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Report of the

Comptroller and Auditor General of India

Planning and Implementation of Phase III Expansion Project of
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited

Union Government
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Report No. 33 of 2017
(Performance Audit)

Chapters Description Page No.

Preface i
Executive Summary iii
1 Introduction 1
2 Planning & Execution of Capital Projects 7
3 Operation of Processing Units 23
4 Operation of Support Facilities 35
5 Environmental Aspects 41
6 Conclusion and Recommendations 45
Annexures 47
Glossary 57
Abbreviations 59

This Performance Audit Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India has been
prepared in accordance with the Performance Audit Guidelines and the Regulations on Audit
and Accounts, 2007 of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

In February 2006, Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited decided to undertake a

refinery upgradation project with an estimated cost of ` 7,943 crore. The cost underwent
changes from time to time due to change in capacity, addition and deletion of various units.
The Project was completed during the period from August 2013 to June 2015. As of March
2016, the total expenditure incurred by the Company on the Project was ` 14,832 crore.

The Performance Audit was conducted with a view to examine the economy, efficiency and
effectiveness in execution of the Project and to review the refinery operations so as to ensure
that the same were carried out economically and efficiently.

Audit observed deficiencies in the planning phase of the Project which resulted in time and
cost overrun. Audit also observed that various factors such as deficiencies in planning for
crude in consonance with the capacity of processing units, delayed commissioning,
synchronisation of the commissioned units with other existing / new secondary processing
units, operating below optimal capacity etc. adversely impacted the efficiency of the
operation of the refinery units. Further, non-compliance with the directions on environment
conservation issued by various statutory authorities was also observed.

Audit has recommended that in future, the Company may draw up a comprehensive plan
before finalising the projects in order to avoid time and cost overrun and also ensure
sequential completion and proper integration of the processing units to avoid their idling and

Audit acknowledges the co-operation and assistance extended by Mangalore Refinery and
Petrochemicals Limited and Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas in the conduct of this
Performance Audit.

Executive Summary

Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited, in the year 2006, decided to undertake a
refinery upgradation project with an estimated cost of ` 7,943 crore. The objective of the
Project was to increase the refinery capacity from 11.82 MMTPA to 15 MMTPA and to
enhance the production of value added products. In June 2010, the estimated cost stood
revised to ` 15,008 crore due to change in the scope of the Project. The project, which was
initially proposed to be completed in June 2010, was actually completed in June 2015.

The planning, execution and commissioning of units under the project and its impact on
refinery operations during 2011-16, were reviewed during the course of Performance Audit.
Significant audit findings are detailed below:

• Deficiency in planning, due to lack of clarity regarding revamping of existing units

and commissioning of additional units, led to time over run of more than two years
and cost overrun of ` 2,509 crore.
(Paragraph 2.1.1)
• The Company availed External Commercial Borrowings without hedging the
associated currency fluctuation risk. The Company lost approximately ` 13.70 crore
(net of currency hedging cost) due to exchange rate variation on loan repayments (up
to September 2016) and may incur further losses in case of non-strengthening of the
rupee against USD.
(Para 2.2.1)
• The Company drew funds for the project in excess of its requirements due to which
` 768.46 crore was lying idling in non-interest bearing current account.
(Paragraph 2.2.2)
• Out of 87 major contracts reviewed in Audit, there were delays in execution of
formal contract in 84 cases after issuance of Letter of Acceptance.
(Paragraph 2.3.2)
• Delayed commissioning of Captive Power Plant resulted in idling of various
processing units for a period ranging from 11 to 26 months, even though the same
had been mechanically completed.
(Paragraph 2.4.1)

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• Savings in freight, avoidance of demurrage and improvement in Gross Refinery

Margin as envisaged while the decision for setting up of Single Point Mooring
facility was taken, were actually not achieved.
(Paragraph 2.5.5)
• Non synchronisation of revamped Hydrocracker units with Petrochemical Fluidized
Catalytic Cracking unit led to production of low value products in place of high value
products during the period from 2011-12 to 2014-15 which resulted in loss of
revenue of ` 6328.76 crore.
(Paragraph 3.3)
• Non production of Propylene as per the designed yield and its non conversion to Poly
Propylene, a high value product, in the Poly Propylene Unit during the period from
August 2014 to May 2015 resulted in a loss of margin of ` 382.83 crore.
(Paragraph 3.6.2)
• The processing units consumed Steam in excess of norms and incurred extra
expenditure of ` 231.94 crore.
(Paragraphs 4.1)
• There were delays in complying with environmental directives.
(Paragraphs 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3)

Chapter 1 Introduction

Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (the Company) is a Miniratna Company

under the administrative control of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG),
Government of India (GoI). The Company is a subsidiary of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
(ONGC). It produces Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Motor Spirit, Naphtha, Mixed Xylene,
Aviation Turbine Fuel, Kerosene, High Speed Diesel, Furnace Oil, Bitumen, Polypropylene,
Petroleum Coke and Sulphur.

Till 2011-12, the Company had a refining capacity of 11.82 MMTPA1 which was expanded
to 15 MMTPA under Phase III expansion project.

1.1 Organisation set up

The Company is headed by a Non-Executive Chairman. Managing Director is the executive

head of the Company. The Board of Directors (Board) comprise of Chairman, three
functional directors including the Managing Director, one nominee director of Hindustan
Petroleum Corporation Limited and two government nominee directors. There were no
independent directors in the Board since 14 September 2014.

Managing Director, Director (Finance) and Director (Refinery) are the full time functional
directors in the Board. Various departments of the Company are headed by Group General
Managers who report to Director (Finance) or Director (Refinery) based on the functions
performed. The Company has a branch at Bangalore to assist in marketing activities and

MMTPA -Million Metric Tonne per Annum.

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another at Delhi to assist in financial activities, including international transactions and to

facilitate crude import and product export.
1.2 Financial Performance
The financial position of the Company for the five years ending 31 March 2016 is reflected in
the following table:
Table 1.1: Balance Sheet (` in crore)
Particulars 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Share Capital 1,757.26 1,752.66 1,752.66 1,752.66 1,752.66
Reserves 5,471.94 4,715.03 5,316.21 3,552.29 4,667.78
Borrowings 6,183.11 7,557.65 9,792.72 9,032.47 8,102.84
Deferred Tax Liability 453.14 734.33 470.27 0.00 80.63
Total Liabilities 13,865.45 14,759.67 17,331.86 14,337.42 14,603.91
Fixed Assets (Net) 11,149.02 13,335.11 14,542.97 15,486.76 15,104.54
Investments 42.28 15.00 15.00 1,349.67 1,349.67
Net Current Assets 2,674.15 1,409.56 2,773.89 -2,499.01 -1,850.30
Total Assets 13,865.45 14,759.67 17,331.86 14,337.42 14,603.91

The increase in borrowings during the period from 2011-12 to 2013-14 was to meet the
capital expenditure up to 2013-14. The same started decreasing thereafter as the Company
started repaying the borrowings. Further, investments also increased in the year 2014-15 on
account of subscription (February 2015) to share capital of ONGC Mangalore Petrochemical
Limited, which became a subsidiary of the Company.

Operating performance of the Company for the five years ending 31 March 2016 was as
given below:
Table 1.2: Statement of Profit and Loss (` in crore)
Particulars 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Sales (Net of Excise Duty) 53,763.34 65,691.52 71,810.50 57,438.15 39,632.04
Other Income 354.31 116.04 324.47 810.16 872.52
Increase/ (Decrease) in 150.21 1,116.15 674.07 -1,886.13 -683.17
Total – A 54,267.86 66,923.71 72,809.04 56,362.18 39,821.39
Raw Materials 51,236.75 65,400.18 70,740.63 55,886.06 34,650.43
Sales Tax & Excise Duty on -60.62 21.8 19.96 91.69 158.89
Stocks (net)
Salaries & Other Expenses 160.64 184.56 215.47 240.74 306.14
Exchange Fluctuation Net 648.22 536.49 1.91 683.5 1,190.27
Other Expenses 322.11 324.56 393.51 710.38 1,051.92
Interest 206.68 328.55 321.44 407.09 577.83

Reduction in capital due to redemption of 91.86 lakh Preference Shares of ` 5.00 each

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Depreciation 433.87 604.41 706.42 498.61 712.41

Total – B 52,947.65 67,400.55 72,399.34 58,518.07 38,647.89
Profit/Loss Before Tax 1,320.21 -476.84 409.70 -2,155.89 1,173.50
Provision for Taxation - D 411.63 280.07 -191.49 -443.66 25.35
Profit/Loss After Tax 908.58 -756.91 601.19 -1,712.23 1,148.15
The Company earned profits during 2011-12, 2013-14 and 2015-16 and incurred losses
during 2012-13 and 2014-15. One of the reasons for this fluctuating result was delay in
stabilisation of the newly commissioned units of Phase III expansion project and their non-
synchronisation with Phase I & II units. Further, other factors like currency rate variations
and fluctuations in crude oil prices, also contributed to the fluctuations in results.

1.3 Production process

The Company plans refinery operations on the basis of demand for petroleum products,
availability of required grade of crude oil as per designed parameters of processing units and
refinery configuration. Yield pattern of the refinery depends upon the crude mix, refinery
configuration, technology, finished product demand, production process optimisation and
operating performance of primary and secondary processing units.

A simplified flow diagram of MRPL refinery is shown below:

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1.4 Production Performance

The production performance of the Company was reviewed keeping in mind the
commissioning of various facilities projected under Capital Projects including Phase III
Expansion Project, setting up of Poly Propylene Unit3 (PPU) and Single Point Mooring4
(SPM) facility and their synchronisation with the existing facilities created under Phase I and
II. Following table summarises the production performance of the Company for five years
ending March 2016.

Table 1.3: Production performance

Particulars 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Capacity (MMTPA) 11.820 13.620 15.000 15.000 15.000
Crude Oil receipt (MMT) 13.025 14.156 14.971 14.354 15.871
Throughput (MMT) 12.818 14.403 14.547 14.648 15.692
Production (MMT) 11.953 13.394 13.397 13.169 14.166
Capacity utilisation 108.44 105.75 96.98 97.65 104.61
(Throughput/Capacity) (in per cent)
Gross Refining Margin (USD/BBL5) 5.60 2.45 2.67 (-)0.64 5.20
Fuel & Loss 6 6.75 7.00 7.90 10.09 10.06
(per cent to throughput)
Though the Crude Distillation Unit (CDU)7 III under Phase III Expansion Project was
commissioned in March 2012, the Company considered addition of 60 per cent capacity for
the year 2012-13 on trial run basis and full capacity thereafter i.e. from 2013-14. Though
design capacity was estimated at 15 MMTPA, the Company could not achieve the designed
capacity during 2013-14 and 2014-15 due to delay in commissioning of Phase III units which
was actually achieved in 2015-16. Delay in commissioning of Phase III units also impacted
the Gross Refinery Margin (GRM), which turned negative during 2014-15. Fuel & Loss,
which affects efficiency and GRM, showed an increasing trend for four years up to 2014-15
while during 2015-16, it showed a marginal decline compared to previous year. Thus, GRM
and Fuel & Loss which affect the operating efficiency showed an adverse trend during the
period. These aspects have been discussed in ensuing Chapters.

1.5 Capital Projects

Based on a Detailed Feasibility Report (DFR) prepared by Engineers India Limited (EIL) in
December 2005, the Company decided (February 2006) to undertake a refinery upgradation

Petrochemical unit for production of Poly Propylene from Propylene.
An offshore facility for discharge of crude
The Gross Refinery Margin (GRM) is the difference between the total value of petroleum products coming out of an
oil refinery (output) and the price of the raw material (input) which is crude oil. GRM is typically expressed in US
dollars per barrel (USD/bbl).
‘Fuel & Loss’ is the oil used in running the various units of refinery or is lost during processing.
Distils and separate valuable distillates and bottom products from crude.

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project (Phase III Expansion Project) with an estimated cost of ` 7,943 crore. This cost was
revised to ` 12,412 crore in August 2008 due to change in capacity/deletion of units and
addition of CDU and Heavy Coker Gas Oil Hydrotreating Unit (CHTU)8. In May 2009, it
was revised to ` 13,964 crore due to inclusion of PPU at an estimated cost of `1,804 crore
and reduction of ` 252 crore due to deletion of handling facility of Propylene. Again in June
2010, the cost was revised to ` 15,008 crore due to inclusion of SPM at a cost of ` 1,044
crore. The detailed reasons for the revisions are included in Annexure I. Details of
estimated cost in 2006 and its revision in 2008, 2009 and 2010 are given in Annexure II.

In October 2015, the Company obtained approval of its Board for adjustment in Project Cost
of Phase III expansion to `13,475 crore. Thus, the total adjusted cost of the Capital Projects
including Phase III Expansion Project, setting up of PPU and SPM worked out to ` 16,323
crore. As of March 2016, the Company had incurred an expenditure of `14,832 crore.

