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54 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20223, Freedom of Information Act Program ‘Communications Center 245 Murray Lane, S.W., Building T-5, Mail Stop 8205 Washington, D.C. 20223 Date: January 8, 2024 David Bossie 1006 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20003 To GROSSO Soe, File Number: 20230720 Dear Requester: This is the final response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, originally received by the United States Secret Service (Secret Service) on July 6, 2023, for information pertaining to information pertaining to the following: 1. Copies of any and all records of communication, including but not limited to, emails and text ‘massages between any employee of the U.S. Secret Service and any employee of the Executive Office of the President relating to the small amount of cocaine that was discovered in the West Wing on or around July 2, 2023; 2. Copies of any and all records of communication, including but not limited to, emails and text messages, between any employee of the U.S. Secret Service and any member of the news media relating to the small amount of cocaine that was discovered in the West Wing on or around July 2, 2023; and 3. Copies of any and all records of communication, including but not limited to, emails and text ‘messages, between any employee of the U.S. Secret Service and any employee of the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice, District of Columbia Police Department, or District of Columbia Fire Department relating to the small amount of cocaine that was discovered in the West, ‘Wing on or around July 2, 2023, After a detailed review of all potentially responsive records, 112 pages were released and 34 pages ‘were withheld in their entirety. After considering the "Foreseeable Harm" standard, outlined in Title 5 U.S.C § 552(a)(8)(A)(i) and Department of Justice guidance, exemptions under FOIA Statute Title 5 U.S.C. § 552, and/or the PA Statute Title 5 U.S.C. § 552a, have been applied where deemed appropriate, Enclosed are the documents responsive to your request, as well as a document that explains the exemptions in more detail. Withheld information is pursuant to the exemptions marked below. ‘Section 552 (FOIA) )Q) ©) 2) (b) (3) Statute: ) oe ©) ()((A)— &)(7) (B) HOA OH HOMH OMH MB Please be advised, in the processing of this FOIA request, no fees are being assessed. ‘Ifyou deem our decision an adverse determination, you may exercise your appeal rights. Should ‘you wish to file an administrative appeal, your appeal should be made in writing and received within ninety (90) days of the date of this letter, by writing to: Freedom of Information Appeal, Deputy Director, U.S. Secret Service, Communications Center, 245 Murray Lane, S.W., Building T-5, Washington, D.C. 20223. If you choose to file an administrative appeal, please explain the basis of your appeal and reference the case number listed above, Additionally, you have the right to seek dispute resolution services from the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) which mediates disputes between FOIA requesters and Federal agencies as a non-exclusive alternative to litigation. Please note that contacting the Secret Service’s FOLA Program and/or OGIS is not an alternative to filing an administrative appeal and does not stop the 90-day appeal clock. You may contact OGIS at: Office of Government Information Services, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road-OGIS, College Park, Maryland 20740-6001. You may also reach OGIS via e-mail at [email protected], telephone at 202-741-5770/oll free at (877) 684-6448, or facsimile at (202) 741- 5769. Ifyou need any further assistance, or would like to discuss any aspect of your request, please contact our FOIA Public Liaison Kevin Tyrrel, at (202) 220-1819. Alternatively, you may send an email to [email protected]. FOIA File No. 20230720 is assigned to your request. Please refer to this file number in all future communication with this office. Sincerely, Xen L tl Kevin L. Tyrrell Freedom of Information Act Officer Office of Intergovernmental