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ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE STATEMENT -EMPLOYEE: OPS #03 1 0085 SOP “conversation” I mentioned the financial aspect of the (MMNM—lPcase and the fact that I might obtain a search warrant for Mr. MMIMMM residence. I also advised that I would leave a file in my middle desk drawer with the address of SEEMMNIUMBeyritten on it, it would be the first file sitting on top, 1 advised that I since I was leaving for the day I would leave it there for them to pick up later on that evening, I then finished the phone call. I placed a file with the address AEB treet in the specified desk drawer. In the file I placed (JINMIMs criminal history and a premise history of @@NIMNNNMM Street. I then advised Sgt. Whitmire of the “conversation” and he stated that he would begin taping, I then signed out and left for the day. Approximately an hour later I received a phone call from Sgt. Whitmire advising that Inv, J, Gwinn-Villaroel had opened my desk drawer and obtained the file, The next morning Sgt. Whitmire, Sgt. Harty and I reviewed the tape and observed Inv. J, Gwinn-Villaroel’s actions. Sgt. Whitmire then took custody of the file for fingerprinting purposes. Thave read or had read to me the above statement and Uswear or affirm that iis true to the best of my Knowledge and Deli. | a —————— SONATIRE ‘Swom and subscribed tome this 0% _ dayof Fel. inthe year 2003 F Bevuintn Orduion Om. Deasony 2a, PANT BALES aM TTY FOB, Reese Ae ee Ree ten cay cat pies January 9 @ @ ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT a EMPLOYEE STATEMENT a EMPLOYEE: OPS #03 1 0085 sor EMPLOYEE NAME OAT, PRT) CLAGEICATON | POSMIONNOMGER | DATE # TOW OF sTATRIENT BURNS, B.D. INV {201 2104/03 @ 1500 Tee oe ARTOFRERTOTTENT —} pare —T ovo SECTION) WAT BM 09-16-97 2591 cD NARC_| EVE Tavs ae TERR Tam _Lt.M. Denson ‘of the Atlanta Police Department _You are being questioned asa _ Witness ian oficial investgnon bythe Deparment. Albo presenti HERESTTATVES Ni ‘Allemployees must answer questions and make available relevast materials or sworn statements concerning an Investigation of ‘allegations of employee misconduct when directed to do so by a disciplinary authority or duly appointed investigator. Employees may oblain representation but cannot delay questioning for more than three hours beyond the time he or he was notified of the questioning. Except as authorized or required, an employee shall not interfere with nor contact persons involved in an internal investigate disclose or discuss with anyone except the designated Departmental authority the existence or facts ofan internal investigation. This restriction will not be construed to prohibit an employee from discussing any aspect of the investigation with hs or her representative ‘Administrative statements made by employees and evidence gained by reasons of such statements may not be used against the ‘employee i eriminal proceedings involving the employee except in cases of perjury. ‘ON OR ABOUT JANUARY 14, 2003 ASSISTED ZONE ONE UNITS ON A TRAFFIC STOP WHERE POWERED COCAINE WAS RECOVERED. UPON ARRIVAL I MET WITH OFFICER HENNIGER, FERGUSON AND HAYNES. THESE OFFICERS HAD SECURED THE SUSPECT, MR. (WWMM, IN THE REAR OF OFFICER HENNIGER MARKED PARTOL UNIT. UPON INTERVIEWING MR. WORE, IT WAS FOUND THAT THERE WAS MORE COCAINE INSIDE THIS VEHICLE. IT WAS UPON THE ADMISSION OF SMM THAT IWAS ABLE TO LOCATE. AN ADDITIONAL 6 OUNCES OF COCAINE FROM THE LAP TOP COMPUTER BAG. THE VEHICLE, CURRENCY, WEAPON AND OTHER ARTICLES WERE TAKEN AS EVIDENCE, (QM. WAS TRANSPORTED BACK TO THE ZONE ONE PRECINCT, IN AN EFFORT TO COMPLETE PAPER WORK. WHILE AT THIS PRECINCT (2315 BANKHEAD HWY) 1 DISCOVERED THAT MR. §UMENMRR OWNED A BUSINESS ON ECHO STREET. SS STATED THAT HE HAD LEFT THIS LOCATION PRIOR TO BEING STOPPED BY POLICE. ON JANUARY 15, 2003 I RAN INTO INV. BROWNING. I ADVISED HER AS TO WHAT HAD OCCURED ON THE PREVIOUS NIGHT. BROWNING ADVISED ME THAT SHE HAD AN. ACTIVE INVESTIGATION ON FAMER AND THE ESTABLISHMET AT @@BECHO STREET. INV. BROWNING AND I SAT DOWN AND COMPILED INFORMATION, FROM THIS INFORMATION WE WERE ABLE TO DRAFT A SUPERIOR COURT WARRANT FOR THE BUSINESS OF MR. ON JANUARY 16, 2003 1 WAS CONTACTED BY OFFICER HENNIGER. OFFICER HENNIGER ADVISED ME THAT THE VEHICLE THAT MR. (0 WAS OPERATING, THE NIGHT OF Thave read or had read The the above statemg Tewear oF affirm that its true fo th best of my Knowledge and belle. “SotTRE Swom and substribed tome this {day of Fes inthe year _2u¢7 ordain, Or, Denton Laer TOTTORI Poe_w- )o- 2 ot Put, Filton County Geosia Form APDI26 revised 1/1/2000 Commision Expires January 9, 2008, © @ ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE STATEMENT “EMPLOYEE: OPS 403 T 0085 SoP THE TRAFFIC STOP, BELONGED TO OFFICER VILLOREL SISTER. OFFICER HENNIGER ADVISED ME THAT OFFICER VILLOREL HAD CONTACTED HIM. OFFICER HENNIGER ASKED IF I COULD RELEASE THE HOLD OFF THE VEHICLE, | ADVISED HENNIGER THAT. THE HOLD WAS PLACED ON THE VEHICLE BY OFFICER HAYNES AND FERGUSON. Thaveread or had read tom) slatement and Uswear or affirm that Ia rue tothe best of my knowledge and belle, Swomand subscribédtomethis _Y dayot FL inthe year 203 OMQuin Om. Queson, Lr, = ors es P- 39 - 2. ~ _2 _, NoB7 Publ Fun Cou, Goargia Form APDS26 revised 1/1/2000 Ny Commission Expires