Initially, the project was scheduled to be commissioned within 48 months from June 2006 i.e.
by June 2010 which was later extended (August 2008) to October 2011 due to change in
capacity/deletion of units and addition of CDU and CHTU. The project, however, got
commissioned in September 2014. PPU and SPM, which were envisaged in 2009 and 2010,
had a commissioning target of September 2012 and May 2012, respectively. PPU was
commissioned in June 2015 and SPM was commissioned in August 2013.

1.6 Audit Objectives

The Performance Audit was conducted with a view to ascertain whether:

• The Capital Projects were designed, prepared, awarded, implemented and

synchronised efficiently within the estimated cost and as per schedule with proper
planning for crude oil in order to ensure smooth operation of refinery.
• Refinery operation was carried out economically and efficiently and maintenance was
taken up as scheduled.
• Fuel & Loss and consumption of utilities (Power, Steam, Fuel and Water) and
consumption of chemicals and catalyst were within norms, and
• Environmental aspects were taken care of and statutory norms relating to the same
were complied with.

Produces feed stock of low sulfur, low nitrogen feed hydro treated Heavy Coker Gas Oil Feed stock for another
downstream unit.

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1.7 Scope of Audit

Audit covered the planning and execution of Capital Projects including Phase III expansion,
setting up of PPU and SPM, synchronisation and operational performance of the processing
units, auxiliary units and utilities for the period 2011-12 to 2015-16. Compliance with
relevant statutory regulations relating to environmental issues were also covered.

1.8 Audit methodology

Performance Audit commenced with an Entry Conference (20 May 2016) with the
Management to discuss the Audit objectives, criteria, scope, methodology etc. Audit
methodology included examination and analysis of records, discussion with the Management,
issue of audit queries and review of Management’s reply. Audit examination also included
review of Board Minutes, Production Plans, MoUs signed with the Holding Company,
Annual Maintenance Programmes, Reports of Management Information System and records
relating to refinery operation and technical services. Audit findings were shared with the
Management by issue of Draft Performance Audit Report (October 2016) and in an Exit
Conference (November 2016). The Draft Report was issued to the Ministry of Petroleum and
Natural Gas in February 2017. Despite reminders issued on 15 March 2017, 29 March 2017,
27 April 2017, 22 May 2017 and 1 June 2017, the Ministry did not furnish a written reply.
An Exit Conference with Ministry was, thereafter, held on 21 June 2017. Replies furnished
by the Management and views of the Management/Ministry in the Exit Conferences have
been considered while finalising the Performance Audit Report.

1.9 Audit Criteria

Audit criteria adopted for the Performance Audit included Detailed Project Report/ Detailed
Feasibility Report, MoUs, Process Licensors Agreement, Agreement with Consultants,
Contractors and other agencies, Auto Fuel Policy of Government of India, agreement with
Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) and foreign customers, prevalent Industrial Standards /
Norms and Environmental laws, Government policy and guidelines, Working Group Report -
XII Five Year Plan by Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas etc.

1.10 Acknowledgement

Audit acknowledges the co-operation and assistance extended by the Management at various
stages during the conduct of the Performance audit.

Chapter 2 Planning and Execution of Capital Projects

The objectives of undertaking the capital projects, as envisaged in the year 2006, were to
upgrade the refining capacity from the existing 11.82 MMTPA to 15 MMTPA, process
cheaper crudes, upgrade low value products to high value products, maximise distillate
yields, produce pet coke, upgrade entire diesel into BS III/IV and produce Propylene.

Poly Propylene Unit (PPU), with a capacity of 0.44 MMTPA, was planned (2009) as an
additional package to Phase III refinery project with the objective of producing
Polypropylene, a value added petrochemical product, by converting the polymer grade
Propylene to be produced in Petrochemical Fluidized Catalytic Cracking unit (PFCCU)
coming up as a part of Phase III project.

The Company also decided (2010) to set up Single Point Mooring (SPM) facility at an
estimated cost of ` 1,044 crore, to ensure smooth discharge of imported crude, through larger
vessels at the nearby Mangalore Port, with the objective of savings in freight and demurrage.

2.1. Deficiencies in planning

It was observed in audit that the Company planned to undertake capital projects without
considering the requirements from a long term perspective, which necessitated revisions at
later dates. The inadequacies in the original plan necessitated its revision which resulted in
delays in implementation, synchronisation with other units and cost escalation. Further, the
sequence of project cycle was disturbed, resulting in inordinate delay in commissioning.

2.1.1 Changes at the time of project conceptualization resulted in time and cost

The Board approved (February 2006) a proposal to expand refining capacity from 11.82
MMTPA to 15 MMTPA at an estimated cost of ` 7,943 crore. The project, inter-alia,
included revamping of the existing Crude Distillation Unit (CDU) I and II units and setting
up of Lube Oil Base Stock9 (LOBS) unit. However, based on the feedback from Process
Licensors, the Company changed the scope of the project in the year 2008 and opted for
setting up of new CDU, instead of revamping the existing CDUs. It decided to set up Heavy
Coker Gas Oil Hydrotreating Unit (CHTU), as a feed preparation unit for PFCCU, by
reducing the scope of revamping of existing Hydro Cracker Units (HCUs). The LOBS was
Unit which produces lubricants

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also dropped for the reason that production of desired quality of LOBS from Mumbai High
and Arab Heavy crudes was not possible, as also due to marketing constraints.

The requirement of units at the initial stage of conceptualization was firmed up without
obtaining the feedback from the process licensors which led to revisions in the year 2008 and
consequent time and cost overrun. Apart from increase in the cost by ` 1,960 crore due to
change in the scope, there was an avoidable increase of ` 2,509 crore on account of
escalation. The estimated cost, which was approved as ` 7,943 crore in the year 2006
increased to ` 12,412 crore in the year 2008. The scheduled mechanical completion date was
also extended from June 2010 to October 2011.

The Company stated (November 2016) that the revision in schedule and scope was
necessitated due to the delay in obtaining additional land, change in capacity of
units/introduction of new units based on licensor feedback etc., which resulted in increase in
cost also.

During the Exit Conference (June 2017) with Ministry, the Company stated that while taking
up of a capital project, to save time and cost, Company relied upon project costing based on
data available with Project Management Consultant instead of Detailed Feasibility Report. In
such systems, modifications would always be required at a later date. Ministry added that
BS-IV was a time bound project and that the Ministry had given its commitment to the
Hon’ble Supreme Court for launching it in a time bound manner. Hence, MRPL was
supposed to ensure the completion of project considering Ministry’s commitment

The reply of the Company/Ministry is to be viewed against the fact that the licensor feedback
could have been obtained at the time of conceptualisation of the project in the year 2006
itself. This would have avoided the revisions in the year 2008 and the consequent time
overrun as well as significant increase in the cost.

2.1.2 Delay in taking decision to establish PPU

The Financial Feasibility Reports, which were prepared by Axis Bank (earlier UTI Bank) in
the year 2006 and 2008 envisaged sale of Propylene produced in PFCCU. In July 2008, EIL,
which developed the Detailed Project Feasibility Report for a Standalone Poly Propylene
Unit (PPU), estimated a cost of ` 3,181 crore for such unit by using Propylene produced by
processing Naphtha. However, this was not taken up due to low Internal Rate of Return
(IRR). Later in May 2009, realizing the problems in evacuation of Propylene, the Company
decided to setup an integrated PPU for processing Propylene into Polypropylene, at an

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estimated cost of ` 1,804 crore and got the approval of its Board. At this juncture, the
Company realised that the Propylene produced from Vacuum Gas Oil (VGO) would be a
cheaper feed for Poly Propylene as compared to the Propylene produced by using Naphtha.

Though the production of Propylene by processing the VGO in PFCCU was known to the
Company at the time of evaluating the viability of the standalone PPU in August 2008, it did
not consider the same at that point of time. Instead, it included the integrated PPU in the
plant in May 2009 which delayed the whole process of acquisition of land, obtaining
clearances etc. Though the PFCCU, the feed unit for PPU got commissioned in August 2014
and the required Captive Power Plant (CPP) was commissioned in September 2014, the
production of Polypropylene, a value added product, could not be achieved as the unit was
not ready up to May 2015 which impacted the GRM.

The Company stated (November 2016) that due to logistic constraints in sale of Propylene, it
decided to switch over to production of Polypropylene, based on the detailed analysis of the

In the Exit Conference (June 2017) with the Ministry, the Company while agreeing with the
audit observation stated that initially it was decided to set up Naphtha cracker unit in the SEZ
land adjacent to MRPL complex. However, it could not be established due to non-
availability of land due to encroachment. Further, due to economic slowdown and logistic
constraints, setting up of PPU was dropped initially. Later as export of propylene was not
found viable, the Company decided to set up the polypropylene plant in the refinery complex.

The fact, however, remains that even at the time of original proposal in 2006 and revision of
proposal in 2008, the situation/parameters which affected the decision making in 2009,
existed. Had the Company considered this and planned the Integrated PPU at least, at the
time of revision in 2008, the delay and consequent impact on production as brought out in
Chapter 3 could have been avoided.

2.2. Project Financing

For execution of the Capital Projects, the Company decided (February 2006) a debt equity
ratio of 2:1. The Company utilised ` 5,741 crore (up to May 2012) from internal accruals
and availed the following domestic loans and external commercial borrowings (ECB):

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Table 2.1: Details of Borrowings

Sl. Source Sanctioned Drawn Drawn period

No. Loan From To
1 ONGC (` in 5,000 4,800 October July 2013
crore) 2011
2 Oil Industry 1,125 1,100 August 2011 March 2014
Board (` in
3 ECB – I (2012) USD 250 ` 1,362@ March 2012 September 2012
4 ECB – II (2013) USD 400 ` 2,365# March 2013 March 2014
Total ` 9,627
I USD= ` 54.4680, average rate for ECB I based on actual drawal;
1 USD= ` 59.1285, average rate for ECB II based on actual drawal;
The Company obtained the above loans in various tranches from October 2011 to March
2014 based on the projected requirements.

2.2.1 Availing ECB loan without mitigation of risk

After obtaining approval of its Board (October 2011), the Company availed (March 2012)
USD 250 million as ECB from different foreign banks with SBI Hong Kong branch as the
ECB Facility agent. The Company had the option to hedge the ECB loan against any
currency fluctuations. While obtaining the approval of its Board to avail the loan, it had
stated that the ECB loan was cheaper as compared to domestic loan even after considering
the cost of hedging. However, at the same time it was mentioned to the Board that the
Company would have the advantage of natural hedge for foreign currency borrowing because
of continuous flow of dollar through export proceeds and its margins were dollar dominated
to a large extent. The above ECB loan, was finally availed without hedging the same.

In May 2012, the Board opined that considering the exchange risk involved in foreign
currency borrowing and the above borrowing of USD 250 million, further borrowing in
foreign currency might not be prudent commercially and the Company may consider further
borrowing in rupee to meet the remaining capex requirement.

However, in January 2013, approval for availing ECB of USD 250 million with green shoe
option of another USD 250 million was accorded in a Board meeting. During this meeting
also it was mentioned that the Company would have advantage of natural hedge for foreign
currency borrowing as the Company was having continuous flow of dollars through export

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proceeds and its margins were also dollar dominated to a large extent. Against this approval,
the Company availed USD 400 million as ECB. This ECB was also not hedged, even though
it was apprised to the Board that the cost of the ECB including the hedging cost would be
lower than the domestic loan.

Audit observed that due to non-hedging of the ECB, the Company had already lost
approximately ` 13.70 crore due to exchange rate variation (net of currency hedging cost) on
loan repayments (up to September 2016) and may incur further losses in case the rupee does
not strengthen against USD. Audit was of the view that the justification regarding
availability of natural hedge ignored the fact that natural hedging would offset the currency
fluctuations relating to import of crude and export of final products.

The Company replied (November 2016) that the issue of currency fluctuation risk was
discussed by the Board and it was decided to not to hedge considering the loss suffered on
hedging in the past, natural hedge available in the business of the Company and the
associated hedging cost. Further, the ECB loan was naturally hedged against its revenue
account cash flow. The Consultant had also opined to not to hedge.

In the Exit Conference (June 2017) with the Ministry, the Company reiterated that hedging
was available naturally to the Company including repayment of loan. It further stated that
cost of hedging was high and by availing of hedging the benefit of gains through cheap ECB
loans would have been defeated. The Company affirmed that matter was discussed in Board
but no decision was taken on hedging and that the decision was left to the Management.

The reply of the Company/Ministry is to be viewed in the light of the fact that the natural
hedging would offset the currency fluctuations relating to import of crude and export of final
products. In fact, while evaluating (May 2012) the proposal for capital and working capital
financing, the Board noted that considering the exchange risk involved in foreign currency
borrowing and existing borrowing of USD 250 million through ECB, further borrowing in
foreign currency may not be prudent commercially. However, contrary to this, within a short
span of 8 months, the Board approved another ECB in January 2013 which was availed
without hedging.

