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Task 1: The continued rise in the world's population is the greatest problem faced by

humanity at the present time. What are the causes of this continued rise? Do you agree
that it is the greatest problem faced by humanity?
In this day and age, the issue of overpopulation has attracted much concern from the public.
This essay aims to analyze some of the most significant reasons and discuss that it is the
biggest problem facing humanity.
There are various reasons. In the first place is the lack of birth control methods. It is generally
believed that people must have some methods to limit overpopulation. Because of the lack of
birth control methods, the world is facing some dangerous problems. Therefore, families need
to take measures to reduce the risk of population explosion. Moreover, there is an imbalance
between births and deaths. It cannot be denied that the rate of population was affected
significantly. At the same time, lifespans are increasing around the world. Besides, children
are born incredibly much every day. This can lead to overpopulation in the world.
I agree that overpopulation is the most enormous problem faced by humanity. There are
several harmful effects. To begin with, is depletion of natural resources. Facts have shown
that humans consume a lot of resources over the years. People use environmental resources
for many different purposes such as production or research. These jobs reduce a large amount
of natural resources. According to the recent survey by VNU, the rate of using natural
resources increased 3% over the years. Finally, is the lack of accommodation. There is no
doubt that it greatly affects the place of residence. The city can become cramped and
overcrowded. That leads to traffic jams, and affects the quality of life.
In conclusion, above are some among many reasons for overpopulation. Individuals should
take this into account in order to minimize the overpopulation.

1. Number of Turns in the Conversation:

The provided text is not a conversation but rather an essay or a written discussion. Therefore,
it doesn't have distinct turns as you would find in a spoken conversation.
2. Deictic Expressions:
Deictic expressions, which typically include words like "this," "that," "these," and "those,"
are not prominently present in the text. The essay focuses more on presenting facts and
arguments rather than pointing to specific items or ideas.
3. Adjacency Pairs:
Adjacency pairs, which involve a pair of related utterances by two participants, are not
applicable here, as the text is not a conversation with distinct participants responding to each
4. Direct Speech Acts:
The essay contains statements and arguments rather than direct speech acts. It is more of a
persuasive essay presenting the author's viewpoint.
5. Indirect Speech Acts:
The essay doesn't explicitly present indirect speech acts. However, the entire essay can be
considered as an indirect speech act where the author is conveying their perspective on the
issue of overpopulation.
6. Preferred or Dispreferred Responses:
The concept of preferred or dispreferred responses is more relevant in conversational
analysis. In the context of an essay, there isn't a direct interaction where responses are
preferred or dispreferred.

Task 2: It is commonly believed that nowadays main factors that affect a child's
development are media, pop culture and friends. A different point of view is that family
plays the most significant role. Discuss both views.
In this day and age, the issue of child’s development has received much attention of the
public. While some people hold the view that main factors that affect their development are
media, pop culture, and friends, others tend to think that family is the most significant role.
This essay aims to discuss both ideas in detail.
From the one side, external factors brings many benefits. In the first place is the positive
effects of media and peers on children's development. It cannot be denied that children spend
a great deal of time with their friends. Most of the time in a week children go to school to
learn and have fun together. So they can form a child's sociable and outgoing personality. In
addition, computer games or music videos also affect a child's development. When children
play computer games, it can helps them to melt away their tention and lead them to be calm.
Moreover, children often mimic what they see in the media. The content they are exposed to
through social networks can directly influence the formation of their personality later on.
From the other side, Family plays a very important role in the formation and development of
a child's personality. Thanks have shown that the child born and grew with their family, due
to, they learn everything from their parents primarily. They grow up with their parent's
morals and follow the way they were taught. Because parents have directly impact on their
children's characters, so it is natural their behavior and personalities are relatively like their
parents. For example, a child who come from dysfunctional families often exhibit
behavioural problems at school. An emotionally secure environment at home is critical for
the child's confidence.
In conclusion, when you comes to main factors that affect child’s development, there are two
contrasting ideas analyzed above. On the whole, I am inclined to believe that family still
plays an essential role. Parents should take this into account in order to have effective
methods of educating children to let them grow and become a useful person for society.
1. Number of Turns in the Conversation:
Similar to the previous task, this is not a conversation, so there are no distinct turns.
2. Deictic Expressions:
Deictic expressions are not prominent in the text. The essay focuses on presenting viewpoints
rather than pointing to specific items or ideas.
3. Adjacency Pairs:
As it is an essay, there are no adjacency pairs, as there is no back-and-forth interaction
between participants.
4. Direct Speech Acts:
The essay presents statements and arguments rather than direct speech acts. It is a persuasive
piece where the author discusses contrasting perspectives.
5. Indirect Speech Acts:
The entire essay can be considered as an indirect speech act where the author is expressing
their viewpoint and discussing contrasting ideas.
6. Preferred or Dispreferred Responses:
In the context of an essay, there isn't a direct interaction where responses are preferred or
dispreferred. However, the essay presents a preference for the viewpoint that family plays a
more significant role in a child's development.

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