be sustained in other way.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to condone

the delay in filing the present criminal revision

application .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.




Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;

In the matter of :-

Devendra Ram ,son of Jhaga Ram

Resident of village- Hanuman Nagar ,Tole- Dhoriyahi , P.S.

Sursand ,District – Sitamarhi.



The State of Bihar…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the part of

the judgment and order dated 15.12.2010 passed by Shri Subodh Kumar

Srivastava , the learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.

VII , Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 13 of 2008 , whereby and where under

the learned Additional Sessions Judge has been pleased to dismiss the

criminal appeal filed by the petitioner with the modification that the order of
conviction under Section 279 of the Indian Penal Code and fine of Rs.500/-

under Section 279 is set aside and affirmed the judgment and order dated

26.02.2008 passed by Sri Prem Kumar Srivastava ,the learned Sub –

Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi in G.R. Case No.

99/2003 , Trial No.232 of 2008 by which the learned Judicial Magistrate

has been pleased to convict the petitioner to undergo R.I. for a period of

one year for the offence under Section 304(A) of the Indian Penal Code and

also to pay a fine of Rs.500/- for the offence under Section 279 of the Indian

Penal Code . In default of payment of fine , the convict shall go under the

imprisonment of three months in addition to the sentence awarded.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgments and orders.


3. That, the prosecution case ,in nut shell, as per the First

Information Report is that the informant Santosh Kumar was present at

Bhitha More on 28.02.2003 in the evening and got information that while

his father Bal Krishna Jha was returning from Nationalized Primary

School , Pipra Khurd ,a Tractor bearing Reg. No.PGN-5182 dashed him at

about 18.15 hours near the old Rotolona Bridge.

The informant further alleged that the driver of the tractor was

driving the vehicle rashly and negligently due to which his father sustained
severe injury . He was taken to the clinic of Dr. S.K. Jha in serious

condition and in the mid –way he died.

The informant further alleged that driver fled away from the

place of occurrence leaving the tractor there .

4. That, on the basis of the aforesaid statement of the informant ,

Sursand P.S. Case No.19 of 2003 dated 28.02.2003 was instituted

registered for the offences under Sections 279/304(A) of the Indian Penal

Code .

5. That, it is stated that after institution of the First Information

Report , Police proceeded with the investigation .

6. That, it is stated that after investigation of the case ,the police

submitted charge-sheet against the petitioner under the aforementioned

Sections .


7. That, it is stated that after submission of charge-sheet ,the

learned Magistrate took cognizance against the petitioner under Sections

279,304(A) of the Indian Penal Code .

8. That, it is stated that after order taking cognizance ,the

charges were framed against the petitioner after framing the charges , the

case was transferred for trial and disposal to the court of learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi and at the time of

framing of the charge , the petitioner pleaded not guilty and claimed to be

tried .

9. That, it is stated that during the course of trial altogether Five

prosecution witnesses were examined by prosecution such as

P.W.1 :Prafulla Kumar Jha

P.W.2 :Ghuran Mandal

P.W.3 :Durganand Jha

P.W.4. :Manoj Kumar Jha

P.W.5 :Santosh Kumar Jha

10. That, it is stated that apart from the oral evidences

documentary evidences were not exhibited on behalf of the prosecution

which is evident from the impugned judgment itself.

11. That, it is stated that according to the evidence of P.W.1 and

P.W. 5 the time of occurrence was 6.15 P.M. , according to the P.W.2 the

time of occurrence was 5 P.M. , according to the P.W.3 the time of


occurrence was 6/7 P.M. in the evening , according to the P.W.4 the time of

occurrence was 7 P.M. in the evening .

12. That, it is stated that there is serious contradiction in the

evidence of the Prosecution witnesses regarding the time of the occurrence.

13. That, it is stated that the evidence of the prosecution witnesses

did not establish that at the time of dashing the deceased by the vehicle

they were present at the place of occurrence rather from their evidence it
has established that after the accident they have come at the place of

occurrence and taken the deceased for treatment .

14. That, it is admitted fact that after the accident the driver of the

vehicle in question had fled away and the driver of the vehicle was not

caught hold by any one.

15. That, it is stated that there was no eye witness of the

occurrence rather all the witnesses are hearsay witness of the occurrence but

they allegedly claimed as the eye witness .

16. That, it is stated that the prosecution has failed to examine the

person of the vicinity of the place of occurrence and the prosecution has also

failed to examine the doctor , owner of the vehicle and Investigating Officer

of the case.

17. That, it is stated that merely on the basis of suspicion ,the name

of the petitioner has come in the present case that the petitioner was driving

the vehicle in question .


18. That, it is stated that in the evidences of witnesses serious

contradiction to each other .

19. That, it is stated that the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi , without taking into consideration the

material available on record , has been pleased to convict the petitioner to

undergo R.I. for a period of one year for the offence under Section 304(A)

of the Indian Penal Code and also to pay a fine of Rs.500/- for the offence
under Section 279 of the Indian Penal Code . In default of payment of fine ,

the convict shall go under the imprisonment of three months in addition to

the sentence awarded vide judgment and order on the point of sentence

dated 26.02.2008.

A certified copy of the judgment and

order dated 26.02.2008 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

20. That, it is stated that against the order dated 26.02.2008 passed

by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at

Sitamarhi ,the petitioner preferred a criminal appeal which was registered as

Cr. Appeal No.13 of 2008 and during the pendency of appeal, the petitioner

was released on bail .


21. That, it is stated that the said Criminal Appeal was finally heard

by the learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. VII

Sitamarhi ,who was pleased to dismiss the criminal application filed by the

petitioner with the modification that the order of conviction under Section

279 of the Indian Penal Code and fine of Rs.500/- under Section 279 is set

aside and affirmed the judgment and order dated 26.02.2008 passed by

Sri Prem Kumar Srivastava ,the learned Sub –Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi in G.R. Case No. 99/2003 , Trial No.232 of


22. That, it is stated that since the petitioner is a poor

person ,therefore, after filing of the present appeal in the year 2008 ,the

petitioner had gone to outside the State for earning his livelihood and the

appeal was taken up after such a long time and ultimately the appeal was

dismissed on 15.12.2010 with some modification of the judgment and

order passed by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,Pupri at

Sitamarhi but the learned Counsel appearing on behalf of the petitioner in

the appeal did not inform the petitioner about the dismissal of appeal and

when the petitioner had come his native village , then he got knowledge

about the dismissal of appeal then he immediately surrendered before the ld

Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at Sitamarhi on 22.06.2011 and

since then the petitioner is languishing in jail custody .


A true photo stat copy of the custody

order dated 22.06.2011 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” to this


23. That, it is stated that in view of the aforesaid facts and material

available on record ,the impugned orders is fit to be set aside.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 15.12.2010 passed by

Sri Subodh Kumar Srivastava , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.

VII , Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 13 of 2008 as

also the judgment and order dated 26.02.2008

passed by Sri P.K. Srivastava ,the learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Pupri at

Sitamarhi in Trial No.232 of 2008 arising out of

G.R. No.99 of 2003 , the above named petitioner

begs to prefer this revision application on amongst

the other following


I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned trial court

as well as appellate court is bad in law as well as on facts.


II. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the petitioner was

neither arrested on the spot .

III. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the evidence of the witnesses about the time of

the occurrence .

IV. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the statement of the prosecution witnesses .

V. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to produce any independent witness to establish his case rather all

the witnesses are interested witness and their statements are not

trustworthy .

VI. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to examine the doctor , Investigating Officer , owner of the vehicle as

well as person of the vicinity where the accident took place .

VII. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that all the prosecution


witnesses are not the eye witness rather they are hear-say witness and they

had come at the place of occurrence after accident of the deceased .

VIII. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to examine the owner of the vehicle ,who is one of the witness to say

that at the time of occurrence who was driving the vehicle in question .
IX. For that , if the order of the learned trial court as well as

appellate court are allowed to be continued ,it will amount to miscarriage of


X. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law as well as

facts and fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this application,

issue notice to the opposite-party ,call for the

records of the learned court below and after

hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the judgment and order dated 15.12.2010

passed by Sri Subodh Kumar Srivastava , the

learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track

Court No. VII , Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 13 of

2008 as also the judgment and order dated


26.02.2008 passed by Sri P.K. Srivastava ,the

learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Pupri at Sitamarhi in Trial No.232 of 2008

arising out of G.R. No.99 of 2003


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

petitioner be enlarged on bail to the satisfaction of

the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Pupri at Sitamarhi in Trial No.232 of 2008

arising out of G.R. No.99 of 2003.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Ram Govind Singh , son of Sri Ram Chandra Singh ,

Resident of village- Jalasi , P.S. Sahiyara , District – Sitamarhi.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Ram Lakhan Singh @ Lakhan Singh ,son of Late Ram Awatar Singh ,

3. Shashi Ranjan Singh ,son of Sahdeo Singh ,

4. Sahdeo Singh ,son of Late Ram Awatar Singh ,

5. Alok Singh ,son of Sahdeo Singh ,

6. Sri Bhagwan Singh , son of Ram Lakhan Singh @ Lakhan Singh

All resident of village- Jalasi , P.S. Sahiyara , District –



The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble Chief

Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the part of

the judgment dated 20 th day of April, 2011 and order dated 21 st day of

April ,2011 passed by Sri Surendra Prasad Pandey , learned Additional

Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.3 Sitamarhi in Sessions Trial No.58 of

2006/ 68 of 2006 arising out of Sahiyara P.S. Case No.22 of 2005

registered for the offences under Sections 323,341,324,307,504,379/34 of

the Indian Penal Code and Section -27 of the Arms Act , whereby and

where under the learned Additional Sessions Judge was pleased to

discharge the Opposite-party no.2 under Section 307 of the Indian Penal

Code and also the Opposite-party no. 3 to 6 under Section 504 and 342 of

the Indian Penal Code on nonest ground though against the Opposite-party

nos. 2 to 6 have ample material on record to convict them under the

aforesaid Sections.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgment and order dated 20.04.2011.

3. That, the prosecution case as spelt out in the First Information

Report , which was lodged on the basis of Fardbeyan of the petitioner

(P.W.5) recorded by Assistant Sub-Inspector namely S.S. Thakur at Sadar

Hospital , Sitamarhi at 1 P.M. on 10.04.2005 , in brief , is that cousin

brother of the petitioner (informant ) namely Ram Adesh Singh (P.W.6)

was standing on the land of his door at 7 A.M. on 10.04.2005 when

accused Sahdeo Singh came and asked him why he was piling on his

land ,whereupon injured Ram Adesh Singh ( P.W.6) told him that he was

staking on his own land upon which accused Sahdeo Singh shouted calling

other accused to come with Lathi , Spear and Pistol and put to death

him .It is further said that upon which accused Ram Lakhan Singh having

armed with Khanti in his hand accused Sri Bhagwan Singh having armed

with country made pistol in his hand ,accused Shashi Ranjan Singh having

armed with Lathi in his hand , accused Alok Singh having armed with piece

of bamboo in his hand rushed there and started assault to Ram Adesh

Singh. It is further said that accused Ram Lakhan Singh gave Khanti blow

on the head of Ram Adesh Singh as a result of which Ram Adesh Singh

fell down on the ground in unconscious position . It is further said that

accused Bhagwan Singh opened fire at Chandradeo Singh but the same was

missed . Accused Shashi Ranjan Singh and Alok Singh assaulted

Chandradeo Singh

with land and when wife of Ram Adesh Singh namely Veena Devi (P.W.4)

and mother of the informant ( P.W.3) came to rescue then the accused

persons also assaulted them . It is further said that when the informant

began intervening, accused Sahdeo Singh and other accused dragged him

to their house , having put Gamachha around on his neck and started beating

him and accused Shashi Ranjan Singh snatched golden chain weighing 7

gram and accused Bhagwan Singh took out Rs.10,000/- from the pocket of

the informant and thereafter the villagers assembled there and intervened

the quarrel and informant was saved.

4. That, it is stated that after institution of the case, police

proceeded with the investigation and during the course of investigation ,the

police recorded the statement of so many independent witnesses in the case

–diary ,who fully supported the prosecution version but the police

submitted charge-sheet against the Opposite-party nos.2 to 6 only under

Sections 341,323,324, 504/34 of the Indian Penal Code

5. That, it is stated that after submission of the charge-sheet by the

police , the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi took cognizance

against the Opposite-party nos.2 to 6 Under Sections 323,341,324,504/34

and 307 of the Indian Penal Code after going through the material available

in the case-diary .

6. That, it is stated that after order taking cognizance , the case

was committed to the court of Sessions for its disposal and the charges were

framed against the Opposite-party no.2 under Section 307 of the Indian

Penal Code and against the Opposite-party nos. 3 to 6 under Section

323,504, 341 of the Indian Penal Code .

7. That, in order to prove the case, the prosecution had examined

altogether 10 witnesses such as :-

P.W.1 : Chandradeo Singh

P.W.2 : Ram Shrestha Singh

P.W.3 : Fuljharo Devi

P.W.4 : Veena Devi

P.W.5 : Ram Govind Singh (informant )

P.W.6 : Ram Adesh Singh( injured )

P.W.7 : Dr. A.A. Lari

P.W.8 : Ajit Kumar Singh (Investigating Officer of the case)

P.W.9 : Dr. Uday Shankar Priyadarshi

P.W.10 : Dr. Nand Kishore Mishra

8. That, it is stated that the prosecution had also produced

altogether 9 documentary evidences out of his oral evidence such as

Ext.1 :Signature of informant on Fardbeyan

Ext.1/1 :Signature of witness Ram Bahadur Singh on Fardbeyan

Ext.2 : Injury Report

Ext.2/1 : Injury Report of Veena Devi

Ext. 2/2 :Injury Report of Chandradeo Singh


Ext. 2/3 :Injury Report of Fuljharo Devi,

Ext. 2/4 :Injury of Ram Adesh Singh

Ext.3 :Formal First Information Report

Ext. 4 :Report of Medical Board.

9. That, it is stated that P.W.1 , P.W.3 , P.W.4 , P.W.5 and P.W.6

are the eye witness of the occurrence and all of them are specifically said

that the accused Ram Lakhan Singh gave Khanti blow on the head of

Ramadesh Singh ( P.W.6.) which is grievous in nature and vital part of the

body and all of them are also fully supported the prosecution version

about the injury received by other P.Ws.

10. That, it is stated that the medical evidence has also supported

the prosecution version and P.W.7 ,P.W.9 and P.W.10 in their evidence also

fully supported the prosecution version .

11. That, it is stated that the P.W.10 his evidence proved that the

injuries received by P.W.6 is grievance in nature .

12. That, it is stated that all the prosecution witnesses examined

on behalf of the prosecution had fully supported the prosecution case .

13. That, it is stated that the learned trial court without taking into

consideration ,the consistent evidence of the P.Ws. in their evidence

discharged the Opposite-party nos.3 to 6 under Section 504 and 342 of the

Indian Penal Code and also discharged the Opposite-party no.2 under

Section 307 of the Indian Penal Code and convict the Opposite-party no.2

under Section 308 of the Indian Penal Code since it was culpable homicide

though in the present case there is sufficient ingredients are available for

conviction of the Opposite-party no.2 under Section 307 of the Indian Penal

Code .

14. That, it is stated that the learned Additional Sessions Judge

has been pleased to convict the Opposite-party no.2 under Section 308 of

the Indian Penal Code and convict the Opposite-party nos. 3 to 6 under

Section 323/34 of the Indian Penal Code .

15. That, it is stated that in the present case there is no application

for offence under Section 308 of the Indian Penal Code rather there is

sufficient ingredients of the offence under Section 307 of the Indian Penal

Code is available but the learned trial court convicted the Opposite-party

no.2 under Section 308 of the Indian Penal Code. .

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the part

of the judgment dated 20.04.2011 and order dated

21.04. 2011 passed by Sri Surendra Prasad

Pandey , learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast

Track Court No.3 Sitamarhi in Sessions Trial

No.58 of 2006/ 68 of 2006 , the above named

petitioner begs to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following


I. For that, the part of the impugned judgment and order dated

20.04.2011 is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that , while setting free the Opposite-parties under Section

504,342 and 307 of the Indian Penal Code ,the learned trial court failed to

appreciate that there is ample material against them to convict under such


III. For that , while setting free the Opposite-parties under Section

504,342 and 307 of the Indian Penal Code ,the learned trial court failed to

appreciate that there is consistent evidence against the Opposite-party

no.2 that he gave Khanti blow on the head of the P.W.6 ,which is

grievance in nature .

IV. For that , while setting free the Opposite-parties under Section

504,342 and 307 of the Indian Penal Code ,the learned trial court failed to

appreciate that there is common intention of the Opposite-parties to commit

murder of the P.W.6 and they also assaulted other P.Ws.

V. For that , while setting free the Opposite-parties under Section

504,342 and 307 of the Indian Penal Code ,the learned trial court failed to

appreciate that firstly the P.W.6 was treated in Sadar Hospital ,Sitamarhi

and taking the seriousness of the offence P.W.6 was referred to Patna

Medical College and Hospital and the said contention was also supported

by the Medical Board.


VI. For that , the learned trial failed to consider the material

aspects of the case and discharge the Opposite-party no. 2 under Section

307 of the Indian Penal Code from the charges leveled against him.

VI. For that, the learned trial court failed to consider that there is

ample material available on record to convict the Opposite-party no.2 under

Section 307 of the Indian Penal Code and there is no application under

Section 308 of the Indian Penal Code .

VII. For that, the learned trial court only minimized the sentence

convict the Opposite-party no.2,the learned trial court convict the Opposite-

party no.2 under Section 308 of the Indian Penal Code though in the

present case there is no application of offence under Section 308 of the

Indian Penal Code rather the sufficient ingredients of offence under Section

307 of the Indian Penal Code is available against the Opposite-party no.2.

VIII. For that, the impugned judgment and order is otherwise bad in

law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-

parties ,call for the records of the learned trial

court and after hearing the parties be further

pleased to set
aside the part of the judgment dated 20 th day of

April, 2011 and order dated 21st day of April


,2011 passed by Sri Surendra Prasad Pandey ,

learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track

Court No.3 Sitamarhi in Sessions Trial No.58 of

2006/ 68 of 2006 and convict the Opposite-party

no. 3 to 6 for the charges leveled against them

under Section 504 and 342 of the Indian Penal

Code and Opposite-party no.2 under Section 307

of the Indian Penal Code .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.




CR. REV. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application Under

Section-53 of the Juvenile Justice

( Care& Protection of Children ) Act,



In the matter of :-

Satish Kumar @ Parmanand Rai, son of Kapildeo Rai,

Resident of village- Basanta Jehanabad , P.S. Lalganj ,District –Vaishali at



The State of Bihar. …….…………..……………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 20.06.2011 passed by Sri Kamal Kishore Sinha ,the learned

Additional Sessions Judge ,F.T. C. –II, Vaishali at Hajipur in Criminal

Appeal No.09 of 2011 , whereby and where under the learned Additional

Sessions Judge was pleased to dismiss the appeal filed by the petitioner for

his release and also confirmed the order dated 11.03.2011 passed by Sri

Sumit Kumar , the learned Principal Member, Juvenile Justice

Board ,Vaishali at Hajipur in Trial No.498 of 2011 , G.R. No.3542 of 2010

arising out of Lalganj P.S. Case No.236 of 2010 dated 21.08.2010

attributing offence under Section 376 of the Indian Penal Code by which

the appellant was refused to be enlarge on bail by the learned Juvenile

Justice Board , Vaishali at Hajipur.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court any time earlier against the impugned order .

3. That, the prosecution case as alleged in the First Information

Report in brief is that the informant Geeta Devi gave her Fardbeyan before

the Sub-Inspector of Lalganj Police – Station on 21.09.2010 at 10 P.M.

alleging therein that on 21.09.2010 at 5 P.M. when her Gotani Rajgir


Devi had gone at the Bathan of Jamun Rai ,she saw that the petitioner

was committing rape with the daughter of the informant namely Ujala

Kumari .
The informant further alleged that upon which her Gotani

raised alarm and called her Upon which the informant along with her

Gotani went inside the Bathan and saw the petitioner ,committing rape

upon Ujala Kumari .

The informant further alleged that on alarm villagers

assembled there and caught hold the petitioner and also informed the

police .

The informant further alleged that the blood was oozing from

the private part of her daughter namely Ujala Kumari.

4. That, on the basis of the aforesaid Fardbeyan of the

informant , Lalganj Police drew up a formal First Information Report

and registered a case being Lalganj P.S. Case No.236 of 2010 dated

21.08.2010 attributing offence under Section 376 of the Indian Penal

Code .

A true photo stat/typed copy of the

F.I.R. of Lalganj P.S. Case No.236of

2010 is annexed hereto and marked

as ANNEXURE-“1” to this



5. That, this case is presently pending in the court of the learned

Juvenile Justice Board, Vaishali at Hajipur being Trial No.498 of 2011

arising out of Lalganj P.S. Case No.236 of 2010 dated 21.08.2010 attributing

offence under Section 376 of the Indian Penal Code .

6. That, the petitioner is innocent having committed no offence

whatsoever and he has been falsely implicated in the present case by the

informant for some oblique purposes .

7. That, according to the First Information Report ,the informant

alleged that firstly her Gotani saw that the petitioner was committing rape

with the victim in Bathan and thereafter she called the informant from the

house then both went in Bathan and saw that the petitioner was committing

rape with the victim which is not believable by any prudent person .

8. That, it is stated that for the moment if the Gotani of the

informant seen the petitioner along with the victim in compromising

condition ,she should have firstly objected them to do so then she called the

informant but she did not do so, which falsifies the prosecution version


9. That, it is stated that after institution of the First Information

Report ,the police proceeded with the investigation and during the course of

investigation no any independent witnesses have supported the prosecution

version rather they denied about the occurrence and also raised suspicion

about the character of the informant .


10. That, it is stated that during the course of investigation ,it has

also come that the petitioner has good character boy .

11. That, it is stated that since the petitioner was juvenile at the

time of occurrence ,therefore, the case of the petitioner was transferred to

the Court Juvenile Justice Board , Vaishali at Hajipur ,wherein the learned

Juvenile Justice Board declared the petitioner as a juvenile .

12. That, on the basis of declaration of Juvenile Justice Board , an

application for bail was filed on behalf of the petitioner before the learned

Juvenile Justice Board , Vaishali at Hajipur which was rejected by the

learned Juvenile Justice Board vide order dated 11.03.2011 .

A true photo stat copy of the order

dated 11.03.2011 passed by the

learned Juvenile Justice Board ,

Vaishali at Hajipur is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” to this application.

13. That, against the aforesaid order dated 11.03.2011 passed by

the learned Juvenile Justice Board , the petitioner preferred a Criminal

Appeal in the court of learned Sessions Judge , Vaishali at Hajipur being

Cr. Appeal No.09 of 2011 ,which was rejected by the learned Additional

Sessions Judge ,F.T.C. – II , Vaishali at Hajipur vide his order dated


14. That, the petitioner is a man of means having movable and

immovable properties and ,therefore, there is no chance of his absconding

and /or tampering with the prosecution witnesses.

15. That, the petitioner has got a bright career and further

detention of the petitioner in judicial custody, ruined the life of the


16. That, the petitioner is languishing in jail custody since

21.09.2010 without any fault.

17. That, the petitioner has no criminal antecedent and he has

never been implicated in any other criminal case.

18. That, the allegation against the petitioner is completely false

,baseless and fabricated ,therefore, the petitioner deserves to be released on


19. That, the petitioner undertakes to make himself available

before the court as and when required if he is granted bail by this Hon'ble


Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with order

dated 20.06.2011 passed by Sri Kamal Kishore

Sinha ,the learned Additional Sessions

Judge ,F.T. C. –II, Vaishali at Hajipur in

Criminal Appeal No.09 of 2011 , the above named

petitioner begs to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned judgment and order is bad in law as

well as on facts.

II. For that, while rejecting the Criminal appeal the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that the prolonged custody

would not be in the interest of juvenile.

III. For that, while dismissing the criminal appeal ,the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that nothing has been brought

on record by the prosecution that if the petitioner is released on bail, he

would commit such offence again .

IV. For that, the impugned order of learned Additional Sessions

Judge is since based on conjectures and surmises ,it cannot be sustained in

the eye of law ,unless there is a positive material on record that the

petitioner would commit such offence again ,if released on bail.

V. For that , while dismissing the criminal appeal , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that there is admitted enmity

in between the family of the informant and the petitioner ,therefore, the

instant false case was lodged by the informant against the petitioner .

VI. For that, while dismissing the criminal appeal , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that it has come during the

course of investigation that the petitioner is a social boy and due to some

enmity the informant has lodged the instant case.

VII. For that, while dismissing the criminal appeal ,the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that according to the First

Information Report firstly the Gotani of the informant saw the petitioner in

comprising condition with the victim but she did not object to do so rather

she came to her house called the informant then both entered in the Bathan

which is not believable by any prudent person .

VIII. For that, the impugned judgment and order is otherwise bad in

law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party and

after hearing the parties be further pleased to set

aside the judgment and order dated 20.06.2011

passed by Sri Kamal Kishore Sinha ,the learned

Additional Sessions Judge ,F.T. C. –II, Vaishali

at Hajipur in Criminal Appeal No.09 of 2011

and be further pleased to direct for release of the

petitioner on bail to the satisfaction of the learned

Juvenile Justice Board , Vaishali at Hajipur in

connection with Trial No.498 of 2001 , arising out

of Lalganj P.S. Case No.236 of 2010 dated

21.08.2010 , G.R.No.3542 of 2010


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Misc. NO._________________/OF 2009.



The State of Bihar and another…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTIES.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble compromise petition on

behalf of the petitioners and

Opposite-party no.2;


1. That, the petitioners have filed this quashing application

before this Hon'ble Court for quashing the order of cognizance dated . .

passed by Smt. Saroj Kumari, learned Judicial Magistrate ,1 st Class, Saran at

Chapra in Complaint Case No.1535 of 2008 under Sections 498(A) and

323 of the Indian Penal Code .


2. That, during the pendency of the aforesaid case, at the instance

of well wishers , relatives and friends of both the parties ,the petitioners

and Opposite-party no.2 have compromised their cases and settled their

disputes outside the premises of the court.

3. That, both the parties have decided to compromise /withdraw

their cases pending in the different courts . Complaint Case No.1633(C) of

2006 pending in the court of Sri Ghanshyam Singh , learned Judicial

Magistrate 1st Class , Patna , Mat. Case No.512 of 2006 pending in the

court of learned Additional Principal Judge , Family Court, Patna,

Complaint Case No.1535 of 2008 pending in the court of Sri

,learned Judicial Magistrate First Class, Saran , Maintenance Case No.100

of 2008 pending in the court of learned Principal Judge, Family Court,

Saran . All the aforesaid cases will be compromised /withdrawn by the

respective parties.

4. That, both the parties have decided to leave tier personal lives

with their own way .The petitioner namely Braj Bhushan Mishra

(husband ) and Opposite-party no.2 namely Prem Lata Devi @ Pinki have

decided to take a decree of divorce from the competent court of law .

Hence either the party has got no claim or complaint against each other.
5. That, since both the parties have compromised their cases and

settled their disputes outside the premises of the court . Therefore, both the

parties have entered into an agreement on . .


The photo stat copy of the agreement

dated . . is annexed herewith

and marked as ANNEXURE- “A” to

this petition.

6. That, it is submitted that since the aforesaid cases have been

compromised between the parties due to intervention of the well

wishers ,friends and relatives of both the parties ,the order taking

cognizance dated

. . passed in Complaint Case No.1535 of 2008 may be quashed.

It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may

be pleased to quash the order taking cognizance

dated . . passed by Smt. Saroj Kumari ,

the learned Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class, Saran at

Chapra in Complaint Case No.1535 of 2008.

O R/ A N D

Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper .

And for this ,the petitioners and Opposite-party no.2 shall ever pray.


Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Section 19(4) of the Family Court

Act, 1984;


In the matter of :-

Tarun Kumar Singh ,son of Mohan Singh ,

Resident of village- Paro Mathia , P.S. Barhat ,District – Jamui.



1.The State of Bihar

2. Pallavi Devi @ Gudia wife of Tarun Kumar Singh , daughter of

Manoj Kumar Singh , permanent resident of village- Banahara , P.O.

Banahara , P.S. Kharagpur , District – Munger at present residing at Naya

Tola , Bihar, P.O. and P.S. Jamui ,District – Jamui.



The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble


Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this petition has been filed for setting aside the order

dated 16.05.2011 passed by Sri Kameshwar Nath Rai ,the learned

Principal Judge, Family Court, Jamui in Maintenance Case

No.50(M)/2009 ,allowing a sum of Rs.2,500/- per month to his wife Pallavi

Devi from the date of filing of this petition and pay the amount of

maintenance allowance by 15th of each successive month.

2. That, the petitioner has not comet to this Hon'ble Court for

filing previously any petition against this impugned order.

3. That, a petition for maintenance was filed by the Opposite-

party no.2 before the learned Principle Judge, Family Court, Jamui stating

therein that she is the legally wedded wife of petitioner and marriage was

performed in the year 2008 as per Hindu Rites and customs.

4. That, it is stated that after one week of the marriage , the

petitioner along with his family members started torturing her for non-

fulfillment of their demand of Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees one Lac ) and kept her

confined in a room for two days without meal after brutally assaulting her.


5. That, according to the Opposite-party no.2 (wife of the

petitioner ) the Opposite-party no.2 contacted her father by telephone ,who

came ate her matrimonial home and paid Rs.20,000/- to the father of the

petitioner and her father brought her to her paternal house.

6. That, it is further stated that Opposite-party no.2 came to her

matrimonial home on 05.05.2009 with petitioner and there the petitioner

and his relatives snatched her all ornaments and belongings and ultimately

they ousted from her matrimonial home. She came to her paternal home and

filed a dowry torture case as well as a petition under Section 125 of the

Code of Criminal Procedure against the petitioner and his family members

on 19.06.2009 .
7. That, as per statement of the Opposite-party no.2 ,petitioner is

earning Rs.15,000/- per month working in Raurkela apart from having 10

Bighas of fertile land from which he (petitioner ) has annual income of Rs.

One Lac. It is also alleged by the Opposite-party no.2 that petitioner has

been neglecting and refusing to maintain the requirement of the Opposite-

party no.2.

8. That, it is pertinent to mention here that without analyzing the

statement of petitioner in its totality the learned court below instead of the

petitioner to award maintenance allowance per month Rs.2,500/- to the

Opposite-party no.2 (wife ) . It is being directed by the learned court below

on 16th May, 2011.


9. That, the marriage of the petitioner was solemnized in the year

2008 with the Opposite-party no.2 ,the conjugal life of the petitioner and

Opposite-party no.2 has been on peacefully for two months after the


10. That, it is remarkable to mention here that one Chandan

Kumar Singh, who is the cousin brother of the petitioner used to come in

the house of the petitioner time to time. His continuous visit in the house

of the petitioner twined into the illicit relationship with the wife of the

petitioner .

11. That, it is also important to mention here that the wife of the

petitioner started leading adulterous life to which petitioner raised protest .

She came to her paternal home. There she did not stop her relation with

Chandan Kumar Singh ( cousin brother of the petitioner ) .

12. That, all the request went in vain and ultimately ,petitioner

was compelled to file a divorce case against the Opposite-party no.2 . The

Matrimonial Case No.54/2009 was filed by the petitioner on 15 th June,


13. That, in the reaction of the matrimonial case filed by the

petitioner , Opposite-party no.2 filed a counter case of dowry torture and

Maintenance Case No.50/2009 on 19th June, 2009 after four days of the

filing of the Matrimonial case.


14. That, it is pertinent to mention here that it clearly indicates

that the maintenance case is only the reactionary action of the Opposite-

party no.2 i.e. wife of the petitioner ( Pallavi Devi).

15. That, the Opposite-party no.2 lodged a Maintenance Case

bearing No.50(M) of 2009 in connivance with her father and other family

members . The case has been filed by the wife of the petitioner in the court

of learned Principal Judge , Family Court, Jamui.

It has become crystal clear from the above noted paragraphs

that it is only counter blast of the matrimonial case filed against the

Opposite-party no.2 by the petitioner on 15th June, 2009.

16. That, the reality is that petitioner is a contract labourer at

Bokaro and his father possess only one Bigha of un-irrigated land where his

father and brother resides. He earns only Rs.2,500/- per month approx as

contract labourer .

17. That, in fact the Opposite-party no.2 ( Pallavi Devi ) does

private tuition and runs stitching centre and is able to maintain herself.

18. That, the fixation of award has been made on the basis of two

things i.e. being an employee in the private company at Bokaro and

getting Rs.1,200/- to Rs.5,000/- per month as well as Rs.1,00,000(One

Lac ) from the land of ten bighas both are absolutely false . Therefore, the

fixation of this award is not justified .


19. That, inspite of all these better experience ,petitioner is

always ready to keep his wife with full dignity and honour.

20. That, it is very very important to mention here that Pallavi

Devi ,her father and family members are habituated in filing the false

case. One Complaint case which finally turned as to First Information

Report i.e. P.S. Case No.08/2010 dated 11 th February, 2010 under

Sections 341,323,379,504 of the Indian Penal Code and Section -27 of the

Arms Act and 3/ 4 of Dowry Prohibition Act was lodged by Pallavi Devi

(Opposite-party no.2) against innocent Tarun Kumar ,his father Mohan

Singh , uncle Vijay Singh and uncle Sohan Singh and Nanad Sushma
Kumari . The police made a proper investigation of this stereo typed

allegation which appears itself false at a glance , found absolutely baseless

and false. The Deputy Superintendent of Police ,Jamui had submitted his

final supervision report on 20.03.2010 in which it has been stated clearly

that all the allegations leveled against Tarun Kumar and his family

members are false and fabricated. This reveals the mental word of

Pallavi Devi and her family members.

21. That , in the facts and circumstances in this case petitioner is

not in a position to pay the award of Rs.2,500 per month to the Opposite-

party no.2.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order

dated 16.05.2011 passed by Sri Kameshwar Nath


Rai ,the learned Principal Judge, Family Court,

Jamui in Maintenance Case No.50(M)/2009 , the

above named petitioner begs to prefer this

revision application on amongst the other



I. For that, the impugned order of the learned court below is

erroneous and illegal and contrary to the record.

II. For that, the learned court below has not analyzed and

synthesized the case in its totality and due to which learned court could

not come to a reasonable stage.

III. For that ,the learned court below has not properly appreciated

the evidence and statements lead by the petitioner ,whereas much

emphasis was given on evidence of Opposite-party no.2.

IV. For that, the amount of payment of maintenance is beyond

the capacity of the petitioner .

V. For that, the petitioner is ready to keep his wife full dignity and


VI. For that, in reality petitioner is a contract labourer and the

amount of maintenance is Rs.2,500/- per month which is nothing but

excessiveness and excessiveness is the Philosophy of destruction .


Therefore, it is not a balanced and reasonable order of the learned court


VII. For that, when it has become clear that the petitioner has been

made an escape goat by the father of Opposite-party no.2 and relatives of

his wife and his wife is indulged with illicit relationship with the cousin

brother ( Chandan Kumar Singh ) of the petitioner and living continuously

in her Maike and leading adulterous life.

VIII. For that, in the facts and circumstances of the case, the

impugned order is not sustainable and is liable to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party ,call

for the records of the learned court below and

after hearing the parties be further pleased to set

aside the order dated 16.05.2011 passed by Sri

Kameshwar Nath Rai ,the learned Principal Judge,

Family Court, Jamui in Maintenance Case



Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.



During the pendency of this application ,the

operation of the impugned order dated

16.05.2011 passed by Sri Kameshwar Nath

Rai ,the learned Principal Judge, Family Court,

Jamui in Maintenance Case No.50(M)/2009 may

kindly be stayed.
And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2011.(Limitation )


Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-

Shankar Sahani……………......……………..……PETITIONER


The State of Bihar ………………..……………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this interlocutory application on behalf of the petitioner


above named is for condonation of delay in filing of the instant revision


2. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present on earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

3. That, it is stated that the aforesaid revision application is

directed against the order dated 19.05.2008 .

4. That, it is stated that against the judgment and order dated

06.03.1997 passed by the learned trial court ,the petitioner preferred

appeal before the learned Additional Sessions Judge ,Sitamarhi and during
the pendency of appeal ,the petitioner was enlarged on bail , and

thereafter the petitioner proceeded outside the State for his livelihood as

well as his family members since the petitioner is a very poor and

illiterate person after entrusting the pairvi to the learned counsel appearing

on his behalf and the petitioner had under impression that the learned

counsel appearing on his behalf informed about the outcome of the appeal.

5. That, it is stated that since at the time of passing of the

impugned judgment and order dated 19.05.2008, the petitioner was not

present in his native village as well as the learned counsel appearing on

behalf of the petitioner before the learned Additional Sessions Judge ,

Fast Track Court No. VI, Sitamarhi did not inform about the impugned

order dated 19.05.2008 ,therefore, the petitioner could not surrender


before the learned trial court as well as he did not prefer any revision

against the order dated 19.05.2008 within time .

6. That, it is stated that when the petitioner had come to his

native village then the police arrested the petitioner on 13.09.2010 ,then

the petitioner could get knowledge about the dismissal of the appeal filed

by the petitioner against the judgment and order dated 06.03.1997 with

some modification and since then the petitioner is behind the bars .

7. That, it is stated that since the petitioner is very poor

persons ,therefore, in arranging the money to file the present criminal

revision application before this Hon'ble Court ,the family members had

taken some time.

8. That, it is stated that after arranging the money , the pairvikar

of the petitioner contacted the counsel at Patna in the third week of

March, 2011 for filing the present criminal revision application and

accordingly the instant criminal revision application is being filed before

this Hon'ble Court.

9. That, there is no intentional latches on the part of the petitioner

to approach this Hon'ble court against the impugned order and the delay

has been caused in filing of the instant revision application because of

communication gap as well as paucity of money as mentioned above .


10. That, if the delay in filing of the revision application is not

condoned ,the petitioner would suffer an irreparable loss and injury which

cannot be sustained in other way.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to condone

the delay in filing the present criminal revision

application .

Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.




Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;

In the matter of :-

Shankar Sahani ,son of Late Bahadur Sahani,

Resident of village- Panchtaki Yadu ,P.S. Bairgania ,District – Sitamarhi.



The State of Bihar…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 19.05.2008 passed by Shri Narsingh Prasad , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. VI , Sitamarhi in Cr.

Appeal no. 19 of 1997 , whereby and where under the learned Additional

Sessions Judge has been pleased to dismiss the criminal appeal filed by the

petitioner and affirmed the judgment and order dated 06.03.2007 passed

by Sri Sajjal Mandilwar ,learned Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class , Sitamarhi

in G.R. Case No. 1082/86 , Trial No.303/97 with some modification that
the petitioner is convicted and sentenced to undergo R.I. for two years

under Section 26/35 of the Arms Act and also to pay a fine of Rs.1,000/-

and the petitioner is acquitted from the offence punishable under Section

25(a) of the Arms Act , by which the learned Judicial Magistrate has

been pleased to convict the petitioner Under Section 25(A) ,26/35 of the

Arms Act and sentenced the petitioner to undergo R.I. for three years

under Section 25 of the Arms Act and also to pay a fine of Rs.2,000/- in

default of payment of fine to undergo R.I. for one year and further

sentenced the petitioner to undergo R.I. for three years under Section

26/35 of the Arms Act however all the sentences will run concurrently.


2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgments and orders.

3. That, the prosecution case ,in nut shell, as per the First

Information Report is that the Sub-Inspector Rameshwar Singh , Officer-

in-Charge of Bairgania Police -Station recorded his self statement on

04.10.1986 at village –Panchtaki Yadu Chowk alleging therein that on the

same day he along with other police officials and Chaukidar recovered

arms , cartridges and some stolen articles in connection with Case No.52

of 1986 from the house and Bathan of one Acchelal Sahni of village-

Bakhari Malahi Tola ,who in his confessional statement said that Rajendra

Sahni and Shankar Sahni had kept concealed illegal arms in the house of
Shivjee Prasad .It is further alleged that on such information ,the

informant along with the police force cam to village- Panchtaki Yadav

and in presence of two independent witnesses namely Raghuvir Rai and

Adya Rai searched the house in which Rajendra Sahni was living and

during the course of search ,illegal arms and cartridges were recovered

from beneath the bed of Rajendra Sahni .It is further alleged that Rajendra

Sahni could not produce any paper regarding the recovered arms ,while

they were asking from Rajendra Sahani , Shankar Sahani began to flee

away and on chase he was apprehended behind the house of Ramanand

Prasad and two live cartridges were recovered from the possession of

Shankar Sahani regarding which he could not produce any paper. It is


further alleged that all the articles were seized and accordingly seizure

list were prepared .

4. That, on the basis of the aforesaid self written report of the

informant , Bairgania P.S. Case No.64 of 1986 dated 04.10.1986 was

instituted registered for the offences under Sections 25(A) /26/35 of the

Arms Act.

5. That, it is stated that after institution of the First Information

Report , Police proceeded with the investigation .

6. That, it is stated that after investigation of the case ,the police

submitted charge-sheet against the petitioner and others under the

aforementioned Sections .
7. That, it is stated that after submission of charge-sheet ,the

learned Magistrate took cognizance against the petitioner and others under

Sections 25(A) /26/35 of the Arms Act.

8. That, it is stated that after order taking cognizance ,the

charges were framed against the petitioner and others and after framing

the charges , the case was transferred for trial and disposal to the court of

learned Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class , Sitamarhi and at the time of framing

of the charge , the petitioner and others pleaded not guilty and claimed to be

tried .

9. That, it is stated that during the course of trial altogether Five

prosecution witnesses were examined by prosecution such as P.W.1 Adya


Singh , P.W.2 Gatichand Sah , P.W.3 Rameshwar Singh (informant

himself ) ,P.W.4 Md. Moiuddin Khan (Investigating Officer of the case )

and P.W. 5 Rajendra Paswan.

10. That, it is stated that apart from the oral evidences

documentary evidences were also examined on behalf of the prosecution

such as Ext. 1 signature on the First Information Report , Ext. 2 & 2/1

Seizure List , Ext. 3 First Information Report , Ext.4 formal First

Information Report , Ext. 5 Report of Sergeant Major and Ext. 6 Sanction


11. That, it is stated that on behalf of the defense altogether

seven witnesses were examined .

12. That, it is stated that out of five prosecution witnesses P.W.2

is a formal witness ,who has proved the writing and signature of

Rameshwar Singh on the formal First Information Report whereas the

P.W.5 has been declared hostile.

13. That ,it is stated that informant of the this case was examined

as P.W.3 and P.W.3 in his cross-examination stated that on chase the

petitioner was arrested and on search ,two cartridges were recovered

from his possession .

14. That, it is stated that the P.W.1 in his deposition admitted that

the petitioner was not living in the house of Shivaji Sahani and no arms

have been recovered from his possession .


15. That ,it is stated that D.W.7 was examined on behalf of the

defense and the said witness in his evidence said that the petitioner was

falsely implicated at the instance of enemies of the petitioner after

showing the so-called recovery of two cartridges .

16. That, it is admitted fact that neither from the possession of the

petitioner any arms was recovered nor the petitioner was arrested on the

place of occurrence .

17. That ,it is stated that the prosecution has failed to produce the

independent witnesses as well as the seizure list witnesses rather all the

prosecution witnesses are police personnel whose statement is not

trustworthy .
18. That, it is stated that in the evidences of witnesses serious

contradiction to each other .

19. That, it is stated that the learned Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class

Sitamarhi , without taking into consideration the material available on

record , has been pleased to convict the petitioner Under Section

25(A) ,26/35 of the Arms Act and sentenced the petitioner to undergo

R.I. for three years under Section 25 of the Arms Act and also to pay a

fine of Rs.2,000/- in default of payment of fine to undergo R.I. for one

year and further sentenced the petitioner to undergo R.I. for three years

under Section 26/35 of the Arms Act however all the sentences will run

concurrently vide judgment and order dated 06.03.1997.


A certified copy of the judgment and

order dated 06.03.1997 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

20. That, it is stated that against the order dated 06.03.1997 passed

by the learned Judicial Magistrate , 1 st Class, Sitamarhi ,the petitioner

preferred a criminal appeal which was registered as Cr. Appeal No.19 of

1997 and during the pendency of appeal, the petitioner was released on

bail .

21. That, it is stated that the said Criminal Appeal was finally heard

by the learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. VI

Sitamarhi ,who was pleased to dismiss the criminal application filed by the

petitioner and affirmed the order passed by the learned Judicial Magistrate

1st Class , Sitamarhi with some modification that the petitioner is

convicted and sentenced to undergo R.I. for two years under Section

26/35 of the Arms Act and also to pay a fine of Rs.1,000/- and the

petitioner is acquitted from the offence punishable under Section 25(a) of

the Arms Act since there is no recovery of any arms from the possession of

the petitioner .

22. That, it is stated that since the petitioner is a poor

person ,therefore, after filing of the present appeal in the year 1997 ,the

petitioner had gone to outside the State for earning his livelihood and the


appeal was taken up after such a long time and ultimately the appeal was

dismissed on 19.05.2008 with some modification of the judgment and

order passed by the learned Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class , Sitamarhi but

the learned Counsel appearing on behalf of the petitioner in the appeal did

not inform the petitioner about the dismissal of appeal and when the

petitioner had come his native village , then the police arrested the

petitioner on 13.09.2010 and produced before the learned Judicial

Magistrate on 13.09.2010 and since then the petitioner is languishing in

jail custody .

A true photo stat copy of the custody

order dated 13.09.2010 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” to this


23. That, it is stated that in view of the aforesaid facts and material

available on record ,the impugned orders is fit to be set aside.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 19.05.2008 passed by

Sri Narsingh Prasad , the learned Additional

Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.VI ,

Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 19 of 1997 as also

the judgment and order dated 06.03.1997 passed


by Sri Sajjal Mandilwar ,the learned Judicial

Magistrate , 1st Class , Sitamarhi in Trial No.303

of 1997 arising out of G.R. No. 1082 of 1986 ,

the above named petitioner begs to prefer this

revision application on amongst the other



I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned trial court

as well as appellate court is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the petitioner was
neither arrested on the spot nor from his possession any arms was

recovered .

III. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that without any arms

there is no use of cartridge rather the police had allegedly shown the so-

called recovery two cartridges from the possession of the petitioner on the

instance of some enemy of the petitioner .

IV. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the statement of the prosecution witnesses .


V. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to produce any independent witness even the seizure list witness to

establish his case rather all the witnesses are interested witness and their

statements are not trustworthy .

VI. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the P.W.1 in his

evidence deposed that the petitioner was not living in Shivaji Sahani and

no arms has been recovered from his possession .

VII. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that since the case lodged
by the informant is false and concocted ,therefore, no any independent

witnesses have come to support the case of the informant .

VIII. For that , if the order of the learned trial court as well as

appellate court are allowed to be continued ,it will amount to miscarriage of


IX. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law as well as

facts and fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this application,

issue notice to the opposite-party ,call for the

records of the learned court below and after


hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the judgment and order dated 19.05.2008

passed by Sri Narsingh Prasad , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.

VI , Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 19 of 1997 as

also the judgment and order dated 06.03.1997

passed by Sri Sajjal Mandilwar ,the learned

Judicial Magistrate , 1st Class , Sitamarhi in Trial

No.303 of 1997 arising out of G.R. No. 1082 of


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

petitioner be enlarged on bail to the satisfaction of

the learned Judicial Magistrate ,1st Class

Sitamarhi in Trial No. 303 of 1997 arising out of

G.R. No.1082 of 1986.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Sanjay Kumar, son of Sri Ram Shankar Prasad Singh,

Resident of village-Tilak Tajpur , P.O. Pota Madhaul ,P.S.

Runnisaidpur ,District - Sitamarhi.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Sanjana Devi @ Sajana Devi ,wife of Sanjay Kumar and daughter of

Jawahar Prasad Singh , presently residing at Saraiya Gopal , P.S. Patahi,

District – East Champaran at Motihari.




The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 22.02.2011 passed by Sri Dr. Kumar Deo Dutta , the

learned Principal Judge, Family Court, Motihari in Maintenance Case

No.152 of 2007 , whereby and where under the learned Principal Judge has

been pleased to direct the petitioner to pay a sum of Rs.4,500/- per month

to the Opposite-party no.2 by way of maintenance from the date of filing of

the maintenance case . The petitioner has been further directed to make

payment of arrears of amount of maintenance by 10th March,2011.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court any time earlier against the impugned order .

3. That, the facts giving rise to the present revision application is

that the Opposite-party no.2 filed the maintenance case in the court of

learned Principal Judge , Family Court, Motihari on 20.09.2006 alleging

therein that the Opposite-party no.2 was married with the petitioner as per

Hindu Rites and custom in the month of July, 1999. It is further alleged

that after the marriage the Opposite-party no. 2 went to her matrimonial


house with the petitioner and after some time the petitioner and his other

family members of her in-law’s family used to pressurize the Opposite-

party no.2 to demand Rs.2 Lacs cash and one Hero Honda Motorcycle

from her father. It is further alleged that the Opposite-party no.2 declined

to demand such amount and article from her father on the pressure of the

petitioner and other family members of her matrimonial house upon

which the Opposite-party has been assaulted and ousted from her

matrimonial house on 13.06.2006. It is further alleged from the wedlock of

the petitioner and the Opposite-party no.2,a female child was born which

is aged about 6 years on the date of filing of the maintenance case . It is

further alleged that the Opposite-party no.2 is living in her Parental house

along with her daughter but the parents of the Opposite-party are unable to

maintain the Opposite-party and her daughter since the parents of the

Opposite-party no.2 are economical weak . It is further alleged the

petitioner is working as Teacher and earning Rs.6,000/-per month and

apart from the petitioner has landed property area 15 Bighas and Pucca

house at Sitamarhi. It is further said that the daughter of the Opposite-

party no.2 is school going and the Opposite-party no.2 is unable to

maintain herself and provide necessary facility for her daughter.

4. That, it is stated that the aforesaid maintenance case filed by

the Opposite-party no.2 on 20.09.2007 in the court of learned Principal

Judge, Family Court, Motihari was registered as Maintenance Case


No.152 of 2007.
A true photo stat copy of the plaint
of Maintenance Case No.152 of
2007 is annexed herewith and marked
as ANNEXURE- “1” to this
5. That, it is pertinent to mention here that the Opposite-party

no.2 herself is not ready to live with the petitioner and she deserted the

life of the petitioner after best efforts made by him .

6. That, it is stated that for reconciliation of the matter between

the parties a Panchayati was held on 25.02.2007 and in the Panchayati the

Opposite-party no.2 herself refused to live with the petitioner then a

decision was taken in the Panchayati that the petitioner pay a sum of

Rs.86,000/- to the Opposite-party no.2 in lieu of her maintenance and the

said amount was duly accepted by the father Opposite-party no.2 .

7. That, it is stated that the petitioner also filed a case in the

court of learned Permanent Lok Adalat , Sitamarhi for restitution of their

conjugal life with the Opposite-party no.2 on 02.06.2007 which was

registered as PL ( MAT ) Case No.25 of 2007 .

8. That, it is stated that after institution of the case ,the

Permanent Lok Adalat issued notice to the Opposite-party no.2 but she did

not enter her appearance before the Lok Adalat ,therefore, the learned

Permanent Lok Adalat vide order dated 09.09.2008 advised the petitioner


to file the case before the Principal Judge, Family Court since the matter

could not be compromised .

A true photo stat/typed copy of the

order dated 09.09.2008 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” to this application.

9. That, it is stated that after service of notice by the Permanent

Lok Adalat ,Sitamarhi for restitution of the conjugal life , the Opposite-

party no.2 filed the present Maintenance case for maintenance on

20.09.2007 .

10. That, the fact is that the Opposite-party no.2 herself did not

ready to live with the petitioner even after the best efforts of the petitioner

rather the petitioner ready to keep the Opposite-party no.2 with full dignity

and surety .

11. That, it is stated that on behalf of the Opposite-party no.2

altogether seven witnesses were examined .

12. That, it is stated that the Panch namely Rakesh Kumar filed

his deposition before the learned Principal Judge ,Family Court on

affidavit wherein he categorically said that a Panchayati was held on

25.02.2007 for reconciliation of the matter but the Opposite-party no.2

herself is not ready to live with the petitioner then it was decided that a

sum of Rs.86,000/- was handed over to the Opposite-party no.2 as


maintenance and the same was duly accepted by the father of the

Opposite-party no.2.

A true photo stat copy of the

deposition of Rakesh Kumar on

affidavit is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “3” to this


13. That, it is stated that the father of the Opposite-party no.2 was

examined as A.W. 6 and in his deposition the said fact was also admitted

the father of the Opposite-party no.2 after Panchayati a sum of Rs.86,000/-

was handed over to him for the maintenance of the Opposite-party no.2 .

A true photo stat copy of the

deposition of father of the Opposite-

party no.2 is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “4” to this


14. That, it is true that the petitioner is working as a Teacher in

D.A.V. School and earning Rs.6,000/- per month but it is palpably false to

say that the petitioner hand the landed property of 15 Bighas but the fact is

that in the name of the petitioner only 1 Acre 56 Decimals lands is

belonging .


15. That, since the petitioner is doing his job as Teacher at

Pakur ,therefore, from his earning most of the money is spent for

maintaining himself and since the Pakur is situated far flung from the
native village of the petitioner ,therefore, there is no income from the

agricultural lands in absence of the proper care of the landed property .

16. That, it is stated that the allegation of love affairs of the

petitioner with another girl is completely false and fabricated and to

prove this allegation ,the Opposite-party no.2 did not produce any evidence.

17. That, it is stated that during the pendency of the maintenance

case, the learned Principal Judge vide interim order dated 05.05.2008

directed the petitioner to pay Rs.3,000/- per month as maintenance of the

Opposite-party no.2 ,which was also disproportionate to the income of the

petitioner but under compulsion the said amount is regularly paying to the

Opposite-party no.2.

