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Syllabus for Bachelor of Computer Applications

(B.C.A - V & VI Semester)



w.e.f Academic Year 2023-24 onwards

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Curriculum Design/Syllabus Framing Committee

Name Designation
1 Dr . Suresha.M Chairman
Assosciate Professor, DoS in Computer science,Kuvempu University
shankara ghatta-577541
Dr. Shoieb Ahamed
2 Member
Assistant Professor ,Department of Computer science,GFGC Sorab-
Mr.Shashidhara.B Member
Assistant Professor ,Department of Computer science, IDSG College
4 Mr. Gopala .B Member
Assistant Professor ,Department of Computer science, GFGC
Mr.Krishnamurthy.K Member
Assistant Professor ,Department of Computer science,GFGC
Thirthalli -577432
6 Mr.Prajwal Kumar .P Member
Assistant Professor ,Department of Computer science, GFGC Kadur

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Program: B.C.A Subject: Computer Science

Curriculum for BCA



Hours per
Course No. Practical Paper Title
S.A. I.A.
Design & Analysis of 60 40
DSC13 Theory 4 4+0+0 Algorithms
Design & Analysis of 25 25
DSC13-Lab Practical 2 0+0+4 Algorithms Lab
Statistical Computing and 60 40
V DSC14 Theory 4 4+0+0 R Programming

DSC14-Lab Practical 2 0+0+4 R Programming Lab 25 25

DSC15 Theory 4 4+0+0 Software Engineering 60 40

A. Cloud Computing 60 40
DSE-E1 Theory 3 3+0+0 B. Business Intelligence
Voc-1 Theory 3 3+0+0 Digital Marketing 60 40

Theory/Pr Cyber Security 25 25

SEC-4 2 1+0+2
Artificial Intelligence and 60 40
DSC16 Theory 4 4+0+0 Applications
60 40
DSC17 Theory 4 4+0+0 PHP and MySQL
VI 25 25
DSC17-Lab Practical 2 0+0+4 PHP and MySQL Lab
100 50
DSC18-Lab Project 6 0+0+4 Project Work

A. Fundamentals of Data
Science 60 40
DSE-E2 3+0+0
Theory 3 B. Mobile Application
Web Content 60 40
Voc-2 Theory 3 3+0+0 Management System
Theory/Pr 25 25
SEC-5 2 1+0+2 Logical Reasoning

Page 3
BCA Semester V
Course Title Design and Analysis of Algorithm (Theory)

Course Code: DSC13 No. of Credits 04

Contact hours 52 Hours/4 Hours per week Duration of SEA/Exam 2 hours
Formative Assessment Summative Assessment
40 60
Marks Marks

Contents 52 Hrs
Introduction: What is an Algorithm? Fundamentals of Algorithmic problem solving, 10
Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency, Analysis Framework, Measuring
the input size, Units for measuring Running time, Orders of Growth, Worst-case, Best-
case and Average-case efficiencies.
Asymptotic Notations and Basic Efficiency classes, Informal Introduction, O-notation, 10
Ω-notation, θ-notation, mathematical analysis of non-recursive algorithms, mathematical
analysis of recursive algorithms.
Brute Force & Exhaustive Search: Introduction to Brute Force approach, Selection Sort 14
and Bubble Sort, Sequential search, Exhaustive Search- Travelling Salesman Problem and
Knapsack Problem, Depth First Search, Breadth First Search
Divide-and-Conquer: Introduction, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Binary Search, Binary Tree 8
traversals and related properties.
Decrease-and-Conquer: Introduction, Insertion Sort, Topological Sorting. 10
Greedy Technique: Introduction, Prim’s Algorithm, Kruskal’s Algorithm, Dijkstra’s

Formative Assessment for Theory

Assessment Occasion/ type Marks

Internal Assessment Test 1 10 Marks
Internal Assessment Test 2 10 Marks
Quiz/ Assignment/ Small Project 10 Marks
Seminar 10 Marks
Total 40 Marks

Page 4
Design and Analysis of Algorithms Practical
Course Title 02
Laboratory (Practical) Credits

