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Siemens Digital Industries Software

Simcenter 3D
Solution guide

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Simcenter 3D

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Addressing complex Welcome to Simcenter 3D Faster CAE processes

Simcenter™ 3D software from Siemens Simcenter 3D is an integrated environ-
engineering challenges by Digital Industries Software addresses ment in which you do all of your CAE
enhancing simulation complex product engineering processes pre- and postprocessing. Within this
efficiency by delivering revolutionary improve- environment, Simcenter 3D offers what
ments in simulation efficiency. With customers often describe as unrivaled
Computer-aided engineering (CAE) has advanced capability 3D simulation geometry manipulation tools that can
long proven its value as a troubleshoot- technologies and a comprehensive
ing and analysis tool, but is generally range of CAE applications, Simcenter 3D
perceived as slow, delivering accurate offers new methods that increase
results too late to drive development. realism and deliver better insight
The simulation process with traditional into your product’s performance.
CAE tools is slow due to tedious geom- Simcenter 3D captures expert
etry cleanup processes, and simulation knowledge and best-practice
disciplines are disconnected from each workflows, enabling engi-
other, hampering efficient workflows. neers and analysts to col-
To meet complex challenges, product laborate on a platform
engineering teams need a unified, that accommodates all
shared platform for all simulation aspects of functional
disciplines, with leading-edge analysis performance.
tools that are easy-to-use, incorporate
more productive workflows and
produce consistent results.


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handle computer-aided design (CAD) ing tool for other common, third-party Flexible licensing
data from any source, provide compre- solvers like ANSYS, Abaqus, MSC To make Simcenter 3D even more
hensive meshing and modeling for Nastran and LS-Dyna. This means you flexible for your simulation team,
multiple simulation applications, and can take advantage of the excellent CAD Simcenter 3D offers value-based token
deliver the unique capability to associ- associativity, geometry editing tools licensing. Instead of purchasing indi-
ate the analysis model to design data. and comprehensive meshing capabili- vidual licenses for each add-on module,
This helps you speed the tedious model- ties of Simcenter 3D to immediately you can buy packs of tokens that allow
ing process and keep analysis models in reduce the time necessary for your you to instantly access most Simcenter
sync with the latest design. This trans- simulation workflows. The common 3D products. With value-based licens-
lates into a much faster CAE process environment also gives engineers a ing, almost the entire suite of Simcenter
than can be achieved with traditional scalable platform on which to build 3D products is immediately available to
CAE tools. automated routines to drive repeatable you and your team.
and complex simulation processes.
Multidiscipline integration
Simcenter 3D integrates industry-stan- Tied into the digital thread
dard, multidiscipline simulation solvers, As part of the Simcenter portfolio of
all from a centralized engineering simulation tools, Simcenter 3D inte-
environment. The Simcenter 3D simula- grates with the digital thread that spans
tion solvers for structures, acoustics, 3D simulation, 1D simulation and
structural dynamics, durability, motion, testing solutions. However, simulation
thermal, flow, electromagnetics and is just a part of a longer digital thread
more help you to predict real-world running through your product develop-
performance for a large variety of ment processes. Simcenter 3D also
physics domains. This tight integration keeps your simulation processes tied to
of solutions streamlines multiphysics this longer thread with a seamlessly
processes that would otherwise be too managed environment that connects
challenging to perform. with simulation data management. This
keeps your simulation processes in sync
Open and scalable with digital development processes like
In addition to supporting Siemens’ CAD, routing, product requirements and
multidiscipline solvers, Simcenter 3D manufacturing processes.
can be used as a pre- and postprocess-

Find/ Repair/
Mesh Loads and BCs Evaluate results
import data edit geometry
CAE process using
traditional tools

Faster initial iteration

CAE process using
Simcenter 3D
Rapid update for later iterations

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Simcenter 3D is the most comprehensive, fully-integrated CAE solu-
tion on the market today, and this solution guide will help you
understand what it has to offer for engineering simulation. This
guide starts with the foundation, Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop,
which is the central platform and user interface you use to model,
perform and evaluate all of your simulations. The rest of the sec-
tions outline the physics domains you can work in and the kind of
solutions you can perform with Simcenter 3D.
Welcome to the world of Simcenter 3D!

Table of contents
Engineering Desktop 6 – 19
Structures 20 – 29
Structural dynamics 30 – 47
Durability 48 – 59
Acoustics 60 – 75
Motion 76 – 101
Multiphysics 102 – 113
Thermal 114 – 125
Flow 126 – 135
Electromagnetics 136 – 147
Optimization 148 – 157
Additive manufacturing 158 – 165
Aerostructures 166 – 173
Composites 174 – 183
Simulation data management 184 – 190
Appendix 191

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Siemens Digital Industries Software

Simcenter 3D
Engineering Desktop
Integrating geometry and FE modeling
to streamline product development

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Simcenter™ 3D Engineering Desktop software
Solution benefits is a unified, open and extensible computer-
• Provide a platform for multidiscipline simulation aided engineering (CAE) environment for
advanced analysts. Simcenter 3D Engineering
• Enable fast, intuitive geometry editing
Desktop is the hub of the Simcenter 3D
• Deliver comprehensive meshing platform, and it speeds the simulation process
• Efficiently create and manage finite element by helping you to efficiently build the model
assemblies you need from 3D geometry faster than
traditional CAE preprocessors.
• Quickly pre- and postprocess finite element
models for popular common finite element
solvers Providing a platform for
multidiscipline simulation
• Capture knowledge and automate processes
Simcenter 3D Engineering
Desktop sits at the core
of a broader, inte-
grated multidiscipline
simulation environ-
ment. Simcenter 3D
Engineering Desktop
is the centralized
working environment
for pre-/postprocess-
ing of all Simcenter
3D solutions for
structural, dynamics,
composites, durability,

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Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop

Geometry Meshing and Loads and

Solve Postprocessing
preparation assembly constraints

Quickly simplify and Comprehensive auto Add loads and Use your solver of Evaluate deforma-
abstract geometry in and manual meshing constraints to either choice: Simcenter tion, stress and other
preparation for for 0D, 1D, shell and geometry or Nastran, Simcenter criteria using contour
meshing solid elements. Effi- elements Samcef, Simcenter 3D plots, animation,
ciently assemble and Thermal, Simcenter annotations and XY
connect FE compo- 3D Flow, Abaqus, graphing
nents ANSYS, LS-Dyna, or
MSC Nastran

What-if, optimization, feedback to designer

acoustics, thermal, flow, motion, optimization, and time, which results in huge time savings across a proj-
electromagnetics . This integrated environment helps ect’s many design-analysis iterations.
you to achieve faster CAE processes and streamline
multidiscipline simulations that integrate any of the Efficiently create and manage FE assemblies
Simcenter 3D solutions together, like thermal-mechani- Unlike traditional CAE preprocessors that were devel-
cal, vibro-acoustic, or other more complex analyses. oped for component analysis and require you to build
monolithic analysis models, the Simcenter 3D
Enabling fast, intuitive geometry editing Engineering Desktop assembly finite element (FE)
Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop is built on an indus- model (AFEM) management tool enables you to create
try-leading geometry foundation. By using Simcenter large assembly models by instancing and connecting
3D Engineering Desktop, you can rapidly clean up and component models together, like a CAD assembly.
prepare geometry from any computer-aided design When an FE component is updated later in develop-
(CAD) source using direct modeling. Geometry edits ment, Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop updates all
and the complete analysis model remain associated to instances of that component in the assembly, eliminat-
the base design, which means you can easily update ing the need to rebuild and connect a new FE
your analysis model each time the design changes. As a assembly.
result, using Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop accel-
erates your design-analysis iterations and improves Supporting multiple common CAE solvers
your overall productivity. Take advantage of Simcenter 3D pre- and postprocess-
ing benefits with all your FE solvers. Simcenter 3D
Delivering comprehensive meshing Engineering Desktop can be used as the primary pre-
Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop includes extensive and postprocessor for Simcenter Nastran® software
modeling functions for automatic and manual mesh and Simcenter Samcef® software, or for third-party
generation of 0D, 1D, 2D and 3D elements, and numer- solvers such as Abaqus, ANSYS, LS-DYNA and MSC
ous techniques for applying loads and boundary condi- Nastran. This is accomplished with immersive user
tions. The Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop inte- environments that use the selected solver’s terminol-
grated environment is unique because it associates the ogy, which enables analysts to easily prepare solver-
analysis model to its geometry so when the design specific analysis models without the need to learn new
geometry changes, it rapidly updates the existing anal- terminology.
ysis geometry, mesh, loads and boundary conditions.
This approach greatly reduces downstream modeling
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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop

Capturing knowledge and automating processes Desktop can help drastically reduce the time you spend
Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop allows engineering on modeling these industry applications.
organizations to capture the expertise of senior ana-
lysts and make it available for others in the organiza- Aerospace and defense
tion to use in the form of wizards and templates. CAE Engineers that work on airframes and aircraft engines
processes can be captured and automated using NX™ have vastly different needs for simulation modeling.
Open software, an open framework for automation and Simcenter 3D can be used to efficiently handle the
programming. Analysts can capture the steps of a CAE large assemblies that airframers need to manage, and
process and then develop scripts and easy-to-use dialog it can also easily facilitate building the axisymmetric
boxes so others can re-use the same process. Since models that are required for aero engines.
Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop is built on top of the
same platform as NX CAD, designers who use NX can Automotive and transportation
continue to work in a familiar environment when they Body-in-white (BIW) modeling is a time-consuming
perform CAE. process that requires a connection between hundreds
of FE components. Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop
Seamlessly connect with simulation data can help automate and reduce the time spent on BIW
management modeling.
Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop seamlessly inte-
grates with the entire Teamcenter® software data Consumer products
management portfolio, including the simulation pro- The consumer goods market moves fast, which means
cess management module. Simulation data manage- your engineers need to move even faster. Simcenter
ment capabilities work out-of-the-box (OOTB), and 3D helps you keep pace with rapid design changes so
companies can implement a complete environment for you can quickly simulate the latest iteration of your
managing CAE data, processes and workflow as part of design.
a wider product development environment. This
reduces waste by promoting re-use of existing designs Industrial machinery
and engineering knowledge. It also synchronizes data From structural components and rotating equipment to
and makes it readily accessible using data mining, large complex machines, Simcenter 3D Engineering
visualization and reporting. Desktop can help you quickly create the right analysis
Industry applications
CAE is used across almost all industries today. Marine
However, the CAE process is still quite inefficient as Ship models can be quite large, and Simcenter 3D
engineers can spend upwards of 80 percent of their Engineering Desktop has FE assembly management
time on analysis modeling. Simcenter 3D Engineering tools that can help you create easy-to-manage struc-
tural models.

TEST-CAE Structures
NVH and Motion
acoustics Rotor dynamics
Thermal Electro- 1D – 3D
Flow magnetics co-simulation

Composites Durability
Optimization Multiphysics

Linear FEM Nonlinear FEM BEM Multibody Fatigue Electronics cooling CFD Multiscale models

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop

Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop

Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop is a unified, scal- Module benefits

able, open and extensible 3D CAE environment for • Speed simulation processes by up to 70 percent
advanced analysts. It speeds the simulation process by
helping you to efficiently build the simulation model • Increase product quality by rapidly simulating design
you need from 3D geometry faster than traditional CAE tradeoff studies
preprocessors. • Lower overall product development costs by
reducing costly, late design change orders
• Efficiently manage large, complex FE assemblies
• Capture and automate best practices and commonly
used processes
• Provide pre- and postprocess analysis models for the
most popular finite element solvers
• Easily add multidiscipline simulation capabilities as
your analysis needs grow

Key features
• An industry-leading geometry foundation for faster
geometry editing and abstraction
• Comprehensive meshing tools
• Efficient FE assembly management
• Extensive graphics, plotting and reporting
capabilities for postprocessing
• An open and extensible platform
• Seamless integration with simulation data

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop

Simcenter 3D Environment for Simcenter Nastran

Included with Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop, the Module benefits

Simcenter 3D Environment for Simcenter Nastran® • Simplifies the Simcenter Nastran modeling process by
software enables you to build finite element models, enabling engineers to create analysis models based on
define solution parameters and view the solution geometry or legacy Simcenter Nastran input data files
results for the Simcenter Nastran solver. The environ-
ment immerses you in familiar Simcenter Nastran • Reduces or eliminates intermediate manual processing
language for element definitions, loads and boundary of data files by generating run-ready decks directly
conditions, solution parameters and other common from Simcenter 3D
Simcenter Nastran nomenclature. In addition to defin-
ing model capabilities, the Simcenter Nastran environ- Key features
ment provides bi-directional import/export capabilities
• Immerses engineers in the Simcenter Nastran
that enable you to import current or legacy Simcenter
environment by using familiar terminology and
Nastran bulk data files and results as well as export its
extensive support of product-specific elements and
run-ready data files.
• The Simcenter Nastran environment supports a variety
of solutions:
-- SOL 101 – Linear statics
-- SOL 103 – Normal modes
-- SOL 105 – Buckling
-- SOL 106 – Nonlinear and linear statics
-- SOL 107 – Direct complex eigenvalues
-- SOL 108 – Direct frequency response
-- SOL 109 – Direct transient response
-- SOL 110 – Modal complex eigenvalues
-- SOL 111 – Modal frequency response
-- SOL 112 – Modal transient response
-- SOL 129 – Nonlinear and linear transient response
-- SOL 153 – Static structural and/or steady-state heat
transfer analysis with options: linear or nonlinear
-- SOL 159 – Transient structural and/or transient heat
transfer analysis with options: linear or nonlinear
-- SOL 200 – Design optimization with option for only
sensitivity analysis
-- SOL 401 – Multistep, structural solution that
supports a combination of static (linear or nonlinear)
subcases and modal (real eigenvalue) subcases
-- SOL 402 – Multistep, structural solution that
supports a combination of subcase types (static
linear, static nonlinear, nonlinear dynamic, preload,
modal, Fourier, buckling) and supports large rotation
-- SOL 601/106 – Advanced nonlinear and linear statics
-- SOL 601/129 – Advanced nonlinear and linear
transient response
-- SOL 701 – Explicit nonlinear

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop

Simcenter 3D Environment for Simcenter Samcef

The Simcenter 3D Environment for Simcenter Samcef Module benefits

enables you to build FE models, define solution param- • Simplifies the modeling process by enabling you to
eters and visualize results for the Simcenter Samcef create analysis models based on geometry or legacy
solver. This environment allows you to take advantage Simcenter Samcef input data files
of powerful geometry editing, meshing and general
preprocessing capabilities in Simcenter 3D to build • Reduces or eliminates intermediate manual
analysis models for the Simcenter Samcef faster than processing of data files by generating run-ready
with traditional CAE tools. decks directly from Simcenter 3D

Key features
• Immerses you in the Simcenter Samcef environment
by using familiar terminology and providing
extensive support for specific elements and entities
of the product
• Includes a variety of supported analysis types:
-- Linear statics with several load cases
-- Modal analysis
-- Buckling analysis with several load cases
-- Nonlinear static and dynamic analysis with several
-- Thermal analysis
-- Chaining of analysis

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop

Simcenter 3D Environment for Abaqus

The Simcenter 3D Environment for Abaqus enables you Module benefits

to build finite element models, define solution param- • Simplifies the Abaqus modeling process by enabling
eters and view the solution results for the Abaqus you to create analysis models based on geometry or
solver. The environment immerses you in familiar legacy input data files
Abaqus language for element definitions, loads and
boundary conditions, solution parameters and other • Reduces or eliminates intermediate manual
common Abaqus nomenclature. In addition to defining processing of data files by generating run-ready
model capabilities, the Abaqus environment enables decks directly from Simcenter 3D
bi-directional import/export capabilities that enable you
to import its current or legacy data files and results, as Key features
well as export run-ready Abaqus input data files.
• Structural: statics, buckling and modal
• Steady-state heat transfer
• Visco analyses
• Transient modal dynamic analyses
• Response spectrum analysis
• Complex eigenvalue extraction analysis
• Implicit dynamic stress and displacement analyses
• Dynamic explicit analysis and axisymmetric dynamic
explicit analysis
• Direct cyclic analyses

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop

Simcenter 3D Environment for ANSYS

The Simcenter 3D Environment for ANSYS enables you Module benefits

to build finite element models, define solution param- • Simplifies the ANSYS modeling process by enabling
eters and view the solution results for the ANSYS you to create analysis models based on geometry or
solver. The environment immerses you in familiar legacy input data files
ANSYS language for element definitions, loads and
boundary conditions, solution parameters and other • Reduces or eliminates intermediate manual
common nomenclature. In addition to defining model processing of data files by generating run-ready decks
capabilities, the ANSYS environment provides bi-direc- directly from Simcenter 3D
tional import/export capabilities that enable you to
import its current or legacy data files and results, as Key features
well as export run-ready ANSYS input data files.
• Immerses you in the ANSYS environment by using
familiar terminology and extensive support of specific
elements and entities of ANSYS
• Supported solutions include:
-- Structural linear static, modal, buckling and
nonlinear static
-- Cyclic symmetry analysis for linear static, modal,
nonlinear static, or harmonic – mode superposition
-- Axisymmetric structural linear and nonlinear statics
-- Modal flexible body (for use in Simcenter 3D
Motion analysis)
-- Nonlinear buckling
-- Transient dynamic
-- Harmonic
-- Thermal and axisymmetric thermal
-- Thermal transient
-- Thermal-structural multiphysics

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop

Simcenter 3D Environment for LS-Dyna

The Simcenter 3D Environment for LS-Dyna enables Module benefits

you to build finite element models and define solution • Simplifies the LS-Dyna modeling process by enabling
parameters for the LS-Dyna solver. The environment you to create analysis models based on geometry or
immerses you in familiar LS-Dyna language for element legacy LS-Dyna input data files
definitions, loads and boundary conditions, solution
parameters and other common LS-Dyna nomenclature.
In addition to defining model capabilities, the LS-Dyna Key features
environment enables bi-directional import/export capa- • Immerses you in the LS-Dyna environment by using
bilities that allow you to import current or legacy data familiar terminology and supporting specific product
files and results, as well as export run-ready LS-Dyna elements and entities
input data files.
• Supports general structural impact solution

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop

Simcenter 3D Environment for MSC Nastran

The Simcenter 3D Environment for MSC Nastran soft- Module benefits

ware enables you to build finite element models, • Simplifies the MSC Nastran modeling process by
define solution parameters and view the solution enabling you to create analysis models based on
results for the MSC Nastran solver. The environment geometry or legacy MSC Nastran input data files
immerses you in familiar MSC Nastran language for
element definitions, loads and boundary conditions, • Reduces or eliminates intermediate manual processing
solution parameters and other common MSC Nastran of data files by generating run-ready decks directly from
nomenclature. In addition to model definition capabili- Simcenter 3D
ties, the MSC Nastran environment provides bi-direc-
tional import/export capabilities that enable you to Key features
import current or legacy MSC Nastran bulk data files
• Immerses you in the MSC Nastran environment by using
and results as well as export run-ready data files.
familiar MSC Nastran terminology and extensive support
of product-specific elements and entities
• There are a variety of supported solutions:
-- SOL 101 – Linear statics
-- SOL 103 – Normal modes
-- SOL 105 – Buckling
-- SOL 106 – Nonlinear or linear statics
-- SOL 107 – Direct complex eigenvalues
-- SOL 108 – Direct frequency response
-- SOL 109 – Direct transient response
-- SOL 110 –Modal complex eigenvalues
-- SOL 111 – Modal frequency response
-- SOL 112 –Modal transient response
-- SOL 129 – Nonlinear or linear transient response
-- SOL 153 – Static structural and/or steady-state heat
transfer analysis with options: linear or nonlinear
-- SOL 159 – Transient structural
and/or transient heat transfer
analysis with options: linear or
nonlinear analysis
-- SOL 200 – Design optimization
with option for only sensitivity

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop

Capabilities chart

Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop

General capabilities

General capabilities
Engineering Desktop

Engineering Desktop
Simcenter 3D

Simcenter 3D
Specific capabilities Specific capabilities

Pre-processing Hierarchical assembly management •

Efficient connection modeling •

Neutral geometry transfer (IGES, STEP, the JT™ data


format, Parasolid® software) Superelement support +

Direct geometry transfer (CATIA V4, CATIA V5, Pro/E) + FE and test-based data hybrid modeling +
Apply on geometry •
Parasolid® software geometry kernel •
Apply to local coordinate system •
Parametric solid and surface modeling •
Boundary conditions
Geometry modeling

Apply on FE entities •
Direct modeling with synchronous technology •
Apply on groups •
Feature modeling •
Axisymmetric boundary conditions •
Assembly structure creation •
Automatic contact detection and setup •
Interpart relationship •
Automated load transfer from motion analysis •
Configurations •
Import test measurement data from and map to finite
Convergent modeling (facet body editing) + •
element model (load recipe)
Direct editing with synchronous technology • Simcenter Nastran •
External solver data

(import and export)

Defeature tools (geometry repair, feature suppression, Simcenter Samcef +

deck support
Geometry editing prior

stitch surface, remove hole/fillet, partitioning)

Abaqus +
Non-manifold topology generation for volumes •
to meshing

Mid-surfacing (constant and variable thickness) •
LS-Dyna +
Automatic topology abstraction •
MSC Nastran +
Manual topology modification tools •
Analysis model

Create surface from mesh face •

to design

Accept convergent model as input, push convergent Automatic analysis model update based on geometry
• •
model to NX CAD module change
Beam modeling •
Automated bolt connection meshing •
Automated shell meshing • Legend:
2D mapped meshing • • = included in module
+ = additional product required
Automated tetrahedral meshing •
Meshing and modeling

Swept hexahedral meshing •

Surface coating •
Transition meshing •
Axisymmetric meshing •
Batch meshing •
Mesh quality checks •
Material property creation and management •
Mass property calculations •
Physical property creation and management •
Variable element thickness •
Grouping •

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop

General capabilities

Engineering Desktop
Simcenter 3D
Specific capabilities


Contour displays •
Beam cross-section contour displays •
Vector displays •
Isosurface displays •
Cutting planes •
Advanced lighting control •
Animations •
Complex dynamic response results •
Multiple viewports •
Probing of results on nodes •
Postprocessing data table with sort/criteria •
Results listings •
Transparency display •
Local coordinate system •
XY graphing •
Bar graphing •
Synchronized contour and XY plotting displays •
Annotated graphs •
Output (JT, postscript, tif, etc.) •
Enhanced acoustics and NVH postprocessing +
Simcenter Nastran •
result file support
External solver

Simcenter Samcef +
Abaqus +
LS-Dyna +
MSC Nastran +

• = included in module
+ = additional product required

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop

Simcenter 3D solver environments

for Simcenter BEM Acoustics

Simcenter 3D Environment

Simcenter 3D Environment

Simcenter 3D Environment

Simcenter 3D Environment

Simcenter 3D Environment

Simcenter 3D Environment

Simcenter 3D Environment
General capabilities

for Simcenter Nastran

for Simcenter Samcef

Specific capabilities

for MSC Nastran

for LS-Dyna
for Abaqus

Supported analysis types

Linear statics • • • • •
Normal modes • • • • •

Buckling • • • • •
Nonlinear • • • • •
Axisymmetric structural • • • • • •
Modal frequency response • •
Direct frequency response • • •
Modal transient response • • •
Structural dynamics

Direct transient response • • •

Random response •
Complex modes • •
Superelements • • •
Flexible bodies (for motion simulation) • • • •
Dynamic explicit • •
Axisymmetric dynamic explicit • •
Response spectrum •
Coupled fluid-structure (vibro-acoustic) analysis •
Frequency response functions (FRF) +

Recursive domain normal modes (RDMODES) •

Fast frequency response (FASTFR) •
Modal representation +
Steady-state heat transfer • • • • •

Transient heat transfer • • • • •

Axisymmetric thermal • • • •
Acoustic eigenvalues (normal modes, natural freq) •

Frequency response • •
Transient response •
Vibro-acoustics • •

Coupled thermal-mechanical + • •

Coupled fluid-structure interaction +

Coupled thermal-flow-structural +

• = included in module
+ = additional product required
Note: Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop is a minimum prerequisite
for all Simcenter 3D products. Other dependency or prerequisites
may apply for individual products.

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Siemens Digital Industries Software

Simcenter 3D for
structural simulation
Increasing realism and improving insight

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Simcenter™ 3D software for structural simulation
Solution benefits offers a set of finite element (FE) structural
• Reduce risk and cost while developing solvers that are part of the Simcenter portfolio
innovative structures of simulation tools. They are used by engineers
across industries as part of their product
• Investigate product performance virtually in all
possible operating conditions, including development process to evaluate the structural
thermally influenced operating conditions performance of their systems.
• Obtain more accurate solution results than
linear analysis when standard linear Providing finite element solution for experienced
assumptions are not valid CAE analysts
Simcenter 3D for structures is comprised of two struc-
• Improve confidence in final designs by virtually tural solver solution sets:
investigating your product’s performance in all
possible operating conditions • Simcenter Nastran® software
• Simcenter Samcef® software
Structural solutions of Simcenter 3D offer scalable,
open and extensible capabilities for both general and
advanced analysts. They can be used on laptop, work-
station and servers to solve everything from small
models to the largest state-of-the art industrial models.
Simcenter Nastran and Simcenter Samcef are available
with enterprise licensing, which means they can be
used independently from Simcenter pre/post solutions
and can run on Windows and Linux operating systems.

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Simcenter 3D for structural simulation

Find/ Repair/
Mesh Loads and BCs Evaluate results
import data edit geometry
CAE process using
traditional tools

Faster initial iteration

CAE process using
Simcenter 3D
Rapid update for later iterations

Reduce risk by using simulation to save time and Investigate product performance virtually under all
cost possible operating conditions
Simcenter 3D software addresses complex product Simcenter 3D includes solvers that enable you to dive
engineering by delivering significant improvements in deep into the physics. Every application specialist will
simulation efficiency. With advanced-capability 3D find state-of-the-art technology that fits the problem –
simulation technologies and powerful model prepara- static or dynamic, linear or nonlinear, composite or
tion technology, Simcenter 3D offers new methods that other, including temperature-dependant materials and
increase realism and deliver better insight. thermal loads acting on a structure.

Accelerate innovation with rapid iterations Co-simulation with Simcenter Nastran

Synchronous technology in Simcenter 3D helps you Beyond structural solutions, Simcenter Nastran also
reduce the time spent on model abstraction and geom- enables co-simulation of structural, thermal and flow
etry editing. Meshes, loads and boundary conditions physics. A dedicated multiphysics environment allows
are all associated with the base design, so when the you to define the complete solution on a single model,
design topology changes, you can rapidly update your making co-simulation easily accessible to a broad set of
simulation results. The solvers and analysis tools pro- users.
vide all the accuracy and speed you need for timely
simulation-driven insights.