18. That, the learned Principal Judge, Family Court , Sitamarhi

passed the impugned judgment and order dated 22.02.2011 , whereby and

where under the learned Principal Judge has been pleased to direct the

petitioner to pay a sum of Rs.4,500/- per month to the Opposite-party no.2

by way of maintenance from the date of filing of the maintenance case . The

petitioner has been further directed to make payment of arrears of amount

of maintenance by 10th March,2011.


Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 22.02.2011 passed by

Sri Dr. Kumar Deo Dutta , the learned Principal

Judge, Family Court, Motihari in Maintenance

Case No.152 of 2007 ,the above named

petitioner begs to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while passing the impugned order , the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that in view of the fact that the

Opposite-party no.2 is herself not ready to live with the petitioner since the

petitioner himself filed a matrimonial case for restitution of their conjugal

rights in the court of learned Permanent Lok Adalat , Sitamarhi ,therefore,

the Opposite-party no.2 is not entitled to get any maintenance or interim

maintenance under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure .

III. For that, while passing the impugned order, the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that even after the best efforts of the

petitioner ,the Opposite-party no.2 did not ready to live with the petitioner .

IV. For that, while passing the impugned order ,the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that the Opposite-party no.2 herself

deserted the life of the petitioner though the petitioner is ready to keep the


Opposite-party no.2 with full dignity and surety ,therefore, she would

cannot be entitled to any maintenance under the provisions of Section 125

of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

V. For that, while passing the impugned order ,the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that in any event an order for payment of

interim maintenance cannot be passed with retrospective effect i.e. from the

date of filing of maintenance case.

VI. For that, while fixing the maintenance ,the learned Principal

Judge failed to appreciate that it is admitted fact that the petitioner is

earning only Rs.6,000/- per month ,therefore, the amount of maintenance of

Rs.4,500/- disproportionate to the income of the petitioner .

VII. For that, while passing the impugned order , the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that a Panchayati was held in which

the Opposite-party no.2 is refused to live with the petitioner then it was

decided by the Punches that the amount of Rs.86,000/- is to be paid to the

Opposite-party no.2 in lieu of her maintenance and the said amount was

accepted by the father of the Opposite-party no.2 and the said fact was

admitted by the father of the Opposite-party no. 2 in his evidence .

VIII. For that, while passing the impugned order the Hon'ble Single

Judge failed to appreciate that the Opposite-party no.2 has failed to

establish the ground for maintenance and he did not produce any evidence

about the landed property of the petitioner .


IX. For that, the maintenance fixed by the learned Principal Judge

is excessive than the income of the petitioner .

X. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party no.2

and after hearing the parties be further pleased to

set aside the judgment and order dated 22.02.2011

passed by Sri Dr. Kumar Deo Dutta , the learned

Principal Judge, Family Court, Motihari in

Maintenance Case No.152 of 2007.


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

operation of the impugned judgment and order

dated 22.02.2011 passed in Maintenance Case

No.152 of 2007 may kindly be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;


In the matter of :-

Dudheshwar Prasad Singh , son of Late Muneshwar Prasad Singh,

Resident of village- Rohua , Raja Ram , P.O. Mushahari Farm , P.S.

Mushahari , District –Muzaffarpur.



The State of Bihar…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 26.02.2011 passed by Sri Bal Krishna Verma , the

learned Additional Sessions Judge -IV , Muzaffarpur in Cr. Appeal no.

31 of 1999 , whereby and where under the learned Additional Sessions

Judge has been pleased to dismiss the criminal appeal filed by the

petitioner and confirmed the judgment and order dated 04.06.2009 passed

by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , East Muzaffarpur in

G.R. No.78 of 2009 ,Trial No.842 of 1999 arising out of Kazi

Mohammadpur P.S. Case No.09 of 1989 , by which the learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate has been pleased to convict the petitioner

Under Section 409 of the Indian Penal Code and sentenced the petitioner

to undergo R.I. for three years .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgments and orders.

3. That, Kazi Mohammadpur P.S. Case No.09 of 1989 was

instituted on the basis of written report (Ext.1) of the informant (P.W.1 )

namely Bharat Chaudhary , Junior Engineer .The prosecution case as

spelt out in the First Information Report in brief is that the petitioner was


Khalasi of Truck bearing Reg. No.BRK-2115 ,which belongs to the office

of National High Way .

It is further alleged that the said Truck was kept in Auto

Mobile Sanatorium , Shyam Nandan Road , Muzaffarpur for its repairing

since 1978 and the petitioner was deputed for watching the said Truck .

It is further alleged that the petitioner informed on 16.08.2008 that the

said Truck was missing from the Garage in between the period

09.08.1988to 15.08.1988 and after receiving such information ,the

informant went for enquiry where he saw that the Garage was not present

on the spot and a new building is stating at the spot where the Garage

was standing . It is further alleged that the informant asked show –cause

from the petitioner but he did not submit any show-cause within time . The

informant suspected that the petitioner and owner of the Garage in

connivance with each other removed the Truck.

4. That, it is stated that on the basis of the aforesaid written

report of the informant , Kazi Mohammadpur Police drew up a formal

First Information Report and registered a case being Kazi Mohammadpur

P.S. Case No.09 of 1989 against the petitioner and the owner of the

Garage namely Salauddin Mistry .

5. That, it is stated that after institution of the First Information

Report , Police proceeded with the investigation .


6. That, it is stated that after investigation of the case ,the police

submitted charge-sheet against the petitioner and one Salauddin Mistry

under Sections 406 and 409 of the Indian Penal Code .

7. That, it is stated that after submission of charge-sheet , charges

were framed against the petitioner under Section 409 of the Indian Penal

Code whereas against the accused Md. Salauddin Mistry under Section

406 of the Indian Penal Code and at the time of framing of the charge , the

petitioner pleaded not guilty and claimed to be tried .

8. That, it is stated that during the course of trial altogether seven

prosecution witnesses were examined by prosecution such as P.W.1 Bharat

Chaudhary ,Junior Engineer ,National High Way ,informant of the present

case , P.W.2 Sri C.K. Verma , P.W.3 Sri Nagendra Dutt Pandey , P.W.4

Sri Alok Kumar, P.W.5 Sri Shiv Parsan Prasad, P.W.6 Sri J.C. Bhandari

and P.W.7 Prof. Devendra Nath Thakur .

9. That, it is stated that apart from the oral evidences ,some

documentary evidences were also exhibited on behalf of the prosecution

such as Ext. 1 is written report of Bharat Chaudhary , Junior Engineer

(informant ) , Ext. 2 is written report of the petitioner dated 16.08.1988 ,

Ext. 3 is custody slip , Ext .4 is notice given to the petitioner by the

informant , Ext. 5 is letter no.265 dated 01.04.1989 issued from the office

of the National High Way addressed to the A.S.I. of Kazi

Mohammadpur Police – Station , Ext. 6 letter no.1450 dated 01.06.1985


addressed to the Superintending Engineer , National High Way

Circle ,Muzaffarpur and Ext. 7 letter of Superintending Engineer .

10. That, it is stated that out of seven prosecution

witnesses ,P.W.4 is a formal witness ,who proved the formal First

Information Report ,whereas the P.W.7 has been declared hostile and he has

denied his statement before the police that Government Staff was

carrying parts and machineries of the Truck in question.

11. That, in his evidence the P.W.1 admitted that the petitioner

himself gave copy of information to the Sub-Divisional Officer about the

missing of the Truck.

12. That, it is stated that in his Cross- Examination P.W.2

accepted that from the office of Divisional Office ,it appears that the

Truck was kept in the Garage of Md. Salauddin Mistry.

13. That, it is stated that P.W.3 in his cross-examination

admitted in his cross- examination that the Papers of the Truck was not

available in his office and he also admitted that the Truck in question was

kept in the Garage of Md. Salauddin Mistry since 1978 i.e. prior to filing of

10 years ago of the lodging of the instant case.

14. That, it is stated that it is admitted position from the

evidences of all the prosecution witnesses that the Truck in question was

not in working position and the same was kept in the open sky since last

10 years from the date of lodging of the First Information Report .


15. That, it is also admitted fact for last about 10 years, the

Officers of the Department were not interested to repair for the Truck in

question or auctioned the and when the petitioner himself informed about

the missing of the said Truck ,they woke up from deep slumber and

lodged the instant First Information Report against the petitioner .

16. That, it is stated that in the present case ,the prosecution has

failed to examine the independent witnesses rather all the witnesses are

the official witnesses .

17. That, it is stated the evidence of the prosecution witnesses are

not trustworthy since they deposed their evidence only with a view to

save their skin from their own dereliction in duty because lapses on their

part the truck in question was kept in the Garage since last 10 years in

open sky .
18. That, it is stated that the prosecution has failed to examine the

Investigating Officer of the case, who is the most important witnesses to

establish the case.

19. That, it is stated that the prosecution case failed to establish

the case against the owner of the Garage ,in whose Garage the Truck in

question was kept and from where the Truck in question is missing.

20. That, it is true that the petitioner was deputed to watch the

Truck in question but it is humanely not possible for a single man to


watch out the truck in question in open sky same for long 10 years for 24

hours .

21. That, it is stated that the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , East Muzaffarpur , without taking into the consideration the

material available on record as well as the non- examination of

independent witnesses and Investigating Officer of the case , has been

pleased to convict the petitioner Under Section 409 of the Indian Penal

Code and sentenced the petitioner to undergo R.I. for three years vide

judgment and order dated 04.06.1999 .

A certified copy of the judgment and

order dated 04.06.1999 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

22. That, it is stated that against the order dated 04.06.1999 passed

by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Muzaffarpur East ,the

petitioner preferred a criminal appeal which was registered as Cr. Appeal

No.31 of 1999 and during the pendency of appeals, the petitioner was

released on bail .

23. That, it is stated that the said Criminal Appeal was finally heard

by the learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.IV

Muzaffarpur ,who also dismissed the appeal filed by the petitioners vide

judgment and order dated 26.02.2011 and affirmed the order passed by


the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , East Muzaffarpur without

applying his judicial mind.

24. That, it is stated that in view of the aforesaid facts and material

available on record ,the impugned orders is fit to be set aside.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 26.02.2011 passed by

Sri Bal Krishna Verma , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge -IV , Muzaffarpur in

Cr. Appeal no. 31 of 1999 as also the judgment

and order dated 04.06.2009 passed by the learned

Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , East

Muzaffarpur in G.R. No.78 of 2009 ,Trial No.842

of 1999 arising out of Kazi Mohammadpur P.S.

Case No.09 of 1989 , the above named

petitioner begs to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned trial court

as well as appellate court is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the statement of the witnesses before the


Investigating Officer under Section 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure

as well as evidences of the witnesses before the court .

III. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the statement of the prosecution witnesses .

IV. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to examine the most important witnesses such as Investigating

Officer of the case.

V. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to produce any independent witness to establish his case rather all
the witnesses are interested witness and their statements are not

trustworthy .

VI. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that due to latches on the

part of the Officers of the Department ,the Truck in question was kept in the

Garage in the open sky since last 10 years for repairing of the Truck .

VII. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that on the basis of

information given by the petitioner regarding missing the truck in question


,the instant case was lodged against the petitioner and the owner of the

Garage .

VIII. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to establish the case against the owner of the Garage regarding

misappropriation of the Truck in question ,therefore, there is no occasion

to establish the case against this petitioner .

IX. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that for a single man ,it

is not possible to watch the truck in question for last 10 years for 24

hours in the open sky .

X. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the department had

kept silent over the matter for 10 years the department had taken what

steps for repairing of the truck in question .

XI. For that , if the order of the learned trial court as well as

appellate court are allowed to be continued ,it will amount to miscarriage of


XII. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law as well as

facts and fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may graciously be

pleased to admit this application, issue notice to the opposite-


party ,call for the records of the learned court below and

after hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside the

judgment and order dated 26.02.2011 passed by Sri Bal

Krishna Verma , the learned Additional Sessions Judge -

IV , Muzaffarpur in Cr. Appeal no. 31 of 1999 as also the

judgment and order dated 04.06.2009 passed by the learned

Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , East Muzaffarpur in

G.R. No.78 of 2009 ,Trial No.842 of 1999 arising out of Kazi

Mohammadpur P.S. Case No.09 of 1989.

Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships may deem fit

and proper in the facts and circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the petitioner be

enlarged on bail to the satisfaction of the learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,Muzaffarpur East in G.R.

No.78 of 2009 ,Trial No.842 of 1999 arising out of Kazi

Mohammadpur P.S. Case No.09 of 1989.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2011.(Limitation )


Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-

Shankar Sahani……………......……………..……PETITIONER


The State of Bihar ………………..……………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this interlocutory application on behalf of the petitioner


above named is for condonation of delay in filing of the instant revision


2. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present on earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

3. That, it is stated that the aforesaid revision application is

directed against the order dated 19.05.2008 .

4. That, it is stated that the petitioner is a poor and illiterate

person and he is living outside the State for his livelihood as well as his

family members and at the time of passing of the impugned judgment and

order dated 19.05.2008, the petitioner was not present in his native village

and the learned counsel appearing on behalf of the petitioner before the

learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. VI,

Sitamarhi did not inform about the impugned order dated 19.05.2008 .

5. That, it is stated that in the last week of November , 2010 ,

when the petitioners have got knowledge about the impugned order dated

30.08.2010 by which the criminal appeal filed by the petitioners were

disposed of with some modification in sentence awarded to the petitioners

by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sheohar at Sitamarhi

then the petitioners immediately surrendered before the learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sheohar at Sitamarhi on 29.11.2010 and

since the petitioners are behind the bars .


6. That, it is stated that since the petitioners are very poor

persons ,therefore, in arranging the money to file the present criminal

revision application before this Hon'ble Court ,the family members had

taken some time.

7. That, it is stated that after arranging the money , the pairvikar

of the petitioners contacted the counsel at Patna on 10.03.2011 for filing

the present criminal revision application and accordingly the instant

criminal revision application is being filed before this Hon'ble Court on

14.03.2011 .

8. That, there is no intentional latches on the part of the

petitioners to approach this Hon'ble court against the impugned order

and the delay has been caused in filing of the instant revision application

because of communication gap as well as paucity of money as mentioned

above .

9. That, if the delay in filing of the revision application is not

condoned ,the petitioners would suffer an irreparable loss and injury which

cannot be sustained in other way.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to condone


the delay in filing the present criminal revision

application .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioners shall ever pray.



CR. REV. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application Under

Section-53 of the Juvenile Justice

( Care& Protection of Children ) Act,



In the matter of :-

Sunil Kumar Singh @ Pappu ,son of Sri Umesh Kumar Singh ,

Resident of village- Mayurwa , South Tola , P.S. Sonebarsa , District -




The State of Bihar. …….…………..……………OPPOSITE -PARTY.

The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 19th December , 2009 passed by Sri Sudhakar Singh ,the

learned Additional Sessions Judge ,F.T. C. –II, Sitamarhi in Criminal

Appeal No.90 of 2009 , whereby and where under the learned Additional

Sessions Judge was pleased to dismiss the appeal filed by the petitioner for

his release and also confirmed the order dated 18.11.2009 passed by the

learned Juvenile Justice Board , Sitamarhi in Trial No.85/2009 arising out

of Sonebarsa P.S. Case No.43 of 2009 dated 22.05.2009 for the offence

Under Section 302/34 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 27 of the Arms

Act by which the appellant was refused to be enlarge on bail by the learned

Juvenile Justice Board , Sitamarhi.

2. That, the petitioner had earlier moved before this Hon'ble

Court against the order dated 19.12.2009 vide Cr. Rev. No.1975 of 2009

which was rejected on 24.02.2010 by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mandhata Singh

thereafter the petitioner again filed Cr. Rev. N.352 of 2011 which was also
rejected on 24.03.2011 by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mandhata Singh and

except that the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High Court

any time earlier against the impugned order .


A true photo stat copy of the order

dated 24.02.2010 passed in Cr. Rev.

No.1975 of 2009 and order dated

24.03.2011 passed in Cr. Rev. No.352

of 2011 is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “1” &

“1/1” to this application.

3. That, the prosecution case as alleged in the First Information

Report in brief is that the informant gave his written report before the Station

Head Officer of Sonebarsa Police- Station , stating therein that on

22.05.2009 at about 10.30 A.M. he was sitting with his family member and

his sons namely Ashok Kumar Singh and Ajay Kumar Singh brought soil

on his Tractor to put up on the muddy road but in the mean time the accused

persons named in the First Information Report came there and protested and

claiming the said Road to be their own and son of the informant also

claiming it to be their own . It is further alleged that in the meantime

informant’s neighbour namely Braj Kishore Singh and his village namely

Upendra Singh came there . It is further alleged that when son of the

informant started putting soil on the Road at that time accused Manju Devi
brought D.B.B.L gun from her house and handed over to her husband and

order to kill him then accused Umesh Kumar Singh fired from his gun

which hit on the head of Ajay Kumar Singh as a result of which Ajay


Kumar Singh fell down on the earth and died . It is further alleged that

thereafter accused Sunil Kumar @ Pappu took the gun from the hand of his

father and loaded cartridge and fired the fun which hit on the chest of

Ashok Kumar Singh ,who is also died on spot. It is further alleged that

hearing the sound of firing villagers assembled there and caught Umesh

Kumar Singh and other accused entered into their house.

4. That, on the basis of the aforesaid written report of the

informant ,a First Information Report case was registered bearing

Sonebarsa P.S. Case No.43 of 2009 dated 22.05.2009 registered for the

offences under Sections 302/34 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 27 of

the Arms Act.

A true photo stat/typed copy of the

F.I.R. of Sonebarsa P.S. Case No.43

of 2009 dated 22.05.2009 is annexed

hereto and marked as

ANNEXURE-“2” to this application.

5. That, this case is presently pending in the court of the learned

Juvenile Justice Board, Sitamarhi being Trial No.85 of 2009 arising out of

Sonebarsa P.S. Case No.43 of 2009 dated 22.05.2009 , G.R. No.1417 of

2009 registered for the offences under Sections 302 /34 of the Indian Penal

Code and Section 27 of the Arms Act.


6. That, the petitioner is innocent having committed no offence

whatsoever and he has been falsely implicated in the present case by the

police due to non-fulfillment of the illegal demand of the police.

7. That, from perusal of the First Information Report , it is

apparent that there is admitted land dispute between both the parties for

some piece of land .

8. That, the fact is that the informant is a powerful person of the

society and due to this reason he wanted to grab the land of the petitioner

and on the date of occurrence he forcibly putting soil on the land of the

petitioner and when the father of the petitioner protested the informant and

his son brutally assaulted the father of the petitioner any how the father of

the petitioner escaped from the hands of the informant and the father of the

petitioner entered into his house for saving his life . For such incidence ,the

father of the petitioner also lodged a First Information Report against the

informant . In the said incidence the father of the petitioner received

grievous injury and taking into seriousness of the father of the petitioner , he

was referred to Sadar Hospital , Sitamarhi.

True photo stat/ typed copies of the

F.I.R. of Sonebarsa P.S. Case No.44

of 2009 and injury report of the father

of the petitioner are annexed

herewith and marked as


ANNEXURE- “3” & “3/1” to this


9. That, the fact is that the father of the petitioner has a licensee

gun holder and on the date of occurrence ,the informant and his son entered

into the house of the petitioner for snatching the gun of the father of the

petitioner but when the father of the petitioner protested the motive of the

informant and his son and on that time accidentally the bullet was fired

and hit on the sons of the informant .

10. That, it is stated that during the course of investigation ,it has

come that the father of the petitioner fired twice upon the both sons of the

informant which hit upon them and nothing had come in the police

investigation ,this petitioner had also fired from the gun .

11. That, it is stated that since the petitioner was juvenile at the

time of occurrence ,therefore, the case of the petitioner was transferred to

the Court Juvenile Justice Board ,Sitamarhi ,wherein the learned Juvenile

Justice Board vide order dated 07.11.2009 declared the petitioner as a

juvenile .

12. That, on the basis of declaration of Juvenile Justice Board , an

application for bail was filed on behalf of the petitioner before the learned
Juvenile Justice Board , Sitamarhi which was rejected by the learned

Juvenile Justice Board vide order dated 18.11.2009 .


A true photo stat copy of the order

dated 18.11.2009 passed by the

learned Juvenile Justice Board ,

Sitamarhi is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “4” to this


13. That, against the aforesaid order dated 18.11.2009 passed by

the learned Juvenile Justice Board , the petitioner preferred a Criminal

Appeal in the court of learned Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi being Cr. Appeal

No.90 of 2009 ,which was rejected by the learned Additional Sessions

Judge ,F.T.C. – II , Sitamarhi vide his order dated 19.12.2009.

14. That, the petitioner is a man of means having movable and

immovable properties and ,therefore, there is no chance of his absconding

and /or tampering with the prosecution witnesses.

15. That, the petitioner has got a bright career and further

detention of the petitioner in judicial custody, ruined the life of the


16. That, the petitioner is languishing in jail custody since

22.05.2009 i.e. more than two years without any fault and the long
incarceration of the petitioner in the judicial custody is not in the interest of

a juvenile .


17. That, there is no sufficient/ satisfactory progress in trial

and ,therefore, there is no likelihood of conclusion of trial in future.

18. That, the petitioner has no criminal antecedent and he has

never been implicated in any other criminal case.

19. That, the allegation against the petitioner is completely false

,baseless and fabricated ,therefore, the petitioner deserves to be released on


20. That, the petitioner undertakes to make himself available

before the court as and when required if he is granted bail by this Hon'ble


Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with order

dated 19th December , 2009 passed by Sri

Sudhakar Singh ,the learned Additional

Sessions Judge ,F.T. C. –II, Sitamarhi in Criminal

Appeal No.90 of 2009 the above named petitioner

begs to prefer this revision application on amongst

the other following

I. For that, the impugned judgment and order is bad in law as

well as on facts.


II. For that, while rejecting the Criminal appeal the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that the prolonged custody

would not be in the interest of juvenile.

III. For that, while dismissing the criminal appeal ,the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that nothing has been brought

on record by the prosecution that if the petitioner is released on bail, he

would commit such offence again .

IV. For that, the impugned order of learned Additional Sessions

Judge is since based on conjectures and surmises ,it cannot be sustained in

the eye of law ,unless there is a positive material on record that the

petitioner would commit such offence again ,if released on bail.

V. For that , while dismissing the criminal appeal , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that there is admitted land

dispute between both the parties for a piece of land .

VI. For that, while dismissing the criminal appeal , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that it has come during the

course of investigation that the father of the petitioner twice fired upon the

both sons of the informant which hit upon them and only the petitioner is
son of Umesh Kumar Singh ,the petitioner was falsely implicated in the

present case .

VII. For that, while dismissing the criminal appeal ,the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that the informant had falsely


implicated the entire family members of the petitioner for some oblique

purposes .

VIII. For that, the impugned judgment and order is otherwise bad in

law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party and

after hearing the parties be further pleased to set

aside the judgment and order dated 19 th

December , 2009 passed by Sri Sudhakar Singh ,

the learned Additional Sessions Judge ,F.T. C.

–II, Sitamarhi in Criminal Appeal No.90 of 2009

and be further pleased to direct for release of the

petitioner on bail to the satisfaction of the learned

Juvenile Justice Board , Sitamarhi in connection

with Trial No.85 of 2009 , arising out of

Sonebarsa P.S. Case No.43 of 2009 , G.R.

No.1417 of 2009.
Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships
may deem fit and proper in the facts and
circumstances of the case.
And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;


In the matter of :-

1. Bhuneshwar Yadav, son of Late Hiya Lal Yadav,

2. Kanta Kumari @ Kanti Devi , wife of Bijay Yadav,

Both resident of village- Chharapatti , P.S. Dharhara

( Hemjapur O.P. ) ,District – Munger.



1.The State of Bihar.

2. Rama Kant Yadav, son of Kamal Kishore Yadav,

Resident of village- Chharapatti , P.S. Dharhara ( Hemjapur O.P. )

,District – Munger.



The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioners above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

dated 28.01.2011 passed in Cr. Rev. No.59 of 2010 by learned Sri Pradip

Kumar Mallick ,the 1st Additional Sessions Judge , Munger arising out of

order dated 04.01.2010 passed in Dharhara P.S. Case No.13 of 2009 by

the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Munger ,whereby and where under

the learned Revisional Court was pleased to set aside the order passed

by the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Munger dated 04.01.2010 by

which the Final Form was accepted and proceeding against the petitioners

was dropped.

2. That, the petitioners have not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned order dated 28.01.2011 .

3. That, the Opposite-party no.2 ,who is the informant of the

concerned case bearing Dharhara P.S. Case No.13 of2009 which was
lodged by him alleging therein that the informant ,who is the next door

neighbour of the petitioners gave his Fardbeyan stating therein that on

22.02.2009 ,the dispute with regard to the construction of the boundary wall


was going on six months prior to the occurrence and one panchayati has

been held and the matter was pacified .The accused Vijay Yadav started to

build a pucca roof 10 days prior and the iron rod was extended upon the

land of the informant and secondly the accused persons was protesting by

one Ram Sevak Yadav brother of the informant upon which all the

accused persons abused him and accused Vijay Yadav having taken pistol

from the hand of Prashant Yadav and one Shashi Yadav belonging to village

– Lagma came there with his riffle and accused Vijay Yadav shot firing

upon brother of the informant ,which hit near the nose of the deceased and

he died on the spot and according First Information Report was lodged.

A true photo stat as well as typed

copy of the F.I.R. of Dharhara P.S.

Case No.13 of 2009 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1”to this application .

4. That, as per the First Information Report ,there is no any

overtact or any involvement has been attributed to these petitioners simply

the name of these petitioners have been mentioned in the First Information

Report . The petitioner no.1 is an old man aged about -63 years and the
petitioner no.2 is a Government employee as a teacher and she was

posted in the Middle School, Sair Hathia under Jhajha Block within the


District of Jamui and both the petitioners are quite innocent and they

have been falsely implicated in this case.

5. That, the factual aspect of this case, the son of the petitioner

no.1 namely Raja Yadav fell seriously ill and on 21.02.2009 the son of the

petitioner no.1 was carried to P.M.C.H. and they are badly engaged in the

treatment of Raja Yadav son of the petitioner no.1 and ultimately he died

during the course of treatment . In between this period some altercation

took place and the deceased came with an old country made pistol and he

tried to open fire but the sticker of the pistol could not be pressed and Ram

Sevak Yadav ( deceased ) repeatedly tried to fire forcefully then it became

fire which hit on the lowest part of the Nostril and Chin and he sustained

injury and he ultimately died by his own mistake . When the wife of the

petitioner no.1 came to know about the accusation of her entire family

member then she went to the concerned police-station to give information

in this regard with some villagers then the police came with the collusion

of Kamal Kishore Yadav , father of the deceased ,who is the official of the

Police Department and the concerned Police denied to receive information

of the wife of the petitioner no.1 and wife of the petitioner no.1 ultimately

instituted a complaint case bearing Complaint Case No.170C of 2009 on

26.02.2009 . In this way , the First Information Report lodged by the

informant is concocted one and it is a case of falsely implication due to

previous enmity because father of deceased is the employee of Police


Department and he planted in a false case.

A true photo stat copy of the

complaint petition is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE-“2” to this application.

6. That, the entire family members of the petitioners have been

made accused by deviating the mode of occurrence by the informant and

ultimately the informant wants to outrage the modesty of the petitioner no.2

by implicating in a false case . So far the petitioner no.1 is concerned , he

is an old and he is totally unable to move frequently .

7. That, the Investigating Officer has initially submitted charge-

sheet on 30.05.2009 bearing Charge –Sheet No.37 of 2009 against two

persons namely Vijay Yadav and Ajay Yadav , sons of the petitioner no.1

and after thorough investigation , the second charge-sheet was submitted

on 31.07.2009 bearing Charge-Sheet No.78 of 2009 by declaring the

petitioners innocent and having mentioned the accused Raja Yadav and

Niraj Yadav as dead and during the course of investigation ,the

informant Opposite-party no.2 has filed a protest petition on 16.03.2009

but in the protest petition itself ,there is no any words or allegations have
been leveled against these petitioners . Simply , the informant leveled the

charge of collusive activities against the police and the informant always

appeared through is private lawyer to protest r oppose in each and every


stage of the proceeding from lower court to High Court .

True photo stat as well as typed

copies of the Charge-sheet nos. 37 of

2009 and 78 of 2009 are annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “3” & “3A” to this


8. That, in the criminal revision application bearing Cr. Rev.

no.59 of 2010 filed by the informant –Opposite-party no.2 did not mention

any specific averment that he has not been heard at the time of passing of the

order dated 04.01.2010 .Not even only in the order-sheet dated 04.01.2010 ,

it has been mentioned that the informant had already appeared by giving his

Hazari but at the revisional stage , it has been argued orally on behalf of the

informant that the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate did not give

opportunity to hear him .

A true photo stat copy of the revision

application filed by the Opposite-

party no.2 is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE-“4” to this


9. That, the independent witnesses as well as material witness

whose statement was recorded in the case-diary , in which it has come that


the petitioner no.1 was sitting in his door and the place of occurrence is

upon the roof of the house and some villagers were gossiping with the

petitioner no.1 , meanwhile a sound of firing was heard , meaning thereby

the petitioner no.1 was definitely not present at the place of occurrence

and accordingly the police has submitted final form against the petitioners .

Not even only in the supervision note itself both the petitioners are found

to be innocent because they were not present at the relevant time at the

place of occurrence .

10. That, the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Munger has

rightly passed the order dated 04.01.2010 because the appearance of the

informant is apparent from perusal of the order dated 04.01.2010 hence

there is no need to issue notice to the informant when the informant

appeared suo-motto in each and every stage of the proceeding ,by engaging

a private lawyer and so far material available in the case-diary as well as

supervision note and revision application no consistent and material

evidence has come during the course of investigation .

A certified copy of the order dated

04.01.2010 passed by the learned

Chief Judicial Magistrate , Munger

is annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE-“5” to this application.


11. That, thereafter the informant filed revision application

without any rhyme or reason and without any cogent grounds but the

learned lower revisional court has set aside the order dated 04.01.2010

passed by the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Munger by which the

proceeding against these petitioners was dropped by accepting the Final

Report submitted by the police.

12. That, the learned lower Revisional Court has failed to

consider the provision of Section -319 of the Code of Criminal Procedure

in a Sessions Trial Case and pass the order impugned dated 28.01.2011

without considering the facts and circumstances of the case which is quite

illegal in the eye of law though in paragraph no.5 of the impugned order , it

has been observed by the learned lower revisional court but he overlooked

the appearance of the informant as mentioned in the order dated


13. That, in the protest petition ,the name of almost all witnesses

have been mentioned in the charge-sheet itself and there is specific

provisions under Section 319 of the Code of Criminal Procedure ,so there
is no need to linger the procedure of the trial hence the learned lower

revisional court has erred in passing the impugned order.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order

dated 28.01.2011 passed by learned Sri Pradip

Kumar Mallik , the 1st Additional Sessions


Judge , Munger in Cr. Rev. No.59 of 2010 the

above named petitioners beg to prefer this

revision application on amongst the other



I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on


II. For that, the learned lower Revisional Court has failed to

consider the order dated 04.01.2010 with regard to appearance of the

informant mentioned in the order –sheet itself.

III. For that, the learned lower Revisional Court has also failed to

scrutinize the Section -319 of the Code of Criminal Procedure which is for

the informant in Sessions Trial Case to induce the evidence even if any

person not being person could be tried together .

IV. For that, the learned lower court should have meticulously

examined the decisions cited by the parties but he failed to do so and

passed the impugned order without considering the provisions mentioned

under Section 319 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

V. For that, the learned lower revisional court should have

considered the entire evidence or material collected by the Investigating

Officer or submitted by the prosecution party but factually there is no

material against these petitioners and passed the order impugned without


considering the facts and circumstances of the case, which is quite illegal

in the eye of law.

VI. For that, the order impugned is quite illegal , unwarranted and

the same is fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may graciously be

pleased to admit this application, issue notice to the opposite-

parties ,call for the records of the learned court below and

after hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside the

order dated 28.01.2011 passed by learned Sri Pradip Kumar

Mallik , the 1st Additional Sessions Judge , Munger in Cr.

Rev. No.59 of 2010 and affirmed the order dated

04.01.2010 passed by the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate ,

Munger in Dharhara P.S. Case No.13 of 2009.


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships may deem fit

and proper in the facts and circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the operation of the

impugned order dated 28.01.2011 and further proceeding of

the learned court below may kindly be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioners shall ever pray.




Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;


In the matter of :-

1. Raj Mangal Paswan ,son of Nageshwar Paswan,

2. Ram Briksh Paswan , son of Late Sukeshwar Paswan ,

3. Ramnath Paswan , son of Kuldip Paswan ,

4. Chander Paswan , son of Hardeo Paswan ,

5. Raj Kumar Paswan , son of Ramji Paswan ,

6. Ram Julum Paswan , son of Late Sukeshwar Paswan ,

All resident of village- Bhoraha , Tola- Gaus Nagar , P.S.

Belsand ,District – Sitamarhi.



The State of Bihar…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTY.



The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioners above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 30.08.2010 passed by Sri Arvind Kumar Pandey , the

learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.6 , Sitamarhi

in Cr. Appeal no. 23 of 2008 / 14 of 2008 , whereby and where under the

learned Additional Sessions Judge has been pleased to dispose of the

criminal appeal filed by the petitioners and confirmed the judgment and

order dated 28.03.2008 passed by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Sheohar at Sitamarhi in Trial No.758 of 2008 arising out of

G.R. No.477 of 1991 / Belsand P.S. Case No.31 of 1991 with some partial

modification after reducing the period of sentence , by which the learned

Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate has been pleased to convict the

petitioners Under Sections 147,148, 323 and 452 of the Indian Penal Code

and sentenced the petitioner nos.1 and 2 to undergo R.I. for two years and

also to pay a fine of Rs.1,000/- each under Section 148 of the Indian

Penal Code and in default of payment of fine to further undergo S.I. for one


month each, further sentenced to undergo R.I. for two years and also pay a

fine of Rs.1,000/- and in default of payment of fine to further undergo

S.I. for one month under Section 452 of the Indian Penal Code . The

petitioner nos. 3,4,5 and 6 were sentenced to undergo R.I. for one year

each and also to pay fine of Rs.500/- each and in default of payment of fine

to undergo S.I. for 15 days each under Section 147 and 323 of the Indian

Penal Code ,they were further sentenced to undergo R.I. for two years

each and also to pay fine of Rs.1,000/- each under Section 452 of the

Indian Penal Code and in default of payment of fine to further undergo S.I.

for one month each however all the sentences will run concurrently.

2. That, the petitioners have not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgments and orders.

3. That, the prosecution case ,in nut shell, as per the First

Information Report is that the brothers of the informant namely Rajendra

Paswan and Gajendra Paswan were returning after attending the call of

nature and when they reached near Maharani Asthan Paswan raised alarm

of “Gidar- Gidar” on which all the accused persons including the

petitioners having armed with variously deadly weapons came there and

they started to assault both of them with their respective weapons .It is

further alleged that on hearing alarm of Rajendra Paswan and Gajendra

Paswan , the informant Raj Kishore Paswan rushed to rescue them , the

accused persons including the petitioners started to assault him also with


Lathi and Farsa . It is further alleged that when the informant rushed

towards his house then accused persons including the petitioners also

chased him and entered into his house and assaulted the informant , his

mother , Bhabhi and father brutally . The cause behind the occurrence is

that prior to 15 days there had been some altercation taken place in between

the informant and the accused persons for passage ( Rasta ) for which a

Panchayati was held and due to that annoyance , the occurrence had been

taken place by the accused persons.

4. That, it is stated that on the basis of the aforesaid statement of

the informant , Belsand Police drew up a formal First Information Report

and registered a case being Belsand P.S. Case No. 31 of 1991 attributing

offences under Section 147,148,149,307 , 323, 324 and 452 of the Indian

Penal Code.

5. That, it is stated that after institution of the First Information

Report , Police proceeded with the investigation .

6. That, it is stated that after investigation of the case ,the police

submitted charge-sheet against the petitioners and others under the

aforementioned Sections .

7. That, it is stated that after submission of charge-sheet ,the

learned Magistrate took cognizance against the petitioners and others under

Sections 147,148,149,307 , 323, 324 and 452 of the Indian Penal Code.


8. That, it is stated that after order taking cognizance ,the case

was committed to the court of Sessions and the case was transferred the

court of learned 1st Assistant Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi for trial but the

learned 1st Assistant Sessions Judge sent the case to the court of learned

Chief Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi Under Section 228 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure since the offence under Section 307 of the Indian

Penal Code was not prima-facie made out against the accused persons.

9. That, it is stated that thereafter the charges were framed

against the petitioner nos. 2 and 3 under Sections 147, 323 and 452 of the

Indian Penal Code whereas the charges were framed against the petitioner

no.1 under Sections 148,324 and 452 of the Indian Penal Code by the

learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi vide order dated 12.08.1994

and after framing the charges , the case was transferred for trial and

disposal to the court of learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Sheohar at Sitamarhi and at the time of framing of the charge , the

petitioner and others pleaded not guilty and claimed to be tried .

10. That, it is stated that during the course of trial altogether Five

prosecution witnesses were examined by prosecution such as P.W.1 Sajjan

Paswan , P.W.2 Shatrughan Paswan , P.W.3 Rajendra Paswan , P.W.4

Mautunia Devi and P.W.5 Gajendra Paswan.

11. That, it is stated that one witness P.W.1 namely Sajjan Paswan

was declared hostile.


12. That, it is stated that in the present case , the prosecution has

failed to examine the important witness namely informant ,Investigating

Officer of the case and Doctor who examined the injured ,whose evidence is

very necessary to come to the conclusion of the case.

13. That, it is stated that in his deposition P.W2 said that he

along with P.W.1 went to rescue them but the P.W.1 in his evidence said

that he has got no knowledge about the occurrence which falsifies the

evidence of the P.W.2 itself.

14. That, it is stated that during the course of trial , the injury

received by the injured were not exhibited by the prosecution as also the

doctor was not examined by the prosecution version ,therefore, the so-

called injury report was not a valid evidence of proof.

15. That, it is stated that all the prosecution witnesses are

interested witness and ,therefore, their evidence is not the trustworthy .

16. That, it is stated that in the present case the Investigating

Officer was also not examined by the prosecution , whose evidence is

essential to coming into the conclusion of the case.

17. That, it is stated that in the evidences of witnesses serious

contradiction to each other and they also deposed contradictory to the

statement given by them before the Investigating Officer under Section 161

of the Code of Criminal Procedure.


18. That, it is stated that the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Sheohar , without taking into the consideration the material

available on record as well as the prosecution failed to produce the

independent witnesses and also there is serious contradiction in between the

deposition of each other , convicted the Under Sections 147,148, 323 and

452 of the Indian Penal Code and sentenced the petitioner no.1 to

undergo R.I. for two years and also to pay a fine of Rs.1,000/- under

Section 148 of the Indian Penal Code , further sentenced to undergo R.I.

for two years and also pay a fine of Rs.1,000/- under Section 452 of the

Indian Penal Code . The petitioner nos. 2 and 3 were sentenced to undergo

R.I. for one year each and also to pay fine of Rs.500/- each and under

Section 147 and 323 of the Indian Penal Code ,they were further

sentenced to undergo R.I. for two years each and also to pay fine of
Rs.1,000/- each under Section 452 of the Indian Penal Code however all

the sentences will run concurrently.

A certified copy of the judgment and

order dated 28.03.2008 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

18. That, it is stated that against the order dated 28.03.2008 passed

by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sheohar ,the petitioners

preferred a criminal appeal which was registered as Cr. Appeal No.23 of


2008 /14 of 2008 and during the pendency of appeals, the petitioners were

released on bail .

19. That, it is stated that the said Criminal Appeal was finally heard

by the learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.6

Sitamarhi ,who also disposed of the appeal filed by the petitioners vide

judgment and order dated 30.08.2010 and affirmed the order passed by

the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sheohar at Sitamarhi

vide judgment and order dated 30.08.2010 with some partial modification

after reducing the period of sentence without applying his judicial mind.

20. That, it is stated that since the petitioners are poor

person ,therefore, after filing of the present appeal in the year 2008 ,the

petitioners had gone to outside the State for earning their livelihood and the

appeal was taken up for such a long time and ultimately the appeal was
dismissed on 30.08.2010 but the learned Counsel appearing on behalf of

the petitioners in the appeal did not inform the petitioners about the

dismissal of appeal and when the petitioners have come their native

village , they have got knowledge of the dismissal of appeal then they

surrendered before the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Sheohar at Sitamarhi on 29.11.2010

A true photo stat copy of the

surrender slip is annexed herewith and


marked as ANNEXURE- “2” to this


21. That, it is stated that in view of the aforesaid facts and material

available on record ,the impugned orders is fit to be set aside.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 30.08.2010 passed by

Sri Arbind Kumar Pandey , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court

No.6 , Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 23 of 2008 /14

of 2008 as also the judgment and order dated

28.03.2008 passed by the learned Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate , Sheohar at Sitamarhi in Trial

No.758 of 2008 arising out of G.R. No.477 of

1991, the above named petitioners beg to prefer

this revision application on amongst the other



I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned trial court

as well as appellate court is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the statement of the witnesses before the


Investigating Officer under Section 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure

as well as evidences of the witnesses before the court .

III. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the statement of the prosecution witnesses .

IV. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to examine the most important witnesses such as informant ,

Investigating Officer of the case as well as the doctor who examined the

injured .

V. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to produce any independent witness to establish his case rather all
the witnesses are interested witness and their statements are not

trustworthy .

VI. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that P.W.2 in his

evidence said that he along with P.W.1 went to rescue them but the P.W.1

in his evidence said that he has got no knowledge about the occurrence.

VII. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that since the case lodged


by the informant is false and concocted ,therefore, no any independent

witnesses have come to support the case of the informant .

VIII. For that , if the order of the learned trial court as well as

appellate court are allowed to be continued ,it will amount to miscarriage of


IX. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law as well as

facts and fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this application,

issue notice to the opposite-party ,call for the

records of the learned court below and after

hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the judgment and order dated 30.08.2010

passed by Sri Arbind Kumar Pandey , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court

No.6 , Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 23 of 2008 /14

of 2008 as also the judgment and order dated

28.03.2008 passed by the learned Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate , Sheohar at Sitamarhi in Trial

No.758 of 2008 arising out of G.R. No.477 of




Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

petitioners be enlarged on bail to the satisfaction

of the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate

, Sheohar at Sitamarhi in Trial No.758 of 2008

arising out of G.R. No.477 of 1991.

And for this ,the petitioners shall ever pray.




Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;

In the matter of :-

1. Ram Swaroop Paswan , son of Late Bhukhlu Paswan ,

2. Chandeshwar Paswan , son of Rameshwar Paswan ,

3. Ram Nandan Paswan , son of Hardeo Paswan ,

All resident of village- Bhoraha , Tola- Gaus Nagar , P.S.

Belsand ,District – Sitamarhi.



The State of Bihar…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon'ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her


Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioners above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 30.08.2010 passed by Sri Arvind Kumar Pandey , the

learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.6 , Sitamarhi

in Cr. Appeal no. 25 of 2008 / 13 of 2008 , whereby and where under the

learned Additional Sessions Judge has been pleased to dispose of the

criminal appeal filed by the petitioners and confirmed the judgment and
order dated 28.03.2008 passed by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Sheohar at Sitamarhi in Trial No.758 of 2008 arising out of

G.R. No.477 of 1991 / Belsand P.S. Case No.31 of 1991 with some partial

modification after reducing the period of sentence , by which the learned

Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate has been pleased to convict the

petitioners Under Sections 147,148, 323 and 452 of the Indian Penal Code

and sentenced the petitioner no.1 to undergo R.I. for two years and also to

pay a fine of Rs.1,000/- under Section 148 of the Indian Penal Code and

in default of payment of fine to further undergo S.I. for one month , further

sentenced to undergo R.I. for two years and also pay a fine of Rs.1,000/-

and in default of payment of fine to further undergo S.I. for one month

under Section 452 of the Indian Penal Code . The petitioner nos. 2 and 3


were sentenced to undergo R.I. for one year each and also to pay fine of

Rs.500/- each and in default of payment of fine to undergo S.I. for 15 days

each under Section 147 and 323 of the Indian Penal Code ,they were

further sentenced to undergo R.I. for two years each and also to pay fine

of Rs.1,000/- each under Section 452 of the Indian Penal Code and in

default of payment of fine to further undergo S.I. for one month each

however all the sentences will run concurrently.

2. That, the petitioners have not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgments and orders.

3. That, the prosecution case ,in nut shell, as per the First

Information Report is that the brothers of the informant namely Rajendra

Paswan and Gajendra Paswan were returning after attending the call of

nature and when they reached near Maharani Asthan Paswan raised alarm

of “Gidar- Gidar” on which all the accused persons including the

petitioners having armed with variously deadly weapons came there and

they started to assault both of them with their respective weapons .It is

further alleged that on hearing alarm of Rajendra Paswan and Gajendra

Paswan , the informant Raj Kishore Paswan rushed to rescue them , the

accused persons including the petitioners started to assault him also with

Lathi and Farsa . It is further alleged that when the informant rushed

towards his house then accused persons including the petitioners also

chased him and entered into his house and assaulted the informant , his


mother , Bhabhi and father brutally . The cause behind the occurrence is

that prior to 15 days there had been some altercation taken place in between

the informant and the accused persons for passage ( Rasta ) for which a

Panchayati was held and due to that annoyance , the occurrence had been

taken place by the accused persons.

4. That, it is stated that on the basis of the aforesaid statement of

the informant , Belsand Police drew up a formal First Information Report

and registered a case being Belsand P.S. Case No. 31 of 1991 attributing

offences under Section 147,148,149,307 , 323, 324 and 452 of the Indian

Penal Code.

5. That, it is stated that after institution of the First Information

Report , Police proceeded with the investigation .

6. That, it is stated that after investigation of the case ,the police

submitted charge-sheet against the petitioners and others under the

aforementioned Sections .

7. That, it is stated that after submission of charge-sheet ,the

learned Magistrate took cognizance against the petitioners and others under

Sections 147,148,149,307 , 323, 324 and 452 of the Indian Penal Code.

8. That, it is stated that after order taking cognizance ,the case

was committed to the court of Sessions and the case was transferred the

court of learned 1st Assistant Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi for trial but the

learned 1st Assistant Sessions Judge sent the case to the court of learned


Chief Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi Under Section 228 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure since the offence under Section 307 of the Indian

Penal Code was not prima-facie made out against the accused persons.

9. That, it is stated that thereafter the charges were framed

against the petitioner nos. 2 and 3 under Sections 147, 323 and 452 of the

Indian Penal Code whereas the charges were framed against the petitioner

no.1 under Sections 148,324 and 452 of the Indian Penal Code by the
learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi vide order dated 12.08.1994

and after framing the charges , the case was transferred for trial and

disposal to the court of learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Sheohar at Sitamarhi and at the time of framing of the charge , the

petitioner and others pleaded not guilty and claimed to be tried .

10. That, it is stated that during the course of trial altogether Five

prosecution witnesses were examined by prosecution such as P.W.1 Sajjan

Paswan , P.W.2 Shatrughan Paswan , P.W.3 Rajendra Paswan , P.W.4

Mautunia Devi and P.W.5 Gajendra Paswan.

11. That, it is stated that one witness P.W.1 namely Sajjan Paswan

was declared hostile.

12. That, it is stated that in the present case , the prosecution has

failed to examine the important witness namely informant ,Investigating

Officer of the case and Doctor who examined the injured ,whose evidence is

very necessary to come to the conclusion of the case.


13. That, it is stated that in his deposition P.W2 said that he

along with P.W.1 went to rescue them but the P.W.1 in his evidence said

that he has got no knowledge about the occurrence which falsifies the

evidence of the P.W.2 itself.

14. That, it is stated that during the course of trial , the injury

received by the injured were not exhibited by the prosecution as also the
doctor was not examined by the prosecution version ,therefore, the so-

called injury report was not a valid evidence of proof.

15. That, it is stated that all the prosecution witnesses are

interested witness and ,therefore, their evidence is not the trustworthy .

16. That, it is stated that in the present case the Investigating

Officer was also not examined by the prosecution , whose evidence is

essential to coming into the conclusion of the case.

17. That, it is stated that in the evidences of witnesses serious

contradiction to each other and they also deposed contradictory to the

statement given by them before the Investigating Officer under Section 161

of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

18. That, it is stated that the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Sheohar , without taking into the consideration the material

available on record as well as the prosecution failed to produce the

independent witnesses and also there is serious contradiction in between the

deposition of each other , convicted the Under Sections 147,148, 323 and


452 of the Indian Penal Code and sentenced the petitioner no.1 to

undergo R.I. for two years and also to pay a fine of Rs.1,000/- under

Section 148 of the Indian Penal Code , further sentenced to undergo R.I.

for two years and also pay a fine of Rs.1,000/- under Section 452 of the

Indian Penal Code . The petitioner nos. 2 and 3 were sentenced to undergo

R.I. for one year each and also to pay fine of Rs.500/- each and under
Section 147 and 323 of the Indian Penal Code ,they were further

sentenced to undergo R.I. for two years each and also to pay fine of

Rs.1,000/- each under Section 452 of the Indian Penal Code however all

the sentences will run concurrently.

A certified copy of the judgment and

order dated 28.03.2008 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

18. That, it is stated that against the order dated 28.03.2008 passed

by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sheohar ,the petitioners

preferred a criminal appeal which was registered as Cr. Appeal No.25 of

2008 /13 of 2008 and during the pendency of appeals, the petitioners were

released on bail .

19. That, it is stated that the said Criminal Appeal was finally heard

by the learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.6


Sitamarhi ,who also disposed of the appeal filed by the petitioners vide

judgment and order dated 30.08.2010 and affirmed the order passed by

the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sheohar at Sitamarhi

vide judgment and order dated 30.08.2010 with some partial modification

after reducing the period of sentence without applying his judicial mind.
20. That, it is stated that since the petitioners are poor

person ,therefore, after filing of the present appeal in the year 2008 ,the

petitioners had gone to outside the State for earning their livelihood and the

appeal was taken up for such a long time and ultimately the appeal was

dismissed on 30.08.2010 but the learned Counsel appearing on behalf of

the petitioners in the appeal did not inform the petitioners about the

dismissal of appeal and when the petitioners have come their native

village , they have got knowledge of the dismissal of appeal then they

surrendered before the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Sheohar at Sitamarhi on 06.12.2010.

A true photo stat copy of the

surrender slip is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “2” to this


21. That, it is stated that in view of the aforesaid facts and material

available on record ,the impugned orders is fit to be set aside.


Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 30.08.2010 passed by

Sri Arbind Kumar Pandey , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court

No.6 , Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 25 of 2008 /13

of 2008 as also the judgment and order dated

28.03.2008 passed by the learned Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate , Sheohar at Sitamarhi in Trial

No.758 of 2008 arising out of G.R. No.477 of

1991, the above named petitioners beg to prefer

this revision application on amongst the other



I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned trial court

as well as appellate court is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the statement of the witnesses before the

Investigating Officer under Section 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure

as well as evidences of the witnesses before the court .


III. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the statement of the prosecution witnesses .

IV. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has
failed to examine the most important witnesses such as informant ,

Investigating Officer of the case as well as the doctor who examined the

injured .

V. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to produce any independent witness to establish his case rather all

the witnesses are interested witness and their statements are not

trustworthy .

VI. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that P.W.2 in his

evidence said that he along with P.W.1 went to rescue them but the P.W.1

in his evidence said that he has got no knowledge about the occurrence.

VII. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that since the case lodged

by the informant is false and concocted ,therefore, no any independent

witnesses have come to support the case of the informant .


VIII. For that , if the order of the learned trial court as well as

appellate court are allowed to be continued ,it will amount to miscarriage of


IX. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law as well as

facts and fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this application,

issue notice to the opposite-party ,call for the

records of the learned court below and after

hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the judgment and order dated 30.08.2010

passed by Sri Arbind Kumar Pandey , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court

No.6 , Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 25 of 2008 /13

of 2008 as also the judgment and order dated

28.03.2008 passed by the learned Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate , Sheohar at Sitamarhi in Trial

No.758 of 2008 arising out of G.R. No.477 of



Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships


may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

petitioners be enlarged on bail to the satisfaction

of the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate

, Sheohar at Sitamarhi in Trial No.758 of 2008

arising out of G.R. No.477 of 1991.

And for this ,the petitioners shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Ashish Kumar Singh @ Tinku , son of Anirudh Kumar Singh ,

Resident of village- Andah , P.S. Pandaul ,District - Madhubani.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Mamta Kumari , wife of Ashish Kumar Singh @ Tinku ,

Daughter of Jang Bahadur Singh , resident of Mohalla- Sharda

Nagar, Ward No.27, Saharsa, P.S. Saharsa , District – Saharsa.



The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her


Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 06.12.2010 passed by Sri Dharam Netajee , the learned

Principal Judge, Family Court, Saharsa in Misc. Case No.63 of 2010 ,

whereby and where under the learned Principal Judge has been pleased to

direct the petitioner to pay a sum of Rs.5,000/- to the Opposite-party no.2

by way of maintenance from the date of filing of the maintenance case . The

petitioner has been further directed to make payment of arrears of

maintenance in three equal installments within three months .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court any time earlier against the impugned order .

3. That, the facts giving rise to the present revision application is

that the Opposite-party no.2 was married with the petitioner as per Hindu

Rites and custom on 03.06.2009 . Offerings were also given at the time of

marriage by her parents as per their capacity . The Opposite-party no.2

further alleged that she went to her Sasural , where she lived in good

condition for 10-15 days and thereafter the petitioner and his other

family members started to demand further Rs.1 Lacs for doing business

for which the Opposite-party no.2 informed her parents and the parents of


the Opposite-party no.2 any how managed Rs.25,000/- and the same was

given to the petitioner even then the petitioner and his other family

members did not satisfy from the same then she subjected to cruelty and

torture and lastly on 01.09.2009 ,the Opposite-party was ousted from the
house after assaulting her for which a criminal case was also lodged by

the Opposite-party no.2 before the Court. It is further alleged that the

parent of the Opposite-party no.2 also expending money for study of the

Opposite-party no.2 worth Rs.2,000/- per month . The Opposite-party no.2

further alleged that the petitioner is a practicing Homeopathic Doctor

and earning Rs.15,000/- per month . She further alleged that the petitioner

is only one son of his parents and about 15 Bighas of land to the father of

the petitioner from which agricultural income comes Rs.1,50,000/- per

annum. It is further alleged that the mother of the petitioner is a

Government Teacher and the father of the petitioner is also a

Homeopathic Doctor.