Course Code DSC13-Lab Contact Hours 4 Hours/wk

25 Marks Summative Assessment 25 Marks
Practical Content
1. Write a program to sort a list of N elements using Selection Sort Technique.
2. Write a program to perform Travelling Salesman Problem
3. Write a program to perform Knapsack Problem using Greedy Solution
4. Write program to implement the DFS and BFS algorithm for a graph.
5. Write a program to find minimum and maximum value in an array using divide and conquer.
6. Write a test program to implement Divide and Conquer Strategy. Eg: Quick sort algorithm
for sorting list of integers in ascending order.
7. Write a program to implement Merge sort algorithm for sorting a list of integers inascending
8. Implement function to print In-Degree, Out-Degree and to display that adjacency matrix.
9. Write program to implement greedy algorithm for job sequencing with deadlines.
10. Write program to implement Dynamic Programming algorithm for the Optimal Binary
Search Tree Problem.
11. Write a program that implements Prim’s algorithm to generate minimum cost spanning
12. Write a program that implements Kruskal’s algorithm to generate minimum cost spanning
Formative Assessment for Practical
Assessment Occasion/ type Marks
Program writing any one program 10 Marks
Execution 10 Marks
viva 5 Marks
Total 25 Marks

1 Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Anany Levitin: 2nd Edition, 2009,
2 Computer Algorithms/C++, Ellis Horowitz, SatrajSahni and Rajasekaran, 2nd Edition, 2014,
Universities Press.
3 Introduction to Algorithms, Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronal L. Rivest,
Clifford Stein, 3rd Edition, PHI.
4 Design and Analysis of Algorithms, S. Sridhar, Oxford (Higher Education)

Page 5
BCA Semester V

Course Title Statistical Computing & R Programming (Theory)

Course Code: DSC14 No. of Credits 04

Contact hours 52 Hours/4 Hours per week Duration of SEA/Exam 2 hours

Formative Assessment
40 Summative Assessment Marks 60

Contents 52 Hrs
Introduction of R programming language, F e a t u re s o f R 12
Datatypes in R:numeric, arithmetic, assignment. Operators.
Data Objects in R :Arrays, Lists , vectors, Matrices and Data Frames, Factors
Conditions and Loops: if,switch while, for ,repeat loops.Strings handling in R. Calling
Functions, Writing Functions. Exceptions.Date&Timings, and Visibility. Packaging in R
Reading and writing files: Reading Tabular Data,Commands to Extract Rows and 12
Columns . working with CSV files:reading, writing, analysis. working with JSON
Files:reading ,writing. Working with XML Files:reading, writing.
R as a set of statistical tables: Statistics And Probability, Process of Descriptive Analysis, 8
Average,Variance,Standard Deviation in R. Mean, Median and Mode in R.Covariance and
Correlation in R. probability distributions in R :- Normal distributions, binomial
Statistical testing and modelling in R, hypothesis testing in R, components of hypothesis 8
test, testing means, testing proportions, testing categorical variables, errors and power.
Advanced graphics in R: plotting commands-high level and low level,Graphics parameters 12
list, Device drivers,Dynamic graphics . plot customization, plotting regions and margins. R
Histogram,Bar chart, Pie chart ,Scatter plots examples.

Formative Assessment for Theory

Assessment Occasion/ type Marks

Internal Assessment Test 1 10 Marks
Internal Assessment Test 2 10 Marks
Quiz/ Assignment/ Small Project 10 Marks
Seminar 10 Marks
Total 40 Marks

Page 6
1 Tilman M. Davies, “The book of R: A first course in programming and ststistics”, San
Francisco, 2016.
2 Vishwas R. Pawgi, “Statistical computing using R software”, Nirali prakashan publisher, e1
edition, 2022.

Page 7
B.C.A Semester V

Course Title R Programming Lab

Course Code: DSC14-Lab No. of Credits 02

Contact hours 04 Hours per week Duration of SEA/Exam 2 hours
Formative Assessment
Marks 25 Summative Assessment Marks 25

Course Outcomes:
 Install, Code and Use R Programming Language in R Studio IDE to perform basic tasks on
Vectors, Matrices and Data frames. Explore fundamentals of statistical analysis in R
 Describe key terminologies, concepts and techniques employed in Statistical Analysis.
 Define Calculate, Implement Probability and Probability Distributions to solve a wide variety
of problems.
 Conduct and interpret a variety of Hypothesis Tests to aid Decision Making.
 Understand, Analyse, and Interpret Correlation Probability and Regression to analyse the
underlying relationships between different variables.

1. Write a R program for different types of data structures in R.

2. Write a R program that include variables, constants, data types.
3. Write a R program that include different operators, control structures, default values for
arguments, returning complex objects.
4. Write a R program for quick sort implementation.
5. Write a R program for calculating cumulative sums, and products minima,maxima
6. Write a R program for finding stationary distribution of markanov chains.
7. Write a R program that include linear algebra operations on vectors and matrices.
8. Write a R program for any visual representation of an object with creating graphs using
graphic functions: Plot(),Hist(),Linechart(),Pie(),Boxplot(),Scatterplots().
9. Write a R program for with any dataset containing data frame objects, indexing and subsetting
data frames, and employ manipulating and analyzing data.
10. Write a program to create an any application of Linear Regression in multivariate context for
predictive purpose.

