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Compiled By: Engineer Nasim Zulifqar




Introduction of the poet
William Shakespeare was a English dramatist and poet, considered to be the greatest of
all writers. Shakespeare was not only a writer and poet, but also an actor who devoted
his life to the theatre.

Introduction of the poet

The poem entitled Seven Ages of Man is one of the best known passages from
Shakespeare work. This speech is delivered by Amiens in ACT II, SCENE VII of the play
As You Like It. Amiens is one of the group of noblemen leading a life of exile with Dukes
in the forest of Arden.

The world is like a stage of drama. All the men and women are only players. Every man
has to play seven parts in his drama of human life. At the first stage, a man is a baby.
He only pucks or cries in the arms of his nurse. At the second stage, he is a boy and goes
to school unwillingly the third stages is the stages of youth. Now a man adopts the role
of a lover. He sighs and writes poem in praise of his beloved. At the fourth stage, the man
becomes a soldier. He wears a sunny beard, abuses others and is ready to pick up
quarrels with others. He is ready to go into the mouth of death for the sake of good
names. At the fifth stages, he retires from active life and becomes a justice of peace. He
accepts bribes and decides the cases. The sixth stages come and man is changed
completely. He wears spectacles and keeps a pouch of snuff with him. He grows lean and
thin. The seventh stages reduces a man to nothing. Now he loses his teeth, his eyes and
taste. He is a child for the second time.

Shakespeare has perfectly described this truth in Seven Ages of Man that man is an
actor, life is a drama and this world is a stages. Each person plays the roles assigned to
him and tires to justify it.
“Our whole life is like a play”


Q1. Why does William Shakespeare compare the man’s life to the stage?
Ans: William Shakespeare compares the man’s life to the stage because according to
him this world is just like a stage where man and women are actors and actress.
Every person in this world comes for a particular time just like actors and actress
and leave the stage after performing her /his role. Same as every person of this
world has left the world after leading his/her life.

Q2. Describe the first and second stage of a person?

Ans: In the first age of a man, he is a little born baby who is totally dependent on others,
especially on mother. It is the age of infancy in which he mews and puks in the
nurse arm. In the second age, his age of infancy ends when he becomes a cute
school going boy with a morning face and his bag hanging on his back, walking
inappropriately on his way to the school.

Q3. Why does he go to school undeliberately in the second stage/age?



Ans: He goes to school undeliberately in the second age because he is very attached
with the atmosphere of his house and it is very difficult for him to leave that
Q4. Why does a person indulge in the love of someone in the third age?
Ans: The person indulges in the love of someone in his third age due to lack maturity.
At that time he sings a Woeful ballad and admires the beauty of his beloved all the

Q5. Describe the emotions and feelings of a lover for his beloved.
Ans: When a person indulges in the love of someone then he admires the beauty of his
beloved. He sings melodies and ballads for his beloved. He wants to see her, talk
her and want to live with her all the time. In fact he is ready to do anything for her

Q6. Why does the poet compare the fourth age of a person to a solider?
Ans: The poet compares the fourth age of a man to a soldier because in this he is very
passionate, brave and ambitious. He is like ready to fight over minor issues which
gives him a more aggressive look and he want to become famous at every cost just
like a soldier.

Q7. Describe the fifth and sixth age of man’s life?

Ans: In the fifth age of a man he enters into a mature and sensible phase and plays the
role of justice. Due to excessive eating of well fat cock he becomes corpulent. In
this age he knows much about the life and society and delivers lectures and wise
In the sixth age, he becomes an old man, he looks like a cartoon on the stage with
loose pantaloon, spectacles on nose, slippers and a pouch hanging on its side.

Q8. What sort of resemblance does the poet find between the first & the last age?
Ans: The resemblance which the poet finds between the first and the last age is that in
the first age when a man is a new born baby at that he is totally dependent on his
mother or family members, similarly when he enters in the last age or seventh age
of his life where he comes an extremely old fellow then once again he depends
upon his family. It is second childhood and a miserable time for him.

“Multiple Choice Questions”

1. Seven ages of man composed by _______________.
William Lord Amiens Jacques John Milton
2. The song "Seven Ages of Man" occur in Act II scene ________________.
3. The song "Seven Ages of Man" is sung by _______________.
Lord Amiens Jacques Pope Rector
4. William Shakespeare divides the role of a man into ________________.
5. __________ is the 1st age.
School boy Infancy lover Soldier
6. __________ is the 2nd age.
School boy Infancy lover Soldier
7. __________ is the 3rd age.
School boy Infancy lover Soldier
8. __________ is the 4th age.
School boy Infancy lover 2Soldier
9. __________ is the 5 age.

School boy Judge lover Soldier


10. __________ is the 6th age.

School boy Infancy Old age Soldier
11. __________ is the 7th age.
School boy Infancy lover 2nd Childishness
12. William Shakespeare was born in _________.
1600 1616 1564 1515
13. William Shakespeare was died in __________.
1600 1616 1564 1515
14. William Shakespeare famous due to __________.
Dialogue Characterization Plot Theme
15. The duke was robbed by his dominion by his __________.
Brother Sister Brother-in-law Father
16. All the world's a _________.
Drama Stage School Place
17. Seeking the __________ reputation.
Bubble Temporary Fast Rapid
18. Duke and his group living a life of exile in the forest of __________.
Arden Africa Asia Europe
19. This speech is written in the __________ form of Verse.
Blank Rhyme Close Open
20. Ballad means __________.
Song Article Ode Translation
21. Pard means __________.
Donkey Lion Cat Leopard
22. The seven ages of the man is a __________.
Drama Comedy Novel Play


Thomas Campion was a prominent scholar, poet and musician of his time. Man of Life
Upright is simple in expression but it contains depth of thought and feeling. The poem
present the concept of an ideal personality, leading a highly disciplined and controlled
life. He is master of himself.

The pure and innocent heart of an upright man is free from evil ideas and intentions. He
passes his life in simple happiness. He has perfect control over his wishes and emotions.
As a result, worldly loss and problems fail to disturb him.

He is confident and brave. He does not count on power or material resources. In a battle
he depends upon God and seeks help from him. He does not have strong forts, weapons
of war or secret cellars for his safety.

This man faces the natural calamities such as stormy winds, heavy rains and tempest
calmly and courageously. His faith in God remains firm and unshaken.

“Faith is the force of Life.”

- Tolstoy

The poet says that this main shows complete indifference to the happy and unhappy
events of Life. He is aware of that all worldly things and events are temporary and

worthless. He seeks knowledge from the heavenly books and study the objects of Nature
adds to his wisdom and refines his intellect.

Campion says that the main of upright life considers the world a place for brief stay. It
no more than an inn, without any glamour or charm. He believes that his good deeds are
his only assets and earning. When called upon by God, he will have to embark on the
journey to the next and eternal world.

“It matters not how long we live, but how we live.”

- Bailey


Q1. How does he spend his silent days?
Ans: He spends his silent days in a joyful mood but his joy don’t cause any harm to
others because he has knowledge about the heavenly books.
Q2. How is he got command over his hopes and sorrows?
Ans: He has perfect commands over his hopes and sorrows because he is not so
ambitious. That’s why false hope can’t deceive him or sorrow is not made him
dissatisfied. That’s why he always looks happy and content.
Q3. Why does he not need any tower nor armour for defence?
Ans: He does need any tower or armour for defence because he has no enemies. He has
no underground rooms to save himself from the thunder bolt. The reason is that
he envies none. He knows the reality of life and follows the same philosophy in his

Q4. The poet says “He faces the danger with unafraided eyes”. What does it
Ans: The poet means to say that only an upright man has the courage to face the danger
with unafraided eyes b/c he lead a simple, peaceful, honorable and a chaste life.
He is only afraid of God that’s why nothing can hurl the disaster on him. It means
he faces the danger bravely and courageously.
Q5. Why does the poet compare world to an inn?
Ans: The poet compares the world to an inn because this world and its beauty is
temporary and all the people who are here has to leave this world after completing
their time. The poet wants to say that as we are here for very short time so we
should lead a very pious life and should commit good deeds.

“Multiple Choice Questions”

1. The poem "The Man of Life Upright" is written by __________.
Sir Henry Wotton Thomas Campion Sir Walter Scott Shelley
2. This poem describes the life of __________ man.
Pious Cunning Cruel None of them
3. Thomas Campion was born in __________.
1567 1568 1560 1566
4. The theme of the poem is __________.
Romantic Religious Philosophical None of them
5. Vanity means __________.
Pride Innocence Conceit Variety
6. Vaults means __________.
Court Cellar Dungeon Hotel



7. Deep means __________.

Sea Ocean River Profound
8. He acquired his higher education from _________.
Oxford Cambridge Harvard Esol
9. Thomas Campion was died _________.
1567 2016 1620 1616
10. From all dishonest deeds, or thought of _________.
Pride Vanity Possession Ownership
11. Whom hopes cannot delude, nor sorrows _________.
Content Discontent Satisfy Dissatisfy
12. That man needs neither towers, nor armour for _________.
Defence Safeguard Safty None of them
13. The horrors of the deeps, and terrors of the _________.
Cloud Sky Earth Storm
14. He makes the heaven his book, His wisdom _________thing.
Heavenly Earthly Worldly None of them
15. The earth his sober inn, and quiet _________.
Pilgrim Pilgrimage Rule None of them


Introduction of the poet
John Milton is regarded as one of the most famous poets of English Literature. His
masterpiece Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes earned him fame and
honor. His individual style has a touch of sublimity and majesty which is quite
appropriate to his noble and powerful ideas.

Introduction of the Poem

Samson Agonistes is an adaptation of the Greek drama form in blank verse, which
recounts the tragedy of Samson in his blindness beset by enemies. This hero performed
the decisive role in crushing the philistines who were the deadly enemies of his race.
Samson, too got killed in that disaster but his heroic act saved his tribesman from the
deadly enemy. By virtue of his glorious deed, his named earned eternity. It is rightly said:


Once the Philistines arranged a grand feast in a temple. The huge gathering included
gentry from all parts of the country. A prisoner, Samson, was brought to display his
immense strength and stamina through different stunts. Though he was blind, but
performed very well and the leaders enjoyed it. After performing for some time, he feel
exhausted and wished to be taken between the pillars for rest. He placed his arms on the
pillars and stood with his head inclined as if he was lost in some profound thoughts or
was busy in prayer. The foundation of great temple rested onto these two pillars.
Ultimately he addressed the gathering and informed them that his final performance
would be according to his own will and it would leave them amazed and fascinated.

After the speech, Samson started to exert all his force and energy onto these massy
pillars. The way he was jerking the pillars, it seemed as if the forces of nature had also
come to his assistance and were enclosed in his body. Eventually, he was able to remove
the pillars from their place and the whole roof collapsed with a loud rumble and
explosion. All the people assemble there were buried alive under the pillars. Samson was

unable to save himself from the claws of death and was also buried with them, but
remained alive among the hearts of his people. In this way, he set an example of great
sacrifice by giving up his life but eliminating his rivals.


Q1. Who was Samson and how did he became captive?
Ans: Samson was a great hero of immense power. He fought against the philistines on
number of occasions, the deadly enemy of his race. At last, his wife betrayed him
and he was taken prisoner through the treachery of his wife.

Q2. What sort of performance did he perform?

Ans: He performed different sort of performance in front of philistines super ordinators.
First of all, they put out his eyes to make him less dangerous. At the annual feast,
he was brought to the temple. He was asked to show his feat of power. He lifted
weight, pulled, drew or broke different things. He performed whatever could be
done by the blind man. Everybody was surprised to see his immense strength.

Q3. What did people assume when Samson felt the pillar in the arm?
Ans: When Samson felt the pillar in the arms, so he stood silent for a while with his
head bowed and eyes fast fixed on the ground. So the people assume that he was
going to offer the great matter or thinking about a critical problem or he is praying.

Q4. How did Samson save his people?

Ans: When the Samson was taken captive by the philistines. They arranged feast in the
temple. The huge gathering included gentry from all part of the country was come
to see him. Samson was brought to display his immense strength and perform
whatever he could. When the show was ended he feel exhausted and requested
the guides to take some rest between pillars. He felt the pillars in his arms and
straining all the nerves and horribly shook the pillars to and fro. The whole roof
felt with the burst of thunder over the super-ordinators. He also became the victim
of the complete destruction.

Q5. Who were assembled under the arched roof and why did they come?
Ans: The lords, ladies, captain, councilors, priests, their selected noble man & the finest
members of their society but also each philistine from the neighboring cities were
assembled under the arched roof. They came their to celebrate the feast of victory.

“Multiple Choice Questions”

1. The Poem "Lines from Samson Agonists" have been written by________.
John Milton Thomas Camion Alexander Pope Thomas Gray
2. Samson was the man of great _________.
Height Strength Anger Hair
3. Samson became captive due to the treachery of his _________.
Sister Wife Mother Cousin
4. _________ is the Moral lesson of the poem.
Sacrifice Revenge Patriotism Separation
5. _________was the deadly enemy of Samson's race.
Philistine Russian Greek German
6. John Milton was born in _________.
1608 1609 1611 1610
7. The poem "Samson Agonistes" is written in the form of _________ verse.
Rhyme Black Mix Blank



8. Philistine leaders made Samson _________ to make him less dangerous.

Blind Deaf Dumb Limper
9. John Milton was himself _________.
Deaf Blind Dumb Limper
10. John Milton was died in _________.
1608 1674 1647 1648
11. John Milton was the great poet of __________ language.
Latin Russian Greek German
12. To heave, pull, draw, or _________, he still performed.
Break Broke Broken None of them
13. None daring to appear _________.
Samson Antagonist Achilles Him
14. Antagonist means __________.
Challenger Powerful man Genius man Bold man
15. Samson agonists felt __________ pillars in his arms.
3 2 5 4
16. Flowers means __________.
Worst Finest member Top Best
17. Choice means __________.
Best Worst Corrupted Lay
18. Hitherto, lords, what your commands _________.
Given Imposed Directed None of them
19. Now, of my own_________, such other trial.
Will Accord Boss None of them
20. When mountains tremble, those 2 massy pillars, with horrible convulsion ______.
Rotate Circular To and fro None of them
21. Samson, with these in mixed, _________.
Inevitable Separated Avoid None of them


The poem entitled An Essay on Man is composed by a prominent English poet Alexander
Pope. He has discussed in his typical style, the nature, conduct and destiny of Man.
“The Proper study of Mankind is Man.”
- Pope

In the opening lines of the poem, Pope says that God has concealed future and fate from
all creatures. They are absolutely unaware of the forth-coming event. God has hidden
from animals what he has given to man and from man what he has given to the angles,
otherwise, it would be impossible to live here in, God has given to his creatures only what
they can afford to know.
The lamb does not know that it is going to be sacrificed. Would it know, it would not skip
and play. Man knows that the lamb is going to be sacrificed and he can afford this
knowledge but the lamb can not. Pleased to the last it licks the hand, which is going to
shed its blood. The poet says that God remains indifferent to the day to day happenings
and rise or fall of human beings. Ion his eyes, the death or decline of a great hero or the
death of a tiny bird are incidents of similar significance. Since God prefers none to none
there is no possibility of any injustice from God. whatever is given is nothing but in our
interest. So we should hope and wait the great teacher Death and pray to God.

Hope soars high with flattering wings. We should uphold the banner of hope and thankful
to God for this gift of unawareness. In the concluding lines of the poem, Pope gives his
views on the condition of human soul and the role of hope in human life. He says that
hope never deserts human beings. It remains alive and active in human heart forever.
It is hope, which inspires human beings to keep striving and moving ahead. Man is never
contented with his present condition and circumstances. He always hopes and struggles
to get into a better position. The light of hope gives
courage and will to work to the Moral beings.

About human soul, the poet remarks that it never enjoys a moment of real joy and peace
in this world. It is constantly restless, disturbed and far from its real and eternal home.
The eternal abode of human soul is Heaven. It aspires to liberate itself from the material
cage of human body and go back to its original and final home. Human soul hopes to live
there permanently enjoying peace comfort freedom and happiness.
“When all else is lost, Future still remains.”
- Bovee


Q1. Why do the living creature remain happy?
Ans: The living creatures remain happy because God has conceited their fate and future
to them. They are absolutely unaware of the forth coming events but God has
categorized the reasons for creatures to creatures, otherwise it would be
impossible to live here in. God has given to his creatures only what they can afford
to know.
Q2. The poet says “From brutes what men” how?
Ans: The poet says “From brutes what men” in this case he give the example of the
lamb (animal) to prove his views. The lamb does not aware that he is going to be
sacrificed. Would it know, it would not skip and play and does not have the flowery
food but men know that the lamb is going to be sacrificed. Men can afford this
knowledge but lamb can’t.

Q3. How does the poet remarks that “Who sees in equal eye as God all” briefly explain?
Ans: The poet remarks that “Who see with equal eye as God of all” mean God knows
each and everything and gives similar. The poet compares the importance of all
atom to the system and a bubble burst to this world and the death of the hero to
the death of the bird. He says all these things have same significance before god.
He says that we don’t know but Allah knows that this world and its system has to
be ended on day and on that day God will run everything.

Q4. How do the lines from “An essay on man” justify pope’s opinion the
ignorance of the future and hope are the two blessings?
Ans: Ignorance of the future and hope are the two great blessings for man-kind. In the
opening lines pope says that the living creatures remain happy because God has
conceited their fate and future to them. They are absolutely unaware of the forth
coming events but God has categorized the reasons for creatures to creatures,
otherwise it would be impossible to live here in. God has given to his creatures
only what they can afford to know.
In the last stanza, Pope says that hope never desert in human being, in remains
alive in the human heart. It is hope which inspires the person to keep struggling
and moving ahead because men are not satisfied to his present state and want to



get better and prosperous life in the society. The light of hope gives courage and
will to work for the Moral being.

“Multiple Choice Questions”

1. The poem "Lines from an Essay on Man" is written by _________.
Alexander pope John Milton Shelly Tennyson
2. Alexander pope completed his poem “An essay on man” in __________.
1733 1766 1787 1777
3. The poem “Lines from an Essay on Man” is __________ poem.
Romantic Religious Philosophical Natural
4. Alexander pope was born in _________.
1688 1888 1666 1687
5. God has hidden the book of _________ from all creatures.
Faith Fate Mystery Depth
6. The human know about the _________.
Present Past Future None of them
7. Ignorant from the future and hope are the _________ for mankind.
Boon Bless Blessing Nuisance
8. Alexander pope was died in _________.
1733 1780 1744 1775
9. From brutes what men, from men what _________ know.
Angle Vision Animals Spirits
10. Pleased to the last, he crops the _________.
Vegetable Food Foods Flowery food
11. _________ to the future! Kindly given.
Unaware Blindness Deafness Dumbness
12. But gives that _________ to be thy blessing now.
Hope Will Power Wisdom
13. An essay an man addressed by _________ to lord Bolingbroke.
Lord Alexander pope Shelly Men
14. In the poem spirit means _________.
Angle Ghost Soul Fairy
15. Alexander pope refers _________ blessing in the poem.
Two Four Three One
16. In the poem perish means _________.
Die Develop Progress Rise
17. In the poem bliss means _________.
Joy Sad Happy None of them


About the Poet
Williams Words Worth is a poet who has developed his own immensely valuable
theories concerning poetry. This is the reason why he possesses a unique and artificial
style. His work shows his life long love for natural beauty, which gives him the title Poet
of Nature.

About the Poem:

The poem entitled The Solitary Reaper relates to an incident, which deeply inspired the
poet when he was walking alone through the barren hills of Scotland. He was

fascinated by the sweet voice of a girl, who was singing a song in her native language.

The poet was on one of his long walks along the barren hills of Scotland when he saw a
young girl. She was all alone in the field, harvesting the crops and singing a song in a
pensive tone. The poet was profoundly fascinated by the bewitching melody and her voice
left an everlasting and indelible impression on the mind of the poet. This impression
motivated the poet to write a poem in appreciation of the melodious voice of the girl.

The poet says that the voice of the girl scattered all over the deep valley. He says that
the musical notes of the young singer are symmetrical to the thrilling songs of the
Nightingale and the Cuckoo. They were far sweeter than the humming of birds and
impressed the heart deeply. The sweet melody appeals to the tired travelers of the Arabian
Desert, who need relaxation after a long and monotonous journey. The voice leaves a
deeper impact than the song sung by the Cuckoo birds. It gives more than just breaking
the serenity and tranquility of the lonely seas.

The poet says that although he failed to understand the exact wordings of the song, as
the girl was singing in her native language, he could feel the sorrow and grief in her voice.
It was a song of lamentation describing some suffering of everyday life.

In the end, the poet realizes that although he would never again get the opportunity to
listen to that melodious voice, it would remain fresh in his mind forever. The beautiful gift
of nature the girl had, became a source of ceaseless joy for the poet.

“Great music is that which penetrates the ear with facility and leaves the memory with
difficulty. Magical music never leaves the memory.”

- Sir Thomas Beecham


Q1. Who was singing and what was she singing about?

Ans: The Highland girl was singing a melancholystrain, which was spreading in the
valleys. Perhaps she was singing about former issues, sadness or about the future.
Perhaps she singing about the pain or familiar matter today.

Q2. Briefly describe in the incident that led Wordsworth to write “The Solitary

Ans: William Wordsworth used to take long tours on foot.Once upon a time he was on
one of his long tour of the barren hill of Scotland. When he saw a young girl who
was singing and binding the crops along. The poet was profoundly fascinated by
the bewitching melody of her voice left the everlasting impression on his mind.
This impression motivated the poet to write a poem in the appreciation of the
melodious voice of the girl.
Q3. Why does the poet not understand the exact meaning of the song?

Ans: The poet does not understand the exact meaning of the song because she was the
highland girl of Scotland, and was singing in Gaelic and Celtic language still
spoken in the highland of Scotland and the Hebrides. That’s why he could not only
understand the exact meaning of the song.

Q4. What was the William Wordsworth feeling on hearing the solitary reaper?