4. That, it is stated that the aforesaid maintenance case filed by

the Opposite-party no.2 on 13.04.2010 in the court of learned Principal

Judge, Family Court, Saharsa was registered as Misc. Case No.63 of


A true photo stat copy of the plaint

of Misc. Case No.63 of 2010 is


annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

5. That, it is pertinent to mention here that just after the

marriage ,the Opposite-party no.2 had gone to her parental house from the
house of the petitioner but thereafter she did not return even after the best

efforts of the petitioner .

6. That, it is stated that when the Opposite-party no.2 did not turn

up to return her matrimonial house then the petitioner filed a case in the

court of learned Principal Judge , Family Court, Madhubani on

20.03.2010 for restitution of their conjugal rights .

A true photo stat copy of the

Matrimonial case filed by the

petitioner on 20.03.2010 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” to this application.

7. That, it is stated that after getting the knowledge of the

aforesaid matrimonial case filed by the petitioner , the Opposite-party

no.2 filed the present miscellaneous case for maintenance on 13.04.2010.

8. That, it is stated that not even only the present case, the

Opposite-party no.2 also filed a complaint case in the court of learned

Chief Judicial Magistrate , Saharsa on 05.04.2010 against the petitioner

and other family members under Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code


and Section 3/ 4 of the Dowry Prohibition Act which was registered as

Complaint Case No. 500 of 2010 .

A true photo stat copy of the

complaint case no.500 of 2010 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “3” to this application.

9. That, it is stated that on solemn affirmation in the complaint

case, the Opposite-party no.2 herself admitted on the court question that her

husband is unemployed and father-in-law has been dismissed from the


10. That, the fact is that the Opposite-party no.2 herself did not

ready to live with the petitioner even after the best efforts of the petitioner

rather the petitioner ready to keep the Opposite-party no.2 with full dignity

and surety .

11. That, it is stated that petitioner himself a student of IIIrd Part

of Pre-Law and the petitioner himself is the fully dependent upon his


A true photo stat copy of the Identity

Card is annexed herewith and marked

as ANNEXURE- “4” to this



12. That, it is stated that in the complaint case filed by the

Opposite-party no.2 , a non-bailable warrant of arrest was issued by the

learned court below in which the petitioner applied for anticipatory bail

before this Hon'ble Court which is pending for consideration.

13. That, it is stated that since against the petitioner , non-bailable

warrant of arrest was issued ,therefore, the petitioner filed an application

before the learned Principal Judge, Family Court, Saharsa through the

Advocate on 04.11.2010 for grant of time for appearance of the petitioner

in the court after granting bail by this Hon'ble Court.

A true photo stat copy of the petition

dated 04.11.2010 is annexed herewith

and marked as ANNEXURE- “5” to

this application.

14. That, it is stated that in fact the father of the petitioner had

only three acres of land including unfertile land but the Opposite-party no.2

wrongly mentioned 15 Bighas of Land.

15. That, it is stated that the Opposite-party no.2 failed to produce

any supporting documents in support of the case filed by her regarding

income of the petitioner as well as the landed property .

16. That, in fact the Opposite-party no.2 herself deserted the life of

the petitioner and she did not ready to live with the petitioner even after the

best efforts made by him .

17. That, the learned Principal Judge, Family Court , Sitamarhi

passed the ex-parte impugned judgment and order dated

06.12.2010 ,whereby and where under the learned Principal Judge has been

pleased to direct the petitioner for payment of maintenance to the Opposite-

party no.2 at the rate of 5000/- per month under Section 125 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure . The learned Principal Judge has also been pleased to

direct the petitioner to make payment of arrears of maintenance within

three months in three equal installments.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 06.12.2010 passed by

Sri Dharam Netajee , the learned Principal Judge,

Family Court, Saharsa in Misc. Case No.63 of

2010 ,the above named petitioner begs to prefer

this revision application on amongst the other



I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while passing the impugned order , the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that in view of the fact that the

Opposite-party no.2 is herself not ready to live with the petitioner since the

petitioner himself filed a matrimonial case for restitution of their conjugal

rights in the court of learned Principal Judge, Family Court ,

Madhubani ,therefore, the Opposite-party no.2 is not entitled to get any

maintenance or interim maintenance under Section 125 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure .

III. For that, while passing the impugned order, the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that even after the best efforts of the

petitioner ,the Opposite-party no.2 did not ready to live with the petitioner .

IV. For that, while passing the impugned order ,the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that the Opposite-party no.2 herself

deserted the life of the petitioner though the petitioner is ready to keep the

Opposite-party no.2 with full dignity and surety ,therefore, she would

cannot be entitled to any maintenance under the provisions of Section 125

of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

V. For that, while passing the impugned order ,the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that in any event an order for payment of

interim maintenance cannot be passed with retrospective effect i.e. from the

date of filing of maintenance case.

VI. For that, while passing the impugned order ,the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that the Opposite-party herself admitted


in the complaint case on solemn affirmation upon the court question that the

petitioner is an unemployed and his father is also dismissed from the

service .

VII. For that, while fixing the maintenance , the learned Principal

Judge failed to appreciate that the petitioner is himself a student of 3 rd Part

Pre- Law and he is fully dependant on his parents .

VIII. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned Principal

Judge without providing proper opportunity of hearing to the petitioner

though the petitioner had already filed a petition through the Advocate

about the reasoning of non-presence in the court .

IX. For that, the maintenance fixed by the learned Principal Judge

is excessive than the income of the petitioner .

X. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party no.2

and after hearing the parties be further pleased to

set aside the judgment and order dated 06.12.2010

passed by Sri Dharam Netajee , the learned

Principal Judge, Family Court, Saharsa in Misc.

Case No.63 of 2010 .



Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

operation of the impugned judgment and order

dated 06.12.2010 passed in Misc. Case No.63 of

2010 may kindly be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. ( Crl.) NO.________________________/ OF 2011. ( Limitation )


CR. REV. NO._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Section -5 of Limitation Act ;


In the matter of :-

1.Surendra Singh @ Surendra Prasad Singh, Son of Late Ram Swaroop

Singh , resident of village- Akilpur , P.S. Sonepur ,District – Saran at


2. Manoj Singh ,son of Surendra Singh ,

resident of village- Akilpur , P.S. Sonepur ,District – Saran at Chapra.

…………………………... PETITIONERS


1.The State of Bihar.

2. Chandrama Singh ,son of Late Vyas Singh ,

3. Bashistha Singh, son of Banaras Singh,

4. Dilip Singh ,son of Jayanandan Singh,

All resident of village- Akilpur , P.S. Sonepur ,District – Saran

at Chapra.



The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble limitation petition on

behalf of the petitioners above named;


1. That, this application is being filed with a prayer for condoning

the delay in filing the present criminal revision application arising out of

order dated 26th July , 2010 in Sessions Trial No.206 of 2010 passed by

learned 3rd Additional Sessions Judge , Saran at Chapra arising out of

Sonepur P.S. Case No.129 of 2008 dated 31.05.2008 registered for the

offences under Sections 302/34 of the Indian Penal Code and Section -27

of the Arms Act, whereby and where under the petitioners have not been

discharged from the charges .

2. That, the impugned order was passed on 26.07.2010 but

petitioners were engaged in the treatment of their mother and grand

mother respectively ,who was admitted at All India Institute of Medical

Sciences , New Delhi as such they were at New Delhi for treatment of

their mother and grand mother respectively .

3. That, the petitioners when they were at New Delhi in the

meantime the mother of the petitioner no.1 was passed away during her

treatment in the month of September, 2010.

4. That, the petitioner no.1 after the Sharadh ceremony was on

bed due to suffering from Jaundice .

5. That, when the petitioner no.1 became free from illness then

petitioner no.1 approached his counsel on 05.01.2011 for filing of the

revision .

6. That, the counsel for the petitioners examined the entire

records of the case and finally drafted then filed on .01.2011.

7. That, the order was passed in Sessions Trial No.206 of 2010

on 26.07.2010 and the petitioners should be filed on or before 27.10.2010.

8. That, the revision should be filed after deduction of

consumed period on 27.10.2010 but it has been going to be filed .

Altogether delay is 84 days approx after deduction of the period given in

the Act i.e. 90 days.

9. That, it is humbly and respectfully submitted that there is no

deliberate and intentional delay on the part of the petitioners to file this

criminal revision within the limitation period.

10. That, in view of the facts mentioned above , it would be

appropriate to condone the delay in filing the present petition.

11. That, the petitioners have not filed any other interlocutory

application for condonation of delay in filing of the present memo of

criminal revision

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to allow this

application and accordingly be pleased to

condone the delay in filing of the present memo of

criminal revision .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioners shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. No._________________/OF 2011.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

1.Surendra Singh @ Surendra Prasad Singh, Son of Late Ram Swaroop

Singh , resident of village- Akilpur , P.S. Sonepur ,District – Saran at


2. Manoj Singh ,son of Surendra Singh ,

resident of village- Akilpur , P.S. Sonepur ,District – Saran at Chapra.

…………………………... PETITIONERS


1.The State of Bihar.

2. Chandrama Singh ,son of Late Vyas Singh ,

3. Bashistha Singh, son of Banaras Singh,

4. Dilip Singh ,son of Jayanandan Singh,

All resident of village- Akilpur , P.S. Sonepur ,District – Saran

at Chapra.



The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of the

petitioners above named;


1. That, the present petition of revision is directed against the

order dated 26th July , 2010 in Sessions Trial No.206 of 2010 passed by

learned 3rd Additional Sessions Judge , Saran at Chapra arising out of

Sonepur P.S. Case No.129 of 2008 dated 31.05.2008 registered for the

offences Under Sections 302/34 of the Indian Penal Code and Section -27

of the Arms Act ,whereby and where under the petitioners have not been

discharged from the charges.

2. That, the petitioners have not moved before this Hon'ble Court

earlier at any stage against the order dated 26.07.2010 passed by the learned

3rd Additional Sessions Judge , Saran at Chapra in Sessions Trial No.206

of 2010.

3. That, the prosecution case ,in short , as disclosed in the

Fardbeyan of one Chandrama Singh which was recorded by one Sub-

Inspector on 30.05.2008 at Sadar Hospital ,Hajipur ,alleging interalia as

follows :-

(i) That, at around 9.00 Clock on 30.05.2008 , the informant was

in his farm situated towards the west of the road at Akilpur

Mauza . The brother of the informant namely Shiv Prasad

Singh @ Shivji Singh was returning to his home and the

moment he reached near Vishwakarma Temple he was

surrounded by nine named accused persons armed with

weapons including the petitioner .

(ii) It is alleged that the brother of the informant cried that he

would be killed and thereafter the informant ran towards

him ,there he witnessed that all named accused persons had

apprehended his brother . Accused Surendra Singh directed to

all Shivji Singh and on this Rakesh Kumar Singh @ Pappu

Singh fired shot ,hitting his brother and thereafter the brother

of the informant fell down.

(iii) It is further alleged that all named accused persons threatened

the informant to flee away but the informant started crying and

thereafter Bashishtha Singh and Dilip Singh as well as other

persons came there running and then the named accused

persons fled away.

(iv) It is further stated that the informant carried his brother t the

Hajipur Hospital after loading him in a vehicle and there he was

declared dead.

(v) It is further claimed that the named accused persons killed the

brother of the informant . The reason for the incident is said to

be the farming of water melon by the Bataidar of the informant

as accused persons demanded extortion money and forcibly

occupied the same . A First Information Report bearing

Sonepur P.S. CaseNo.33 of 2007 was instituted for the same

wherein the case is going on against four named accused

persons. The accused persons are allegedly applying pressure

on the Bataidar to withdraw and compromise the case.

(vi) It is also alleged that a case is also going on against Rajdeo

Sharma @ Raja and Satish Sharma and the deceased was

taking carte of the case and for the aforesaid reason , the

accused persons have committed this offence.

4. That, on the basis of the aforesaid Fardbeyan of the

informant , a First Information Report was drawn up on 31.05.2008 and

registered as Sonepur P.S. Case No.129 of 2008 under Section 302/34 of the

Indian Penal Code and Section -27 of the Arms Act.

A true /photo stat copy of the F.I.R.

of Sonepur P.S. Case No.129 of 2008

is annexed hereto and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this petition.

5. That, petitioners are quite innocent and have been falsely

implicated in this case due to previous enmity and dirty village politics.

6. That, the whole First Information Report is nothing but bundle

of lies , concocted and false.

7. That, previously one false case i.e. Sonepur P.S. CaseNo.33 of

2007 was filed by the informant side ( Sunil Kumar son of Chandradeo Rai ,

resident of village – Manua , District – Vaishali) under Sections 384/506/34

of the Indian Penal Code .

In this case a dispute was prevailing between the parties

over a land . The informant Sunil Kumar is the Bataidar of the informant of

Sonepur P.S. Case No.129 of 2008.

8. That ,it is pertinent to mention here that a proceeding under

Section -144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure was initiated with respect

to same land by the informant and the same was dropped vide order dated

19.06.2007 , passed by the Sub- Divisional Magistrate , Sonepur ,Saran.

9. That, further the informant filed a criminal revision vide

Criminal Revision No.288 of 2007 against the order dated 19.06.2007

before learned Sessions Judge ,Saran which was dismissed on 13.08.2007.

10. That, it is also relevant to mention here that all the

independent witnesses have clearly stated that the whole First

Information Report is false.

11. That, further it is also relevant to mention here that after

hearing all the parties ,petitioners ,informant and learned Public

Prosecutor , learned Sessions Judge , Saran at Chapra has observed and

clearly stated in the order that “ admittedly the land belongs to these

petitioners and there was a proceeding under Section 144 of the Code

of Criminal Procedure and other cases which are connected with

these case were decided in favour of the petitioners”.

12. That, it has become crystal clear from the above stated

paragraphs that the informant of Sonepur P.S. Case No.33 of 2007 is a

guided Missile in the hands of the informant of Sonepur P.S. Case No.129

of 2008 . It has also become crystal clear that the whole First Information

Report is nothing but a bundle of lies.

13. That, the most remarkable matter in this regard is that the

falsity of the case , filed by the informant Sunil Kumar ( Bataidars of the

informant Chandrama Singh of the Sonepur P.S. Case No.129 of 2008 )

reveals the intention and the mental world and dase- devilness of creating

and lodging the false case.

14. That, the deceased namely Shivji Singh was a man of

criminal antecedent and several criminal cases of serious nature such as

murder , attempt to murder etc. are pending against him and his family

members . It is relevant to refer here some of the cases instituted against

him and is family members e.g. Sonepur P.S. Case No. 146/1992 ,

Sonepur P.S. Case No. 34/2000 ,Dariyapur P.S. Case No.103/2007 and

Dariyapur P.S. Case No.71 of 2008 etc. in view of the aforesaid fact this

possibility cannot be ruled out that persons inimical to him might have

killed the deceased . It is quite pertinent to state here in this context that

the sons of the deceased namely Nawal Singh and Dilip Singh came to

know any how that their father namely Shivji Singh has been killed by one

Shankar Singh of Fatehpur ( Raghopur ) of the Vaishali District

and ,therefore, just few days after the death of their father they forcibly

took out the said Shankar Singh while traveling in a Tempo and killed

him by sharp edged weapon and threw his dead body in the rider . The

aforesaid occurrence was also reported in the News Paper .

A true /photo stat copy of the News

Paper is annexed hereto and marked

as ANNEXURE- “2” to this petition.

15. That, it is also relevant to mention here that the occurrence

took place on 30.05.2008 and on 31.05.2008 in the daily News Paper “

Hindustan” it was published that two unknown persons riding on

Motorcycle have committed this offence. This is the real fact of the

occurrence which has become clear later on when the two sons of the

deceased killed one Sikandar Singh by sharp weapons and threw his

dead body in the rider . The said Shankar Singh is not an accused in the

First Information Report ,who is in fact the real and main accused . This

also indicates that the First Information Report is nothing but a bundle of


16. That, one aspect which has paramount importance in

revealing the falsity of the case is that one Indal Singh @ Indra Mohan

Singh ,who has also been made an accused in this case whereas in fact he

was not present even in the Vaishali District on that day. He was at

Samastipur to participate in physical efficiency test conducted by East

Central Railway ( Recruitment Cell ) on 30.05.2008 , the reporting time

was 8.00A.M. He had participated and qualified . This reality reveals the

fact that the First Information Report is absolutely false.

A true /photo stat copy of the call

letter is annexed hereto and marked as

ANNEXURE- “3” to this petition,

17. That, even the full brother of Indal Singh has also been made

an accused in this case which also indicates the falsity of the case . For

sake of justice the old aged mother namely Deopari Devi had given a

written application to the Deputy Inspector General of Police , Tirhut

Range , Muzaffarpur to save the life of her both sons ,who are absolutely


A true /photo stat copy of the

application is annexed hereto and

marked as ANNEXURE- “4” to this

application .

18. That, it is also pertinent to mention here that considering the

genuine demand and appearing false implication at first glance of the

First Information Report ,Deputy Inspector General of Police , Tirhut

Range , Muzaffarpur wrote a letter to the Superintendent of Police ,Saran at

Chapra through vide letterno.1977 dated 08.12.2008 in which he has

clearly stated that examine and inquire this matter in Videography and

submit the report.

A true /photo stat copy of the letter

no.1977 dated 08.12.2008 is annexed

hereto and marked as ANNEXURE-

“5” to this application.

19. That, it is also important to mention here that almost all

accused persons have been granted anticipatory bail by this Hon'ble Court

except Rakesh Singh ,who has been made he main accused and one or

two persons .

20. That, as per the falsity of the case in the context of petitioner

Surendra Singh and his son is that he is a Headmaster of School and he

was busy the entire day with Block Education Extension Officer on

30.05.2008 .It has been clearly stated by the Block Education Extension

Officer that Surendra Singh was with him for the entire day . Except this

there are more evidences to support this fact that Surendra Singh had

come to the school and left the school. Observing this reality this Hon'ble

Court granted bail to Surendra Singh.

A true /photo stat copy of the bail

order of Hon'ble Court is annexed

hereto and marked as ANNEXURE-

“6” to this application.

21. That, it is stated clearly before the learned Additional

Sessions Judge ,Saran at Chapra that petitioner no.1 was busy the entire

day with the Block Education Extension Officer ,who came to investigate

the school .It is also stated that a number of paragraphs of the case-diary

in which the witnesses have stated that petitioner no.1 was on his duty and

Manoj Kumar petitioner no.2 was at his Sasural at village – Dabha within

District of Samastipur . Manoj Kumar Singh is working as L.I.C. Agent

at Samastipur.

22. That, the petitioners are men of clean antecedent .

23. That, it has become crystal clear from the above stated

paragraphs that the whole First Information Report is nothing but a bundle

of lies and the petitioners are quite innocent .The have been made an

escape goat in this case only due to the previous enmity and dirty village


24. That, in view of the matter, the impugned order is fit to be set


Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied

with the impugned order of not discharging dated

26.07.2010 passed by learned 3rd Additional

Sessions Judge , Saran at Chapra in Sessions

Trial No.206 of 2010 , the above named

petitioners beg to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, the learned trial court wrongly passed the order

without applying the reasonable mind and without going in its totality.

III. For that, the learned trial court has committed serious

illegality in rejecting the prayer of discharging the petitioners from a false


IV. For that, the learned trial court could not bother to go in depth

to analyze the case in its totality for sake of justice.

V. For that ,learned trial court did not appreciate the fact that

Surendra Singh was busy entire day with Block Education Extension

Officer which have been corroborated by the other independent witnesses

also on the case-diary .

VI. For that, the learned trial court did not appreciate the glaring

contradictions which make the case absolutely false.

VII. For that, the learned trial court committed serious illegality in

rejecting the discharge petition of the petitioners in spite of knowing the

reason to implicate the petitioners in this case falsely .

VIII. For that, it appears that learned trial court has performed its

work as if it is stereo typed procedure work.

IX. For that, in any view of the matter, the impugned order of not

discharging has been arrived at by overlooking the material evidence on the

record and also by wrong appreciating of considering the contradictory

statements ,being manifest error on the point of law resulting to

flagrant ,miscarriage of justice .Thus , the impugned order is unsustainable

in the eye of law and fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-

parties ,call for the records of the learned trial

court and after hearing the parties be further

pleased to set

aside the order dated 26.07.2010 passed by

learned 3rd Additional Sessions Judge , Saran at

Chapra in Sessions Trial No.206 of 2010.



Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

operation of the impugned order dated 26.07.2010

and further proceeding in Sessions Trial No.206

of 2010 pending in the court of learned 3 rd

Additional Sessions Judge , Saran at Chapra may

kindly be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioners shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application Under

Section-53 of the Juvenile Justice

( Care& Protection of Children ) Act,



In the matter of :-

Anita Devi, son of Ram Bali Mandal,

Resident of village- Kumhara Bishunpur Mandal Tola , P.S. Dumra ,

District – Sitamarhi.



The State of Bihar.….………………….……OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit, the Hon’ble Chief

Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

dated 18.09.2010 passed by Sri Jagannath Rai , the learned Additional

District & Sessions Judge –cum- Special Judge, Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal

No.61 of 2010/ Sessions Trial No.03 of 2010 whereby and where under the

learned Additional Sessions Judge has been pleased to reject the appeal

filed by the petitioner and confirm the order dated 03.07.2010 passed by

the learned Juvenile Justice Board , Sitamarhi in Gr. No.588 of 2009 ,Trial

No.492 of 2010 arising out of Dumra P.S. Case No.65 of 2009 by which the

learned Juvenile Justice Board has been pleased to declare the son of the

petitioner namely Sunil Kumar as major ( not juvenile ) at the time of

alleged occurrence i.e. 15.02.2009.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court any time earlier against the impugned order .

3. That, the informant namely Umesh Sah filed a written report

before the Station Head Officer of Dumra Police- Station on 20.02.2009 ,

alleging therein that his son Navin Kumar was residing in the house of his

grand father ( Nana ) since childhood for the purposes of reading . The

informant further alleged that on 15.02.2009 at about 11 P.M. one Sunil


Kumar Mandal called his son by telephone for seeing the movie and on his

call , his son had gone with Sunil Mandal but his son did not return to house

till 20.02.2009 . The informant suspected that his son might be kidnapped

by Sunil Mandal for the purposes of ransom.

4. That, on the basis of the aforesaid statement of the informant ,

Dumra Police drew up a formal First Information Report and registered a

case being Dumra P.S. Case No.65 of 2009 dated 20.02.2009 registered for

the offences under Section 364 /34 of the Indian Penal Code and further

added Section 302,201 of the Indian Penal Code.

A true photo stat /typed copy of the

F.I.R. of Dumra P.S. Case No.65 of

2009 is annexed herewith and marked

as ANNEXURE- “1” to this

5. That, it is stated that the son of the petitioner is innocent and

has committed no offence as alleged in the First Information Report rather

the son of the informant was implicated in the present case due to enmity.

6. That, it is stated that after institution of the First Information

Report the police arrested the son of the petitioner and remanded to the

judicial custody.

7. That, it is stated that after the arrest of the son of the

petitioner , the petitioner filed an application before the learned Chief



Magistrate , Sitamarhi for separating the trial of the son of the petitioner

and send the case to the court of learned Juvenile Justice Board ,

Sitamarhi ,since on the date of alleged occurrence , the son of the petitioner

was juvenile i.e. below 18 years.

8. That, it is stated that thereafter the learned Chief Judicial

Magistrate , Sitamarhi separated the trial of son of the petitioner and the

case was sent to the court of learned Juvenile Justice Board , Sitamarhi for

assessment of age of son of the petitioner .

9. That, it is stated that in support of the age of son of the

petitioner , three witnesses namely Anita Devi (petitioner herself ), Gauri

Nandan Singh Headmaster of Lok Nayak Jai Prakash High School ,

Dumra in which the son of the petitioner was schooling and Arun Mandal

teacher of Middle School , Basudeopur Boha , District – Sitamarhi , were

produced before the learned Juvenile Justice Board and all of them deposed

that the son of the petitioner was born on 13.02.1993 and on the date of

alleged occurrence he was below 18 years.

True photo stat/typed copies of the

deposition of witnesses are annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” series to this



10. That, in support of age of the son of the petitioner documentary

evidences were produced before the learned Juvenile Justice Board such as

Admit Card of Matriculation granted by the Bihar School Examination

Board , School Leaving Certificate granted by the Headmaster of Middle

School, Basudeopur , Boha, the Admission Register of Middle School ,

Basudeopur etc. etc. in which the age of son of the petitioner namely Sunil

Kumar was mentioned as 13.02.1993.

True photo stat copies of Admit Card

of Matriculation and School Leaving

Certificate are annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “3” &

“3/1” to this application.

11. That, it is stated that P.W.1 namely Anita Devi ,in her statement

deposed that the age of her son namely Sunil Kumar is aged about 15-16

years and in support of the age of her son she produced the Admit Card

granted by the Bihar School Examination Board in which the date of Birth

of Sunil Kumar is mentioned as 13.02.1993.

12. That ,it is stated that P.W.2 namely Gauri Nandan Singh in his

evidence deposed that Sunil Kumar is the student of School Lok Nayak Jai

Prakash High School , Dumra and he also took admission of Sunil Kumar

in the school on the basis of transfer certificate granted by Middle School,


Basudeopur , Boha in which the date of birth of Sunil Kumar has been

mentioned as 13.02.1993.

13. That, it is stated that P.W.3 Arun Mandal came in the court

with the Admission Register and in his evidence deposed that the age of

Sunil Kumar recorded in the Register is 13.02.1993 and he also deposed

that Sunil Kumar admitted in his school on 09.08.1999.

The petitioner craves indulgence to

produce the Admission Register of

Middle School, Basudeopur at the

time of argument of the case, if

14. That, it is stated that the learned Juvenile Justice Board

disbelieved that the son of the petitioner namely Sunil Kumar was reading

in Lok Nayak Jai Prakash High School, Dumra only on the ground that in

the Admit Card issued by the Bihar School Examination Board shows that

the son of the petitioner filled up his examination form through High

School , Bela Shanti Kutir.

15. That, in this regard it is pertinent to mention here that Lok

Nayak Jai Prakash High School ,Dumra is a private institution and for the

purposes of filling up the examination form Lok Nayak Jai Prakash High

School is tagged with High School Bela Kutir by the order of Bihar


School Examination Board and in this regard a certificate was granted by

the Principal of Lok Nayak Jai Prakash High School on 05.10.2010 .

A true photo stat copy of the

certificate granted by the Principal of

Lok Nayak Jai Prakash High School

on 05.10.2010 is annexed herewith

and marked as ANNEXURE- “4” to

this application.

16. That, it is stated that on the order of the learned Juvenile

Justice Board a Medical Board was also constituted for assessment of age of

the son of the petitioner and accordingly the son of the petitioner appeared
before the Medical Board and Medical Board assessed the age of the son of

the petitioner as major.

A true photo stat/ typed copy of the

Report of the Medical Board is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “5” to this application.

17. That, it is stated that the learned Juvenile Justice Board

disbelieved the evidence of witnesses as well as the documentary evidences

produced by the petitioner ,which is the essential proof/ evidence for

assessing the age of the son of the petitioner and only relied upon the report

of the Medical Board and the learned Juvenile Justice Board vide his


impugned order 03.07.2010 has been pleased to declare the petitioner as

major ( not juvenile).

A true photo stat copy of the order

dated 03.07.2010 passed by the

learned Juvenile Justice Board ,

Sitamarhi is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “6” to this


18. That, it is stated that in presence of the certificate of

Matriculation granted by the Board ,there is no necessity for assessment of

age to constitute the Medical Board but the learned Juvenile Justice Board
constitute the Medical Board and relied upon it and disbelieved the age

mentioned in the matriculation certificate.

19. That, it is stated that against the order of the learned Juvenile

Justice Board , Sitamarhi , the petitioner preferred an appeal before the

learned Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi and registered as Cr. Appeal No.61 of

2010 / Sessions Trial No.03 of 2010 which was finally heard by the learned

Additional Sessions Judge –cum- Special Judge ,Sitamarhi .

20. That, it is stated that learned Additional Sessions

Judge ,without considering the material available on record as also relied

upon the law involved in the case , has been pleased to dismiss the appeal

filed by the


petitioner vide his order dated 03.07.2010 and confirm the order passed by

the learned Juvenile Justice Board, Sitamarhi .

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

order dated 18.09.2010 passed by Sri Jagannath

Rai , the learned Additional District & Sessions

Judge –cum- Special Judge, Sitamarhi in Cr.

Appeal No.61 of 2010/ Sessions Trial No.03 of

2010 and also the order dated 03.07.2010 passed

by the learned Juvenile Justice Board , Sitamarhi

in Gr. No.588 of 2009 ,Trial No.492 of 2010

arising out of Dumra P.S. Case No.65 of 2009 ,the

above named petitioner begs to prefer this revision

application on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while passing the impugned order , the learned courts

below failed to appreciate that the son of the petitioner had appeared in the

Matriculation Examination and in the admit card issued by the Bihar School

Examination Board the age of the son of the petitioner was mentioned as

13.02.1993 ,which is the consistent proof of the age of the son of the

petitioner .


III. For that, while passing the impugned order , the learned courts

below failed to appreciate that the witnesses produced before the learned

Juvenile Justice Board consistently said that the son of the petitioner was

born on 13.02.1993 and on the date of occurrence the son of the petitioner

was minor i.e. below 18 years.

IV. For that, while passing the impugned order, the learned Courts

failed to appreciate that in the evidence of witnesses as well as documentary

evidence there is no difference in between them ,therefore, there is no

occasion to constitute the Medical Board and rely upon the report of the

Medical Board.
V. For that, while passing the impugned order ,the learned courts

ought to have considered upon the report of the Medical Board who assessed

the age of son of the petitioner as major and disbelieved the certificates of

Matriculation where the actual date of birth was mentioned as 13.02.1993

and the same is consistent proof of the age .

VI. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party and

after hearing the parties be further pleased to set

aside the order dated 18.09.2010 passed by Sri

Jagannath Rai , the learned Additional District


& Sessions Judge –cum- Special Judge, Sitamarhi

in Cr. Appeal No.61 of 2010/ Sessions Trial

No.03 of 2010 and also the order dated

03.07.2010 passed by the learned Juvenile Justice

Board , Sitamarhi in Gr. No.588 of 2009 ,Trial

No.492 of 2010 arising out of Dumra P.S. Case

No.65 of 2009.

Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



CR. REV. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-
Pramod Pandit ,son of Chandrika Pandit

Resident of village – Sikandara Tola Patori Musharai , Police- Station-

Sikandara, District – Jamui.

…………………………... PETITIONER


1.The State of Bihar.

2. Tunni Devi, wife of Pramod Pandit ,

Resident of village-Sikandara Tola Patori Musharai , Police- Station –

Sikandara, District – Jamui.



The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of the

petitioner above named;


1. That, this petition has been filed for setting aside the order

dated 07.10.2010 passed by Sri Kameshwar Nath Rai , the learned

Principal Judge, Family Court , Jamui in Maintenance Case No.33 (M)

/2010 ,allowing a sum of Rs.1800/- per month to his wife Tunni Devi from

the date of filing of this petition and pay the amount of maintenance

allowance by 15th of each successive month .

2. That, the petitioner has not come to this Hon'ble Court for

filing previously any petition against this impugned order.

3. That, a petition for maintenance was filed by the Opposite-

party no.2 before the learned Principal Judge , Family Court, Jamui stating

therein that she is the legally wedded wife of petitioner and marriage was

performed in the year 2002 as per Hindu Rites and customs.

4. That, the Opposite-party no.2 has two children from the

wedlock of her husband (petitioner ) namely Khusbu Kumari aged about -6

years and Rohit Kumar aged about 4 years.

5. That, it is stated that a few days after the marriage ,the

petitioner along with relatives started torturing her for non-fulfillment of

their demand of Rs.20,000/- and ultimately she was driven out in the

month of September , 2007 .

6. That, according to the Opposite-party no.2 ( wife of the

petitioner ) ,the Opposite-party no.2 came to their paternal house and filed

a dowry torture case No.529(C) /2008 against the petitioner and his

family members.

7. That , as per the statement of the Opposite-party no.2,

petitioner is the Mechanic and earning Rs.6,000/- per month apart from

having one Bigha of fertile land from which he (petitioner ) has annual

income of Rs.10,000/- . It is also alleged by the Opposite-party no.2 that

petitioner has been neglecting and refusing to maintain the requirement of

the Opposite-party no.2.

8. That, it is pertinent to mention here that without analyzing the

statement of petitioner in its totality the learned court below instead to

the petitioner to award maintenance allowance per month Rs.1200/- to the

applicant (wife ) and Rs.300/-per month to each children . Altogether

Rs.1800/- is being directed by the learned court below on 7 th October,


9. That, the marriage of the petitioner was solemnized in the year

2002 with the Opposite-party no.2 , the conjugal life of the petitioner and

Opposite-party no.2 has been on peacefully and later on two children were


10. That, it is remarkable to mention here that one Prakash Pandit ,

who is the brother-in-law of the Opposite-party no.2 used to come in the

house of the petitioner time to time . His continuous visit in the house of

the petitioner turned into the illicit relationship with the wife of the

petitioner .

11. That, it is also important to mention here that the wife of the

petitioner began to say to the petitioner that she would like to go her

Maike . She began to hammer on this request again and again that she

would go her Maike . Ultimately , petitioner had to option except send her

Maike . After some time petitioner went to his Sasural for taking his family

but she refused vehemently to reside with the petitioner but petitioner made

request several times to come back in her house from her Maike.

12. That , all the request went in vain and ultimately Opposite-

party (wife of the petitioner ) stated clearly that she would not go with him

in his home. Therefore, petitioner came back his house alone.

13. That, all of a sudden the Opposite-party no.2 filed a dowry

torture case no.529(C) of 2008 against the petitioner and his family

members .When he came to know about this case be became shocked .

Petitioner again approached to his wife through his well wishers but no

positive result came.

14. That, the Opposite-party lodged a complaint case bearing

no.529(C) of 2008 in connivance with her brother –in-law namely Prakash

Pandit . Apart from that one Maintenance Case No.33(M) /2010 has been

filed by the wife of the petitioner in the court of learned Principal Judge,

Family Court, Jamui.

It has become crystal clear from the above noted paragraphs

that the brother-in-law of the Opposite-party no.2 is the main architect of

the whole episode .

15. That, the reality is that petitioner is neither a mechanic nor

any kind of land rather he is landless . He is unemployed labour whose

monthly income is hardly Rs.1500/- to Rs.1600/- approximately.

16. That, the fixation of award has been made on the basis of two

things i.e. being a Mechanic getting Rs.6000/- per month as well as

Rs.10,000/- from the land of one Bigha both are absolutely false .

Therefore, the fixation of this award is not justified.

17. That, in spite of all these better experience ,petitioner is

always ready to keep his wife with full dignity and honour.

18. That, in the facts and circumstances in this case ,petitioner is

not in a position to pay the award of Rs.18,000/- per month to the

Opposite-party no.2.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

impugned order dated 07.10.2010 passed by Sri

Kameshwar Nath Rai , the learned Principal

Judge, Family Court, Jamui in Maintenance Case

No.33 ( M)/2010 , the above named begs to

prefer this revision application on amongst the

other following


I. For that, the impugned order of the learned court below is

erroneous and illegal and contrary to the record.

II. For that, the learned court below has not analyzed and

synthesized the case in its totality and due to which could come to a

reasonable stage .

III. For that , the learned court below has not properly appreciated

the evidence and statements lead by the petitioner ,whereas much

emphasis was given on the evidence of Opposite-party no.2.

IV. For that ,the amount of payment of maintenance is beyond the

capacity of the petitioner .

V. For that, petitioner is ready to keep his wife with full dignity

and honour.

VI. For that ,in reality petitioner is landless and unemployed

labour and the amount of maintenance is Rs.1800/- per month which

nothing but excessiveness and excessiveness is the philosophy of

destruction. Therefore ,it is not a balanced and reasonable order of the

learned court below .

VII. For that, when it has become clear that the petitioner has been

made an escape goat by the brother-in-law of his wife and his wife is

indulged with illicit relationship with her brother-in-law and living

continuously in her Maike where here brother-in-law is also living .

Petitioner is suffering from sentiment crisis because his daughter and son

both have been detached from him and living his wife .

VIII. For that, the brother-in-law of the Opposite-party no.2 i.e. wife

of the petitioner , is the main architect of the whole episode . He is the main

culprit but the learned court below is not saying anything upon him, which

indicates that the order is not balance at all.

IX. For that, in the facts and circumstances of the case ,the

impugned order is not sustainable and is liable to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-

parties ,call for the records of the learned court

below and after hearing the parties be further

pleased to set aside the order dated 07.10.2010

passed by Sri Kameshwar Nath Rai , the learned

Principal Judge, Family Court, Jamui in

Maintenance Case No.33 ( M)/2010 .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

operation of the impugned order dated 07.10.2010

passed by Sri Kameshwar Nath Rai , the learned

Principal Judge, Family Court, Jamui in

Maintenance Case No.33 ( M)/2010 may kindly

be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. ( Crl.) NO.________________________/ OF 2010. ( Limitation )


CR. REV. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Section -5 of Limitation Act ;


In the matter of :-

Damodar Singh , son of Late Pradeep Singh ,

Resident of village- Akilpur , P.S. Sonepur ,District – Saran at Chapra.

…………………………... PETITIONER


1.The State of Bihar.

2. Chandrama Singh ,son of Late Vyas Singh ,

3. Bashistha Singh, son of Banaras Singh,

4. Dilip Singh ,son of Jayanandan Singh,

All resident of village- Akilpur , P.S. Sonepur ,District – Saran

at Chapra.



The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble limitation petition on

behalf of the petitioner above named;


1. That, this application is being filed with a prayer for condoning

the delay in filing the present criminal revising arising out of order dated

21s June, 2010 in Sessions Trial No.206 of 2010 passed by learned 3 rd

Additional Sessions Judge , Saran at Chapra arising out of Sonepur P.S.

Case No.129 of 2008 dated 31.05.2008 registered for the offences under

Sections 302/34 of the Indian Penal Code and Section -27 of the Arms

Act, whereby and where under the petitioner has not been discharged from

the charges .

2. That, the impugned order was passed on 21.06.2010 but since

the petitioner has not Opposite-party in the said case and as such he was

not aware regarding the said case.

3. That, the petitioner when he was on bed contacted to his friend

through telephone for getting certified copy of the order dated 21.06.2010

passed in Sessions Trial No.206/10 by learned 3 rd Additional Sessions

Judge , Saran at Chapra.

The friend of the petitioner assured that he ( friend of the

paragraph ) will try to get certified copy of the said order within a week .

After lapse of 10 days , the petitioner again approached to his friend

through telephone about the said order but he replied that he is out of

Station ,therefore, he could not get the certified copy of the said order.

4. That, when the petitioner became free from the illness then

petitioner approached the learned court below for obtaining the

certified copy of the order.

5. That, their requisition has been filed for getting certified

copy of the order on 22.09.2010 and the same has been made available to

the petitioner on 27th September, 2010.

6. That, the petitioner engage a lawyer on 29 th September, 2010

for filing of the revision .

7. That, the counsel for the petitioner examined the entire

records of the case and finally drafted then filed on 12.10.2010.

8. That, the Stamp Reporter pointed out the limitation has been

expired on 23.09.2010 ,therefore, the limitation petition may be filed in this


9. That, the order was passed in Sessions Trial No.206 of 2010

on 21.06.2010 and the petitioner should be filed on or before 21.09.2010.

10. That, the requisition was filed for getting the certified copy of

the said order was made available on 27.09.2010 . Altogether , 6 days has

been consumed for getting the certified copy of the order so the revision

should be filed after deduction of consumed period for getting certified

copy on 27.09.2010 but it has been filed on 12.10.2010 . Altogether delay

is 15 days after deduction of the period given in the Act i.e. 90 days.

11. That, it is humbly and respectfully submitted that there is no

deliberate and intentional delay on the part of the petitioner to file this

criminal revision within the limitation period.

12. That, in view of the facts mentioned above , it would be

appropriate to condone the delay in filing the present petition.

13. That, the petitioner has not filed any other interlocutory

application for condonation of delay in filing of the present memo of

criminal revision

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to allow this

application and accordingly be pleased to

condone the delay in filing of the present memo of

criminal revision .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.




Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application Under

Section-12 of the Juvenile Justice

( Care& Protection of Children ) Act,



In the matter of :-

Kumarjeet Singh @ Kumar Jee , son of Bijay Singh ,

Resident of village- Sita Kund Dih , P.S. Munger Muffasil , District –

Munger, presently residing at Basudeopur Rajput Tola , P.S. Munger

Kotwali, District – Munger.


The State of Bihar.….………………….……OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her


Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

dated 3rd September , 2010 passed in Cr. Appeal No.74 of 2010 by learned

Sri Man Mohan Sharan Lal , Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court
No.2 , Munger ,arising out of order dated 22.06.2010 passed by the learned

Principal Member of Juvenile Justice Board , Munger in G.R. No.600A of

2010 , Munger Kotwali P.S. Case No.128 of 2010 registered for the

offences Under Section 25(10b)A/26/35 of the Arms Act , whereby and

where under the aforesaid appeal preferred by the petitioner in lower

appellate court has been dismissed by observing that there is no infirmity in

order dated 22.06.2010 by which the prayer for release on bail of the

petitioner was rejected .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court any time earlier against the impugned orders .

3. That, the petitioner has been declared as Juvenile by an order

dated 15.06.2010 having his date of birth is 15.01.1995 mentioned in the

Admit Card of Matriculation as well as the testimony of his parents.

4. That, the prosecution case as alleged in the First Information

Report , in brief, is that the informant ,who is the Officer-in-Charge of


Purab Sarai Out Post recorded his self statement on 09/10.04.2010, stating

interalia that when the informant along with police party was on patrol duty

at about 23.45 O’ Clock , all of s sudden the informant heard the sound of

firing and hue and cry and the Station Head Officer of Kotwali was

informed by the informant through wireless and the other patrol party were

also informed by Station Head Officer of Kotwali Police- Station ,Munger

and the informant proceeded towards Dilawarpur and he saw that some
persons assembled there and two persons were being assaulted by the mob

and the police party interfered and came to know that the two miscreants

entered into the house of one Kamrul Haque for committing dacoity .

Thereafter the informant interrogated the petitioner and he disclosed his

name and after being searched one loaded country made pistol was

recovered from the possession of this petitioner and one live cartridge also

and one country made pistol was recovered from the possession of one

Sonu Mian ,whose name was disclosed by this petitioner and seizure list

was prepared and accordingly the First Information Report was lodged

bearing Munger Kotwali P.S. Case No.128 of 2010 dated 10.04.2010

under Sections 25(1-b)A/26/35 of the Arms Act .

A true photo stat as well as typed

copy of the F.I.R. of Munger Kotwali

P.S. Case No.128 of 2010 is annexed


herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

5. That , the petitioner admittedly a juvenile and he has been

falsely implicated in this case due to confusion because the petitioner was

coming from a marriage ceremony of his relative and when he reached

near Dilawarpur and he heard the sound of firing and hulla and due to fear

he started to flee away but on confusion the mob caught him along with
one miscreant Sonu Mian ,who is major and both the pistols were

recovered from his possession but the police has shown the pistols in

possession of the petitioner due to confusion and the seizure list of both

the country made pistol are same . In this way seems to be unbelievable

and in a planned manner the accusation of the petitioner was made.

6. That, the petitioner is a man of clean antecedent and there is

no any case except the present case is pending has been lodged against the

petitioner .

7. That, the petitioner is languishing in remand home since

12.04.2010 without any fault and the father of the petitioner undertakes

that he will not be the associates of any other known criminals and the

father of the petitioner also undertakes that his son shall not accompany

with bad elements of the localities are being released on bail.

8. That, the prayer for bail of the petitioner was rejected by the

learned Juvenile Justice Board , Munger by an order dated 22.06.2010


without considering the material aspect of the case because nothing has

been recovered from the conscious possession of the petitioner rather mob

and police with a view to show his achievement by catching a minor boy

and the lower appellate court has also misconceived the defense of the

petitioner as well as the infirmity committed by the learned Juvenile

Justice Board as per Section -12 of the Juvenile Justice ( Care and

Protection of Children )Act, 2000.

A true photo stat as well as typed

copy of the order dated 22.06.2010

passed by the learned Juvenile Justice

Board, Munger is annexed herewith

and marked as ANNEXURE- “2” to

this application.

9. That, the learned Juvenile Justice Board as well as the learned

lower appellate court has failed to consider that the Sections

25(1-b)A/26/35 of the Arms Act is not made out against the petitioner

because the mob assaulted the petitioner and handed over to the police

but the informant in concocted manners shows the recovery of one loaded

country made pistol along with cartridges in upper pocket of his shirt which

is quite unbelievable .

10. That, it is also very much surprising to mention here that the

description of both country made pistol are quite same and the police


prepared seizure list of one country made pistol against the name of both

accused persons . It is apparent from the case-diary that there is criminal

antecedent against one Sonu Mian ,who has been arrested, it might have

been possible that both the country made pistol , were recovered from his

possession and it has been shown that one country made pistol was

recovered from this petitioner .

11. That, both the learned court below failed to consider that the

petitioner has no concerned with one Sonu Mian simply on the basis of

confessional statement of the informant ,the police concocted the

complicity of the petitioner .

12. That, the learned lower court also failed to consider the clean

antecedent of the petitioner and he has no concerned with the harden

criminal and the petitioner deserves to be released on bail.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

order dated 3rd September , 2010 passed in Cr.

Appeal No.74 of 2010 by learned Sri Man Mohan

Sharan Lal , Additional Sessions Judge , Fast

Track Court No.2 , Munger as well as the order

dated 22.06.2010 passed by the learned Principal

Member of Juvenile Justice Board , Munger in

G.R. No.600A of 2010 , Munger Kotwali P.S.

Case No.128 of 2010,the above named petitioner


begs to prefer this revision application on amongst

the other following


I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, the learned Juvenile Justice Board , Munger as well

as the learned lower Appellate Court failed to consider the age of the
petitioner and rejected the prayer for bail of the petitioner without

considering the facts and circumstances of the case.

III. For that, both the learned courts below have also not

considered the period of custody of the petitioner and passed the order

impugned illegally.

IV. For that, both the learned courts below should have considered

the provisions of Section -12 of the Juvenile Justice ( Care and Protection

of Children )Act, 2000 .

V. For that , the learned court below as well as the appellate court

should have considered the clean antecedent of the petitioner as well as

undertakings given by the father of the petitioner .

VI. For that, the learned Court below as well as learned lower

appellate court should have examined the seizure list prepared by the

informant of this case with regard to description of the country made pistol

is quite same but both the learned court below have failed to consider this

aspect of the case.


VII. For that, both the impugned orders are bad in law and on facts

and the same is fit to be set aside .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party and

after hearing the parties be further pleased to set

aside the order dated 3rd September , 2010

passed in Cr. Appeal No.74 of 2010 by learned Sri

Man Mohan Sharan Lal , Additional Sessions

Judge , Fast Track Court No.2 , Munger as well

as the order dated 22.06.2010 passed by the

learned Principal Member of Juvenile Justice

Board , Munger in G.R. No.600A of 2010 arising

out of Munger Kotwali P.S. Case No.128 of 2010

and be further pleased to enlarge the petitioner on

bail in connection with G.R. No.600A of 2010

arising out of Munger Kotwali P.S .Case No.128

of 2010 to the satisfaction of the learned Juvenile

Justice Board, Munger.



Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.




Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application Under

Section-12 of the Juvenile Justice

( Care& Protection of Children ) Act,



In the matter of :-

Kumarjeet Singh @ Kumar Jee , son of Bijay Singh ,

Resident of village- Sita Kund Dih , P.S. Munger Muffasil , District –

Munger, presently residing at Basudeopur Rajput Tola , P.S. Munger

Kotwali, District – Munger.



The State of Bihar.….………………….……OPPOSITE -PARTY.

The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her


Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

dated 25th September , 2010 passed in Cr. Appeal No.91 of 2010 by learned

Sri Manmohan Sharan Lal , Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court

No.2 , Munger ,arising out of order dated 05.07.2010 passed by the learned

Principal Member of Juvenile Justice Board , Munger in G.R. No.599 of

2010 , Munger Kotwali P.S. Case No.127 of 2010 , whereby and where

under the aforesaid appeal preferred by the petitioner in lower appellate

court has been dismissed by observing that there is no infirmity in order

dated 05.07.2010 by which the prayer for release on bail of the petitioner

was rejected .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court any time earlier against the impugned orders .

3. That, the petitioner has been declared as Juvenile by an order

dated 01.06.2010 having his date of birth is 15.01.1995 mentioned in the

Admit Card of Matriculation as well as the testimony of his parents.

4. That, the prosecution case as alleged in the First Information

Report , in brief, is that on 09/10.04.2010 in the mid night on hearing the

noise of dry leaf of palm tree ,the informant woke up and opened the door


of his house then he saw one person entered into the courtyard and the

other person was on the roof of the informant after raising alarm , the

miscreants shot fire on the informant which hit on the wall and thereafter

they were fleeing away and the neighbours of the informant assembled

there after hearing the sound of ring as well as raised alarm and they

started to chase the miscreants and the villagers caught them and

meanwhile the police force reached there and on being searched two

country made pistols were recovered each from their possession and they

disclosed their name as petitioner and one Sonu Mian . Apart from this 5-6

persons were seen by fleeing away at the time of occurrence and

accordingly the informant has full believed that the miscreants came and

entered into the house for dacoity and accordingly the First Information

Report was lodged bearing Munger Kotwali P.S. Case No.127 of 2010

under Sections 452, 458, 395 of the Indian Penal Code and Section -27 of

the Arms Act .

A true photo stat as well as typed

copy of the F.I.R. of Munger Kotwali

P.S. Case No.127 of 2010 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

5. That , the petitioner admittedly a juvenile and he has been

falsely implicated in this case due to confusion because the petitioner was


coming from a marriage ceremony of his relative and when he reached

near Dilawarpur and he heard the sound of firing and hulla and due to fear

he started to flee away but on confusion the mob caught him along with

one miscreant Sonu Mian ,who is major and both the pistols were

recovered from his possession but the police has shown the pistols in

possession of the petitioner due to confusion and the seizure list of both

the country made pistol are same . In this way seems to be unbelievable

and in a planned manner the accusation of the petitioner was made.

6. That, the petitioner is a man of clean antecedent and there is

no any case except the present case is pending has been lodged against the

petitioner .

7. That, the petitioner is languishing in remand home since

12.04.2010 without any fault and the father of the petitioner undertakes

that he will not be the associates of any other known criminals and the

father of the petitioner also undertakes that his son shall not accompany

with bad elements of the localities are being released on bail.

8. That, the prayer for bail of the petitioner was rejected by the

learned Juvenile Justice Board , Munger by an order dated 05.07.2010

without considering the material aspect of the case because nothing has

been recovered from the conscious possession of the petitioner rather mob

and police with a view to show his achievement by catching a minor boy

and the lower appellate court has also misconceived the defense of the


petitioner as well as the infirmity committed by the learned Juvenile

Justice Board as per Section -12 of the Juvenile Justice ( Care and

Protection of Children )Act, 2000.

A true photo stat copy of the order

dated 05.07.2010 passed by the

learned Juvenile Justice Board,

Munger is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “2” to this


9. That, the learned Juvenile Justice Board as well as the learned

lower appellate court has failed to consider that the Section -395 of the

Indian Penal Code is not made out against the petitioner because in the

case-diary itself there is no any evidence collected by the police with

regard to Section -395 of the Indian Penal Code.

10. That, both the learned court below failed to consider that the

petitioner has no concerned with one Sonu Mian simply on the basis of

confessional statement of the informant ,the police concocted the

complicity of the petitioner .

11. That, the learned lower court also failed to consider the clean

antecedent of the petitioner and he has no concerned with the harden

criminal and the petitioner deserves to be released on bail.


Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

order dated 25th September , 2010 passed in Cr.

Appeal No.91 of 2010 by learned Sri Manmohan

Sharan Lal , Additional Sessions Judge , Fast

Track Court No.2 , Munger as well as the order

dated 05.07.2010 passed by the learned Principal

Member of Juvenile Justice Board , Munger in

G.R. No.599 of 2010 , Munger Kotwali P.S. Case

No.127 of 2010,the above named petitioner begs

to prefer this revision application on amongst the

other following


I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, the learned Juvenile Justice Board , Munger as well

as the learned lower Appellate Court failed to consider the age of the

petitioner and rejected the prayer for bail of the petitioner without

considering the facts and circumstances of the case.

III. For that, both the learned courts below have also not

considered the period of custody of the petitioner and passed the order

impugned illegally.

IV. For that, both the learned courts below should have considered

the provisions of Section -12 of the Juvenile Justice ( Care and Protection


of Children )Act, 2000 .

V. For that , the learned court below as well as the appellate court

should have considered the clean antecedent of the petitioner as well as

undertakings given by the father of the petitioner .

VI. For that, the learned Court below should have considered the

facts and circumstances of this case as well as Section 395 of the Indian

Penal Code and allied Sections of the Indian Penal Code are not applicable

in the case of the petitioner .

VII. For that, both the impugned orders are bad in law and on facts

and the same is fit to be set aside .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party and

after hearing the parties be further pleased to set

aside the order dated 25th September , 2010

passed in Cr. Appeal No.91 of 2010 by learned Sri

Manmohan Sharan Lal , Additional Sessions

Judge , Fast Track Court No.2 , Munger as well

as the order dated 05.07.2010 passed by the

learned Principal Member of Juvenile Justice

Board , Munger in G.R. No.599 of 2010 arising

out of Munger Kotwali P.S. Case No.127 of 2010


and be further pleased to enlarge the petitioner on

bail in connection with G.R. No.599 of 2010

arising out of Munger Kotwali P.S .Case No.127

of 2010 to the satisfaction of the learned Juvenile

Justice Board, Munger.