Formative Assessment for Practical

Assessment Occasion/ type Marks
Program writing any one program 10 Marks
Execution 10 Marks
viva 5 Marks
Total 25 Marks

Page 8
B.C.A Semester V
Course Title Software Engineering (Theory)
Course Code: DSC15 No. of Credits 04
Contact hours 52 Hours/4 Hours per week Duration of SEA/Exam 2 hours
Formative Assessment
40 Summative Assessment Marks 60

Contents 52 Hrs
OVERVIEW: Introduction; Software engineering ethics; Software process models;
Process activities; Coping with change; Agile software development:Agile methods; Plan- 10
driven and agile development.
REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING: Functional and non-functional requirements;
Software requirements document; Requirement’s specification; Requirements engineering 10
processes; Requirement’s elicitationand analysis; Requirement’s validation; Requirements
SYSTEM MODELING: Context models; Interaction models- Use case modeling, Sequence
diagrams; Structural models- Class diagrams, Generalization,Aggregation; Behavioral models- 10
Data-driven modeling, Event-driven modeling; Model-driven engineering.
ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: Architectural design decisions; Architectural views;
Architectural patterns- Layered architecture, Repository architecture, Client–server architecture
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION: Object-oriented design using the UML- System 12
context and interactions, Architectural design, Object class identification, Design models,
Interface specification; Design patterns; Implementation issues.

SOFTWARE TESTING: Development testing- Unit testing, Choosing unit test cases,
Component testing, System testing. Test-driven development; Release testing; User 10
testing- Alpha, Beta, Acceptance testing.

Formative Assessment for Theory

Assessment Occasion/ type Marks
Internal Assessment Test 1 10 Marks
Internal Assessment Test 2 10 Marks
Quiz/ Assignment/ Small Project 10 Marks
Seminar 10 Marks
Total 40 Marks

Text Books:
1 Ian Somerville, “Software Engineering” 8th Edition, Pearson Education, 2009.
References Books:
1 Waman S Jawadekar, “Software Engineering Principles and Practice”, Tata McGrawHill, 2004.
2 Roger S. Pressman, “A Practitioners Approach”,7th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2007.
3 P Jalote, “An Integrated Approach to software Engineering”, Narosa Publication.

Page 9
B.C.A Semester V

Course Title Cloud Computing (Theory)

Course Code: DSE-E1 No. of Credits 03

Contact hours 42 Hours /3 Hours per week Duration of SEA/Exam 2 hours
Formative Assessment
40 Summative Assessment Marks 60

Contents 42 Hrs
Introduction: Different Computing Paradigms- Parallel Computing, Distributed
Computing, Cluster Computing, Grid Computing, Cloud Computing etc., Comparison of
various Computing Technologies; Cloud Computing Basics- What is Cloud Computing?
History, Characteristic Features, Advantagesand Disadvantages, and Applications ofCloud
Computing; Trends in Cloud Computing; Leading Cloud Platform Service
Cloud Architecture: Cloud Service Models- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform
as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS), Comparison of different Service
Models; Cloud Deployment Models- Public Cloud; Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud,
Community Cloud; Cloud Computing Architecture- Layered Architecture of Cloud.
Virtualization- Definition, Features of Virtualization; Types of Virtualizations- Hardware 10
Virtualization, Server Virtualization, Application Virtualization, Pros and Cons of
Virtualization, Technology Examples- Xen: Paravirtualization, VMware: Full
Virtualization, Microsoft Hyper-V.
Cloud Application Programming and the Aneka Platform: Aneka Cloud Application
Platform- Framework Overview, Anatomy of the Aneka Container, Building Aneka Clouds
:Infrastructure Organization, Logical Organization, Private Cloud Deployment Mode,
Public Cloud Deployment Mode, Hybrid Cloud Deployment Mode. 8
Cloud Platforms in Industry: Amazon Web Services- Compute Services, Storage
Services, Communication Services, Additional Services; Google AppEngine- Architecture
and Core Concepts, Application Life-Cycle. 8
Microsoft Azure- Azure Core Concepts :Compute, Storage, Core Infrastructure and Other
Services, Windows Azure Platform Appliance.
Cloud Applications: Scientific Applications- Healthcare (ECG Analysis in the 8
Cloud)Geoscience (Satellite Image Processing); Business andConsumer
Applications- CRM and ERP, Social Networking, Media Applications, Multiplayer Online

