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Butterfly Court A jagged but lush coastline, equally comprised of verdant growth and storm-grey cliffs.
Powerful rains that pummel �ishing boats but nourish the bountiful farms further inland.
And nestled in a natural harbor, presiding over aquamarine waters and dangerous reefs, the
city Pheles. Pheles is the jewel in the crown of the country Praecia, but its glittering streets
and equally colorful courtiers give it the name it is more often called: The Butter�ly Court.
Ruled by the enigmatic Eyotalas, the Butter�ly Court is a knotted web of debts, whims,
A No Dice, No Masters fancies, and rivalries. While many may dismiss the courtiers of the Butter�ly Court as
frivolous nobles and their hangers-on, their action nonetheless determine the fate of
court intrigue game Praecia. And with the ambitious Queen Yora in control of the neighboring country Asmary,
the peasants agitating for more rights, and the mysterious woodkin stirring intrigues in

by Misha Gri�ka Wander their own mythic court, that fate seems more uncertain than ever.

In Butter�ly Court, you will play as a member of the titular Butter�ly Court, the court of the
monarchy of the kingdom Praecia. The seat of the court is in the capital city, Pheles. The
current monarch is Eyotalas. The neighboring country is Asmary, which is ruled by Queen
Yora. Everything else is up to you! This includes the exact nature of the woodkin, who are
designed to be supernatural beings with their own culture and court—they could be fairies,
elves, trolls, elementals, or anything else you like. Don’t feel like you have to decide
everything in advance; players can add details about the setting and people as the story

Note: Butter�ly Court can also be modi�ied to take place in a setting of your choice, inspired
by a favorite piece of media, or one of your group’s own creation. Feel free to keep and
change whatever you like, including mixing and matching details.

2 3
How to Play The players may consider nominating one person as the Guide. The Guide is
responsible for taking notes and for facilitating the game’s �low. They are not in
charge of the game—their contributions to the story should be equal to the other
players’. However, they are the default person to suggest moving to a new phase,
remind people of their moves and lures, and other administrative tasks. This is
Butter�ly Court is written to be played with the No Dice, No Masters system, based on especially helpful if some or all of the players are new to the game or to tabletop
Avery Alder’s Belonging Outside Belonging. It is a collaborative, DM-less storytelling roleplaying in general.
game. Each player controls a character as well as elements of the setting and the
NPCs. There are no dice—the only mechanic is the token, which can be gained by
players according to the Comfort Moves in their playbook, or by interacting with
another player’s Lure. The token can be spent in order to take Challenge Moves
If you’re having trouble knowing what kind of scene to start with, a large event such
according to your playbook. Anything not covered by a Comfort or Challenge Move is as a ball, tournament, festival, or other event that could host all the characters is often
yours to narrate as you wish! a good place to start. After all the characters have a chance to interact at this large
event, then it will be easier to decide which characters should interact in a more
What’s a playbook? intimate scene.
Other scene suggestions: engagement announcement, garden party, masquerade, tea
A playbook is the type of character you play. This determines your character’s general party, banquet, diplomatic summit, gallery showing, concert, play, parade, charity
position, a few things about their station in society, and their bonds and assets. It event, award presentation, religious ceremony, prophecy announcement, visiting
also determines what your Lure and Moves are. Everything else is up to you! I delegation, military parade
recommend making many decisions as the story unfolds; too much pre-planning can
freeze up the story and make it hard to collaborate. Don’t worry about writing your
character’s whole history and family tree at the beginning. Leaving blanks gives you
the opportunity to insert something juicy later.

During play, you will portray the political life of Praecia’s court, but also the personal,
familial, romantic, creative, and mercenary relationships between its members. This
is not a story about monarchs. This is a story about the lesser people who make up
the court—important people, perhaps, but people whose power comes through
negotiation, socializing, scheming, bargaining, and seducing. The monarch should not
even be on screen the vast majority of time, and no player will have a monarch as
their primary character. Instead, player characters are trying to accomplish their
goals by leveraging the in�luence they have, while trying not to fall to blackmail,
scandal, poverty, or any of the other things that spell doom for a courtier.

4 5
Each player answers one of the following questions brie�ly:

What scandal recently rocked the court?

Set-Up What is the whole city looking forward to?

How is Praecia’s neighbor Asmary more powerful, and why is this a

The �irst step of the game is to address safety. I recommend using safety tools for problem?
collaborative games, to make sure that everyone at the table is safe and having fun.
Something has recently become a passion of the upper classes. What
One such tool is Lines and Veils. Give players a moment to share (for instance, by
is it, and why is it dif�icult to do or obtain?
writing in a shared Google Doc) their Lines—topics they do not wish to have in the
game at all—and their Veils, which are topics that are okay “off screen” or in
What complication to the line of succession recently arose?
backstory, but should not come up directly. You may choose to use additional or
alternative safety tools at your table. Whatever you choose, make sure that there is a A prophecy about the kingdom has been announced. By who, and
safe, supportive way for players to indicate when they are not having a good time or what was the prophecy?
are not comfortable with the direction the story is taking.
Rebellion stirs in a corner of the kingdom. What is their grievance?
Next, all players should customize their version of Praecia by working together to
answer the following collaboration questions: What unsettling stranger has recently arrived in the capital?

What is a unique feature of how your version of Praecia is run?

