COVID-19 Vaccine Development - Milestones, Lessons and Prospects

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COVID-19 vaccine development: milestones, lessons and

Maochen Li 1, Han Wang 2, Lili Tian1, Zehan Pang 1
, Qingkun Yang 3
, Tianqi Huang1, Junfen Fan4, Lihua Song1 ✉,
Yigang Tong1,5 ✉ and Huahao Fan 1 ✉

With the constantly mutating of SARS-CoV-2 and the emergence of Variants of Concern (VOC), the implementation of vaccination is
critically important. Existing SARS-CoV-2 vaccines mainly include inactivated, live attenuated, viral vector, protein subunit, RNA,
DNA, and virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines. Viral vector vaccines, protein subunit vaccines, and mRNA vaccines may induce
additional cellular or humoral immune regulations, including Th cell responses and germinal center responses, and form relevant
memory cells, greatly improving their efficiency. However, some viral vector or mRNA vaccines may be associated with
complications like thrombocytopenia and myocarditis, raising concerns about the safety of these COVID-19 vaccines. Here, we
systemically assess the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, including the possible complications and different effects on
pregnant women, the elderly, people with immune diseases and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), transplant
recipients, and cancer patients. Based on the current analysis, governments and relevant agencies are recommended to continue to
advance the vaccine immunization process. Simultaneously, special attention should be paid to the health status of the vaccines,

timely treatment of complications, vaccine development, and ensuring the lives and health of patients. In addition, available
measures such as mix-and-match vaccination, developing new vaccines like nanoparticle vaccines, and optimizing immune
adjuvant to improve vaccine safety and efficacy could be considered.

Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy (2022)7:146 ;

INTRODUCTION the injection schedule, and establishing the effective dosage. Small
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a animals, especially rodents, are the foundation of biological and
highly infectious positive-sense, single-stranded RNA virus that immunological studies in vaccine development.9,10 Generally, rats,
spreads rapidly worldwide. The resulting infection, known as mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, and other animals can be used as animal
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), can cause several symp- models to evaluate candidate vaccines’ immunogenicity, tolerance,
toms, such as cough, fever, chest discomfort, and even respiratory and safety. However, due to species differences between these
distress syndrome in severe cases.1,2 As of March 28, 2022, there animals and humans, similar biological effects may not be
were 480,905,839 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, and produced after vaccination. The studies of non-human primates
6,123,493 patients died of viral infection or other related (NHPs) are helpful in understanding and illustrating human immune
complications ( responses, owing to similar innate and adaptive immune
Effective and safe vaccines are essential to control the COVID-19 responses.9 Many reagents used to identify human immune
pandemic.3,4 Several studies have reported the progress in molecules also show similar effects on NHPs. In addition to
developing SARS-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome preclinical trials (animal experiments), clinical trials are essential for
coronavirus (MERS-CoV) vaccines.5–8 The preclinical data of these developing vaccines. The safety, dosage, and tolerance of vaccines
candidate vaccines partly saved the time for developing the are assessed in the Phase I trial, efficacy and adverse effects are
current marketed SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and would provide plat- investigated in Phase II and III trials.
forms for the future widespread application of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination is a pivotal means to prevent the spread of SARS-
vaccines. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies COVID- CoV-2 and ultimately quell the pandemic. However, vaccine
19 vaccines that have been analyzed or approved for clinical trials performance is affected by the constant acquisition of viral
into the following categories: inactivated vaccine, live attenuated, mutations due to the inherent high error rate of virus RNA-
vector, RNA, DNA, protein subunit, and virus-like particle (VLP) dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and the existence of a highly
vaccines. variable receptor-binding motif in the spike (S) protein.11–13 We
Animal experiments play a critical role in vaccine development, have previously noted that the B.1.351 (Beta) variant significantly
including evaluating the safety and protective efficacy, determining reduces the neutralizing geometric mean antibody titers (GMT) in

College of Life Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China; 2Laboratory for Clinical Immunology, Harbin Children’s Hospital, Harbin, China;
College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China; 4Institute of Cerebrovascular Disease Research and Department of
Neurology, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing, China and 5Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Soft Matter Science and Engineering, Beijing University of
Chemical Technology, Beijing, China
Correspondence: Lihua Song ([email protected]) or Yigang Tong ([email protected]) or Huahao Fan ([email protected])
These authors contributed equally: Maochen Li, Han Wang, Lili Tian and Zehan Pang

Received: 6 February 2022 Revised: 11 April 2022 Accepted: 13 April 2022

© The Author(s) 2022

COVID-19 vaccine development: milestones, lessons and prospects
Li et al.
recipients14 of mRNA and inactivated vaccines and may cause longer exists, the cell responses are reduced, and the immune
breakthrough infections.15 The reduction in neutralization activity system returns to homeostasis. However, antigen-specific memory
has raised concerns about vaccine efficacy. Thus, rapid virus T cells are crucial for long-term protection, typically formed during
sequence surveillance (e.g. the identification of E484 mutations in T-cell-mediated immunity.23
new SARS-CoV-2 variants16) and vaccine updates are crucial.
This review systematically introduces the existing COVID-19 vaccine Vaccine-induced germinal center response and humoral immune
platforms, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the vaccine regulation
routes, and compares the efficacy and safety of various vaccines, In addition to T-cell responses, follicular helper T cells (Tfh cells)
including the possible complications and different protective induced by mRNA vaccines can trigger effective SARS-CoV-2
efficacies in special populations. Moreover, given the continuous antigen-specific germinal center B-cell (GC B-cell) responses
mutation of SARS-CoV-2, we analyze the neutralization activities of (Fig. 3).21,22,32 Upon the interaction of T cells and B cells, some
various vaccines according to the latest research and propose ideas to activated Th cells move to the lymphatic follicles and then
improve and optimize existing vaccines, including changing the differentiate into Tfh cells. Activated B cells proliferate and divide
administration route, adopting more vaccination strategies, and in lymphatic follicles to form the germinal center. With the help of
applying more vaccine development methods (Fig. 1). Tfh cells, high-frequency point mutations occur in the variable
region of the antibody gene of GC B cells, and antibody category
transformation occurs, finally forming memory B cells and plasma
VACCINE-INDUCED IMMUNITY cells, which can produce high-affinity antibodies. In one study, the
The immune response elicited by the body after vaccination is GC B-cell response of BALB/c mice peaks between 7 and 14 days
termed active immunity or acquired immunity. In this process, after the injection of the mRNA vaccine based on full-length S
the immune system is activated. CD4+ T cells depend on antigen protein. However, the ability of the RBD-based mRNA vaccine to
peptide (AP)-MHC (major histocompatibility complex) class II induce GC B-cell response was poor, indicating that the full-length
molecular complex to differentiate into helper T cells (Th cells). S protein may play an important role in vaccine-induced GC B-cell
CD8+ T cells depend on AP-MHC class I molecular complex and response.22 In addition, a strong SARS-CoV-2 S protein-binding GC
differentiate into cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). B cells are B-cell response was detected in lymph node fine-needle aspirates
activated with the help of Th cells to produce antibodies. After of BNT162b2 (based on full-length S protein) vaccine recipients.
antigen stimulation, B and T cells form corresponding memory The GC B-cell response was detected after the first dose and
cells to protect the body from invading by the same pathogen, greatly enhanced after the second dose.21
typically for several years. The development of COVID-19 The continuous existence of GC B cells is the premise for
vaccines is mainly based on seven platforms, which can be inducing long-lived plasma cells.33 GC B cells that are not
classified into three modes according to the antigen cate- transformed into plasma cells will form memory B cells, and
gory.17,18 The first mode is based on the protein produced memory B cells are activated rapidly with the help of memory Th
in vitro, including inactivated vaccines (inactivated SARS-CoV-2), cells when encountering the same antigen and then produce
VLP vaccines (virus particles without nucleic acid), and subunit plenty of antigen-specific antibodies. It can be concluded that the
vaccines (S protein or receptor-binding domain (RBD) expressed sustained GC B-cell response induced by the vaccine can secrete
in vitro). The second model is based on the antigen gene potent and persistent neutralizing antibodies and trigger strong
expressed in vivo, including viral vector vaccines (using humoral immunity.21
replication-defective engineered viruses carrying the mRNA of S
protein or RBD), DNA vaccines (DNA sequences of S protein or COVID-19 vaccine-induced memory cell responses
RBD), and mRNA vaccines (RNA sequences of S protein or RBD). The COVID-19 vaccine-induced memory cell responses can induce
The third mode is the live-attenuated vaccine. These vaccines can Th1 and sustained germinal center responses, triggering strong
induce neutralizing antibodies to protect recipients from viral cellular and humoral immunity. In this process, antigen-specific
invasion. Moreover, some mRNA and viral vector vaccines can memory T cells and B cells are usually formed, significant for long-
induce Th1 cell responses19,20 and persistent human germinal term protection (Fig. 4).23 Unlike initial T-cell activation, the
center responses,21,22 which provide more efficient protection. In activation of memory T cells no longer depends on antigen-
addition, memory cells induced by COVID-19 vaccines play an presenting cells and can induce a stronger immune response.
important role in vaccine immunity.23–25 Most memory B cells enter the blood to participate in recycling
and are rapidly activated to produce potent antibodies upon
Vaccine-induced Th1 cell response encountering the same antigen. The mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2
ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222, viral vector vaccine), NVX-CoV2373 induced higher-level production of antibodies and stronger
(protein subunit vaccine), mRNA-1273(mRNA vaccine), BNT162 memory B-cell response.24 Moreover, memory B cells could also
(including BNT162b1 and BNT162b2, mRNA vaccine), and other be detected in patients who have recovered from COVID-19, and a
COVID-19-candidate vaccines were reported to induce Th1 cell single dose of mRNA vaccine can induce the memory B-cell
responses.19,26–28 After recognition of the AP-MHC class II complex response to reach the peak in these patients,24,34 indicating that
and T-cell receptor (TCR), CD4+ T cells distributed in peripheral both previous infection and vaccination can induce memory cell
lymphoid organs can differentiate into Th1 cells, which secrete responses.
various cytokines, such as interleukin 2 (IL-2), and simultaneously
upregulate the expression of related receptors (IL-2R). After IL-2
binds to IL-2R, T-cell proliferation and CD8+ T-cell activation are EXISTING VACCINE PLATFORMS FOR COVID-19 VACCINES
promoted. Both CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses have been According to WHO data released on March 28, 2022, 153 vaccines
observed in Ad26.COV-2-S recipients.29,30 The activated CD8+ have been approved for clinical trials, and 196 vaccines are in
T cells differentiate into CTLs to further induce cellular immunity. preclinical trials. These vaccines mainly include inactivated
In addition, Th1 cells can secrete interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) and vaccines (accounting for 14% of the total), live attenuated
tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α).31 The former also induces the vaccines (1%), viral vector vaccines (replication and non-replica-
differentiation of CD4+ T cells and enhances the intensity of the tion; 17% of the total), RNA vaccines (18%), DNA vaccines (11%),
immune response (Fig. 2). protein subunit vaccines (34%), and VLP vaccines (4%) (https://
When the effector cells (Th cells and CTLs) clear the antigen, the
signal maintaining the survival and proliferation of T cells no candidate-vaccines). As of March 28, 2022, a total of ten vaccines

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COVID-19 vaccine development: milestones, lessons and prospects
Li et al.

Fig. 1 The milestones of COVID-19 vaccine development. With the maturity of vaccine platforms, more and more COVID-19 vaccines have
entered clinical trials and been approved for emergency use in many countries. However, the appearance of VOCs has brought great
challenges to existing COVID-19 vaccines. By changing the administration route, the protection provided by vaccines can be enhanced, and
more vaccination strategies are applied to cope with VOCs. In addition, more vaccine development methods are applied, such as developing
polyvalent vaccines and improving adjuvant and delivery systems. These enormous changes form a milestone in the COVID-19 vaccine
progress compared with post-years

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COVID-19 vaccine development: milestones, lessons and prospects
Li et al.

Fig. 2 Vaccine-induced Th1 cell response. Some COVID-19 vaccines would induce Th1 cell responses. After recognition of the AP-MHC class II
complex and T-cell receptor (TCR), CD4+ T cells distributed in peripheral lymphoid organs can differentiate into Th1 cells, which secrete
various cytokines, such as interleukin 2 (IL-2), and simultaneously upregulate the expression of related receptors (IL-2R). Through IL-2 and IL-
2R, T-cell proliferation and CD8+ T-cell activation are promoted, CD8+ T-cell can differentiate into cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) through the
activation, producing perforin and other cytokines, which may improve the efficacy of vaccines

Fig. 3 Vaccine-induced germinal center response. Some COVID-19 vaccines would induce a germinal center response. Upon the interaction of
T cells and B cells, some activated Th cells move to the lymphatic follicles and then differentiate into Tfh cells. Activated B cells proliferate and
divide in lymphatic follicles to form the germinal center. With the help of Tfh cells, high-frequency point mutations occur in the variable
region of the antibody gene of GC B cells, and antibody category transformation occurs, finally forming memory B cells and plasma cells,
which can produce high-affinity antibodies

(including three India vaccines), including inactivated vaccines, seventh-generation virus, BJ-P-0207, was selected as the original
viral vector vaccines, mRNA vaccines, and protein subunit strain of the COVID-19 inactivated vaccine,36,37 and then
vaccines, have been approved for emergency use by WHO β-propiolactone was used to inactivate the virus.37
(Fig. 5) ( An advantage of inactivated vaccines is using the entire virus as
19-vaccine-eul-issued). The features, advantages, and disadvan- an immunogen. Compared with vaccines based on the SARS-CoV-
tages of different COVID-19 vaccines are shown in Tables 1, 2. 2 S protein or partial protein fragments, such as RBD, inactivated
vaccines can induce a wider range of antibodies against more
COVID-19 inactivated vaccines epitopes.17 In addition, the overall adverse reaction rate of
Inactivated vaccines are produced by inactivating the in vitro inactivated vaccines in clinical trials is low, and no deaths have
cultured viruses using chemical reagents.35 The vaccine can been reported in clinical trials, indicating their good safety.38–40
maintain the integrity of virus particles as immunogens.17 Wang However, the production of inactivated vaccines are limited
et al. introduced the manufacturing process of the SARS-CoV-2 because the production of such vaccines must be carried out in
inactivated vaccine. In this process, SARS-CoV-2 from throat swabs biosafety level-3 laboratory or higher biosafety level.3
of COVID-19 patients were used to infect Vero cells, and the The BBIBP-CorV and CoronaVac inactivated vaccines approved by
HB02 strain with the strongest replication ability was selected WHO are independently developed in China. A total of 21 candidate
from three isolated strains (HB02, CQ01, and QD01). After COVID-19 inactivated vaccines have been approved for clinical trials
purification, the P1 library was obtained by subculturing in Vero as of March 28, 2022 (
cells with adaptive culturing, subculturing, and amplification. The landscape-of-COVID-19-candidate-vaccines).

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COVID-19 vaccine development: milestones, lessons and prospects
Li et al.