22 Siemens Digital Industries Software

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural simulation

Industry applications Automotive – Ground vehicles

Simcenter Nastran and Simcenter Samcef have helped • Body – Roof crush, panel strength, stiffness, frame
manufacturers as well as engineering suppliers in many durability
industries with their critical engineering computing
• Powertrain/driveline – Torque loads, thermal stress
needs so they can produce safe, reliable and optimized
and distortion
designs within increasingly shorter design cycles.
• Chassis – Harshness loads, suspension deflections
Airframe - Aerospace and defense - Aero engines
• Off-highway vehicles – Strength, durability, rollover
• Airplane frame – Stiffness, frame durability, modal
protective structures (ROPs), stability
• Manufacturing tools –Thermal stress and distortion,
• Wings – Stiffness, skin buckling, modal frequency
modal frequency, bolted stresses
• Airplane hatch – Seals, structural strength
• Support structures – Stability, stress
• Airplane pylons, ailerons, stabilizers – Stiffness,
strength Marine
• Full ships –Stiffness, deformation, strength
• Satellite – Thermal stress and distortion, composites,
modal frequency • Hulls – Skin rupture
• Launch vehicles – Thermal stress, maneuver loads, • Bulkheads – Structural strength
payload bracket loads
• Launch structures – Wind loads, launch loads • Hand-held equipment – Drop simulation, plastic
• Aero engines fans – Rotating loads, distortion, component stress
composites • Printed circuit boards (PCB) – Thermal stress and
• Aero engines compressor – Rotating loads, thermal distortion, solder joint strength
stress and distortion, lifing, bolt stresses, cyclic • Electronic boxes – Bracket strength, modal frequency
symmetry, axisymmetry
• Aero engines turbines – Rotating loads, thermal Consumer goods
stress and distortion, lifing, creep, cyclic symmetry, • Packaging – Strength, stability, hyperelasticity, creep
axisymmetry, break-out modeling
• Aero engines casing – Bearing loads, maneuver loads

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural simulation

Simcenter 3D Structures

Simcenter 3D Structures software is a unified, scalable, Module benefits

open and extensible 3D computer-aided engineering • Speed simulation processes by up to 70 percent
(CAE) environment for advanced analysts. Simcenter
3D Structures is a bundle combining the Simcenter 3D • Perform accurate, reliable structural analysis with
Engineering Desktop, Simcenter Nastran environment the integrated Simcenter Nastran Basic solver
and the Simcenter Nastran Basic solver. Together, • Increase product quality by rapidly simulating design
Simcenter 3D Structures gives you best-in-class simula- tradeoff studies
tion modeling with the power to perform basic struc-
tural analysis with an industry-standard solver. The • Lower overall product development costs by
Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop contained in reducing costly, late design change orders
Simcenter 3D Structures speeds the simulation process • Efficiently manage large, complex analysis models
by helping you efficiently build the simulation model
you need from 3D geometry faster than traditional CAE • Capture and automate best practices and commonly
preprocessors. The integrated Simcenter Nastran solver used processes
in Simcenter 3D Structures lets you seamlessly submit • Easily add multidiscipline simulation capabilities as
analysis models for linear statics, normal modes, buck- your analysis needs grow
ling and basic heat transfer analyses. Simcenter 3D
Structures also forms the foundation on which you can
Key features
add additional solutions for advanced structural, ther-
mal, flow, acoustics, motion, optimization and multi- • All-inclusive software package with Simcenter 3D
physics analyses, all from a single environment. Engineering Desktop for pre/post together with
Simcenter Nastran Basic for structural analysis
• NX is a leading geometry kernel which is used as part
of Simcenter 3D to provide rapid geometry editing
and abstraction
• Comprehensive meshing tools combined with
efficient FE assembly management
• Immerses engineers in the Simcenter Nastran
environment by using familiar terminology and
extensive support of product-specific elements and
• Simulate structural analysis for linear statics, normal
modes, buckling and heat transfer using the trusted
Simcenter Nastran solver

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural simulation

Simcenter Nastran

Simcenter Nastran allows you to initiate digital simula- Module benefits

tion into your product development process by provid- • Reduce risk by using simulation to save time and cost
ing access to a broad library of finite element types and compared to physical test cycles
material models, robustly manipulating load cases and
delivering several efficient solution sequences for • Accelerate innovation with rapid iteration and
analyses on models of unlimited size. You can also numerous what-if studies
perform sensitivity studies based on these analysis • Investigate product performance virtually under all
types. possible operating conditions, including thermally
The Simcenter Nastran basic license comes with a full influenced operating conditions
base set of structural capabilities as the entry point for
Simcenter Nastran. It also comes with a basic heat Key features
transfer solver and the resulting temperatures can be
• Linear statics, normal modes, buckling
used as loads in a structural solution.
• Design sensitivity
• Basic nonlinear
• Composites
• Shared memory parallel (SMP) processing
Beyond the base set of capabilities, users can add more
advanced structural capabilities including:
• Multistep nonlinear (static, transient)
• Distributed memory parallel (DMP) processing
• Linear dynamics (transient, frequency, random)
• Rotor dynamics
• Design and topology optimization
• Aeroelastic
• Vibroacoustic

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural simulation

Simcenter Nastran Multistep Nonlinear

Simcenter Nastran Multistep Nonlinear is an advanced Module benefits

solution that provides comprehensive capabilities for • Use the same models already built and analyzed
geometric nonlinear, contact, plasticity, creep, hyper- linearly with Simcenter Nastran Basic
elasticity and other material behaviors. The multistep
solution allows users to set up sequential subcases for • Improve confidence in final designs by virtually
preload, nonlinear statics, nonlinear transient, modal, investigating your product’s performance under all
buckling, post buckling and harmonic modes. possible operating conditions

This is an add-on product to a basic license that pro- • Obtain more accurate solution results than linear
vides two nonlinear solution options: Simcenter analysis when standard linear assumptions are not
Nastran solution SOL 401 and SOL 402. Both are suited valid
to a similarly wide range of nonlinear problems, but
each also has unique features. Key features
• Static/dynamic analysis of models, including material
and geometrical nonlinear behaviors
• Multistep solver allowing the following analysis
types in different steps: static, dynamic, preload,
modal, buckling, cyclic symmetry modes, Fourier
harmonic modes
• Material nonlinear: hyperelasticity models (Mooney-
Rivlin, Ogden, hyperfoam, Mullins effect, damping
with Prony series), elastoplastic (Von Mises yield
criterion, isotropic hardening, kinematic hardening,
mixed hardening), thermal elastoplastic, creep,
combined creep and elastoplastic
• Geometrical nonlinear: Large deformations, large
strain, snap-through analysis (post buckling),
follower forces
• Contact: Shell and solid element face contact, edge
contact for axisymmetric modeling, single- and
double-sided contact, self-contact, multiple friction
models, tied contact, contact surface offsets, gap
elements, contact activation/deactivation per
subcase, contact pressures and force results, contact
separation and sliding results

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural simulation

Simcenter Nastran DMP

Simcenter Nastran DMP is an add-on module to Module benefits

Simcenter Nastran Basic. It enables parallel processing • More cores provide faster solutions
using distributed memory. It is an efficient approach to
solving large models and can be used on workstations • Allows solving large models that are not possible to
with multiprocessors using Windows. DMP solutions solve on a single central processing unit (CPU)
are available for static solves (SOL 101), modal eigen-
value solves (SOL 103), modal dynamic response solves
(SOL 111 and 112), direct frequency solves (SOL 108)
and nonlinear solves (SOL 401 and SOL 402). DMP can
also be used in combination with SMP, which comes as
part of Simcenter Nastran Basic.





Memory Memory Memory Memory

Disk Disk Disk Disk 0.0
1 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
(Lancos) (Recurs)
Number of CPUs

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural simulation

Capabilities chart

Simcenter 3D Structures

Simcenter 3D Structures
Simcenter Nastran Basic

Simcenter Nastran Basic

General capabilities

General capabilities

Multistep Nonlinear
Simcenter Nastran
Specific capabilities Specific capabilities

Statics • • Large displacement effect •

Dynamics (see Simcenter 3D for structural Large strain effect •

dynamics for details)
Contact • • •
Normal modes • • – Coulomb friction • • •
Superelements – Other friction models •
Buckling • • Nonlinear materials
Restarts • • Plasticity •
Parallel memory processing • • – Temperature dependence •
Elements – Bilinear •
3D solids • • – Multilinear •
2D solids • • – Isotropic hardening •
Shell • • – Kinematic hardening •
Membrane • • Creep •
Beam • • Hyperelastic material •
Nonlinear structural solutions

Springs • • Nonlinear elastic material •

Linear structural solutions

Rods • • Gasket material •

Rigid • • User defined material •
Composites Composite
Short fiber • • Cohesive delamination •
Long fiber • • Progressive failure •
Connections Curing simulation
Bolt preloads • • Algorithms
Contact connections • • Static nonlinear (implicit) •
Glue connections • • Transient nonlinear (implicit) •
Materials Thermal mechanical co-simulation •
Isotropic • • Fluid-structural co-simulation •
Orthotropic • • Modal about nonlinear state •
Anisotropic • • Complex modal about nonlinear state •
Temperature dependence • • Buckling about nonlinear state •
Loads/boundary conditions Multistep •
Gravity • • Arc-length •
Force/moment • • Cyclic symmetry modes •
Pressure • • Multi-harmonic modes •
Rotational • • Restart •
Temperature • • Element add/remove •
Enforced motion • •

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural simulation

Simcenter 3D Structures

Simcenter Nastran Basic

General capabilities

Multistep Nonlinear
Simcenter Nastran
Specific capabilities

Loads/boundary conditions (for nonlinear analyses only)

Distributed force •

Fluid pressure penetration •

Initial stress/strain •
Geometry imperfections •

• = included in module
Note: Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop is a minimum prerequisite
for all Simcenter 3D products. Other dependency or prerequisites
may apply for individual products.

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Siemens Digital Industries Software

Simcenter 3D for structural

dynamics simulation
Providing rapid insight into the dynamic response
of structural systems

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Simcenter™ 3D software offers a comprehen-
Solution benefits sive solution to understand, analyze and im-
• Perform comprehensive dynamic analysis and prove the response when a system is subjected
accelerate product time-to-market to dynamic loading. This includes the industry
standard Simcenter Nastran® software for
• Improve confidence in design by using
Simcenter Nastran to investigate the product’s dynamic analysis as well as interactive solu-
performance under dynamic operating tions for general dynamic analysis in order to
conditions efficiently understand and avoid excessive
vibrations and stresses. Moreover, dedicated
• Get insight and improve NVH performance by
capabilities are available for noise, vibration
dedicated tool set for NVH postprocessing and
troubleshooting and harshness (NVH) engineering, rotor
dynamics and correlation.
• Combine FE with measured data as loading or
component’s description for more realistic
simulations and hybrid assemblies Advancing structural dynamics prediction
Starting from the product concept phase, analysts and
• Rapidly evaluate and improve the dynamic specialists can rely on Simcenter 3D structural dynam-
performance of rotating systems ics solutions to analyze design decisions and systemati-
• Improve accuracy and increase confidence in cally improve dynamic characteristics of the system.
your FE models by correlating with actual The graphical user interface (GUI) of Simcenter 3D is
measured data fully customizable to suit your dynamic analysis pro-
cesses by creating predefined templates and streamlin-
ing the product engineering process.

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Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics simulation

NVH and rotor dynamics Providing a platform for multidiscipline simulation

Dedicated interactive and solver solutions are available The Simcenter 3D structural dynamics solution is part
to support industry workflows for NVH and the dynam- of a larger, integrated multidiscipline simulation envi-
ics of rotating machinery. ronment with the Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop at
the core for centralized pre-/postprocessing for all
Uniquely combine real-world test data in the Simcenter 3D solutions. This
simulation integrated environment
Using Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics solutions helps you to achieve
enables you to implement a distinctive hybrid simula- faster CAE processes
tion approach to leverage measured data as a compo- and streamline
nent representation in a system-level finite element multidiscipline
(FE) model, or to apply real-life loading to accurately simulations that
and robustly accelerate the engineering process. integrate dynamics
and other disci-
Increasing confidence in dynamic FE models plines like comput-
An integral part of making product engineering deci- ing dynamic loads
sions is having confidence in the simulation models so from motion, flow
you can accurately predict reality. Correlation solutions or electromagnetics
allow you to validate and improve the dynamic behav- solution.
ior of simulation models from physical test data.

Pre-test and Multilevel Connections

Preprocessing Cavity mesh Loads Solution Postprocessing
correlation assembly modeling

Defeaturing, Senor and ex- Component Universal Solid to shell Loads from Model reduc- Modal, grid
synchronous citer locations, models sub- connections, meshing, measured data, tion techniques path, panel and
technology, Operational assembly, automated surface wrap, dynamic loads -modal, super- structural
convergent deflection hybrid weld, joints, polygon body from Simcenter elements, FRFs model
modeling, multi- shape, modal modeling with spring, damper 3D motion, contribution,
CAD support, assurance test modes and bolt, and mapped energy
component criterion (MAC), FRFs, automatic sealing dynamic loads contributions,
meshing, coordinate assembly label identification electro- radiated power
boundary MAC, modal resolution magnetics,
conditions scale factor enforced
(MSF), cross- vibration loads

What-if, optimization, feedback to designer

NVH workflow

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics simulation

Industry applications Industrial machinery

Since most systems are subjected to loading that is Machines that excessively vibrate during operation
dynamic in nature at some point in the lifecycle, under- directly impact the quality of the manufactured prod-
standing the dynamic behavior of structures is an uct. Simcenter 3D delivers insights into the possible
important topic in many fields. Simcenter 3D provides a cause of machine vibrations, including rotating
complete solution to predict dynamic behavior, be it for machinery.
a component, subsystem or the complete system.
Electronics and consumer goods
Automotive and transportation Simcenter 3D helps predict the dynamic characteristics
NVH performance strongly impacts the driving experi- of electronics and consumer goods to avoid excessive
ence and perception of quality. Simcenter 3D offers vibrations and stresses, which could result in fatigue or
integrated tools and solvers to predict NVH characteris- catastrophic failure.
tics and analyze the root cause of noise and vibration
problems. Marine
With an increasing demand for faster and lightweight
Aerospace and defense ships, design engineers can rely on Simcenter 3D to
Simcenter 3D helps you identify the structural weak- predict the response of the overall structure and its
nesses of a given design and optimize the vibration and individual components that are subjected to wave and
dynamic performance of aeronautical structures sub- current actions.
jected to dynamic loading. Dedicated solutions for
rotor dynamics help you assess the performance of
aero-engines to avoid instabilities.


el and



Response dynamics
Rotor dynamics

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics simulation

Simcenter 3D Response Dynamics

Simcenter 3D Response Dynamics software is an inte- Module benefits

grated solution that makes dynamic analysis more • Gain rapid insight into the dynamic response of
accessible and efficient for the analyst. It allows you to structural systems
predict the forced response of structural systems under
various loading conditions in a single graphical user • Quickly generate and view results graphically
environment, thereby eliminating the complexity of • Leverage all capabilities of Simcenter 3D to make
setting up and launching analysis and providing rapid quick design changes and provide rapid feedback on
insight into dynamic behavior. Analysis information can dynamic performance
then be used to perform design studies to enhance the
new product development process and confirm the
quality of designs prior to physical prototyping and Key features
production. • Predict model response to transient, frequency
(harmonic), random vibratory, shock spectrum,
dynamic design analysis method (DDAM )(ship’s
shock loads) and quasi-static loads
• Efficiently calculate responses using a modal
formulation starting from a priori solved set of
Simcenter Nastran mode shapes
• Import, generate and edit the excitation information
from computer-aided engineering (CAE) analysis and
test data, including force, enforced motion and
distributed loads (for example, dynamic pressure)
• Seamlessly interface analytical models with
measured test data for instance-measured
accelerations used for base-excitation loading

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics simulation

Simcenter 3D Noise and Vibration Modeling

Simcenter 3D Noise and Vibration Modeling offers a Module benefits

comprehensive set of noise and vibration pre/post • Gain valuable insight into the noise and vibration
capabilities addressing your need to build, understand, performance of your design
evaluate and optimize the noise and vibration perfor-
mance of complete system and assembly models. • Use data from measurements and previous
simulations to create relevant load cases
• Use dynamically equivalent, reduced component
representations in your assembly model to speed up
response analysis

Key features
• Intuitive noise and vibration diagnostics with support
from modal, grid, panel, energy and path-
contribution analysis
• Map test data and predecessor simulation data –
multibody, electromagnetics (EM), computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) – onto the vibro-acoustic
simulation model, including time-to-frequency
domain conversion for obtaining realistic loads
• Include frequency response function (FRF) and
modal representations for structural components in
assembly context using either simulation or test data
• Include acoustic transfer vectors (ATV) or vibro-
acoustic transfer vectors (VATV) representations for
acoustic or vibro-acoustic components, which are
re-usable for multiload case scenarios for powertrain
noise or cabin wind noise

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics simulation

Simcenter 3D Load Identification

Simcenter 3D Load Identification enables you to get Module benefits

accurate dynamics loadings of a structure. Operational • Determine operational forces which is difficult or
loads are very important for accurate response predic- impossible to measure directly
tion but are often impossible or difficult to measure
directly. This product offers several ways of identifying • Get more realistic simulation by applying more
the operational forces from measured data, either by accurate loading
mount stiffness method or inverse matrix method. For • Combine measured loading data with FE simulations
instance, in an inverse matrix method the operational
vibration data can be measured in operational condi-
tions and the transfer functions (FRFs) can be mea- Key features
sured in controlled lab conditions or be obtained from • Mount method to estimate mount forces by
simulations. These data are then combined in an combining operational vibration data at each side of
inverse load identification case. the mount and mount stiffness data
• Inverse matrix method by combination of
operational measurements and transfer functions
• Based on all measured data or a combination or
operation measurements and simulation data
• Straightforward application and reuse of the
identified forced to the simulation model


Mount stiffness method Inverse matrix method

• Operational vibrations on both ends of • Operational vibrations are measured
the mounts are measured
• FRFs measured in lab
• Mount stiffness FRFs measured in lab


F1 T T -1
F(ω)=K(ω)[Xs(ω)-Xt(ω)] = 13 23
F2 T14 T24 X4

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics simulation

Simcenter 3D NVH Composer

The Simcenter 3D NVH Composer is a streamlined Module benefits

product to create full vehicle level FE models for NVH • Increase productivity and speed up full vehicle
starting from subassembly models (BIW, Door, creation time
• Decrease human error by capturing assembly
The product offers an interactive network display to topology in layout files
define the topology of the full vehicle assembly by
defining components, connectivity information and • Take out the complexity of full vehicle assembly
lumped mass trim information. Once the full vehicle model creation
layout is defined, the assembly is automatically created • Rerun easily in case of component changes
in Simcenter 3D and syncs it with the network display
which is a simplified way to interact with the full vehi-
cle assembly. All typical connections between full Key features
vehicle subsystems are available and the modeling is • Interactive network display to define full vehicle
done for Simcenter Nastran. topology starting from subsystem FE models
• All typical full vehicle connections are supported
(bolt, bushing, weatherstrip/sealing,…)
• Support of lumped mass trimming
• Automatic assembly from the defined full vehicle
• Integrated checking functionality
• Automatic synchronization between Simcenter 3D
NVH Composer and resulting Simcenter 3D assembly

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics simulation

Simcenter 3D FE Model Correlation

Simcenter 3D FE Model Correlation software enables Module benefits

you to quantitatively and qualitatively compare simula- • Validate the accuracy of the finite element model for
tion and test results, as well as two different simula- dynamic analysis
tions. It provides the tools needed to geometrically
align the models, pair the modes from both solutions, • Determine optimal sensor and exciter locations
view mode shapes and frequency response functions before performing physical modal tests
and calculate/display correlation metrics. • Increase productivity by enabling model validation in
the same environment as used for model creation
and analysis
Correlation modal assurance criteria (MAC) results

Key features
• Supports Simcenter Nastran, Simcenter Samcef®
software, Abaqus, ANSYS and MSC Nastran results
• Test solution import using universal files or
Simcenter Testlab™ software files
• Pretest planning for optimal number and location of
sensors and exciters
• Intuitive and powerful test model alignment
• Automatic and manual mapping of FE model nodes
and test sensors
• Variety of mode-pairing options and correlation
• Interactive correlation with matrix and mode-shape

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics simulation

Simcenter 3D FE Model Updating

Simcenter 3D FE Model Updating software is an Module benefits

advanced correlation tool designed to automatically • Improve accuracy and increase confidence in your FE
update FE models to match real-life test data. The tool models
is fully integrated with Simcenter 3D structure mod-
ules, making the updating process efficient, intuitive • Increase productivity by performing model updating
and productive. in the same environment used for model creation
and analysis
• Provide quick sensitivity-based approach

Correlation modal assurance criteria (MAC) results

Key features
• Support material and physical property design
variables such as beam section areas, shell or
laminate ply thickness and Young’s modulus
• Automatic generation of multiple design variables
• Automatic and manual design variable management
• Targets include modal frequencies, mode shape
modal assurance criterion (MAC) and mode shape
• Simcenter Nastran or MSC Nastran SOL 200 licenses
not required
Before and after update.
• Embedded eigenvalue solver to achieve accurate
updating of results in few iterations
• Automatic update of finite element method (FEM)
that can be easily cascaded to all simulations

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics simulation

Simcenter Nastran Dynamic Response

Simcenter Nastran Dynamic Response software is the Module benefits

core solver for dynamic finite element analysis (FEA). • Assess dynamic performance of your physical model
It enables the forced response analysis of a component
or assembly subject to time- or frequency-varying • Apply to all applications, industries and model sizes
excitations. Assessing dynamic response under differ- • Save time and cost compared to physical build-test-
ent operating conditions is critical to industries such as break cycles
automotive, aerospace, consumer products and other
sectors that rely on electronic devices. It is possible to
perform numerous what-if studies by virtually investi- Key features
gating the product’s performance in various dynamic • Comprehensive dynamic response set. Supports
operating conditions by using the rich analysis tool set frequency, transient, complex eigenvalue, random
supported by Simcenter Nastran Dynamic Response. response, shock spectrum and other analysis
• Includes a list of eigenvalue solvers such as Lanczos,
Householder, Hessenberg, etc.
• Supports numerous types of dynamic loading in time
and frequency domain
• Fast frequency response solvers applicable to large

40 Siemens Digital Industries Software

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics simulation

Simcenter Nastran Advanced Dynamics bundle

Simcenter Nastran Advanced Dynamics is a cost-effec- Module benefits

tive bundle that provides a set of commonly used and • Use cost-effective bundle to perform comprehensive
advanced dynamics functionality, which includes dynamic analysis and accelerate product
Simcenter Nastran Dynamic Response, Simcenter time-to-market
Nastran FRF representations, Simcenter Nastran super-
element analysis, Simcenter Nastran recursive domain • Build system assembly models using a hybrid
(RD) modes, Simcenter Nastran DMP (distributed mem- assembly of components based on finite elements
ory processing), Simcenter Nastran aeroelasticity and and test measurements or reduced order models
Simcenter Nastran direct matrix abstraction program
(DMAP). Key features
• Includes all capabilities of Simcenter Nastran
Dynamic Response
• Includes Simcenter Nastran FRF representation
• Computes the forced response of a product subject
to time or frequency varying excitations
• Represents a component in the form of frequency
response function, an alternate form of matrix
representation of a component
• Large models consisting of more than 300 modes
can be efficiently solved using recursive domain
normal modes (RDMODES)
• Analyze structural models in the presence of an
airstream using aeroelastic analysis
• Modify and adapt out-of-the-box (OOTB) solution
sequences using DMAP

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics simulation

Simcenter Nastran DMP

Simcenter Nastran DMP facilitates a significant reduc- Module benefits

tion in computing time by using multiple processors • Rapidly solve complex large problems
and computing resources. Simcenter Nastran DMP
enables a higher level of parallelism and provides bet- • Use the DMP solution to solve large problems more
ter scalability than shared memory processing (SMP). than 100 times faster than the Lanczos method on a
single processor

Key features
400 • Simcenter Nastran has many options for partitioning
solution domains, such as geometric, frequency,
350 hierarchic, load and recursive domain partitioning

300 • DMP can also be operated on a single node that has

multiple processors
• Supported dynamic solution types are modal and

200 direct frequency response,

eigenvalue computation and
150 modal transient


4 16 32 64 128 512
Number of processors

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics simulation

Simcenter Nastran Rotor Dynamics

Rotating systems are subject to gyroscopic forces such Module benefits

as Coriolis and centrifugal forces that are not present in • Rapidly evaluate and improve the dynamic
stationary systems. Simcenter Nastran Rotor Dynamics performance of rotating systems prior to physical
software provides the capability to predict the linear prototyping and production commit in a fully
dynamic behavior of rotating systems. Users can simu- integrated CAE environment
late rotating system loads, perform synchronous and
asynchronous analysis to generate Campbell Diagram • Evaluate and develop optimal in-service design
data, predict whirl frequencies and critical speeds and modifications to increase production process
detect instability in rotating components. throughput of rotating equipment systems

Key features
• Compute critical speeds and whirl frequencies from
Campbell diagrams
• Study the linear dynamic behavior of the rotating
system under rotor imbalance or any frequency-
dependent (synchronous or asynchronous) or
time-dependent excitation
• Analyze symmetric and asymmetric rotor models, as
well as multiple rotors with different rotation speeds
and orientations
• Include differential stiffness to compute centrifugal
softening effects
• Solve the model in the fixed or rotating coordinate
reference system
Node 999: T x
1.00 Node 999: T x
Displacement (mm)

Node 999: T x



1.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 500.00

Frequency (Hz)

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics simulation

Simcenter Samcef Rotor

Simcenter Samcef® software, rotor module is a solution Module benefits

for simulating the behavior of high-speed rotating • Enable the study of large problems in complex and
machines such as turbo machines, aero-engines, pro- realistic scenarios
pellers, fans, etc. The solution is tailored specifically for
rotor dynamics specialists and more generally for engi- • Perfectly simulate the global dynamics of the rotor
neers focusing on global dynamics of rotating and stator assembly
machines. Simcenter Samcef Rotor is a standalone • Achieve accurate simulations by taking nonlinear
solution that includes a dedicated pre-post environ- effects into account in connection elements
ment, and solver modules for linear and nonlinear
computations as well as superelement creation and • Reduce the vibration level and avoid harmful
recovery. resonances by predicting them
• Improve product performance and reduce costly
physical prototypes

Key features
• Build the most accurate rotor dynamic models thanks
to a large library of elements (1D, 3D, 2D Fourier
multi harmonics, cyclic symmetry, etc.), taking
advantage of symmetry with maximum flexibility
• Powerful model reduction by superelements to
include reduced representations in larger assembly
• Library of bearings and seals (rolling element,
hydrodynamic, squeeze film dampers, gears, etc.) to
model assembly connections
• Symmetric or asymmetric rotor and stator can be
computed, as well as multiple rotors with different
rotation speeds and orientations
• Enable different analysis types: critical-speed
analysis, harmonic-response analysis and transient
• Dedicated postprocessing tools according to
industrial standards

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics simulation

Capabilities chart

Advanced Dynamics
Response Dynamics

Simcenter 3D Noise

Simcenter 3D Load

Dynamic Response
Simcenter 3D NVH

Simcenter Nastran

Simcenter Nastran

Simcenter Nastran

Simcenter Nastran

Simcenter Samcef
Model Correlation
Simcenter 3D FE

Simcenter 3D FE
Model Updating

Rotor Dynamics

and Vibration
Simcenter 3D


Rotor bundle
Specific capabilities



Structural dynamics

Modal transient response • • •

Modal frequency response • • •
Structural linear dynamics

Direct transient response • •

Direct frequency response • •
Cyclic direct frequency response • •
Complex modal analysis • •
Shock spectrum • • •
Random vibration • • •
Dynamic design analysis method • • •
Superelements •
Advanced dynamic

Coupled fluid-structure (vibro-acoustic) analysis • •

Frequency transfer functions (FRF) •

Recursive domain normal modes (RDMODES) •

Fast frequency response (FASTFR) • •
Direct matrix abstraction programming (DMAP) •
Aero-elasticity •

Shared memory parallel (SMP) • • •


Distributed memory parallel (DMP) • •

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics simulation

Advanced Dynamics
Response Dynamics

Simcenter 3D Noise

Simcenter 3D Load

Dynamic Response
Simcenter 3D NVH

Simcenter Nastran

Simcenter Nastran

Simcenter Nastran

Simcenter Nastran

Simcenter Samcef
Model Correlation
Simcenter 3D FE

Simcenter 3D FE
Model Updating

Rotor Dynamics

and Vibration
Simcenter 3D


Rotor bundle
Specific capabilities



Noise and vibration (NVH)

2D full vehicle topology definition from subassemblies •

Full vehicle assembly automation •
NVH model creation

Bolt •
Spring and bushing •
Weatherstrip/sealing •
Seam weld •
Kinematic (e.g. latch and bumpstop) •
Lumped mass trimming •
Modal contribution •
NVH post-

Panel/grid contribution •
Path contribution •
Energy contribution •
Modal representations (modal coupling preprocessing) •
level NVH

FRF representations (FRF coupling preprocessing) •

FRF analysis case •

Transfer path analysis •


Load identification analysis (mount method, inverse force) •

Principal component analysis

Rotor dynamics

1D (line models), 2D, 3D models • •

2D multi-harmonics models •
Rotor models

Mixed modeling representation •

Multiple rotors • •
Cyclic symmetry •
Multi-stage cyclic symmetry •
Symmetric rotor with symmetric stator • •

Symmetric rotor with unsymmetric stator • •

Symmetry and

Unsymmetric rotor with symmetric stator • •

Unsymmetric rotor with unsymmetric stator •
Superelement for the nonrotating parts • •
Superelement for the rotating parts •
Springs, dampers and bushings • •
Linear bearings • •
Bearing models

Hydrodynamic bearings •
Roller bar bearings •
Gears •
Magnetic bearings (digital controller) •
Squeeze film dampers •
Campbell diagram and stability analysis • •
Modal analysis (normal/complex) • •
Dynamic rotor

Harmonic response • •
Linear transient response • •
Nonlinear transient response •
Direct or modal computations • •

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics simulation

Advanced Dynamics
Response Dynamics

Simcenter 3D Noise

Simcenter 3D Load

Dynamic Response
Simcenter 3D NVH

Simcenter Nastran

Simcenter Nastran

Simcenter Nastran

Simcenter Nastran

Simcenter Samcef
Model Correlation
Simcenter 3D FE

Simcenter 3D FE
Model Updating

Rotor Dynamics

and Vibration
Simcenter 3D


Rotor bundle
Specific capabilities




Pretest planning •
Pretest and correlation

Test model alignment and geometry mapping •

Test-analysis, analysis-analysis correlation •
Modal correlation (MAC, COMAC, X-orthogonality, etc.) •
FRF correlation •
Local coordinate systems •
Mode pairing and visual comparison •
Correlation with Simcenter Testlab •
Design variable definition •
Dedicated DESOPT 200 - model update solution •
Model updating

Design variable sensitivities •

Frequency, mode shape (MAC and X-orthogonality) •
Embedded eigenvalue solver •
Multiple optimization algorithms •
FEM and SIM update •
Model updating for Simcenter Nastran •

Note: Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop is a minimum prerequisite

for all Simcenter 3D products. Other dependency or prerequisites
may apply for individual products.