Jenwery 9, 2006, G © ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE STATEMENT EMPLOYEE: OPS #; 03 I 0085 SOP moore gare raion cumemon —[rosmowamen [puree Tam rst? Gilmore, William N Inv. 10,061 | 02-04-03 1,530 wee fsx dies [storaaionan fan arr Ysacrow [waren wfi™M | Ms3 01-29-81 = cD SIs Nare Iam Inv. W.N Gilmore of the Atlanta Police Department, You are being questioned as a Witness in an official investigation by the Department, Also present is: . ‘All employees must answer questions and make available elevant materials or swom statements concerning an investigation of ‘employee work rule violations when directed to do so by a disciplinary authority or duly appointed investigator. Employees may obtain representation but cannot delay questioning for more than three hours beyond the time he or she was notified of the questioning. Except as authorized or required, an employee shall not interfere with nor contact persons involved in an internal investigation nor disclose or discuss with anyone except the designated Departmental authority the existence or facts of am infernal investigation. This restriction will not be construed to prohibit an employee from discussing any aspect of the investigation with his other representative. Administrative statements made by employees and evidence gained by reasons of such statements may not be used against the employee in criminal proceedings involving the eraployee except in cases of perjury, ‘Do you understand this? YES |On 01-16-03 at about 1700 hrs, I observed Inv. J Gwinn-Villaroel at the desk and work area of Inv. LeAnne [Browning. She appeared to see me watching her and left Inv. Brownings desk, Sgt. Harty was nearby and I ltold him what Chad observed and he stated that he had also noticed her at Inv. Browning's desk. I was aware of some sensitive documents that Inv. Browning had been working on and I had been asked to assist with the investigation which was on 2 SIME: [t was learned tha SNM had ties to Inv, J. Gwinn-Villaroel. I |called Inv. Browning and told her what I had observed. I did not see Inv. J. Gwinn-Villaroel with anything in |her hands at that time that may have come from Inv. Browning's desk. Fewear oF affira that ita true tothe best of my Knowledge and belie, avd bho [Swom and subscribed to methis_uy day _Ee| 2003 ordain Om, Danson QM Gilmore. bas u Ta ners wry Po a7 17 1 Report Type: Original (Atlanta Police Department Incident / CICA #: 03-014-1721 G Confidential “~~ INCIDENT REPORT 03 1 0085 SOP T]elaant CIGAR [Ropar Data Time Bate Tine Occurred From Data Time Occurred To [Officer lnvalvemont nifos.ote-t724 owarz00s 2143 osra200s 10:15, lorraraons 1820 Wiinossed Case c|nciaent Gesarpien feast [County 1 [Mate aresiod fo recto ding 50s, Futon ‘pf Location of incident (Street, hy, Sal, Zip Cade, Quadrant Coeaiton Type Norte Or NW AND Maria St NW, Atana, GA 30318 Hence Alay NIGA Codes:UGR Class : 6202:1500 Carrying Concealed Attempt Only: No ‘T|Weapon Femily Violence : No Special Event : No |Gang Related Weather: 1-Ciear Temperature : Cold ‘Atcohol Related? : No Weapon Or Tool : Revolveripistol Forced Entry? : No |Appeere Drug Related? : Yes ‘Work Requested Or Completed? : No Security Devices? : No Deg Type): Cocaine, Marjuana, FV [Ralalonship OF Tho Paros mmol ieason No Aeat Made Al MO. | Primary Agaressorentifod By | ot Previous Complain L g [Codas (PrimeryiSecondary) [Name | Business Name restos it =a B tome Phone ——[Parmanert Aacrss Wark Phone ad — mone —— | Temp. Address Temp. Addons Vall Unit ee fee ES FE Fair Gator T stack, M200 s3___|e"0o" Black ID Type : Drivers License ID Number ‘Sobriety : Unknown Hand Use : Unknown Hair Stye : Braids Who ID'd This Person : Police Arrest Date/Time : 01/14/2003 14:00 [Court Appointment Date/Time : 01/28/2003 14:00 _Ciothing : Pants [Blue Jeans}; Shit [Brown]; Coat [Black |Cherges : 40-6-300.e Reckless Drivng; 40-8-20 Leather } Head i Lgt Req; 40-6-123 Imp Lane ‘Arrest Location : 524 Marietta St NW, AUenta, GA. IChange/Fall To Signal; 40-6-20 Fall To Obey Traf Ct Arrest Type : Physical Arrest Device; 40-8-10.a Have Proof Of Insurance in Veh; 16-11-106 Poss Farm During Fel Comm; 16-13-30 Poss, Sale, Etc Of Marjuane; Possession of Cocaine; 16-11-128 Carry Pistol Wio License; 16-19-31. Trafficking In Cocaine; 16-13-32.2 Drug related object; 16-13-30.bdc Poss Intent Distrib Cocaine; 16-13-30.bsc Sale of Crack. Cocaine ]Weapon 1 Used/Posessed : Revolver/pistol VW [omer Year [ae oder a ator Crap Batam E 1097 _|anerat Mo Sport Utiy writer ite H ffoF [tap Sate |Top Tipe FTag Year |Vehicie Type " e EE oo eee jek £ [impounded By : Atow inc 1s Driver The Owner? : Yos Was Driver Arrested? : Yes Vehicle Locked? : No Ignition Locked? : No ‘Keys tn Ignition? : Yes P 121-5 Page 1 of 5 € é Report Type: rignal ‘Atlanta Police Department Incident / CICA #: 03-014-1724 INCIDENT REPORT Raport Status: Approved 03 1 0085 SOP Pr [Owner [Record Type Property Type [Status [Quantity R Narcotics: other. JEvidence 1908 Gram ° 1 [Estimated Value [Make / Wodel | Descriplion P 00 ck corse Recovery Location : 524 Marietta St, Atlanta, GA Recovered By: HAYNES, JL Pe [Owner [Record Type [Property Typ* [Status [Quantity —_ aren ter idence ra Gr °2\"" me P 00 Marina Recovery Location ; 624 Marietta St, Atlanta, GA Recovered By; POLICE P [owner [Record Type [Property Type Status [auantity ioe Nar citer cence ‘Gam 0 3 [sear Exitatod Value Wako Model Desciion P 20 rack cosine Recovery Location : 524 Marietta St, Atlanta, GA Recovered By; POLICE ae cd acd Tipe [Peay eS aan R Narcotics: Jother [Evidence ° 4(ar Ess Valo [Was oan Basan P 00 arian nfm citer Recovery Location : 524 Marietta St, Atianta, GA Recovered By : POLICE ? ecard Type [Proven iee [Sto aay R cine esionce i814 Gam ° [Make / Model 7 Description P Powter cone 1, GA Recovered By: POLICE P [Property Type [Status [Quantity R Other Evidence: 96.0 Gram_ ° [Make / Model / Description P Powder Cozane Atlanta, GA Recovered By: POLICE P Proper Type Sata Guan 4 corenynctCoins |e cence 0 a a esaion P one tsar, tree hundred sovaieo cash 524 Marietta St, Atlanta, GA Recovered By: POLICE P [Owner [Record Type [Property Type [Stature Ro seized EecrncarTvado_|Propety ° 8 | Serial [Estimated Value [lake / Model / Description P © fucaioc 0 cannon i camer ce Recovery Location : 524 Marietta St, Atlanta, GA Recovered By: POLICE 7 ae a aniiy R Sane iecnesTvmado_[Ewerea A ° 9 [Serial # [Estimated Value [Make/Model / Description Pp lowe 00 aon se Recovery Location : 524 Marietta St, Atlanta, GA Recovered By: POLICE Flower aca ype Tipe Se aan R Seized EecrocarTvrado_|evdence Osea 0 1Q|sear [Extiated Value |e / Model / Description > frworesereaceorerx _|s.00 He Palin Lapton wh cave [Recovery Location : 524 Marietta St, Allanta, GA Recovered By: POLICE Pines Ineidant | CICA # 03-014-1721 Page 2 of 5 Report Type: Original (Atlanta Police Department Incident / CICA #: 03-014-1721 INCIDENT REPORT =“ Roport Status: Approved 03 1 0085. sor Raa Type Feria ey sees loner fewience [Oost Estat Vea] Waka Mods TDSSETSIOR 00 BLACK DIVE OXYGEN TANK [Recovery Location : 524 Merietta St, Allanta,GA Recovered By: POLICE P [Owner [Record Type [Property Type status [Quantity R Sond [Encroncarrvmaco_[Eierce Doe 0 12 |e Existed Valse] ModeDecripion P lowstss 00 SVC DIGITAL VIDEOCAMERA WIO BATTERY | Recovery Location : 524 Marietta St, Attanta, GA Recovered By : POLICE Ce od Rea ah Se aay R See emceonarrvmadto [Evers 1 Doetim 0 13 |saar atime Valco Wao Wodel Deaton P foracoss 00 use CAMERA MATE WITH SILVER CAVERA BAG Recovery Location : 524 Marietta St, Atlanta, GA Recovered By : POLICE P ner [Record Type [Property Type [Status [Quantity R saad [emcroncarvnadio_[Evdrce 1 Dosetivism 014 Serial ® [Estimated Value [Make / Model / Description P [sotsresa 00, [APNE OVD PLAYER Recovery Localion 724 Mariela St Alanta,GA Recovered By | POLIGE P [Owner [Record Type [Property Type [status [Quantity R sans [Eecsoncarrvado_lewdence Doe 0 15 |senr Esiimsind Value Wake Wodol Description > Yacwowooonrss __|s.00 AUDIOVOX. FLIP GOWN TY Recovery Location 624 Marietia St Allania, GA Recovered By: POLICE P [owner [Record Type [Property Type [Status [Quantity” R zed ter Evian 1 Doatm o416(ea Enid alas] Waka WoT TORSTEN P 00 BLACK EAG WITH SCUBA GEAR Recovery Location : 524 Marietta St, Atianta, GA Recovered By ; POLICE P [Owner [Record Type lence ewer [Quantity R — |Setzed [Firearms [Evidence it 0 47 | sna Eatind Value [Wak Modal Osecipion P [aeos4s 00 rier hang i ps Recovery Location :524 Marietta St,Atianta,GA Recovered By: POLICE, [Record Type [Property Type Teuantity Sed Fives dence 10 said aloe [We Waa OSSSTRISR 00 orends 6 ano Recovery ocallon 724 Mariela St Alante,GA Recovered By /POLIGE [Pr [Owner [Record Type [Property Type Status [Quantity R fpouce sae er Propet A ° 19 ae [Estimated Valve [Make | Wodel / Description P |$.00 [Wachovia check book [Recovery Location : 524 Marietta St, Atlanta, GA Recovered By : POLICE P ne [Record Type [Property Type States [Quantity R sas [Eneroaca/rmado [Prepay i 0 20; ataied Vue —]Waka al Beato or p<" leva woase s00 practi ora itn batiry [Recovery Location : 524 Marietta St, Atlanta, GA Recovered By : POLICE P 123-5 tnatdant IAW AAAATON Pace 3 of § Report Type: Original \tlanta Police Department ¢ Incident / CIGA #: 03-014-1721 Confidential: INCIDENT REPORT Report Status: Approved 03.1 0085 sor ? Resort Tope Prope Tips ]Siatas aay R a [Seized [Electronica/Tv/Radio_|Property 4 0 2A |sate Saale PA loaso0056zr6 00 SPRINT / HANDSPRING Recovery Location : 524 Marietta St, Allanta, GA Recovered By: POLICE P [Owner [Record Type. [Property Type [Status [Quantity —_— so etedrertvado [Property A 0 2D|seate Eatinated Van] aks Moda Dacron p ~“lrsowos 00 | seamaung gt 35m [Recovery Location : 624 Marietta St, Allanta,GA Recovered By: POLICE [> Jowner Recor Te Proper pe [San ream ss sao seusy Proven a 0 23)s=u atiied Walon Wak Woda Desrigion P 00 | ovas wat [Recovery Location : 524 marietta St, Atlanta, GA Recovered By : POLICE P owner [Record Type [Property Type [Status [Quantity R seizes ewcrenicwTvmato _[Propety A © 2Alsea Eainaied Valzo Wake Model Desrsion pl sas2000 00 camen 35 mm [Recovery Location '624 Marieta St Alania, GA Recovered By "POLICE tnetetant I wna.nia.s74 P 12-8-5 Pace 4 of 5 @ Atlanta Police Department € \ Incident / CICA #: 03-014-1721 INCIDENT REPORT Report Status: Approved 03 1 0085 SOP A. | On 01-14-2003 at approx 1915 hrs | observed a white SUV traveling east on Marista St from Northside Dr with one [headlight out. As | tumed around on the vehicle he sped off at a high rate of speed. He was swerving and crossing the A |yelow tine and went through a red light atthe intersection