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Plaintiff, )
V. ) Case No.
AWDTSG,INC., a DelawareCorporation, )
METAPLATFORMS,lNC., a DelawareCorporation, )
FACEBOOKENTERTAfNMENT, LLC, a DelawareCorporation, )
FACEBOOKGLOBALHOLDlNGSI, INC., a DelawareCorporation, )
FACEBOOKGLOBALHOLDINGS11,LLC, a DelawareCorporation, )
FACEBOOKGLOBALHOLDINGSIll, LLC, a DelawareCorporation, )
FACEBOOKOPERATIONS,LLC, a DelawareCorporation, )
FACEBOOKPROCURMENT,LLC,a DelawareCorporation, )
FACEBOOKAD MANAGEMENT,LLC, a DelawareCorporation, )
FACEBOOKHOLDINGS,LLC, a DelawareCorporation, )
FACEBOOK,LLC, a DelawareCorporation, )
FACEBOOKMEDIA, LLC, a DelawareCorporation. )
FACEBOOKMIAMI, INC., a DelawareCorporation, )
FACEBOOKOVERSEAS,INC, a DelawareCorporation, )
FACEBOOKPROPERTY,LLC, a DelawareCorporation, )
FACEBOOKSERVICES,INC., a DelawareCorporation,, )
FACEBOOKSHOP,INC., a DelawareCorporation, )
FACEBOOKCIRCULARITY,LLC, a DelawareCorporation, )
PATREON,INC., a DelawareCorporation, )
GOFUNDME,Inc., a DelawareCorporation, )
JANE DOE, UnnamedDefendancs, )
D,~fendants. )

Now comes the Plaintiff, Nikko D' Ambrosio, by and through undersigned counsel, and

complaining of the Defendants, states as follows:


This is an action for declaratory and injunctive relief and for damages against Defendants

for false and defamatory statements made and published by Defendants concerning Plaintiff

under the Illinois Slander and Libel Act (740 ILCS 145), to protect Plaintiff's rights to be free

from the deliberate unauthorized dissemination of Plaintiff's personal identifying information

under the Illinois Civil Liability for Doxing Act (740 ILCS 195), Misappropriation under the

Illinois Right to Publicity Act (765 ILCS 1075), and common law causes of action.


1. The Plaintiff, Nikko D' Ambrosio is an adult male who resides in the territorial

jurisdiction of the District Court.

2. The Defendant, Abbigail Rajala, is an adult female who resides in the State of


3. The Defendant, Rodney Rajala, is an adult male who resides in the State of


4. The Defendant, Carol Rajala, is an adult female who resides in the State of


5. The Defendant, Sam Daniels, is an adult female whose residence State is

unknown at this time.

6. The Defendant, Alexis Kyle, is an adult female whose residence State is unknown

at this time.

7. The Defendant, Paola Sanchez, is an adult female who resides in the State of New


8. The Defendant, CoraliineLotz, is an adult female who resides in the State of New


9. The Defendant, DianrneWesley, is an adult female who resides in the State of New


10. The Defendant, Madison Pierce, is an adult female whose residence State is

unknown at this time.

11. The Defendant, Madison Bynum, is an adult female who resides in the State of

South Carolina.

12. The Defendant, Vanessa Villatoro, is an adult female whose residence State is

unknown at this time.

13. The Defendant, Chris1tieGraessle, is an adult female who resides in the State of


14. The Defendant, Sharleen Waa, is an adult female whose residence State is

unknown at this time.

15. The Defendant, Kaitlyn Mishay Moody, is an adult female who resides in the

State of Texas.

16. The Defendant, Linda. Juarez, is an adult female who resides in the State of Texas.
17. The Defendant, Alina Drake, is an adult female who resides in the State of


18. The Defendant, Chandi Constance, is an adult female who resides in the State of

Pennsy 1vania.

19. The Defendant, Alicia Ann, is an adult female whose residence State is unknown

at this time ..

20. The Defendant, Salisha P. Deen, is an adult female who resides in the Sta1teof

New York.

21. The Defendant, Jillian Cara, is an adult female who resides in the State of Ohio.

22. The Defendant, Jen Rahbar, is an adult female who resides in the State of


23. The Defendant, Shannon Marie, is an adult female whose residence State is

unknown altthis time.

24. The Defendant, Luisa Resendez, is an adult female who resides in the State of


25. The Defendant, Daryl Ceaser, is an adult female who resides in the State ,of


26. The Defendant, Lisa Miko, is an adult female who resides in the State of


27. The Defendant, Amy Dukstein-Reynolds, is an adult female who resides :inthe

State of Illinois.
28. The Defendant, Melissa Pinkerton, is an adult female who resides in the State of


29. The Defendant, Monica Tchorzewska, is an adult female who resides in the State

of Illinois.