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



CR. REV. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-
Damodar Singh , son of Late Pradeep Singh ,

Resident of village- Akilpur , P.S. Sonepur ,District – Saran at Chapra.

…………………………... PETITIONER


1.The State of Bihar.

2. Chandrama Singh ,son of Late Vyas Singh ,

3. Bashistha Singh, son of Banaras Singh,

4. Dilip Singh ,son of Jayanandan Singh,

All resident of village- Akilpur , P.S. Sonepur ,District – Saran

at Chapra.




The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of the

petitioner above named;


1. That, the present petition of revision is directed against the

order dated 21st June, 2010 in Sessions Trial No.210 of 2010 passed by

learned 3rd Additional Sessions Judge , Saran at Chapra arising out of

Sonepur P.S. Case No.129 of 2008 dated 31.05.2008 registered for the

offences Under Sections 302/34 of the Indian Penal Code and Section -27

of the Arms Act ,whereby and where under the petitioner has not been

discharged from the charges.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble Court

earlier at any stage against the order dated 21.06.2010 passed by the learned

3rd Additional Sessions Judge , Saran at Chapra in Sessions Trial No.210

of 2010.

3. That, the prosecution case ,in short , as disclosed in the

Fardbeyan of one Chandrama Singh which was recorded by one Sub-

Inspector on 30.05.2008 at Sadar Hospital ,Hajipur ,alleging interalia as

follows :-


(i) That, at around 9.00 Clock on 30.05.2008 , the informant was

in his farm situated towards the west of the road at Akilpur

Mauza . The brother of the informant namely Shiv Prasad

Singh @ Shivji Singh was returning to his home and the

moment he reached near Vishwakarma Temple he was

surrounded by nine named accused persons armed with

weapons including the petitioner .

(ii) It is alleged that the brother of the informant cried that he

would be killed and thereafter the informant ran towards

him ,there he witnessed that all named accused persons had

apprehended his brother . Accused Surendra Singh directed to

all Shivji Singh and on this Rakesh Kumar Singh @ Pappu

Singh fired shot ,hitting his brother and thereafter the brother

of the informant fell down.

(iii) It is further alleged that all named accused persons threatened

the informant to flee away but the informant started crying and

thereafter Bashishtha Singh and Dilip Singh as well as other

persons came there running and then the named accused

persons fled away.

(iv) It is further stated that the informant carried his brother t the

Hajipur Hospital after loading him in a vehicle and there he was

declared dead.


(v) It is further claimed that the named accused persons killed the

brother of the informant . The reason for the incident is said to

be the farming of water melon by the Bataidar of the informant

as accused persons demanded extortion money and forcibly

occupied the same . A First Information Report bearing

Sonepur P.S. CaseNo.33 of 2007 was instituted for the same

wherein the case is going on against four named accused

persons. The accused persons are allegedly applying pressure

on the Bataidar to withdraw and compromise the case.

(vi) It is also alleged that a case is also going on against Rajdeo

Sharma @ Raja and Satish Sharma and the deceased was

taking carte of the case and for the aforesaid reason , the

accused persons have committed this offence.

4. That, on the basis of the aforesaid Fardbeyan of the

informant , a First Information Report was drawn up on 31.05.2008 and

registered as Sonepur P.S. Case No.129 of 2008 under Section 302/34 of the

Indian Penal Code and Section -27 of the Arms Act.

A true /photo stat copy of the F.I.R.

of Sonepur P.S. Case No.129 of 2008

is annexed hereto and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this petition.


5. That, it is pertinent to mention here that the petitioner has not

been named in the First Information Report .

6. That, it is also very important to mention here that later on one

close relative namely Dilip Singh of the informant has stated that the

petitioner was also present near Vishwakarma Temple ( paragraph no.10

of the case-diary ,it has come in the impugned order ) .

7. That, it is important to analyze the paragraph no.53 of the

case-diary because it has also come in the impugned order of learned 3 rd

Additional Sessions Judge , Saran at Chapra on the basis of that the

petitioner of the petitioner has been rejected . Paragraph no.53 of the case-

diary ( Supervision report ) speaks that – “ it appears that participation of

Damodar Singh appears because he was present in the temple before the

occurrence and he had not come at the place of occurrence after incident .

Paragraph nos.9 and 10 of the case-diary has also been evident in the

impugned order . These are the statement of the interested witnesses. On

the basis of two paragraphs the learned 3 rd Additional Sessions Judge ,

Saran at Chapra has rejected the petition of the petitioner .

8. That, in fact petitioner has been falsely implicated in this

case only on the basis of that assumption that the two sons of the petitioner

are the named accused in the First Information Report.

9. That, in reality petitioner was taken in custody to make a

pressure tactics to surrender the two sons of the petitioner before the police .

10. That, even if the alleged allegation upon the petitioner is

analyzed it would become crystal clear that the said temple was at a

distance of 150 yards from the place of occurrence.

11. That, it is humbly stated and submitted that the reason for the

incident is said to be a dispute between the parties over a land for which

Sonepur P.S. Case No.33 of 2007 was instituted . It is quite pertinent to

state here in this context that a proceeding under Section 144 of the Code

of Criminal Procedure was also initiated with respect to the same land by

one Sunil Kumar ( Bataidar of the informant ) and the same was dropped

vide order dated 19.06.2007 passed by the learned Sub- Divisional

Magistrate , Sonepur , Saran .The petitioner craves the leave of this Hon'ble

Court to produce a copy of the aforesaid order at the time of hearing of the

bail application ,if required.

12. That, it is relevant to mention here that occurrence took place

on 30.05.2008 and on 31.05.2008 in the daily Newspaper “Hindustan” it

was published that two unknown persons riding on Motorcycle have

committed this offence. This is the real fact of the occurrence ,which has

become crystal clear later on when the two sons of the deceased killed one

Shankar Singh by sharp edged weapons and threw his dead body in the

river . The said Shankar Singh is not an accused in the First Information

Report ,who is in fact the main accused . This indicates that the First

Information Report is nothing but a bundle of lies.

13. That, it is also important to mention here that one Indal Singh

@ Indra Mohan Singh ,who is a named accused figures at serial no.3 in the

First Information Report was not present on the place of occurrence ,rather

he was at Samastipur for participating in physical efficiency test conduct by

East Central Railway ( Recruitment Cell) on 30.05.2008 . The reporting time

was 8.00 A.M. He had participated and qualified . This clearly indicates that

the inclusion of name of Indra Mohan Singh is false.

A true /photo stat copy of the Call

Letter is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “2” to this


14. That, the deceased namely Shivji Singh was a man of criminal

antecedent and several criminal cases of serious nature such as murder ,

attempt to murder etc. are pending against him and his family members . It

is relevant to refer here some of the cases instituted against him and family

members e.g. Sonepur P.S. Case No.146 of 1992 , Sonepur P.S. Case

No.34 of 2000, Dariyapur P.S. Case No.103 of 2001 and Dariyapur P.S.

Case No.71 of 2008 etc. In view of the aforesaid fact this possibility

cannot be ruled out that persons inimical to him might have killed the

deceased. It is quite pertinent to state here in this context that the sons of the

deceased namely Nawal Singh and Dilip Singh came to know any how that

their father namely Shivji Singh has been killed by one Shankar Singh of

Fatehpur ( Raghopur) of the Vaishali District and ,therefore, just few days

after the death of their father ,they forcibly took out the said Shankar Singh

while traveling in a Tempo and killed him by sharp edged weapon and

threw his dead body in the river . The aforesaid occurrence was also reported

in the newspaper .

A true photo stat copy of the News

Paper is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “3” to this


15. That, the petitioner is a man of clean antecedent.

16. That, it has become crystal clear that petitioner is quite

innocent and he has become an escape goat in this case only due to the

previous enmity and dirty politics of the village.

17. That, in view of the matter, the impugned order is fit to be set


Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

impugned order of not discharging dated

21.06.2010 passed by learned 3rd Additional

Sessions Judge , Saran at Chapra in Sessions

Trial No.206 of 2010 , the above named petitioner

begs to prefer this revision application on amongst

the other following


I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, the learned trial court wrongly passed the order

without applying the reasonable mind and without going in its totality.

III. For that, the learned trial court has committed serious

illegality in rejecting the prayer of discharging the petitioner from a false


IV. For that, the learned trial court has not appreciated that the

whole First Information Report is nothing but a bundle of lies .

V. For that, the learned trial court did not apply his mind on the

contradictions of the statement of the interested witnesses which reveals the


VI. For that, the learned trial court committed serious illegality in

rejecting the discharge petition of the petitioner in spite of knowing the

previous enmity between the parties.

VII. For that, in any view of the matter , the impugned order of not

discharging has been arrived at by overlooking the material evidence on the

record and also by wrong appreciation of considering the contradictory

statements ,being manifest error on the point of law resulting to flagrant

miscarriage of justice. Thus, the impugned order is unsustainable in the

eye of law and fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-

parties ,call for the records of the learned trial

court and after hearing the parties be further

pleased to set

aside the order dated 21.06.2010 passed by

learned 3rd Additional Sessions Judge , Saran at

Chapra in Sessions Trial No.206 of 2010.


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

operation of the impugned order dated 21.06.2010

and further proceeding in Sessions Trial No.206

of 2010 pending in the court of learned 3 rd

Additional Sessions Judge , Saran at Chapra may

kindly be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2010.(Limitation )


Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-

Dashrath Pandit ….……..…………..……………..……PETITIONER


The State of Bihar and another………………OPPOSITE -PARTIES.


The Hon’ble Shri Dipak Misra , the Hon’ble Chief Justice of

the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this interlocutory application on behalf of the petitioner


above named is for condonation of delay in filing of the instant revision


2. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present on earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

3. That, it is stated that the aforesaid revision application is

directed against the order dated 25th March, 2010 .

4. That, it is stated that the petitioner is a poor and illiterate

person and he is living outside the State for his livelihood as well as his

family members and at the time of passing of the impugned judgment and

order dated 25th March , 2010 , the petitioner was not present in his native

village .

5. That, it is stated that in the last week of July, 2010 , the

petitioner has got knowledge about the impugned order dated 25.03.2010

by which the Opposite-party no.2 was acquitted then the petitioner

immediately rushed to Patna and contacted the learned Advocate for filing

of the present revision application.

6. That, there is no intentional latches on the part of the petitioner

to approach this Hon'ble court against the impugned order and the delay

has been caused in filing of the instant revision application because of

communication gap as mentioned above .

7. That, if the delay in filing of the revision application is not


condoned ,the petitioner would suffer an irreparable loss and injury which

cannot be sustained in other way.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to condone

the delay in filing the present criminal revision

application .

Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;

In the matter of :-

Dashrath Pandit , son of Late Gena Pandit ,

Resident of village- Lalbandi Tola , P.S. Sonebarsa , District – Sitamarhi.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Braj Kishore Sah, son of

Resident of village- P.S. District – Sitamarhi.


The Hon’ble Ms. Justice Rekha M. Doshit , the Hon’ble Chief

Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and Her

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 25th March , 2010 passed by Sri Surendra Prasad Pandey ,

learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.3 Sitamarhi in

Sessions Trial No.102 of 2000/ 01 of 2010 arising out of Sonebarsa P.S.

Case No.46 of 1997 registered for the offences under Sections

302,201,420,467,468,471,120B/34 of the Indian Penal Code , whereby

and where under the learned Additional Sessions Judge was pleased to

discharge/ acquit the Opposite-party no.2 from the aforesaid charges

leveled against him on the ground that the prosecution has miserably failed

to establish the case .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgment and order dated 25.03.2010.

3. That, the prosecution case as spelt out in the First Information

Report , which was lodged on the basis of written report of the petitioner

(P.W.12) submitted before the O.P. Incharge of Lalbandi Out Post on

04.08.1997 , in brief , is that deceased Rijhan Pandit aged about -70 years
was issueless and had no one in his near relative and he was the distant

relative of the petitioner (informant ) . The informant further said that he

looked after him and provided food and deceased had been taking food in


the house of informant since last four years but he slept in his house and

the deceased requested the informant to get gift deed executed in respect of

his homestead land and informant avoided the same and deceased Rijhan

Pandit started lying emphasis upon informant . On 28.07.1997 to get gift

deed executed in respect of 2 decimals land and informant became ready to

get gift deed executed at Bhatahi Registration Office on 29.07.1997 and

villagers knew the same fact and informant returned home at 9 P.M. on

29.07.1997 from the house of deceased having caused food to eat him and

deceased slept in his home. The informant further said that the house of the

deceased was made of thatched having no shutter ,situated at 15 Luggaies

away from the house of informant and when on next morning , deceased

did not come to the house of informant , the informant went to the house of

deceased to see him then he found the dead body of the deceased was lying

on mat . The informant further said that throat of deceased was swelling

and blood was oozing from the nose and mouth of the deceased and tongue

of deceased was protruded and a lot of persons assembled there on alarm

and they saw the dead body of the deceased. The informant further said that

he got knowledge that the accused persons had their eyes on homestead land

of the deceased and they were seen coming from the house of the deceased
at 1 O’ Clock at night and he also came to know that Siya Sharan Sah and

his brother including accused got a sale –deed in respect of homestead land

of deceased executed on 19.07.1997 having set up another person and when


they knew that deceased was going to execute gift deed on 29.07.1997 in

respect of the homestead land , they murdered him having pressed the throat

of the deceased . The informant further said he went to inform Lal Bandi

Outpost where Police Sub-Inspector was not present then he submitted

petition on that day and informant came to know that accused along with

other accused having armed with arms carried away the dead body of

deceased to village-Nepal and cremated the same.

4. That, it is stated that after institution of the case, police

proceeded with the investigation and during the course of investigation the

Investigating Officer recovered the dead body of the deceased and sent for

Post-Mortem and visited the place of occurrence and recorded the

statement of so many independent witnesses in the case –diary ,who

supported the prosecution version .

5. That, it is stated that after thorough investigation of the case by

the Investigating Officer , the Police submitted charge-sheet against the

Opposite-party no.2 under Sections 302,201,420,467,468 , 120 (B) of the

Indian Penal Code and the investigation was pending against rest accused

persons .
6. That, it is stated that after submission of the charge-sheet by the

police , the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi took cognizance

against the Opposite-party no.2 Under Sections 302,201, 420,467, 468,


120(B) of the Indian Penal Code after going through the material available

in the case-diary .

7. That, it is stated that after order taking cognizance , the case

was committed to the court of Sessions for its disposal and the charges were

framed against the Opposite-party no.2 under Sections 302,201, 120B and

468 of the Indian Penal Code .

8. That, in order to prove the case, the prosecution had examined

altogether 14 witnesses such as :-

P.W.1 : Ram Swarath Rai ,

P.W.2 : Ram Pratap Pandit

P.W.3 : Laldeo Rai

P.W.4 : Bindeshwar Rai

P.W.5 : Laddu Rai

P.W.6 : Brahmdeo Prasad Yadav

P.W.7 : Surendra Prasad Yadav,

P.W.8 : Shankar Prasad Yadav,

P.W.9 : Nagendra Pandit ,

P.W.10 : Ram Bilash Baitha

P.W.11. : Md. Nasir Khan

P.W.12 : Dasrath Pandit ,

P.W.13 : Nagendra Kumar Singh (Investigating Officer )

P.W.14 : Dr. Ashok Kumar Singh , who conducted the post-mortem of



9. That, it is stated that the prosecution had also produced

altogether 4 documentary evidences out of his oral evidence such as

Ext.1 :Signature of witnesses Shambhu Shankar Yadav on Fardbeyan

Ext.1/1 :Signature of witness Yogendra Pandit

Ext.2 : Formal First Information Report

Ext.3 : Post- Mortem Report .

10. That, it is stated that in his deposition P.W.14 Dr. Ashok Kumar

Singh , who conducted the post-mortem of the deceased , opined that the

cause of death of the deceased due to shock and hemorrhage resulting sharp

cut injury on neck of the deceased .

11. That, it is stated that P.W.1 ,2 ,4 and 9 in his evidence deposed

that he went to the door of deceased on alarm he saw the deceased was

lying dead .

12. That, it is stated that P.W.3 in his deposition said that he went

at the door of deceased on alarm and found that the deceased dead with

swelling on his neck ,broken teeth , bleeding from mouth and mark of

dragging on his heel.

12. That, it is stated that P.W.12 informant in his evidence deposed

that he went to the door of the deceased in morning, he saw deceased was

lying dead and blood was oozing from his mouth and tongue was

protruded and his teeth were broken .


13. That, it is stated that P.W.10 in his evidence deposed that at 12

O’ Clock in the night , he woke up to urinate and heard conversation in the

house of deceased and when he was going to sleep having made water , he

saw Opposite-party no.2 along with other accused coming out from the

house of the deceased and on next day he heard that deceased was dead

and the said fact he narrated to villagers .

14. That, it is stated that almost all the prosecution witnesses

examined on behalf of the prosecution had fully supported the prosecution

case .

15. That, it is stated that the learned trial court without taking into

consideration ,the consistent evidence of the P.W. 10 who specifically

said that he saw the Opposite-party no. 2, coming out from the house of the

deceased in the night and the same was also supported by other

witnesses , acquitted the Opposite-party no. 2 from the charges.

16. That, it is stated that the learned trial court acquitted the

Opposite-party no. 2 only on the ground that the prosecution has failed to

brought the sale-deed with respect to land of the deceased which was

executed in the name of accused persons on the record .

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 25th March , 2010

passed by Sri Surendra Prasad Pandey , learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.3


Sitamarhi in Sessions Trial No.102 of 2000/ 01 of

2010, the above named petitioner begs to prefer

this revision application on amongst the other



I. For that, the part of the impugned judgment and order dated

25.03.2010 is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party no. 2 , the learned

trial court failed to appreciate that the P.W.10 in his evidence specifically

said that he saw the Opposite-party no. 2 along with other accused persons ,

coming out from the house of the deceased in the night.

III. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party no. 2 the

learned trial court failed to appreciate that the P.W.3 and 12 , in his

evidence specifically said that after hearing hulla they had gone to the house

of the deceased then they saw the deceased died and his mouth blood was

oozing and the said fact was also supported by the other prosecution

witnesses .
IV. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party no. 2 , the learned

trial court failed to appreciate that the P.W.14 , who conducted the post-

mortem of the deceased, in his evidence specifically said that the cause of


death of the deceased due to shock and hemorrhage resulting sharp cut

injury on neck of the deceased

V. For that , the learned trial failed to consider the material

aspects of the case and discharge the Opposite-party no. 2 from the charges

leveled against them .

VI. For that, the learned trial court failed to consider that all the

witnesses consistently support the contents of the prosecution version as

well as involvement of Opposite-party no.2 in the said offence .

VII. For that, the learned trial court merely on the ground of the

prosecution has failed to produce the sale deed executed in favour of the

accused persons on record ,acquitted the Opposite-party no.2 from the


VIII. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party no. 2 , the learned

trial court failed to appreciate that against the Opposite-party no.2 had

complete intention and circumstance for killing of the deceased and he was

seen by the witnesses in the midnight from coming to the house of the

IX. For that, the impugned judgment and order is otherwise bad in

law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-parties


,call for the records of the learned trial court and

after hearing the parties be further pleased to set

aside the judgment and order dated 25 th March ,

2010 passed by Sri Surendra Prasad Pandey ,

learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track

Court No.3 Sitamarhi in Sessions Trial No.102 of

2000/ 01 of 2010 and convict the Opposite-party

nos. 2 for the charges leveled against him .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.

IN ,


K A T I H A.

Criminal Appeal NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Section -5 of the Limitation Act ;


In the matter of :-

Dip Narayan Gupta and others………..……………………APPELLANTS.


The State of Bihar and another……...…………OPPOSITE -PARTIES.

The humble limitation petition on

behalf of the appellants above



1. That, the present application on behalf of the appellants above

named is for condonation of delay in filing of the present appeal on the

ground that the delay in filing of the present appeal is not intentional but

because of unavoidable circumstances as stated hereunder.

2. That, the present appeal has been filed by the appellants against

the judgment and order dated 14.01.2009 passed by the learned Judicial


Magistrate 1st Class, Katihar in Trial No.264 of 2009.

3. That, it is stated that immediately after obtaining a certified

copy of the aforesaid order , the appellants had handed over their file to a

learned Advocate of Katihar Court and he was instructed to file appeal

before this Hon'ble Court.

4. That, the file was handed over to the learned Advocate with all

documents before the expiry of limitation period for filing of appeal against

the impugned order of conviction .

5. That, since the appellants were set out free by the learned

Magistrate himself ,therefore, after handing over the file to the learned

Advocate, the appellants were under the impression that the learned

Advocate must have filed the appeal on their behalf and ,therefore, they had

not consulted their learned Advocate to know about the further steps about

the filing of the appeal.

6. That, when the appeal filed by a co-accused Rameshwar

Mandal was dismissed by this Hon'ble Court on 11.03.2010 and the

appellants got the knowledge about such dismissal , they had tried their best
to consult their Lawyer but for the reason that he was not available in the

house or in the court they could not met.

7. That, ultimately they could meet the learned Advocate on

14.05.2010 ,when they came to know that he had not filed any appeal on

behalf of the present appellants and the file too has been lost from his


office .

8. That, for the aforesaid reason alone , the appeal was not filed

before this Hon'ble Court in time.

9. That, in fact there is no intentional latches on the part of the

present appellants preferred appeal in time and thus in delay in filing of the

appeal is not condoned , the appellants would suffer an irreparable loss and

injury .

10. That, the appellants had not committed any offence

and ,therefore, they don’t want to leave the world with a stigma on their

conduct and behaviour .

11. That, the appellants have not filed any application like the

present one earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Honour may graciously be pleased to condone the

delay in filing the present memo of appeal.

Pass such other order or orders as Your Honour

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the appellants shall ever pray.




Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;


In the matter of :-
Vijay Paswan ,son of Late Paltu Paswan ,

Resident of village- Baswari Tola, P.S. Sitamarhi ,District – Sitamarhi.



The State of Bihar…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Shri Dipak Misra , the Hon'ble Chief Justice of

the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;



1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 29.07. 2009 passed by Sri Bhubna Nand Jha , the learned

2nd Additional Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no. 32 of 2003 /12

of 2009 , whereby and where under the learned Additional Sessions Judge

has been pleased to reject the criminal appeal filed by the petitioner and

confirmed the judgment and order dated 04.08.2003 passed by Sri Narayan

Prasad Singh , the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi

Sadar in Trial No.927 of 2003 arising out of G.R. No.937 of 1998 , by

which the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate has been pleased to

convict the petitioner to undergo R.I. for three years for the charge Under
Section 326 of the Indian Penal Code, six months for the charge Under

Section -504 of the Indian Penal Code and one month for the charge under

Section 341 of the Indian Penal Code however all the sentences run

concurrently .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgments and orders.

3. That, the prosecution case ,in nut shell, as per the is that the

informant Sita Ram Paswan gave his Fardbeyan before the Police on

28.07.1998 at 1.325 hours at Sadar Hospital, Sitamarhi, alleging therein that

he was a Clerk at Block Office ,Riga and lived with family and Baswariya

Tola , Sitamarhi but due to flood at that time his wife and daughter Sarita


Kumar were living at Mehsaul Chowk in the house of his office Staff Bijay

Kumar Singh . The informant further alleged that in the morning , he went

to his wife to deliver some articles and while returning at 9.30 hours in the

way , two ladies of that Mohalla reported that Paltu Paswan and Raju

Paswan and wife of Paltu Paswan had entered in his house with Bhala to

kill his younger brother Raj Kumar and they were calling bad

names ,therefore, he rushed to his house and found three of them , variously

armed with Bhala , Fatta and Danda at his door and the moment he

reached , all of them started calling names and assault by means of Bhala,

Danda , the accused Vijay Paswan inflicted Bhala due to which one finger

of his left had was chopped and other fingers also sustained cut injury . The
informant further alleged that his son Kishore Kumar , Raju Kumar and

younger brother Raj Kumar rushed there and they were assaulted by

Danda , due to which Kishore Kumar and Raju Kumar sustained ruptured

injury over his head , he became senseless , his son Kishore with friend

Suresh tried to take him to Hospital , upon which Vijay Kumar , Kalika

Singh , Rameshwar Singh and Bindeshwar Bhandari started calling names to

Suresh not to get him treated and when he gained sense then all of them

again assaulted him by Danda but in the meantime , friends of his son came

and then accused persons fled away.

4. That, it is stated that on the basis of the aforesaid Fardbeyan of

the informant , Sitamarhi Police drew up a formal First Information Report


and registered a case being Sitamarhi P.S. Case No.187 of 1998 dated

28.07.1998 attributing offences under Section 341,323,324,326,504,447/34

of the Indian Penal Code.

5. That, it is stated that after institution of the First Information

Report , Police proceeded with the investigation .

6. That, it is stated that after investigation of the case ,the police

submitted charge-sheet against the petitioner and others .

7. That, it is stated that after submission of charge-sheet ,the

learned Magistrate took cognizance against the petitioner and others .

8. That, it is stated that thereafter the learned Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate framed charges against the petitioner and others and at
the time of framing of the charge , the petitioner and others pleaded not

guilty and claimed to be tried.

9. That, it is stated that during the course of trial altogether Five

prosecution witnesses were examination by prosecution such as P.W.1 Raj

Kumar Paswan , P.W.2 Baleshwar Prasad Singh Investigating Officer of

the case , P.W.3 Sitaram Paswan, the informant himself , P.W.4 Dr. Jai

Prakash Bihari, who examined the injured and P.W.5 Kishore Kumar.

10. That, it is stated that on behalf of the evidence documentary

evidences were produced out of which Exhibit-A is the certified copy of the

formal First Information Report and Fardbeyan of Sitamarhi P.S. Case

No.186 of 1998 dated 28.07.1998 which was lodged by the father of the


petitioner namely Paltu Paswan and Exhibit - B is the Charge-sheet in

which the informant of present case namely Sitaram Paswan , Raj Kumar

Paswan and Raju Kumar were charge-sheet under Sections 323,324,325,341

and 504/34 of the Indian Penal Code .

11. That, it is stated that in the Cross- examination P.W.1

admitted about counter case filed by the father of the petitioner . He also

gave contradictory statement during the course of trial which was made

before the Investigating Officer under Section 161 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure .
12. That, P.W.2 Investigating Officer of the Case in his evidence

said that he did not find sign of blood or brick or stone and he did not meet

any injured persons at the place of occurrence.

13. That, it is stated that P.W. 3 informant of the case in his

deposition also gave contradictory statement ,which was given before the

Investigating Officer under Section 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure .

14. That, it is stated that the informant dug a ditch to close the

Rasta in which Krishna fell down and on being opposed , he slapped him on

face and when the father of the petitioner opposed it ,then he assaulted the

petitioner , his father namely Paltu Paswan and Krishna by sword and for

this the father of the petitioner lodged a case bearing Sitamarhi P.S. Case

No.186 of 2008 dated 28.07.1998 and to save his skin from that case , the


informant cut his finger by sword and lodged this false case against the

petitioner and others.

15. That, it is stated that on behalf of the prosecution no any

independent witnesses was produced ,rather all the witnesses except

Investigating Officer and Doctor are interested and co-related to each other.

16. That, it is stated that in the evidences of witnesses serious

contradiction to each other and they also deposed contradictory to the

statement given by them before the Investigating Officer under Section 161

of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

17. That, it is stated that the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Sitamarhi Sadar, without taking into the consideration the

material available on record as well as the prosecution failed to produce the

independent witnesses and also there is serious contradiction in between the

deposition of each other , convicted the petitioner and his father to

undergo R.I. for three years for the charge Under Section 326 of the

Indian Penal Code, six months for the charge Under Section -504 of the

Indian Penal Code and one month for the charge under Section 341 of the

Indian Penal Code vide judgment and order dated 04.08.2003.

A certified copy of the judgment and

order dated 04.08.2003 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.


18. That, it is stated that against the order dated 04.08.2003 passed

by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sadar Sitamarhi

preferred a criminal appeal which was registered as Cr. Appeal No.32 of

2003 /12 of 2009 and during the pendency of appeal, the petitioner was

released on bail .

19. That, it is stated that the said Criminal Appeal was finally heard

by the learned 2nd Additional Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi ,who also

dismissed the appeal filed by the petitioner and affirmed the order passed by
the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,Sadar Sitamarhi vide

judgment and order dated 29.07.2009 without applying his judicial mind.

19. That, it is stated that since the petitioner is a poor

person ,therefore, after filing of the present appeal in the year 2003 ,the

petitioner had gone to outside the State for earning their livelihood and the

appeal was taken up for such a long time and ultimately the appeal was

dismissed on 29.07.2009 but the learned Counsel appearing on behalf of

the petitioner in the appeal did not inform the petitioner about the dismissal

of appeal and when the petitioner has come his native village , he has got

knowledge of the dismissal of appeal then he surrendered before the

learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi Sadar on


A true photo stat copy of the

surrender slip is annexed herewith and


marked as ANNEXURE- “2” to this


20. That, the petitioner has got no criminal antecedent and he has

never been implicated in any other criminal case.

21. That, it is stated that in view of the aforesaid facts and material

available on record ,the impugned orders is fit to be set aside.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 29.07. 2009 passed

by Sri Bhubna Nand Jha , the learned 2 nd

Additional Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi in Cr.

Appeal no. 32 of 2003 /12 of 2009 as also the

judgment and order dated 04.08.2003 passed by

Sri Narayan Prasad Singh , the learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi Sadar in

Trial No.927 of 2003 arising out of G.R. No.937

of 1998, the above named petitioner begs to

prefer this revision application on amongst the

other following


I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned trial court

as well as appellate court is bad in law as well as on facts.


II. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the statement of the witnesses before the

Investigating Officer under Section 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure

as well as evidences of the witnesses before the court .

III. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the statement of the prosecution witnesses .

IV. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that it is admitted fact

that prior to lodging of the present case by the informant ,the father of the

informant lodged a case against the informant and others and for saving their

skin the informant of the present case lodged the case against the petitioner

and others .

V. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to produce any independent witness to establish his case rather all

the witnesses are interested witness and their statements are not

trustworthy .

VI. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that Investigating


Officer P.W.2 in his evidence said that he did not find sign of blood or

brick or stone and he did not meet any injured person there .

VII. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has

failed to produce one Raju Kumar , who also injured and his evidence is

necessary for ends of justice .

VIII. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that from saving his skin

from the case lodged by the father of the petitioner , the informant himself

cut his finger and lodged the present false case against the petitioner and

others .

IX. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that since the case lodged

by the informant is false and concocted ,therefore, no any independent

witnesses have come to support the case of the informant .

X. For that , if the order of the learned trial court as well as

appellate court are allowed to be continued ,it will amount to miscarriage of


XI. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law as well as

facts and fit to be set aside.


It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this application,

issue notice to the opposite-party ,call for the

records of the learned court below and after

hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the judgment and order dated 29.07. 2009

passed by Sri Bhubna Nand Jha , the learned 2 nd

Additional Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi in Cr.

Appeal no. 32 of 2003 /12 of 2009 as also the

judgment and order dated 04.08.2003 passed by

Sri Narayan Prasad Singh , the learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi Sadar in

Trial No.927 of 2003 arising out of G.R. No.937

of 1998and discharge the petitioner from the

charges .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

petitioner be enlarged on bail to the satisfaction of


the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Sadar Sitamarhi in Trial No.927 of 2003 arising

out of G.R. No.937 of 1998.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Rameshwar Mandal, son of Late Ghoghan Mandal ,

Resident of village-Sohtha , P.S. Falka ,District – Katihar.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Asharfi Mandal , son of Late Sant Lal Mandal ,

Resident of village- Gopal Patti , P.S. Falka, District -Sitamarhi.


The Hon’ble Shri Dipak Misra , the Hon’ble Chief Justice of

the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship


Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

dated 11.03.2010 passed by Sri R.K. Rateria ,the learned Sessions Judge ,

Katihar in Cr. Appeal No.10 of 2010 , whereby and where under the learned

Sessions Judge was pleased to dismiss the criminal appeal filed by the

petitioner against the judgment of conviction and order of sentence dated

14.01.2009 passed by Sri O.P. Srivastava , the learned Judicial Magistrate

1st Class, Katihar in Case No.CA-2309 of 1999 on the ground that the appeal

was barred by limitation and no ground was made out in the limitation

petition to condone the delay in filing of appeal.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court any time earlier against the impugned order .

3. That, Cr. Appeal No.10 of 2010 was filed by the petitioner

against the judgment dated 14.01.2009 passed by Sri O.P. Srivastava , the

learned Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class, Katihar in Case No. Counter-

Affidavit-2309 of 1999 ,whereby and where under the learned Judicial

Magistrate was pleased to pass an order of conviction against the petitioner

for the offences under Section 147, 323, and 427 of the Indian Penal Code

but the learned Magistrate was further pleased to observe that the ends of


justice will be made if convicts are let out on due condemned instead of

awarding any substantive punishment .

A true photo stat copy of the

judgment and order dated

14.01.2009 passed in Case No.CA-

2309 of 1999 is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “1” for

identification forming part of this


4. That, the case of the petitioner is that the Opposite-party no.2

had filed a complaint case in the court of learned Chief Judicial

Magistrate , Katihar on 15.12.1999 against the petitioner and four other

accused persons ,alleging therein interalia that on the date and time of

occurrence i.e. on 09.12.2009 ,while he was in his house one Giro

Chaudhary informed him that the accused persons named in the complaint

that the accused persons are ploughing his land in which he had planted

crop and other persons of criminal character having Riffle and country

made pistol had surrounded the field from four sides .

He further alleged that upon such information when the

complainant reached in the field , he found the statement of Giro Chaudhary

true . He also found that Police Personnel had tied hands of his wife and

both daughter-in-law of Sadhu Mandal by the rope of the hand chief and


they were tied in a Boring in the filed . After watching the said

occurrence ,the complainant asked from Deep Narayan Gupta as to why he

was cultivating his land , Deep Narayan Gupta ordered other accused

persons to assault the complainant whereupon other accused persons

assaulted the complainant by Lathi and accused Sato Mandal had snatched

Rs.3,500/- from her pocket .

He further alleged that all the accused persons assaulted the

complainant and he was also tied by the same rope like an animal . Though

the police personnel were present there but no body could hear the cry of

the complainant.

He further alleged that after ploughing the land , the

complainant and others were released and thereafter all of them proceeded

on a Jeep after threatening the complainant and if he would again come on

the field , he would be killed.

5. That, aforesaid complaint case filed by the Opposite-party no.2

was registered as Complaint Case No.2309 of 1999 wherein after enquiry

under Section 202 of the Code of Criminal Procedure , cognizance was

taken for the offence under Sections 147, 148, 323, and 427 of the Indian
Penal Code and the petitioner along with four other accused persons were

put on trial.

A true photo stat copy of the

complaint petition case No.CA-2309


of 1999 is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “2” for

identification forming part of this


6. That, during the course of trial ,the complainant had examined

only three witnesses and one witness was examined on behalf of the

defense .Besides oral evidence ,the original sale-deed no.8739 dated

18.05.1979 ,the order-sheet of proceeding under Section 48(D) of the B.T.

Act passed by the Circle Officer , Falka , rent receipt of land in question for

the year 2006-07 and the order passed by this Hon'ble Court in

C.W.J.C.No.845 and 846 /1978 was also produced as exhibits on behalf of

the defense .

7. That, on behalf of the petitioner and other accused

persons ,there was total denial about any such occurrence as alleged by the

complainant . In defense the documentary evidence were also produced to

show that the land in question is coming in their peaceful possession since

the date of execution of sale-deed by the original landlord in favour of Deep

Narain Gupta and the complainant’s claim of Sikmi Right has been set
aside by this Hon'ble Court .On behalf of the defense it was also submitted

that out of 8 witnesses named in the complaint only three has been examined

in the court and they all are family members of the complainant .


8. That, the learned Magistrate accepted the oral evidence

adduced on behalf of the complainant and disbelieved the documentary

evidence filed on behalf of the accused persons without discussing it in the

impugned order as to why it is being disbelieved . The learned Magistrate

also ignored to consider that according to the complaint case , the

occurrence took place on 09.12.2009 and the complaint was filed on

15.12.2006 i.e. after 6 days of the occurrence and there is no explanation

about the delay. The learned Magistrate also overlooked the serious

contradiction in between the statement of witnesses examined during the

trial and vide impugned judgment and order dated 14.01.2009 ,all the

accused persons were convicted for the offence under Sections 147, 323, 427

of the Indian Penal Code but while passing the order of sentence the

learned Magistrate was pleased to grant the benefits of the probation of

Offenders Act to the accused persons and they were released after

condemning them .

9. That, immediately thereafter the petitioner and all other

accused persons convicted by the learned Magistrate handed over necessary

papers to his learned Advocate for filing of an appeal against the judgment

but some formalities were left to be completed for filing of appeal.

10. That, unfortunately ,the petitioner became seriously ill

and ,therefore, he could not consult his learned Advocate for a long time.


11. That, on 18.02.2010 ,the petitioner was discharged from the

Hospital and thereafter he consulted his lawyer on 22.02.2010 and

instructed his lawyer to file Criminal Appeal against the impugned

judgment and order.

A true photo stat copy of the Medical

Certificate is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “3” for

identification forming part of this


12. That, after receiving the instruction from the petitioner , the

appeal was filed on 24.02.2010 in the court of learned Sessions Judge ,

Katihar which was numbered as Cr. Appeal No.10 of 2010 .

13. That, since the appeal was barred by limitation on the date of its

filing for no fault on the part of the petitioner , an application under Section

5 of Limitation Act was also filed to condone the delay in filing of the

Criminal Appeal . It is true that the condonation application under Section -

5 of the Limitation Act was not happily worded nor the medical certificate
was brought on record in support of the application for condonation of delay

but apparently it was not a mistake on the part of the petitioner .It is stated

that the petitioner had already submitted his medical certificate to his

learned Lawyer to be placed before the court along with the application

under Section -5 of the Limitation Act.


14. That, after consideration of the limitation petition ,since the

learned Sessions Judge was not persuaded to condone the delay , the said

limitation petition was dismissed and consequently the appeal was dismissed

by the learned Sessions Judge vide order dated 11.03.2010.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order

dated 11.03.2010 passed by Sri R.K. Rateria ,the

learned Sessions Judge , Katihar in Cr. Appeal

No.10 of 2010 ,the above named petitioner begs

to prefer this revision application on amongst the

other following


I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, there was no intentional latches on the part of the

petitioner in filing of Criminal Appeal ,rather it had so happened because

he was suffering from a terminal disease for which he was admitted in the

hospital for a long time.

III. For that, though the petitioner took steps for filing of instant

appeal immediately after he was released for the hospital ,but due to

inadvertence the medical certificate of the petitioner was not annexed with

the limitation petition as a result of whereof the limitation petition as also

the Criminal Appeal was dismissed by the learned Sessions Judge .


IV. For that, while dismissing the Criminal Appeal ,the learned

Sessions Judge should have granted liberty to the petitioner to bring on

record the evidence in support of limitation petition.

V. For that, while dismissing the Criminal Appeal ,the learned

Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that for a fault , committed by a lawyer ,

partly should not suffer and ,therefore, he should have taken a lenient view

and should have condone the delay and decided the appeal on merits.

VI. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party no.2

and after hearing the parties be further pleased to

set aside the order dated 11.03.2010 passed by Sri

R.K. Rateria ,the learned Sessions Judge , Katihar

in Cr. Appeal No.10 of 2010.

Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application Under

Section-53 of the Juvenile Justice

( Care& Protection of Children ) Act,



In the matter of :-

Liladhar Jha , son of Late Subansh Jha ,

Resident of village- Bishwanathpur , P.S. Dumra , District – Sitamarhi.


The State of Bihar.….………………….……OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Shri Dipak Misra , the Hon’ble Chief Justice of

the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;



1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

dated 31.03.2010 passed by Sri Nand Kishore Tiwary , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.1 , Sitamarhi in Cr.

Appeal No.19 of 2001/ 01 of 2010 whereby and where under the learned

Additional Sessions Judge has been pleased to reject the appeal filed by the

petitioner and confirm the order dated 16.01.2010 passed by the learned

Juvenile Justice Board , Sitamarhi in Gr. No.588 of 2009 ,Trial No.522 of

2009 arising out of Dumra P.S. Case No.65 of 2009 by which the learned

Juvenile Justice Board has been pleased to declare the son of the petitioner

namely Ranjeet Kumar @ Chhotu as major ( not juvenile ) at the time of

alleged occurrence i.e. 15.02.2009.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court any time earlier against the impugned order .

3. That, the informant namely Umesh Sah filed a written report

before the Station Head Officer of Dumra Police- Station on 20.02.2009 ,

alleging therein that his son Navin Kumar was residing in the house of his

grand father ( Nana ) since childhood for the purposes of reading . The

informant further alleged that on 15.02.2009 at about 11 P.M. one Sunil

Kumar Mandal called his son by telephone for seeing the movie and on his

call , his son had gone with Sunil Mandal but his son did not return to house


till 20.02.2009 . The informant suspected that his son might be kidnapped

by Sunil Mandal for the purposes of ransom.

4. That, on the basis of the aforesaid statement of the informant ,

Dumra Police drew up a formal First Information Report and registered a

case being Dumra P.S. Case No.65 of 2009 dated 20.02.2009 registered for

the offences under Section 364 /34 of the Indian Penal Code and further

added Section 302,201 of the Indian Penal Code.

A true photo stat /typed copy of the

F.I.R. of Dumra P.S. Case No.65 of

2009 is annexed herewith and marked

as ANNEXURE- “1” to this

5. That, it is stated that the son of the petitioner was not named in

the First Information Report rather the First Information Report was lodged

against Sunil Mandal and Ram Bali Mandal.

6. That, it is stated that during the course of investigation , the

name of the son of the petitioner was transpired in the present case.

7. That, it is stated that thereafter the police arrested the son of

the petitioner and remanded to the judicial custody.

8. That, it is stated that after the arrest of the son of the

petitioner , the petitioner filed an application before the learned Chief

Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi for separating the trial of the son of the



and send the case to the court of learned Juvenile Justice Board ,

Sitamarhi ,since on the date of alleged occurrence , the son of the petitioner

was juvenile i.e. below 18 years.

9. That, it is stated that thereafter the learned Chief Judicial

Magistrate , Sitamarhi vide his order dated 09.07.2009 separated the trial of

son of the petitioner and the case was sent to the court of learned Juvenile

Justice Board , Sitamarhi for assessment of age of son of the petitioner .

10. That, it is stated that in support of the age of son of the

petitioner , five witnesses were produced before the learned Juvenile

Justice Board and all of them deposed that the son of the petitioner was
born on 11.09.1991 and on the date of alleged occurrence he was below 18


True photo stat/typed copies of the

deposition of witnesses are annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” series to this


11. That, in support of age of the son of the petitioner documentary

evidences were produced before the learned Juvenile Justice Board such as

Janam Kundli , Registration , Marks-sheet , Admit Card of Matriculation

granted by the Bihar School Examination Board in which the age of son of

the petitioner was mentioned as 11.09.1991.


True photo stat copies of the Janam

Kundli , Registration , Marks-sheet ,

Admit Card of Matriculation are

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “3” series to this


13. That, it is stated that on the order of the learned Juvenile

Justice Board a Medical Board was also constituted for assessment of age of

the son of the petitioner and accordingly the son of the petitioner appeared
before the Medical Board and Medical Board assessed the age of the son of

the petitioner around 20 years.

A true photo stat/ typed copy of the

Report of the Medical Board is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “4” to this application.

14. That, it is stated that the learned Juvenile Justice Board

disbelieved the evidence of witnesses as well as the documentary evidences

produced by the petitioner ,which is the essential proof/ evidence for

assessing the age of the son of the petitioner and only relied upon the report

of the Medical Board and the learned Juvenile Justice Board vide his

impugned order 16.01.2010 has been pleased to declare the petitioner as

major ( not juvenile).


A true photo stat copy of the order

dated 16.01.2010 passed by the

learned Juvenile Justice Board ,

Sitamarhi is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “5” to this


15. That, it is stated that in presence of the certificate of

Matriculation granted by the Board ,there is no necessity for assessment of

age to constitute the Medical Board but the learned Juvenile Justice Board
constitute the Medical Board and relied upon it and disbelieved the age

mentioned in the matriculation certificate.

16. That, it is stated that against the order of the learned Juvenile

Justice Board , Sitamarhi , the petitioner preferred an appeal before the

learned Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi and registered as Cr. Appeal No.19 of

2010 / 01 of 2010 which was finally heard by the learned Additional

Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.1 ,Sitamarhi .

17. That, it is stated that learned Additional Sessions

Judge ,without considering the material available on record as also relied

upon the law involved in the case , has been pleased to dismiss the appeal

filed by the petitioner vide his order dated 31.03.2010 and confirm the order

passed by the learned Juvenile Justice Board, Sitamarhi .


Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

order dated 31.03.2010 passed by Sri Nand

Kishore Tiwary , the learned Additional

Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.1 , Sitamarhi

in Cr. Appeal No.19 of 2001/ 01 of 2010 and also

the order dated 16.01.2010 passed by the learned

Juvenile Justice Board , Sitamarhi in Gr. No.588 of

2009 ,Trial No.522 of 2009 arising out of Dumra

P.S. Case No.65 of 2009 ,the above named

petitioner begs to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while passing the impugned order , the learned courts

below failed to appreciate that the son of the petitioner had appeared in the

Matriculation Examination and in the registration, admit card , marks-sheet

issued by the Bihar School Examination Board the age of the son of the

petitioner was mentioned as 11.09.1991 ,which is the consistent proof of

the age of the son of the petitioner .

III. For that, while passing the impugned order , the learned courts

below failed to appreciate that the witnesses produced before the learned

Juvenile Justice Board consistently said that the son of the petitioner was


born on 11.09.1991 and on the date of occurrence the son of the petitioner

was minor i.e. below 18 years.

IV. For that, while passing the impugned order, the learned Courts

failed to appreciate that in the evidence of witnesses as well as documentary

evidence there is no difference in between them ,therefore, there is no

occasion to constitute the Medical Board and rely upon the report of the

Medical Board.

V. For that, while passing the impugned order ,the learned courts

ought to have considered upon the report of the Medical Board who assessed
the age of son of the petitioner around 20 years and disbelieved the

certificates of Matriculation where the actual date of birth was mentioned as

11.09.1991 and the same is consistent proof of the age .

VI. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party and

after hearing the parties be further pleased to set

aside the order dated 31.03.2010 passed by Sri

Nand Kishore Tiwary , the learned Additional

Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.1 , Sitamarhi

in Cr. Appeal No.19 of 2001/ 01 of 2010 and also

the order dated 16.01.2010 passed by the learned


Juvenile Justice Board , Sitamarhi in Gr. No.588 of

2009 ,Trial No.522 of 2009 arising out of Dumra

P.S. Case No.65 of 2009.


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;

In the matter of :-

Umesh Sah, son of Asharfi Sah ,

Resident of village – Majhgama , P.S. Bairgania , District – Sitamarhi.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Kiran Devi, wife of Umesh Sah ,

Presently residing at village- Fatahpur , P.S. Sonebarsa , District –



The Hon’ble Shri Dipak Misra , the Hon’ble Chief Justice of

the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship


Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 11.01.2010 passed by Sri Harendra Nath Tiwary , the

learned Principal Judge, Family Court, Sitamarhi in Matrimonial Case

No.04 of 2006 , whereby and where under the learned Principal Judge has

been pleased to reject the petition filed by the for divorce from the Opposite-

party no.2.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court any time earlier against the impugned order .

3. That, the facts giving rise to the present revision application is

that the marriage of the petitioner was solemnized with Opposite-party no.2

in the month of Baisakh , 1997 at village-Fatahpur , P.S. Sonebarsa ,

District – Sitamarhi under the customary rights of Hindu and since then the

petitioner and the Opposite-party no.2 were living as the husband and wife.

4. That, it is stated that from the wedlock of the petitioner and

Opposite-party no.2 , one male issue was born namely Fekan Sah in the year

2005 .
5. That, it is stated that the Opposite-party no.2 had developed

illicit relation with one Ram Vinay Sah ,son of Late Biltu Sah , village-


Lohkhar, P.S. Sonebarsa , District – Sitamarhi , who happens to the brother-

in-law of the Opposite-party no.2.

6. That, it is stated that on 15.07.2005 ,the Opposite-party no.2 left

the house of the petitioner with her all belongings like ornaments ,clothes

etc. worth Rs.20,000/- and now lives with Ram Vinay Sah and she is living

in adultery with the aforesaid Vinay Sah.

7. That, it is stated that the Opposite-party no.2 in conspiracy with

the said Ram Vinay Sah is planning to commit the murder of the petitioner

and usurp the property of the petitioner .

8. That, it is stated that there was co-habitation of the petitioner

with Opposite-party no.2 more than seven years at village- Majhgama , P.S.

Bathnaha , District – Sitamarhi ,where the parties last resided permanently

and the Opposite-party no.2 from 15.07.2005 has been living separately in

village- Fatahpur , P.S. Sonebarsa , District – Sitamarhi with Ram Vinay


9. That, it is stated that on the instigation of Ram Vinay Sah, the

Opposite-party no.2 filed a complaint case against the petitioner in the

court of learned Chief Judicial Magistrate ,Sitamarhi for the offences

under Section 498(A) of the Indian Penal Code which was registered as

Complaint Case No.C-I-1097 of 2004 .

10. That, it is stated that after intervention of the well-wishers of

the parties ,the case was compromised between both the parties. After


compromise ,the Opposite-party no.2 resided with the petitioner for some

day and thereafter from 15.07.2005 ,the Opposite-party no.2 is residing in

village- Fatahpur ,P.S. Sonebarsa with Ram Vinay Sah , who is the brother –

in-law of the Opposite-party no.2.

11. That, it is stated that the Opposite-party no.2 has last co-

habitation with the petitioner on 14.07.2005 and thereafter she left the

house of the petitioner and began to live with her brother-in-law namely

Ram Vinay Sah and has been living in constant adultery with him as she fell

in his bad company at village- Fatahpur , P.S. Sonebarsa, District –


12. That, it is stated that in spite of several efforts , the Opposite-

party no.2 is not ready to leave parting with Ram Vinay Sah ,therefore, the

petitioner had filed the divorce case against the Opposite-party no.2 which

was registered as Matrimonial Case No.04 of 2006.

13. That, it is stated that after institution of the divorce case, the

learned Family court issued a notice to the Opposite-party no.2 and after

service of notice the Opposite-party no.2 appeared in the case and filed her

written statement .

14. That, it is stated that after filing of the written statement , the

Opposite-party no.2 did not appear in the court and left the pairvi of the
case ,which shows that the Opposite-party no.2 has no interest in the case

since she has also no interest to live with the petitioner .


15. That, the learned Principal Judge, Family Court , Sitamarhi

passed the impugned judgment and order dated 11.01.2010 ,whereby and

where under the learned Principal Judge has been pleased to reject the

application filed by the petitioner for divorce without considering the

material available on record .

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 11.01.2010 passed by

Sri Harendra Nath Tiwary , the learned Principal

Judge, Family Court, Sitamarhi in Matrimonial

Case No.4 of 2010 ,the above named petitioner

begs to prefer this revision application on amongst

the other following


I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while passing the impugned order , the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that the Opposite-party no.2 herself left

the petitioner and living adultery with Ram Vinay Sah .

III. For that, while passing the impugned order , the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that the Opposite-party no.2 did not

appear before the court after filing of the written statement .

IV. For that, while passing the impugned order , the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that the Opposite-party no.2 is living


with Ram Vinay Sah since 15.07.2005.

V. For that, while passing the impugned order the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that the Opposite-party no.2 is not ready

to live with the petitioner .

VI. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party no.2

and after hearing the parties be further pleased to

set aside the judgment and order dated

11.01.2010 passed by Sri Harendra Nath Tiwary ,

the learned Principal Judge, Family Court,

Sitamarhi in Matrimonial Case No.4 of 2010.


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

During the pendency of this application ,the

operation of the impugned judgment and order

dated 11.01.2010 may kindly be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.


Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Ram Pravesh Singh , son of Late Dwarika Singh ,

Resident of village- Arna , P.S. Mashrakh, District – Saran at Chapra.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Sri Prabhunath Singh , son of Basudeo Singh @ Narad Singh ,

3. Sri Kedar Nath Singh @ Kedar Singh ,son of Basudeo Singh @ Narad


Both resident of village- Mashrakh , Barahiya Tola, P.S.

Mashrakh , District – Saran at Chapra.

4. Sri Dudh Nath Singh , son of Saryug Singh ,

5. Sri Lalan Singh , son of Gorakh Singh ,


Both resident of village- Mashrakh Gopalbari , P.S. Mashrakh,

District – Saran at Chapra.

6. Sri Dharm Nath Singh @ Dharmdeo Singh , son of

Resident of village- P.S.

District –

7. Sri Nand Kishore Pandey, son of

Resident of village- Majhar , P.S. Bhagwanpur Hatt, District –Siwan.

8. Sri Bindeshwari Prasad Singh @ Bindeshwari Mahton , son of Saryug

Mahton , resident of village- Hanumanganj , P.S. Mashrakh , District –

Saran at Chapra.

9. Sri Harendra Singh ,son of Ram Nigah Singh ,

Resident of village – Dhenuki , P.S. Panapur ,District – Saran at Chapra.


The Hon’ble Shri Dipak Mishra , the Hon’ble Chief Justice of

the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, the present revision application on behalf of the

petitioner above named is directed against the judgment and order dated


19.12.2008 passed by Sri Manmohan Chaudhary the learned Additional

Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.III, Patna in Sessions Trial No.1557 of

2007 / 110 of 2007 , whereby and where under the learned Additional

Sessions Judge was pleased to pass an order of acquittal in favour of the

Opposite-party nos. 2 to 9 notwithstanding the availability of sufficient

material on record to bring the charges whom to the Opposite-party nos. 2

to 9.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgment and order dated 19.12.2008.