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Siemens Digital Industries Software

Simcenter 3D for
durability simulation
Enabling in-depth fatigue and life analysis

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Simcenter™ 3D software offers a distinctive
Solution benefits suite of tools to support fatigue design in all
• Explore multiple design options and optimize stages of development. This includes easy-to-
your design for strength and fatigue use wizards for strength and fatigue in the
performance design phase, fatigue information on the
• Perform fatigue life prediction analyses quickly current simulated part, detailed analysis of
and accurately accounting for realistic loading complex load scenarios, including weldments
conditions and connections, and new materials and
manufacturing processes.
• Get insightful and rapid feedback on critical
durability areas
The best way to predict a product’s strength and
• Simulate realistically the durability performance durability
of complex connections and welded joints Shorter development cycles and ever-increasing quality
• Predict component loads and optimize system requirements have stretched the test-based durability
level fatigue performance through load-transfer approach to the limits. Evaluating and refining the
path approach durability performance by simulation methods is the
only valid alternative. The durability modules of
• Take advantage of the new materials and
Siemens Digital Industries Software’s Simcenter 3D give
manufacturing processes using accurate fatigue
you access to state-of-the art analysis methods,
enabling engineers to interactively assign loads to a
model. The solution permits efficient analysis of seam
and spot welds as well as new methodologies for com-
posite materials.

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Simcenter 3D for durability simulation

Eliminate over- or under-designed components • Simulation data, such as multibody results and finite
Analyze loads acting on the critical regions and element simulations of the digital twin
improve the load flow from the application points that
• State-of-the-art fatigue simulation methods
have the greatest influence on the critical areas, which
is much better than just reinforcing around the critical • Fatigue-specific postprocessing
Providing a platform for multidiscipline simulation
Enabling a more efficient and safe physical The Simcenter 3D durability solution is part of a larger,
validation integrated multidiscipline simulation environment with
Virtual test rig experiments facilitate the analysis of the the Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop at the core for
impact of individual load events on component dam- centralized pre-/postprocessing for all Simcenter 3D
age. Such analysis also permits the flexibility to define solutions. This integrated environment helps you to
your specific load scenarios for each of the compo- achieve faster CAE processes and streamline multidisci-
nents, thereby saving testing time. pline simulations that integrate
durability and other disci-
Include manufacturing and assembly aspects in plines like stress and
durability analysis strain from structural
New materials and manufacturing processes often have solutions, load
an important influence on fatigue behavior. With prediction using
Simcenter 3D, one can take into account such manu- motion solution
facturing defects while performing durability analysis. and short or long-
fiber composites
Design right the first time nonlinear behavior
To perform fatigue analysis in an efficient way, durabil- prediction up to
ity modules provide access to: tight integration
for damage toler-
• Test data such as load data, test schedule definitions,
ant design.

Loads Create digital twin Simulate test In depth analysis

of test
Measure Stress calculation Apply material If and where fatigue occur

Simulate Load events Apply methods and Why and when they occur
Duty cycles parameters with one click

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for durability simulation

Industry applications Industrial machinery

In industrial applications, achieving cost efficiencies
Aerospace and defense
depends on critical parts that are typically subjected to
Simcenter 3D is used to predict mechanical system
large dynamic multiaxial load cases. Any metal compo-
fatigue life for landing gears, control mechanisms, slat
nent subjected to dynamic loading cycles can be effi-
tracks and other critical assemblies. Local stress con-
ciently optimized. Simcenter 3D Durability can be used
centrations are identified based on all possible combi-
to determine rotor base fatigue life in large rotating
nations of local load conditions to address durability
problems long before prototypes are built. A wide
range of methods can localize weak spots and assess
fatigue life.
Simcenter 3D Specialist Durability connection modeling
allows you to have a digital twin for kilometers of
Automotive and transportation
welds performed in ship structures. For high-end yachts
Simcenter 3D is used to execute fatigue-life assess-
with lots of composite materials, the Simcenter 3D
ments on body frames, panels, cross-members and
Specialist Durability Composite Fatigue module facili-
door systems as well as on sunroofs, latches and lock-
tates state-of-the-art analysis.
ing systems. The Simcenter 3D Durability module also
enables a high degree of accuracy for specific seam and
spot weld analyses. Advanced numerical durability
predictions can be applied to engines, powertrain
parts, engine brackets, gear box chain heels and
exhaust lines.

Strain gauge durability

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for durability simulation

Simcenter 3D Durability wizard

Simcenter 3D Durability wizard is a simulation wizard Module benefits

for calculating the fatigue life of mechanical compo- • Improves robustness by predicting the life of product
nents subjected to cycles of loading. This solution is designs and determining which design features are
performed after users have calculated a stress state over- or under designed
from static loading using a finite element (FE) solver.
The durability algorithms in the wizard are based on • Reduces physical testing costs by allowing you to
the crack initiation method for fatigue analysis. analyze product life in a virtual environment
• Accelerates product design by allowing designers to
quickly perform what-if reanalysis of new designs
• Understand the impact of changes to product

Key features
• Use linear stress or strain results in static solutions
with NX™ software stress wizard, Simcenter
Nastran® software, MSC Nastran, Abaqus and ANSYS
• Define the cyclic loadings that define the duty cycle
of the part over its lifetime
• Compute static safety factors, fatigue safety factors
and fatigue life
• Available fatigue criterion: Smith-Watson-Topper,
strain or stress life
• Display contour plots for strength safety factor,
fatigue safety factor or fatigue life
• Prepare a technical durability report

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for durability simulation

Simcenter 3D Advanced Durability

Simcenter 3D Advanced Durability software helps to Module benefits

validate product’s structural integrity over its lifecycle • Save time with what-if redesigns
under either simple or complex loading conditions.
Expert analysts use this solution to perform in-depth • Improves product design robustness by determining
fatigue analysis and life calculations to help them the life of product designs
determine product durability based on Simcenter • Reduces physical testing costs by enabling you to
Nastran, Simcenter 3D Response Dynamics, MSC analyze product life in a virtual environment
Nastran, ANSYS and Abaqus solutions. Based on the
crack initiation method for fatigue calculation, the user
has a choice of multiple life criteria and can account for Key features
mean stress effects, notch effects, hardening effects • Simcenter 3D integration leverages geometry
and biaxial stress effects. Fatigue and strength safety associativity to quickly evaluate the impact of
factors, fatigue life and damage results are viewable as changing geometrical features on durability
contour plots.
• Industry standard life criteria, stress direction
approaches, mean stress effects, notch effects, cyclic
stress-strain relations and rainflow cycle counting
• Static, transient (including flexible body) and
random events
• Strain gauge durability

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for durability simulation

Simcenter 3D Specialist Durability Modeling

Simcenter 3D Specialist Durability Modeling provides a Module benefits

rich and intuitive tool set to prepare solutions, send • Intuitive and flexible parameter-based setup
them to the solver and postprocess durability results. It
enables the setup of complex durability scenarios with • Quickly isolate fatigue-critical locations and load
many finite element and load history cases. Durability cases under complex duty cycles
solutions may be configured using the provided param- • Understand the cause of fatigue problems
eters or configured to follow the standard procedures
of the user.
Key features
• Parameter-driven analysis types, solver profiles and
durability simulation objects
• Direct component-load importing from prototype
measurements or Simcenter 3D multibody
simulation and third-party, time-data formats
• Integration with Simcenter Testlab™ software load-
data processing tools for durability load-case
• Assign complex duty cycles to assemblies and their
connections, including seam and spot welds
• Dedicated 2D and 3D postprocessing scenarios

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for durability simulation

Simcenter 3D Specialist Durability solver

Using Simcenter 3D Specialist Durability solver is the Module benefits

basic solver for specialist fatigue analysis. It may be run • Reduce fatigue analysis time
on the same computer or independently in batch
mode. It provides all standard durability methodologies • Quick and accurate fatigue-life predictions based on
but may easily be extended with any fatigue methodol- realistic loading conditions
ogy due to unique openness via user-defined fatigue • Explore multiple design options and optimize the
methods. design for fatigue performance

Key features
• Industry standard fatigue-life solver with proven
accuracy and speed
• Parallel processing enabled with the standard license
• All industry standard methods
• New and unique user defined methods interface
• Batch processing

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for durability simulation

Simcenter 3D Specialist Durability Composite Fatigue

Simcenter 3D Specialist Durability Composite Fatigue Module benefits

provides a unique methodology for analyzing short and • Know the real progressive damage behavior of your
continuous-fiber composites. It can incorporate stiff- composite material
ness reduction and stress redistribution during the
fatigue life of composites under complex load situa- • Allows damage-tolerant design
tions. New technologies reduce the effort it takes to • Ability to predict fatigue damage to composite
test for parametrization of the methods. material
• Defined parameter identification processes available

Key features
• Unique workflow that enables stiffness reduction
and stress redistribution
• Variable amplitude and multiaxial loads
• Ply-based fatigue behavior modeled with no tests on
full stacking needed
• Master SN-curve approach for arbitrary short-fiber
• Intra- and Interlaminar methods for continuous-fiber
• Integrated with continuous damage models and
analysis with Simcenter Samcef® software solvers
• User-defined methods, including stiffness reduction
and stress redistribution

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for durability simulation

Simcenter 3D Specialist Durability for Connections

Simcenter 3D Specialist Durability for connections Module benefits

allows you to set up and conduct special spot weld and • Comprehensive software to predict fatigue of seam
seam weld analysis runs. Welds are taken from connec- and spot welds under arbitrary loading conditions
tions modeled in Simcenter 3D, defined in the xMCF
format, or detected in existing meshes. The load setup • Provides most accurate prediction of seam welds
and analysis are conducted with the same tools from fatigue life without remodeling
Simcenter 3D Specialist Durability Modeling and may • Increases engineers’ throughput by enabling
even be mixed in one analysis case. automatic detection of weld topologies
• Powerful software to handle welded assemblies
irrespective of size and number of welds
• Efficiently handles both traditional approaches and
most accurate approaches on the same model
• Validate more weld variants and its fatigue life
within shorter development cycles
• Understand and improve fatigue testing for seam-
welded assemblies

Key features
• Innovatively designed algorithms: Automatic
detection of welds and weld geometry from FE
models and groups based on joint types, penetration
grade and sheet thickness
• Support industry typical FE connection modeling for
seam and spot welds
• Handles all load cases: transient, random, harmonic,
proportional and non-proportional and schedules
• Special tools for seam welds: Mesh independent
notch stress method (R1MS, R03MS, R005MS),
including notch effects (effective notch stress
method) using the microstructural length ρ*
• User-defined methodologies can access all weld data

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for durability simulation

Capabilities chart

Durability for Connections

General capabilities

Simcenter 3D Durability

Simcenter 3D Specialist

Simcenter 3D Specialist

Simcenter 3D Specialist

Simcenter 3D Specialist
Simcenter3D Advanced

Durability Composite
Durability Modeling

Durability solver
Specific capabilities


Loads from Simcenter Testlab • • • •
Loads from industry test formats (IST, MSC, EDAS,…) • • • •
Loads from Simcenter 3D Motion • • • • •
Finite element results (Simcenter Nastran, Simcenter Samcef, ABAQUS, ANSYS, universal format) • • • • • •
Loads and stresses

Block load events • • • • • •

Superposition events (unlimited number of loadcases, automatic matching) • • • •
Transient events (editor to select increments, change order, invert ordering) • • • • •
Pre-stress and static load cases • • • • •
Flexible event (directly analyse Simcenter3D Motion Flexible Body) • • • •
Duty cycle events • • • •
Duty cycles from spreadsheets •
Random vibration loads • • • •
Simcenter3D material database • • • • • •
Generation of material set based on existing material data (UML, universal slope, …) •

Material individually assigned to selection and groups • • •

Weld standard data (IIW, Eurocode, BS, …) • •
Durability databases • •
Directly from finite element calculation • • •
Inherit or overwrite materials • • •

Parameter databases •
User defined analysis types - define methods and parameters in one selection •
High cycle fatigue – stress-life • • • •
Low cycle fatigue – strain-life • • • •
Infinite life – safety factor / margin of safety • • • •
User defined fatigue methods • •
Structural stress seam weld analysis • •
Fatigue methods and solver

Notch stress seam weld analysis (incl notch severity) •

Stress based spot weld analysis •
Force based spot weld analysis •
User defined weld methods •
Multiple mean stress influence methods • • • • •
Multiaxial fatigue • • • • •
Notch/size effects – stress gradient correction • • • • •
Localized parameters (material/parameter map) • •
Fatigue below surface method • •
Use material data for user defined probability of survival • • •
Multiple damage accumulation rules (linear) • • • •
Short-fiber reinforced composites (master SN-curve approach) •

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for durability simulation

Durability for Connections

General capabilities

Simcenter 3D Durability

Simcenter 3D Specialist

Simcenter 3D Specialist

Simcenter 3D Specialist

Simcenter 3D Specialist
Simcenter3D Advanced

Durability Composite
Durability Modeling

Durability solver
Specific capabilities


Intra-ply fatigue of endless-fiber composites (unidirectional/woven. etc) • •
Inter-ply fatigue of endless-fiber composites (unidirectional/woven. etc) •
Automatic iterarion of FE runs to account for global stiffness changes •
Fatigue methods


Arbitrary damage accumulation •

and solver

User defined damage rules for composites •

Parallel processing (local and on external machines) • • • •
Different methods (e.g. stress-life and weld) on different locations(groups) in one analysis • • • • •
Different methods (e.g.different parameters) on one group in one analysis • • • •
Damage/lifetime • • • • • •
Detailed analysis of stress (max/min/max amplitude, mean) • • • • •
Mileage/Real lifetime • • • •
Design life factors • • • •
Safety factors • • • • • •

Individual for groups • •

Individual for events of duty cycles •
For intermediate time steps • •
Hot spot detection •
Detailed function analysis on strain gauge and individual nodes/elements • •
Function analysis on all critical planes •
Damage accumulation time histories •
Load contribution analysis •

• = included in module
Note: Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop is a minimum prerequisite
for all Simcenter 3D products. Other dependency or prerequisites
may apply for individual products.

Siemens Digital Industries Software 59

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Siemens Digital Industries Software

Simcenter 3D for
acoustics simulation
Optimizing the sound quality of products

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Simcenter™ 3D software offers a
Solution benefits comprehensive solution to minimize noise and
• Accelerate creation of acoustic simulation optimize the sound quality of products.
model from complex geometries, either from Dedicated acoustic modeling capabilities,
structural mesh model, CAD geometry or from efficient solvers and easy-to-interpret
scratch visualization tools allow you to quickly gain
• Use fast and efficient FEM/BEM solvers to more insight into a design’s acoustic performance for
rapidly deliver acoustic computations uncoupled acoustics, coupled vibro-acoustics
and aero-acoustic applications.
• Efficiently solve acoustics, vibro-acoustics and
flow-induced noise problems from a single
interface Accelerate acoustic meshing and modeling
Advanced features, such as surface wrapping, convex
• Simulate acoustic performance for interior, meshing, mesh thickening and the ability to create
exterior or mixed interior-exterior problems hybrid (hexa-tetra) meshes, help you accelerate acous-
• Speed up multiple RPM acoustic computations tic meshing processes more than traditional preproces-
involving engines, gearboxes and rotating sors. The availability of various material models for
components both structure and fluid and the wide variety of struc-
tural and acoustic boundary conditions and loads allow
• Perform realistic acoustic simulation: anechoic
you to efficiently set up your analysis.
boundary condition, porous (rigid and limp
frames) trim materials, acoustic source and Deliver high-fidelity vibro-acoustic simulations in
more the most efficient way
Simcenter 3D increases the realism in your simulations
by providing support for loads or source creation from
test data and predecessor multi-body or computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Simcenter Nastran®

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Simcenter 3D for acoustics simulation

software is used to rapidly solve complex interior and Providing a platform for multidiscipline simulation
exterior acoustics problems thanks to key features like The Simcenter 3D acoustics solution is part of a larger,
automatically matched layer (AML) and finite element integrated multidiscipline simulation environment with
adaptive order (FEMAO) technology, which allow you the Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop at the core for
to use small fluid meshes with an optimal number of centralized pre- and postprocessing for all Simcenter
degrees-of-freedom (DOF) per frequency. 3D solutions. This integrated environment helps you to
achieve faster CAE processes and streamline multidisci-
Faster design-analysis iterations with CAD-CAE-test pline simulations that integrate acoustics and other
associativity disciplines like, gear
Simcenter 3D seamlessly links to computer-aided whine analysis from
design (CAD), computer-aided engineering (CAE) and motion solutions,
even test data. Any design modification can be easily or NVH and
introduced to the structural and/or acoustic model, vibro-acoustics
eliminating multiple conversions between file formats analyses that
and recreating models. require struc-
tural or flow-
Gain instantaneous insight with acoustic-specific induced
postprocessing loads.
Simcenter 3D provides easy-to-interpret and intuitive
postprocessing tools to investigate noise as sound
pressure level (SPL), acoustic power or directivity. Path,
modal and panel contribution analysis helps to rapidly
identify the important noise sources and their

Geometry Meshing and

Preprocessing Solving Postprocessing
preparation assembly

Closing holes, Mesh mating, bolt Load recipe, Acoustics response, Vibrations and stress,
removing blends, pre-stress, rib constraints, surface vibro-acoustics force, acoustics SPL,
parts… removal acoustic absorbers, porous response, aero-vibro- acoustic radiated
meshing: wrapping, materials, output acoustics response, power, contribution
convex mesher requests, FSI ATV analysis, directivity

What-if, optimization, feedback to designer

62 Siemens Digital Industries Software

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for acoustics simulation

Industry applications Consumer goods

Since noise can impact health, and a quiet product is Building powerful, high-quality speakers, silent vacuum
often perceived as higher in quality, companies are cleaners and washing machines and other noise-free
adopting efficient processes and tools to optimize the consumer goods requires advanced noise engineering
noise performance of their products. and sound characterization features provided by
Simcenter 3D.
Aerospace and defense
With Simcenter 3D, aviation engineers can predict Industrial machinery
cabin noise generated by turbulent boundary layers Simcenter 3D acoustic modules provide the necessary
(TBL) on the fuselage or by aero-acoustic noise coming features to evaluate machine-radiated noise, including
from the environmental control system (ECS). Exterior capturing the effect of encapsulations with sound
noise can be tackled using high-end boundary element treatments.
method (BEM) and FEM solvers. Spacecraft engineers
can reduce the risk of their acoustic verification tests by Marine
evaluating them virtually in Simcenter 3D. Acoustic features of Simcenter 3D can be used to study
complex underwater radiation from ship hulls, propel-
Automotive and transportation lers and submarine hull reflections of sonar waves.
During vehicle development and improvement pro-
grams, the capabilities of Simcenter 3D can deliver
noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) engineers with
valuable insight into acoustic, vibro-acoustics and
aero-acoustic noise contributions in the vehicle cabin
and exterior environment.

Structural acoustics
Component noise radiation
Full vehicle scattering
Cabin vibro-acoustics
Transmission loss

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for acoustics simulation

Simcenter 3D Meshing for Acoustics

Simcenter 3D Meshing for Acoustics software helps you Module benefits

create meshes for FEM and BEM acoustic analysis. The • Start from a structural FEM model or CAD geometry
module provides user-friendly, leading-edge functional-
ities to create an acoustic fluid mesh, both for interior • Accelerate the acoustic meshing process for complex
as well as exterior acoustic applications, starting from geometries
an existing structural mesh or CAD geometry.
Key features
• Hybrid mesh and polygon-based coarsening, hole-
filling and rib-removal tools
• Interior and exterior surface-wrapping technology
based on input of CAD or CAE model
• Easy creation of convex outer boundary surface to
construct FEM meshes for exterior acoustics
• Hybrid hex a dominant hexa and tetra mesher for
fluid volumes facilitating efficient solving
• Shell mesh thickening (reverse of mid-surfacing) to
derive the boundary surfaces of fluid cavities, which
is useful for muffler and other fluid FEM meshes

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for acoustics simulation

Simcenter Nastran Advanced Acoustics

Simcenter Nastran Advanced Acoustics software pro- Module benefits

vides support for standard loads and boundary condi- • Performs vibro-acoustic (SOL108/SOL111)
tions, and key technologies like AML and FEMAO, to simulations for interior or exterior noise
rapidly resolve acoustic simulations. It is well suited to
study the acoustic radiation of components and pass-by • Study exterior acoustics with lean FEM models
noise of full vehicles, transmission loss of duct systems thanks to embedded AML technology
like intakes and exhausts or mufflers, and transmission • Efficiently simulate broadband acoustic problems
loss of panels. using the adaptive FEMAO solver

Key features
• Support standard loads and boundary conditions, as
well as specific acoustic boundary conditions like
duct modes and acoustic diffuse field (random) loads
• Pressure loads on structural surfaces from other
acoustic or CFD analysis
• Porous and temperature-dependent fluid materials,
frequency-dependent surface impedance and
transfer admittance between pairs of surfaces
• Compute sound pressure, intensity and power for
virtual microphones located inside or outside the
meshed fluid volume

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for acoustics simulation

Simcenter 3D Acoustic Transfer Vector

Simcenter 3D Acoustic Transfer Vector software sup- Module benefits

ports computing the acoustic transfer vector (ATV), • Use ATV to compute noise from rotating machines
expressing the sensitivity of the pressure response at a with multiple revolutions per minute (RPM) loads up
virtual microphone per-unit normal velocity at field to 100 times faster
points on a radiating surface. It can be re-used to
quickly predict the acoustic response for any surface • Use VATV to quickly evaluate cabin noise due to
vibrations. Similarly, vibro-acoustic transfer vectors multiple load cases of flow-induced pressure loads,
(VATV) express the sensitivity of microphone pressures like wind loads and turbulent boundary layers
for unit force applied at points on a structure. Also,
VATV can be quickly re-used for predicting the acoustic Key features
response to any force loading.
• ATV and VATV results are stored efficiently in a
Nastran (op2) result file
• ATV can be interpolated when used in a forced
response context
• Evaluate acoustic pressure and power and panel,
grid and modal contributions for ATV response

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for acoustics simulation

Simcenter 3D Aero-Vibro-Acoustics

Simcenter 3D Aero-Vibro-Acoustics software supports Module benefits

creating aero-acoustic sources close to noise-emitting • Derive lean, surface pressure-based aero-acoustic
turbulent flows and allows you to compute their acous- sources for stationary and rotating surfaces
tic response in the exterior or interior environment; for
example, for noise from heating, ventilation and air • Provide scalable and user-friendly load preparation
conditioning (HVAC) and environmental control system for aero-vibro-acoustic wind noise simulations
(ECS) ducts, train boogies and pantographs, cooling • Import binary files with load data directly in
fans, ship and aircraft propellers and more. The product Simcenter Nastran for response computation
also allows you to define wind loads acting on struc-
tural panels, leading to a vibro-acoustic response; for
instance, in a car or aircraft cabin. Key features
• Conservative mapping of pressure results from CFD
to the acoustic or structural mesh
• Equivalent aero-acoustic surface dipole sources
• Equivalent aero-acoustic fan sources for both tonal
and broadband noise
• Wind loads, using either semi-empirical turbulent
boundary layer models or mapped pressure loads
from CFD results

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for acoustics simulation

Simcenter 3D Environment for BEM Acoustics

Simcenter 3D Environment for BEM Acoustics software Module benefits

supports generating a ready-to-run acoustic or vibro- • Provide a user-friendly interface to streamline
acoustic simulation model for direct BEM and indirect acoustic BEM model creation for both standard as
BEM solvers, and provides comprehensive postprocess- well as accelerated BEM solvers
ing tools to analyze the acoustic or vibro-acoustic
results. • Support pure acoustic problems as well as weakly or
fully coupled vibro-acoustics response via modal-
based definition of the structure
• Leverage dedicated postprocessing capabilities to
improve users’ engineering insight and productivity

Key features
• Provide all standard structural and acoustic loads and
boundary conditions to describe your vibro-acoustic
problems accurately
• Prepare deterministic as well as random acoustics
and vibro-acoustics analysis
• Standard postprocessing of acoustic results like
pressure and acoustic power and structural
• Dedicated diagnostic plots showing panel
contributions and structural modal contributions to
the acoustic pressure or power

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for acoustics simulation

Simcenter 3D Acoustics BEM solver

The Simcenter 3D Acoustics BEM solver is used to pre- Module benefits

dict the acoustic response in both enclosed and • Fast and efficient BEM solvers for solving both purely
unbounded domains using a mesh for only the bound- acoustic as well as vibro-acoustic problems
ary of the fluid domain. Vibro-acoustic analysis is sup-
ported by coupling the acoustic fluid with a structural • A multitude of acoustic and structural loads and
modal model. Structural vibrations can also be imposed boundary conditions are supported for an accurate
on the BEM fluid using weak vibro-acoustic coupling. description of your vibro-acoustic simulation model
• Automatic BEM model corrections for free and
junction edges

Key features
• Direct and indirect acoustic uncoupled solutions
• Indirect vibro-acoustic, weakly coupled and strongly
coupled solutions
• Deterministic as well as random acoustics and vibro-
acoustics analysis
• Returns standard acoustic and structural response
• Provides structural panel contributions and modal
contributions to the acoustic pressure or power

