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Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC)

Interview Preparation
OIC Interview Preparation

What is OIC?
Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) is a Cloud Middleware Integration platform which enables communication
among multiple heterogeneous on premise and cloud applications. It is available in PaaS (Platform as a

What are the services provided by OIC?

Integration (ICS)

Visual Builder (VBCS)

Process (PCS)

What are Integration Styles/ Patterns available in OIC?

Scheduled Orchestration

App Driven Orchestration

Basic Routing

File Transfer

Publish To OIC

Subscribe To OIC
OIC Interview Preparation

Elaborate each of the Integration Patterns with example?

Scheduled Orchestration is the style when there is a need to trigger an orchestration flow at specific date time or
particular tenure etc.

This integration style will also have an orchestration layer where complex logic like invoking integrations,
processes, iterations, switch cases etc.

Example –

Schedule an Integration to run every 4 hours to pick a Journal file from a FTP location and import.

Schedule an Integration to run every night to sync employees in Fusion from a HCM software

App Driven Orchestration uses an EVENT or Business Object as Trigger and can be invoked by an Application
or API.

This integration style will have an orchestration layer where complex logic like invoking integrations, processes,
iterations, switch cases etc.

Example –

Exposing REST/ SOAP Connection as an OIC Integration Endpoint.

Poll File from Local file system using File Adapter.

Subscribe to Fusion Event/ Callback using Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter

OIC Interview Preparation

Basic Routing Integration is used when there is a requirement of connecting one system to another. That’s all.

There will be single routing expression – where request to response mapping and response to request.

Example –

HCM system will send Employee to Fusion HCM.

File Transfer - Integration transfers file from one FTP location to one or multiple FTP locations.

Example –

Move Payment file from MFT server to Different Banks’ servers

Publish To OIC - Create a Trigger Endpoint which when invoked publishes messages to Oracle Managed Topic
at OIC.

Suitable for EDN based designs

Example –

Create a REST Endpoint as Trigger when invoked publishes the messages to OIC Managed Topic

Subscribe To OIC - Subscribe to the OIC Managed Topic using this integration pattern.

Again once the messages are published, those need to be subscribed – hence this pattern is required.

Example –

Subscribe to OIC Managed Topic and push messages to Database Table.

OIC Interview Preparation

What is the difference between Basic Routing and App Driven

Basic Routing is used when there is a requirement of connecting two applications or systems only and requirement
of single mapping whereas in case of App Driven Orchestration will have an orchestration layer which can handle
complex logic such as invoking other integrations, processes, iterations, switch cases etc. and transform data
through all these to make it suitable for downstream application(s).

What all connections/ adapters you have used?

File Adapter

FTP Adapter

DBaaS Adapter

Database Adapter

ATP Adapter

Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter

SOAP Adapter

REST Adapter
OIC Interview Preparation

What do you mean by trigger and invoke while creating a

Trigger is nothing but the concerned connection which has role type as trigger will be used as an endpoint for
other applications so that the trigger type connection can be invoked to pass the message to OIC by the external
application(s). To be precise Inbound to OIC .

e.g. Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter will subscribe to a Business Event, Poll a file from local file system using File
Adapter, Expose a SOAP Endpoint using SOAP Adapter, Expose a REST Endpoint using REST Adapter etc.

Whereas, Invoke does mean the concerned connection will invoke some other service being provided by other
external applications, in short Outbound to OIC.

e.g. Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter will be used for FBDI or invoking SOAP/ REST Service, write to a file in local files
system using File Adapter, Read/ Write to a file in FTP server using FTP Adapter, invoke external SOAP service
using SOAP Adapter, Invoke external REST API using REST Adapter etc.

What is the difference between File Adapter and FTP Adapter?

File Adapter is used to read file from/ write to a file to local file system i.e. the file system which is behind the
Firewall and in order read/write into local file system, we need connectivity agent to be installed in the system
which is behind the firewall, up and running and same agent group information should be provided while
configuring the File Adapter. Using File Adapter file up to 10 MB can be read/ written.

On the other hand, FTP adapter is used to read file from/ write to a file to remote FTP server which is hosted over
internet. FTP adapter doesn’t need any agent to read/ write (to) file from FTP server. Just need the security being
imposed by the FTP server configured while setting up FTP adapter. Using FTP Adapter file up to 10 MB can be
read/ written but file size of 1GB can be downloaded and kept in staging area.
OIC Interview Preparation

Just now you mentioned Staging Area. What is staging area?