Ans: William Wordsworth was feeling that her singing was ever flowing with the sound.
He felt nightingale did ever chaunt this sort of melody, no cuckoo-bird did ever
sing so beautifully in the spring and her beautiful and thrilling voice was breaking
the silence of the deserts and seas.

“Multiple Choice Questions”

1. The poem "Solitary Reaper" has been written by _________.
William Wordsworth Shelly Milton Robert Frost
2. William Wordsworth was born in _________.
1770 1780 1767 1769
3. William Wordsworth was the poet of _________.
Romance Nature Religion Thought
4. William Wordsworth was born at _________.
Cocker mouth Somber Sussex Landon
5. Solitary Reaper was singing in _________language.
English Greek Scottish Gaelic
6. She was the inhabitant of _________.
Scott land Paris Dutch Poland
7. William Wordsworth was remained ignorant to the _________.
Subject Theme Moral Gist
8. William Wordsworth prelude was completed _________.
1985 1850 1856 1859
9. William Wordsworth visited the valley alongwith _________.
Companion Sister Brother Father
10. Celtic language is spoken in the highlands of _________ and the Hebrides.
Australia Scott land England Poland
11. William Wordsworth was died in _________.
1850 1856 1859 1855
12. William Wordsworth compare the voice of the solitary girl by _________.
Donkey Birds Lata Cuckoo
13. Lay means _________.
Song Approval Absurdity Length
14. Melancholy means _________.
Happy Nice Sad Pleasure
15. Alone she cuts and binds the grain, and sings a _________.
Song Ballad Melancholy strain Ode
16. Of travelers in some shady haunt, among _________.
Valley Rock Ocean Hebrides
17. In spring-time from the _________.
Cuckoo Nightingale Gnat Frog
18. Will no one tell me what she _________.
Tell Sing Sings Songs
19. Some natural sorrows, loss, or _________.
Pain Chain Lane Main
20. Whatever the theme, the _________.
Virgin Maiden Nymph Girl
21. I listened, _________ and still.
Motionless Unmoved Vacant None of them



The poem entitled Music when Soft Voices Die is a short one, yet the theme that it
contains is very deep and profound. In this poem, we are told that we cannot forget our
loved ones even though they are no longer with us.

The poem tells us that even after we stop listening to good music, this soft music
lingers on in our memories for a long time to come. Another example that he gives is of
flowers like violets, telling us that even after flowers die away, their sweet scent lingers
with us for a long time to come.

Giving yet another example, the poet tells us that even after a rose withers away its
petals, are scattered on the bed of loved ones in order to make the room sweet scented.
In the last, he empresses the central idea asserting that everything and every one that
we love can never be forgotten by us even though they are not with us any longer.
Therefore, the poet declares that even though his beloved is no longer with him, yet her
loving though shall live in his memory and even though the poet will not be able to
actively show the love for her, yet in a silent, quite manner, he shall continue to love
her as long as he lives.

The conclusion then to draw from these lines is that the poet feels very rightly so that
our loved ones are so precious and dear to us that no matter what happens we cannot
forget them.


Q1. What sort of example does the poet give in the poem “Music when the softy
voices die”?

Ans: The poet gives three examples in the poem “Music when the softy voices die”. The
first is that “The music when the soft voices die remains fresh in the mind”. “The
second are violet flowers, which wilt away but their smell refreshes our senses. In
the third example the poet is given the example of rose flower that when it’s
become wilter but still its petal are of some use. He is giving these sorts of example
to show his loved for his beloved.

“Multiple Choice Questions”

1. The poem "Music When Soft Voices Dies" has been written by _________.
Shelly John Milton Tennyson Shakespeare
2. P.B. Shelly was born in _________.
1792 1892 1888 1890
3. This poem shows the emotions of _________.
Love Romance Religion Nature
4. Her wife committed the _________ in 1815.
Sui-Site Hang Choke None of them
5. He wrote the tragedies in _________ verse.
Rhyme Blank Poetic None of them
6. He died by _________.

Drowning Natural Cancer Heart failed

7. P.B. Shelly was died in _________.
1792 1822 1892 1885
8. Basically P.B. Shelly was _________.
Communist Atheist Jew Christian
9. In 1811, he got marriage to _________ year old girl.
16 17 18 19
10. P.B Shelly was exiled by university due to the publication of _________.
Necessity of Necessity of Necessity of Necessity of
atheism culture religion grouping
11. _________ was the wife of P.B Shelly.
Mary Goodwin Mary Shelly Kenith Goodwin Eve Shelly
12. P.B Shelly gives _________ examples to express his love.
1 2 3 4
13. P.B Shelly composed the poem on the separation on his _________.
Sister Brother Friend Beloved
14. Thought means _________.
Perception Idea Subject None of them
15. Slumber means _________.
Awareness Deep Sleep Ill
16. P.B. Shelly composed the poem "Music When Soft Voices Dies" on the _________
of his wife.
Separation Death Birthday None of them
17. Music, when soft voices die, vibrates in the _________.
Mind Memory Thought Span
18. Odours, when sweet violets sicken, Live within the _________ they quicken.
Mind Memory Thought Sense
19. Rose leaves, when the rose is dead, are heaped for the _________bed.
Wife Beloved Own Girlfriend
20. And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone, _________ itself shall slumber on.
Love Scorn Romance Hate


Introduction of the poet
John Keats is one of the finest English poets. In spite of living only for twenty-six years,
he contributed a lot to English Poetry. His poems are spirited and lively. His personal life
was a tale of sorrow and bereavement, but his keen observant eye made him an admirer
of nature, which is fully reflected in his poems.

Introduction of the Poem

Endymion is poem of great beauty. In this poem John Keats has expressed his conception
of beauty and has given a unique definition of beauty. According to Classical Mythology
Endymion was a beautiful youth with whom moon Goddess fell in love and on whom she
induced a perpetual sleep in order to kiss him without his knowledge.

Endymion is a poem of great beauty. In this poem John Keats has expressed his
conception of beauty and has given a unique definition of beauty. According to Classical
Mythology Endymion was a beautiful youth with whom the moon goddess fell in love and
on whom she induced a perpetual sleep in order to kiss him without his knowledge.

In this poem the poet says that beauty is a constant source of joy. Its loveliness increases
with the passage of time. Beauty is immortal. It appears in many shapes. The world is



full of misery but the beautiful objects of nature such as the sun, the moon, old and new
trees and flowers give us great pleasure and we forget our griefs.

“Beauty moves away the pall from our dark spirits.”

We also see glimpses of beauty of the grand places, which we imagine for the mighty
dead. Similarly we derive great pleasure from lovely tales which we have read or heard.
There are masterpieces of literature and Art which serve as source of eternal joy. Heroic
deeds and lives of great men of the past too, are among these objects of beauty. It is the
heights of keat’s imagination All these visions of beauty are like a fountain, which gives
an immortal drink to our thirsty souls.

“Imagination is the eye of the soul.”

- Joubert


Beauty is truth, turth beauty that is all

Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know

- John Keats

John Keats is an ardent lover of beauty. This is his fundamental belief and it operates in
all his poems. He is really in search of Truth. He wants to enjoy beauty to the best
possible degree. Endymion is a magnificent poem, which reflects profound love of the
poet for beauty as it is a constant source of spiritual joy. Therefore one must not forget:
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever"


Q1. In how many shapes the thing of beauty is the poet find in the poem “Lines
from Endymion”?
Ans: The things of beauty are three in the shape
i) The first is the nature like the sun, the moon, the shady trees, the running
streams and the forest are full of sweet blooming flowers.
ii) The second is the human history. Beauty is also found in the human history
because the great deeds of great man is the source of excitement and courage.
iii) Literature is another source of beauty. By reading the stories we feel that we
are drinking immortal water.

Q2. What can things of beauty do for us?

Ans: Beauty is immortal and its loveliness increases with the passage of time. It appears
in many shapes. The worlds is full of miseries but the beautiful objects of nature
like sun, moon and forest or the history of the human and the literature gives us
great pleasure. By the way we forget our grieves.

“Multiple Choice Questions”

1. The poem "Lines from Endymion" has been written by _________.
John keats Shelly John Milton Shakespeare
2. John Keats was born in _________.

1795 1798 1792 1788

3. He acquired early education from _________.
Ensfield school Christ’s hospital Cambridge Edinburg
4. John Keats was died due to the severe criticism on his _________ poem.
Endymion Ode to autumn Ode to night Ode to melancholy
5. Lines from Endymion was published by John Keats in ________.
1815 1817 1816 1814
6. John Keats _________ increases with the passage of time.
Beauty Love Romance Life
7. P.B Shelly compose _________ elegy on keat’s death.
Adonais The saint of eve Autumn None of them
8. Despondence means _________.
Satisfaction Disappointment Disagreement Worry
9. Dearth means_________.
Decrease Increase Scarcity Sweet
10. Spirits means _________.
Soul Emotion Love Angle
11. Rills means _________.
Valley Streams River Lake
12. Blooms means _________.
Flower Shadows Twinkles Lights
13. Dooms means _________.
End Final Final fate Death
14. Tales means _________.
Stories Poems Elegies Books
15. John Keats divides the beauty into _________shapes.
3 4 2 5
16. A thing of beauty is a joy _________.
For ever Perpetual Always None of them
17. Full of sweets dreams, and health, and quiet _________.
Bower Shady Innocence Breathing
18. Spite of despondence, of the inhuman _________.
Dearth Decrease Scarcity Sweet
19. All lovely tales that we have _________.
Listen Heard Read Recited
20. Pouring unto us from the _________.
Heaven bank Heaven bring Heaven corner Heaven brink
21. John Keats was buried at _________.
Germany Scott land Rome London


About the Poet
He is a great poet but known and admired more for his friendship with a greater poet
and educationist, Mathew Arnold and for his support to Florence Nightingale.

About the Poem


This poem teaches the Moral lesson of inflicting courage, ceaseless struggle and sunny
optimism of hope and aspiration. The poet through various images conveys a great
message that without struggle, man cannot accomplish anything really great in this
world. Struggle is the key to success in human life. It is rightly said:
“All honor to those who try.”

It is wrong to say that our struggle is useless. It is not right to say that the
enemy suffers no loss, and can never be defeated. Circumstances never remain the
same always. Sometimes we fail to achieve our desires. But we should not b hopeless.
Our fears may also be false. To explain this the poet gives three example.

In the battlefield, sometimes a soldier thinks of running away. He should not do

so. It is possible that beyond the smoke of guns, his friends may be winning. If he ran
away, he would lose the honor of victory. Then we see the waves, striking against the
shore. We should not think that they strike without any success. Somewhere might
have broken the shore. Again the sun rises in the east, and its light comes only through
the eastern windows. As the sun rise in the east, and its light spreads everywhere, so
our struggle does pay us somehow or the other.


Q1. What is the Moral of the poem?

Ans: The poem teaches us the Moral of inflecting courage. The poet through various
images conveys that without struggle man cannot accomplish anything in the
world. It confesses that struggle is the key of success, it right said.

“Multiple Choice Questions”

1. The poem "Say Not the Struggle Naught Availeth" has been written by _________.
Shelly John keats Thomas Campion Arthur Hugh
2. "Say Not the Struggle Naught Availeth" is a _________.
Saying Proverb Sentences Statement
3. The poet gives example to clearify your _________.
View Perception Mentality None of them
4. Arthur Hugh was born at _________.
London Sussex Paris Liverpool
5. Arthur Hugh Clough was born in _________.
1819 1821 1820 1822
6. Say Not the Struggle Naught Availeith was become in _________ world war.
1st 2nd Ceriman Troy
7. This song was sung between the war of America and _________.
British German Russia Holland
8. In this poem Naught means _________.
Not Nay Nothing None
9. In this poem vain means _________.
Useless Worth full Use full Advantageous
10. In this poem fields means _________.

Playground Battle-field Park Plain

11. In this the poet preaches _________.
Patriotism Revenge Hope None of them
12. The _________ and the wounds are vain.
Labor Work Pain None of them
13. The enemy _________ not, not faileth.
Faint Unconscious Unaware None of them
14. If hope were _________fears may be liars.
Deceive Delude Dupe None of them
15. Your comrades chase e’en now the _________.
Fliers Friend Companion None of them
16. Seem here no painful inch to _________.
Get Achieve Gain Acquire
17. Comes silent, flooding in, the _________.
Deep Sea Ocean Main
18. Arthur Hugh Clough was died in _________.
1861 1860 1862 1859


Introduction of the poet
Lord Alfred Tennyson occupies a very important and prominent position in the domain
of English Literature. He is the representative poet of Victorian era. He is a prolific poet
and has composed a number of poems. Tennyson’s poetry is rich in imagery as that of
keats but it lacks the romantic fine of Words Worth and Coleridge.

Introduction of the Poem

Ulysses is a long, magnificent, symbolical and Moral boosting poem. The poem is written
in the dramatic monologues of the powerful blank verse and tells the story of the most
prudent and bravest of the Greek heroes, Ulysses of Homer’s Odyssey. He is the symbol
of adventurous spirit, indomitable courage, inexhaustible zeal; unflinching faith;
unshakable determination and unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Ulysses wants to set
out on a journey of discovery because he believes that it is not too late to find a New

Ulysses was a Greek hero and the King of Ithaca. He had spent most of his life in voyages
and was always filled with the spirit of ventures and courage. His life was based on the
principle of struggle and courage.
In this speech, Ulysses pays high tribute to his mariners who labored and worked with
him. He reminded them of the past endeavors and motivated them to get prepared for
another voyage. Ulysses believed that struggle should continue as long as they lived.
They had to prove their eagerness, enthusiasm and the ability to fight even with deities
Ulysses invited his sailors to set off for another voyage in the hope of discovering new
land in the far west. He was conscious of the dangers and hazards involved in such an
exploitation but he was prepared to meet all the challenges.
Ulysses admitted that with the passage of time, the major part of their lives and much of
their energies have been used up and they had grown weaker. But their determination
was as strong as ever and they do not find them selves lacking in strength and vitality.
They find themselves still a force to reckon with. They are always bent upon making

ceaseless efforts to discover new lands, and under no circumstances, giving up their
struggle until ultimate success is achieved.

“Struggle is the father of all things … it is not by the principles of humanity that man
lives or is able to preserve himself above the animal world, but solely by means of the
most brutal struggle.”
- Adolf Hitler


Q1. Who was Ulysses and why did he want to go on the voyage?
Ans: Ulysses was a great hero and king of Ithaca. He had spent most of his life in
voyaging the different shores. After many years of adventures on sea, he came
home but found the home’s life dull and colorless. He wanted to go on the voyage
in search o adventures or new lands.
Q2. How did he encourage his comrades?
Ans: First of all, he paid tribute to his comrades who worked really hard and face the
danger of nature. He reminded them of the past endeavors the contriving and
motivated them to get prepared for another voyage because he believed that
struggle has no ending. Perhaps we will find the newer land.
Q3. What sort of possibilities were revolving in Ulysses’ mind?
Ans: Ulysses as the man of great courage and sprit. He told his mariners that it is
possible that they may be drowned in the great dept of the sea. Or it is also possible
that they may be reached the Isles of the blessed and met the great Greek warrior
(Achilles). Whom they knew very well.
Q4. What great adventure is he proposing?
Ans: He was proposing a great adventure of finding a newer world. A/c to him there
was never too late for anything that’s why he wanted to do s/t noble and
adventurous b/f his death.
Q5. What did the Ulysses ask the sailors to do in their old ages?
Ans: First of all, Ulysses paid high tribute to his mariners by reminding their past
efforts. He invited them to set off for the new voyage. He was conscious of the
hazards but prepared to meet all the challenges. He knew with the passage of time
they had grown weaker but they are strong in will power. They still have the ability
to find the new lands in the far East, if they strive, search and not to accept the
Q6. Why did he want to do something special before death?
Ans: He wanted to do something special before his death because life is the name of
struggle, or we can say thatUlysses was the King and was a brave person who
always suffered for the sake of others.That’s why he wanted to do something noble
for his people before his death so that they would remember after his death.

“Multiple Choice Questions”

1. The poem “Lines from Ulysses” is composed by _________.
Shelly John keats Alfred Lord Tennyson G. Allana
2. Lord Alfred Tennyson was born in _________.
1809 1811 1810 1808
3. Lord Alfred Tennyson was the great poet of _________ age.
Renaissance Romanticism Victorian Chaucerian

4. Lord Alfred Tennyson accepted the peerage in _________.

1830 1840 1850 1884
5. Lord Alfred Tennyson was born at _________.
Liverpool Rome Paris Somersby
6. In the poem touch means _________.
Stop Rice Rich Reach
7. Ulysses remined his men the war between Greece and _________.
Troy British Latin Romans
8. _________ souls that have toil’d and wrought, and thought with me.
Mariners Companion Friend None of them
9. The thunder and the _________ and opposed.
Sunrays Sunshine Enemy None of them
10. _________ hath yet his honor and his toil.
Young age Old age Infancy Childhood
11. _________ closes all; but something ere the end.
Death Life Infancy Childhood
12. Not unbecomeing men that strove with ___________.
Troy God Monster Ghost
13. The light begin to twinkle from the ____________.
Rock Valley Mountain Hill
14. The sounding _________ for my purpose holds.
Waves Furrows Clouds Sky
15. It may be will shall touch the happy _________.
Island Eve Isle None of them
16. And see the great _________ whom we knew.
Aristotle Plato Achilles John
17. Moved earth and _________ that which we are, we are.
Eden Heaven World Sky
18. _________ to seek, to find and not to yield.
Try Strive Struggle Sought
19. Alfred Lord Tennyson was died in _________.
1892 1890 1891 1889




Compiled By: Engineer Nasim Zulifqar




Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb is an effective little piece of emotional drama
written by Frank Arthur. Frank Arthur is known for his achievements as a civil servant,
novelist and scriptwriter.

It is a rare specimen of a melodrama filled with thrill and suspense. The play is notable
for the skilful manipulation of suspense. The story is based on the theme of revenge,
crime and punishment.
“Revenge renders ears deaf.” - William Shakespeare

It was a stormy winter’s evening of 1955. A heavily wrapped lady entered the waiting
room of a country railway junction, followed by a porter who lighted the fire for her, as it
was very cold. Soon a male passenger also entered the waiting room and came near the
fire in order to warm himself. The porter told them that they had to wait for 20 minutes
for the arrival of the train, bound for Stainthorpe. After the departure of the porter the
two passengers were left alone. They were strangers to each other, but soon they started
a conversation to while away the time.

The man told the woman of two half-minute meetings, which had the most profound
effect on his life. The first meeting took place in June 1953 in Korea. He was severely
wounded and wanted to die. He fainted and when he regained consciousness, he saw a
young Korean girl bending over him. She smiled at him and her smile gave him the
courage to live. He smile made him realize what his daughter would have been like if she
had lived. She was killed along with her mother in a road accident. They were overrun
by a car, which was being driven recklessly by Mrs. Judy Oakentubb. She was held guilty
of manslaughter and was sentenced to 18-month imprisonment but according to him it
was a plain deliberate heartless murder. So, he was going to Stainthorpe in order to
avenge the murder of his wife and daughter.

The woman told the man that his wife and daughter were killed in the accident. It was
not a murder. But he did not agree. He said that she was drunk and was driving the car
very fast to reach the coast from Stainthorpe. She led a bet with one of her companies to
cover the long distance within 15 minutes while it could be covered in half an hour. She
drove recklessly and killed his wife and daughter. So, it was a deliberate murder.

By chance he read the name of Mrs. Oakentubb, written on the label of the suitcase,
which belonged to the lady who was conversing with him. He was sure that the lady, who
was standing before him, was Mrs. Judy Oakentubb. He pulled a revolver from his pocket
and pointed at her. Mrs. Judy Oakentubb recoiled and told him that she had been in
perpetual agony ever since the accident took place. She posed herself as a repentant lady
over the tragic accident. She instead of asking for her life implored for her death that
according to her was a mean of escaping from the mental torture. Believing in her
statement, he decided to leave her and give her no punishment, as living with a sense of
self-reproachment was an ideal punishment for the lady. He says:
“Yes! You are right! It would be a greater punishment to live.”

He pocketed his revolver and walked out leaving her sobbing. As soon as he left the
room, she came to her real self. She expressed her hatred for the man observing her
from outside. He opened the door suddenly, raised the revolver and shot her dead. It is
rightly said:
“Often a clever culprit is caught by the trap of his own blunders.”



Those who cause tragedies in the lives of others inevitably meet the tragic end.
Beyond any shadow of doubt an evildoer is the engineer of his own catastrophe.


Q1. What is the significance of the tie on label on the suitcase of Mrs.
Ans: The label which is tie on the suitcase has the profound significance. When she
was strolling the room took a position with her back to her suitcase it appear that
she had tucked the label under the flap so that it was no longer visible. That was
sufficient for the man to disclose the identity that she was the same lady who
killed his wife and daughter in the motor accident.

Q2. Explain the importance of the label on Mrs. Oakentubb suitcase. Why did
he hide it?
Ans: The label which was attached to the suitcase of Mrs. Judy Oakentubb has the
greatest importance because if the person remained ignorant from the
identification of the lady there could no progress in the play at all. The lady hide
the label on her suitcase because she felt that disclosure of her identify will make
trouble for her.

Q3. At what point of the play do we come to certain that the man knows that the
woman in the waiting room is Mrs. Judy Oakentubb? When in fact do you
think he discovered his identity?
Ans: According to me the author is quite sure at the beginning of the play that the lady
who is sitting in the waiting room is Mrs. Judy Oakentubb. When they start talking
about the casual meeting of the people once in life, sometime change the life. This
story focuses on her (Judy). At the time of narrating the facial expression made
his mind clear that she is Mrs. Judy Oakentubb.

Q4. When is the audience likely to begin suspect that she might be Mrs. Judy
Ans: The audience is likely to suspect that she might be Mrs. Judy. When the male
character made his intensions clean that he is going to kill her.

Q5. What motive has the man to murder Mrs. Judy Oakentubb?

Ans: The man became her bitter enemy out of grief. She killed her wife and daughter in
motor accident. She was drunken and driving car with rapid speed only for bet.
That was his motive. It’s mean that his motive was to take revenge.

Q6. Draw a brief character sketch of Porter?