and Legislative Affairs Enclosure: FOIA and Privacy Act Exemption List FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT ‘SUBSECTIONS OF TITLE §, UNITED STATES CODE, SECTION $52 Provisions ofthe Freedom of Information Act do not apply to matters that are: oa o@ wo) wm wo wo oo ow He) (A) specifically authorized under eiteria established by an Executive Onder tobe kept Secret inthe interes of national defense or foreign policy; and (B) are in fc propery classified pursuant to such Executive Order ‘elated solely to the itera personnel rules and prasties of any ageney specifically exempted frm disclosure hy statute (other than section $52b of thistle), if that statute: (A)() requires thatthe matters be withheld fom the public in such a manner as o leave no discretion on the issue, or (i) establishes particular eriteria for withholding or refers o particular ‘ypes ofmates tobe withheld; and (B) is enacted afte the date of enactment of the OPEN FOLA Act of 2009, ‘uade secrets and commer or financial information obtained from person and is privileged or oneal; imter-ageney or ntra-ageocy memorandums or eters which would not be avilable by law to apart ober than an agency in tigation with the agency; provided thatthe deliberative process privilege shal ot apply to records created 25 yeas or more before the dae on which the records ‘were requested; ‘personne! files and medical files and similar ils the disclosure of which would consintea clearly unwaraned invasion of personal pevacy, records or information compiled fr law enforement purposes, but ony to te extent tha the information: (A) could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings; (B) would deprive a person of aright toa fair trial or an impartial adjudication: (C) could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarraned invasion of personal privacy; (D) could reasonably be expected to disclose the identity of confidential sour, including a Stat, loca, foreign agency or authority, or any private institution tha frished infomation on a confidential basis, andlor ‘when recordsinformation compile bya eriminal law enforcement authority inthe course ofa riminal investigation or by an agency conducting, laf ational security intelligence investigation, information furnished by & confidential source; () would disclose techniques and procedures far law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, o would disclose guidelines fr law enforcement investigation or protections if uch Subject [as] CHB DATE AND TIME: July 2, 2023 at 1919 hours PRESENT LOCATION[ “XE. } REPORTING UNIT: [XO CONE] ACTIVITY: NARRATIVE: OOS ]White powdery substance located outside of [@iG=) North Fence Line, Lafayette Park, Ellipse, Sherman and First Division have all been secured| Ox) IMPACT ON THE COMPLEX: WHE ]latayette Park is closed and the North Fence Line. rom HOOD z saa DOE Date: Sunday, Day 2, PORT BSS PH ***FINAL***-[—______©@E)_____Bubstance was deemed NOT HAZARDOUS. Closures are being lifted. All partner agencies are departing. From: CXC CNC DOMES) Sent: Sunday, July 2, 2023 8:37 PM. 1 OX; OX: OXAE) Subject: ***UPDATE 2***| O)OKE) ***UPDATE 2*** DCFD has made entry into the West Wing to evaluate the white powdery substance. rom | ———_ rarer _—_—} Sent: Sunday, July 2, 2023 8:23 PM Te: Subject ““URDATE* [m0] +***UPDATE*** West Wing has been evacuated. West Executive Avenue has been evacuated except for posted UD units and EEOB is currently sheltering in place. Closures have extended to all vehicular and pedestrian traffic on 17" Street from H Street to New York Avenue. [XE] From____ aeRO — Sent: Sunday, July 2, 2023 8:08 PM a ‘Subject: ***CORRECTION*** ‘***CORRECTION*** the white powdery substance is inside of |_OXE_] Fro Sent: Sunday, July 2, 2023 7:56 PM To! TTA Subject OMA) DATE AND TIME; July 2, 2023 at 1919 hours PRESENT LOCATION: REPORTING UNIT: (CXOR@IONO_] actwy:[___ bie 7] NARRATIVE: ®GE)_____—]White powdery substance located outside of [WGE) North Fence Line, Lafayette Park, Ellipse, Sherman and First Division have all been secured. [__ Bare] IMPACT ON THE COMPLEX:| OME) fayette Park is closed and the North Fence Line. Ct XO; NEE