Staging Area is a temporary storage which is used to store file while integration is in execution. All the files being
created during the integration run are flushed when the OIC integration completes (Success/ Error) it’s execution.
Stage Activity is used to access the staging area.

There is no limit while writing to Staging area but while reading only 1 MB size of message can be read. To read
file which has size more than 1 MB, we need to use Read File in Segments.

What is the message size/ chunk size that can be read during each
iteration while reading file in segments?
200 messages per iteration as we have to select the repeating element from the message while configuring Read
file in segments.

What is difference between Database Adapter, DBaaS Adapter and

ATP Adapter
Database Adapter is used to connect the On-premise Database which is installed behind the firewall, it needs an
agent to connect to/ from OIC.

DBaaS Adapter is used to connect to Database Cloud Service hosted on PaaS platform on Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure. This also needs an agent to connect to/ from OIC.

ATP Adapter is used to connect Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) database which is a PaaS offering by
Oracle. It doesn’t require any agent rather it required wallet to connect to/ from OIC.
OIC Interview Preparation

What is Connectivity Agent?

Connectivity Agent is a piece of software which acts as a gateway from on premise applications to OIC.

Can you please explain how does OIC establish communication

with Connectivity Agent?
Actually OIC doesn’t initiate communication with Connectivity Agent as all the ports are closed at Firewall for
security and therefore no outbound traffic can penetrate the firewall to connect to the on premise application.

So it is other way round - communications are initiated by the Agent to the OIC but not vice versa. Connectivity
agent communicates through port 443 (through firewall) since no ports are open at on premise system, at times
uses proxy to access internet. Agent posts regular heartbeat to OIC to signal that it is alive and this reflects as
green health status on monitoring console.

What is the Payload size supported by Connectivity Agent?

10 MB

Can you please explain how does OIC establish communication

with Connectivity Agent?
Actually OIC doesn’t initiate communication with Connectivity Agent as all the ports are closed at Firewall for
security and therefore no outbound traffic can penetrate the firewall to connect to the on premise application.

So it is other way round - communications are initiated by the Agent to the OIC but not vice versa. Connectivity
agent communicates through port 443 (through firewall)
OIC Interview Preparation

Could you please explain how connectivity agent works?

There are two types flows. So let’s start with Invoke Flow and then Trigger Flow.
Invoke Flow

 Agent keeps polling for the invoke


 Once received, a timer is set for 240s and

by this agent should return response to

 If the processing takes more than 240s then

it’s better to design solution with async
pattern. Could be Parking Lot Pattern.

Image Source:

Trigger Flow

 Agent pushes the trigger messages

to OIC

 Once the processing is done, agent

polls for the message.

Image Source:

OIC Interview Preparation

What are the steps to install and run the connectivity agent?
 Navigation to Integrations → Agents
 Create a Connectivity Agent Group. Let’s say SAMPLE_AGENT
 Download Agent Software/ Zip.
 Create a directory in on premise system(behind the firewall/ local system). Let’s say OIC_AGENT

 Unzip the into OIC_AGENT

 Provide the following details in the InstallerProfile.cfg

oic_USER [Optional]
oic_PASSWORD [Optional]
 Run the connectivity agent. (can be run as background job as well in production environment
only in UNIX server)
java-jar connectivityagent.jar
OIC Interview Preparation

How many agent groups can be created and agents can be

Total 5 agent groups can be created and 2 agents per agent group can be installed.

Can multiple agents be installed in single system?

It can be but not recommended. Agents might go down abruptly. To get better performance, it’s recommended to
install one agent in one machine.

How would you connect to On premise applications if agent is

Agent must be configured in High Availability (HA) mode if OIC is integrating with mission critical on premise
applications, so that if one agent is down due to errors other can continue to be up and servicing. Agents for File
Adapter can’t be setup on HA mode.

How would you upgrade an agent?