Ans: The Porter is most humorous character of the play. His role is to relief the tension
in the play. He brings the lady passenger into the waiting room. He appears to be
a kind hearted man. Who furls joy in providing comforts to the passenger time &

Q7. Why is your opinion does the author make the Porter a humorous
Ans: The author makes the Porter a humorous character to create the moments of
tensions, suspense and relief.

Q8. Write the brief character sketch of Judy Oakentubb?



Ans Mrs. Judy Oakentubb is the central character of the play. She is an ordinary
character. Nothing very remarkable about her. Her dress suggests that she
belongs to a rich class. She is very genius and cruel lady, because when the male
character makes her intensions that he comes here only to kill Mrs. Judy
Oakentubb. At that time she gets frightened but control her nerves. She also
convinces that man, that she is facing is misearable due to her mistake. In fact
she does not repeat on it. We meet her for too shorter period of time to establish
any opinion about her but in short, there is nothing admirable in her character.
She is the symbol of deceiving.
“Treachery, the name is women” “john milton”
Q9. Is the play has happy ending?
Ans: Yes, the play has the happy ending because its ending touch the peak of the reader
mind. She commits the sin by killing the innocent pedestrian. That’s why get the
same treatment.

Q10. Give the brief character sketch of male character?

Ans: Basically, male character is the most important character of the play. He is the
husband and the father of the innocent pedestrian. Who became the prey of
Oakentubb rush driving. He is the slightly leaves on social scale. He is clean
shaven and at its first exhibits a flamboyant air. The gentleman entered in the
waiting room and find out the identity by glancing on her suitcase. Afterwards he
puts the light on the importance of casual meeting and illustrates his experience
about them. She also tells lady he is going to Strain Thorpe to take the revenge to
Mrs. Oakentubb who killed his wife and daughter in the motor accident. When the
person becomes certain that the lady in the waiting room is Mrs. Oakentubb, he
pulled his revolver at her. She plots a plan and compels him tom leave her b/c her
life is more miserable and beyond your expectations. So that he dropped the idea
of killing her. When he realized that she is playing to him. He puts the revolver
and shot her dead and hurries out from there.

“Multiple Choice Questions”

1. Twenty minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb is written by __________.
Bertrand Russell Frank Arthur D.Y. Morgan Stephen Leacock
2. Frank Arthur was a novelist and __________.
Historian Psychologist Play-Wright Poet
3. In twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb the total characters are__________.
Three Four Two Five
4. In twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb, the waiting room is __________.
With three With two Full with Empty
passengers passengers passengers
5. The lady puts her suitcase down on the __________.
Floor Chair Bench Table
6. Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb is an effective piece of __________.
Fiction Melodrama Tragedy Comedy
7. Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb is notable for its skilful manipulation of
Suspense Defectiveness Tragedy Comedy
8. The porter says, “This job is only fit for a shaggy __________.
Dog Cow Sheep Deep
9. When the man throws his hat and coat on the bench his glance falls on the
__________ of lady’s suitcase.
Address Label Name Living place
10. Mrs. Oakentubb was about __________.
Four foot eight Five foot two Five foot five Five foot three



11. He was wounded in Korea in June __________.

1954 1953 1955 1952
12. Mrs. Oakentubb lived at __________.
Stainthorpe Village Town Station
13. He saw once in a newspaper Mrs. Oakentubb’s __________.
Address Picture Photograph None of them
14. The Korean girl was about __________.
Thirteen Sixteen Fifteen Fourteen
15. Before seeing the Korean girl, the man wanted __________,
To take revenge To live To die To go to Stainthorpe
16. “There are several sorts of men. But there are only two kinds of __________.
Woman Passions People Human beings
17. He tells her that she was driving at __________ miles an hour.
Forty Sixty Thirty Fifty
18. “She pulled out to overtake a __________”.
Car Bus Lorry Carrier
19. She was driving fast for a __________.
Prize Race Murder Bet
20. She made bet for wagered __________.
Three pounds Four pounds Two pounds Five pounds
21. Her rotten-set had wagered that she would not driven from __________ cross to
the coast under __________ minutes.
Twenty Fourteen Sixteen Eighteen
22. “So everything is true about your story except that you have come here to
Mrs. Oakentubb She He The porter
23. He pulls a __________ from his pocket and point at her.
Pen Revolver Mobile Knife
24. “All the time I had one __________ in my mind”.
Plan Scene Picture Map
25. Frank Arthur is of opinion. “His dress and speech define him as slightly lower in
the social scale a __________or a superior artisan.
Bachelor Cook Clerk Craftsman


The chapter entitled Reflections on the Re-awakening East, has been written
by Bertrand Russel. He is the most outstanding writer and thinker of our time. His more
popular 3orkds have been notable for their Introduction of scientific attitudes into the
discussion of politics and sociology.

According to Russel, power has never stayed permanently in the world. Initially at the
beginning the East and the Eastern nations had more power then the West but gradually
the power slipped out of the hand of the Eastern nations and went into the hands of the
Western countries. The West became all powerful and the East lost its power.
This chapter has been written in the year 1954 so Russel is talking about the conditions
of year 1954. When Russel is talking about the conditions of year 1954. When Russel

wrote this essay in 1954, he thought that power was once again passing out from the
hands of the West and the East was beginning to re-awaken and to gain power, therefore,
what we have learnt so far is that power changes from hand to hand. Russel is expressing
his thoughts and his opinions as to what the Eastern nations should do on their re-
awakening Russel is offering advice to the Eastern awakening.nations as to what should
they do in order to prosper and be successful.
First and foremost Russel advises the Eastern awakening nation not to
adopt communism because Russel describes communism as a poison. The next advice
that he gave them is to adopt industrialization and mechanization because according to
Russel any country that does not accept industrialization will lag behind. He advises the
Eastern countries to stay away from war, to struggle for peace.
The next advice is not to follow the West blindly but to take from the West what is good
and to leave out what is bad. After that Russel goes on to declare that Asia has some
excellent and major civilizations. These civilizations should never be mixed with each
other. Furthur more another excellent advice that Russel gave was that it is definitely
agreed that we can’t progress without mechanization yet the fact remains that side by
side with mechanization we should not forget poetry, arts, friendship, character-building,
all these come side by side. We must see to it that on one hand we progress in science
and on the other hand we build our Moral value.
Last but not the least, Russel concludes with the optimistic thought that the Eastern
and Asian nations shall contribute to the betterment and the progress of the world and
will not imitate the mistakes of the West.


Q1. Why does Bertrand Russell want the reawakening of the east to preserve
their traditional culture and abstain from copying in the west?
Ans. The author preaches so view of the particular social and Moral values of the east.
He points out to the fact that supremacy of the east was nothing military, science,
philosophy, poetry & the art. All flourished in the China & Mohammedan World
at a time when Europe has a such call this period the dark ages. But it was only
in Europe that it was dark. Europe has as such cheated the East to establish and
is the that east may preserve their traditional culture and abstain from copying
the west.

Q2. What does Bertrand Russell mean by the reawakening east?

Ans. By this he means rapid progress of various social & political and the values & in
comparison downfall of all such values in the East.

Q3. What does Russell says about the relation b/w the East and the West?
Ans. The East and the west have been powerful by turns. Now again the east is
becoming powerful. Russia & China have great power and Western countries can’t
keep their rules over eastern countries.

Q4. What does Russell say about industrialization?

Ans. Russell says that Eastern countries should make use of science & technology. It
is difficult to keep our independence without them. They are necessary for
progress. Russell rightly advices eastern countries not to use science for
destructive purpose. They should not like the wet to use science & technology for
the production of weapons for war. They should not use scientific and mechanical
power to fight against and over power other nations.
The west has no doubt use science and machine for better purpose too. It has
explored the whole world to use scientific & mechanical means. It ahs learnt the
secrets of atoms & stars. It has provided the world to many comforts & machinery.

The east can also put science & machinery to such constructive use. Russell thus
asks the east to make such positive use of science, technology & machinery. He
should not copy the mistakes of the west in using these negatively that is for

Q5. Why is insular for European historians to turn the centuries after the fall of
the Roman Empire “the dark ages”?
Ans. European historians call the centuries after the fall of Roman Empire the dark
ages because the European & western countries were backward. The Muslims
countries including Spain & eastern Asian countries were advanced in
comparison. But European historians did not consider this, & described the ages
till the 15th- Century as dark.

Q6. On what ground does the argue that communism is the most modern & the
most virulent form of western imperialism?
Ans. Communism is the most virulent because it threatens the ancient & glorious
traditions of Asia. Then it is imposed by military force.

Q7. To what cause does the author attribute the power of England in the early
19th century & the power of United States & Russian today?
Ans. The attribute the industrialism & scientific technique the power of England in the
19th century & the power of United States & Russian today.

Q8. What does the author consider it useless to resists industrialism?

Ans. It is useless to resists industrialism because civilization depends on it. Further wars
are not possible without industrialization & countries have to prepare for war.
Q9. How is traditional culture threatened in age dominated by science & machinery?
Ans. Traditional culture is threatened by science & machinery that put an end to
everything good and bad in it. Science & machinery sweep away all cultural
traditions & ways & make people think mechanically.
Q10. What is the author’s view had been the most serious flaw in the character
of the west of the last few centuries?
Ans. The most serious flaw in the character of the west has been the use of scientific
technique in the preparation of war.
Q11. What in the authors opinion should Asian countries accept from the west
and what should they reject?
Ans. The Asian countries should have advance scientifically and industrially like the
west. They should show tolerance and have democratic quality like west. But they
should not put science to destructive use should not prepare for war. They should
not put an end to their old traditions & social ways & not become slaves to

“Multiple Choice Questions”

1. In the earliest history, the _________predominated.
East West South Muslims
2. Reflection on the re awakening east is written by__________.
James Thurber Bertrand Russell Oscar Wilde Liaquat Ali
3. Bertrand Russell was an eminent __________and philosopher.
Mathematician Socialist Communist Physician
4. War between German and other occidental enfeebled __________.
Asia Europe South Africa West
5. The British cling------------
Malaya Italy Bhutan Pakistan

6. ------------ is not recognized by east and west.

Communism Atheism Religion None of them
7. ------------- is the most virulent form of western imperialism
Atheism Education Religion Communism
8. The world is divided into --------blocks.
1 2 3 4
9. ------------ led the world in science.
Muslims Hindus East West
10. The protests against industrialism is mentioned in ----------book.
Carlyle Milton’s Ruskin Newton
11. The philosophy of communism is-------------
German Italian Greece Chinese
12. The eastern should refrain themselves copying the mistakes of -------------.
West Americans English Carabians
13. In Asia, there are ---------- distinct civilizations.
3 2 4 5
14. Poetry and music were forgotten in -----------philosophy.
German Industrial Machine None of them
15. Asia and Africa were tortured in the hands of------------.
Western Eastern Southern Jews
16. The west, however, acquired the lead in civilization with the rise of _________
Greece Latin Alexander None of them
17. In power with the conquests of _________.
Pluto Aristotle Alexander None of them
18. West lost his position through the war between Roman and _________.
Dutch Americans Other Occidental Germans
19. Europeans, with unpardonable insularity, call this period _________.
Black Age Bleak Age Dark Age None of them
20. Columbus and Vasco-Da-Gama were the pioneers of the new western
imperialism and _________ was its main weapon.
Machine Cane Scientific Technique None of them
21. It is now Europe whose freedom is threatened by the alliance of _________.
Moscow Peking Napolean Moscow with
22. Asia has suffered under the insolence of the _________.
Americans White men Black men Christians
23. There are, it is true, some remnants of _________ to be wept away.
White Imperialism American Mughlia None of them
Imperialism Imperialism
24. There is only one Imperialism which now offers any menace to Asia. It is that of
Europe Russia Italy German
25. The power of England in the early Nineteenth Century was based upon a virtual
monopoly of _________.
Science Machinery Industry None of them
26. It is the source of _________.
Power Energy Potential None of them
27. When industrialism was new in England, it roused _________ on account of its
ruthlessness and destruction of beauty.
Indignant Protest Vital Protest Favor None of them
28. Gandhi, in spite of his immense influence over his compatriots, was totally
unable to restore the _________.
Spinning Wheel Industrialism Machinery None of them
29. The most sinister application of scientific technique is in regard to _________.
Ideas Peace Threat War
30. The organization of the world into _________ blocks.

2 3 4 5
31. Asia contains _________ of the world population.
1/3rd Half 1/4th 1/5th
32. Modern cosmopolitanism is based upon _________.
Science Machinery Industry Art
33. If human life is to be tolerable, it cannot be wholly _________.
Mechanized Industrialized Systematic None of them
34. The west throughout the last five centuries has displayed _________.
Energy Extra Ordinary Strength Power
35. I have not the gift of _________ and I cannot plumb the depths of human folly
Speculation Prediction Prophecy None of them


The Day the Dam Broke is a fascinating, captivating, remarkable humorous story
written by the great American humorist James Groves Thurber. He has written a
number of witty and humorous articles.
In this story, the writer has depicted the mob mentality with great dexterity. He has
narrated the experiences of his Aunt Edith Taylor and his own experiences about the
“Great Run” of the afternoon in Columbus city. This short story is a good example of
Thurber’s sardonic but affectionate view of human behavior.
“Humour is an emotional chaos recollected in tranquillity.” - James Thurber

James Thurber recalls an interesting incident of his early childhood when he lived in
Columbus City, situated near the Ohio River in the U.S.A. All of a sudden, on March 12,
1913 a rumour spread that the River Ohio was in flood and the water would rush towards
the city as the dam had broken. The people became panicky after hearing the rumour
and came out on the High Street. They started running towards the East for safety with
out confirming the news about the flood. In calamity ever rumour is believed. Men,
Women and children were running helter-skelter towards the East. Normal business was
going on in the market, but when the rumour spread about the flood, the people who
were busy in selling and buying, started to run in utter confusion for saving their lives.
Two thousand people were abruptly in full right. Go East! Go East! The Dam has Broke
was the clarion cry, being heard everywhere.

The writer’s aunt Edith Taylor was in a movie theatre, she wrote:

“When I reached Grant Avenue, I was so spent that Dr. H.P Mallory passed me, there
was a boy behind him on roller-skates and Dr. Mallory mistook the swishing of the skates
for the sound of rushing water. He eventually reached the Columbus School for Girls
where he collapsed.”

The panic-stricken people ran out for safety leaving fires burning and food cooking and
doors wide open. Some of the people covered the distance 12 miles in order to save their
lives. At last the military men riding through the city in motor-lorries announced that
the news about the flood was false and that the dam had not broken. At first the
announcement added to the confusion and increased the panic, for many stampedes the
militiamen were announcing, The Dam has now Broken! Thus setting an official seal of
authentication on the calamity. But after repeated announcements the
misunderstanding was removed and order was restored. The people heaved a sigh of
relief when they heard that the dame had not broken. The people returned to their homes

and started their normal business the next day, but they did not joke about the
happenings of the previous day. It is rightly said:
“How much have cost us the evils that never happened.” - Jeferson

This story is a good study of human behaviour. It shows that men lose all there wit and
wisdom in a panic. In fact, this humorous story is also a satire on human follies.
“The mob has many heads but no brains.” – RivarolThrough all the funny references
Thurber has tried to point out that all of us no matter how serious and sober, behave in
one and the same idiotic manner when we are thrown in a trying situation
“Stuffing the ear with false report.” - William Shakespeare
Thurber has presented, in this story, his sardonic but affectionate view of life. It is a
commendable effort to tell something serious through fun & laughter. But in fact theauthor
has tried to study human characters thrown in difficult & trying circumstances because:
“Man alone suffered so cruelly in the world that he was compelled to invent laughter.”
- Nietzche


Q1. How an you say that “The Day the Dam Broke” is an interesting &
humorous story?
Ans. The River Ohio in America was in flood in 1913. The writher was in Columbia, a
city near the dam across the river. In high street, the main city market a person
suddenly started running east towards the restaurant. A newsboy also started
running. Other people also started running east saying that the Dam had broken.
They were running from floodwaters to the eastern part of the city that was higher
part. Thus the broken dam rumour began.
All peoples in the offices, shops, factories, homes etc came out in the street hearing
the broken Dam rumour. They were moving east. The writer’s grandfather behaved
very strangely. He was afraid that some soldiers on horses were attacking the city.
Other people hit him on her head to make him running in the fear.Later, soldiers
announced from Lorries that the dam had not broken. At first the people were
confused. Then they understand their foolishness & started running back to their
homes & places of work.

Q2. How accurate is the title of Thurber’s essay?

Ans. The title is accurate because the essay is about the false news about the breaking
of the dam in America. The title at once raises some questions in our minds that
what happened after the news spread around, & what was the condition &
situation of the writer who has written the essay the first person.

Q3. How can we gather about grand’s father age, physique & mental condition?
Ans. The writer’s grand father was surely very old, perhaps more than 75 year in age.
He was more than six feet in height & weighted about a hundred & seventy
pounds. It means that he was quit heavy & well built. For his age he was strong
& active. Mentally he was not much ready to understand others. He did not accept
the rumor of the breaking of the demand instead thought that it was an attack of
army that was upsetting the people that was also wrong.

Q4. How was the panic appear to have started?

Ans. The panic started at the busy trade center on high street. Somebody began to run
perhaps to meet his wife waiting for him somewhere. Another person began to run
also for some reason. Then all the people started walking fast or running east &
the words dam and then the dam had broken spread around like wild fire

Q5. What caused the Lieutenant colonel of infantry to lead a fleeing company of
three hundred person.

Ans: It was a cry of a little child goes ear that set the lieutenant colonel running &
leading the eastward. This army officer behaved thus as he was in the habit of
obeying order’s or commands.

Q6. How long did the panic last & how was the order restored?
Ans. The panic lasted about two hours. Order was at last restored when militiamen
announced from lorries through megaphones that the dam had not broken.

Q7. How did panic start in the cinema high street?

Ans. The panic started in the cinema when the people inside heard the sound of the
feet of the crowed & shouting of the road. Somebody cried fire in the cinema that
made the audience jump from their seats & run towards the east.

Q8. Why did Dr. Mallory think that the floodwaters were shout to engulf him?
Ans. Somebody was running behind Dr. Mallory upon skating shoes. The hissing sound
thus produced appeared him like the sound of rushing water.

Q9. How did Thurber obtain the description of the events in the cinema?
Ans. Thurber got all this information from his aunt who too had gone to see the show.

“Multiple Choice Questions”

1. "The Day The Dam Broke" has been written by _________.
James Thurber Johns Galsworthy Bertrand Frank Arthur
2. James Thurber is one of the foremost-------------humorist .
English Scottish American Polish
3. _____is the good example of Thurber sardonic but affectionate view of human behavior.
The Day the The Seal in the Let Your Mind Fables For Our
Dam Bedroom Alone Times
4. _______ was the native town of Thurber.
Columbus Auburn Moscow Paris
5. The flood rumor was spread in ------------
1913 1813 1826 1823
6. The author Grand Father was _________ in height.
8 6 6.5 7
7. His weight is about _________.
60 160 70 180
8. People were screaming _________.
Go East Go West Go South Go North
9. Grandfather thought that _________ has attacked on us.
Nathan Force Army Enemy None of them
10. Only the rise of --------feet could caused the flood.
92 95 90 100
11. Somebody began to run, perhaps ------------.
School boy News boy Ward boy College boy
12. Inside ------- minutes everybody started running.
15 20 10 5
13. GO EAST was the ---------.
Shout Cry Slogan None of them
14. The mother of the author took--------eggs and two loaves of bread.
One dozen Two dozen Six Nine
15. A person was running to the _________ to meet his wife.



Maramour Park Coffee Shop Office

16. _________ added the color to the surging billow of people.
Old lady Cop Girl News Boy
17. Dr. Mallory was resembled _________.
John Milton Shelly Robert Browning Shakespeare
18. Marie Celeste was a _________.
Troop ship Ship Bus Train
19. Edith Taylor was _________ of the author.
Aunt Mother Sister Wife
20. _________ People took part in the Great run.
100 1200 1000 Uncountable
21. Dr. Mallory was running by hearing the voice of _________.
Roaring water People Swishing sound Shoe skates
22. Author & Dr. Mallory met _________.
Parson avenue Ohio avenue Maramor Restaurant Sherman
23. This Chapter describes the behavior of the people at the time of _________.
Panic Anger Worry Examination
24. James Groves Thurber, who died in _________?
1961 1971 1951 1981
25. The Day the Dam Broke is a good example of Thurber's ________ but affectionate
view of human behavior.
Irony Criticism Satire Sardonic
26. The city was in hell it was during that frightful & perilous afternoon in ________.
1910 1912 1913 1915


After the creation of Pakistan in the year 1950, Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan went on an official
tour of the United States of America. His mission was to introduce to the Americans the
newly formed country of Pakistan, to tell the Americans all about Pakistan and to bring
the two countries close together. This chapter Pakistan and the Modern World, actually
is the explanation of Liaquat Ali Khan’s speech at the Kansas city, while he washanking
them for the degree bestowed on him.

While Mr.Liaquat Ali Khan was in the United States of America, on this trip the University
of Kansas City awarded him an honorary degree for his services rendered to his country.
As far as the contents of the speech are concerned, these are what that makes the speech
all important and interesting. Mr. Liaquat Ali begins by thanking the administration of
the University of Kansas City and tells them that he will talk about Pakistan in his speech
because his mission is to make the Americans familiar with the history and origin of
Pakistan. Mr. Liaquat Ali then goes on to say that there are similarities between the fight
for independence that the Muslims waged against the British and the fight that the
Americans put up for their independence. Thus there are similarities between fight for
Indians and Muslims and Americans.



After that Liaquat Ali goes on to explain as to why the Muslims wanted a separate
homeland and the Muslims of Indian Sub-Continent were not willing to line with Hindus.
There are religious, economic and social differences between the Hindus and the
Muslims. Further more, Mr. Liaquat Ali goes on to say that many people did not agree to
the partition of India. However, later on they realize that the creation of Pakistan has
made the Asian Continent more stable, also Mr. Liaquat Ali goes on to explain what
advantages the creation of Pakistan has brought about in the region. According to Mr.
Liaquat Ali whereas in other countries there is backwardness, inner confusion,
discontentment, religious difference but in Pakistan there is no internal struggle, no
religions difference and there is democracy in the country. Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan then
praises the Pakistani nation and declares that when Pakistan was created there was no
proper government, no money and no security, but it was due to the hard work and unity
of Pakistani nation that we managed not only to survive but also to progress.

Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan makes yet another point while introducing Pakistan to the
Americans, he declares that even the Pakistani people have duties to fulfill towards their
country, the duty of each Pakistani is to guard and protect his freedom and the freedom
of his country. After that Mr. Liaquat goes on to make a very very important point. He
declares that in order to progress we must have strong faith in our religion and at the
same time we must accept scientific technology and progress. Then Mr. Liaquat Ali goes
on to suggest that we must stay away from war and we must follow the progress of the
West and take from the West what we considered to be good.

Finally, he requests to the Americans to help Pakistan on the path of progress and the
United States could do that be lending its fund of knowledge and progress to backward
Pakistani nation. Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan ends the speech on an optimistic and hopeful
note wanting Pakistan and United States to be friends for all times to come.


Q1. What reason did Liaquat Ali Khan give for the creation of Pakistan? OR
How has Liaquat Ali Khan justified the creation of Pakistan?
Ans. Liaquat Ali Khan says that the Muslim and the Hindus were two nations. They
have so many differences that they could not live together. The Muslims believed
in one God & the Hindus believed more then one god. Muslims believed in equality
while the Hindus believed in differences of castes. The Muslims had laws
inheritance different from those of Hindus. They had different economic views.
Thus they were to separate nations.
Further the Muslims were quite backward while the Hindus were advanced. The
Hindus were in majority and undivided India. Without Pakistan, all the Indian
Muslims would have become a minority after independence. The Muslims wanted
a country of their own to promote their religion and culture and to progress, so
Pakistan created.

Q2. What are the aims of Pakistan? What Pakistan wants to do?
Ans. Pakistan is based on believe on God, democracy, justice and peace. The Pakistanis
want to work for peace & justice. At the same time, they are ready to fight against
cruelty. They will fight if they are attacked.
Pakistan wants to make us full on science & machinery like America. Pakistan
wants to be a successful democracy. She wants to strengthen Asia & the whole
world. She wants to cooperate with the advanced countries like America. She
wants to get their help & advice and aims to progress like them.

Q3. Write a short note on the duties of the West towards the people of Asia?
Ans. The West should help Asian in keeping peace. If there is aggression in any part of
Asia, the West should help Asia. Western countries like America should help Asia,
whenever strong military powers trouble them.
The Western-World should help Asian countries like Pakistan with their
knowledge and facilities. It has great knowledge of Science. It should give this
knowledge to Asia. It should help Asia in becoming advanced in scientific,
industrial and technical fields.
Western countries like America should help Pakistan and other Asian countries
in becoming strong, prosperous, and democratic. As a new democracy, Pakistan
can learn well form America’s experience to become strong & important like her.

Q4. Briefly state the main reason given by Liaquat Ali Khan for the Muslims
desire not to continue living in a united India?
Ans. The main reason why the Muslims did not want to live in a united India. After
independence was that they were not ready to accept the Hindus as their new

Q5. What main differences does Liaquat Ali Khan point out b/w Muslims &
Hindus belief and Attitudes?
Ans. Liaquat Ali khan points out the belief of Muslims in one God and the Hindus in
more than one god, they believe in the Prophet of the Arabia & Christ and in the
belief of the right of private ownership & distribution of wealth through inheritance
and the practice of the Hindus to promote the increase of wealth.

Q6. What advantages does Liaquat Ali Khan show the Hindus to have gained from
the creation of Pakistan?
Ans. The Hindus would have true freedom to develop their own culture after
independence. They could live peacefully untroubled by the dissatisfaction of the

Q7. Our administrative machinery had to be built up from scratch, what does
this sentences mean?
Ans. This sentence means that the Muslims independent in Pakistan had no regular
official machinery, armed forces, commerce and industry. They had to build every
institution from the start.
Q8. On what ground does Liaquat Ali Khan assert that the first duty of the
Pakistan as a free people is to themselves?
Ans. It means that the people of Pakistan should do their duty whenever they are to
make the nation & the country strong & stable. It is they who will strengthen the
country and not foreigners.

Q9. What is meant by a synthesis?

Ans. A synthesis means a combination or coming together of different elements.

Q10. What is the synthesis that Liaquat Ali Khan believes in necessary for
Pakistan to achieve?
Ans. The synthesis or combination desired is that of ancient faith or old traditions of
the east & modern science & technology of the west.

Q11. What does state the real meaning of freedom for the common man, to be?
Ans. He says that the real freedom for the common people means freedom from wants,
freedom from disease & freedom from ignorance.

Q12. Liaquat Ali Khan contrasts two notions that the Asian people tend to feel
when thy view the Western world. What are these two emotions?



Ans. On the one hand, the Asian nations are filled with admiration at the progress of
civilization in the west, while on the other they feel uneasy at their own
backwardness. They are their contrasting emotions.

Q13. What does as he put forward as the two main duties today of the western
Ans. He says that the first duty of the western world is sharing it’s great fund of
Knowledge, experience & skills with those numerous countries that were denied
their opportunities. Its second duty is to demonstrate that true democracy is to
international in its very conception and its very conception and is essential for the
maintenance of the world.

“Multiple Choice Questions”

1. "Pakistan and the Modern World" has written by _________.
Liaquat Ali Khan Frank Aurther Oscar Wild James Thurber
2. ------------- was the right hand of Quaid-e-Azam during independence.
Sir Syed Ahmed Maulana Johar Liaquat Ali Khan Iskander Mirza
3. Liaqat Ali Khan was educated at the----------------.
Aligarh university Sindh madarsa Chicago Oxford university
4. Liaquat Ali Khan practiced law in -------.
America England India` German
5. ------------ awarded the honorary degree to Liaquat Ali.
Kansas Chicago Oxford university Cambridge
university university university
6. _________was the 1st prime minister of Pakistan.
Quaid-e-Azam Liaquat Ali Khan Iskander Mirza None of them
7. Liaquat Ali Khan was also known as the name of _________.
Shaheed e Millat Mard e Mujahid` Nawab Zada None of them
8. Liaquat Ali Khan acquired his early education from _________ University.
Aligarh Sindh madarsa Chicago Oxford university
university university
9. Liaquat Ali Khan was born on 1st October _________.
1985 1987 1982 1988
10. He died on 16 October _________.

1950 1951 1955 1960

11. Liaquat Ali Khan made the speech in --------------.
1950 1951 1955 1960
12. For my address today I have advisedly chosen the subject of _________.
Pakistan Problems of Pakistan and None of them
Zindabad Pakistan the Modern
13. We are living in era of widening-------------
Horizon Longitude Remoteness None of them
14. Pakistan is a new state; or to be more exact, a new _________.
Democracy Country State Aristrocracy
15. As a democracy it is not yet _________ years old.
Five Four Three Two
16. Three years ago, Pakistan was only an ideal and a _________.
Longing Speculation Want Desire
17. Before 1947,------------ruled over south asia.
Bristish Americans English German
18. The Muslims believed in the Prophet of Arabia and in Christ and the Prophet of
the _________.



Old testamnet New testament Modern testament None of them

19. The Hindus believed in a _________ system.
Caste Communist Athestic Religious
20. The Muslims believed in the right of private owner-ship for everyone, whether
man or woman, and had laws of _________ and economic institution.
Irregularity Interruption Inheritance Caste System
21. The Muslims believed in the _________ of all men
Equality Inferiority Superiority Inequality
22. Muslims believed in ----------.
Polytheises Monotheises Holiness None of them
23. Hindus believed in--------------
Polytheises Monotheises Holiness None of them
24. Muslims had laws in---------
Inheritance Matrimony Caste system Interruption
25. Liberty does not----------upon the people.
Decend Reveal Rely Depend
26. It is the------that must be earned before it can be enjoyed.
Fruit Show Power None of them
27. Muslims had no capital and no--------
Flag Homeland Leader Trader
28. We had no------------- equipment.
Military Industrial Machinery None of them
29. South Asia was vast enough for _________.
2 3 4 1
30. Pakistanis believed in universal-------------
Priesthood Brotherhood Fraternity None Of Them
31. Our share of the military equipment of British India which was allotted to us on
paper remains largely undelievered even today when _______ years have elapsed.
Five Four Three Six
32. That freedom means freedom only from foreign domination, is an _________.
Difficult idea Thought View Outworn idea
33. We cannot hold the clock back and therefore it is we who must go forward at
Double pace Fast pace Speed Rapid pace
34. I sincerely believe that war and peace & progress & prosperity are all ____ today.
Indivisible United Separate None of them
35. America began mainly as an _________ country
Industrial Agricultural First world None of them
36. I came here to bring Pakistan and ____closer on the name of humanity & peace
America England India Syria


John Galsworthy is a famous novelist and playwright whose works contains a great deal
of criticism of British society, particularly of the values of the well-to-do professional
class. Like all the writers of the time, John Galsworthy is a satirist and at bests an

The Silver Box is a powerful and bitter play. Through the character of James Jones,
Galsworthy criticizes the British society in which the rich are favored by law and injustice
is done to the poor.



“Law grinds the poor, and richmen rule the law.”

- Oliver Goldsmith

Mr. Barthwick was a member of the British Parliament. He posed himself as a social
reformer who seemed to have great sympathy and compassion for the poor and Dow-
trodden people. In a drunken state his dissolute son, Jack Barthwick, stole a lady’s
purse. He returned home very late at night. James Jones, a poor and jobless person,
happened to pass near the house of Mr. Barthwick. He saw Jack Barthwick trying to find
the keyhole on the wrong side of the door. He helped Jack in unlocking the door of his
house. As Jack had nothing to give him, so he invited him to have a drink. Jones entered
the house with Jack. He drank whisky excessively and under the influence of whisky he
stole a sliver cigarette box and the same purse, stolen by the jack. In the morning Thomas
Marlowe, Butler to Barthwick, found the silver box missing. He communicated the loss
to Mr. Barthwick who sent him to the police station to lodge the report of the theft.

The police acted promptly and arrested Jones along with his innocent wife who was
employed as a charwoman in the house of Mr. Barthwick. Jones became violent and
resisted the police when they arrested his wife who did not commit any crime. The police
took her into custody because they suspected that she might have stolen the silver box
or helped her husband in entering the house of Mr. Barthwick. Owing to the scoundrel
Mrs. Jones lost her job and had to vacate the house in which she lived with her three

Jones was aried in the court of law for stealing the silver cigarette box and making an
assault on the police. He was sentenced to one month’s imprisonment with hard labor.
He protested against this injustice, for Jack who committed the identical crime, was not
punished. He says to Magistrate:
“Call this justice? What about him? He got drunk! He took the purse. But its his money
got him off-Justice!”
Mrs. Jones was also tried for stealing the silver box and helping her husband in obtaining
access to the house of Mr. Barthwick. But the charges leveled against her could not be
proved and she was acquitted. At the end of the trial she looked at Mr. Barthwick with a
silent request for re-employment but he made a gesture of refusal and hurried out of the
court. Thus the poor family was ruined completely.

The dramatist concludes that it is the poor people who always suffer and pass through
mental and physical torture and they are the one, who face these adversities with
patience and endurance. While the opulent make use of their resources and enjoy a
trouble free life even after committing the most abhorrent crimes.
“How easy it is to judge rightly after one sees what evil comes from judging wrongly.”
- Elizabeth Gaskell


Q1. What is the massage of the Galsworthy’s plays of the Silver Box?
Ans. Two poor girls were presented before a magistrate in London court. They told the
magistrate that they had no home, their father had no work & their mother had
left them. A Government officer had found them crying in the street. Then the case
of Jones, the poor girl’s father, was admitted Jones before the magistrate that had
stolen the silver cigarette boxes from the house of Mr. Barthwick a Member of

Parliament. Mrs. Jones who worked in Barthwick’s house was present. She said
that her husband had stolen the cigarette box when he was drunk.
Jones said that the Barthkwick’s son had taken him into his father house. There
Jones took wine with Jack Jones took some money form Jack who had stolen it
from some woman. Jones was unemployed. Barthwick was also present in the
court. He told the officer of the court that purse should not be discussed.
Q2. Discuss the main theme or Moral of the silver box.
Ans. First of all the writer shows the condition of poor & jobless people. Poverty is the
first important theme of the play. A poor person who is also jobless & can not
support his family. Jones in the play was poor & jobless. Galsworthy shows that
how necessary is to private work & money to poor helpless people. Society & the
government should do this.
Poverty can force a person to steal. Jones stole a cigarette case & took a purse of
money form Barthwick’s house. He was badly in need of money. He might have
drunk, but it was his need to force him to steal.
Secondly, the writer shows the injustice of English courts of his time. The
magistrate punished the Jones for stealing the cigarette box but said nothing to
jack. He knew that Jack had stolen a purse of money from woman. Jack had given
this purse to Jones. The magistrate did not talk at all this. It shows that how much
unfair at was to punish a poor man and not to punish a rich or powerful person
for the same crime.
Q3. What purpose in your opinion is served by beginning this act of the play
with the case of Livens girls that has nothing to do with the main play?
Ans. The main purpose of Act III of the play with Livens girls is to introduce poor and
helpless children. The presence of Theresa Livens and Maud Livens with their
helplessness and fatherlessness draws our attention to need for help to poor
people by the government and the rich. They help the main action of the play that
concerns Jones.
Q4. Why are Mr. Barthwick and his son so anxious that as little as possible
should be said in the court about the purse and money that Jones had in
his possession?
Ans. It is so because the Jack son of Mr. Barthwick had snatched or taken the sky-blue
purse from s/b when he was drunk. Jones had later taken or stolen this purse
from Mr. Barthwick house. So Mr. Barthwick and Jack did not want to have the
purse talked about as it could involve them in the case.
Q5. What function is Mr. Roper discharging in the Magistrate’s court?
Ans. Mr. Roper is the solicitor of the Mr. Barthwick & his son. He is helping the court
to understand the situation regarding them, as they want it to be explained.
Q6. What fact does Marlow’s evidence establish?
Ans. Marlow, the manservant of Mr. Barthwick, established that Mr. Jones was above
in his room when the silver box was stolen. He reported the loss of the box to the
police station on Mr. Barthwick asking.

Q7. From the constable’s evidence we learn that Mr. Jones was the first to be
charged with the theft. Why was this so?
Ans. Mr. Jones was the first charged to be theft because she worked at Mr. Barthwick
house as a charwoman she looked responsible for bringing her husband there,
and she thus looked involved in the theft.
Q8. What led the constable to arrest & charged Jones as well?
Ans. The constable arrested Jones as well because Jones had entered Mr. Barthwick
house when he did not worked there. As he himself confused he had stolen a silver
box in a drunken condition he had to be arrested.
Q9. Assuming That Jones has received a fair trial, why does this act of the play
leave us with a feeling that injustice had been done?



Ans. He explain the Magistrate did not do even justice she let Mr. Barthwick son go
scat free without questioning him about the purse of the lady he had perhaps
attacked. Thus the magistrate did not do full justice.
Q10. What do you imagine to be the unspoken plea that Mr. Jones makes to Mr.
Barthwick at the very end?
Ans. Perhaps, Mr. Jones wants to request Mr. Barthwick to speak to the magistrate on
her behalf to have his husband excused and freed. Though it is too late, but she
does not know the law and she is an uneducated woman, she tries to beg him to
help her through her gestures.

“Multiple Choice Questions”

1. The Silver Box is written by-------
Oscar wilde John Galsworthy Frank Arthur James Thurber
2. John Galsworthy s work contains the criticism on-----------society.
British American Scottish Indian
3. ---------- cases came up for hearing.
2 3 4 1
4. Magistrate remanded the little girls for----------
Club Home Lodging School
5. The silver box is a powerful and _________case.
Strong Harsh Bitter Soft
6. Mr. Barthwick, a Liberal Member of _________.
Assembly Parliament State Cabinet
7. Jack was the son of----------
Mr.Jones Roper Livens Barthwick
8. He said that he had too much to drink and something _________.
Came Came over Came over him
9. Mr. Jone stole purse and _________.
Silver box Money Bottle Mobile
10. The silver Box was stolen at-----------to-------
8-45 to 11 9 to 12 10 to 11 1to5
11. Mr. Barthwick took back the case of _________.
Assaulting the Silver box Purse Drinking
12. Mr. Jone Made quarrel with _________.
Jack Roper Mrs.jones Marlowe
13. Roper was a _________.
Clerk Guard Constable Solicitor
14. ------------was the butler at BARTHICK house.
marlowe Roper Jones Jack
15. Mr. Jone came at _________.
12 a.m 1a.m 2a.m 1.50 a.m
16. When Mr. Jone came at home, he was _________.
Unconcious Drunk Sleeping Died
17. Mr. Jone assists Jack in opening the ___________
Window Bottle Door Lock
18. Mr. Jone got the punishment of _________ month.
1 2 3 4
19. John Galsworthy was born in _________.
1878 1879 1898 1867




The World as I See It is an interesting essay in which Albert Einstein has expressed his
personal views about the purpose and ideals of life; democracy and dictatorship; war and
peace; mystery and religion.

Albert Einstein is one of the most famous scientists and the greatest mathematical
physicist of the current century. However, in this chapter, he gives us his views not about
science but about the world as he sees and understands it.

There are several things that Einstein mentions in this connection. Firstly, Einstein tries
to find out the purpose of the existence of human beings & giving an Ans:. He feels that
we human beings are created for each other and we are dependent on each other.

Einstein goes on to declare that he does not believe in class differences. Einstein also
declares that he believes in simple living and a simple way of life. Next, he expresses his
opinion regarding freedom. Einstein declares that he definitely believes in freedom but
he does not believe in unlimited freedom because according to Einstein unlimited
freedom is not possible, freedom has to be limited.

Further, Einstein goes on to talk about his ideas and goals in life. These are for three in
number truth, goodness and beauty. Einstein says that friendship should be made only
with like-minded people. Einstein at time prefers to be alone so that he can think well.
Einstein now moves to another factor and that is the system of Government. According
to Einstein democracy if practiced correctly, is the best for of Government for any
country. While talking about Governments, he goes on to declare that he is totally against
war and he has always favored peace.

He goes on to say that he loves to solve the mysteries of the Universe. As such he was
fond of solving all mysteries. In the end, Einstein is very grateful for the fact that he is
still living and that he is trying to contribute in solving the mysteries of this Universe.

“This life which seems so fair, is like a bubble blown up in air.”

After the study of this thought-provoking essay, we come to the conclusion that Einstein
is really a great man. He has profound love for humanity. He is a genius and has
philosophical bend of mind. In short, we can say that Einstein is a man of keen
observation, great wisdom, deep insight and profound knowledge.


Q1. What leads Einstein to feel a strong sense of duty towards his fellow men?
Ans. Einstein thinks that his life depends on the hard work of other men. He wants to
help the Society in the same manner as he has received from it.

Q2. What is his attitude to property, outward success and luxury?

Ans. Einstein hates property, outward success, and luxury.

Q3. What are the ‘insecure foundations’ referred to at the end of the last
sentence of the fourth Paragraph?
Ans. The insecure foundations are the opinion, habits and judgments of other people.

Q4. What, in brief, is Einstein’s attitude to leadership?


Ans. Einstein is a democrat. He believes that leadership is a necessary thing but the
people must be given freedom in the selection of their leader.

Q5. On what grounds does Einstein put the individual before the state?
Ans. Einstein says that individual important then the state. The state should work for
the betterment of the individual.
Q6. What example does he give of service by the state to the individual?
Ans. The state should help the needy and provide medical aid to the individual. In the
U.S.A. there is provision security of ailing and needy persons.

Q7. What is his attitude to war?

Ans. He hates war. To him war is mean and contemptibly.

Q8. What force does he blame for the persistence of war?

Ans. He thinks that human beings fight for money and power.

Q9. What does he appear to regard as the most precious element in human
Ans. The most precious element in human experience is that of mystery.
Q10. What is his belief concerning the immortality of the soul?

Ans. He does not believe in the immortality of the soul. There is no life after death

“Multiple Choice Questions”

1. “The World As I See It” is written by ________.
Frank Arthur Albert Einstein Oscar Wilde Bertrand Russell
2. Albert Einstein was born in Germany in _________.
1877 1878 1879 1880
3. Albert Einstein is generally regarded as the greatest mathematical physicist of
_________ century.
17th 8th 19th 20th
4. Albert Einstein is regarded as one of the greatest _________ of all time/
Scientists Dramatists Actor Poets
5. Einstein’s theory of _________ has transformed scientist’s nations of time and
Idealism Socialism Relativity Materialism
6. Albert Einstein was born in Germany of _________ parents.
Muslim Jewish Hindu Christian
7. Albert Einstein went to _________ in his early youth.
Switzerland New Zealand Scotland Poland
8. Albert was awarded a nobel prize in _________.
1920 1921 1928 1947
9. Einstein wrote for the _________ men.
Common Rich Intelligent Lay
10. According to Einstein from the point of view of daily life without ,men on whose
smiles and welfare all our _________.
Fellow men Enemies Fame Partners
11. Schopenhauer was born in _________.
1788 1789 1790 1791
12. Schopenhauer was a _________ philosopher.
Greek Latin German Dutch
13. Schopenhauer was died in _________.
1959 1960 1961 1958



14. I gang my own _________say Einstein.

Bass Gait Theory Idea
15. Gang one’s own gait is _________ dialect.
Scottish Polish American Indian
16. The opinion of Einstein about human race is so_________.
High Low Meager Stable
17. Bagay means _________.
Beautiful scene Fearful thing Colorful thing None of them


The Devoted Friend is an interesting short story of two friends having different
temperaments and different conceptions of devoted friendship written by Oscar Wilde.
He was one of the most eminent and elegant writers of the 19th century. The story is
both tender and profound in its treatment of the comically one-sided friendship between
poor Hans and the rich Miller.