of Marietta St and Means St. | activated my emergency lights + | a8 | attempted to catch up to his vehicle. The vehicle then came to a stop. | approached the vehicle at the drivers side. 1 |! was unable to get @ good look ino the vehicle. The driver refused fo open up the window. | tapped on the drivers side | window and stil got no response from the driver. | opened up the drivers door and asked the driver for his license and 2 [proof of insurance. He relictanty gave me the documents dropping his license on the ground. AL this time my partner, Officer J L Haynes advised me there was a gun in the vehicle. The suspect, later Identified to us as Mr SUWeNamer Jr. was taken out of the vehicle at gunpoint end secured, qm was arrested at this time for numerous traffic infractions including reckless driving. An inventory of his vehicle resuited in 1 Ruger handgun 9mm loaded with a loaded ‘spare clip (loaded) concealed under a black sweater on the passenger seat (In wingspand), Marijuana under the back seat, crack cocaine in the bag of marijuana, film canister.containing marijuana in the center console, a bag of powder [cocaine under CD in console, bag ot powder cocaine inside laptop case in the back seat A search of Mr Jmaseuns crack cocaine inhi et jeans pocket $117 cash waa re oved fram Mr @NNMMPeSON wm falso had en handgun holster on his walst. Mra wes charged with reckless driving (high the yellow ling, running red ligh!), Headlight requirement (busted headlight), Improper lane change, falure to obey traffic control device (red light), Carrying a pistol without a permit (concealed under a sweater on the front seat, ot in plain view), Drug related object (scale), Poss. of cocaine with intent, Poss. of crack, Poss. of merjuana, Trafficking Cocaine (227.4 g of cocaine), Poss. of cocaine, Poss. of a firearm during a commission of @ crime (cocaine and handgun). Mr Farmer wes transported to the the Fulton County Jail. His vehicle was impounded to A-Tow. Narcotics Bindover Questions 1. How were the drugs discovered? Inventory of vehicle before it was impounded. Who found each of the items? Police 2. Exactly where was each item of drugs found? Powder cocaine found in center console and in case. Crack cocaine was found in suspects pents pocket. 2. What aviderice of possession was discovered for each person arrested? suspect was only person in vehicle and some fof the drugs were found on his person. 4. Ifthe drugs were concealed, what were the grounds for conducting the search? 5, Name persons who have access to the premises (other roommates or persons who could have left drugs there). n/a 6; If drugs found in bedrooms, indleate whose bedroom and haw it was determined who the bedroom belonged to. n/a 7. Approximate weight of drugs? +200 g [FH UNDERSIGNED, BEING DULY SWORN, UPON HIS OR HER OATHS DEPOSES AND STATES THAT THE FOREGOING 18 TRUE, CORRECT, COMPLETE, |AND LEGIBLE TO THE BEST OF HISIHER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. Reporing Ofcer (Elocironie Signature) 17 [Assignment | Gender [Signed Date Timo] OW Daye Goan Tie lon FERGUSON, JC 3228 _|s129 Im __|orre/2003 14:26 _| sun, Sat 1400 aor (lectonle IGRATT Ll aa tng MIDDLEBROOK, C4 1est_|2193 JF ___forrer2009 14:52 fai Recor icon aay ow —|vie# Signed Date Timo] Referred To [ch WILLIAMS, AM cose lovserz00s 17:23 psa, 21 P 12-5-5 Ineldant | OU08 H OAN44-4794 Pace 5 of 5 Report Type: Supplement (/)Atlanta Police Department @ Incident / CICA #: 03-014-1721 Confidenti INCIDENT REPORT Report Status: Approved 03 T 0085 SOP T]ietdontC1GAF——Raport bate Tine Bata ime Occurred From [Dato Tine Occurred To [Officer Involement Nfoo-ot-1724 owrara00s 22:56 ous2005 1:15 orv14r003 1:15 Winessed Case. Bast [county 508, Futon ocailon Te | 526 Mavota StNW, Adenia, GA 30318 Fwy Roauatoy Ste N{GA Codes:UCR Class : £899:0899 Misc Non-Crime “Afternpt Only : No ‘T|Femity Violence : No Bias Incident : No [Gang Related : No ‘Special Event : No Temperature : Cool Weather: 1-Ciear |Weapon Or Too! : None ‘Alcohol Related? : No | Appears Drug Related? : No Forced Entry? ; No . [Security Devices? : No Work Requested Or Completed? : No F V_ | Rilationship OF The Farle alles Action Tekan [Reason No Arvest Made Al MO. [Primary Racrossor lated By OF Previous Compialnia th Tople: information About incident ‘ON 01-14-03, | RESPONDED TO 524 MARIETTA ST NW TO ASSIST UNIT 3123 ON A TRAFFIC-STOP. THEY ADVISED THAT THE DRIVER WAS UNDER ARREST FOR TRAFFIC CHARGES AND NEEDED A SCREENED VEHICLE TO SECURE THE ARRESTEE. ONCE THE ARRESTEE WAS PLACED IN MY PATROL VEHICLE, OFF. HAYNES ASKED ME TO ASSIST HIM WITH THE INVENTORY OF THE VEHICLE DUE TO THE AMOUNT OF VALUABLES. WHEN | OPENED THE CENTER CONSOLE, | DISCOVERED A SECOND MAGAZINE FOR THE: WEAPON THAT 3123 HAD DISCOVERED. ALSO IN THE CONSOLE WAS A FILM CANISTER CONTAINING SUSPECTED MARIJUANA. UPON A FURTHER SEARCH OF THE VEHICLE FOR ADDITIONAL NARCOTICS, THERE WAS AN ELECTRONIC SCALE USED FOR WEIGHING DRUGS IN THE CD PART OF THE CENTER CONSOLE. AS | REMOVED THE SCALE, | NOTICED THAT THE PLASTIC CONTAINER WAS LOOSE. | MOVED IT AND. DISCOVERED THAT THERE WAS APLASTIC BAG CONTAINING SUSPECTED POWDER COCAINE UNDER THE FRONT OF THE CONSOLE FOR THE CD’S AND CHANGE. CONTINUING THE SEARCH FOR VALUABLES AND NARCOTICS, THERE WAS A SILVER CASE UNDER THE REAR SEAT. | OPENED THE CASE TO SEE ITS