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Linda Fowler, J.D.


November 15. 2023

Re: Linda Fowler, Highlands Community Charter School, Twin Rivers Unified School District

Dear Andie Judson,

To begin with, I am responding to you on behalf of myself, personally. I have reviewed your
written request to which you are seeking information to several listed questions. Relying on
your “sources”, you have made several false statements that are without merit or corroboration
and any comment on them would only infer that they were true.

The issues that occurred nearly 10 years ago have been rehashed by six separate entities, and
each time, the facts have not changed.

As far as my position with Highlands, I refer you to the Highlands administration for information
relevant to my responsibilities. For answers as to whether my position with Highlands is a
conflict of interest, I refer you to the California Education Code, CHAPTER 1, Section 47600–
47604.5 AKA as The Charter School Act. Section 47604 (a) and Corporations Code Section
5110 of Division 2 of Title 1 are particularly relevant as they specifically describe how a charter
school may be operated.

Highlands Community Charter School and Twin Rivers Unified are distinctively different entities
and are governed by separate boards of directors. Highlands is operated by a nonprofit public
benefit corporation that was legally incorporated. Twin Rivers Unified School District operates
under state and federal statutes. Neither entity can dictate to the other who their employees are
or how to run their respective operations.

Linda Fowler

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