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Study and
1MENT Description of the
Flower is basically ashoot havinga condensed axis called thalamus and anumber of appendages
called floral leaves. Atypical flower has four types of fAoral leaves called sepals, petals, stamens and carpels
in distinct whorls known as calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium respectively. The axís on which a
lower arises is called mother axis. The flower may possess a stalk called pedicel. The pedicel may be borne
in the axi of a small leaf like structure called bract. Rarely the pedicel may bear one or more leafy bract
Hike structures called bracteoles. Sometimes a whorl of bracteoles is present below the calyx. This whorls
is called epicalyx.

1. Bracteate. Aflower having bract at its base.
2. Ebracteate. A fower without a bract.
3. Pedicellate. Aflower having a stalk or pedicel.
4. Sessile. Aflower without a stalk or pedicel.
5. Complete. Aflower in which all the four whorls are present.
6. Incomplete. Aflower in which any one or more whorls is/are absent.
7. Actinomorphic. Aflower that can be divided into two equal halves through any vertical plane,
eg, Petunia.
(Gynoecíum) Stamen


Fig. 1.1. Parts of a typical flower.

Conprekensiue Laboratory Manuallin
divided into two egqual halves only:yalong one
Biology--X Core Experiment-1 23
8. Zygomorphic. AfAower that can be
eg, Lathyrus.
evertical plane. 2. Perigynous. The ovary is situated in a concave thalamus and other floral leaves arise from the
equal halves by any plane. rim of the thalamus. e.g, Rose, Sweet pea.
9. Asymmetrical. Afower which cannot be divided into
sex organs,
10. Bisexrual. Alower having both male (stamens) and female (carpel) 3. Epigynous. The ovary is situated in a flask shaped thalamus and ís superior. The other floral
having ether male (stamens) or female (carpels) organs. leaves arise from the mouth of the flask. e.g., Apple, cucumber.
11. Unisexual. Aflower
(a) Staminate. Flower with only male organs.
(b) Pisillate. Flower with only female organs.
or multiple of 3.
12. Trimerous. Floral leaves of each whorl are in 3's A. Calyx
13. Tetramerous. Floral leaves of each whorl are in 4's or multiple of 4. It is outermost whorl of flower and is composed of sepals.
or multiple of 5.
14. Pentamerous. Floral leaves of each whorl are in 5's Forms of Calyx
1. Polysepalous. Calyx consists of free sepals. e.g, Mustard.
2. Gamosepalous. Calyx consists of united sepals e.g., Petunia.
Duration of Sepals
1. Caducous. Sepals fall off as soon as the floral bud opens. e.g.,
2. Deciduous. Sepals fall off after pollination. e.g, Brassica.
3. Peristent. Sepals remain attached with fruit. e,g, Solanum.

B. Zygomorphic B. Corolla
It is the second whorl of flower and is composed of variously coloured
Forms of Corolla
A. Actinomorphic C. Asymmetrical 1. Polypetalous. Corolla consists of free petals. Polypetalous corrolla has following forms :
Fig. 1.2.A. Actinomorphic flower; B. Zygomorphic flower;C. Asymmetrical. () Cruciform. Consists of four, free, clawed petals, arranged in the form
ofa cross. eg,
(ii) Caryophyllace ous. Consists of five clawed petals in which limbs of the petals are placed
INSERTION OF FLORAL LEAVES at right angle to the claws. e.g, Dianthus (Pinlk).
1. Hypogynous. The ovary occupies the highest position on thalamus and all other floral organs (iiil) Rosaceous. Consists of five or more sessile petals or with very short claws and their limbs
are situated below the ovary. e.g, Mustard, shoe flower. are spread outwards. e.g., Rose.
2. Gamopetalous. Corolla composed of fused petals. Following are the important forms of
gamopetalous corolla:
(i) Campanulate. Bell shaped. e.g, Campanula.
(i) Tubular. Tube like. e.g, Sunflower.
(ii) Infundibuliform. Funnel shaped. e.g, Petunia.
Thalamus - (iv) Rotate. More or less wheel shaped. e.g, Exora.
Thalamus -Ovule () Bilabiate. Bilipped. eg, Ocimum.
Ovary (vi) Ligulate. With narrow tube below and strap shaped structure above. e.g., Ray foret of
(Epigynous) sunflowe.
Superior ovary (Hypogynous) (Perigynous)
Superior ovary Inferior ovary
(vi) Papilionaceous. Five, free petals are so arranged as to resemble abutterfly. It consists
Fig. 1.3. Position of floral whorls on Thalamus. of an outer most, the largest vexillum or standard, two laterals or wings and two anterior
fused petals called keel, e.g, Lathyrus.