2.2.2 Drawal of funds in excess of requirement

The Company availed ECB-I of USD 250 million in 2012. In January 2013, the Company
estimated (January 2013) further requirement of ECB loan at USD 250 million for 2013-15,
after considering domestic borrowings from ONGC and Oil Industrial Development Board

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(OIDB). The Board, while approving (January 2013) the proposal, in addition to the above
amount permitted the Company to avail an additional amount of USD 250 million as may be
required for the project. When entering into agreement for ECB II in March 2013, the
Company decided to avail of USD 400 million. Thus, the ECB availed during the period
from March 2012 to March 2014 amounted to USD 650 million equivalent to ` 3727 crore.

The unutilised funds had been parked in an interest bearing designated bank account.
However, in September 2015, the unutilised fund amounting to ` 1,111.35 crore had to be
shifted to non interest bearing current account as per the directions of Reserve Bank of India.
ECB balance lying unutilized as on 31 March 2016 and 30 September 2016 was ` 807.84
crore and ` 768.46 crore, respectively even though all the units under Capital Project had
been already commissioned.

The Company stated (November 2016) that the final certified bills from the contractors got
delayed due to formalities of project closure, reduced cash outflow due to invocation of Price
Reduction Clause, etc. The prepayment of loan was not permissible before the average
maturity period of 5 years as per ECB guidelines.

The fact remains that the Company failed to assess the ECB requirement correctly resulting
in non utilisation of a significant amount, which had to be parked in a non interest bearing
bank account, while interest on the same was being paid. As the Company was aware of the
terms and conditions on prepayment, more prudence should have been exercised at the time
of planning and drawal of funds for the project requirements.

Ministry did not furnish any reply (June 2017).

2.3. Award of contracts

For execution of Capital Projects, the Company entered into 1998 contracts valuing ` 11,279
crore during 2006 to 2015. Audit scrutinised a total of 87 contracts valuing ` 10,608 crore,
where the value of individual contract exceeded ` 10 crore, in addition to various other small
value contracts.

Audit observations based on the scrutiny are discussed in the succeeding paragraphs.

2.3.1 Entrustment of execution contract to Project Management Consultant

As per the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) guidelines of December 2004, a firm
providing consultancy services for preparation/implementation of a project would be
disqualified from subsequently providing goods/works/ services related to the same project.

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The Company appointed (June 2006) Engineers India Limited (EIL) as Project Management
Consultant (PMC) at a cost of ` 256 crore for Phase III expansion. Later, during the period
from November 2008 to July 2009, contrary to the guidelines of CVC, the Company awarded
four more contracts to EIL for execution of PFCCU, Sulphur Recovery Unit10 (SRU), SRU
licence and PPU valuing ` 3,337.80 crore, on nomination basis on the justification of
early/timely completion of the work. The Company had decided (October 2008) to withdraw
the consultancy work of the related four contracts and to reduce the PMC fees to that extent
which was done in July 2012 i.e. after 45 months (October 2008 to July 2012).

The Company stated (November 2016) that delay in finalising the change order was due to
the time taken for arriving at the mutually acceptable value of the services withdrawn and
included in the PMC.

In the Exit Conference (June 2017) with the Ministry, the Company accepted the delay in
issuing the change order by 45 months. It further stated that due to technical reasons the
Company awarded the contract to EIL and on 17 November 2008 the decision was taken to
eject EIL out of PMC contract for the contracts for which execution was awarded but the
formal contract in this regard was signed in July 2012. The Company also stated that MRPL
formed the Project Monitoring Cell with its own officials upon EIL being awarded the four
contracts without waiting for issuance of a change order. It further mentioned that
Management has now issued clear directions for project teams to sign a contract within a
period of 30 days.

The reply may be viewed against the fact that as per the CVC guidelines, the execution
contracts should not have been awarded to the Project Management Consultant.

2.3.2 Delay in finalising formal Contract Agreements

In respect of the 87 contracts reviewed in audit, it was observed that the Company issued a
Letter of Acceptance (LoA) to the successful bidder pending finalisation of the terms and
conditions and formulation of the final contract. A time limit of 10 days was specified in the
LoAs for execution of the formal contract except for a few where the time limit was not
mentioned. It was noted that in 84 contracts, there was delay in execution of formal contract
ranging from 20 to 1002 days. These included contract for SPM which was signed after a
lapse of 1002 days by which date the work had already been mechanically completed. Four
other contracts having a value of ` 1,044 crore were signed after a delay of more than one
year. In respect of one work valuing ` 18 crore, the contract was not executed at all.

Unit recovers Sulphur from the feed

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The Company stated (November 2016) that the delay in execution of the contracts was due to
large number of contracts and volume of pages to be handled by EIL. It added that this had
no impact on the quality / delivery & project cost.

The reply of the Company is to be seen against the fact that the LoAs do not include specific
conditions and stipulations which generally form part of formal contract document and as
such, there was an inherent risk in the enforceability of the mutual rights and obligations in
the absence of a valid contract.

During the Exit Conference (June 2017) with the Ministry, the Company informed (June
2017) that Management had now issued clear directions for project teams to sign contracts
within a period of 30 days.

2.4. Execution of Phase III Expansion Project and PPU Project

The Company had planned various processing units to increase capacity and to produce value
added products thereby increasing the Gross Refinery Margin as depicted in the following

Table 2.2: Important processing units

Feed Unit Major Products

Crude Crude/Vacuum Distillation Naphtha, Kerosene, HSD,
Unit (CDU/VDU) VGO, short residue
Vacuum Gas Oil Hydro Cracker Unit11 (HCU) VGO, Light Naptha,
(VGO) Kerosene, HSD
Short residue Delayed Coker Unit12 (DCU) Naphtha, LPG, Coke

Heavy Coker Gas Heavy Coker Hydrotreating Treated HCGO, Naptha,

Oil (HCGO), Unit (CHTU) HSD
VGO, Treated Petrochemical Fluidized Propylene, Motor Spirit
HCGO Catalytic Cracking Unit
Propylene Polypropylene Unit (PPU) Polypropylene

High Speed Diesel Hydro BS III/IV HSD

Diesel (HSD) Desulphurisation Treating
Unit13 (DHDT)

Unit in heavier fractions of VGO are cracked into lighter and more valuable products
Converts low value residue into valuable products
Removes Sulphur, Nitrogen and Metal impurities from the feed received from different units.

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The output from one unit becomes the feed for other processing units, wherein value addition
as proposed in the Phase III Expansion Project is carried out. Delay in commissioning of any
of the primary units has a cascading effect on the subsequent secondary processing units and
value added products.

In addition to the above units, the Company had proposed (2006) a Captive Power Plant
(CPP) III to cater to the need of power and steam of all units in the Phase III.

A review of the plan and actual execution of the units revealed delays in commissioning due
to delay in commissioning of CPP. Even the mechanically completed units could not be
commissioned and integrated with the related existing/new secondary processing units due to
such delay. These have been discussed in subsequent paragraphs.

2.4.1 Delay in commissioning of Captive Power Plant

Captive Power Plant (CPP) is a critical utility for a refinery for supply of steam and power
and needs to be commissioned before commissioning of all other process units. The
Company had planned a CPP in the year 2006 as a part of Phase III Expansion Project. The
work of setting up of CPP was placed (February 2009) on BHEL (the contractor) on single
tender basis to save time. The work was bifurcated in ten packages and was to be completed
by January 2012.

There was a delay in execution of work by the contractor and various units of CPP III could
be commissioned only in August/September 2014. However, in respect of three out of ten
packages, the Performance Guarantee test was pending (November 2016) for want of shut
down/ repair works. Due to delay in commissioning of CPP, various units (other than
CDU/VDU) remained idle even after mechanical completion for a period ranging from 11 to
26 months.

The Company stated (November 2016) that as BHEL was a PSU, the work was awarded to
them on single tender basis. The project got delayed due to engineering and supply related
issues, poor store management, non-deployment of adequate staff and delayed execution etc.
on the part of BHEL. This was reiterated (June 2017) by the Ministry also during the Exit

The reply is not acceptable considering the fact that in Phase III expansion project which had
an outlay of ` 13,475 crore, CPP was the most critical utility and hence, various factors
which affected the timely implementation of CPP should have been controlled through close
monitoring and follow-up.

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2.4.2 Impact of delay in commissioning of Captive Power Plant

As CPP III units were not ready by the scheduled date, the Phase III processing units that
were mechanically completed could not be commissioned for want of steam and power. The
impact of the delayed commissioning of the processing units on account of delay in
commissioning of CPP is detailed in the table below:

Table 2.3: Impact of delay in commissioning of CPP on processing units

Date of Date of
Delay in
Unit Mechanical Commissio Impact of CPP delay
Completion ning
CDU/ 27 October 25 March 5 • Delay in achieving envisaged throughput.
VDU 2011 2012 • Non upgradation of VGO and short residue,
delay in additional production and failure in
converting the diesel into BS-III & IV.
• Incurred additional expenditure of ` 23 crore
for arranging steam and power from Phase I
& II by laying additional line.
DHDT 10 January 29 11 • Idling of unit and resulting in non conversion
2012 November of HSD into BS III/IV
CHTU 19 March 10 May 26 • Idling of unit, loss of production due to non
2012 2014 conversion of VGO.
DCU 22 February 4 April 13 • Idling of unit, non production of Light Coker
13 2014 Gas Oil/Heavy Coker Gas Oil and Naphtha
resulting in Fuel Oil production which was a
low value product.
PFCCU 26 December 27 August 20 • Idling of unit, non production of Propylene
2012 2014 as envisaged.
• In the absence of PFCCU, VGO which was
the feed to the unit was sold instead of
getting converted into value added product in

In response, the Company stated (November 2016) the following:

a. CDU/VDU - The high pressure steam pipeline could be used in future in case of any
requirement of such transfer of steam from Phase I & II to Phase III and vice versa.
DCU/DHDT - In the absence of DCU, short residue was processed into marketable Fuel
b. PFCCU/CHTU - The Company agreed that non-availability of steam and power did affect
the commissioning of PFCC and CHTU. Non availability of CHTU did not have a
bearing on VGO exports as it processes only HCGO from DCU for subsequent routing to

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Audit, however, noticed that the Company could not achieve the objective of production of
value added product till the commissioning of all the processing units. Further, laying of
additional line for steam and power from Phase I and II, which was not envisaged/needed for
the expansion scheme, resulted in additional cost of ` 23 crore. Non-synchronisation of CPP
with DCU resulted in production of Fuel Oil, which is a low value product and which was
against the objective of Phase III Project. The reply that VGO would not be processed in
CHTU was also against the Financial Feasibility Report (FFR) of Phase III Expansion Project
which clearly stated HCGO as well as VGO as the feed for CHTU.

During the Exit Conference (June 2017) with the Ministry, impact of delay in commissioning
of CPP by BHEL on the commissioning of the processing units was agreed to by the

2.5 Execution of Single Point Mooring Project

The Company receives crude oil and despatches products through New Mangalore Port at its
two dedicated oil berths which can handle smaller vessels (Aframax). The Company planned
(2010) to install a Single Point Mooring (SPM) facility at an estimated cost of ` 1043.57
crore, 17 km away from the Port to handle the increased quantity of crude in larger vessels

The Company decided (December 2009) to tie up with Indian Strategic Petroleum Resource
Limited (ISPRL), a Special Purpose Vehicle and a wholly owned subsidiary of OIDB for
crude storage in cavern (0.3 MMT out of 1.5 MMT available capacity) considering mutual
benefit. Construction of cavern and the pipeline from the Company’s Booster Pumping
Station to cavern at estimated cost of ` 1,100 crore was ISPRL’s responsibility. Of this, the
Company’s share was estimated at ` 220 crore.

The remaining project cost of SPM facility i.e. ` 823.57 crore was towards SPM offshore
facility, sub-sea pipeline, Booster Pumping Station on the shore and pipeline from the cavern
of ISPRL to the refinery.

The Company estimated a saving of ` 254.17 crore per annum in freight (` 166.77 crore),
demurrage charges (` 15.50 crore) and improvement in refinery margin (` 71.90 crore) by
installation of SPM.

SPM facility was commissioned in August 2013 at a cost of ` 806.77 crore (excluding the
share towards capital cost of cavern of ISPRL). ISPRL cavern facility was yet to be

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commissioned (September 2016). The issues relating to execution of the SPM project are
discussed below:

2.5.1 Deficiencies in SPM contract with EIL

The Company awarded (July 2010) the contract for execution of SPM to EIL on nomination
basis to save time and to complete the project before May 2012 under Open Book
Execution14 (OBE). The Company had anticipated that there would be better co-ordination
and synergy during the project execution as EIL was the contractor for ISPRL also. The
estimated cost of the work was ` 1,043.57 crore which included ` 600 crore towards Plant &
Machinery. A fee of 8.5 percent of ‘as built’ Plant and Machinery cost was payable to EIL.
As per the letter of award, the work was to be converted into Lump Sum Turn Key (LSTK)
contract upon placement of orders for equipment, materials and works for 70 per cent of the
estimated cost of the Plant & Machinery.