The story is narrated by a songbird to a water rat and a duck. There are two characters
in the story little Hans and Hugh the miller.

Little Hans was a simple, innocent, kind-hearted and sincere fellow. He was a hard
working gardener and earned his living by selling the fruits and flowers into the market
of the town. Hugh the miller was a rich but clever and selfish man. He always claimed
that he was a devoted friend of little Hans.

In the summer season, the miller would go to the garden of Hans and bring plenty of
flowers and fruit without making him any payment. He never gave anything to Hans.
Hugh the miller repeatedly exploited Hans. Sometimes, he sent Hans to Market with a
heavy sack of flour. Sometimes, he asked Hans to drive his flock of sheep to the
mountains for grazing. He would also ask Hans to work on his flourmill or do some work
of repair in his barn.
In return, he merely made a promise to give his invalid and damaged wheelbarrow to
Hans, free of cost. The miller called it an act of great generosity. Unfortunately, the
promise was never materialized.

It is so happened that on a rough and stormy night, Hugh the miller sent little Hans to
bring the doctor because the miller’s little son had been seriously injured. As usual, little
Hans showed compliance and left for the doctor’s home as he could never think of
displeasing the miller. When poor Hans was returning with the doctor, the strom grew
more fierce and he lost his way in the dangerous rocky region. He stranded on the moor
and fell into a deep pool of water, where he was drowned. In this way, the innocent fellow
lost his life for the sake miller.




The story suggests that friendship is a noble and respectable bond based on bilateral
love and cooperation. Mutual interest is the essence of true friendship.


Q1. Why was Hans unable to look after his garden?
Ans. The friendship of the Miller was certainly much costly for poor Hans. The clever
Miler had much disturbed his daily routine life badly. He was unable to look
after his garden properly due to following reasons.
1. Every now & then, he was assigned with some private job by the Miller such
as going to market to sell the flour.
2. Every now & then, he had to honor the friendly demands of the Miller for flower
etc. Such a practice ultimately kept the poor Gardner confused.
3. Whenever he was ill, he didn’t receive any sympathetic attitude from his friend.
4. Seasonal difficulties were also there to make him unable to look after his
Q2. What was the supreme manifestation of the Miller’s selfishness that caused
to Hans to loss his life?
Ans. The supreme magnification of the Miller’s selfishness that caused Hans to loss his
life was to keep his friend in inferiority complex with a false promise of
wheelbarrow. Being selfish in all respect, the Miller behaved in taking services
from the poor to keep him in complete rest. On a stormy night, it was not an easy
job to go to town to fetch the doctor for ailing son. So again he played the old trick
and asked Hans to cooperate in that hour of need. He with a believed in his
superiority complex was sure that poor Hans would do according to his command.

Q3. Briefly explain why the story of Hans & the Miller was applicable to the
water rat?
Ans. The water rat was extremely selfish like the Miller. He told the linnet that he
expected his friend to be devoted to him alone. It means that just as the Miller
used little Han to his own advantage. The water rat wanted to use his friend for
himself alone. Thus, the story of Hans & the Miller was applicable to the water rat.

Q4. When do we first suspect that the Miller was not really a very good friend of
Ans. This was suspect for the first time when we read about the neighbours thinking
that the rich Miller never gave little Hans anything while he took as much of
flowers & fruits from Hans garden as he liked.

Q5. How did the Justify not asking Hans to share some of his good things
during the winter?
Ans. The Miller justified him not asking Hans to share his things b/c then others would
have thought him to be very foolish to let others use them.

Q6. How did the Miller wife reveal that she too was ready to exploit the
generosity of Hans?
Ans. The Miller’s wife revealed this when she asked him to take the big basket with him
to fill it with Hans’s flower.

Q7. How did the Miller persuade Hans to carry the large sack of flour to
Ans. The Miller persuaded Hans to carry the sack of flour saying that he was going to
give him his wheelbarrow, so he must do it.



Q8. What was the supreme manifestation of the Miller’s selfishness that caused
Hans to lose his life?
Ans. The Miller’s greatest indication of his selfishness was not to give his lantern to
Hans when it was so dark in night and Hans fall into a ditch and lost his life.

Q9. Comment briefly on the Miller’s claim to have been Hans best friend?
Ans. In fact the Miller was Hans’s most selfish friend. It was the Miller who was getting
service from Hans from all he time and do anything for him. He promised to give
his wheelbarrow to Hans, but never gave it. Instead he put him to work for long

“Multiple Choice Questions”

1. The Devoted Friend is written by-------------.
Oscar Wilde Frank Arthur James Thurber Johns Galsworthy
2. Oscar Wilde was the discovery of ------------- century.
19th 18th 17th 16th
3. Oscar Wilde became dazzling famous due to the publication of ----------- novel
Dorian Gray The importance Lady windermers An ideal husband
of being fans
4. Oscar Wilde served the sentence of --------- years.
2 3 4 5
5. It is both tender and profound in its treatment of the comically _________
between poor Hans and the Wealthy Miller.
Friendship Companionship Partnership None of them
6. One morning the _________ put his head out of his hole.
Rat Hans Linnet Squirrel
7. You will never be in the best society unless you can stand on your _________.
Nose Head Foot Arms
8. What disobedient children! Cried the _________ they really deserve to be
Water-rat Hans Linnet Miller
9. Water-rat had---------beady eyes.
Brown Black Green Purple
10. The tail of water-rat is like a long ---------rubber.
Indian Pakistani Russian German
11. Linnet was sitting on a _________ hard by and had overhead the conversation.
Willow tree Mango tree Orange tree Wall
12. He told the story of the _________.
Miller Hans Friendship Miller and Hans
13. Little Hans lived in ---------
Cottage Hovel House Hart
14. Hans worked in his------------
Garden Shop House Area
15. ------------- was the best friend of Hans
Miller Linnet Squirrel Water-rat
16. Real friends should have everything in _________.
Same Similar Common None of them
17. He had a_________ sacks of flour stored away in his mill.
100 101 105 110
18. Miller had_________ Cows and a large flock of wooly sheep.
6 8 19 10
19. During the spring, the summer, and the autumn he was very _________.
Happy Sick Sad Worried

20. The new method of telling the story was told by---------.
Water-rat Linnet Miller Bald-man
21. He was extremely lonely in _________.
Summer Winter Autumn Spring
22. Miller does live in a _________ house.
Big house Hovel Palace Cottage
23. If poor Hans is in trouble I will give him half my _________ and show him my
white rabbits.
Food Money Porridge Milk
24. What a silly boy you are! "cried the _________".
Water-rat Linnet Teacher Miller
25. _________ is a most terrible thing, and would spoil any body's nature.
Jealousy Envy Lie None of them
26. I certainly will not allow Hans _________ to be spoiled.
Nature Habbit Activities None of them
27. _________ is one thing and friendship is another.
Money Sincerity Flour None of them
28. "Lots of people act well, "answered the miller, "but very few people _________.
Talk well Live well Work well Played well
29. Hans first sold the _________.
Silver button Silver chain Big pipe Wheel barrow
30. Hans sold his _________second time.
Silver button Silver chain Big pipe Wheel barrow
31. Hans sold his_________ third time.
Silver button Silver chain Big pipe Wheel barrow
32. Miller sold his _________ fourth time.
Silver button Silver chain Big pipe Wheel barrow
33. Miller thinks that generosity is the _________ of friendship.
Essence Part Act None of them
34. One good action always _________ another.
35. It was very hot day, and the road was _________.
Dry Terribly dusty Dusty None of them
36. "_________," said the miller," you are very lazy.
Hans Linnet Water-rat Bald-man
37. Miller refused to lend----------- to Hans.
lantern Stick Flour Flower
38. ----------- fell down the ladder.
Hans Miller Linnet Miller’s son
39. _________ is a great sin.
Idealness Laziness Sluggishness Lie
40. Miller was always coming round and sending him off on long _________.
Errands Works Task None of them
41. Little Hans died by-------------
Drowning Hanging Storm None of them
42. Everybody went to little Hans _________.
Funeral Home Area Anniversary




Compiled By: Engineer Nasim Zulifqar




Q:1 Heaven does not always make the right men kings!" said Sapt. Do you think
Rassendyll deserve to be the king of Ruritania? If so, why?
Ans: In his role as the king, Rudolf Rassendyll is far more impressive than the real king
Rudolf Elphberg. He carries out his duties as a king majestically and tact fully
without revealing his true identity. People love him and none cares to find out
whether he is the real king or not. Within few days he makes for himself a place
in their hearts. On considering his qualities Colonel Sapt liked him and he wanted
that he worked as the king but he was loyal to his state. Due to best qualities of
Rassendyll deserved to be the king of Ruritania.

Q:2 De Mauban played a very significant role in the novel! "The Prisoner of
Zenda". Comment. What role Madam De Mauban play in the novel?
Ans: Mauban is a widow, rich, handsome and ambitious. She is a graceful, fashionably
dressed French lady. She had no political interest but her ambitions to win Black
Michael, involves her completely in the intrigues and the counter intrigues.
She has been fellow traveler of Rassendyll. She is standing in one the balconies
on the coronation day. She is astonished to see Rassendyll in shape of the king
but she does not do anything. Next, Black Michael compels her to write a letter to
Rassendyll and invites him alone in the summer house. He deputes three ruffians
to kill him there. Mauban saves Rassendyll from this devilish scheme of Michael.
She loves Black Michael but she helps Rassendyll. She is shifted to the castle of
Zenda along with Black Michael. The Duke decides to invite Princess Flavia in
order to trap her there. She immediately writes a letter to Princess Flavia and
informs her and forbids her into accepts the invitation of Black Michael. She is
the only female in the castle of Zenda. She attends a nursed the sick king in his
cell. She sends a message to Rassendyll through Johann, to rescue the king as he
was about to die. Thus Mauban helps Princess Flavia and Rassendyll in order to
save the real king of Ruritania.

Q:3 Describe the "Tea Table Incident"?

Ans: Rassendyll is a brave man. He agrees to impersonate the king it take risk of his
own life. When Mauban writes a letter to him and wants to meet him a particular
house called the" Summer House".
Both Sapt and Rassendyll go to the summer House. Sapt stays behind while
Rassendyll go to the summer house. Sapt stays behind while Rassendyll goes into
the house. He meets there with Mauban who tells him about the plans of Black
Michael to kill him by his three men. She advices him not to go by the front door
because it will be closely guarded. When they are talking to each other. Michael
to kill him by his three men. She advices him not to go by the front door because
it will be closely guarded. When they r talking to each other. Michael's Man arrives
there. Rudolf stands behind the door with the rifle in his hand ready to shoot.
From outside someone speaks not to shoot and they decided that they should talk
through the closed door. Rudolf understands that they r playing game. They want
to attack on him. He warns Mauban to stand aside from the line of firing and
himself takes up an iron table which is used as a tea table as a shield from their

bullets. They open the door and come close together to fire at him but the attackers
become caught in the table and all four of them tumble down the stairs. Thus he
uses the tea table intelligently for his escape from the summer house.

Q:4 Between Black Michael and Rupert of Hentzau which character strikes you
as more devilish? Give reason.
Ans: Black Michael is the more devilish character than Rupert of Hentzau in Anthony
Hope's novel "The Prisoner of Zenda". Rupert of Hentzau is a leading member of
Black Michael gang of ruffians but he holds a unique positions between the forces of
good & evil. He is very ambitious he killed Black Michael only to get Mauban. He is
fond of wine and women. He is very sharp both at his tongue & sword.
Black Michael is by nature a schemer, and all the time his mind remains busy in
making plots for the establishing his right to the throne. He invites the king to his
forest lodge and imprisons him. He is a cruel man. He makes several plots to kill
Rassendyll at summer house, at the places of princess Flavia and at many other
places. He is a traitor b/c he wants to capture the throne of Ruritania. He is not
a courageous ma. He always sends his six villains "The hired guns" to deal with
his enemies. He is also lustful towards the women. He promises to Mauban to
marry her. She leaves her country and comes to him. But now, he is after Flavia
only to get the throne. He imprison the poor widow. He is extremely selfish,
cunning and ambitious.
Rupert of Hentzau only takes pride on her strength but Black Michael makes
scheme to deal with his enemies so he is more devilish and hateful character. We
begin to hate him as soon as his evil nature is exposed to us and our hatred is
intensified with the advancement of the history when he is killed, we do not feel
any sympathy for him, he is rightly punished for his wickedness.

Q:5 What is the attitude of Michael to Rassendyll during the coronation?

Ans: Rassendyll life was in danger b/c Black Michael had received the information that
the real king was at Zenda and that someone else who was like the king had been
crowned. He started to make plans to kill the Rassendyll and he tried to kill him
at many places but he could not succeed and at last he was killed by his man due
his evil nature.

Q:6 How is Rudolf Rassendyll trapped to impersonate as King Rudolf?

Ans: Rudolf Rassendyll had a great resemblance with the king. He had to shave off his
bread and appeared the coronation in place of Rudolf Elphberg. Rudolf, Sapt and
Fritz got a train for strelsau. The Train reaches there ban hour earlier thanthe
fixed time. The information was sent to the city. Soon high officials of the state
reached at the station to welcome the king. Sapt kept on whispering the names of
officers and Rudolf Rassendyll as the king meet there with confident. Nobody could
suspect that the king was not real. Even contes Flavia who was to man the king
was not able to notice the replacement.

Q:7 Relate how Sapt and Fritz frustrated Michael's plot to seize the throne for
Ans: Colonel Sapt and Fritz both persuaded and guide Rassendyll to work as the king.
They took him as the king at the time of coronation the king. Thus Rassendyll
trapped to impersonate as the king. Later Sapt, Fritz and Rassendyll worked
together and tried to release the real king from the prison of Black Michael, thus
thy prevented Black Michael from achieving the throne.

Q:8 Who are the six? What part do they play in the novel "The Prisoner of

Ans: Black Michael uses his six villains to deal with his enemies, they r known as the
six or "The Hire Guns". Rupert of Hentzau is the leading member of Black Michael
gang of ruffians "The Six". The member of the gang of ruffians help Black Michael
to complete his schemes. They play a role in fighting with Rassendyll and try to
complete the devilish plot of Black Michael.

Q:9 Antoinette de Mauban betrayed Black Michael rightly. Discuss?

Ans: Antoinette de Mauban is a widow, rich and ambitious. She is a graceful
fashionably dress French lady. She is educated and sophisticated lady and moves
in the highest circle of the Paris society. She had no political interest but her
ambition to win Black Michael, involves her completely in thee intrigues. She has
come to strelsau to safeguard her own interest. She loves Black Michael above her
head and sole but she knows very well the intention of Black Michael, who wants
to be the king of Ruritania and he can realizes his dreams by attracting Princess
Flavia. She clearly tells Rudolf Rassendyll.
"Say, I am Christian or say I am jealous.
May God shall I see him marry her"
Madam De Mauban has great courage, determination and will power but
participation in the struggle for succession is based upon personal aims and
motives, when she sees that Black Michael is neglecting her then she betrays him
and tells everything about his devilish plot to Rassendyll and Flavia.

Q:10 Colonel Sapt wisdom and loyalty save the king and throne of Ruritania Or
Colonel Sapt Wisdom made it impossible for Black Michael to get the throne
the Ruritania Elucidate?
Ans: Colonel Sapt is an old and experienced soldier. He is a brave man. He has got a
highly fertile and productive mind. Most of the scheme and plots for the safety of
real king in the novel are the creation of his mind. He makes quick decision on all
occasion and saves Rassendyll from danger and helps in rescuing the real king.
Hence we can say that colonel Sapt wisdom made it impossible for Black Michael
to get the throne of Ruritania. Sapt is a faithful servant. He always tries for the
betterment of the king. He admits that Rassendyll is a better men to rule over the
country, but he does not let him even stay in the country after the freedom of the

Q:11 Princess Flavia is an ideal woman. Comment?

Ans: Princess Flavia is the heroin of Anthony Hope's novel. She is the cousin as well as
fiancée of the king and the next heir to the throne; she is tall and graceful lady
with a pale face, blue eyes and golden hair. She is very young, beautiful and
attractive. She is very popular among the people of Ruritania. She is well versed
in all political affairs of the country. She warns Rudolf Rassendyll. She frankly
makes the confession of love and in last meeting with him; she tells that she can
accompany him even in rags. Then the real king appears, she sacrifice that
passion for the sake of the king and the state of Ruritania. She is not the slave of
her passions. No doubt, she is a very responsible self sacrificing and nice lady and
we can say that she is an ideal woman.



Q:12 Why could Black Michael not expose the true identity of the impostor?

Ans: Black Michael knew that the person who had been crowned was not the real king;
but he could not expose Rudolf Rassendyll who was working as the king b/c if he
did so, he would have to admit that he made the real king a prisoner.

Q:13 Was Madam De Mauban justified in opposing the evil scheme of Black
Michael? Give reason.
Ans: Madam De Mauban was quite justified in opposing the evil scheme of Black
Michael b/c she loved him much but he was only a selfish person who took
interest only to take the throne of the state. She wanted to marry with Princess
Flavia only to fulfill his scheme. Madam De Mauban had learnt his character so
she told everything about his scheme to Rassendyll and Flavia.

Q:14 "Before God, You are the finest Elphberg of them all" who is being referred
to in the quoted lines and why?
Ans: In those quoted lines Rudolf Rassendyll is being referred b/c he has fine
characteristics of Elphberg like red hair and long nose. Due to his resemblance he
works as an imposter in Ruritania in place of the real king.

Q:15 Describe any event which you like the most in "The Prisoner of Zenda" Or
narrate any scene or event from "The Prisoner of Zenda" which you find most
interesting and absorbing. Or describe the coronation ceremony as given in
the prisoner of Zenda. Or describe any incident you like the most in the novel
"The Prisoner of Zenda"?
Ans: The coronation scene in the novel:- The most interesting scene in the novel is
the coronation of Rudolf Rassendyll as a king of Ruritania. The real king was lying
senseless in the forest lodge b/c he had taken dragged wine. Rassendyll had a
great resemblance with the king. He had to shave off his bread and appeared at
the coronation in place of Rudolf Elphberg. So Rudolf, Sapt and Fritz got a train
for strelsau. The train reached there an hour earlier than the fixed time. The
information was sent to the city. Soon high officials of the state reached there at
the station to welcome the king. Sapt kept on whispering the names of officers and
the king met them with confidences. Nobody could suspect that the king was not
real. Even counters Flavia who was toe marry the king was not able to notice the
Then, they rode in a procession to the church. As the King passed through
the streets, there were cheers, blessings and waving handkerchiefs all rounds. All
the people were happy when they saw the king. The commander-in-chief of the
army ordered the soldiers be very close to the king. The King Didn"t agree to the
safety me and rode alone. This left a good impression on the people.
The king knelt before the priest giving him a token of respect and then
ceremonies started silently when all traditional activities were over; the king was
crowned by the priest. Then princess Flavia and other high officials including
Michael kissed the hand of the king. Rudolf Rassendyll played the role of the king
excellently till he went to the place and entered the sleeping room.



Q:16 Describe Rassendyll role in saving the life & crown of king Rudolf Elphberg?
Ans: Rudolf Rassendyll is the hero in the novel "The Prisoner of Zenda". He is a young
man in the prime age. He is a tall, well built and handsome young man, He is a
brave man. He agrees to impersonate the king, it take risk of his own life. At the
summer house, then at the Jacob Ladder and then at the fateful night, he shows
bravery. It is his bravery alone which rescues the king from Duke'sprison.

Q:17 How does Princess Flavia show her love for her people and country?
Ans: Princes Flavia is very dignified and pleasant in her behavior. She talks softly and
Walks beautifully. She is not proud of her beauty or positions. These r the qualities
that the people of Ruritania like her and they want her early marriage with the
king. She is sensible and straight forward when she got impressed by the
personality and character of Rudolf Rassendyll. She frankly makes the confession
of love and in last meeting with him, she tells that she can accompany him even
in rags. When the real king appears she sacrifices that passion for the sake of the
king and for the people of Ruritania.

Q:18 Who persuaded Rassendyll to impersonate the king and why? Explain.
Ans: Colonel Sapt persuaded Rudolf Rassendyll to impersonate the king. He was a loyal
servant and one of the ardent supporters of Rudolf Elphberg. On finding the king
senseless, he made Rassendyll as a temporary king. He wanted the king could get
his throne. He intended that they would rescue the real king after the coronation
in the right time.

Q:19 Why do the king enemies not expose the imposter?

Ans: King's enemies do not expose the imposter who was Rudolf Rassendyll b/c they
know if they try to expose him, their own identity will be disclosed before the
people of the state and they all will come to know that Black Michael and his
companions have imprisoned the king and they wanted to kill him.

Q:20 Why and how did Antoniette de Mauban help Rudolf Rassendyll?
Ans: When Antoniette de Mauban realized that Black Michael was a selfish man and
he did not love her. He was trying to marry Flavia only to get the throne. She
becomes jealous and she told the schemers of Black Michael. She also help in
saving her life at different places.

Q:21 Why do Rupert and Michael have fight?

Ans: At the end of the story, Black Michael is killed by one of his friends, Rupert, inside
the castle as a result of rivalry b/w Black Michael and Rupert. When Rupert sees
Madam De Mauban, he falls in love with her. Rupert and Black Michael fight and
Rupert kills Black Michael only to win a lady Mauban.

Q:22 "Michael clever, cunning and cruel but a coward "Do you agree? Give reason
for Ans:.
Ans: Michael is a clever, cunning and cruel person. He never tries himself to kill the
enemy. He always send his six villains "The Hired Guns" to deal his enemies on
not a single occasion, he is presented to give face-to-face fight. He only faces
Rupert alone and fights with him over Mauban and is killed without any hard



Q:23 How did Rudolf Rassendyll become the king of Ruritania?

Ans: Rudolf Rassendyll visited the state of Ruritania only for entertainment. The real
king Rudolf Elphberg was imprisoned by duke Michael. When colonel sap saw his
resemblance to the king Elphberg. He persuaded Rassendyll to impersonate as the
king and thus he become the king of Ruritania after shaving his bread and after
the coronation as the king.