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Camprekemsône Laboratoryy Manual in
24 Biology-X Core Experiment-1 25

RosacooUs Campanulato
Cruciform Caryophylaceous

Valvato Twisted Quincuncial Asconding Descanding

imbricato Imbricate imbricate

Fig. 1.5. Aestivation of Corolla.

C. Androecium
Tubular Rotato It is third whorl of the Aower and is composed of male reproductive organs, stamens. Each stamen
consists of a filament and anther.


Bilabiato Ligulate
Fig. 14. Shapes of Corolla. Totradynamous Diadalphous Didynamous

Aestivation. Aestivation is the arrangement of sepals or petals in the floral bud, with respect
to the members of the same whorl (calyx or corolla).
() Valvate. When sepals or petals meet by their edges without overlapping,
() Twisted. One margin of each sepal or petal overlaps the next and the other margin is
overlapped by the previous sepal or petal.
(i) Imbricate. There are five sepals or petals. One is completely overlapped by the adjacent
members and one is completely overlapping the adjacent members. The other three members
are partially outside and partially inside. eg, Cleome.
(iv) Ascending imbricate. The posterior member is held inside by the upper margins of two Monoadalphous Polyadolphous Synandrous
laterals. They are in turn overlapped by the upper margin of two anterio-lateral members.
eg, Cassia. Fig. 1.6.Forms of Androecium.
() Descending imbricate (Veillary). The posterior petal is large and overlaps the two
lateral petals. The later overlap the two anterior petals. e.g, Lathyrus.
Canroteaw Laboratoy Manval in Biology y Core Experiment-1 27

Forms of Androecium 2. Axile. Placentae arise from the axils of polycarpellary, multilocular, ovary projecting towards
1. Polyandrens Stamens free, not attache to any whorl. periphery, eg China-rose, Petunla, Onion.
2. Ipipetalous, Stamens fused with the petals, eg. Petunia, Slamm.
3. DidynamOns. Two short and two long stamens in a flower. eg., Ocimum.
4. Tetradynamous. Six stansens in two whorls, two short stanmens in outer whorl and four lon
stamens in the inner whorl eg Brassia. A
Cohesion of Stamens
Stamens are variously fused among themselves
1. Monadelphous. Anthers free but all the filaments are fused into one bundle, eg. Hiblscus.
2. Diadelpheus. Anthers are free but filaments are fused in two bundles eg, Lathyrus.
3. Polyandrous. Filaments are fused in many bundles with free anthers, eg. Citrus.
4. Syngenesious. The anthers are fused but filaments are free, eg, Sunflower. E F

5. Synandroas. Stamens are fused both in the regions of filament and anther, eg. Cucurbita:
Fig. 1.8. Various types of Placentation. A. Marginal; B. Axile; C. Parietal:
D. Free-central; E. Basal ; F. Superficial.
D. Gynoecium
This is the innermost whotl consisting of female reproductive organs-carpels. Acarpel consists of 9. Parietal. Two or more longitudinal placentae develop along the wall of asyncarpous unilocular
stigma, style and ovary. Folowing arethe forms of gynoecium: ovary, eg, Poppy, Mustard.
1. Monocarpellary. Gynoecium with one carpel, eg. Sweet Pea. 4. Free central. Placenta arise from central axis of one-chambered, polycarpellary, syncarpous
2. Bicarpellary. Gynoecium with two carpels, eg, Petunia. ovary, e.g., Dianthus.
3. Polycarpellary. Gynoecium with many carpels, eg. China-rose. 5. Basal. Monocarpellary ovary has single locule with one placenta attached to the base of the
ovary, e.g., Sunflower.
Carpels are of two type, depending upon fusion: 6. Superficial. Multicarpellary, syncarpous, multiocular ovary, placentae are scattered all around
1. Apocarpous.Carpels free from each other.
the partition wall, eg. Water lily.
2. Syncarpous. Carpels fused with each other, eg, China-rose.
Locules in Ovary Floral Fomula
Chambers in the ovary are called locules. They may be one, two or many, hence the ovaries are called It represents the floral characters of aflower by abbreviations and symbols. The symbols used
unilocular, bilocular or multilocular ovaries respectively. for representing the floral characters are as follows:
Br-Bracteate Ebr-Ebracteate
-Actinomorphic t-Zygomorphic
-Hermaphrodite or bisexual o-Male or staminate
Q-Female or pistillate N-Neuter
Undocular Bilocular Trilocular Tetralocular Pentalocular
Epi--Epicalyx K-Calyx, sepals
C-Corolla, petals A-Androecium, stamens
Fig. 1.7.One to five chambered ovaries.
G-Gynoecium, carpels G-Superior ovary
Placentation G-Inferior ovary CA-Epipetalous stamen.
The arrangement of placentae bearing ovules inside the ovary ís called placentation. It is of following The number of individual member present in the whorl is indicated by writing appropriate figure
types : at the foot of the symbol. If the members of the whorl are fused among themseves, their number is
1. Marginal, Single placenta is attached to the marginal suture of monocarpellary ovary, eg, Pea. put in a bracket.
Cnprekenstne Laboratory Manual iin Biology--X1
28 Core Experiment-1 29