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for acoustics simulation

Simcenter 3D Acoustics Accelerated BEM solver

The Simcenter 3D Acoustics Accelerated BEM software Module benefits

provides hierarchical matrix (H-Matrix) BEM and fast • Provides faster computations for large BEM models
multipole (FM) BEM solvers to extend the computa- (larger geometry and/or higher frequencies)
tional limits of standard solvers. These solvers are well
suited for exterior acoustics of large structures like • Requires lower system memory than standard BEM
vehicles and large engines, aircraft, ships, submarines • Supports uncoupled acoustics response as well as
as well as high-frequency applications such as ultra- coupled vibro-acoustics response simulation
sonic sensors.
Key features
• Includes an iterative fast multipole solver as well as a
direct hierarchical H-Matrix solver
• Both solvers support parallel computing, including
up to four processes for free, or using more than
four processes when combined with Simcenter 3D
Acoustics High Performance Computing (HPC)
• Supports the convection effect of a (uniform) mean
flow on the acoustic wave propagation

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for acoustics simulation

Simcenter 3D Acoustics Time Domain BEM solver

Simcenter 3D Acoustics Time Domain BEM software Module benefits

enables BEM solutions to solve transient acoustic and • Allows for accurate modeling of transient infinite
vibro-acoustic phenomena. As opposition to the fre- domain problem
quency-domain based BEM solvers, Simcenter 3D
Acoustics Time Domain BEM Solver gives the possibility • Provides solutions for purely acoustics and vibro-
to solve problems involving impulsive short time excita- acoustic problems
tion signals in the time domain. This BEM solver is well • Provides fast, efficient solver in time domain, also for
suited for applications such as parking sensor design large models
and door slam analysis, for instance.
Key features
• Dedicated solver environment Simcenter 3D
Acoustics Transient BEM for time-domain BEM
computations, including two analysis types: transient
acoustic and transient vibro-acoustic
• Supports multiple loads and boundary conditions:
-- Transient acoustic: acoustic monopole, plane
wave, infinite plane, acoustic absorber, transfer
-- Transient vibro-acoustic: force applied on
structure (with mode set representation), pre-
computed vibrations, infinite plane, acoustic
absorber, transfer admittance, panel

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for acoustics simulation

Simcenter 3D Acoustics HPC

Simcenter 3D Acoustics HPC software enables you to Module benefits

execute acoustic FEM or BEM computations in multi- • Accelerates acoustic computations using
processing mode on the parallel hardware of your multithreading, shared memory parallelization
choice. Parallel calculation sequences are implemented (SMP), multiprocessing and DMP
using the message passing interface (MPI) communica-
tion standard. In the case of FEM vibro-acoustics, this • This product supports high-performance computing
product embeds the distributed memory parallelization for Simcenter 3D Acoustics FEM and BEM solvers
(DMP) capability of Simcenter Nastran.
Key features
• Solvers can run in high-performance computing
mode on multi-node clusters as well as on multi-core
• Allows you to tackle problems with many
frequencies with DMP for which a near-linear parallel
speed up can be expected

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for acoustics simulation

Capabilities chart

FRF set response FEM acoustics BEM acoustics

Simcenter Nastran Advanced

Simcenter Nastran Advanced

Simcenter 3D Acoustics BEM

Simcenter 3D Acoustics HPC

Simcenter Nastran Dynamic
Simcenter Nastran Basic **

Simcenter 3D Environment
Simcenter 3D Meshing for

Simcenter 3D Accelerated
General capabilities

Time Domain BEM solver

Simcenter 3D Noise and

Simcenter 3D Acoustics
Vibration Modeling *

Dynamics bundle *

Simcenter 3D ATV

for BEM Acoustics

Specific capabilities

Simcenter 3D
Response *

BEM solver


Surface wrapper mesh for FEM and BEM acoustics •
Convex surface mesher •
2D mesh with thickness (volumize) •
Hybrid meshing for acoustics (tetrahedron and


Automatic open duct mesh creation •

Generate acoustic envelope from structural mesh •
Cavity meshing •
Coarsener/remesher •
Hole filling •
Rib removal •
Acoustics loads: monopoles, plane waves • •
Acoustics loads: panel normal velocity • •
Acoustics loads: dipoles, distributed plane waves,
• •
enforced acoustic pressure
Aero-acoustic loads: fan source, surface dipoles •
Boundary condition

Turbulent boundary layer loads •

Mapped force loads from flow induced loads • •
Duct modes •
Transfer admittance to model perforated wall/sheet • • •
Acoustic absorber (impedance) boundary condition • •
Acoustic continuity to connect different domains •
Infinite plane to represent reflective surfaces • •
Anechoic nonreflective boundary (AML) •
Anechoic end duct •
Acoustic fluid • •
Porous materials - Craggs, Delany-Bazely-Miki and

Temperature dependent fluid for modeling • •
Temperature dependent fluid for solving •

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for acoustics simulation

FRF set response FEM acoustics BEM acoustics

Simcenter Nastran Advanced

Simcenter Nastran Advanced

Simcenter 3D Acoustics BEM

Simcenter 3D Acoustics HPC

Simcenter Nastran Dynamic
Simcenter Nastran Basic **

Simcenter 3D Environment
Simcenter 3D Meshing for

Simcenter 3D Accelerated
General capabilities

Time Domain BEM solver

Simcenter 3D Noise and

Simcenter 3D Acoustics
Vibration Modeling *

Dynamics bundle *

Simcenter 3D ATV

for BEM Acoustics

Specific capabilities

Simcenter 3D
Response *

BEM solver


Mode set representation •
Mode set response • • • •

FRF set representation •

FRF set response •
ATV set representation •
ATV set response •
VATV set representation •
VATV set response •
RDMODES (Recursive domain method for computing

structural modes faster)
Fully/weakly coupled vibro-acoustics with finite

Fully/weakly coupled vibro-acoustics with boundary

Finite element method (FEM) acoustics •
Finite element method adaptive order (FEMAO)

Acoustics transfer vector analysis (ATV) •

Vibro-acoustic transfer vector analysis (VATV) •

Indirect/direct boundary element method (BEM)

Hierarchical matrix boundary element method

(H-matrix BEM) acoustics
Fast multipole boundary element method (FMBEM)

Transient boundary element method (Transient BEM)

Solving up to four parallel processes • • •
Solving with more than four parallel processes •
Pressure, acoustic velocity and intensity at micro-
• •
phone location and acoustic power (scenario based)

Contributions of structural modes, panel and grids on

• •
the total acoustic response
Directivity plots • •

If several • are present in a single row, interpret as “OR” Note: Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop is a minimum prerequisite
If several cells are merged with one • , interpret as „AND“ for all Simcenter 3D products. Other dependency or prerequisites
* = refer Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics may apply for individual products.
** = refer Simcenter 3D for structures

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Siemens Digital Industries Software

Simcenter 3D for motion

Increasing design confidence and reducing risks

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Simcenter™ 3D software offers modeling and
Solution benefits simulation that helps engineers understand and
• Accurately predict complex mechanism predict the functional behavior of mechanisms.
behavior It delivers a complete and robust set of
capabilities to support all aspects of advanced
• Quickly build and maintain motion models
using an integrated CAE environment dynamic, static and kinematics motion
simulation. The early use of motion simulation is
• Integrate systems and controls to simulate key to evaluating mechanism performance to
mechatronic systems
increase design confidence and reduce risks.
• Use add-on modules to simulate specific
applications like tires, drivetrains or flexible Providing a platform for multidiscipline simulation
pipes The Simcenter 3D motion
• Seamlessly share and use motion simulation solution is part of a
results across Simcenter 3D as input for use in larger, integrated
other types of CAE applications multidiscipline
simulation envi-
ronment with
the Simcenter
3D Engineering
Desktop at the
core for central-
ized pre-/post-
processing for all
Simcenter 3D
solutions. This inte-
grated environment

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Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

helps you to achieve faster CAE processes and stream- Accurately predict complex mechanism behavior
line multidiscipline simulations that integrate motion The Simcenter 3D Motion solver is built on more than
and other disciplines like finite element models for 30 years of proven technology and uses the most
flexible body analysis as well as connections with advanced numerical multibody solving techniques to
acoustics for gear whine analysis. deliver fast, stable and robust simulation. Additionally,
it provides accurate results for reaction forces, displace-
A motion simulation solution for both analysts and ment, velocities and accelerations for rigid and flexible
designers bodies. The loads obtained from the simulation can
Designers and analysts typically approach motion simu- also be applied to structural analysis and durability,
lation from two different perspectives, where CAD noise and vibration studies.
designers start with CAD data, and analysts often start
with a blank slate. Simcenter 3D Motion solutions Integrate systems and controls to simulate
provide solutions that work with either user persona. mechatronic systems
Analysts can use Simcenter 3D Motion to create new Simcenter 3D can be integrated with leading control
mechanism models by hand using simple primitive design tools and supports both model exchange and
geometry for linkages. This helps you understand how co-simulation methods to solve the mechanical system
a new assembly mechanism might work before apply- equations simultaneously with the controller or actua-
ing any detailed geometry. Designers working with tor system equations. This helps you understand how
computer-aided design (CAD) assembly models during controls will impact the overall mechanism
the detailed design stage can quickly convert these performance.
assemblies into a working motion model in seconds by
converting the geometry bodies into mechanism links Seamlessly share results across Simcenter 3D
and assembly constraints into corresponding motion For certain types of structural, acoustics, vibration and
joints. This can save designers critical modeling time, durability analysis, it is critical to understand the load-
so they can begin realizing how geometry will impact ing conditions for the part or assembly being analyzed.
the performance of their mechanism. You can seamlessly transfer loading conditions calcu-
lated with Simcenter 3D Motion solutions to the
Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop for use in other
simulation applications. This will greatly improve pro-
ductivity for you or your extended simulation team.

Based on CAD Add drivers, forces

Create manually Solve Postprocessing
assembly and constraints

Build a motion model Automatically create Add motion drivers, A complete and Gain insight by
by hand using simple a model based on CAD bushings, forces, robust solver for animating, graphing,
linkages and shapes. bodies and convert define flexible bodies advanced dynamic, generating motion
assembly constraints and more. static and kinematics envelopes and
to motion joints. motion simulation. validating product

What-if, optimization, feedback to designer

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Industry applications Industrial machinery

Understanding the operating environments for intricate Industrial machines move constantly. From complex
mechanical systems – such as photocopiers, sliding production machines and robots to conveyors, cranes
sunroofs and wing flaps – can be challenging. Motion and heavy equipment, machine developers can use
simulation calculates the reaction force, torque, veloc- Simcenter 3D to enable their machine to perform as
ity, acceleration and more for mechanical systems to expected.
allow you to study a broad range of product behaviors.
Automotive and transportation Electronics often have complex, well controlled moving
Cars include a wide variety of mechanisms that impact mechanisms. Simcenter 3D can help you simulate the
vehicle performance and driver comfort. You can use motion of photocopiers, scanners, disk drives and
Simcenter 3D to evaluate suspension and tire perfor- more.
mance as well as sunroof, seat and automatic door
mechanisms. Consumer products
Washing machines, dishwashers and toys all have
Aerospace and defense mechanisms that end users rely on to meet their needs.
Aerospace customers use Simcenter 3D Motion to Simcenter 3D can help you efficiently engineer these
evaluate landing-gear performance as well as wing-flap mechanisms.

Using Simcenter 3D can help engineers simulate how
rudder systems perform in addition to other on-board
mechanisms, like cranes on a cargo ship.

Rigid body
Flexible body
Tire models
Co-simulation with controls
Interference checking

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Motion Modeling

Simcenter 3D Motion Modeling software provides Module benefits

multibody pre- and postprocessing capabilities to • Reduce expensive physical prototypes by using
model, evaluate and optimize mechanisms. The mod- motion simulation to understand mechanism
ule delivers a complete, yet simple-to-use set of capa- performance
bilities to study the complex aspects of kinematics and
dynamics during product development in industries • Gain insight into the kinematic and dynamic
such as aerospace, automotive, industrial machinery performance of a mechanism by animating, graphing
and electronics. and generating motion envelopes and validating
product clearance

Key features
• Quickly convert CAD geometry and assemblies into
fully functional motion models
• Seamlessly transfer motion results to other
Simcenter 3D applications for structural analysis,
durability, acoustics and more
• Includes a natural and direct interface to Simcenter
Amesim™ software for accurate behavior of
electronics, hydraulics and control components
throughout the system

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Motion solver

Simcenter 3D Motion solver helps engineers predict Module benefits

and understand the functional behavior of parts and • Achieve highly accurate calculations (displacements,
assemblies. This multibody dynamic solver delivers a velocities, acceleration, reaction forces, flexible body
complete and robust set of capabilities to solve all results) using advanced multibody dynamics solving
aspects of advanced dynamic, static and kinematics techniques
motion simulation.
• Reduce costly physical prototypes by using motion
simulation to understand mechanism performance

Key features
• Analysis types include kinematic, dynamic, static,
quasi-static, time and step, articulation (interactively
driven), spreadsheet (driven via a live Excel
spreadsheet software table)
• An efficient set of sparse matrix algorithms to solve
the linear equations formed in each type of analysis
• Explicit and implicit numerical integrators
• Support for model exchange and co-simulation
• User-defined subroutines.
• The Simcenter 3D Motion solver four node allows
customers to share solver licenses over multiple
cores and machines. It provides the advantage of
sharing licenses of some add-on modules across
cores and machines

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Motion Systems and Controls

Mechanical engineers can easily predict how control Module benefits

systems affect their mechanisms, and control engineers • Reduce risks from early design phases and gain
can optimize their system designs with Simcenter 3D engineering insight by correctly simulating the
Motion Systems and Controls. This module provides a combined mechatronic system
library of control modeling elements for the dynamic
simulation of mechatronic systems. Through an inter- • Design accurate and robust actuators and controllers
face to the MATLAB® environment and the Simulink®
environment, you can easily connect motion models Key features
directly with control system designs to co-simulate
• Embedded library of control modeling elements
both the motion and control models simultaneously.
Simcenter 3D Motion Systems and Controls also • Interface to MATLAB/Simulink for simulation of full
includes a generic cosimulation interface for interfac- nonlinear mechanical systems, including complex
ing with other 3rd party or inhouse codes. controls and actuators
• Support for Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI)
3D model
Multibody dynamics

Actuation input Electronics/controls

1D simulation Controls software

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Motion Flexible Body

Using Simcenter 3D Motion Flexible Body helps Module benefits

increase the accuracy of multibody models by consider- • Increase the accuracy of the predicted motion of
ing component deformations when simulating the mechanisms with flexible components
motion of mechanisms. This approach allows you to
combine the standard multibody simulation technology • Accurately predict the structural behavior of a body
with a representation of body flexibility using a set of based on exact loads from connections in a
deformation modes. mechanism

Key features
• Component mode synthesis methods available with
multiple FE solvers such as Simcenter Nastran®
software, MSC Nastran, ANSYS and Abaqus
• Editing of flexible body properties: mass and
moments of inertia, modal damping

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Motion Flexible Body Advanced

Simcenter 3D Motion Flexible Body Advanced extends Module benefits

modeling by using an automated process to turn exist- • Simplify the flexible body modeling process with
ing geometry into a flexible body for motion analysis. time-saving guided procedures
It also allows you to model constraints and contact
forces applied to flexible bodies. • Facilitate simulation of distributed loads on flexible
bodies due to contacts

Key features
• Automatic flex tool: It takes only a few mouse clicks
to go from existing CAD geometry to a complete
flexible body with associative finite element (FE)
mesh representation and proper boundary
conditions based on the connections to the
• Contact forces on flexible bodies: rigid-to-flex,
• Point-on-curve constraints extended to flexible
curves defined on FE nodes

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Motion Standard Tire

Using Simcenter 3D Motion Standard Tire enables you Module benefits

to model any force component generated by a pneu- • Accurate prediction of tire-road interactions for
matic tire in contact with a road surface, including computer-aided engineering (CAE) based driving
normal and vertical, longitudinal and lateral, as well as dynamics assessment
all resulting moments.
• Predict ride comfort and handling performance of a
vehicle with a limited number of tire and road

Key features
• Access multiple tire force models with a scalable
level of detail; suitable models for passenger cars,
trucks and buses, agriculture and construction
equipment vehicles and landing gear
• Perform high-frequency analyses, such as full-vehicle
ride comfort behavior and durability analysis
• Includes three tire formulation models: noninertial,
basic and motorcycle
• Enables support for Flexible Structure Tire Model
(FTire) from cosin scientific software

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Motion CD Tire

Simcenter 3D Motion CD Tire software delivers a family Module benefits

of tire models developed by ITWM Fraunhofer, avail- • A dedicated family of tire models for vehicle ride
able as third-party software in Simcenter 3D. These comfort and durability assessment
models are suitable for simulation of passenger cars,
trucks and buses, off-highway vehicles, motorcycles • Accurately calculate tire forces for vehicles on
and aircraft, and enable multibody analysts to accu- arbitrary road surfaces
rately predict the tire behavior for full-vehicle handling, • Build scalable models with different levels of
ride comfort and durability analyses. complexity and computational performance

Key features
• Covers a broad frequency range for durability, ride
comfort and handling analyses of full vehicles and

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Motion MF-Tyre

Simcenter 3D Motion MF-Tyre enables you to create a Module benefits

tire model that corresponds to the Delft-Tyre imple- • Simulate tire forces for assessing vehicle handling
mentation (revision 6.1.2) of the global standard, the and controlling prototyping analyses
semi-empirical Pacejka Magic Formula from professor
Hans Pacejka. These models can be used to accurately • Accurately predict vehicle handling behavior,
and efficiently simulate tire-road contact forces from including steady-state cornering, power-off in a turn,
steady-state to high-frequency analyses for vehicle lane change, J-turn and more
types such as passenger cars, motorcycles, trucks and
aircraft landing gear. Key features
• Model the steady-state and dynamic behavior of the
tire within a frequency band that covers vehicle-
handling analyses, as well as control prototyping and
rollover simulations
• Simulate vehicle control systems such as antilock
braking system (ABS), electronic stability control
(ESP), vehicle dynamic control (VDC) and traction
control system (TCS)

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Motion MF-Swift Tyre

Using Simcenter 3D Motion MF-Tyre enables you to Module benefits

create a tire model that corresponds to the Delft-Tyre • Simulate tire forces for assessing vehicle handling
implementation (revision 6.2.0) of the global standard, and controlling prototyping analyses
the semi-empirical Pacejka Magic Formula from
Pacejka. Simcenter 3D Motion MF-Swift is the higher- • Accurately predict vehicle-handling behavior,
frequency extension, up to about 100 hertz (Hz) of the including steady-state cornering, power-off in a turn,
Magic Formula MF-Tyre model, enabling accurate full lane change, J-turn and more
vehicle ride comfort, durability and vibration analyses.
It can simulate vehicle control systems such as ABS, Key features
ESP, VSC, TCS and more over a wide range of opera-
• Extend the industry-standard Pacejka Magic Formula
tional conditions.
to higher-frequency applications such as vehicle ride
comfort, suspension and driveline vibration analyses

Enveloping model with elliptical cams

Effective ro
surface Rigid ring (6 DOF)

Cleat Sidewall stiffness

C o nt ac

and damping

ensio Effective road plane
Residual stiffness
and damping Slip model

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Motion Drivetrain

For the dynamic simulation of drivetrain elements, Module benefits

Simcenter 3D Motion Drivetrain groups several tools • Automatically create multibody transmission models
and features to facilitate creating detailed drivetrain based on industry standards, reducing time for
models. The transmission builder brings in-depth, creating models by up to 80 percent
gearbox-specific ease of use into the multibody simula-
tion process, so you can rapidly move from initial • Perform end-to-end transmission simulation
design specifications to accurate simulations. The processes in a single environment
discrete drivetrain capability also provides a convenient • Achieve reliable and fast multibody gear simulations
interface to simplify the modeling of complex chain, with validated advanced solver methodologies
track and belt systems.
• Facilitate robust layout algorithm by using discrete
drivetrain to simplify modeling of chain, belt and
tracked systems, yet allow for creating custom
• Get insight into complex dynamics of chain, belt and
tracked systems to improve performance

Key features
• Automated multibody model creation for
transmissions based on industry standards
• Manages single, multi-stage spur and helical
assemblies for external or internal (such as in the
planetary stage) gears
• Direct link to Simcenter 3D Acoustics to perform
noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) assessment
• Define any pattern body with custom geometry such
as chain links and track segments together with their
connecting joints and forces
• Define layout components based on user-defined
• Predict the transient dynamic response –
displacement, velocity,
acceleration and loads on all
pattern bodies and the
related layout

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Motion TWR

Simcenter 3D Motion TWR (time waveform replication) Module benefits

software is a vertical application that leverages the • Reduce cost, save time and mitigate unnecessary
software’s multibody dynamics capabilities. It allows risks associated with handling physical specimens in
you to build a virtual test rig, calculate the frequency the lab by building a virtual test rig to excite a model
response of a given system, specify target signals, filter of the specimen
and condition the signals and ultimately produce condi-
tioned drive signals using an iterative solution process. • Enables you to perform vehicle simulation without
hard to characterize tires and roads

Key features
• Compute a set of inputs that guarantees the
equilibrium of your numerical model during
simulation and the replication of many physical
quantities measured at the same location as the
experimental test

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Motion Real-Time solver

The Simcenter 3D Motion Real-Time solver and support- Module benefits

ing licenses enhance the capabilities of Simcenter 3D • Re-use Simcenter 3D Motion models in real time
Motion models. It enables the user to unlock new instead of recreating multiple models
external model integration possibilities; add a model to
a real-time (RT) platform, integrate with other multi- • Avoid reducing models and maintain the original
physics models and combine with RT simulators and DOF
hardware-in-loop (HiL). Re-use existing models or • Produce results faster for design-of-experiments
extend the accuracy of RT models by adding more (DOE)
degrees-of-freedom (DOF) than ever possible with
previously reduced models.
Key features
• Available parallel solution for large industrial models
• Flexible body support
• Simcenter 3D Motion C-code export converts the
model files into a format that can be used on third-
party, real-time operating systems or in integration
• Simcenter 3D Motion Real-Time solver licenses are
available to support the application and hardware
that exist at the customer site

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe Standard Beam

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe Standard Beam software is Module benefits

an application dedicated to piping and tubing simula- • Rapidly design flexible cables
tion. It allows designers and mechanical engineers to
simulate mounting scenarios and calculate initial posi- • Avoid mounting/collision problems
tions, operating positions and forces/moments within • Provide accurate solutions by considering material
the pipe. In addition, it can be used to prevent a lack of properties
fit between connectors and clips and check for exces-
sive curvature or collision with other objects. • Prevent fatigue problems by avoiding torsion in the
mounting position
• Monitor reaction forces, torsion and bending radius

Key features
• Automatic zero-torsion analysis
• Compute positioning and kinematic movement of
flexible cables (for example, brake cable, gearbox
cable, fuel circuit), using the finite element method
(FEM) beam calculation method
• Transient time/space temperature and pressure
• Compatible with motion kinematics results from
Simcenter 3D

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe Standard Shell

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe Standard Shell software is Module benefits

an application dedicated to piping and tubing simula- • Rapidly design flexible cables
tion. It allows designers and mechanical engineers to
simulate mounting scenarios and calculate initial posi- • Detect crushing/buckling conditions prior to
tions, operating positions and forces/moments within developing physical prototype
the pipe. In addition, it can be used to validate designs • Increase accuracy of results
by checking crushing appearance and check for exces-
sive curvature or collision with other objects.
Key features
• Avoid mounting/collision problems
• Allow definition of multilayer hoses

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe Linear Dynamic

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe Linear Dynamic is an exten- Module benefits

sion that enables the computation of eigenmodes as • Rapidly design flexible cables
well as the harmonic response of positioned pipes
using either the FEM beam or the FEM shell calculation • Avoid mounting/collision problems
method. • Detect crushing/buckling conditions prior to
developing a physical prototype
• Avoid loose connections and leakage by simulating
dynamic (harmonic and transient) effects

Key features
• Compute the eigenmodes as well as the harmonic
response of positioned pipes

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe Nonlinear Dynamic

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe Nonlinear Dynamic is an Module benefits

extension that enables the computation of nonlinear • Rapidly design flexible cables
movement analysis (transient response) using either
the FEM beam or the FEM shell calculation method. • Avoid mounting/collision problems
• Detect crushing/buckling conditions prior to
developing a physical prototype
• Avoid loose connections and leakage by simulating
dynamic (harmonic and transient) effects

Key features
• Compute the nonlinear movement (transient
response) of positioned pipes
• Compare with kinematic positioning
• Impose accelerations or displacements
• Compatible with motion kinematics results of
Simcenter 3D
• Sensor monitoring (reaction forces, translation,

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe Optimization

Simcenter 3D Flexible Optimization software is an Module benefits

extension that enables you to compute parametric • Rapidly design flexible cables
studies and optimize the position and orientation of
components. It also allows the customer to perform a • Avoid mounting/collision problems
material characterization based on physical • Use parametric study to evaluate sensitivity of the
measurements. design
• Use DOE analysis to explore the design space
• Optimize reaction forces, length, clearance

Key features
• Create parametric studies and optimize the position
and orientation of components
• Perform a material characterization based on
physical measurements

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Flexible Electric Cables and Wire Harness option

The Simcenter 3D Flexible Electric Cables and Wire Module benefits

Harness (EC&WH) option is an extension that enables • Rapidly design electric cables and wire harness
you to compute EC&WH. It allows the customer to
perform an accurate harness design thanks to a bi- • Direct import of existing NX electrical routing model
directional link with the NX™ software routing solution • Define bundle object (cables enclosed in an external
and the use of nonlinear materials. This is mandatory in protection layer)
the case of electric cables.
• Accurate positioning and clearance checks of the
• Mounting and movements of electric flat cable

Key features
• Plasticity/hysteresis is captured for single cables and
• Material characterization procedure for experimental
load curves
• Material characterization procedure for virtual
measurement of bundles
• Granularity/scalability of NX electrical routing
solution for imported model (wire, cable, stock)
• Multiple cable contact
• Overstocks (taping) and clips (with relaxation)
imported in a single click
• Optimal cross-section distribution

NX routing Linear Nonlinear

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Capabilities chart

NX and Simcenter 3D Motion capabilities

Simcenter 3D Motion Flexible

Simcenter 3D Motion Flexible

Simcenter 3D Motion CD Tire

Simcenter Motion Drivetrain

Simcenter 3D Motion solver

Simcenter 3D Motion Real-

Simcenter 3D Motion TWR
General capabilities

RT solver Node locked

Systems and Controls
Simcenter 3D Motion

Simcenter 3D Motion

Simcenter 3D Motion

Simcenter 3D Motion

Simcenter 3D Motion

Time Desktop Solver

Specific capabilities

Body Advanced

Solver batch 4
MF-Swift Tyre
Standard Tire
NX Motion

Ccode Exp

Import of animation designer,
assembly constraint and
• •
Tecnomatix® portfolio process simu-
late kinematics models
Association to part and assembly
• •
Quick creation of primitive graphics • •
Joints, couplers, constraints • •
Motion drivers • •
Spring/damper and bushings • •

Applied forces • •
Joint friction • •
Initial conditions • •
3D body contact and analytical
• •
Submechanisms • •
Text based elements •
Integration with Simcenter

Amesim™ software
Time waveform replication + + + •
Animation • •
XY graphing • •
Motion envelope, interference
check, point trace, animation cam- • •
era, load vectors

Capture assembly arrangements

• •
during animation
Multiple load case support • •
Load transfer to Simcenter 3D
• •
Engineering Desktop
Multiple output formats (the JT™
data format, VRML, animation mov- • •
ies, etc.)
Static equilibrium • + •
Analysis types and solver

Kinematic simulation • + •
Dynamic simulation • + •

Driver control through articulation

• + •
and spreadsheet
User defined forces and subroutines + •
Multi-processor batch solver + + •
Real time solver + + • + •

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Motion Flexible

Simcenter 3D Motion Flexible

Simcenter 3D Motion CD Tire

Simcenter Motion Drivetrain

Simcenter 3D Motion solver

Simcenter 3D Motion Real-

Simcenter 3D Motion TWR
General capabilities

RT solver Node locked

Systems and Controls
Simcenter 3D Motion

Simcenter 3D Motion

Simcenter 3D Motion

Simcenter 3D Motion

Simcenter 3D Motion

Time Desktop Solver

Specific capabilities

Body Advanced

Solver batch 4
MF-Swift Tyre
Standard Tire
NX Motion

Ccode Exp

Integration with Matlab + + •
Integration with FMI/FMU 1.0 and
+ + •

Integration with generic
+ + •
Control operations + + •
Linear flexible bodies + + •

Automatic flexible body creation + + + •


Flexible body contact + + + •

Flexible body point-line constraint + + + •
Powertrain (combustion, tachome-
+ + •
ter, HD bearings)

Chains and Belts – timing or

+ + •
Transmission builder vertical and
+ + •
gear contact

Tire/road modeling + + • • • •

Track vehicles + + •

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe capabilities

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe

General capabilities

Standard Beam and Shell

Simulation for EC&WH

Nonlinear Dynamic
Specific capabilities

Advanced Beam
Linear Dynamic
Standard Beam

EC&WH option
Standard Shell


FE hypothesis: long and small diameter pipe

• • • •
(brake hose, electric cable, HVAC, bowden cable)
FE hypothesis: short and big diameter hoses
• •
(air/water hoses, FFC, FPC)
FE hypothesis: mostly for advanced thick pipes (electric cable) • •
Components: connectors, supports • • • • •
Components: separators, collectors (multi-pipes) • • • • •
Collision with external surfaces (check only) • • • • •

Collision with external surfaces (contact) • • • • •

Pipe-pipe contact • • • • •
Pipe-pipe contact using beam/beam contact • • • •
Relaxation on connectors/supports/separators/collectors • • • • •
Variable diameter/reinforcements/spirals • • • • •
Advanced materials: elastic/plastic/visco/composite/harmonic • • • • •
Space-time dependent pressure and temperature • • • • •
Link with kinematics : NX Motion • • • • •
Link with kinematics : Neutral file, XMO, axis systems, XML (CATIA Replay),
• • • • •

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for motion simulation

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe

Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe

General capabilities

Standard Beam and Shell

Simulation for EC&WH

Nonlinear Dynamic
Specific capabilities

Advanced Beam
Linear Dynamic
Standard Beam

EC&WH option
Standard Shell

Pipe bundle: with pipe-pipe contact • •

Copy/paste: pipes and assemblies • • • • •


Corrugated pipe • • • • •
Corrugated pipe with slit • •
Bowden cable: cable sliding into an outer layer • • • • •
Quasi-static • • • • •
Zero/free torsion mounting • • • •
Analysis types

Linear dynamic (frequency domain) • •

Random analysis (frequency domain) • •
Nonlinear dynamic (time domain) • •
Parametric design and optimization • •
Instant model update (Kineo) • • • •
Rubber-like hoses • •

Electric cables • •

From load curves of 1D pipe • • •

Optimization: on assembly of pipes • •


CAD results and animations • • • • •


FE results/plots/HTML report • • • • •
Integration with

Connection with NX routing (stock mode) • • • • •

other products

Connection with NX routing (cable and wire mode) • • • • •

Compatibility with Teamcenter® software • • • • •

• = included in module
+ = prerequisite
Note: Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop is a minimum prerequisite
for all Simcenter 3D products. Other dependency or prerequisites
may apply for individual products.