29. The Defendant, AWDTSG, Inc., is a corporation registered and authorized to do

business in the State of Delaware and owns and operates the social media networks described

above in conjunction with its website,

30. The Defendant, Meta Platforms, Inc, is a corporation registered and authorized to

do business in the State of Delaware and owns and operates the social media network known as

31. The Defendant, Meta Platforms Technologies, Inc, is a corporation registered and

authorized to do business in the State:of Delaware and owns and operates the social media

network known as

32. The Defendant, Facebook Entertainment, LLC, is a corporation registered and

authorized to do business in the State: of Delaware and owns and operates the social media

network known as

33. The Defendant, Facebook Global Holdings I, LLC, is a corporation registered and

authorized to do business in the State:of Delaware and owns and operates the social media

network known as

34. The Defendant, Facebook Global Holdings I, Inc., is a corporation registered and

authorized to do business in the State of Delaware and owns and operates the social media

network known as

35. The Defendant, Facebook Global Holdings II, LLC, is a corporation registered

and authorized to do business in the State of Delaware and owns and operated the social media

network known as

36. The Defendant, Facebook Global Holdings III, LLC, is a corporation registered

and authorized to do business in the State of Delaware and owns and operates the social media

network known as

37. The Defendant, Facebook Media Productions, LLC, is a corporation registered

and authorized to do business in the State of Delaware and owns and operates the social media

network known as

38. The Defendant, Facebook Operations, LLC, is a corporation registered and

authorized to do business in the State of Delaware and owns and operates the social media

network known as

39. The Defendant, Facebook Procurement, LLC, is a corporation registered and

authorized to do business in the State of Delaware and owns and operates the social media

network known as

40. The Defendant, Facebook Ad Management, LLC, is a corporation registered and

authorized to do business in the State of Delaware and owns and operates the social media

network known as

41. The Defendant, Facebook Holdings, LLC, is a corporation registered and

authorized to do business in the State of Delaware and owns and operates the social media

network known as

42. The Defendant, Facebook International, LLC, is a corporation registered and

authorized to do business in the State of Delaware and owns and operates the social medlia

network kn.own as

43. The Defendant, Facebook Investor Group, LLC, is a corporation registered and

authorized to do business in the State of Delaware and owns and operates the social media

network krnownas

44. The Defendant, Facebook, LLC, is a corporation registered and authorized to do

business inithe State of Delaware and owns and operates the social media network kno"'m as

45. The Defendant, Facebook Media, LLC, is a corporation registered and authorized

to do business in the State of Delaware and owns and operates the social media network known


46. The Defendant, Facebook Miami, LLC, is a corporation registered and authorized

to do business in the State of Delaware and owns and operates the social media network known


47.. The Defendant, Facebook Overseas, LLC, is a corporation registered and

authorized! to do business in the State of Delaware and owns and operates the sociaJ media

network known as

48. The Defendant, Facebook Property, LLC, is a corporation registered and

authorized to do business in the State:of Delaware and owns and operates the social media

network known as

49. The Defendant, Facebook Services, LLC, is a corporation registered and

authorized to do business in the State:of Delaware and owns and operates the social media

network known as

50. The Defendant, Facebook Shop, LLC, is a corporation registered and authorized

to do business in the State of Delaware and owns and operates the social media network known


51. The Defendant, Facebook Circularity, LLC, is a corporation registered and

authorized to do business in the State of Delaware and owns and operates the social media

network known as

52. The Defendant, Patreon, Inc., is a corporation registered and authorized to do

business in the State of Delaware and owns and operates the crowdfunding platform known as

53. The Defendant, GoFundMe, Inc., is a corporation registered and authorized to do

business in the State of Delaware and owns and operates the crowdfunding platform known as

54. Plaintiff is unaware of the true names and capacities of several prospective

Defendants sued herein as Jane Doe, and therefore Plaintiff sues these Defendants by such

fictitious names. Plaintiff wi II amend this complaint to allege their true names and capacities

when ascertained. Plaintiff is informed and therefore alleges that each fictitiously named
Defendant is responsible in some manner for the occurrences alleged and Plaintiff's inju:ries as

herein alleged were proximately caused by said Defendants.


Jurisdiction is proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1332 for diversity of citizenship as the

parties to this action are citizens of different States and the amount in controversy exceeds

$75,000.00 ..


This Court has jurisdiction over this action under 28 U .S .C. § 1391(b)(2) in that all or a

substantial part of the events or omissions giving rise to the claim occurred within this diistrict.

55. "Are We Dating the Same Guy?" is a collection of social groups maintained on

various social media platforms throughout the internet by Defendants. Said platforms purport to

provide an anonymous platform for women to discuss and disparage men in their local

communities with which they have had allegedly unsatisfactory dating experiences. The

collection of online communities claims to have over 3,000,000 registered users. See Exhibit A.

56. "Are We Dating the Same Guy?" self-describes its community as "Red Flag

Awareness groups all across the country where women can empower each other and keep each

other safe from toxic men." The group pontificates to the world that they are doing the "[L]ord's

work" by maintaining a platform to permit women to anonymously dox, defame, and attack the

moral character of men they've met online and publishing same. See Exhibit A.