Floral Diagram the floral lbud in diagram by T.S. of the ovary. The nectary glands are shown by dots in their respective position. The
representation of cross-section of relation to bract is shown outside the sepals usually opposite to the mother ais.
Floral diagram iis a diagrammaticcharacters of the ffower which are not representedlby its floral
mother axis, and it shows manysuch characters of the flower:
its tells us about the following
formula. The Aoral diagram of a flower
absence of bract and bracteoles.
1. Presence or the mother axis). Normallyythe odd sepal
(the sepal which is in line of
2. The position of odd sepal it is anterior.
family Lcguminasac where
is posterior except in relation to one another.
arrangement of fforal leaves in
3. The number and and adhesion (fusion of
foral leavesamongst themselves) Aoral leaves
4. The cohesion (fusion of whorl) of fAoral leaves.
with fAoralleaves of other
S. Symmetry of the Bower.
Fig. 1.9. Floral diagrams. A Petunia alba ; B. Brassica campestris.
6. Aestivation of sepals and petals.
bithecous nature of anther.
7. The monothecous and Floral formula and floral diagram of a lower help us in identification of a flower. Therefore, for
8. Number of locules in the ovary and acomplete description and correct identification of fower, both Aoral formula and loral diagram are
9. Nectary glands and their position. necessary.

The symbols used in drawing a floral

diagram are as follows:

1 Mother axis EXPERIMENT 1

2. Bract

3. Epicalyz
4 Calyx or sepals
AIM: To study and describe the given flowering plant (1. Petunia, 2. Lathyrus, 3. Asparagus, 4. Allim) and
display of whorls and anther and ovary to show number of chambers.
5. Corolla or petals Flower, forceps, razor or blade, slides, needles-2, coverslip, microscope, white paper.
6. Stamens (bithecous)
7. Stamens (monothecous)
1. Take one suggested fAowering plants and make the following observations
8. Nectar secreting disc around carpel 2. Note down the type of root (tap or adventitious), stem, herbaceous or woody) and leaf

9. Monocarpellary gynoecium
(arrangement, shape, variation, simple or compound) of the plant.
3. Note down, whether its Aower has a pedicel, bracts, epicalyx or not.
10. Bicarpellary syncarpous gynoecium 4. Observe the presence of different whorls of foral leaves (ie, calyx, corolla, androecium and
gynoecium) and insertion of foral leaves.
11 Palycarpelary syncarpous gynoecium 5. Carefully take out floral leaves of each whorl and place them whorl wise on a white paper ie,
12 Monoadelphous androecium epicalyx (if present), sepals, petals, stamens and carpels.
6. Count the number of foral leaves of each whorl and note down their cohesion (union among
13. Syngenecious androecium. the members of the same whorl) or adhesion (union with the Roral leaves of other whor).
In the foral diagram the mother aris is shown by acircular dot in the posterior position. Ihe 7. With the help of a blade or razer, cut thin sections of anther and ovary, Mount the secticn on
epicalyz, sepals, petals or tepals, stamens and carpels are drawm by their respective symbols, in their aslide in a drop of water and examine under the dissecting microscope. Count the number of
respective position. The aestivation of sepals and petals is shown by overlapping their margins and chambers in anther and ovary and number of ovules in each chamber locule.
cohesion by joining their marzins. The epipetalous or epiphyllous starnen is shown byjoiningthe middle 8. Find out the nature of ovary, style, stigma and placentation.
of the symbol of the anther to the petal or tepal by aline. Gynoecium is shown in the centre offoral 9. Observe the floral characters. Try to write foral formula and draw the Rloral diagram of the Roer.
ComprckeasteLaboratory Manuallin
30 Biology-0 Core Experiment-1 31