Page 10
Formative Assessment for Theory
Assessment Occasion/ type Marks
Internal Assessment Test 1 10 Marks
Internal Assessment Test 2 10 Marks
Quiz/ Assignment/ Small Project 10 Marks
Seminar 10 Marks
Total 40 Marks

Text Books:
Rajkumar Buyya, Christian Vecchiola, S. ThamaraiSelvi: "Mastering CloudComputing-
Foundations and Applications Programming”, Elsevier, 2013
2 Barrie Sosinsky: "Cloud Computing Bible", Wiley-India, 2010
3 K Chandrashekaran: “Essentials of Cloud Computing”, CRC Press, 2015
4 Derrick Rountree, Ileana Castrillo: “The Basics of Cloud Computing”, Elsevier, 2014

Page 11
B.C.A Semester V
Course Title Business Intelligence (Theory)
Course Code: DSE-E1 No. of Credits 03
Contact hours 42 Hours /3 Hours per week Duration of SEA/Exam 2 hours
Formative Assessment
40 Summative Assessment Marks 60

Contents 42 Hrs
Information Systems Support for Decision Making, An Early Framework for Computerized
Decision Support, The Concept of Decision Support Systems, A Framework for Business 8
Intelligence, Business Analytics Overview, Brief Introduction to Big Data Analytics
Introduction and Definitions, Phases of the Decision Making Process, The IntelligencePhase,
Design Phase, Choice Phase, Implementation Phase, Decision Support Systems
Capabilities, Classification, Components. 8
Basic Concepts of Neural Networks: Developing Neural Network-Based Systems,
Illuminating the Black Box of ANN with Sensitivity, Support Vector Machines, A Process
Based Approach to the Use of SVM, Nearest Neighbor Method , Sentiment Analysis 10
Overview, Sentiment Analysis Applications, Sentiment Analysis Process.
Decision Support Systems modeling: Structure of mathematical models for decision
support, Certainty, Uncertainty, and Risk, Decision modeling with spreadsheets,
Mathematical programming optimization, Decision Analysis with Decision Tables and
Decision Trees, Multi-Criteria Decision Making With Pairwise Comparisons.
Automated Decision Systems :The Artificial Intelligence field, Basic concepts of Expert
Systems, Applications of Expert Systems, Structure of Expert Systems, Knowledge 8
Engineering, and Development of Expert Systems.

Formative Assessment for Theory

Assessment Occasion/ type Marks

Internal Assessment Test 1 10 Marks
Internal Assessment Test 2 10 Marks
Quiz/ Assignment/ Small Project 10 Marks
Seminar 10 Marks
Total 40 Marks
Formative Assessment as per guidelines.

Text Books:

Page 12
Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, Efraim Turban, J.E.Aronson, Ting-Peng Liang, David King,
1 “BusinessIntelligence and Analytics: System for Decision Support”, 10th Edition, Pearson Global
Reference books
Data Analytics: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Data Analytics Paperback – 12 November 2017by
2 Edward Miz
Additional Reading:

Page 13
B.C.A Semester VI
Course Title Digital Marketing (Theory)
Course Code: Voc-2 No. of Credits 03
Contact hours 42 Hours /3 Hours per week Duration of SEA/Exam 2 hours
Formative Assessment
Marks 40 Summative Assessment Marks 60

Contents Hrs
Introduction to Digital Marketing: Overview of digital marketing, Evolution of digital
marketing, Importance and benefits of digital marketing, Digital marketing channels and
platforms 8
Digital Marketing Strategy and Planning: Developing a digital marketing strategy,
Setting goals and objectives, Budgeting and resource allocation.
Campaign planning and execution, Monitoring and adjusting digital marketing campaigns
Social Media Marketing: Overview of social media marketing, Social media platforms and
their features, Creating and optimizing social media profiles, Social media content
strategy, Social media advertising and analytics
Email Marketing: Introduction to email marketing, Building an email list, Creating
effective email campaigns, Email automation and segmentation, Email marketing metrics
and analytics Content Marketing: Understanding content marketing, Content strategy and
Content creation and distribution, Content promotion and amplification, Content
marketing metrics and analytics.
Mobile Marketing: Mobile marketing overview, Mobile advertising strategies, Mobile
app marketing, Location-based marketing, Mobile marketing analytics
Analytics and Reporting: Importance of analytics in digital marketing, Setting up web
analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics), Tracking and measuring key performance indicators 10
(KPIs), Conversion tracking and optimization, Reporting and data visualization