Audit scrutiny revealed that though the Contractor completed 70 per cent of ordering position
by April 2011, the Company did not initiate steps to analyse cost and benefit of converting
the contract into LSTK as per stipulations and EIL completed the work under the OBE

The Company stated (November 2016) that Project Approval and Execution Committee
(PAEC), while awarding the contract, had decided to adopt the OBE terms and conditions
similar to that of other contracts (PFCCU/PPU). Regarding conversion of OBE to LSTK, the
proposal on conversion was acted upon immediately on receipt of the same from EIL.

During the Exit Conference (June 2017) with the Ministry, the Company stated that it did not
push for LSTK as actual cost of LSTK was more than OBE. Ministry agreed with the reply
of the Company.

The basis for the reply given by the Company that LSTK prices exceeded the OBE prices was
the proposal from EIL received in April 2014 after the contract had been executed.
Comparison of LSTK prices with OBE prices was therefore inappropriate.

2.5.2 Non finalisation of arrangement with ISPRL for crude storage

Even though the decision to share the cavern to be constructed by ISPRL was taken in
December 2009, no agreement in this regard was entered. In October 2012, when the SPM
was mechanically completed, the Company got a study conducted which indicated that
A contract which involves reimbursement of all the related costs to the contractor along-with a pre-decided

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VLCC vessels could not be unloaded prior to commissioning of cavern due to logistical
reasons and multiple crude grades. However, it was only in June 2014 that the Company
entered into an MoU with ISPRL for sharing SPM and cavern facility on mutually agreed
terms and conditions. Infrastructure Sharing Agreement (ISA) referred in the MoU which
would have addressed the operation, commercial, financial and legal issues, was however, not
yet finalised (November 2016).

Audit observed that though SPM facility was commissioned in August 2013, the Company
was yet to reap the envisaged benefits as the linked cavern facility was not ready (November
2016). The Company took 48 months (Jul 2010 to June 2014) for signing the MoU with
ISPRL and the related ISA was pending for more than two years.

The Company stated (November 2016) that the SPM was tied up with ISPRL cavern at the
instance of Ministry of Environment & Forest (MoEF) while seeking the permission for
construction of shore tanks and it was actively pursuing with ISPRL to conclude the

In the Exit Conference (June 2017) with the Ministry, the Company agreed with the audit
observation. It was informed that ISPRL had decided not to share the storage facility with
the Company even though efforts were being made by the Company in this regard. Ministry
stated that the cavern of ISPRL was constructed for strategic purpose and MRPL may not be
allowed to use the cavern. Further, the Company clarified that only the 1.5 KM pipeline
which had been laid from the Cavern to the refinery would be idle in case MRPL was not
allowed to draw crude from the storage and that this pipeline had also been used in the
interim for supply of water.

The reply of the Company/Ministry was not acceptable as MoEF had advised the Company to
reexamine the location of Crude Oil Storage Tanks by suggesting to locate these at a higher
level to avoid construction of Storage Tanks on the sandy Beach Soil. It had suggested that
the Company explore the possibility of sharing the Mangalore Crude Oil Cavern being built
by ISPRL. However, the final decision in this regard was to be taken by the Company. It
remains a fact that the expenditure of ` 806.77 crore on SPM was incurred without having
specific terms and conditions for sharing the cavern for crude receipts. Hence, the main
objective of SPM i.e. receiving crude in VLCC could not be met even after three years of

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2.5.3 Idling of Booster Pumping Station and pipeline

The Company commissioned (December 2013) Booster Pumping Station (BPS) at a cost of `
188.69 crore and pipeline from cavern to refinery (August 2014) at a cost of ` 14.73 crore.
Audit observed that on account of delay in commissioning cavern facility by ISPRL, the BPS
and pipeline from cavern to refinery were lying idle (September 2016) since December 2013.

The Company stated (November 2016) that the BPS was necessary for operation of SPM,
irrespective of whether ISPRL exists or not, as the station include various controlling units.
Further the facilities were created to synchronise with the cavern facility scheduled for
commissioning by December 2013.

The fact remains that the facilities constructed in December 2013 at a cost of ` 203.42 crore
were not put to use as of September 2016.

Ministry did not furnish any reply (June 2017).

2.5.4 Scheduling and diversion of vessels

Expecting the defect-free commissioning of SPM, the Company ordered (from October 2012
to January 2013) four medium vessels (Suezmax) carrying crude to take berth in the SPM
facility. However, these vessels could not discharge crude at SPM as the facility was not
commissioned due to flange leakage in the facility. Audit observed that though leakage was
noticed during test run in October 2012, corrective action could be completed only after three
months (December 2012). Similar defects were noticed again during commissioning (January
2013). As leakages were being encountered, planning and ordering of crude in larger vessels
instead of smaller vessel at the first instance, resulted in diversion of all the four vessels to
Mumbai for lighterage15 and returning along with four daughter vessels to Mangalore Port for
discharge. Consequently, extra expenditure of ` 12.34 crore towards diversion and lighterage
and ` 6.39 crore towards demurrage had to be incurred. The facility was finally
commissioned in August 2013

In reply (November 2016), the Company explained the reasons for failure of test run and the
reasons for delay in rectification. It stated that the crude procurement was to be planned 2 to
3 months in advance and hence bigger shipments were planned expecting the defect-free
commissioning in January 2013 and in fact the overall transportation cost incurred for these

Transfering of cargo to smaller vessels for discharging the same at port with lesser draft.

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four vessels was less on comparison with that of transport of crude by deploying smaller

The reply is to be viewed against the fact that the Company has not made any analysis on the
cost and benefit of small vessels against larger vessels. If the proposition was economical, the
Company could have continued this system till the commissioning of SPM i.e. upto August
2013. Instead the Company continued to get crude in smaller vessels till the time of
commissioning of SPM.

Ministry did not furnish any reply (June 2017).

2.5.5 Non-fulfilment of objective of the SPM

The Company estimated (2010) that post commissioning of SPM, the landed cost of crude
would be cheaper by ` 166.77 crore per annum due to reduction in freight on transportation
of crude in bigger vessels and savings in demurrage charges by ` 15.50 crore per annum. The
Company also expected to increase its refinery margin by ` 71.90 crore per annum. Thus, the
total benefit expected from SPM worked out to ` 254.17 crore per annum.

Audit observed that even after commissioning of SPM (August 2013) at a cost of ` 806.77
crore, the Company could not bring crude in VLCC as envisaged, due to the non readiness of
connected storage facility and the objective of reduction in freight could not be achieved. As
against the initially projected 54 shipments in a year through VLCC, the Company engaged
273 smaller ships in 2014-15; and five VLCC and 289 other ships in 2015-16. The
demurrage, increased from ` 12.21 crore (2010-11) to ` 54.97 crore (2013-14) and to ` 81.70
crore (2015-16) as both the jetties and SPM are connected to same crude discharge line
resulting in the ships waiting for discharge. The GRM of the Company declined from USD
5.60 per bbl in 2011-12 to USD (-) 0.64 per bbl in 2014-15 though it again moved up to USD
5.20 per bbl in 2015-16.

The Company replied (November 2016) that the throughput was increased to 15.69 MMT
during 2015-16, number of ships handled at port was reduced resulting in reduction in
congestion and the demurrage was controlled to actual level by having SPM.

The reply is to be viewed in view of the fact that the increase in the throughput was not
reflected in GRM. Further, the reduction of congestion in port did not result in reduction of
demurrage which increased by 6.7 times in 2015-16 as compared to 2010-11.

Ministry did not furnish any reply (June 2017)

Chapter 3 Operation of Processing Units

The Company plans refinery operations on the basis of demand for petroleum products,
availability of required grade of crude oil as per designed parameters of processing units and
refinery configuration. Yield pattern of the refinery depends upon the crude mix, refinery
configuration, technology, finished product demand, production process optimisation and
operating performance of various processing units.

Various factors such as deficiencies in planning for crude in consonance with the capacity of
processing units, delayed commissioning, synchronisation of the commissioned units with
other existing / new secondary processing units, operating below optimal capacity etc.
adversely impacted the efficiency of the operation of the refinery units. Impact of such
deficiencies in refining operations and Gross Refinery Margin (GRM) are discussed in
succeeding paragraphs.

3.1 Crude planning and procurement

Crude is the main input that determines the yields and consequently the refinery
configuration. Sulphur content in the crude determines the processing scheme and market
value of the product. The planning and scheduling of crude oil is a critical task and accurate
planning can result in substantial savings. A key issue for a refinery is, therefore, to identify
and process optimal crude mix that maximizes profit margins. To find the right crude mix,
the refinery has to take into account both processing and economic considerations. Main
criterion for selection of crude by the Company is maximization of GRM. After selection of
crude oils, the crude procurement and logistics departments have to secure the crudes and
schedule them for delivery.

The Company imports nearly 85 per cent of crude through term contracts on annual basis
from the foreign National Oil Companies at their Official Selling Price. The remaining
quantity is sourced from indigenous suppliers and on spot basis.

The Company designed the Crude Distillation Units (CDUs) with a capacity of 15 MMTPA
with the objective of processing 9.5 MMTPA (67 per cent) Arab Heavy Crude (High Sulphur
Crude) and 5.5 MMTPA (33 per cent) Mumbai High Crude (Low Sulphur Crude). CDU-III
was designed to process ‘High TAN’ crudes and the secondary processing units were
accordingly designed to process feed from CDUs.

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Audit observed that during the years 2011-12 and 2013-14 to 2015-16, the Company
procured more high sulphur crude when the secondary processing units were not ready.
Consequently, the Company could not produce high value products and maximise its revenue
which is highlighted in the ensuing paragraphs.

The Company replied (November 2016) that Units were designed to process variety of crudes
and processed crudes matching the availability of secondary processing facilities due to
which the Company achieved highest distillate yield of 76 per cent in 2015-16. GRM was
affected due to foreign exchange fluctuations and inventory losses.

In the Exit Conference (June 2017) with the Ministry, the Company agreed (June 2017) that
secondary processing units were not ready; however it processed crude as the GRM was
positive. The Ministry endorsed the reply of the Company.

The reply of the Company/Ministry may be seen in light of the fact that crude mix is very
important factor for determining the product mix, distillate yield, Fuel & Loss and GRM. The
Company though achieved the highest distillate yield of 76 per cent in 2015-16, it was less
than the achievable yield of 83 per cent despite having a world class refinery. Further, the
Company’s GRM was 2.45, 2.67, -0.64 and 5.20 USD/BBL during the period 2012-13 to
2015-16 which was much below the targeted GRM of USD 10.82 per BBL as envisaged in
the Phase III project. The Company did not restrict the crude procurement when secondary
units of Phase III were not commissioned and operated. Thus, processing of excess crude
saturated the existing secondary processing units resulting in non production of desired
distillate yield.

3.2 Ineffective planning in operation of Crude Distillation Unit

Distillation is the start of the crude refining process, where the crude is separated into various
fractions based on relative volatility and boiling point. Typical products of Crude Distillation
Unit (CDU) are Off Gases, Naphtha, Kerosene, Light Gas Oil (LGO), Heavy Gas Oil (HGO)
and Residue.

Audit found that the Company commissioned CDU III in March 2012. Various other
secondary units under Phase III were commissioned from November 2012 to September
2014. However, the Company without taking into account the non-commissioning of the
secondary processing units, procured crude commensurate with the processing capacity of all
the units. This resulted in production of more High Speed Diesel (HSD), Vacuum Gas Oil
(VGO), Naphtha, Aviations Turbine Fuel (ATF) and Fuel Oil (FO) during 2011-12 to

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2014-15. Even after commissioning of all the secondary units, the Company continued
production of low value products like FO and Naphtha in the year 2015-16. Audit noticed
that during the period from 2011-12 to 2015-16, some of these products had to be exported at
a price less than the domestic price. Even though cost in some of these cases was recovered,
there was short revenue realisation to the tune ` 2,774.52 crore. It was also noticed that for
some of these products which were exported, the realisation was even below the cost of
production which resulted in non recovery of cost to the tune of ` 1,666.86 crore (Annexure
III). This affected the overall GRM.

The Company replied (November 2016) that loss of revenue on account of export be treated
as a notional difference between export and domestic prices. It recorded positive operating
margins and the sequential lag in commissioning of Phase III units was on account of non
availability of stable power and steam.

In the Exit Conference (June 2017) with the Ministry, the Company again reiterated that it
processed crude as the GRM was positive. The Ministry endorsed the reply of the Company.