Choose two current issues facing the country:

famine, drought, peasant rebellion, foreign powers pushing on the

border, disgruntled nobles ,brewing coup, economic depression,

tension between religious sects, disease, strange cult on the rise,

nonhuman court demands, international war brewing, royal 3 Decide together:

What two factions are currently opposing each other within the
court? Who are they made up of, and why do they disagree? Feel free
marriage sought, natural disaster recovery, bandits terrorizing
to sketch out only a little information—the rest will be decided
travelers, high-pro�ile assassination, rise in crime, severe inequality, through play. Put the two factions on opposing sides of the Faction
refugee crisis, folk hero thief stirring up trouble, sinister prophecy Tracker; you’ll �ill out the tracker during the Reactions phase of play,
described below. Example factions might be: isolationist vs
proclaimed, royal family cursed
interventionist, magic vs science, supporters of person A for heir vs
person B for heir, practitioners of astrology vs practitioners of tea
leaf reading, or any other disagreement dividing the court. Often the
best ones will arise from the previous collaboration questions.

6 7
Next, you’ll choose your playbook. Each playbook comes with both questions for you
to answer about your character, and questions to ask other players about your
relationships. Playbooks will be covered in more detail below.

Lastly, you’ll choose Forces at Work to take ownership of. They are used during the
Phases of Play
Reactions phase of play (described below), but you can also use them to decide who
should play an NPC or describe a part of the court as it comes up in scenes. There
are more Forces than there will be players, so just have people pick the ones they
like and don’t worry about the rest. They can play a different Force next Reactions
phase. The phases of play proceed as follows: Idle Dreaming – Scenes – Reactions. These
three phases make up one cycle. You may play as many cycles as you like; oftentimes
three or four will provide time to tell a satisfying story. You may play more. Butter�ly
Court is not ideally suited to single-session play. At the end of a session, regardless of
where in the cycle of play you are, I recommend making time for wrap up or debrief.
Optional: Some tables may enjoy using the optional traitor mechanic. This allows Idle Dreaming:
players to align themselves with or against the current power structure, either
supporting the �lourishing of the monarchy and Praecia at large (while allowing room Informally, discuss what kind of thing you’d like to see in the next scene phase. Is
for critique, of course) or working for the bene�it of other powers, such as the there a pair of people you’d like to see talk with each other? A particular set-piece
neighboring country Asmary. To use this mechanic, decide how many traitors there you’d like to have a scene in? A tension or problem you want addressed in-�iction?
should be. Using an ordinary deck of playing cards, draw as many red cards as there You don’t have to have an exact plan. It’s okay to suggest something without knowing
are traitors, and enough black cards for the rest of the players. For instance, if there precisely how it will come about. Everyone should have a chance to contribute. You
are �ive players and two traitors, assemble a hand of two red cards and three black may not have a chance to enact all of these ideas in one phase, and that’s okay too.
cards. Shuf�le the cards facedown, and distribute one to each player. Receiving a red Scenes:
card means your character is a traitor; receiving a black card means your character is
Together, frame and play out scenes from your Idle Dreaming phase. Feel free to
a loyalist. The players should keep these secret unless otherwise decided by the table.
narrate your character’s actions in �irst- or third-person, using Moves and tokens
During the Reactions phase, the Faction Tracker will be moved according to what
when relevant. Playbooks have “Comfort Moves” and “Challenge Moves”. Enacting a
appeared to happen in play, regardless of the player’s true loyalties.
Comfort Move gives that player a token. Enacting a Challenge Move requires
spending a token. Additionally, the Lures in the playbooks promise other players a
token for interacting with them in certain ways. If someone ful�ills the Lure of your
playbook, award them a token! When you gain, spend, or award a token, make sure to
let the other players know. Lures from playbooks only activate if a character with
that playbook is in the scene. Feel free to request a token from another player if you
believe you have ful�illed a Lure, as it may slip someone’s mind while they are
focusing on the scene!

8 9
Faction Tracker: During play, keep in mind which faction your character belongs to. Reactions:
They should attempt to further their faction’s goals, as well as their own personal
In the Reactions phase, players mark the movement of the Faction Tracker. Each
ambitions. In the Reactions phase, you will mark the Faction Tracker based on your
player decides whether their character’s actions have furthered a faction goal. If the
actions during the Scenes phase. The Faction Tracker represents how much the court
majority of players have acted in support of a faction, tick one box on that side of the
as a whole is leaning towards one side or the other of an issue. If it is �illed
Faction Tracker. If it’s tied, tick one on each side. Thus, it will take at least �ive
completely in one direction, the majority of the court and the powers that be are
Reactions phases to �ill the tracker. After that is decided, each player can narrate a
swayed in that direction, and the issue is considered decided.
short vignette about their Force at Work’s reaction to the outcome. For example, if
the group marks a box on the astrologers side of the astrologers vs tea leaf readers,
the player of The Whispers might narrate how a famous tea leaf reader had to
Players who do not have characters in a given scene may play NPCs or add
withdraw from the capital after suffering a scandal, or the player of The Winds might
suggestions for the setting. When the scene has gone on for some time, also feel free
describe a new technology that allowed more accurate star charts, raising
to ask “is there anything else we want to see out of this scene?” and wrap up
astrology’s popularity.
accordingly. Once the table has played through several scenes, close out the Scenes
phase and move on to the Reactions phase. If the tracker is �illed in either direction, the players should decide how the faction
issue is decisively resolved in that direction, and frame a scene where that takes
effect. For instance, if the factions are war vs peace, and the faction tracker �ills up on
the side of peace, players should work together to narrate how peace talks between
two countries succeed. The outcome can be anything that males sense to the table,
Generally, when framing scenes, it’s helpful to decide whether it’s a 1) group scene
so feel free to resolve the faction dispute in an unexpected or creative way. Lastly,
(3 or more player characters) 2) a scene with two player characters 3) a scene with
decide what an appropriate new faction dispute would be. Each player picks what
just one player character and an NPC 4) another combination. Knowing whether
side their character is on, exactly like initial faction collaboration.
they’re going to be in a scene in advance can help players prepare. Of course,
sometimes in the course of the scene, it might be the opportune time for a character If the Faction Tracker �ills up all the way in both directions during the same
to either leave or enter the scene. There’s no need to end the scene with the same Reactions phase, the issue cannot be decided by court intrigue alone. Together, the
people who started it! Try to vary the types of scenes—if there’s been a few one-on- table should decide how the issue is settled, either by a compromise between the
one scenes in a row, consider a group scene to mix things up and let other characters two sides, or through something else capturing the attention of the court.
connect. In summary, the Reactions phase goes:
An optional mechanic for starting and closing a session is to do Opening and Parting 1. Determine which faction gets a tick in the Faction Tracker this phase
Shots. Rather than scenes, these are brief descriptions that each player gives of what
their character is doing, either to open the session or to close it out. This allows 2. Narrate scenes accordingly
players to establish their character’s regular life and frame of mind without having 3. Decide a new faction issue if necessary.
to do a whole scene, and can help get players into the right headspace for play.