Q:24 Why did Duke Michael kidnap the king?

Ans: Duke Michael kidnapped the king. He wanted that the king could not reach at the
place of coronation in time. He gave them drugged sine, The king became senseless
and he kidnapped him. If the king could not reach for the coronation the throne
would be given to Black Michael but it was bad luck of Black Michael that
Rassendyll reached there and ruled in the place of the king.

Q:25 Describe the escape of Rudolf Rassendyll from the trap that was from
Antoinette de Mauban?
Ans: When Rudolf Rassendyll read the letter. The letter was from Antoinette de
Mauban, She had asked him to come and see her at the summer house. Rudolf
was sure that the lady could be of some use to the cause of the king. So he decided
to go to the Summer House. Rudolf went inside where he met Mauban. She told
him that the duke had made her write the letter and Rudolf would be attacked.
He was attacked by three man but he used an iron tea table and fought bravely
and was able to escape unhurt.

Q:26 How do you rate "Prisoner of Zenda"?

Ans: Prisoner of Zenda isinfact a romantic tragedy. Rudolf Rassendyll fall in love with
princess Flavia. Rudolf Rassendyll and Princess Flavia both acted nobly. Madam
de Mauban though she loved to Black Michael but she told everything about his
devilish schemes to Rudolf Rassendyll and Flavia.

Q:27 Describe the last meeting b/w Rudolf Rassendyll and Princess Flavia?
Ans: After the death of Black Michael and the restoration the king from the castle of
Zenda Rudolf Rassendyll meets with Princess Flavia. Both love each other. In this
meeting Princess Flavia frankly makes the confession of love and she tells that she
can accompanyhim even inrags but she becomes compelled for the sake of the real
king and the people of Ruritania. After this they are departed Princess Flavia get
marry with Rudolf Elphberg and Rudolf Rassendyll goes after leaving that country.

Q:28 Princess Flavia has been post rayed as an intelligent and romantic lady
verify this statement?
Ans: Princess Flavia is not just an attractive and romantic lady but intelligent as well.
She is well versed in all political affairs of the country. She warns Rudolf
Rassendyll to be careful from Duke Michael. She guessed that the duke wants to
be the king and make her his queen. She deals all the personal and state matters
carefully and intelligently. She is sensible and straight forward in her love. She
loves Rudolf Rassendyll but sacrifice her love for the state. She is a very
responsible, Self sacrificing and nice lady.



Q:29 "Love is not after all everything". How is this message conveyed to the
readers in the novel?
Ans: The message is conveyed to the readers in the novel "The Prisoner of Zenda" that
love should not be blind but love is already the name of sacrifice because some
time one has to sacrifice his love for the sake of humanity as both Princess Flavia
and Rudolf Rassendyll sacrifice their love for the real king and for the people of

Q:30 Who killed Black Michael?

Ans. Rupert of Hentza killed Black Michael. He was so ambitious that he killed his
master only to get Mauban. He was fond of wine and woman.
Q:31 What part does the castle of Zenda play in the novel?
Ans. The castle of Zenda was the real property of Black Michael. It was made quite safe
by the mechanical bridges. The king was imprisoned in the castle of Zenda and all
the efforts were made to release the king from this castle of Zenda.

Q:32 What was the Jacob's ladder? Give an account of the first attempt of
Rassendyll at it?
Ans. The king of Ruritania was imprisoned in the castle of Zenda. The Duke Michael
had connected the king's room to the moat through a big pipe. This pipe was the
earthen ware. It was so large that a man could was easily slip through it from the
room to the moat. It was called by Rupert as Jacob's ladder. The Duke had ordered
the guards that whenever an attempt was made to liberate the king, they should
kill him tie a weight of his body and throw it through the pipe down into the moat.
The murderers could also escape the Jacob's ladder similarly.
Rassendyll got full information from Johann about the king's room. When
Rassendyll, Sapt and Fritz look three soldiers and went towards the castle.
Rassendyll swam across the moat whereas his companions waited at the bank.
He saw a guard sleeping there. He got into the boat and rowed towards the bank.
He reached at the gate of the castle where he fought with three armed man, this
was his first attempt at the Jacob's ladder.

Q:33 How did Princess Flavia learn the truth that Rassendyll was not the real
Ans. Princess Flavia insisted on seeing the wounded king at once. Rassendyll supported
by Fritz had reached the edge of the forest by the road to the castle. The farm girl,
seeing Rassendyll and believing him to be the king, ran to the princess saying that
the king was wounded and lying in the nearby bushes. Princess Flavia, with Sapt
walked up to the wounded Rassendyll. He and Sapt now had to tell her that the
Rassendyll was no the real King,

Q:34 Describe Soberness and intelligence of Princess Flavia.

Ans. Princess Flavia is a wise woman. Her wisdom keeps her aware of the evil desires
of Black Michael, who is not a good man. She very intelligently keeps herself away
from all sorts of intrigues. She is a sensible person who has the courage to face
the realities of life.
Her intelligence is enlightened when she said to Rassendyll:
“Do be careful,” she went on, “you don’t – indeed you don’t – keep enough
watch on him.”



Q:35 Briefly explain princess Flavia Romance in the Novel “The Prisoner of
Ans. Princess Flavia is a lady with elements of love in her heart. These elements
increase the fascination and temptation in her character. She sincerely and quite
confidently admits her inclination towards Rassendyll, being impressed by his
personality. She was bold enough to propose Rassendyll but her sensibility
restricted her to perform any action below dignity. She gave heart and soul to
Rudolf Rassendyll considering him to be the real king. She never mourns her
decision even after coming to know that he is a pretender. She confessed that
Rudolf Rassendyll was acceptable to him even if he was a beggar.
“The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.”
Amelia Barr
Q:36 Princess Flavia is a devoted lady. Give your point of view about this aspect
of life inn the novel.
Ans. The princess was a sincere and devoted lady, always worried about the security of
Rassendyll. She advised him time and again to be cautious of the wicked plans of
Duke Michael. When Black Michael was successful in injuring Rassendyll, she at
once reached Zenda to look after him. This action reflects her sense of
responsibility and devotion towards the man whom she loved from the depths of
her heart.
She said to Rassendyll: “Oh, if you were not the king, then I could show you
how I love you.”

Q:37 Patriotism is revolving in Princess Flavia’s character? How?

Ans. Princess Flavia is a responsible lady. She very loyal to her country and knows the
difference between love and duty. She sets an example of the greatest sacrifice by
giving up her love at the altar of duty. This aspect of her character shows that she
is not the slave of her passions.
Here sense of duty is enlightened when she says to Rassendyll:
“Your ring will always be on my finger, your heart in my heart. But you must
go and I must stay.”

Q:38 How did Princess Flavia sacrifice her love for the state of Ruritania?
Ans. In order to maintain peace in Ruritania and not to disgrace the royal family,
Princess Flavia took a sensible and daring step. She sacrificed her love for the
sake of her homeland and parted with Rassendyll forever. It was a noble and
graceful decision in the interest of Ruritania and the Royal family.
“There is no Moral authority like that of sacrifice.” - Nadine Gordimer

Q:39 How can we say that the Rudolf is adventurous in character?

Ans. Rudolf Rassendyll is very fond of adventures and loves to roam about instead of
sticking to a job. He is also a good mastermind who handles difficult situations
seeming effortless. The desire to participate in sensational events is always there
in his heart. This desire was fulfilled by his play-acting of King Rudolf Elphberg,
who was very identical to him. His likeness with the king of Ruritania helped him
to make his mission a success. He pledges in strong and unequivocal terms:
“I have been an imposter for the profit of another, but I will not be one for my own;
and if the king is not alive and on his throne before the day of betrothal comes I
will tell the truth, come what may.”



Q:40 Why do we say that Rassendyll is a wise person?

Ans. Rudolf Rassendyll proves himself to be a man of outstanding attributes and full of
wisdom. He plays the role of the king very intelligently. Once he gets entangled in
Ruritanian politics, he becomes conscious not only of the significance of his royal
position but also of the responsibility, which lies on his shoulders. He is a wise,
cool minded and responsible man.

Q:41 How faithfulness and sincerity the life of blood of Rassendyll character?
Ans. Rudolf Rassendyll is a sincere man. He does not want to keep the throne to
himself. He carries out all his responsibilities with firmness and confidence. He
realizes that it is his duty to restore the real king to the throne and he never tries
to take undue advantage as a pretender. His veracity and sincerity is outstanding
as he declares:
“If I’m found out, I’ ll make a clean breast of it, and fight it out with the Duke.”

Q:42 How is Rassendyll a Romantic Hero?

Ans. The romantic aspect of Rassendyll’s personality shows that his heart throbs for
Princess Flavia but the sense of duty and devotion to the throne is far stronger in
him. The circumstances urge him to express love to Princess Flavia but bot to feel
it. Being deeply conscious of his responsibility and dedication, he declares:
“I had to keep the princess devoted to me and yet indifferent to me; I had
to show affection for her and not feel it.”

Q:43 How did Rassendyll sacrifice his love?

Ans. In order to maintain peace in Ruritania and not to disgrace the royal family, Rudolf
Rassendyll took a sensible and daring step. He sacrificed his love at the altar of
duty and left Ruritania with tears of regret in the eyes of Princess Flavia, words of
gratitude on the lips of king, applause and appreciation from all the countrymen
and feeling of satisfaction on his own part. “There is no Moral authority like
that of sacrifice.” - Nadine Gordimer

Q:44 Briefly describe the bravery and courage of Colonel Sapt.

Ans. Colonal Sapt is a brave man whose gallantry keeps him motivated for taking
personal risks. He shows great valour on all events. He is also very loyal to the
king and serves the throne with dedication and faith. Being a sovereign authority,
he has enough experience in the art of governing people. His only objective in life
is to reinstate King Elphberg. For this achievement, he uses all the persons
including Countess Flavia as pieces of chess board.
Sapt’s courage and determination is enlighted when he said to Rassendyll:
“If we’re detected, I’ll send Black Michael down below before I go myself.”

Q:45 Briefly describe the wisdom and sensibility of Colonel Sapt.

Ans. Colonel Sapt is a wise man. His superb prudence made him sensible enough not
take reckless steps. He uses his mind and intelligence on the battlefield of life. It
was merely due to his witticism that Rassendyll’s identification was not revealed.
Although the Colonel does not accept advises from others, his gorgeous mentality
enables him to crush all the obstacles that come in the path of his aim. Due to
these qualities, he exalted himself in the eyes of the king and Rassendyll.
His wisdom is enlighted when he said:
“If you do not go I swear to you Black Michael will sit tonight on the throne,
and the king lie in prison or his grave.”
Q:46 Briefly describe the friendly attitude of Colonel Sapt.

Ans. Colonel Sapt is not only a good advisor, but also a sincere friend of Rassendyll. He
became Rassendyll’s friend as soon as they both met. Colonel Sapt served his
friend on every difficult stage. A good example of sincere friendship is seen at the
Summer House, when Rassendyll was in a dangerous situation among the

Q:47 Colonel Sapt helps the low opinion about women. How?
Ans. Colonel Sapt appears to be a confirmed bachelor having low opinion about women.
He never trusts in ladies, but believes that women spoil everything. Even the
princess does not come in exception to his hatred for the opposite gender.
When Mme de Mauban invites Rassendyll to the Summer House, he said:
“I do not believe any woman and you shall not go.”
Q:48 Colonel Sapt is a loyal by nature. Prove this statement.
Ans. Colonel Sapt is a colonel in the Ruritanian Army. He is the oldest of all the hot-
blooded army men. The colonel is a devoted servant of the king. His loyalty is for
the cause of monarchy and not for any particular person. He has a highly
productive mind, which enables him to act daringly to restore the throne. He
succeeded in liberating who was the actual inheritor to the throne.
Colonel Sapt says: “I have eaten the King’s bread and I am the King’s

Q:49 Describe the appearance/ complexion of Rudolf Elphberg.

Ans. Rudolf Elphberg is a young, tall and handsome man. He is an educated man. He
has red hair, straight nose, blue eyes and a beard. His physical appearance bears
striking resemblance to that of Rudolf Rassendyll, though there were some points
of differences, which are pointed by Rudolf Rassendyll:
“The king’s face was slightly more fleshy than mine, the oval of its contour the
least trifle more pronounced and his mouth lacking something of the firmness
which was to be gathered from my close-shutting lips.”
However, in spite of these differences, Colonel Sapt could not help mentioning to
“You’re an Elphberg, every inch of you.”

Q:50 How is Elphberg a weak person?

Ans. He has not the quality to face the dangers and odds boldly. His behaviour in prison

throws a shadow upon his person. He becomes completely de Moralized and

losses all gril. His health suffers and he becomes partially insane. He requests
Detchard to persuade his brother, Black Michael to kill him. He becomes hopeless
and sobs on his fate.

Q:51 How is Black Michael a selfish, hypocrite, wicked and a cruel man?
Ans. Selfish and Hypocrite:-Black Michael is a selfish man. He loves Princess Flavia
just to get the throne. He is a hypocrite and makes a false show of love towards
Madam Mauban. He has become popular among a small number of people of the
country by his hypocrisy. He is over ambitious and greedy.
A Wicked Person:-Black Michael is a sinful man. He makes plot to get the throne
with the help of his companions, but always tries to delude them. That is why his
followers betray him, when he is expecting complete victory. He invites Rassendyll
to the Summer House through a conspiracy, but fortunately Rassendyll survives.
This sharp and evil act shows his wickedness.

A Cruel Man:-Black Michael is indeed a cruel person. When the king has been in
his noose, he treats him in a very harsh and inhuman manner. He does not feel
pity for his brother even. Black Michael is a coward man. He wants to save his life
at any cost. He does not come out to handle the situation at any time.

Q:52 Black Michael is a cool minded criminal. How?

Ans. Black Michael is a wicked but a cool minded and genius criminal. When he sees
that Rassendyll has impersonated the king of Ruritania he does not make it known
to the people to keep his villainy secret. We see that even Rupert’s interest and
love for Mauban do not irritate him. It shows that he is a controlled emotion

Q:53 How is Mauban an emotional lady?

Ans. She was a woman ruled by her emotions and when Michael was killed by Rupert,
she heaving taunts came forth to avenge him.

Q:54 What is the personal Motive of Mauban?

Ans. She was sincerely devoted to the Duke and by this genuine attachment. She
followed him at his request from Paris to Ruritania but she was not aware that the
Duke whom she thought to be a man of strong passions was actually a cruel,
cunning and selfish man who was content to take all but give nothing.

Q:55 Black Michael is a slave of Lust. How?

Ans. Black Michael becomes utterly blind for power. At any rate he wants to usurp the
sovereignty form his brother. His lust for power corrupts him & brings his decline.

Q:56 How Black Michael got his tragic death?

Ans. Black Michael always deceives his close companions. That is why he is killed by
one of his own followers. Thus, the villain of the novel receives a tragic end.

Q:57 Describe the appearance of Rassendyll.

Ans. Rudolf Rassendyll is a tall, young and handsome man, who belongs to a noble
family in England. He is an educated man of twenty-nine, who has perfect
command over German and French. He is bold, cultural and knows the art of
becoming popular. He has red hair, straight nose, blue eyes and a beard. His
physical appearance bears striking resemblance to that of the real king, though
there were some points of differences. Rassendyll himself pointed out:
“The king’s face was slightly fleshier than mine, the oval of its contour the
least trifle more pronounced and his mouth lacking something of the
firmness which was to be gathered from my close-shutting lips.”
However, in spite of these differences, Colonel Sapt could not help mentioning to
“You’re an Elphberg, every inch of you.”

Q58. Who are six of the Duke of Strelsau and from where they belong?
Ans: Bersonin Krafstein, Detchard, Lauingram, De Gautet and Rupert of Hentzau are
the six of Duke of strelsau. He heired them from different places. Bersonin belongs
to Belgian while De-Gaytet belongs to France and Detchard belongs to English.
The other three belongs to Ruritannia including Rupert of Hentzau Krafstein and



Q59. Why did Rose urge Rudolf Ressendyll to try his hand in any job? And why
did he used to refuse?
Ans: Rose, the sister in law of Rudolf Ressendyll urged him his hand in any job because
she thought that he is aged about 29 and an educated person, who has command
over different language. To add the beauty, due to the influence of his brother
(Lord Burlesdon) in public affairs in Britain. Jacob offers Rudolf for a suitable job.
Rudolf Ressendyll used to refuse because he has a riving disposition and think
that it is not necessary to him to apply him in any profession.

Q60. What is the only physical difference between two Rudolf?

Ans: Rudolf Ressendyll and Rudolf Elphberg have the remarkable similarity. The only
difference between them is a beard. Rudolf Ressendyll wears beard while Rudolf
Elphberg is a clean shaven man.

Q61. Why does Rudolf Ressendyll go to Ruritania and what does he find there?
Ans: Rudolf Ressendyll goes to Ruritania only to attend the coronation ceremony of
the Fifth king. He reaches there and find the surrounding corrupt. King half
brother (Black Micheal) is playing the game of conspiracy to become the king in
the place of the real king (Rodolf Elphnerg).

Q62. Where was madam-de-Mauban going and why?

Ans: Madam-de-Mauban was going to strelsau by train and she was going there on
the invitation of Black Micheal.

Q63. Who sends a bottle of rare wine and why?

Ans:: Black Micheal the half brother a wicked person send a bottle of rare wine as a
present to the king because wine is one of the weakness of the king. Black
Michael sends it to make him unconscious and wear the crown instead of him.

Q64. How do Sapt and Fritz overcome the situation?

Ans: Col Sapt and Fritz are in the service of the kin. They are well bred and loyal to
the cause of the king. They request Rudolf Ressendyll to impersonate as a king
of Ruritania in order to protect the throne of Ruritannia and to fail the plan of
Black Michael.

Q65. Why does Col Sapt ask Fritz not to allow anybody to see the king?
Ans: Col Sapt asked Fritz not to allow anybody to see the king because Col Sapt and
Rudolf Ressendyll (disguised as Sapt orderly) secretly leave the palace ride out
the city unobserved to the lodge of Zenda.

Q66. Where does Madam-de-Mauban invite Rudolf and why?

Ans:: Madam-de-Mauban invites Rudolf in the summar house at the mid night. She
invites him on the call of black Micheal. Black Micheal wants to kill Rudolf
Ressendyll because he is the only throne in his way.

Q67. What information does Madam deliever to Rudolf Ressendyll?

Ans: Madam informs Rudolf Ressendyll that she invite him in the invitation of
Micheal. Furthermore, she informs Rudolf Ressendyll that in twenty minutes
thra men of Black Micheal will come & arrest you along with Col Sapt and Col Fritz.
Q68. How did Rudolf Ressendyll save his life in the summar house?



Ans: Rudolf ressendyll saved his life in the summar house by using iron tea table.
When they open the door of the summar house, Ressendyll charges upon them
holding infront of himself an iron topped table.

Q69. Why is Rudolf Ressendyll mach criticized by common man?

Ans: People Strelsau are curious to see Rudof and Princess Flavia in the conjugate life
but Rudolf Ressendyll is failed to do so that’s why he is much criticized by the
common ma.
Q70. Why does Rudolf Ressendyll go to Marshal after he meets Princess Flavia?
Ans: Rudolf Ressendyll goes to Marshal after he meets Princess Flavia to insure him
that you’re for most duty is the save the Queen at every cost.

Q71. What will Marshal do is Rudolf Ressendyll does not come back an hunting
Ans: Marshal will deprive Duke Michael of the govership of strelsau and declav a state
of siege if hunting expedition after three day.

Q72. How does the helpless king help Rudolf Ressendyll in his fight against
Ans: The helpless king Rudolf Ressendyll has courage to push a chair against
Detchard’s leg and help the king (Rudolf Ressendyll) being killed.

Q73. How does Rudolf Ressendyll draw up a plan of attack on the castle of
Ans: Rudolf Ressendyll draws up the following plan of attack on the castle of Zenda. At
2 O’clock in the morning Johann will open the door of the new castle. Sapt will
attack with the stong party. At the same moment, Madam acting a litter conveyed
by Johann will scream for help as if Rupert is molesting her. This should being
Micheal cut to her rescue and then Sapt will capture him alive. Sapt will them
have the draw bridge run out and it is likely that Rupert, possible with De-Gautet
will run across the bridge to see what is happening. Rudolf Ressendyll, equipped
with a small ladder and ridding in the moat, will get into the bridge and kill Rupert
and De-Gautet as well. Taking the Keeps and enter in the castle and save the king
(Rudolf Elphberg).

Q74. What does the farm girl tell Princess Flavia about the king?

Ans: Col Sapt and Col Fritz treat Rudolf Ressendyll in the friendly way. They escort the
frontur and bid him good bye with great affection and respect.