57. The "Are We Dating the Same Guy?" network of social platforms is divided into

several subgroups reflecting major metropolitan areas in the United States and Canada for the

purposes of organization. Each and every platform or subgroup carrying the "Are We Dating the
Same Guy?'" branding on any social media platform is operated by the same or a substantially

similar group of individuals to Defendants listed herein, inclusive of, without limitation:

a. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Greater Toronto Area"

b. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Ottawa"

c. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Greater Vancouver"

d. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Calgary"

e. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Winnipeg"

f. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Edmonton "

g. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Montreal"

h. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I New York"

1. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Miami"

J. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Chicago"

k. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Boston"

I. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Philadelphia"

m. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I New Jersey"

n. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Nashville"

o. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I New Orleans"

p. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Salt Lake City"

q. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Dallas"

r. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I San Jose"

s. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Fort Lauderdale"

t. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Tampa"

u. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Denver"

v. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Minnesota"

w. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Greater Los Angeles Area"

x. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Atlanta"

y. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I St. Louis"

z. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Houston"

aa. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Austin"

bb. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Phoenix"

cc. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I San Diego"

dd. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I San Antonio"

ee. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Nevada Area"

ff. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Columbus"

gg. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Indiana"

hh. "Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Seattle"

11. "Are We Dating The Same?";

58. Each and every one of the listed individual Defendants has been authorized by

AWDTSG, Inc. and has engaged in the creation, maintenance, publishing, and marketing of

defamatory statements and personally identifiable information, either as a user or administrative

officer, of a subgroup of "Are We Dating the Same Guy?" known as "Are We Dating the Same

Guy? I Chic:ago" (The "Chicago Subgroup") maintained on the social network Facebook. Said

subgroup contains over 80,000 members. As a result, each and every one of the listed individual

Defendants operates as an agent of AWDTSG, Inc in performing the creation, maintenance,

publishing, and marketing of said defamatory statements and personally identifiable information.

59. Some administrators digitally monetize the "Are We Dating the Same Guy"

Platform via Patreon, GoFundMe, and other crowdfunding platforms. See Exhibits A and D.

60. That the Chicago Subgroup publishes dozens of statements and narratives daily

from women who wish to provide personally identifiable information about a man in the

community with which they allege to have had a dating relationship. Thousands of men have

been potentially defamed by members of the groups via these online publications, and remain

entirely unaware of the attacks on their character as a result of the social media group's private

status and heavily moderated members list.

61. No independent fact-checking of the statements made by any woman published in

the Chicago Subgroup occurs. Women are permjtted to make statements, publish photographs,

defame, thneaten, harass, belittle, or otherwise attack men whom they allege to have engaged in a

dating relatiionship with void of any oversight and with total impuruty.

62. That in 2023, Plaintiff and Defendant Abbigail Rajala met orgarucally at 8t cultural

event in Chicago, Illinois and briefly commurucated with one another. Plaintiff and Defendant
Abbigail Rajala engaged in consensual sexual intercourse on the evening they first met. The

parties spent brief periods of time together on dates on a handful of occasions which were

unremarkable. The parties never engaged in an exclusive dating relationship.

63. That in November 2023, Defendant Abbigail Rajala published provably false and

defamatorystatementspertainingto Plaintiffand disseminatedsame amongstmembersof the

"Are We Dating the Same Guy? I Chicago" Facebook group, knowing said statements to be false

and defamatory. Defendant Abbigail Rajala further published a photograph of Plaintiff. See

Exhibit B.

64. That as a part of the Defendants' maintenance of said platform, Defendants

engage in content moderation, which involves the review and approval of member applications,

statements, and/or "posts" made on the platform.

65. That as a part of Defendants' content moderation responsibilities, Defendants

would have reviewed the false and defamatory statements made about Plaintiff and approved

same for publication on their platform.

66. That on or about December 15, 2023, Defendants were contacted by Plaintiff and

his attorneys demanding the removal of said false and defamatory statements.

67. That immediately following Plaintiff's contact of Defendants, Defendant Abbigail

Rajala removedher post on the platform containingthe false and defamatorystatementsabout

Plaintiff, and republished same under an "Anonymous" handle on the "Are We Dating the Same

Guy? I Chicago" Facebook group in an effort to avoid the detection of her identity. See Exhibit C.

68. That the Chicago Subgroup, along with all other listed subgroups referenced

above, is maintained as an "invite-only" group on the Facebook platform intentionally and for
the sole purpose of preventing subjects of the Defendants' defamatory vitriol from becoming

aware of the existence of same.

69. That as of January 2, 2023, DefendantAbbigail Rajala's "anonymous" post

remains in the Chicago Subgroup and continues to be republished and retransmitted to third

parties upon each client-sideconnectionto the website.AlthoughDefendantstypicallyrefrain

from posting the last names of the men they are seeking to defame, a search through the

Facebook search engine system within the relevant Facebook group for the full legal name of

Plaintiff or another victim will return their photographs and any publishments made by the

Defendants. See Exhibit E.