10 11
The Reactions phase is also a great time to remind yourself of your moves and Lure,
and the other players’ Lures. Players can also take this time to ask questions about
rules, check in with each other, change character details if necessary, and perform
any other upkeep.

Wrap Up:

At the end of the session, leave a few minutes to re�lect on the gameplay. I
recommend going through Stars and Wishes, where each player states at least one
Star, or something they think went well, and a Wish, something they’d like to see
next time. It can be helpful to jot down a few notes about both Wishes and anything
that happened during play that might be important for next time.

12 13
Playbook Options

2 •

The Artist: A passionate creator who is dependent on others for their survival

• Lure: Whenever someone agrees to be your muse or model, they gain a token

The Retainer: A powerful servant, close to the nobles, but nonetheless a servant

Play Materials • Lure: When someone asks for your help with something dif�icult, they gain a

• The Newcomer: An awkward entrant into the complicated world of court

• Lure: Whenever someone gives you advice, they gain a token

• The Climber: An ambitious careerist searching for success or a place to belong

• Lure: Whenever someone lets you use their resources to work toward your
own goal, they gain a token
• The Bureaucrat: A master of secrets, embroiled in court intrigue and plotting
Playbooks determine the things your speci�ic character gains tokens for, can spend
tokens on, and their general position within the court. Playbooks come with some • Lure: Whenever someone tells you a secret, they gain a token
pre-determined aspects, but you will be in charge of bringing them alive and making
them individual. This happens through the course of play naturally. The playbooks are • The Scion: An heir of a noble family, burdened by expectations and duty
a place to start your story from.
Names • Lure: Whenever someone asks you to do your duty or perform a risky task,
they gain a token
Of course, feel free to name your character whatever you would like! But since
sometimes it’s hard to think of some, feel free to use a name generator! I like the name • The Eminent: A meddling noble who seeks to arrange the fortunes of others
generators at The country name Pheles took
inspiration from Greek, and Asmary took inspiration from English, so when deciding • Lure: Whenever someone accepts a gift from you, they gain a token
which generator to use, you might consider using those, or generators from nearby
areas. Alternatively, each playbook has a few suggested names to choose from.

14 15
The staircase into dark water that haunts my dreams; the last lingering touch of my
lover’s �ingertips before they were killed; the sound of hundreds of people singing at
the same time, voices raised in unison; the mysterious crystal that sits on my table,
Inspiration strikes, and keeps striking. Your hands, your voice, your limbs, your eyes: sucking in light; the spirit that whispered a warning and saved me from a lightning
whatever your instrument, it is of rare quality. You are an artist, and a supremely strike; the bell that calls wild animals to me when I ring it
talented one at that. Talented enough to catch the attention of the court. Your noble
patrons give you fame and �inancial security, but they also have tangled you up into CHOOSE A POTENTIAL DOWNFALL
their own machinations and intrigue. Suddenly it is a matter of politics who you will Addiction, �inancial debts, illicit love affair, curse, overinvolved patron, plagiarism
sell your work to, which parties you will attend, whose children you will give lessons. scandal, unusual habit, needy dependents
Will you be able to retain both your renown and your integrity?
The Artist is creative and talented, and their work has become sought-after by
anyone with money, in�luence, or both. They are powerful in their popularity and THEN:
cultural in�luence. They are weakened by their dependence on the court’s taste and
patronage. Give your character a name, pronouns, and description. If relevant, create their title.
Some possible names: Iris, Thestios, Damalis, Ymir, Vivienne, Ilias, Chara, Haven
Pick one of the current issues decided on in collaboration. Note down why your
Will you achieve lasting fame, or die a one-hit wonder? character cares about this issue.
Can you inspire deeper emotion with your art—and perhaps even change the Pick which faction your character is most aligned with currently. This may change
world? during play.
Will you �ind someone who loves you regardless of your popularity? Lastly, out of the listed relationships, either give one to two other players, or choose
one to give to another player and create an NPC to ful�ill another: promising proté gé ,
patron, paying student, artistic or critical rival. You may also create any NPCs
LURE: Whenever someone agrees to be your muse or model, they gain a token required for your character’s story or history, such as a spouse, liege, or relative.