3. That, the prosecution case in short interalia is that on

07.03.1992 when the informant( petitioner herein ) along with his brother

Raj Narayan Singh @ Raju Singh ( deceased ) , Kishori Rai ( deceased ) ,

Parmalik Singh , Satya Narayan Singh , Birendra Singh and Bachcha Singh

were engaged in preparation of welcome of Chief Minister , at Mashrakh

Petrol Pump , North of Hanuman Ji temple at Taxi Stand at about 11.30

A.M. Basudeo Singh @ Narad Ji , Prabhunath Singh , Kedar Sigh and

Harendra Singh came with a red colour Bullet Motor Cycle bearing Reg.

No.BED-2221 .

Besides them Bindeshwari Prasad , Arjun Singh ( bodyguard of

Prabhu Nath Singh ) , Lalan Singh , Dudh Nath Singh , Nand Kishore

Pandey and four others ,whom the informant claimed to identify from

face ,reached there armed with Riffle and Revolver.


The informant further stated that the accused Basudeo Singh

instigated other accused persons to kill Raju which would consequently end

the Drama ,whereupon accused Prabhu Nath Singh fired from his

Revolver , causing injury on temporal region of Raju Singh and he fell


The informant further stated that Arjun Singh and Dharm Nath

Singh also fired at Raju Singh , causing injury on chest and other parts of the

body . It was also stated that Kedar Singh fired at Kishori Rai ,who was the

private bodyguard of Raju Singh , causing injury over his head and when he

fell down Harendra Singh , Bindeshwari Prasad , Lalan Singh , Dudh Nath

Singh and Nand Kishore Pandey opened fire indiscriminately .

It was also stated that in the aforesaid occurrence of firing one

Krishna Rastogi of Mashrakh also sustained injury and due to fear the

informant and others in order to save them fled away from the place of
occurrence , Raj Narain Singh and Kishori Rai died on spot. The motive

behind the occurrence was said to be the Chief Minister Program organized

at Mashrakh by the deceased persons and that Raju Singh was a witness in

the case filed by Ajay Singh against the accused persons .

4. That, on the basis of the aforesaid Fardbeyan of the informant ,

Mashrakh P.S. Case No.26 of 1992 dated 07.03.1992 for the offences Under

Sections 147 , 148,149, 302, 307 of the Indian Penal Code and Section -27

of the Arms Act was instituted in Mashrakh Police- Station against 10

named accused persons including the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 9.


5. That, after investigation , police submitted charge-sheet against only

nine accused persons including the petitioner nos. 2 to 9 and one Arjun

Sigh , whereas it submitted final report against Basudeo Singh ,the father of

the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3.

6. That, after submission of the charge-sheet ,cognizance was

taken and the case was committed to the court of Sessions . Since accused

Arjun Singh was killed some where ,therefore, the case was committed for

trail only in respect of Opposite-party nos. 2 to 9 . Charges were framed and

the accused persons were summoned to face trial.

7. That, this case has got a chequered history but the petitioner is

not required to bring all these facts on record ,suffice would be state that

considering the influence of Opposite-party no.2 in the District and has

association with hard core criminal ,since it was difficult of the District
Administration of Saran to conduct trial of the cases pending against

Opposite-party no.2 and his men at Chapra ,the District Magistrate Saran

had made a request from the State Government for transfer of the cases

pending against the Opposite-party no.2 and his men for trial to some other

Sessions Division .

8. That, at the instance of the State ,the matter was brought to the

notice of this Hon'ble Court and the orders of this Hon'ble Court ,different

Sessions Trial pending against the Opposite-party no.2 and his men at

Sessions Division, Saran were transferred for trial to the Sessions

Division ,


Hazaribag . After the records were transfer when the Opposite-parties were

summoned by the learned trial court, the Opposite-party no.2 used his

influence and did not follow the learned trial court at Hazaribag to

proceed with the trial on some pretext or the other .

9. That, in the mean time there was division of the State of Bihar

and according to the Re-Organization Act, Sessions Division had fallen

under the territorial jurisdiction of Jharkhand State .

10. That, since there was no sufficient progress in trial at Hazaribag

, under the orders of this Hon'ble Court ,the present Sessions Trial and other

cases also were transferred from Hazaribag to Bhagalpur for the purposes of

trial and after receipt of the record from Hazaribag in the year 2002 the
Sessions Court at Bhagalpur issued summons to the accused persons to face


11. That, even at Bhagalpur ,the Opposite-party no.2 was

exercising his influence to delay the trial in which he had succeeded to

great extent and did not allow the court to proceed in the matter till 2006.

12. That, after the process was complete ,prosecution was directed

to produce its witnesses for examination and thereafter on behalf of the

prosecution 19 witnesses were examined.

13. That, it is relevant to state that in the year 2004 , the Opposite-

party no.2 was elected as a Member of Parliament from Maharajganj

Parliamentary Constituency as a candidate of Janta Dal ( United) Political


Party. In the year 2005 when general elections were held for constitution of

14th Bihar Legislative Assembly , a coalition Government led by Janta Dal

United Political Party was formed in the State of Bihar . Since the Opposite-

party no.2 was sitting Member of Parliament of the party and he was

claiming leadership of a particular group of citizen , he was in a capacity to

influence the State Government , consequently the entire District

Administration of Saran was dancing in the tune of the Opposite-party no.2

and were engaged to manage the witnesses likely to depose against the

Opposite-party no.2 and his men .

14. That, it is stated that since five different Sessions Trial were

pending against the Opposite-party no.2 and his men at

Bhagalpur ,therefore, at the instance of Opposite-party no.2 ,one Shiv

Narayan Jha was appointed as the Public Prosecutor Bhagalpur . Since the

very beginning of trial the conduct of said Public Prosecutor was since

found against the interest of prosecution , petitions were filed by the

informant before the State Government for change of Public Prosecutor .

Since the Opposite-party no.2 was an influential person , the application of

the petitioner filed before different Authorities remain unattended .

True photo stat copies of application

filed by the petitioner for change of

Public Prosecutors are annexed

herewith and marked as


ANNEXURE- “1” series for

identification forming part of this


15. That, it is stated that the Public Prosecutor was interested to

close the evidence of the prosecution side after the examination of only

those witnesses , who were gained over by the Opposite-parties and

whenever the petitioner went to the Public Prosecutor along with the

witnesses ,who were to support the prosecution case, the Public Prosecutor

did not produce them for evidence for some reason or the other and they

were compelled to go back without deposition.

16. That, it is stated that the petitioner engaged a private lawyer

for himself and when a petition was filed before the learned trial court to

allow the informant to prosecute his case through a private lawyer , the

learned trial court too refused such permission to the informant .

17. That, some how or the other 19 witnesses were examined on

behalf of the prosecution out of which the petitioner was examined as

P.W.12 and had supported the case of prosecution as spelt out in the

Fardbeyan .

A true photo stat copy of the

deposition of the petitioner P.W.12 is

annexed herewith and marked as


ANNEXURE- “2” for identification

forming part of this application.

18. That, one Arun Kumar Tiwari Police Inspector ,Crime

Investigation Department was examined as P.W.14 ,who admitted in

paragraph no.2 of his evidence that during the course of investigation he

had recorded the statement of Ram Pravesh Singh ( informant ) , Krishna

Rastogi , who had also sustained injuries in the said occurrence , Mahadeo

Prasad , Vijay Prasad , Vidya Prasad , Ramdeo Prasad ,Rajeshwar Pandey ,

Satyadeo Prasad , Hari Madhav Singh , Ashok Singh and others . A perusal

of the statement of the aforesaid witnesses , as recorded under Section -161

of the Code of Criminal Procedure would show that during the course of

investigation though they have fully supported the case of the prosecution

but since most of them were gained over by the accused persons ,they did

not support the prosecution case when they were examined as witness before

the court.

19. That, one Kameshwar Singh was examined as P.W.19 and he

had also supported the case of prosecution .

A true photo stat copy of the

deposition of P.W.19 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “3” for identification

forming part of this application.


20. That, the Officer-in-Charge of Mashrakh Police- Station

namely Sri Kant Rai ,who had instituted the case and had recorded the

Fardbeyan of the informant was examined as P.W.17 . He also admitted

that he had recorded the Fardbeyan and further statement of the informant

during the course of investigation . He had also admitted that he had

recorded the statement of Arun Kumar Singh , Munna Singh ,Bachcha Singh

, Pawan Kumar , Krishna Rastogi , Satya Narain Singh , Dhirendra Singh ,

Ram Bilas Singh , Jata Sah , Mahesh Sharma , Binod Kumar, Jamadar

Mahto , Satyendra Singh and others during the course of investigation. A

perusal of the statement of those witnesses recorded under Section -161 of

the Code of Criminal Procedure would show that at that point of time they

had fully supported the case of prosecution but since they were gained over

by the Opposite-parties ,they turned hostile during the course of trial.

21. That, it is stated that since the learned Public Prosecutor was

also in connivance with the accused persons , he had not even drawn the

attendance of the witnesses towards their statement recorded in the case-

diary. Informant was not allowed to engage a private lawyer to conduct his


22. That, it is stated that noticing the activities of the Opposite-

party no.2 and his men , to gain over the witnesses ,some how or the other

and when they went to extent of assault to the witnesses in the Court Room

at Bhagalpur in the presence of the Presiding Officer of the court and the


administration as also the conduct of learned trial court and Public

Prosecutor , Sessions Trial No.19 of 2003 pending in the court of learned 7 th

Additional Sessions Judge , Bhagalpur was directed to be transferred for

trial from Bhagalpur to Patna after hearing the parties on a Habeas Corpus

application filed by one Harendra Rai ,the brother of deceased Rajendra Rai,

who was also killed by the Opposite-party no.2 and his men .

A true photo stat copy of the order

dated 13.03.2007 passed in

Cr.W.J.C.No.717 of 2006 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “4” for identification

forming part of this application.

23. That, since the attitude of the learned trial court seissigned

with the present case was also doubtful , Cr. Misc. No.13454 of 2007 was

filed by the petitioner for transfer of this case also from Bhagalpur to Patna

for trial.

24. That, the aforesaid case filed by the petitioner was heard with

other matters by a bench of this Hon'ble Court and vide order dated

10.08.2007 , a bench of this Hon'ble Court was pleased to transfer all other

four cases pending against the Opposite-party no.2 and his men pending at

Bhagalpur for trial at Patna.


A true photo stat copy of the order

dated 10.08.2007 passed in Cr. Misc.

No.13454 of 2007 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “5” for identification

forming part of this application.

25. That, after receipt of the records and as per direction of this

Hon'ble Court ,vide aforesaid order dated 10.08.2007 , the records of the

present trial was also transferred to the learned Additional Sessions Judge ,

Fast Track Court No.3 , Patna for trial, where Sessions Trial No.19 of 2003
was pending . At that point of time one Sri K.K. Sinha was the Presiding

Officer of the said court.

26. That, after the transfer of the above noted trials against the

Opposite-party no.2 and his men to Patna Sessions Division , the State

Government had appointed one Rakesh Kumar Sinha as the Special Public

Prosecutor to conduct the pending trial against the Opposite-party no.2 and

his men pending in the court of learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast

Track Court No.3, Patna.

27. That, the said Special Public Prosecutor Sri Rakesh Kumar

Sinha was not even eligible to be appointed as the Special Public Prosecutor

in view of the provisions contained in Section -24(8) of the Code of


Criminal Procedure 1973 since he had not sufficient length of practice of 10

years as provided under the Code.

A true photo stat copy of the

Notification of the Law Department

under memo no.4398 dated

25.07.2007 is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “6” for

identification forming part of this

28. That, it is stated that Sri Sinha was enrolled as an Advocate at

the roll of the Bihar State Bar Council on 13.11.1998 and thus less than 10

years of length of practice on 25.07.2007.

29. That, after the appointment of Sri Rakesh Kumar ,the

informant approached him to file application under Section 311 of Code of

Criminal Procedure for recording the evidence of material witnesses , who

were not examined at Bhagalpur either because summons were not served to

them or because they were not produced by the learned Public Prosecutor

for evidence , the Special Public Prosecutor refused to file any petition in

this regard.

30. That, under the circumstances , one Awadhesh Kumar Singh @

Munna Singh engaged a private lawyer and filed a petition on his behalf

before the learned trial court on 27.06.2008 with a prayer to record his


evidence since he is an important witness of the case and had singed the

seizure list.

31. That, though the application was filed to support the

prosecution case but the learned Special Public Prosecutor opposed the

application and submitted before the learned trial court that there is no merit

in the petition and it should be rejected . The learned trial court rejected the

petition vide order dated 01.09.2008.

A true photo stat copy of the order

dated 01.09.2008 passed by the

learned Trial in Sessions Trial

No.1557 of 2007 is annexed herewith

and marked as ANNEXURE- “7”

for identification forming part of this


32. That, the said order of the learned trial court was challenged by

one Awadhesh Kumar Singh before this Hon'ble Court by filing Cr. Misc.

No.47619 of 208 . After hearing the parties , a bench of this Hon'ble Court

stayed the proceedings before the learned trial court . On the next day of

stay granted by this Hon'ble Court , the case was mentioned on behalf of the

State and the instance of the State ,the case was again listed under the

heading to be mentioned when a prayer was made on behalf of the State to

dismiss the said application on the ground that it has been filed to delay the


trial . The order was deserved and it was delivered on 19.12.2008 when the

said Criminal Miscellaneous application was dismissed.

A true photo stat copy of the order

dated 17.12.2008, 18.12.2008 and

19.12.2008 passed by the learned

Trial in Sessions Trial No.1557 of

2007 is annexed herewith and marked

as ANNEXURE- “8” for

identification forming part of this


33. That, it is stated that on 19.12.2008, the aforesaid Cr. Misc.

No.47619 of 2008 in which stay was granted on 17.12.2008 was dismissed

an on certificate being produced to this , the learned trial court pronounced

the judgment and acquitted the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 9.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 19.12.2008 passed by

Sri Manmohan Chaudhary the learned Additional

Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. III, Patna in

Sessions Trial No.1557 of 2007 / 110 of 2007, the

above named petitioner begs to prefer this

revision application on amongst the other




I. For that, the part of the impugned judgment and order is bad in

law as well as on facts.

II. For that , the Prosecutor State had miserably failed to conduct

a free and fair trial of the case because the Opposite-party no.2 was non-else

but a sitting Member of Parliament of the Ruling Party and ,therefore, the

State was instrumental to secure his acquittal .

III. For that , serious infirmities were committed by the court in the

presence of the learned Public Prosecutor representing the State but there

was no protest on behalf of the Public Prosecutor and whenever attempt was

made by the petitioner to raise the protest , it was opposed by the Prosecutor


IV. For that, the important witnesses were driven away by the

learned Public Prosecutor at Bhagalpur when they had approached for their

evidence and they were not being examined before the court ,unless and

until permission was granted by the accused persons to get them examine .

Thus opportunity was granted to the accused persons to gain over the


V. For that, while recording the order of acquittal in favour of

Opposite-party nos. 2 to 9 ,the learned trial court failed to appreciate that at

least two Prosecution witnesses i.e. P.W.nos.12 and 19 have fully supported

the prosecution case , sufficient for conviction of the accused persons.


VI. For that, while passing the impugned judgment ,the learned

trial court failed to appreciate that even the police Officers have stated in

their deposition that they had recorded the statement of witnesses under

Section 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and if that would have been

referred to for the lapses of consideration of the guilt of the Opposite-

parties and the submission on behalf of the petitioner that the witnesses
were gained over , order of acquittal would not have been recorded in the


VII. For that, during the course of trial ,the learned trial court was

informed that the appointment of the Special Public Prosecutor has been

made contrary to the provisions of Section -24(8) of the Code of Criminal

Procedure and ,therefore, an incompetent person cannot be permitted to

conduct the trial , the learned trial court overlooked the serious infirmity

on behalf of the Prosecutor State in order to support the Opposite-parties.

VIII. For that, the judgment of acquittal recorded by the learned trial

court is contrary to the evidence available on record.

IX. For that, on consideration of the judgment of acquittal recorded

by the learned trial court in different cases against the Opposite-party no.2

and his men ,the State was directed to file revision application against the

judgment and order passed by the same Presiding Officer in favour of the

Opposite-party no.2 and his men .


X. For that, the impugned judgment and order is otherwise bad in

law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-

parties ,call for the records of the learned trial

court and after hearing the parties be further

pleased to set aside the judgment and order dated

19.12.2008 passed by Sri Manmohan Chaudhary,

the learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast

Track Court No.III, Patna in Sessions Trial

No.1557 of 2007 / 110 of 2007 and convict the

Opposite-party nos. 2 to 9 for the charges leveled

against them .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Pramod Singh , son of Late Yogendra Prasad Singh ,

Resident of village- Athri , P.S. Runnisaidpur , District – Sitamarhi.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Sanjay Singh, son of Raj Kishore Singh ,

Resident of village- Sauli, P.S. Tariyani ,District – Sheohar.

3. Tuntun Mishra, son of Sri Ram Mishra,

Resident of village- Machi, P.S. Belsand ,District – Sitamarhi.

4. Nawal Kishore Sahani, son of Suraj Prasad Sahani,

Resident of village- Athkauni , P.S. Tariyani ,District – Sheohar.




The Hon’ble Shri Dipak Mishra , the Hon’ble Chief Justice of

the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the part of

judgment dated 23.12.2009 and order dated 24.12.2009 so far it relates to

the Opposite-party nos. 2,3 and 4 passed by Sri Surendra Prasad Pandey ,

learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. III Sitamarhi in

Sessions Trial No.270 of 2007/ 166 of 2008 arising out of Runnisaidpur

P.S. Case No.163 of 2006 , G.R.No.1345 of 2006 registered for the

offences under Sections 364(A) of the Indian Penal Code , whereby and

where under the learned Additional Sessions Judge was pleased to

acquit the Opposite-party nos.2 ,3 and 4 from the aforesaid charges

leveled against them on the ground that the prosecution has miserably failed

to prove the charges beyond all reasonable doubts against the Opposite-

party nos. 2, 3 and 4.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgment dated 23.12.2009 and order

dated 24.12.2009.


3. That, the prosecution case as alleged in the First Information

Report in brief is that the informant Pramod Singh ( P.W.8) submitted his

written report before the Officer-in-Charge of Runnisaidpur Police – Station

on 23.07.2006 , stating therein that victim Baliram Singh ( P.W.7) went to

attend the meeting of Teachers Association at Sitamarhi by his Scooter

Bajaj Chetak bearing registration no.BR-06E-1587 at 12 A.M. on

22.07.2006 and he stayed at Petrol Pump situated nearby village- Thakur

while returning from Sitamarhi at 7.20 P.M. due to fill up petrol in the

Scooter and he proceeded to his home but he could not reach home . The

informant further said he and other were waited Baliram Singh till late

night .The informant further said that he traced him and he came to know

that accused Ajay Kumar resident of Sheohar and Pintu Singh resident of

village- Khansan under Riga Police- Station were seen moving at about 7

P.M. by Sumo Vita of while colour along with unknown persons . The

informant further said that both the aforesaid persons committed several

incidents of abduction and the informant suspected that aforesaid two

persons abducted victim Baliram Singh .

4. That, it is stated that after institution of the police proceeded

with the investigation and during the course of investigation the police

recorded the statement of so many independent witnesses in the case –

diary ,who supported the prosecution version .


5. That, it is stated that during the course of investigation , the

statement of the victim was recorded under Section 164 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure by the learned Magistrate and the Test Identification

Parade has also been conducted by the police in which the victim P.W.7

identified the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 .

6. That, it is stated that after thorough investigation of the case by

the Investigating Officer , the Police submitted charge-sheet against six

named accused persons including the Opposite-party no. 2,3 and 4 under

Sections 364(A) and 120(B) of the Indian Penal Code .

7. That, it is stated that after submission of the charge-sheet by the

police , the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi took cognizance

against all the accused persons including the Opposite-party nos. 2, 3 and

4 also under the same Section after going through the material available in

the case-diary .

8. That, it is stated that after taking cognizance , the case was

committed to the court of Sessions vide order dated 14.05.2007 for its

disposal and the charges were framed against all the accused persons

including the Opposite-party nos. 2 , 3 and 4 under Sections 364(A)/ 34 of

the Indian Penal Code .

9. That, in order to prove the case, the prosecution had examined

altogether 15 witnesses such as :-

P.W.1 : Manish Kumar


P.W.2 :Krishna Kumar

P.W.3 : Ganga Prasad

P.W.4 : Yugal Kishore Sah

P.W.5 : Bhupendra Narayan Singh

P.W.6 : Bajrangi Prasad Singh

P.W.7 : Baliram Singh , victim of the case

P.W.8 : Pramod Singh ,informant

P.W.9 : Navin Kumar

P.W.10 : Keshav Kumar

P.W.11. :Satyendra Ram ,Investigating Officer of the case

P.W.12 : Ashok Kumar Gupta , learned Judicial Magistrate , who

conducted Test Identification Parade.

P.W.13 :Ram Bihari Prasad, learned Judicial Magistrate , who

conducted Test Identification Parade.

P.W.14 :Ganesh Chaudhary

P.W.15 :Ram Bilash Mahto

10. That, it is stated that the prosecution had also produced

altogether 10 documentary evidences out of his oral evidence such as

Ext.1 :Signature of Ganga Prasad Singh on seizure list

Ext.2 :Signature of Baliram Singh on the statement recorded under

Section 164 of the Code of Criminal Procedure

Ext.3 :Fardbeyan


Ext.3/1 :Signature of Satyendra Ram on Fardbeyan .

Ext.4 : Form First Information Report .

Ext.5 & 6 :Seizure List

Ext.7 & 7/1 : T.I. Chart prepared by P.W.12 and 13 respectively.

Ext. 8 :The statement of Baliram Singh recorded under Section 164 of


11. That, it is stated that all the prosecution witnesses examined on

behalf of the prosecution had fully supported the prosecution case .

12. That, it is stated that P.W.4 in his evidence before the learned

trial court specifically said that the accused Pintu Chaudhary , Keshav

Chaudhary ,Sanjay Singh ( Opposite-party no.2) were moving there .

13. That, it is stated that P.W.6 victim in his evidence before the

learned trial court specifically said that Keshav Chaudhary indicated him ,

Tuntun Mishra ((Opposite-party no.3) had driven the Motorcycle having

pistol in their hand . He also said that he identified the accused Rajan

Singh , Ajay Singh , Madhvendra Singh and Tuntun Mishra ( Opposite-party

no.3) . He also said in his evidence that accused Tuntun Mishra ( Opposite-

party no.3) took out Rs.60,000/- from the Dicky of his Scooter and

kidnapped him and demanded for ransom .

14. That, it is stated that in his evidence P.W.7 victim also deposed

that after releasing from the custody of the accused persons ,during the

course of investigation he had visited along with the police personnel and he


identified the house of Tuntun Mishra (Opposite-party no.3) and Sanjay

Singh (Opposite-party no.2),where the accused persons kept him under

confinement for four days after his kidnapping .

15. That, it is stated that the P.W.11 Investigating Officer of the

case in his evidence said that the victim P.W.7 identified the house of

Sanjay Singh (Opposite-party no.2) , Ajay Singh , Sunil Singh , where the

victim was kept by the accused persons. He also in his evidence said that the

victim P.W.7 identified the Tuntun Mishra ( Opposite-party no.3) and Rajan

Singh in Test Identification Parade.

16. That, it is stated that the P.W.12 ,who conducted the Test

Identification Parade in his evidence before the learned trail court

supported the Test Identification Parade conducted by him.

17. That, it is stated that the P.W.13 , who conducted the Test

Identification Parade in his evidence before the learned trial court said that

in the test identification parade , the victim identified the accused Sanjay

Singh (Opposite-party No.2 ) and Tuntun Mishra ( Opposite-party no.3).

18. That, from perusal of the deposition of the witnesses of the

case, it is apparent that in the abduction of the victim P.W.7 ,the Opposite-

party nos.2 ,3and 4 are the vital roll and in their houses the victim was

confined .

19. That, it is stated that the learned trial court without taking into

consideration ,the consistent evidence of the P.W. 4,7,11, 12 and 13 who


specifically said that the Opposite-party nos. 2,3 and 4 are the vital roll in

kidnapping of the victim , acquitted the Opposite-party nos. 2,3 and 4 from

the charges.
20. That, it is stated that the learned trial court acquitted the

Opposite-party nos. 2 ,3 and 4 only on the ground that the victim did not

give their name in his statement under Section 164 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure but the learned trail court failed to consider that the victim did

not give their name in his statement under Section -164 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure at the time of recording his statement so that he was

very afraid since his statement was recorded just after releasing from the

custody of the kidnappers.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the part

of judgment dated 23.12.2009 and order dated

24.12.2009 so far it relates to the Opposite-party

nos. 2,3 and 4 passed by Sri Surendra Prasad

Pandey , learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast

Track Court No.III Sitamarhi in Sessions Trial

No.270 of 2007/ 166 of 2008 , the above named

petitioner begs to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following



I. For that, the part of the impugned judgment dated23.12.2009

and order dated 24.04.2009 is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 , 3 and 4 ,

the learned trial court failed to appreciate that the P.W.7 in his evidence

specifically said that the Opposite-party nos. 3 had driven the Motorcycle

having armed with pistol in their hand at the time of kidnapping and he had

also snatched Rs.60,000/- from the Scooter of Dicky of the appellant.

III. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 , 3 and

4 , the learned trial court failed to appreciate that the P.W.7 in his evidence

specifically said that he was confined in the house of Opposite-party nos. 2

and 3 and during the course of police investigation he identified the houses

of Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 .

IV. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 , 3 and 4 ,

the learned trial court failed to appreciate that the P.W.7 in his evidence

specifically said that he identified the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 in Test

Identification Parade which was also supported by P.W.12 and 13 in his

evidence ,who conducted the Test Identification Parade .

V. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 , 3 and 4 ,

the learned trial court failed to appreciate that in his evidence the P.W.11

Investigating Officer of the case supported the identification of the house of

Opposite-party nos.2 and 3 by the P.W.7 where P.W.7 was confined after

his kidnapping .


VI. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 , 3 and 4 ,

the learned trial court failed to appreciate that the P.W.4 in his evidence
specifically said that Opposite-party no.2 and others are moving around at

the time of kidnapping of the victim P.W.7.

VII. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 , 3 and 4 ,

the learned trial court failed to appreciate that the P.W.7 identified the

Opposite-party nos.2 , 3 and 4 in the Dock of the Court.

VIII. For that, while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2, 3 and 4 ,the

learned trial court ought to have consider that P.W.7 did not given the name

of the Opposite-party nos.2, 3 and 4 in his statement under Section 164 of

the Code of Criminal Procedure before the learned Magistrate but he failed

to consider that the statement of the victim was recorded just after releasing

from the custody of the kidnappers and at that relevant time he was very

afraid and he has not been position to say anything .

IX. For that , the learned trial failed to consider the material

aspects of the case and discharge the Opposite-party nos. 2 ,3 and 4 from

the charges leveled against them .

X. For that, the learned trial court failed to consider that all the

witnesses consistently support the contents of the prosecution version as

well as involvement of Opposite-party nos.2, 3 and 4 in the said offence .

XI. For that, the impugned judgment and order is otherwise bad in

law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-

parties ,call for the records of the learned trial

court and after hearing the parties be further

pleased to set

aside the part of the judgment dated 23.12.2009

and order dated 24.12.2009 so far it relates to the

Opposite-party nos. 2,3 and 4 passed by Sri

Surendra Prasad Pandey , learned Additional

Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No. III

Sitamarhi in Sessions Trial No.270 of 2007/ 166 of

2008 and convict the Opposite-party nos. 2 , 3 and

4 for the charges leveled against them .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.




I.A.No.(Crl.)____________________/ OF 2010.


CR. REVISION NO._____246_____________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Section 397 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure ;


In the matter of:-

Suresh Chaudhary …………….…………..…………… PETITIONER.


The State of Bihar ………….... ….……….………OPPOSITE-PARTY.


The Hon’ble Shri Dipak Misra , the Hon’ble Chief Justice of

the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship and

His Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named ;


1. That, this interlocutory application on behalf of petitioner

above named is for his release on bail during the pendency of the present

revision application .

2. That, it is stated that in the main application of criminal

revision application ,the petitioner has not made a prayer for bail ,therefore,

the instant application is being filed .

3. That, it is stated that the instant revision application is directed

against the judgment and order dated 7 th Day of December , 2009 passed

by Sri Bipin Bihari Pandey , the learned 9 th Additional Sessions Judge ,

Muzaffarpur in Cr. Appeal no. 86 of 2006 , whereby and where under the

learned Additional Sessions Judge has been pleased to reject the criminal

appeal filed by the petitioner and confirmed the judgment and order dated

13th July ,2006 passed by Sri Tribhuwan Nath , the learned Judicial

Magistrate 1st Class, Muzaffarpur in Trial No.1087 of 2006 with a certain

modification that the period of two years of conviction reduced to 18 months

, by which the learned Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class has been pleased to

convict the petitioner and one another to undergo R.I. for two years

Under Section 414 of the Indian Penal Code and fine of Rs.2,000/.


4. That, it is stated that during the pendency of the appeal , the

petitioner was on bail and after passing the impugned order by the learned

appellate court ,the petitioner could not surrender before the learned court
below and without surrendering before the learned trial court filed the

instant criminal revision application ,therefore, the Stamp Reporter pointed

out a defect for submission of surrender slip.

5. That, it is stated that after pointing out the defect, the

petitioner surrendered before the learned trial court on 16.02.2010 and

attached the surrender slip with the main criminal revision application and

accordingly the case was registered and listed before the Bench of this

Hon'ble Court.

6. That, it is stated that serious discrepancies in between the

evidence of the witnesses as well as the First Information Report and the

prosecution has failed to establish the case ,therefore, the petitioner deserves

to be released on bail.

7. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present one earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that Your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to enlarge the
petitioner on bail and stay the payment of fine
during the pendency of criminal revision
application in Trial No.1087 of 2006 to
the satisfaction of Sri Tribhuwan Nath , the


learned Judicial Magistrate 1st Class, Muzaffarpur

or his successor court.

Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case .

And for this , the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Sanjiv Sharma @ Sanjiv Kumar , son of Ramchandra Prasad Sharma ,

Resident of village- Charaun , P.S. Muffasil , District – Munger.



1.The State of Bihar.

2. Sunita Devi, wife of Awadh Narayan Sharma ,

Resident of village- Charaun , P.S. Muffasil , District – Munger.

………………………..………OPPOSITE –PARTIES.


The Hon’ble Shri Dipak Misra , the Hon’ble Chief Justice of

the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship


Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

dated 19.01.2010 passed by learned Sri Madhusudan Prasad Sharma ,

Sessions Judge ,Munger in Criminal Revision No.133 of 2009 , whereby

and where under the order dated 30.03.2009 passed by the learned Chief

Judicial Magistrate , Munger in Muffasil P.S. case No. 63 of 2008 ,by

which the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Munger has accepted the

Final Report and discharge the petitioner from the case , was set aside and

the matter was remitted back to the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate ,

Munger to re-consider and pass appropriate order in accordance with law.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court earlier against the impugned order .

3. That, the prosecution case as alleged in the First Information

Report is described here under for adjudication by this Hon'ble Court . The

prosecution case , in brief is that the informant namely Sunita Devi gave her

Fardbeyan before the Police Officials on 22.03.2008 at about 5 P.M. stating

therein that on the same day at about 4 P.M. when the informant was sitting

in her house then six (6) named accused persons including the petitioner

armed with various weapons Lathi, Danda, piece of brick and stone and by


abusing said to transfer the land forcibly upon which the husband of the

informant denied to transfer the said land and accordingly Sanjay Sharma ,

Niranjan Sharma and Sanjeev Sharma opened fire indiscriminately with

their guns and rest of the accused persons started brick batting and

consequently the son of the informant namely Ranjit Sharma, who was

sitting in the courtyard sustained bullet injury and having seen his injured

son, the husband of the informant as well as other persons mentioned in the

First Information Report protested to do so then they were also assaulted

with gun shot , lathi and piece of brick and stone and consequently they

have also sustained injury and thereafter the informant and others started to

hide themselves in their house to save themselves , thereafter the accused

persons continuously opened fire and brick batting . The son of the

informant died on the spot . It is further alleged that the Sanjay Sharma ,

Niranjan Sharma, Rajiv Sharma and Sanjiv Sharma all are in police service

had come in their native house and Ram Chandra Sharma as well as Sri

Niwas Sharma live at their home . The land of the informant situated at the

North Boundary of the house of the petitioner and they wanted to get

transfer the said land . The other persons have seen the occurrence and

informed the police through mobile and police came at the place of

occurrence immediately after information. Some injured persons went to

Sadar Hospital Munger for their treatment . The cause behind the occurrence


is land dispute and all the accused persons committed such offence and

accordingly the Fardbeyan was recorded and the First Information Report

was lodged.
A true photo stat as well as typed

copy of the F.I.R. of Muffasil P.S.

Case No.63 of 2008 is annexed hereto

and marked as ANNEXURE-“1”to

this petition.

4. That, the petitioner has been made accused by way of falsely

implication by the prosecution party /informant . The petitioner is no where

in the episode of this occurrence, rather he was present on his duty at

Andaman and Nikobar Island being a Solider in Indian Army and his

number is 13622495P LNK . The informant has given Fardbeyan in which

it is alleged that all the accused persons named in the First Information

Report came and opened indiscriminate firing including this petitioner

along with Niranjan and Sanjay having armed with gun and rest of the

accused started brick batting and one Ranjit Sharma sustained gun shot

injury. In the First Information Report ,the allegation of firing against three

accused persons including this petitioner and the Post-Mortem Report goes

to show there is one gun shot injury and a small pilot was received and the

gun shot has scattered and due to which there are three fire arm injury and

cause of death opined by the doctor due to fire arm as well as Head Injury


which is lacerated wound and it seems to be caused by hard and blunt

substance such as piece of stones and bricks. Meaning thereby there is

only one fire opened by one of the accused persons but the Fardbeyan of the
informant was drawn in exaggerated manner by the prosecution party and

simply the informant put her signature on the Fardbeyan itself . In this way

the prosecution party deliberately dragged the name of entire family

members including the all service holders.

5. That, during the course of investigation ,it has come that the

petitioner was on duty and when he came to know about his accusation then

he reported to his Authority and accordingly a letter dated 21.06.2008 was

sent to the Superintendent of Police ,Munger , Deputy Superintendent of

Police , Munger and Officer-in-Charge , Muffasil Police- Station by the

Lieutenant Coronal ( Major Captain) ,21 , Bihar (Maurya ) C/O 99 APO in

which it has been categorically mentioned that on the date of

occurrence ,the petitioner was working at Andaman and Nikobar Island

and he was discharging his duty in the Unit at a field firing and not in the

village during the time of occurrence. Apart from this the Investigating

Officer verified and he came at conclusion that he was not present at the

place of occurrence and he submitted Final Form by declaring him innocent

and the same has been accepted by the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate ,

Munger vide order dated 30.03.2009 . Not even only the plea of alibi is

bonafide and it can be looked into at any stage of the proceeding.


True photo stat as well as typed

copies of the letter dated 21.06.2008

and Charge-sheet No.266 of 2008 are

annexed hereto and marked as

ANNEXURE-“2” & “2A”to this

petition .

6. That, there is enmity between the parties and prior to lodging

the instant case ,a First Information Report was lodged earlier by the father

of the petitioner bearing Muffasil P.S. Case No.41 of 2008 in which the

husband of the informant as well as her son have been made accused for the

offence under Sections 447, 385,34 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 27

of the Arms Act for demand of Rangdari . The aforesaid case lodged by the

father of the petitioner is going on and the process was initiated against the

accused persons . The instant case is the counter blast of Muffasil P.S. Case

N.41 of 2008 lodged by the father of the petitioner .

A true photo stat as well as typed

copy of the F.I.R. of Muffasil P.S.

Case No. 41 of 2008 is annexed

hereto and marked as

ANNEXURE-“3”to this petition.

7. That, the learned Sessions Judge , Munger has wrongly opined

his view that the plea of alibi cannot be taken at this stage rather it should



placed when the accused enter into the defense after the prosecution

establishes is case showing the accused in the commission of the offence .

It is very much wrong to say that the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate

accepted the final report by discussing the alibi of the petitioner on the

contrary there is ample power to the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate

upon receiving a Police Report such facts or upon information received from

any person other than the Police Officer or upon on his own knowledge and

when it is found that the facts or material on record does not constitutes the

offence then he has ample power to accept the final report submitted by the

police and the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate has rightly passed the

order dated 30.03.2009 by which he exonerated the petitioner from the

present case . It is also relevant to mention that the plea of alibi has been

proved by the official letter communicated in between the officials of police

concerned and it is also very much impossible for the petitioner to

participate in the occurrence when he was discharging his duty at the ends

of India such as Andaman and Nikobar Island.

8. That, the learned Sessions Judge has committed a serious error

in perusing the report meticulously and said after lodging the First

Information Report some months after the plea of alibi was taken and the

certificate of Commanding Officer was also filed to show that on the date of

occurrence the petitioner was else where and the Investigating Officer

accepted the same .On the contrary when the petitioner was at Andaman

and Nikobar Island and when he came to know about the accusation by his

family members and ,thereafter he reported to his authority .In this way

there is no any latches on the part of the petitioner as well as his officials.

9. That, it is also wrong to say that the plea of alibi should be

raised after the adducement of evidence by the prosecution party . If there is

any evidence or documents which goes to show the innocence of the

petitioner then it is an abuse of process to proceed with this case such a

long period. The documents which was communicated by the Lieutenant

Coronal to the Police Officials with regard to the petitioner was not present

at the time of occurrence and the same was approved by the Police

Officials . Apart from this the First Information Report is not the

evidence ,rather it is a part of allegation and the same has to be tested as per

the evidence or document collected in the records of the case and as per the

documentary evidence there is ample chance for acquittal of the petitioner

then it should be looked into as earliest . In this way the impugned order

passed by the learned Sessions Judge is quite non-application of mind as

well as it is quite illegal in the eye of law.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order

dated 19.01.2010 passed by learned Sri

Madhusudan Prasad Sharma , Sessions Judge

,Munger in Criminal Revision No.133 of

2009 ,the above named petitioner begs to prefer


revision application on amongst the other



I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned Sessions

Judge , Munger is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, the learned Sessions Judge ,Munger did not apply his

mind with regard to plea of alibi which is quite approved by the

Investigating Agency as per the documentary evidence.

III. For that, the learned Sessions Judge , Munger did not

appreciate the evidence collected by the Investigating Officer during the

course of investigation such as the statement of witnesses , Post- Mortem

Report and the manner of the occurrence.

IV. For that, the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate has rightly

exonerated the petitioner from the charges leveled against him but the

learned Sessions Judge wrongly set aside the order dated 30.03.2009

passed by the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Munger.

V. For that, the learned Sessions Judge , Munger did not apply his

mind as well as did not examine the records of the proceeding meticulously

and he failed to appreciate the correctness , legality of any findings and


passed the order impugned without any rhyme and reason ,which is quite

illegal and beyond the Section 397 of the Code of Criminal Procedure .

VI. For that, the learned Sessions Judge has wrongly passed the

impugned order by setting aside the order of learned Chief Judicial

Magistrate , Munger on 30.03.2009 which is quite illegal in the eye of

law ,which is fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party no.2

and after hearing the parties be further pleased to

set aside the order dated 19.01.2010 passed by

learned Sri Madhusudan Prasad Sharma , Sessions

Judge ,Munger in Criminal Revision No.133 of

2009 and confirm the order dated 30.03.2009

passed by the learned Chief Judicial

Magistrate ,Munger passed in Muffasil P.S. Case

No.63 of 2008 ,so far it relates to the petitioner .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.



During the pendency of this application ,the

operation of the impugned order dated

19.01.2010 passed by the learned Sessions Judge ,

Munger and further proceeding of the learned

court below may kindly be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Baiju Rai, son of Ram Nandan Rai,

Resident of village- Pathrahi , P.S. Bajpatti , District – Sitamarhi.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Manvi Devi, daughter of Lal Babu Rai, wife of Baiju Rai ,

Resident of village- Pathrahi Tola , P.S. Bajpatti, District – Sitamarhi,

presently residing at Chingi Takiya , P.S. Bajpatti, District – Sitamarhi.



The Hon’ble Shri Dipak Misra , the Hon’ble Chief Justice of

the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship


Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 21.10.2009 passed by Sri Harendra Nath Tiwary , the

learned Principal Judge, Family Court, Sitamarhi in Misc. Case No.21 of

2008 , whereby and where under the learned Principal Judge has been

pleased to direct the petitioner to pay a sum of Rs.1,500/- to the Opposite-

party no.2 by way of maintenance from the date of filing of the maintenance

case . The petitioner has been further directed to make payment of arrears

of maintenance within 45 days .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court any time earlier against the impugned order .

3. That, the facts giving rise to the present revision application is

that the marriage of the petitioner was solemnized with Opposite-party no.2

in the month of March, 2004 under the customary rights of Hindu and since

then the petitioner and the Opposite-party no.2 were living as the husband

and wife.

4. That, after lapse of a year, the Opposite-party no.2 had gone to

her parental house with her father by the custom of Duragaman (second

marriage ).

5. That, the parents of the Opposite-party no.2 are very litigant

and shrewd person and they always instigating the Opposite-party no.2 to

not go to her in-law’s house ( Sasural ) with the petitioner without their

consent or permission.

6. That, it is stated that the petitioner approached several

occasions to take the Opposite-party no.2 in his house but the Opposite-

party no.2 did not ready to come with the house of the petitioner since she

did not like the petitioner .

7. That, it is stated that for settlement of matter a Panchayati was

conducted in which the Opposite-party no.2 flatly refused to live with the

petitioner at any cost.

8. That, it is stated that thereafter the petitioner filed a case

before the learned Principal Judge, Family Court, Sitamarhi for restitution

of their conjugal life which was registered as Matrimonial Case No.89 of

2007 but unfortunately the said case was dismissed in default due to making

non – pairvi of the case in absence of money .

A true photo stat copy of the

Matrimonial Case No.89 of 2007 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this revision


9. That, it is stated that the Opposite-party no.2 had also filed a

case against the petitioner and other family members under Sections 498A

of the Indian Penal Code and Section 3/4 of the Dowry Prohibition Act and

during the course of hearing of the anticipatory bail application of the

petitioner before the learned Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi ,the matter was

sent to the Court of Legal Aid Centre, Sitamarhi for compromise in

between the petitioner and the Opposite-party no.2 which was instituted as

Litigative Case No.77 of 2008.

10. That, it is stated that after institution of the case, the learned

Legal Aid Committee issued notice to the Opposite-party no.2 for

appearance but the said notice was returned by the Post Office with the

comment that the Opposite-party no.2 refused to accept them.

11. That, it is stated that the said case was returned back to the

concerned court by the learned Legal Aid Committee, Sitamarhi vide order

dated 23.07.2008 with the comment that the Opposite-party no.2 is not

ready to compromise the matter .

A true photo stat/typed copy of the

order passed by the learned Legal

Aid Committee , Sitamarhi is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” to this application.

12. That, notwithstanding all the aforesaid circumstances ,the

Opposite-party no.2 filed a maintenance case in the court of learned

Principal Judge, Family Court, Sitamarhi on 17.03.2008 under Section 125

of the Code of Criminal Procedure which was registered as Misc. Case

No.21 of 2008.

A true photo stat copy of the plaint of

Misc. Case No.21 of 2008 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “3” for identification

forming part of this application.

13. That, in the maintenance case, notice was issued to the

petitioner but the said notice was not served to the petitioner since the

petitioner is a poor labourer and he is doing the work of labour outside the

State ,therefore, ,the petitioner could not appear before the court .

14. That, it is stated that on behalf of the Opposite-party no.2

altogether three witnesses were examined such as Opposite-party no.2

herself , her father and mother ,who are the interested witnesses.

15. That, it is stated that the Opposite-party no.2 failed to produce

any independent witness to support his case.

16. That, in fact the Opposite-party no.2 herself deserted the life of

the petitioner and she did not ready to live with the petitioner even after the

best efforts made by him which is evident from the order passed by the

Legal Aid Centre, Sitamarhi as well as the Matrimonial case filed by the

petitioner before the learned Principal Judge, Family Court , Sitamarhi for

restitution of their conjugal life prior to lodging of the present maintenance


17. That, the petitioner is a poor person and he is working as

labourer on daily wages basis and his monthly income is not more than

Rs.2,000/- per month .

27. That, the learned Principal Judge, Family Court , Sitamarhi

passed the ex-parte impugned judgment and order dated

21.10.2009 ,whereby and where under the learned Principal Judge has been

pleased to held that the Opposite-party is entitled to get maintenance of

Rs.1,500/- per month since the date of filing of maintenance case i.e.

17.03.2008 and directed the petitioner for payment of maintenance to the

Opposite-party no.2 at the rate of 1,500/- per month under Section 125 of

the Code of Criminal Procedure . The learned Principal Judge has also been

pleased to direct the petitioner to make payment of arrears of maintenance

within 45 days.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 21.10.2009 passed by

Sri Harendra Nath Tiwary , the learned Principal

Judge, Family Court, Sitamarhi in Misc. Case

No.21 of 2008 ,the above named petitioner begs

to prefer this revision application on amongst the

other following


I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while passing the impugned order , the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that in view of the facts stated in the

order passed by the Legal Aid Centre , Sitamarhi that the Opposite-party

no.2 is not ready to live with the petitioner ,the Opposite-party no.2 is not

entitled to any maintenance or interim maintenance under Section 125 of

the Code of Criminal Procedure .

III. For that, while passing the impugned order, the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that even after the best efforts of the

petitioner ,the Opposite-party no.2 did not ready to live with the petitioner .

IV. For that, while passing the impugned order ,the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that the Opposite-party no.2 herself

deserted the life of the petitioner though the petitioner is ready to keep the

Opposite-party no.2 with full dignity and surety ,therefore, she would

cannot be entitled to any maintenance under the provisions of Section 125

of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

V. For that, while passing the impugned order ,the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that in any event an order for payment of

interim maintenance cannot be passed with retrospective effect i.e. from the

date of filing of maintenance case.

VI. For that, while fixing the maintenance , the learned Principal

Judge failed to appreciated that the petitioner is a labour and working on

daily wages basis .

VII. For that, the maintenance fixed by the learned Principal Judge

is excessive than the income of the petitioner .

VIII. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party no.2

and after hearing the parties be further pleased to

set aside the judgment and order dated 21.10.2009

passed by Sri Harendra Nath Tiwary , the learned

Principal Judge, Family Court, Sitamarhi in Misc.

Case No.21 of 2008.


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

operation of the impugned judgment and order

dated 21.10.2009 passed in Misc. Case No.21 of

2008 may kindly be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;


In the matter of :-

Suresh Chaudhary , son of Ram Chandra Chaudhary ,

Resident of village Thikaha Kothi , P.S. Kathaiya ,District –Muzaffarpur.



The State of Bihar…… ………….…….…………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Shri Dipak Misra , the Hon'ble Chief Justice of

the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;



1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 7th Day of December , 2009 passed by Sri Bipin Bihari

Pandey , the learned 9th Additional Sessions Judge , Muzaffarpur in Cr.

Appeal no. 86 of 2006 , whereby and where under the learned Additional

Sessions Judge has been pleased to reject the criminal appeal filed by the

petitioner and confirmed the judgment and order dated 13 th July ,2006

passed by Sri Tribhuwan Nath , the learned Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class,

Muzaffarpur in Trial No.1087 of 2006 with a certain modification that the

period of two years of conviction reduced to 18 months , by which the

learned Judicial Magistrate 1st Class has been pleased to convict the

petitioner and one another to undergo R.I. for two years Under Section

414 of the Indian Penal Code and fine of Rs.2,000/.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgments and orders.

3. That, the prosecution case ,in nut shell, is that the informant

Markandey Singh , Sub-Inspector of Brahmpura Police- Station recorded

his self statement on 19.03.2005 at 3.30 A.M. near Chandani

Chowk ,Muzaffarpur at NH-28 , alleging therein that in the night of

18/19.03.2005 at 1 A.M. proceeded for patrolling along with Nandu

Pandey , Harendra Paswan , Mohan Bhagat, Md. Hussain , Sheo Chandra

Singh and Umesh Singh through the Police Jeep for night patrolling and

during the course of


patrolling at about 1.30 A.M. , he got secret information that a pick up van

of white colour is running away along with stolen article from a shop.
The informant further alleged that when the information was

received through wireless message at Mal Godown Chowk after which he

proceeded for Chandani Chowk and started checking of the vehicles and

during the course of checking of vehicle a Pick Up Van of white colour was

seen coming towards Bairia with high speed ,then the said van was signaled

to sop and the said van was stopped and Driver of the concerned van asked

that the van was empty.

The informant further alleged that when the informant started

to search then the Driver along with five other persons started to fleeing

away from the Van , the culprits were chased by the Armed Forces and two

of the culprits were apprehended and three were succeeded to flee away.

The informant further alleged that the apprehended persons

disclosed his name as Suresh Chaudhary ,driver of the van and another

apprehended persons disclosed his name as Chandeshwar Sahani.

The informant further alleged that the said Van was searched

and during the course of search Dhoti , Sari , Clothes and some ornaments

of Gold and Silver were recovered and the same were seized after preparing

the seizure list.

4. That, it is stated that on the basis of the aforesaid self recorded

statement of the informant , Brahmpura Police drew up a formal First

Information Report and registered a case being Brahmpura P.S. Case No.33

of 2005 dated 19.04.2005 attributing offences under Section 414/34 of the

Indian Penal Code.

5. That, it is stated that after institution of the First Information

Report , Police proceeded with the investigation and during the course of

investigation , the Investigating Officer found that the said seized theft

articles , a First Information Report was instituted by one Devendra Sah in

Ahiyapur Police- Station being Ahiyapur P.S. Case No.89 of 2005 for the

offences under Sections 467,379 , 411 and 34 of the Indian Penal Code .

6. That, it is stated that after investigation of the case ,the police

submitted charge-sheet against both the apprehended accused persons under

Sections 461, 379, 411/34 of the Indian Penal Code in Ahiyapur P.S. Case

No.89 of 2005 and under Section 414 of the Indian Penal Code in

Brahmpura P.S. Case No.33 of 2005 .

7. That, it is stated that in both the cases cognizance were taken

and both the cases were amalgamated for trial.

8. That, it is stated that the learned Magistrate framed charges

against both the accused persons under Sections 367, 379 ,411 and 414 of

the Indian Penal Code.

9. That, it is stated that during the course of trial altogether nine

prosecution witnesses were examination by prosecution such as P.W.1

Umesh Kumar Home Guard, P.W.2 Sudhir Kumar Singh seizure list witness

, P.W.3 Dharm Nath Rai Home Guard & seizure list witness , P.W.4 Shiv

Chandra Singh Home Guard , P.W.5 Parmanand Rai Home Guard , P.W.6

Devendra Sah informant of Ahiyapur P.S. Case No.89 of 2005 , P.W.7

Harendra Paswan Home Guard , P.W.8 Kumar Brajesh Investigating Officer

of the case , P.W.9 Markandey Singh Sub-Inspector as well as informant of

Brahmpura P.S. Case No. 33 of 2005.

10. That, it is stated that P.W.6 Devendra Sah , informant of

Ahiyapur P.S. Case No. 89 of 2005 in his deposition before the learned trial

court deposed that he never identified any one and the seized articles has

not been recovered from his presence.

11. That, it is stated that the seizure list witness P.W.2 and P.W.3 in

their deposition before the learned trial court deposed that the articles were

recovered from the Pick up Van not from the possession of the petitioner .

12. That, it is stated that P.Ws.1 ,3,4,5 ,7 , 8 and 9 are the Police

Personnel ,whereas the P.W.6 is the informant of Ahiyapur P.S. Case No.89

of 2005 from whose shop the seized articles were stolen .

13. That, it is stated that according to the First Information Report ,

it is admitted fact that the petitioner is the Driver of the said Pick Up van

from which the seized articles were recovered but in fact the petitioner has

no concerned with the said articles since the said van is a Public Goods

Carriage Van on the hire basis and if the petitioner has nexus with the said

goods then he did not stop the vehicle on the signal of the Police .

14. That, it is stated that according to the First Information Report

as well as deposition of the witnesses , it is admitted fact that at the time of

raiding three persons have been succeeded to flee away ,who hired the

vehicle of the petitioner .

15. That, it is stated that during the course of investigation ,the

police failed to arrest those persons ,who succeeded to flee away since the

petitioner has no knowledge about the said persons .

16. That, it is stated that P.W.8 who is the Investigating Officer of

the case, who deposed before the court that he took over the charge of

investigation from one Chandrakant Yadav but the said Chandrakant Yadav

did not come to depose before the court and in absence of his

examination ,the First Information Report of Brahmpura Police-Station has

not been proved.

17. That, it is stated that seizure list witness P.W. 2 Sudhir Kumar

Singh deposed before the court at the time of search and seizure he was

sleeping at his house but he did not disclose that how he had come to the

Brahmpura Police- Station and put his signature on seizure list .

18. That, it is stated that P.W.6 in his evidence did not say that this

petitioner had stolen the articles from his shop ,rather he only identified the

theft articles.

19. That, since the petitioner is the driver of the Commercial

Vehicle and he has no concerned with the goods loaded in the van either

theft or not .

20. That, it is stated that the prosecution has failed to establish the

offence under Section 379 of the Indian Penal Code ,therefore, there is no

occasion to prove the case under Section 414 of the Indian Penal Code.

21. That, it is stated that there is serious contradiction in between

the deposition of the prosecution witnesses and all the witnesses are

interested witnesses ,therefore, their evidence is not trust worthy .

22. That, it is stated that the learned Magistrate ,without taking into

consideration of the serious discrepancies in between the evidence of the

witnesses as well as the First Information Report , convicted the petitioner

vide judgment and order dated 13th July ,2006 in Trial No.1087 of 2006 to

undergo R.I. for two years Under Section 414 of the Indian Penal Code

and fine of Rs.2,000/ only on the ground that the seized articles was

identified by P.W.6 as theft articles .