Fig. 4 Vaccine-induced memory cell response. In the Th1 and GC B-cell processes, antigen-specific memory T cells and memory B cells are
usually formed. Unlike initial T-cell activation, the activation of memory T cells no longer depends on antigen-presenting cells and can induce
a stronger immune response. Most memory B cells enter the blood to participate in recycling and are rapidly activated to produce potent
antibodies upon encountering the same antigen

Fig. 5 A timeline of critical events in the COVID-19 vaccine development progress. WHO has approved the emergency use of ten vaccines
(including three India vaccines, COVISHIELD, COVAXIN, and COVOVAX). Vaccination plays a critical role in protecting people from SARS-CoV-2
infections. However, the appearance of VOCs brought big challenges to the efficacy of approved COVID-19 vaccines. These events were
summarized and displayed in the form of a timeline

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COVID-19 vaccine development: milestones, lessons and prospects
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Table 1. The features of various COVID-19 vaccine platforms

Vaccine Vaccine component Mechanism of induction antibody Name of vaccine Number of clinical trials on phase III and
platforms approved by WHO Phase IV of vaccines not yet approved by
(vaccine manufacturer) WHO (Trial identifier)
(Until March 28, 2022)

Inactivated Entire viruses are cultured The entire virus as an immunogen BBIBP-CorV Twelve.
vaccine in vitro and inactivated by induces a wider range of antibodies (Sinopharm) (WIBP- CorV: NCT04885764,
chemical reagents.35 against different epitopes. 17
CoronaVac (Sinovac ChiCTR2000034780, NCT05065892;
Biotech) Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (Vero cell)
COVAXIN (Bharat manufactured by IMBCAMS:
Biotech International) NCT04659239;
QazCovid-in®: NCT04691908;
BBV152: NCT04918797, NCT04641481;
KCONVAC: NCT04852705;
VLA2001: NCT04864561;
TURKOVAC: NCT04942405;
CovIran-Barkat: IRCT20201202049567N3;
KD-414: jRCT2071210081)
Live attenuated The virus is obtained by a) The retained viral amino acid Not yet One.
vaccine reverse genetics or sequences induce extensive (COVI-VAC: ISRCTN15779782)
adaptation.17 responses, including innate,
humoral, and cellular immunity.3
b) Induce mucosal immunity
through nasal inhalation to
protect the upper respiratory

Viral vector Engineered viruses with Viral vector vaccines can induce Th1 AZD1222(AstraZeneca- Nine.
vaccine replication-attenuated carrying cell responses, thus inducing strong University of Oxford) (Ad5-nCoV: NCT04526990, NCT04892459;
genetic material of viral protective effects.29,50 Ad26.COV-2-S Ad5-nCoV-IH: NCT05124561;
proteins or polypeptides.35 (Johnson & Johnson) Gam-COVID-Vac: NCT04530396;
COVISHIELD (Serum GRAd-COV-2: NCT04791423;
Institute of India) DelNS1-2019-nCoV-RBD-OPT1:
IIBR-100: NCT04990466;
AZD2816: NCT04973449;
BBV154: CTRI/2022/02/040065)
Protein subunit Cell-expressing systems Induce Th1 cell responses.260 NVX-CoV2373 Twenty-three.
vaccine express viral proteins or (Novavax) (ZF2001: ChiCTR2100050849;
peptides systemically.17 COVOVAX (Serum VAT00008: ACTR202011523101903;
Institute of India) RBD Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 vaccine:
SCB-2019: NCT05012787;
SpikoGen: NCT05005559,
aCoV2: NCT04806529;
MVC-COV1901: NCT05011526,
FINLAY-FR-2: RPCEC00000354;
EpiVacCorona: NCT04780035;
Recombinant COVID-19 vaccine (Sf9 cells):
UB-612: NCT04683224;
CIGB-66: RPCEC00000359;
BECOV2A: CTRI/2021/08/036074;
Nanocovax: NCT04922788;
S-268019: NCT05212948;
GBP510: NCT05007951;
Razi Cov Pars: IRCT20210206050259N3;
ReCOV: NCT05084989;
V-01: NCT05096832;
Noora Vaccine: IRCT20210620051639N3;
SCTV01C: NCT05043311)
DNA vaccine Viral antigens encoded by a Induce neutralizing antibodies.17 Not yet Five.
recombinant plasmid.17 (INO-4800+electroporation:
NCT04642638, ISRCTN15779782;
AG0301-COVID-19: NCT04655625;
nCov vaccine: CTRI/2020/07/026352;
GX-19N: NCT05067946)

mRNA vaccine mRNA encapsulated by Induce strong Th1 cell responses, GC BNT162b2 (Pfizer- Nine.
vectors, viral proteins, or B-cell responses and simultaneously BioNTech) (CVnCoV: NCT04652102, NCT04674189;
polypeptides.17 produce long-lived plasma cells and mRNA-1273 (Moderna) ARCoV: NCT04847102;
memory cells to elicit neutralizing mRNA-1273.351: EUCTR2021-000930-32;
antibodies.21,24 DS-5670a: jRCT2071210106;
mRNA-1273.211: NCT04927065;
ARCT-154 mRNA Vaccine: NCT05012943,
mRNA-1273.529-Booster: NCT05249829)

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COVID-19 vaccine development: milestones, lessons and prospects
Li et al.
Table 1. continued
Vaccine Vaccine component Mechanism of induction antibody Name of vaccine Number of clinical trials on phase III and
platforms approved by WHO Phase IV of vaccines not yet approved by
(vaccine manufacturer) WHO (Trial identifier)
(Until March 28, 2022)

VLP vaccine Noninfectious particles consist Antigens loading on the protein Not yet One.
of viral structural proteins and particles induce neutralizing (CoVLP: NCT04636697)
viral polypeptides.17 antibodies against immune

WHO World Health Organization, VLP virus-like particle

COVID-19 live attenuated vaccines produce the COVID-19 vaccine, inducing a stronger humoral
Live attenuated vaccines are based on the virus obtained by immune response via intranasal and intramuscular routes.49
reverse genetics or adaptation to reduce virulence and are used as Except for inactivated vaccines and partially attenuated
non-pathogenic or weakly pathogenic antigens.17 Currently, the vaccines, there is no need to deal with live SARS-CoV-2 in
main manufacturing processes include codon pair deoptimization manufacturing other types of vaccines (e.g., viral vector, protein
(CPD) and virulence gene knockout.3,41,42 Wang et al. and Trimpert subunit, mRNA, DNA, and VLP vaccines), so the manufacturing
et al. reported the CPD-based methods to modify SARS-CoV-2 process of these vaccines is relatively safe.3 In addition, viral vector
genes genetically. In their studies, amino acid (aa) 283 deletion vaccines can induce Th1 cell responses,29,50 thus inducing strong
was introduced into the S protein, and the furin site was also protective effects. However, adenovirus-based viral vector vac-
deleted to attenuate the virulence of the virus but retain its cines can induce complications, especially thrombocytopenia.
replication ability.43,44 Thus, it is necessary to pay attention to the platelet levels of the
Through the CPD-based method, most of the viral amino acid relevant recipients in case of thrombocytopenia.51,52 Although
sequences can be retained and induce extensive responses, adenovirus is not easily neutralized by pre-existing immunity, the
including innate, humoral, and cellular immunity against viral pre-existing Ad5 antibodies (46.4, 80, 78, 67, 64, 60, 45% and less
structural and nonstructural proteins in the recipient.3,43 The than 30% of the population with neutralizing antibodies titers for
extensive response is unlikely to diminish in efficacy due to Ad5 of >1:200 in China, India, Kenya, Thailand, Uganda, South
antigen drift. In addition, live attenuated vaccines can induce Africa, Sierra Leone, and America, respectively,26,53) these pre-
mucosal immunity through nasal inhalation to protect the upper existing adenoviruses antibodies in the serum may reduce the
respiratory tract.3 In contrast, other types of vaccines, such as immunogenicity of such vaccines. Thus an additional flexible dose
inactivated and mRNA vaccines, are usually administered intra- might be needed as a solution.26,54
muscularly and only protect the lower respiratory tract. However, The WHO has approved two viral vector vaccines (Ad26.COV-2-S
after weakening the virulence gene of the virus, virulence may be and AZD1222). As of March 28, 2022, 25 candidates’ clinical trials for
restored during replication and proliferation in the host. Thus, the COVID-19 viral vector vaccines have been approved, with four using
reverse genetic method remains challenging. replicating vectors and 21 using non-replicating vectors. Moreover,
Currently, there is no WHO-approved COVID-19 live attenuated 3 viral vectors (a type of nonreplicable vector and two types of
vaccine for emergency use. Two candidate COVID-19 live attenuated replicable vectors) + antigen-presenting cells and a vaccine based
vaccines, COVI-VAC and MV-014-212, have been approved for clinical on the bacterial antigen-spore expression vector are also approved
trials as of March 28, 2022 ( for clinical trials (
draft-landscape-of-COVID-19-candidate-vaccines). landscape-of-covid-19-candidate-vaccines).

COVID-19 viral vector vaccines COVID-19 protein subunit vaccine

Viral vector vaccines are based on replication-attenuated engi- Protein subunit vaccines are based on systemically expressed viral
neered viruses carrying genetic material of viral proteins or proteins or peptides using various cell-expressing systems, such as
polypeptides.35 The particular antigen is produced by host cells bacteria, yeasts, insects, and mammalian cells (such as human
after immune transduction.17 Zhu et al. reported the manufactur- embryonic kidney cells).17,35,55–57 These vaccines can be divided
ing process of a viral vector vaccine based on human adenovirus into recombinant S protein and RBD vaccines.3 The ZF2001
type-5 (Ad5). In this process, the signal peptide gene and vaccine adopts the dimer form of the S protein RBD of SARS-CoV-2
optimized full-length S protein gene based on the Wuhan-Hu-1 as an antigen.58 Another subunit vaccine (NVX-CoV2373) adopts a
strain were introduced into a human Ad5 engineering virus with full-length S protein with a pre-fusion conformation containing a
E1 and E3 gene deletions to produce a vector expressing S furin site mutation, and the modified S protein was produced by
protein.45 A recombinant chimpanzee Ad25 vector expressing full- the Sf9 insect cell expression system. The S protein with a pre-
length S protein was used to prepare the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 fusion conformation is usually metastable and easily transformed
vaccine.46 Recombinant vectors based on the combination of into the post-fusion conformation. The pre-fusion conformation
human Ad5 and Ad26 were also used to prepare the Sputnik V can be stabilized by mutating two residues (K986 and V987) to
vaccine.47,48 In addition, the Ad26.COV-2-S vaccine developed by proline.17,59 In addition, a recombinant vaccine comprising
Janssen is based on the S protein modified by the Ad26 residues 319–545 of the RBD was manufactured using insect cells
expression gene, with the deletion of the furin site and the and a baculovirus expression system, and the purity of the
introduction of aa986-987 mutations.48 Besides adenovirus, recombinant protein was more than 98% by adding a GP67 signal
vesicular stomatitis virus can also be modified and used to peptide in the expression system.60

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COVID-19 vaccine development: milestones, lessons and prospects
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Table 2. Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of the COVID-19 vaccine

Platform Advantages Disadvantages

COVID-19 inactivated 1. Inactivated vaccines use the entire virus as an 1. Due to living viruses, the production must be carried out in a
vaccine immunogen, inducing an immune response and biosafety level-3 laboratory or higher biosafety level.3
producing antibodies against S protein, N protein, E 2. The production of inactivated vaccines is limited by cell
protein, and other regions.17 activity and viral productivity.35
2. Compared with vaccines based on the SARS-CoV-2 S
protein or partial protein fragments, inactivated vaccines
can induce a wider range of antibodies against more
3. The research and development route of inactivated
vaccines is relatively complete.
4. The overall adverse reaction rate of inactivated vaccines
in clinical trials is low. No deaths have been reported in
clinical trials, which indicates that inactivated vaccines
have good safety.38–40
COVID-19 live 1. Through the CPD-based method allows most viral 1. After weakening the virulence gene of the virus, virulence
attenuated vaccines amino acid sequences to be retained and induce may be restored during replication and proliferation in the host.
extensive responses, including innate, humoral, and Thus, the reverse genetic method remains challenging.
cellular immunity against viral structural and 2. Loss of efficacy and reproductive potential of viruses during
nonstructural proteins in the recipient.3,43 vaccine production poses a significant challenge.17
2. The extensive response is unlikely to diminish in 3. There may be safety problems in producing live attenuated
efficacy due to antigen drift.3 vaccines.
3. Live attenuated vaccines can induce mucosal immunity
through nasal inhalation to protect the upper respiratory
tract. In contrast, other vaccines are usually administered
intramuscularly and only protect the lower
respiratory tract.
4. The virus replicates and proliferates in the vaccinator,
which may simultaneously induce humoral and cellular
immunity, resulting in a multidirectional antiviral effect.3,43
COVID-19 Viral vector 1. The manufacturing process of viral vector vaccines is 1. Adenovirus-based viral vector vaccines can induce
vaccines relatively safe compared with inactivated vaccines as complications, especially thrombocytopenia. Thus, it is necessary
there is no need to deal with live SARS-CoV-2.3 to pay attention to the platelet levels of the relevant recipients in
2. Viral vector vaccines can induce Th1 cell responses, case of thrombocytopenia.51,52
inducing stronger protective effects. The carrier can 2. Although adenovirus is not easily neutralized by pre-existing
strengthen immunity and have a good stimulating immunity, some individuals with neutralizing antibodies against
response to B cells and T cells.29,50 several adenoviruses (including Ad5) in the serum may reduce
3. The platform has been used in previous vaccines. the immunogenicity.26,54
Therefore, there is rich experience in the preparation of
COVID-19 Protein 1. Could induce Th1 cell responses.31 1. The S protein has a large molecular weight, and the
subunit vaccine 2. NVX-CoV2373 can induce higher titer neutralizing expression efficiency of the S protein is relatively low compared
antibodies than inactivated and Ad5 viral vector with that of RBD.
vaccines.3 2. Although the RBD has a small molecular weight and is easy to
3. In the past, protein subunit vaccines have been express, it lacks other immune epitopes on the S protein thus is
successfully applied. Moreover, the research and prone to antigen drift.3
development idea is relatively clear.
COVID-19 DNA 1. Compared with mRNA vaccines, DNA vaccines have 1. The immunogenicity of the DNA vaccine is low.3
vaccines higher stability and can be stored for a long time.65 2. Different injection methods will affect the vaccine’s efficacy,
2. Escherichia coli can be used to prepare plasmids with such as intramuscular or electroporation injection.3
high stability. Therefore, the production risk of DNA
vaccines is relatively low.3

COVID-19 mRNA 1. Both BNT162b1 and BNT162b2 vaccines transmit the 1. The mRNA vaccines may cause complications, especially
vaccines genetic information of the antigen rather than the myocarditis.54,74,75
antigen itself.3 Therefore, mRNA vaccines only need to 2. Due to the instability of mRNA, the mRNA vaccines need to be
synthesize corresponding RNA/DNA of viral proteins, stored at a lower temperature, which puts forward certain
improving production speed.35 requirements for the storage environment of the
2. The mRNA vaccines can induce strong Th1 cell inoculation unit.
responses and GC B-cell responses and produce long-
lived plasma cells and memory B cells, which can
continuously elicit SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing
3. The mRNA vaccines can be modified directly on the
original sequence to facilitate a timely update.
1. VLP vaccines do not contain viral genomes. Thus, they 1. The manufacturing process of the VLP vaccine is more
are not infectious.74 complex. What’s more, there is no relevant data published for

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Table 2. continued
Platform Advantages Disadvantages

COVID-19 VLP vaccines 2. Plant-based VLP vaccines have the potentiality of oral human clinical trials.
delivery vaccines.65 2. The VLP vaccines are loaded with multiple proteins
3. By loading a variety of antigens, such as the RBD from simultaneously, and the degree of immune response caused by
different variants on the protein particles, neutralizing it is not clear.65
antibodies against multi-immune epitopes can be
induced to improve the neutralizing activity against SARS-
CoV-2 variants.

S protein spike protein, N protein nucleocapsid protein, E protein envelope protein, Ad5 adenovirus type-5, CPD codon pair deoptimization, RBD receptor-
binding domain

The protein subunit can also induce Th1 cell responses.31 In a proper length of poly (A), and the latter can obtain a length-
addition, NVX-CoV2373 can induce higher titer neutralizing controlled poly (A) tail.67,68 Corbett et al. introduced a manufac-
antibodies than inactivated and Ad5 viral vector vaccines.3 turing process for the mRNA-1273 vaccine. The optimized mRNA
However, the S protein has a large molecular weight, and the encoding SARS-CoV-2 S-2P protein with stable pre-fusion con-
expression efficiency of the S protein is relatively low compared formation was synthesized (2 P represents double proline muta-
with that of RBD. Although the RBD has a small molecular weight tions of the K986 and V987 residues mentioned above). The
and is easy to express, it lacks other immune epitopes on the S synthesized mRNA sequence was purified by oligo-dT affinity
protein and thus is prone to antigen drift.3 purification, and encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles.69 The
For emergency use, the WHO has authorized only one COVID-19 BNT162b2 vaccine also adopts a similar mRNA encoding S-
protein subunit vaccine (NVX-CoV2373). Furthermore, 51 candi- 2P,17,70 whereas the BNT162b1 vaccine adopts the mRNA
date COVID-19 protein subunit vaccines were approved for clinical encoding RBD and fuses the trimer domain of T4 fibrin to the
trials on March 28, 2022 ( C-terminus. Furthermore, a proper delivery system like LNP can
item/draft-landscape-of-covid-19-candidate-vaccines). protect mRNA against the degradation of nuclease71 and further
enhance the efficacy of mRNA vaccines. The capsulation of mRNA
COVID-19 DNA vaccines with LNP can effectively transfer mRNA into cells and induce a
DNA vaccines are based on viral antigens encoded by a strong immune response; thus is widely used in most mRNA
recombinant plasmid. Viral proteins or polypeptides are produced vaccines, including BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273.71,72 In addition,
by transcription and translation processes in host cells.17 Smith et al. other delivery systems like lipopolyplexes, polymer nanoparticles,
synthesized the INO-4800 COVID-19 DNA vaccine based on a cationic polypeptides, and polysaccharide particles also provide
previously prepared MERS-CoV vaccine.61 The main steps are as unlimited possibilities for the improvement of mRNA vaccine .72,73
follows: (1) acquisition of the S protein sequence from GISAID; (2) The mechanism of mRNA vaccine-induced immunity is similar
addition of the N-terminal IgE leading sequence; (3) optimization of to that of the DNA vaccines. Both BNT162b1 and BNT162b2
the IgE-Spike sequence with algorithms to enhance its expression vaccines transmit the genetic information of the antigen rather
and immunogenicity and synthesize the optimized sequence; (4) than the antigen itself,3 so they only need to synthesize the
ligation of the fragment into the expression vector pGX0001 after corresponding RNA of viral proteins, improving the production
digestion.62,63 Brocato et al. constructed the DNA encoding SARS- speed.35 In addition, mRNA vaccines can induce strong Th1 cell
CoV-2 S protein into the pWRG skeleton plasmid by cloning the responses and GC B-cell responses and simultaneously produce
gene with optimized human codons, and this skeleton plasmid was long-lived plasma cells and memory cells, continuously eliciting
used to produce a DNA vaccine against hantavirus.64 SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies.21,24 However, mRNA vaccines
Compared with mRNA vaccines, DNA vaccines have higher may cause complications, especially myocarditis,54,74,75, and have
stability and can be stored for a long time.65 Escherichia coli can be a higher storage requirement due to the instability of mRNA.3
used to prepare plasmids with high stability.3 However, the The WHO has approved two types of mRNA vaccines: mRNA-
immunogenicity of the DNA vaccine is low. Furthermore, different 1273 and BNT162b2, and a total of 28 candidate COVID-19 mRNA
injection methods, such as intramuscular or electroporation vaccines have been approved for clinical trials as of March 28,
injection, also affect the vaccine’s efficacy.3 2022 (
There is no COVID-19 DNA vaccine authorized by the WHO for of-covid-19-candidate-vaccines).
emergency use. Sixteen candidate COVID-19 DNA vaccines have
been approved for clinical trials on March 28, 2022 ( COVID-19 VLP vaccines VLP vaccines are based on noninfectious particles consisting of in
vaccines). vitro-expressed viral structural proteins and decorated viral
polypeptides on the surface.74 Tan et al. used Spy Tag technology
COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to modify the SARS-CoV-2 RBD on the surface of protein particles
mRNA vaccines are based on mRNA encapsulated by vectors by forming covalent iso-peptide bonds based on the previous
(usually lipid nanoparticles), viral proteins, or polypeptides protein nanoparticle platform and obtained an RBD-Spy VLP.76
produced during the translation process in the host cells.17,35 In Moreover, a self-assembled VLP vaccine based on the expression
addition to mRNA itself, the 5′ Cap and 3′ Poly (A) also play of modified full-length S proteins, including R667G, R668S, R670S,
important roles in regulating the efficiency and stability of K971P, and V972P mutations, has also been developed using a
translation.66,67 At present, mRNA vaccines usually adopt the plant expression system.77
Cap 1 structure (m7GpppN1mp, with an additional 2′ methylated VLP vaccines do not contain viral genomes, and plant-based
hydroxyl compared with Cap 0), improving translation efficiency.66 VLP vaccines have the potential of oral delivery vaccines.65 By
There are two ways of mRNA tailing: use traditional polyadenylate loading a variety of antigens, such as the RBD from different
tails to add the 3′ tail of poly (A) or design the DNA template with variants on the protein particles, neutralizing antibodies against