Unkempt, dreamy, elegant, fashionable, sensual, eclectic, severe, statuesque, What do I owe you?
bohemian, daring What favor have I asked of you?
CHOOSE AN ARTISTIC TALENT What has recently challenged my popularity?
Instrumental music, sculpture, painting, ceramics, drawing, fashion, singing, What theme in my work stands out to you, and why?
woodwork, writing, dance, acrobatics, textile arts, theatre, sex
What valuable thing have I taken from you?
In what unexpected place did you �ind me recently?
To take my rival’s position as of�icial court artist, to change the world for the better,
to create a work of unquestioned brilliance, to become the center of a new artistic
movement, to ignite the common people to revolution

16 17
Take on another debt, whether �inancial or social
Accidentally expose your true feelings through your art
Wakeful nights and days spent standing, ignoring your tired muscles, your sore feet.
Overestimate your in�luence in front of the wrong audience Following orders and not talking back. You and your peers don’t receive accolades, and
only receive credit if you’re lucky. You are one of the retainers of a noble family, close to
Obey the whims of a patron despite hardship its members but always of lower class. You might even be related to them, but you will
Seek inspiration in sex, drugs, or other hedonistic pursuits never receive the same treatment as they will. But they need you—for your strength,
your knowledge, your loyalty, your capability. You know the court inside out, know the
Question another person’s authenticity or talent secrets that the servants gossip about, know what your noble house can and cannot
afford, know where the other members of court are weakest. And while you are at the
mercy of your employer, you also know the truth: they are helpless without you. Can you
CHALLENGE MOVES – SPEND A TOKEN bring success to yourself and your liege, or will your lack of wisdom—or their lack of
attention—be your downfall?
Stun the audience with new heights of talent
The Retainer is the constant companion of a noble, assisting them throughout the
Signi�icantly enable another artist day and night. They are powerful because they are well-positioned and well-
informed, and can in�luence the behavior of their liege. They are weakened by their
Find a �inancial windfall reliance on the fortunes of their noble house, and their vulnerability to the whims of
Find beauty in an unexpected place the nobles they serve.

Sever a toxic relationship (to a person or otherwise) PLAY TO FIND OUT

Capture the attention of someone powerful Can you achieve control over your own life?

Openly switch your faction allegiance Will your liege recognize and reward your service?
Will you prioritize security, happiness, or in�luence?

LURE: When someone asks for your help with something dif�icult, they gain a token


Prim, harried, understated, stiff, academic, eagle-eyed, stern, stoic, eager, tired,
Valet, bodyguard, secretary, seneschal, chamberlain, companion
A compass that points home, a rock painted by a younger sibling, a parent’s
treasured locket, a ceremonial knife, a letter from your �irst crush, a preserved �lower
that doesn’t grow in the capital

18 19
The unorthodox parentage of a child, the illicit lover of someone important, a COMFORT MOVES – GAIN A TOKEN
history of embezzling, someone’s loyalty to another country, a history of practicing
black magic, a great trauma, the theft of something valuable, mistreatment of Deny your desires to please someone of a higher station
servants, war crimes, cowardice
Get entangled in someone else’s scheme
Allow someone else to receive credit for your work
To make myself indispensable, to secure lasting �inancial security for me and my
Shun someone because your reputation demands it
family, to �ind true love, to commit an act of great heroism, to rise out of the lower
classes, to have my noble lineage acknowledged Suffer consequences as a result of your duties
Sacri�ice yourself to protect someone else
Give your character a name, pronouns, and description. If relevant, create their title. CHALLENGE MOVES – SPEND A TOKEN
Some possible names: Yanna, Lavrentis, Philippos, Deone, Catherine, Orion, Cassa
Stand up to someone of a higher rank
Pick one of the current issues decided on in collaboration. Note down why your
character cares about this issue. Guide your liege to a better course of action
Pick which faction your character is most aligned with currently. This may change Force someone to acknowledge your worth
during play.
Find valuable information through gossip
Lastly, out of the listed relationships, either give one to two other players, or choose
one to give to another player and create an NPC to ful�ill another: direct employer, Leave a task undone and/or risk termination
secret lover, trusted colleague, supplier of gossip. You may also create any NPCs Openly switch your faction allegiance
required for your character’s story or history, such as a spouse, liege, or relative.


What secret of yours do I know?
How do I hold the key to your success?
Which noble considers me a threat, and why?
Who do you think am I trying to protect?
What do you owe me?
What favor have I asked of you?

20 21
Family who expects you to make their fortune, arranged betrothal who’s waiting for
you to make a good reputation in court before marrying, best friend whom you
Glances and whispers, full of intrigue and doubt. A hundred rounds of introductions, promised to get into court somehow, secret cult that you swore to bring to power,
names and faces blurring. Offers and promises that may not be sincere. You are an magical spirit to whom you promised something from the royal treasury in exchange
outsider, a newcomer to court. You have yet to build up the connections and alliances for their help, charitable or religious organization you’re trying to fund.
that form the framework of relationships among the nobility and their hangers-on. And CHOOSE WHAT YOU’RE TRYING TO HIDE
yet, that is precisely what attracts them to you: you are new blood, full of potential, and
ripe for recruiting. Will you be able to keep the interests of the sharks that swim A secret engagement, a sinister hobby, uncontrollable magic power, political
around you? Will you prove yourself to be an apt player, a valuable asset—or just ambitions, a dire curse, revolutionary ideals, family debts
another token on the board?
The Newcomer only recently arrived at court, and has caught the attention of the
existing players. They are strengthened by their command of powerful people’s Awkward, coltish, fashionable, practical, unadorned, gaudy, overdressed,
attention, and by their clear promise, be that talent, beauty, or some other quality. conservative, traditional, colorful
They are weakened in their reliance on others’ favor and aid, and by their lack of
protection from the darker sides of the Great Game.
Give your character a name, pronouns, and description. If relevant, create their title.
Can you ful�ill the potential others see in you? Some possible names: Archer, Cetus, Halley, Miranda, Gemma, Atria, Roan
Is there someone who cares for the person you are, not the person you could be? Pick one of the current issues decided on in collaboration. Note down why your
Can you make your own mark rather than becoming a pawn? character cares about this issue.
Pick which faction your character is most aligned with currently. This may change
during play.
LURE: Whenever someone gives you advice, they gain a token
Lastly, out of the listed relationships, either give one to two other players, or choose
one to give to another player and create an NPC to ful�ill another: family friend,
sponsor to the court, rival, crush. You may also create any NPCs required for your
CHOOSE A STAR ATTRIBUTE character’s story or history, such as a spouse, liege, or relative.
The voice of an angel, unerring aim with a bow, surpassing grace, astonishing beauty,
literary genius, a dancer’s poise, tactical brilliance, a head for �inance, unmatched
swordsmanship, sorcerous skill ASK ONE OF THESE QUESTIONS LEFT AND ONE RIGHT
CHOOSE AN AMBITION What made you suspect I had hidden depths?
To secure my family’s impeccable reputation at court, to establish my worth to the How am I the perfect pawn for your scheme?
monarch and their inner circle, to be swept off my feet in a romantic fairytale, to
push the court in a new direction, to forge a strategic alliance between my family and What enemy have I accidentally made?
a more powerful family What rumor is circulating about me?
Who has shown me kindness most recently?
What unwise promise did I make you?
What do you owe me?

