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Beware the ides of

ByersandByers 1
Name: ________________________ Julius Caesar
Date: _________________________ Act I: Review Activity

Directions: Below you will read a chronological summary of Act 1. Complete the narrative by
inserting the missing words. A word bank has been included. Words may also be used more than
once. **It is advised that you use a pencil since you might have to erase several times.

On the streets of _______________ , a rowdy crowd has gathered to celebrate the Feast

of ______________ and Caesar’s victorious return to the ___________. Flavius and

___________ scold the crowd for adoring _____________ instead of being at work and

eventually the _____________ are able to disperse the _____________. As ___________ and

Marullus make their way to the _____________, they intend to remove any crowns or other

decorations placed on statues of ___________. This gesture is intended to send a _________

that Caesar’s ________________ is unacceptable and his political rise to total power will not go


Caesar arrives at the ceremonial ____________ for the Feast Day and is approached by

a ______________, who warns Caesar about the __________ of March. However,

_____________ merely dismisses the prophet and turns his attention to Mark ____________,

wishing him success as the young senator departs to take part in the foot ___________. In the

mists of all the festivities, Cassius draws ____________ aside and confides in him his concern

for Caesar’s striking rise to _____________ which has only enhanced Caesar’s ____________

and political ambitions. To make a point, _____________ recalls a time several years early

when a young ______________ challenged Cassius to a swim across the ____________ river,

only to call to Cassius to save him from ____________. Cassius believes such an anecdote

proves that _____________ is merely a man; susceptible to the same fears and

ByersandByers 2
______________ as everyone else, and shouldn’t be allowed to elevate himself to ___________

status. Believing that Brutus’s presence will help to convince the _______________ of the

justice in their cause, Cassius hopes to recruit the honorable _____________ to his secret

coalition of senators which are united against _____________ and his quest for absolute


During the middle of their private conversation, several loud ____________ from off

stage are heard before _______________ returns from the festivities to report that

______________ attempted to bestow a laurel crown upon ______________, granting him the

title of ____________, yet Caesar humbly refused the offering. His refusal so impressed the

____________ that they cheered him for his humility, despite being offered the crown

______________ more times. However, it was obvious to ________________ that Caesar

would have eagerly accepted the title presented by ________________, yet at the crowd’s

insistence, he reluctantly rejected the ________________ or else face public disproval.

Agreeing to meet again, Casca, ______________ and Brutus depart until tomorrow after

Brutus has had ________________ to contemplate Cassius’s proposition. Throughout that

_____________, Casca reports to _________________ a series of unusual events and

foreboding _________________ which creates an air of tension and ______________ among

the conspirators. After confirming Casca’s agreement to join their cause against

______________, Cassius instructs _____________ to place three ___________ where Brutus

will be sure to find them. According to Cassius, the contents of the documents are a series of

forged ______________ suggesting that the public demand ________________ take action

ByersandByers 3
against Caesar. Cassius hopes that such _______________ will play on Brutus’s _____________

and self-righteousness, prompting him to __________ the conspirators.


Antony City Join Public

Arrogance Crowd King Races
Brutus Crown Letters Rome
Caesar Dangers Lupercal Soothsayer
Capitol Documents Marullus Superstitions
Casca Drowning Message Tiber
Cassius Flavius Night Time
Cheers Games Omens Tribunes
Cicero Godlike Power Two
Cinna Ides Pride Unchallenged

ByersandByers 4
Name: ________________________ Julius Caesar
Answer Key Act I: Review

On the streets of Rome, a rowdy crowd has gathered to celebrate the Feast of Lupercal

and Caesar’s victorious return to the city. Flavius and Marullus scold the crowd for adoring

Caesar instead of being at work and eventually the tribunes are able to disperse the crowd. As

Flavius and Marullus make their way to the capitol, they intend to remove any crowns or other

decorations placed on statues of Caesar. This gesture is intended to send a message that

Caesar’s arrogance is unacceptable and his political rise to total power will not go