Formative Assessment for Theory

Assessment Occasion/ type Marks

Internal Assessment Test 1 10 Marks
Internal Assessment Test 2 10 Marks
Quiz/ Assignment/ Small Project 10 Marks
Seminar 10 Marks
Total 40 Marks

Page 14
"Digital Marketing Strategy: An Integrated Approach to Online Marketing" by Simon
1 Kingsnorth.
"Email Marketing Rules: How to Wear a White Hat, Shoot Straight, and Win Hearts" by Chad
S. White
"Content Inc.: How Entrepreneurs Use Content to Build Massive Audiences and Create
3 Radically Successful Businesses" by Joe Pulizzi
"Mobile Marketing: How Mobile Technology is Revolutionizing Marketing, Communications
and Advertising" by Daniel Rowles
"Web Analytics 2.0: The Art of Online Accountability and Science of Customer Centricity"
5 by Avinash Kaushik

Page 15
B.C.A Semester VI
Course Title Cyber Security(Theory)
Course Code: SEC-4 No. of Credits 02
Contact hours 30 Hrs /3 Hours per week Duration of SEA/Exam 01 hrs
Formative Assessment
Marks 25 Summative Assessment Marks 25

Contents 30 Hrs
Module-I. Introduction to Cyber security: Defining Cyberspace and Overview of
Computer and Web-technology, Architecture of cyberspace, Communication and web 10
technology, Internet, World wide web, Advent of internet, Internet infrastructure for data
transfer and governance, Internet society, Regulation of cyberspace, Concept ofcyber
security, Issues and challenges of cyber security.
Module-II .Cyber crime and Cyber law:Classification of cyber crimes, Common cyber
crimes- cyber crime targeting computers and mobiles, cyber crime against women and
children, financial frauds, social engineering attacks, malware and ransomware attacks,
zero day and zero click attacks, Cybercriminals modus-operandi, Reporting of cyber
crimes, Remedial and mitigation measures, Legal perspective of cyber crime, IT Act
2000 and its amendments, Cyber crime and offences, Organisations dealing with Cyber
crime and Cyber security in India.
Module III. Social Media Overview and Security: Introduction to Social networks.
Types of Social media, Social media platforms, Social media monitoring, Hashtag, Viral
content, Social media marketing, Social media privacy, Challenges, opportunities and 10
pitfalls in online social network, Security issues related to social media, Flagging and
reporting of inappropriate content, Laws regarding posting of inappropriate content, Best
practices for the use of Social media.

Formative Assessment for Theory

Assessment Occasion/ type Marks
Internal Test 1 10 Marks
Assignment / Surprise Test/ 15 Marks
Total 25 Marks

Cyber Crime Impact in the New Millennium, by R. C Mishra , Auther Press. Edition 2010
2 Cyber Security Understanding Cyber Crimes, Computer Forensics and Legal Perspectives by Sumit
Belapure and Nina Godbole, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. (First Edition, 2011)
3 Security in the Digital Age: Social Media Security Threats and Vulnerabilities by Henry A. Oliver,
Create Space Independent Publishing Platform. (Pearson , 13 th November, 2001)
4 Cyber Laws: Intellectual Property & E-Commerce Security by Kumar K, Dominant Publishers.
5 Fundamentals of Network Security by E. Maiwald, McGraw Hill.
6 Network Security Bible, Eric Cole, Ronald Krutz, James W. Conley, 2nd Edition,
Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.

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B.C.A Semester VI
Course Title Artificial Intelligence and Applications (Theory)
Course Code: DSC16 No. of Credits 04
Contact hours 52 Hours /4 Hours per week Duration of SEA/Exam 2 Hours
Formative Assessment
Marks 40 Summative Assessment Marks 60

Contents 52 Hrs
Introduction- What is Artificial Intelligence, Foundations of AI, AI - Past, Present and Future. 10
Intelligent Agents- Environments- Specifying the task environment, Properties of task environments,
Agent based programs-Structure of Agents , Types of agents- Simple reflex agents,
Model-based reflex agents, Goal-based agents; and Utility-based agents.
Problem Solving by Searching-Problem-Solving Agents, Well-defined problems and solutions, 10
examples Problems, Searching for Solutions, Uninformed Search Strategies-Breadth-first search,
Uniform-cost search, Depth-first search, Depth-limited search, Iterativedeepening depth-first search,
Bidirectional search.
Knowledge Representation - Knowledge-Based Agents, The Wumpus World , Logic, Propositional 12
Logic, Propositional Theorem Proving, Effective Propositional Model Checking, Agents Based on
Propositional Logic, First-Order Logic-Syntax and Semantics of First-Order
Logic, Using First-Order Logic, Unification and Lifting Forward Chaining, Backward Chaining
Learning– Forms of Learning, Supervised Learning- Artificial Neural Networks(ANN), 10
Support VectorMachines(SVM), Random forest.Unsupervised Learing:Clustering ,Association.
Advantages and disadvantages of Unsupervised Learning.
Applications of AI - Natural Language Processing, Text Classification and Information Retrieval, 10
Speech Recognition , Image processing and computer vision, Robotics