22 23
Ask someone to explain something awkward
Request assistance from those more knowledgeable than yourself Frustration that coils in your gut, that propels you to action. Doubt and laughter on
Blurt out your true thoughts at an inopportune time every side, and yet you continue on. When your plans come together, you’ll �inally be
recognized. The court—the world—will know of your value. You are a nobody, but not
Charm someone with your refreshing naivete for long. You have always known you deserve more, and you intend to get it, come hell or
high water. Maybe it’s for the money, or the power, or just for the social status.
Fail publicly at a task Whatever it is, it ful�ills a need deep inside you, a need for recognition. Will you ever be
Contravene society’s unspoken rules able to achieve the acclaim you know you deserve?
The Climber is someone who isn’t important yet, who doesn’t belong, but who is
determined to rise through the ranks. They are weakened by their lack of standing
CHALLENGE MOVES – SPEND A TOKEN and the doubts of everyone around them. They are powerful in their purpose and
determination to succeed.
Connect with someone new on a personal, emotional level
Successfully conceal your motives and emotions
How high can you rise?
Manipulate those around you with wit and conversation
Who will stand in your way, and how can you remove them?
Dazzle your audience with talent
What must you sacri�ice to secure your dream?
Ask someone to love you as you truly are
Promise someone a favor in exchange for something of value
LURE: whenever someone lets you use their resources to work toward your own goal,
Openly switch your faction allegiance they gain a token


Poker-faced, stiff, smiling, unfashionable, well-groomed, proud, square-shouldered,
secretive, unremarkable, haggard
Become a member of a respected noble house, have land and a title granted as reward
for your service, be promoted to the top of your career ladder, become a tastemaker,
win fame and fortune as a hero, perform magic no one else has managed
Hot-tempered, impatient, untrusting, secretive, haughty, arrogant, unfriendly, rude,

24 25
To prove my disapproving family wrong, to change the way things are done, to Strain a relationship in pursuit of your ambition
silence my critics, to protect a speci�ic someone from all harm, to �ind a place where I
truly belong, to marry into wealth and stability Make a promise you don’t intend to keep

CHOOSE WHAT GROUNDS YOU Sacri�ice something to pursue an opportunity

Family, nature, religion, art, friendship, books, quiet time, music Do a favor for someone more important, in hopes of gaining in�luence
Put yourself in debt, social or �inancial

THEN: Take on a task that is too big for you

Give your character a name, gender, and description. If relevant, create their title.
Some possible names: Galatea, Persei, Ariel, Indus, Arche, Deimos, Linnea CHALLENGE MOVES – SPEND A TOKEN
Pick one of the current issues decided on in collaboration. Note down why your Damage an opponent’s reputation
character cares about this issue.
Gain status or a promotion
Pick which faction your character is most aligned with currently. This may change
during play. Give help without expecting something in return
Lastly, out of the listed relationships, either give one to two other players, or choose Let someone off the hook
one to give to another player and create an NPC to ful�ill another: someone you have
dirt on, rival, best friend, co-conspirator. You may also create any NPCs required for Demonstrate your genuine worth
your character’s story or history, such as a spouse, liege, or relative. Find a place—even for a moment—where you belong
Openly switch your faction allegiance
What insult did you pay me that I will always remember?
How have you become an obstacle to my success?
What goal have we allied to achieve?
What debt do I owe you?
What favor have I asked of you?
How did I show you vulnerability?

26 27
To take the top position in my �ield, to �ind my rival(s)’ darkest secrets, to prevent (or
foment) a conspiracy, to assemble a group of allies and use them to attain power, to
The dusty silence of the library. The metallic click of the countinghouse. A dozen rules in�iltrate and take over another group
and regulations, subdivided into a dozen more sub-headings. And then, the rush of
plans executed, pawns captured, tables turned. You are a bureaucrat, an of�icial, a cog CHOOSE A HOBBY
in the machine that makes the court function. Behind the scenes, you know the Chess, calligraphy, traditional dance, dueling, gardening, �lower arranging,
exquisite secrets that spell fortune for some, and ruin for others. And with a touch here, astronomy, poetry
a whisper there, a bribe to so-and-so, you can make those secrets go away, or bring
them to light. Unless, of course, you are outmaneuvered. Can you weave your web
before you end up as the �ly?
The Bureaucrat is a court professional who thrives on secrets and schemes. They are
powerful in their access to court resources, their connections, and their deep Give your character a name, gender, and description. If relevant, create their title.
understanding of the ways of the court. They are weakened by their lack of status Some possible names: Leonardi, Pavonis, Seren, Auva, Cressida, Phoebe, Yarrow
and personal wealth, and the conniving of their peers. Pick one of the current issues decided on in collaboration. Note down why your
PLAY TO FIND OUT character cares about this issue.

