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**Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Gumbi Mode**

**Question 1) How do I start?**

**Answer:** Follow these steps to begin your Gumbi Mode journey:
1. Download the Gumbi Mode 1.0 colorful PDF from the Resources channel.
2. Read the entire ebook to grasp the crucial knowledge for height growth and understanding
the basics of the Gumbi Mode program.
3. Choose a program based on your fitness level or gym access:
- Beginner: If new to weight training.
- Intermediate: If consistently lifting for two months.
- Advanced: If consistently lifting for 3 or more months.

**Question 2) What if I'm young and still in puberty, which program should I follow?**
**Answer:** If you're not an intermediate or advanced lifter, start with the beginner course.
Without gym access, consider the Gumbi Mode bodyweight or plyometrics program.

**Question 3) If I'm still in puberty, will weight training stunt my growth?**

**Answer:** Weight training, paired with deep stretching and hanging, can actually promote
growth during puberty.

**Question 4) What is the Science behind Gumbi Mode?**

**Answer:** Gumbi Mode is based on 4 Scientific Principles:
1. Wolff's Law: Bones adapt and remodel in response to mechanical loads, optimizing their
2. Bone Remodeling: Continual bone tissue breakdown and rebuilding, maintained by
osteoclasts and osteoblasts.
3. SAID Principle: Body adapts to specific training demands, emphasizing tailored programs.
4. Progressive Overload: Gradual intensity increase forces physiological adaptation, including
muscle and bone growth.

**Question 5) Is there any scientific evidence that proves height growth after is
**Answer:** Evidence suggests height growth post-puberty is possible, though anecdotal.
Scientific studies are lacking due to controlled research absence. Let’s change this with Gumbi

**Question 6) Am I guaranteed to Grow Taller with the Gumbi Mode program?**

**Answer:** Gumbi Mode offers a 1" Height Guarantee in 90 days, following proper program
adherence and documentation of progress 3X weekly on Discord. If 1" growth isn't achieved,
eligibility for a refund applies.

**Question 7) Is Gumbi Mode a one-time purchase or is it subscription based?**

**Answer:** Currently, Gumbi Mode employs a one-time payment model, with potential changes
in the future. A one-time payment ensures no future subscription is required even if a shift to
subscription occurs.

**Question 8) Which Gumbi Mode program is most effective for height growth?**
**Answer:** Program efficacy varies among individuals. Choose based on personal fitness level,
daily time availability, and gym access.

**Question 9) Is Gumbi Mode hard?**

**Answer:** Yes, as with valuable life pursuits, including height growth, consistent hard work and
dedication are requisite. The choice lies between the pain of discipline and the pain of regret.

**Question 10) Is Gym Access Required?**

**Answer:** While not mandatory, gym access is recommended, as weight training programs in
Gumbi Mode typically yield greater overall growth compared to bodyweight programs, especially
concerning the spine.

**Question 11) I'm Still in Puberty, what's the best Gumbi Mode program for me?**
**Answer:** Optimal choice depends on desire, fitness level, daily time availability, and gym
access. If under 19, open growth plates suggest potential for easier growth stimulation.

**Question 12) Does Gumbi Mode come with a meal plan?**

**Answer:** Absolutely! Find a 90-Day meal guide in the Resources channel, curated
specifically for height growth, along with delightful and nutritious Grow Taller Smoothies.

**Question 13) Are supplements necessary?**

**Answer:** No, supplements should complement, enhance, and augment your current diet. A
balanced diet from the Resources channel should contain all necessary Macro and Micro
nutrients for growth. If you don’t have a perfect diet, we recommend incorporating various

**Question 14) Can I "cut" and grow?**

**Answer:** Feasibility depends on body composition and fat percentage. For growth, maintain
a body fat range of 13-16%. If in puberty, lean toward the higher end due to the faster metabolic
rate during this phase.

**Question 15) Is an Inversion Table and Decompression Table Necessary for Gumbi
**Answer:** No. Weighted hanging can do the trick. Beginners should start with bodyweight
hangs for a month, then gradually add ankle weights. This allows shoulder tendons and
ligaments time to strengthen before adding weights.

**Question 16) Which is Superior for Height Growth, Inversion Table, or Decompression
**Answer:** A Decompression Table surpasses an Inversion Table. It allows for increased usage
time, including sleep, and has strong anecdotal evidence of results making it the superior
choice. Combined with Gumbi Mode, it maximizes chances of growth.

**Question 17) How long does it take to see results?**

**Answer:** Pubescent individuals might observe growth in as little as a month, especially with
genetic factors. For post-puberty, permanent bone gains typically emerge between 2-6 months.
This is because the Bone Remodeling process (or reshaping process) takes anywhere from 2-6
month to occur.

**Question 18) Anything Else I Should Know?**

**Answer: YES! DOCUMENT, MEASURE, DOCUMENT, and MEASURE!!! Take progress
photos, and film your workouts. Take videos and pictures of your exact height before, during and
after the program. We need PROOF that Gumbi Mode can produce real results. Of course we
will only use your information publicly if given consent.

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