Caesar arrives at the ceremonial games for the Feast Day and is approached by a

soothsayer, who warns Caesar about the ides of March. However, Caesar merely dismisses the

prophet and turns his attention to Mark Antony, wishing him success as the young senator

departs to take part in the foot races. In the mists of all the festivities, Cassius draws Brutus

aside and confides in him his concern for Caesar’s striking rise to power which has only

enhanced Caesar’s pride and political ambitions. To make a point, Cassius recalls a time several

years early when a young Caesar challenged Cassius to a swim across the Tiber river, only to call

to Cassius to save him from drowning. Cassius believes such an anecdote proves that Caesar is

merely a man; susceptible to the same fears and dangers as everyone else, and shouldn’t be

allowed to elevate himself to godlike status. Believing that Brutus’s presence will help to

convince the public of the justice in their cause, Cassius hopes to recruit the honorable Brutus

to his secret coalition of senators which are united against Caesar and his quest for absolute

ByersandByers 5
During the middle of their private conversation, several loud cheers from off stage are

heard before Casca returns from the festivities to report that Antony attempted to bestow a

laurel crown upon Caesar, granting him the title of king, yet Caesar humbly refused the

offering. His refusal so impressed the crowd that they cheered him for his humility despite

being offered the crown two more times. However, it was obvious to Casca that Caesar would

have eagerly accepted the title presented by Antony, yet at the crowd’s insistence, he

reluctantly rejected the crown or else face public disproval.

Agreeing to meet again, Casca, Cassius and Brutus depart until tomorrow after Brutus

has had time to contemplate Cassius’s proposition. Throughout that night, Casca reports to

Cicero a series of unusual events and foreboding omens which creates an air of tension and

superstition among the conspirators. After confirming Casca’s agreement to join their cause

against Caesar, Cassius instructs Cinna to place three documents where Brutus will be sure to

find them. According to Cassius, the contents of the documents are a series of forged letters

suggesting that the public demand Brutus take action against Caesar. Cassius hopes that such

letters will play on Brutus’s vanity and self-righteousness, prompting him to join the


ByersandByers 6
Name: ________________________ Julius Caesar
Date: _________________________ Act II: Review Activity

Directions: Below you will read a chronological summary of Act 2. Complete the narrative by
inserting the missing words. A word bank has been included. Words may also be used more than
once. **It is advised that you use a pencil since you might have to erase several times.

_______________is awake in the early morning contemplating Cassius’s proposition for

the senators to join together and _______________Caesar before he attains total___________.

Brutus considers the notion of Caesar as ___________and if such a title would alter Caesar’s

_______________, allowing him to ___________ his absolute powers. Lucius enters and

informs Brutus that he has found a __________ in Brutus’s ___________. Left alone,

__________ reads the mysterious letter reciting aloud key passages which calls for him to take

action against ____________ before it is too late.

___________ returns to inform Brutus that several men lead by ___________ have

arrived at his house. The assembled group of men conspire to kill ____________ tomorrow

with _______________ volunteering to go to Caesar’s _____________ to ensure that he

attends the _____________ meeting where they will ambush the unsuspecting Caesar.

Although Cassius insists that ______________ also be killed since the young senator is very

loyal to Caesar, ______________ overrides his colleague claiming that a double murder will

seem more like a ______________. Brutus maintains that their actions must appear as a

necessary killing, merely to protect ______________ from an emerging tyrant. By the

meeting’s conclusion, the entire group decides that they all will visit Caesar’s _____________

and escort Caesar to the Senate House ensuring that he cannot ____________ their trap.

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After the conspirators depart, Brutus’s wife, ______________ , confronts her husband

about the noticeable change in his ______________ recently. Although Brutus attempts to

_______________ his wife, she slices her own ______________ to prove her resolve and ability

to tolerate anything he might have to say. Eventually, ______________ concedes to divulge his

secrets and concerns to Portia at a later time.

The following morning, Caesar comments on the previous night’s unusual

_______________ and the alarming effect it seems to have had on his ______________,

Calpurnia, as she cried out in her sleep three times about her husband being _____________.