Formative Assessment for Theory

Assessment Occasion/ type Marks

Internal Assessment Test 1 10 Marks
Internal Assessment Test 2 10 Marks
Quiz/ Assignment/ Small Project 10 Marks
Seminar 10 Marks
Total 40 Marks

Text Books:
Stuart Russel, Peter Norvig: Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition, Pearson
1 Education, 2003
2 Tom Mitchell, “Machine Learning”, 1st Edition, McGraw-Hill,2017
Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight, Shivashankar B Nair: Artificial Intelligence, Tata McGraw Hill 3rd edition,
3 2013

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BCA Semester VI

Course Title PHP & MySQL (Theory)

Course Code: DSC17 No. of Credits 04

Contact hours 52 Hours /4 Hours per week Duration of SEA/Exam 2 hours
Formative Assessment
40 Summative Assessment Marks 60

Contents 52 Hrs
Introduction to PHP: Introduction to PHP, History and Features , Installation &
Configuration of PHP, Embedding PHP code in Web Pages, HTML and White Space,
Writing Comments , Sending Data to the Web Browser,Data types , Keywords , Using 10
Variables, Constants , Expressions , Operators .
Programming with PHP: Conditional statements: if, if-else, switch, The ? Operator,
Looping statements: while Loop, do-while Loop, for Loop
Arrays in PHP: Introduction- What is Array?, Creating Arrays, Accessing Array
elements, Types of Arrays: Indexed v/s Associative arrays, Multidimensional arrays, 12
Creating Array, Accessing Array, Manipulating Arrays, Displaying array, Using Array
Functions, Including and Requiring Files- use of Include() and Require(), Implicit and
Explicit Casting in PHP.
Using Functions , Class- Objects, Forms in PHP: Functions in PHP, Function
definition, Creating and invoking user-defined functions, Formal parameters versusactual
parameters, Function and variable scope, Recursion, Library functions, Date and Time 10
Strings in PHP: What is String?, Creating and Declaring String, String Functions
Class &Objects in PHP: What is Class & Object, Creating and accessing a Class
&Object, Object properties, object methods, Overloading, inheritance, Constructor and
Destructor 8
Form Handling: Creating HTML Form, Handling HTML Form data in PHP
Database handling using PHP with MySQL :Introduction to MySQL: Database terms,
Data Types.Using MySQL Client and Using phpMyAdmin, MySQL Commands, 12
PHP MySQL Functions, Connecting to MySQLand Selecting the Database, Executing
Simple Queries, Retrieving Query Results.

Formative Assessment for Theory

Assessment Occasion/ type Marks

Internal Assessment Test 1 10 Marks
Internal Assessment Test 2 10 Marks
Quiz/ Assignment/ Small Project 10 Marks
Seminar 10 Marks
Total 40 Marks

Page 19
Formative Assessment as per

1 PHP & MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites- Fourth Edition By Larry Ullman.

2 Learning PHP, MySQL and JavaScript By Robin Nixon –O‟REILLY Publications

3 Programming PHP By Rasmus Lerdorf, Kevin Tatroe, Peter MacIntyre

Page 20
B.C.A Semester VI

Course Title PHP and MySQL Lab

Course Code: DSC17-Lab No. of Credits 02

Contact hours 04 Hours per week Duration of SEA/Exam 2 hours
Formative Assessment
25 Summative Assessment Marks 25

Practical Assignments for PHP Programming

Sl. Title of the Experiment
1 Write a PHPscript to swap two numbers.
2 Write a PHPscript to find the factorial of a number.
3 Write a PHP script to reverse a given number and calculate its sum
4 Write a PHP script to to generate a Fibonacci series using Recursive function
5 Write a PHP script to implement constructor and destructor
6 Write a PHP script to implement form handling using get method
7 Write a PHP script to implement form handling using post method.
8 Write a PHP script that receive form input by the method post to check the number is prime
or not
9 Write a PHP script that receive string as a form input
10 Write a PHP script to compute addition of two matrices as a form input.
11 Write a PHP script to show the functionality of date and time function.
12 Write a PHP program to upload a file
13 Write a PHP script to implement database creation
14 Develop a PHP program to design a college admission form using MYSQL database