It can be upgraded automatically or manually. When Agent is upgraded, it remains down, post upgrade it starts
OIC Interview Preparation

What are pre-requisites to configure Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter

1. Fusion Instance details along with credentials

2. The following roles are required to be assigned to the Fusion Service Account/ User which will be used to trigger
the APIs or Services being provided by Oracle Fusion from OIC. (Navigation: Navigator > Security Console)

Integration Specialist




3. For Callback – Configure CSF Key (Identity Domain and OIC Service Instance Name) in Fusion SaaS SOA

Navigation: Launch https://<Oracle Fusion ERP Cloud POD>/soa/composer > Manage Security > Enter CSF
Key and OIC User Account credentials > Click Register/ Update

What is CSF Key?

CSF key is credential store framework and it is used to setup trust between Fusion and OIC, so when OIC
subscribes to FBDI Callbacks or Business Events, OIC must have to validate the Fusion Instance, hence the OIC
User Account credentials are stored in the CSF in Fusion SOA Composer.
OIC Interview Preparation

How do you derive the CSF Key?

CSF key = credential store framework and the format of CSF Key is Identity Domain and OIC Service Instance
Name. In order to get the Identity Domain and OIC Service Instance, click Help

While configuring the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter. You found that
you are not able to access any of the REST APIs/ Catalogs? Why?
Following steps need to be performed in Fusion SaaS



a) Go to Setup and Maintenance -> Manage Profile Options

b) Create a Profile Option by giving following information:


Application : Application Toolkit

Module : Application Toolkit

Description : If a catalog describe fails for a particular resource, log an error and proceed with other resources.

Start Date : (current date)

Enable at User Level

c) Click on save and close

OIC Interview Preparation



a) Go to Setup and Maintenance ->Manage Administrator Profile Values

b) Created Profile Option values (Profile level=user | Value=true)

c) click on save and close

After this wait for 30 minutes, even if it doesn’t work then Go to Oracle ERP Cloud Connection > Click on the ‘triple
parallel line’ icon > Click on Refresh Metadata

What is the difference between using Fusion provided SOAP

Services/ REST APIs using Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter and through
SOAP an REST Adapter respectively?
The main differences:

1. We don’t need any separate connections for invoking an individual SOAP Service or REST API of Fusion if it is
supported by Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter, if we start creating SOAP/ REST connection for every Fusion
provided SOAP Services/ REST APIs, then OIC will be flooded with connections

2. If a particular SOAPService/ REST API is not supported by Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter, then only we should go
for SOAP Adapter or REST Adapter

3. The biggest challenge is while configuring the SOAP Adapter or REST Adapter, we need to provide the sample
request/ response XSDs (for SOAP Adapter) or JSON (REST Adapter) whereas if the SOAP Service/ REST
API is used from the catalog of Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter, it’s pre-configured and no need to worry about this.
OIC Interview Preparation

Can you please explain the End to End FBDI based Integration?
Refer the Import Bulk Data in Fusion using Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter (FBDI Based) session.

How would you validate data in an OIC Integrations?

1. Simple validations like length of characters in a string, null check etc. can be done in the integration itself.

2. Data Validation can be done through Fusion SaaS provided REST API/ SOAP Services or could be through BI
Report invocation.

3. If data volume is more then data from Fusion should be replicated at DBCS/ Database or Prem/ ATP at regular
interval and can be validated at asynchronous mode.

How callback works in OIC. How it is different now than the earlier
way of working?
When Import process completes with any status (Errored/ Succeeded/ Warning) in Fusion SaaS, then the event is
raised and since the Callback integration has subscribed to the callback event, it gets triggered.

Earlier in the main integration where the Import process is invoked using Oracle Cloud ERP Adapter, we used to
pass the callback integration name, now when Import process completes with any status (Errored/ Succeeded/
Warning) in Fusion SaaS, then it used to explicitly invoke the callback integration which was provided in the main
OIC Interview Preparation

How do you handle exception in OIC integrations?

Exceptions can be handled at two levels – one at scope level and another global fault handler/ integration level.
Refer Exceptions in OIC session.

What is the difference throw and rethrow?

Throw New Fault is used to create a custom fault could be business fault (Divide by 0) and explicitly throw the
exception where as rethrow ensures that the exception that is caught in scope level and rethrown to it’s parent
could be Global Fault handler if implemented or the caller.

Can you resubmit/ abort a Synchronous Integration?

No. because the state of synchronous integrations are not saved

Can you resubmit/ abort an Asynchronous Integration?

Yes as the state is saved but when the integration is resubmitted it starts getting executed from the beginning so
should be careful as there is high risk of data becoming inconsistent as the same scopes will be executed again.

