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Council For Technical Education and vocational Training



Shankharapur-06, Kathmandu

Major Project Report – 2080

Final report on Design And Estimation Of RCC Building

Lalit B. Dayar ([email protected])

Department Of Hydropower Engineering
Shankharapur Polytechnic Institute Sankhu,

Date: 2080-9-26

This Report is the outcome result of Major Project of Shankharapur polytechnic

institute , sankhu-06 Kathmandu carried by the Group D, which is held up to
the date of 2080-09-01 to 2080-09-26.

The purpose of this project work was to make each student independent to
carry out the work in real problem in the field. We think, the purpose is
suitable for further work and which make us to produce the report of the
fieldwork in time. We are sincerely indebted to our collage SPI, for providing
opportunity to consolidate our theoretical and practical knowledge in
Architectural design/drawings and Building Estimation.

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Sunity Thapa Srestha, Ram

Shikil Shah, Narendra Mandal, Santosh Pandit, Raj Kumar Lama and Prajwal
Bhattarai for their vital encouragement and support in the completion of this
project report. This Major Project gives a lot of fair experience. I would also like
to express our sincere gratitude to our subjected related teacher for their
helpful suggestions, friendly behavior and guiding any time during the project
work an also providing prompt comments and rectification necessary before
finalization of the report for their valuable instructions, during the project,
without which it was very difficult to do the project work and to produce the

This Report on Major Project is the brief Description of all the works that were
done in the 6th semester. The main objective of this project is to provide an
opportunity to consolidate and update the practical knowledge in engineering
This major project is truly based on our knowledge gained from field organized
for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Diploma in Hydropower
Engineering encoded as EG 3204 HE as per our syllabus in third year second
part. This project has been able to impart us the great opportunity to
consolidate and review the practical and theoretical knowledge on different
engineering field, which we gained in diploma engineering syllabus.
In this Project, we are supposed to Building Design and its Estimation. This
Report includes the entire description of the Building project.
This Report helps us in our further Engineering Practice. The number of
problems and calculations done in this report helps us to deal with the similar
problems in our further Engineering practice. Every effort has been taken to
ensure the accuracy in this report. However some errors might have occurred.
We will be very much grateful to the viewers who go through this report for
bringing such errors in our notice. Further more we would be very thankful for
the examiners or viewers for their suggestions in improving this report.

The objective of Major Project was to make us gain the experience in this field
by performing designing suitable building plan in given land area.

The report reflects the methodology, estimations and calculations made by the
students in the project with the corresponding drawings. The main objective of
the Major Project organized for us is to take an opportunity to consolidate and
update our practical and theoretical knowledge in engineering field in the
actual field condition.

In this Project we have to prepare a 2.5 storey building design. This Project
helps us to build in our confidence to design the house plan, elevation, section
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1. Introduction
A. Background
A shelter is an architectural structure or natural formation providing protection
from the local environment. A shelter can serve as a home or be provided by
residential institution. It can be understood as both a temporary and
permanent structure. One of the basic needs of a human being is shelter. Long
time ago people lived in temporary shelters as in caves. Later they built
temporary shelters made from trees and bushes. With the evolution of
humans, they started to build permanent houses consisted of masonry
structures i.e., mud, stones, timber, straw, dongs etc. but these houses were
not stable enough. As time passed and new methods of constructed were
introduced humans started to build more stable and stronger houses for
In Kathmandu the land price has invreased so high that people cannot afforded
to build residential houses for a small family. This has mostly led to the
constructions of high-rise multistoried buildings in Kathmandu. The building
associated with project lies in Kathmandu valley which is allocated as seismic
zone “V” according to its seismic severity. In the context of Kathmandu, here
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the earthquake load dominates the wind load and governs the lateral design
This project has been undertaken as a partial requirement for Diploma in Civil
Engineering. This project contains structural analysis, design and detailing of
residential building located in Kathmandu district.
B. Theme of Project
The theme of the project is to design an 2.5 storied residential building. During
the project, we have acquired knowledge and skill to apply on practical
application besides the utilization of analytical methods and design
approaches, exposure, and application of various available codes of practice
C. Objective
The objectives of the project are included as follows:
➢ To analyze the multi-storey residential.
➢ To obtain the results of Maximum shear force and Maximum
bending Moment for beams, Maximum axial force for columns.
➢ To design the critical structural members of beam, column, slab,
footing and staircase.
➢ To analyze and design the building following the NBC code.
➢ To draft the layout of the proposed building using AutoCAD
➢ To determine the probable cost of the building.
➢ To determine the abstract of cost.