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Fig. 6 A timeline of the preclinical and clinical trials of approved COVID-19 vaccines. Preclinical and clinical trials play important roles in
evaluating the safety and protective efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines. The information of preclinical to clinical trials of several WHO-approved
COVID-19 vaccines are provided in the form of a timeline, and partial Phase III clinical trials’ data were also displayed to show the total efficacy

multi-immune epitopes can be induced to improve the neutraliz- immunization. In different dosage groups of BALB/c mice, the
ing activity against SARS-CoV-2 variants. However, the manufac- immunogenicity of the three-dose group was significantly higher
turing process of the VLP vaccine is more complex, and no than the two- and single-dose groups. In the NHP experiment,
relevant data was published for human clinical trials. after vaccination, the neutralizing GMTs in rhesus monkeys were
There is no COVID-19 VLP vaccine authorized by the WHO for 1:860 in the high-dose group and 1:512 in the low-dose group,
emergency use. Six candidates' COVID-19 VLP vaccines have been respectively, indicating BBIBP-CorV can effectively prevent SARS-
approved for clinical trials as of March 28, 2022 ( CoV-2 infection in rhesus monkeys.
publications/m/item/draft-landscape-of-covid-19-candidate-vaccines). The PiCoVacc inactivated vaccine, also known as CoronaVac, is
highly immunogenic in BALB/c mice.37 After the injection of
PiCoVacc, the serum S-specific antibody level of mice was ten
EFFICACY OF COVID-19 VACCINES times higher than that of convalescent serum obtained from
Animal studies of COVID-19 vaccines approved by the WHO COVID-19 patients. PiCoVacc could induce high RBD antibodies, 30
Several SARS-CoV-2 animal models have been developed, includ- times higher than the induced NTD antibodies. The neutralizing
ing mice expressing human ACE2,78–80 SARS-CoV-2-adaptive antibody titer in rhesus monkeys was 1:50 in the third week after
mouse,81,82 ferret,83 hamster,84,85 and NHP models.86–88 Although one dose of PiCoVacc, similar to the titers in the convalescent
mice can be infected with SARS-CoV-2 by transferring the human serum of COVID-19 patients. One week after the third dose of
ACE2 gene or designing a virus-adapted mouse, no mouse model PiCoVacc, viral infection was induced through intranasal and
can simulate all the characteristics of human COVID-19, especially organ routes. The viral load of all vaccinated animals decreased
pulmonary vascular disease, hyperinflammatory syndrome, significantly 3–7 days after infection, indicating that PiCoVacc
observed in adults and children, respectively.10 The hamster played an important anti-SARS-CoV-2 role in the NHP model.
model can simulate serious COVID-19 diseases. Syrian hamsters Compared with BBIBP-CorV and CoronaVac, viral vector
show mild to severe symptoms 1–2 days after nasal infection,89,90 vaccines and mRNA vaccines can simultaneously induce T-cell
and progressive weight loss and dyspnea. The NHP model can responses,46,48,69,70 mainly a Th1 cell response, while Th2
reflect mild-to-moderate SARS-CoV-2 infection and can be used to responses are related to vaccine-induced respiratory diseases,
test many candidate vaccines. However, due to different adjuvants and were not detected. Viral-specific neutralizing antibodies were
and vaccine dosages, the use of serum-neutralizing antibody titer detected in all BALB/c mice following inoculation with ChAdOx1
as a direct basis for comparing the efficacy of different vaccines is nCoV-19 (AZD1222). On day 14, after the first or second dose, the
still limited. In addition, different analytical methods, such as 50% neutralizing antibody titers in rhesus monkey serum were 1:5 to
plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT50), 80% plaque 1:40 (single dose) and 1:10 to 1:160 (two doses). In addition,
reduction neutralization test (PRNT80), and enzyme-linked immu- cytokines, including IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13, in rhesus monkey serum
nosorbent assay (ELISA), may also affect the final experimental after a single dose or two doses injection were low, indicating the
results. These data can objectively show the efficacy of each safety of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 in NHPs.
vaccine. Here, we summarize the immunogenicity, neutralizing Another viral vector vaccine, Ad26.COV-2-S (Ad26-S.PP) induced
activity, and cell response data from animal experiments for the similar neutralizing antibody titers in the NHP model.48 RBD-
BBIBP-CorV, CoronaVac, AZD1222, Ad26.COV-2-S, NVX-CoV2373, specific neutralizing antibodies were detected in 31 of 32 rhesus
mRNA-1273, and BNT162b2 vaccines (Fig. 6). monkeys (96.9%) 2 weeks after Ad26-S.PP inoculation and the
Immunogenicity testing of BBIBP-CorV was performed in BALB/c induced titers were 1:53 to 1:233 (median 1:113) 4 weeks after
mice, rabbits, and guinea pigs.36 The animals were classified into vaccination. In addition, Ad26-S.PP also induced S-specific IgG and
three groups according to the doses: high (8 μg), medium (4 μg), IgA responses in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) obtained from
and low (2 μg). All dosages produced good immunogenicity, and rhesus monkeys, indicating that Ad26-S.PP has a protective effect
the serum conversion rate reached 100% on day 21 after on rhesus monkeys’ upper and lower respiratory tracts. 6 weeks

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after vaccination, 1.0 × 105 50% tissue culture infectious dose after the relevant data meet the standards for such trials. Ten
(TCID50) of SARS-CoV-2 was challenged in intranasal and tracheal candidate vaccines have been approved for Phase IV clinical trials.
routes, and 17 of 32 rhesus monkeys inoculated with Ad26-S.PP They include three inactivated vaccines (BBIBP-CorV, WIBP COVID-
were completely protected, and no viral RNA was detected in BAL 19 vaccine, and CoronaVac), three viral vector vaccines (AZD1222,
or nasal swabs, indicating that Ad26-S.PP protects the upper and Ad5-nCoV, and Ad26.COV-2-S), one protein subunit vaccine (MVC-
lower respiratory tracts in the NHP model. COV1901), and three mRNA vaccines (mRNA-1273, BNT162b2, and
Besides Ad26.COV-2-S, another protein subunit vaccine NVX- mRNA-1273.351) (
CoV2373, also showed the protection efficacy of both upper and landscape-of-covid-19-candidate-vaccines). Data from Phase I, I/II,
lower respiratory tracts in the cynomolgus macaque model.91 The II, II/III, and III trials and some data from Phase IV clinical trials have
vaccine induced a remarkable level of anti-S IgG in mice with the been released (Fig. 6). Here, the neutralization efficacy, adverse
titers of 1:84,000-1:139,000 on the 15th day after the single reactions, and cell responses, mainly Th1 cell responses of some
injection.59 Meanwhile, NVX-CoV2373 also elicits multifunctional vaccines in different clinical trial stages, are discussed. Because of
CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses. In the NHP model, the serum the different adjuvants used and different dosages of the vaccines,
neutralizing antibody titers produced after the second dose of 2.5, 5, the titer of serum neutralizing antibodies cannot be used as a direct
25 μg vaccine could achieve 1:17,920-1:23,040 CPE100, which was reflection of neutralization ability. Moreover, different analysis
7.1–10 times higher than those in convalescent serum. SARS-CoV-2 methods also affect the trial results.
was challenged in the upper and lower respiratory tract routes after
NVX-CoV2373 vaccination, and 91.6% (11 in 12) immunized animals BBIBP-CorV. Sinopharm announced the results of a randomized,
were free of infection. No viral RNA was detected in the nasal swabs, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase I/II clinical trial of the
indicating the broader protection of NVX-CoV2373. BBIBP-CorV vaccine (ChiCTR2000032459).38 The Phase I and
The mRNA-1273 vaccine is most immunogenic in the NHP Phase II trials included 192 and 448 healthy aged 18–80
model. The GMTs of rhesus monkey serum obtained from participants, respectively. All participants were negative for
injection dosages of 10 and 100 μg were 1:501 and 1:3,481, serum-specific SARS-CoV-2 IgG or IgM. In the Phase I trial, the
respectively, which were 12 times and 84 times higher than that of vaccine group was injected with 2–8 μg BBIBP-CorV on day 0
human convalescent serum.69 It has been shown that mRNA-1273 and day 28. The control group was injected with two doses of
induces a strong S-specific neutralizing antibody response. Rhesus normal saline placebo containing aluminum hydroxide adjuvant.
monkeys also showed a dose-dependent Th1 cell response after In the Phase II trial, the vaccine group was divided into single-
the injection of mRNA-1273, which was similar to the phenom- dose (day 0, 8 μg) and two doses (day 0, day 14, 21, 28; 4 μg at
enon observed after the injection of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19. Intranasal each time). In the Phase II trial, on day 28, after the second dose
and tracheal routes administered all rhesus monkeys 1.0 × 106 in the two-dose group or after the single dose in the single-dose
TCID50 of SARS-CoV-2 in the 4th week after the second dose. Four group, serum neutralizing antibody titers against SARS-CoV-2
days after infection, only low-level viral RNA in two of eight were detected based on PRNT50. The antibody titer in the single-
animals in the 10-μg-dose group and one of eight in the 100-μg- dose group was 1:14.7, and the titers range of the two-dose
dose groups could be detected, indicating good antiviral activity group were 1:169.5-1:282.7. The serum titers after two doses on
of mRNA-1273 in the NHP model. days 0 and 21 were the highest, indicating that two doses of
BNT162b1 and BNT162b2 (especially the former) also showed vaccination could induce a higher neutralizing antibody level. In
high immunogenicity in BALB/c mice while lower than mRNA- addition, the Phase I trial showed that the serum titer of subjects
1273.70 On day 28, after single-dose injection, the serum >60 years old after 28 days of the second dose was less than
neutralizing antibody titers of mice with BNT162b1 and BNT162b2 that of subjects aged 18–59, indicating that the elderly may
reached 1:1056 and 1:296, respectively. Additionally, both vaccines need higher doses or adjuvants with stronger immunogenicity.
induced high CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses. In the NHP model, None of the subjects in Phase I/II trials displayed severe
the neutralizing antibody titers of rhesus monkey serum obtained adverse reactions within 28 days after vaccination. BBIBP-CorV
from 100 μg-dose 14 days after vaccination with the second dose was demonstrated safe for humans. Currently, several Phase IV
of BNT162b1 and BNT162b2 were 1:1714 and 1:1689, respectively, clinical trials of the vaccine are underway (NCT04863638,
which were significantly higher than those in the convalescent NCT05075070, NCT05075083, NCT05104333, NCT05105295,
serum of COVID-19 patients (1:94). All rhesus monkeys were and NCT05104216) (
administered 1.05 × 106 plaque-forming units of SARS-CoV-2 by Huang et al. showed that the neutralization ability of serum
intranasal and tracheal routes on 41–55 days after the second neutralizing antibody induced by both BBIBP-CorV inactivated
dose of BNT162b1 or BNT162b2. On the third day after infection, vaccine and ZF2001 subunit vaccine to the Beta variant was
viral RNA was detected in the BAL of two of the six rhesus reduced by 1.6 times.92 It is worth noting that serum
monkeys injected with BNT162b1. Viral RNA was not detected in neutralization activity obtained from BBIBP-CorV homologous
BAL of the BNT162b2 injected monkeys at any time point. booster group and BBIBP-CorV/ZF2001 heterologous booster
mRNA, viral vector, and protein subunit vaccines showed higher group were increased, while 80% of samples still failed to
induced-antibody titers than inactivated vaccines and could neutralize B.1.1.529(Omicron) variant.93 The results showed that
induce Th1 cell responses. These vaccines mainly induced IgG it is necessary to closely monitor the neutralization efficacy of
production and showed a protective effect on the upper the vaccine against variants, especially those with strong
respiratory tract. However, the Ad26.S-PP and NVX-CoV2373 immune escape ability, such as Beta and Omicron, and update
vaccines exerted a protective effect on both the upper and lower the sequence of seed strain in time.94
respiratory tracts. In addition, all injection groups showed
significant virus clearance ability after the virus challenge, CoronaVac. Sinovac conducted several randomized, double-
demonstrating the protection provided by these vaccines in blind, placebo-controlled Phase I/II clinical trials for the CoronaVac
NHPs. Furthermore, all experimental animals injected with the vaccine (NCT04551547, NCT04352608, NCT04383574).39,95,96 Two
vaccine showed no pathological changes in the lungs and normal groups received 3–6 μg of the CoronaVac vaccine, and partici-
tissues, providing strong support for follow-up clinical trials. pants aged 3–17 years received 1.5–3 μg. The control group
received the same amount of aluminum hydroxide diluent. None
Clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines approved by the WHO of the participants had a history of SARS-CoV-2 exposure or
The safety and effectiveness of vaccines are evaluated in preclinical infection, their body temperature was <37 °C, and none was
trials. Clinical trials of candidate vaccines can be carried out only allergic to the vaccine components. The serum neutralizing

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antibody titer of the subjects was analyzed with a minimum (MNA80) were 1:274 (day 0, 28 SD), 1:170 (day 0, 56 LD), and 1:395
quadruple dilution using microcytosis. The vaccine induced higher (day 0, 56 SD) respectively. The highest titer was produced after
titers in children and adolescents groups in the Phase II trial (3 μg the full-second dose injection on day 56. In addition, the AZD1222
adolescent group, 1:142.2; 6 μg adult group, 1:65.4; 6 μg elderly vaccine can also induce Th1 biased CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell
group, 1:49.9). One case of severe pneumonia unrelated to the responses and further promote cellular immunity. No serious
vaccine was reported in the placebo group in children and adverse reactions were reported in any phase of the trial, and
adolescents, one case of acute hypersensitivity after the first dose prophylactic paracetamol treatment reduced the rate of mild or
of injection was reported in the adult group, and seven cases of moderate adverse reactions.103
severe adverse reactions were reported in the elderly group. The In a single-blind, randomized, controlled Phase II/III trial of
remaining adverse events were mild or non-toxic. These findings AZD1222 (NCT04400838),104 participants were divided into three
indicated that CoronaVac could be used in children and groups based on age: 18–55, 56–69, and >70 years. The 18–55 years
adolescents, and it is safe for children, adolescents, and adults. old group was allocated two low doses (2.2 × 1010 VPs)/two
Furthermore, Sinovac performed Phase III (NCT04582344) and standard doses (3.5–6.5 × 1010 VPs) ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and placebo
IV clinical trials of CoronaVac for patients with autoimmune at 1:1 and 5:1, respectively. The 56–69-year-old group was injected
diseases and rheumatism (NCT04754698).40,97 In the Phase III with a single dose of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, a single dose of placebo,
trial, 1413 participants, were analyzed for immunogenicity; 880 two doses of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, and two doses of placebo (3:1:3:1,
of 981 (89.7%) serum samples in the vaccine group were respectively). The >70-year-old group was administered a single
positive for RBD-specific antibodies, compared to 4.4% in the dose of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, a single dose of placebo, two doses of
control group. The titer of neutralizing antibodies in 387 sera ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, and two doses of placebo (5:1:5:1, respectively).
samples in the vaccine group ranged from 1:15–1:625 (1:15, All placebo groups received the aforementioned MenACWY
16%; 1:75, 38.7%; 1:375, 21%), indicating that most vaccine vaccine. MNA80 was used to evaluate the titer of serum neutralizing
recipients could produce neutralizing antibodies after vaccina- antibodies. The titer of the low-dose group ranged from 1:143 to
tion. No deaths or grade IV adverse events occurred in the 1:161, and that of the standard-dose group ranged from 1:144 to
Phase III trial. In the Phase IV clinical trial, using the above 1:193, indicating that ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 can induce high-level
analysis based on microcytosis, the serum neutralizing antibody neutralizing antibody in all age groups and that two doses of
titer of vaccines with rheumatism was only 1:27 6 weeks after injection can produce higher antibody levels. Thirteen serious
the second dose, which was lower than healthy subjects (1:67). adverse events were reported as of October 26, 2020, and none
These findings indicated that the dose should be increased for related to vaccine injection. Phase IV clinical trials of the vaccine are
individuals with immune diseases, or the immune adjuvant in progress (NCT04760132, NCT04914832, NCT05057897, and
should be replaced to improve protection. Seven Phase IV NCT05142488) (
clinical trials of the vaccine are in progress (NCT04911790, Supasa et al. tested the neutralizing effect of AZD1222 on the
NCT04953325, NCT04962308, NCT04993365, NCT05107557, Alpha variant. GMTs of serum neutralizing antibody decreased by
NCT05165732, and NCT05148949) ( 2.5 times on day 14 and 2.1 times on day 28 after the second dose,
According to the study of Chen Y and colleagues,98 serum- while no immune escape was observed.105 Subsequently, the
neutralizing activity against D614G, B.1.1.7(Alpha), and B.1.429 neutralization effect of AZD1222 on the Beta variant was tested. On
variants after inoculation with CoronaVac were equally effec- day 14 or 28 after the second dose, the GMTs of the subjects’ serum
tive, while B.1.526, P.1(Gamma) and Beta significantly reduced neutralizing antibodies against the Beta variant were approximately
serum neutralization efficiency. Fernández et al. tested serum nine times lower than that of the Victoria variant (an early Wuhan-
neutralization in 44 individuals after two doses of the related viral isolate).106 In addition, the serum neutralizing antibody
CoronaVac vaccine. Alpha and Gamma variants could escape GMTs of AZD1222 subjects against the Delta variant decreased by
from the neutralization of antibodies induced by the vaccine, ~4 times compared with the wild type.107 On the 28th day after the
with escape rates of 31.8 and 59.1% in the subjects, booster dose, the neutralization ability against Omicron was
respectively.99 Estofolete et al.100 reached a similar conclusion reduced by about 12.7-fold compared with Victoria and 3.6-fold
that although the CoronaVac vaccine cannot completely inhibit with B.1.617.2 (Delta).108 These findings indicate that the Omicron
the infection caused by the Gamma variant, the vaccination can and Beta variants have stronger immune escape ability than the
help to reduce patients’ clinical symptoms and the rate of death Alpha and Delta variants. Monitoring vaccine neutralization ability
and hospitalization. The Omicron variant can escape neutraliz- should be highlighted, and existing vaccines should be optimized
ing antibodies elicited by BNT162b2 or CoronaVac, bringing a or strengthened to maintain vaccine efficacy for emerging SARS-
challenge to existing vaccines.101 CoV-2 variants.