Can you achieve your plans before consequences catch up with you? Pick which faction your character is most aligned with currently. This may change
during play.
Will your actions have any lasting impact?
Lastly, out of the listed relationships, either give one to two other players, or choose
Can all your scheming bring you satisfaction? one to give to another player and create an NPC to ful�ill another: someone who is
blackmailing you, con�idante, minion, rival colleague. You may also create any NPCs
required for your character’s story or history, such as a spouse, liege, or relative.
LURE: whenever someone tells you a secret, they gain a token


CHOOSE TWO AESTHETICS What secret do I know about you?
Proper, cosmopolitan, re�ined, serious, charming, insincere, intense, elegant, distant, Which agenda of yours have I supported, and why?
How have I thwarted your efforts to achieve your goals?
When did you �irst know I was more than I seemed?
Librarian, accountant, legal assistant, clerk, councilor, researcher, quartermaster,
etiquette master, spymaster Who do you suspect I would rather die than betray?
CHOOSE A SECRET ASSET What do I owe you?
A noble’s life-debt, blackmail material, the love of someone powerful, uncovered What favor did I ask of you?
history, connections to a foreign nation, a talent for seduction, the monarch’s trust

28 29
Push yourself beyond what is healthy
Make a gamble to get information The weight of expectations. The stiff clothes, tight against your neck. Reprimands when
Let someone else reap the rewards of your work you spoke out of turn. Legends of what your ancestors achieved, all far in the past. A
promise of renewed glory, encircled by endless ceremonies and careful self-discipline.
Push away those who try to get close to you You are the heir of your family—the only heir. Your family’s fortunes, honor, reputation:
all are in your hands. It is a heavy burden. Sometimes you dream of shrugging their
Offer a bargain that bene�its you expectations off, of pursuing your own interests and ful�illing your own desires. But
Force someone to go through you for information then your family name would fade into obscurity, and you… you would also be
forgotten. Can you really allow that to happen?
The Scion is solely responsible for their family’s success or failure. They are powerful
CHALLENGE MOVES – SPEND A TOKEN in their control of their family’s resources and their positioning at court, though they
are not the heir to the monarch. They are weakened by everyone’s contradicting
Give something away for free expectations of them, and the pressure they feel to make their family’s name.
Admit you’re out of your depth PLAY TO FIND OUT
Be recognized for your work Can you balance your own needs with the needs of your family?
Ferret out someone’s weakness or sins What parts of yourself will you refuse to give up?
Make a promise you won’t break What legacy will you try to build for your family, and your future?
Let someone in for real
Openly switch your faction allegiance LURE: Whenever someone asks you to do your duty or perform a risky task, they
gain a token


Wealth, vast land holdings, servants of unshakable loyalty, a history of valuable
service to the crown, personal achievement, pious reputation, grateful vassals
Recent family scandal, bankruptcy, powerful rivals, incompetent relatives, blackmail-
worthy secrets, peasants’ revolt, reputation for unwholesome behavior, the
monarch’s ire
Traditional, modest, drab, dark-colored, severe, elegant, luxurious, ostentatious,
colorful, muscular, willowy, sleepless

30 31
To make a strategic marriage, to secure your place in the history books, to repay a life De�lect a personal question by speaking about your family instead
debt you owe, to strike your family’s shame from the record, to gain the respect of the
court and monarch Obey the whims of authority without question

WHAT PREVENTS YOU FROM BEING THE IDEAL HEIR? Sacri�ice your personal desires for the greater good

Gambling addiction, revolutionary ideals, immodest passions, forbidden love, debts Offer charity you cannot afford
to a foreign power, poor conversational skills, naivete, incompetence in the Great Seek favor from establishment powers
Snub those less fortunate than you

Give your character a name, pronouns, and description. If relevant, create their title.
Some possible names: Nova, Portia, Callisto, Primus, Leonis, Cetus, Azolia Use your in�luence on behalf of someone less powerful than you
Pick one of the current issues decided on in collaboration. Note down why your Stand up to authority
character cares about this issue.
Admit your own desires openly
Pick which faction your character is most aligned with currently. This may change
during play. Give up something you received from your rank

Lastly, out of the listed relationships, either give one to two other players, or choose Advocate for systemic change
one to give to another player and create an NPC to ful�ill another: committed ally, Transgress society’s expectations or morals
hereditary enemy, romantic rival, new friend. You may also create any NPCs required
for your character’s story or history, such as a spouse, liege, or relative. Openly switch your faction allegiance


What debt do I owe you?
What embarrassing secret of mine do you know?
Why does someone want me dead?
What reputation do I have in your portion of the court?
What failure of mine did you hear about?
How did I enchant you?
What do you owe me?

32 33
Turning down a marriage offer, spurning a former friend, not acknowledging a lower-
born family member, breaking someone’s heart, breaking a promise to a spirit or god,
The subtle shift and sway of court opinion and taste. The labyrinthine network of giving up a passion or vocation, disappointing someone close to you
favors owed, outstanding debts, affection and duty and fear. All these changes, events
large and small, like the �laps of a butter�ly’s wings recorded in the tremor of your web. CHOOSE AN OBJECT OF AFFECTION
You sit at the center of it all. The monarch may rule, but you are the master of the A younger family member, a naı̈ve youngster, someone crossed in love, a noble child,
social scene. And you will ensure that everything goes as it should—that the right an artist, a former �lame, a societal reject
people are included, the wrong sort are barred entry, and that the court continues on
just as it always has: with you at its heart, pulling strings. Will you be able to keep your CHOOSE A LINE YOU WILL NOT CROSS
velvet grip on the court without strangling it?
Betraying a family member, ruining a romantic relationship, crossing the monarch,
The Eminent is a noble who is happy with where they are themselves, but wants to lying to a religious �igure, killing a living being, working against the nation’s best
arrange other things to their liking—everything from who marries whom, to the interests, ennobling the unworthy, ruining the worthy, using magic
latest fashions, to the choice of the monarch’s heir. They are powerful in their
mastery of court politics, and in their longstanding position as the arbiter of social
taste. They are weakened by the necessity to play within the rules of the game, and THEN:
their need to maintain their position just as it is.
Give your character a name, pronouns, and description. If relevant, create their title.
PLAY TO FIND OUT Some possible names: Aquila, Volans, Altair, Naos, Carina, Alya, Oriole
Can you arrange events without being revealed as a puppetmaster? Pick one of the current issues decided on in collaboration. Note down why your
Do you want to achieve happiness for your chosen, or ruin for your enemies? character cares about this issue.