Formative Assessment for Practical

Assessment Occasion/ type Marks
Program writing any one program 10 Marks
Execution 10 Marks
viva 5 Marks
Total 25 Marks

B.C.A Semester VI
Page 21
Course Title Project work
Course Code: DSC-18 No. of Credits 06
Contact hours 4 Hours per week Duration of SEA/Exam 03 hrs
Formative Assessment
Marks 50 Summative Assessment Marks 100

Guidelines :-
1. The project is of 4 hours per week for one (semester VI) semester duration and a student is
expected work (8 hours-this should not be considered for work load ) to do planning, analyzing,
designing, coding and implementing the project.
2. The synopsis approval will be given by the project Guides .
3. The Project work should be either an individual (one) or a group of not more than five members.

Report :
The project proposal should include the following:
 Title
 Introduction
 Litrature survy
 Objectives
 Design Details of modules and process logic
 Developement/Implementation stages
 Testing Report
 Results

Internal Assessment for Theory

Assessment Occasion/ type Marks
Internal /Attendance / documentation/developemnt work/ 50 Marks
Total 50 Marks

Summative Assessment for Theory

Assessment Occasion/ type Marks
Demo - Presentation 30 Marks
Report 40 Marks
Vivo 30 Marks
Total 100
40% is passing score.

Page 22
Name B.C.A Semester VI
Course Title Fundamentals of Data Science (Theory)
Course Code: DSE-E2 No. of Credits 03
Contact hours 42 Hours /3 Hours per week Duration of SEA/Exam 2 Hours
Formative Assessment
40 Summative Assessment Marks 60

Contents 42 Hrs
Unit I: Data Mining: Introduction, Data Mining Definitions, Knowledge
Discovery in 8
Databases (KDD) Vs Data Mining, DBMS Vs Data Mining, DM techniques,
Problems, Issues and Challenges in DM, DM applications.
Data Warehouse: Introduction, Definition, Multidimensional Data Model, Data
Cleaning, 8
Data Integration and transformation, Data reduction, Discretization
Mining Frequent Patterns: Basic Concept – Frequent Item Set Mining Methods -
Aprioriand Frequent Pattern Growth (FPGrowth) algorithms -Mining Association Rules
Classification: Basic Concepts, Issues, Algorithms: Decision Tree Induction. Bayes
Classification Methods, Rule-Based Classification, Lazy Learners (or Learning from 10
your Neighbours), k Nearest Neighbour. Prediction - Accuracy- Precision and Recall
Clustering: Cluster Analysis, Partitioning Methods, Hierarchical Methods, Density-
Based 8
Methods, Grid-Based Methods, Evaluation of Clustering
Formative Assessment for Theory

Assessment Occasion/ type Marks

Internal Assessment Test 1 10 Marks
Internal Assessment Test 2 10 Marks
Quiz/ Assignment/ Small Project 10 Marks
Seminar 10 Marks
Total 40 Marks

Text Books:
Jiawei Han and Micheline Kambar – “Data Mining Concepts and Techniques” Second Edition
Elsevier Publications
2 Arun K Pujari – “Data Mining Techniques” 4th Edition, Universities Press
Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar: Introduction to Data Mining, Pearson
3 Education, 2012.
4 K.P.Soman, Shyam Diwakar, V.Ajay: Insight into Data Mining – Theory and Practice, PHI
5 Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar - “Introduction to Data Mining”, Pearson Education

Page 23
B.C.A Semester VI
Course Title Mobile Application Development (Theory)
Course Code: DSE-E2 No. of Credits 03
Contact hours 42 Hours/3 Hours per week Duration of SEA/Exam 2 hours
Formative Assessment
Marks 40 Summative Assessment Marks 60

Contents 42 Hrs
Android OS design and Features: Android development framework, SDK
features,Installing and running applications on Android Studio, Creating AVDs, Types
of Androidapplications, Best practices in Android programming, Android tools, 8
Building your First Android application.
Android Application Design Essentials: Anatomy of an Android applications,
Android 8
terminologies, Application Context, Activities, Services, Intents, Receiving and
BroadcastingIntents, Android Manifest File and its common settings, Using Intent
Filter, Permissions.
Android User Interface Design Essentials: User Interface Screen elements,
Designing User 8
Interfaces with Layouts, Drawing and Working with Animation.
Testing Android applications, Publishing Android application, Using Android
preferences, Managing Application resources in a hierarchy, working with different 8
types of resources.
Using Common Android APIs: Using Android Data and Storage APIs,
Managing data 10
using Sqlite, Sharing Data between Applications with Content Providers, Using
AndroidNetworking APIs, Using Android Web APIs, Deploying Android Application
to the World.