Addressing his own concerns for his safety, Caesar seeks the guidance of the ___________ by

ordering the ________________ to perform an animal sacrifice. ______________ enters and

adamantly expresses her concerns for her husband’s safety, begging Caesar not to leave the

___________ today. Initially, Caesar rebukes his wife’s _____________, believing that any

hesitation to attend the _______________ meeting would be seen as a weakness and

______________. The priests soon return with the results of their ________________ and

inform Caesar that the reading of the animal intestines confirms Calpurnia’s fears and they also

advise him __________ to proceed to the Capitol. Caesar finally relents to their concerns until

_____________ arrives and reinterprets the omens as signs from the _____________ that

there is divine support for the people’s decision to crown him ___________ and his absence

from the Senate House would indeed appear _____________. Caesar is emboldened and

_____________ by Decius’s interpretation; and accompanied by the arrival of the other

______________, he invites everyone to have some ______________ before departing to the


ByersandByers 8
Meanwhile, the suspense continues to build as ______________, a scholar who has

learned of the plot to assassinate Caesar, prepares to hand Caesar a _____________ comprised

of a list of the conspirators. Later still, Portia’s erratic behavior implies that ______________ at

some previous time confessed his intentions to kill Caesar and now ____________ is noticeably

frantic and desperate as she insists that _______________ proceed directly to the

____________ to spy on her husband and report back to her whatever he witnesses.


Abuse Decius Note Senators

Antony Escape Personality Slaughter
Artemidorus Flattered Pleas Storms
Assassinate Gods Portia Study
Behavior House Power Thigh
Brutus King Priests Wife
Caesar Letter Reassure Wine
Calpurnia Lucius Rome
Cassius Murdered Sacrifice
Cowardly Not Senate

ByersandByers 9
Name: ________________________ Julius Caesar
Answer Key Act II: Review

Brutus is awake in the early morning contemplating Cassius’s proposition for the

senators to join together and assassinate Caesar before he attains total power. Brutus

considers the notion of Caesar as king and if such a title would alter Caesar’s personality,

allowing him to abuse his absolute powers. Lucius enters and informs Brutus that he has found

a note in Brutus’s study. Left alone, Brutus reads the mysterious letter reciting aloud key

passages which calls for him to take action against Caesar before it is too late.

Lucius returns to inform Brutus that several men lead by Cassius have arrived at his

house. The assembled group of men conspire to kill Caesar tomorrow with Decius volunteering

to go to Caesar’s house to ensure that he attends the Senate meeting where they will ambush

the unsuspecting Caesar. Although Cassius insists that Antony also be killed since the young

senator is very loyal to Caesar, Brutus overrides his colleague claiming that a double murder

will seem more like a slaughter. Brutus maintains that their actions must appear as a necessary

killing, merely to protect Rome from an emerging tyrant. By the meeting’s conclusion, the

entire group decides that they all will visit Caesar’s house and escort Caesar to the Senate

House ensuring that he cannot escape their trap.

After the conspirators depart, Brutus’s wife Portia confronts her husband about the

noticeable change in his behavior recently. Although Brutus attempts to reassure his wife, she

slices her own thigh to prove her resolve and ability to tolerate anything he might have to say.

Eventually, Brutus concedes to divulge his secrets and concerns to Portia at a later time.

ByersandByers 10
The following morning, Caesar comments on the previous night’s unusual storms

and the alarming effect it seems to have had on his wife, Calpurnia, as she cried out in her sleep

three times about her husband being murdered. Addressing his own concerns for his safety,

Caesar seeks the guidance of the gods by ordering the priests to perform an animal sacrifice.

Calpurnia enters and adamantly expresses her concerns for her husband’s safety, begging

Caesar not to leave the house today. Initially, Caesar rebukes his wife’s pleas, believing that

any hesitation to attend the senate meeting would be seen as a weakness and cowardly. The

priests soon return with the results of their sacrifice and inform Caesar that the reading of the

animal intestines confirms Calpurnia’s fears and they also advise him not to proceed to the

Capitol. Caesar finally relents to their concerns until Decius arrives and reinterprets the omens

as signs from the gods that there is divine support for the people’s decision to crown him king

and his absence from the Senate House would indeed appear cowardly. Caesar is emboldened

and flattered by Decius’s interpretation; and accompanied by the arrival of the other senators,

he invites everyone to have some wine before departing to the Capitol.

Meanwhile, the suspense continues to build as Artemidorus, a scholar who has learned

of the plot to assassinate Caesar, prepares to hand Caesar a letter comprised of a list of the

conspirators. Later still, Portia’s erratic behavior implies that Brutus at some previous time

confessed his intentions to kill Caesar and now Portia is noticeably frantic and desperate as she

insists that Lucius proceed directly to the Senate to spy on her husband and report back to her

whatever he witnesses.