ICONTENTS AND FOUND A PURPLE CROWN ROYAL BAG CONTAINING MARIJUANA AND A SMALL BAG OF. CRACK COCAINE, INV. BURNS OF THE NARCOTICS UNIT WAS CALLED TO THE SCENE TO ASSIST WITH THE INVESTIGATION. UPON THE ARRESTEE TALKING WITH INV. BURNS, ADDITIONAL POWDER COCAINE WAS FOUND INSIDE THE LAPTOP CASE IN THE FRONT PASSENGER FLOOR BOARD, UPON A SEARCH OF THE. | SUSPECT, A BAG OF CRACK COCAINE WAS FOUND IN HiS FRONT LEFT JEANS POCKET BY INV. BURNS. THE JARRESTEE WAS TRANSPORTED TO THE PRECINCT BY MYSELF FOR FURTHER INVESTIGATION AND PROCESSING. ONCE AT THE PRECINCT, OFF. HAYNES TOOK OVER THE REST OF THE ARREST. Ck EEE 1, How were the drugs discovered? Who found each of the items? DURING INVENTORY OF VEHICLE TO BE IMPOUNDED 2. Exactly where was each item of drugs found? COCAINE IN CENTER CONSOLE. COCAINE IN COMPUTER BAG, MARNUANA IN A SILVER BRIEFCASE BAG, MARLIUANA IN CENTER CONSOLE ‘2. What evidence of possession was discovered for each person arrested? HE WAS THE OWNER AND THE ONLY ‘ONE IN THE VEHICLE 4. ifthe drugs were concealed, what were the grounds for conducting the search?INVENTORY BEFORE IMPOUND 5, Name persons who have accass to the premises (other roommates or persons who could have left drugs there). N/A 6. if drugs found in bedrooms, indicate whose bedroom and how it was determined who the bedroom belonged to.N/A 7. Approximate weight of drugs?132 9, 97 9, 1209.39 p 13-1-2 Incident / CICA #: 03-14-1721 Report Status: Approved & S “Atlanta Police Department ~ INCIDENT REPORT 03 1 0085 sor [THE UNDERSIGNED, BEING DULY SWORN, UPON HIS OR HER OATH, DEPOSES AND STATES THAT THE FOREGOING I$ TRUE, CORRECT, COMPLETE [AND LEGIBLE TO THE BEST OF HISIHER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, Feporing Offcar Electronle Slgnaturey ](D# Assignment | Gender | Signed Dato / Time] OH Days Sou Tine JOFF HENNINGER, T 2508 _| 3113, M. Fs, Sat 16:00 [SuperTaar(toctronls Signal) {iD # assignment” [Gender] | Sgt MOLNAR, CK. +200 _|t07_ Ju lor22r2009 22:14 [Coniral Records (Electron Stanatare) ioe 7 [signed Date/Time] Rafered To [cw HiGHTOWER, T 1265 ovra200s 10:51 |Nare P 13-2-2 bese a0 4AATOA Page 2 of 2 APD VEHICLE RECORD / I( [OUND REPORT| 03 T 0085 Sor 7. APD IO Number ‘© Assigament No, = Hyor £3222 | 3127 fi, Home Phone: the owner? Bil impound OSStolen GY Suspect Vehicle CORRecovered CZ Selzed Comer ‘eVohicle Type: (01 Pass. Car 1104 Tractor Trailer L110 Van \6 Recreation Veh, Other Boe Pickup Tk. 108 Single Unit Truck. 13 Bus 01 17 Motorcycle Yer [es Maker 7 Mod: Me TO Eee —* Ef. Yaltow .. \tlelWleid' |alelalv taizl vi ie Style] 2D Sedan, 2 DR (1 HB Hatchback OMVMinivan © Other Gla Sedan, 4DR_ OSW: Qn aI ur White ElAlZlelHl | mTag Wee! C)porass. Cer TK Truck — ] NG National Guard IPE Personalized/Customized COCommeris! CVCL College CST State Vehicle COME Motorcycle Cgucounty Veh. ODL Dealer US USGowt. Vehicle other 7 E ‘STOLEN VEHICLE INFORMATION. = Si. 7% Date LosdSiolen; Joo. Value of [C]Siolen _§. [S\Weh, Reported Stolen: WVehicie: | Recovered Cin Atanta Clouse tMPOUND INFORMATION: ~ Time Wreck wine) ]54. Reason Tor impound: 7 rag? Caledon BE org Dezvek wzacecict, filnf a o GENERAL VEHICLE INFORMATION | F “Impound Leeatlon: (Busiess/Strat Adress. i Beat . ny Marie ta St "Zar — — Supervisor Nama) 7 ja checked Tor BRyoa BS | eorevns impo Soe larberr 3193 soley on Feo?" Ch. 4 ‘seMissing GZNone —“L Wheels 0. Damage: CL) None O Windshield Tams: Battery i Other BEBody damage BLOther a Cl Radio 1D Steering Column boats Z | doors Locked? Ti Yes Bidio [Remaining keys return to owner? BxYeo LINo 5 | 2 tontion Locked? Yes No 48. Evidence of property turned in Rives Ono © | Uonttion key with vehicle? _ Sos. C1 No 46. tyes, status: Property Hevicente O Found CL [4 Ownership papers loft with: _C) Property Control Cidriver [did not locate ownership papers & [4 oid yohicie “9, Supervisor ( ™ fre A, OL. ‘Approving Hold: so. Wrecker 3t Wrecker Driver's Company: A- BU signature: A a : LER. INFORMATION. =e fF Se Wothe wal baal Cl Yeo LIN Ear earm 59 nthe taller oo ClYes C1 No Tag Nim; 7” TRAILER ea Tag State: jetag Ve bt ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT Form APDOOS, July 3, 2002 ‘Copy 2- Vreckor B 14-1-1 (CE / INVENTORY| [« INCIDENT NUMBER _/ERY REPORT) ‘APD PROPERTY / EV! (ADDITIONAL LOSS / RE 7. Date of Birth: fo, Work Phone: (404) (770) (678) fie : fa: Home Phone: (408) (770) (676) (om) : Property Status: E-Evidence —P.- Property F-Found A= Retumed NA-- Not in possossion of APO. io F- Office Equip. B-Currency —C- Jewelry JJ-Consumables E-Clothing __L- Other -Fireatms __H- Household Goods R.