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Class - 11th



1) The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions.

2) Section A consists of question 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple choice questions. All
questions are compulsory.
3) Section B consist of questions 19-24 carrying 2 marks each and are very short answer types and
should not exceed 60-90 words. Attempt any 5.
4) Section C consist of Question 25-30 carrying 3 marks each and are short answer types and should not
exceed 100-150 words. Attempt any 5.
5) Section D consist of Question 31-33 carrying 4 marks each and are case studies. There is internal
choice available.
6) Section E consists of Question 34-37 carrying 5 marks each and are long answer types and should not
exceed 200-300 words. Attempt any 3.

Section- A

Q 1. After completing D.P.Ed. you can teach classes :

(a) 1st to 8th (b) 1st to 5th (c) 6th to 8th (d)1st to 10th

Q 2. Where is the headquarters of International Olympic Committee located ?

(a) U.S.A. (b) London (c) Switzerland (d) Germany

Q 3. The term “Citius” in the Olympic motto denotes:

(a) Higher (b) Faster (c) Stronger (d) All of the above

Q 4. Which country did Baron Pierre de Coubertin belong to ?

(a) France (b) Greece (c) Denmark (d) Switzerland

Q 5. Out of the following which one is not an element of Ashtanga Yoga ?

(a) Yama (b) Niyama (c) Dhauti (d) Pratyahara

Q 6. How many yamas have been outlined in Ashtanga yoga?

(a) 4
(b) 3
(c) 5
(d) 2

Q 7. A Disability present at the time of birth is also known as:

(a) invisible disability

(b) locomotor disability
(c) congenital disability
(d) temporary disability

Q 8. Which of the following is not a Physical Disability?

(a) Injury to Spinal cord

(b) Injury to neck
(c) Loss of limb
(d) Attention Deficit Disorder

Q 9. What is the maximum range of movement possible at a joint known as?

(a) Flexibility
(b) Coordinative ability
(c) Locomotor ability
(d) None of the above

Q 10. Physical exercise done in the presence of oxygen is called :

(a) aerobic (b) anaerobic (c) isometric (d) isokinetic

Q 11. A test should be:

(a) Valid (b) Reliable (c) Repeatable (d) All of the above

Q 12. What is the average heart rate of adult human being ?

(a) 56 beats/min
(b) 72 beats /min
(c) 89 beats /min
(d) 110 beats /min

Q 13. Acceleration due to an external force acting on a moving object is technically defined as change in
that object’s :
(a) location (b) direction (c) velocity (d) movement

Q 14. What type of behavior is important for a sportsperson during training and competition ?

(a) Pessimistic (b) Positive (c) Negative (d) All of the above

Q 15. Meso cycle is a training of :

(a) one week (b) 4 to 10 days (c) 3 to 6 weeks (d) 3 months

Q 16. Which principle focuses on training according to specific requirements of particular sports ?

(a) Principle of Progression

(b) Principle of Continuity
(c) Principle of Specificity
(d) Principle of Individual Difference

Q 17. Full form of IAAF :

(a) International Association of Athletics Federation

(b) Interstate Association of Athletics Federation
(c) Interstate Association of Athletics Foundation
(d) Indian Association of Athletics Federation

Q 18. Which type of strength is used in pushing the wall?

(a) Maximum strength

(b) Isotonic strength
(c) Isometric strength
(d) Strength Endurance

Section- B

Q 19. Name some technological advancements in sports. (0.5*4)

Q 20. What do you mean by strength? (2)

Q 21. Write about the Olympic flag. (0.5*4)

Q 22. Name any two wearable gears. (2)

Q 23. Define Endurance. (2)

Q 24. What do Motor ability tests measure ? (2)

Section- C

Q 25. Write in brief about the objectives of Physical Education. (3)

Q 26. Discuss briefly about the importance of Physical fitness. (3)

Q 27. What are the types of disability ? Explain briefly. (1+0.5*4)

Q 28. Explain the Anthropometric and Intelligence Tests. (1.5+1.5)

Q 29. Name any four physiological systems of human body. (1+2)

Q 30. What are the types of joints? (1+2)

Section- D

Q 31. Nowadays, people have become very health conscious. They want to be healthy & fit. Thus, the
opportunities in the Health related careers have grown in recent years. In the health-related careers one
can open up the health clubs, work as a fitness trainer, athletic trainer, yoga trainer, physiotherapist etc.
One can also enter into the field of sports medicines, sports nutrition, rehabilitation etc.

1. What were the traditional careers in Physical Education?

2. What are the requirements needed to become a Coach?
3. List the courses recognised by National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE) for teachers of Physical
4. Name any two career options available in Physical Education. (4*1=4)

Q 32. Health Threat can be referred to any situation or factor that may represent a danger to the health
of people. According to a report by WHO, the leading global risks for mortality in the world are high
blood pressure (responsible for 13% of deaths globally), tobacco use (9%), high blood glucose (6%),
physical inactivity (6%), and overweight and obesity (5%). These risks are responsible for raising the risk
of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancers. But all these health threats are
preventable and can be managed by mitigating risk factors and making lifestyle and dietary changes.

1. Define wellness.
2. What is a health threat?
3. According to the passage, which lifestyle disease causes most deaths globally?
4. Explain any two lifestyle changes to manage health threats. (4*1=4)

Q 33. Simran, 16, does not talk to her mom anymore. Mom
does not know what to do. Simran fights with her mother
daily. Simran sneaks out of her bedroom and does not listen
to mom. Simran’s mom does not know how to handle the
changes and nags Simran about everything: clothes, school
work, friends and how much she misses spending time with her. Simran wants her mom to stop
nagging and mom wants Simran to talk with her more.

1. Define Adolescence.
2. Write about any two common problems of Adolescence?
3. How can Simran’s mom help Simran in solving her problem? (1+2+1)

Q. What do you mean by adolescence ? Explain the problems of adolescents.

Section- E

Q 34. How technological advancements have changed the way of sports ? Explain in detail. (5)

Q 35. What is sports training? Write the principles of sports training. (5)
Q 36. Describe the structure and working of heart with the help of diagram. (1+2+2)
Q 37. Write a short note on :
(i) The flame and torch relay
(ii) The Motto and Maxim
(iii) Olympic Flag (2+2+1)

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