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Skill Performance Evaluation: Breast Examination

Directions: You will have 10 minutes to complete the skill. All critical (C) steps and 80% of the noncritical steps must
be performed (if possible) or verbalized. Special tests (S) will be performed if requested by instructor.
Start: End:
Performed Verbalized
Washes hands and dons appropriate personal protective equipment. C
Introduces self to patient using first and last name. Y/N
Notes general appearance and vital signs. Y/N
Inspection of Breast
FEMALE: Patient is seated with arms at sides.
1. Color, any thickening or enlarged pores Y/N Y/N
2. Size, symmetry, contours, and any retraction or dimpling Y/N Y/N
3. Nipples: size, shape, direction, any rashes, ulcers, discharge, or inversion Y/N Y/N
4. Patient’s arms above head: Repeat inspection steps 1–3 Y/N
5. Patient’s hands pressed against hips: Repeat inspection steps 1–3 Y/N
6. Patient leans forward: Repeat steps 1–3 (This is a special test for large/pendulous
1. Nodules, swelling, ulcerations, or gynecomastia Y/N Y/N
Palpation of Breast
FEMALE: Patient is supine with ipsilateral hand behind head.
1. Palpate for consistency, tenderness, or nodules Y/N Y/N
2. Palpate nipple, noting its elasticity Y/N Y/N
MALE: Patient is seated or supine.
1. Palpate areola and breast tissue for nodules Y/N Y/N
2. Palpate to distinguish glandular enlargement from soft fatty enlargement of obesity
(This is a special test for enlarged breasts.)
Inspection of Axillae: Both female and male patients.
1. Inspect for rash, lesions, masses, or unusual pigmentation Y/N Y/N
Palpation of Axillae: Patient is sitting or supine with arms relaxed by sides.
1. Palpate central, pectoral, and lateral lymph nodes Y/N Y/N

2. Palpate the infraclavicular and supraclavicular lymph nodes Y/N Y/N

3. Assess any enlarged nodes for size, shape, consistency, mobility, and tenderness Y/N
Adequate exposure was maintained for all inspection steps. C
Adequate draping was maintained for all steps. C
Evaluation: #Y = #C =
min. = 17/21 female min. = 3
= 10/13 male
Needs remediation?
Comments on quality of performance:

Student: Evaluator: Date:

Developed by Albany Medical College, Center for Physician Assistant Studies | Bickley: Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination
and History Taking, Twelfth Edition. Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health

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