A true photo stat copy of the

judgment and order dated 13.07.2006

is annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this revision


22. That, it is stated that against the judgment and order dated

13.07.2006 passed by the learned Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class, Muzaffarpur

in Trial No.1087 of 12006 ,the petitioner preferred an appeal

in the court of learned 9th Additional Sessions Judge , Muzaffarpur , who

also dismissed the appeal filed by the petitioner and confirmed the order

passed by the learned trial court with a certain modification that the period

of two years of conviction reduced to 18 months without considering the

material available on record vide judgment and order dated 07.12.2009.

23. That, the petitioner has got no criminal antecedent and he has

never been implicated in any other criminal case.

24. That, the petitioner is behind the bars about a year and during

the course of trial the petitioner was all along on bail .

25. That, it is stated that at the time of conviction by the learned

trial court ,the learned trial court granted provisional bail which was also

confirmed by the learned appellate court.

26. That, it is stated that in view of the aforesaid facts and material

available on record ,the impugned orders is fit to be set aside.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 7th Day of December ,

2009 passed by Sri Bipin Bihari Pandey , the

learned 9th Additional Sessions Judge ,

Muzaffarpur in Cr. Appeal no. 86 of 2006 and

also the judgment and order dated 13 th July ,2006

passed by Sri Tribhuwan Nath , the learned

Judicial Magistrate 1st Class, Muzaffarpur in

Trial No.1087 of 2006, the above named

petitioner begs to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned trial court

as well as appellate court is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the version of the First Information Report as well

as evidences of the witnesses .

III. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that it is admitted fact

that the petitioner is a Driver of the Public Carriage Vehicle and on the

signal of Police he stopped the vehicle and if the petitioner has any nexus

with the said article , he did not stop the vehicle and tried to escape away

but he did not do so .

IV. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that according to the First

Information Report on the signal of the police ,the petitioner stopped the

vehicle and three persons succeeded to flee away and on query the petitioner

disclosed his name but he did not disclose the name of those persons ,who

succeeded to flee away and if the petitioner has any nexus with them then

he must be disclosed their name.

V. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that all the prosecution

witnesses except P.W.2 and P.W.6 is the Police Personnel whereas the

P.W.6 is the informant of Ahiyapur P.S. Case No.89 of 2005 and P.W.2 is

the man of Police Personnel, it means that all the witnesses are interested

witnesses .

VI. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that P.W.6 in his

deposition said that he only identified the articles ,who was theft from his

shop but he did not say anything that this petitioner had stolen the articles

from his shop.

VII. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the P.W.2 Sudhir

Kumar , seizure list witness in his deposition said that at the time of search

and seizure he was sleeping at his house but he did not disclose that how he

reached at the Police – Station for putting his signature on the seizure list.

VIII. For that ,while convicting the learned trail court as well as

appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution did not establish his

case under Section 379 of the Indian Penal Code ,therefore, there is no

occasion to establish the case under Section 414 of the Indian Penal Code.

IX. For that ,while convicting the learned trail court as well as

appellate court failed to appreciate that the first Investigating Officer of the

case, who conducted investigation in earlier stage did not examine by the

prosecution .

X. For that ,while convicting the learned trail court as well as

appellate court failed to appreciate that the prosecution has failed to

examine the Police Officer, in whose presence the Test Identification Parade

of articles has been conducted.

XI. For that , if the order of the learned trial court as well as

appellate court are allowed to be continued ,it will amount to miscarriage of


XII. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law as well as

facts and fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this application,

issue notice to the opposite-party ,call for the

records of the learned court below and after

hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the judgment and order dated 7 th Day of

December , 2009 passed by Sri Bipin Bihari

Pandey , the learned 9 th Additional Sessions

Judge , Muzaffarpur in Cr. Appeal no. 86 of 2006

and also the judgment and order dated 13 th

July ,2006 passed by Sri Tribhuwan Nath , the

learned Judicial Magistrate 1st Class, Muzaffarpur

in Trial No.1087 of 2006 and discharge the

petitioner from the charges .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



CR. REV. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Chhote Lal Murmu ,son of Late Dhuma Murmu ,

Resident of village- Tumba Pahad , P.O. Chai, P.S. Jhajha ,District – Jamui.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Shanti Murmu , daughter of Sri Lakhan Marandi ,

Resident of village- Kudwan Tand , P.O. Chhapardih , P.S. Sono , District

- Jamui.


The Hon’ble Shri Dipak Misra , the Hon’ble Chief Justice of

the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship


Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this application on behalf of the petitioner above named

is for setting aside the order dated 25.11.2009 passed by Sri

,the learned Principal Judge, Family Court, Jamui in Maintenance Case

No.20M of 2009 ( Shanti Murmu –versus- Chhote Lal Murmu ) ,whereby

and where under the learned Principal Judge has been pleased to direct the

petitioner to pay a sum of Rs.2,000/- to the Opposite-party no.2 by way of

interim maintenance from the date of filing of the maintenance case . The

petitioner has been further directed to pay interim maintenance allowance

on 15th of each successive month.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court any time earlier against the impugned order .

3. That, the facts giving rise to the present revision application is

that the marriage of the petitioner was solemnized with Opposite-party no.2

in the year 1998 under the customary rights of Santhal and since then the

petitioner and the Opposite-party no.2 were living as the husband and wife.
4. That, the petitioner was blessed with two sons with the

wedlock of the Opposite-party no.2. The eldest son of the petitioner is more

than nine years .


5. That, though immediately after the marriage, the petitioner

noticed that the conduct of the Opposite-party no.2 was not fair . The

petitioner further received information that the Opposite-party no.2 had

pre-marital relation with a boy of her own village.

6. That, since the Opposite-party no.2 was the wife of the

petitioner ,therefore, the petitioner overlooked her pas conduct and tried to

make her relationship cordial with the Opposite-party no.2 for which the

petitioner was given his all love and affection to the Opposite-party no.2.

7. That, yet the Opposite-party no.2 did not give up her bad

habits .Before the marriage of the petitioner was solemnized with the

Opposite-party no.2, the petitioner was appointed as a 4 th Grade Employee

in this Hon'ble High Court . Initially after the marriage , the Opposite-party

no.2 was living in the petitioner’s native village but when the petitioner was

informed by his parents about the conduct of the Opposite-party no.2, the

petitioner took her to Patna and resided with the Opposite-party no.2in a

rental house in Yarpur Mohalla.

8. That, when the petitioner was allotted a Quarter in Adalatganj

by this Hon'ble Court ,he shifted his residence from Yarpur to Adalatganj in

the year 2008. In front of the petitioner’s quarter at Adalatganj another 4 th

Grade Employee namely Shyam Sundar Marandi has his quarter . Pappu

Marandi aged about 24-25 years is the son of Shyam Sundar Marandi.


9. That, since the petitioner had to go on his duty of this Hon'ble

Court ,therefore, and taking advantage of the absence of the petitioner ,the

Opposite-party no.2 had developed her illicit relation with Pappu Marandi

son of Shyam Sundar Marandi.

10. That, some how or the other ,when the petitioner could learnt

about the illicit relations of Opposite-party no.2 with next door neighbours

Pappu Marandi , he had put pressure upon the Opposite-party no.2 to give

up her bad habits and live in the house with dignities ,which was since not

acceptable to Opposite-party no.2 , she threatened the petitioner that if

would come in the way of her relationship with Pappu Marandi ,she would

file false cases and would implicate the petitioner .

11. That, since the petitioner is a peace loving person, he did not

invite any confrontation with the Opposite-party no.2 ,rather tried his best to

settle the dispute with the Opposite-party no.2.

12. That, it is relevant to state that continuously from 12.01.2009

to 16.01.2009 ,when the family members of Pappu Marandi had gone to

their native place ,the Opposite-party no.2 after the petitioner and children

slept ,put the lock on the door and went to the quarter of Pappu Marandi

where she stayed for whole of the night and would returned back only when
the petitioner and the children had woke up but they were behind the lock in

their quarter.


13. That, in view of the aforesaid situation, the petitioner had no

option but to inform the parents of the liabilities about her illicit relation

with Pappu Marandi and requested them to come Patna ,so that the

differences could be resolved ,when they had assured to come Patna on


14. That, some how or the other ,when the Opposite-party no.2 had

the information about the arrival of her parents on 17.01.2009 ,when she

went to the quarter of Pappu Marandi in the night of 16.01.2009 ,the

petitioner was under the impression that according to her usual habits ,she

would be coming back to the quarter on 17.01.2009 but since the Opposite-

party no.2 had the information of arrival of her parents on 17.01.2009 in the

morning of 17.01.2009 ,she fled away with Pappu Marandi to some

unknown destination and did not come back to petitioner’s quarter.

15. That, when the parents of the Opposite-party no.2 reached to

the petitioner’s quarter ,they were informed about the incident in great detail.

Since they were aware about the past conduct of the Opposite-party no.2,

they had first consoled the petitioner to forget the Opposite-party no.2 and

they also assured that they would also forget the Opposite-party no.2 was

ever their daughter but for reasons best known to them , they changed their
statements in the evening and asked the informant to search the Opposite-

party no.2 ,otherwise they would file a criminal case against the petitioner

for the murder of their daughter.


16. That, under the circumstances , the petitioner started the

search of the Opposite-party no.2 ,when she was found along with Pappu

Marandi at the matrimonial house of the sister of Pappu Marandi at

Danapur , Manpura . The petitioner made a call on the cell phone of a co-

villager of parents of the Opposite-party no.2 namely Bhogen Tuddu ,who

was present at the petitioner’s quarter from Danapur ,Manpura and the

Opposite-party no.2 had talked with her parents . In that conversation with

the parents ,the Opposite-party no.2 flatly refused to stay with the petitioner

had expressed her will to marry with Pappu Marandi . She had further

stated to her parents that if they would compel the Opposite-party no.2 to

live with the petitioner ,she would commit suicide.

17. That, after that consultation with the Opposite-party no.2 , the

parents were looking quite satisfied . They stayed at the quarter of the

petitioner for two days but again on 3 rd day they turned their voice and

asked the petitioner to arrange their face to face meeting with the Opposite-

party no.2 . Under compulsion ,the petitioner hired an Auto Rickshaw and

took the parents of the Opposite-party no.2 to Danapur ,Manpura at the

sister’s house of Pappu Marandi , where the Opposite-party no.2 was stayed

and after face to face meeting with the Opposite-party no.2 , they failed to
bring the Opposite-party no.2 to their own terms to live with the petitioner

and thereafter they came back . One Arjun Murmu was also along with



18. That, thereafter the parents of the Opposite-party no.2 went

back to their native place whereupon they asked the petitioner to return their

daughter at their native place otherwise the petitioner was again threatened

for his implication in a false criminal case instituted for murder of their

daughter . Since ,the petitioner was helpless and had no other remedy to get

the dispute resolved amicably without shelter of the court, he filed a petition

before the Station Head Officer of Patna Kotwali Police- Station on

26.01.2009 , narrating the entire story in detail.

A true photo stat copy of the

application dated 26.01.2009 filed by

the petitioner before the Station Head

Officer ,Patna Kotwali Police-

Station is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “1” for

identification forming part of this


19. That, on the basis of the aforesaid application of the

petitioner , a Sanha was entered in Kotwali Police- Station as

S.D.E.No.1507 of 2009 dated 26.01.2009 and an Officer of the Kotwali

Police- Station went to the quarter of Pappu Marandi to verify the fact ,when

he gathered the truth of the information filed by the petitioner ,he asked the

parents of Pappu


Marandi to get the physical appearance of the Opposite-party no.2 otherwise

they would be put behind the bars.

20. That, since the parents of Pappu Marandi were aware of the

whereabouts , where the Opposite-party no.2 was living with Pappu Marandi

,they informed them and on their information Pappu Marandi along with the

Opposite-party no.2 reached the quarter of Pappu Marandi on

27.01.2009 ,when the Kotwali Police was informed by the petitioner .

21. That, on information of the petitioner ,the police arrived at the

quarter of Pappu Marandi where it found the Opposite-party no.2 . The

statement of the Opposite-party no.2 was taken by the Police, wherein she

flatly refused and expressed her desire to live with Pappu Marandi.

22. That, since the Opposite-party no.2 was adamant to marry and

live with Pappu Marandi ,when this message went to the society of

Santhals , a Panchayati was held under the chairmanship of Pradhan

( Majhi Saheb ) of village- Kodwa Tand , the village of the Opposite-party

no.2 on 01.02.2009 . In Panchayati too the Opposite-party no.2 clearly

stated that she would not live with the petitioner and would live with Pappu

Marandi . As a result of such statement ,the Society of Santhals terminated

the relationship of the petitioner with the Opposite-party no.2 on and after

01.02.2009 and both of them were released of their relationship.

A true photo stat copy of the

Panchnama dated 01.02.2009 is


annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” for identification

forming part of this application.

23. That, after 01.02.2009 ,the Opposite-party no.2 was staying at

the house of her parents and the petitioner was staying in his quarter with

his two children born with the wedlock of the Opposite-party no.2.

24. That, notwithstanding all the aforesaid circumstances ,the

Opposite-party no.2 filed a maintenance case in the court of learned

Principal Judge, Family Court, Jamui on 26.03.2009 under Section 125 of

the Code of Criminal Procedure which was registered as Case No.20M of


A true photo stat copy of the plaint of

Maintenance Case No.20M of 2005 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “3” for identification

forming part of this application.

25. That, before filing of the aforesaid Maintenance Case , the

Opposite-party no.2 filed a complaint case in the court of learned Chief

Judicial Magistrate , Jamui on 03.03.2009 ,alleging offences against the

petitioner and other family members under Sections 323,324,379,307, 498A

of the Indian Penal Code and Section 3/4 of the Dowry Prohibition Act.


A true photo stat copy of the

complaint petition of Complaint Case

No.216C of 2009 is annexed herewith

and marked as ANNEXURE- “4” for

identification forming part of this


26. That, in the maintenance case, notice was issued to the

petitioner and on receipt of the notice ,the petitioner appeared before the

court and filed his written statement on 18.07.2009 .

27. That, on 18.07.2009 , a petition for interim maintenance was

filed on behalf of the Opposite-party no.2 and after hearing the parties , the

learned Principal Judge vide his order dated 25.11.2009 directed the

petitioner for payment of interim maintenance to the Opposite-party no.2 at

the rate of 2000/- per month under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure .

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order

dated 25.11.2009 passed by Sri

,the learned Principal Judge, Family Court, Jamui

in Maintenance Case No.20M of 2009 ,the above

named petitioner begs to prefer this revision

application on amongst the other following



I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while passing the impugned order , the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that in view of the facts stated in

Panchnama ,the Opposite-party no.2 is not entitled to any maintenance or

interim maintenance under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure .

III. For that, while passing the impugned order, the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that in view of the provisions contained

in sub-Section -4 of Section -125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure , the

Opposite-party no.2 would not be entitled to any maintenance since she is

living in adultery .

IV. For that, while passing the impugned order ,the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that if the Panchnama of Santhal

Society is available on record , according to which the Opposite-party no.2

is living in adultery with Pappu Marandi and has ,therefore, denied /refused

to live with the petitioner ,she would cannot be entitled to any maintenance

under the provisions of Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

V. For that, while passing the impugned order ,the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that in any event an order for payment of

interim maintenance cannot be passed with irrespective effect i.e. from the

date of filing of maintenance case.

VI. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law .


It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party no.2

and after hearing the parties be further pleased to

set aside the order dated 25.11.2009 passed by Sri

,the learned Principal

Judge, Family Court, Jamui in Maintenance Case

No.20M of 2009 .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application ,the

operation of the impugned order dated 25.11.2009

may kindly be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2010.(Limitation )

Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-

Baiju Rai ………….……..…………..……………..……PETITIONER


The State of Bihar and another………………OPPOSITE -PARTIES.


The Hon’ble Shri Dipak Misra , the Hon’ble Chief Justice of

the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this interlocutory application on behalf of the petitioner


above named is for condonation of delay in filing of the instant revision


2. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present on earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

3. That, it is stated that the learned Principal Judge, Family

Court, Sitamarhi passed the impugned judgment and order dated

21.10.2009 ex-parte i.e. without hearing the petitioner ,therefore, the

petitioner has got no knowledge about the passing of the aforesaid order.

4. That, it is stated that when the legal notice was served to the

petitioner along with the aforesaid judgment and order dated

21.10.2009 ,therefore, the petitioner has got knowledge about the impugned

order which was under challenge before this Hon'ble Court.

5. That, it is stated that after knowledge of the aforesaid order

passed by the learned Principal Judge, Family Court , Sitamarhi ,the

petitioner applied for the certified copy of the aforesaid order and after

obtaining the certified copy of the said order and arranged the money , the

petitioner approached the learned counsel appearing on behalf of the

petitioner for filing of the criminal revision application.

6. That, it is stated that since the date of knowledge of the

aforesaid order , the present revision application is within the time .

7. That, there is no intentional latches on the part of the petitioner

to approach this Hon'ble court against the impugned order and the delay


has been caused in filing of the instant revision application because of

reasons aforesaid.

8. That, if the delay in filing of the revision application is not

condoned ,the petitioner would suffer an irreparable loss and injury which

cannot be sustained in other way.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to condone

the delay in filing the present criminal revision

application .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Section 397 of the Code of Criminal



In the matter of :-

Md. Nezam , son of Md. Allauddin ,

Resident of village-Bardah , P.S. Muffasil, P.O. Dariyapur, District –




The State of Bihar.…………….………………OPPOSITE -PARTIY.


The Hon’ble Shri Shiva Kirti Singh , the Hon’ble Acting

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioners above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 24.08.2009 passed by learned Sri Neeraj Kishore ,Judicial

Magistrate 1st Class, Patna in G.R.No.1390 of 2009 arising out of

Gardanibag P.S. Case No.261 of 1999 , whereby and where under the

learned Magistrate took cognizance against the petitioner for the

offences under Sections 419, 420 , 467 , 468, 471 ,120(B) of the Indian

Penal Code illegally .

2. That, the petitioner has never moved before this Hon'ble High

Court or before the learned Sessions Judge , Patna against the impugned

order previously.

3. That, the prosecution case was registered on the written

statement of the informant ,who is the Sub-Inspector of the Police of

Digha Police –Station ,w Hon'ble was deputed at that time to control the

law and order in the recruitment of Constable in B.M.P. – V Stadium . It is

further alleged that four candidates were arrested in the physical test for

selection of Constable due to impersonation and they were making forgery

in the application form as well as in master chart. And ,all of them could not
give their names clearly and accordingly the First Information Report was

instituted . And , all the accused persons were remanded to judicial custody.


A true photo stat as well as typed

copy of the F.I.R. of Gardanibag P.S.

Case No.261 of 1999 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

4. That, one of the arrested accused persons disclosed his name ,

parental name as well as address wrongly and ultimately after being released

on bail by the learned 2nd Additional Sessions Judge , Patna on 07.05.1999 ,

he hide himself and became traceless.

5. That, on due process of the trial ,the present petitioner was

summoned and the petitioner came and enquired about the matter and found

the address and father’s name has been mentioned as same of the petitioner

but the date of birth as well as mark of identification mentioned in the

application form is totally defers to the date of birth of this

petitioner ,because the date of birth of this petitioner is 3 rd April, 1966 and

the photograph which has been affixed in the format of the application form

also defers from the photograph of this petitioner ,the documents and the

photographs such as copy of the voter list and Election photo identity card

is being annexed in the present application to easily ascertain the real

controversy between the imposter and the present petitioner .

True photo stat copies of the Voter

List and Election Photo Identity Card


are annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” series to this


6. That, the certificate of Home Guard which is kept on record

has been submitted by procuring the same certificate by the imposter . The

age of this petitioner is so old who could not be eligible for the selection of

Constable . In this way, in a planned manner with the collusion of the

officials concerned such type of offence is being committed now a day.

7. That, some one tried to make impersonation in the way of this

selection by taking advantage of the Home Guard certificate which does

not consist the date of birth and when he was arrested and remanded to

judicial custody and after being released on bail, he became traceless and

the petitioner is quite innocent for such type of offence came in picture on

the basis of his name , parental name and address , the real culprit dragged

his false name , parental name and address and consequently his name has

come in the offence.

8. That, if the record of this case is verified meticulously ,then it

will be apparent from the perusal of the record ,the present petitioner will

be found innocent.
9. That, the impugned order is quite illegal as per the facts and

circumstances mentioned above and the same is fit to be set aside.


Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order

on dated 24.08.2009 passed by learned Sri Niraj

Kishore ,Judicial Magistrate 1st Class, Patna in

G.R.No.1390 of 2009 arising out of Gardanibag

P.S. Case No.261 of 1999, the above named

petitioner begs to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that , the learned trail court should have examined the

record of the case meticulously .

III. For that, it is to be considered the name , parentage name may

be same but the mark of identification as well as date of birth cannot be

exactly same and in this case ,the imposter deliberately dragged the name of

this petitioner and he became traceless.

IV. For that, the mark of identification as well as the Election Photo

Identity Card and Voter List also being attached in this petition and the

same may be considered at the time of hearing of the case.

V. For that, the impugned order is bad in law and facts and the

same is fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this


application, issue notice to the opposite-party ,call

for the records of the learned trial court and after

hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the order dated 24.08.2009 passed by learned

Sri Neeraj Kishore ,Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class,

Patna in G.R.No.1390 of 2009 arising out of

Gardanibag P.S. Case No.261 of 1999.


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application , the

operation of the impugned order and further

proceeding of G.R.No.1390 of 1999 arising out of

Gardanibag P.S. Case No.261 of 1999 pending in

the court of learned Sri Neeraj Kishore , Judicial

Magistrate 1st Class, Patna may kindly be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.




CR. REV. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Ramji Kumar, son of Jogi Sah @ Jogendra Sah ,

Resident of village and P.S. Runnisaidpur , District - Sitamarhi/



The State of Bihar. …….……………..……………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Sri Shiva Kirti Singh , the Hon’ble Acting Chief

Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 23rd November , 2009 passed by Sri Arvind Kumar Pandey

the learned Additional Sessions Judge ,F.T. C. –VI, Sitamarhi in

Criminal Appeal No.68 of 2009/ 07 of 2009 , whereby and where under the

learned Additional Sessions Judge was pleased to reject the prayer for bail

of the petitioner in connection with Trial No.523/2009 arising out of

Runnisaidpur P.S. Case No.162 of 2009 dated 30.05.2009 ,pending in the

court of learned Juvenile Justice Board, Sitamarhi for the offence Under

Section 379 and 411 of the Indian Penal Code .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court any time earlier against the impugned order .

3. That, the prosecution case as alleged in the First Information

Report in brief is that the informant gave his written report before the Station

Head Officer of Runnisaidpur Police- Station , stating therein that on

29.05.2009 ,he along with his Bhabhi came to Runnisaidpur by

Motorcycle ,thereafter they went to Muzaffarpur after standing his

Motorcycle in front of Rameshwari Market. It is further alleged that on the

next day when he returned from Muzaffarpur and reached Rameshwari

Market but he did not found his Motorcycle where he parked his Motorcycle


then he enquired and during inquiry he found that one another Motorcycle

was also stolen by unknown miscreants thereafter he informed

Runnisaidpur Police- Station about the matter.

4. That, on the basis of the aforesaid written report of the

informant ,a First Information Report case was registered bearing

Runnisaidpur P.S. Case No.162 of 2009 dated 30.05.2009 registered for the

offences under Sections 379/411 of the Indian Penal Code .

A true photo stat/typed copy of the

F.I.R. of Runnisaidpur P.S.Case

No.162 of 2009 dated 30.05.2009 is

annexed hereto and marked as

ANNEXURE-“1” to this application.

5. That, this case is presently pending in the court of the learned

Juvenile Justice Board, Sitamarhi being Trial No. 523 of 2009 arising out of

Runnisaidpur P.S. Case No.162 of 2009 dated 30.05.2009 registered for the

offences under Sections 379/411 of the Indian Penal Code.

6. That, the petitioner is innocent having committed no offence

whatsoever and he has been falsely implicated in the present case by the

police due to non-fulfillment of the illegal demand of the police.

7. That, the petitioner is not named in the First Information

Report although the First Information Report was registered against

unknown persons.


8. That, it is stated that during the course of investigation , the

police arrested the petitioner merely on the basis of suspicion and obtained

the signature of the petitioner on a plain paper under coercion and threat ,

which was subsequently converted in to the confessional statement of the

petitioner ,which has no evidentiary value in the eye of law .

9. That, it is stated that the theft Motorcycle of the informant has

not been recovered from the possession of the petitioner rather it was

recovered from the possession of Hira Lal Sah at village- Suhai , P.S.

Dumra , District – Sitamarhi on 30.05.2009 itself which is evident from the

seizure list itself .

A true photo stat/ typed copy of the

seizure list is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “2” to this


10. That, it is stated that since the petitioner was juvenile at the

time of occurrence ,therefore, the case of the petitioner was transferred to

the Court Juvenile Justice Board ,Sitamarhi ,wherein the learned Juvenile

Justice Board vide order dated 29.08.2009 declared the petitioner as a

juvenile .
11. That, on the basis of declaration of Juvenile Justice Board , an

application for bail was filed on behalf of the petitioner before the learned


Juvenile Justice Board , Sitamarhi which was rejected by the learned

Juvenile Justice Board vide order dated 05.09.2009 .

A true photo stat copy of the order

dated 29.08.2009 and 05.09.2009

passed by the learned Juvenile Justice

Board , Sitamarhi is annexed herewith

and marked as ANNEXURE- “3” to

this application.

12. That, against the aforesaid order dated 05.09.2009 passed by

the learned Juvenile Justice Board , the petitioner preferred a Criminal

Appeal in the court of learned Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi being Cr. Appeal

No.68 of 2009 /7 of 2009 ,which was rejected by the learned Additional

Sessions Judge ,F.T.C. – VI , Sitamarhi vide his order dated 23.11.2009.

13. That, the petitioner is a man of means having movable and

immovable properties and ,therefore, there is no chance of his absconding

and /or tampering with the prosecution witnesses.

14. That, the petitioner has got a bright career and further

detention of the petitioner in judicial custody, ruined the life of the

15. That, the petitioner is languishing in jail custody since

30.05.2009 without any fault.


16. That, the petitioner has no criminal antecedent and he has

never been implicated in any other criminal case.

17. That, the allegation against the petitioner is completely false

,baseless and fabricated ,therefore, the petitioner deserves to be released on


18. That, the petitioner undertakes to make himself available

before the court as and when required if he is granted bail by this Hon'ble


19. That, it is stated that the father of the petitioner undertakes that

he will care about the activity of the petitioner in future.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the the

judgment and order dated 23rd November , 2009

passed by Sri Arvind Kumar Pandey the learned

Additional Sessions Judge ,F.T. C. –VI,

Sitamarhi in Criminal Appeal No.68 of 2009/ 07

of 2009,the above named petitioner begs to prefer

this revision application on amongst the other


I. For that, the impugned judgment and order is bad in law as

well as on facts.


II. For that, while rejecting the Criminal appeal the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that the prolonged custody

would not be in the interest of juvenile.

III. For that, while dismissing the criminal appeal ,the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that nothing has been brought

on record by the prosecution that if the petitioner is released on bail, he

would commit such offence again .

IV. For that, the impugned order of learned Additional Sessions

Judge is since based on conjectures and surmises ,it cannot be sustained in

the eye of law ,unless there is a positive material on record that the

petitioner would commit such offence again ,if released on bail.

V. For that , while dismissing the criminal appeal , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that no one seen the petitioner

at the time of committing the so-called occurrence .

VI. For that, while dismissing the criminal appeal , the learned

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that looted Motor Cycle of

the informant have not been recovered from the possession of the petitioner.

VII. For that, while dismissing the Criminal Appeal ,the learned

Additional Sessions Judge ought to have considered upon the so-called

confessional statement of the petitioner ,which was obtained by the police

under coercion and threat .


VIII. For that, the impugned judgment and order is otherwise bad in

law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-party and

after hearing the parties be further pleased to

set aside the judgment and order dated 23 rd

November , 2009 passed by Sri Arvind Kumar

Pandey the learned Additional Sessions

Judge ,F.T. C. –VI, Sitamarhi in Criminal Appeal

No.68 of 2009/ 07 of 2009 and be further pleased

to direct for release of the petitioner on bail to the

satisfaction of the learned Juvenile Justice Board ,

Sitamarhi in connection with Trial No.523 of

2009 , arising out of Runnisaidpur P.S. Case

No.162 of 2009.

Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.




Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure ;


In the matter of :-

1. Latif Nadaf , son of Late Dost Md. Nadaf

2. Islam Nadar , son of Md. Haneef Nadaf ,

3. Illiyas Nadaf, son of Late Sahub Nadaf,

All resident of village – Azamgarhi , P.S. Dumra, District –



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Asaraf Nadaf , son of

Resident of village – Azamgarhi , P.S. Dumra, District –Sitamarhi




The Hon’ble Shri Shiva Kirti Singh , the Hon'ble Acting

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioners above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 05.07.2007 passed by Sri Narsignh Prasad, the learned

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.6, Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal

no.54 of 1991/ 17 of 2006 , whereby and where under the learned

Additional Sessions Judge has been pleased to reject the criminal appeal

filed by the petitioners and confirmed the judgment and order dated

27.06.1991 passed by Sri D.P. Jaiswal , learned Judicial Magistrate 1 st

Class, Sitamarhi in Trial No.40 of 1991 arising out of complaint case

no.CI/407 /86 by which the learned Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class has been

pleased to convict the petitioner no.1 Latif Nadaf Under Section 447
of the Indian Penal Code to undergo R.I. for one month Under Section

426 of the Indian Penal Code to undergo R.I. for one month , one year R.I.

for one month for the offence under Sections 324 and 379 of the Indian

Penal Code each and the petitioner nos. 2 and 3 and one another Md.

Suleman Nadaf ( since deceased ) were convicted and sentenced to


undergo R.I. for one month each for the offence Under Sections 447 and

426 of the Indian Penal Code and they have been further sentenced to

undergo R.I. for three months Under Section 323 of the Indian Penal Code .

All these sentences will run concurrently.

2. That, the petitioners have not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgments and orders.

3. That, the prosecution case ,in nut shell, is that the complainant

Asaraf Nadaf filed a complaint case bearing No.CI/407/86 in the court of

learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi stating therein that the

complainant has filed a petition before the Sub-Divisional Magistrate,

Sitamarhi West and Officer-in-Charge of Dumra Police – Station for

lodging Sanaha for which the accused persons annoyed with him . It is

further alleged that on 28.07.86 at 4 P.M. , the accused persons were

starting to uprooted his Tatti fixed in his land various armed with Lathi

and Garasa ,then the complainant protested to them , accused Latif gave a

garasa blow on his head for which he received cut injury on his head and he

inflicted second blow of Garssa but any how ,he saved himself but he
received cut injuries on his hands. It is further alleged that remaining

accused persons assaulted him with Lathi and fists and slap , accused Latif

also took out Rs.200/- from his pocket . It is further alleged that when son

of the complainant namely Subhani Nadaf and wintess Islam Nadaf came


to save him , accused persons also assaulted them with Lathi ,fists and

slaps .

4. That, it is stated that after examination of the complainant on

solemn affirmation and examination of three witnesses , cognizance were

taken against the petitioners and one another .

5. That, it is stated that thereafter Charges were framed against

the petitioners and one another namely Md. Suleman Nadaf on 02.04.1987

and at the time of framing of charges pleased not guilty and claimed to be

tried .

6. That, it is stated that during the course of trial , prosecution has

examined altogether 7 witnesses in support of his evidence such as P.W.1

Islam Nadaf son of the complainant , P.W.2 Subhan son of the

complainant , P.W.3 Kalam Hussain , P.W.4 Asaraf Nadaf complainant

himself , P.W.5 Suryadeo Mishra , P.W.6 Dr. G.K. Jha , who examined the

injured persons i.e. P.W.1 ,2 and 3 and P.W.7 Shivji Prasad, who is a

formal witness .
7. That, it is stated that P.W. 1, 2 and 4 are the interest witnesses

and co-related with each other and their evidence is not trustworthy.

8. That, it is stated that P.W.3 and P.W.5 is also the close friend

of the complainant and their evidence is also not trust worthy.

9. That, it is stated that admitted fact that there is land dispute

between both the parties and the land in question was executed by Kitab Ali


in favour of the father of the petitioner no.1 namely Dost Mohammad and

the said land came in possession of the petitioners which is evident from the

Exhibit produced by the defense .

10. That, it is stated that all the witnesses are interested witnesses

and their statements are contradictory to each other.

11. That, it is stated that according to the complaint petition , the

occurrence had taken place at 4 P.M. but according to the evidence of P.W.5

,he reached at the place of occurrence after sunset ,it means that he is not

the eye witness of the alleged occurrence .

12. That, it is stated that the evidence of P.W.6, who examined the

injured persons , is also not credible and according to him all the injuries

found on the persons of the injured persons were not only simple but

superficial in nature which could be possible by other means than assault

13. That, it is stated that according to the evidence of P.W.2 , there

is contradiction of time about 5 months and odds , which falsifies the

prosecution version itself.

14. That, it is stated that the learned Magistrate without taking into

consideration of the serious discrepancies in between the evidence of the

witnesses as well as the complaint petition , convicted the petitioners vide

judgment and order dated 27.06.1991 passed in Trial No.40 of 1991.


A true photo stat copy of the

judgment and order dated 27.06.1991

is annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this revision


15. That, it is stated that against the judgment and order dated

27.06.1991 passed by the learned Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class, Sitamarhi in

Trial No.40 of 1991 ,the petitioners and one another namely Md. Suleman

Nadaf preferred an appeal in the court of learned Additional Sessions

Judge , Fast Track Court No.6, Sitamarhi , who also dismissed the appeal

filed by the petitioners and confirmed the order passed by the learned trial

court without considering the material available on record vide judgment

and order dated 05.07.2007.

16. That, it is stated that the learned counsel appearing on behalf of

the petitioners in the learned Appellate Court did not inform the petitioners

about the rejection of the appeal filed by the petitioners ,therefore, the

petitioners could not get knowledge about the dismissal of the appeal.

17. That, it is stated that when the learned trial court issued

summons in compliance of the order of the learned appellate court vide

order dated 28.07.2009 , then the petitioners have got knowledge about the

dismissal of the appeal filed by the petitioners .


A true photo stat copy of the summon

dated 28.07.2009 is annexed herewith

and marked as ANNEXURE- “2” to

this revision application.

18. That, it is stated that when the petitioners had come to their

native village , they were arrested by the police and produced before the

learned Sub-Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi and accordingly the

learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate sent the petitioners to the

judicial custody vide order dated 24.09.2009 in view of the order dated


A true photo stat copy of the order

dated 24.09.2009 is annexed herewith

and marked as ANNEXURE- “3” to

this revision application.

19. That, it is stated that in view of the aforesaid facts and material

available on record ,the impugned orders is fit to be set aside.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the judgment and

order dated 05.07.2007 passed by Sri Narsignh Prasad, the

learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.6,

Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no.54 of 1991/ 17 of 2006 and also the

judgment order dated 27.06.1991 passed by Sri D.P. Jaiswal ,

learned Judicial Magistrate 1st Class, Sitamarhi in Trial No.40


of 1991 arising out of complaint case no.CI/407 /86 , the

above named petitioners beg to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned order passed by the learned Additional

Sessions Judge is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is serious

contradiction in between the version of the complaint petition as well as

evidences of the witnesses .

III. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that the land in question
was executed by one Kitab Ali in favour of the father of the petitioner no.1

and coming in their peaceful possession .

IV. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that according to the

evidence of P.W.5 he came in the evening though according to the complaint

petition the alleged time of occurrence is 4 P.M. ,it means that he is not the

eye witness of the occurrence.

V. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that P.W.1,2 and 4 are


the co-related to each other and the P.W.3 and 5 are also the close friend of

the P.W.4 ,it means that all the witnesses are interested witnesses .

VI. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that complaint petition

are not fully supported with the injury reports .

VII. For that, while convicting the petitioners ,the learned trial

court as well as appellate court failed to appreciate that there is counter case

filed by the wife of the petitioner no.1 against the P.W.1 to P.W.4.

VIII. For that , if the order of the learned trial court as well as

appellate court are allowed to be continued ,it will amount to miscarriage of

IX. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law as well as

facts and fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, prayed that your Lordships may graciously be

pleased to admit this application, issue notice to the opposite-

parties ,call for the records of the learned court below and

after hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside the

judgment and order dated 05.07.2007 passed by Sri Narsignh

Prasad, the learned Addl. Sessions Judge , F. T. C. No.6,

Sitamarhi in Cr. Appeal no.54 of 1991/ 17 of 2006 and also set

aside the judgment order dated 27.06.1991 passed by Sri D.P.

Jaiswal , learned Judicial Magistrate 1st Class, Sitamarhi


in Trial No.40 of 1991 arising out of complaint

case no.CI/407 /86.


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application the

petitioners may be released on bail to the

satisfaction of the learned trail court .

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2010.(Limitation )


Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2010.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-

Vijay Paswan ………….…………..……………..……PETITIONER


The State of Bihar ………………..…………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Shri Dipak Misra , the Hon’ble Chief Justice of

the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioners above named;


1. That, this interlocutory application on behalf of the petitioner


above named is for condonation of delay in filing of the instant revision


2. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present on earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

3. That, it is stated that against the judgment and order dated

04.08.2003 passed by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,

Sadar Sitamarhi in Trial No.927of 2003 ,the petitioner and his father

preferred an appeal in the court of learned 2 nd Additional Sessions Judge ,

Sitamarhi being Cr. Appeal No.32 of 2003/ 12 of 2009 and during the

pendency of the appeal ,the petitioner on bail .

4. That, it is stated that since the petitioner is a poor

person ,therefore, after filing of the present appeal in the year 2003 ,the

petitioner had gone to outside the State for earning his livelihood and the

appeal was not taken up for such a long time and ultimately the appeal was

heard and dismissed on 29.07.2009 but the learned Counsel appearing on

behalf of the petitioner in the appeal did not inform the petitioner about the

dismissal of appeal and when the petitioner has come to his native village ,

he has got knowledge about the dismissal of appeal then he surrendered

before the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi Sadar

on 27.04.2010.

5. That, it is pertinent to mention here that during the pendency of

the memo of appeal ,the father of the petitioner died ,who was doing the

pairvi of the case in his life time .

6. That, there is no intentional latches on the part of the petitioner

to approach this Hon'ble court against the impugned order and the delay

has been caused in filing of the instant revision application because of

reasons aforesaid.

7. That, if the delay in filing of the revision application is not

condoned ,the petitioner would suffer an irreparable loss and injury which

cannot be sustained in other way.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to condone

the delay in filing the present criminal revision

application .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.________________________/ OF 2009.(Limitation )


Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-

Abhishek Kumar Gautam ……………………..……PETITIONER


The State of Bihar and others………………OPPOSITE -PARTIES.


The Hon’ble Shri Shiva Kirti Singh , the Hon’ble Acting

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this interlocutory application on behalf of the petitioner


above named is for condonation of delay in filing of the instant revision

application in which according to the Stamp Reporter ,the limitation expire

on 14.04.2009 , whereas the revision application has been filed before this

Hon'ble Court on 24.07.2009.

2. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present on earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

3. That, after institution of the First Information Report , when the

statement of the petitioner was recorded by the Investigating Officer , the

petitioner has supported the prosecution case, but thereafter he proceeded

for Delhi for prosecuting his further studies during the pendency of

investigation .

4. That, whenever the petitioner was visiting his native place, he

was taking the stock of situations and development in the case but when the

impugned order cannot be passed by the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate ,

Siwan , accepting the final form submitted by the police , the petitioner was

in the midst of Semester of his studies at Delhi and was ,therefore, unable to

come at his native place to take the recourse of law available to him against

the impugned order.

5. That, after the end of Semester in June , 2009, the petitioner

came to his native place and had, thereafter taken steps for filing of the

instant revision application against the impugned order passed by the


learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Siwan and thereafter this revision

application could be filed before this Hon'ble Court on 24.07.2009.

6. That, there is no intentional latches on the part of the petitioner

to approach this Hon'ble court against the impugned order and the delay

has been caused in filing of the instant revision application because of

reasons aforesaid.

7. That, if the delay in filing of the revision application is not

condoned ,the petitioner would suffer an irreparable loss and injury which

cannot be sustained in other way.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to condone

the delay in filing the present criminal revision

application .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

1. Ratneshwar Thakur , son of Rama Kant Thakur,

2. Sanjeet Kumar Thakur , son of Vidya Sagar Thakur,

Both resident of village- Jatna, P.S. Gaighat, District –




The State of Bihar.…………….………………OPPOSITE -PARTIY.


The Hon’ble Shri P.K.Misra , the Hon’ble Chief Justice of the

High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioners above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order on the point of sentence dated 11.06 .2009 passed by Sri
Shailendra Kumar Pandey , the learned 6 th Additional Sessions

Judge ,Muzaffarpur in Sessions Trial No.479 of 2006 , whereby and

where under the learned Additional Sessions Judge has been pleased to

convict the petitioners under Section 324 of the Indian Penal Code and he

has been pleased to accord the sentence for which the petitioners spent in

the period of custody for 12 days prior to trial.

2. That, the petitioners have not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgment and order dated 11.06.2009.

3. That, the prosecution case as alleged in the First Information

Report in brief is that the informant Sanjay Kumar Thakur gave his

Fardbeyan alleging therein that on 06.07.1994 , the Pattidar of the informant

namely Kaushal Kishore Thakur was ploughing the land of the informant

upon which the informant went there and protested and after exchange of

hot words , the accused Sanjeet Kumar having armed with Bhala in his

hand , accused Ratneshwar Thakur having armed with Farsa , accused

Bhuneshwar Thakur @ Tunni Thakur , accused Vidya Sagar Thakur and


accused Ramakant Thakur all having armed with Lathi in their hand came

near the disputed land .

It is further alleged that on alarm co-villagers Rakesh Kumar

Mandal , Ram Chandra Thakur , Swarath Mandal and Pramod Thakur also

reached there .
The Informant further alleged that in the meantime at about 11

A.M. accused Vidya Sagar Thakur exerted the other accused persons to

finish the informant upon which accused Sanjeet Kumar gave a Bhala blow

on the person of the informant heating at his left of the chest and the

informant fell down .

It is further alleged that thereafter accused Ratneshwar Thakur

gave a Farsa blow on the scalp of the informant and other accused persons

also assaulted with Lathi and the informant became unconscious and

thereafter brother and father of the informant have brought him at Benibad

Out post for necessary action.

4. That, on the basis of the Fardbeyan of the informant , Gaighat

Police drew up a formal First Information Report and registered a case being

Gaighat P.S. Case No.85 of 1994 dated 11.03.1994 attributing offences

under Section 147,148,447,324, 323,504 , 114 , 307 of the Indian Penal


5. That, it is stated that after investigation the police submitted


charge-sheet against all the six First Information Report named accused

persons .

6. That, it is stated that after submission of the charge-sheet ,the

learned Magistrate took cognizance against all the accused persons vide

order dated 05.02.1996.

7. That, it is stated that prior to framing of the charge one accused

Vidya Sagar Thakur died in the year 1997 .

8. That, it is stated that after taking cognizance , the case was

committed to the court of Sessions and the charges were framed against the

five accused persons under Section 307/149 of the Indian Penal Code

where the petitioners and others pleaded not guilty since they have been

falsely implicated in this case due to land dispute and claimed to be tried .

9. That, it is stated that during the pendency of the trial accused

Ramakant Thakur died in the year 2007 ,therefore, only four accused

persons are facing trial including the petitioners .

10. That, it is stated that on behalf of the prosecution altogether 8

witnesses were examined such as P.W.1 Rakesh Mandal , P.W.2 Ram

Chandra Thakur , P.W.3 Amod Kumar, P.W.4 Vijay Kumar (full brother of

the informant ) ,P.W.5 Raj Kumar ( father of the informant ) ,P.W.6 Sanjay

Kumar (informant himself) ,PW.7 Dr. Amarnath Prasad Gupta and P.W.8

Ram Snehi Gupta (Investigating Officer of the case).


11. That, it is stated that the P.W.1 is a chance witness and in his

evidence he admitted that when he reached at the place of occurrence ,then

he saw that the informant Sanjay was lying on the earth but he did not say

about exhortation by any accused persons to kill in his entire evidence .

12. That, it is stated that P.W.2 is a resident of another village and

in his evidence neither said that how he chance to be present at the place

of occurrence nor said about any exhortation to kill .

13. That, it is stated that P.W.3 in his deposition ,he did not say

how he chance to reach at the place of occurrence nor admit any


14. That, it is stated that the P.W.4 , P.W.5 and P.W.6 informant

himself are the interested witnesses and related to each other and their

statement is not trustworthy.

15. That, it is stated that in paragraph nos.3 and 4 of the cross-

examination , P.W.4 asserted that his brother (informant) was unconscious

and firstly his brother was taken to Gaighat Hospital where he regain

conscious after two hours and was examined by the doctor and then he

went to Benibad Out Post . It is pertinent to mention here that as per the

injury report, the time of examination of the informant by the doctor is

given as 1.45 P.M. but surprisingly the Fardbeyan of the informant was

recorded at 1.00 P.M. , which is the impossible and makes the entire

prosecution case is false and fabricated.


16. That, it is stated that the P.W.6 in his evidence said that

Gaighat Hospital is 7 K.M. from the Gaighat Police- Station which is

admittedly only 200 yards from the Gaighat Hospital.

17. That, it is stated that P.W.6 in his evidence admitted that the

land in question is not in his possession ,therefore, there is no question for

his presence at the place of the occurrence.

18. That, it is stated that P.W.7 Doctor in his evidence admitted

that the injuries received by informant was very minor .

19. That, it is stated that P.W.8 Investigating Officer of the case , in

his evidence doubted about the prosecution version and also said that there

is no scope for earlier recording of Fardbeyan before the examination of

the informant by the doctor.

20. That, it is stated that it is admitted fact that there is land dispute

between both the parties and the land in question is in possession of the

petitioners’ family ,therefore, the prosecution party had occasion to falsely

implicate the petitioners in the instant false case .

21. That, it is stated that the prosecution party failed to prove his

case except all the reasonable doubts but the learned Additional Sessions

Judge convicted the petitioners under Section 324 of the Indian Penal Code

though in the said Section charges were not framed.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order on the point of sentence dated


11.06 .2009 passed by Sri Shailendra Kumar

Pandey , the learned 6th Additional Sessions Judge

,Muzaffarpur in Sessions Trial No.479 of 2006

, the above named petitioners beg to prefer this

revision application on amongst the other



I. For that, the impugned judgment and order is bad in law as

well as on facts.

II. For that , while convicting the petitioners the learned trial

court failed to appreciate that the charges has not been framed under Section

324 of the Indian Penal Code ,therefore, there is no question of conviction

under Section 324 of the Indian Penal Code.

III. For that , while convicting the petitioners the learned trial

court failed to appreciate that the injury report has not been fully proved by

the prosecution beyond the reasonable doubts ,so that there is no question of

conviction of the petitioner under Section 324 of the Indian Penal Code.

IV. For that , while convicting the petitioners the learned trial

court failed to appreciate that the prosecution witnesses himself admitted

that the land in question is in possession of the petitioners family ,therefore,

there is no occasion to go the informant at the place of occurrence .


V. For that , while convicting the petitioners the learned trial

court failed to appreciate that as per the injury report, the time of

examination of the informant by the doctor is 1.45 P.M. and the

Fardbeyan of the informant was recorded at 1.00 P.M. but in his evidence

the P.W.4 admitted that after examination by the doctor ,the Fardbeyan of

the informant was recorded.

VI. For that , while convicting the petitioners the learned trial

court failed to appreciate that there is serious contradiction in between the

evidence of the prosecution witnesses and the First Information Report .

VII. For that , while convicting the petitioners the learned trial

court failed to appreciate that no any independent witnesses have

supported the prosecution version.

VIII. For that , while convicting the petitioners the learned trial

court failed to appreciate that the P.W.8 Investigating Officer of the case

also doubted about the version of the prosecution.

IX. For that, the impugned judgment and order is otherwise bad in

law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-

parties ,call for the records of the learned trial

court and after hearing the parties be further

pleased to set


aside the judgment and order on the point of

sentence dated 11.06 .2009 passed by Sri

Shailendra Kumar Pandey , the learned 6th

Additional Sessions Judge , Muzaffarpur in

Sessions Trial No.479 of 2006 and acquit the

petitioners .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Sunil Kumar Singh , son of Sri Kapildeo Singh ,

Resident of C.D.A. Colony , Shastri Nagar, P.O. & P.S. Shastri Nagar,

District – Patna.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Anju Devi, daughter of Sri Dasarath Singh ,

Resident of Nachhap , P.S. Manjhi ,District – Saran at Chapra.



The Hon’ble Shri P.K. Misra, the Hon'ble Chief Justice of the


High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

dated 09.07.2009 passed by the learned Principal Judge, Family Court,

Patna in Matrimonial Case No.168 of 2007 , whereby and where under the

learned Principal Judge has been pleased to reject the amendment petition

dated 12.11.2008 filed by the petitioner under Order-6 , Rule-17 read with

Section 151 of the Code of Civil Procedure for amendment in paragraph

no.4 of the matrimonial petition wherein a word “Engineer” has been

inadvertently mentioned in place of “Mechanic” due to misconception of the

learned Advocate appearing on behalf of the petitioner in the learned court

below at the time of filing of the suit .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgment and order.

3. That, the petitioner had filed a Matrimonial Case No.168 of

2007 in the court of learned Principal Judge, Family Court , Patna under

Section 13(1) of the marriage act seeking divorce against the Opposite-

party no.2 and declaring the marriage of the petitioner with the Opposite-


party no.2 be void on the ground that she was cruel , un-

cooperative ,abnormal and was not agreeable with the petitioner even to

share on bed.
A true photo stat copy of the plaint of

Matrimonial Case No.168 of 2007 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” for identification

forming part of this application.

4. That ,the case of the petitioner was that his marriage with the

Opposite-party no.2 was solemnized . After, the marriage, the Opposite-

party no.2 came to petitioner’s house but she never accompanied with the

petitioner even share on the bed and she also did not ready to carry the

father-in-law and mother –in-law though they are on the death bed. It is

further said that the petitioner is a young man and his prime youth is

going to be deserted by the Opposite-party no.2.

5. That, it is stated that the petitioner is in his prime youth and

spending sexless life due to non-association of the Opposite-party no.2.

6. That, it is stated that in paragraph no.4 of the original plaint of

matrimonial case no.168 of 2007 due to misconception of the learned

Advocate appearing on behalf of the learned court below at the time of

filing of the suit ,it is inadvertently mentioned that the petitioner is a

“Computer Engineer” , though the petitioner is a “Computer Mechanic” .


7. That, it is stated that in fact the petitioner is doing a private job

of Computer Mechanic for maintenance of the Computer on contract basis

in private institution .
8. That, it is stated that when the petitioner has got knowledge

that in the plaint of matrimonial case ,it is wrongly mentioned by the

learned Advocate appearing on behalf of the petitioner in the learned court

below at the time of filing of the suit that the petitioner is a computer

Engineer in place of computer Mechanic then the petitioner filed a

complaint case against the said learned Advocate in the court of learned

District Consumer Forum, Patna being Complaint Case No.376 of 2008

which is pending for disposal by the learned District Consumer Forum .

A true photo stat copy of the

Complaint Case No.376 of 2008 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” for identification

forming part of this application.

9. That, it is stated that the petitioner filed a petition on

12.11.2008 before the learned Principal Judge ,Family Court, Patna under

Order-6 Rule-17 of the Code of Civil Procedure read with Section 151 of

the Code of Civil Procedure for amendment in paragraph no.4 of the plaint

of the matrimonial case because on the fault on the part of the learned

Advocate ,the word “Engineer” is wrongly mentioned in place of


“Mechanic” though in fact the petitioner is doing the job of computer

Mechanic in the private Institution on the contract basis.

A true photo stat copy of the petition

filed by the petitioner on 12.11.2008

is annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “3” for identification

forming part of this application.

10. That, it is stated that in the year 2002 , the petitioner was

appointed as a computer Mechanic by the Director of SCIENCOM POINT

OF EDUCATION ,a registered Institution under Societies Act, 1960 vide

letter dated 15.06.2002 purely on the contract basis on the monthly stipend

of Rs.1100/- per month.

A true photo stat copy of the letter

dated 15.06.2002 is annexed herewith

and marked as ANNEXURE- “4” for

identification forming part of this


11. That, it is stated that thereafter the petitioner left the job of


POINT in the year 2005 as a computer Mechanic for repairing of the

computer of the Institution on a monthly stipend of Rs.1300/- per month .


In this regard a certificate was issued by the Principal of Honey Dew Point

School, Dariyapur Gola ,Patna vide Ref. No.HDPS/09 dated 01.08.2009.

A true photo stat copy of the Ref.

no.HDPS/09 dated 01.08.2009 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “5” for identification

forming part of this application.

12. That, it is stated that the learned Principal Judge, without

considering the petition filed by the petitioner for amendment in paragraph

no.4 in the main plaint of matrimonial case , has been pleased to reject the

petition filed by the petitioner vide order dated 09.07.2009 .

13. That, it is stated that the learned Principal Judge , Family Court

,Patna passed the impugned order merely on the basis of believing the oral

statement of the Opposite-party no.2 and disbelieved the statement of the

petitioner which was filed on oath.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order

dated 09.07.2009 passed by the learned Principal

Judge, Family Court, Patna in Matrimonial Case

No.168 of 2007, the above named petitioner begs

to prefer this revision application on amongst the

other following



I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while rejecting the amendment petition , the learned

Principal Judge did not appreciate the fact that the petitioner filed the

amendment petition on oath since the learned Advocate appearing on

behalf of the petitioner wrongly placed the fact that the petitioner is a

computer Engineer in place of computer Mechanic.

III. For that, while rejecting the amendment petition , the learned

Principal Judge did not appreciate the fact that if the petitioner is a

Computer Engineer ,then he must have passed the examination from the

recognized University .