D. Scope
In the present context of Nepal, in a developing city like Kathmandu, there is
various crisis like land,etc due to increasing population .This can be solved up
to some extent by designing/constructing high rise multistorey building for
commercial, residential purposes, etc. Also, our country lies in an earthquake
prone area which may lead to loss of life and property which can be
counteracted by seismic design of building.

2. Methodology
A. Study of building code
For the case study, we take the reference of NBC (Nepal Building Code) which
deals with the different policies that must be followed during the construction
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of building. NBC 205 is widely used for building. This code gives the required
specifications of different components of the building. For example, size of
openings and their frames, size of columns and beams, diameter of rebars,
distance between the columns and so on. These codes were first drafted in
1993-1994 and were adopted in 2003.
The main objective of NBC 205: Mandatory Rules of Thumb Reinforced
Concrete Building Without Masonry Infill is to provide ready-to-use dimensions
and details for various structural and non-structural elements for up to three-
story reinforced concrete (RC), framed, ordinary residential buildings
commonly being built by owner-builders in Nepal.
B. Location
The building should be in such a place where there is a favorable condition for
construction as far as possible. The first and the most essential requirement is
the access road for the easy transportation of the required resources and the
workers. Secondly, the soil should not be black cotton since, it is expansive in
nature i.e., it gets over dried during the summer and extremely wet during the
rainy season. Also, soil should be capable of resisting the probable load that
might deformed the building.
However, it is not possible in all the cases though the project should be
executed by following the proper norms and building codes. The factors to be
considered while selecting the building site are as follows:
➢ Availability of basic facilities such as water supply, electricity, disposal
site, transportation etc.
➢ Contour of land
➢ Cost of land
➢ Distance of site from the source of required materials.
C. Land measurement
The site is location in Suntol,Shankharapur-07. We measured the area of the
site by measuring the plot in paper using scale because visiting the field was
not possible. We measured the proposed site using the trace of the land with
help of paper scale. The area of the site is nearly 1404.25 sq.ft. while
measuring with scale by using trace.
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D. Preparation of building layout
The layout of the building was properly planned , design and prepared using
the AutoCAD and the rules and regulation mentioned on the norms.
E. Cost estimation
The cost estimation is one of the very important parts of the building project.
Without it, the project becomes incomplete. It is extremely important to
determine the quantity of the materials such as steels, concrete, brickworks
etc, tools, equipments, and machineries and the expenses necessary for them.
Estimation was done by using the Microsoft office excel. The estimation is
conducted either by long wall and short wall method or centerline method.