70. That Defendants Meta Platforms, Inc., Meta Platforms Technologies, Inc.,

Facebook Entertainment, LLC, Facebook Global Holdings I, LLC, Facebook Global Holdings I,

Inc., Facebook Global Holdings II, LLC, Facebook Global Holdings III, LLC, Facebook Media

Productions, LLC, Face book Operations, LLC, Facebook Procurement, LLC, Facebook Ad

Management, LLC, Facebook Holdilllgs, LLC, Facebook International, LLC, Facebook Investor

Group, LLC, Facebook, LLC, Facebook Media, LLC, Facebook Miami, Inc., Facebook

Overseas, Inc., Facebook Property, LLC, Facebook Services, Inc., Facebook Shop, Inc., and

Facebook Circularity, LLC (the "Meta Defendants") willfully and intentionally clisplayed and

continue to display advertising materials for the purpose of commercial profit on pages

displaying such defamatory content and/or intellectual property of Plaintiff without the consent

or permission of Plaintiff.

71. That Defendant Paola Sanchez has continually reiterated to members of the

private Facebook groups that members must "strongly consider the harm [they] might cause and

don't screenshot or share anything oUttsideof the group." The repetition of this statement is
demonstrative of Sanchez's, the individual Defendants', and AWDTSG, Inc. as a whole's

knowledge of the illegality of publishing such defamatory statements and publishing the

personally identifiable information of individual men within their platforms. The Defendants, by

limiting access to the group to approved members and taking action against any member who

provides notice to any victim of the publishing and dissemination of said defamatory statements

or personally identifiable informatiom, have demonstrated their intent and willingness to conspire

to conceal their illegal activities in order to ensure the continued commercial profitability of their

illegal enterprise. See Exhibit F


72. Plaintiff incorporates and realleges all preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth


73. Defendants continue to publish, intend to continue to publish, and cause to be

published a series of repetitive false and defamatory statements of fact about Plaintiff in a

manner that led and will continue to lead to the reasonably foreseeable publication and

republication of those and similar staitements.

74. The defamatory meaniings of Defendants' false statements and implied statements

of fact are apparent from the face of the publications, refer to Plaintiff by name, often are

accompanied by images of Plaintiff, and/or are understood to be written about the Plaintiff.

75. The statements author,ed, published, and caused to be published by Defendants

about Plaintiff are reasonably understood to state or imply that Plaintiff is dishonest, immoral

and/or untrustworthy, or otherwise has a history of engaging in fraudulent activity.

76. Each of these statements and the implications stemming therefrom are false and

defamatory per se in that said statements have damaged Plaintiff in his trade, office, or

profession and in that they accuse the: Plaintiff of having engaged in sexual misconduct.

77. Each of the statements: published by Defendants are publicly available and was or

will be viewed by thousands of potential individuals.

78. That Plaintiff is a private figure, but in any event each of these false statements

were published with actual malice, i.e., with knowledge of its falsity or with reckless djsregard as

to the truth. At a minimum, Defenda111ts

acted negligently in assessing or investigating the truth

of the statements prior to publication. Defendants had no applicable privilege or legal

authorization to make these false and defamatory statements.

79. Defendants acted with willful misconduct, malice, fraud, wantonness, oppression,

and/or entire want of care which would raise the presumption of conscious indifference to

consequences, and Defendants specifically intended to cause Plaintiff harm.

80. Defendants' statements have damaged and continue to damage Plaintiff's

reputation in the general public, in their professions, in their church communities, in their

neighborhood, and with friends, relatiives, and neighbors.

81. As a direct and proxfrnate result of Defendants' conduct, Plaintiff has suffered and

will continue to suffer significant general, actual, consequential, and special damages including,

without limitation, impairment of reputation and standing in the community, personal

huriliation, mental anguish and suffering, emotional distress, stress, anxiety, lost earnings, and

other pecuniary loss. These harms are:ongoing and, if Defendants are not prevented from

continuing to repeat their defamatory statements about Plaintiff, those harms will continue.

82. Plaintiff incorporates and realleges all preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth


83. Defendants' course of conduct directed specifically at Plaintiff was malicious,

wanton, and intentional, and reflected a want of care which would raise the presumption of

conscious indifference to consequencies. That conduct includes the drawing of attention to

Plaintiff, the encouragement of others: to scrutinize and disbelieve Plaintiff, and similar.

84. Moreover, Defendants specifically intended to cause Plaintiff harm. Defendants'

wrongful conduct is so outrageous in character and so extreme in degree that it is beyond all

possible bounds of decency and is to be regarded as atrocious and utterly intolerable in a

civilized community. Defendants' carried out their defamatory statements with actual malice, as

they knew that the accusations they were making were false or otherwise published them with

reckless disregard for the truth.