So the solution to get rid of such situation is to use Parking Lot Pattern. Refer Exceptions in OIC session.

Could you please explain the Parking Lot Pattern

Refer Exceptions in OIC session.
OIC Interview Preparation

How do you log the error/ exception the integration?

For temporary logging, logger is used but these logger is deleted post retention period. For persistent logging,
Database table(s) and at times VBCS BO(s) is/ are used to log the errors and an UI can be built on top of database
table. Those errors needs to be purged at regular time period.

How do you debug the errors/ exceptions in integration?

As mentioned earlier, if logging of errors or exceptions happen properly then it is easier to debug the issue and can
be fixed through resilience process – an automated approach of resubmitting/ re-invoking the issue post human
intervention or abort based on the scenario.

What is the purpose of Heart Beat service?

At times to check whether the third party service or API is up and running or not, a fake or sample call is made to
check the heart beat of the third party service or API actually before making the original call. That service is termed
as Heart Beat service.

How do you setup event based integration in OIC?

1. Pre-requisite for Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter to be setup at Fusion SaaS

2. CSF Key to be configured at SOA Composer of Fusion SaaS

3. Look for the events being supported -


4. Verify the subscription of the event using REST API of Fusion https://<Fusion SaaS URL>/soa-
OIC Interview Preparation

What is the purpose of Business Identifier in OIC Integration?

Business Identifiers are used to track payload fields in messages during runtime. One can specify up to three
business identifiers and out of those three, one needs to be designated as primary identifier. Primary business
identifiers help to uniquely identify an integration run/ instance during runtime. This primary identifier is also
available in the error hospital, therefore if an integration goes into error/ exception, it can be identified using this

How billing happens in OIC?

When OIC instance is provisioned then No. Packs needs to be selected 1Pack = 5000 messages/ hour. Size of 1
message is 50 KB. Let’s say One message of 50 KB is received in the payload by OIC, sent to Fusion SaaS/ any
application upon transformation in OIC and response received at OIC is calculated as 1 message.

Have you used libraries in OIC? Which language is used to develop

those libraries?
Javascript Libraries is the functionality provided in OIC which is used in integrations. Sample library is provided
along with OIC when provisioned but more can be developed and once developed it becomes automatically
available in the integration development editor. Libraries can be exported and imported. Can be deleted if not used.
Moreover which all integrations are using the concerned library can also be found under usage column of Library

Navigation: Home > Integrations > Libraries

Note: 1. If nested functions are used in Javascript Library, only the outer appears in the metadata not in inner one.

2. If a library is not properly configured, then one can’t activate the integration and an error message is shown in
the banner.
OIC Interview Preparation

What is the purpose of feature flags in OIC?

Oracle provides certain functionality in OIC through feature flag model which is nothing to do with the original or
actual codebase and when launched it is not made available to all customers first tested internally and when
Oracle is happy it is released to specific customers to test and all goes well and no issues are reported by any
customer the feature flag is made available to all OIC instances of all customers with safety measure if any
customer faces issue the feature flag is disabled to that instance for the customer concerned. Once all set and well
tested the feature flag is turned off and code change is made to make the feature available with the product
automatically for all customers. At times Oracle makes changes to the functionality before making it generally
available. For an example when I tried to use Global variable and Data Stitch features (now it is GA though), I had
to raise SR to get the feature flags enabled for my OIC environment:

What is navigation to see enabled Feature flags?

Login to OIC instance > Click on User Account (Top Right of the page) > Select About > Find all the enabled
feature flags for the OIC instance concerned.

Note – If you have multiple OIC environments and the feature flag is in Feature Controlled stage, then you need to
log SR for each OIC environments to get the feature flag enabled.

Where do you get to know the details of feature flag?

There is blog in which is maintained by the OIC Product Development team to let customers
know about the features and which stage it is in now in the feature flag life cycle.
OIC Interview Preparation

Could you please explain the Life cycle of feature flag in OIC?
• When a feature is introduced in OIC for the first time it is made available for the internal users inside
Oracle. The feature is tested thoroughly and when Oracle is happy with the feature then they release
it to the selected customers and the feature is moved to Feature Controlled stage. Note - this change
Internal Only in stage does not require any code changes, it just needs internal approval to enable the feature

• When a feature enters into this stage, it is available for customer in their OIC instances. So customer
needs to log an SR with MoS in order to get the feature enabled and once approved and enabled,
Feature customer can use it. Again there are zero code changes at customer’s OIC environment, feature flag
Controlled status is changed from disabled to enabled in the central feature flag server.