Will you maintain control, or see the court dance to another’s tune? Pick which faction your character is most aligned with currently. This may change
during play.
Lastly, out of the listed relationships, either give one to two other players, or choose
LURE: whenever someone accepts a gift from you, they gain a token one to give to another player and create an NPC to ful�ill another: reliable sycophant,
proté gé , talented frenemy, former lover. You may also create any NPCs required for
your character’s story or history, such as a spouse, liege, or relative.
Warm, maternal, fashionable, smiling, insincere, baroque, tasteful, ostentatious, ASK ONE OF THESE QUESTIONS LEFT AND ONE RIGHT
unusual, re�ined, indulgent, intimidating
What did I promise you I would cause to happen?
How have my machinations forced your hand?
To expose a huge scandal, to promote your proté gé to new heights, to successfully
arrange a love match, to put an upstart in their place permanently, to cover up your How did I save you from humiliation?
own scandalous behavior, to defeat a rival and cause their exile from the court, to
permanently secure your position at court Who do you believe opposes me?
What salacious rumour have you heard about me?
What did you hear I was forced to give up to maintain my status?

34 35
Invent something scandalous, and spread the rumor
Jump to the worst conclusion
Arrange a quid-pro-quo
Forces at Work
Act without care for the lower-born
Make an enemy as a result of ignoring the wishes of others
Insert yourself into a conversation or situation


Unlike other No Dice No Masters games, Butter�ly Court does not have Setting
Support someone without expectations or explanations Elements. Players are encouraged to focus on interacting with each others’ main
characters during the Scenes phase. During the Reactions phase, players will narrate
Sacri�ice your desires for someone else how the Forces at Work react to the events of the Scenes phase. It’s possible for only
Call in a favor a few Forces to appear, or for all of them to appear. Decide what makes sense for
your story and for the most recent events. The following Forces of Work are
Display vulnerability available:
Secure your position with a person of high class or in�luence
Use your in�luence to support a major societal change
Openly switch your faction allegiance
The empire, the kingdom, the nation—whatever you want to call it, it’s big enough that
it seems to have its own interests. Oftentimes, those are the interests of its most
powerful members, the wealthiest and the most privileged. Sometimes, the empire
speaks with the voice of its monarch. Sometimes it speaks with the voice of history,
asking for admiration, patriotism, dignity. It is the government, the textbook version of
history, the establishment forces, the consumption of capitalism. On the positive side, it
gives pride in one’s history, the great ideals of nation-builders, the accomplishments of
monuments and wars won. On the negative side, it silences dissenters, smoothes over
unpleasant facts, and concentrates wealth and power in the hands of a few.

Interests: national pride, international reputations, controlling territory,

suppressing rebellion, traditions, upholding the status quo, enriching the powerful
Potential Reactions: royal announcements, new laws, exiling or imprisoning
dissidents, granting titles and land, demanding obedience or favors, national
celebrations or holidays

36 37

There are forces in the world that are beyond human grasp. Some call it magic, some Court politics so often ignore the fact that the vast majority of any country is made up
call it fate, some have other names for it. It changes the fabric of the world, weaves in of regular people. These regular people are farmers, artisans, artists, merchants,
new threads or even new patterns. Whether this is boon or bane entirely depends on laborers, soldiers, clergy, entertainers, homemakers, and every other sort of person who
your perspective. The Weave has its own mysterious agenda, and it will move humans keeps daily life moving. Without them, the country would collapse. And yet they are
around like playthings. Other more magically-inclined beings, such as the woodkin, often ignored—until resentment reaches a boiling point. The voice of the people can be
may be more in tune with it, but no one can ever truly know the whole. On the positive a much-needed rallying cry against oppression, inequality, and poverty. However, it can
side, it creates miracles and wonder, and last-minute impossible rescues. On the also be the call to violence and uprising.
negative side, it curses, poisons, and ruins without mercy.

Interests: economic security, basic welfare, equality, decency, resistance to change,

Interests: upheaval, magic, prophecy, fate, destiny, nonhuman actors, the woodkin, xenophobia, communities outside the capital, rural areas, events disrupting trade or
wilderness agriculture
Potential Reactions: curses or blessings cast, prophecy announced, woodkin court Potential Reactions: protests, work stoppage, pleas for aid, political agitation,
makes demands, a practioner of magic appears in Pheles, a supernatural disaster supply shortages, military failure or success as result of morale, social unrest,
occurs, a powerful magical artifact is found revolution


Religion takes different shapes, but whether organized as an all-consuming national
interest or humble folk beliefs, it can inspire people to change their attitudes and aspire No country is an island. The borders may be inhabited by bandits that threaten
to better themselves. Separate from a mere belief in the supernatural, religion gives travelers, or by the forces of a powerful and civilized neighbor, but both pose danger.
people a set of values to uphold, a community to belong to, and authorities to obey. The The hawks in the court may want to expand the borders, to push the country’s in�luence
spirits and gods may or may not be in the world, but the rules around worship of them ever outward. And yet, the precarious balance of international alliances often depends
certainly are. On the positive side, religion can inspire great acts of charity, humility, on not encroaching upon another’s territory. Rumors of war swirl through the court
and compassion. On the negative side, it can be a force for bigotry and oppressive and beyond. After all, countries need resources to grow, and sometimes those resources
control. are in someone else’s territory. Or perhaps there are some troublesome elements
bothering the residents. Either way, the borders need constant attention.