TYPE 1. PETUNIA Anthor lobe
Division Stigma
- Dicotyledonae Flower Potal
Class -Stamen -Filament
Eamily Slamen
-Petunia Style
-alba Flower
Species bud Ovary -Sepal
-Tap root, branched
Root Podicel -Thalamus
- Herbaceous, erect, hairy Stigma LS. flower
-Alternate, opposite in the florallregion, petiolate,,
Leaf ovate, hairy.
simple, Flowering twig
-Stylo ovary wal.
-Solitary, axillary. Ovule
- Ebracteate, pedicellte, complete, bisexual, actinomorphi: Placenta
pentamerous, hypogynous.
Ovary. T.S. of ovary
- Sepals 5, gamosepalous, valvate aestivation, persistent, Floral diagram
inferior, green, hairy.
-Petals 5, gamopetalous, infundibuliform, valvate
aestivation, white or purplish in colour. Fig. 1.10. Aflowering twig, parts of flower and floral diagram of Petunia.
Androecium -Stamens 5, alternipetalous, epipetalous, anther
bithecous, basifixed.

Gynoecium -Bicarpellary, syncarpous, ovary superior, obliquelyplaced,

bilocular with axile placentation, swollen placenta, style
long, stigma bifd.
Floral Formula Ebr @ Kg Cs A, Gp
Reasons for Identification

1. Persistent sepals.
2. Infundibuliform corolla.
3. Stamen epipetalous.
4. Ovary obliquely placed, placentation axile with swollen placenta.
Some more similar Aowers are-Solanum tuberosum (potato), Solanum nigrum(Makoy).
32 Cmrelcmsne Laboratory Manual in Biology Core Experiment-1 33


Classifcation Standard (Vedlum)
Dirision -Angiospermae
Class - Dicotyledonae
Stipule Ala (ingl
Family Koel (Carina)
Genus -Lathyrus
Species -odoratus
Root -Tap root., branched with root nodules containingnitroen
fixing bacteria. Flower -Sepal
Stem -Herbaceous, weak, hollow climbing. Pistil
-Alternate, petiolate, stipulate, stipules leafy. Compound.
the upper leafets modifed into tendrils. VS. of flower
-Bracteate (oract caducous), pedicellate, complete, bisexual
zygomorphic slightly perigynous, pentamerous,
variously coloured. Alae
-Sepals 5, gamosepalous, valvate, odd sepal anterior. Twig
persistent, inferior, green.
Corolla -Petals 5, polypetalous, corolla papillionaceous, vexillary
aestivation, variously coloured, inferior.
-Stamens 10, diadelphous 1 + (9), 9 stamens united to Standard Keel (Petals)
form a tube, tenth stamen is free, basifixed inferior.
Gynoecium -Monocarpellary, ovary superior, unilocular, marginal
placentation, style curved and hairy, style flattened. Stamens (9+1) Stigma
Floral Formala (Diadelphous)

Reasons for Identifcation

1 Flower zygomorphic vwith papílionaceous corolla.
2. Odd sepal anterior. Ovary
3. Stamens diadelphous.
4. Monocarpellary gynoecíum, ovary umálocular with marginal placentation.
Some more similar fowers are-Pisun sativun (pea), Dolichos lablab (sem), Vicía feba (broad Gynoecium .Placenta
Floral diagram

Ovary wal

TS. of ovary

Fig. 1.11. Aflowering twig. parts of aflower and floral diagram of Lathy rsodorats

Comtrckenslue Laboratory Manual ini
Biology- Core Experiment-1 35
-Monocotyledonae -Cladodes
Liliaceae MMe Flowers
-officinalis -Peduncle
Species -Adventitious, tuberous to store food.
Root Bract
-Erect, aerial, woody.

- Scaly or modifed into spines bearing axillary cadol <Leaf spine
- Racemose.
pedicellate, AFlowering Branch
-Bracteate, incomplete, bisenual
actinomorphic, hypogynous, trimerous.
-Tepals 6, arranged in two whorls of 3
Perianth each, ightyi
camophyllous at the base, petaloid, white, eachsltenal
marked with a brown midrib.