AZD1222. Phase I/II clinical trials of AZD1222 were divided into Ad26.COV-2-S. Janssen performed Phase I and Phase I-II clinical
two stages (NCT04324606).50,102 In the first stage, 1077 healthy trials of Ad26.COV-2-S (NCT04436276).29,30 A total of 25 healthy
subjects aged 18–55 years with negative laboratory-confirmed adults aged 18–55 with negative nasopharyngeal PCR and serum
SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 symptoms were recruited. Ten IgG results participated in the Phase I trial. The participants were
individuals were injected with two doses of 5 × 1010 viral particles equally allocated to receive two doses of low-dose (5 × 1010 VPs)
(VPs), the remainders were injected with a single dose of 5 × 1010 Ad26.COV-2-S (low-dose/low-dose, LL), one dose of low-dose
VPs. Those in the placebo group were injected with a licensed vaccine and one dose of placebo (low-dose/placebo, LP), two
meningococcal group A, C, W-135, and Y conjugate vaccine doses of high-dose (1 × 1011 VPs) (high-dose/high-dose, HH), one
(MenACWY). Serum neutralizing antibody levels were evaluated dose of high-dose vaccine and one dose of placebo (high-dose/
using a standardized ELISA protocol. The median level of serum placebo, HP), or two doses of placebo (placebo/placebo, PP). The
samples on day 28 after one dose was 157 ELISA units (EU). The placebo group received a 0.9% sodium chloride solution. The
median level of 10 individuals injected with the enhancer dose GMTs of serum neutralizing antibody based on the inhibition of
was 639 EU on day 28 after the second dose, indicating that two 50% of pseudovirus (ID50) were detected 14 days after the second
injection doses can induce higher neutralizing antibodies. In the dose. The ID50 values were 1:242 (LL), 1:375 (LP), 1:449 (HH), and
second stage of the trial, 52 subjects who had been injected with 1:387 (HP) in the vaccine groups. Moreover, Ad26.COV-2-S induced
the first dose received a full-dose (SD) or half-dose (LD) of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses, simultaneously inducing cellular
AZD1222(ChAdOx1 nCoV-19) vaccine on days 28 and 56. The titers immunity. Adverse events after vaccination were not evaluated in
of 80% virus inhibition detected by the microneutralization assay this study.

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In the Phase I-IIa clinical trial, 805 healthy adults aged 18–55 group (25.3 vs. 20.5%). The proportion of serious adverse events
and >65 years were equally divided into LL, LP, HH, HP, and PP was similar in both groups, at about 1%, with one person in the
groups (low-dose: 5 × 1010 VPs, high-dose: 1 × 1011 VPs). On day vaccine group reporting severe myocarditis. The vaccine and
71 or 72 (2 weeks after the injection of the second dose), serum placebo groups reported one death caused by respiratory failure
neutralizing antibody GMT based on 50% virus inhibition (IC50) and one sepsis caused by COVID-19 infection.
of the 18–55-year-old group was 1:827 (LL, day 72), 1:1266 (HH, A clinical trial was further performed to evaluate the efficacy of
day 72), 1:321 (LP, day 71), and 1:388 (HP, day 71). On day 29, NVX-CoV2373 in AIDS patients, in which the Beta variant infected
the serum GMT of the participants injected with a single dose of most people. The results indicated that this vaccine showed 60.1%
low-dose or high-dose vaccine in the >65-year-old group was efficacy in HIV-negative participants, indicating that the NVX-
1:277 or 1:212, respectively. These findings indicated that two CoV2373 vaccine was efficacious in preventing COVID-19.112
injection doses significantly improved antibody titers and
enhanced protection. On day 15, 76–83% of the participants mRNA-1273. Similar to the viral vector vaccines, mRNA vaccines,
in the 18–55 age group and 60–67% of participants in the >65 especially mRNA-1273, also induced Th1 biased CD4+ T-cell
age group had a Th1 biased CD4+ T-cell response, consistent responses in clinical trials.28,113 Moderna performed a Phase I
with the results observed in the Phase I trial. After the first dose, clinical trial of mRNA-1273 (NCT04283461). In the first stage, 45
most of the reported local adverse events were grade 1 or 2. The healthy adults aged 18–55 received two doses of 25, 100, and
most common event was injection site pain. These collective 250 μg mRNA-1273 at a ratio of 1:1:1. In the second stage,
findings indicated that Ad26.COV-2-S is safe. Four Phase IV 40 subjects aged >56 years were injected with two doses of 25
clinical trials of the vaccine are ongoing (EUCTR2021-002327-38- and 100 μg vaccine at a ratio of 1:1. The interval between all
NL, NCT05030974, NCT05037266, and NCT05075538) (https:// injections was 28 days. There was no control group. PRNT50 was, used to detect the titers of serum neutralizing antibodies in
Alter et al. systematically evaluated the neutralization efficacy of different age groups 14 days after the second dose, and the titers
the Ad26.COV-2-S vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 variants.109 Pseudo- were 1:343.8 (100 μg, 18–55 years old), 1:878 (100 μg, 56–70 years
virus neutralization test results showed the neutralization titer of old), and 1:317 (100 μg, >70 years old). The vaccine induced
the antibody induced by the Ad26.COV-2-S to Gamma variant was potent neutralizing antibodies in different age groups, and the
3.3 times lower than the wild type. The neutralization of the Beta highest titer was induced in the 56–70 age group. After the first
variant was five times lower than that of the wild type. The live virus dose, 23 participants aged 18–55 (51.1%) reported systemic
neutralization test showed that the neutralization activity of this adverse reactions. All the adverse reactions were mild or
variant (Beta) dropped approximately ten times in titers. Garcia moderate. After the second dose, three subjects reported serious
Beltran et al. found the neutralization activity of serum samples adverse reactions. No serious adverse events occurred in the
from Ad26. COV-2 vaccinees against the Omicron variant was group aged over 56 years.
reduced by 17 times.110 Moderna also performed a Phase III clinical trial of the mRNA-
1273 vaccine. The number of participants was 30,420, aged over
NVX-CoV2373. NVX-CoV2373 is a protein subunit vaccine based 18 years and had no history of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Subjects
on the full-length S protein of pre-fusion conformation (rSARS- were injected with two doses of mRNA-1273 vaccine (100 μg) at a
CoV-2). Relevant Phase I-II clinical trial (NCT04368988) data has 28-day interval or with normal saline at a 1:1.114 From the first day
been released.31 A total of 131 healthy men and non-pregnant to November 25, 2020, 196 cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed by
women aged 18–59 years were enrolled. All participants had no preliminary analysis, with 11 cases in the vaccine group and 185
history of COVID-19 infection and had a low risk of COVID-19 cases in the placebo group, indicating a 94.1% effectiveness of
exposure. Among them, six participants were assigned 5 μg/25 μg mRNA-1273. After the first dose, adverse events occurred in 84.2%
rSARS-CoV-2 + Matrix-M1 at a ratio of 1:1 as an initial safety of the participants in the vaccine group, and 88.6% of the
measure and were observed for 48 h. The remaining 125 participants in the vaccine group reported adverse events after
participants received 9% saline (placebo) as group A, two doses the second dose. The adverse events were mainly graded 1 or 2.
of 25 μg rSARS-CoV-2 without adjuvant Matrix-M1 as group B, two Furthermore, there were three deaths in the placebo group (one
doses of 5 μg rSARS-CoV-2 + 50 μg Matrix-M1 as group C, two each from intraperitoneal perforation, cardiopulmonary arrest, and
doses of 25 μg rSARS-CoV-2 + 50 μg Matrix-M1 as group D, and systemic inflammatory syndrome) and two deaths in the vaccine
one dose of 25 μg rSARS-CoV-2 + 50 μg Matrix-M1 as group E, at a group (one from cardiopulmonary arrest and suicide). Although the
ratio of 1:1:1:1:1, respectively. ELISA-based neutralization test was death rate was low and unrelated to vaccination, the effects of
used to detect the antibody titers on the 14th day after the nucleic acid vaccines on cardiopulmonary and other functions still
second dose. Group C and D showed the most efficacy with the need to be further studied. Phase IV clinical trials of the mRNA-1273
titers of 1:3906 and 1:3305, respectively, four to six times more vaccine are currently underway (NCT04760132, NCT05060991,
than convalescent serum. In addition, T-cell responses were also NCT04952402, NCT05030974, NCT05047718, NCT05075538, and
induced and boosted by the adjuvant Matrix-M1. No serious NCT05075538) (
adverse event was reported in this trial except a subject The mRNA-1273 vaccine is still effective for the Alpha variant, but
terminated the second dose due to mild cellulitis. its neutralization effect on the Beta variant is reduced. The
Results of the Phase III clinical trial of NVX-CoV2373 have also pseudovirus neutralization test showed that the antibody titers of
been released.111 This trial included 16,645 healthy men, non- mRNA-1273 against the Beta variant were 6.4 times lower than that
pregnant women, and people with chronic diseases aged 18–84 of the D614G mutant.115 McCallum et al. tested the neutralization
without COVID-19 infection and immune disease history. The efficacy of mRNA-1273 against the B.1.427/B.1.429 variant and
recipients received two doses of 5 μg NVX-CoV2373 or equivalent found that the neutralizing antibody GMTs induced by the vaccine
placebo (0.9% saline) at a ratio of 1:1. The rate of COVID-19 or decreased by 2–3.5 times compared to the wild type.116
SARS-CoV-2 infection 7 days after the vaccination was ~6.53 per Furthermore, more than 50% of mRNA-1273 recipients’ serum
thousand in the vaccine group versus 63.43 per thousand in the failed to neutralize the Omicron variant, with the GMTs reduced by
control group, indicating an overall efficacy of 89.7%. Based on the about 43 times.110,117
analysis of subgroups, the effectivity of NVX-CoV2373 in people
aged over 65 was 88.9%, and the efficacy against the Alpha variant BNT162b2. Phase I and III clinical trials of the BNT162b2 mRNA
was 86.3%. The overall rate of adverse events among the vaccine have also been performed (NCT04368728).117 The Phase I
recipients was higher in the vaccine group than in the placebo clinical trial performed by Pfizer-BioNTech involved two candidate

Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy (2022)7:146

COVID-19 vaccine development: milestones, lessons and prospects
Li et al.
vaccines, BNT162b1 encoding RBD and BNT162b2 encoding the further. A study on the effectiveness of mRNA vaccine in American
full-length of S protein. This trial included 185 healthy adults aged healthcare workers (HCW) showed that the overall efficacy of
18-55 and 65–85. With 15 individuals per group, they were divided BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 vaccines were 88.8 and 88.9%,
into 13 groups (seven groups aged 18–55 and six groups aged respectively.123 A study involving six locations in the United
65–85) and inoculated with two doses of 10/20/30 μg BNT162b1 States, HCW, and the first responders also showed that after two
or BNT162b2, and an additional group aged 18–55 received a doses of mRNA vaccine, the effective rate was about 90%.124 In
single dose of 100 μg BNT162b2. Twelve individuals in each group addition, the 2nd dose of BNT162b2 was shown to reduce 94% of
were vaccinated with BNT162b1/BNT162b2, and three were COVID-19 cases in a 1.2 million person dataset.125 A large-scale
vaccinated with a placebo. The 50% neutralization titers were study in Scotland showed that the first BNT162b2 vaccination
determined on the 14th day after the second dose, ranging from could achieve an efficacy of 91%, and the number of COVID-19
1:33 to 1:437 (BNT162b1) and 1:81 to 1:292 (BNT162b2). BNT162b1 hospitalization decreased in 28–34 days after vaccination. The
and BNT162b2 both induced high-level production of antibodies. efficacy of AZD1222 in the same period was 88%, and these two
The local adverse reactions caused by these two vaccines were vaccines showed a similar effect on preventing infection.126 There
similar, mainly pained at the injection site. However, the overall are limited real-world data on inactivated vaccines. The effective-
rate of adverse events of BNT162b2 was low, with less use of ness of the CoronaVac vaccine was evaluated in a St. Paul study
antipyretic analgesics and these findings indicated that BNT162b2 and showed more than 50% efficacy.127
is safer. These real-world studies showed that the approved COVID-19
The Phase III clinical trial involved 43,548 participants aged 16 vaccines effectively prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections, especially redu-
years and over, who were injected with two doses of BNT162b2 cing the infection in susceptible people like healthcare workers.
(30 μg at an interval of 21 days) or placebo at a ratio of ~1:1.118
At least 7 days after the second dose, eight cases of COVID-19 Variants of Concern (VOC)
were observed in the vaccine group, while 162 cases of COVID- As mentioned earlier, the emergence of VOC poses great
19 were observed in the placebo group, indicating the challenges to the efficacy of existing vaccines. WHO has
effectiveness of 94.6%. Mild-to-moderate pain at the injection designated five VOCs, including Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and
site within 7 days of the first dose of BNT162b2 was the most Omicron (Fig. 5), among which Alpha and Delta variants had
common local adverse reaction. Less than 1% of all subjects strong contagious activity, while Beta and Gamma variants gained
reported severe pain, and none of the participants reported powerful immune escape ability. However, the Omicron variant
grade 4 local adverse reactions. Two BNT162b2 vaccinees died obtained high infectivity and can evade most COVID-19 vaccines
(one from arteriosclerosis and one from cardiac arrest), four simultaneously. Understanding the relationship between the
placebo subjects died (two from unknown causes, one from mutations and pathogenic characteristics (like infectivity and
hemorrhagic stroke, and one from myocardial infarction). None immune escape ability) is useful to analyze the efficacy of vaccines
of the deaths was related to the vaccine or placebo. Like the better and adjust the vaccination strategy properly. Here, the
mRNA-1273 vaccine, heart disease also occurred in the origin of these VOCs has been systematically reviewed, and the
BNT162b2 vaccine injection group, indicating that the mRNA influence of mutations on the pathogenic characteristics is
vaccine needs to be strictly evaluated. Phase IV clinical trials of illustrated (Fig. 7). Furthermore, the effectiveness of approved
the BNT162b2 vaccine are currently underway (NCT04760132, vaccines on the Omicron variant was also discussed, given that the
NCT05060991, NCT04961229, NCT04775069, NCT04878211, Omicron variant has caused large-scale infections worldwide and
NCT04952766, NCT04969250, NCT05047718, NCT05057169, aroused people’s worries.
NCT05057182, and NCT05075538) (
Collier et al. tested the neutralization efficacy of the sera of Alpha. B.1.1.7 is the first variant circulating worldwide, which was
single-dose BNT162b2 vaccine subjects against the Alpha first detected in the southeast of the UK in September 2020 and
variant.119 Ten of 23 samples showed a decrease in neutraliza- became the dominant variant in the UK during the following
tion efficacy, with a maximum decrease of about six times. 3 months. On December 18, 2020, B.1.1.7 was designated as
Supasa et al. showed that the neutralization activity of the Variants of Concern (VOC) and labeled Alpha by WHO (https://
BNT162b2 vaccine against the Alpha variant decreased by 3.3 Com-
times.105 Subsequently, the researchers further tested the pared with other variants at that time, the Alpha variant had a
neutralization activity of BNT162b2 against the Beta variant stronger transmission ability, with a higher reproduction num-
and found that the GMTs of neutralizing antibodies decreased ber.128 Interestingly, the variant lineage contained three sub-
by 7.6 times.106 In addition, the neutralization activity of the groups initially, but the variant with Del69/70 in the S protein
BNT162b2 vaccine against Kappa, Delta, B.1.427, and B.1.429 eventually occupied the mainstream, and 96.6% of all detected
variants was reduced by at least two times (Kappa and Delta), sequences of Alpha variants contained the mutation (https://
1.2 times (B.1.427), and 1.31 times (B.1.429).120 Although the, which indicated the existence of selective
Delta variant has high infectivity and can cause immune escape, advantage in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2.12 Apart from
Liu et al. reported that BNT162b2 retained neutralizing activity Del69/70, other mutations (like D614G in each VOC and E484K
against the delta variant.121 In the study carried out by in Beta and Gamma) also proved the selective advantage. Variants
Cameroni E and colleagues, the neutralization activity of with certain mutations gained stronger infectivity, fitness, or
BNT162b2 booster-dose recipients’ serum significantly immune escape ability and are prone to survive and spread in the
increased, but its neutralization capability against the Omicron struggle between humans and COVID-19.
variant still decreased by at least fourfold compared with the The analysis of these mutations with the selective advantage will
Wuhan-Hu-1 strain.122 further help to understand the pathogenic characteristics of these
variants, such as infectivity, contagious ability, and immune escape
The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in the real world ability. In addition to Del69/70, there are eight mutations in the S
Although clinical trials can reflect the effectiveness of vaccines, the protein of Alpha variant: Del144 (contained in 95% of all detected
outcomes are partly dependent on the status of participants. Thus, sequences of Alpha variants), N501Y (97.6%), A570D (99.2%), D614G
the data were not very objective. The real-world study can help to (99.3%), P681H (99%), T716I (98.7%), S982A (98.8%), and D1118H
establish clinical trial evidence and provide information for (99.2%) ( Among these mutations, Del69/70
adjusting the vaccination strategy. Here, we summarize several and Del144 can significantly reduce the neutralization of NTD
current real-world studies to support these vaccines’ efficacy targeted antibodies,105 because most of the immune epitopes of

Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy (2022)7:146

COVID-19 vaccine development: milestones, lessons and prospects
Li et al.