IV. For that, while rejecting the amendment petition , the learned

Principal Judge did not appreciate the fact that Opposite-party no.2 in his

evidence did not produce any documentary evidence with respect to

qualification of the petitioner as a Computer Engineer.

V. For that, while rejecting the amendment petition , the learned

Principal Judge did not appreciate the fact that when the petitioner has got

knowledge that on the fault on the part of the learned Advocate ,the word

Engineer has been mentioned in place of Mechanic then he filed a complaint

case against the said learned Advocate in the court of learned District

Consumer Forum which is pending for disposal.

VI. For that, while rejecting the amendment petition , the learned

Principal Judge did not appreciate the fact that the petitioner is working

in a private Institution for maintenance of computer on contract basis from

he only earned a meager amount which is not sufficient for the survival of

the petitioner himself.

VII. For that, while rejecting the amendment petition ,the learned

Principal Judge only believed the oral statement on behalf of the Opposite-

party no.2 and disbelieved the statement of the petitioner which was

submitted on oath with supporting documents.

VIII. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law and fit to

be set aside.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-

parties ,call for the records of the learned court

below and after hearing the parties be further

pleased to

set aside the order dated 09.07.2009 passed by

the learned Principal Judge, Family Court, Patna

in Matrimonial Case No.168 of 2007 and allow

the amendment petition filed by the petitioner .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application the further

proceeding of the learned court below may kindly

be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO._____________________/ OF 2009.


Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of the Limitation Act ;


In the matter of :-

Pramod Kumar Singh ……………………………..……PETITIONER


The State of Bihar and another……….…………OPPOSITE -PARTIES.


The Hon’ble Shri P.K. Misra , the Hon’ble Chief Justice of the

High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this application on behalf of the petitioner above named

is for condonation of delay in filing of the present criminal revision

application against the judgment and order dated 02.04.2009 passed by the

learned Principal Judge, Family Court, Patna in Divorce Case No.12 of


2. That, it is stated that since the petitioner is a poor and

unemployed youth and is living his life in frustration after dismissal of the

Divorce Case ,he filed a requisition for obtaining the certified copy on

04.04.2009 ,which was delivered on 20.04.2009.

3. That, thereafter the petitioner was arranging money for firing

of instant Cr. Revision application before this Hon'ble Court which took

some time for the petitioner and ,therefore, he could not prefer this revision

application before this Hon'ble Court in the time because of paucity of

money .

4. That, some how or the other, the petitioner arranged money

and approached his Lawyer on 26.07.2009 and thereafter the revision

application was filed before this Hon'ble Court on 28.07.2009 though the

limitation expired on 20.07.2009.

5. That, after the filing ,the records were returned with defects

that the limitation petition may be filed and the order of the learned Joint

Registrar ( List and Computer) may be obtained for pressing the limitation

petition before the Bench and that Section 19(4) of the Family Court’s Act

may be stated in the provision of law.

6. That, because of mistake ,the private clerk of the petitioner’s

Lawyer did not bring to the notice of the petitioner’s lawyer about the return

of the said filing with the aforesaid defects and ,therefore, the steps were not

taken for re-filing of the said Revision application along with the limitation

petition .

7. That, when the petitioner consulted his learned Advocate

about the position of his case on 22.08.2009 and only thereafter this could be

located that the said revision application is yet to be filed with the

petitioner for condonation of limitation in the filing of the instant revision

application .

8. That, there is no intentional latches either on the part of the

petitioner or on the part of the learned Advocate and whole thing has been

happened due to mistake of private Clerk of petitioner’s Lawyer .

9. That, in the facts and circumstances stated hereinbefore ,if the

limitation in filing of the instant revision application is not condoned , the

petitioner would suffer an irreparable loss and injury which cannot be

compensated in any other manner.

10. That, the petitioner has not filed an application like the present

one earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that Your

Lordship may graciously be pleased to condone

the delay in filing of the present revision

application .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordship

may deem fit and proper.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Umesh Thakur , son of Sri Akalu Thakur ,

Resident of village- Ram Nagra , P.S. Riga, District – Sitamarhi.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Gayatri Devi, daughter of Late Kishori Thakur , wife of Umesh Thakur,

Resident of village- Tam Nagra, P.S. Riga, District – Sitamarhi, presently

residing at Harpur Malha , P.S. Bathnaha , District – Sitamarhi.


The Hon’ble Shri P.K. Misra , the Hon’ble Chief Justice of the

High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship


Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

dated 01.07.2009 passed by Sri Sanjay Kumar , the learned Principal Judge,

Family Court, Sitamarhi in Maintenance Case No.17 of 2008 , whereby and

where under the learned Principal Judge has been pleased to direct the

petitioner to make payment of interim maintenance of Rs.1,000/- per month

from the date of filing of the petition dated 01.09.2008.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgment and order.

3. That, the Opposite-party no.2 had filed Maintenance Case

No.17 of 2008 in the court of learned Principal Judge, Family Court,

Muzaffarpur under Section 125 of Code of Criminal Procedure ,seeking

maintenance of Rs.2,500/- per month .

4. That ,the case of the Opposite-party no.2 as spelt out in the

maintenance case is that that her marriage with the petitioner was

solemnized on 09.05.2002 as per Hindu Rites and rituals. The Opposite-

party no.2 alleged that at the time of marriage her father had given cash

Rs.25,000/- ,ornaments and clothes . It is further alleged that from the

wedlock of the petitioner and Opposite-party no.2 a female child was born


on 09.03.2006 . It is further alleged that after the marriage in-law’s family

started to torture her and stopped her meal and demanded further dowry but

the Opposite-party no.2 always refused for the same . It is further alleged

that ultimately on 30.11.2006 all the accused persons snatched the

ornaments and ousted the Opposite-party no.2 from the house for which the

Opposite-party no.2 filed a complaint case in the court of learned Chief

Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi which was registered as Complaint Case

No.1335 of 2006 and the same was sent to the Riga Police- Station and

accordingly Riga P.S. Case no.55 of 2007 was instituted. The Opposite-party

no.2 further alleged that the petitioner is earning 250/- per day as Carpenter

,he is also running a shop of furniture and he has some ancestral property.

5. That, the maintenance case filed by the Opposite-party no.2 in

the court of learned Principal Judge, Family Court, Sitamarhi was registered

as Maintenance Case No.17 of 2008.

A true photo stat copy of the

Maintenance Case No.17 of 2008 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

6. That, it is stated that after service of the notice , the petitioner

appeared before the learned Principal Judge and filed his written statement

stating therein that he is ready to keep the Opposite-party no.2 with full


dignity and surety but the Opposite-party no.2 herself left the house of the

petitioner on the instance of her parents.

A true photo stat copy of the written

statement filed by the petitioner is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” to this application.

7. That, it is stated that the petitioner is doing the work of

Carpenter in his native village and he has no any shop of furniture.

8. That, it is stated that the petitioner is the only earning member

of his family and he has the liability of his old parents and two school

going minor brothers .

9. That, it is stated that the petitioner had taken loan in the

marriage of his sister on interest and the family condition of the petitioner is

very poor.

10. That, it is stated that the Opposite-party no.2 wrong to say that

the petitioner has sufficient ancestral property but in fact about one bighas

land in the name of the father of the petitioner in which most of the land are

unfertile .
11. That, it is stated that in fact the Opposite-party no.2 wanted that

the petitioner left his parents and brother but the petitioner did not do

so ,therefore, the instant petition of maintenance is being filed.


12. That, the learned Principal Judge vide his impugned order

dated 01.07.2009 was pleased to direct the petitioner to make payment of

interim maintenance of Rs.1000/- without considering the family status of

the petitioner as well as without any proof of the income produced by the

Opposite-party no.2 .

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 01.07.2009 passed by

Sri Sanjay Kumar , the learned Principal Judge,

Family Court, Sitamahri in Maintenance Case

No.17 of 2008, the above named petitioner begs

to prefer this revision application on amongst the

other following


I. For that, the impugned judgment and order is bad in law as

well as on facts.

II. For that, the learned Principal Judge failed to appreciate that

the Opposite-party no.2 herself left the house of the petitioner and the
petitioner is ready to keep the Opposite-party no.2 with full dignity and

surety .

III. For that, the learned Principal Judge failed to appreciate that

Opposite-party no.2 did not produce any evidence about the income as well

as property of the petitioner .


IV. For that, the learned Principal Judge failed to appreciate that

the petitioner is the only earning member of his family and upon the

petitioner there is liability of his parents and two minor brothers, who are

reading in school.

V. For that, the interim maintenance fixed by the learned Principal

Judge is excessive than the income of the petitioner .

VI. For that, the learned Principal Judge failed to appreciate that

the petitioner is doing the work of daily wager carpenter on daily wages

basis in his native village and there is no regular income of the petitioner .

VII. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law and fit to

be set aside.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-

parties ,call for the records of the learned court

below and after hearing the parties be further

pleased to
set aside the order dated 01.07.2009 passed by

Sri Sanjay Kumar , the learned Principal Judge,

Family Court, Sitamahri in Maintenance Case

No.17 of 2008.



Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this revision

application ,the operation of the impugned order

may kindly be stayed.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Pramod Kumar Singh , son of Sri Srikant Singh ,

Resident of village- Bithuna , P.O. Bithuna , P.S. Basantpur , District –




1. The State of Bihar.

2. Rima Devi, daughter of Shesh Nath Singh and wife of Pramod Kumar
Singh , resident of village- Paltu Hata, P.O. Paltu Hata , P.S. Jamo Bazar

,District –Siwan.



The Hon’ble Shri Shiva Kirti Singh , the Hon’ble Acting


Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the part of

judgment and order dated 02.04.2009 passed by Sri Satya Prakash Narain

Singh , the learned Principal Judge, Family Court, Siwan in Divorce Case

No.12 of 2002 , whereby and where under the learned Principal Judge has

been pleased to dismiss the divorce petition filed by the petitioner ,seeking

divorce from the Opposite-party no.2.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgment and order.

3. That, the petitioner had filed Divorce Case No.12 of 2002 in

the court of learned District Judge , Siwan seeking divorce against the

Opposite-party no.2 on the ground that she was cruel , un-

cooperative ,abnormal and was not agreeable with the petitioner even to

share on bed.

4. That ,the case of the petitioner was that his marriage with the

Opposite-party no.2 was solemnized on 30.04.1996 . After, the marriage,

the Opposite-party no.2 came to petitioner’s house and had last live with the

petitioner till 25.06.1996 . The petitioner was always pressurized by the

Opposite-party no.2 and her father that the petitioner should live at the


parental house of the Opposite-party no.2 and settled there permanently

after partition from his father and brothers.

5. That, since the petitioner was not agreeable to the said wishes

of the Opposite-party no.2, the Opposite-party no.2 left her matrimonial

house on 25.06.1996 and went to her parental house ,wherefrom she was

torturing the petitioner and other family members through various means.

6. That, to pressurize the petitioner ,the Opposite-party no.2 filed

a false criminal case against the petitioner and other family members in

which she had made false allegation of demand of dowry , assault and

wrongful confinement etc. which was numbered as Basantpur P.S. Case

No.16 of 2001 on the basis of statement of father of Opposite-party no.2.

Almost all family members of the petitioner were made accused in the said


7. That ,despite the petitioner’s best efforts when the Opposite-

party no.2 was not agreeable to compromise the case, the petitioner as also
the family members surrendered before the court and when they remained

for some time behind the bars ,they were released on bail .

8. That, even after relieve from the custody ,though the petitioner

had tried his best and had made all efforts so that the Opposite-party no.2

may come back to her matrimonial house and the marital life of the

petitioner with the Opposite-party no.2 could be restored ,the Opposite-

party no.2 flatly refused to the pursuation of the petitioner . The well-


wishers of the locality had also made attempt to solve this problem ,yet the

Opposite-party no.2 was not agreeable to come to her matrimonial house and

live a happy conjugal life with the petitioner .

9. That, in fact the Opposite-party no.2 deserted the petitioner

and though the petitioner was married but he was living a bachelor life

throughout even after his marriage with the Opposite-party no.2.

10. That, since the Opposite-party no.2 was not agreeable to come

to her matrimonial house , the petitioner had no other option but to seek

divorce from the Opposite-party no.2 and had ,therefore, filed the instant

Divorce Case No.12 of 2002 in the court of learned District Judge , Siwan

under Section 13 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.

A true photo stat copy of the plaint of

Divorce Case No.12 of 2002 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” for identification

forming part of this application.

11. That, on notice ,the Opposite-party no.2 appeared and filed her

show-cause ,denying the allegations made in the divorce petition and had

made allegation against the petitioner and the family members about the

cruelty and had also stated that the petitioner has illicit concern with the

sister of his brother’s wife but no where she had stated in her show-cause


that she is ready to live with the petitioner and would co-operate him in all

walks of life.

A true photo stat copy of the show-

cause filed by the Opposite-party no.2

is annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “2” for identification

forming part of this application.

12. That, during the pendency of divorce case , a petition under

Section 24 of the Hindu Marriage Act for grant of expenses of litigation at

the rate of Rs.1000/- per month since 07.02.2004 and the petitioner had

filed his rejoinder to the said application of the Opposite-party no.2.

True photo stat copies of the petition

under Section 24 of the Hindu

Marriage Act and rejoinder filed on

behalf of the petitioner are annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “3” and “4” of this


13. That, on consideration of the pleadings of the parties, the

learned Principal Judge had framed six different issues for determination in

the case and in support of their respective case , the parties were directed to

lead their oral and documentary evidence . On behalf of the petitioner seven


witnesses were examined and on behalf of the Opposite-party no.2 six

witnesses were examined.

14. That, only because the petitioner failed to comply the

conditions of compromise arrived at in between the parties in the criminal

case filed by the father of the Opposite-party no.2 for the offence under

Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code ,the learned Principal Judge vide

his impugned judgment and order dated 02.04.2009 was pleased to dismiss

the divorce case filed by the petitioner .

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 02.04.2009 passed by

Sri Satya Prakash Narain Singh , the learned

Principal Judge, Family Court, Siwan in Divorce

Case No.12 of 2002, the above named petitioner

begs to prefer this revision application on amongst

the other following


I. For that, the impugned judgment and order is bad in law as

well as on facts.

II. For that, while dismissing the divorce case, the learned

Principal Judge did not appreciate the fact that the Opposite-party no.2 in

place of making attempt for restoration of a happy conjugal life ,became

aggressive and on her instigation her father filed a false case against the


petitioner and other family members alleging offences under Section 498A

of the Indian Penal Code.

III. For that, while dismissing the divorce case, the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that even if there was a compromise in

the said criminal case ,the Opposite-party no.2 should have come to her

matrimonial house and would have lived there with the petitioner which

would have helped him in restoration of her conjugal life but she did not

come to live with the petitioner and was fighting for the money which was

also a term of compromise in the criminal case.

IV. For that, while dismissing the divorce case, the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that the terms of compromise in the

criminal case was not intended for the restitution of conjugal life .

According to the terms of compromise in the criminal case, the petitioner

was supposed to pay Rs.50,000/- to the Opposite-party no.2 and Rs.500/- per


V. For that, while dismissing the divorce case, the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that after the criminal case ended in

compromise ,the Opposite-party no.2 never made a grievance that no one

had come to take the Opposite-party no.2 back to her matrimonial

house ,however in her evidence in the divorce case, she had complained that

the terms of compromise in criminal case never fulfilled by the petitioner .


VI. For that, while dismissing the divorce case, the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that grant of compensation or on

payment of Rs.500/- per month to the Opposite-party no.2 and the

subsequent conduct of petitioner while not paying the said amount to the

Opposite-party no.2 cannot be taken as a ground for dismissal of a divorce

case if the parties to the divorce case are not agreeable to live together , the

only way out is their separation through a divorce case and the Opposite-

party no.2 would have been awarded certain amount for her maintenance

after the divorce since a divorced wife is also entitled to maintenance from

the husband as the factum of marriage was on admitted fact in the case.

VII. For that, while dismissing the divorce case, the learned

Principal Judge failed to appreciate that if the parties are not agreeable to

live together and the divorce case is dismissed both of them would equally
suffer since they cannot take a decision to marry with other for the

remaining period of his life.

VIII. For that, the impugned judgment and order is otherwise bad in

law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-

parties ,call for the records of the learned court

below and after hearing the parties be further

pleased to


set aside the judgment and order dated

02.04.2009 passed by Sri Satya Prakash Narain

Singh , the learned Principal Judge, Family Court,

Siwan in Divorce Case No.12 of 2002 and allow

the divorce petition filed by the petitioner .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



I.A. NO.______________________/OF 2009 (LIMITATION)


Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Section 5 of Limitation Act;


In the matter of :-

Raj Kishore Yadav …………………. …………………PETITIONER


The State of Bihar and others ………….……OPPOSITE -PARTIES.


The Hon’ble Shri Shiva Kirti Singh , the Hon’ble Acting

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;



1. That, this application on behalf of the petitioner above named

is for condonation of delay in filing of the present revision

application ,which is being filed against the judgment dated 02.04.2009 and

order dated 07.04.2009 which was expired on 06.06.2009 .

2. That, it is stated that the petitioner is an old man , he has got no

knowledge about the limitation period for filing of the criminal revision

application and he is under the impression that the limitation period for

filing of the criminal revision application is 90 days which is to be expired

on 06.07.2009.

3. That, it is stated that after being arranged the money he

contacted the lawyer after summer vacation i.e. the last week of June, 2009

thereafter the present criminal revision application is being filed .

4. That, it is stated that there is no intentional latches either on the

part of the petitioner or on the part of his counsel and whole thing has been

happened due to aforesaid bonafide reason.

5. That, the petitioner has not filed any application like the

present one earlier before this Hon'ble Court.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that Your

Lordship may graciously be pleased to condone

the delay in filing of the present revision




Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Raj Kishore Yadav, son of Munga Lal Yadav ,

Resident of village- Sirsiya ,P.S. Bela , District – Sitamarhi.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Purshottam Chaurasia, son of

3. Raj Kishore Rai ,son of Mauje Rai

Both resident of village- Srisiya , P.S. Bela , District –




The Hon’ble Shri Shiva Kirti Singh , the Hon’ble Acting


Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the part of

judgment dated 02.04.2009 and order dated 07.04.2009 so far it relates to

the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 passed by Sri Ram Prakash Choubey , the

learned Assistant District & Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court no.3 ,

Sitamarhi in Sessions Trial No.513 of 2006/ 29 of 2008 arising out of Bela

P.S. Case No.34 of 2005 registered for the offences under Sections

302/109,120(B)/34 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 27 of the Arms

Act , whereby and where under the learned Additional Sessions Judge

was pleased to acquit the Opposite-party nos.2 and 3 from the aforesaid

charges leveled against them on the ground that the prosecution has

miserably failed to prove the charges against the Opposite-party nos. 2

and 3.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgment dated 02.04.2009 and order

dated 07.04.2009.

3. That, the prosecution case as alleged in the First Information

Report in brief is that the informant Raj Kishore Yadav gave his Fardbeyan


before the S.I. Sri S.K. Singh of Bela Police –Station at 1.30 A.M. at Khaki

Bab Matha , village- Sirsia ,P.S.Bela, District – Sitamarhi on 10.09.2005

stating therein that in the night of 09.09.2005 ,he was sleeping in his house

and he heard on loud sepaker that Binay Mukhiya was shot dead at the said

Math . He rushed to that Math and where many persons assembled there.

He saw that his son Binay Mukhiya was lying at the Math poured with

blood . Priest of said Math Sitaram Das and Sikandar Mandal were weeping

loudly saying that Ram Kishore Rai and others killed Mukhiaji . It is further

said that Sita Ram Das and Sikandar Rai told him that Ram Kishore Rai ,

Ram Pravesh Mahto and Vaidehi Mahto came on red colour motorcycle at

the Math at 9 P.M. and saw Mukhiyaji and went away and said Binay

Mukhiaji (deceased ) went to attend Panchayati at 9.30 P.M. and returned at

the Math at 11.30 P.M. and sat on a Chowki and started to eat Roti –

Bhujia . It is further said that in the mean time five persons armed with

pistol and torch came there and called Mukhiyaji on which Mukhiyaji came

before them and after seeing them ,he returned back but Ram Kishore Rai

fired from his pistol which hit on the arm of Mukhiyaji . It is further said

that Mukhiyaji tried to flee from there but acused Rajiv Kumar fired from

his gun which hit on the cheek and Mukhiyaji fell down after receiving gun

shot injuries. It is further said that accused Ashoka Kumar Rai came near

Mukhiyaji and fired from his gun . Ram Pravesh Mahto and Vaidehi Mahto

also came there and told other persons to remove back on which all the


accused persons went away by foot. It is further said that on that time one

Petromax and two lantern were lighting in which light they identified the

accused persons . It is further said that motive behind the occurrence is that

accused Raj Kishore Raicontested with Vinay Mukhiyaji (deceased ) in

election of Mukhiya in which Vinay Mukhiya defeated him and there is

also land dispute between them from before. It is further said that

Mukhiyaji always told the villagers regarding threatening of Raj Kishore

Rai @ Motemal . Purshottam Chaurasiya is a rich man of the village and he

had annoyed with Mukhiyaji and Mukhiyaji always protested said

Purshottam Chaurasia and due to that annoyance , Mukhiyaji was killed by

the accused persons with conspiracy to each other.

4. That, it is stated that after institution of the police proceeded

with the investigation and during the course of investigation the police

recorded the statement of so many independent witnesses in the case –

diary ,who supported the prosecution version .

5. That, it is stated that after thorough investigation of the case by

the Investigating Officer , the Police submitted charge-sheet against six

named accused persons including the Opposite-party no.3 except the

Opposite-party no. 2 under Sections 302/109,120(B)/34 of the Indian Penal

Code and Section 27 of the Arms Act .

6. That, it is stated that after submission of the charge-sheet by the

police , the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi took cognizance


against all seven accused persons including the Opposite-party nos. 2 and

3 also under the same Section after going through the material available in

the case-diary .

7. That, it is stated that after taking cognizance , the case was

committed to the court of Sessions vide order dated 22.08.2006 for its

disposal and the charges were framed against all the accused persons

including the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 under Sections

302/109,120(B)/34 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 27 of the Arms

Act .

8. That, in order to prove the case, the prosecution had examined

altogether 12 witnesses such as :-

P.W.1 : Sita Ram Das

P.W.2 :Sikandar Mandal

P.W.3 : Jiwachh Paswan

P.W.4 : Hari Ram

P.W.5 : Rajdhir Yadav

P.W.6 :Dev Narayan Rai

P.W.7 : Ram Shrestha Das

P.W.8 : Bindeshwar Rai

P.W.9 :Raj Kishore Yadav, informant and father of the deceased

P.W.10 : Dr. Arjun Kumar Chaudhary who conducted Post –Mortem



P.W.11. :Sunil Kumar Singh ,Investigating Officer of the case

P.W.12 :P.W.12 , who is the formal witness

9. That, it is stated that the prosecution had also produced

altogether 13 documentary evidences out of his oral evidence.

10. That, it is stated that all the prosecution witnesses examined on

behalf of the prosecution had fully supported the prosecution case .

11. That, it is stated that P.W. 3 specifically deposed in his

deposition that on the date of occurrence in the night at 7.30/7.45 P.M. he

was coming from the Math of Khaki Bab towards his house and when he

reached near the house of Purshottam Ji ( Opposite-party no.2) ,some were


further deposed in his deposition that he saw Raj Kishore Rai (Opposite-

party no.3) , Purshottam Chaurasia (Opposite-party No.2), Dr. Raghvesh ,

Ram Babu Sah , Ashoka, Rajiv , Ram Pravesh and Vaidehi came from the

courtyard of Purshottam Ji ( Opposite-party no.2) and Rambabu was lighting

from the lantern.

12. That, from perusal of the aforesaid deposition of P.W.3 ,it is

apparent that the house of Opposite-party no.2 is the meeting of all the

accused persons ,where the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 hatched up the plan

for committing the murder of the deceased.


13. That, it is stated that P.W.7 specifically deposed in his

deposition that prior to 6-7 days of the occurrence the deceased had talked

with the P.W.7 in which the deceased suspected that Opposite-party nos.2

and 3 be killed him.

14. That, it is also admitted position that the Opposite-party no.3 is

the contestant for the post of Mukhiya in which the deceased defeated the

Opposite-party no.3 ,which is annoyance for the Opposite-party

no.3 ,therefore, there is occasion for the Opposite-party no.3 to hatch up the

plan for killing the deceased.

15. That, it is stated that the P.W.9 ,the informant had also

supported the version of P.W.7 in his deposition that he was informed by the
witnesses a meeting was organized in the house of Opposite-party no.2 for

killing the deceased .

16. That, from perusal of the deposition of the witnesses of the

case, it is apparent that in the murder of the deceased the Opposite-party

nos.2 and 3 are the vital roll and they are main conspirator .

17. That, it is stated that the learned trial court without taking into

consideration ,the consistent evidence of the P.W.3, 7and 9 who specifically

said that the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 are the main conspirator and in the

house of Opposite-party no.2 the conspiracy was made for committing the

murder of the deceased , acquitted the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 from the



Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the part

of judgment dated 02.04.2009 and order dated

07.04.2009 so far it relates to the Opposite-party

nos. 2 and 3 passed by Sri Ram Prakash

Choubey , the learned Assistant District &

Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court no.3 , Sitamarhi

in Sessions Trial No.513 of 2006/ 29 of 2008

arising out of Bela P.S. Case No.34 of 2005 , the

above named petitioner begs to prefer this

revision application on amongst the other


I. For that, the impugned judgment dated 02.04.2009 and order

dated 07.04.2009 is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 , the

learned trial court failed to appreciate that the P.W.3, 7and 9 in their

evidence specifically said that the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 are the main

conspirator and in the house of Opposite-party no.2 the conspiracy was

made for committing the murder of the deceased .

III. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 , the

learned trial court failed to appreciate that the Opposite-party no.3 is the

contestant for the post of Mukhiya in which the Opposite-party no.3 was


defeated by the deceased, which is occasion for making conspiracy for

killing the deceased .

IV. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3, the

learned trial court failed to appreciate that it is admitted fact that there is

admitted land dispute and political rivalary with the Opposite-party nos. 2

and 3 from the deceased .

V. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 , the

learned trial court failed to appreciate that the P.W.3 in his deposition

consistently said that when he was crossing from the house of the Opposite-

party no.2 he heard the talking about the murder of the deceased.
VI. For that , the learned trial failed to consider the material

aspects of the case and discharge the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 from the

charges leveled against them .

VII. For that, the learned trial court failed to consider that all the

witnesses consistently support the contents of the prosecution version .

VIII. For that, the impugned judgment and order is otherwise bad in

law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-

parties ,call for the records of the learned trial

court and after hearing the parties be further

pleased to set


aside the part of judgment dated 02.04.2009 and

order dated 07.04.2009 so far it relates to the

Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 passed by Sri Ram

Prakash Choubey , the learned Assistant District

& Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court no.3 ,

Sitamarhi in Sessions Trial No.513 of 2006/ 29 of

2008 arising out of Bela P.S. Case No.34 of 2005

and convict the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 for

the charges leveled against them .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;

In the matter of :-

1. Nagendra Prasad Yadav, son of Late Meghu Yadav,

Resident of village- Mahaddipur , P.S. Kashim Bazar , District – Munger.

2. Ganesh Prasad Yadav, son of Late Sanichar Yadav,

Resident of Mohalla – Nayagaon , P.S. East Colony , District – Munger.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. The Range Officer of Forest, Dharhara ,

Munger Forest Division, Munger.




The Hon’ble Shri Shiva Kirti Singh , the Hon’ble Acting

Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioners above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

dated 27th February, 2009 passed in Cr. Revision No.177 of 2006 by the

learned Sri Parshuram Shukla , Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track

Court No.1, Munger , arising out of order dated 04.07.22006 passed by the

learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Munger in East Colony P.S. Case No.04

of 2006, G .R. No. 214 of 2006 ,whereby and where under the learned

Revisional Court set aside the order dated 04.07.2006 passed by the learned

Chief Judicial Magistrate , Munger and allowed the aforesaid Cr. Rev.

No.177 of 2006.

2. That, the petitioners never moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned order dated 27.02.2009.

3. That, it is very much important to mention the brief facts of

the case which was lodged by one Assistant Sub-Inspector Prem Nath

Jha ,stating interalia that on 09.02.2006 at about 10.30 A.M. when the

informant was going for investigation with regard to East Colony P.S. Case

No.49 of 2005 along with the Inspector of Police and when they were

returning at


about 11.45 A.M. they saw a loaded Tractor with boulders as well as two

Tractors also and one Truck reached near the place of occurrence and all

the four vehicles were stopped by the said informant on the order of

Inspector of Police and after being asked the requisite documents then the

Drivers of all vehicles went to bring the documents and thereafter they

managed to flee away. The informant said that all the boulders are the

property of forest and all the vehicles and boulders were seized before the

two witnesses and lodged the case for offence under Section 379 of the
Indian Penal Code and Section 4/40 of the Bihar Minor Minerals Act and

Section 26,41,42,33 and 52 of the Indian Forest Act.

A true photo stat as well as typed

copy of the F.I.R. of East Colony

Jamalpur P.S. Case No.4 of 2006 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

4. That, after lodging the First Information Report ,the case has

been meticulously investigated by the Investigating Officer and the

supervising authority such as Sub- Divisional Police Officer , Jamalpur as

well as the Superintendent of Police , Munger supervised the case and it has

been mentioned in the supervision note itself that the aforesaid case is found

to be true under Section 4/40 of the Bihar Minor Mineral Act and other

Sections as mentioned in the First Information Report such as Section 379


of the Indian Penal Code and Section 26,41,42,33 and 52 of the Indian

Forest Act are not applicable in the case and the same was confirmed by the

Superintendent of Police , Munger through its supervision note vide memo

no.796 CR dated 28.02.2006 . The supervising authority meticulously

scrutinized all the documents with regard to seized boulders as well as the

vehicle in question such as owner book , prepaid challan , tax token etc.

5. That, the petitioners ,who are the owners of the seized vehicles

and materials loaded thereon filed their petitions before the learned Chief
Judicial Magistrate , Munger for release of their vehicles and on different

dates and the requisite documents of the vehicle as well as the material

loaded thereon were produced before the learned Chief Judicial

Magistrate , Munger itself and thereafter a report was called for from the

Mining Officer, Munger, Divisional Forest Officer , Munger, District

Transport Officer, Munger and the Officer-in-Charge of the concerned

Police- Station with its case-diary in respect of this case and according the

Assistant Mining Officer ,Munger submitted report and thereafter the

learned Chief Judicial Magistrate found the entire documents of the

vehicle in question as well as seized boulders on the said record but it is

very much important to mention here that neither the Investigating Officer of

the case nor the Officer-in-Charge concerned reported the Divisional

Forest Officer to initiate a proceeding of alleged confiscation when the

petitioners and other vehicle owners filed their petitions for release the

vehicle in question


thereafter the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Munger called for report

to all concerned including the Divisional Forest Officer and thereafter the

Divisional Forest Officer illegally initiated the confiscation proceeding

without fulfilling the criteria of the confiscation proceeding.

6. That, though the case was not found to be true for several

offences of the Indian Forest Act as mentioned in the First Information

Report because the valid transportation challan of the boulders in question

have been submitted before the Police Officer concerned as well as before

the court of learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Munger itself. In this way

case does not comes under the offence punishable under Section

26,41,42,33 and 52 of the Indian Forest Act and the learned Chief Judicial

Magistrate rightly and legally released the vehicle provisionally vide order

dated 04.07.2006 because the case was under investigation.

A true photo stat copy of the order

dated 04.07.2006 passed by the

learned Chief Judicial Magistrate ,

Munger is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “2” to this


7. That, after thorough investigation made by the Investigating

Officer , he submitted charge-sheet bearing Charge-Sheet No.40 of 2006

dated 31.10.2006 for the offences under Section 4/40 of the Bihar Minor


Minerals Act and the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate Munger as per the

supervision note as well as the requisite documents produced by the owners

of the vehicle rightly released the vehicles in favour of their respective


A true photo stat as well as typed

copy of the Charge-sheet No.40 of

2006 dated 31.10.2006 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “3” to this application.

8. That, the revisionist filed the Cr. Rev. No.177 of 2006 against

the order dated 04.07.2006 without any rhyme and reason though it is

apparent from perusal of Government Circular that there is no any

demarcation in between the Forest Area and the area of Mines . The learned

Revisional Court did not take into consideration as to whether the

confiscation proceeding in respect of seized vehicles and boulders is

genuine ,legal or under the jurisdiction of the Divisional Forest Officer or

not. The Officials of the Forest Department as well as the Police Officer

did not follow the procedure mentioned in Sub- Clause-4 of Section -52 of

the Indian Forest Act ( Bihar Amendment Act 9 of 1990 ) . Apart from this

the Officer-in-Charge as well as the informant has not occasion or reason to

believe that a forest offence has been committed by the petitioners . In this

way the entire case is fit to be quashed and the order impugned is fit to be set


aside and the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate has rightly released the

vehicle personally which is fit to be confirmed .

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the order

dated 27th February, 2009 passed in Cr. Revision

No.177 of 2006 by the learned Sri Parshuram

Shukla , Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track

Court No.1, Munger, the above named petitioners

beg to prefer this revision application on amongst

the other following


I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts .

II. For that, the learned Revisional Court did not pass any

speaking and reasoned order by controverting the contention as well as the

submission made by the petitioners before the learned Chief Judicial

Magistrate , Munger and it is cryptic order and the order of learned Chief

Judicial Magistrate is fit to be set aside.

III. For that, the learned Revisional Court illegally allowed the

aforesaid revision application and erred in passing his order with regard to

initiation of confiscation proceeding though the provisions of sub- Section

4 of Section -52 has not been fully complied with and it is wrong to say that

the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate has no jurisdiction to try the offence

punishable under Section 26,41,42,33 and 52 of the Indian Forest Act.


IV. For that ,there is no question for proceeding of confiscation

where the charge-sheet has not been submitted under Section 26,41,42,33

and 52 of the Indian Forest Act rather the charge-sheet has been submitted

under Section 4/40 of Bihar Minor Minerals Act and for that requisite

documents have been produced by the petitioners in the learned court

below as well as the Police Officer and so far the place of excavation is

concerned ,the Officers of the Forest Department does not able to show as
from where the excavation was made and the place of excavation of the

stone comes under the jurisdiction of Forest Area or not .In this way the

entire submission of the revisonist is frivolous and misconceived but the

learned Revisional Court illegally set aside the order passed by the learned

Chief Judicial Magistrate , Munger and allowed the revision application

which is fit to be set aside.

V. For that, it is apparent from perusal of the order dated

04.07.2006 that no intimation letter either sent by the police Officer or by

the Officials of the Forest Department upon which the confiscation

proceeding was initiated rather it was apparent on being asked to submit the

report by the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Munger ,the Officers of

the Forest Department illegally initiated confiscation proceeding without

following the procedure of said proceeding in accordance with law hence the

entire impugned order is bad in law and on fact and unwarranted in the eye

of law and the same is fit to be set aside.


It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-

parties ,call for the records of the learned court

below and after hearing the parties be further

pleased to set aside the order dated 27 th February,

2009 passed in Cr. Revision No.177 of 2006 by

the learned Sri Parshuram Shukla , Additional

Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.1, Munger

and upheld the order dated 04.07.2006 passed by

the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Munger.


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application, the

operation of the impugned order may kindly be


And for this ,the petitioners shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Mahendra Ram, son of Late Gulam Ram ,

Resident of village- Panchgachhiya , P.S. Bathnaha , District – Sitamarhi.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Batahoo Mahto, son of Chhedi Mahto ,

3. Kaushalya Devi, wife of Chhedi Mahto,

Resident of village- Panchgachhiya, P.S. Bathnaha , District –





The Hon’ble Shri J.B. Koshy, the Hon’ble Chief Justice of the

High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 31st March ,2009 passed by Shri Bhim Shankar Lal , the

learned 1st Assistant Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi in Sessions Trial No.314 of

2003/ 06 of 2004 arising out of Bathnaha P.S. Case No.45 of 1997 for the

offences under Sections 366 ,379/34 of the Indian Penal Code , whereby

and where under the learned Assistant Sessions Judge was pleased to

acquit the Opposite-party nos.2 and 3 from the charges leveled against

them under Sections 366 and 379/34 of the Indian Penal Code on the point

of contradiction in manner of occurrence , place of occurrence and time of

occurrence .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgment and order dated 31 st March ,


3. That, on the basis of the complaint filed by the petitioner

(informant ) in the court of learned Chief Judicial Magistrate ,Sitamarhi ,

subsequent it was sent to the learned Magistrate under Section 156 (3) of


the Code of Criminal Procedure to the Police- Station for institution and

investigation of the case , Bathnaha P.S. Case No.45 of 1997 was

registered in Bathnaha Police – Station for the offences under Sections

120B,364,367m368, 379,384,323 of the Indian Penal Code .

4. That, the prosecution case ,in short , is that the marriage of the

petitioner (informant ) was solemnized with Lila Devi ,daughter of

Ramchandra Ram about four years ago . It is further said that after the

marriage , the witness no.1 came to his house and after leaving with husband

and wife . The accused persons are the co-villagers of the informant and

were in visiting term and also made joke with the wife of the informant . It

is further said that after some time the informant became unable to bear

such joke then one day he threatened and ousted but the accused no.2 who

is a bad character keeping himself in a hidden position and started meeting

with the wife of the informant . It is further said that on the date of

occurrence when the wife of the informant came out from her house for

natural call then accused no.1 and 2 who were present there according to

their plan taken the bag of the wife of the informant containing

cash ,ornaments and clothes and according to their plan , they had taken

away the wife of the informant and till date she is traceless. It is further

said that on the date of occurrence informant went to his Sasural village –

Bokhara and told everything to his father-in-law then father –in-law of the

informant came at village – Panchgachhiya and went to the house of

accused no.1 then


replied that his daughter is living in his house from two days and today his

daughter has gone to Railway Station where he boarded in the train and

thereafter where she had gone he cannot say . It is further said that when
the witness no.1 told this fact to the informant then informant went to the

house of the accused persons and quarried that why you have kept his wife

2 days and not informed him ,it show that you have kept her or killer her. It

is further said that the informant threatened that he is going to file a case

against them then accused persons caught hold the informant and tied in

the pillars and also assaulted with fists and slaps and taken thumb

impression on plain paper and left the informant . It is further said that

thereafter the informant started searching to her wife but he did not find

any information then on 06.09.1997 the informant had given written report

to the Police Station but the Police did not take any action then the informant

filed complaint case.

5. That, it is stated that after institution of the police proceeded

with the investigation and during the course of investigation the police

recorded the statement of so many independent witnesses in the case –

diary ,who supported the prosecution version .

6. That, it is stated that after thorough investigation of the case by

the Investigating Officer , the Police submitted charge-sheet against the

Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 under Sections 366 and 379 of the Indian Penal

Code .


7. That, it is stated that after submission of the charge-sheet by the

police , the learned Magistrate took cognizance against the Opposite-party

nos. 2 and 3 under the same Section after going through the material

available in the case-diary .

8. That, it is stated that after taking cognizance , the case was

committed to the court of Sessions vide order dated 02.07.2003 passed by

Sri D.N.Singh , the learned Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class, Sitamarhi for its

disposal and the charges were framed against the Opposite-party nos. 2 and

under Section 366, 379/34 of the Indian Penal Code .

9. That, in order to prove the case, the prosecution had examined

altogether eight witnesses such as :-

P.W.1 : Bijendra Ram

P.W.2 :Sone Lal Baitha

P.W.3 : Bhikhari Ram

P.W.4 : Indal Ram

P.W.5 : Shambhu Sharan Jha

P.W.6 :Sri Chandra Ram

P.W.7 : Mahendra Ram , informant himself

P.W.8 : Chandrika Paswan

10. That, it is stated that all the prosecution witnesses examined on

behalf of the prosecution had fully supported the prosecution case .


11. That, it is admitted fact that the wife of the informant namely

Lila Devi is still traceless .

12. That, it is stated that all the prosecution witnesses said in his

evidence before the court that they saw the wife of the informant (victim )

with the accused persons during the course of taking away the victim .

13. That, it is stated that since the prosecution witnesses are

illiterate persons ,therefore, it is obvious that there is some differences in

between the date and time of occurrence since the date of occurrence was 11

years old .

14. That, it is stated that it is admitted fact that the accused persons

are the co-villager of the informant and the accused persons were visiting

term with the wife of the informant (victim ) ,therefore, the witnesses did

not protest them ,since they had no knowledge about the conspiracy hatched

by the accused persons.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 31st March ,2009

passed by Shri Bhim Shankar Lal , the learned 1 st

Assistant Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi in Sessions

Trial No.314 of 2003/ 06 of 2004 arising out of

Bathnaha P.S. Case No.45 of 1997 , the above

named petitioner begs to prefer this revision

application on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned judgment and order dated 31.03..2009

is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 , the

learned trial court failed to appreciate that all the prosecution witnesses

have said in his deposition that they saw the victim (wife of the informant )

during the course of taking away by the accused persons .

III. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 , the

learned trial court failed to appreciate that till the date the victim is

traceless and lastly the victim was seen with the accused persons, which is

admitted by all the prosecution witnesses.

IV. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 and , the

learned trial court failed to appreciate that it is admitted fact that the

accused persons are the co-villager and visiting term with the wife of the

informant (victim ) .

V. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 , the

learned trial court ought to have considered that there is differences

regarding the date of the occurrence in the deposition of the witnesses ,it is

obvious that there is some differences since prosecution witnesses are the

illiterate persons and the date of occurrence is about 11 years old.

VI. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 , the

learned trial court ought to have considered that regarding the time and

place of occurrence , it is obvious that the prosecution witnesses had seen

the victim with the accused persons at the different time and different places

during the course of taking away the victim.

VII. For that , the learned trial failed to consider the material

aspects of the case and discharge the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 from the

charges leveled against them .

VIII. For that, the learned trial court failed to consider that all the

witnesses consistently support the contents of the prosecution version .

IX. For that, the impugned judgment and order is otherwise bad in

law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-

parties ,call for the records of the learned trial

court and after hearing the parties be further

pleased to set aside the judgment and order

dated 31st March ,2009 passed by Shri Bhim

Shankar Lal , the learned 1st Assistant Sessions

Judge , Sitamarhi in Sessions Trial No.314 of

2003/ 06 of 2004 arising out of Bathnaha P.S. Case

No.45 of 1997 and convict the Opposite-party nos.

2 and 3 for the charges leveled against them .



Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Baijnath Thakur , son of Late Bilas Thakur ,

Resident of village- Madhopur Anant , P.S. Sheohar , District – Sheohar.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Ram Niranjan Thakur ,son of Late Moh Narayan Thakur,

3. Maha Shankar Thakur , son of Late Moh Narayan Thakur,

4. Ram Darshan Thakur , son of Late Moh Narayan Thakur,

5. Ram Ayodhya Thakur , son of Late Moh Narayan Thakur,

6. Shyam Shankar Thakur , son of Late Moh Narayan Thakur,

7. Mintu Thakur @ Dilip Thakur , son of Ram Darshan Thakur ,

8. Prahalad Singh , son of Bindi Singh ,


All resident of village- Madhopur Anant , P.S.

Sheohar, District – Sheohar.



The Hon’ble Shri J.B. Koshy, the Hon’ble Chief Justice of the

High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 10th February ,2009 passed by Shri Pradip Kumar Neogy ,

the learned Additional District and Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.1,

Sheohar at Sitamarhi in Sessions Trial No.432 of 2007/ 87 of 2007 arising

out of Sheohar P.S. Case No.73 of 2006 dated 14.06.2006 registered for the

offences under Section 285,436, 427/34 of the Indian Penal Code ,

whereby and where under the learned Additional Sessions Judge was

pleased to acquit the Opposite-party nos.2 to 8 from the charges leveled

against them under Sections 285, 436 and 436/34 of the Indian Penal Code

in absence of evidence.
2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgment and order dated 10th


February , 2009.

3. That, on the basis of the Fardbeyan of the petitioner

(informant ) , Sheohar P.S. Case No.73 of 2006 dated 14.06.2006 was

registered in Sheohar Police – Station for the offences under Sections

285,436,427/34 of the Indian Penal Code .

4. That, the prosecution case ,in short , is that on 13.06.2006 in

the evening hen he was returned at his village- Madhopur Anant and after

that he went to the house of Shiv Shankar Thakur for sleeping on the upper

floor of the said house at 11.00 P.M. It is further said that accused Ram

Niranjan Thakur , Ram Darshan Thakur both having a Spray Machine in

their hands and they sprinkled petrol to his house . It is further said that

Mahashankar Thakur and Ram Ayodhya Thakur set fire from westerh

south corner through match box . It is further said that Shyam Shankar

Thakur , Purushottam Thakur , Chandan Thakur , Prahalad Singh caught

him and tired to throw in the said fire burning house and in the mean time

persons of the locality assembled there and save the life of the informant . It

is further said that due to fire all the articles lying in his house was burnt

and converted into ashes . It is further said that the occurrence was

witnessed by the persons of the locality . The motive behind the occurrence

is that there was a land dispute in between the accused persons and the
informant and a case is going on between both the parties in the Civil Court,

Sitamarhi and accused persons tried to dispossess him from the said land.


5. That, it is stated that after information about the occurrence ,

the police arrived at the place of occurrence and the police seized half burnt

bamboo and some ashes and prepared a seizure list in presence of two

witnesses namely Hari Shankar Thakur and Baijnath Thakur on 14.06.2006

at 1 P.M.

6. That, it is stated that after thorough investigation of the case by

the Investigating Officer , the Police submitted charge-sheet against the

Opposite-party nos. 2 to 8 under Sections 285, 436, 427/34 of the Indian

Penal Code .

7. That, it is stated that after submission of the charge-sheet by the

police , the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sheohar took

cognizance against the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 8 under the same Section

after going through the material available in the case-diary .

8. That, it is stated that after taking cognizance , the case was

committed to the court of Sessions for its disposal and the charges were

framed against the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 8 under Section 285, 436 and

436 /34 of the Indian Penal Code .

9. That, in order to prove the case, the prosecution had examined

altogether five witnesses such as :-

P.W.1 :Babita Devi , daughter –in-law of the informant .

P.W.2 :Indu Devi, wife of the informant

P.W.3 :Surendra Singh , villager of the informant


P.W.4 : Baijnath Thakur , informant himself

P.W.5 : Rameshwar Singh , Investigating Officer of the case /

10. That, all the prosecution witnesses examined on behalf of the

prosecution had fully supported the prosecution case .

11. That, apart from the oral evidence on behalf of the

prosecution ,five exhibits were also filed such as :-

Ext.1 :Signature of the informant on Fardbeyan .

Ext.1/1 :Fardbeyan

Ext.2 :Signature of witness on seizure list

Ext. 2/1 :Seizure list

Ext.3 :Formal First Information Report

12. That, it is admitted fact by the both the parties that there is land

dispute between the parties ,therefore, it is occasion by the Opposite-party

nos. 2 to 8 to set fire the house of the informant (petitioner ).

13. That, it is stated that the P.W.4 in his deposition specifically

said that he saw from the roof of Shiv Shankar Thakur, where he was

sleeping that the accused persons was setting fire in his house by sprinkling


14. That, it is stated that the P.W.5 Investigating Officer of the case

in his deposition admitted that after the occurrence he went to the place of
occurrence and seized the half burnt bamboo and ashes from the place of

occurrence and he also supported the contents of the seizure list.


Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 10th February ,2009

passed by Shri Pradip Kumar Neogy , the learned

Additional District and Sessions Judge , Fast

Track Court No.1, Sheohar at Sitamarhi in

Sessions Trial No.432 of 2007/ 87 of 2007, the

above named petitioner begs to prefer this

revision application on amongst the other



I. For that, the impugned judgment and order dated 10.02.2009 is

bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 8 , the

learned trial court failed to appreciate that the informant P.W.4 of the case

specifically admitted in his deposition that he saw from the roof that the

accused persons were setting fire in his house.

III. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 8 , the

learned trial court failed to appreciate that the P.W.5 Investigating Officer

of the case admitted in his deposition that after the occurrence he went to the
place of occurrence and seized half built bamboo and ashes from the place

of occurrence and accordingly prepared a seizure list.


IV. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 8 , the

learned trial court failed to appreciate that it is admitted fact by the

defense as well as the prosecution , there is land dispute is going

on ,therefore, there was occasion for the accused persons to set fire in the

house of the informant.

V. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 8 , the

learned trial court ought to have considered that there is differences in

between the statement of the P.W.1 , P.W.2 and P.W.4 , it is natural for

some differences in between their statement since the P.W.1 ,P.W.2 saw

the occurrence inside the house whereas P.W.4 saw the occurrence from the

roof .

VI. For that , while acquitting the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 8 , the

learned trial court failed to appreciate that the independent witness P.W.3

also admitted in his deposition that after hulla ,he went at the place of

occurrence where he saw the house of the informant in burning

condition ,where the informant said that the accused persons have come and

set to fire in his house .

VII. For that , the learned trial failed to consider the material

aspects of the case and discharge the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 8 from the

charges leveled against them .

VIII. For that, the learned trial court failed to consider that all the

witnesses consistently support the contents of the prosecution version .


IX. For that, the impugned judgment and order is otherwise bad in

law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

application, issue notice to the opposite-

parties ,call for the records of the learned trial

court and after hearing the parties be further

pleased to set aside the judgment and order

dated 10th February ,2009 passed by Shri Pradip

Kumar Neogy , the learned Additional District

and Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.1,

Sheohar at Sitamarhi in Sessions Trial No.432 of

2007/ 87 of 2007 and convict the Opposite-party

nos. 2 to 8 for the charges leveled against them .

Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.




Cr. Rev. NO. __________________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application Under

Section-53 of the Juvenile Justice

( Care& Protection of Children ) Act,



In the matter of :-

Bhajan Singh, son of Jai Jai Ram Singh ,

Resident of village- Jhaua Bahiyar , P.S. Bariyarpur , District – Munger.

………….………….. ……. PETITIONER.


The State of Bihar……………………………… OPPOSITE-PARTY


The Hon’ble Shri J.B. Koshy , the Hon'ble Chief Justice

of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship’s

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court .


The humble petition on behalf of the

petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 24th March, 2009 passed by learned Sri Madhusudan Singh

, the learned Sessions Judge , Munger in Cr. Appeal No.07 of 2009 ,

arising out of order dated 06.01.2009 passed by the learned Juvenile Justice

Board, Munger in G.R. Case No.1163A /2008 , Bariyarpur P.S. Case No.58

of 2008 whereby and where under the learned Sessions Judge ,Munger

refused to enlarge the petitioner on bail by dismissing the appeal and

confirmed the order dated 06.01.2009 passed by learned Juvenile Justice

Board , Munger in G.R. Case No.1163 A of 2008.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgment and order .

3. That, the prosecution case as alleged in the First Information

Report ,in brief, is that the informant Hari Nandan Prasad Singh gave his

Fardbeyan on 18.07.2008 at about 8.30 A.M. before the Officer-in-Charge of

Bariyarpur Police –Station ,stating interalia that on 17.07.2008 at about 3

P.M. , when the informant along with his brother , nephew and mother of

nephew were coming by spreading fertilizer then in the way near the BASA

of Parmanand Singh the accused persons including this petitioner were

hiding themselves , all of them apprehended and surrounded and caught the


brother and nephew of the informant and one accused Vidyanand ordered to

kill him upon which Jairam , Sadanand shot fire on the temple of Rohit

Singh ,brother of the informant and thereafter Arbind and Jarbind opened

fire by putting pistol on the chest and jaw upon the nephew of the informant

Lalan Singh . It is further alleged that after raising alarm some accused

persons including this petitioner assaulted the mother of nephew of the

informant and thereafter some persons assaulted there. The cause behind

the occurrence is some piece of land measuring 8 Kathas for which some

land litigation is going on and after being hold Panchayati the accused

persons namely Jai Ram Singh did not ready to pacify the matter.

4. That, on the basis of the Fardbeyan of the informant namely

Hari Nandan Prasad Singh , the instant case was lodged bearing Bariyarpur
P.S. Case No.58 of 2008 dated 18.07.2008 for offences under Sections

147,148,149,341, 323, 307, 302 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 27

of the Arms Act.

A true photo stat as well as typed

copy of the F.I.R. of Bariyarpur P.S.

Case No. 58 of 2008 is annexed

hereto and marked as ANNEXURE-

“1” to this application.

5. That, the petitioner is minor boy and the Medical Board has

opined his age in between 16 to 17 years and exactly the Board has


assessed the age of the petitioner as 16 years 7 months and 9 days on the

date of occurrence and so far the allegation part is concerned ,therefore,

there is no any specific overtact has been attributed to this petitioner ,rather

some persons such as petitioner , Mantu , Bhusan and Arun assaulted the

mother of Lalan namely Sheela Devi and brother of the informant

Bhogendra Singh @ Bhogi Singh with Lathi and Danda.

A true photo stat as well as typed

copy of the order dated 23.12.2008

passed by the learned Juvenile Justice

Board is annexed herewith and

marked as ANNEXURE- “2” to this

6. That, having seen the injury report of Bhogendra Singh @

Bhogi ,the doctor did not find any injury on the portion of Bhogendra

Singh and also two simple injury such as swelling on left fore arm was

found on the portion of Sheela Devi and there are four accused persons

having armed with Lathi assaulted both the so-called injured persons and

the report falsify the prosecution case entirely . Apart from this the injured

Sheela Devi was examined on 18.07.2008 and occurrence is of 17.07.2008

at 3 P.M. but the doctor has mentioned in the injury report the period of

injury is only six hours. The informant with a view to harass the family of


the petitioner tagged the name of each and every member of his family

including this minor petitioner .