ByersandByers 11
Name: ________________________ Julius Caesar
Date: _________________________ Act III: Review Activity

Directions: Below you will read a chronological summary of Act 3. Complete the narrative by
inserting the missing words. A word bank has been included. Words may also be used more than
once. **It is advised that you use a pencil since you might have to erase several times.

The _________________ gather in the streets to await Caesar’s passing on his way to

the ___________; among them is _______________________, who calls out to Caesar as he

and his entourage pass. However, Caesar’s self-assured beliefs prompt him to ____________

the request by Artemidorus to read his _____________, furthermore Caesar taunts the

_____________ by implying that the ides of ___________ have indeed come without incident.

Once inside the ________________, the Senate’s formal meeting begins with

_____________ requesting Caesar to grant his exiled ______________ permission to return to

Rome, yet ________________ maintains that his word is as constant as the _____________

star and he will not be swayed. During their exchange, _____________ and Decius approach

Caesar, encircling their unsuspecting victim, waiting until ___________ leaps forward and

initiates the assault. The other ________________ join in the attack causing chaos and fright to

sweep through the Senate House which prompts ______________ to reassure the stunned

onlookers that his band of attackers are merely freeing ______________ before the potential

________________ of Caesar.

While the _________________ prepare to exit the Senate House and explain their

_____________ deeds to the citizens of Rome, _____________ returns to confront the

murderers and inquire about their reasons for brutally ____________ Caesar. After openly

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________________ for his fallen mentor, Antony agrees to accept the conspirators’ explanation

but requests to _____________ publically at Caesar’s _______________. Satisfied with

Antony’s professed _______________, the group sets out to explain their bloody deed to the

public, leaving ____________ to secretly reveal his intentions to align himself with

_____________ and avenge Caesar’s _______________.

At the beginning of the ______________ service, _____________ enters the Forum to

address the Roman citizens explaining the necessity to kill Caesar in order to _____________

Rome from Caesar’s potential tyrannical rule if he were allowed to become _____________.

Satisfied with Brutus’s open and candid response, the Plebeians shout to have __________ as

their new ______________; however, Brutus quiets the ____________ and implores them to

hear Antony’s approval of their ______________. After Brutus departs, ____________ begins

his speech by first complimenting Brutus as an ________________ Roman, yet Antony shrewdly

begins to raise ______________ about the true motives behind ___________ and his fellow

conspirators’ actions. Antony reveals Caesar’s blood soaked _________ with a graphic display

of the numerous ____________ penetrations and then withdraws the ______________ to

reveal Caesar’s ____________. The dramatic effect incites the ______________ to storm off in

search of the murderous _____________ but instead they encounter ______________, an

innocent poet, whom they drag away to beat to death simply for having the same

_____________ as one of the conspirators.

ByersandByers 13

Actions Citizens Killing Protect

Antony Conspirators King Questions
Artemidorus Corpse Letter Rome
Bloody Crowd Loyalty Senators
Brother Crowds March Shroud
Brutus Dagger Metellus Soothsayer
Caesar Dismiss Murder Speak
Capitol Funeral Name Toga
Casca Grieving Northern Tyranny
Cinna Honorable Octavius

ByersandByers 14
Name: ________________________ Julius Caesar
Answer Key Act III: Review Activity

The crowds gather in the streets to await Caesar’s passing on his way to the Capitol;

among them is Artemidorus, who calls out to Caesar as he and his entourage pass. However,

Caesar’s self-assured beliefs prompt him to dismiss the request by Artemidorus to read his

letter, furthermore Caesar taunts the soothsayer by implying that the ides of March have

indeed come without incident.

Once inside the Capitol, the Senate’s formal meeting begins with Metellus requesting

Caesar to grant his exiled brother permission to return to Rome, yet Caesar maintains that his

word is as constant as the northern star and he will not be swayed. During their exchange,

Cinna and Decius approach Caesar, encircling their unsuspecting victim, waiting until Casca

leaps forward and initiates the assault. The other conspirators join in the attack causing chaos

and fright to sweep through the Senate House which prompts Brutus to reassure the stunned

onlookers that his band of attackers are merely freeing Rome before the potential tyranny of


While the conspirators prepare to exit the Senate House and explain their bloody deeds

to the citizens of Rome, Antony returns to confront the murderers and inquire about their

reasons for brutally killing Caesar. After openly grieving for his fallen mentor, Antony agrees to

accept the conspirators’ explanation but requests to speak publically at Caesar’s funeral.