- Recovered N= Narcotics 8 - Stolen Z- Seized raiec-|@FGUANTITY DESCRIPTION —Ts-Prop [ie Seral No 7 Othar |v Estimated — ha Prop . Make - Model - identifying Features ‘Type | _Identitying No. Value-$ Amt. | Statue 7 ow < a $ o z a} $ 0 z 7 © $ wi 00 7 3 $ c a + $ yy * $ : $ 0 * $ 00 fa, Recovered By: TT Hato ar Heuer, J fa. Location Heme foukd of recover Addrase (Steet No, City St, Ze: SLY Merce & z a THE REPORTING OFFICER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR GIVING THE OWNER A COPY OF THE INVENTORY x [REPORT AS A RECEIPT, AND FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE PROPERTY CAN BE RETURNED. B lez teporing otter: crm, say fa APD TD Number fx Assignment F Ayres M407 Bees. [25 Transporting Officer: (CFM, Suffix) (26. APD ID Number 7. Assignment # ‘ak Owner 7 Defendant Signature (Copy acknowledgement) (ee LEGO Tg Ae a Tea pT T= ee ene tn ‘USTODY APD PROPERTY / EVID! cE J INVENTORY (ADDITIONAL LOSS / RE‘ ERY REPORT) [Towner Name rm Sut pXimesea Pecin Osapea Ova CGber 03 I 0085 SOP Record type: 0 -Damaged | Property Type: G- Elecironics,TV.Radio A-Added Loss L-Lost, |FOtfico Equip. B-Curency —C-Jewolry R-Recovered S-Stoln |J-Consumables E+ Clothing _L - Other NeNarcolce _Z-Seized | 1-Firearms _H - Household Goods FQUANTITY / DESCRIPTION is: Serial No, or Other Make - Modal -Identitying Features {dentitying No. PROPERTY DATA fa, Recovered jan, Released Tor (raferant han owne’) 2 Ta eee A or recovered: Address (Sveet No, Cty St. 26% 29 Places JP Mh "THE REPORTING OFFICER |S RESPONSIBLE FOR GIVING THE OWNER A COPY OF THE INVENTORY REPORT AS A RECEIPT, AND FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE PROPERTY CAN BE RETURNED. 2 Reporting Officer: (FM, Sule Fe APD ID Number fa Ansignment # fas Transporting Officer: (LEM Sufix) jas APD ID Number er. Assignment 2 Owner / Defendant Signature (Copy admowledgeman) jas Date CUSTODY CHAIN [sz Storage Location: Gton-couRecnt cays Porc cays- Owe 1SH2-9 CAAA A APD PROPERTY / EVIDEMCE / INVENTORY Cie [< INCIDENT NUWBER (ADDITIONAL LOSS / REG. J ERY REPORT) ie MORAY G7 AN TENT 03 1 0085 le-b-wht F- Office Equip. 8-Currency C- Jewelry J+Consumables E-Clothing — L- Other tooget 1457 PROPERTY DATA fa, Recovered By: t fz, Location lems found or recovered: 0. Released Tor (tallarent than owner) address zoe Ay MLC King Jy. “De 4h ‘THE REPORTING OFFICER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR GIVING THE OWNER A COPY OF THE INVENTORY REPORT AS A RECEIPT, AND FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE PROPERTY CAN BE RETURNED. ing Officer: (FM, Sul) AN a) SAPD IO Number — la. Assignment ¥ ast ory fas Tanaporting Officer: (CFA Sut) lex APD 10 Number fv. Aeslgnment # CUSTODY CHAIN [as Gwner 7 Defendant Signature (Copy acknowedgement) [ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT Fol APODOS, Agu 20,1898 ‘nial - Canal Rect C099 2- Property Canto! Copy3- une 1 Be {A APD PROPERTY / EVIDEMGE /INVENTORY VPAGE]E OF [= DATE mmsaay [+ INCIDENT NUMBER [= PROPERTY DATA CUSTODY CHAIN ERY REPORT) _ forms sslors72d (ADDITIONAL LOSS / RE Sees aba Finer Ghmist aan Scio Bar [omar OS Yaseen M Its Tw Aaaresst 0, ALD CW. SZ Tip TT MN IT ho. Work Phone: ( ) ora Os X O0es BaF ease ‘i iy Me Dist £ ) - Record Type: D-Damaged |Property Type: G- Electronics,TV,Radio Property Statua; ‘A- Added Loss L- Lost F Office Equip. B-Currency — C-Jewelry E- Evidence P- Property eRe Lt [cremate Eee, rare’ eceaet Rope Riera tee fe) Scere eraser Sen powentor st AP ase FaUANTATYT OCSCRHON fe tsp ae SORRY nod Te |e ea ne ning remanes Ball re area i Fomate [ee i he Usp $ nfs a 00 N [prergaca te 29 fe be é fs @\E ; tw a $ 00 7 — 0 te : $ 00 7 = 7 $ . $ c fs Released To: (Walorent nan owner) Gn. WK, Dew 45.0 i Laalion Nowe found of cova -Addrese (Stet No, Cy, Zh ‘THE REPORTING OFFICER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR GIVING THE OWNER A COPY OF THE INVENTORY [REPORT AS A RECEIPT, AND FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE PROPERTY CAN BE RETURNED. 3. APD ID Number Jas, Assignment # sit b5uy jae APO 1D Number — fr Assignment F parOate: To Properly Clerk] Officer ba Storage Localon: aia aereneneen roceegeecec apd as eae eer ed AON A al US. Cum PROPERTY DATA ‘APD PROPERTY / EVIDENCE / INVENTORY] "PAGE|? OF Boninena Loss/REC(_}RY REPORT) x iresedPenon 0 Suspect OVicim Ol F=Ofice Equip. B-Curency C- Jewelry J+Consumables E-Clothing ——L- Other | Firearms __H- Household Goods "QUANTITY / DESCRIPTION Identifying Featur ie, Recovered By: fo. Released To: (vatteront buen owner) Ph "haamee oemnecon ray 521 Movisth Shu THE REPORTING OFFICER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR GNNG THE OWNER A GOPY OF THE WVENTORY 1 REPORT, es fe: APD 10 Number B23/) 407 ‘A RECEIPT, AND FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE PROPERTY CAN BE RETURNED. fe Assignment # jes APO 16 Number 3/22 kz. Assignment # CUSTODY CHAIN 5 : [ATLANTAPQUCE DEPARTMENT For APOODE Agus 2, 1098 (ial - Canta Recaus/Copy 2- Propet Conta Copy 9 - Onna: qrisss tn (ADDITIONAL LOSS /RES__ERY REPORT) Property Type! _G Electonics, TV.Radio F-Offce Equip, 8- Currency C-Jewely E-Cloing —_L-Other H- Household Goods | 4. ‘# QUANTITY / DESCRIPTION 115. Prop. |16. Serial No. or Other Make - Model - identifying Features Type | _ Identifying No. Weieh Flesh yeh cage G-| ut -srore8 lL TY were h rox 200 Tee & Bluse ” G. | Teeléori22 ~ For y eng) wo OFS Te BAL m 207 OREYSIC? O23 FOYCES fa siber Caren bag. te Aleske DVI pe RE hdd oe =. Elia poses Hoodle7isA- Jomtien ca Ee Ao HAA FO SfopERTY DATA Im [DS IAN IG JD [> |D 2. Location lame found or recovered: ‘Address (Street No. City, St, Zip: ‘THE REPORTING OFFICER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR GIVING THE OWNER A COPY OF THE INVENTORY REPORT AS A RECEIPT, AND FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE PROPERTY CAN BE RETURNED. 