The reply of the Company/Ministry has to be viewed in the light of the fact that the Company
procured and processed crude without considering availability of secondary processing units
and produced low value products. Further, though the Company had exported Vacuum Gas
Oil (VGO) and earned revenue, it could not utilise the same in secondary processing units to
convert it into value added product. The Company could not supply BS III and IV grade MS
(2011-12 to 2014-15) and High Speed Diesel (HSD) (2011-12 to 2014-15) to the Oil
Marketing Companies (OMCs) to meet domestic demand adequately. All these factors led to
decrease in GRM from USD 5.60/BBL (2011-12) to USD (-) 0.64/BBL (2014-15).

3.3 Non synchronisation of revamped Hydrocracker units with PFCCU

Prior to Phase III expansion, the Company had two Hydrocracker Units (HCUs) which were
designed for recycle mode of operation with 100 per cent conversion. HCUs are mainly used
to produce middle distillates of low sulphur contents such as kerosene and diesel. Operation
of HCU is affected by the factors like feed quality and quantity, mode of operation, catalyst
type, maximization of certain product, catalyst cycle and hydrogen pressure. HCU produces
VGO, Naphtha, kerosene and High Speed Diesel. The streams which are not cracked are
called Unconverted Oil (UCO).

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Under Phase III Expansion, both HCUs were revamped (HCU-1 in September 2011 and
HCU-2 in May 2012) to convert the mode of operation from Recycle16 to Once Through17
Mode (54 per cent conversion rate) with design capacity of 1.6 and 1.7 MMTPA
respectively, with the objective of processing Unconverted Oil (UCO) in Petrochemical
Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit (PFCCU) which was also planned in Phase III. The process
licensor, M/s UOP, had guaranteed that the revamped units performance would be at 54 per
cent conversion rate with HC115 LT cracking catalyst and KF 848 hydro treating catalyst.
Although, HCU-1 was revamped in September 2011, its catalyst was not changed from the
existing HC215 to HC115 on the ground that HC215 had remaining life of one year and that
the PFCCU was not ready. HCU-2 was revamped in May 2012 and its catalyst was changed
from HC215 to HC115 on the assumption that PFCCU would be commissioned in second
half of 2012. However, both the HCUs had to be operated under recycle mode for four years
(2011-15) and it was only in 2015-16, the units operated under once-through mode.

A review of functioning of HCU-1 & 2 for the period 2011-12 to 2014-15 when the units
continued to operate on recycle mode, revealed that there was under recovery of high value
products and over recovery of low value products as compared to the standard yield under
recycle mode which resulted in loss of revenue of ` 6,328.76 crore (Annexure IV). Further,
operation of the units under recycle mode during the above period resulted in non-
achievement of objective of the revamping.

The Company replied (November 2016) that actual yields are directionally in line with the
design yields and agreed that conversion rates of both Hydrocrackers were high during the
period. The catalyst change was delayed due to delay in commissioning of PFCCU that
resulted in higher production of naphtha in 2012-13.

The reply of the Company may be seen in the light of fact that the purpose of revamp of
HCUs was not achieved upto 2014-15 on account of non-conversion of VGO/UCO into value
added product in PFCCU. Even with the same mode of operation, the standard yield could
not be achieved which resulted in loss of revenue.

In the Exit Conference (June 2017) with the Ministry, it was stated by the Company that
PFCCU did not come up due to delay in commissioning of CPP by BHEL which was agreed
to by Ministry.

Under Recycle mode the feed will be reprocessed to ensure 100 per cent conversion of feed.
Under Once Through Mode, feed will be processed once and the remaining unconverted feed will be sent to PFFCU
which produces Propylene and then to PPU which produced Poly Propylene, a high value product

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3.4 Underutilization of Diesel Hydro Desulphurisation Treating Unit

Hydro treating is the process of removal of Sulphur, Nitrogen and metal impurities of the
feed received from different units by treating with Hydrogen in the presence of catalyst.
Diesel Hydro Treating Desulphurisation Unit (DHDT), with a capacity of 3700 TMTPA was
commissioned (November 2012) under Phase III expansion project. The unit produces BS
III/IV grade HSD and low sulphur Naphtha and Kerosene. This unit was planned in addition
to the Gas Oil Hydro Desulphurisation Unit18 (GOHDS) with a capacity of 1750.76 TMTPA
which was an existing unit.

The capacity utilisation of the DHDT and GOHDS for the three years ending
31 March 2016 was as follows:

Table 3.1: Capacity utilisation of DHDT and GOHDS

Feed processed Capacity Feed processed Capacity
(TMT) Utilisation (TMT) Utilisation (%)
2013-14 1947.87 53 1213.56 69
2014-15 3149.15 85 623.41 36
2015-16 3379.04 91 1528.73 87

From the above, it could be seen that the capacity utilisation of DHDT was only 53 per cent
during the year 2013-14. The utilisation though improved during 2014-15 and 2015-16, the
same was below the installed capacity of the unit. In case of the GOHDS, the utilisation of
the unit was below its installed capacity during the period from 2013-14 to 2015-2016.

Though, DHDT was commissioned with an intention of converting the entire HSD into BS
III/IV, there were exports of lower grade HSD on spot tender basis even after commissioning
of DHDT. Audit further observed that the export was made even when the demand of 653
TMT of BS III/IV HSD from domestic Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) during 2013-14
and 2014-15 remained unfulfilled, as reflected in the following table:

Removes Sulphur from Light Gas Oil, Heavy Gas Oil and Vacuum Gas Oil.

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Table 3.2: OMC demand of HSD and supply by MRPL

(Qty in TMT)
Year OMC Demand Actual supply Shortfall Quantity
2013-14 4,750 4,338 412 710
2014-15 4,902 4,661 241 630
2015-16 5,543 5,547 - -

The Company (November 2016) accepted that the unit was operated at lower capacity due to
non-commissioning of units such as Delayed Coker Unit (DCU), Heavy Coker Gas Oil
Hydrotreating Unit (CHTU) and PFCCU. The Company further stated that only
desulphurised HSD was exported since July 2014.

In the Exit Conference (June 2017) with the Ministry, the Company informed that due to
non-commissioning of CPP by BHEL, units which were to provide feed to DHDT could not
be commissioned which resulted in underutilization of DHDT.

The reply may be seen in the light of the fact that the Company produced 17639 TMT of
HSD during the period 2013-14 to 2015-16, which was more than the total HSD processed
i.e. 10003.22 TMT through DHDT and GOHDS. Further, when the processing capacity and
adequate domestic demand were available, the Company did not process and sell BS III/IV
diesel. Thus, the Company did not achieve the main objective of converting entire diesel into
BS III/IV as envisaged.

3.5 Non production of value added product from CHTU

Heavy Coker Gas Oil Hydro Treating Unit (CHTU) is a feed preparation unit for the PFCCU.
The purpose of this unit was to produce low sulphur, low nitrogen hydro treated Heavy Coker
Gas Oil (HCGO) for PFCCU. Fuel gas, Naphtha and Diesel were also to be produced from
the CHTU. CHTU was commissioned in May 2014.

Against the input of 506 TMT in 2014-15, as per the design yield, the total output should
have been 521 TMT. Similarly, in 2015-16, against the input of 741 TMT, the design yield
should have been 762 TMT. However, the actual yield in 2014-15 and 2015-16 was 505
TMT and 741 TMT, respectively.

The Company’s reply (November 2016) was silent about the reasons for short recovery of
products during 2014-15 and 2015-16.

Ministry did not furnish any reply.

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3.6 Commissioning and Operation of PFCCU

PFCCU was commissioned (August 2014) under Phase III expansion project to produce
polymer grade Propylene, which was intended for processing into Polypropylene, a high
value product, in the PPU. In case of non conversion, the Propylene from the plant would be
diverted to LPG pool. PPU was commissioned on 17 June 2015.

3.6.1 Audit noticed that during commissioning of PFCCU, there was less flow in the unit due
to which plant load could not be increased and the unit was commissioned bypassing the
control valve. However, within a few days i.e. on 2 September 2014, the plant had to be shut
down due to no flow through the bypass. The Company took 20 days (02 September 2014 to
21 September 2014) to repair the above defects which resulted in loss of production and
consequent loss of revenue to the tune of ` 198.53 crore.

The Company replied (November 2016) that teething troubles were expected in
commissioning a large process unit and the incident in PFCCU was a teething trouble which
could occur to any complex system.

In the Exit Conference (June 2017) with the Ministry, Company stated that the repair work
was completed in five days but it took another 15 days to restart the unit due to power failure
which was attributable to the BHEL. Ministry’s representative seconded the reply of the

Audit observed that the problem was known to the Company before commissioning and
therefore, it should have assessed the time required for rectifying the defects to ensure the
effectiveness of the repair. In the absence of estimation of time, it could not be ensured that
the Company took reasonable time to rectify the defect.

3.6.2 The designed yield of Propylene in PFCCU was 20.60 per cent of the feed. Audit
observed that the total feed in PFCCU during the period from August 2014 to May 2015 was
6,96,922 MT which should have produced 1,43,566 MT of Propylene for conversion into
Polypropylene in Poly Propylene Unit (PPU) against which only 3,951 MT of Propylene was
produced in PFCCU. However, as the PPU was not ready, even this quantity had to be
diverted to Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) pool. Non production of Propylene as per the
designed yield and its non conversion to Poly Propylene, a high value product, in the PPU
resulted in loss of margin of ` 382.83 crore (Annexure V A).

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The Company stated (November 2016) that as the PPU was commissioned in 2015, the entire
propylene was sold as LPG.

Ministry did not furnish any reply.

3.6.3 Audit also noticed that post commissioning of PPU, propylene produced by PFCCU
during June 2015 to March 2016 was 1,54,611 MT (10.93 per cent of 14,14,595 MT of feed)
which was short by 1,36,791 MT compared to the design yield. The short recovery of
Propylene during this period resulted in short production of Poly Propylene, a high value
product to the tune of 136,244 MT and consequent loss of margin of ` 364.77 crore
(Annexure V B). The Company replied (November 2016) that during 2015-16, PPU was in
stabilisation mode and the entire feed to unit was limited to 156000 MT and due to
continuous efforts, the propylene yield reached 19 per cent as against the design yield of
20.60 per cent. Further tuning for improving the yield was under progress.

However, the fact remains that as against the installed capacity of 4,40,000 MT per annum,
only 1,56,149 MT was processed in PPU during the period from June 2015 to March 2016.
This indicated that there was ample scope for production of Propylene in PFCCU which
could have been further processed in PPU.

Ministry did not furnish any reply.

3.7 Commissioning and operation of PPU

PPU, which was to covert Propylene into Polypropylene, was commissioned in June 2015.
The design yield of Polypropylene was estimated at 99.60 per cent of the feed.

3.7.1 After commissioning in June 2015, the unit had to be shut down for 16 days (11 July
2015 to 27 July 2015) on account of bagging issues. This resulted in loss of production of
Polypropylene for 16 days and consequent loss of ` 28.57 crore19.

The Company replied (November 2016) that bagging unit broke down frequently during
commissioning and various technical issues had caused down time of these machines.

Ministry did not furnish any reply.

3.7.2 Audit observed that out of 156,149 MT of feed that was processed by PPU during June
2015 to March 2016, the Company could recover 140,544 MT which was 90 per cent of the

140,544 MT/244 days x 16 days x ` 31,005 (margin as per cost accounts)

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feed as against 155,524 MT of design yield. Under-recovery of 14,980 MT of Polypropylene

resulted in loss of ` 46.45 crore20.

In reply, the Company stated (November 2016) that the lower yield could be attributed to
operating at lower loads and lower sized carrier gas filter.

The reply is to be viewed against the fact that the reasons for lower yield were controllable in

Ministry did not furnish any reply.

3.8 Commissioning and operation of DCU

Under Phase I and II, short residue (SR) produced in Crude Distillation Unit (CDU)/ Vacuum
Distillation Unit (VDU) was processed in two Visbreaker Units21 (VBU) into Fuel Oil (FO)
which was a low value product. Under Phase – III expansion project, the Company planned
minimization of production of FO by processing the SR in the DCU. DCU was mechanically
completed in December 2012 and commissioned in April 2014 at a cost of ` 1,057.57 crore
as against the scheduled completion date of September 2011.

3.8.1 Due to the delay in commissioning (April 2014) of DCU, the SR was processed in the
VBU and FO was produced during 2012-13 to 2013-14. Details of the FO produced and sold
during these two years are given below:

Table 3.3: FO production and Sales

(Qty in TMT)
Year Total Sales
Production Domestic Export Total sales
2012-13 2113 128 1955 2083
2013-14 2281 89 2216 2305

It may be seen that the Company exported more FO which by itself reduced the sales
realization by `1,459.89 crore during 2012-13 and 2013-14 as compared to the domestic

3.8.2 After commissioning, DCU was operated at 39 and 87 per cent of its capacity in 2014-
15 and 2015-16, respectively. Further, change in operating parameters like temperature,
pressure etc affected the yield of various products. Audit noticed that the actual yield of

14980 MT x `31,005 (margin as per cost accounts)
Upgrades short residue into lighter value added products.

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Coke which is a low value product was 32.47 and 33 per cent during 2014-15 and 2015-16,
respectively against the design yield of 29.66 per cent.