Satisfied with Antony’s professed loyalty, the group sets out to explain their bloody deed to the

ByersandByers 15
public, leaving Antony to secretly reveal his intentions to align himself with Octavius and

avenge Caesar’s murder.

At the beginning of the funeral service, Brutus enters the Forum to address the Roman

citizens explaining the necessity to kill Caesar in order to protect Rome from Caesar’s potential

tyrannical rule if he were allowed to become king. Satisfied with Brutus’s open and candid

response, the Plebeians shout to have Brutus as their new Caesar; however, Brutus quiets the

crowd and implores them to hear Antony’s approval of their actions. After Brutus departs,

Antony begins his speech by first complimenting Brutus as an honorable Roman, yet Antony

shrewdly begins to raise questions about the true motives behind Brutus and his fellow

conspirators’ actions. Antony reveals Caesar’s blood soaked toga with a graphic display of the

numerous dagger penetrations and then withdraws the shroud to reveal Caesar’s corpse. The

dramatic effect incites the citizens to storm off in search of the murderous senators but instead

they encounter Cinna, an innocent poet, whom they drag away to beat to death simply for

having the same name as one of the conspirators.

ByersandByers 16
Name: ________________________ Julius Caesar
Date: _________________________ Act IV: Review Activity

Directions: Below you will read a chronological summary of Act 4. Complete the narrative by
inserting the missing words. A word bank has been included. Words may also be used more than
once. **It is advised that you use a pencil since you might have to erase several times.

Antony and _____________ are immersed in a debate as they create a ___________

of their enemies who must be put to death including Lepidus’s _____________ and even

Antony’s nephew. Further away from the city, Brutus and _____________ who have been

ousted from _____________ are joined together in a camp near ____________. Brutus is

initially upset with Cassius’s ______________ to provide him with _____________ to help raise

and maintain his ___________. Brutus insults _______________, claiming Cassius’s wealth was

merely the result of ______________. Enraged by Brutus’ verbal attacks, Cassius warns his

fellow conspirator not to ____________ him, but Brutus _____________ Cassius further by

questioning his ___________ and antagonizing Cassius with the threat of a physical altercation.

Feeling ______________ and alienated, Cassius insists that _____________ kill him

now since they no longer appear to be ______________. Finally, ____________ gives up his

verbal attack and reassures his ___________ and friendship for Cassius. Brutus speculates that

his _______________ stems from the sudden death of his ____________, Portia, whom he says

committed ______________ by eating hot _____________ and choked.

_______________ arrives and informs Brutus and Cassius about the death warrants
issued by _____________ and Octavius which have claimed the lives of several dozen senators,

ByersandByers 17
including ______________. Sobered by the reality of the threat posed by Antony and
____________, Brutus and ____________ begin to _________ how best to use their two
armies. Initially, Cassius _______________ with Brutus’s insistence to march their forces to
_______________, arguing that if their armies march, then the enemy will become
____________ and deplete their resources if they choose to pursue. Brutus convinces
______________ that the right course of action is indeed to join forces and fight at
_____________ since they are at peak ______________ and any further delay will only serve to
strengthen the enemy with fresh _____________.

After Cassius leaves to prepare his army for an attack, Caesar’s ____________ enters
Brutus’s ____________ and makes a prediction that Caesar’s spirit will meet ___________ at
Philippi. Alarmed by this prophecy, Brutus ____________ his immediate soldiers and questions
Lucius, _____________ and Varro, to see if they heard or saw anything. However, Brutus’s
personal officers are unable to validate his ______________. Dismayed, Brutus hastily sends
_____________ and Claudius to awake _____________ and instruct him to begin moving his
army very _____________.