Androccium -Stamens 6,polyandrous, arranged in twowhorls of3 eath -Perianth

antiphyllous, epiphyllous, anther bithecous, basifxed -Stigma
-Short style
Gynoecium -Tricarpellary, syncarpous, ovary superior, trilocular, each -Ovary
locule with two ovule, axile placentation, style short Eplphyllous
stigma trilobed. Pedicel

Floral Formula
Floral diagram
Reasons for Identification
1 Flower trimerous.
Ovary wall
2. Petaloid perianth in two whorls of 3each.
3. Stamens 6in two whorls of 3each, epiphyllous. Ovules
4. Ovary tricarpellary, trilocular with ale placentation. -Placentae
Some similar Aowers-A_phodelus tenuifolius (Piazi).
T.S. of ovary

Fig. 1:12. Asparagus officinalis

Camprckenstue Laboratory Manual in Biology-X Core Experiment-1 37

Classification Inflorescence
Divisson -Angiospermae
Class -Monocotyledonae
Family -Liliaceae
Flower bud -Bract
Genus -Allium
Specdes -cepa
-Adventitious, fibrous
Stem - Underground, bulb, inner scales feshy outer dry
membranous and brown.
Leaf Radical, cylindrical, sheathing,
Umbellate cyne. -Leaf
Infloress cence Perianth
Flower -Bracteate, pedicillate, incomplete, bisexual,
actinomorphic, hypogynous, trimerous.
Perianth - Tepals 6, arranged in two whorls of 3 each, slightly A fiower
gamophyllous at the base, petaloid, white in colour, each Tunicated bulb Anther Stigma
tepal is marked with a brown midrib.
Androecium -Stamens 6,polyandrous, arranged in two whorls of3each,
antiphyllous, epiphyllous, anther bithecous, basifixed. Style
Gynoecium -Tricarpellary, syncarpous, ovary superior, trilocular each Perlanth
locule with two ovule, axile placentation, style short, -Reduced stem Thalamus
stigma trilobed. Pistil Ovary
Roots Pedicel
Floral Formula Mother axis LS. of flower
Flowering twig
Reasons for Identification
1 Flower trimerous.
-Ovary wall
2 Petaloid perianth in two whorls of 3 each.
3. Stamens six in two whorls of 3 each, epiphyllous.
4. Ovary tricarpellary, trilocular with adile placentation. Ovule

Some similar fowers-Asparagus officinalis (Satavari), Asphodelus tenuifolíus (Piazi). Placenta

T. S, of ovary

Floral diagram
Fig. 1.13. Flowering twig, parts of flower and floral diagram of Allium cepa (Onion).
38 Comtrekemsie Laboratory Manual in Biology 39
Core Experiment--1
Classifcation Long Stigma
Stigma starmen Petal
Division -Angiospermae
Class -Dicotyledonae
Family -Bassicaceae (Cruciferae)
Pedicel Short
Gemus -Brassica style
-Ovary Lateral
-pestris Peduncle Replum
Species stamen

Root -Tap root branched. Sepal.

Stem -Erect, cylindrical, herbaceous. Hypogynous
Leaf -Alternate, sessile, simple, exstipulate. B Pedicol
Infiorescence -Raceme (a type of racemose infloresence).
Flower -Pedicellate, bisexual, actinomorphic, hypogynous.
Calyx -Sepals 4, polysepalous, arranged in two whorls of 2each,
slightly petaloid. Stigma
Corolla -Petals 4, polypetalous, valvate, cruciform, yellow.
Androecium -Stamens 6, polyandrous, tetradynamous, arranged in -Short style
two whorls (outer of 2 short stamens and inner whorl
of 4stamens) four dot like nectaries present at the base .Ovary
of starnens.
Gynoecium -Bicarpellary, syncarpous, ovary superior, bilocular due lateral
to the presence of false septum or replum, placentation Limb stamen Long
parietal. Green
-Claw nectaries
Floral Formula
D Thalamus

Reasons for Ldentifcation E

1 Calyx arranged in two whorls of two each. Fig. 1.14. Brassica campestris. A. a flowering branch; B. VS. flower (antero-posterior
2. Corolla 4, polypetalous cruciform
plane); C. V.S. flower (lateral plane) ; D. petal ;E. flower with non-essential
parts removed; F. floral diagram.
3. Androecium 6, tetradynamous.
4. Gynoecium bicarpellary, syncarpous, superior.
5. Ovary bilocular due to the presence of false septum/replum, placentation parietal.