• When the feature gains stability and Oracle is happy with it, the Oracle enables it for all instances
across customers. This doesn’t require any changes though the feature flag is kept in place in case
Feature any specific customer encounters error, the feature flag is turned off for that particular OIC instance to
Controlled that customer concerned. This is a safety measure by Oracle as it might not have been caught by
General internal users and the customers who requested the flag to be turned on.

• In this stage the flag controlling the feature will be removed and it is made available to all OIC
instances for all customers without having the flag turned on. End user will see no difference at all
General between this stage and previous stages. It is basically to do code changes and make code base
Availability clean.
OIC Interview Preparation

What do you mean by SSO?

SSO is nothing but Single Sign On. SSO is a way to maintain the user credentials in some Identity Management
System and used to login different applications with that single user credentials. SSO can be enabled for OIC also
using IDCS (Identity Cloud Services) in PaaS.

What is Service Account?

So far SSO between OIC and SaaS doesn’t work, hence if SSO is enabled for Fusion SaaS, the SOAP Services
and REST APIs can not be invoked using SSO credentials – be it Oracle Cloud ERP Adapter or Technology SOAP
or REST Adapters. Therefore a user is created in Fusion SaaS which is used to directly login to Fusion SaaS (not
via SSO i.e. Company Sign On Option) and this user or account is used from the connections in OIC and this
account is termed as Service Account.

Discuss about different Security Policies?

Different connections/ adapters has different security policies. Refer the videos of creating different connections.

To refer further documentation, follow this link:
OIC Interview Preparation

What are the different roles available in OIC?

OIC Roles Responsibilities

ServiceAdministrator User with this role can manage and administer the features of OIC

ServiceDeveloper User with this role can develop artefacts e.g. integration/ process in OIC.

ServiceMonitor User with this role can monitor features such as track instances and metrices, response times,
status of the instances in OIC

ServiceDeployer User with this role can publish the artifacts developed such as integrations, processes in OIC

ServiceUser User with this role can utilize basic functionality of staged or published applications such as
integrations, connections. This is use only role so this role doesn't allow to modify the artifacts -
integrations, Connections. Can run integrations, processes
ServiceInvoker User with this role can invoke App Driven/ Scheduled Orchestartion integrations but neither can
navigate to OIC User interface/ pages, there won't be edit any artifacts nor can perform any
admin tasks
ServiceViewer User with this role can view the artifacts/ resources e.g. integrations, connections, libraries,
processes in OIC by navigating different OIC user interfaces. User neither can modify any artifacts
nor can perform any admin related activities
OIC Interview Preparation

How do you control the version of an integration in OIC?

OIC supports semantic versioning which is like x.y.z where x is major, y is minor and z is patch. i.e
major.minor.patch. Read Version Control in OIC for further details.

Could you please explain the migration process of integrations in

OIC? Can we implement CI/CD for the deployment of OIC
Integrations can be migrated manually from one instance to another. To automate the migration process OIC
provides REST APIs. These REST APIs can be used in a python/ shell/ perl script and put each steps involved in
migration. Now this entire process of deployment can be done using a CI/ CD pipeline using CI software such
Jenkins, Hudson, Teamcity etc.

So the pipeline can be triggered when lets say OIC integration (.iar) is checked in or let’s say the status of the issue
or action ticket is changed to ready to deploy and the integration will be fetched from source code repository (e.g.
GitHub) and then deploy through the execution of different steps mentioned in the pipeline.

How do you monitor an integration?

Refer the Monitoring OIC integrations session.
OIC Interview Preparation

What is the message size limitation for each connection?

10 MB size of payload can be exchanged with most of the adapters. Agent can also transfer message size of 10

where as file of size 1 GB can be downloaded with FTP Adapter and Stage File read operation can read only 1 MB
size of data, to read data which exceeds 1 MB of size, read file in segments to be used.

What is scheduling parameters? How do you override those?

For Scheduled Orchestration based integrations, parameters can be defined in the schedule option and can be set
while submitting. Max 5 parameters can be defined and set.

How would you import certificates in OIC?