Antony Coals Messala Strength

Army Desperate Money Suicide
Awakes Disagrees Octavius Suspicions
Belittles Early Philippi Tent
Bribery Friends Provoke Tired
Brother Ghost Recruits Varro
Brutus Honor Refusal Wife
Cassius Irritation Rome
Cicero List Sardis ByersandByers 18
Claudius Love Strategize
Name: ________________________ Julius Caesar
Answer Key Act IV: Review Activity

Antony and Octavius are immersed in a debate as they create a list of their enemies

who must be put to death including Lepidus’s brother and even Antony’s nephew. Further

away from the city, Brutus and Cassius who have been ousted from Rome are joined together

in a camp near Sardis. Brutus is initially upset with Cassius’s refusal to provide him with money

to help raise and maintain his army. Brutus insults Cassius, claiming Cassius’s wealth was

merely the result of bribery. Enraged by Brutus’ verbal attacks, Cassius warns his fellow

conspirator not to provoke him, but Brutus belittles Cassius further by questioning his honor

and antagonizing Cassius with the threat of a physical altercation.

Feeling desperate and alienated, Cassius insists that Brutus kill him now since they

no longer appear to be friends. Finally, Brutus gives up his verbal attack and reassures his love

and friendship for Cassius. Brutus speculates that his irritation stems from the sudden death of

his wife, Portia, whom he says committed suicide by eating hot coals and choked.

Messala arrives and informs Brutus and Cassius about the death warrants issued by

Antony and Octavius which have claimed the lives of several dozen senators, including Cicero.

Sobered by the reality of the threat posed by Antony and Octavius, Brutus and Cassius begin to

strategize how best to use their two armies. Initially, Cassius disagrees with Brutus’s insistence

to march their forces to Philippi, arguing that if their armies march, then the enemy will

become tired and deplete their resources if they choose to pursue. Brutus convinces Cassius

ByersandByers 19
that the right course of action is indeed to join forces and fight at Philippi since they are at peak

strength and any further delay will only serve to strengthen the enemy with fresh recruits.

After Cassius leaves to prepare his army for an attack, Caesar’s ghost enters Brutus’s

tent and makes a prediction that Caesar’s spirit will meet Brutus at Philippi. Alarmed by this

prophecy, Brutus awakes his immediate soldiers and questions Lucius, Claudius and Varro, to

see if they heard or saw anything. However, Brutus’s personal officers are unable to validate

his suspicions. Dismayed, Brutus hastily sends Varro and Claudius to awake Cassius and

instruct him to begin moving his army very early.

ByersandByers 20
Name: ________________________ Julius Caesar
Date: _________________________ Act V: Review Activity

Directions: Below you will read a chronological summary of Act 5. Complete the narrative by
inserting the missing words. A word bank has been included. Words may also be used more than
once. **It is advised that you use a pencil since you might have to erase several times.

With the enemies’ armies encamped at __________, Octavius and ______________

receive a message that Cassius and Brutus’s armies are _____________ down from their secure

position atop a _________ and are preparing for battle. Before the ____________ commences,

the four men meet on the open ground and exchange a series of _____________ and insults;

accusing one another of ____________ and cowardice. The two pairs eventually separate,

leaving ____________ and Brutus to exchange a heart-felt _______________ with an

underlying understanding that they may never __________ one another again if one or both

should _________ in upcoming battle.

As the ____________ gets underway, Brutus’s forces begin to gain an advantage

over Octavius’s _______________ and exploit their slight advantage by continuing their

__________. On another part of the battlefield, ______________ however is not as fortunate

as his troops start to __________ and break ranks in retreat. Eventually, Antony’s soldiers

slowly encircle Cassius’s _________; believing the enemy has captured his __________ and

encampments, ______________ is forced to escape to the safety of a distant ____________.

Cassius instructs ______________ to ride back and investigate the situation up close and

______________ back. ____________, Cassius’s servant, climbs high up the hill to observe

Titinius’s movements and calls back to ______________ what he mistakenly believes is

Titinius’s _____________ by enemy soldiers.

ByersandByers 21
Fearing that the battle is _______, Cassius requests that ____________ help him to

commit suicide by ______________ him with the same ____________ he had used to slay

Caesar. Pindarus obliges Cassius’s wish and runs him through with his own ____________;

then escapes into the hillside a _____________ man. Titinius does in fact __________ to find

Cassius dead, and overcome with _____________, Titinius retrieves Cassius’s ____________

and stabs himself in the ____________.

Meanwhile, Messala locates _____________ and brings the him back to Cassius’s

body and is _____________to see that Titinius is now also dead. Brutus must return to the

__________ and attempts to rally his troops for a second _______________. Further along the

battlefield, Lucilius attempts to ______________ Brutus but is _______________ by Antony’s

troops; however, his life is _____________ because Antony is impressed by Lucilius’s bravado

and _______________.