85. As a direct and proximate cause of Defendants' conduct, Plaintiff has suffered and

will continue to suffer significant general, actual, consequential, and special damages including,

without limitation, impairment of reputation and standing in the community, personal

humiliation, mental anguish and suffeiring, emotional distress, stress, anxiety, lost earnings, and

other pecuniary loss. These harms are ongoing and, if Defendants are not prevented from

continuing to repeat their defamatory statements about Plaintiff, those harms will continue.


86. Plaintiff incorporates and realleges all preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth

87. The defendants, as part of a campaign of harassment and abuse, broadcast

numerous outrageous lies about the plaintiffs that represented such major misrepresentations of

the plaintiff:s' character, history, activities or beliefs that serious offense may reasonably be

expected to be taken by a reasonable person in their position.

88. The false light in which the defendants' statements placed the plaintiffs would be

highly offensive to a reasonable person.

89. The defendants had knowledge that their statements were lies, or acted with

reckless disregard as to the falsity of their statements and the false light in which the plaintiffs

would be placed.

90. These false publications have caused the plaintiffs actual and substantial damages.

91. In light of their prior experience with similar sorts of reckless and false

statements, the defendants knew that their publications could cause the plaintiffs to suffer

harassment and potential violence.

92. The plaintiff is a private individual and is neither a public official nor publiic


93. The defendants broadcast their outrageous, cruel, and malicious lies about the

plaintiff with knowledge that the statements were false or with reckless disregard as whether or

not they were true.

94. The defendants combined to conduct their campaign of harassment and abuse,

which included numerous unlawful acts or lawful acts by unlawful means.

95. The defendants combined to perform these unlawful acts pursuant to their scheme

to harass and abuse the plaintiffs and in furtherance of that scheme.

96. These acts of the defendants resulted in damage to the plaintiffs.


97. Plaintiff incorporates a.nd realleges all preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth


98. 740 ILCS 195/l0(a) states, in pertinent part, that:

"An individual engages in the, act of <loxingwhen that individual intentionally publishes

another person's personally identifiable information without the consent of the person whose

information is published and:

(1) the information is published with the intent that it be used to harm or

harass the person whose information is published and with knowledge or reckless disregard that

the person whose information is published would be reasonably likely to suffer death, bodily

injury, or stalking; and

(2) the publishing of the information:

(i) causes the person whose information is published to suffer

significant economic injury or emotional distress or to fear serious bodily injury or death of the

person or a family or household member of the person; or

(ii) causes the person whose information is published to suffer a

substantial life disruption; and

(3) the person whose information is published is identifiable from the

published p1ersonallyidentifiable information itself."

99. The Defendants, as part of a campaign of harassment and abuse, intentionally

published the personally identifiable information of Plaintiff without his consent, namely his

name and photograph to an online group dedicated to the harassment and belittlement of men

with over 80,000 registered members.

I 00. That the Defendants published said information with knowledge and/or reickless

disregard to the fact that the publishing of defamatory statements to an online platform of over

80,000 individuals would cause Plaintiff to be reasonably likely to suffer significant injury

including risk of death, bodily injury, or stalking.

101. That as a direct and proximate cause of the Defendants actions, Plaintiff has

suffered damages by way of significant emotional distress, disruption to his life, and fear of

serious bod illyinjury at the hands of one of the group's thousands of unidentified members.


102. Plaintiff incorporates and realleges all preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth


103. That 765 ILCS 1075/30(a) states, in pertinent part, that:

"A person may not use an individual's identify for commercial purposes during

the individual's lifetime without having obtained previous written consent from the appropriate

person or persons specified in Section 20 of this Act or their authorized representative."

104. The Defendants, as part of an ongoing campaign of harassment and abuse,

intentionally published the Plaintiff's personal identity and likeness.

105. Upon information and belief, the Defendants published Plaintiff's identity for a

commercial purpose, including the crowdsourcing of funds and collection of monetary proceeds

from supporters of the "Are We Dating the Same Guy?" Community (See Exhibits A and DJ.

106. That Defendants did not seek to obtain permission from Plaintiff before

publishing and profiting from his ide111tity

and likeness.

107. That Defendants have never had authorization from Plaintiff to publish his

identity for any purpose, whether commercial or otherwise.

108. That as a direct and proximate cause of Defendants' conduct, Plaintiff has

suffered and will continue to suffer significant general, actual, consequential, and special

damages including, without limitatiolll, impairment of reputation and standing in the community,

personal humiliation, mental anguish and suffering, emotional distress, stress, anxiety, lost

earnings, and other pecuniary loss. Tl~eseharms are ongoing and, if Defendants are not prevented

from continuing to repeat their defamatory statements about Plaintiff, those harms will continue.


I 09. Plaintiff incorporates and realleges all preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth


110. Defendants unjustly received benefits in the form of payments from supporters,

crowdfunding proceeds, and advertising revenue at Plaintiff's expense through their wrongful
conduct. Defendants continue to unjlllstly retain these benefits at Plaintiff's expense. It would be

unjust for Defendants to retain any value they obtained as a result of their wrongful conduct.

