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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) – Volume 11 Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2024


A Study on Pushover Analysis of Multi-Storey Building with Its

Effects on Different Sections of Soft Storey by Using SAP 2000
Shubham Mishra [1], Vikas Kumar [2]
M.Tech Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Arya College of Engineering & Research Centre, Jaipur,
Rajasthan, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Arya College of Engineering, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
The construction should be such that the building has adequate shear strength, high ductility, and will remain as one
unit, even while subjected to very large deformation. Natural hazards under which like earthquakes are mainly caused
by damage to or collapse of buildings and other man-made structures. Experience has shown that for new
constructions, establishing earthquake resistant regulations and their implementation is the critical safe guard against
earthquake-induced damage. With our development in modern society and continuous technological advancement, we
have achieved sustained performance in structural infrastructure. Three Multi-storey building models are selected
which contain different number of storeys as each and every model contains 27 columns and 45 beams in each floor.
Use M-30 concrete and Fe-250 grade steel. In proposed work different shapes of beam with equal perimeter. We use
Csi software SAP2000. Five hollow cross-sections ( Circular, Rectangular and Square) beams are considered with
constant span length and unchanged perimeter. The example of hollow beamis modeled and analyzed inSAP 2000 and
the responses are found to be fairly matching. Forthe purpose of the parametric study, the three hollow cross-sections
are modeled in SAP2000. The span length, cross-section and material main unchanged. The best cross section and
find minimum deflection and bending moment we choose a 08, 12, and 15-storey buildings of 15-meter-wide and
height of each column is 3m.
Keywords — Longitudinal Bending Stress, Shear Lag, Transverse Bending Stress, SAP2000.
bending moment which should be plotted through
I. INTRODUCTION graph. The values present in the graph will tell the
Due to Earth, the internal and external structure value of bending moment and shear force. These
of the building is affected.Therefore, the values will be different for each8 storey building,
combination of beam and column is done in such a 10 storey building and 15 storey building as the
way that the Hinge point located in them can be height of the building increases thus the ability to
assessed at which the maximum bending moment is resist earthquake will also decrease.
being created and the shear force can also be The earthquake response differs between tall
determined. Thus, pushover analysis can be used as buildings and those of low to medium height.
a parametric view of the building is required Therefore, it is crucial to consider resistance to
Previous earthquakes have shown that future forces when planning and designing high-
earthquakes can occured significant financial losses rise structures to ensure a unified structure. Seismic
in building. Related financial losses during buildings are specifically designed and constructed
rehabilitation, periods of rest and disruption of to withstand seismic activity, aiming to prevent
performance must be taken into account fully accidents during potential earthquakes. Despite
assess the impact of the earthquake on society. For being constructed based on digital decisions,
that, there are several ways to implement it a recent historical evidence suggests failures during ancient
earthquake assessment has been proposed. earthquakes. Strengthening properties such as
High-rise buildings are more attractive than low- strength, stiffness, and energy stability are crucial
rise to medium-sized buildings in large cities with areas for improvement to enhance the resilience of
expandable land resources. Although seasonal structures.
construction of low-rise buildings is used to a large
extent, it is limited to high-rise II. REVIEW PROCESS ADOPTED
buildings.Oneofthereasonsisthelackofknowledgeab • Models featuring shear walls show
outtheresistanceofthelateralforces maximum displacement as stiffness
oftallbuildingswhen they are built according to the increases.
conventional methodIn this way the power of • Research indicates that force transfer with
combination of Beam and column can be registered shear hinges and bracing walls is greater
correctly so that the building can be protected from than in models featuring shear walls and
internal and external damage. It is necessary that bracing in various sections. The maximum
the value of shear force and Bending moment will distortion has been observed to decrease
be different for different floors. It is necessary that significantly after the installation or
the building of different story height. This should attachment of hinges in reinforced
be measured and a relation should be created concrete frames.
between them on the basis of shear force and

ISSN: 2393-9516 Page 27

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) – Volume 11 Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2024

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parallel to shear walls, with cross bracing base shear for all cross section of equal
being the most effective type of bracing. perimeter.
• FRP (Fiber-Reinforced Polymer) • Suggest shape of best beam.
couplings are effective in improving
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