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Why is it important for a research topic to be

F1: 14/15 narrow enough?
1. This quantitative research design describes, explains, - ALL OF THE CHOICES
and validates various aspects of the subject through a
systematic observation of the samples. A narrow topic makes the research manageable.
A narrow topic makes the research attainable within a
2. Dawn would like to narrow down her research topic time frame.
to a manageable cope using the funnel structure
approach. Which of the following should be her A narrow topic allows the researcher to address a
proposed title? specific problem.
MORINGA OLEIFERA EXTRACT 11. This quantitative research design establishes cause-
and-effect relationships among variables.
3. What is the Hawthorne effect? - CAUSAL-COMPARATIVE
THEIR BEHAVIOR. 12. This approach aims to form a data base from which
characteristics of a population can be deduced.
4. Dawn would like to narrow down her research topic - INFERENTIAL APPROACH
to a manageable cope using the funnel structure
approach. Which of the following should she write as a 13. This qualitative research design aims to tell a story
second-level subcategory? about a single or a group of individuals by weaving
- Natural extracts as alternative sources of energy together a sequence of events to form a story.
5. This approach involves a controlled research
environment and manipulation of variables. 14. This qualitative research design develops a general
- EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH explanation or theory underlying a social process.
6. Why is the Hawthorne effect difficult to avoid?
- IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO CONTROL AN INDIVIDUAL’S 15. What is the correct order of the following steps in
BEHAVIOR. the research process?

7. Dawn would like to narrow down her research topic I. collecting and analyzing data
to a manageable cope using the funnel structure
approach. Which of the following should she write as a II. preparing a literature review
main category?
- ENERGY AND EMERGING TECHNOLOGY III. sharing research finding

8. This qualitative research design explores an issue IV. writing the research proposal
using one or more cases within a bounded system as a
specific illustration. - II, I, III, IV

9. This quantitative research design establishes the

extent of the relationship among variables
F2: 9/15 It helps parents and young adults establish guidelines
1. Which of the following should NOT be included in the on how to manage social media usage.
background information?
pertinent theories or concepts It promotes the best social media platform to use in
this day and age.
anticipated results
It promotes public awareness of the potential harmful
related research studies effects of social media on the mental health of young
historical data
5. An operational definition refers to
2. Kyle was tasked to investigate the relationship an abstract, theoretical definition of a concept
between social media usage and mental health in the
young adult population. a definition of a concept in terms of specific, empirical
Which of the following could be a research question?
the colloquial meaning of a term
b. What age group uses social media the most
frequently? one that bears no relation to the underlying concept

c. Which social media platform is the most popular 6. Kyle was tasked to investigate the relationship
among young adults? between social media usage and mental health in the
young adult population
a. What is the effect of social media on the mental
health of young adults? Which of the following should be specified to narrow
the scope of the study?
a. How do different age groups use social media?
all of the above
3. This section of the research paper describes the
contribution of the research study upon completion. name of internet service provider
Definition of Terms
brands of gadgets used to access social media
Background of the Study
age range of subjects
Significance of the Study
7. This section provides necessary context to the
Scope and Limitations of the Study readers for them to reach a common understanding of
the topic.
4. Kyle was tasked to investigate the relationship
between social media usage and mental health in the Significance of the Study
young adult population
Background of the Study
Which of the following is NOT a possible contribution of
the study? Scope and Limitations of the Study

It helps parents and young adults establish healthy Definition of Terms

habits to guard against the potential negative effects of
social media. 8. This describes an area of concern in a specific field of
Research Hypotheses 12. Which of the following should NOT be included in
the “Scope and Limitations” section of the research
Research Problem paper?
unfamiliar terms
Research Objectives
location of the study
Research Questions
variables to be investigated
9. It is a model which integrates multiple views on the
research topic to establish a relationship between or number of participants
among the main elements of the research study.
empirical framework 13. These are steps that the researcher intends to
achieve in order to find answers to the questions and
conceptual framework address the problem being investigated.
Research Hypotheses
theoretical framework
Research Questions
philosophical framework
Research Objectives
10. It is the application of a formal theory or a set of
concepts within the theory to shed light on the research Research Problem
conceptual framework 14. This section of the research paper describes the
extent to which the topic will be explored
empirical framework Significance of the Study

philosophical framework Background of the Study

theoretical framework Scope and Limitations of the Study

11. Which of the following is NOT an example of a Definition of Terms

research hypothesis?
15. Kyle was tasked to investigate the relationship
The incidence of dysthymia in students who are home- between social media usage and mental health in the
schooled is higher than those who are not home- young adult population
Which of the following could be an outcome of the
The frequency of migration of the wandering glider study?
(Pantala flavescens) is lower during the autumn season
than during the spring season. c. Facebook is the most popular social media application
among young adults.
There is no difference in the recurrence of coronavirus
between patients who are anemic and those who are d. Social media has a negative effect on the mental
not anemic. health of young adults.

There is no difference between a pigeon and a dove in a. Teenagers are more active on social media than
terms of scientific nomenclature. adults.
b. Teenagers are more prone to cyberbullying than

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