2 < 3 “FM, eu) ‘APD TO Number fs Assignment ¥ ee fe, A 2 | Meets omar ingle J i Seb lit — praetor o Bi Pp | Setar Datandant Signature apy acranaazonom fax Bates 5S OL 5 APD fe Storage Locatfon: "Gerace mnsan oom Sp rated Sere eNO femirnn AP Nl TT APD PROPERTY / EVIDPICE / INVENTORY] (ADDITIONAL LOSS / REC__/ERY REPORT) Tacord Type: O- Damaged GPropery Type! - Electronic, TV.Redio ‘A- Added Loss L- Lost F- Office Equip. B-Curency —C- Jewelry R-Recovered S-Slolen |J-Conaumables E-Ciohng —_L- Other ~ F.- Retuned ized | |-Firearms _H- Household Goods INA - Not in possession of APD QUANTITY / DESCRIPTION 6 Serial No. or Other Make - Model - Identtying Features dentitying No. G/T XC BP a 90228 bare Watior PROPERTY DATA Sy 3q30 wl w| «| eo! @[ wf wl oo] @] * ro. Rago P 3 Released To: (Waterent han owner) 2 freee 2%, Location lems found or recovered: Address (Street No, Cily St, Zi): ‘THE REPORTING OFFICER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR GIVING THE OWNER A COPY OF THE INVENTORY REPORT AS A RECEIPT, AND FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE PROPERTY CAN BE RETURNED. f= APD ID Numbgr ec Assignment # Ga. imber mer CUSTODY CHAIN ‘Ongaal Con Reears Copy? Property Cora Copy 3 Ownet ‘TAA POLICE DEPARTWIENT Fotm APOCOG Augusi20, 1608 4 eas-7-9 MILA AM PROPERTY DATA CUSTODY CHAIN ~ Electronics, V,Radio Currency —C- Jewelry Clothing —L - Other Household Goods fx W QUANTITY / DESCRIPTION. 5] © Serial No. or Other | 17. Eatimated Mako - Model -Identitying Features dentitying No. Value-$ Amt. E-Evidence P= Property F + Found A Retumed NA-- Not in possession of APD. re. Recoveres By ja. Released Yor (Wafarent han omer) 23. Locatlon Items found or recovered: Address (Steet No. City St, 20: B24 We welt Ale ‘THE REPORTING OFFICER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR GIVING THE OWNER A COPY OF THE INVENTORY [REPORT AS A RECEIPT, AND FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE PROPERTY CAN BE RETURNED. fs.APD ID Number Jas,Assigniment @ YOT/3222 AZ jes. APD IDAumber zr Asalgnment# {ANA APD-PROPERTY / EVIDE™CE / INVENTORY| "P43 » (ADDITIONAL LOSS / REQ./ERY REPORT) F- Otfice Equip. B- Curency }J-Coneumables E -Clothing W QUANTITY / DESCRIPTION Make - Mode - identifying Features yg () 2 Home Phone; ( Property Status: C-Jewelty E- Evidence P-Property L-Other F-Found —_-R-Retumed LeFirearms _H- Household Goods INA - Not in possession of APD. fa Serial No, or Other Hdantitying No. PROPERTY DATA leased To: Wr aferent han owner) “Addraaa (Sueet No, ory, 81,26 529 Mats sk THE REPORTING OFFICER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR GIVING THE OWNER A COPY OF THE INVENTORY. REPORT AS A RECEIPT, AND FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE PROPERTY CAN BE RETURNED, Ps APD ID Number [24 Asslgnment # Shed, CUSTODY CHAIN [so Property Clerk / Officer: ‘ANIA POUGE DEMRTENT Farm APR A018 Corl caesar anys Pepery cane Coy3-owe; “ff paseo-9 {MN AA INCIDENT DATA ‘VICTIM / WITNESS DATA ‘VEHICLE DATA PROPERTY DATA Texan Oe Fond Re tao ia bey Yea te 030181178 ‘outs/as 1800 INCIDENT REPORT, ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT 03 1 0085 SOP Page TORT hee of wwe Ty aa Bawa te 5 ou em Echo Sreet 5 srt TE Rag OR OF, Sey . TE RPSTND, Browning Fj ans TT Rapa Oe Wired Ce a aa TDRSS a at ST PDO OT ‘Search watant executed suspected cocaine found agente Westnet Car Fo ‘Sea, wee oe tet Stem [oaes S| aE Bi paaegpe Bre | Beatin O01 Amann Sanus ie Spectduse_ Gosia each Bema og energeounine Gearon’ Gssymteecate Buuroon Ton tomy | TURE Ee REA nl AHO, DBT Cpe ise’ 4 Actes ‘guvsee B2Ua" FEU Saaicttc Ree Owe aap Raa Tr TER ae 18a eae i de cy Ove OMe ue Chyer Chm a ee FT maaan Dye Ne Son Biro Tar Sa RT FV SE RST Aaa ae FE Tees D4 uy anon. ‘uve 0a SU Spec rate Restore Tana Aaa “ana aS tie ane ‘ve tine TREO TERRY oT TT Police 1 hase ve eae, FUR 3 Senge Bene “Foon GA Real OSs CLS Caron aT ‘eau ie Cee eon Foie See Tapa — | © Boas RICO RE ‘hee ITUNTAPCUCE DEPARTMENT For APOE. Faby 9,108 ARRESTED PERSON SUSPECT / MISSING PERSON DATA 03 I 0085 sop a @ @ aout ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT INCIDENT REPORT (back ) 00m Gey Btus Os DPRAOG Ton Gey One Gua GMA TREE pacl ESET ea Ya TERT Former 3 a oe a 585 oa uw _[o Ey Bice : Ta ar eo, 7 ar 10 33 to Sot Tam A we ‘e 3 Grandpines Dr. Deca, - or. Stastrsbeer a TRE TTR Pater oe a Tar =UE, Ts ~— se a oF hea ase one Osu ee Boe bata as Ceara Tee a aaa Tee area ies arose — Parana Pe a OE ara — Pa Sart Trea Para — fae ta eae as — PT TORR ie Eas | a OT = SES a | SEAT acaal SORE se RSET are amar ST Ta aT aa ews — See ai TT ESA — AT at TRE RTT SRE SRT TA TRATES TS —— RET RE ORTORE— a os a a a ae saa “ ATE TS Bee Gsuiamd Geurem | Oo SORTS Te | eee 14 n/a eunreon Bite Bu Bier aaa TT eT 7 a oe pm ‘Deo al GyesCiNo | C¥es CNo) Bin Ov one Bin Nene: sal Salad ar Gy te eee ee nie peah ae og aT aE ‘tetra aoe Freeper cas Cone TFS SS TE SE A TS SS TT ‘Gn 01/613 | recalved information thesis hsd been incarcerated on 0114/0 during trafic stop. Recovered from he vehicle during tha {rat stop was appoximaaly 10 cunces of suapeted cocaine, on ounce of suspected marjuana, « Rogar rn handgun, and $1317.00, ‘has boen uncer Inesigaton for operating a nares dtibuton operation out of his place of business at 808 Echo Steet. Iv 8 Bums~APD ‘Naeates Unk wet to he sana ofthe irc stop and Interviews Mc iammssfterreeding him his Miranda Rights and agreeing to epeak winout he Dresance of anatomy. Mr. ANIM advised ne. Bums that he had juste his place of business on Echo Stra! before being stopped by the pols {nv, Burns asked hi