Design of Steel and RCC Structure

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RollNo: BU461B2003

SEM-V Diploma Exam 2022 (Odd)

(Civil Engineering) (Theory)
[Time: 3 Hours] Design of Steel and R.C.C Structure (2015501) |Max. Marks: 70)

Allquestions are compulsory. (Ht ug sfaei)

Marks are mentioned on the right side of each question. (3j HT TAS 3R 3od fyI)

Group (A) g4 -)
Q.1 Choose the most suitable answer from the foilowing options. (1*20=20)

Unit mass of Steel is :(c0T I SIS Ga HHÜ)
(a)78 kg/m (b) 785kg/m fe 7850 kg/m² (d) 78.50 kg/m'
i Which of the following is true about built up section?

(a) Built up members are less rigid than single rolled section.
(b) Built up section can take larger loads.

(c) Built up members can be made sufficiently stiff.

ldy Both (b) and (c)

(at(b) 3r (c)
iii. Maximum effective Slenderness ratio for member always in tension is given by :
a)400 (b)200 (c) 250 (d) 150
Effective Length of compression member is :(gA HGT Ti cias )
(a) Distance between ends of members.(HGU0 fR0 a ath
o}Distance between points of contraflexure. (l-q14GR fÄEt oa ia
(c) Distance between two roof. ( Bt o di otat)
(d) Distance between neutral axis and centroid. (CRHH 0R di t at
V. Partial Safety factor for failure in tension by yielding is given by :

1.1 (b) 1.2 (c) 1.3 (à) 1.4

vi. Laterally restrained beams are those beams which have: (TCrt16 GB À
(2adequate restrains are provided. (c) Unstable beams.
(3AfRR HI)
(b) adequate restrains are not provided (d) economically not viable

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vii. Full forms of ISHB is : (ISHB I ;¯ as)
heavy bolt.
(c) Indian Section
fa) Indian Standard Heavy Beam.
(d) Indian Section heavy built up beam.
(b)Indian Section heavy beam.
should not exceed:
tension and compression
viii. For laterally supported beams permissible bending: stress in
0.87 fy
(a) 0.66fy (b) 0.77 fy (c) 0.89 fy

(R.CCÀ3H BH dI ooit H SE)

Minimum Grade of Concrete to be used in R.C.Cis: M 10 (eM 20
(a) M 7.5 (b) M 15 (c)

Y. The maximum strain in concrete at the outermost compression fiber is taken as:

(c)0.02 (d) 0.002

(ar0.0035 (b) 0.35

xi. In case of a singly reinforced beam the effective depth is measured:

(a) from top to bottom. (c) neutral axis to compression edge.

(b)tensile edge to compression edge. (af compression edge to the centre of tensile

9S 3fdchGH Hi )
xii. Maximum diameter of bars in beams is limited to: (GH H
(a) 25 mm b) 40mm (c) 1/10 th of depth (d) none

xiii. A bar is bent through an angle of 90 degree, its anchorage value is :

(b) 4d (c) 16d (d none

(a) 0
For bars in tension a standard hook has an anchorage value equivalent to a straight length of:

(a) 8 d (b) 12 d (ef 16d (d) 20 d

XV. The development length of bars as per IS 456 (LSM) is given by :

(a) 0.87fy.d/4*bond stress (b)fy.d/4*bond stress (ef0.98fy.d/4*bond (d)NONE


3rf@c(H Bl áI)
XVi. Maximum spacing of vertical shear stirrups is: (Cqda RIYE fReRs ot (d) 0.60 d
0.75 d (b) 0.58 d (c)0.59 d

xvii. A column may be classified on criteria such as :

(a)Shape of cross section (b)Slenderness ratio (c) Type of loading do Alof the above.

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xvii. Maximum Slenderness ratio of column should not
exceed :
(a) 20 (b) 30 (c)50 (d)60

xix. Effective Length of Column for one end fixed and other end free is :

(b) 2L (c) 3L (d) 4L

Spacing of longitudinal bars measured along the periphery of a column should not exceed:
(a) 100 mm (b) 200 mm (c)300 mm (d) 400 mm

Group (B) g4 -d)

Q.2 Describe differences between compression member and tension member.

OR (Yl)
Describe special features of limit state design method of steelstructure with respect to other design

Q.3 State the function of lacing and battening.
OR ( 3 )
Differentiate between Laterally supported and Unsupported beams with a neat sketch. 4

State the assumptions made in Limit State Method of design of R.C.C structure. 4

OR (3Y)
Define doubly reinforced beams and state the conditions of providing this beam. 4

IS 456:2000 Codal provisions for anchorage values of bends and hooks.


Briefly describe and derive development Length with the help of neat diagram. 4

0.6State the assumptions made for limit state of collapse in compression. 4

OR (3/4D)
State I.S 456:2000 Codal provisions of reinforcement for R.C.C Column.

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Q.9 Q.8
data bolts
Explain 15N/mm2, balanced. Design
of Explain Describe Explain
KN-m. a various
the Various diesoncelpe
0r48clim Mu singly
Age Ast fy 65
Keepb=225mm. classification showndesign
steps KN-=m reinforced steps steps
415NImm² tensile
- involved involved involved
8 o. -or afa figure.
36fck rectangular of strength
36 *I beam 4'
in 3qtTHHT Use in in l35 60.
fek the the the Steel
Fck sections
design design design Section
Criticdl- of
nab.ny fs section= platethe
is Group
Pageof5 4 of |taGI37 15N/mm.fy (3H4I)
of OR for (34) OR
iino"84fy U for
lim doubly laterally bendingcompression (C)
0, a 130mm
beam q4
(d- reinforced
YÍdafd3ATYGIORHae as 410N/mm², fy
to -H)
415N/mm". per
oi4eul'm take member. (30
F 1S: witmm
beam. up
TIfI) a beam. 800:2007.
Gsdesign 250N/mm'assume
and the
moment holes
fays should
at 16
IFck mm
6 6 6 6
2.10 Describe IS 456:2000 codal provision of deflcction as ner Limit State of
to 10 m and spans above l0 m. Scrviccability tor spans up 6

OR (34ai)
With the help of neat sketch describe how the shear reinforcement helps to prevent propagation of 6
diagonal Cracks.

Q11 Describe the steps for the design of axially loaded short column. 6

OR (3{a)
Design a R.C.Ccolumn of size 460mm*600mm having effective length of 3 m for an axial load of 6
2500 KN service load. Use LSM, M20 Grade Concretc and Fe 415 steel.
(2500 KN HTH IS ò4ts 4R fr 3 yT ciars ad 460 ferfr* 600 fi

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