Interests: community, safety, piety, charity and good works, social order, propriety,
exclusion and inclusion, explaining the world Interests: expansion, raiders and bandits, war, rebellion, economic gain, military
security, aggression, paci�ication
Potential Reactions: new cults or beliefs arise, religious of�icials exert pressure on
politics, religious authority bans something important, believers come together to �ix Potential Reactions: military advances by another power, military advances by
or build something, an event is interpreted as an omen or message from god(s) Praecia, secessionist movements, border communities raided, urgent resource
scarcity problems, diplomacy events

38 39

The only constant is change. Time moves ever forward, and the �laps of the butter�ly’s
wings changes the direction of the wind in unpredictable ways. The world itself causes
upset, through weather and natural disasters. Earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis—
they can change the course of human fortunes in the blink of an eye. Technology, like a
force of nature in its own right, breaks into history, changing lives in its wake.
Progress marches on. The world shakes and changes. And who can really say if the
changes are for good or ill?

Interests: technological progress, upheaval, demographic change, epiphanies,

upsetting the status quo, undermining stability, revealing the unknown
Potential Reactions: a powerful new invention, a major natural disaster,
population changes (disease, migration, etc), unforeseen consequences of a
previous action appear, a new leader is appointed, someone important dies,
technological revolution


In a society where fortunes can change based on the favor of the powerful, rumor has
the potential to destroy reputations or make careers. It can also, more simply, break
hearts, provide entertainment, and forge alliances. It is not always clear how rumors
start or where gossip comes from, but its effect is undeniable. What are people
whispering? Is it true? Does it matter?

Interests: chaos, dirty laundry, spectacle, scandal, reconciliation, romance, violence,

alliances, betrayal
Potential Reactions: NPCs start or break off relationships, a scandal comes to light,
a rumor is started, someone’s reputation changes, a fashion starts or ends, someone
is betrayed or murdered, rumor and gossip empower someone new, manipulations
force someone’s hand, political alliances are brokered

40 41
3 Role:

Resources and Credits

Comfort Moves Challenge Moves

In order to play Butter�ly Court, you don’t need anything other than these
instructions, paper, and something to write with. However, for your convenience,
there are play materials below for you to print, as well as a link to a digital copy for
virtual or paperless play. In order to use them, make a copy of the linked document
in your own �iles, so that the original does not get changed.

Digital play materials: Character Creation Notes:

A character sheet follows. You’ll still need the book to �ill it out.



42 43
Collaboration Credits
Name of Kingdom, Capital, and Ruler (if not default):
My most sincere gratitude to everyone who helped playtest this game or gave me
feedback during the writing of it, including: Carmen Maria Marin, é boylan, Emma
Lea Hasselback, Envi Wiklund, Gene Astadan, Hayley, Jules Peiperl, Julia Rose,
Kimberly Loftus, Kona Goodhart, Leandro Pondoc, Lisa Padol, Maria Morabe,
Marlene Wild, Nekochi, Ray Karni, Rose, Stephanie Novak, Taylor Aksel Arthur
Factions: Rasmussen, Violet Flohr, Zap
Thank you to the Storybrewers Discord, for giving me companionship, inspiration,
support, and many hours of excellent game play. Thanks especially to Hayley and
Vee for making that space. All my love to the Fruits and to my Tuesday Group, who
Current Issues: inspire me to strive for the heights of creativity, friendship, and humor.
Thanks to Avery Alder, who invented the BoB/No Dice No Masters system, and
whose amazing games come highly recommended.
Answers to Collaboration Questions: And, as always, thank you to my partner Elise, without whom nothing I do would be
half as good, or a quarter as ful�illing.

Image Credits
Front Cover: Section of a wall, Tapestry Room, Palace of Fontainebleau, by Frederick
Marschall, 1885

Front Interior Cover: Stage Design: Palace Interior, by Francesco Galli Bibiena,
1700-1750 and Stage Design, View of a Palace from a Terrace, unknown artist,

Back Cover: Vestibule Corner ''Schleissheim," Prince Regent Luitpold's Palace, by

Herman Hartwich, 1880

Interior images, in order: Stage Design, Palace Courtyards and Staircases, by the
Bibiena Family, early 19th century; Stage Design; Palace Court, by a follower of
Antonio or Carlo Galli Bibiena, late 17th century; Stage Design: Palace Architecture,
unknown artist, 1750-99; Concert Room of Sanssouci Palace, Potsdam, Germany by
Eduard Gaertner, 1852; Stage Design, Underground Stairways and Galleries of a
Forti�ied Palace, by Angelo Toselli, ca. 1800; Stage Design, View from Palace in Venice,
by Romolo Achille Liverani and Alessandro Sanquirico, 1832; Stage Design, Palace
Atrium, by Angelo Toselli, 1815-30; Stage Design, Palace Interior, by Antonio Sarti,
early 19th century; Stage Design, Palace Courtyard, by unknown artist, 18th century;
Stage Design, Palace Interior, by unknown artist, early19th century; Entrance to a
Palace, with a Pulley, by the Bibiena Family, late 18th century
Number of traitors (if using): All images obtained from the Smithsonian Institute, at

44 45
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).
Misha Grifka Wander, 2022

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