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40 Compreheaste Laboratory Manual in Biology-y Core Experiment-1
Division -Angiospermae
Class Dicotyledonae
Asteraceae (Compositae)
Genus Helianthus
Root Tap root
Stem Erect, herbaceous, hairy
Leaf -Alternate, simple, hairy, reticulate venation
Infiorescence Racemose head or capitulum. It consists of central tubular dise Corolla limb
Corolla tube
forets and the peripheral ligulate ray florets. The capitulurn
is usually surrounded by whorls of bracts collectively called Calyx
Ray Florets Flower -Bracteate, sessile, incomplete, either pistillate or neuter,
zygomorphic, epigynous. -Stlgma
Calyx -Represented by 2-3 small free white scales.
Corolla -Sepals 3-5, gamopetalous, ligulate (formed of asmalbasal Corolla
hairy tube and a large strap shaped limb) tube
Androecium -Absent Sepal -Style

Gynoecium -Ifpresent,bicarpellary, syncarpous, ovaryinferior, unilocular,

basal placentation. Filament
Disc Florets Flower - Bracteate, sessile, actinomorphic, complete, tubular, epigynous. Bract
Calyx -Represented by 2-3 white scales. Ovary and
Corolla - Sepals 5, gamosepalous, tubular E thalamus

Androecium Stamens 5, syngenesious or synanthrous (filament freeanthers Fig. 1.15. Helianthus annuus. A. a flowering branch; B. V.S. capitulum; C. ray floret
are fused), epipetalous D.V.S. ray floret; E. disc floret; F. V.S. disc floret; G. floral diagram of ray floret
Gynoecium - Bicarpellary syncarpous, ovary inferior unilocular, basal H. floral diagram of disc floret.
Floral Formula Ray Florets: Br %Qor Neuter K,-3 scales Ca-5A, G2) or0
Disc Florets: Br ØK,_3scales C(5) A(5) G(2)
Reasons for Identification
1. Inflorescence capitulum
2. Flowers are small called Alorets, which are ligulate or tubular, epigynous.
3. Calyx reduced and represented by scales.
4. Androecium 5, syngenesious and epipetalous.
5. Gynoecium bicarpellary, syncarpous, ovary inferior, unilocular with basal placentation.
Camproleane Laboratory Manual in
42 Biology Core Experiment-1


Classification Awna
Division -Angiospermae
- Poaceae (Graminac)
-Triticum Lower Upper
Genus glume
aestivum glume
Fibrous roots
- Erect, cylindrical, jointed (culm) with hollow internodes Awns
-Alternate, sessile, leafbase sheathing,, laminaalong and narrow
parallel venation, ligulate (presence of hairy ligule at Spikelet Anther
junction of lamina and leaf sheath. Lemina
-Spike of spikelet. The spikelets are borne two roWS on a Lemma Feathery
zigzagrachis. Aspikelet bearss4-6 lowers on aashort axis called sigma
rachila. Allthe fowers in aspikelet covered by two scales allk:
Flower Bracteate, (represented by an awned scales called lemma) A
bracteolate (represented by amarginally folded papery scale Anther
called pale), sessile, incomplete, zygomorphic, hypogynous Pale

Perianth - Represented by two small whitish free scales called lodicules

Androeciun -Stamens 3polyandrous Pale LLodicule
Gynoecium -Monocarpellary, ovary superior unilocular, uniovuled, basal Ovary Lernma
placentation, stigma 2, feathery and arise directly from the Lodicule Ovule
top of ovary. E F

Floral Formula Br Brl %O P,lodicules A, G Fig. 1.16. Triticum aestivum. A. inflorescence; B. opened spikelet C lemma;
D. flower with lemma removed; E. VS. flower or floret F. floral digram.
Reasons for Iåentification
L Inforescence spike of spikelets.
2 Each spike is surrounded by two scales called glumes.
3. Each fower is covered over by two scales, lernna and pale.
4. Flower is incomplete and zygomorphic.
5. Perianth represented by two lodicules.
6. Orary monocapellary with unilocular, uniovuled ovary, having basal placentation.

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