Fig. 7 A systemic illustration of the mutation in the S protein of VOCs. VOCs were designated by WHO because of the enhanced infectivity or
immune escape ability (or with both), the specific mutations in the S protein of VOC Alpha to Omicron are displayed, and the mutations
related to enhanced immune escape ability were marked in green color, while the mutation related to decreased immune escape ability was
marked into orange color

NTD antibodies are located in N3 (residues 141-156) and N5 There were nine mutations in the S protein of Beta variant: L18F
(residues 246–260) loops, while Del144 can alter the N3 loop and (found in 43.6% reported Beta variants), D80A (97.1%), D215G
cause the immune escape of such antibodies,129 Del69/70 can (94.6%), Del241/243 (89.6%), K417N (93%), E484K (86.5%), N501Y
enhance the infectivity.130 The characteristic mutation N501Y can (87%), D614G (97.8%), and A701V (96.4%) (
significantly increase the binding of S protein to ACE2,131 and The glycans of amino acid site 17, 174, 122, and 149 in the NTD
further enhance the infectivity. In addition, N501Y was also related region combined into seven targeted epitopes of NTD anti-
to the immune escape, in which the epitope of class A antibodies bodies137 and L18F may interfere with the binding between
was located.129 This mutation was also in other VOCs like Beta, antibodies, and residue 17 affect the neutralization of antibody.
Gamma, and Omicron. Not only VOC, but almost all circulating The Del241/243 map to the same surface as the Del144 in the
variants also had a D614G mutation. Plante JA et al. found that Alpha variant,138 which may also interfere with the neutralization
D614G can alter the fitness and enhance the replication of SARS- of antibodies. In addition, several studies have shown that K717N
CoV-2 in the lungs. However, D614G will reduce the immune and E484K mutations (as well as the K417T in Gamma variant and
escape ability of the virus and improve the sensitivity to E484A in Omicron variant) both contribute to the immune escape
neutralizing antibodies.131,132 The above studies suggested that against group A-D antibodies,129,136,139,140 and K417N can
this mutation may be essential to maintaining the survival of SARS- enhance the infectivity at the same time.129,141
CoV-2. Thereby, it can be retained continuously. The P681H Overall, the L18F, Del241/243, K417N, E484K, and N501Y
mutation near the furin-cleavage site may enhance the cleavage mutations all contribute to the immune escape ability of VOC
of S1 and S2 subunits and increase the Alpha variant’s entry. The Beta, while K417N, N501Y, and D614G can enhance the viral
P681R in VOC Delta may improve fitness compared with P681H in infection. Therefore, compared with the Alpha variant, the Beta
the Alpha variant.133 variant has poor transmissibility, but a very strong immune escape
In general, the Del69/70, N501Y, D614G, and P681H of the Alpha ability and can reduce the neutralization efficacy of WHO-
variant were helpful to improve the infection, which can explain the approved vaccines by more than 10 times.
high reproduction number of about 3.5–5.2 ( How- Gamma. P.1 was first detected in Brazil in November 2020 and
ever, Del144 and N501Y affected the neutralization of antibodies, caused the second wave of the epidemic in this country, causing
the vaccines approved by WHO showed strong neutralization ability more than 76% infection of the population,142 and the average
to VOC Alpha, shown in Table 3. number of daily-confirmed COVID-19 patients in Manaus increased by
180 from January 1 to 19, which was about 30 times of the average
Beta. B.1.351 (also known as 501Y.V2) was first detected in South increased cases in December. On January 11, 2021, P.1 was
Africa in May 2020 and firstly appeared after the first epidemic designated as VOC by WHO and labeled Gamma.
wave in Nelson Mandela Bay. This variant had different There were 12 mutations in the S protein of Gamma variant: L18F
characteristics from the dominant variants B.1.154, B.1.1.56, and (found in 97.9% reported P.1 strains), T20N (97.9%), P26S (97.6%),
C.1 in the first wave of pandemic134 and had spread rapidly in D138Y (95.5%), R190S (93.6%), K417T (95.5%), E484K (95.2%), N501Y
Eastern Cape, Western Cape, and KwaZulu-Natal provinces in just (95.3%), D614G (99%), H655Y (98.5%), T1027I (97.2%), V1176F (98.1%)
a few weeks, causing the second wave of epidemic in South Africa ( Since most of the mutations of interest like
(October 2020).135 On December 18, 2020, B.1.351 was designated K417T, E484K, N501Y, and D614G have been introduced in the Alpha
as VOC by WHO and named Beta ( and Beta variants mentioned above, they will not be repeated here.
activities/tracking-SARS-CoV-2-variants/). Similar to the Alpha Among these mutations, L18F, K417T, E484K, and N501Y help to
variant, B.1.351 lineage also included three subtypes 501Y.V2-1/- enhance the immune escape ability, while K417T, N501Y, and D614G
2/-3, and 501.Y.V2-1 occupied mainstream, then the 501Y.V2-2 can enhance the viral infection. Therefore, VOC Gamma showed a
with additional mutations of amino acid site 18 and 417 appeared, similar immune escape ability to VOC Beta, but less than the Beta
and finally Del241/243 mutation occurred in 501Y.V2-3.136 Among variant, which may be caused by mutations outside the RBD
all detected sequences of VOC Beta, 89.6 and 93% had K417N and region,143 the infectivity of both Beta and Gamma variants were less
Del241/243 mutations, indicating that 501Y.V2-3 was the domi- than the Alpha variant (
nant subgroup of VOC Beta ( intelligence-unit/sars-cov-2-variants).

Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy (2022)7:146

Table 3. Efficacy of COVID-19 vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 VOCs

SARS-CoV-2 Transmissibility Virulence and Efficacy of COVID-19 vaccine

variant of (compared with reinfection*
concern (VOC) wild type)* BBIBP-CorV CoronaVac AZD1222 Ad26.COV-2-S NVX-CoV2373 mRNA-1273 BNT162b2

B.1.1.7 (Alpha) 3.5–5.2 Increased risk of Unknown Unknown 70.4%261 70.2%262 85.6%262 1.2-fold decrease 89.5%264
hospitalization, of neutralizing
possible increased antibody titers263
risk of mortality.
attack rate.
B.1.351 (Beta) 5.2 Possible increased Two-dose: 5.47- Unknown 83%265 51.9%262 60%266 6.4-fold decrease 75%264
risk of severe fold decrease of of neutralizing
disease and in- plasma antibody titers263
hospital mortality. neutralization titers
compared to
against prototype.
booster: 10.02-fold
booster: 32.16-fold
Li et al.
COVID-19 vaccine development: milestones, lessons and prospects

P.1 (Gamma) Increasing Possible increased Unknown 50%267 48%268 36.5%262 Unknown 3.5-fold decrease 88%268
hospitalization and of neutralizing
severe disease. antibody titers263
attack rate.

B.1.617.2 (Delta) 3.2–8 Increased risk of Two-dose: 1.47- Showed good 67.0%.269 Ad26.COV-2-S Under Two-dose: Two-dose:
emergency care fold decrease of results.267 /mRNA-1273 investigation 95%268 87–95%268
and plasma heterologous Homologous Homologous
hospitalization. neutralization titers booster: 16-fold booster:threefold booster:ninefold
Increased compared to increase.110 increase.110 increase.110
secondary against prototype.
attack rate. Homologous
booster: 10.07-fold
booster: 17.65-fold

Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy (2022)7:146

COVID-19 vaccine development: milestones, lessons and prospects
Li et al.
Delta. B.1.617.2 was first detected in Maharashtra, India, in

1273 heterologous
booster: 67 .2% at


2–4 weeks, 64.4%

booster: 73.9% at

at 6–9 weeks.270
October 2020 and spread rapidly in a few months due to the

45.7% at 10 or
2 to 4 weeks,
relaxation of prevention and control measures for COVID-19,

more weeks.
causing the death of more than 400,000 people.107 On May 11,

Two-dose: 2021, this variant was designated as VOC by WHO and labeled Delta
VOC Delta was a worldwide circulating VOC after VOC Alpha and

booster: 70.1% at
was detected by at least 169 countries (
Two-dose: GMNT
decrease of 43-

There were ten mutations in the S protein of Delta variant: T19R

fold than wild

6–9 weeks.270
2 to 4 weeks,
NVX-CoV2373 mRNA-1273

(found in 98.3% reported delta strains), T95I (38.3%), G142D (66.1%),

60.9% at E156G (92.1%), Del157/158 (92.2%), L452R (96.9%), T478K (97.2%),

D614G (99.3%), P681R (99.2%), D950N (95.3%) (

info). G142D and E156G are located in the N3 loop, which NTD
antibodies could target,129 thus may affect the neutralization

activity of NTD antibodies. The Del157/158 map to the same surface

as the Del144 in the Alpha variant and the Del241/243 in the Beta
variant, respectively, which may affect the neutralization of

antibodies.138 In addition, both L452R and T478K are located in

immune epitopes targeted by group A-B antibodies, enhancing the
immune escape ability of Delta variant,129,138,144 and L452R is
vaccinator: GMNT

booster: fourfold

related to a higher infectivity.145 The P681R mutation enhanced the

decrease of 17-



infectivity of the virus and further improved the fitness compared

Two-dose in


with P681H,138 which explained the higher infectivity of VOC Delta

wild type.
fold than

than VOC Alpha.

Although the mutations like L452R, T478K have not been
reported in previous VOC Alpha, Beta, and Gamma, these mutations
gave VOC Delta a stronger transmission ability (with a reproduction
2–4 weeks, 39.6%
booster: 62.4% at

number of 3.2–8, mean of 5) and immune escape ability than VOC

at 10 or more
Two-dose: no


Alpha, which made Delta variant quickly become a dominant variant


and reduce the efficacy of approved vaccines (


Omicron. In November 2021, B.1.1.529 appeared in many

countries. Since the S protein of this variant contains more than
to two-dose mRNA
increase compared

30 mutation sites, and many of them coincide with the S protein

booster: 1.4-fold

mutations of previous VOCs, B.1.1.529 was designated as VOC by

Two-dose: no


WHO on 26 November 2021 and labeled Omicron (


Efficacy of COVID-19 vaccine Although the

Omicron variant has more mutations, the severity of the Omicron
infected patient was less than Delta. After infection with the
Omicron variant, hamsters did not have progressive weight loss
neutralization titers
against prototype.

booster: 9.54-fold

booster: 5.86-fold

similar to that after infection with Alpha/Beta/Delta, and the

fold decrease of
Two-dose: 1.21-

number of virus copies in the lungs was lower,146 indicating that

compared to



Omicron has less effect on the lower respiratory tract. By



evaluating Omicron infection on different cells, Thomas P.


Peacock et al. found that the infection degree of Omicron on

Calu-3 (a lung cell line, whoseTMPRSS2 expression is normal, but
lack of CTSL expression, hindering the nuclear endosome pathway
hospitalization and

of virus entry) is weaker than Delta, indicating that Omicron entry

Decreases risk of

death compared

is more dependent on the nuclear endosome mediated endocy-

Virulence and

tosis pathway147 rather than the membrane fusion pathway


attack rate.

involved in TMPRSS2, and TMPRSS2 is mainly distributed in

to Delta.

human lung epithelial cells. Therefore, Omicron has less infectivity

to the lungs and causes mild symptoms, mainly causing upper
respiratory tract infection.
The S protein of the Omicron variant contains 31 mutations:
(compared with

A67V, Del69/70, T95I, G142D, Del143/145, N211I, Del212-212,

G339D, S371L, S373P, S375F, K417N, S477N, T478K, E484A, Q493R,
wild type)*

G496S, Q498R, N501Y, Y505H, T547K, D614G, H655Y, N679K,


P681H, N764K, D796Y, N856K, Q954H, N969K, and L981F (since

the proportion of mutations is constantly changing, it is not
Table 3. continued

shown here) ( Cao Y and colleagues system-

atically analyzed the effect of these mutations on immune escape.
concern (VOC)

Among them, 477/493/496/498/501/505 mutations affected the



neutralization activity of group A antibodies, 477/478/484

variant of


mutations affected the neutralization activity of group B

antibodies, while the neutralizing activity of group C/D/E
antibodies was affected by 484, 440/446, and 346/440 mutations,

Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy (2022)7:146

COVID-19 vaccine development: milestones, lessons and prospects
Li et al.
respectively, Group F antibodies are disturbed by 373/375 Viral vector vaccine. As of March 28, 2022, two replicating viral
mutations.94,129 However, group E and F antibodies showed vector platform vaccines and eight non-replicating viral vector
effective neutralization of the Omicron variant among these platform vaccines have been tested in Phase II/III and Phase IV
antibodies. These two groups of antibodies were rarely used in clinical trials. The Gam-COVID-Vac aroused many concerns owing
the clinic and formed lower immune pressure on the virus, to its effectiveness of 91.6%.152 A Phase III trial was conducted in
reducing the viral mutation of these antibodies and maintaining Moscow on September 7, 2020 (NCT04530396). 21,977 adults were
the binding of antibodies to corresponding epitopes. randomly assigned to the vaccine and placebo groups in this trial.
Although the Del69/70, K417N, N501Y, D614G, and P681H The vaccine group received 0.5 mL Gam-COVID-Vac. Only 0.1% of
mutations can enhance the viral infection (with a reproduction recipients were infected with SARS-CoV-2, while the percentage of
number of 2.6–4.0) and Del143/145, K417N, T478K, E484A, and the placebo group was 1.3%. No severe adverse events related to
N501Y are related to the immune escape, the infection of the vaccine were reported.
Omicron variant has less impact on the lung and is unlikely to
cause serious diseases compared with VOC Delta. In addition, Protein subunit vaccine. As of March 28, 2022, 22 candidate
many vaccines serum almost lost the neutralization effect on protein subunit vaccines were in Phase II/III and Phase IV clinical
the Omicron variant, indicating that new strategies (such as trials. The CpG 1018/Alum-adjuvanted SCB-2019 vaccine was
booster vaccination, sequential vaccination, and the develop- developed by Clover Biopharmaceuticals Inc. and Dynavax. A
ment of new platforms such as nanoparticle vaccine) should be Phase III clinical trial (NCT05012787), beginning on August 19,
considered. 2021, was conducted to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity
Pajon et al. and Nemet et al. evaluated the enhanced of the investigational SCB-2019 in adult participants with stable
protection of the third dose of mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 chronic inflammatory immune-mediated diseases (IMDs) (https://
against the Omicron variant, respectively. 148,149 Although a Moreover, an RBD-
booster dose can enhance the response of memory cells and based subunit vaccine developed by the West China Hospital,
increase the antibody titers to produce stronger neutralization Sichuan University, and WestVac Biopharma Co., Ltd, showed
activity of 20 to100-fold, the enhanced immune response is still strong induction of potent functional antibodies, as well as CD4+
limited. An Israeli study showed that the fourth dose of the T-cell responses in the preclinical trial,60 and the phase III clinical
BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 vaccine still could not prevent trial (NCT04887207) of this vaccine, has been completed (https://
Omicron infection ( In addition,
Wang J and colleagues evaluated the protection of the fourth
BBIBP-CorV against the Omicron variant. Although the addi- DNA and mRNA vaccines. As of March 28, 2022, nine RNA and
tional inoculation successfully recalled memory cell response in four DNA vaccines have undergone Phase II/III and Phase IV
the 6th month after the third dose, the production of clinical trials. An mRNA vaccine called mRNA ARCoV, developed by
antibodies targeting the RBD region was suppressed due to the Academy of Military Science, Walvax Biotechnology, and
the enhanced immune pressure and decreased peak level150 Suzhou Abogen Biosciences was conducted for a Phase III clinical
The suppression of RBD-targeted antibodies may induce the trial of 28,000 subjects (NCT04847102). The subjects were
change of immune epitopes, and a vaccine inducing diverse inoculated with a vaccine or placebo in a 1:1 ratio with an
epitopes antibodies (like a polyvalent vaccine) may decrease interval of 28 days between two injections. It was reported that
the immune pressure on certain epitopes and maintain the expected efficacy and good safety had been achieved. The effects
efficacy on different VOCs. of cross-injection will be assessed, including an immunogenic
SCTV01E is a protein subunit vaccine under development that uses subgroup and a reactive subgroup, to evaluate the humoral
the S trimer of Alpha/ Beta/ Delta/ Omicron variants, and two clinical immunity induced by the vaccine (
trials evaluating the safety and immunogenicity of SCTV01E are on show/NCT04847102).
the way (NCT05239806 and NCT05238441) (
In addition to the polyvalent vaccine, the mRNA vaccine used the
VOC Beta sequence also showed better protection against Omicron in SAFETY OF VACCINES
the hamster model than existing vaccines.151 Vaccine-induced complications
Although the currently approved COVID-19 vaccines were safe in
Relevant data of COVID-19 vaccines not yet approved by the WHO clinical trials, the resulting adverse reactions are numerous,
According to the WHO data, as of March 28, 2022, 196 candidate including fever, headache, fatigue, injection site pain, and
vaccines are in the preclinical stage, and 153 candidate vaccines nausea.3,153 As the vaccination campaign progressed, complica-
based on different vaccine platforms have been approved for tions occurred in some subjects, and several patients died of
clinical trials. Here, we present some data for each type of vaccine cardiovascular diseases, such as arteriosclerosis. Furthermore,
that the WHO has not approved. cardiac arrest occurred in Phase III clinical trials of the mRNA-
1273 and BNT162b2 vaccines.114,118 The possible complications
Inactivated vaccines. As of March 28, 2022, 12 inactivated virus induced by COVID-19 vaccines mainly include the following
vaccines underwent Phase II/III and Phase IV clinical trials. Of these categories: (1) coagulation dysfunction, such as thrombocytope-
Phase III clinical trials, the QazCovid-in®-COVID-19 inactivated nia;52,154 (2) heart diseases, such as myocarditis;74,75 (3) immune
vaccine developed by the Research Institute for Biological Safety diseases, such as allergic reactions,155 autoimmune hepatitis,156
Problems, Republic of Kazakhstan, showed superiority in many and autoimmune thyroid diseases;157 (4) nervous system diseases,
aspects, including good immunogenicity and high seroconversion such as facial paralysis158,159 and functional neurological dis-
( orders;153 (5) lymphatic system diseases;160 and (6) other diseases,
such as Rowell’s syndrome,161 macular rash,162 and chilblain-like
Live attenuated vaccine. As of March 28, 2022, only one live lesions163 (Fig. 8). Although the incidence of these complications is
attenuated vaccine-COVI-VAC has entered a Phase III clinical trial low, the relationship between vaccines and these diseases needs
(ISRCTN15779782). The vaccine was developed by the Codagenix to be explored. Here, we describe related COVID-19 vaccine
and Serum Institute of India. The study starts in August 2021 and complications and analyze the factors.
runs until September 2023 to objectively evaluate the benefit and
risk of COVI-VAC as a candidate vaccine, and relevant data have Blood coagulation dysfunction. Greinacher et al. and Lee et al.
not been released ( reported thrombocytopenia in an adenovirus vector vaccine and

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Fig. 8 A summary of some possible complications induced by COVID-19 vaccines. The possible complications induced by COVID-19 vaccines
mainly include the following categories: (1) coagulation dysfunction, such as thrombocytopenia; (2) heart diseases, such as myocarditis; (3)
immune diseases, such as allergic reactions, autoimmune hepatitis, and autoimmune thyroid diseases; (4) nervous system diseases, such as
facial paralysis and functional neurological disorders; (5) lymphatic system diseases; and (6) other diseases, such as Rowell’s syndrome, macular
rash, and chilblain-like lesions

mRNA vaccine recipients.154,164 A large number of platelet factor 4 released coagulation factors, finally forming fibrin and forming
(PF4) antibodies were presented in the patients, and the antibody extensive micro thrombosis. In this process, the over-consumed
heparin PF4 complex acted on platelet FC γ receptors, activating platelets and coagulation factors lead to the reduction of
platelets and further producing procoagulant substances.154 coagulation activity, further imbalance of coagulation and antic-
Adenoviruses can bind to platelets and activate them.165,166 oagulation, secondary hyperfibrinolysis, and the release of a large
However, trace adenoviruses in vaccines injected one or two number of plasminogen activators, eventually leaded to dissemi-
weeks before onset seem unlikely to cause platelet activation. nated intravascular coagulation (DIC), which appeared in most
Further analysis of PF4 structure revealed that PF4 antibodies from COVID-19 patients.154,169,170 Compared with COVID-19 patients,
vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia patients induced fewer mRNA vaccine subjects reported DIC, which may be due to
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia by binding eight surface the lower amount of S protein produced after vaccination than
amino acids on PF4.51 One study counted the cases of thrombosis natural infection, and the inflammation is also lower.
sequelae voluntarily reported after vaccination, of which at least Relevant indexes (e.g., measuring prothrombin time, platelet
169 cases of possible cerebral venous thrombosis and 53 cases of count, and D-dimer concentrations of the receptors) should be
possible visceral venous thrombosis were reported among 34 tested within 2–3 days after vaccination to prevent the platelet
million individuals vaccinated with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine, abnormalities caused by COVID-19 vaccination.169 For patients
and 35 cases of central nervous system thrombosis among 54 with abnormal index, preventive treatment (usually heparin or low
million individuals vaccinated with BioNTech mRNA vaccine. molecular weight heparin transfusion, the latter is safer) should be
Among the 4 million subjects receiving the Moderna mRNA taken as soon as possible.169 In addition, degranulation inhibitors
vaccine, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis may have developed in may also be a feasible means to inhibit the inflammatory response
five cases. Among the more than 7 million subjects receiving and prevent lung injury and platelet abnormalities.168
Ad26.COV-2-S vaccine, cerebral venous thrombosis may have
developed in six cases.52 Although the relevant pathogenesis is Heart diseases. Myocarditis is a rare cardiac complication after
unclear, a possible trigger factor for these PF4 antibodies is free COVID-19 vaccine injection.74,75 Rosner et al. reported seven
RNA or DNA in the vaccine.167 patients hospitalized for acute cardiomyoid disease after vaccina-
Moreover, platelet activation may also relate to the injury and tion with Pfizer-BioNTech/AstraZeneca (n = 6) and Janssen (n = 1)
inflammation induced by mast cell (MC) degranulation. Wu ML vaccines. Larson et al. reported eight patients hospitalized for
et al. found that SARS-CoV-2 can induce degranulation of MCs chest pain within 2–4 days of vaccination with the BNT162b2 or
located in the mucosa, and a rapid MC degranulation could be mRNA-1273 vaccine. The laboratory diagnostic cardiac magnetic
recapitulated through the binding of RBD to ACE2, resulting in resonance imaging analysis revealed that these patients have
supra-alveolar dermatitis and lung injury.168 In addition, in the myocarditis. All the subjects had left ventricular ejection dysfunc-
case of inflammation induction and lung epithelial injury, many tion. The median ejection blood percentage was 48–59%.74,75
plasminogen activators may be released.169 Thus, the increased These two studies showed a significant temporal correlation
D-dimer (one of the products formed when plasminase degrades between mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines (including viral vector
fibrine) concentration was observed in many COVID-19 patients, and mRNA vaccines) and myocarditis. Such systemic adverse
with a decreased level of platelets.169 These pathological events usually occur within 48 h after the second dose.114,118
characteristics of patients were very similar to the thrombotic There may be two potential mechanisms for COVID-19 mRNA
thrombocytopenia caused by the COVID-19 vaccination. Com- vaccines causing heart diseases, such as myocarditis. The first is
bined with the above studies, this mechanism may be explained the nonspecific innate inflammatory responses induced by mRNA.
as follows: after the SARS-CoV-2 infection or mRNA vaccine The second is the interaction of the S protein produced by mRNA
vaccination, S protein stimulated lung epithelial cells and induced after the translation within the heart or blood vessels, resulting in
MC degranulation, increasing the level of inflammatory mediators. cardiovascular injury.171 Since protein subunit vaccines like
These mediators increased the destructive effect of monocyte ZF2001 and NVX-CoV2373 have not been used widely, and the
macrophages on erythrocytes and led to abnormal platelet levels. relevant data are still unreleased, it is not easy to judge whether
In addition, the injury of epithelial cells activated platelets and the S protein causes myocarditis.

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Immune diseases. Immune diseases caused by the injection of unilateral facial paralysis.159 This type of nerve paralysis is typically
the COVID-19 vaccine mainly include allergic reactions and temporary. Most patients recover within 6–9 months without drug
autoimmune diseases that include autoimmune hepatitis and or steroid treatment,179 but a few patients may have facial
autoimmune thyroid diseases.155–157 dysfunction. Facial paralysis may occur after vaccination, such as
the influenza vaccine, caused by viral reinfection.180 In a clinical
Allergic reactions: From December 14 to 23, 2020, 175 of the first trial of the COVID-19 mRNA-1273 vaccine, three of 15,210 subjects
batch of 1,893,360 individuals vaccinated with BNT162b2 developed developed facial paralysis.114,118 Wan et al. used the reporting
severe allergic reactions within 24 h. These cases were submitted to systems of medical institutions to evaluate the proportions of
the vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS).155 Finally, 21 facial paralysis within 42 days after vaccination with BNT162b2
cases were identified as allergic reactions based on the Brighton and CoronaVac vaccines and found that they were 66.9
Collaboration definition criteria.155,172,173 Between December 21, 2020, cases/100,000 individuals/year in CoronaVac recipients and 42.8
and January 10, 2021, ten of the 4,041,396 subjects vaccinated with cases/100,000 individuals/year in BNT162b2 recipients, respec-
the first batch of mRNA-1273 vaccine were identified as allergic tively. A higher proportion of facial paralysis occurred in
reactions.155,173 Risma et al. analyzed the causes of allergic reactions inactivated vaccine recipients,159 indicating that this complication
induced by the COVID-19 vaccine. The reasons included nucleic acid may be related to the vaccine adjuvant as the inactivated vaccine
of COVID-19 vaccine activated contact system; complement system is unlikely to cause virus reinfection and does not contain active
that was directly activated by the nano lipid plasmid (LNP) vector of viral nucleic acid. Renoud et al. conducted a disproportionate data
the vaccine, resulting in complement-related pseudoanaphylaxis;174 analysis based on the WHO pharmacovigilance database and
pre-existing antibodies to polyethylene glycol (PEG) that induced found that 844 cases among 133,883 mRNA vaccination cases had
allergic reactions;175 and direct activation of mast cells leads to facial paralysis-related events.181 Although the COVID-19 vaccine
degranulation. Allergic reaction mainly includes classical pathway and may cause acute peripheral facial paralysis, the beneficial and
non-classical pathway. The classical pathway is activated by mast cells protective effects outweigh the risk of this generally self-limiting
and cross-linked IgE,176 which PEG IgE antibodies may activate in the adverse event. Adverse event monitoring and controlling should
inoculant. Non-classical pathways mainly involve complement be improved and strengthened to ensure a timely treatment in
antibody-dependent activation of mast cell activation.177 To further case of complications.
understand the causes of allergic reactions to the mRNA vaccine,
Troelnikov et al. evaluated the ability of PEG, polysorbate 80, Functional neurological disorder (FND): FND is a nervous system
BNT162b2 vaccine, and AZD1222 vaccine to activate basophils and disease that can produce neurological symptoms caused by
mast cells in patients with a previous allergic history of PEG. The biological, psychological, or environmental factors.153 The predis-
authors clarified that PEG covalently modified on vaccine LNP carriers posing factors for FND include head injury, surgery, and
was a potential factor that triggered allergic reactions.178 For the vaccination. Currently, at least one vaccinated individual has been
allergic reaction caused by mRNA vaccines, molecules with better diagnosed with FND. Kim et al.153 described the potential
biocompatibility and lower immunogenicity should be considered relationship between FND and COVID-19 vaccination. Vaccine
vaccine carriers to reduce the rate of hypersensitivity reactions. components are unlikely to be the main cause of FND because
FND also occurs after normal saline injection.
Autoimmune diseases: Vaccination can trigger a series of Moreover, adverse events, such as local pain at the injection site
immune reactions and the production of neutralizing antibodies or systemic muscle pain, may occur after vaccination, which may
against antigens. An excessively strong immune response may increase the sensitivity of the patient’s nerves. The reason for FND
simultaneously produce antibodies targeting normal organs or attacks caused by COVID-19 vaccines has not been determined.
tissues, leading to autoimmune diseases like hepatitis and Close attention should be paid to the adverse events of
autoimmune thyroid diseases. vaccinated individuals. Improving the reporting of such events,
Lodato et al.156 reported that two days after the second dose of the public’s confidence in the government and medical institu-
the BNT162b1 vaccine, a 43-year-old woman developed jaundice. tions will greatly reduce recipients’ psychological and mental
A liver biopsy revealed moderate portal inflammatory infiltration, pressure, reducing the incidence of FND.
accompanied by bile duct injury and hepatic lobular punctate
necrosis. After eight weeks of corticosteroid treatment, the clinical Lymphatic diseases. Injection of the COVID-19 vaccine may lead
indices of the liver returned to normal. Given the beneficial effect to inhibition of thyroid function. Since the time window from
of steroid treatment and the overall period from vaccination to vaccination to the disease is consistent with the immune process,
onset consistent with the progress of the immune response, the such adverse reactions are classified as immune diseases, namely
patient was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis. Furthermore, autoimmune diseases. In addition, lymphatic diseases, such as
the causal relationship between vaccine injection and autoim- abnormal lymph nodes,160 may also occur after receiving the
mune hepatitis has not yet been fully determined. COVID-19 vaccine. For example, three days after receiving the first
In addition to autoimmune hepatitis, cases of immune dose of the AZD1222 vaccine, eosinophils were detected in the
hypothyroidism caused by vaccination have been reported. Two left axillary lymph nodes of a 75-year-old male using [18 F] Choline
female medical staff members showed increased thyroid hormone positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT),
secretion and elevated thyroid antibody levels three days after demonstrating the mild uptake ability of choline. The choline
receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, indicating inhibited thyroid uptake occurred in his left arm 3 days after AZD1222 vaccination,
functions.157 indicating the AZD1222 vaccine-induced abnormal lymph node
The relationship between autoimmune diseases and COVID-19 exists. Eifer et al. also described that a 72-year-old woman
vaccines has not been clarified. However, the above cases vaccinated with BNT162b2 subsequently displayed the same
emphasize the importance of regular follow-up and close phenomenon of increased choline uptake by lymph nodes.182 The
observation of the physical condition of vaccines. While vaccina- vaccine recipients had tumors resected or treated by other means
tion is an effective weapon in ending the COVID-19 epidemic, in both cases. [18 F] Choline PET/CT is an effective method to
immune-related complications need to be considered. determine the location of tumor infiltration and the prognosis of
tumor patients. Therefore, close follow-up of patients with tumors
Nervous system diseases inoculated with the COVID-19 vaccine should be prudent to avoid
Facial paralysis: Bell’s palsy, also known as acute peripheral facial incorrect interpretation of the imaging results and incorrect
paralysis of unknown cause, is usually characterized by sudden diagnoses of diseases.