It was also observed that the Company continued to produce and sell FO during 2014-15 and
2015-16 as per details given below:
Table 3.4: FO production and Sales
(Qty in TMT)
Year Total Production Sales
Domestic Export Total sales
2014-15 1873 66 1731 1797
2015-16 604 90 630 720

The Company replied (November 2016) that, it processed more crude, produced and exported
FO as the topping margin remained positive. As regards increase in Coke yield, the
Company accepted the audit observation and stated that the Company is making continuous
modifications to the operating conditions for reduction of coke and improving the yield of

The Company’s reply is to be seen against the fact that, the Company could not achieve one
the objectives of Phase III i.e. minimisation of FO production to increase the margin.

3.8.3 The DCU had faced problems with Wet Gas Compressor (WGC) while commissioning.
The unit had to be shut down again for a period of 21 days (from 06 June 2014 to 24 June
2014 and from 12 January 2015 to 15 January 2015) after commissioning for carrying out
maintenance work relating to WGC.

The Company stated (November 2016) that utilization of a new process unit was normally
expected at 60 to 75 per cent and the availability of the unit was 71.20 percent in terms of
number of days.

The Company’s reply was not acceptable as the capacity utilisation of the unit in the year
2014-15 was only 39 percent.

In the Exit Conference (June 2017) with the Ministry, the Company stated that they were
trying to improve the distillation yield by reducing coke formation. It was also stated that the
yield of coke had improved to 30 per cent (2016-17) as against the norms of 29.66 percent.
This was confirmed by the representative of Ministry also.

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3.9 Non operation of the processing units for want of feed

The process units are interlinked based on the requirement of products. Non receipt of feed
from one unit affects operation of another unit. Audit observed that, some of the units
commissioned under Phase III expansion were to be shut down for want of feed.

Details of shutdown of units due to non- availability of feed were as follows:

Table 3.5: Units shut down due to non availability of feed

Sl. No. Unit Commissioned Year Duration Brief reasons
on days
1. CHTU May 2014 2014-15 11 No feed & Unit was shut down
due to CDU-III shutdown
2. DCU April 2014 2014-15 12 Non availability of Vacuum
3. DHDT November 2012 2015-16 10 Due to low stock Crude, CDU-I
shutdown and non-availability
of Hydrogen due to tripping of
Hydrogen General Unit - 3

New units were shut down due to non availability of feed though the Company processed
crude in excess of installed capacity of the refinery.

The Company replied (November 2016) that the above units were not available on account of
non availability of feed from the concerned units due to operational constraints. Further, the
DCU was shut down for 12 days due to excess production and evacuation of coke.

The fact remains that the above instances of shut down of units due to non-availability of feed
points towards inadequate planning.

Ministry did not furnish any reply.

Chapter 4 Operation of Support Facilities

Refineries encompass various additional process units of varying complexity and purpose.
Some produce special products (waxes, lubricants, asphalt, etc.), others control emissions of
air and water and some others provide support to the mainline processes. The primary support
facilities include electricity and steam generation, hydrogen production and recovery and
light gas handling separation, waste water treatment and oil movement and storage etc.

4.1 Excess consumption of Steam

Steam is used in various process/utility units mainly for chemical reaction and for power
generation by Captive Power Plants. Steam is generated with the help of Boilers. The
Company is using a Linear Program (LP) software viz., Process Industry Modelling System
(PIMS), for planning its production. The software is also used for ascertaining the optimum
product pattern as well as the utility consumption.

Data relating to consumption of utilities as per PIMS for the period from 2011-12 to 2015-16
was called for from the Company. Based on the PIMS monthly solution report for the year
2015-16, it was observed that the actual consumption (17.40 MMT) of steam during the year
which was 17.40 MMT, was more than the ideal consumption being 15.51 MMT which
resulted in an extra expenditure of ` 231.94 crore. Data relating to years from 2011-12 to
2014-15 was not furnished by the Company.

The Company stated (November 2016) that the LP model is primarily used for modelling the
hydrocarbon side and LP results are not used by refineries to predict and evaluate utility
performances. It was further stated that consumption of utilities could be indirectly mapped to
energy consumption for which norms have been developed by Ministry of Petroleum and
Natural Gas (MoPNG).

In the Exit Conference (June 2017) with the Ministry, the Company stated that the steam
consumption was configured in Linear Programming (LP) model which was a mathematical
model and not a thermodynamic model. The system of LP had been developed by the
Company for its own Management to compare the consumption of steam and possibility of
deviation was always there. It also stated that MBN was a better reflection of consumption of
steam and the MBN of the Company was in the range of 65 to 85 as compared to Panipat
refinery which had the best MBN of 63 to 65 in the public sector. It was informed that

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MRPL was getting energy study conducted and was striving to achieve the better target.
Ministry informed that the Company had been instructed to lower the MBN as per the MoU.

The reply of the Company/Ministry was not supported by results of any analysis with
reference to the norms as mentioned in the reply and actual achievement there-against.

4.2 Low yield of Hydrogen from Hydrogen Generation Unit resulting in excess
consumption of Naphtha

Hydrogen is needed for treating products like Petrol (Motor Spirit), High Speed Diesel
(HSD), Fuel Oil (FO) and feeds for Petrochemical Fludized Catalytic Cracking Unit
(PFCCU) and other plants for bringing down the sulphur content. The feed for Hydrogen
plant is Light Naphtha. The Company had three Hydrogen Generation Units22 (HGUs) with a
total annual installed capacity of 138,000 MT23 to cater to the requirement of the refinery.
Hydrogen was also produced from the Continuous Catalytic Reformer Unit24 (CCR).

Audit observed that none of the HGUs could achieve the designed yield of hydrogen (33 per
cent) production during the period from 2011-12 to 2015-16. The same was in the range of
22.25 to 27 per cent. Due to low yield, 3,35,990 MT of additional naphtha had to be
processed for obtaining the required quantity of hydrogen. The value of excess quantity of
Naphtha processed was ` 1,363.98 crore and considering the value of extra FO produced in
the process which was ` 339.20 crore, the extra cost worked out to ` 1024.78 crore. It was
noted that the excess consumption of Naphtha was on account of the operation of HGUs at
lower loads, shut down and start-up of the unit due to interruptions in the power supply from
Captive Power Plant (CPP) and technical problems in the Hydrogen Generating Unit
(HGU) 3.

In the Exit Conference (June 2017) with the Ministry, the Company stated that the audit
observation was made on the basis of cost audit report which shows the cost aspect only
whereas the actual consumption of hydrogen as per meter reading was equal to the design
yield of 33 percent. The Ministry endorsed the reply of the Company.

The reply was not supported by any documentary evidence. However, Audit had computed
the loss on the basis of the information available in the year-wise Plant Ledger of the
Company which reflects the actual input of feed and actual production of Hydrogen.

Produces hydrogen by steam reforming of Naphtha.
HGU 1 and 2 – 34,000 TPA each and HGU 3 – 70,000 TPA.
It convert lower octane value naphtha into higher octane products

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4.3 Arrangement of power from economic and reliable sources

The Company had established 115.50 MW of Captive Power Plant (CPP) under Phase I and
Phase II. In Phase III, another CPP of 114 MW was commissioned in August/September
2014. In addition, the Company maintained a contract demand of 12.5 KVA with Mangalore
Electricity Supply Company Limited (MESCOM), Karnataka for meeting non-critical load.

4.3.1 It was noted that one of the thrust areas in oil and gas sector as per XII five year plan
period (2012-17) was optimization of energy and evolving a viable plan for the future. The
Working Group of the MoPNG had advised (January 2015) the refineries to study the
feasibility of shifting to grid supply preferably at 132/220 KV. The Company, in order to
overcome the problem of power supply from captive power plants and also to save the energy
cost had engaged (January 2015) Power Trading Corporation India Limited (PTC) to conduct
feasibility study for assessing and evaluating various alternatives available to the Company
for obtaining reliable power from the dedicated Grid connectivity. PTC observed that during
the year 2014-15, the cost of procurement of power from State/Open Access was ` 7 per kwh
as against the average cost of captive power generation of ` 13.65 kwh. PTC had
recommended (February 2016) to have a direct 220 KV connection with 1200 MW plant of
Udupi Power Corporation Ltd. (UPCL) at an estimated cost of ` 560 crore so as to reduce
MRPL’s cost of operation by ` 450 crore annually.

Considering the fact that the captive power was costing more than the power from the Grid,
action in line with the directions of MoPNG and recommendations of PTC, needed to be

The Company stated (November 2016) that it had evaluated external power from an
economic point of view and not on the view that own power is unreliable and intends to
proceed with import of power from the grid based on the economics.

4.3.2 It was also observed that the Company had problems in obtaining uninterrupted power
supply to the processing units. Due to non-availability of uninterrupted power to the
processing units, the Company lost sizeable production hours. Unit-wise production hours
lost during the period 2012-13 to 2015-16 are given in Annexure VI. The shut-down of
Processing Units due to power failure showed an increasing trend over the years.

As regards erratic power supply from CPP, the Company informed (November 2016) that
CPP III units were getting stabilised.

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In the Exit Conference (June 2017) with the Ministry, the Company stated that it has initiated
necessary steps as per the direction of the Ministry for considering grid supply as a source of
power. It further informed that it has done a route survey alongside the railway line of
Konkan Railways, who had agreed to allow the Company to use their corridor for power
supply from Udupi Power Corporation Limited. Ministry informed that for new refineries, it
was not advocating Captive Power Plant.

4.4 Fuel and Loss

Refineries use fuel oil, natural gas and waste gas as fuel in various operation processes and
generation of utilities including power and steam. In addition, the processing losses add to
the normal operating cost. Fuel and Loss is a very important variable operating cost in the
operation of refinery as Gross Refinery Margin (GRM) of the Company could be improved
by reducing/controlling this cost.

It was observed that the Company did not prescribe any norms for Fuel and Loss. Audit
reviewed the fuel and loss for the period 2011-12 to 2015-16 in respect of various units of the
refinery and found that the Company’s Fuel and Loss had increased from year 2013-14
onwards as reflected in the following table:

Table 4.1:Fuel and Loss for last five years ending 31 March 2016
(Percentage of throughput)
Year Fuel Loss Total Fuel and Loss


[A] [B] [C] [D]

2011-12 6.42 0.33 6.75
2012-13 6.48 0.52 7.00
2013-14 7.51 0.39 7.90
2014-15 9.74 0.35 10.09
2015-16 9.88 0.18 10.06

The Company stated (November 2016) that various parameters being followed in industry for
fuel consumption and the energy consumption was being monitored based on set targets.

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The reply is not supported by results of any analysis with reference to the parameters stated in
the reply in the absence of which Audit was unable to derive an assurance that the Fuel and
Loss was within norms.

In the Exit Conference (June 2017) with the Ministry, the Company informed that it was in
the process of setting the targets. Ministry representative agreed with the reply of the

4.5 Management of Catalyst

Refinery uses catalysts to improve the quality of products to meet the desired specification as
well as to improve the distillate yield. Management of catalysts is essential as they play a
major role in the overall economics of the refinery.

4.5.1 Audit observed that the Company had drawn (January 2009) policy for utilisation of
catalysts for Phase I and II only, but was yet to draw policy for Phase III units
(November 2016).

The Company stated (November 2016) that the catalyst policy for Phase III was yet to be

Ministry did not furnish any reply.

4.5.2 Audit observed that CCR unit was generating spent catalyst. This spent catalyst
generally contains a small percentage of precious metals including Platinum. It was observed
that the Company did not make any evaluation to determine the quantity of precious metals
including Platinum in the spent catalyst.

The Company stated (November 2016) that it would evaluate the quantity of platinum present
in the spent catalyst and would get in touch with catalyst supplier and other Refineries for

Ministry did not furnish any reply.

Chapter 5 Environmental Aspects

Petroleum refinery, during the conversion process of crude, impacts the environment and the
eco system. Potential environmental issues associated with petroleum refining include air
pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, land pollution, waste water and other hazardous

The Company incorporated environmental-friendly technologies in its process systems to

ensure fuel reduction, manage air emission, conserve water and manage waste water. Audit
observed that the Company generally complied with the norms of emission prescribed by the
Pollution Control Board. However, there was scope for further improvement as discussed in
the following paragraphs:

5.1 Non-installation of Flare Gas Recovery System

The Company generates and releases various obnoxious gases during the process of refining.
While according Environmental Clearance for Phase III Expansion, MoEF had directed
(April 2008) the Company to install Flare Gas Recovery System (FGRS) for the reduction of
Hydrocarbon loss and emission of obnoxious gases to the environment. The Company,
however, deferred the installation of FGRS at design stage stating non-availability of flaring
data from Phase III process units complex, though budgetary allocation of ` 20 crore was
made for FGRS.

