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THAT I, ROBIE L. ANGELES acknowledge my lawful resignation/separation from Pets J Veterinary Products Inc.
(hereinafter called the “Company”) effective December 05, 2022. I also acknowledge having received from the
COMPANY the amount of PESOS: Nine Thousand Forty-One and Sixty-Seven only (P9,041.67), representing
separation pay and other benefits to which I am entitled under the Law. In consideration of said payment.
1. I hereby release, remise and forever discharge the COMPANY, its stockholders, officers, directors,
agents or employees from any action, sum of money, damages, claims and demands whatsoever,
which in law or in equality I ever had, now have, or which I, my heirs, successors and assigns hereafter
may have upon or by reason of any matter, cause or thing, whatsoever, up to the time of these
presents, the intention hereof being to completely and absolutely release the COMPANY, its
stockholders, officers, directors, agents or employees from all liabilities arising wholly or partially,
from employment therewith.
2. I further warrant that I will institute no action and will not continue to prosecute any pending action
against the COMPANY or its agents. I, also manifest that the payment of said COMPANY of any or all
the foregoing sum of money shall not be taken by me, my heirs of assigns as a confession and/or
admission of liability on the part of the COMPANY, its stockholders, officers, directors, agents or
employees for any matter, cause, demand or damages I may have against any or all of them.

I acknowledge that I have received all amounts that are now due me from the COMPANY. I also
acknowledge that during the entire period of my employment with the COMPANY, I received and was paid all
compensations, benefits and privileges to which I was entitled under all laws and policies of said COMPANY by
reason of such employment; and if I hereafter be found in any manner to have been entitled to any amount, the
above consideration is a full and final satisfaction of any and all such undisclosed claims.

I finally declare that I have read this document which has been fully explained to me and the release, waiver and
quitclaim hereby given are made willingly and voluntarily and with full knowledge of my rights under the law.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 31st day of January 2023 in Muntinlupa City, Philippines.

Robie L. Angeles
Professional Sales Representative

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ______ day of ______ 2022 in Muntinlupa City, Philippines.
Affiant exhibiting to me her Res. Cert. No. ___________ issued on _____ day of _______2022 in

Doc. No.
Page No.
Book No. Notary Public
Series of 2018

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