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Siemens Digital Industries Software

Simcenter 3D for
multiphysics simulation
Leveraging the use of industry-standard solvers
for a full range of applications

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Complex industrial problems require solutions
Solution benefits that span a multitude of physical phenomena,
• Enables users to take advantage of industry- which often can only be solved using simulation
standard solvers for a full range of applications techniques that cross several engineering
disciplines. This has significant consequences
• Makes multiphysics analysis safer, more
effective and reliable for the computer-aided engineering (CAE)
engineer. In the simplest case, he or she may
• Enables product developers to comprehend the expect the solution to be based on a weakly-
complicated behavior that affects their designs
coupled scenario in which two or more solvers
• Promotes efficiency and innovation in the are chained. The first one provides results to be
product development process used as data by the next one, with some
• Provides better products that fulfill functional iterations to be performed manually until
requirements and provide customers with a safe convergence is reached. But unfortunately,
and durable solution many physical problems are more complex! In
that case, a complex algorithmic basis and fully
integrated and coupled resolution schemes are
required to achieve convergence (the moment
at which all equations related to the different
physics are satisfied).

Simcenter™ 3D software offers products for multiphys-

ics simulation and covers both weak and strong cou-
pling. The capabilities concern thermal flow, thermome-
chanical, fluid structure, vibro-acoustics,
aero-vibro-acoustics, aero-acoustics, electromagnetic

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Simcenter 3D for multiphysics simulation

One-way data exchange Two-way data exchange (co-simulation) Integrated coupled

Structure Acoustic Flow Thermal Structure/acoustic
Thermal Structure Thermal Structure
Flow Thermal Thermal EM
Flow Structure
Flow Acoustic
Thermal EM
EM Vibro/acoustic

Increasing level of interface

thermal and electromagnetic-vibro-acoustic. Fully analysis, thermal and flow analysis and others that are
coupled issues deal with thermomechanical, fluid-ther- strongly or weakly coupled. You can let simulation
mal and electromagnetic-thermal problems. drive the design by constantly optimizing multiple
performance attributes simultaneously.
One integrated platform for multiphysics
Simcenter 3D combines all CAE solutions in one inte- Quickening the pace of multiphysics analysis
grated platform and enables you to take advantage of With the help of Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop,
industry-standard solvers for a full range of applica- multiphysics models are developed based on common
tions. This integration enables you to implement a tools with full associativity between CAE and computer-
streamlined multi-physical development process mak- aided design (CAD) data. Any existing analysis data can
ing multiphysics analysis safer, more effective and be easily extended to address additional physics
reliable. aspects by just adapting physical properties and bound-
ary conditions, but keeping full associativity and re-
This enables product developers to comprehend the
using a maximum of data.
complicated behavior that affects their designs.
Understanding how a design will perform once in a
tangible form, as well as knowledge of the strengths
and weaknesses of different design variants, promotes
innovation in the product development process. This
results in better products that fulfill functional require-
ments and provide target customers with a safe and
durable solution.

Enabling multiphysics analysis

Realistic simulation must consider the real-world inter-
actions between physics domains. Simcenter 3D brings
together world-class solvers in one platform, making
multiphysics analysis safer, more effective and reliable.
Results from one analysis can be readily cascaded to
the next.
Various physics domains can be securely coupled with-
out complex external data links. You can easily include
motion-based loads in structures and conduct multi-
body dynamic simulation with flexible bodies and
controls, vibro-acoustic analysis, thermomechanical
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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for multiphysics simulation

Industry applications • Powertrain/driveline

Simcenter 3D multiphysics solutions can help designers
-- Vibro-acoustics for radiated noise from engines,
from many industries achieve a better understanding of
transmissions and exhaust systems
the complex behavior of their products in real-life
conditions, thereby enabling them to produce better -- Thermal/flow for temperature prediction in cooling
designs. and exhaust systems
-- Electromagnetic/vibro-acoustic for EM noise
Aerospace and defense
• Airframe -- Electromagnetic/thermal for the electric motor
performance analysis
-- Thermal/mechanical temperature and thermal
stress for skin and frame Marine
-- Vibro-acoustics for cabin sound pressure stemming • Propulsion systems
from turbulent boundary layer loading of the -- Vibro-acoustics for radiated noise from engines,
fuselage transmissions and transmission loss of exhaust
-- Flow/aero-acoustics for cabin noise occurring in systems
climate control systems -- Flow/acoustics to predict acoustic radiation due to
-- Thermal/flow for temperature prediction in flow induced pressure loads on the propeller blades
ventilation -- Thermal/flow for temperature prediction in piping
-- Curing simulation for composite components to systems
predict spring-back distortion -- Hull stress from wave loads
• Aero-engine -- Electromagnetic/thermal analysis for electric
-- Thermal/mechanical temperature and thermal propulsion systems
stress/distortion for compressors and turbines
Consumer goods
-- Thermal/flow for temperature and flow pressures • Packaging
for engine system
-- Thermal/flow for simulating the manufacture of
-- Flow/aero-acoustic for propeller noise plastic components
-- Electromagnetic/vibro-acoustics for electric motor -- Mold cooling analyses
(EM) noise in hybrid aircraft
-- Electromagnetic/thermal for the electric motor Electronics
• Electronic boxes
• Aerospace and defense
-- Thermal/flow for component temperature
-- Satellite: Thermal/mechanical orbital temperatures prediction and system air flow in electronics
and thermal distortion assemblies and packages
-- Satellite: Vibro-acoustic virtual testing of spacecraft -- Flow/aero-acoustics noise emitted from cooling
integrity due to high acoustic loads during launch fans due to flow-induced pressure loads on fan
-- Launch vehicles: Thermal/mechanical temperature blades
and thermal stress for rocket engines • Printed circuit boards
Automotive – ground vehicles -- Thermal/mechanical for stress and distortion
• Body
-- Vibro-acoustics for cabin noise due to engine and
road/tire excitation
-- Flow/vibro-acoustics for cabin noise due to wind
-- Thermal/flow for temperature prediction and heat
loss in ventilation

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for multiphysics simulation

Making multiphysics simulation more effective and reliable

Using Simcenter 3D enables you to map results from Benefits

one solution to a boundary condition in a second solu- • Make multiphysics analysis more effective and
tion. Meshes can be dissimilar and the mapping opera- reliable by using a streamlined development process
tion can be performed using different options. within an integrated environment

Key features
• Create fields from simulation results and use them as
a boundary conditions: a table or reference field, 3D
spatial at single time step or multiple time steps,
scalar (for example, temperature) and vector (for
example, displacement)
• Map temperature results from Simcenter 3D Thermal
to Simcenter Nastran® software
• Use pressure and temperature results from
Simcenter 3D Flow in Simcenter Nastran analysis
• Leverage displacement results from Simcenter
Nastran for acoustics finite element method (FEM)
and boundary element (BEM) computations
• Employ pressure and temperature results from
Simcenter STAR-CCM+™ software for aero-vibro-
acoustics analysis
• Exploit stator forces results from electromagnetics
simulation for vibro-acoustics analysis
• Third-party solvers can be used for mapping: ANSYS,

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for multiphysics simulation

Coupling multiphysics simulation of mechanical

and thermal problems

Simcenter 3D Advanced Thermal leverages the multi- Benefits

physics environment to solve thermomechanical prob- • Extend mechanical and thermal solution capabilities
lems in loosely (one-way) or tightly coupled (two-way) in Simcenter 3D to simulate complex phenomena
modes. with a comprehensive set of modeling tools
This environment delivers a consistent look and feel for • Reduce costly physical prototypes and product
performing multiphysics simulations, so the user can design risk with high-fidelity thermal-mechanical
easily build coupled solutions on the same mesh using simulation
common element types, properties and boundary
conditions, as well as solver controls and options. • Gain further insight about the physics of your
Coupled thermal-structural analysis enables users to
leverage the Simcenter Nastran multi-step nonlinear • Leverage all the capabilities of the Simcenter 3D
solver and a thermal solution from the Simcenter 3D integrated environment to make quick design
Thermal solver. changes and provide rapid feedback on thermal

Key features
• Advanced simulation options for coupled
thermomechanical analysis of turbomachinery and
rotating systems
• Tightly-coupled thermomechanical analysis with
Simcenter Nastran for axisymmetric, 2D and 3D
• Combines Simcenter Nastran multi-step nonlinear
solution with industry-standard Simcenter Thermal

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for multiphysics simulation

Coupling multiphysics simulation with flow

and thermal problems

Simcenter 3D Advanced Flow software is a powerful Benefits

and comprehensive solution for computational fluid • Gain insight through coupled thermo-fluid
dynamics (CFD) problems. Combined with Simcenter multiphysics analysis
3D Thermal and Simcenter 3D Advanced Thermal,
Simcenter 3D Advanced Flow solves a wide range of • Achieve faster results by using a consistent
multiphysics scenarios involving strong coupling of environment that allows you to quickly move from
fluid flow and heat transfer. design to results

Key features
• Consider complex phenomena related to conjugate
heat transfer
• Speed solution time with parallel flow calculations
• Couple 1D to 3D flow submodels to simulate
complex systems Electr

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for multiphysics simulation

Coupled multiphysics simulation involving

dynamics and acoustics

The Simcenter Nastran software Advanced Acoustics Benefits

module extends the capabilities of Simcenter Nastran • Easily perform both weakly and fully coupled vibro-
for simulating exterior noise propagation from a vibrat- acoustic simulations
ing surface using embedded automatically matched
layer (AML) technology. Simcenter Nastran is part of • Simulate acoustic problems faster and more
the Simcenter portfolio of simulation tools, and is used efficiently with the next-generation finite element
to solve structural, dynamics and acoustics simulation method adaptive order (FEMAO) solver
problems. The Simcenter Nastran Advanced Acoustics
module enables fully coupled vibro-acoustic analysis of Key features
both interior and exterior acoustic problems.
• Simulate acoustic performance for interior, exterior
or mixed interior-exterior problems
• Correctly apply anechoic (perfectly absorbing,
without reflection) boundary conditions
Electromagnetics Structural dynamics Acoustics • Correctly represent loads from predecessor
simulations: mechanical multibody simulation, flow-
induced pressure loads on a structure and
electromagnetic forces in electric machines
• Include porous (rigid and limp frames) trim materials
in both acoustic and vibro-acoustic analysis
• Request results of isolated grid or microphone points
at any location
• Define infinite planes to simulate acoustic radiation
from vibrating structures close to reflecting ground
and wall surfaces

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for multiphysics simulation

Simcenter 3D Aero-Vibro-Acoustics

This product supports creating aero-acoustic sources Module benefits

close to noise-emitting turbulent flows and allows you • Derive lean, surface pressure-based aero-acoustic
to compute their acoustic response in the environment sources for steady or rotating surfaces
(exterior or interior); for example, for noise from heat-
ing ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) or environ- • Scalable and user-friendly load preparation for aero-
mental control system (ECS) ducts, train boogies and vibro-acoustic wind-noise simulations
pantographs, cooling fans and ship and aircraft propel- • Import binary files with load data directly into
lers. The product also allows you to define wind loads Simcenter Nastran for response computations
acting on structural panels, leading to vibro-acoustic
response; for instance, in a car or aircraft cabin.
Key features
• Conservative mapping of pressure results from CFD
to the acoustic or structural mesh
• Equivalent aero-acoustic surface dipole sources
• Equivalent aero-acoustic fan source for both tonal
and broadband noise
• Wind loads, using either semi-empirical turbulent
boundary layer (TBL) models or mapped pressure
loads from CFD results

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for multiphysics simulation

Simcenter 3D Electromagnetics/Thermal

Simcenter MAGNET™ Thermal software can be used to Module benefits

accurately simulate temperature distribution due to • Achieve higher fidelity predictions by taking
heat rise or cooling in the electromechanical device. temperature effects into account in electromagnetic
Simcenter 3D seamlessly couples with the Simcenter simulations
MAGNET solver to provide further analysis: You can use
power loss data from Simcenter MAGNET as a heat • Leverage highly efficient coupling scenarios
source and determine the impact of temperature
changes on the overall design and performance. Key features
Each solver module is tailored to different design prob- • Simulates the temperature distributions caused by
lems and is available separately for both 2D and 3D specified heat sources in the presence of thermally
designs. conductive materials
• Couples with Simcenter MAGNET solver for heating
effects due to eddy current and hysteresis losses in
the magnetic system

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for multiphysics simulation

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for multiphysics simulation

Capabilities chart

Types of
General capabilities Products involved

Other Simcenter portfo-

Simcenter 3D structural

Simcenter 3D acoustic

Simcenter 3D thermal

Simcenter 3D electro-

Simcenter 3D motion
magnetic solutions
Simcenter 3D flow

Third-party tools
• = type of coupling supported S = structural

lio solutions




V = vibration E = electromagnetics

A = acoustics FX = flexible body
F = flow MBD = multibody dynamics/motion
T = thermal C = controls
M = mechanical/structural

Supported analysis types

Vibro-acoustics (V-A) • • V-A V-A V V

Thermal-mechanical (T-M) • • M T
Flow-thermal (F-T) • • T F F F
Fluid-structure interaction (F-S) • • S F F
Thermal-fluid-structure interaction • • S T F F
Aero-acoustics (F-A) • A A F F
Aero-vibro-acoustics (F-V-A) • • V-A V-A F F
Thermal-electromagnetics (T-E) • • T-E
Vibro-acoustics - electromagnetics (V-A-E) • V-A V-A E E
Flexible multibody dynamics (FX-MBD) • FX MBD FX
Motion-control simulation (MBD-C) • MBD C C

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Siemens Digital Industries Software

Simcenter 3D for thermal

Facilitating the modeling of nonlinear and
transient heat transfer phenomena

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Simcenter™ 3D software offers a complete
Solution benefits solution for modeling nonlinear and transient
• Leverage the Simcenter 3D integrated heat transfer phenomena, accounting for
environment to make quick design changes and conduction, convection, radiation and phase
provide rapid feedback on thermal performance change. Dedicated thermal modeling
• Use Simcenter Nastran to understand capabilities are available, such as rapid thermal
thermoelastic effects with coupled physics connection methods, an extensive physical
analysis model library and a wide array of thermal loads
and boundary conditions. These provide
• Minimize tedious rework and modeling errors
flexibility and ease-of-use while addressing
with direct interfaces for ECAD systems
complex thermal challenges.
• Analyze condensation, humidity and dust
particle transport in electronics systems
Gain reliable thermal insights
• Predict thermal performance for orbiting A pioneering tool in computational heat transfer model-
vehicles accurately and quickly ing, Siemens Digital Industries Software’s Simcenter 3D
• Increase collaboration and team productivity has been continuously developed for over three
with a thermal analysis solution that is easily decades. It boasts a complete element, material and
integrated with your design and engineering physical model library that is linked to an enriched,
process high-fidelity solver with a broad set of functionalities.
This is further enhanced by intuitive pre-/postprocess-
ing functionalities for thermal analysts.

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Simcenter 3D for thermal simulation

Easily handle thermal exchange between dissimilar Providing a platform for multidiscipline simulation
interfaces The Simcenter 3D thermal solution is part of a larger,
Using Simcenter 3D, thermal connections can be auto- integrated multidiscipline simulation environment with
matically defined between disjoint components, dis- the Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop at the core for
similar meshes and nonconforming geometry. centralized pre-/postprocessing for all Simcenter 3D
Moreover, mesh congruence and proximity require- solutions. This integrated environment helps you to
ments are eliminated, which enables the user to build achieve faster CAE processes and streamline multidisci-
and solve large assemblies quickly. plinary simulation such as thermomechanical analyses
based on structural solutions or conjugate heat transfer
Master complexity and productivity in industry problems that are coupled with flow solutions.
The capabilities of Simcenter 3D for thermal simulation
have been leveraged in vertical applications to satisfy
specific industry needs. Simcenter 3D Space Systems
Thermal enables the user to model the thermal perfor-
mance and characteristics of orbiting and interplan-
etary vehicles. Simcenter 3D Advanced Thermal pro-
vides advanced capabilities for the aero-engine analyst
community to perform analysis on the entire engine.

Automation and customization to manage a wide

range of models
Simcenter 3D for thermal simulation provides an exten-
sible solver architecture supporting user subroutines,
user plugins, expressions and an open application
programming interface (API) to automate and custom-
ize the product development workflow according to
industry needs.

Geometry Meshing and

Preprocessing Solving Postprocessing
preparation assembly

Close holes, remove Mesh mating, Thermal couplings, Coupled conduction, Temperatures, heat
blends, idealize material selection, thermal loads, convection, radiation fluxes, view factors,
parts, etc. etc. radiation enclosures, heat transfer, tempera- heat transfer coeffi-
constraints, ture dependent phase cients, thermal stress,
boundary conditions, change, axisymmetric etc.
etc. analysis, etc.

What-if, optimization, feedback to designer

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for thermal simulation

Industry applications Electronics and consumer goods

Thermal applications in Simcenter 3D include simula- Simcenter 3D thermal modules can be leveraged to
tion and analysis for a range of heat transfer problems meet the design requirements of compact and complex
in aerospace, automotive, electronics, power genera- electronics systems. Examples include identifying recir-
tion, process and other industries. culation zones and hot spots, predicting thermal
response based on spatially varying and orthotropic
Automotive and transportation conductivity and capacitance, and determining cooling
Simcenter 3D helps tackle a variety of analysis scenar- strategies and heat sink modeling.
ios, such as under-hood thermal analysis, powertrain
thermal management and thermal response and tem- Industrial machinery
peratures in automotive lighting systems. Simcenter 3D Simcenter 3D can be used to simulate a broad category
for thermal offers a complete solution for the thermal of applications such as laser ablation and cutting, weld-
design of electric vehicles, including batteries and ing thermal response, mold-cooling analyses and phase
enclosures. change thermal analysis. In the cold-chain industry,
Simcenter 3D can be used for performing predictive
Aerospace and defense modeling of the quality of frozen and temperature-
Simcenter 3D includes the ability to model the thermal sensitive materials during shipping and handling.
response from a single component to a global aircraft
system. The aero-engine turbine, compressor and
entire engine may be modeled for a thermal analysis or
a coupled thermomechanical analysis with Simcenter
Nastran® software. Thermal dissipation from electrical
components can be modeled using the nonlinear Joule
heating capability. Aerothermal or ablation analysis is
an area of strength.

Whole engine thermomechanical

Spacecraft thermal performance
Electronics cooling
Orbital heating
Powertrain thermal management
Cold chain

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for thermal simulation

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for thermal simulation

Simcenter 3D Thermal

Simcenter 3D Thermal provides heat transfer solutions Module benefits

and can simulate conduction, convection and radiation Use Simcenter Nastran software to understand
phenomena for complex products and large assem- thermomechanical effects of coupled physics analysis
blies. The Simcenter 3D Thermal solver is based on a
finite-element, finite-volume formulation to simulate Deliver full assembly finite element method (FEM)
heat transfer phenomena accurately and efficiently. support to model complex systems

Key features
Fully coupled conduction, radiation and convection
heat transfer simulation to steady-state and transient
Axisymmetric modeling and nonlinear thermal
Thermally connect disjoint and dissimilar mesh faces
and edges
Spatially varying heat transfer coefficients can be
defined for thermal boundary conditions

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for thermal simulation

Simcenter 3D Advanced Thermal

Simcenter 3D Advanced Thermal provides a wide range Module benefits

of methods for sophisticated radiation analysis, Solve complex heat transfer phenomena with a
advanced optical properties, radiative and electrical comprehensive set of modeling tools
heating models, one-dimensional hydraulic network
modeling and advanced material models such as phase Extend thermal solution capabilities in Simcenter 3D
change, charring and ablation. Thermal control devices Thermal and Simcenter 3D Electronic Systems Cooling
and articulation may also be modeled. Leverage open architecture to integrate user
subroutines and grant greater control over the solution
Use parallelized thermal solver and view factor
calculations to increase solution efficiency and reduce
total run time

Key features
Simulate direction-dependent optical properties,
bi-directional reflectance distribution function (BRDF)
Wavelength-dependent properties for nongray bodies
Advanced radiation methods such as deterministic and
Monte Carlo ray tracing and nongray multiband
radiative heat transfer

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for thermal simulation

Simcenter 3D Space Systems Thermal

Simcenter 3D Space Systems Thermal is the vertical Module benefits

application that provides a comprehensive set of tools Predict thermal performance for orbiting vehicles
to perform orbital thermal analyses in the Simcenter 3D accurately and quickly
environment. Simcenter 3D Space Systems Thermal
helps resolve engineering challenges early in the Increase collaboration and team productivity with a
design process and is a valuable tool for predicting and thermal analysis solution that is easily integrated with
understanding thermal physics for space-bound, orbit- your design and engineering process
ing and interplanetary vehicles. Maximize process efficiency with a highly automated
solution that requires no additional input files and
carries out the analysis in a single pass

Key features
Model orbital heating for all planets of the solar system
Transient view factor recalculations with articulating
geometries such as sun-tracking solar panels and
directional antennas
Multilayer shell formulation for modeling multilayer
insulation, composite panels and thermal protection

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for thermal simulation

Simcenter 3D Electronic Systems Cooling

Simcenter 3D Electronic Systems Cooling software is an Module benefits

industry-specific vertical application that leverages Simulate 3D airflow and thermal behavior in electronic
Simcenter 3D Flow and Simcenter 3D Thermal solvers systems
as well as NX™ software and the NX PCB Exchange
module capabilities in an integrated multiphysics envi- Minimize tedious rework and modeling errors with
ronment. This enables you to simulate 3D airflow and direct interfaces to electrical computer-aided design
thermofluid behavior in densely packed, heat-sensitive (ECAD) systems
electronic systems. Transport condensation, humidity and dust particles in
electronics systems

Key features
With NX PCB Exchange, fully three-dimensional board
designs can be obtained from the leading printed
circuit board (PCB) and flexible printed circuit (FPC)
layout software packages from companies such as
Siemens Digital Industries Software, Zuken, Cadence
and Altium
Radiation enclosures using hemicube-based view factor
calculations (using graphics card hardware)
A catalog of fan curves is available out-of-the-box
(OOTB), which can be extended with additional
manufacturer data

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for thermal simulation

Simcenter 3D Thermal HPC

Simcenter 3D Thermal high-performance computing Module benefits

(HPC) leverages hardware systems configured as a Leverage the flexibility of solving on a single machine
multiprocessor desktop or a multi-node cluster. One or across a distributed network or cluster
license of Simcenter 3D Thermal HPC together with the
prerequisite solver licenses can be used to produce a Maximize the value of your hardware investments and
solve over as many processors as available. greatly improve your solution

Key features
Canadarm view factor calculation scaling
(~66 million view factors) Cores may be co-located on a single workstation,
70 distributed over a local area network (LAN), or exist
within a standalone computational cluster
Limitations on the maximum number of cores are
50 eliminated, allowing solve speeds to scale up or down
based on the number of available cores, not the
40 number of available licenses

Domain decomposition techniques are included for
solving large-scale thermal models
20 The Simcenter 3D Thermal solver features parallel
computation of radiation view factors, radiative
heating and a solution for the thermal model
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Number of cores

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for thermal simulation

Capabilities chart

Simcenter 3D Thermal HPC

Simcenter 3D Thermal HPC

General capabilities

General capabilities
Simcenter 3D Electronic

Simcenter 3D Electronic
Simcenter 3D Thermal

Simcenter 3D Thermal
Simcenter 3D Space

Simcenter 3D Space
Advanced Thermal

Advanced Thermal
Systems Thermal

Systems Thermal
Systems Cooling

Systems Cooling
Specific capabilities Specific capabilities

Simcenter 3D

Simcenter 3D
DMP thermal parallel Nongeometric element • • •
+ + + + •
Orbit •
Thermal parallel processing

• • • • PCB layer • •
(serial solver)
PCB via • •
Multiphysics solve + + •
Planar head loss •
Multithreading • • •
Reference temperature • • •
User subroutine • • •
Rotational periodicity source
cgns • • •
zone (multiphysics only)
esatan •
Modeling objects

Target temperature • • •
File export


INPF • • •
Target temperature change • • •
Mapping constraint • • •
Thermal parameters
• •
primitive • (multiphysics only)
Sinda-85 • Thermal source zone • •
cgns • Thermo optical properties • • •
I-DEAS scratch file • • • Thermo optical properties
• •
INPF • • •
File import

Thermo optical properties

NX xml • • • • •
plot3d •
Thermostat • • •
primitive •
Void NGE • •
Universal • • •
Gravity (component,
• •
Ablation charring • • magnitude and direction)

Active heater controller • • • Rotation (model subset and

• •
whole model)
Advanced parameters flow •

Thermal convecting zone • •

Advanced parameters thermal • • •
Thermal loads (heat load, heat
Axisymmetry source zone • • •
• • flux, heat generation)
(multiphysics only)
Thermal stream • •
Convection properties •
Thermal void (with regions) • •
Duct convection correction • •
Modeling objects

Association target zone • •

Duct head loss • •
Convection to environment • • •
External conditions •
Initial conditions • • • •
External solver
Film cooling •
Fan speed controller •
Flow mapping target set •

Generic entity • • •
Mapping • • •
Joint • •
Rotational periodicity target
Joint orbital tracker • • • •
Layer • • • Simple environment radiation • • •
Monte Carlo settings • • • Symmetry target zone • • •
Multiphysics thermal output Temperature • • •
Transverse gradient target set • •

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for thermal simulation

Simcenter 3D Thermal HPC

Simcenter 3D Thermal HPC

General capabilities

General capabilities
Simcenter 3D Electronic

Simcenter 3D Electronic
Simcenter 3D Thermal

Simcenter 3D Thermal
Simcenter 3D Space

Simcenter 3D Space
Advanced Thermal

Advanced Thermal
Systems Thermal

Systems Thermal
Systems Cooling

Systems Cooling
Specific capabilities Specific capabilities

Simcenter 3D

Simcenter 3D
Advanced thermal coupling • • PCB component •
Convection coupling • • Peltier cooler • • •
Deactivation set • • Printed circuit board •
Deactivation set advanced • • • Radiation (all radiation and
• • •
enclosure radiation)
Disjoint fluid mesh pairing •
Radiation thermal coupling
Duct flow boundary condition • • • • • •
(gap and object-to-object)
Flow blockage •
Radiative element subdivision • •
Simulation objects

Flow boundary condition

Radiative heating • •

– Convective outflow •
Report • • •
– Inlet •
Screen •
– Internal fan •
Simulation objects

Selective results •
– Opening •
Solar heating • •
– Outlet •
Solar heating space • •
­– Recirculation loop •
Solid motion effects
• •
– Static pressure • (articulation, spinning)

Flow surface • Symmetry plane •

Free molecular heating • Thermal coupling • • •

Immersed boundary • Thermal rotational periodicity • •

Interface resistance • • • Advanced parameters • • •

Joule heating (current, electri- Component •


• • •
cal coupling, voltage)
Correction • •
Merge set •
Fan catalogs •
Orbital heating •
Fan curves •
Override set - thermal
• • • •
properties Legend:
Particle injection • = included in module
+ = additional product required
Note: Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop is a minimum prerequisite
for all Simcenter 3D products. Other dependency or prerequisites
may apply for individual products.