It was observed in audit that the Company commissioned various units under Phase III
expansion (March 2012 to June 2015) without installing the FGRS which was not in
compliance to the Environmental Clearance accorded by MoEF. It was further seen that the
Company, after a delay of 7 years, commenced (September 2015) the process to install
FGRS at an estimated cost of ` 30 crore for which it selected (May 2016) MECON as
Engineering consultant. However, it is yet to place order for the installation of FGRS
(November 2016).

Thus, the Company not only failed to comply with the provisions of Environmental
Clearance accorded by MoEF but also lost the opportunity of recovering flare gas which
could have been utilized as fuel gas monetary impact of which worked out to ` 67 crore for
the five year period ending March 2016.

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The Company stated (November 2016) that it could not design the flare recovery system due
to non availability actual flare operating data.

The reply is not acceptable as non-compliance with the provision of the Environmental
Clearance on the grounds of non-availability of data cannot be a proper justification.

In the Exit Conference (June 2017) with the Ministry, the Company informed (June 2017)
that installation of FGRS is in process and was expected to be installed in December 2017.

5.2 Non-development of green belt

While according the Environmental Clearance to the Phase III Expansion Project, MoEF
directed (April 2008) the Company to dedicate 33 per cent of the project area for green belt
development by associating the local Forest department. The Company earmarked
(September 2010) 120 acres for establishing green belt to mitigate the possible fugitive
emissions, control noise pollutions, soil conservation and creation of an aesthetic atmosphere
in the refinery premises for which Company estimated an expenditure of ` 2.10 crore in a
period of 4-5 years. A work order in this regard was issued (March 2011) for ` 1.91 crore to
the State Forest Department (SFD) for taking up the project during the years 2011-2016. The
plantation work was to be completed by September 2013 and maintenance work was to be
completed by March 2016.

Audit observed that SFD had planted 1,759 seedlings covering an area of 5.30 acres only
during the years 2011-13 and there was no progress afterwards.

The Company replied (November 2016) that there was shortfall of land for green belt due to
utilization of land for Phase III project. The Company further stated that it is acquiring
additional land of 27 acres for augmenting green belt

Ministry did not furnish any reply.

5.3 Delay in complying with the directions of Pollution Control Board

The Delayed Coker Unit (DCU) produces valuable distillates and Petroleum Coke (Pet
Coke). The pet coke is transported by a closed conveyer system to open coke lay down area
and to truck loading facility through Silos (3x1000 MT). Similarly, sulphur produced in
Sulphur Recovery Unit is (SRU) stored in open yard and in 6 Silos.

The Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB), during the year 2014 and 2015,
issued various show cause notices to the Company with regard to dust emissions and surface
water contamination from the Phase III coke yard and sulphur yard. KSPCB suggested

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(March 2015) covering the coke yard and the sulphur yard completely to avoid dust pollution.
KSPCB also recommended providing permanent arrangement for collection and recycling of
the wash water in the coke yard, so that the wash water containing suspended particulate
matter is not allowed to overflow to the nearby natural drains that pass through the
neighbouring villages.

The Company, therefore, proposed (September 2015) to install three additional Silos of 3,000
MT each or five new Silos of 1,000 MT each with suitable conveyor connectivity and
unloading facility for pet coke, suitable wash water management facility in the coke yard and
covered shed in the sulphur yard at a cost of ` 52 crore. However, despite passage of more
than one year, the contract for construction of the above facilities was yet to be awarded
(November 2016). Consequently, the pollution hazards caused by these units were not

The Company replied (November 2016) that it took all effort to comply with the conditions
laid down by the KSPCB to avoid contamination of water and air pollution.

The fact remains that none of the suggestions made by KSPCB in March 2015 were complied
with as yet (November 2016).

Ministry did not furnish any reply.

5.4 Inadequate creation and management of water resources

Refinery needs a large quantum of water to process crude. The Company had to shut down
its refinery in April 2012 (12 April 2012 to 27 April 2012) due to water scarcity.

As the Company had not fixed any norms for water consumption for all processing stages of
its production, based on the advice (April 2014) of KSPCB, it requested National
Productivity Council (NPC) to conduct a comprehensive water audit study in its refinery for
Phase I and II.

The NPC, among other things, recommended (November 2014) to maximise condensate
recovery in plant to reduce the water intake from the resource and conserve water in order to
reduce pumping cost, demineralisation cost and load on Effluent Treatment Plant. It
identified four locations for recovering rain water. It also recommended deployment of storm
water harvesting technique and proper channelization of water to capture uncontaminated
storm water and not let out rain water to drains.

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The Company was yet (November 2016) to take action on any of the above

The Company replied (November 2016) that it was conducting a feasibility study to set up a
Desalination Plant and initiated action for setting up a Reverse Osmosis Unit for tertiary
treatment of effluent water. Further, the Company stated that they would establish water foot
print bench mark by the use of best practices or best available technologies or by selecting the
water foot print achieved by the best performers in the Oil sector.

Ministry did not furnish any reply.

5.5 Non-participation in the Clean Development Mechanism

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Kyoto protocol

introduced Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) concept to achieve stabilization of Green
House Gases concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous
interference with the climate system. As India is a signatory to Kyoto protocol, GoI
established (April 2004) National Clean Development Mechanism Authority (NCDMA) so
that entities whether private / public or non-governmental could participate in CDM process.

Audit observed that the Company did not have any proposal to register any of its projects
which had potential for getting benefits under CDM in the form of ‘Certified Emission
Reduction’ (CER) credit, which are tradable.

The Company replied (November 2016) that it would initiate necessary steps for registering
projects under CDM.

Ministry did not furnish any reply.

Chapter 6 Conclusion and Recommendations
6.1 Conclusion

The Phase III expansion project of the Company was conceived in 2006 to increase the
capacity of the refinery from 11.82 MMTPA to 15 MMTPA and to produce value added
products. In the year 2009, a Poly Propylene Unit was added to the scope of expansion and
then in the year 2010 a Single Point Mooring facility was also conceived. The total cost of the
project was estimated at ` 15,008 crore out of which the Company had incurred an amount of
` 14,832 crore till March 2016. The Phase III Expansion Project, supposed to be
commissioned by October 2011, was completed in September 2014. Similarly, Poly
Propylene Unit (PPU) was commissioned after a delay of 34 months in June 2015. The
Single Point Mooring (SPM) facility was commissioned in August 2013 after a delay of 16
The major issues noticed during the course of review of the planning and execution of the
Phase III Expansion Project are summarised below:

• Deficiencies in planning, were noticed which led to change in the scope at project
conceptualisation stage resulting in time overrun of more than two years and cost overrun
of ` 2,509 crore.
• External borrowings were arranged without hedging the associated foreign currency
fluctuation risk. This resulted in loss of ` 13.70 crore (net of currency hedging cost) on
loan repayments till September 2016. Funds for the project were drawn in excess of
requirement which resulted in idling of ` 768.46 crore in non-interest bearing current
• In the selected 87 major contracts, there were delays in execution of formal contract in 84
• Delayed commissioning of Captive Power Plant resulted in idling of various units even
though they were mechanically complete.
• Even though SPM was commissioned in August 2013, it could not be utilised effectively
due to non completion of associated Cavern by Indian Strategic Petroleum Reserves
Limited (ISPRL). Consequently, the objective of setting up of SPM facility such as
savings in freight, avoidance of demurrage and improvement in Gross Refinery Margin
(GRM) could not be achieved.
• Non synchronisation of revamped Hydrocracker units with Petrochemical Fluidized
Catalytic Cracking unit (PFCCU) led to production of low value products in place of high
value products during the period from 2011-12 to 2014-15 and consequent loss of
revenue of ` 6328.76 crore.

Report No. 33 of 2017

• Non production of Propylene, as per the designed yield and its non conversion to Poly
Propylene, a high value product, in the PPU during the period from August 2014 to May
2015 resulted in a loss of margin of ` 382.83 crore.
• There was excess consumption of Steam in various utilities during 2015-16 which
resulted in extra expenditure of ` 231.94 crore.
• There were delays on the part of the Company in complying with environmental
directives issued by the statutory authorities.
6.2 Recommendations
• In future, the Company may draw up a comprehensive plan before finalising the projects
in order to avoid time and cost overrun. Requirement of funds for the projects may be
made on a realistic basis to avoid excess drawal of funds.
• The Company may ensure timely completion of utilities like Power Plants which have
cascading effect on commissioning of other units. The Company may also ensure
sequential completion and proper integration of the processing units to avoid their idling
and underutilisation.
• The Company may make urgent efforts to optimise the utilisation of SPM.
• The Company may ensure optimum capacity utilisation of all the processing units.
• The Company may evolve a system for evaluating the consumption of utilities by the
various processing units so as to ensure optimum utilisation of these utilities.

Annexure I
(Referred to in Paragraph 1.5)
Statement showing revision in configuration of processing units
Sl. Units Year Year Year Year Objective Reasons for revision
No. 2006 2008 2009 2010
1. CDU Not 3.00 No No To increase the refining capacity. To provide flexibility in processing low
III envisaged MMTPA change change value high acid crudes
2 PFCCU 2.07 2.20 No No Additional throughput and production of Based on revised & optimized LP runs
MMTPA MMTPA change change Propylene. Operate on Low Sulphur feedstock for 5.5 MMTPA Mumbai High crude
and aromatic rich FCC Naphtha. and 9.5 MMTPA Arab Heavy crude.
3. DHDT 3.25 3.70 No No Upgrade High Sulphur & Low Cetane SR gas Light Naphtha hydro treatment was also
MMTPA MMTPA change change oil and cracked Diesel range streams into Diesel considered as a part of Diesel hydro
fuel of BS III & IV specifications. treatment and hence increased.
4. DCU 3.18 3.00 No No To minimize Fuel Oil production by upgrading Considering the increased capacity of
MMTPA MMTPA change change the High Sulphur Short Residue into distillates DHDT.
and Naphtha.
5. CHTU Not 0.65 No No To process the HCGO stream from DCU and To overcome the high modifications
planned MMTPA change change straight run VGO so as a feeder unit to PFCCU. with long shut down period of HCU
6. HGU 47 KTPA 70 KTPA No No To meet the requirement of Hydrogen in Based on the actual requirement as per
change change processing unit. Licensor data with margins, keeping in
view the criticality of Hydrogen.

Report No. 33 of 2017

Sl. Units Year Year Year Year Objective Reasons for revision
No. 2006 2008 2009 2010
7. SRU 315 TPD 555 TPD No No To recover the Sulphur from Amine. Considering the Hydro treating in CHTU
change change the capacity increased.
8. LOBS 0.25 Dropped No No To produce Lube, Oil etc. from the unconverted Deleted based on the feedback from the
MMTPA change change Hydro cracker bottom stream by use of MH Licensor that desired quality was not
Crude VGO and Coker Heavy Gas Oil. possible and also lower long term market
9. PPU Not Not 0.44 No To produce Polypropylene from Propylene. -
envisaged envisaged MMTPA change
10. SPM Not Not Not Included To ensure smooth discharge of imported -
envisaged envisaged envisaged crude, through larger vessels at the nearby
Mangalore Port

Report No. 33 of 2017

Annexure II
(Referred to in Paragraph 1.5)
Statement showing estimated cost in 2006 and further revisions
(` in crore)
Sl Details 2006 2008 2009 2010

1 Land 10 91 91 91
2 Site Development 30 192 192 192
3 Process know how/Basic Engineering 76 109 109 109
4 PMC/Det. Engg./etc. 456 828 828 828
5 Plant and Machinery 5,841 8,964 8,712 8,712
6 Water Supply & Public health - 100 100 100
7 Buildings 30 50 50 50
8 Construction site facilities 29 45 45 45
9 Owners construction Period expenses 78 124 124 124
10 Start up and commissioning 58 108 108 108
11 Contingency 10% 661 1,061 1,061 1,061
12 Working Capital margin 120 153 153 153
13 Financing Charges 554 587 587 587
Total 7,943 12,412 12,160 12,160
14 PPU - - 1804 1804
15 SPM - - - 1044
Total Cost 7,943 12,412 13,964 15,008

Report No. 33 of 2017

Annexure III
(Referred to in Paragraph 3.2)
Working of revenue loss due to export of excess products
Product Average Average Average Qty. Less Cost Difference Cost not
domestic export differ- exported realisation (` per (` per MT) recovered
sales value (` ence (` (MT) (` in crore) MT) (` in crore)
value (` per MT) per MT)
per MT)

[2]-[3] [4]x[5] [7]-[3] [8]x[5]

