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The Templist Memetic Codebook

Templist: An initiate who has completed the trials of Templism, and nobody else. Also, an adjective for
something that “is Templist”.

Meme Format: “is X Templist?” “Yes/no/here’s why”.

Harbinger: A non-Templist who supports the religion by posting propaganda, so-called because they are
“harbingers” of actual Templists.

Meme Format: “harbingers doing X [notable or humorous thing that propagandizes Templism]”

Imperial: A Templist, connoting his participation in the Templist Empire, most often simply “The Empire”, which
is a divinely sanctioned political entity destined to come to fruition, existing however small in the current
initiates of Templism and their servants. Also, something that “is Templist”. To be used more often in the
political context, as in “that policy is Imperial”.

Meme Format: “[referencing some political decision or event] Imperial”

Imperium: The latent divinely sanctioned area over which the Empire will exist, namely the whole
Indo-European world including Iran and India. Used in an aspirational sense.

Meme Format: “we shall etc etc to take the Imperium!”, “we have a great Imperium to conquer etc etc!”

Merovingian: A claimant to the prophesied Templist nobility that will rule over the Empire. Generally should
not be used to characterize anyone.

Meme Format: “[prophetic] the Merovingians shall arise to etc etc” “I can’t wait until a the local Merovingian
orders the rounding up of X etc”

“Templism”: A simple memetic word coined by The Author, spoken in lieu of any effort or deeper reasoning.
Highlights the fact that our purpose is to proselytize, and anything worth saying is already in the Canon, or
some other text.

Meme Format: “Templism”

Veles Slav: A Slav descended from and favored by Veles, a corrupt decadent agricultural god. Lazy, perhaps
asiatic, Vladimir Putin physiognomy.

Meme Format: “X person is a Veles Slav”, “the Veles Slavs shall be conquered”
Perun Slav: A Slav descended from and favored by Perun, a professional war god. A dispassionate soldier.
Yan Petrovsky physiognomy.

Meme Format: “X is a Perun Slav”, “the Perun Slavs shall conquer”

Phenomenological: Also phenomenologist, often “phenomenological wisdom”. Method of obtaining truth by

direct observance of the world, accepting all phenomena as they appear, even if their appearances may
change. Basically means “ultra-empirical”.

Meme Format: honest commentary on philosophy or science involving the concept of phenomenology.

North Sea Phenomenologist: The races of the North Sea that are said to possess phenomenological
disposition innately, hence their philosophies are not full of superstitious stupid shit and abstractions.

Meme Format: “[referencing something of obviously obtuse theoretics] what happened, North Sea
phenomenologists?”, “only North Sea Phenomenologists know X”

Wotan-as-God: The name of the Christian God with the revealed identity of Wotan.

Meme Format: “we do X for Wotan-as-God”

Ethical Laws: The eighteen laws mandated by the gods in Templist Canon, Ethical Laws.

Meme Format: “violates/upholds law #X”

YWNBAT: You will never be a Templist. Traditionally saddled on those who demonstrate religious
sentimentality that prevents them from understanding the prosaic Canon, but other faults can also mean that

Meme Format: “I read your criticism of the Canon. It doesn’t really say anything. It is basically just whining
about how you want religions to be emotionally evocative. YWNBAT”

Imbuement: Ascribing an effect or quality to something that does not in reality seem to have that effect or
quality for the purpose of psychological magic.

Meme Format: “conferring an imbuement upon your X to make it Z to give you quality Y”, “conferring an
imbuement upon you with Templist magic to give you quality X”

Reincarnation: The reincarnation doctrine is complex, but contains much memetic potential for generating
insults and the like. Souls are immortal, called “immaterial souls”, by which we mean consciousness. The gods
allocate your immaterial soul to a person, organism, or object after you die. If you are a highly virtuous person,
you will be allocated to a person of similar quality and the same tribe. If you are not a virtuous person, you will
be allocated to a person or organism of similar quality and of a different tribe. If you are a virtuous person, but
there are no bodies available of equivalent virtue, you will be allocated to an important inanimate object until
that object breaks, which is intended to preserve the virtue status of your soul until a suitable body becomes
available. If there is an excess of unvirtuous people, since virtuous souls cannot be allocated to them, many of
them will simply be unsouled beings, which are called Philosophical Zombies, while the virtuous will reside in
objects, waiting to be freed by their human-ensouled counterparts, who perennially persecute the unvirtuous
and appropriate their generative power (i.e, economic possessions) to the virtuous so that they will increase.

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