OIE Subject: CAB, Date: Sunday, Dly 2, 2023 7:29:45 PM DATE AND TIME: Sunday, July, 2 2023, at 1920 Hours LOCATION: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW. REPORTING UNIT: WHB/JOC TYPE OF INCIDENT: [_@nm, NARRATIVE: Units responded to the above location to _@® with a [mmm ue to a suspicious "powdery" substance located at LOO] From: Yo: WO. 0x0; 0) subject Date: SAY 7, PS TEP oc) DATE AND TIME: July 2, 2023 at 1919 hours PRESENT LOCATION: 67=_] REPORTING UNIT:| ACTIVITY: NARRATI WANE) White powdery substance located outside of [17 JNorth Fence Line, Lafayette Park, Ellipse, Sherman and First Division have all been secured. XE) IMPACT ON THE COMPLEX; BOG Lafayette Park is closed and the North Fence Line. Printed Date: 7/9/2023 2:11 PM Approved By: ‘Approval Date: 07703/2023 02:15 Report #: MEM-23-00001 Received Date/Time: 07/02/2023 17:48 Received By: Assigned To: Notes: “other" incident Investigating CFO: Washington DETAILS: INCIDENT OF INTEREST: (On 07/02/2023, at 1746 hours EDT, [EXE BEET —USSS/UOW, notified the JOC of the folowing incident’ (0n 07/02/2023, at 1748 hours EDT, the White House Watch Commander requested Crime Scene and TSD to respond te[ ®@IE) jor a small bag containing an unknown white powdery substance. ‘Qn 07102/2023, af 1820 hours EDT, the [TPR Feu to a suspicious substance at White House [OEE] (On 07/02/2023, at 2024 hours EDT, USSS/UDW/JOG advised the West Wing has been evacuated. West Executive Avenue was evacuated except for posted UD units and the EEOB sheltered in place. Closures ‘extended to all vehioular and et ian traffic on 17th Street from H Street to New York Avenue. |_@@) —] (On 07/02/2023, at 2037 hours EDT, USSS/UDW/JOC advised DCFD made entry into the West Wing to ‘evaluate the white powdery substance. (On 07/02/2023, at 2059 hours EDT, USSS/UDW/JOC advised the White House was| ‘The substance was deemed NOT HAZARDOUS. Closures were lied. All partner agendies departed. (On 07/02/2028, at 2233 hours EDT, ISBT] SSSIPIDINOC, notified (xs, THZKE] this incident for situational awareness, ATTACHMENTS: FMB Update FMB Sitrep -PIOC Alert =PIOC Alert #2 = JOC Update = JOC Update #2 = JOC Update #3 = JOC Update #4 = JOC Final Z[ we: mene ~AleriDC Road Cosures — - CHO ONCE OEY DISPOSITION: This report will be forwarded to R1 Printed Date: 7/9/2023 2:11 PM ATTACHMENTS: ‘Attachment (1/14) ‘Type: JGram (memo) User Name: [_TeX@):TSVXCT File Name: _“ACTION REQUIRED _ INC-23.02924_ [“BX@:TO(7XT—(NRID) utiizing Twitter handle [DEES] [SESE NRO) posted treats. sg File Extension: msg je Size: 2.6 MB Date Uploaded: 07/03/2023, Document Date: 07/03/2023 Remarks: R1 tasking WV for prelim ‘tachment @4) “Type: Incident Notcation User Name’ Fe Name: _FYSA ONLY —WEM.23-00081-_R1_The [57> Cie toa suePcius substance at White House (EHO) Peg Fle Extension mog Fle Size 94 KS Date Uploaded: 07/02/2023 Document Date: 0702/2023 Remarks DOE, Notification ‘Attachment (3/14) ‘Type: Other User Name: FINAL Imsg File Extension: meg File Size: 79 KB Date Uploaded: 07/02/2023 Document Date: 07/02/2023 Remarks: JOC Final Attachment (4/14) ype: ther User Name:{—— 75 Flo Name: Re_[— tone) — neg File Extension: gg File Size: 68 KB Date Uploaded: 0702/2003 Document Date: 07/02/2028 Remarks: FMB-SITREP ‘Attachment (5/14) “ype: Other User Name: (ere File Name: UPDATE 4_ PIOG Alen - [xe]. Jar a suspicious substance ‘was found at White House[@)@ne) msg Fe Extension: msg Fie Size: 200 KB Date Uploaded: 07/02/2023 Document Date: 07/02/2023 Remarks: JOC Update #4 ‘Attachment (6/14) ‘Type: Other User Name: OWA] File Name: _— UPDATE WOE msg File Extension: msg File Size: 75 KB Date Uploaded: 07/02/2023 ‘Document Date: 07/02/2023 Remarks: JOC Update #3 Printed Date: 7/9/2023 2:11 PM ‘Attachment (7/14) Type: Other User Name: File Name: CORRECTION _ [wax meg Fie Extension msg Fie Size: 71 KB Date Uploaded: 07/02/2023 Document Date: 0702/2028 Remarks: JOC Update #2 Attachment (8/14) “Type: Police RecordCriminal Record User Name: 2 File Extension: pdf File Size: 196 KB Date Uploaded: 07/02/2023 Document Date: 07/02/2023 Remarks: 1 ONS ‘Atachment (9/14) Type: Other User Namel OG OE] File Name: Road Closures — Fire