111. Plaintiff is entitled to full restitution of all amounts by which Defendants have

bene unjustly enriched at Plaintiff's 1expense.


112. Plaintiff incorporates and realleges all preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth


113. The Defendants, as part of an ongoing campaign of harassment and abuse,

intentionally published the Plaintiff's personal identity and likeness in addition to private facts

about the Plaintiff.

114. That the facts published by Defendant about Plaintiff would be highly offensive to

a reasonable person and are of no legitimate concern to the public.

115. That as a direct and proximate cause of Defendants' conduct, Plaintiff has

suffered and will continue to suffer significant general, actual, consequential, and special

damages including, without limitation, impairment of reputation and standing in the community,

personal humiliation, mental anguish and suffering, emotional distress, stress, anxiety, lost

earnings, and other pecuniary loss. These harms are ongoing and, if Defendants are not prevented

from continuing to repeat their defamatory statements about Plaintiff, those harms will continue.


WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Honorable Court award Plaintiff:

A. Injunctive relief enjoining Defendant from making or publishing, or causing to be

made or published, any further statements repeating any and all false claims that

Plaintiff engaged in any sort of immoral or illegal conduct of any kind;

B. Compensatory damages, where appropriate;

C. Punitive damages, where appropriate;

D. The costs of this action, including attorney's fees; and

E. Any such other and further relief this Court deems equitable and just.


Respectfully submitted,

Marc P. Tre
# 6324928)
of Plaintiff's Attorneys

Daniel ikolic (ARDC # 6205792)

One of Plaintiff's Attorneys


2 TransAm Plaza Drive, Suite 300
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
(630) 682-3100
[email protected],rm. com
1/8/24, 2:13 PM Fundlraiser by Paola Sanchez : Create A Safe Platform For AWDTSG

Q Search How it works v Start a GoFundMe

..' , Sign in Share Donate


Create A Safe Platfc,rmForAWDTSG

$44,543 raised of $50,000 goal • 1.7Kdona,tions


Donate now

~ $20 • 8d

~ $20 • 9d

lshita Gupta
~ $25 • 25 d

Mackenzie Miles
~ $10 • 26 d

Tiffany Ranney
~ $20 • 26 d

See all

A Paola Sanchez is organizing this fund raiser. I

1/8/24, 2:13 PM
Fundraiser by Paola Sanchez: Create A Safe Platform For AWDTSG
I'm Paola Sanchez and I created and operate -AWDTSG" Red Flag Awareness groups all
around the world where women can empower each other and keep each other safe from
dangerous and/or toxic men

I first started these groups to help solve some of the problems and dangers that me and my
friends were experiencing with dating. We hit on a winning formula, and have grown by
over 3.4 million members in just a year and a half. with over 600 moderators helping to run
the groups. So we've stumbled onto something a lot of women are struggling with and are
definitely onto something here ... but this hasn't come without some struggles.

You may hav,3 noticed weird things going on with the groups these last few days. What
happened was that 5 of our admin's accounts were abruptly deactivated all at once,
including my 15 year old personal account. We've also had 4 of our groups suddenly shut
down this wEiek.. and none of those groups ever had community guideline violations.

With over 3,444,900 women in 212 groups we operate across the world, the sudden
deactivation of all our admins has greatly disrupted our ability to keep them all safe. The
worst part is the anxiety that comes with never knowing when or why our volunteers will
suddenly be deactivated or a group will suddenly disappear.

These latest fiascos made me realize we need something better, and finally pushed me to
start prioritizing my time towards building a new ideal platform for the lord's work we are
doing here .. one with additional safety features such as screenshot logging, anonymous
commenting, and much more.

I believe tha·t the best way to keep women even safer Is to create a platform where we can
do everything we're doing in the groups, but with more specialized safety features and
control over sharing.

But I realize that we need more resources to bring it into existence while continuing to
operate and grow the current groups. I've started this GoFundMe to help raise as much of
the development and operational costs as we can

I humbly ask you to please consider donating to support us in our efforts to help keep even
more women safe

I guarantee that 100% of all money raised from this will go towards the design and
development of an app or any necessary help in running the groups. I absolutely promise
that 0% will go in my own pocket •

I sincerely appreciate all of the support you've continued to give us! You ladies seriously
mean the world to me! With your help we have a real opportunity to help dating get better
for women ,everywhere

- Paola•

P.S.To rece•ve updates on development, please follow me on lnstagram @hownowpaopao

(hl_tps://W' or enter your email on this simple web
form I set up (hnos·//www awdtsg~. My instagram will be the main account to check
for updates on the off chance more groups get deleted, so follow it for a place to regroup if
you want to stay connected

P.P.S If anyone has any friends or family at Facebook that they could put me in touch with
to better understand things, please reach out to Dianne and let her kno,11

P.P.P.S.We have looked into other existing platforms such as Discord and Reddit. It would
be significcintly more time consuming to determine that every member joining the group
was for sure a real woman. and don't have the robust feature set we would want. It also still
doesn't let us fine tune features to fit our specific safety concerns 2/13
1/8/24, 2:13 PM Fundraiser by Paola Sanchez : Create A Safe Platform For AWDTSG
I'm sorry that this isn't as detailed as I would have liked it to be, the deactivations
all came so s~1ddenlyand I wasn't really planning on doing any1hing like this anytime soon.