When Third Party integrations are invoked and it uses https and CA certified certificates to trust it’s consumers,
then the concerned certificates need to be imported in OIC. It is done under Settings > Certificates

What is purpose of lookups in OIC?

It’s nothing but the Domain Value Map which is used for cross reference purpose across applications/ systems
used for integration.

Moreover it is also used for defining constants and variables of an integration so that integration doesn’t required to
be edited very often. Refer the Lookups in OIC session.
OIC Interview Preparation

What is package in OIC?

Integrations are grouped in a package. Packages can be exported and imported from one environment to another.
When a package is imported all the integrations and the associated artifacts such as connections, lookups all get
imported. The extension of a package is .par, For further details, refer Package in OIC session

What is the notify activity in OIC? How can you pass dynamic value
in it?
Notify activity is used to send notification to a user or group of users who is responsible for monitoring and taking
actions on the failed integrations.

Dynamic Value is passed through {param1} and param1 is assigned through expression builder.

What is Opaque Schema?

Opaque schema contains an element with type base64Binary to hold the binary data or base64 encoded

data/ file
OIC Interview Preparation

What is Global Variable in OIC?

Global Variables can be created within Scheduled/ App Driven Orchestration integration of Scalar or Complex data
types which will be available through out the integration. Complex Data types can be user defined from any XSD or
WSDL being used in the integration

Could you please explain Data Stitch in OIC?

Data Stitch allows us to make assignments to complex type variables. Basically a message payload can be built
incrementally with one or more payload being used in the integration using stitch functionality. Data Stitch has
following operations:

ASSIGN – A particular element or attribute of an element or value of an element is placed or assigned in the target
element or attribute of an element or value of an element. ASSIGN will replace any existing value/ data which had
already been assigned to the element or attribute concerned. For e.g. Assign the Employee complex element to
Employee global variable of type Employee (complex element/ object).

APPEND – A particular element or attribute of an element or value of an element is appended at the end of the
repeating element or unbounded element at target. Let’s say you have add Invoice line after 1st Invoice line of an

REMOVE – It simply removes an element/ attribute of an element from the complex global variable. Let’s say
removing an Invoice line from the Invoice Lines payload.
OIC Interview Preparation

What are the issues that you have encountered while doing
1. Not able to import data into Fusion.

Solution: Mostly due to not having proper Job Role/ Data Access assigned to the Fusion SaaS service
account which is used in OIC connections.

2. Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter hangs.

Solution: Refresh metadata

3. Not able to see the Services in the catalog of Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter.

Solution: For REST API Catalog, look at the pre-requisites and wait for at least 30 minutes else Refresh

4. Not able to delete integrations.

Solution: If Integration is active, integration can't be deleted

5. Integration/ Connection is locked.

Solution: if the developer logs out keeping the integration open, integration is locked. only the concerned
developer/ admin can unlock

6. Not able to download agent.

Solution: OIC Admin role is not provided to the OIC user

OIC Interview Preparation

What are the issues that you have encountered while doing
6. Permission issues while reading a file/ writing a file to directory.

Solution: OIC user doesn't have read write access to that specified directory

7. Though wrong credentials are provided in SOAP/ REST adapter - but when clicked on Validate & Test - it
shows successful but wasn't able to invoke the service.

Solution: It's bug in OIC. At times it doesn't validate if it is wrong/ right credential but shows successful. could
be it just validates the configuration information

8. File/ Message size related issues.

Solution: only message size of 10 MB is allowed for most of the connections/ adapters.

9. Agent failures/ delay in reading the file/ database from the on premise system.

Solution: Agent should be configured in High Availability (HA) mode. The delay is for fraction of seconds which
can be accommodated. Always better to go for asynchronous mode of communication with on premise systems
so delay can be accommodated.
OIC Interview Preparation

Some General Questions

1. Could you please define the structure of WSDL?

2. Difference between Abstract WSDL and Concrete WSDL

3. How does a SOAP message look like?

4. Difference between SOAP Web Services and REST API?

5. What are the REST Verbs?

6. Why is REST API lightweight?

7. Pros and Cons of SOAP Web Services and REST APIs

8. What do you mean by import and include in XSD?

9. Difference between Queue and Topic

10. Difference between Sync Read vs Read

You can refer any good blog/ resources in the internet to find the answers of these general basic questions.

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