Formative Assessment for Theory

Assessment Occasion/ type Marks

Internal Assessment Test 1 10 Marks
Internal Assessment Test 2 10 Marks
Quiz/ Assignment/ Small Project 10 Marks
Seminar 10 Marks
Total 40 Marks

Text Books:
Lauren Darcey and Shane Conder , “Android Wireless Application Development”, Pearson Education,
1 2nd ed. (2011)
2 Reto Meier, “Professional Android 2 Application Development”, Wiley India Pvt Ltd
3 Mark L Murphy, “Beginning Android”, Wiley India Pvt Ltd
4 Android Application Development All in one for Dummies by Barry Burd, Edition: I
5 Beginning Android 4 Application Development, Wei-Meng Lee, Wiley India (Wrox), 2013
6 Professional Android 4 Application Development, Reto Meier, Wiley India, (Wrox), 2012

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B.C.A Semester V
Course Title Web Content Management System (Theory)
Course Code: Voc-1 No. of Credits 03
Contact hours 42 Hours /3 Hours per week Duration of SEA/Exam 2 hours
Formative Assessment
40 Summative Assessment Marks 60

Contents 42 Hrs
Web Content Development and Management, Content Types and Formats,
Norms andGuidelines of Content Development, Creating Digital Graphics, Audio 8
Production and Editing,
Web Hosting and Managing Multimedia Content, Creating and Maintaining a
Wiki Site.Presentation Software Part I, Presentation Software Part II, Screen 8
casting Tools and Techniques.
Planning and Developing Dynamic Web Content Sites, Website Design
Using CSS 8
Creating and Maintaining a WIKI Site, Creating and Managing a Blog Site,
E- Publication Concept, E- Pub Tools, Simulation and Virtual Reality
Applications. Introduction to Moodle, Creating a New Course,uploading new 10
Course .
Create and Add Assessment, Add and Enroll User and Discussion Forum,
Content,Management System: Joomla. 8

Formative Assessment for Theory

Assessment Occasion/ type Marks

Internal Assessment Test 1 10 Marks
Internal Assessment Test 2 10 Marks
Quiz/ Assignment/ Small Project 10 Marks
Seminar 10 Marks
Total 40 Marks

Text Books:
1 Web Content Management: Systems, Features, and Best Practices 1st Edition by Deane
2 Content Management Bible (2nd Edition) 2nd Edition by Bob Boiko.
3 Moodle for Learning Management System (LMS): A Practical and Visual Guidebook of
Administrator and Instructor for Distance Education Paperback – October 12, 2020 by James
4 Using Joomla!: Efficiently Build and Manage Custom Websites 2nd Edition by Ron Severdia
Additional Reading:

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B.C.A Semester VI
Course Title Logical Reasoning (Theory)
Course Code: SEC-5 No. of Credits 02
Contact hours 30 Hrs /3 Hours per week Duration of SEA/Exam 01 hrs
Formative Assessment
Marks 25 Summative Assessment Marks 25

Contents 30 Hrs
Arithmetic Reasoning: Analytical Thinking, Syllogistic Logic, Problem solving;
Number System; LCM &HCF; Logarithms; Ratio,Proportions and Variations; 10
Partnership; Time speed and distance; work time problems;
Data Interpretation: Numerical Data Tables; Line Graphs; Bar Charts and Pie charts;
Mix Diagrams; Geometrical Diagrams, and other forms of Data Representation
Lateral Thinking, Reasoning & Logic: Verbal and Non-verbal Logic, Family Tree;
Linear Arrangements; Circular and Complex Arrangement; Conditionality and
Grouping; Sequencing and Scheduling; Venn Diagram in Logical Reasoning.

Formative Assessment for Theory

Assessment Occasion/ type Marks
Internal Test 1 10 Marks
Assignment / Surprise Test/ 15 Marks
Total 25 Marks

R.S.Aggarwal- “A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non–Verbal Reasoning” Sultan
Chand and Sons, New Delhi
2 R.S.Aggarwal–“Quantitative Aptitude”, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi
3 Dr.Ravi Chopra – “Verbal and Non–Verbal Reasoning”, MacMillan India
4 Dr.Edward DeBono – “Lateral Thinking”, Penguin Books, New Delhi

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