Department Activity (Pennsyivania Avenue_NW).msg Fie Extension: meg File Size: 93 KB Date Uploaded: 07/02/2023, Document Date: 07/02/2023 Remarks: AlenDC Road Closures. ‘Attachment (10/14) “Type: PlOc Art User Name: Fe Name: UPDATE 1_PIOG Alen - [TSG —ee to a suspicious substance at White House Fie Extension: mog Fie Size: 200 Ke Date Uploaded: 07/02/2023 Document Dat: 710212028 Remarks: PIOG Alen #2 Attachment (11/14) ‘Type: Police RecordiCriminal Record ‘User Name File Namo: one ct File Extensor File Size: 134 KB Date Uploaded: 07/02/2023 Document Date: 07/02/2023 Remarks:[____ XE] ‘Attachment (12/14) “Type: Initial Incident Reporting User Name: [TYE VNC. ] File Name: [— gE] rsg File Extension: msg File Size: 66 KB Date Uploaded: 07/02/2023, ‘Document Date: 07/02/2023 Remarks: JOC Update ‘Attachment (19/14) ‘Type: PIOC Alert ‘User Name: File Name: PIOC Alert -[_— ——T6¥7RET "Hue to a suspicious substance at White House [OD] (EEL msg File Extension: msg File Size: 201 KB Date Uploaded: 07/02/2023 Document Date: 07/02/2023 Remarks: PIOC Alert ‘Atachrnont (14/14) “ype inal Incident Reporting User Name:[_(@X6):OX7KC)_] Fie Name:[— race Jeg Fie Extension: meg File Size: 65 KB Date Uploaded: 07/02/2023 Document Date: 0702/2023 Remarks: FMB Update Printed Date: 7/3/2023 2:11 PM = WG; KAS; OO) ‘ec PCa bee ‘Sia 207 U.S. Secret Service CCRC UPR we SSeS SUL i ts What CAE Jue toa suspicious substance at White House [EAE] Cal Origination Usss/UDW_ Where 1600 Peansyiania Ave NW ‘Weshingon, Distt of Columbia, 20500 White Howse When (07/02/2023, at approximately 1920 hours Who Unknown Summary (01 07/02/2023, t approximately 1920 hours EDT, the [TSYIEY tre to a suspicious substance at White House[TBY7¥E] as POTUS is at Camp David, MD \YPOTUS is in Los Angeles, CA “There is no reported mea coverage ofthis neident at his time “The PIOC wil provide additional updstes ax deemed appropriate Please contact the PIOC with any questions [OE] ‘Fhininfommationsmutsotbedinneminiabousileetthetio- Sue Sunvion FINAL: The substance in question tested positive for Narcotics, all FM Units have cleared. From:| DOCG: OE. Sent: Sunday, July 2, 2023 7:29 PM To: DOOD ODS. Subject: Asist ODE] DATE AND TIME: Sunday, July, 2 2023, at 1920 Hours LOCATION: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW. REPORTING UNIT: WHB/JOC TYPE OF INCIDENT: [_ ae) NARRATIVE: Units responded to the above location tol_ma@e —_|with a OOS due to a suspicious "powdery" substance located at (wma_] Sorocctowal lores / Fire Department Activity (Pennsylvania Avenue, NW) ‘Sunday, Duy 2, 2023 8:12:32 PM This is an important message from the District of Columbia AlertDC system. DC FEMS reports the following road closures due to fire department activity: The 1800 block of Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, between 17th and 18th Streets ‘The 500-700 blocks of 17th Street, NW, between E and H Streets Please use alternate routes. Click Here to update your profile. To stop receiving future email notifications from this organization unsubscribe here. ipl U.S. Secret Service OR ee SSeS OCH Te AO Cee R CCL UPDATE ‘The suspicious substance isa white powder in a small Ziplock bag onthe’yesobby floor. ‘The White House has been evacuated, ‘The Ellipse bas been cleared. Constitution Avenue to H Street have been close. DC fire and HAZMAT are enoute tothe White House. What (FET ue to a suspicious substance at White House[OE)—] Call Origination sss /UDW Where 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW ‘Washington, District of Columbia, 20500 When, (07/02/2023, at approximately 2120 hours Who Unknown Summary ee POTUS is at Camp Davi, MD YPOTUS isin Los Angees,CA ‘Theres no rpoted media coverage ofthis nina this tie ‘The PIOC wil provide sional pds as deemed appropri Please contact the PIOC with any questions,[ —6)OKEY —] a seams U.S. Secret Service OCR Cur SSMU eC rc) Ine TRON CCL UPDATE 4: Per USSS/JOC, the substance was deemed tobe not hazardous. DC Fire is departing the scene UPDATE3: ‘The White House has[_———(B [ET }ter a suspicious substance was found at White Housel XE Street Closures have been lifted. UPDATE 2: DC fire and HAZMAT are on scene. 