“Multiple Choice Questions”

1. The Prisoner of Zenda is written by ______________.
William Faulkner Herman Melville Sir Anthony Hope Charles Dicken

2. The novel “Prisoner of Zenda” was written in ______________.

1933 1893 1932 1934

3. The novel “Prisoner of Zenda” was published ______________.

1894 1888 1884 1885



4. The novel “The Prisoner of Zenda” is edited by ______________ for student.

G. Allana D.Y. Morgan Ghulam Ali None of them

5. The language of Ruritania is basically ______________ according to the

French English German Arabic

6. The hero of the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda” is ______________.

Rudolf Ressendyll Rudolf Elphberg Black Michal Marshall

7. The Heroin of the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda is ______________.

Countess Helga Princess Flavia Madam-de-Mauban Rose Burlesdon

8. Black Michal keeps______________ guard for his work.

2 6 8 5

9. Rupert of Hentzau is the ______________among six.

Dearest Darest Courageous Devlish

10. Rupert of Hentzau belongs to ______________.

England Ruritania Belgian French

11. De Gautet belongs to ______________.

England Runtania Belgian French

12. The William of the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda” is ______________.

Rudolf Ressendyll Rudolf Elphbug Black Michal Rupert

13. Bersonin belongs to ______________.

Runtania England French French

14. Detchard belongs to ______________.

Runtania England French Belgain

15. Lauengram, Krafstein and Rupert belongs to ______________.

England Strelsau French Zenda

16. Marshal strakencz wa the ______________.

Colonel Commander-in-chaif Gate Keiper Army officer

17. Bertram Bertrand is a poet and ______________.

Editor Journalist Author Comedian

18. Bertram Bertrand is in the love of ______________.

Madam-de-Mauban Counters Helga Rose Princess Flavia

19. George Featherly is the member of ______________Embarry.

Rusitannian British American Strelsau

20. Rose is the wife of ______________.

Col Sapt Col Fritz Johann Lord Burlesdon

21. Rose is the ______________ of Rudolf Ressendyll.

Sister Sister-in-law Daughter in law Beloved

22. Johann is the ______________ Max Holf.

Enemy Brother Friend Father



23. Fraulien Holf is the ______________ of Max Holf.

Mother Daughter Aunt None of them

24. Rudolf Ressendyll belongs to a noble family of ______________.

France England Russia German

25. Rudolf Ressendyll is______________ years old.

29 30 31 35

26. Rudolf Ressendyll had travelled many ____________countries.

Asians European African Arabian

27. Rudolf Rressendyll speaks French and _________ language.

Urdu Italian German Scottish

28. Madam-de-Mauban was a ______woman.

French Italian German English

29. Madam-de-Muban is aged about ________.

30 29 35 32

30. Rudolf Elphberg was going to be the ________king of Ruritannia.

5 3 1 4

31. Col Fritz was in the love of ________.

Princess Flavia Countess Helga Land lady Madam-de-Mauban

32. Col Sapt and Col fritz was in the service of ________.
Black Michal Rudolf Ressendyll Marshall Rudolf Elphberg

33. De- Gautet has ________ moustaches.

Waxed Curly Round Straight

34. The name of the Johann and Max Holf mother is ________.
Fraulein Schmist Frauleiun Kenith Fraulein Holf Fraulein Bennet

35. Bersonin had a ________ head.

Round Flat Bold Pan

36. Madam-de-Mauban was in the love of ________.

Rudolf Ressendyll Rudolf Elphberg Johann Black Miceal

37. Madam-de-Mauan reached to Dresden by ________.

Bus Horse Train Victoria

38. The state of Ruritannia was divided into groups.

2 6 7 4

39. The old people were in the favor of ________ to be the king.
Rudolf Ressendyll Rudolf Elphberg Black Micheal

40. the new people were in the favor of________ to be the king.
Rudolf Ressendyll Rudolf Elphberg Black Micheal

41. Rudolf Elphberg goes to strelsau from Zenda to be crowned on ________ day.
Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wednesday

42. ________ sent the bottle of rare wine for Elphberg.


Black Micheal Josef Rudolf Ressendyll None of them

43. ________requested Rudolf Ressendyll to impersonate the king of Ruritannia.

Fritz Sapt Fritz and Sapt Flavia

44. ________ brought the rare wine for Rudolf Elphberg.

Josef Joseph Bersonin Detchard

45. ________ was left to look after the king in the cellar of the lodge.
Josef Joseph Sapt Fritz

46. Rudolf Elphberg is fond of ________.

Party Wine Hunting Cigar

47. Two Rudolf met first time in ________.

Celler Forest Dresden Ruritania

48. ________was the result of Morganatic marriage.

Rudolf Ressendyll Rudolf Elphberg Sapt Black Micheal

49. Bertram Bertrand belongs to ________.

London England Paris New York

50. George Featherly belongs to ________.

London England Paris New York

51. Rudolf Ressendyll was ________ years old.

30 29 31 34

52. Ruput of Hentzan is in love with ________.

Countess Helga Princess Flavia Land lady Madam-de-Mauban

53. Rudolf Ressendyll and Mauben travelled by the same ________.

Bus Aero plane Train Victoria

54. Mauban was invited by ________.

Black micheal Rufolf Ressendyll Col Sapt Rupert of Hentzau

55. Rudolf Eessendyll made the member sure that he is going to ________.
Dresden Paris Ruritannia Strelsaw

56. Rudolf Ressendyll transported to Zenda in the ________.

Morning Evening Afternoon Noon

57. The old lady, who provides shelter to Ressendyll, was the advocator of ________.
Black Micheal Rudolf Elphberg Johann

58. Countess Helga was in the service of ________.

Princess Flavia Sapt Fritz Madam-de-Mauban

59. Rudolf Ressendyll is the ________man.

bearded Clean shaven Trimmed

60. Rudolf Elphberg is the ________man.

Bearded Clean shaven Trimmed

61. ________shaved the Rudolf Ressendyll.



Josep Josef Joseph Pope

62. ________ put the bucket of cold water on Elphberg.

Col. Sapt Josef Col. Fritz Pope

63. Rudolf Ressendyll decided to send this ________direct to the train.

Bag Luggage Baggage None of them

64. When Rudolf Ressendyll opened his eyes, he found ________men carrying gun.
4 2 3 5

65. Rudolf Ressendyll told them about ________lady.

Princess Flavia Countess Amelia Land lady

66. ________invited Rudolf Ressnedyll at the summar house.

Madan-de-Mauban Micheal Sapt Fritz

67. ________ Ressendyll Madan-de-Mauban to invite Ressendyll at the summar

Miheal Rupert Helga Bersinin

68. The king Elpgberg was kidnapped by ________.

Micheal Micheal followers Rupert

69. The chanullor of the ________ stood just behind marshal.

Town State City Kingdom

70. The city was of ________ party divided into two groups.
1 2 3 4

71. ________ was the most daring and dangerous among the six.
Rupert Detchard Bersonin De-Gautet

72. ________killed black Micheal.

Rupert Rudolf Ressendyll Rudolf Elpgberg Col Sapt

73. Krafstein asn Lauengram was killed by ________.

Rudolf Ressendyll Rudolf Elpgberg Saapt Fritz

74. Rudolf Ressendyll killed Bersinin by ________.

Gun Dagger Detchard De-Gautet

75. ________infirm Betram Bertrand about the departure of Mauban.

George feathirly Johann Max Holf

76. Rudolf is more poular in Zenda than Elphberg.

Rudolf Ressendyll Black Micheal Princess Flavia

77. “Chateau” is ___________.

Den Celler Palace Valley

78. Rudolf Ressendyll fell a sleep after smoking his cigar in the ___________ of
Zenda, as he was extremely tired.
Valley Forest Hill Desert

79. Rudolf Ressendyll opened his eyes, and found ___________ men regarding him
with much curiosity in the forest of Zenda.



Five Four Three Two

80. ___________ informed Colonel Sapt that the horsed were ready.
Josef Johann Detchard Bersonin

81. People shouted outside the station of Stelsau: “God save ___________!”.
King Princess Marshall Duke

82. Rudolf Ressendyll wanted to bury ___________ before he went to Stelsau.

Josef Johann Detchard Bersonin

83. “Anyhow, he (Black Michael) will ___________ her (Princess Flavia) and become
king, “Madame De Mauban said to Rudolf Ressendyll.
Marry Arrest Kill Kidnap

84. Detchard, De Gautet and Bersonin affered Rudolf Ressendyll a safe conduct to
the frontier, and ___________ thousand pounds English if he would leave
Fifty Sixty Seventy Eighty

85. De Gautet, Bersonin nand Detchard fire their pistols but the bullets merely hit
the ___________ instead of Rudolf Ressendyll.
Chair Iron table top Iron bar Plank

86. Rudolf Ressendyll escapes from the summerhouse over the wall of the grounds
by means of a ___________.
Windmill Plank Pipe Ladder

87. The Dresden trains stop at ___________.

Yanina Zenda Kent Gwent

88. The king is much criticized by common people for taking no steps about his
___________, according to the report from the prefect police.
Survival Military Operation Marriage

89. Rudolf Ressendyll danced with ___________.

Countess Helga Countess of Morcef Princess Flavia Rose Pickford

90. Rupert of Hentzau Ans:ed Rudolf Ressendyll that the king was ___________.
Unconscious Ill Dead Alive

91. Johann reveals before Rudolf Ressendyll that ___________ is imprisoned in a

small room in the old castle just by the drawbridge a room with one window
close to the surface of the moat.
The king The princess The Marshal The Countess

92. A physician from ___________ is sent to look after the king Rudolf Elphberg.
London Dublin Strelsau Paris

93. Johann is persuaded by ___________ to tell what he know about the king.
Rudolf Elphberg Rudolf Ressendyll Black Michael Rupert

94. Rupert of Hentzau went to the room of ___________ in the castle Zenda.
Princess Flavia Madame De Marshal Countess Helga



95. De Gautet is stabbed to death by ___________ who takes his keys and makes his
way to the outer room buy the king’s cell where Bersonin and Detchard are on
the guard.
Rudolf Ressendyll Rudolf Elphberg Black Michael Josef

96. Princess Flavia is ____________ to king Elphberg.

Maid Cousin Sister Friend

97. Black Michael was ____________ of Strelsau.

Governor Master Duke Prisoner

98. Col Sapt was ____________ to the king Elphberg.

Servant Body guard Army chief Secretary

99. Col Fritz was____________ to the king Elphberg.

Servant Body guard Army chief Secretary

100. Bertram Bertrand was a _____________.

Envoy Spy Versifier Soldier




Compiled By: Engineer Nasim Zulifiqar



In Islam women enjoy an exalted and dignified position which can never he found
in any other religion of the world. Islam bestows women a very respectable place.
Islam is the only religion that recognizes a women to be a loving daughter of a
kind father a polite wife of a loving husband, a kind-hearted mother of a good son
and a polite sister of a lovable brother. It recognizes the position of women to be
the same as the of men. It claims that both come from the same essence.

The position of the mother is very much exalted in Islamic tradition. Prophet
Muhammad (peaces be upon him) has gone so far as to say, “Paradise lies
underneath the feet of your mothers”. As regards the position of a women as wife,
the saying of the prophet (Peace be upon him) is categorical. “The best among you
is the one who is best towards his family”. With regards to women as a daughter,
the Islamic attitude can he realised from the reproaches which the Holy Quran
makes against the pagan pre-Islamic behavior at the birth of daughters. Islam
abolished all types of such disgraces.

So for as the conjugal and material life is concerned, the mutual relation of
husband and wife is described in the Holy Quran as that of a single soul in two
bodies. Islam describes the house as a unit in the greater organization of a nation
as a whole as a whole. It speaks of husband as being “an administrator and
supervisor over the people of the house” and the wife is described as
“Administrator of the house of her husband and children. They home is thus
described as a kingdom. Where authority is exercised by both the husband and
the wife within the boundaries of mutual understanding.

Islam has drawn a clear line of demarcation between the duties of men and
women in the business of their daily life. It envisages a natural division of work
between men and women. While man is best suited to fight and make his way
through the attributes, women is entrusted with the onerous task of bringing up
the younger generation because of the preponderance of the quality of love and
compassion in her. This functional division of work does not mean that women
has entirely been excluded from other kinds of activities in every sphere of life.

We come to the conclusion that Islam recommends the duties of women mostly
at home. Islam has laid greater stress on the domestic duties of a women. Our
salvation lies in following the teaching of Islam. Therefore, we must abstain from
copying the western culture blindly and must stick to our own Islamic culture as
firmly as possible.



The modern democratic state is a type of state which came into existence in 19 th
century largely as an effect of the French Revolution and the industrial Revolution of
the absolute nation-state of 16th and the 17th century. But the Islamic state came
into existence in the 7th century as an effect of the greatest Revolution of the world
which was not only political and economic but also social and ethical.
Islam revolutionized every aspect of human life. So, Islamic democracy in its
connotation is wider than western democracy. It means not only political equality but
also social equality. In Islamic society all are equal. There is no class division or
distinctions of birth and social position/ all member of the society enjoy equal status
and position. The only criterion of superiority in Islamic society is personal ability
and character. Allah says. “O mankind! I created you out of a single pair of a
male and a female, the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is the who is
the most righteous of you”.

The Holy prophet said. “No one is superior to another except n point of faith and
piety. All men are descended from Adam and Adam was made of clay. Is Islam the
concept of human brotherhood and equality is vital and basic. The lowest of the low
must have the same right as the highest of the high the President of the Republic.
The first effective Endeavour of Islam to establish social equilibrium is its emphasis
on equality. The Holy Prophet said. “All men are equal in their human rights”.

In Islamic society everyone has got a right for equal opportunities of progress; the
restricted scope for personal achievement is the hall-mark of Islamic society. Islam
not only emphasizes social equality, but also bans such attitude and activities as are
likely to disturb social harmony. Democracy in capitalistic countries grants simply
equal political right so, through manipulation of the non restricted freedom, the
capitalists make masses their wag slave. It results in mockery and force. All the
wealth and resources under a capitalistic democracy are concentrated in the hands
of few capitalistic. They through their money power turn the state into servant of
their interests as against the interest of the general masses. This dangerous
possibility is not expected to occur in the Islamic state.

In capitalistic society, money determines one’s place in society. This is against the
spirit of Islam. In a true Islamic society no man can lord over others merely on the
strength of a swollen purse. Islam cut the very root of the possibility of economic
exploitation by prohibiting vested interest, hoarding, profiteering, by imposing Zakat
and by declaring that all that is in the heaven and the earth belongs to god alone.

Islam ensures social justice and economic security for all by a comprehensive system
of check and balances on the sources of income, the means of living and the avenues
of expenditure. It thus acts as a preventive check on the capitalistic tendencies and
evils. Islam also enunciates its scheme of economic freedom and security through its
scheme of equitable distribution of wealth and resources. It declares the state
ownership of all natural resources.

Right to private property is no doubt recognized by Islam, but it is hedged round by

salutary checks. Islam imposed heavy social responsibilities on the rich. There is a
warning for serious punishment in store for those who abuse their riches to the
detriment of society. It has declared that all authority belongs to entitled to exercise
that authority. No nobility, no priest has any discriminating privilege. Thus political
equality or rule of law of capitalistic democracy is also fully secured in Islam.


The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Women should be educated like men,
otherwise. There can be no peace and no progress. If you yoke an unbroken horse
with a highly trained one, the carriage will be dashed to pieces, and the occupant’s
lives will be endangered. They cannot pull on they will pull in different direction. The
family peace cannot be preserved with such ill matched lifelong companions.
Napoleon was once asked what the greatest need of France was. He unhesitatingly
Ans:ed. Mothers national progress if impossible without trained and educated
mothers. It is well said that if you train a women, you train a whole family.
Women are called the better half of man. It is a pity that this better half should remain
in ignorance. Uneducated and ignorance women are a drag on society. Women has
the same mental gifts as man has; why, then, should she be deprived of the blessings
of knowledge? Of course, the duties of both differ. Man’s duties are mostly public,
those of women, domestic. Although women are these days coming to the front in
public affairs, also. The education of man or women should be such as may fit him
or her for the duties which he or she will be called upon to perform in after life.
There is a keen controversy going on in Pakistan whether women should receive
higher education or not. Orthodox people recognize the value of education of women,
but are opposed giving them high education. If women be mentally fit to receive
higher education, there seems to be no reason why they should not be allowed to
develop their mental faculties to the utmost. To give them only the rudiments of
knowledge, while they are eager and quite fit for advanced studies, is to condemn
them to a plea are perpetual inferiority which is extremely unjust. All men, also, are
not endowed with the same powers. There are dullards among them, too.

In Pakistan at the present time, considering all circumstance, the ignorance of

centuries, the conservative ways of the people, and the religious and social traditions
and customs, there is great need of proceeding with great caution in the matter of
female education. A wholesale transportation of the Western system is neither
desirable not profitable. A system based on the needs and circumstances of the
people should be adopted.
It is a significant sigh of the times that people are awakening to the need education
the girls. Girls’ Schools are being opened everywhere. But still the number of
education women. Including literates even, is very, very small hardly one in a
Domestic duties and religious instruction should form an important part of the
curriculum of Girls Schools. Their courses of reading should be different from those
for boy. They danger of anglicizing them, which has proved so great and real in the
case of boys, should be minimized as far as possible. The School atmosphere should
be entirely Pakistan.
An education women is a real blessing in the home. The early education of children
is properly looked after, and the whole management of the household is conducted
peacefully and most advantageously. Peace and cleanliness prevail. Domestic
happiness, it is no exaggeration to say, depends entirely on the women, and the best
way to secure it is to educate her in her duties. Women is certainly the better man,
as Tennyson says.




I passed the Secondary School Certificate Examination from my school. I obtained

690 marks. I was selected for admission to the local Government college. Lectures
began on the 5th of September. I went there in the morning that day, with great
pride on my bicycle. I saw a large number of students at the gate. They began to
clap their hands, as I went near them. I smelt some mischief. I got down from my
bicycle and began to walk. One of them pulled it back. The next moment I saw
them drawing my books from over the carrier, one by one by one. I told them to
behave properly. But they laughed and began to cut jokes with me. I went to the
bicycle stand, and they followed me like a shadow. I locked my bicycle there. There
returned me my books, shook hands with me and went away.

I had gone only a few paces towards the office, when I saw two well dressed
gentlemen coming towards me. They said that were professors in that college. I
greeted them as one of them asked me, if anybody had teased me. Don’t worry
said the other. “and have a cup of tea with us, in the college tuck shop:. They
took me there and became very friendly with me. A shirtless servant placed a tray
on the table before us, I blushed to see the tea pot quite empty and “You are a
first year fool” printed on the cup and the saucer placed before me. They burst
into peals of laughter and others, in the tuck shop, clapped their hands, I left the
chair in hot haste, with my face as pale as death.

I met some boy outside. They said that they were first year students. They took
me to a class room. We had hardly taken our seats, when a gentleman wearing
gown came in. Everybody stood up. But before I could take my seat, I was utterly
surprised to see everybody singing Hey Jamalo around me; and the gentleman
wearing the gown, dancing on the dais. I wondered at my experiences of the
college life, as I came out of the class room. I decided to return home. I went to
the bicycle stand. But I found its wheels punctures; and the saddle, lying on the
ground beside it. I was still standing there. When I heard an announcement from
the loud speaker it. Said that lectures to the first year class would begin on and
from tomorrow at 7 A.M., according to the time table put up on the notice board.
I dared not go there, lest I should fall into another trap, and returned home.


Co education means the education of boys and girls in the same schools. Colleges or
Universities. This is a modern concept and it has made a remarkable rapid progress.
It was first introduces in Switzerland, but now it has become popular almost in all
Europe and America. The country opinions sharply differ on the issue of co education
in colleges.



The supporters of co education favor it mainly on two grounds, one economical and
the other sociological in the first place, they say that co education is an economical
measure in a poor country like Pakistan. It is not possible to maintain separate
colleges for boys and girls eespecially in vocational colleges a lot of money is required
to equip the libraries, laboratories and workshops. In the second place, the social
contacts between the members of the two sexes are useful in many respects. The
supporters of co education say that if boys and girls are education together, they will
develop in them a sort of mutual understanding; this understanding will be helpful
in their future life as men and women. They believe that co education makes boys
less coarse & girls less morbid. The boys become civilized & polite and spirit of
competition is studies are revived. Both try their hard to outdo each other.

The arguments of the supporters of coeducation are weighty but of those who are
weightier. Demerits of this system make its success in this country doubtful. The
opponents of co education argue that in a hot country like Pakistan this system is
impracticable. Here boys and girls become young at an early age. Youth is blind and
there is every possibility that they may fall a victim to their emotions. Then every one
of us knows that ends and aims of education for the two sexes are quite different.
Their demands ion educations are different from each other and therefore, it is false
economy to teach them in the same institution. Again, in Pakistan colleges are very
few and they are overcrowded. Co education can prove economical only in such cases
where the number of the students in the college is very small. And moreover we must
remember that Islam disallows free mixing of boys and girls. It is for these reasons,
the opponents of co education think that the system is not fir our country.

To conclude we may say that co education is above objection in the professional

colleges where the ultimate goal of all the students is the same. But in arts and
Science College where the two sexes are prepared for the normal routine of life. Co
education is unnecessary.

Employment means occupation. To be busy in doing something productive is to
be employed. So unemployment means absence of employment. When the people
are out of work and have nothing to do, they are said to be unemployed.
Unemployment is a worldwide problem. Even advanced countries like U.S.A, U.K
And France have this problem. In the third world countries, unemployment is at
its peak. Pakistan is no exception.



Unemployment is a social evil of far reaching consequences. It specks starvation,

disease and death in its victims. They have no education, no culture, and
therefore no concern for right and wrong, good and evil. Dishonesty corruption
crime sin and vices of all kinds prevail in a society where population is
unemployed on a large scale. Politically unemployment breeds discontent in the
masses. Votes are sold and bought. Revolutions and mob violence are the result
of unemployment. People bust in finding out job for them cannot pay attention to
their rights and duties as citizens. Moreover, when a large portion of population
is unemployed, no effort to increase the national income can succeed.

The cause of this wide spread unemployment are four. First, our system of
education does not suit our needs. Much attention is paid to general and liberal
education. Our country is an advancing country and needs skilled hands. The
teaching institutions turn out a peculiar type of young man who hates manual
labor. He is good for nothing except reading books and dreaming of high status
in society. Secondly our country is not much advanced in industry. We cannot
absorb all our young men in factories. Moreover, they are not skilled. Thirdly, In
our country a few privileged persons are keeping all the key industries to them. If
work and leisure are equally distributes all men will have enough of work and
enough of leisure. But the education young men and common men have neither
the capital nor the opportunities to try their luck in business. Lastly I our country
birth rate is very high. The sources of the country are not enough to maintain
such a large population. People are more the jobs are few. The result is

Keeping is view the consequences of this evil, the Government of Pakistan much.
It has already started many employment schemes. The national man Power
Council runs a National Employment Bureau which helps the Pakistan to get
jobs. Recently a Youth investment Scheme has been started in Pakistan. They
give financial help to young people and assist them in setting up business
promotion scheme taste and ability. Labor Department has being established.
But in spite of all, much more is needed. Production should be stepped in
agriculture. The country should be industrialized to provide new channels of
employment. The concept of education should be changed. Planned distribution
of wealth should be ensured. Population must be kept within limits. It is only
after a long time struggle that we can get rid of this evil and make our country



The purpose of education is to produce ideal persons to face the
responsibilities of the future. This aim can be achieved only when the students
are sincere and they acquire the education in the real sense. Just copying a few
questions and passing the examination is not an education. A student can never



be educated until and unless he does not put his heart and should to the cause
of education. A student is a person, who devotes himself to the pursuits of
knowledge and learning. It is therefore, the first and foremost duty of an ideal
student to seek knowledge. The pursuit of knowledge demands hard work and
full devotion. Unfortunately, the students do not realize their duties. They have
confined the education. Their greatest purpose is to get good grade in the
examination by hook or by crook. They adopt all the foul means to get through
the examinations. The ideal student enriches himself with knowledge. In practical
life only those students come out with best colors, who had acquire knowledge.