On a different part of the ________________, Brutus is accompanied by the

remnants of his army and rests upon a ______________, exhausted from the day’s battle.

_____________ takes a moment to speak privately with several of his loyal followers, asking

each to help him _____________ suicide. Yet every man is _____________ by the proposition

until the sounds of battle grow closer and ____________ finally relents and agrees to

_____________ Brutus with taking his own life.

After Brutus’s death, _____________ and Octavius arrive and inquire about the

circumstances surrounding Brutus’s ___________. Strato informs the victors that in the face of

imminent ____________, Brutus stole their final moment of ______________ by taking his own

ByersandByers 22
life rather than face humiliation. With the ceasefire declared all along the battlefield, Octavius

_____________ the remaining enemy soldiers and ______________ the soldiers into his own

army before Antony delivers a brief _____________ to honor _____________ as a noble

Roman who genuinely believed his cause was just and necessary to better serve the

_______________ of Rome.


Advancing Chest Hilltop See

Antony Citizens Impersonate Spared
Appalled Commit Lost Stabbing
Army Death Loyalty Strato
Assault Defeat Pardons Surprised
Assist Die Philippi Sword
Battle Eulogy Pindarus Taunts
Battlefield Free Recruits Titinius
Brutus Glory Reports Troops
Capture Goodbye Return
Cassius Grief Rock

ByersandByers 23
Name: ________________________ Julius Caesar
Answer Key Act V: Review Activity

With the enemies’ armies encamped at Philippi, Octavius and Antony receive a

message that Cassius and Brutus’s armies are advancing down from their secure position atop a

hill and are preparing for battle. Before the battle commences, the four men meet on the open

ground and exchange a series of taunts and insults; accusing one another of treachery and

cowardice. The two pairs eventually separate, leaving Cassius and Brutus to exchange a heart-

felt goodbye with an underlying understanding that they may never see one another again if

one or both should die in upcoming battle.

As the battle gets underway, Brutus’s forces begin to gain an advantage over

Octavius’s troops and exploit their slight advantage by continuing their assault. On another

part of the battlefield, Cassius however is not as fortunate as his troops start to flee and break

ranks in retreat. Eventually, Antony’s soldiers slowly encircle Cassius’s army; believing the

enemy has captured his tents and encampments, Cassius is forced to escape to the safety of a

distant hilltop. Cassius instructs Titinius to ride back and investigate the situation up close and

report back. Pindarus, Cassius’s servant, climbs high up the hill to observe Titinius’s movements

and calls back to Cassius what he mistakenly believes is Titinius’s capture by enemy soldiers.

Fearing that the battle is lost, Cassius requests that Pindarus help him to commit

suicide by stabbing him with the same sword he had used to slay Caesar. Pindarus obliges

Cassius’s wish and runs him through with his own sword; then escapes into the hillside a free

ByersandByers 24
man. Titinius does in fact return to find Cassius dead, and overcome with grief, Titinius

retrieves Cassius’s sword and stabs himself in the chest.

Meanwhile, Messala locates Brutus and brings the him back to Cassius’s body and is

surprised to see that Titinius is now also dead. Brutus must return to the battle and attempts

to rally his troops for a second assault. Further along the battlefield, Lucilius attempts to

impersonate Brutus but is captured by Antony’s troops; however, his life is spared because

Antony is impressed by Lucilius’s bravado and loyalty.

On a different part of the battlefield, Brutus is accompanied by the remnants of his

army and rests upon a rock, exhausted from the day’s battle. Brutus takes a moment to speak

privately with several of his loyal followers, asking each to help him commit suicide. Yet every

man is appalled by the proposition until the sounds of battle grow closer and Strato finally

relents and agrees to assist Brutus with taking his own life.

After Brutus’s death, Antony and Octavius arrive and inquire about the

circumstances surrounding Brutus’s death. Strato informs the victors that in the face of

imminent defeat, Brutus stole their final moment of glory by taking his own life rather than

face humiliation. With the ceasefire declared all along the battlefield, Octavius pardons the

remaining enemy soldiers and recruits the soldiers into his own army before Antony delivers a

brief eulogy to honor Brutus as a noble Roman who genuinely believed his cause was just and

necessary to better serve the citizens of Rome.

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