1Sth Street and 17th Steet have been closed, ‘There is media coverage ofthis incident. urpatEt: = ‘The tpicous substance isa white powder in a small iploek ten foo. ‘The White House has been evacuated. ‘The Ellipse has been cleared. Constitution Avenue to H Street have been closed. DC fire and HAZMAT are enoute to the White House, wi (as ter spo uae va found t White Howse EE] Call Origination Usss/UDW Where 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, District of Columbia, 20500, When (07/02/2023, at approximately 2120 hours Who Unkown Summary (On 0702/2023, at approximately 1920 hours EDT, the} DOE due toa Lene] suspicious substance at White Housel Dae POTUS is at Carp David, MD \VPOTUS isin Los Angeles, CA “Thee is reported media coverage of his incident. CMR bas been notified, ‘The IOC will provide aditionl updates as deemed appropriate, Please contact the IOC with any questions, [TG] ‘Fhicinformationmuntnetnedineminatedeutsiiecf ihe LoS Seeret Serie 1@ Share @ Copylink 4 Download + O | Wl 4/47 Dl | x Nonresponsive To The FOIA Request Nonresponsive To ‘The FOIA Request fon [EEEBEACs0\—— wer —] jonday, july 3, 2023 233.35 AM ToS) 0) TOOT FISD) 5 CaO DOONTSO) TOMS. — ITSO TOONS 1 [DERBI TS0) DGS ‘Subject: Re: Update Thread (ae ‘Thank you), J, forthe live play by play while I typed this, Starting time Approx 1745 UD advised of a small ziploc bag approximately less than 1” in by 1” in the cell phone lockers by[ (©; GIAO was confident it was drug related thus the phone call to UD.CRIME SCENE. [GEDA pnd other UD officals asked for TSD to brief as general awareness and ask for recommendation as to ‘hat to do [Y@;— has en route another escort and asked if what the specific concern was. They identified they wanted to go the crime scene route due to their confidence level it was drug related, TSO Tech Desk informed @ Share @ Copylink 4 Download ® Id 4t/a7 (CasroRe_1sp) (—— wan] ‘Monday, July 3, 2023 1:34:24 AM (oie: 60 18D) [ere >) (mier@exe JIsb)[ Gd (BO; OAG_JTSD) CC OOD) (TSD) OO: CHONG (rs) see C (sD) sara) Subject: Re: Update Thread Follow up ompleted Monday, July 3, 2023 1:38:00 AM oxo, DOWNS paded,| 9 just notified me they pushed, Rk USSS/TSD DO: OK From{ COWNO ]T50}] CONS Sent: Sunday, July 2, 2023 9:33:35 PM ‘To: [EKGs AMO]ISD) [—__ xe N71) [ DEORE TOT BEDARD 1 5 DATO) f CHO: CXC —F180) [ NCR EMTKC EEBASTS) (ww subject Re: USOT Tead Ker Thank you|"2”for the live play by play while I typed this. Starting time Approx 1745 UD advised of a small ziploc bag approximately less than 1” in by 1” in the cell phone lockers by [@%@: GONG: GONE _}vas confident it was drug related thus the phone call to UD CRIME SCENE. [GDH fnd other UD officials asked for TSD to brief as general awareness and ask for recommendation as to what to do[(6X6); © jas en route another escort and asked if what the specific concer was. They identified they wanted to go the crime scene route due to their confidence level it was drug related. TSD Tech Desk informed UD that he was willing to call AHB response when UD confirmed the Crime Scene route. There were no signs or symptoms reported from any of the UD personnel who had ‘opened the phone closet or from any of the tour guests, TSI conducted his escort and then returned to West Exec. Ave. as Crime Scene arrived. \@ Share @ Copylink 4 Download «+ O | 4 4/47 Dio] x From: (sere \1sp) eS ——] ‘Monday, July 3, 2023 1:33:35 AM WO_WAT_JTSD) TEOHS sb) GOS. (sb) HOO. ce: Ot OO (TSD) OX); CKO) (TSD) NO. Subject: Re: Update Thread Follow up: Follow up Follow up status: Completed Completed on: Monday, July 3, 2023 11:20:00 AM ‘Thank you| “Gj for the live play by play while I typed this. Starting time Approx 1745 UD advised of a small ziploc bag approximately less than 1” in by 1” in the cell phone lockers by [ CxO; XO; OKA _]was confident it was drug related thus the phone call to UD CRIME SCENE. [GDS _hnd other UD officials asked for TSD to brief as general awareness and ask for Tecommendation as to what to de{ XG: ONS fas en route another escort and asked if what the specific concer was. They identified they wanted to go the crime scene route due to their confidence level it