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Siemens Digital Industries Software

Simcenter 3D for fluid

dynamics simulation
Providing insight for flow in complex assemblies

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Simcenter™ 3D software offers a
Solution benefits comprehensive set of sophisticated tools to
• Accurately solve the Navier-Stokes equations model and simulate fluid flow for complex
that describe fluid motion parts and assemblies. The integrated
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solution
• Speed up the preprocessing time for CFD
analysis by rapidly creating fluid domain enables fast and accurate fluid-flow simulation
geometry and meshes from complex assemblies and provides insight into product performance
during all design development phases, limiting
• Achieve faster CFD results by using a consistent
costly, time-consuming physical testing cycles.
environment that allows you to quickly move
from design to advanced CFD results
A powerful and robust CFD solver
• Couple 1D to 3D flow submodels to efficiently Siemens Digital Industries Software’s Simcenter 3D
simulate complex systems fluid dynamics modules combine the power and accu-
• Integrate CFD solution with the broader racy of the well-established control-volume formulation
Simcenter 3D platform to streamline simulation with cell-vertex formulation to discretize and efficiently
processes by 70 percent solve the fluid motion describing Navier-Stokes equa-
tions. The Simcenter 3D fluid dynamics solver employs
• Speed solution time using parallel flow
a robust algebraic multigrid solution scheme in combi-
nation with multiple first and second order discretiza-
tion options and time integration schemes to deliver a
capable and fully integrated CFD solution. Within the
Simcenter environment, it also uses an immersed
boundary, flux-based halo-node approach for quick and
easy thermal-flow evaluation.

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Simcenter 3D for fluid dynamics simulation

Rapidly create fluid domains Providing a platform for multidiscipline simulation

Automatically and rapidly extracting fluid domains The Simcenter 3D fluid dynamics solution is part of a
using traditional Boolean operations, surface wrapping larger, integrated multidiscipline simulation environ-
and defining immersed bodies helps improve CFD ment with the Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop at
analysis productivity. Treating dissimilar fluid meshes the core for centralized pre-/postprocessing for all
at interfaces between parts allows the user to quickly Simcenter 3D solutions. This integrated environment
investigate many what-if simulation scenarios involving helps you to achieve faster CAE processes and stream-
complex assemblies. line multidiscipline simulations that integrate flow and
other disciplines like aero-vibro-acoustics that requires
A strong coupling with thermal solver acoustics and structural solution, fluid-structure inter-
The flow and thermal modules of Simcenter 3D can be action or thermal coupled problems that require ther-
seamlessly coupled. CFD and thermal models can be mal solutions.
created separately and then combined by simply drag-
ging and dropping the boundary conditions into the
coupled simulation. This provides a powerful and easy-
to-use solution for applications that require explicit
modeling of CFD along with detailed thermal analysis.

A dedicated tool for electronics system cooling

Simcenter 3D Electronic Systems Cooling provides a
fully associative end-to-end electronics thermal design
capability. Changes in the electronics computer-aided
design (ECAD) can be seamlessly propagated to the
thermal/CFD model to recover the new system tem-
peratures and airflows.

Geometry Meshing and

Preprocessing Solving Postprocessing
preparation assembly

Close holes, remove Mesh mating, Inlets, openings, flow Simcenter 3D Flow, Velocities, pressure,
blends, idealize material selection, surfaces constraints, Simcenter 3D temperature, heat
parts, etc. etc. boundary conditions, Advanced Flow, transfer coefficient
etc. conjugate heat etc.

What-if, optimization, feedback to designer

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for fluid dynamics simulation

Industry applications Electronics and consumer goods

From the gust of air that pushes a sailboat to the hot Critical thermal design issues such as open and closed
exhaust exiting an automobile’s tailpipe to the burst of electronics enclosures can be addressed using
medication issuing from the nozzle of an oral inhala- Simcenter 3D flow modules, which offer a complete
tion device, fluid dynamics are an essential and inextri- solution for the thermal design of electrical and elec-
cable part of industry applications. tronics systems. Humidity and film condensation on
electronics components can be readily simulated.
Automotive and transportation
Simcenter 3D provides porous blockage models for a Industrial machinery
quick and effective simulation of under-hood compo- Flow in rotating machinery can be modeled using the
nents like radiators, charge air coolers and condensers. rotating frame of reference methods. Mold cooling
Further automotive applications include thermal man- simulations can be performed, including forced/free
agement in automotive lighting systems, cabin comfort convection and non-Newtonian material behavior, flow
and humidity analysis, gas mixture modeling of in porous filters and heavy-particle-laden flow. Two-
exhaust and pollutant species transport. phase flow conditions, with constituents having signifi-
cantly different densities and viscosities, are also
Aerospace and defense supported.
Transporting humidity along with film condensation
modeling, the flow simulation capabilities of Simcenter
3D can be used to obtain estimates of passenger com-
fort. Lift and drag forces can be computed and
reported, based on the pressure and viscous shear
acting on flow surfaces. The fluid dynamic forces can
be automatically mapped to structural solutions.

Cabin comfort
Industrial processes
Engine block cooling

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for fluid dynamics simulation

Simcenter 3D Advanced Fluid Modeling

Simcenter 3D Advanced Fluid Modeling delivers state- Module benefits

of-the art tools to rapidly and efficiently create complex Reduces time spent creating meshes for CFD and
fluid models used for either CFD or acoustic simula- acoustic simulations
tions. Simcenter 3D Advanced Fluid Modeling enables
you to create fluid domain geometry from complex Rapidly creates fluid domain geometry from complex
component or assembly models along with specialized assemblies
boundary layer meshing capabilities that deliver accu- Accurately meshes fluid domain and boundary layers
rate results. Supports full-assembly to extract air volume in complex
systems as well as mesh assemblies

Key features
Enables fast and intuitive direct geometry editing using
synchronous technology
Creates an airtight envelope based on the selected
geometry or mesh using an advanced surface wrapping
Delivers a complete set of tools to define the boundary
layer mesh and ensures optimal wall-adjacent meshes
for turbulence modeling
Provides hybrid hex-tet meshing with a significant
number of structured elements

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for fluid dynamics simulation

Simcenter 3D Flow

Simcenter 3D Flow is a CFD solution that provides Module benefits

sophisticated tools to model and simulate fluid flow for Reduce costly physical prototypes by simulating fluid
complex parts and assemblies. Simcenter 3D Flow flow in a virtual environment
combines the power and accuracy of the well-estab-
lished control-volume formulation with cell-vertex Streamline processes that require a multidisciplinary
formulation to discretize and efficiently solve the fluid simulation approach
motion described by the Navier-Stokes equations. Save time and avoid errors due to transfer of data and
results for multiphysics simulation

Key features
Simulate internal- or external-flow problems in
turbulent, laminar and mixed flows
Account for forced, natural and mixed convection
Connect dissimilar fluid meshes at interfaces between
complex assemblies

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for fluid dynamics simulation

Simcenter 3D Advanced Flow

Simcenter 3D Advanced Flow is an add-on module to Module benefits

both Simcenter 3D Flow and Simcenter 3D Electronic Readily track the interface between two fluids in a
Systems Cooling. It extends the flow-simulation capa- sloshing problem
bilities of these products to encompass internal or
external fluid flow, including compressible and high- Efficient and accurate rotating machinery simulation
speed flows, non-Newtonian fluids, tracking of heavy Couple 1D hydraulic networks with 3D flow models to
particles and multiple rotating frames of reference. simulate complex systems

Key features
Single and multiple rotating frames of reference
Additional turbulence models such as RNG k-epsilon,
Realizable k-epsilon, SST, k-omega and LES
Multi-species filling and emptying

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for fluid dynamics simulation

Simcenter 3D Flow HPC

Simcenter 3D Flow high-performance computing (HPC) Module benefits

makes use of hardware systems configured as a multi- Enjoy the flexibility of solving on a single machine or
processor desktop or a multi-node cluster. One license across a distributed network or cluster
of Simcenter 3D Flow HPC together with the prerequi-
site solver licenses can be used to produce a solve over Maximize the value of your hardware investments and
as many processors as available. greatly improve your solution

Key features
CFD analysis: humidity transport in a chiller
Cores may be co-located on a single workstation,
distributed over a local area network, or exist within a
standalone computational cluster
Limitations on the maximum number of cores are
eliminated, allowing solve speeds to scale up or down
based on the number of available cores, not the

number of available licenses
Domain decomposition techniques are included for
10 solving large-scale flow models

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for fluid dynamics simulation

Capabilities chart
General capabilities

General capabilities
Simcenter 3D Advanced

Simcenter 3D Advanced

Simcenter 3D Advanced

Simcenter 3D Advanced
Simcenter 3D Flow HPC

Simcenter 3D Flow HPC

Simcenter 3D Flow

Simcenter 3D Flow
Specific capabilities Specific capabilities

Fluid Modeling

Fluid Modeling

DMP flow parallel processing + + • Fixed turbulent viscosity •

Solution attributes and parameters


Flow parallel processing (serial solver) • • Standard K-epsilon •

Multiphysics solve + + • RNG K-epsilon •
Condensation and evaporation • Realizable K-epsilon •
cgns • K-Omega turbulence model •

INPF • LES-Large eddy simulation •

Mapping constraint • Mixing length •
cgns • Laminar flow •
I-DEAS scratch file • Spalart-Allmaras •
File import

INPF • Shear stress transport •

NX xml • Advanced parameters flow •
plot3d • Convection properties •
Universal • Duct convection correction •
3D Hybrid mesh • Duct head loss •
Constraint - auto refinement • External conditions •
Modeling objects

Constraint - contact prevention • Fan speed controller •

Advanced fluid modeling required during solve as well

Constraint - local resolution • Generic entity •

Boundary layer mesh control • Homogeneous gas mixture •
CGNS import / export • Immiscible fluid mixture •
PLOT3D import • Non-Newtonian fluid •
Sim fluid domain SSSO • Planar head loss •
Sim fluid domain mesh • Thermostat •
Recipe create (output body) • Tracer fluid •
Recipe create (output body +

• Thermal loads (heat load, heat flux,

2D mesh) •
heat generation)
Recipe create (output 2D mesh) •
Association target zone •
Recipe create from 2D element faces •
Initial conditions • •

Tet Mesh (with BL mesh control) •

Flow mapping target set •
WRAP (output body) •
Mapping •
WRAP (output body + 2D mesh) •
Temperature •
WRAP (output 2D mesh) •
WRAP recipe with constraints •
WRAP recipe from 2D element faces •

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for fluid dynamics simulation

General capabilities

Simcenter 3D Advanced

Simcenter 3D Advanced

Simcenter 3D Flow HPC

Simcenter 3D Flow
Specific capabilities

Fluid Modeling

Convection coupling •
Deactivation set •
Deactivation set advanced
Disjoint fluid mesh pairing •
Duct flow boundary condition •
Flow blockage (porous, isotropic,

orthotropic, solid)
Flow boundary condition
– Bursting membrane •
– Convective outflow •
– Flap •
– Inlet •
– Internal fan •
– Opening •
Simulation objects

– Outlet •
– Recirculation loop •
– Static pressure •
Flow surface (boundary and

embedded, with obstructions)
Fluid domain (fluid mesh and surface

Immersed boundary • •
Mixing plane (disjoint and joint) •
Moving frame of reference (rotating

and translating)
General capabilities

Simcenter 3D Advanced

Simcenter 3D Advanced

Simcenter 3D Flow HPC

Particle injection •
Simcenter 3D Flow

Peltier cooler
Specific capabilities
Fluid Modeling

Periodic boundary condition

(rotational and translational)
Report •

Screen •
Selective results • Advanced parameters •

Supersonic inlet • Correction •

Symmetry plane • Fan curves •

• = included in module
+ = additional product required
Note: Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop is a minimum prerequisite
for all Simcenter 3D products. Other dependency or prerequisites
may apply for individual products.

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Siemens Digital Industries Software

Simcenter 3D for
Integrating Simcenter MAGNET and high-
frequency EM solvers to achieve excellent
electromagnetic performance

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Simcenter™ 3D software for electromagnetics
Solution benefits (EM) offers an integrated, low-frequency solver
• Enable low- and high-frequency with Simcenter MAGNET™ software and a
electromagnetics simulation in a multidiscipline variety of high-frequency solvers for wave
integrated environment propagation challenges. The comprehensive
• Manage and simulate multiscale models of the set of capabilities provides insight into diverse
highest complexity in a reasonable amount of design challenges: performance of
time electromechanical components and energy
conversion, antenna design and siting (small to
• Use advanced algorithms to enhance readily
large scale), electromagnetic compatibility
available material data for high-fidelity
simulations (EMC) and electromagnetic interference (EMI).

• Use integrated EM-thermal solvers to predict

Analyze large scale, system-level problems
permanent magnets’ demagnetization and hot
spots for increased robustness
Siemens Digital Industries Software’s Simcenter 3D for
electromagnetics integrates capabilities that can gener-
ate, manage and simulate multiscale models of the
highest complexity in a reasonable amount of time and
with minimal computational resources. There are effi-
cient and effective methods tuned for each frequency/
time range, application field and scale of device.

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Simcenter 3D for electromagnetics simulation

Dedicated and robust electromagnetic solvers temperature dependencies and magnetization imprints.
Simcenter 3D for electromagnetics is designed for Smart or engineered materials, which have uncommon
robustness and computational efficiency. A range of electromagnetic properties, are modeled with high
dedicated solvers (time and frequency based; linear fidelity.
and nonlinear, finite and boundary element based)
with novel boundary conditions and smart mesh refine- Providing a platform for multidiscipline simulation
ments offers a transformative computer-aided engi- The Simcenter 3D EM solution is part of a larger, inte-
neering (CAE) process, with simulations ranging from a grated multidiscipline simulation environment with
fast, initial analysis to inherent realism for final centralized pre- and postprocessing for all Simcenter
verification. 3D solutions. This integrated environment helps you to
achieve faster CAE processes and streamline multidisci-
Further refinement with integrated thermal pline simulations that integrate electromagnetics and
simulations other disciplines like NVH and CFD in order to generate
Reliable and accurate results can only be obtained a high fidelity digital twin
when models incorporate the right level of sophistica- and examine all core
tion. Coupling high fidelity electromagnetic and ther- physics for prod-
mal solvers facilitates realistic predictions of the tem- uct compliance,
perature distribution and the corresponding effect on safety and
materials and low-frequency electromagnetic fields. performance
This integrated thermal simulation provides further verification.
insights, ultimately resulting in reduced risk for demag-
netization and performance drop.

Deliver high-fidelity simulations with advanced

material models
The Simcenter 3D electromagnetics solution uses
advanced algorithms to enhance readily available
material data so simulation results strongly correlate
with test data and expected performance. These capa-
bilities include modeling manufacturing processes,

Geometry Meshing and

Preprocessing Solving Postprocessing
preparation assembly

Cleaning, editing and Volume and surface Materials, circuits, Full wave, E/H fields,
parametrizing meshing, applying loads, boundary asymptotic, static, S-parameters,
mesh controls and conditions time and frequency torque, efficiency,
creating meshes for EMC/EMI
motion components

What-if, optimization, feedback to designer

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for electromagnetics simulation

Industry applications Marine

Electromagnetics heavily impacts the safety, perfor- Simcenter 3D can provide insight into antenna place-
mance and reliability of a product, so having a digital ment and minimization of radar signature also for
twin that can faithfully predict the multiple characteris- aeronautical applications. The performance of propul-
tics of this phenomena is critical for design success. sion motors, energy storage systems and rails can also
be predicted.
Automotive and transportation
Simcenter 3D for EM provides the tools for designing Industrial machinery
electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) Simcenter 3D provides the necessary features to evalu-
powertrains and electromechanical components ate the performance and durability of the electrome-
(pumps, actuators), and verifying electromagnetic chanical components used in heavy vehicles, inspection
emissions (both radiated and conducted) to meet regu- and extraction equipment.
lations and develop antennas and communication
devices for vehicle to vehicle or infrastructure (V2x) Consumer goods
connectivity. Simcenter 3D can be used to verify EMC/EMI require-
ments and hence guarantee proper function of the
Aerospace and defense electronics in all environments. Further, it is used to
Simcenter 3D can tackle the complex large-scale simu- evaluate the performance of communication systems
lations of high-intensity radiated fields and lightning based on antenna types and provide insight into elec-
on the fuselage. Also, EMC requirements for avionics tromechanical components (motors, pumps, fans) used
can be addressed for the most complex systems. New in home appliances, including wireless charging.
electric propulsion can be designed with high-end
electromagnetic motion solvers.

Static, harmonic and transient low

frequency field simulations
Coupled EM-thermal and EM-motion
Synthetic antenna models
Surface-partial element equivalent
circuit (S-PEEC)
Simulate multiscale models

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for structural dynamics simulation

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for electromagnetics simulation

Simcenter 3D Low Frequency EM

Simcenter 3D Low Frequency EM software allows you Module benefits

to create and edit Simcenter MAGNET models. Using • Associativity between electromagnetic performance
the Simcenter 3D graphical interface, you can import or and the fully parametrized CAD model
build 3D electromechanical models in native NX CAD,
use and define sophisticated magnetic materials and • Highly efficient way of defining complex
define properties, boundary conditions and loads, electromechanical devices
including loads using an integrated 1D circuit modeling • Integrated world-class material database
• Supports multidiscipline scenarios from the
Once solved, the product also allows you to do sophis- integrated environment
ticated postprocessing of the results.

Key features
• From 2D to full 3D detailed analysis
• Includes static, harmonic and transient solvers,
including motion for any number of components
• Material models for low-frequency EM materials
(advanced models such as hysteresis,
• Integrated thermal analysis

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for electromagnetics simulation

Simcenter MAGNET solver

The Simcenter MAGNET solver is based on low-fre- Module benefits

quency electromagnetic solving technology, which is • Achieve great accuracy due to outstanding
built on several decades of expertise, incorporating a capabilities
wide range of capabilities and technologies for maxi-
mum performance for each application. The solver • Fast solvers, adapted and optimized for applications
includes static, harmonic, transient solver capabilities • Benefit from an extensive electromagnetic materials
including motion. It is designed for motor engineers library
and electromagnetic engineers who want to improve
design and achieve maximal performance and effi-
ciency in their electromechanical systems. Key features
• From 2D axisymmetric and 2D translational to full 3D
• From static to harmonic and full transient
• From single component to any number of
components with motion
• Sophisticated loss models including iron loss,
• Circuit editor for co-simulation

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for electromagnetics simulation

Simcenter MAGNET Thermal solver

The thermal and electromagnetic modules of Simcenter Module benefits

MAGNET can be used to simulate steady-state and • Increase efficiency of electromechanical devices by
transient temperature distribution, considering losses considering the thermal aspects
in the windings as well as the core, including the eddy
current and hysteresis losses. • Assess risk of demagnetization of permanent
magnets and increase robustness
• Run your models in different operating conditions
and easily assess effect of thermal behavior on
device performance (torque, efficiency,

Key features
• Coupled thermal-electromagnetics co-simulation
• Steady state
• Transient

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for electromagnetics simulation

Simcenter 3D High Frequency EM

Simcenter 3D High Frequency EM software allows you Module benefits

to create, edit and postprocess high-frequency electro- • Enable end-to-end efficient process using
magnetic analyses from the Simcenter 3D graphical associativity between the electromagnetic
interface. The user can define complex materials, ele- performance and the CAD model
ment properties, boundary conditions and excitations,
including highly performant equivalent antenna mod- • Facilitate straightforward handling of large, system-
els, all while keeping associativity to CAD. level models such as full aircraft, satellites, ships and
• Address a wide frequency spectrum with a range of
dedicated solvers
• Leverage existing knowledge built on 30 years of
expertise in the high-frequency electromagnetics

Key features
• Simcenter 3D environment for high-frequency EM
• Setting up for a range of dedicated solvers: uniform
theory of diffraction (UTD), 3D and 2.5D (for devices
and antennas based on multilayered PCB technology)
accelerated multilevel fast multipole algorithm
(MLFMA, DDM...) MoM-based solvers
• Material models for high-frequency electromagnetics
• Postprocessing of analysis: EM fields, SYZ
parameters, coupling, far-field and near-field results,
magnetic and electric currents, antenna pattern
• CAD based and equivalent models of antenna
(antenna modeling starting from incomplete data)

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for electromagnetics simulation

Simcenter High Frequency EM solver

The Simcenter High Frequency EM solver embeds full- Module benefits

wave solvers based on integral methods (MoM and • Availability of a wide range of solvers allows you to
FMLFMA) for solving Maxwell’s electromagnetic equa- select the most appropriate one for the job
tions. In addition, asymptotic methods are available
based on the UTD and IPO. A variety of solvers are • Ultra-large-scale problems (large electric size) can be
incorporated to efficiently solve for 2.5D as well as for handled
full 3D field problems. Solver acceleration options • Run models with different length scales (small
(Multi-boundary conditions MoM-based algorithms, antennas integrated in large systems can be handled
accelerated through MLFMA, DDM and other fast algo- efficiently)
rithms) are embedded to speed up computation times
for large systems. • Solver accelerators provide extra speed

Key features
• Full wave: MoM, MLFMA and S-PEEC
• Asymptotic: UTD and IPO
• Variety of sources: plane wave, dipole, port
excitation, directivity pattern
• Synthetic (equivalent) antenna models
• Multilayer substrates

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for electromagnetics simulation

Capabilities chart

Simcenter High Frequency

Simcenter MAGNET solver
General capabilities

General capabilities
Simcenter MAGNET

Simcenter 3D High
Simcenter 3D Low
Specific capabilities Specific capabilities

Thermal solver
Frequency EM

Frequency EM

EM solver
Low-frequency electromagnetics High-frequency electromagnetics

Meshing Automatic airgap remeshing with motion • Electric field integral equation (EFIE) •
Coils definition (body, face) • Magnetic field integral equation (MFIE) •
Periodic • Combined field integral equation (CFIE) •

Boundary condition
Flux tangential • Poggio-Miller-Chang-Harrington-Wu-Tsai

Field normal •
Boundary condition

Impedance boundary conditions (IBC) of first and

Thin plate • •
high order
Perfect electric insulator • Network IBC (NIBC) of first and high order •
Surface impedance (linear and nonlinear Thin sheet of first and high order •

Mixed-potential integral equation (MPIE) •
Coil excitation (current and voltage driven) •
Port excitation (delta-gap) •
Circuit (strongly coupled) •
Magnetic and electric dipoles •
Motion components (velocity and load

driven, multiple degrees-of-freedom) Plane wave •
Magnet orientation • Synthetic antenna models •
Material library for low-frequency EM • SWE (spherical wave expansion) •
(extensive set of materials)

3D pattern •
Models for low-frequency EM materials
(advanced models: hysteresis, • Models for high-frequency EM materials •

demagnetization) PEC, lossy metallic surface, dispersive materials,

2D axisymmetric • RAM, bulk dielectrics structure, composite lami- •
nate stack up, characterized by measurements
2D translational •
2.5D frequency domain MoM •
3D •
3D frequency domain MoM •
Analysis and solutions

Electromagnetic •
Surface-partial element equivalent circuit (S-PEEC) •
Coupled thermal - electromagnetic
• Asymptotic ray based UTD •

(steady state or transient thermal)

Asymptotic current-based (iterative physical
Coupled thermal - electric field •
• optics)
(steady state or transient thermal)
Inter-antenna coupling •
Static •
Fast antenna modeling tools •
Transient •
Reverse sourcing tools •
Transient with motion •
Sparse matrix-adaptive integral method (SM-AIM) •
Time harmonic •
Acceleration methods

Multi-resolution - multilevel fast multiple algo-

Field results (B-field, E-field, temperature, •
• rithm (MLFMA)

Fast near-/far-field computation •

Quantities (voltage, current, energy, loss,
force, torque, flux-linkage, temperature, • Adaptive cross approximation (ACA) •
heat flow, etc.)
Fast far-field approximation (FaFFA) •
Motion (magnetic force/torque, load force/
• Hardware: multi graphics processing unit (GPU) •
torque, position, speed, acceleration, etc.)

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for electromagnetics simulation

Simcenter High Frequency

General capabilities

Simcenter 3D High

Specific capabilities
Frequency EM

EM solver

High-frequency electromagnetics (continued)

Port parameters (SYZ , etc.) •


Inter-antenna coupling •
Port impedances •
Induced currents •
Far-field •
Near-field •

Note: Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop is a minimum prerequisite

for all Simcenter 3D products. Other dependency or prerequisites
may apply for individual products.