Since first writing this, we have lost 6 groups totaling 251,800 members due to
some overly r,astrictive FB moderation. I'm still fighting to try to get them back! But on a
good note, within the last month alone their replacements have already reached 62,500
members but this further reinforces the fact that we need another platform.

EDIT! Here's some more information I was able 10 write out to address common questions:

I was hoping to announce this when it was further along and when I had written out
something mc,re informative that gave away more without giving too much, but this has
pushed up the• timeline in having to post it, as the group could potentially disappear at any
moment without warning. I've been developing an app based off what I've learned in
growing these· groups. We've actually been able to find some great technical partners. It's
not often that a concept gets validated and refined by a preexisting user base of millions of
members, so that was very attractive in securing help.

If you're interested in giving a larger scale donation and having more details would be
necessary for you to do so, please OM Dianne with the details around what you're thinking
in terms of your investment, and in return I can happily provide you with more on the
concept, as w19IIas timetables, budgets, etc. It doesn't seem like a great idea to publicly
release all of that information, as there's already competition in the market, and competing
startups who may be able to use that information in their own plans. But I'm happy to share
more in the right circumstances

I know this willl take more than 50,000$. Any dollar previously given was reinvested. Even if
I said it was fo1,a coffee, I really just used it to cover paying others, design and development
costs, legal expenses and filings, etc. I also invested my own savings into this, and had a
small family and friends round.

I have had offers from institutional investors, and will leverage them if need be. But I wanted
to attempt this Go FundMe campaign as a way to not have to rely on investment capital so
early, and be able to keep more of the company in the hands of women •

<:? Add a ~?eactionto this GoFundMe

Updates (1)

April 28th, 2()23 by Paola Sanchez, Organizer

Hey everyone!! Some of you may have noticed already, but early last week I got my
account back • It only took a letter to the CA Attorney General. tickets submitted by
Meta employe,es who were ,n some of our groups, and over 2 weeks of stress to get it

That being said. I'm still going to start putting more of my time towards developing our
own app just in case shutdowns continue to happen!

Our current pl:an is to build it where it could function in a similar way to these groups
should they ever get taken down, but also serve as an extension for these groups for as
long as Facebook allows these groups to stay up essentially meaning that if you crosspost
and link betwe•en the two, it provides a way to comment anonymously, prevent
screenshots, and allow us better tracking on which users view content that later leaks. At
least that's the current plan 3/13
1/8/24, 2:13 PM Fundraiser by Paola Sanchez : Create A Safe Platform For AWDTSG

Donate Share


Paola Sanchez


Words of support (33)

Please donat,e to share words of support.

Kathy Rose
$100 • 7 mos

Thanl~ you for all the meaningful work that you do to help keep women safe! •

Shamaly Valdez
$10 •• 9 mos

Thank you for having the safe space to share and look out for one another

Sara Ghattas
$50 " 9mos

ThanI<you for all that you do. It is a thankless job. As a woman who organizes
events as part of her side hustle, I wish I had folks understand how important you
are tc, our safety. Protect women!

Erin Cheever
$50 o 9 mos

The truth about the sickness in online dating culture must come out.

Angela Teasenfitz
$20 " 9 mos

You're doing God's work. Thank you!!!

Stella, Guan
$20 " 10 mos

Thank you so much for your effort, Paola. Please reach out if you need any design
help with the new platform.

Nicole Eckert
$20 " 10mos 4/13
1/8/24, 2:13 PM Fundr.aiser by Paola Sanchez : Create A Safe Platform For AWDTSG
Although lost access when the big crash happened. You guys brought light to a
situation and were a man wasted 5 years of my time. The women that
commented shared and had also dealt with him were so supportive and we are all
bonded. Doing the Lords... Read more

$25 • 10 mos

Women supporting women to protect women. Thank you for developing a safe
space for all of us trying to navigate the dating world. I'm sure your efforts have
saved alot of women from pain and hea1-tbreak.