An ideal student enjoys learning. He goes deep and deep in search of the
knowledge. He is not a bookworm. He knows that a healthy body is necessary for
healthy mind. He takes interest in all the activities that promote his physical
health. He goes to the playground with the same pleasure and enthusiasm with
which he studies in the library. An ideal student is not unsocial. He loves his
fellow students and takes part in all the collective activities.

The ideal student respects and honors his teachers. He knows the place of
teachers, who are opening the gate of glories for him. He is humble and obedient.
The more he learns from his teachers, the more grateful he is to them. The more
knowledge he gets, the more humble he becomes. An ideal student is not a frog
in a well but a person with greater visions and ideals. He is regular and punctual.
He does not participate in adverse and negative activities. He confines himself to
his studies and task. He does not waste his time in useless deeds. He does not
keep association with such elements whose purpose is to damage the cause of
education. He believes in simple and plain living. He is kind and generous.


Karachi is the biggest city in Pakistan and also one of the most thickly populated
cities in the world. Its population has increased rapidly and accordingly has given
rise to many social problems. People of this metropolis are becoming more and
more concerned about solving these serious problems, some of which are
discussed below.

The ever-increasing rush of heavy traffic on the roads is resulting in heavy loss of
human life. One day or the other, people suffer from accidents due to reckless



driving. Some lose their vehicles and some go to the police. This is due to lack of
civic sense in the citizens and violation of traffic rules. Traffic jams, road quarrels,
untidiness and damage of public property is also a result of this problem. The
government has not done any planning to control this situation in the past two
In the same manner, the government has never emphasized upon population
distribution. As a result, slum areas are rapidly being built, where poor labor
lives. The disordered development of small houses is spoiling the outlook of the
city, as well as creating problems of illegal electric connections, water supply &
pollution. The authorities have failed to reclaim the locations from these people.

The academic career of children in Karachi is unpredictable due to lack of good

schools and institutions. The need of recreational institutions, parks and play
grounds is also felt at times and most of all joblessness creates problems for poor

Another problem faced by the citizens of the city is the frequent power
breakdowns. Every other day, K.E.S.C cuts down the electric supply without
notice. This becomes a great hurdle for industries and professional that use
electric machinery for their work. Disturbance and shortage of water supply is
also a cause of discomfort among the citizens. Sometimes, the dirty and unfiltered
water becomes a major factor in food poisoning, which usually takes place on
festive occasions, when demand of water in the city increases. Any measure to
improve the supply of filtered water has also not been adopted by the government.
Problems due to improper drainage system are also becoming a matter of concern
among the people. The alarming increase in the disorderliness of drainage lines
is posing serious threats for people, eespecially in poor areas. Filth and dirt runs
down a channel by the footpath and children play over it. We have malaria,
cholera and dysentery still destroying our children because such things exist.

The attitude of beggars in Karachi is the most irritating problem. They are
worthless idlers robbing good-natural people. It has become their regular practice
to crowd public spots and cheat people. The adverse effects of begging problem
are noticeable in some areas.



There are too many dirty & ownerless dogs roaming about in the streets of
Karachi. They spread many diseases and sometime become a danger by injuring

Lack of environmental care among people and drivers of public service vehicles is
giving rise to pollution problems. Dust fills the air in most of the roads all the
time. Improper turned cars fill the atmosphere with deadly smoke at hours of
rush, which causes disease among the policemen and common public. The
blowing of pressure horns is always there, deafening the ears.

Karachi is also often subjected to terrorist activities. Bomb blasts and firings at
public spots are resulting in great loss of human life. The terrorists deserve no
less than capital punishment. It is the duty of the police to intensify their
investigation to stop such activities.

For the well to do class, life in Karachi may be fascinating, but for other citizens
it is a center of drawbacks. It is only through the concentrated efforts of each and
every person, including the members of law-enforcing and administrative
agencies, can we overcome these serious problems of the metropolis.




As we turn over the pages of history, we come across the development made by
man in different walks of life over the centuries. From the primitive Stone Age to
the modern computerized era, every step of man has proved to be the milestone
in the history of civilization. Modern science has evolved over a long period, and
has now reached the peak of success. It has worked wonders in our life, but it
cannot be said that it is altogether a blessing. When we look at the other side of
the picture, we are filled with a sense of horror. The fear of war and destruction
hangs over our heads all the time. In order to understand the creative and
destructive aspects of modern science, we stand in need of an analysis that will
help us differentiate between the good and the bad.

As we look over the brighter side of the achievements of science, we come to realize
that there is hardly any sphere of life that has not been enhanced by the creative
abilities of man. In the field of medical science, knowledge and research has gone
to such an extent that almost all the ailments have found a cure. The threatening
clouds of death no longer haunt the patients who were otherwise filled with
despair. Epidemics have been wiped out, nutritional standards have been
improved, drug therapy has been recognized and hygienic conditions are being
created so that the new generation may enjoy a longer and better life.

In the realm of communication, modern scientific inventions have helped a lot.

The far-flung corners of the world have been linked together with a wide spread
air network. Distances have lost their meaning and thousands of miles can be
covered within hours. Traveling today is not only swift, but also full of pleasure
and luxury.

Modern science has opened new vistas of entertainment. All the new electronic
gadgets have filled our lives with recreational variety. From the small pocket sized
transistor to the big screen television and VCR, we are provided entertainment at
home and we owe it all to science. Readers are provided illustrated, colorful books
due to the blessing of modern science in the form of latest printing machines and
techniques. Such means of entertainment have brought about a change in our
habits and hobbies.



The advantages of science are not restricted to the urban population. In the fields
of agriculture, forestry and fishery, science has provided the rural population with
the latest implements and know-how. The new methods of agriculture have
boosted the production of farms and fields. With the use of different kind
pesticides, the crops remain undamaged and the tillers of the soil get better return
of the labor. This increase in output not only improves the condition of the toiling
masses, but also brings about a healthy change in the economy of the country.
This keeps on moving the nations on the path of progress and prosperity.

As we cast our eyes on the other side of the picture, we cannot help coming to the
conclusion that science is also the monster of death and destruction. Man is
selfish and pugnacious by nature. To fulfill his jingoist designs, he stands in need
of the most destructive weapons, which could bring about the annihilation of his
rivals. Man has gained knowledge in the field of science, but due to lack of
wisdom, he is misusing this knowledge. All big nations are thinking of fulfilling
the dream of becoming the super power. The wars of today are not limited to the
battlefield. It brings about epidemic killing of the civilian population. The
knowledge of this domain has added immeasurable danger to war. All the leading
powers possess fatal weapons, and it seems that the weaker countries are their
mercy. These big nations talk a lot about reduction in arms and they hold
disarmament conferences. However, their practice is quite contrary to their

Science, no doubt provides, new ways of entertainment, but these very means of
amusement are bringing a sharp decline in the Moral values of the young
generation and equally sharp increase in the number of crimes. The TV and video
provide entertainment but they quite often become the channels of vulgarity and
obscenity. Moreover, new ways of crime are shown to younger people, who adopt
the path of getting easy money.

Looking at the two aspects of modern science, we conclude that science by itself
is neither good nor bad. It is the will and intentions of man, which makes him,
put it to constructive use or take it to the path of devil.



"Idiomatic Structures"
1. AT SIXES AND SEVENS: Home ruler, who were all at sixes and sevens among
themselves agreed only upon the one thing and that was the freedom of India.
2. ALL IN ALL: The Head clerk is all in all in this office.
3. ALL THE SAME: It is all the same to me whether the pull over is home-made or
4. AT LARGE: The culprits are still at large.
5. BY FITS AND STARTS: He works by fits and starts and does not apply him
6. BLACK SHEEP: We should be aware of the black sheep in our society.
7. A BONE OF CONTENTION: This property is a bone of contention between the two
8. TO BREAK THE ICE: We all wanted to talk on this subject by no one willing to
break the ice.
9. A BURNING QUESTION: Kashmir is a burning question of the day.
10. TO BACK OUT: He promised to help me but backed out at the eleventh hour.
11. TO BEAT ABOUT THE BUSH: Stop beating about the bush; say exactly what you
12. BED OF ROSES: A military life is not bed of roses.
13. IN COLD BLOOD: He murdered the merchant in cold blood.
14. TO FALL TO THE GROUND: The theory has fallen to the ground.
15. GO HAND IN HAND: Diligence and prosperity go hand in hand.
16. LEAVE NO STONE UNTURNED: Shah Faisal left no stone unturned to bring about
unity in the Islamic world.
17. LIVE FROM HAND TO MOUTH: Our middle class people live generally from hand
to mouth.
18. LOOK DOWN UPON: He is so proud of his promotion that he looks down upon all
his former friends.
19. AT A LOSS: He is never at a loss for an appropriate word.
20. TO PAY BACK IN THE SAME COIN: If a person rude towards you, it does not
mean that you should pay him in the same coin.
21. TO KEEP PACE WITH: Agriculture in the states has kept pace with manufacture,
but it has far out stepped commerce. 22. RED TAPE: Florence Nightingale was a sworn
enemy of red tape.
23. TO SPEAK VOLUMES: The murders spoke volumes about political conditions
before Indian elections.
24. UP TO THE MARK: You don’t look quite up to the mark today.
25. TO GET INTO HOT WATER: Do not quarrel with your officers or you will soon get
into hot water.
26. TIME AND AGAIN: Time and again proverbs come to be true.
27. CUT OFF: The supplies were cut off from the soldier due to snow fall.
28. RUN AGAINST: Zuhair Akram Nadeem was running against Dr. Farooq Sattar in
the elections 89.
29. TO TURN OVER A NEW LEAF: The teacher pardoned the boy on the condition
that he promised to turn over a new leaf in future.



30. TO NIP IN THE BUD: The plot to overthrow the Government was detected and
nipped in the bud.
31. TO FEEL LIKE A FISH OUT OF WATER: Being the only educated person in that
village, I felt like a fish out of water.
32. TO SHED CROCODILE TEARS: Don’t be deceived by the beggar’s crying. They
are only crocodile’s tears.
33. LION SHARE: The stronger person generally gets the lions share of the property.
34. TO CRY OVER SPILT MILK: The damage has been done but instead of crying
over spilt milk do something to repair it.
35. IT IS HIGH TIME: The exams begin next month so it is high time to study
36. TO SAVE SOMETHING FOR THE RAINY DAY: He wasted his savings and has
kept nothing for the rainy day.
37. WITH A HIGH HAND: He is the most unpopular because he decides matters with
a high hand.
38. DAY IN AND DAY OUT: I have been warning you day in and day out.
39. TO MAKE THE MOST OF: He let me use his bicycle for a week and I am going to
make the most of it.
40. TO MAKE THE FUN OF: We should not make fun of handicaps.
41. TO MAKE ROOM FOR: They made room for more guests as all seats were full.
42. TO GO THROUGH: He went through the whole book within a week.
43. IN ALL: He got 782 marks in all.
44. ALL ALONE: Yesterday night she was all alone in her house.
45. TO PUT INTO PRACTICE: The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) put into practice what he
46. A WILD GOOSE CHASE: The robbers fled away and the police gave them a wild
goose chase.
47. TO END IN SMOKE: All his efforts ended in smoke because they were not made
48. WITH FLYING COLORS: If you work hard you will pass your examination with
flying colors.
49. ODDS AND ENDS: The shopkeeper does not sell any particular article, but deals
in odds and ends.
50. UNDER ONE’S NOSE: The police were on the lookout for the culprit who was
hiding under their nose.
51. TO POKE ONE’S NOSE INTO: One should not poke one’s nose into others affairs.
52. TO KICK UP A ROW: It is useless kicking up a row when the matters can be
decided peacefully.
53. TO WIND UP: He is winding up his business in the city, as he going abroad.
54. IN BLACK AND WHITE: I want your statement in black and white.
55. A RED LETTER DAY: 14th August is a red letter day in the history of Pakistan.
56. TO RUN INTO: Last night my friend ran into a cheat who deprived him of his brief
case by changing it with an empty one.
57. TO BRING TO LIGHT: A number of facts were brought to light by the Prime
Minister in the recent Press Conference.
58. AT THE ELEVENTH HOUR: The president postponed his meeting with the
journalists due to visit of the French delegation at the eleventh hour.



59. TO COME ACROSS: In the wedding party, she come across he two very close
friends of the University life.
60. TO GIVE UP: The doctor has strictly advised him to give up drinking and smoking
for the sake of his life.
61. TO CALL A SPADE, A SPADE: Islam teaches us to call a spade, a spade even
before a cruel ruler.
62. TO LOOK AFTER: All the parents have to look after their children during the early
period of the school life.
63. TO BREAK UP: The two partners have decided to break up the partnership and
divide the assets equally.
64. TO GET RID OF: Pakistan must get rid of that type of foreign aid, which puts on
her, undue political pressure.
65. AT A STRETCH: Saeed Anwer played an aggressive inning and continued to score
runs at a stretch.
66. TO GIVE IN: Imran Khan and Miandad were real fighters and they would never
give in till the last ball.
67. TO LET DOWN: The rich feel proud of their wealth and usually let down the poor.
68. ONCE IN A BLUE MOON: I am not so fond of movies and watch some fine art
movie once in a blue moon.
69. TO FALL OUT: A short tempered football player fell out with his opponents and
got wounded.
70. TO CALL ON: The winners of 1994 World Cup called on the President, with their
71. TO CALL OFF: The University students finally decided to call off the strike as their
demands were accepted.
72. TO BRING HOME TO: Rizwan brought home to her all the important aspects of
the matter.
73. TO GET OVER: The Indian Government made all possible efforts to get over the
epidemic of plague.
74. TO GET ACROSS: The news of Mr. Eddhi’s self-exile got across the country within
no time.
75. TO MAKE UP FOR: The Government and people of Iraq are working day and night
to make up the loss caused by the Gulf war.
76. TO MAKE OFF: The robbers made off through the back door just as the security
guard started firing into air.
77. TO BRING OUT: The telephone Corporation has brought a decent Directory in
three volumes.
78. TO BRING UP: Abraham Lincoln was brought up by his parents in a state of very
limited financial resources.
79. TO TAKE OFF: The Hajj flight will take off every morning during the next couple
of weeks.
80. TO TAKE PLACE: The wedding of my cousin will take place in the first week of
November, next.
81. TO KEEP UP: Our cricket team must go through an extensive training and
practice session to keep up their position in the next world cup.
82. TO STIR UP: The statement given by Mr. Abdul Sattar Eddhi caused great stir up
in the political circles.
83. TO GO OFF: While the police man was cleaning his rifle, it suddenly went off
because it was loaded.

84. TO LET OFF: Finally, the defaulter was let off by the civil authorities in view of
his undertaking to abide by the rules in future.
85. TO BEG FOR: The Quaid-e-Azam begged for peace and friendship with his former
enemies, the Congress leaders.
86. TO FURNISH WITH: The chief justice was furnished with all the documentary
proofs against the accused.
87. TO LOOK FOR: After the panic had subsided, people started looking for their
misplaced baggage.
88. TO RUN AFTER: According to Einstein, ordinary people run after ordinary objects
such as property and luxury.
89. TO TURN DOWN: The secretary was taking down the main points to prepare a
Summary of the Seminar on pollution.
90. TO WATCH OVER: Sensible parents make it a point to watch over the outdoor
activities of their growing up children.
91. TO BANK ON: Never bank on a fair weather friend because he will certainly cheat
92. TO BLOW HOT AND COLD: It is part of his nature to blow hot and cold as he
favors this political party today the other party tomorrow.
93. TO BREAK THE NEWS: It was really very hard to break the shocking news of her
husband’s accidental death to her.
94. TO CALL NAMES: He is such loose tempered man that he often begins to call
names to his neighbours.
95. TO TURN THE TABLES: The pace attack by Wasim Akram and Waqar turned the
tables against India and our cricket team got victory.
96. TO HOLD WATER: The judge will give a favorable verdict only when you lawyer’s
arguments hold water.
97. TO FACE THE MUSIC: Those who are responsible for terrorism in the city must
face the music and be dealt with.
98. TO BE UNDER THE CLOUD: These days, the opposition leaders are under a cloud
and being tortured by the Government.
99. BY HOOK OR BY CROOK: The corrupt politicians try to win in every general
election by hook or by crook.
100. TO RUN SHORT OF: These days most areas in Karachi are running short of water
101. TO KEEP AN EYE ON: Wise and responsible parents always keep an eye on the
outdoor activities of their children.
102. TO BUILD CASTLES IN THE AIR: It is a favorite hobby of day dreamers and
idealists to build castles in the air.
103. TO TAKE TO HEELS: Just as the mobile of Rangers approached, the robbers
jumped over the gate and took to their heels.
104. BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS: In the 21st century, Pakistan is expected to make
progress by leaps and bound.
105. TO TURN DEAF EAR TO: He turned a deaf ear to his father’s advice and as a
result, fell into trouble.
106. AT THE NICK OF TIME: Medical aid was provided to the injured passengers at
the nick of time and it proved effective.
107. TO BELL THE CAT: All the office workers are annoyed with the attitude of the
M.D but nobody dares to bell the cat.



108. TO HAVE AN AXE TO GRIND: He certainly had an axe to grind behind his
sympathetic attitude.
109. TO BURRY THE HATCHET: At last the two combatant groups agreed to bury the
hatchet and restore peace.
110. TO BEAR WITH: During our lifetime we have to bear with many sorrows and
111. TO BEAR OUT: As a witness, he bore out in the court that the man was innocent.
112. TO BEAR IN MIND: Always bear in the advice of your elders.
113. TO BREAK INTO: The Dakotas broke into the bank and took away a large sum of
114. TO BREAK OFF: Pakistan has broken off with Israel since the last two decades.
115. TO BREAK DOWN: If my car had not broken down on the way, I would have
reached in time.
116. TO BREAK THE HEART: Don’t break the heart by rejecting the offer.
117. TO BLOW OUT: On the occasion of his birthday, he blow out the candle on cake.
118. TO BLOW UP: Four bombs blew up at different places simultaneously.
119. TO BLOW ONE’S OWN TRUMPET: I always try to avoid such people who keep on
blowing their own trumpet.
120. TO BRING IN: Imran Khan has brought in a large amount for setting up the cancer
121. TO BRING ABOUT: The fight between the two political parties can bring about
another martial law.
122. TO BRING ROUND: By presenting a very logical argument, he was able to bring
round all the members of committee.
123. TO BRING TO BOOK: All those who kidnap people for ransom money should be
brought to book.
124. TO CARRY ON: Let me carry on my work without any disturbance.
125. TO CARRY THROUGH: If we work altogether like a lean, we can easily carry
through our mission with any difficulty.
126. TO CALL ON: I shall call on your brother next week.
127. TO CALL AT: I shall call at your office tomorrow.
128. TO CALL FOR: You careless and rude behavior call for an explanation.
129. TO CALL IT A DAY: As we are tired after a hard day but let it call it a day.
130. TO CALL TO MIND: I can call to mind when I saw you last.
131. TO COME OF: Although she comes of a rich family, she is not proud of her wealth.
132. TO COME OFF: The annual meeting of the Board of Directors will come off next
133. TO COME BY: It is difficult to understand how did he come by all that money.
134. TO COME ROUND: He comes round after I had presented my views in a logical
135. TO COME TO LIGHT: Once the facts come to light, we will know who is
responsible for creating such a situation.
136. TO COME TO BLOWS: Very often, student belonging to different groups come to
blows on silly matters.
137. TO COME OVER: With faith in God and confidence in yourself you can come over
all you problems.
138. TO DO WITHOUT: No living creature can do without air.

139. TO DO AWAY WITH: It is the duty of the young people to do away with all the evil
customs and traditions of the society.
140 TO DIE OFF: In the under developed countries, a large number of people die off.
141. TO DIE IN HARNESS: Once he had lost all his money at stakes he died in harness.
142. TO DEAL WITH: He has the knack of dealing with all kinds of people and
143. TO DEAL IN: As he deals in auto-parts, he has a good knowledge of different kind
of car.
144. TO DEAL OUT: He dealt out the card after shuffling the cards.
145. TO FALL SHORT OF: The performance of Indian Cricket team fell short of the
expectations of the spectators.
146. TO FALL A PREY TO: The poor and the deprived always fall a prey to cruelty and
147. TO GIVE AWAY: At the end of the function, the prizes were given way by the chief
148. TO KEEP IN THE DARK: The patient was kept in the dark about the nature of
his illness.
149. TO KEEP BODY AND SOUL TOGETHER: With the price spiral, it is becoming
difficult for the common man to keep body and soul together.
150. TO LOOK FORWARD TO: We are looking forward to this visit next month.
151. TO MAKE OFF WITH: The robber make off with a large amount from the super
152. TO MAKE FOR: The Birkenhead met with a disaster when it was making for South
153. TO MAKE BOTH ENDS MEET: With his limited income, it is really very difficult
to make both ends meet.
154. TO MAKE UP THE MIND: Once you make your mind then stick to your decision.
155. TO PUT IN A NUT SHELL: At the end of his lecture, he put all his arguments in
a nut shell.
156. TO PUT DOWN: The revolt against the king was put down by the royal forces.
157. TO PUT OFF: The debate, which was put off last week, is scheduled for tomorrow.
158. TO STAND BY: I shall stand by you’re whenever you are in trouble.
159. TO TAKE AFTER: Children very often take after their parents
160. TO TAKE UP: He has decided to take up the profession of teaching.


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