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Siemens Digital Industries Software

Simcenter 3D for
Streamlining the design exploration process

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Simcenter™ 3D software optimization solutions
Solution benefits relieve the burden of improving product
• Discover a better design faster designs by automating the iterative process.
This enables you to compare your design’s
• Eliminate model simplification, model fitting or
performance against specifications. It enables
you to start at topology optimization and
• Eliminate design overhead and achieve extend to design space exploration with more
significant productivity gains classical parametric optimization capabilities.
• Reduce research time, product development
costs and product design risks Automating the product performance process
• Support design reviews by providing sensitivity Simcenter 3D optimization solutions streamline and
to design variable automate that process by using sophisticated algo-
rithms to search the entire design space and find the
right combination of parameters that will yield optimal
design and performance. To help the program know
what you mean by optimal, you specify design and
performance objectives for characteristics such as

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Simcenter 3D for optimization

minimum weight, shape constraints and minimum Shorten time-to-market with confidence
stress or strain. Design parameters that you can vary Analyze your product performance deviations from
include geometric, material and connectivity specifications in a variety of operating conditions, and
properties. shorten time-to-market by automating thousands of
simulations that would otherwise have to be performed
Reduce design risk and accelerate innovation manually.
By better understanding the complex relationships
among design parameters and how changes affect
them, you can gather insight into product performance
risk and accelerate innovation by determining feasible
designs that satisfy all requirements.

Define Simulate Evaluate

Old way Input Output Targets met?

Design variables Performance of single

(size, shape, physical design (pressure head,
parameters) power required)
CAE simulation model


Better designs,
New way Input Output

Desired performance
(pressure head,
power required)
CAE simulation model
with Simcenter 3D design Improved designs
space exploration (size, shape, physical parameters)

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for optimization

Industry applications Automotive and transportation

The Simcenter 3D optimization solution can help • Body roof crush, panel strength, stiffness, frame
designers in virtually any industry to achieve a better durability
understanding of the complex relationships among
• Powertrain/driveline performance optimization,
design parameters and how changes affect these rela-
torque loads, thermal stress and distortion
tionships. It can also help them realize a better design.
• Chassis harshness loads, suspension deflections
Aerospace and defense
• Suspension performance optimization and weight
• Airplane frame weight reduction and balancing
attributes such as stiffness, modal frequencies,
buckling loads • Off-highway vehicles balancing weight reduction
with strength, durability, rollover protection structure
• Airplane wing weight reduction and balancing
(ROPS), stability
attributes such as stiffness, modal frequencies,
buckling loads • Manufacturing tool thermal stress and distortion,
modal frequency, bolted stresses
• Airplane weight reduction and balancing attributes
for composite airplanes (laminate/ply thicknesses) • Support structure stability, stress
• Satellite optimization for thermal stress and Marine
distortion, composites, modal frequency • Full ship stiffness, deformation, strength
• Launch structure weight reduction optimization, weight reduction
• Aero engine fan shape optimization (compensation Consumer goods
for centrifuge and other mechanical effects) • Packaging shape optimization
• Aero engine compressor weight reduction and
performance balancing
• Aero engine turbine weight reduction and
performance balancing
• Aero engine casing weight reduction

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for optimization

Simcenter Nastran Optimization

Simcenter Nastran® Optimization software enables Module benefits

customers to establish design sensitivity based on • Reduce design risk by better understanding the
simulated performance conditions and then synthesize complex relationships among design parameters and
and optimize designs. Efficient algorithms permit the how changes affect these relationships
use of hundreds of design variables and responses for
the largest models. A broad range of robust optimiza- • Improve confidence that your product will perform
tion algorithms and approximation methods provide to specifications under a variety of operating
the backbone of a solution that allows numerous conditions and manufacturing tolerances
design variables and constraints to be more easily • Accelerate innovation by determining feasible new
linked and rationalized to identify critical issues. designs that satisfy all requirements
• Shorten time-to-market by automating thousands of
simulations that would otherwise have to be
performed manually

Key features
• Optimization of Simcenter Nastran models
• Constraints related to static, normal modes and
buckling analysis
• Optimization capabilities associated with Simcenter
Nastran Enterprise Advanced analysis types, such as
superelements, dynamic response, modal frequency
response, direct frequency response, modal transient
response, acoustic analysis, static aeroelasticity and
• Large scale optimization problems thanks to robust
optimization algorithms and sparse matrix solutions
• There are hundreds of responses available for the
objective and constraints
• Synthetic variables and responses can be created and
combined with other responses in equations to
responses for the objective and constraints

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for optimization

Simcenter Nastran Topology Optimization

Simcenter Nastran Topology Optimization software Module benefits

offers the capability to optimize many different criteria • Shorten time-to-market by directly starting from
in support of generative engineering. The solution optimal topology for a large set of optimization
enables the user to optimize the topology of regions objectives and constraints related to statics, modal,
defined as solids or shells and offers the capability to buckling, direct and model frequency analysis.
predict solid and lattice zones. Common examples include objectives to maximize
stiffness, minimize mass, maximize mode, subject to
mass, displacement, stress constraints
• Hosted in Simcenter 3D, enabling complete
workflow from concept to final design
• Functional requirements are represented by shape
control constraints, for example to support
manufacturing, symmetry and size requirements
• Solid and lattice zone prediction

Key features
• Many methods are available to build the finite
element (FE) model: orphan mesh, single computer-
aided design (CAD) part and single finite element
method (FEM), CAD assembly and single FEM or
• The design areas can be constructed using 2D shell
or 3D solid elements and there can be multiple
design areas with different materials representing
different parts in an assembly, or homogenized
meta-materials (lattices, varying density printed
materials, etc.)
• Within a single topology optimization, the user can
have any mix of analysis subcases selected from
linear statics, normal modes, buckling analysis,
direct and modal frequency
• There are hundreds of responses available for the
objective and constraints
• Synthetic variables and responses can be created and
combined with other responses in equations as
responses for the objective and constraints

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for optimization

Simcenter 3D Design Space Exploration

Simcenter 3D Design Space Exploration brings the Module benefits

power of parametric design space exploration to the • Efficiently find good designs with many variables
desk of the user with low cost of adoption. It helps
companies to move beyond standard use of simulation • Selecting algorithms is automated and automatically
for validation, troubleshooting and basic prediction by tunes it throughout the design study
automatically exploring broader design spaces to more • The solution leverages all search strategies
rapidly discover much better designs. simultaneously
The user can leverage smooth process automation, • Eliminates iteration and finds the best way to
which simplifies the virtual prototype build process to traverse the design space every time
exploit the distributed execution that accelerates vir-
tual prototype testing. This enables the user to access • With an advanced algorithm and easy-to-use
efficient design search capabilities without the need for interface, the solution precludes the need for
simplifying models. Additionally, the user has access to optimization expertise
a complete insight and discovery interface that is a
central part of virtual product development rather than Key features
an afterthought.
• Design space exploration and optimization for
Simcenter 3D models
• Extensive support for Simcenter 3D model
parameterization (including geometry, materials,
finite element characteristics, solution parameters,
• Automates workflows, which streamlines data
transfer across tools, eliminates errors in the process
and significantly increases the efficiency
• Plethora of design-of-experiment (DoE) algorithms
• Cutting edge SHERPA optimization strategy, the
advanced auto-tuning optimization strategy for
single and multi-objective optimization
• Support for mixed continuous/discrete variable
problems with multiple constraints
• A powerful but easy-to-use data analytics solution
for gaining valuable insights into designs and design
• Support for surrogate model creation and export

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for optimization

Simcenter 3D Geometry Optimization

Simcenter 3D contains geometric and sizing optimiza- Module benefits

tion capabilities, all part of the standard Simcenter 3D • Easily optimize geometry of element properties of
Engineering Desktop. Simcenter 3D Geometry Simcenter 3D models and the associated CAD models
Optimization is a meta-solution process built on an
existing solution. It provides classical capabilities for • Reduce design risk by better understanding the
the selection of design variables and objective and complex relationships among design parameters and
constraint functions together with several optimization how changes affect those relationships
solution controls and postprocessing capabilities. • Improve confidence that your product will perform
to specifications under a variety of operating
conditions and manufacturing tolerances

Key features
• Optimization of Simcenter 3D models and the
associated CAD models
• Mixed CAD and FE geometry optimization: FE beam
section properties, FE shell thickness, CAD model
feature dimensions, CAD model sketch dimensions,
expressions, including expressions that define an FE
• Supported solvers: Simcenter Nastran, Simcenter 3D
Thermal, Simcenter 3D Flow, Simcenter ESC,
Simcenter SST, MSC Nastran, ANSYS, ABAQUS
• Types of responses for objective and constraints will
vary depending on the solver. Examples include:
weight, volume, temperature, mass flow, Joule data,
radiation view factors, etc.
• FE result measures can also be used as responses; for
example, max displacement, average Von Mises
Stress. These can be measured globally or locally
based on geometry distribution; for instance, on a
face or along an edge
• Optimization solution data can be displayed in a

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for optimization

Capabilities chart

Simcenter Simcenter 3D
General capabilities Specific capabilities Nastran Design Space
Optimization Exploration

Integration with Simcenter 3D • • •

With associated CAD models • • •

Without associated CAD models • • •
Model parameterization Full Simcenter Nastran elements types suitable for analysis types • • •
Full Simcenter Nastran load and constraint types suitable for analysis types • • •
Other solver environments •
2D, 3D elements •
Multiple design volumes •
Design volume
Different materials to present different parts and meta-materials (lattices,

varying density printed materials, etc.)
Every FE element in the design volume(s) •
Element physical properties • •
Composite element properties • •
Variables Connecting element properties • •
Material properties • •
CAD model expressions include feature and sketch dimensions, load inputs •
Derived variables and formulas based on model responses •
Materials Isotropic, anisotropic, orthotropic • • •
Linear statics • • •
Structural dynamics • • •
Buckling • • •
Analysis types Acoustics •
Thermal •
Flow •
Coupled thermal/flow •
Single objective • • •
Optimization objective Single global or subcase objective • • •
Multi-objective •
Multiple • • •
Multiple global or subcase objectives • • •
Optimization constraints
Relationships between variables •
Shape control constraints •
Gradient • • •
Penalty laws linear, solid isotropic material with penalization (SIMP),

rational approximation of material properties (RAMP)
Lattice prediction based on lattice type characterization •
Optimization algorithms
Optimization controls and convergence parameters • • •
Design space exploration (DoEs, design sets) •
Auto-tuning optimization strategy - SHERPA •
Multi-objective auto tuning optimization strategy - multiobjective SHERPA •

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for optimization

Simcenter Simcenter 3D
General capabilities Specific capabilities Nastran Design Space
Optimization Exploration

Sequential simulation execution • • •

Simulation automation Parallel simulation execution •

Support for remote execution •

Optimization spreadsheet to summarize objective and constraint values

• • •
per iteration
Simcenter 3D postprocessing functionality • • •

Dedicated normalized material density display •

Auto creation of post optimization verification model •

Advanced postprocesssing (parallel plots, bubble plots, 3D functions, etc.) •

Response surface modeling •

Correlation plots •

Pareto plots •

Principal component analysis and influence analysis •

Analysis monitoring and control •

Update of CAD models •

Design geometry recovery Update of FE model • •

Export of smoothed mesh back to CAD for design guidance in remodeling •

• = included in module
+ = additional product required
Note: Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop is a minimum prerequisite
for all Simcenter 3D products. Other dependencies or prerequisites
may apply for individual products.

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Siemens Digital Industries Software

Simcenter 3D for additive

manufacturing simulation
Print right the first time

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Additive manufacturing (AM) is changing the
Solution benefits way products are made. New revolutionary
• Print right the first time machines and processes are rapidly pushing AM
from the prototype environment onto the
• Simulate the build process for metal powder
production floor. The additive manufacturing
bed fusion additive manufacturing applications
capabilities in Simcenter™ 3D software are used
• Predict potential geometry distortions during to predict distortions and defects before parts
the build are printed, thereby reducing the number of
• Investigate efficiently different build positions test prints and improving the quality of the final
and support scenarios print.
• Mesh the specimen geometry exactly using
powerful Simcenter 3D algorithms High-quality simulation environment
The high-quality simulation capabilities of Simcenter 3D
• Generate compensated geometry (BREP) based
are paramount to industrializing AM. During the AM
on the simulated distortion fields
process simulation, the parts are meshed accurately
with tetrahedron meshes and sliced afterward, which
gives better results than voxel meshes.

Enhanced inherent strain approach

A new approach was developed that was brought to the
market with Simcenter 3D. The layer-by-layer build
process during the powder bed fusion printing leads to
layer shrinkage during the cool down of the layer. The
stiffness of the printed structure has a strong influence
on part distortion.

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Simcenter 3D for additive manufacturing simulation

Print right the first time multidisciplinary simulations that integrate additive
Calculated distortions can be used to compensate for manufacturing with any of the Simcenter 3D solutions,
the part prior to the printing process. The initial geom- such as thermal mechanical, vibro-acoustic, or other
etry can be automatically morphed into the precom- more complex analyses.
pensated shape and replaced in the built tray for fur-
ther analysis, or it can be sent directly to the printer to
be printed correctly the first time.

Fully integrated with NX end-to-end workflow

Simcenter 3D for AM is seamlessly integrated into the
end-to-end Siemens’ digital enterprise software AM
workflow. The process is streamlined to be used by
nonexpert computer-aided engineering (CAE) users as

Providing a platform for multidiscipline simulation

The Simcenter 3D AM solution is part of a larger, inte-
grated multidiscipline simulation environment with
Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop at the core for
centralized pre-/postprocessing for all Simcenter 3D
solutions. This integrated environment helps you to
achieve faster CAE processes and streamline

Build preparation Model setup Simulation Postprocessing Compensation

Build preparation in Automatic genera- Calculation of Visualization of Compute

NX Additive tion of thermal and distortions based on thermal history, predistorted
Manufacturing and mechanical input thermomechanical distortions, geometry (BREP)
transfer to Simcenter files using exact analysis using probability of based on the
3D meshing of the enhanced inherent overheating, recoater simulated distortion.
specimen. strain method. collisions and more…

Validation, feedback to application engineers

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for additive manufacturing simulation

Industry applications Industrial machinery

Today, AM is still mainly a research and development Power generation appears to be an industry that is
(R&D) activity as this process remains expensive and exploring AM to produce turbine blades and other
slow, preventing its use for large projects such as in the combustion chamber components. AM can also be
automotive industry. However, some industrial applica- applied to repairing existing turbines.
tions are already linked to the printing of complex
parts, which are difficult to produce by traditional Automotive industry
methods. The primary goal is to create parts that are Lightweight structures for racing cars and completely
lightweight and have good mechanical properties. new bionic designs can be manufactured with additive
Repairing parts previously produced by traditional manufacturing technology. Generative design can be
processes can also be a valuable application of AM due used to find new proposals that can be manufactured
to the unique nature of each component. with additive manufacturing technology.

Aerospace and defense

The space industry already produces structural parts for
launchers. The goal is to produce parts that are light-
weight and have good mechanical properties.
The airplane industry is also developing this technol-
ogy, but is in more of an exploratory phase with the
goal of producing components with complex geometry.

NX AM integrated Simcenter 3D

Simulate printing process

Predict thermal distortion
Allow compensation and
print right first time

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for additive manufacturing simulation

Simcenter 3D Additive Manufacturing

Simcenter 3D Additive Manufacturing simulates the AM Module benefits

process for selective laser melting (SLM). The setup • Simulation of the build process for powder bed
from a part in the built tray, including support struc- fusion metal prints
tures, is used as a basis. The user selects the parts to
simulate and define printing process parameters (mate- • Fully integrated into the NX™ software additive
rial, number of parts, layer slicing, laser parameters, manufacturing framework
etc.) and run the simulation. The result is the tempera- • Unique model setup and solving methodology
ture distribution and distortion of the part.

Key features
• Solving the coupled thermomechanical solution
• Material and process parameters for AM
• Consideration of support structures from fixed plane
• Analyze thermal distribution
• Analyze distortion before and after support removal
• Detect recoater collision
• Predict probability of overheating
• Efficiently compute stiffness curves
• Compute pre-distorted geometry for compensation

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for additive manufacturing simulation

Omnimesh for Simcenter 3D

Simcenter 3D Additive Manufacturing is used to com- Module benefits

pute the distortion of parts during the AM process. The • Pre-deformation of BREP geometry
part distortions can be transferred to the initial geom-
etry to pre-deform it using powerful geometry modifi- • Generation of NX part files of compensated
cation techniques based on the boundary representa- geometry
tion (BREP) model. A new compensated part file is
generated that can be used to replace the original part Key features
on the build tray. The compensated geometry is then
• Compute pre-distorted geometry for compensation
used for validation and can be directly sent to the
printer. • Read distortion field from Simcenter 3D Additive
• Fully integrated into the additive manufacturing

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for additive manufacturing simulation

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for additive manufacturing simulation

Capabilities chart

Simcenter 3D Additive

OmniMesh for
Simcenter 3D
General capabilities Specific capabilities

Simulation capability

Distortion analysis Layer-by-layer simulation •

Thermal history Simulate the thermal history of single or multiple parts on the build tray •
Support failure Prediction of support failure •
Recoater collision Identify layers with large deformation in z-direction •
Probability of overheating Identify areas with high overheating probability •
Prediction of shrinklines Stiffness analysis of the part to identify shrinklines •
Thermomechanical analysis Coupled thermomechanical analysis •
Heat treatment Stress relief load case for nickel-based alloys •
Cool down Cool down to ambient temperature •
Support removal One step support removal and cutoff from the build tray •


Metal Application for metal powder bed fusion •

Model setup

Powder mesh Meshing the powder for thermal analysis •

Detailed meshing Detailed meshing of the specimen

Mesh slicing Layer setup is realized by mesh slicing •
Manual change of meshing Flexibility to manually modify the mesh and simulation setup

Homogenized material for Use solid meshes for supports and apply homogenized material (properties

support structures can be determined in the application)


Compensate geometry based Compensation of part in additive manufacturing build tray

on BREP body

Note: One fixed plane product is a minimum prerequisite for

Simcenter 3D AM. The Simcenter 3D AM Product is a prerequisite for
Omnimesh for Simcenter 3D. Other dependencies or prerequisites
may apply for individual products.

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Siemens Digital Industries Software

Simcenter 3D for
Streamlining the structural sizing and assessment
process from end-to-end

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The Simcenter™ 3D software for aerostructures
Solution benefits solution is composed of the Simcenter 3D
• Perform end-to-end aerostructure assessment Aerostructure Environment and Simcenter 3D
in a fully integrated environment Margin of Safety modules. The modules run on
Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop and
• Eliminate mistakes and ramp up productivity
with ready-to-use failure prediction methods Simcenter 3D Structures and enable you to
from reference handbooks streamline the structural sizing and assessment
process from end-to-end.
• Customize the solution by integrating your
knowhow and tools intuitively and taking The powerful geometry editing and meshing capabili-
advantage of your aerostructure experience ties of Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop are ideal for
• Reduce effort needed for reporting and pre- and postprocessing models. Using Siemens Digital
streamlining stress report generation Industries Software’s Simcenter 3D, which is part of the
Simcenter portfolio, simplifies the modeling process by
• Facilitate dedicated criticality-focused integrating high-end finite element method (FEM) tools
postprocessing with geometry capabilities that assist the user in devel-
oping analysis models faster than with traditional
computer-aided engineering (CAE) preprocessors.
Simcenter 3D Margin of Safety enables structural
assessment with standard analytical methods and/or
company methods.

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Simcenter 3D for aerostructures

Efficiently analyze margin of safety • Dedicated 3D display of margin values combined with
In addition to the detailed finite element models the typical finite element (FE) postprocessing display
approach, engineers can size aerostructure compo- enables you to graphically locate the areas that need
nents using a library of analytical engineering methods. design updates
With the capability to generate stress reports using
data and simulation results, engineers benefit from a Increase productivity with standard methods
consistent and integrated global process, resulting in Simcenter 3D Margin of Safety software comes with
time savings over the full design cycle. standard engineering formulas from aerostructure
reference handbooks, such as E.F. Bruhn’s, “Analysis
With an increasing amount of data and results to be
and Design of Flight Vehicle Structures,” M.C.Y. Niu’s,
handled and shared between teams, models, simula-
“Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing,“ National Advisory
tion results and tools can be managed and traced in
Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) technical notes,
Teamcenter® software.
NASA technical memorandums, etc. Each method
comes with detailed engineering documentation.
Integrated solution to predict margin of safety
• Dedicated preprocessing enables you to prepare
Flexibility to embed user-defined methods
margin-of-safety calculations for numerous load
Simcenter 3D Margin of Safety allows you to integrate
cases simultaneously, which is available in Simcenter
in-house libraries of methods. The availability of analy-
3D, a powerful finite element pre-/postprocessing
sis building blocks (for example, ready-to-use engineer-
open environment. All load cases can be tagged with
ing formulas, such as buckling and plasticity curves and
labels such as “limit” or ”ultimate” to facilitate the
out-of-the-box standard methods) enables users to
partitioning of assessed failure criteria
save a large amount of time on integrating methods.
• Dedicated postprocessing focuses on the criticality
of results, either from a global, failure mode or load Customized reporting
case point of view A detailed stress report can be generated in Microsoft
Word format from the Simcenter 3D Margin of Safety
• Results can be browsed to assess structural integrity
result and the associated finite element analysis (FEA).
thanks to sortable and filterable tables
The template is composed of key words, and thus can
• Each method provides a log for detailed explanations
be tailored to fit company best practices. The template
of assumptions
can include user textual feedback, snapshots, summary
tables, etc.

Simcenter 3D for aerostructures

Integrated end-to-end solution


FEM Margin of safety


Simulation data management

NX Customer methods
Stress/design integration
End-to-end process open Third party tools
Process automation
Productivity + 30% Traceability for certification Capitalize knowledge scability

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for aerostructures

Industry applications Therefore, it makes it possible to manage design

Simcenter 3D Aerostructure facilitates full traceability changes efficiently with CAD/CAE associativity.
for certification of an end-to-end integrated solution
for sizing. It streamlines the structural process from Aerospace and defense
computer-aided design (CAD), FE simulation and mar- Specific vertical application dedicated to the sizing of
gin-of-safety calculations to reporting. Simcenter 3D frames, wings and the global view of airplanes.
Aerostructure offers a scalable solution for embedding
in-house margin-of-safety methods as libraries.

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for aerostructures

Simcenter 3D Aerostructure Environment

Simcenter 3D Aerostructure Environment provides a set Module benefits

of tools dedicated to simulation. It is a prerequisite for • Manage meaningful sets of load cases to help
Simcenter 3D Margin of Safety. structurally assess criticalities
• Provide a harmonized environment for structural
assessment, thus decreasing the learning curve as
well as democratizing assessment throughout the
engineering community

Key features
• Load case tagging and partitioning: All load cases
can be tagged with labels such as “limit” or ”ultimate”
to facilitate the partitioning of assessed failure

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for aerostructures

Simcenter 3D Margin of Safety

Simcenter 3D Margin of Safety brings a streamlined, Module benefits

traceable and enterprise-wide approach to aerostruc- • Traceability for certifying an end-to-end integrated
ture sizing so you can calculate everything from static solution for aerostructure sizing
loads to margins of safety.
• Streamline the structure process from CAD, FE
simulation and margin-of-safety calculations to
• Scalable solution for embedding in-house margin-of-
safety methods and libraries
• Manage design changes efficiently with CAD/CAE

Key features
• Dedicated preprocessing enables you to prepare
margin-of-safety calculations for numerous load
cases simultaneously, which is available in Simcenter
3D, a powerful finite element pre-/postprocessing
open environment
• Dedicated postprocessing focuses on criticality of
results, either from a global, failure mode or load
case point of view
• Results can be browsed to assess structural integrity
thanks to sortable and filterable tables
• Each method provides a log for detailed explanations
of assumptions
• Dedicated 3D display of margin values combined
with the typical FE postprocessing display enables
you to graphically locate the areas that need design

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for aerostructures

Capabilities chart

Margin of Safety

Margin of Safety



Simcenter 3D

Simcenter 3D

Simcenter 3D

Simcenter 3D

Specific capabilities Specific capabilities

Margin of safety calculation Material

CAD/FE/stress associativity for geometry
+ • Metallic static (isotropic, othotropic,
update or load update •
Link to CAD/FE

Retrieve data from CAD (geometry) + •
Retrieve data from FEM (geometry, internal

+ •

Composite (unidirectional long fiber ) •
Geometry and load idealization •
Analytical methods from reference-standard

Margin of

methods or end-user methods Margin of safety analysis


Simcenter metallic methods •

Analytical calculation •
Type of

Simcenter composite methods •


FEM calculation •
safety post-

Dedicated postprocessing for margin of safety •

Margin of

Metallic static •

Stress report automated generation + • Composite static •

Manage calculation of margin of safety •

Margin of safety preprocessing

Batch •
Geometry Simcenter metalic methods (fully integrated)
Geometry data from CAD •
Tension/compression/shear •
Source for

Geometry data from FE model •

Geometry data from the user input • Tresca (plane stress) •

Massive geometry data populating through Plate (flate/curved) buckling analysis under dif-

Buckling from Bruhn

journaling ferent loads (compressive/shear/bending/ •

mixed interaction)

Predefined idealization •

Column buckling analysis (Euler/Euler-Johnson,


Configurable idealization •
Torsional buckling •
Loads Profile cripling analysis
Load extraction from static linear FEM analysis Inter-rivet buckling •
tener from

Bruhn and

(Simcenter Nastran® software SOL101)


Shear, bending, tension, interaction of a bolt •

Load source

Load extraction from static linear FEM analysis

(MSC Nastran SOL101) Bolt/load redistribution •
Load extraction via freebody • Plasticity (plastic reduction factor charts, stress


Load data from the user input • from strain in plastic domain)

Load data from external load files • Material law (shear yield stress allowable esti-
mation Fsy, secant/tangent modulus, stress •
Group load case (load case set) + • F0,7)
Loads preparation

Combined load cases + • Simcenter composite methods (fully integrated)

Loads case (LC) envelop (filtering/selection of
+ •

LC by result values) Plate buckling analysis under different loads

Strength requirement of load case (example: (compressive/shear/mixed interaction)
+ •

Predefined load idealization •



Configurable load idealization •

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for aerostructures

Margin of Safety

Margin of Safety



Simcenter 3D

Simcenter 3D

Simcenter 3D

Simcenter 3D

Specific capabilities Specific capabilities

Dedicated postprocessing for margin of safety Documentation

3D postprocessing of critical margin of safety, End-user documentation • •

load case, failure mode
Methods formulation documentation •
Table of critical margin of safety, load case,
• Method integration documentation •
failure mode
Detail log of the analysis run •

Stress report automated generation

to end users
Structured templated document • •
Redistribute nonnative methods •
Critical margin of safety table •
3D snapshots (CAD, FE results, etc.) • •
Material summary • •
Openess • = included in module
+ = additional product required
Integration of customer methods: legacy analy-

sis codes or launch of executable Note: Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop is a minimum prerequisite
On-the-fly mathematical formulation definition • for all Simcenter 3D products. Other dependency or prerequisites
may apply for individual products.
Methods integration

Automation of high-level process (for example,

• •
automate series of clicks) through journaling
Add user defined material • •
Add user defined material properties (for
• •
example, allowables)
Add user defined profile cross-section • •
Integration of specific postprocessing of mar-
gin of safety (including results files in external •

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Siemens Digital Industries Software

Simcenter 3D for
composites simulation
Enhancing the development of robust,
lightweight structures

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Simcenter™ 3D software from Siemens Digital
Solution benefits Industries Software provides a complete set of
• Achieve weight reduction targets while features and digital workflows that allow you
providing safe and durable structures to predict classical first-ply failure, stress,
thermal and thermomechanical co-simulation,
• Capture and identify the behavior of composite
components, reducing overdesign including manufacturing simulation with
curing. This solution can support design with
• Control and reduce development costs of continuous fiber like unidirectional ply,
composite structures
sandwich, woven type of material and with
• Mitigate risk by controlling processes up front fiber reinforced plastic.
with a collaborative workbench
• Simulate manufacturing process phenomena Scalable solution for composites simulation
for designing as manufactured Simcenter 3D supports native composite material as
well as other types of advanced materials like lattice
• Consider manufacturing defects at the early
structure or plastic material. It provides an efficient
stage of your design process like the springback
workbench for composites with a large set of tools to
after a curing cycle
extract mid plane or modify the geometry on the fly.
Simcenter 3D allows you to manage large assemblies
with label management, including defining the dedi-
cated physical properties of composite or fiber rein-
forced plastic materials.