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Other diseases. In addition to the diseases mentioned above, some immunity and the production of potent antibodies.186 Additionally,
COVID-19 vaccines recipients may also have skin diseases, including CLL was observed in another 41-year-old female vaccinee, accom-
Rowell syndrome,161 macula,162 and chilblain-like lesions.163 panied by severe pain.187 Although the reasons for CLL in the above
Gambichler T et al.161 found that a 74-year-old woman developed cases have not been clarified, the occurrence of CLL after the COVID-
a severe rash one day after receiving the BNT162b2 vaccine. Clinical 19 mRNA vaccine proves the correlation of CLL with the vaccina-
examinations showed that the patient had red cohesive spots and tion.186
papules on the trunk and limbs but no mucosal infiltration. The In conclusion, although COVID-19 vaccination may be associated
patient was diagnosed with Rowell’s syndrome (RS), a relatively rare with diseases such as thrombosis, myocarditis, and allergy, the
disease characterized by lupus erythematosus with pleomorphic proportion of adverse events is low, and vaccination is still an
erythematosus lesions and immunological manifestations through effective means to control and block the epidemic.
further skin biopsy.183 Subsequently, the patient received steroid
treatment, and the symptoms were relieved. In this case, the Effect of COVID-19 vaccination in different populations
BNT162b2 vaccine was considered a possible cause of RS, but the COVID-19 vaccine mainly functions by inducing neutralizing
patient took pantoprazole for a long-time treatment of chronic antibodies and memory cells. However, for patients with innate
gastrointestinal ulcers. Combining this drug and the COVID-19 immune diseases, such as autoimmune rheumatism and a history
vaccine may lead to the onset of RS. Some studies have pointed out of allergies or tumors, COVID-19 vaccination may cause adverse
that omeprazole, a proton pump inhibitor, may cause RS.184 events. In addition, elderly and pregnant women are also of
Therefore, special vaccination groups, especially the elderly or concern. Compared to adults, vaccine immunization of the elderly
patients with underlying diseases, should be paid attention to their may not achieve the desired protective effect due to their
post-vaccination status, and corresponding treatment should be weakened immune system functions.188–190 For pregnant women,
given in time. the COVID-19 vaccine may cause adverse events, such as abortion,
Jedlowski P et al.185 have reported a measles-like rash and papules premature birth, or fetal malformation.191,192 Here, we summarize
caused by the BNT162b2 vaccine. After the first dose of the vaccine, a the effects of vaccination in different populations (Fig. 9).
30-year-old male had adverse reactions such as fever and pain at the
injection site, followed by a measles-like rash. After the second dose Pregnant women. Previous studies have shown that complica-
of the vaccine, he had a recurrent measles-like rash and flesh-colored tions including lung injury, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases
papules, which had subsided after corticosteroid treatment. Similarly, in pregnant women after SARS-CoV-2 infection are higher than
a 55-year-old man suffered pain and pruritus erythema at the that in non-pregnant women.193 However, adverse events, such as
injection site after the first dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine, abortion or fetal malformation, may occur after COVID-19
accompanied by impaired liver function.162 Subsequently, the vaccination,191,192 which have raised concerns. Shimabukuro
patient’s symptoms were significantly improved after corticosteroid et al.192 evaluated the effects of COVID-19 vaccination on
therapy. pregnant women and fetuses using the V-safe monitoring and
Piccolo et al. noted that a 41-year-old woman had chilblain-like VERS systems. The results indicated that adverse reactions were
lesions (CLL) on her fingers and was accompanied by severe pain higher in pregnant women than in non-pregnant women. The
after receiving the second dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine.163 This most significant adverse event was pain at the injection site. After
symptom is most likely related to the strong activation of innate mRNA vaccination, pregnancy loss occurred in 13.9% of the

Fig. 9 Effect of vaccination in different populations. COVID-19 vaccines are still effective for pregnant women, patients with autoimmune
diseases, and controlled HIV-infected patients, and the overall efficacy can maintain about 80–90%, while the 30% neutralization reduction
occurs in older people. Moreover, the overall neutralizing activity of COVID-19 vaccines in solid organ transplant recipients, cancer patients,
and uncontrolled AIDS patients is significantly reduced

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pregnant women, 86.1% had a normal pregnancy, and 9.4% had a relatively scarce, and complete immunization has not been
premature delivery. Although pregnancy loss and premature birth achieved in most countries. Shrotri et al.196 conducted a
could occur, both are low-probability cases, and the benefits of prospective cohort study to systematically analyze the protective
vaccination far outweigh the risks. In addition, the proportion of effect of a single dose of AZD1222 or BNT162b2 vaccine in
local or systemic adverse reactions in elderly non-pregnant individuals aged ≥ 65. After the first dose of the vaccine, evident
women was similar to that in pregnant women,191 indicating that protection for the elderly lasted for at least 4 weeks, and SARS-
physiological changes during pregnancy did not significantly CoV-2 transmission was reduced to a certain extent. Another study
impact the occurrence of adverse events. showed that a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine could reduce
Two other studies analyzed the immunogenicity of COVID-19 in the risk of hospitalization in elderly patients infected with SARS-
pregnant women and fetuses, and COVID-19 vaccines overall are CoV-2.197
approximately 90% effective for the vaccinated women.194,195 R The collective findings support the view that the elderly should
Collier et al. analyzed the immune condition of pregnant or be actively vaccinated against COVID-19. If two doses of vaccine
lactating women and fetuses after COVID-19 vaccination.194 Both cannot be administered, they should be vaccinated with a single
pregnant and lactating women could produce binding, neutraliz- dose. The COVID-19 vaccine can reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2
ing, and functional non-neutralizing antibodies, accompanied by transmission to a certain extent, decrease the risk of hospitaliza-
CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses. More importantly, binding and tion, and promote the safety of the elderly.
neutralizing antibodies were also detected in infant umbilical cord
blood and breast milk. These results show that vaccinated Organ transplant recipients. To reduce the immune system’s
pregnant women experience a personal protective effect and recognition and attack, patients with solid organ (e.g., kidney and
produce antibodies that can be delivered to the fetus through the heart) transplantation require long-term immunosuppressants,
umbilical cord or breast milk to provide immune protection. such as tacrolimus, corticosteroids, and mycophenolate organs.198
Furthermore, a multicenter study conducted in Israel also Although immunosuppressive drugs can maintain transplanted
showed that after vaccination with the BNT162b2 vaccine, IgG organs, they may also affect the body’s antiviral immunity, making
antibodies could be produced in the mother. These antibodies can solid organ transplant patients more susceptible to SARS-CoV-2
pass through the fetal barrier, and newborns can detect antibody infection and increased mortality risk.198
reactions.195 These two studies showed that after the COVID-19 Effective immunization of this population is necessary to reduce
vaccination, the antibodies in pregnant women could be the infection and death caused by SARS-CoV-2. Several studies
transferred into the fetus through efficient mother-to-child have reported that the efficiency of COVID-19 vaccines in solid
transmission, effectively protecting the fetus. organ transplant patients after single-dose/two-dose vaccination
Although pregnant women are more likely to experience and enhanced immunization (third dose) was only 20–50%.199–201
adverse events after vaccination than non-pregnant women, this Boyarsky et al. evaluated the effect of a single dose of BNT162b2
proportion is still limited. Within the ideal range, the COVID-19 or mRNA-1273 vaccine in organ transplant patients.199 Only 76
vaccine can simultaneously protect mothers and infants, reducing (17%) of the 436 subjects elicited neutralizing antibodies, and the
the probability of fetal infection with SARS-CoV-2 after birth to a titer of these antibodies in elderly patients was lower than that in
certain extent. Therefore, pregnant women should be voluntarily young individuals. Individuals vaccinated with mRNA-1273 pro-
vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine. Meanwhile, government duced higher levels of antibodies. These results showed that a
and medical institutions should further improve the health single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine could not effectively prevent
monitoring of pregnant women in the trial to ensure the safety SARS-CoV-2 infection in organ transplant patients. Subsequently,
of pregnant women and fetuses. this group analyzed two vaccine doses in 658 organ transplant
patients.200 15% of the subjects produced neutralizing antibodies
Elderly individuals. Several studies have analyzed the related after the first dose of vaccine, whereas 54% after the second dose,
immunization levels in the elderly (> 80 years of age) after the indicating that complete vaccination should be fully deployed for
COVID-19 vaccination. About 70% protection suggested that at organ transplant patients and that these individuals should be
least two vaccination doses should be given to these people.189,190 closely monitored after vaccination to prevent SARS-CoV-2
Lisa et al.190 compared the production of serum neutralizing infection. Another study carried out by Benotmane I et al. showed
antibodies between elderly (>80 years old) and young (<60 years that after the third dose of the mRNA-1273 vaccine, neutralizing
old) vaccine recipients after vaccination with BNT162b2. The IgG antibodies were detected in the serum of 49% of renal transplant
antibody titer of the elderly subjects was generally lower than that patients.201 However, some patients still did not produce
of the young subjects. Although the antibody levels increased neutralizing antibodies, especially those receiving triple immuno-
after secondary immunization, 31.3% of the elderly did not suppressive therapy with tacrolimus, corticosteroids, and myco-
produce SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies, while the antibodies phenolate mofetil after vaccination. In addition to the mRNA
were not detected in only 2.2% of the young subjects after the vaccine, the protective effect of an inactivated vaccine—the
second dose. Because virus variants, especially variants of concern CoronaVac vaccine on organ transplant patients was also
(VOC), have stronger infectivity or immune escape ability and are evaluated 31 days after two doses.198 Sixteen of the 85 renal
prevalent globally. Collier et al.189 evaluated the effect of serum transplant patients had neutralizing antibody reactions.
neutralizing antibodies in elderly individuals on VOC strains Alpha, Furthermore, this result may be related to some participants’
Beta, and Gamma after two doses of the BNT162b2 vaccine. small sample size and impaired renal function. Monitoring
Neutralizing antibodies against the VOC strain were detected in all neutralizing antibody levels in organ transplant patients should
age groups. Therefore, the COVID-19 vaccination can still protect be strengthened, and a booster shot should be administered in
the elderly. However, compared with young vaccinated indivi- time. Mazzola et al.202 assessed antibody levels in other organ
duals, the CD4+ T-cell response of elderly participants was poor transplant patients after two doses of the BNT162b2 vaccine. In
and manifested as low levels of IFN-γ and IL-2. Consequently, liver, kidney, and heart transplant patients, serum conversion rates
government and medical institutions should conduct long-term were 37.5, 16.6, and 34.8%, respectively. The lower neutralization
monitoring of the elderly population and timely deliver “booster level in kidney transplant patients was consistent with the study
shot” vaccination or increase the vaccine dosage to maintain by Sadioğlu et al.198
immune efficacy. The collective findings support the view that for solid organ
Although the COVID-19 vaccine is an effective method to transplant patients who take immunosuppressants, timely vacci-
control the pandemic, the current global vaccine resources are still nation is important, and clinicians should closely monitor their

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COVID-19 vaccine development: milestones, lessons and prospects
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appropriate antibody levels. Based on the actual situation of this The results indicate that for HIV patients receiving ART, COVID-19
population, immunosuppressive programs and vaccination coun- vaccination can produce an immune response similar to HIV-
termeasures should be formulated to reduce SARS-CoV-2 negative individuals. In contrast, for HIV patients whose condition
infection rates. is not effectively controlled, especially those with progressive
AIDS, two doses of the vaccine may not prevent breakthrough
Cancer patients. Besides organ transplant patients, cancer infection.209
patients are also a COVID-19 high-susceptible population. Anti- In addition to individuals infected with HIV, patients with
tumor treatments, including radiotherapy and chemotherapy, may autoimmune diseases (e.g., autoimmune rheumatism) may also
lead to systemic hypoimmunity.203 Several studies have indicated get impaired immunity from the COVID-19 vaccine because of
that vaccination can protect about 50–60% of cancer patients their medication with immunosuppressants, such as mycopheno-
from the SARS-CoV-2 infection; thus, they should receive COVID-19 late mofetil and corticosteroids.210 In one study, after two doses of
vaccines as soon as possible and complete at least two doses of the BNT162b2 vaccine, 86% of patients with autoimmune
injection.204–206 rheumatism experienced serum transformation, but the levels of
Monin et al.204 evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of a S1/S2 neutralizing antibodies were significantly lower than that in
single dose and two doses of the BNT162b2 vaccine in cancer healthy individuals. Some patients with enteritis who received
patients. Twenty-one days after the first dose of the vaccine, 21 of immunosuppressive treatment also showed reduced immuno-
the 56 patients with solid tumors and eight of the 44 patients with genicity following the BNT162b2 and AZD1222 vaccines.211 These
blood cancer displayed an anti-S protein immune response. These findings highlight that immunization should be completed
findings showed that a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine could promptly for individuals receiving the immune drug and that
not effectively prevent cancer patients, especially those with the drug dosage should be adjusted appropriately during vaccine
blood cancer, from the infection with SARS-CoV-2. In contrast, 18 injection to ensure the production of neutralizing antibodies.
patients with solid cancer and three patients with blood cancer
were seroconverted after the second dose of the vaccine. In Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of vaccines
addition, the BNT162b2 vaccine was safe for patients with breast ADE is a phenomenon in which the pathogenic effect of some
and lung cancer, and no death caused by vaccination was viral infections is strengthened in sub-neutralizing antibodies or
reported during the trial. non-neutralizing antibodies.212–214 In other words, after natural
Similarly, Palich et al. evaluated the neutralization activity of the immunization or vaccination, when contacting the relevant virus
BNT162b2 vaccine in patients with cancer.206 The seroconversion again, the antibody produced before might enhance the infection
rate after vaccination was only 55%. Terpos et al.207 and Maneikis ability of the virus and eventually aggravate the disease. Currently,
et al.208 studied the effectiveness of the BNT162b2 vaccine in there is no definitive mechanism to explain the causes of this
elderly patients with multiple myeloma and hematological phenomenon.215 The ADE simulated in vitro attributes to the
malignancies, respectively. After the first dose of the vaccine, pathogenic mechanism as follows: (1) The entry of virus-mediated
low levels of neutralizing antibodies were detected in the serum of by the Fcγ receptor (Fcγ R) increases viral infection as well as
the myeloma patients, which may be due to the inhibition of B-cell replication;216,217 (2) Excessive antibody Fc-mediated effector
proliferation and antibody production by myeloma cells. Patients functions or immunocomplex formation enhances inflammation
with hematological malignancies who received two doses of the and immunopathology.214,215
BNT162b2 vaccine could display serious SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough Previous studies have shown that HIV, Ebola, influenza, and
infections since malignant hematological tumors can destroy flaviviruses may induce ADE.215 And it was reported that
immune homeostasis, and the immunosuppressive drug used in respiratory syncytial virus and dengue virus vaccines could also
the treatment can also affect the production of neutralizing cause ADE, so it is necessary to evaluate the ADE risk of COVID-19
antibodies. vaccines.218 Although no serious ADE event caused by the COVID-
The above studies demonstrate that patients with malignant 19 vaccine has been released,217 the data obtained from other
tumors are susceptible to COVID-19 and should receive timely coronaviruses like SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV vaccines can provide
vaccinations. The vaccination schedule should be based on the experience.215
patient’s antibody titers to appropriately shorten the interval Pathogen-specific antibodies that can promote the incidence of
between the two vaccine injections205 and ensure a strong pathological ADE should be considered during the development
immune response. Moreover, patients with malignant tumors of COVID-19 vaccines. In vitro studies of antibodies against viral
should be closely monitored after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine infection have identified factors associated with ADE, such as
to prevent serious breakthrough infections. insufficient concentration or low-affinity antibodies.18 However,
protective antibodies may also induce ADE. For instance, the
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected persons and patients antibody against feline infectious peritonitis virus also enhances
with autoimmune diseases. Organ transplant patients and tumor infection of monocytes,214 and data from SARS-CoV or other
patients may be affected by immunosuppressive drugs and respiratory virus studies suggest that SARS-CoV-2 antibodies may
systemic hypoimmunity.198,207 In addition, HIV-infected and exacerbate COVID-19.217 Clinical studies have shown that SARS-
autoimmune disease patients are also susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 CoV-2 antibodies can bind to mast cells, which may be related to
infection due to their impaired immune system function and the multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) and
immunosuppressants. Several studies have shown that the overall multisystem inflammatory syndrome in adults (MIS-A) after
efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine in controlled HIV-infected people COVID-19.219 The binding of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies to Fc
and people with autoimmune disease was about 80%, while the receptors on macrophages and mast cells may represent two
vaccination could not prevent the breakthrough infection in different mechanisms of ADE in patients. The above findings
patients with progressive AIDS.209,210 indicate the possibility of ADE induced by COVID-19 vaccines, to
In one study, the AZD1222 vaccine induced strong neutraliza- which more attention should be paid to.220
tion reactions in HIV-negative individuals and AIDS patients with The preclinical results suggest that vaccination with formalin-
well-controlled infections after receiving antiretroviral therapy inactivated SARS-CoV virions, MVA vaccine expressing SARS-CoV S
(ART).27 Fourteen days after the second dose of the AZD1222 protein, and S-derived peptide-based vaccine may induce lung
vaccine, HIV-negative individuals and HIV-positive patients treated disorders in the NHP model.214 When macaques were inoculated
with ART showed similar neutralizing antibody levels, and with inactivated SARS-CoV vaccine, they showed ADE after viral
antibodies were detected in 87% (13/15) of HIV-infected persons. infection, manifesting as extensive macrophage and lymphocyte