he had r cocaine Bus ake his Mead and repled "rd rather not say.” Inv. Burra advised Quam became nervou ‘ashe when asked any ether questonsregarcng hie business, ‘Thave rected information about the narcotics operalion located a the business of Clasic Auto Serves -A@PEcho Stet. A confidential and reliable loformant adviged that the busines s set upto look tke a paint and body repai shop but work on vehicle 8 ver rarely done. The informant adised thatthe shop s used as a narcotics dlatrbution operation whare fve and tn dolar he of erack cocaine ae being sol Inthe vehicle bay to street ‘customers. Ian ldhidual wished to purchase @ large quay of cocaine, te tanacion wil go Uwough Me. Farmer himself and be walk around ta a ben at 7 Oa By Be Ges Hee Dist Ore “eae Ni Bor Ghee Bes Dee DAT TOE 7 Rapa Say oT Ak -RLANTAPOLICEDETARTHENT Yor APO, a9, P 16 2-3 ‘SUPPLEMENTARY a INCIDENT REPORT \_ ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT, G Page _2__of _3. Trecently placed the location of @@ Echo Street under surveillance and varified the informants information. On the moming of 01/15/03, Inv. Bums advised me that WNINNNlle had been arrested the night before. then obiained a search warrant for the location of @MREcho Street, At approximately 1530 hrs the Gang Unit executed the search warrant ‘on Classic Auto Service, The business was empty except for two individuals detained in a room at the far end of the ‘building. The female detained advised that she and her boyfriend hed been renting the room from Mr, FURMENEWfor over a year, The male, Michael Jones stated that he works for Mr, (gm by maintaining the property and often tending to the numerous dogs that are housed on the property. Once inside the business we observed the vehicle bay that faced Echo ef Street. There were several vehicles, a Monte Carlo SS, El Camino, 'S7 Chevy, Ford Crown Victoria and a Dodge Intrepid of i the bay. All the vehicles in the bay except for the Intrepid end the Crown Victoria were covered in thick dust, had flat tires and did not appear to have been recently worked on, ‘There was a paint stall that had cob webs on the entrance, the paint, tools and equipment also had cob webs and a thick layer of dust. The business was vast and other vehicles were observed parked inside in the same condition as the others. All tools and equipment observed in the rest ofthe business id not appear to have been used in a long time. In the “office” of the business I recovered 2 grams of suspected crack cocaine and 2 grams of suspected marijuana in the top drawer of the off white filing cabinet. A .45 cal handgun was also recovered from the same filing cabinet. Mounted on the wall ofthe office was a gun rack containing a.22 Marlin rifle, 9mm Hi-Point Arms assault rifle with scope, and a 30/30 cal. Winchester rifle, all were seized, Additionally, a laptop ‘computer, documents, and records pertaining to Classic Auto Service were seized from the office. I then found a burglar bar door around the right rear side of the building, Entry was made into the room which contained more vehicles that ‘were in the same condition as the ones upstairs. I observed however that an older model stationwagon had what appeared to be fingerprints on the passenger side door, I opened the unlocked passenger side door and observed an old cardboard box resting on its side in the floor board. I lifted back the top flap and observed a package wrapped in green/clear tape. ‘The package also had mailing tape wrapped around the middle for support and on that tape a sharp object had been used to slightly cut open the package to check for contents. It appeared that the package contained suspected powder cocaine ‘weighing 1050 grams. Also seized in the room were two .22 cal rifles. Once we were finished searching the room it was secured as best as possible, ‘A copy of the search warrant was left in the office on the table. The building was secured as best as possible and Michael Jones advised that he would take care of the dogs on the property, All evidence gathered was processed and logged into ‘Atlanta Police Property. . him Ge oe pie oe Gan Ocr One Css One Oat P 16-3-3 eu ad KANnoo NowTna do. Gund suMALgTOWR ‘BOGOr go" Fay Ft fi “yon trv item ‘6}983TP MET By} Se uatw areep aq ox “2304s sm%4o 007330 TeTOIPNE zoye. suos 29 ou ezoz9q ToU/uTY BUTI PLE CAPA YD FArRRS jORNPpH ses TEED eu FupEuIAL yo esuezzo aify Yat pabseyo “3yAepyzJe Buyobaxoj oy3 Uy pemeu pasnsoe pres ey Jo spoq ayy qserTe 03 PepueMMOD eioJarayy aAw TOK "(Loz “4 /zzT ‘BIO¥ Aq [pazTIOUINE se}. 33ND ett JO AITO Ayndeg Buz 0% uMoUy epeU Saeed SueTOTIINS toy thts eyeyg pres Fo TeYSTeM Io aTgeIsuG ‘ZauOIOD ‘y]TXeYs Aandeg 'g]TTEYS fue oF (ob-p-L 1 “wry 2po> “ery LSSUMY YOd INVAAWM SIWLS igu axogaq paqyaosqne pue 09 Wx0MS ‘saaze zau/syu sox enesy Aem queazem © 7eU |TARPTIFE STU. sexed quOUEdep BTU) PuE TOE POREN SS PIP posnooe Pres Fey2 UF PED. YQnIEeT 91 sames FTL JO esuajzo ay 7TuMOD ‘ppesszoze A7uNCo ey ur soz" fjo hep _—ssT a MOSH d00F Fe PHP {pesnaoe ‘8u3 pattes zeazeuTersy) 105 pue eBpeTHoUy zay/sTy 30 480q 8u3 53 3eq3. shes y9R0 UO OYK * famoag "| aapaaied, owed ATTeUCETER (Sh-b-/ I “uy apo) 2289) LSawaW WOd LIAWCIGaY “Aqunop uozpng ‘WIDSuOsTD :KENNOD NOLINA 40 LUND ALWULSTOW aos $800 1 £0 _ WUAWM "IVNIWIUD @

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