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Simcenter 3D for composites simulation

Powerful modeling tools Improve composite modeling accuracy

Simcenter 3D Laminate Composites software is a mod- Simcenter 3D Laminate Composites draping algorithms
ular simulation toolset for laminate composite struc- can be used to predict the fiber orientations and shear
tures (continuous fiber). Easy-to-use ply and laminate of unidirectional and woven plies as they drape around
definition tools enable you to quickly create finite doubly curved or undevelopable surfaces. Simcenter 3D
element (FE) models in 2D and 3D representing your enables you to specify a draping start point and direc-
design, and helps you optimize and validate composite tion, or to pick a seed curve. You can then coarsen or
structures using your preferred solver. There is also a refine the drape mesh size and view the ply flat pattern.
complete set of features to validate your draping
Simcenter 3D for composites extends the boundaries of
the classic FEA method so you can study the structural
The environment provides capabilities to model highly and highly nonlinear behavior of composite materials,
nonlinear effects like progressive damage with dedi- but also complex phenomena like curing of thermosets.
cated meshing method for cohesive element Composites simulation can also be performed using the
generation. multidisciplinary capabilities of Simcenter 3D like
motion, thermal and durability.
Reduce laminate model creation time
Simcenter 3D Laminate Composites allows you to Efficiently create 3D layup inflation
reduce laminate model creation time by choosing The Simcenter 3D Laminate Composites 3D inflation
between zone-based modeling, ply-based modeling or tool enables you to automatically create detailed, solid
a mixture of both approaches. Draping data like fiber laminate models that were previously too tedious to
orientation and material definition can also be attempt.
imported form specific composite design tools. For
You can extrude normal to a 2D mesh or by filling the
instance, it’s possible to use the Fibersim™ portfolio,
volume between 2D dependent meshes. You can taper
which is bi-directional, for ply exchange to communi-
core or filler plies. A dedicated sandwich panel capabil-
cate with composites designers. Plies can be imported
ity allows the automatic generation of 2D or 3D
directly from a Simcenter 3D .prt file, or via an HDF5
facesheet plies along with a user-defined number of
file. You can also exchange zone and laminate defini-
solid element layers for the core. Cohesive elements
tions via the zone interfaces.
can be introduced between selected plies by using
Simcenter Samcef® software for assessing

Geometry Injection modeling

Mapping tool Structural analysis Durability analysis
preparation (third party)

Closing holes, Flow analysis using Mapping and homoge- Stress, strain Fatigue life
removing blends, rheological mesh and nization of material thermomechanical, prediction
parts… injection molding properties based on response dynamic
simulation material orientation
and material

What-if, optimization, feedback to designer

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for composites simulation

Providing a platform for multidiscipline simulation

The Simcenter 3D composites solution is part of a
larger, integrated multidiscipline simulation environ-
ment with the Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop at
the core for centralized pre-/postprocessing for all
Simcenter 3D solutions. This integrated environment
helps you to achieve faster computer-aided engineer-
ing (CAE) processes and streamline multidiscipline
simulations such as motion analysis and/or the noise,
vibration and harshness (NVH) analysis of composites
components. You can also validate your composite
structure fatigue life using Simcenter 3D durability
modules and validate your FE model with test results
using correlation and model updating tools.

Fibersim FEA preprocessing Composite modeling Solving Postprocessing

IML definition, CAD correction, Create or load plies, Simcenter Samcef/ Displacement,
producibility analysis, midsurface, assembly laminate, auto Simcenter Nastran enveloping tool,
draping management 2D creation of 3D mesh, First ply failure failure indices, other
mesh cohesive layer Progressive damage postprocessing
creation Post buckling scenarios
Curing simulation

What-if, optimization, feedback to designer

Short and long fiber reinforced composites CAE workflow.

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for composites simulation

Industry applications Automotive and transportation

Simcenter 3D composite simulation capabilities are • Body – Roof crush, panel strength, stiffness, frame
used by many industries, although aerospace has durability, lightweight design
always been a driver for this type of application thanks
• Chassis – Harshness loads, suspension deflections
to its never-ending quest for reducing weight. These
applications include: • Manufacturing tools – Curing simulation
• Drive shafts, suspension control arms, structural
Aerospace and defense
braces, crash structures and seat structures
• Composites airplane frame – Stiffness, frame
durability, nodal frequency Marine
• Composite wings – Stiffness, skin buckling, modal • Ships, yacht, sport boats –Stiffness, deformation,
frequency strength, lightweight design
• Satellite – Lightweight design • Hulls – Skin rupture
• Launch vehicles – Thermal stress, maneuver loads, • Bulkheads – Structural strength
payload bracket loads, lightweight design • Boat hulls, decks and superstructures
• Aero engines fans – Rotating loads, distortion,
composites Electronics
• Hand-held equipment made of composites – Drop
• Aero engines casing – Bearing loads, maneuver loads, simulation, plastic component stress
lightweight design
• Manufacturing tools – Curing simulation
• Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) primary flight
structures, tie rods, compression struts, high-altitude
telescope structures, cooling tubes, shuttle actuator
mounts and turbine fan blades

Composites modeling
Response dynamics
Damage growth
Manufacturing process

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for composites simulation

Simcenter 3D Laminate Composites

Easy-to-use ply and laminate definition tools in Module benefits

Simcenter 3D Laminate Composites enable you to • Reduce laminate model creation time by choosing
quickly create finite element models of structures. between zone-based modeling, ply-based modeling
Simcenter 3D Laminate Composites helps you create, or a mixture of both approaches
optimize and validate composite structures using
Simcenter Nastran® software, Simcenter Samcef, MSC • Leverage the open solver architecture of Simcenter
Nastran, ANSYS, Abaqus or LS-DYNA as your solver. 3D to perform state-of-the-art dynamic, nonlinear,
Laminate post reporting generates graphical and progressive failure and delamination simulations
spreadsheet ply results from shell stress results and
envelopes of ply stresses, strains and failure metrics on Key features
elements over multiple load cases.
• Keep your model up-to-date with the latest design
using geometry associativity
• Interact with computer-aided design (CAD) based
composites definitions from Fibersim, CATIA and
• Use Simcenter standard materials, or create ply
materials from the constituent fiber and matrix
material properties, to simulate plies made of
woven, unidirectional, randomly oriented short
fibers and particulates and to represent cores
• Conveniently assign laminates and plies to your
choice of geometry, meshes and/or elements
• Improve finite element modeling accuracy by
accounting for distorted fiber orientations
• Postprocessing tools allow you to quickly identify
critical plies and load cases using classical and user-
defined failure theories and create reports

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for composites simulation

Simcenter Samcef

Simcenter Samcef is used as a solver to simulate com- Module benefits

ponents made of composite materials. It facilitates not • Achieve weight reduction targets and provide safe,
only classical linear and nonlinear analysis, but can be durable structures
used to predict defects, including intra- and interlami-
nate defects, as they grow. This includes delamination • Design as manufactured and for manufacturability
and complex scenarios in which both defect types grow • Capture and identify the behavior of layered
together in a fully coupled way. composite components, reducing safety concerns
Curing of thermoset materials induces undesirable • Identify and optimize unexpected deformation
deformations that require iterations in the manufactur- during the curing cycle
ing process. By combining robust thermal and struc-
tural analysis technologies, Simcenter Samcef offers
thermal, chemical and mechanical capabilities to pre- Key features
dict the residual strain from the curing cycle. This • Static/dynamic/thermal analysis of composite models
allows you to optimize your process, comparing manu- including material and geometrical nonlinear
facturing options for the curing cycle and the design, behaviors
and applying mold compensation techniques to mini-
• Comprehensive finite element library for 2D shell or
mize springback effects at demolding. It is then pos-
3D solids, cohesive zone modeling
sible to simulate as-built composite component rather
than as-designed. • Orthotropic, anisotropic, bilinear, accurate
progressive damage prediction including intra- and
interlaminar damage with coupling of the
corresponding damage
• Failure indices, strength ratios, usual finite element

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for composites simulation

Capabilities chart

Simcenter Samcef solver

Simcenter Samcef solver

Simcenter 3D Laminate

Simcenter 3D Laminate
General capabilities Specific capabilities General capabilities Specific capabilities


Composite types Fibersim •
CAD Interfaces
CATIA/laminate tools •
Unidirectional ply • •
Graphical and spreadsheet
Woven ply • • •
Sandwich • •
Enveloping by ply and load case • •
Filament winding ◦
Management of post reports

Fiber reinforced plastic • and prerequisite solutions

Analysis Classical and user-defined fail-

ure theories
Linear statics with several
• Multiple failure theories in sin-
load cases Postprocessing and • •
gle report
Modal analysis •
Ply failure indices, strength
• •
Buckling analysis (form lin- ratios and margins of safety
ear statics analysis) with •
Dynamic base excitation
several load cases •
Nonlinear static analysis Large displacement effect •
Harmonic with phase-consistent
with several subcases •
Large strain effect • failure metrics

Standalone bucking • Random with confidence-based

peak failure metrics
Thermal analysis

(steady state or transient) Materials
Mapping of temperature Isotropic •
field/glass temperature/ •
degree of cure Temperature dependent •
Superelement generation,
• Orthotropic •
recovery on superelement
Cyclic symmetry Temperature dependent •

Anisotropic •
Laminate modeling
Temperature dependent •
Ply-based modeling • •
Moony-Rivlin •
Zone-based modeling • •
Arruda- Boyce ◦
2D laminates (layered shell) • •
Ogden •
3D laminates (layered 3D solids) • •
including automatic 3D inflation Foam •
Automatic generation of cohe- • •
Hart-Smith ◦
sive layers
Laminate modeling and Alexander ◦
Drop off element •
Anisotropic behavior of sheared • • Marlow ◦
woven plies
Test based ◦
ABDS matrices and equivalent •
properties Mullins effect •
Fiber orientation displays • Viscoelastic effect ◦
Ply section displays •
Nonlinear elastic •
View laminate core sampling •

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for composites simulation

Simcenter Samcef solver

Simcenter Samcef solver

Simcenter 3D Laminate

Simcenter 3D Laminate
General capabilities Specific capabilities General capabilities Specific capabilities


Gasket ◦ Beam •

Visco-elastic • Nonlinear effects •

Temperature dependence • Springs •

Bilinear • Nonlinear force

Multilinear •
Rods •
Rupture •
Large rotation effect •
Plasticity Isotropic hardening •
Rigid Stiff rigid (RBE2) •
Kinematic hardening •
Constraint rigid (RBE3) •
Mixed hardening •
U-P formulations •
Cyclic plasticity
Potential fluid ◦
Strain rate effect ◦
Add/remove •
Bailey Norton model •
Strain hardening power model •
Static solution (implicit) •
Creep Norton model ◦
Transient solution
Garafolo model ◦ •
Temperature dependent • Thermomechanical

Visco-plastic •
Modal •
User defined ◦
Complex modal ◦
Buckling •
Shell elements
• Multistep •
(mono and multilayers)
Solid elements Arc length •

(mono and multilayers)
Auto-time stepping •
Failure indices •
Shared memory parallel

Strength ratios • (SMP)

Cohesive delamination • Distributed memory

parallel (DMP)
Progressive failure •
Superelements •
Non-local laws • Recovery including

Curing simulation •
Cyclic symmetry modes •
Multi-stage cyclic
3D solids • •
Axisymmetric • Harmonic modes ◦

Plane stress • Restart •

2D solids
Plane strain •

Generalized plane strain ◦

Shell •

Thickness output •

Membrane •

Solid shell •

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for composites simulation

Simcenter Samcef solver

Simcenter Samcef solver

Simcenter 3D Laminate

Simcenter 3D Laminate
General capabilities Specific capabilities General capabilities Specific capabilities


Connections Loads and boundary conditions

Sliding glue • Gravity •

Large displacement • Force/ moment •

1D • Pressure •

2D • Distributed force •

Bolted joints 3D • 3D (spatial variation) •

Bolt sequencing by steps • 4D (spatial and temporal

Temperature •
Bolt force output •
Temperature loads from exter-

Multipoint constraint nal file

Enforced motion •
Coulomb friction •
Unbalanced •
Other friction models • Initial stress/strain
No separation contact •
Initial damage for

Fluid pressure penetration composite

Restraints •
Temperature dependence •
Change by steps •
Contact Separation distance output •
Geometry imperfections •
Slip/slide distance output •

Pressure output • Legend:

Change by steps ◦ • = supported in solver and environment
◦ = supported in solver but limited in environment
Node-to-face contact •
Note: Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop is a minimum prerequisite
Node-to-node contact • for all Simcenter 3D products. Other dependency or prerequisites
may apply for individual products.
Kinematic joints ◦

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Siemens Digital Industries Software

Simcenter 3D in a
managed environment
Providing full traceability of simulation work
and data in a product development context

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Simcenter™ 3D software can be used in a
Solution benefits managed environment with Teamcenter®
• Deliver results faster by standardizing and software for integration. When Simcenter 3D is
automating simulation processes used with Teamcenter integration, you can
create, store and access your product
• Support the increasing volume and complexity
of simulation work by managing data and simulation data in a Teamcenter database. It
processes combines the power of Simcenter 3D in
multiphysics modeling with the power of
• Reduce time to find data and enable greater
Teamcenter in storing and retrieving data in a
re-use of work
controlled fashion.
• Increase confidence in your simulations with
complete traceability from requirements In the Teamcenter solution for simulation process
through design and validation management data model, the idealized part file, the
finite element method (FEM) file and the simulation
• Provide visibility into the simulation process and
file are stored as separate item revisions with defined
results for program management and
relationships to the master part and to each other. This
downstream operations
allows for full traceability of simulation work and data
• Minimize implementation costs and risk by in the context of product development.
leveraging the proven Teamcenter platform as
your common infrastructure solution Simulation process management support
Simulation process management is a Teamcenter
packaged software solution that enables you to track
and manage finite element analysis (FEA) data.

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Simcenter 3D in a managed environment

Using this data model and datasets, you can: Leveraging structure management and automation
Assembly FEMs authored with Simcenter 3D can be
• Track item revisions for FEM and simulation files.
managed in Teamcenter solutions for simulation pro-
When you create a new FEM or simulation, specify
cess management along with complete traceability at
the number, name and revision
the component, subassembly and assembly levels.
• Create an FEM and simulation on a locked master part Using automation capabilities, assembly FEMs can be
• Perform where-referenced queries on simulation data automatically generated from a computer-aided design
in Teamcenter. For example, you can find all simula- (CAD) assembly with automatic filtering of parts and
tions defined for a specific master part re-use of any existing FEMs, which significantly speeds
up the model build process.
• Create computer-aided engineering (CAE) data item
revisions and edit their data relationships in the CAE Effectively managing large amounts of data
manager in the Teamcenter client
Selective download of solution files
• Create and manage CAE model structures in the A CAE solution dataset may contain multiple results
CAE manager in the Teamcenter client and open files and other solver-related files in addition to the
those model structures in pre- and postprocessing as simulation file. These files can be large, so to improve
assembly FEMs download times you may prefer not to download them
every time the simulation file from Teamcenter is
Providing end-to-end traceability and time savings opened.
Data authored with Simcenter 3D can be seamlessly
captured and managed with Teamcenter software for Providing increased confidence and timely delivery
simulation process management. The out-of-the-box of results
CAE data model is used to capture and manage ideal- Simcenter 3D provides the ability to generate simula-
ized parts, finite element models, simulation files, tions and results with lightweight the JT™ data format
input decks, results and reports. All Simcenter 3D data representation. This enables analysts and other parties
is stored in the database with relationship links, thus to visualize product data in Teamcenter without having
providing traceability from a product all the way to the to launch Simcenter 3D. This provides a framework
associated simulation results. Using the powerful search from which CAE results and related reports can be
capabilities, analysts can quickly find simulation data communicated across the enterprise. Providing clearly
based on attributes and relationships, thus eliminating traceable outcomes along with process efficiencies
rework and overhead in organizing and finding data. facilitates increased confidence and timely delivery of

CAD bill of Components FE FEM bill of Assembly model Loads and bound-
Solving Postprocessing
material models material build ary conditions

Batch meshing
Complex parts
manually meshed
CAD user
Simulation data

Simulation data

“filter” “skip”
Connections data
Simulation data

FEM templates

SIM templates

Structure map


Simulation process and data management

Teamcenter for simulation
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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D in a managed environment

Industry applications simplify processes, minimize post-design changes and

Efficiently manage industry-specific CAE simulation rework and ensure deployment of best practices, which
processes, data, workflow and share them with all can boost program efficiency.
decision-makers to better understand product perfor-
mance and deliver highly successful products faster. Marine
The marine industry also works with complex struc-
Automotive and transportation tures and can benefit from using simulation data and
Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and supplier process management to ensure fast and secure imple-
engineering organizations need to handle simulation mentation of product upgrades and modifications.
data for an increased number of product variations and
configurations to be designed, engineered and manu- Industrial machinery and heavy equipment
factured around the globe. As an example, simulation Companies in agriculture, mining and other heavy
data management enables engineering teams to man- equipment manufacturing as well the rotating machin-
age the body-in-white (BIW) CAE model build process, ery industry share many of the same needs as compa-
automate solves and generate reports. You can also nies in the automotive and aerospace industries. As
effectively manage knowledge transfer of core product such, simulation data and process management are
development processes and methods across global critical needs in these industries. Predicting perfor-
sites. Benefits include increased re-use of models, mance using advanced multidisciplinary simulation
traceability and quality through standardization. techniques and managing requirements to ensure that
all downstream design-manufacturing implications are
Aerospace and defense considered during the early stages of product develop-
Aerospace companies work in globally distributed ment requires an open product lifecycle management
environments that necessitate efficient collaboration (PLM) system that is capable of handling CAE data from
across teams, OEMs and suppliers. As an example, the multiple tools.
aerostructure development process involves managing
the integration of global and local models coming from Consumer goods
different teams. Additionally, product development Sporting goods and toy companies want to deliver
data needs to be securely stored for a long time. By personalized products and highly customized design by
capturing technical performance verification and pro- adopting new methods and materials across the value
viding continuous access to verified data, the simula- chain. From design through manufacturing, access to
tion process and data management create a collabora- the latest simulation data is paramount for fast moving
tive development environment, including suppliers and consumer goods companies to develop the right prod-
partners worldwide. Access to the latest and most uct, on time the first time.
accurate information has been demonstrated to

Simulation data management

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D in a managed environment

Embedded Client

Embedded Client provides global integrated synchro- Module benefits

nized management of all product and simulation data, • Manage and accelerate design/simulation
comprehensive knowledge of the best process, for the collaboration for any size engineering team
complete aspects of product development from
requirements through manufacturing. • Provides seamless management, control and security
for your design and simulation data
• Search rapidly for designs and simulations, manage
data revisions, manage product configurations and
changes to those product configurations in single or
multi-site deployments.
• Access instantly live global product/simulation
• Manage successfully your most precious asset –
product and simulation knowledge

Key features
• Assembly Digital mock-up & multi-CAD
• Teamcenter Navigator:
-- Quick intuitive Teamcenter navigation and
searches let you rapidly find the right data to load
into the NX/Simcenter 3D session
-- Data for CAM, CAE, routing and mechatronics
• Embedded Active Workspace:
-- Extended access to PLM data: design datasheet,
design BOM, where used, MS Office documents,
classification, images, requirements
-- Cross-probing to NX navigators and graphics
-- Access to the inbox, submit to workflows

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D in a managed environment

Simulation Author

This product provides a complete solution to manage Module benefits

simulation data, processes and tools (Simcenter 3D and • Removes overhead of organizing and managing
others) in context with the product data. This product simulation data
provides additional capabilities for managing Simcenter
3D data beyond what is included in Embedded Client • Provides end-to-end traceability of simulation data
software (refer to capabilities chart). • Eliminates rework through re-use of existing data
• Improves the efficiency of the model build process
through automation and re-use
• Provides a collaborative environment in which
simulation tasks can be distributed and executed
• Increases the confidence in the simulation results

Key features
• Simulation data and lifecycle management
• Simulation structure management and automation
• Simulation tool and process management
• Simulation results visualization and reporting

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D in a managed environment

Capabilities chart

Simulation Author
Embedded Client
General capabilities Specific capabilities

Perform lifecycle operations (create, revise, update, delete etc.) of CAE data from Simcenter 3D GUI • •
Perform lifecycle operations (create, revise, update, delete etc.) of CAE data from Teamcenter GUI •
Access to CAE manager application for navigation of CAE data •
Simulation data and
Access to and management of key performance indicator (KPI) table •
lifecycle management
Out of date model and out of date analysis detection in Teamcenter •
Recipe based creation of multiple CAE objects through CAE packages •
Monitor status of models and analysis (attributes, files, and variants) through simulation Dashboards •
Manual creation of AFEMs from Simcenter 3D GUI and capture them in the database • •
Manual creation of AFEMs from Teamcenter GUI •
Simulation structure Compare AFEM with CAD structure for changes and update (Inspector) •
management and
automation Compare AFEMs (CAE BOM compare) •
Automatic generation of AFEMs from CAD structure with reuse of models (through structure maps) •
Automated model creation through execution of Teamcenter workflows •
Execute meshing and run solver on local machine through Simcenter 3D GUI • •

Simulation tool and Perform batch meshing from Teamcenter using Simcenter 3D on local, server or remote (HPC) machines •
process management Perform solver execution from Teamcenter on local, server or remote (HPC) machines •
Monitor the progress of jobs (batch meshing or solver) •
Access to CAE Manager application for JT visualization of CAE data •
Simulation results
Generate CAE JT files from Simcenter 3D GUI • •
visualization and reporting
Generate CAE JT files from native result files in batch from Teamcenter through an NX Open utility •

• = included in module
+ = additional product required

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Solution guide | Simcenter 3D in a managed environment


Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop.........6 Simcenter 3D for electromagnetics Multiple products:

simulation............................................136 Coupling multiphysics simulation
SC12500 Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop 10
with flow and thermal problems 108
SC12500 Simcenter 3D Environment for SC30710 Simcenter 3D Low Frequency EM 141
Multiple products:
Simcenter Nastran 11 SC30711 Simcenter MAGNET solver 142
Coupled multiphysics simulation
SC30536 Simcenter 3D Environment for SC30712 Simcenter MAGNET Thermal solver 143 involving dynamics and acoustics 109
Simcenter Samcef 12 SC30720 Simcenter 3D High Frequency EM 144 SC30595 Simcenter 3D Aero-Vibro-Acoustics 110
SC30551 Simcenter 3D Environment for Abaqus 13 SC30721 Simcenter High Frequency EM solver 145 SC30712 Simcenter 3D Electromagnetics/
SC30550 Simcenter 3D Environment for ANSYS 14 Thermal 111
Simcenter 3D for fluid dynamics
SC30523 Simcenter 3D Environment for LS-Dyna 15 simulation............................................126 Simcenter 3D for optimization.............148
SC30549 Simcenter 3D Environment for MSC
SC30560 Simcenter 3D Advanced Fluid NXN007 Simcenter Nastran Optimization 152
Nastran 16
Modeling 130
NXN016 Simcenter Nastran Topology
Simcenter 3D for acoustics simulation...60 SC30508 Simcenter 3D Flow 131 Optimization 153
SC30620 Simcenter 3D Meshing for Acoustics 65 SC30516 Simcenter 3D Advanced Flow 132 SC30610 Simcenter 3D Design Space
NXN015 Simcenter Nastran Advanced Acoustics 66 SC30537 Simcenter 3D Flow HPC 133 Exploration 154
SC30593 Simcenter 3D Acoustic Transfer Vector 67 SC12500 Simcenter 3D Geometry Optimization 155
Simcenter 3D for motion simulation......76
SC30595 Simcenter 3D Aero-Vibro-Acoustics 68 Simcenter 3D for structural simulation..20
SC30571 Simcenter 3D Motion Modeling 81
SC30570 Simcenter 3D Environment for BEM
SC30572 Simcenter 3D Motion solver 82 SC13500 Simcenter 3D Structures 24
Acoustics 69
SC30581 Simcenter 3D Motion Systems and NXN001 Simcenter Nastran 25
SC30580 Simcenter 3D Acoustics BEM solver 70
Controls 83 NXN030 Simcenter Nastran Multistep Nonlinear 26
SC30592 Simcenter 3D Acoustics Accelerated
SC30582 Simcenter 3D Motion Flexible Body 84 NXN010 Simcenter Nastran DMP 27
BEM solver 71
SC30583 Simcenter 3D Motion Flexible Body
SC30598 Simcenter 3D Acoustics Time Domain Simcenter 3D for structural
Advanced 85
BEM solver 72 dynamics simulation..............................30
SC30585 Simcenter 3D Motion Standard Tire 86
SC30594 Simcenter 3D Acoustics HPC 73 SC30521 Simcenter 3D Response Dynamics 34
SC30586 Simcenter 3D Motion CD Tire 87
Simcenter 3D for additive SC30596 Simcenter 3D Noise and Vibration
SC30587 Simcenter 3D Motion MF-Tyre 88
manufacturing simulation...................158 Modeling 35
SC30588 Simcenter 3D Motion MF-Swift Tyre 89
SC40100 Simcenter 3D Additive Manufacturing 162 SC30501 Simcenter 3D Load Identification 36
SC30590 Simcenter 3D Motion Drivetrain 90
NX30188 Omnimesh for Simcenter 3D 163 SC30500 Simcenter 3D NVH Composer 37
SC30579 Simcenter 3D Motion TWR 91 SC30527 Simcenter 3D FE Model Correlation 38
Simcenter 3D for aerostructures..........166 SC30576 Simcenter 3D Motion Real-Time solver 92
SC30528 Simcenter 3D FE Model Updating 39
SC30601 Simcenter 3D Aerostructure SC40510 Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe Standard
NXN004 Simcenter Nastran Dynamic Response 40
Environment 170 Beam 93
NXN002 Simcenter Nastran Advanced
SC30602 Simcenter 3D Margin of Safety 171 SC40570 Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe Standard
Dynamics bundle 41
Shell 94
Simcenter 3D for composites NXN010 Simcenter Nastran DMP 42
simulation............................................174 SC40520 Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe Linear
NXN014 Simcenter Nastran Rotor Dynamics 43
Dynamic 95
SC30522 Simcenter 3D Laminate Composites 179 SCSRO0170 Simcenter Samcef Rotor 44
SC40530 Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe Nonlinear
SCMEC0180 Simcenter Samcef 180 Dynamic 96 Simcenter 3D for thermal simulation...114
Simcenter 3D for durability simulation..48 SC40540 Simcenter 3D Flexible Pipe
SC30507 Simcenter 3D Thermal 119
Optimization 97
SC30530 Simcenter 3D Durability wizard 52 SC30515 Simcenter 3D Advanced Thermal 120
SC40590 Simcenter 3D Flexible Electric Cables
SC30531 Simcenter 3D Advanced Durability 53 SC30517 Simcenter 3D Space Systems Thermal 121
and Wire Harness option 98
SC30532 Simcenter 3D Specialist Durability SC30519 Simcenter 3D Electronic Systems
Modeling 54 Simcenter 3D for multiphysics
Cooling 122
SC30540 Simcenter 3D Specialist Durability SC30537 Simcenter 3D Thermal HPC 123
solver 55 Multiple products:
Making multiphysics simulation Simcenter 3D in a managed
SC30541 Simcenter 3D Specialist Durability
more effective and reliable 106 environment.........................................184
Composite Fatigue 56
SC30533 Simcenter 3D Specialist Durability for Multiple products: TC30600 Embedded Client 188
Connections 57 Coupling multiphysics simulation of TC31301 Simulation Author 189
mechanical and thermal problems 107

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About Siemens Digital Industries Software For More Information, Contact:
Siemens Digital Industries Software is driving
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