Sarah Horrigan
$25 • 10 mos

As a moderator ... a separate platform would be life changing! Thank you for all
you do Paola

Kellie May
$20 • 10 mos

Show more

Created March 15th, 2023 • () Community

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This tier level is perfect for those who want This is the tier level for those who want to This is the tier level for those who strongly
to show a little more support and want to show their support while also getting a believe in the cause and might be
stay updated on the development and behind the scenes look at the day to day interested in having a direct influence on
growth of safe spaces for women. operations of the current Red Flag the decision making process and have
Awareness groups as well as the input in the development of our safetea
• General Support development of our safetea dating app ~ dating app as well as the direction of the
This tier includes: -beta app participation current groups • p.s. omg I love you •-•
after one donation ever (once available) - This tier includes: -beta app participation
interesting insights in running the groups after one donation ever (once available) -
as well as our development process -lists interesting insights in running the groups
of worldwide group growth over time, as well as our development process -lists
---•#··-- -L ---- __ _. s:, __ ,a._
of worldwide group growth over time,
,1.., .... ___
11IUL;I\UfJ::; UI dfJfJ::; di IU I t::d lU I t:;:::; 1 t::lt;.

-~ mockups of apps and features, etc. -

• Early access exclusive polls when making tough
• Behind-the-scenes content decisions on names, direction, etc. -a
• Work-in-progress updates (digital) private community where we can further 2/23
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Decer:ber 28, 2023 at 11:31 AM • 8

Nikko D'Ambrosio
Hii any tea on Nick? Seems sweet and thinking of meeting up. Just want to
check for any red flags or anything before meeting in person since its my first
time meeting someone from online. Thanks ladies ·"
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I"'\. Anonymous member
~ December 27, 2023 at 11:48AM • 8
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Any ► or - ?
Nikko, 32
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December 3, 2023 • 8
Nick ►►► details/pies in comments once
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~ Anonymous member
w November 6, 2023 • 8

Any~ or ► on Nick/ Nicolas/ Nicholas?

02 1 comment

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~ Anonymous member
w November 2, 2023 • 8

Any - on Nikko 32?

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Are We Dating The Same Guy1 I Chic.ago

P.1olaSanchez •

Vve\€ been gett ng r-1or~reports of screenshots eav rg r.hegrouo arid ti' ngs get:ing oau tc
some of 1heguys tha: w·ereposted, so l'M deoica·rmga week of pinned posts to go over the harm
this can :::aus<?,
how :o protect ycursE f, a1d \'. hat to co 1t t ha::>pens.
I car not erriphastzeenoJgh "O\', important t 1sfor you to not screershot or share anythng you
see 1'1 hee,
You Ma} be fnerds \'. ,th a gu:,-aro th nk t"lat :he words p(lsted abou: n1r cart poss1clybe tr
but 'm tellirg yo...iright row to please trust r1e when I say that some rner act dWerently with
women ·n the dating scere and ti-at can i"lclllde 'J alert ercoJnters ard behavior ~hatther don t
exh1b1tin front o&fnends and colleagues _ettmg yo1..r~ne,d -no·,•.he was sharea ,ere
compromises the safety of e· er; girl tnat spoke UIP,
'tou Ma} haveJUS~ foJnd your boyfriend on here ctndieel the •1ee1.. to con' art hm, about t. Don't
et yollr emc:1oiis cloud your judger"~nt. TakethE•tir,e tc th11kc; anothe1place\. hert?you heard
the 1flfof"'1ar on 3nd dor t evi:r le~hi!") know :hat he ,· as i:;ostt?dj-, any sort of group. 1ha: slip up
coulc lead h1Mback here to harassg rls 1nan effort ,o destrc,. th-.?ev1den~e.
'mu nay think you're Just inroce"tly sharng somE,.flL"9funn,. but the"1tnat i::ersc, sends 1tco
someone who krows soMeone and soar after th,;i guy 1scorr ng after the 91r who thcught sl"!e
could post safely here. Just put yourself 1nher shcies·or one ~ecord and 'htnk about how scared
sl'1emust fee
I.Neliave a rigorous 11ettingprocess a"td have oeen wcrking 1.:-<treniel~· hard to keep ou~ any fa<e
oro" es and l"rojan horse;,.Ard honestly I :hi''''< w1~ve got:en t do-Nnreal ; good! . ust to give you
one example of the things we re deal ng with: Ori~ man v ho :.rascosto?dabo1..tin lhe groL.p
created two fake profile: (having :;tolen his profile• pies from a gir on lnstagran1)1nan attempt to
get in. We caugrt and blocked both of tri?m at ,•Jhct- poi'.'lthe me-sS3geoevery rrode:'ato' of the
page threatening legal act1or in an attempt to gelt the pest tai<endown.
We re wcrkirg o ..r absolJte t-araest to keep this ~1ro1..::>
as safeas ,umanfy possib e, bJt it s all for
roth ng 1· girls are leaking m·o out of the grcup an)l\-.ays
So p ease.strol"g y cons oer the you might cau~eand den : screensl'toter sh3re any:hmg
outs de ot tre group. We wa'lt to keeo tr1s as safi~of 3 spaceJS,•.e pcss1blycan.
, of m; neart to th~ vas: maJorrty of you who a, e do ng
And as .alwa}'Sthank you from the bet to ....
noth ng wrong e <ceptex sting ir "1ereand suppo11ingeach other ....

oo·· r If' fl!

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