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
ATF 49,031 48,328 703 8,30,000 58.35 48,268
Furnace 36,075 32,307 3,768 16,10,000 606.65 32,270
HSD 48,551 46,669 1,882 7,20,000 47,541 872 62.78
Naphtha 48,518 46,153 2,365 11,10,000 47,517 1,364 151.40
Total 665.00 214.19
ATF 55,382 54,314 1,068 11,40,000 54,354 40 4.56
HSD 53,761 51,258 2,503 11,80,000 53,762 2,504 295.47
Naphtha 53,202 48,949 4,253 13,40,000 51,233 2,284 306.06
Total 0.00 606.09
ATF 59,473 58,014 1,459 14,10,000 205.72 57,140
HSD 56,696 57,253 -557 7,10,000 58,130 877 62.27
Naphtha 56,881 55,157 1,724 13,60,000 234.46 54,877
Total 440.18 62.27
ATF 50,709 46,183 4,526 8,10,000 50,426 4,243 343.68
Furnace 33,426 30,158 3,268 13,30,000 434.64 28,603
HSD 41,590 42,190 -600 6,30,000 46,308 4,118 259.43
Naphtha 52,057 44,511 7,546 9,70,000 731.96 43,403
Total 1,166.61 603.12
ATF 31,274 27,746 3,528 5,70,000 29,565 1,819 103.68
Furnace 19,702 17,316 2,386 3,00,000 71.58 15,110
HSD 29,319 24,925 4,394 3,80,000 26,965 2,040 77.52
MS BS III 39,415 34,856 4,559 20,000 9.12 28,838
Naphtha 33,246 28,708 4,538 9,30,000 422.03 27,109
Total 502.73 181.20
Grand Total 2,774.52 1,666.86

Report No. 33 of 2017

Annexure IV
(Referred to in Paragraph 3.3)
Loss of revenue due to non-achievement of Design Yield
Major Products Design yield Design Yield Actual Difference Sales realiza- Differential
(percent) (MT) Production [4]-[3] tion per MT Amount
(MT) (`) (` in crore)

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

2011-12 (Feed 13,58,308 MT)
LPG 2.62 35,588 37,255 1,667 44,298 7.39
Naphtha 15.51 2,10,674 2,77,379 66,705 48,518 323.64
Kerosene & HSD 81.61 11,08,515 9,83,657 -1,24,858 48,551 -606.20
2012-13 (Feed 13,85,747 MT)
LPG 2.62 36,307 40,938 4,631 52,543 24.33
Naphtha 15.51 2,14,929 3,15,252 1,00,323 53,202 533.74
Kerosene & HSD 81.61 11,30,908 8,52,407 -2,78,501 53,761 -1,497.25
2013-14 (Feed 14,64,476 MT)
LPG 2.62 38,369 46,101 7,732 58,468 45.21
Naphtha 15.51 2,27,140 3,27,193 1,00,053 56,881 569.11
Kerosene & HSD 81.61 11,95,159 8,55,698 -3,39,461 56,696 -1,924.61
2014-15 (Feed 14,50,229 MT)
LPG 2.62 37,996 29,597 -8,399 43,754 -36.75
Naphtha 15.51 2,24,931 2,59,564 34,633 52,057 180.29
Kerosene & HSD 81.61 11,83,532 10,12,214 -1,71,318 41,590 -712.51
Total loss of revenue - HCU 1 -3,093.61

Report No. 33 of 2017

Major Products Design yield Design Actual Difference Sales Differential Amount
(percent) Yield Production [4]-[3] realization per (` in crore)
(MT) (MT) MT (`) [5]x[6]
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2011-12 (Feed 15,52,452 MT)
LPG 2.55 39,588 23,861 -15,727 44,298 -69.67
Light Naphtha 7.11 1,10,379 1,61,145 50,766 48,518 166.90
Heavy Naphtha 13.60 2,11,133 1,94,768 -16,365
Kerosene 27.60 4,28,477 2,57,272 -1,71,205 48,984 -838.63
Diesel 43.60 6,76,869 7,56,304 79,435 48,551 385.66
2012-13 (Feed 15,11,598 MT)
LPG 2.55 38,546 36,295 -2,251 52,543 -11.83
Light Naphtha 7.11 1,07,475 1,38,306 30,831 53,202 -22.16
Heavy Naphtha 13.60 2,05,577 1,70,581 -34,996
Kerosene 27.60 4,17,201 3,65,804 -51,397 55,034 -282.86
Diesel 43.60 6,59,057 5,46,771 -1,12,286 53,761 -603.66
2013-14 (Feed 15,46,985 MT)
LPG 2.55 39,448 46,653 7,205 58,468 42.13
Light Naphtha 7.11 1,09,991 1,62,717 52,726 56,881 255.70
Heavy Naphtha 13.60 2,10,390 2,02,617 -7,773
Kerosene 27.60 4,26,968 3,54,685 -72,283 58,133 -420.20
Diesel 43.60 6,74,485 5,60,714 -1,13,771 56,696 -645.04
2014-15 (Feed 16,67,480 MT)
LPG 2.55 42,521 39,500 -3021 43,754 -13.22
Light Naphtha 7.11 1,18,558 1,44,672 26114 52,057 -44.07
Heavy Naphtha 13.60 2,26,777 1,92,198 -34579
Kerosene 27.60 4,60,224 3,56,744 -103480 52,644 -544.76
Diesel 43.60 7,27,021 5,85,295 -141726 41,590 -589.44
Total loss of revenue - HCU II -3,235.15
Grand Total – loss of revenue in HCI 1 and HCU 2 -6,328.76
Note: Average sales realisation for Naphtha considered for both Light and Heavy Naphtha as separate rates not available.

Report No. 33 of 2017

Annexure V A
(Referred to in Paragraph 3.6.2)
Loss due to delay in commissioning of Poly Propylene unit resulting in avoidable
diversion of Propylene into LPG pool (August 2014 to May 2015)
Period Quantity fed Actual Yield (MT)
in PFCCU LPG Propylene
August 2014 to March 2015 5,16,050 2,27,614 2,413

April 2015 81,002 24,657 1,306

May 2015 99,870 30,623 232
Total 6,96,922 2,82,894 3,951
Actual yield of Propylene in percentage (Actual Yield MT/Total [A] 0.57%
Quantity fed x 100)
Design yield (in percent) [B] 20.60%
Lower yield of propylene (in per cent) [B]-[A] [C] 20.03%
Propylene shortage (MT) (C x Quantity fed in PFCCU) [D] 1,39,615
Propylene actually produced (MT) [E] 3,951
Propylene which should have been produced (MT) [D]+[E] [F] 1,43,566
Design yield of Propylene to Poly Propylene [G] 99.60%
Quantity of Poly Propylene not achieved (MT) [F]x[G] [H] 1,42,992

Product Margin Qty (MT) Loss (`)

Poly Propylene less produced 31,005 1,42,992 4,43,34,66,960
Less: LPG produced 4,215 1,43,566 (60,51,30,690)
Loss of margin 3,82,83,36,270

Report No. 33 of 2017

Annexure V B
(Referred to in Paragraph 3.6.3)
Loss due to low yield of Propylene in PFCCU after commissioning of PPU (June 2015 to
March 2016)
Period Quantity fed Yield (MT)
in PFCCU LPG Propylene
June 2015 to March 2016 14,14,595 3,90,263 154611
Yield in percentage (Yield/Quantity fed x 100) [A] 10.93%
Design yield (in percent) [B] 20.60%
Lower yield of Propylene [B]-[A] [C] 9.67%
Propylene shortage [C] x Quantity fed [D] 136791
Design yield of Propylene to Poly Propylene [E] 99.60%
Quantity of Poly Propylene not achieved [E] x [D] [F] 1,36,244

Product Margin Quantity Loss (`)

`/MT (MT)
Poly Propylene less produced 31,005 1,36,244 4,22,42,45,220
Less: LPG produced 4,215 1,36,791 (57,65,74,065)
Loss of margin 3,64,76,71,115

Report No. 33 of 2017

Annexure VI
(Referred to in Paragraph 4.3.2)
Details of unit-wise total shutdown hours
(in Hours)
Sl. Unit 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
1. Crude Distillation Unit-1 30
2. Crude Distillation Unit-2 25 28 9
3. Crude Distillation Unit-3 563 720 326
4. Hydrocracker Unit-1 30 99 32 99
5. Hydrocracker Unit-2 128 67
6. Diesel Hydro Desulphurisation Unit 309 362 73
7. Coker Heavy Gas Oil Hydrotreater 235 173
8. Petro-Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit 272 166
9. Delayed Coking Unit 395 52
10. Poly Propylene Unit 63
11. Gas Oil Hydro Desulphuriser Unit 42 73
12. Isomerization Unit 36 146
13. Continuous Catalytic Reforming-1 34 70
14. Continuous Catalytic Reforming-2 17 34
Total 30 1,253 2,044 1,381

S. No. Item Details
1. Crude Distillation Unit Distil and separate valuable distillates (LPG, Naphtha,
(CDU) Kerosene, Diesel etc) and bottom from the crude at normal
atmospheric pressure. Various fractions are further processed
in other units.
2. Continuous Catalytic It convert lower octane value naphtha into higher octane
Reformer Unit (CCR) products.
3. Delayed Coker Unit Converts low value residue into valuable products (Naphtha,
(DCU) Diesel and Coker gas oil) and Pet Coke.
4. Diesel Hydro The unit removes Sulphur, Nitrogen and metal impurities of
Desulphurisation Treating the feed received from different units.
Unit (DHDT)
5. Fuel & Loss Fuel & Loss refers to the cost that refineries incur due to the
fuel consumed to run the refineries and the fuel lost in the
system while processing crude into petroleum products.
6. Gas Oil Hydro De- Removes Sulphur from Light Gas Oil (LGO), Heavy Gas Oil
Sulphurisation (GOHDS) (HGO), and Vacuum Gas Oil (VGO) which is converted into
Unit ultra-low sulfur diesel to meet the sulfur specification of
7. Gross Refinery Margin The Gross Refinery Margin (GRM) is the difference between
(GRM) the total value of petroleum products coming out of an oil
refinery (output) and the price of the crude used for producing
the petroleum products. GRM is typically expressed in US
dollars per barrel.
8. Heavy Coker Gas Oil This unit is a feed preparation unit for downstream PFCCU. It
Hydrotreating Unit produces feed stock of low sulfur, low nitrogen feed hydro
(CHTU) treated Heavy Coker Gas Oil feed stock for downstream
PFCC unit.
9. Hydrocracker Unit (HCU) Unit in which heavier fractions of VGO from the VDU and
Vis-breaker units are cracked into lighter, more valuable
middle distillates using hydrogen
10. Hydrogen Generation Unit Produces hydrogen by steam reforming of Naphtha

Report No. 33 of 2017

11. Light or Heavy Crude Crude with High API (American Petroleum Index) is light
crude and crude with low API is heavy crude
12. Lump Sum Turn Key In LSTK contract, the contractor is entrusted with the
(LSTK) work/services at a fixed cost along with all associated risks till
the handing over of the project/asset.
13. Open Book Execution In an OBE contract, the buyer and seller of work/services
(OBE) agree on remunerable cost and margin that the supplier can
add to these costs. The project is invoiced to the customer
based on the actual cost plus the agreed margin.
14. Petrochemical Fluidized Produces fuel gas, LPG, polymer grade Propylene, Naphtha
Catalytic Cracking Unit and light cycle oil from unconverted bottoms from HCU,
(PFCCU) hydro-treated heavy Coker gas oil from CHTU and low
Sulphur VGO from CDU/VDU.
15. Poly Propylene Unit (PPU) Petrochemical unit for production of Poly Propylene from
Propylene, output of PFCCU.
16. Sulphur Recovery Unit Unit recovers Sulphur from the feed.
17. Sweet or Sour Crude Crude containing low sulphur content is termed as sweet
crude and crude with high sulphur content is termed as sour
18. Throughput The total tonnage of crude oil fed into an oil refinery is its
19. Vacuum Distillation Unit Distills the residue crude from the bottom of the CDU to
(VDU) valuable gas oils.
20. Vis-breaker Unit (VBU) Upgrades short residues coming from the bottom of vacuum
distillation column by thermally cracking into lighter, reduced
viscosity products.

Acronyms Stands for
ATF Aviation Turbine Fuel
CCR Continuous Catalytic Reformer Unit
CDU Crude Distillation Unit
CHTU Heavy Coker Gas Oil Hydrotreating Unit
CPP Captive Power Plant
DCU Delayed Coker Unit
DFR Detailed Feasibility Report
DHDT Diesel Hydro Desulphurisation Treating Unit
GOHDS Gas Oil Hydro De-Sulphurizer
GRM Gross Refinery Margin
HCU Hydro Cracker Unit
HGU Hydrogen Generating Unit
HSD High Speed Diesel
IRR Internal Rate of Return
LOBS Lube Oil Base Stock
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LSTK Lump Sum Turn Key
MS Motor Spirit
OBE Open Book Execution
OIDB Oil Industry Development Board
PAEC Project Appraisal & Execution Committee
PFCCU Petrochemical Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit
PMC Project Management Consultant
PPU Poly Propylene Unit
SPM Single Point Mooring
SRU Sulphur Recovery Unit
UCO Unconverted Oil
VBU Vis-Breaker Unit
VDU Vacuum Distillation Unit
VGO Vacuum Gas Oil
VLCC Very Large Crude Container


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