F. Staircase calculation
Height of each flat = 9’4” = 112”
Riser size = 7”
Tread size= 10”
No. of riser = Height of flat
riser size
= 16 Nos.
No. of landing = 2
Total numbers of risers = 16
Total numbers of Tread = 14
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1.1 Introduction
A building, is a structure broadly consists with roof, floors and walls standing
more or less permanently in one place, such as a house or factory. In other
words, it is a permanent or temporary structure within exterior walls and a
roof, and including all attached apparatus, equipment, and fixtures, that
cannot be removed without cutting into ceiling, floors or walls.
Normally all buildings are constructed according to drawings and specifications
prepared by architects and designers.
The method adopted for construction and choice of material to be used in the
building depends upon a number of factors like character of occupancy,
location of site, climate, local materials and funds available.
1.2 Types of Buildings
1.2.1 Every building or portion of land shall be classified according to its use
or the character of its occupancy as a building of Occupancy, They are
categorized into the following types:
Agricultural Buildings:
They are the structures designed for farmers and for agricultural practices, for
growing and harvesting crops, and to raise live stock. Cow Shed, Pigsty, Barn,
Chicken coop, Farm house etc. are the example of Agricultural Buildings.
Commercial Buildings:
They are the buildings, which are used exclusively for commercial use. Super
Markets, Sky Scrapers, Ware house, Bank, Automobile companies, Gas stations
etc. are the example of Agricultural Buildings.
Residential Buildings:
Residential Buildings means any hotel, motel, apartment house, lodging house,
single and dwelling, or other residential building which is heated or
mechanically cooled. Building may vary significantly between, single-family
building, multi-family building or mobile homes. Apartment, Villa, Bungalow
etc. are the example of Residential Buildings.
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Educational Buildings:
A building designed for various activities in a primary, secondary, or higher
educational system and often including living areas for students, such as
dormitories. School, collage, Archive, Museum, Library etc. are the example of
Educational Buildings.
Government Buildings:
It is a building that, houses a branch of government, Capitol, Embassy, Prison,
Fire Station, Post Office etc. are the example of Governmental Buildings.
Industrial Buildings:
It defines industrial purposes as: Factories and other premises used for
manufacturing. altering, repairing, cleaning, washing, breaking-up, adapting or
processing any article; generating power or slaughtering livestock. These
buildings are design to house industrial operations and provide the necessary
conditions for workers, and for the operation of industrial Equipment. Factory,
Windmill, Water Mill, Tide Mill, Power Plant etc. are the example of Industrial
Military Buildings:
This building is a structure designed to house the functions, performed by a
military unit. Barracks, Bunker, Castle, Fortification, Citadel etc. are the
example of Miltary Buildings.
Religious Buildings:
These are the buildings for religious purpose, with a large open interior and
exterior or other monumental qualities. They often have spires, towers, domes
rising above the main structure. Church, Temple, Mosque, Pyramids, Shrine
etc. are the example of Religious Buildings.
Transportation Buildings:
This is structural buildings, which consists of the means of equipment
necessary for the movement of passengers or goods on land, water, and air
ways. Air port, Railway Station, Bus Station, Parking Garage, Light house etc.
are the example of Transportation Buildings.
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Mercantile Buildings:
These shall include any building or a part of a building which is used as shops,
stores, market for display and sale of merchandise either wholesale or retail
Hazardous Buildings:
These shall include any building or part of a building which is used for the
storage, handling. manufacturing or processing of highly combustible explosive
materials or product which are liable to burn with extreme rapidly.
Assembly Buildings:
These shall include any buildings or part of a buildings where group of people
congregate or gather for amusement, recreation, social, religious, perodic,
civil, travel and similar purposes. Theaters, motion picture house, assembly
halls, exhibition halls, gymnasiums, place of dancing and singing, club rooms,
terminals of air etc. are the example of Assembly Buildings.

1.2.2 Classification of Buildings based on type of construction buildings:

• Fire resistive Buildings
• Non-Combustible Buildings
• Ordinary Buildings
• Heavy timber Buildings
• Wood framed Buildings

Among then we will choose to design of 2.5 storey of Residential type of

Buildings. This type of building Norms, Specification, Architect Design
and Estimation are shown below.

1.3 Components of Buildings

1. Foundation
A foundation is necessary to evenly distribute the entire building load on
the soil in such a manner that no damaging settlements take place.
Hence, the foundations need to be constructed on good/solid ground.
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2. Plinth
A plinth is normally constructed just above the ground level and immediately
after the foundation. It raises the floor above the ground level and herewith
prevents surface water from entering the building.
3. Damp proof course (DPC)
Damp proof course is a layer of water proofing material such as asphalt or
waterproof cement. Walls are constructed above the damp proof course.
Damp proof course prevents surface water from rising into the walls.
Dampness reduces the strength of the walls and creates unhealthy living
conditions. Also it affects the paint and plaster and increasing the cost of
Damp proofing layer is not required where a plinth beam is constructed,
because the plinth beam already performs like a DPC.
4. Plinth beam
A plinth beam is constructed depending upon the type of the structure of the
building and nature of the soil. It provides additional stability in regard to
settlements of the building and earthquake damages.
5. Floor
This is the surface on which we do most of our activities. Floorings is laid over
the filling of the plinth and on subsequent floors. Flooring can be done with
different materials, but care must be given that the ground below the floor is
well compacted. Flooring is done to prevent dampness from rising to the top
and to have a firm platform that can be kept hygienic and clean.
6. Wall
Walls are the vertical elements on which the roof finally rests. They can be
made of different materials like bricks, stones, mud, concrete blocks, lateritic
blocks etc. If the walls are very long, columns can be provided to carry the roof.
Walls provide privacy and enclosure. Walls also provide security and protection
against natural elements such as wind, rain and sunshine. Openings are to be
provided in wall for access and ventilation.
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7. Openings
Openings are normally provided in the walls as door, windows and ventilators.
Doors provide access; windows and ventilators provide light and ventilation.
Lintels are constructed just above the openings. It is normally a stone slab or a
concrete slab. Sill is the part of the wall that is just below the window. Lintels
are constructed to hold up the walls above the openings. In earthquake prone
areas a continuous lintel beam is provided all over the walls,
8. Stairs
A stair is a sequence of steps and it is provided to afford the means of ascent
and descent between the floors and landings. The apartment or room of a
building in which stair is located is called staircase. The space or opening
occupied by the stair is called a stairway. There are different kind of stairs are
used in buildings, like RCC stair, wooden stair, metal stair, brick stair etc.
9. Roof
The roof provides protection for the building and the people living in it. The
roof rests on the walls and requires proper anchoring so that wind and other
mechanical impact cannot destroy it. A roof can have different shapes but it is
always either flat or sloping. Roof is typically made of RCC, stone slab, tiles etc.
10. Surfaces/finishes
External finishes are the outer most layer of protection, which protect the
structure from weathering. Internal finishes are the layers given on internal
faces. They give durability and pleasing appearance to the inside.
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Software for Designing