True photo stat as well as typed

copies of the Injury Report of Sheela

Devi and Bhogendra Singh @ Bhogi

are annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “3” and “3A” to this


7. That, the First Information Report was instituted by the

informant with ulterior motive because there is land dispute between the

parties and the occurrence took place some other manner but the entire

family member of the petitioner have been made accused in this case.
8. That, apart from this the injured namely Sheela Devi is not the

eye witness rather she is working in her filed and after finishing the

mechanism of the occurrence , he rushed on the place of occurrence and

found the deceased as dead . Apart from this almost all paragraphs of the

case-diary ,in which the statement of witnesses have been recorded as

hearsay evidence such as paragraph nos. 10,15 and 16 etc.

9. That, in this case , similarly situated persons , though he is

major has been granted bail in Cr. Misc. No. 49480 of 2008 on 05.02.2009

by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Dharnidhar Jha on the ground that there is no

specific allegation against him.


A true photo stat copy of the order

dated 05.02.2009 passed in Cr. Misc.

No.49480 of 2008 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “4” to this application.

10. That it is very much important to mention here that the entire

case is false and fabricated and after thought because the date of occurrence

is 17.07.2008 at 3 P.M. and the information was given to the concerned

police on the same day i.e. 17.07.2008 at 5 P.M. but the First Information

Report was lodged on next date i.e. 18.07.2008 at 4 P.M. . In this way ,

the information was given by the informant is after thought and with a
planned manner , the petitioner as well as his family member have been

made accused and the First Information Report was lodged belatedly .

11. That, the petitioner surrendered before the learned Chief

Judicial Magistrate , Munger on 11.08.2008 and having seen the physical

structure of the petitioner , the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Munger

forwarded him to Juvenile Justice Board and he was sent in remand home

on the same day.

12. That, the petitioner has no criminal history and the mother of

the petitioner is ready to take every responsibility of her son ,if he is

released on bail.


Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 24th of March,2009

passed by learned Sri Madhusudan Singh ,

Sessions Judge ,Munger in Criminal Appeal

No.07 of 2009 , whereby and where under he

refused to enlarge the petitioner on bail by

dismissing the appeal and confirmed the order

dated 06.01.2009 passed by learned Juvenile

Justice Board, Munger in G.R. Case No. 1163 A

of 2008 , the above named petitioner begs to

prefer this revision application on amongst the

other following

G R O U N D S:

I. For that, the impugned judgment and order is bad in law as

well as on facts.

II. For that, the learned court below failed to appreciate that the

ingredients of Section 12 of the Juvenile Justice ( Care and Protection of

Children ) Act, 2000.

III. For that, the learned court below did not consider the period

of custody of the petitioner and rejected the appeal illegally.

IV. For that, the learned court below should have considered and


the entirety of the case as well as allegation part of the First Information

Report .

V. For that, the allegation of assault of Bhogendra Singh @

Bhogi Singh as well as Sheela Devi and infirmity of time period of injury

as well as no injury found on the portion of Bhogendra Singh @ Bhogi

Singh have not been considered by the learned court below ,it is quite

illegal in the eye of law as well as on facts.

VI. For that, the learned court below merely on the basis of

presumption that after being released from custody the petitioner can come

in the associates of criminals , it is quite illegal in the eye of law .

VII. For that, keeping the appellant in custody will expose him to

moral ,physical and physiological danger and keeping him in custody

would defeat the ends of justice .

VIII. For that, the mother of the petitioner is ready to take every

responsibility of her son ,if he is released on bail.

IX. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts

and fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, prayed that Your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this revision

application ,call for the records of the learned

court below and after hearing the parties be

pleased to set aside the judgment and order dated


24th of March,2009 passed by learned Sri

Madhusudan Singh , Sessions Judge ,Munger in

Criminal Appeal No.07 of 2009 , whereby and

where under he refused to enlarge the petitioner

on bail by dismissing the appeal and confirmed

the order dated 06.01.2009 passed by learned

Juvenile Justice Board, Munger in G.R. Case No.

1163 A of 2008 and be further pleased to enlarge

the petitioner on bail to the satisfaction of the

learned Juvenile Justice Board , Munger .

A ND / O R

Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper.

And for this , the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO. __________________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application Under

Section-53 of the Juvenile Justice

( Care& Protection of Children ) Act,


In the matter of :-

Utashav Kumar @ Utsav Kumar, son of Chandra Mohan Sah,

Resident of Mohalla- Dalhatta, P.S. Kotwali, District – Munger.

………….………….. ……. PETITIONER.


The State of Bihar……………………………… OPPOSITE-PARTY


The Hon’ble Sri R.M. Lodha , the Chief Justice of the

High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship’s

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court .


The humble petition on behalf of the

petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the order

dated 28th March, 2008 passed by learned Sri Pandey Anil Kumar , the

learned Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court no. IV , Munger in Cr.

Appeal No.06 of 2008 , whereby and where under the aforesaid appeal was

dismissed and confirmed the order dated 29.12.2007 passed by learned Sri

P.K. Sinha , Principal Magistrate, Juvenile Justice Board, Munger in G.R.

No.483 A//2007 arising out of Kotwali P.S. Case No.105 of 2007 by which
the learned Principal Magistrate rejected the prayer for bail of the petitioner

under Section 12 of the Juvenile Justice ( Care and Protection of Children )

Act, 2000.

2. That, the petitioner had earlier moved before this Hon'ble High

Court in Cr. Rev. No.453 of 2008 against the impugned order ,which was

rejected on 06.08.2008 by Hon'ble Mr. Justie Ghanshyam Prasad by

observing at this stage and thereafter the petitioner has not moved before

this Hon'ble High Court.

A true photo stat copy of the order

dated 06.08.2008 passed in Cr. Rev.

No.453 of 2008 is annexed herewith


and marked as ANNEXURE- “1” to

this application.

3. That, the prosecution case is that on the basis of the Fardbeyan

of one Pramod Kumar , Kowali P.S. Case No.105 of 2007 dated 30.03.2007

was registered under Section 364 of the Indian Penal Code against the

petitioner and others alleging interalia that on 30.03.2007 at about 8 P.M.

the son of the informant namely Prashant Kumar aged about-11 years had

gone to school and had not returned back. In course of search the elder son

of the informant was informed by the petitioner that two unknown persons

took away his brother on a Motorcycle . Later on, at about 2.30 P.M. a

demand of Rs.50,000/- was made on telephone and it was gathered that the
voice was of the petitioner . It has further been alleged that when the

informant tried to ascertain the matter through his own sources then the

informant came to know that it was the petitioner , who was kidnapped his

son along with his associates.

A true photo stat/typed copy of the

F.I.R. of Kotwali P.S. Case No.105 of

2007 is annexed herewith and marked

as ANNEXURE- “2” to this



4. That, the informant gave his Fardbeyan against the petitioner

and others about the kidnapping of his son namely Prashant Kumar merely

on the basis of voice on the telephone message though the petitioner

personally informed about his brother, who was being carried by two

persons on a Motorcycle but merely on the basis of inference ,the name of

the petitioner was dragged in the First Information Report and accordingly

the aforesaid First Information Report was lodged for offence under

Section 364 of the Indian Penal Code . The occurrence took place on

30.03.2007 as per the case-diary , the witness, who were the Chaukidar

gave their statement recorded in paragraph nos. 30 and 31 of the case-diary

namely Rajan Paswan as well as Prasidh Paswan by which the dead body

was not recovered on the basis of confessional statement of the

petitioner ,rather the confessional statement of the petitioner was recorded

on 31.03.2007 and the investigation is of 30.03.2007 and as per the case-

diary ,the petitioner was arrested on 30.03.2007 and his confessional

statement was recorded on 31.03.2007 . It means he Investigating Officer

having recorded the dead body of the deceased corroborate the complicity

of this petitioner by recording the confessional statement of the petitioner

by applying third degree behaviour . It is also very much important to

mention here that the confessional statement before the petitioner has no

legs in the


eye of law. Apart from this the same was not recorded as per Rules of Bihar

Police Manual.

5. That, the petitioner was declared as juvenile by the Juvenile

Justice Board on 12.11.2007 and his date of birth is 04.02.1993 and

accordingly he is a tiny boy aged about -14 years only.

6. That, the police by assaulting the petitioner procured his

signature on a plain paper and the same was converted into a confessional

statement .

7. That, in the confessional statement of the petitioner ,Kaushal

Kumar who throttled the deceased and all other accused persons have

assisted in the occurrence ,if the confessional statement of the petitioner is

assumed to be true. Not even only the petitioner is not the instrumental in
the way of kidnapping of the deceased because the son of the informant

himself said that Utsav informed him about the kidnapping of his brother but

merely on the basis of suspicion the name of the petitioner has been tagged

in the First Information Report .

8. That, the petitioner is in jail custody since 01.04.2007 and

other co-accused Kaushal Kumar and Rajesh Kumar Ravi @ Guddu are

already on bail. The co-accused Rocky Sharma has also been granted bail

by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Shamrendra Pratap vide order dated 02.09.2008

passed in Cr. Misc. No.33246 of 2008.


9. That, the petitioner after his arrest moved his application for

bail under Section 12 of the Juvenile Justice ( Care and Protection of

Children ) Act, 2000 before the learned Principal Magistrate, Juvenile

Justice Board, Munger ,who by his order dated 24.12.2007 in G.R. Case

No.483 of 2007 was pleased to reject the same.

A true photo stat/ typed copy of the

order dated 24.12.2007 is annexed

herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “3” to this petition.

10. That, thereafter the petitioner against the aforesaid order dated

24.12.2007 passed by the learned Principal Magistrate , Juvenile Justice

Board, Munger , petitioner preferred a Criminal Appeal No.6 of 2008

before the court of learned Additional Sessions Judge , F.T.C. –IV, Munger
and Sri Pandey Anil Kumar by his judgment and order dated 28 th of

March,2008 was pleased to reject the same on the ground of appeal is devoid

of merit.

11. That, as per Section 12 of the Juvenile Justice ( Care and

Protection of Children ) Act, 2000 , a person if he is a juvenile is arrested or

detained , such person shall be released on bail with or without sureties .

Thus a delinquent juvenile ordinarily has to be released on bail irrespective

of nature of the offence alleged to have been committed unless it shown that


there appears reasonable ground for believing that his release is likely to

bring him under the influence of any criminal or expose him to moral

danger or that his release would defeat the ends of justice.

12. That, the parents of the petitioner are ready to keep the

petitioner under their guardianship and supervision and undertakes to this

Hon'ble court for the well being of the petitioner as well as the release of

the petitioner will not bring him under the influence of any bad element or

go into the association with any known criminal. The petitioner has no

criminal antecedent and as such his release cannot be termed that he will go

in association with the bad element of the society.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 28th of March,2008

passed by learned Sri Pandey Anil

Kumar ,Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track

Court No.IV,Munger in Criminal Appeal No.06 of

2008 , whereby and where under he has been

pleased to reject the appeal as devoid of merit and

confirmed the order dated 24.12.2007 passed by

learned Sri P.K. Singh, Principal Magistrate,

Juvenile Justice Board, Munger in G.R. Case

No.483 of 2007 , whereby and where under the

learned Magistrate


was pleased to reject the bail application of the

petitioner , the above named petitioner begs to

prefer this revision application on amongst the

other following

G R O U N D S:

I. For that, the impugned judgment and order is bad in law as

well as on facts.

II. For that, the learned appellate court without being scrutinized

the order passed by the learned court below passed the judgment in cryptic


III. For that, the learned appellate court should have distinguished

the case of this petitioner on the point of juvenile as per the order passed by

the learned Juvenile Justice Board but the learned Appellate Court failed to
appreciate the Section 12 of the Juvenile Justice ( Care and Protection of

Children) Act,2000.

IV. For that, the learned court below failed to consider the

undertakings given by the parents of this petitioner .

V. For that, the learned court below did not take into

consideration of the period of custody of the petitioner ,if the offence

presumed to be true then it is a case of first offender but the learned court


below did not appreciate the aspect of the matter and dismissed the appeal

without considering the facts and circumstances of the case.

VI. For that, the learned court below without being deferred and

given any reason dismissed the appeal without applying his judicial mind.

VII. For that, both the judgment and order impugned is bad in law

and fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, prayed that Your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this revision

application ,call for the records of the learned

court below and after hearing the parties be

pleased to set aside the judgment and order dated

28th of March,2008 passed by learned Sri Pandey

Anil Kumar ,Additional Sessions Judge , Fast

Track Court No.IV, Munger in Criminal Appeal

No.06 of 2008 , whereby and where under he has

been pleased to reject the appeal filed by the

petitioner and confirmed the order dated

24.12.2007 passed by learned Sri P.K. Singh,

Principal Magistrate, Juvenile Justice Board,

Munger in G.R. Case No.483 of 2007 , whereby

and where under the learned Magistrate was


pleased to reject the bail application of the

petitioner under Section 12 of Juvenile Justice

( Care and Protection of Children ) Act, 2000 and

be further pleased to enlarge the petitioner on

bail during the pendency of this revision .

A ND / O R

Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper.

And for this , the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Dinesh Kumar, son of Ram Singar Singh ,

Resident of village –Bokhara , P.S. Karja , District – Muzaffarpur.



The State of Bihar.……………….…………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Shri J.B. Koshy, the Hon’ble Chief Justice of the

High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;



1. That, this memo of appeal is being directed against the

judgment and order dated 17.02. 2009 passed in Cr. Appeal No.53 of 2006

/11 of 2008 by Sri Narsingh Prasad, the learned Additional Sessions

Judge . , Fast Track Court No.6 , Sitamarhi , whereby and where under the

appeal preferred by the petitioner against the judgment and order of

sentence dated 06.07.2006 was dismissed and affirmed the judgment and

order of sentence dated 06.07.2006 passed by the learned Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate , Sadar Sitamarhi in Trial No.290 of 2006 arising out of

Dumra P.S.Case No.80 of 2001 by which the learned Magistrate found the

petitioner guilty under Section 279 and 304(A) of the Indian Penal Code

and sentenced him to undergo S.I. for two years U/S 304(A) of the Indian

Penal Code and also sentenced him to undergo S.I. for six months under

Section 279 of the Indian Penal Code and both the sentence will run


2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble

Court earlier against the impugned Judgment and order.

3. That, the prosecution case ,in brief, is that the informant Sheo

Shankar Sah P.W. 6 gave his Fardbeyan before the Sub-Inspector of Dumra

Police- Station namely Mahadeo Sahu on 22.05.2001 at 10 A.M.,alleging

therein that the informant and his family members had gone to his Sasusral

at village- Subhai . On 22.05.2001 at about 8.30 A.M. when his daughter


namely Anjali Kumari aged about 10 years was going to the market by road

in the mean time one bus bearing Reg. No.7374 (Sundar Bharat ) of Kumar

Travels Company was driven by negligently and rashly and dashed his

daughter Anjali and fled away towards Muzaffarpur . It is further alleged

that his daughter died on spot , whose head was badly injured Thereafter

villagers assembled there and local persons said that the bus was driven by

the Driver rashly and negligently.

4. That, the aforesaid Fardbeyan of the informant Sheo Shankar

Sah , Dumra Police drew up a formal First Information Report and

registered a case bearing Dumra P.S. Case No.80 of 2001 dated 22.05.201

for the offences under Sections 279 and 304(A) of the Indian Penal Code .

5. That, after institution of the case, the police investigated the

case and after completion of investigation, the police submitted charge-

sheet against the petitioner vide charge-sheet no.105 of 2001 dated

29.08.2001 for the offences under Sections 279 and 304(A) of the Indian

Penal Code.

6. That, it is stated that after submission of charge-sheet , the

learned Magistrate took cognizance against the petitioner under Sections

279 and 304(A) of the Indian Penal Code.

7. That, it is stated that after order taking cognizance , the

charges were framed against the petitioner under Section 279 and 304(A)

of the Indian Penal Code and he pleaded not guilty and claimed to be tried.


8. That, it is stated that prosecution in order to bring home the

charges produced altogether 6 witnesses such as:-

P.W.1 : Mangal Sah , father-in-law of the informant

P.W.2 : Bishwanath Thakur ,

P.W.3 : Laxman Sah

P.W.4 : Kailash Sah

P.W.5 : Sunil Kumar Sada

P.W.6 : Shiv Shankar Sah ,informant himself

9. That, it is stated that out of six prosecution witnesses , two

prosecution witnesses P.W.4 and P.W.5 are declared hostile .

10. That, it is stated that only P.W.1 ,P.W.2 , P.W.3 and P.W.6

supported the prosecution version. The P.W.1 , P.W.5 and P.W.6 are close

related to each other and their evidence is not trustworthy .

11. That, it is stated that in his Fardbeyan ,the informant P.W.6 did

not claim that he identified the petitioner as a Driver of the said Bus ,who

driving the said bus rather he only said about the identification of the

bus ,who dashed the daughter of the informant .

12. That, it is stated that during the course of cross-examination,

the P.W.6 admitted that the petitioner was not put on Test Identification

Parade during the course of Police Investigation .


13. That ,it is stated that the prosecution did not examine the owner

of the bus in question for the purposes that on the date of occurrence the

petitioner was driving the said bus .

14. That, it is stated that during the course of trial the Post Mortem

Report was not exhibited by the prosecution .

15. That, it is stated during the course of trail the doctor ,who

conducted the autopsy of the deceased and the Investigating Officer of the

case was not examined by the prosecution.

16. That, it is stated that the said bus ,from which the occurrence

had taken place , was not examined by the District Transport Officer.

17. That, it is stated that neither the petitioner was arrested at the

sport nor the bus was caught hold ,therefore, there was no occasion by the

witnesses for identification of the driver , who drive the vehicle .

18. That, there are several contradictions in between the statement

of the witnesses and the witnesses including the informant has not

supported the prosecution version fully.

19. That ,the learned Sub- Divisional Magistrate ,Sitamarhi Sadar

without scrutinizing or examining the material come during the course of

trial as well as discrepancies , passed the impugned judgment and order

dated 06 .07.2006 in Trial No.290 of 2006 whereby and where under the

learned Magistrate found the petitioner guilty under Section 279 and

304(A) of the Indian Penal Code and sentenced him to undergo S.I. for two


years U/S 304(A) of the Indian Penal Code and also sentenced him to

undergo S.I. for six months under Section 279 of the Indian Penal Code

and both the sentence will run concurrently.

A true photo stat copy of the

judgment and order dated 06.07.2006

passed in Trial No.290 of 2006 is

annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” to this application.

20. That, being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the judgment

and order dated 06.07.2006 passed by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , preferred an appeal before the learned Additional Sessions

Judge , F.T.C.-6 Sitamarhi which was registered as Cr. Appeal No.53 of

2006 /11 of 2008 ,who also without going through the material available

on record affirmed the judgment and order passed by the learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi , Sadar .

21. That, the learned appellate court directed the petitioner to

appear before the learned trial court within a month from the receipt of the

order .

22. That, after passing the judgment and order dated 17.02.2009 ,

the petitioner applied for the certified copy of the aforesaid judgment and

order on 20.02.2009 but the certified copy was delivered on

18.03.2009 ,therefore, the petitioner has not come before this Hon'ble Court

as early.


23. That , in view of the non –examination of important witnesses

such as Investigating Officer , doctor as well as contradiction in between the

statement of the witnesses as well as the Fardbeyan ,the impugned judgment

and order passed by the learned trial court as well as appellate court is fit to

be set aside .

24. That, it is stated that during the course of trial as well as during

the pendency of the appeal ,the petitioner was all along on bail.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

Judgment and order dated 17.02.2009 passed by

Sri Narsingh Prasad , the learned Additional

Sessions Judge Fast Track Court No.6 ,Sitamarhi

in Cr. Appeal No.53 of 2006/ 11 of 2008 as well as

the judgment and order on the point of sentence

dated 06.07.2006 passed by learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi Sadar in

Trial No.290 of 2006 , the above named

petitioner begs to prefer this revision

application on amongst the other following


I. For that the impugned Judgment and order passed by the learned

trail court as well as appellate court are bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, the learned trial court has failed to consider the

evidence on record in its proper prospective ,which vitiates the findings

completely .

III. For that, the learned trial court has convicted the petitioner

on the basis of the findings based on mere conjectures and surmises.

IV. For that, the learned trial court has committed error of law and

facts both ,while discussing the evidence of the witnesses .

V. For that, the judgment and order of the learned trial court have

vitiated on account of non-consideration of facts, evidence and materials

brought on the record and ,therefore, are fit to be set aside.

VI. For that , the materially contradictions in the statements of the

prosecution witnesses , as well as omissions in their evidence have not been

taken into consideration by the learned trial court and in that view of the

matter, the conviction of the petitioner is not sustainable in the eye of law .

VII. For that, the prosecution could not prove its case beyond all

reasonable doubts against the petitioner and ,therefore, the conviction is

bad .

VIII. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court failed to appreciate that the Investigating Officer of the case as well as

the doctor ,who conducted the autopsy of the deceased were not examined

by the prosecution ,whose evidence is necessary to come the conclusion of

the case .

IX. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court failed to appreciate that the informant admitted in his cross –

examination that the petitioner was not put on Test Identification Parade

during the course of investigation since the petitioner was not arrested on

the spot .

X. For that, while convicting the petitioner ,the learned trial

court failed to appreciate that in the Fardbeyan the informant said about the

identification of the bus in question but he never claimed that he identified

the petitioner ,who driving the bus .

XI. For that, while convicting the petitioner , the learned trial

failed to consider that during the course of trial the prosecution did not

exhibited the Post – Mortem Report..

XII. For that, while affirming the order passed by the learned trial

court, the appellate court failed to appreciate that in the trial court judgment

there is several discrepancies .

XIII. For that, the learned trial court as well as appellate court ought

to have convict the petitioner on hypothetical manner without considering

the material available on record .

XIV. For that, the impugned judgment and order of the learned

trial court as well as appellate court is bad in law and fit to be set aside.

It is, therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this

appeal ,issue notice to the Opposite-party ,call for

the records of the learned trial court and after

hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside

the Judgment and order dated 17.02.2009 passed

by Sri Narsingh Prasad , the learned Additional

Sessions Judge Fast Track Court No.6 ,Sitamarhi

in Cr. Appeal No.53 of 2006/ 11 of 2008 as well as

the judgment and order on the point of sentence

dated 06.07.2006 passed by learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi Sadar in

Trial No.290 of 2006 .

A N D /O R

Pass such other order or orders as your Lordship

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case .


During the pendency of this revision

application ,the petitioner may be enlarged on

bail to the satisfaction of the learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi Sadar in

Trial No.290 of 2006.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Ram Naresh Bhagat ,son of Late Gauri Shankar Bhagat ,

Resident of village- Harsingpur , P.S. Runnisaidpur , District – Sitamarhi.



1. The State of Bihar.

2. Kirtan Bhagat, son of Bipai Bhagat,

2. Sukhan Bhagat, son of Late Bipai Bhagat,

Both resident of village- Harsingpur, P.S. Runnisaidpur ,

District – Sitamarhi.



The Hon’ble Shri J.B. Koshy, the Hon’ble Chief Justice of the


High Court of Judicature at Patna and His Lordship

Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 28.01.2009 passed by Sri Shiv Kumar Jha , the learned

Judicial Magistrate 1st Class , Sitamarhi Sadar in Complaint Case No.600

of 2002/ Trial No.1822 of 2009, whereby and where under the learned

Judicial Magistrate was pleased to discharge the Opposite-party nos.2 and 3

from the charges leveled against them under Sections 341 and 392 of the

Indian Penal Code in absence of evidence and taking the benefit of doubt .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgment and order dated 28.01.2009

passed by the learned trial court however he has moved before the learned

Sessions Judge , Sitamarhi against the judgment and order dated

28.01.2009 by filing Cr. Appeal No.13 of 2009 but the same was permitted
to be withdrawn vide order dated 27.02.2009 since the appeal is not

maintainable .

3. That, on the basis of the complaint filed by the petitioner in

the court of learned Chief Judicial Magistrate , Sitamarhi , complaint case

No.600 of 2002 was registered .


4. That, the prosecution case ,in short , brief is that the petitioner

had gone to Sitamarhi along with his wife for treatment of his wife from

the doctor. The wife of the petitioner was checked up by the doctor and the

doctor advised for examination of blood and X- Ray and accordingly the

wife of the petitioner gave his blood and X-Ray was done . It is further said

that the petitioner sent his wife for the house and the petitioner stayed in

Sitamarhi for taking the report of blood and X-Ray . It is further said that

the petitioner had withdrawn Rs.2000/- from the State Bank and the said

amount keep with him but due to non-availability of the doctor , the

petitioner returned to his house in the evening.

It is further said that during the course of returning to his

house when the petitioner reached in between Ajamgarh and Bachhapur ,

suddenly the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 and one Ramashish Bhagat

surround the petitioner and snatched Rs.1800/- from the pocket of the

petitioner on the point of Chhura and Danda.

It is further said that all the accused persons threatened the

petitioner ,if he will raise alarm then he will be killed in the meantime the
witnesses came at the place of occurrence then the accused persons fled

away with the money. It is further said that after returning to his house, the

petitioner had gone to the Police – Station for lodging the case but the

police refused to register the case and accordingly the complaint case was

filed by the complainant.


5. That, it is stated that after taking the statement of the petitioner

on solemn affirmation , the case was transferred to the court of learned

Judicial Magistrate for its trial.

6. That, it is stated that after taking the statement of witnesses

produced on behalf of the prosecution , the learned Magistrate took

cognizance against the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 and one Ramashish

Bhagat under Section 341 and 392 of the Indian Penal Code vide order

dated 16.09.2002.

7. That, it is stated that after taking cognizance the learned

Judicial Magistrate issued summon against the accused persons for their

appearance .

8. That, it is stated that during the course of trial one co-accused

Ramashish Bhagat died ,therefore, the proceeding against the said

Ramashish Bhagat was dropped and the case was proceeded against the

9. That, in order to prove the case, the prosecution had examined

altogether three witnesses such as P.W.1 Dashrath Bhagat (uncle of the

petitioner ) , P.W. 2 Raj Kishore Singh , P.W.3 Ram Naresh Bhagat

(complainant and petitioner himself ) and all of them had fully supported

the prosecution case.

10. That, all the prosecution witnesses examined on behalf of the

prosecution had fully supported the prosecution case and though they were

cross examined at length by the defense but they could not get any


contradiction in their cross – examination what the witnesses had stated in

their examination –in-chief in support of the prosecution case.

8. That, apart from the oral evidence on behalf of the prosecution

exhibits were also filed such as Exhibit -1 signature of the complainant on

complaint petition .

9. That, it is stated that on behalf of the defense Exhibit –“A” was

produced which is the order dated 09.12.2003 passed in Case No.248 of

2002 for proceeding under Section 145 Code of Criminal Procedure

between the parties . The said document shows that there is a dispute

between the parties ,therefore, it was occasion for the Opposite-party nos. 2

and 3 to assault the petitioner and snatch the money .

10. That, it is stated that the P.W.1 and P.W.3 in their evidence

specifically said that they saw the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3 snatching the

money of the petitioner .

11. That, it is stated that the petitioner in his evidence as well as

the complaint petition specifically said that he had gone Sitamarhi for
treatment of his wife and in the same evening during the course of returning

the accused persons snatched his money on the point of Chhura and Danda.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the judgment and

order dated 28.01.2009 passed by Sri Shiv Kumar Jha , the

learned Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class , Sitamarhi Sadar in

Complaint Case No.600 of 2002/ Trial No.1822 of 2009, the


above named petitioner begs to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned judgment and order dated 28.01.2009 is

bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while acquitting the Opposite-party nos.2 and 3 ,the

learned trial court ought to have considered that the petitioner did not

disclose the date of occurrence in the complaint ,rather the petitioner

specifically said in the complaint petition that after check up of his by the

doctor he returned to his house in the evening of same day and in the way

the said occurrence had taken place.

III. For that, while acquitting the Opposite-party nos.2 and 3, the

learned trial court ought to have considered that the prosecution failed to

examine the wife of the petitioner ,since the wife of the petitioner is not the

eye witness of the occurrence ,therefore, there is no occasion for his

IV. For that, while acquitting the Opposite-party nos.2 and 3,the

learned trial court ought to have considered that there is contradiction in

between the snatched amount of the petitioner ,rather P.W.1 and 2

specifically said in his evidence that they have seen the accused persons

snatching the money from the pocket of petitioner since the money was kept


in the pocket of the petitioner ,therefore, there is no occasion to say about

the exact amount.

V. For that, while acquitting the Opposite-party nos.2 and 3,the

learned trial court ought to have considered that the prosecution has

failed to produce the medical report of his wife ,since for proving the

prosecution case ,the medical report of his wife is not necessary ,therefore,

the petitioner did not produce the said document .

VI. For that , the learned trial failed to consider the material

aspects of the case and taking the benefit of doubt discharge the Opposite-

party nos. 2 and 3 from the charges.

VII. For that, the learned trial court failed to consider that all the

witnesses consistently support the contents of the complaint petition .

VIII. For that, the impugned judgment and order is otherwise bad in

law .
It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this application, issue notice to

the opposite-parties ,call for the records of the learned trial

court and after hearing the parties be further pleased to set

aside the judgment and order dated 28.01.2009 passed by Sri

Shiv Kumar Jha , the learned Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class ,

Sitamarhi Sadar in Complaint Case No.600 of 2002/ Trial


No.1822 of 2009 and convict the Opposite-party nos. 2 and 3

for the charges leveled against them .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships may deem fit

and proper in the facts and circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Raushan Ara, wife of Md. Shamim ,

Resident of village-Paithan Kawai , P.S. Manigachhi , District – Darbhanga ,

presently residing at village- Motipur , P.S. Motipur, District – Muzaffarpur.


1. The State of Bihar.

2. Ejaz Ahmad Khan ,

3. Ibrar Ahmad Khan,

4. Izhar Khan,

All sons of Late Wasi Ahmad Khan,

5. Imdad Ahmad Khan , son of Izhar Khan ,

All resident of village- Paithan Kawai , P.S. Manigachhi,


District – Darbhanga.



The Hon’ble Sri C.K. Prasad , the Hon’ble Acting Chief

Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 11.12.2008 passed by Sri Satyendra Kumar Pathak , the

learned Additional District and Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.4 ,

Darbhanga in Sessions Trial No.220 of 2000 , whereby and where under the

learned Additional Sessions Judge was though pleased to convict the

Opposite-party nos. 2 to 5 for the offences under Sections 341, 504 and 323
of the Indian Penal Code but by the same judgment and order the learned

Additional Sessions Judge was pleased to observe that the prosecution has

not been able to prove the charges under Section 307 of the Indian Penal

Code and due to non- examination of the doctor charge under Section 324

Indian Penal Code has also not been proved . The learned Additional

Sessions Judge heard the parties on sentence and had chosen not to sentence

the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 5 for the offences committed by them ,


however they were released from custody giving them benefit of Section 3

of the Probation of Offender Act after due admonition.

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgment and order passed by the

learned trial court.

3. That, on the basis of Fardbeyan of the petitioner recorded by

the Officer-in-Charge of Sakari Police- Station on 07.05.1999 at

Government Hospital, Sakari , District – Madhubani , Manigachhi P.S. Case

No.42 of 1999 dated 07.05.1999 was recorded in Manigachhi Police- Station

against the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 5 and one other for the offences under

Sections 341, 323,324 , 427, 504/34 of the Indian Penal Code and pursuant

to the requisition filed by the Investigating Officer ,offence under Section

307 of the Indian Penal Code was also added.

4. That, after investigation , the police submitted charge-sheet

against the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 5 , whereas final report was submitted

against Aarju , daughter of Izhar Khan and on the basis of the charge-sheet

cognizance of the offences under Sections 341, 427,504 and 307 of the

Indian Penal Code was taken and the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 5 were put on


5. That, in order to prove the case, the prosecution had examined

altogether nine witnesses and all of them had supported the prosecution case.


6. That, out of nine witnesses examined by the prosecution P.W.1

Phool Babu Khan , P.W.3 Ladle Khan, P.W.5 Md. Sabbir, P.W.6 Lalo Khan

were named in the Fardbeyan as a witness , who had seen the occurrence

with their naked eye .

7. That, all the prosecution witnesses examined on behalf of the

prosecution had fully supported the prosecution case and though they were

cross examined at length by the defense but they could not get any

contradiction in their cross – examination what the witnesses had stated in

their examination –in-chief in support of the prosecution case.

8. That, apart from the oral evidence on behalf of the prosecution

exhibits were also filed and Exhibit -3 was the injury report of the informant

issued by the Medical Officer of Sakari State Dispensary .

9. That, according the injury report , the informant had sustained

following Injuries :-

(I) Contusion 2” X 1 ½” on the front of the neck with pain ,difficulty in

swelling and in respiration .

(II) Contusion 2 ¼” X 2” on the occipital surface .

(III) Incised 2” X ¼” X Scalp depth on the middle of the head.

10. That, despite the best efforts of the prosecution , the

doctor ,who had issued the injury report could not be examined by the



11. That, similarly because of hostile attitude of the learned Public

Prosecutor ,the Investigating Officer also could not produce for his

examination as a Prosecution witness.

12. That, though the Injury report was on record as Exhibit “3”

without any objection to the defense, yet only because the doctor was not

examined , the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 5 to discharge for the offences under

Sections 307 and 324 of the Indian Penal Code , though according to the

Injury Report , the informant –petitioner had sustained injuries on neck by

hard and blunt substance and incised wound at the middle of the head.

13. That, though the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 5 were convicted for

the offences under Sections 341, 504 and 323 of the Indian Penal Code but

they were released from the custody under Section 3 of the Probation of

Offenders Act ,though on behalf of the prosecution ,the judgment of the

learned Judicial Magistrate 1 st Class , Darbhanga passed in Trial No.333 of

2004 was brought on record to show that the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 4 are

habitual offenders and they have already availed the benefits of Section 3

of the Probation of Offender Act , yet the learned Additional Sessions Judge

by the impugned order released the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 5 under Section

3 of the Probation of the Offender Act.

A true photo stat/typed copy of the

judgment and order dated 09.09.2004

passed in T.R. No.333 of 2004 is


annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE- “1” for identification

forming part of this application.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the judgment and

order dated 11.12.2008 passed by Sri Satyendra Kumar Pathak ,

the learned Additional District and Sessions Judge , Fast Track

Court No.4 , Darbhanga in Sessions Trial No.220 of 2000, the

above named petitioner begs to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following


I. For that, the impugned judgment and order dated 11.12.2008 is

bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, the impugned order is contrary to the provisions of

Section 360 of the Code of Criminal Procedure .

III. For that, while granting benefits of Section 360 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure , the learned Additional Sessions Judge failed to

appreciate that the benefit could be extended only and only if there is no

previous conviction against the offender , whereas against the Opposite-

party nos. 2,3 and 4 , they were earlier also convicted in Trial No. 333 of

2004 and they have already availed the fruits of Section 360 of the Code

of Criminal Procedure.


IV. For that, while passing the impugned judgment and order , the

learned Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that if the injury

report of the petitioner was available on record as Ext. 3 without any

objection to the defense according to which the petitioner had sustained

even head injury by sharp cutting weapon only because of non-examination

of doctor ,the accused persons cannot be discharged for the offence under

Section 307 of the Indian Penal Code.

V. For that, the impugned judgment and order is otherwise bad in

law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this application, issue notice to

the opposite-parties ,call for the records of the learned trial

court and after hearing the parties be further pleased to set

aside the judgment and order dated 11.12.2008 passed by Sri

Satyendra Kumar Pathak , the learned Additional District and

Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court No.4 , Darbhanga in Sessions

Trial No.220 of 2000 and convict the Opposite-party nos. 2 to 5

for the charges leveled against them .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships may deem fit

and proper in the facts and circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.




CR. REV. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Avinash Kumar Singh @ Nanhaku @ Nandu @ Chhote Singh , son of Sri

Mahendra Singh , resident of village- Gonahi , P.S. Patahi , District – East

Champaran at Motihari.



The State of Bihar. …….……………..……………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Sri C.K. Prasad , the Hon’ble Acting Chief

Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.


The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;


1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 15th January , 2009 passed by the learned 5 th Additional

Sessions Judge ,Muzaffarpur in Criminal Appeal No.99 of 2008 , whereby

and where under the learned Additional Sessions Judge was pleased to

reject the prayer for bail of the petitioner in connection with Trial No.1222

of 2008 arising out of Riga P.S.Case No.10 of 2007 dated

28.01.2007 ,pending in the court of learned Juvenile Justice Board,

Muzaffarpur for the offence Under Section 394 of the Indian Penal Code .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon'ble High

Court any time earlier against the impugned order .

3. That, the prosecution case ,in short, interalia is that the

informant gave his Fardbeyan before the Officer-in-Charge of Bathnaha

Police- Station alleging therein that on 28.01.2007 , he left Sitamarhi on his

Bajaj Motorcycle bearing Reg. No.BR-30A-3697 . It is further alleged that

in the evening , he reached near Ram Nagar Chauri at NH-77 , where three

miscreants stopped him at the point of Revolver and hit with the BUTT of

the revolver on his head and fired upon the informant but luckily the

informant was escaped . It is further alleged that all the accused persons

snatched the Motorcycle of the informant and fled away . It is further


alleged that some important papers were also there in the Dickky of the

Motorcycle . It is further alleged that the informant claimed to be identified

the miscreants after seeing them .

4. That, on the basis of the aforesaid Fardbeyan of the informant ,

Riga Police drew up a formal First Information Report and registered a

case being Riga P.S. Case No. 10 of 2007 dated 28.01.2007 for the offences

under Section 394 of the Indian Penal Code.

A true photo stat/ typed copy of the

F.I.R. of Riga P.S. Case No.10 of

2007 is annexed hereto and marked as

ANNEXURE-“1” to this application.

5. That, this case is presently pending in the court of the learned

Juvenile Justice Board, Muzaffarpur being Trial No. 1222 of 2008 arising

out of Riga P.S. Case No. 10 of 2007 dated 28.01.2007 for the offences

under Section 394 of the Indian Penal Code.

6. That, the petitioner is innocent having committed no offence

whatsoever and he has been falsely implicated in the present case.

7. That, the petitioner is not named in the First Information

Report although the First Information Report was registered against three

unknown persons.

8. That, it is stated that no looted motorcycle has been recovered

from the possession of the petitioner .


9. That, the informant of this case himself said in the First

Information Report that he will identify the miscreants after seeing them but

no Test Identification Parade was conducted by the police in the present

case .
10. That, it is stated that during the course of investigation, the

name of the petitioner has come in the present case only on the basis of

mere suspicion .

11. That, in the First Information Report , the informant himself

said that all the accused persons are aged about 20-25 years and in the

medical examination , the age of the petitioner was assessed by the medical

board as about -17 years ,it means that the petitioner is not involved in

the present case.

12. That, it is stated that the offence under Section 394 of the

Indian Penal Code is not made out against the petitioner .

13. That, the petitioner was arrested by the police on 05.02.2007

merely on the basis of suspicion and since then the petitioner is behind the

bar without any fault.

14. That, it is stated that since the petitioner was juvenile at the

time of occurrence ,therefore, the case of the petitioner was transferred to

the Court Juvenile Justice Board ,Muzaffarpur ,wherein the learned Juvenile

Justice Board vide order dated 13.06.2008 declared the petitioner as a

juvenile .


15. That, on the basis of declaration of Juvenile Justice Board , an

application for bail was filed on behalf of the petitioner before the learned

Juvenile Justice Board ,which was rejected by the learned Juvenile Justice

Board vide order dated 18.09.2008 .

16. That, against the aforesaid order dated 18.09.2008 passed by

the learned Juvenile Justice Board , the petitioner preferred a Criminal

Appeal in the court of learned Sessions Judge ,Muzaffarpur being Cr.

Appeal No.99 of 2008 ,which was rejected by the learned 5 th Additional

Sessions Judge ,Muzaffarpur vide his order dated 15.01.2009.

17. That, the petitioner is a man of means having movable and

immovable properties and ,therefore, there is no chance of his absconding

and /or tampering with the prosecution witnesses.

18. That, the petitioner has got a bright career and further

detention of the petitioner in judicial custody, ruined the life of the


Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 15th January , 2009

passed by the learned 5th Additional Sessions

Judge ,Muzaffarpur in Criminal Appeal No.99 of

2008 ,the above named petitioner begs to prefer

this revision application on amongst the other




I. For that, the impugned order is bad in law as well as on facts.

II. For that, while rejecting the Criminal appeal the learned 5 th

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that the prolonged custody

would not be in the interest of juvenile.

III. For that, while dismissing the criminal appeal ,the learned 5 th

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that nothing has been brought

on record by the prosecution that if the petitioner is released on bail, he

would commit such offence again .

IV. For that, the impugned order of learned 5 th Additional Sessions

Judge is since based on conjectures and surmises ,it cannot be sustained in

the eye of law ,unless there is a positive material on record that the

petitioner would commit such offence again ,if released on bail.

V. For that , while dismissing the criminal appeal , the learned 5 th

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that no one seen the petitioner

at the time of committing the so-called occurrence .

VI. For that, while dismissing the criminal appeal , the learned 5 th

Additional Sessions Judge failed to appreciate that nothing looted articles

have been recovered from the possession of the petitioner .

VI. For that, the impugned order is otherwise bad in law .

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your

Lordships may graciously be pleased to admit this


application, issue notice to the opposite-party and

after hearing the parties be further pleased to

quash the order dated 15th January , 2009 passed

by the learned 5th Additional Sessions

Judge ,Muzaffarpur in Criminal Appeal No.99 of

2008 and be further pleased to direct for release of

the petitioner on bail to the satisfaction of the

learned Juvenile Justice Board ,Muzaffarpur in


with Trial No.1222 of 2008 , arising out of Riga

P.S. Case No. 10 of 2007 dated 28.01.2007 .


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships

may deem fit and proper in the facts and

circumstances of the case.

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



CR. REV. NO._________________/OF 2009.

In the matter of an application under

Sections 397 and 401 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure;


In the matter of :-

Prayag Kumar , son of Late Kashi Mahto ,

Resident of village- Hemjapur Chand Tola, P.S. Dharhara, District –




The State of Bihar. …………………….…………OPPOSITE -PARTY.


The Hon’ble Sri C.K. Prasad , the Hon’ble Acting Chief

Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna and His

Lordship Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble High Court.

The humble petition on behalf of

the petitioner above named;



1. That, this revision application is directed against the judgment

and order dated 12th December, 2008 passed in Cr. Appeal No.140 of 2007

by learned Sri Parshuram Shukla , Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track

Court No.1, Munger arising out of judgment and order of conviction passed

by the learned Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,Munger on 03.11.2007

in G.R.No.1783 of 2006 recorded on the basis of Dharhara P.S. Case No.105

of 2006 , whereby and where under the learned Additional Sessions Judge ,

F.T.C.No.1 ,Munger dismissed the appeal filed by the petitioner confirming

the judgment and order of conviction dated 03.11.2007 passed in

G.R.No.1783 of 2006 by learned Sri Harendra Nath , Sub- Divisional

Judicial Magistrate , Munger by which the petitioner was convicted and

sentenced to undergo Rigorous Imprisonment for two years and fine of

Rs.2,000/- for offence under Section 25(1-B)A of the Arms Act and further

sentence to undergo Rigorous Imprisonment for one year and fine of

Rs.1,000/- and in case of default of payment of fine ,he shall undergo

simple imprisonment for three months and all the sentences shall run

concurrently and the period of detention undergone by him during the

investigation and trial shall be set of against aforesaid terms of

imprisonment imposed as per the provisions of Section 428 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure .

2. That, the petitioner has not moved before this Hon’ble High

Court earlier against the impugned judgment and orders passed by the

learned trial court as well as appellate court.

3. That, prior to coming on the point of substantial question of

law , the brief history of the prosecution case is referred hereunder :-

The informant namely Vishwanath Prasad P.W.3 , who is the

Officer-in-Charge of Hemjapur Out Post submitted a written report to the

Officer-in-Charge of Dharhara Police- Station ,stating interalia that on

12.11.2006 at about 9 A.M. on the basis of secret information about having

illegal arms of two persons , the informant proceeding by mentioning the

Station –Diary entry along with Police Official and when he reached near

Shivkund ,two persons started to escape and with the help of Chaukidar as

well as Driver , they were chased and lastly arrested and after being

searched a country made pistol , one live cartridges and five empty

cartridges have been recovered from the possession of this petitioner and

details of the recovered article has been mentioned in the First Information

Report and after being asked the requisite documents ,he is quite unable to

produce the same and the possession of the illegal arms was well known to

the other accused namely Subodh Mahto and lastly they were arrested and

remanded to judicial custody and the First Information Report was

instituted bearing Dharhara P.S. Case No.105 of 2006.

4. That, after being submitted charge-sheet by the Investigating

Officer ,the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate ,Munger took cognizance for

the offence under Section 25(1-B)A,26 and 35 of the Arms Act on

10.01.2007 and the case was transferred to the court of the learned Sub-

Divisional Judicial Magistrate , Munger on 17.01.2007 and the charges

were framed of the aforesaid Sections of the Arms Act and explained in

Hindi before them and they denied about the offence and claimed to be

tried. Later on trial of the another accused Subodh Kumar was separated

vide order dated 30.10.2007 and denial of the accusation during the

statement conducted under Section 313 of the Code of Criminal Procedure .

5. That, the prosecution produced as many as six witnesses out of

them P.W.1 Yadu Paswan Chaukidar , P.W.2 Satya Narayan Paswan

Dafadar are the seizure list wintesses , P.W.3 Vishwanath Prasad Officer-in-

Charge of Hemjapur Outpost , informant of this case , P.W.4 Rajendra

Thakur Sergeant ,who conducted the test of seized arms , P.W.5 who is also

the driver of Police Jeep and P.W.6 the Investigating Officer of this case.

The docments such as seizure list ,seized articles such as the country made

pistol as well as five empty cartridges and one live cartridges have been

shown as Exhibits mentioned in the judgment of the learned trial court


6. That, the learned trial Court ( Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate , Munger ) before whom the witnesses were produced and the

learned trial court did not examine the evidences come during the course

of trial meticulously . First of all, it is very much important to mention here

that the P.W.3 informant having received the secret information at 9 A.M.

and arranged the raiding party in which P.W.1 Chaukidar , P.W.2 Dafadar

and P.W.5 Driver and proceeded towards the place of occurrence which is

about 8 K.M. far away and it will take time minimum one hour and in the

testimony , P.W.3 deposed that the petitioner was arrested at 9 A.M. in his

cross examination . It is also said in the testimony that he failed to describe

about the place of occurrence as well as in para -10 of his cross-examination

that no one was present at the place of occurrence at the time of seizure of

the arms and ammunitions . On the contrary the P.W.1 and P.W.2 deposed

that there is a tea stall adjacent to the place of occurrence as well as 5-6

persons were present at the time . In this way the informant P.W3 did not

prepare the seizure list in the presence of the independent witnesses of the

locality rather P.W.1 and P.W.2 ,who are the Chaukidar and Dafadar have

been made as seizure list witnesses and without taking into consideration

the provisions of search and seizure mentioned in Section 100 of the Code

of Criminal Procedure itself the learned trial court passed the judgment

illegally as well as learned lower appellate court has also erred in passing

the judgment in this regard.

7. That, the P.W.4 Sergeant Major examined the seized arms and

cartridges and in paragraph no.8 of his testimony ,it is said that the seized

pistol cannot be utilized by loading 315 cartridge and the live cartridges

which was seized is of 315 . Meaning thereby the Police Officials including

the informant P.W.3 planted the instant case by producing the arms and

ammunitions from his Malkhana because P.W.6 Investigating Officer of

this case is the In-charge of Malkhana, it has come in the testimony of P.W.6

itself. Not even only the P.W.6 deposed in paragraph no.29 of the

testimony that as per the direction of the Officer-in-Charge P.W.3 , the case-

diary has been written. The learned trial court has also misconceived to

examine the statement of the Investigating Officer P.W.6 in paragraph

no.24 and paragraph no.18 in which it has come that the seized article was

sent to P.W.4 on 13.12.2006 ,whereas P.W.4 deposed that he has received

the seized article on 16.12.2006 . It means whole procedure conducted by

the police officials comes under the ambit of doubt but the learned trial

court as well as the learned lower appellate court did not examine and pass

the judgment erroneously.

8. That, so far the number of cartridges which was seized from the

possession of this petitioner differs to the statement of P.W.5 , P.W.1 and

P.W.2 . All of them gave contradictory statement with regard to the number

of cartridges . In this regard, the learned trial court simply said that due to

illiteracy of the P.Ws. they deposed before the court contradictorily but it is

very much prejudice to the case of the defense and the benefit of doubt

goes on the part of the petitioner and it creates a serious doubt about the

falsely implication of the petitioner but the learned trial court erred in

passing his judgment and the learned lower appellate court did not take

into consideration on this aspect also.

9. That, the learned trial court has also failed to appreciate with

regard to evidence collected about the place of occurrence which is quite

different in between the testimonies of the witnesses as well as the

statement of P.W.6 Investigating Officer mentioned in case-diary itself . Not

even only the Investigating Officer P.W.6 did not mention the prosecution

case and the seizure list as well as no dates of collecting material of the

seizure list have been mentioned in the case-diary as well as in his

testimony . The P.W.6 did not give description about the seized pistol and

sent it to the Sergeant Major . It came also in the ambit of doubt and after

being taken the case in totality it seems to be false and planted case but the

learned trial court as well as learned lower appellate court both erred in

passing the judgment and convicted the petitioner .

10. That, the prosecution has failed to produce any independent

witness rather all the witnesses are interest and related to each other because

all the witnesses are police officials but the learned trial court as well as the

learned lower appellate court did not take into consideration and pass the

judgment of conviction.

11. That, the petitioner has already been suffered during the period

of trial in judicial custody since 13.11.2006 to . . .

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the

judgment and order dated 12th December, 2008

passed by the learned Sri Parshuram Shukla

Additional Sessions Judge , Fast Track Court

No.1 , Munger in Criminal Appeal No.140 of

2007 as well as the judgment and order dated

03.11.2007 passed by learned Sri Harendra Nath ,

Sub- Divisional Judicial Magistrate ,Munger in

G.R.No.1783 of 2006 arising out of Dharhara P.S.

Case No.105 of 2006 the , the above named

petitioner begs to prefer this revision application

on amongst the other following


I. For that, the learned trial court as well as the learned lower

appellate court did not appreciate about the time of occurrence as well as

arresting of the petitioner and also misconceived the lodge of the First

Information Report belatedly.

II. For that, the learned trial court as well as the learned lower

appellate court did not take into consideration about the contradictory

statement of P.Ws.1,2 and 5 with regard to the numbers of the cartridges.

III. For that, the P.W.3 Officer-in-Charge of Hemjapur

Outpost ,who is the informant did not fulfill the criteria of search and

seizure but the


learned trial court erred in passing the judgment and the learned lower

appellate court confirmed the judgment passed by the learned trial court

illegally ,which is fit to be set aside.

IV. For that, the P.W.6 gave description of the place of occurrence

that the tea stall is just adjacent to the place of occurrence and P.W.1 and 2

have also deposed that some persons were present there at the time of search

and seizure but no independent witnesses has either been examined or made

seizure list witnesses but the learned trial court failed to appreciate in this

regard and passed the judgment illegally.

V. For that, the learned trial court as well as learned lower

appellate court both erred in passing the judgment without taking into

consideration the testimony of P.W.6 as well as P.W.4 mentioned in

paragraph nos. 9,18,24 and 29 of the testimony of P.W.6 as well as

paragraph no.8 of the testimony of P.W.4 and whole paragraphs mentioned

above goes to prove the false accusation as well as planted case , the learned

trial court should have appreciated on this aspect.

VI. For that, the judgment of conviction passed by the learned trial

court as well as the learned appellate court is quite illegal in the eye of law

as well as facts ,which are fit to be set aside.

It is ,therefore, most humbly prayed that your Lordships may

graciously be pleased to admit this application, issue notice to

the opposite-party ,call for the records of the learned trial court

and after hearing the parties be further pleased to set aside the

judgment and order dated 12th December, 2008 passed by the

learned Sri Parshuram Shukla Additional Sessions Judge , Fast

Track Court No.1 , Munger in Criminal Appeal No.140 of

2007 as well as the judgment and order dated 03.11.2007

passed by learned Sri Harendra Nath , Sub- Divisional Judicial

Magistrate ,Munger in G.R.No.1783 of 2006 arising out of

Dharhara P.S. Case No.105 of 2006.


Pass such other order or orders as Your Lordships may deem fit

and proper in the facts and circumstances of the case.


During the pendency of this application the petitioner shall be

enlarged on bail to the satisfaction of the learned trial court

(S.D.J.M., Munger) and also stay the order of fine .

And for this ,the petitioner shall ever pray.



Cr. Rev. NO.________________________/OF 2009.

Umesh Thakur…….……………………………… PETITIONER


The State of Bihar and another...…….....……OPPOSITE-PARTIES

SUBJECT:- Revision
I N D E X.
No. NOS.
01. An application under Sections 397 and 401 1 to 8
of the Code of Criminal Procedure with

02. ANNEXURE- 1 A true photo stat copy of the Maintenance 9

Case No.17 of 2008
03. ANNEXURE- 2 A true photo stat copy of the written
statement filed by the petitioner
04. Impugned order


A F F I D A V I T.

I , Umesh Thakur , aged about - years, son of Sri Akalu Thakur ,

Resident of village- Ram Nagra , P.S. Riga, District – Sitamarhi, do hereby

solemnly affirm and state as follows :-

1. That, I am petitioner in this case and as such am well

acquainted with the facts and circumstances of the case.
2. That, the contents of this application and affidavit have been
read over and explained to me in Hindi which I have fully understood and
the same are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
3. That, the annexures are the true typed /photo stat copies of
their respective originals.

FROM:- Mr. Pushpendra Kumar Singh ,

Advocate for the petitioner.
Chamber No.55
Bar Council Bhawan ,
High Court, Patna.

The Advocate General,
High Court, Patna.

Cr. Rev. NO.________________________/OF 2009.

Umesh Thakur ……..………………………………… PETITIONER


The State of Bihar and another...…….....……OPPOSITE-PARTIES

Please take notice that a copy of an application under Sections
397 and 401 of the Code of Criminal Procedure with affidavit and annexure
along with order is being filed today on behalf of the petitioner . A copy
of which is being served on you for your use. Please acknowledge the
receipt of the same.

Yours Faithfully


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