was drug related. TSD Tech Desk informed UD that he was willing to call AHB response when UD confirmed the Crime Scene route. There were no signs or symptoms reported from any of the UD personnel who had ‘opened the phone. closet or from any of the tour guests. TSI conducted his escort and then retuned to West Exec. Ave. as Crime Scene arrived, Crime scene asked for additional TSD assistance/equipment and when briefed it would take approximately 1hour for the response person to arrive and while on the phone identifying other courses of actions UD crime scene entered the scene af®X7for their testing. They then returned with a non conclusive result and asked the Tech Desk for a more tethmical response. (DGEDT provided a preemptive test for radiation, thermal changes, or any off gassing. All tests came back ‘with no results, Itwag -ommendation that the substance be over-packed for transport to a lab for testing. When askea'Whit me substance was XS, jinformed the UD that he couldn't identify what it ‘was but could identify what it was not doing. 222 Again, [Ge |nformed UD he was able to call AHB response and have a field test done but it would still need i sported to a lab for confirmation, UD said they do not transport unknown substances. ‘When|,@/0%, jwasn’t able to positively identify what the substance was, the on phone Inspector{_@xe OKO. confirmed they cannot transform unknown substances which would need to be declared Suspicious. It was at this time [©X6: 0 went over the radio and declared the scene suspicious leading to a DC Fire Response. CONG. @ Share @ Copylink 4 Download ® ! 4 28/47 bt From: (W@GORG"\Tsp) ‘Sent on: Saturday, July 8, 2023 2:01:25 AM. To: UDF) UDF) ory cc: Se 8aS— UDA see} sD) _oaeme sd ars) exe 9 Subject: Re: 23-260 / WW Evidence Follow up: ‘Follow up Completed Completed on: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 3: 3:00 PM Good evening, apologize for the late email. I was just notified that the Deputy Director of the FBI received a request from USSS executive. leadership to retain the sample and conduct additional forensic analysis at the FBL Jab at Quantico. I don’t have any further info, but I wanted to. pass this so that confirmations could be made if you had not received that through the appropriate channels. wx MILO Special Agent | U.S. Secret Service All Hazards Countermeasures Technical Security Division OOOO. Sent from my iPhone From: {COROGRETTSO| [WOT] ‘Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2023 8:34:39 PM *[_ges-ee woe (sere tn ToYGY. MONTE) —] (UOF)L ONE EXT) ] STEREO (IGHOWG) }30) ___ Sawa —— TOON YTS) [ WOE OKNG. ] ‘Subject: Re: 23-260 / WW Evidence Good evening everyone, I just got off a Carplane and have about 60 emails to catch up on, but per my discussions with TSD executive leadership just before taking off, 11Q was going to designate cither CSSU or a squad from WFO to handle the transfer. TSD will not be picking up the evidence. TSD’s role at this point was to coordinate with our partners at NBFAC to ensure they were in, contact with whatever group was designated by USSS. HO. Tt anneare that C&ST1 is that arniin > 1@ Share @ Copylink Download ++ OQ | MW war pl | x Nonresponsive To The FOIA Request Frome [ERECT \uDF [KS ——} Sent: Monday, July 10, 2023 23:54 pcemc cm DOCG. (UDF) ]UDFYT DOOM. ] ROE FONE JUDF) TONS Ces [CHEF ENE |TSD) [HOT] Subject: Clear the Air Good Evening, Ne % FB) Special Agent By. called. The Item we collected from the West Wing is not at the NBFAC Lab, its already in Quantico, per USSS request, and has been tested and processed for prints and DNA (both inconclusive). The item still needs to be given authorization to be released and then property packaged for transport. When itis authorized to be released @GXEV__________Jonlyafter it arrives to F&I WFO, an someone from CSSU respond and retrieve TE Special Ager fy my pair of contact and wil et me know ‘when this happens. Ie Special Agent|ifs still waiting forthe final lab report, and authorization to have the item sent back to DC from his higher-ups, who are supposedly talking with USSS 8" floor staff. wo

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