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infiltration in the lungs and edema in the alveolar cavity. Mice and 19 vaccine (vaccinated 7–81 days before sampling).138 The serum
hamsters inoculated with trimeric S protein vaccine were not effectively neutralized Alpha, Beta, and Delta variants, and similar
infected with SARS-CoV, but the serum produced could promote results were obtained by Mazzoni et al.232 After a single dose of
the entry of ACE2-independent pseudovirus.221 Rhesus monkeys the vaccine, the cellular and humoral immunity levels of patients
inoculated with a high dose of COVID-19 vaccine had elevated who had rehabilitated from COVID-19 were further strength-
body temperature within 1 day, increased respiratory rate, and ened,233 and memory B-cell responses were significantly
decreased appetite within 9–16 days.216 Monkeys euthanized on enhanced. These findings explain the significant increase in
days 3 and 21 displayed multifocal lung injury, alveolar septum antibody levels after the first vaccination of rehabilitation
thickening due to edema and fibrin, the slight appearance of type patients.24 Havervall et al. showed that a single dose of COVID-
II lung cells, and perivascular lymphocyte proliferation.214 19 vaccine could be used as an effective immune enhancer within
These models and data emphasize the importance of develop- at least 11 months after being infected with SARS-CoV-2.234 Liu
ing a safe anti-antibody-independent COVID-19 vaccine. At the and colleagues evaluated the efficiency of the BNT162b2 booster
same time, it is necessary to pay close attention to ADE caused by dose against B.1.1.529 (Omicron) variant and found that the serum
vaccination against COVID-19. Some studies have shown that neutralizing antibody levels from previous-infected recipients with
antibodies with low affinity and poor neutralization ability may booster dose is higher than naive-uninfected counterparts.235
aggravate this disease, while current clinical markers cannot The collective findings support the view that vaccination should
distinguish between severe infection and enhanced antibody be actively carried out, regardless of whether the individuals have
dependence.214,218 Therefore, data and mitigation methods from been infected with SARS-CoV-2 or not. Although previously
SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV are referential to analyze the ADE infected individuals are better protected after a single dose of
phenomenon caused by COVID-19 vaccination. It is important to vaccine, the possibility of breakthrough infection still exists as this
develop better COVID-19 vaccines and immunotherapy, overcome immune enhancement may be related to the body’s level of
the identified mutants, and reduce possible ADE pathology. memory B cells.24 However, there may be individual differences in
the level of memory B cells. Therefore, regular antibody testing
should be performed for rehabilitated persons who have received
IMPROVEMENT OF COVID-19 VACCINES a single dose of vaccine to ensure lasting immunity. In addition, it
Although COVID-19 vaccines can reduce the risk of infection and is also a feasible method to implement heterologous vaccination
the mortality of patients, problems with the vaccines at present in case of a vaccine shortage. The mixed-vaccination results of
include declining neutralization activity of variants and CoronaVac and ZF2001 vaccines also supported this view, as the
vaccination-related adverse events.14,153,222 Adopting mix-and- former is much safer while the latter has better immunogeni-
match vaccines223 and developing new vaccines, such as VLPs and city.236 In addition, Zhu et al. found that the mix-vaccination of
nanoparticle vaccines,224 improving existing vaccine adjuvants,225 CoronaVac and Ad5-nCoV can induce higher neutralizing anti-
and changing the vaccination route226 might enhance the efficacy bodies and provide more effective protection than homologous
of vaccines and reduce the occurrence of adverse events to some vaccination.237
degree (Fig. 1).
Nanoparticle vaccines
Mixed inoculation New vaccine platforms, such as mRNA vaccines, provide more
In the absence of available vaccine resources, the second injection powerful immune protection than traditional vaccines. However,
of an allogeneic vaccine may effectively advance the immuniza- these vaccines have lower neutralizing activity against variants,
tion process. However, vaccination with non-homologous vaccines especially the Beta and Delta.14,222 Nanoparticle vaccines may
may raise concerns about safety and effectiveness. Borobia et al. have better neutralizing activity than mRNA vaccines,224,238,239
assessed the immunogenicity after inoculating a heterogeneous providing a new direction for vaccine development.
COVID-19 vaccine and indicated that the heterogeneous vaccine Ko et al.224 designed a nanoparticle vaccine consisting of 24
might provide greater immune protection. An initial dose of polymer SARS-CoV-2 RBD nanoparticles and a ferritin skeleton. The
AZD1222, followed by the BNT162b2 vaccine, can induce strong vaccine caused cross-neutralizing antibody reactions to bat
immune responses and is safe.227 The research of Hillus et al.228 coronavirus, SARS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2, including Alpha, Beta,
reached a similar conclusion. Compared with two doses of and Gamma variants. The DH1041-DH1045 potent neutralizing
AZD1222 administered 10–12 weeks apart and BNT162b2 antibody induced by the vaccine had neutralizing activity against
administered 2–3 weeks apart, the AZD1222 and BNT162b2 various mutations, including K417N, E484K, and N501Y. Walls et al.
vaccines administered at an interval of 10–12 weeks were more designed a self-assembled protein nanoparticle immunogen
effective, with better tolerance and immunogenicity. Heterolo- composed of 60 SARS-CoV-2 S protein RBDs. The immunogen
gous vaccination can complement the advantages of different can target different immune epitopes and still induce high levels
vaccines,229 as vaccination with BNT162b2 can elicit strong B-cell of neutralizing antibody expression at low doses.239 Moreover,
immunity and induce high levels of neutralizing antibodies, compared with traditional vaccines, nanoparticles can exist in
whereas the AZD1222 vaccine can induce strong T-cell responses. B-cell follicles for a long time, producing a sustained germinal
Therefore, this scheme is suitable for individuals with decreased center reaction to ensure the high-level production of antibo-
immune function (e.g., organ transplants and cancer patients). dies.238 In addition, according to the self-assembly function of
Several studies evaluated the neutralization activity of the ferritin, S protein RBD,224 hemagglutinin,240, and other important
Omicron variant by the booster dose of homologous or viral proteins can be inserted and act as the physiologically
heterologous inoculation.230,231 Both homologous and hetero- relevant trimeric viral spike form to further improve the vaccine
logous enhancers could increase the neutralization activity of efficacy.238 Therefore, by optimizing the packaging of antigens
subjects’ serum against the Omicron variant, but the neutralization and producing a stronger, longer-lasting immune response,
efficiency of an additional heterologous vaccine was higher, nanoparticle vaccines are likely to play an important role in future
supporting the sequential vaccination with heterologous vaccines. COVID-19 vaccines.
In addition, several studies have shown that individuals
previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 have a stronger immune Improvement of immune adjuvants
response after the vaccination.138,232–234 Planas et al. tested the An adjuvant is a vaccine component to enhance the immune
serum and antibody levels of 21 medical staff infected with SARS- response, playing a very important role in improving the efficacy
CoV-2 12 months before vaccinating with a single dose of COVID- of vaccines and reducing adverse events to ensure safety.225,241 In

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Table 4. Adjuvants used in COVID-19 vaccines in the clinic

Adjuvant Components Receptor/pathway Vaccine Ref

Alum Aluminum salts NLRP3 uric acid, BBIBP-CorV, CoronaVac
DNA (Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 virus vaccines)
Matrix-M/ Saponin Unknown NVX-CoV2373
IscoMatrix (Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 S protein)
MF59 Squalene oil, surfactant IL-4, STAT6 Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 S protein as a soluble protein or on virus-like
AS03 Squalene oil, G-CSF Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 spike S protein as a soluble protein or on virus-
Surfactant, like particles
α- tocopherol
CpG 1018 Synthetic DNA alone or TLR9 Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 S protein on virus-like particles
formulated with Alum
Ligand Ligand TLR7/TLR8 Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccines
adsorbed in alum adsorbed in alum

the past two decades, a series of new adjuvants have been used in CoVaccine HT is also an oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion, while CpG
licensed vaccines, including Aluminum hydroxide, MF59, AS03, is a synthetic DNA sequence containing an unmethylated CpG
CpG 1018, and CoVaccine HT,241 among which the Aluminum sequence.242,248 Compared with the aluminum hydroxide adju-
hydroxide can reduce the immune-related pathological reactions vant, AMP-CpG and CoVaccine HT showed better immunogeni-
while other adjuvants can trigger specific cell receptors and city.249 Using AMP-CpG as an adjuvant, persistent antibody and
induce an innate immune response in the injection site as well as T-cell reactions were still induced in elderly mice at low-dose S
the draining lymph nodes, further promoting the production of protein levels. Reducing the dose of S protein may decrease the
antibodies.225,242 Therefore, appropriate adjuvants are critical for occurrence of adverse events and improve vaccine safety.
maintaining vaccines’ durability and effectiveness. Here, some Compared to aluminum hydroxide, CoVaccine HT can promote
brief information on existing adjuvants used in COVID-19 vaccines the production and maturation of neutralizing antibodies to a
is provided in Table 4. greater extent, thereby quickly inducing an immune response to
Alum is the most widely used adjuvant in global vaccine SARS-CoV-2.248
development, which can induce the antibody response and The use of aluminum adjuvants may reduce the adverse events
different CD4+ cell responses (low level).225,241 Relevant mechan- of related vaccines and improve vaccine safety. However, the
isms can be explained as enhancing anti-phagocytosis and immunogenicity of aluminum adjuvants is poor. Therefore, the
activating the proinflammatory NLRP3 pathway.242 In addition, common use of different adjuvants may improve immunogenicity
Aluminum adjuvants can reduce immune-related pathological while ensuring subjects’ safety.
reactions and improve safety, explaining the excellent safety of
BBIBP-CorV and CoronaVac (both of the vaccines used Aluminum Change of inoculation route
hydroxide as adjuvants).221,243 However, the immunogenicity of In addition to sequential immunization (mixed-vaccination),
aluminum adjuvant is poor. The chemical modification of alum development of new vaccines (such as nanoparticle vaccine),
with short peptide antigens composed of repeated serine and adjuvant improvement, changing the vaccination route is also
phosphate residues can significantly enhance GC cell and a feasible measure to improve the protection and efficacy of
antibody responses.244 existing COVID-19 vaccines.3,250 All WHO-approved vaccines adopt
MF59 is a squalene oil-in-water emulsion adjuvant approved for the intramuscular route (i.m route), and most of them can only
use in influenza vaccines in more than 38 countries, and it is protect the lower respiratory tract except for Ad26.COV-2.S, which
biodegradable and biocompatible.245 MF59 showed good toler- can both protect the upper and lower respiratory tract.48 However,
ance and safety, and the inoculation of vaccines that use this the new VOC Omicron has stronger infectivity of the upper
adjuvant can motivate the activation of macrophages and the respiratory tract and mainly causes symptoms of the upper
production of chemokines. These chemokines will recruit neu- respiratory tract, so the existing vaccine is difficult to protect
trophils, eosinophils, and monocytes to the lymph nodes, further effectively.122,235,251 Mucosal immunity plays an important role in
form a cascade amplification reaction, and activate B cells and preventing pathogen invasion. The intranasal administration
T cells.225 In addition, MF59 can stimulate IL-4 and STAT6 signal (inhalation route, i.n route) of vaccines may achieve a better
pathways and induce the antibody response. It is worth noting protection effect on preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection (especially
that the above response does not depend on type 1 interferon or Omicron variant).3,250,252,253 Compared with the traditional i.m
inflammatory pathway.246 Thereby, MF59 has been selected as the route, the i.n route can effectively induce a local immune
adjuvant of COVID-19 vaccines. response. Vaccine antigen enters the respiratory tract and passes
AS03 is similar to MF59 but has an additional immune-enhanced through the mucus layer through inhalation to induce the
component α- tocopherol (vitamin E). Thus, it can induce the production of local IgA and provide protection at the pathogen’s
expression of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines indepen- entry site.253 In addition, the i.n route can induce the production
dently (not depending on the type I interferon).242 In addition, AS03 of higher levels of mucosal antibodies. Although some IgG can be
can trigger a transient innate immune response, the injection of AS03 detected on the mucosal surface after the intramuscular injection,
induces the transient production of cytokines in the mice model, and the lack of mucosal IgA still makes the respiratory tract vulnerable
vitamin E can further enhance the expression of some chemokines to infection.3 In addition, the i.n route has better compliance than
and cytokines like CCL2, CCL3, and IL-6.225 AS03 is evaluated as the the i.m route, and the administration is more convenient.
adjuvant of several recombinant S protein vaccines in the clinical trial, However, the i.n route still has some disadvantages: the systemic
the add of AS03 further improve Th2-unbiased cell responses and the immune response induced by this administration method is often
production of IFN-γ, which may enhance the efficacy of COVID-19 lower than that of the i.m route because the titer of the virus may
vaccines.247 decrease when it is made into aerosol; the i.n route may cause

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antigen or vaccine adjuvant to enter the central nervous system relevant agencies are recommended to accelerate the vaccine
and cause an adverse reaction; and i.n route usually needs immunization process. Simultaneously, special attention should be
auxiliary drug delivery devices (such as pressure device, atomizer), paid to the health status of the recipients, timely treatment of
and the cost is higher, which limits the application of this complications, vaccine development, and ensuring the lives and
approach. health of patients. In addition, considering the characteristics of
Among the currently approved inactivated vaccine, viral vector some individuals (e.g., the elderly, pregnant women, organ
vaccine, protein subunit vaccine, and mRNA vaccine, only viral transplant patients, cancer patients, and patients infected with
vector vaccine has the potential to apply intranasal administration HIV), relevant agencies should closely monitor adverse events and
because inactivated vaccine, protein subunit vaccine, and mRNA detect antibody titers after immunization.190 For organ transplant
vaccine antigens cannot actively enter cells, so it is difficult to and cancer patients, the COVID-19 vaccine showed approximately
stimulate mucosa effectively, and they remain difficult to 50% overall protective efficacy due to the continuous use of
commercialize.250 Van Doremalen N and colleagues evaluated immunosuppressive drugs, which is unsatisfactory.201,206 Those
the efficacy of AZD1222 in macaques and hamsters via intranasal populations are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection, and timely
administration. They found that the viral load in the nasal cavity of immunization-enhanced measures should be performed to reduce
the experimental group decreased significantly after enhanced breakthrough infections. For HIV-infected individuals, the viral
intranasal inoculation. No virus particle or RNA was detected in the level in the body should be effectively controlled during
lung tissue, indicating that intranasal administration is a prospect vaccination. Otherwise, breakthrough infections may still
route for COVID-19 vaccines.254 Wu S et al. evaluated the safety, occur.27,209
tolerability, and immunogenicity of the aerosolized Ad5-nCoV. The New SARS-CoV-2 variants like Omicron often have high
inhalation group(2 doses via i.n route on days 0 and 28) reported infectivity and high immune escape ability in the post epidemic
fewer adverse events compared with the injection group(2 doses era. The existing vaccine strategies are difficult to effectively
of Ad5-nCOV via i.m route on days 0 and 28) and the mixed group prevent infections caused by the Omicron variant, which is not
(1 dose via i.m route on day 0 and the second dose via i.n route on only due to the accumulation of more mutation sites in the S
day 28). The mixed group showed the highest induced-immune protein, but also because the Omicron variant mainly causes
level, but the antibodies produced by the inhalation group were upper respiratory tract infection, while the protective antibodies
less than those of the injection group, suggesting that the induced by i.m route are often directed at the lower respiratory
inhalation route of Ad5-nCoV is an effective measure to boost tract (lung). In this case, changing or adjusting vaccination
immunity.226 strategies is very significant to control the infections and alleviate
The above study shows that the i.n route can protect the upper public health pressure. We believe that the following points
respiratory tract and inhibit virus infection more effectively than deserve attention: (1) Although a booster dose can enhance the
the i.m route, and relevant adverse events are fewer. However, the response of memory cells and increase the antibody titers to
immune response induced by the i.n route alone is lower than that produce a stronger protective effect, the fourth dose injection
induced by the i.m route. Thus i.n route is more suitable for might not effectively Omicron variant infection.150 (2) The
strengthening immunity. Through the mix route (i.m route at first optimization of COVID-19 vaccines, such as changing the
and then i.n route), higher levels of antibodies can be induced administration route (use the inhaled vaccine and induced
compared with the repeat i.m route and provide stronger mucosal immunity to protect the upper respiratory tract further),
protection. As more and more vaccines are approved for clinical developing new vaccines (for inactivated vaccines, the combined
trials, the i.n route will be used more widely. use of seed strain of VOCs like Beta + Delta may induce antibodies
with multi-epitopes, as well as the use of VOC sequence for mRNA
or viral vector vaccines,151) and adopting sequential immunization
PROSPECTS AND PERSPECTIVES (the use of vaccines developed in different routes like inactivated
More than 153 candidate vaccines have entered human clinical + viral vector vaccine/mRNA vaccine) will provide better protec-
trials. New vaccine platforms will undoubtedly be evaluated, such tion than existing vaccination strategies. (3) Although the
as nanoparticle and VLP vaccines. adoption of inhalable and sequential immunization can improve
After vaccination against COVID-19, T-cell immunity (such as the the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, the incidence of adverse
Th1 cell response), B-cell immunity (such as the germinal center reactions of additional Ad5-nCoV was higher than the additional
response), and other immune responses may be produced.19,21 inoculation with homologous inactivated vaccine.226 In addition,
Differentiated Th cells can enhance the immune response in the the inoculation with viral vector vaccines or mRNA vaccines may
body by promoting the activation of CD8+ T cells and secreting lead to the complications mentioned above (such as myocarditis
IFN-γ.31 With the aid of Th cells, activated B cells proliferate and and thrombosis). The vaccine’s safety and effectiveness should be
divide in lymphatic follicles to form germinal centers, eventually balanced. Although the new vaccine platform (such as the mRNA
form plasma cells, and memory B cells secret high-affinity vaccine) may provide more effective protection, its safety is lower
antibodies. In addition, COVID-19 vaccines can produce memory than the inactivated vaccine. Suppose multivalent inactivated
B cells and memory T cells.24 The antiviral immune barrier in the vaccines like Beta + Delta inactivated vaccine strategies are
host body can be constructed through the combined action of the adopted. In that case, the development can only be carried out
humoral immune response, cellular immune response, and after the emergence of a new variant, and the developing speed is
memory cells. lower than the mRNA vaccine uses new variants’ sequences. (4)
Although the COVID-19 vaccines have achieved exciting results The emergence of the Omicron variant may indicate the change of
in both animal studies and clinical trials,3 and seven vaccines have the main infection site of SARS-CoV-2 (other VOC usually cause the
been authorized for emergency use by the WHO, adverse events lung infection except for Omicron), and the symptoms of Omicron
that include pain at the injection site and fever,114,118 as well as infected people are lighter, the hospitalization rate is lower than
complications such as coagulation dysfunction,154 myocarditis,74 Delta, infected patients.255 In this case, there are many asympto-
immune diseases,155 nervous system diseases159 and lymphatic matic Omicron infected people. Convenient and effective COVID-
system diseases160 caused by vaccination, have raised concerns 19 antiviral drugs (especially oral-taken drugs) will greatly alleviate
about vaccine safety. Given the low proportion of overall the severe epidemic situation and contribute to the early end of
incidence of adverse events of vaccines and the fact that some the COVID-19 pandemic.256 In addition, Omicron might not be the
complications occur mainly in patients with underlying diseases last VOC, a new recombinant variant Delta 21 J/AY.4-Omicron
(e.g., cardiovascular diseases and tumors). Governments and 21 K/BA.1, also called “Deltamicron”, has appeared in many

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