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Grades 1 to 12 School Eulogio Rodriguez Integrated School Grade Level 12


Teacher Arvin R. Cruz Learning Area Introduction to the Philosophy of the
Human Person
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 1st

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates various ways of doing philosophy

B. Performance Standards The learner evaluate opinions

C. Learning Competencies/ At the end of the session, learners are expected to analyze situations that show the At the end of the session, learners are expected to
Objectives difference between opinion and truth. realize that the methods of philosophy lead to wisdom
Write the LC code for each PPT11/12-Id-2.2 and truth

II. CONTENT Methods of Philosophizing


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources ( Caraan(2016)Introduction to philosophy of the Human Person ,Diwa learning system Makati,Philippines pp.21-32
Caraan(2016)Introduction to Ramos(2016)Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person,Rex Inc. bookstore Sampaloc,Manila pp.29-34
philosophy of the Human
Person ,Diwa learning
system Makati,Philippines

Ramos(2016)Introduction to
the Philosophy of the Human
Person,Rex Inc. bookstore
Sampaloc,Manila pp.29-34


A. Reviewing previous Let the assigned group Let the assigned group facilitate the Let the assigned group Let the assigned group facilitate the
lesson or presenting the facilitate the recapitulation of
recapitulation of the previous facilitate the recapitulation recapitulation of the previous lesson in a form
new lesson the pervious lesson using lesson in a form of a charade. of the previous lesson in a of a Telephone Conversation.
flash cards. form of a Gallery Walk.
(5 minutes) (5 minutes)
(5 minutes) (5 minutes)
B. Establishing a purpose for Activity: Relate to the class the story of a The teacher shows a video Activity:
the lesson Guess and Dress Me Up Lost and Found cellular phone unit. clip that presents examples Pageant (Introduction)
*Provide 2 human figures of fallacies of *Divide the class into 4-6 groups (whatever the
labeled as Truth and Opinion. (5 minutes) argumentation. case may be).
*Let four (4) volunteer *Each group should have 1 representative who
students take turns in After the video presentation, will present “who they are” a la pageant.
dressing up each figure with ask the students to identify *Allot 3 minutes for the preparation.
puzzle clothes bearing fallacious statements.
statements of truth and (10 minutes)
opinion. (5 minutes)

(5 minutes)
C. Presenting How did you determine that Ask the students: Guide the students to the Ask the students:
examples/instances of the the statement is considered Why is it necessary to avoid concept that opinionated 1. How do you assess the words or statements
new lesson truth or opinion? giving speculations in looking for a statements may come in a uttered by the candidates during the pageant?
solution to a problem presented? form of a fallacy. 2. Which of their statements can be considered
(5 minutes) as truth?
Expected Answer: (5 minutes)
We should base our search on the (5 minutes)
truth, not on opinion.

Example of speculation:
My classmate is a thief, he took
my cellphone.

(5 minutes)
D. Discussing new concepts Spongebob: Empty your Discuss the Nature of Truth: Discuss the meaning of Discuss Methods of Philosophy:
and practicing new skills mind 1. Correspondence Theory fallacies used in  Critical Thinking
#1 ( 2. Coherence Theory argumentation.  Components of Critical Thinking
v=RHLSdrAkOE) 3. Pragmatic Theory
Processing: Identify (5 minutes) (10 minutes)
situations from the video (15 minutes)
which can be considered as
truth and opinion. Answers
should be written in the group
activity sheet provided.
(10 minutes)
E. Discussing new concepts Insinuate the value of truth in Activity: Role-playing Enumerate examples of Group Activity:
and practicing new skills philosophizing by bracketing fallacies and define them.
#2 or setting aside opinions and Ask the students to act out a Semantic Mapping
biases. situation in the context of their (25 minutes)
experiences in the family and let Let the students create a Semantic Map on the
(5 minutes) their classmates determine truth Attributes of a Critical Thinker using symbols.
from opinion. Expected Output:
1.Looks for Evidence to support assumption
(10 minutes) and beliefs-

2.Adjusts Opinion-

3.Looks for Proof-

4.Examines problem
5.Reject irrelevant and incorrect information-

(10 minutes)
F. Developing mastery (leads Activity:
to Formative Assessment SmartArt
3) Let the students make a graphical
representation of the Theories of
Truth through a SmartArt.

Expected Output:
Theories of Truth
Coherence Theory

Pragmatic Theory

(5 minutes)
G. Finding practical Have the students cite an Ask the students to cite a specific Cite examples of fallacies With the advent of social media, how would
applications of concepts instance in their life where example in any of the three (3) which they had experienced you uphold truth and wisdom?
and skills in daily living they find truth to be really theories of truth in the context of or observed.
essential/significant. their experience as senior high a. Facebook
school students. (5 minutes) b. Instagram
(8 minutes) c. Twitter
Example: d. Etc.
I am taking eight (8) subjects this
semester. (7 minutes)

(Indicate from which theory and

facts the example belonged to)

(5 minutes)

H. Making generalizations Let the students answer the Let the students answer the given Ask the students to express Write a couplet on your perspective about the
and abstractions about the given question: question: their learning for this given statement:
lesson Based on the discussion, On the basis of the discussion, session through a meta- A person is more than just his/her Facebook
how should analysis of how would you determine if your card. profile/account.
situations be done? beliefs are true? (8 minutes)
Expected Answer:
Expected answer: Expected Answer: Opinionated statements
Analysis of situations should The truth behind beliefs or may come in a form of a
be done with utmost propositions are determined fallacy.
consideration of the truth. through the correspondence,
coherence, and pragmatic theories. (2 minutes)
(7 minutes)
(5 minutes)
I. Evaluating learning Johari’s Window Ask the students to enumerate and 15-item Quiz What is the significance of philosophy to
explain the three (3) theories of Let the students determine everyday living?
Looking glass self (Charles truth. whether the given
Cooley) Or statements are valid/true or (5 minutes)
*Ask the students to list down Ask the students to identify two (2) fallacious. If the statement is
three (3) attributes about economic, political, or socio-cultural a fallacious, identify what
themselves which they situations. Let them write two (2) fallacy it expressed.
consider as truth and opinion. statements of truth about each *See attached quiz items.
*Let them write their answers situation. Then, have them identify
on their formative notebook. what theory of truth is used. (8 minutes)

(10 minutes)
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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