A. AutoCAD :
AutoCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD) program used for 2-D and 3-D
design and drafting. AutoCAD is developed and marketed by Autodesk Inc. and
was one of the first CAD programs that could be executed on personal
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computers. In 1982, John Walker founded Autodesk, which launched its CAD
software for the PC in the same year. Three years later, the software was used
for the 3D modeling as well. It offers wide variety of drawing commands such
as line, rectangle, circle, polyline, polygon, arc and many more. Besides, there
are various modifying command like mirror, trim, offset, rotate, move, erase,
fillet, chamfer and so on. These commands play the vital role to draft the
engineering drawing. With the help of this command, one can make the
drawing in a more realistic and accurate way. This ability to work in different
fields has made AutoCAD transcend its traditional use in the world of
architecture and engineering, to enter the world of graphic and interior design.
B. Microsoft Office Excel:
Excel is a spreadsheet program from Microsoft and a component of its Office
product group for business applications. Microsoft Excel enables users to
format, organize and calculate data in a spreadsheet. It is one of the crucial
Microsoft office software having a spreadsheet that has been used especially
for numerical data calculation and analysis. It is widely used in the banking
sectors and financial institutions. In the context of engineering, it is used for
estimation of cost of the proposed project. Excel facilitates variety of
calculation tools and commands for the complex calculations. Apart from that,
one can also input one’s own formula for special calculations. Normally,
calculations are done in a tabular form like statistics. Some basic functions are
commonly adopted such as sum, product, IF, average, count, maximum,
minimum etc.
C. Microsoft Office Word:
Microsoft Word is a word processing program that allows for the creation of
both simple and complex documents. You can create and edit documents
containing text and images, work with data in spreadsheets and databases,
and create presentations and posters. This is another significant Microsoft
office software generally used for the official purpose. It was initially launched
in 1983 and has since been used for both Windows and Mac operating
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1.4 Technical Norms and Standards for 2.5 storey residential Buildings in
terms of Nepal.
➢ Total occupy Land Area for purposed Buildings= 1000 sq. m
➢ Span of Beam = 14 feet 9 inch (maximum)
➢ Set Back
-For provide window = 5 feet
-For provide verandah = 8 fee
-Slab projection = 1 feet 6 inch
➢ Minimum size of Column = 12 *12 Inch
➢ Slab Thickness = 5 inch min.
➢ Minimum floor Height = 9 Feet
➢ Sill Level 2 Feet 6 Inch
➢ For Staircase
-Minimum width of Tread = 8 Inch
-Maximum height of Riser 10 Inch

-source: National building code(NBC) 205

1.5 Architectural Drawings (2.5 storey Building)

-Drawing are showing in A4 paper below.

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1.8 Comments And Conclusion

we should adopt design is easiest and the estimated cost of the building was
done to make most economical to being purposed building comfortable, safe
and durable. All design Criteria like Norms, specifications, and legal polices are
follow while designing of Building.

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