Introduction To Basic Reliability Statistics

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Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

James Wheeler, CMRP

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

• Arithmetic Mean
• Standard Deviation
• Correlation Coefficient
• Estimating MTBF
– Type I Censoring
– Type II Censoring
• Exponential Distribution
• Reliability Predictions
• Weibull Curves and Intro to Weibull Analysis
• Basic System Reliability
– Series System
– Active Parallel Systems

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Arithmetic Mean

• The arithmetic mean or simply “mean” is the sum of a group

of numbers divided by the number of items in the group.
• In statistics, this is denoted by x (pronounced “x bar”)
• Example: What is the arithmetic mean of 24,37,16 and 21?

x = (24 + 37 + 16 + 21) = 98 ÷ 4 = 24.5

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Arithmetic Mean
1 1
x = ∑x i x = (24 + 37 + 16 + 21 )
N i =1 4
x1 = 24 1
x 2 = 37 x = (98)
x 3 = 16
x 4 = 21
1 4
x = ∑ xi
4 i=1 x = 24.5
Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.
Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Standard Deviation

• Standard deviation is the measure of statistical dispersion

in a set of numbers.
• It is the Root Mean Square (RMS) of the deviation from
the arithmetic mean of a group of numbers.
• If the data points are all close to the mean then the
Standard Deviation is close to zero.
• If the data points are far from the mean then the standard
deviation is far from zero.
• Standard deviation is noted by the lower case Greek letter
Sigma (σ )

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Standard Deviation

x 1 = 24
x 2 = 37
1 N 1 N
x 3 = 16 σ= ∑ i ( x − x )2
σ= ∑ i ( x − x )2

x 4 = 21 N i =1 N − 1 i =1
For known population size Estimate for unknown population size

σ = [( 24 − 24 . 5 ) 2 + ( 37 − 24 . 5 ) 2 + (16 − 24 . 5 ) 2 + ( 21 − 24 . 5 ) 2 ]

σ = 7.76208

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Correlation Coefficient
• Is the likelihood that 2 sets of numbers are related
– The closer the correlation value gets to 1.0, the more linear the
relationship between the 2 sets of numbers.
• It is based on calculations of slope (m), y-intercept (b)
and correlation (r)
x y
1 2.6 6
2.3 2.8
3.1 3.1 5
4.8 4.7
5.6 5.1 4
6.3 5.3
Slope 0.584
Y-Intercept 1.684 2
Correlation 0.974

0 2 4 6 8

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Correlation Coefficient
• Using the X & Y values, there is a non-graphical method for
calculating slope (m), y intercept (b) and correlation (r).

n Σ ( xy ) − Σ x Σ y
m =
nΣ ( x 2 ) − (Σ x ) 2

Σy − mΣx
nΣ( xy ) − ΣxΣy
[nΣ( x ) − (Σx) ][nΣ( y ) − (Σy) ]
2 2 2 2

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Correlation Coefficient
• Why do I need this? How can I use it?

• Does equipment become more prone to failure

or more expensive failures as it ages?
– Collect some ages and failure rate data and find out?
– Collect some ages and MTBF and find out?

• Other examples:
– For a pump, are motor amps and gallons per minute
perfectly linear?

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Maintenance Costs versus Vibration

Analysis (PdM)
Maintenance Costs ($)

Vibration Analysis (%)

Source: 1997 Benchmarking Study in Chemical Processing industry, John Schultz to be featured in
Ron Moore’s new book What Tool? When? Selecting the Right Manufacturing Improvement Strategies and Tools

Industry: Chemical Processing

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.
Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Maintenance Costs versus Equipment on PM

Maintenance Costs ($)

Equipment on PM (%)
Source: 1997 Benchmarking Study in Chemical Processing industry, John Schultz to be featured in
Ron Moore’s new book What Tool? When? Selecting the Right Manufacturing Improvement Strategies and Tools

Industry: Chemical Processing

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.
Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Mean Time Between Failures

• MTBF is supposed to be calculated for each
individual asset

• Do you calculate it at your plant?

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Estimating MTBF
Type I Censoring
• a.k.a. Time/Cycle Truncated Censoring
• Test is halted at a given number of hours.
• Failures during the test are immediately repaired and the
test continues

Θ̂ =
Where: Θ̂ = estimate of MTBF
n = number of items on test
t = total test time per unit
r = # of failures occurring during the test

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Estimating MTBF
Type II Censoring
• a.k.a. Failure Truncated Censoring
• Test is halted at a given number of failures
• Failures during the test are immediately repaired and the
test continues

∑ y + (n − r ) y
i r
ˆ =
Θ i =1
Θ̂ = estimate of MTBF
yi = time to failure ith item
yr = time to failure of the unit at which time is truncated
n = Total number of assets in test
r = Total number of failures

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

When would I use MTBF?

• Good question!

• MTBF can be used to help determine

maintenance intervals.
• There is a significant flaw with this.

• What does the M in MTBF stand for?

• What does this implicitly tell you?

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Reliability Predictions
• If I know a little bit about the MTBF for a
particular asset…

• I can make some predictions about the life of

that asset.

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Reliability Predictions
• Q is the probability of failure.

• Q=1–R

• So then R is the probability of not failing

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Exponential Distribution





t Time

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Reliability Predictions

The reliability for a given time (t) during the random failure period
can be calculated with the formula:

− λt
R( t ) = e
e = base of the natural logarithms which is 2.718281828…
λ = failure rate (1/MTBF)
t = time

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

e - the base of natural logarithms

1+ 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + ...
1! 2! 3! 4!
1 1.00000000000000
+ 1/1! 1.00000000000000
+ 1/2! 0.50000000000000
+ 1/3! 0.16666666666667
+ 1/4! 0.04166666666667
1 1 1 1 + 1/5! 0.00833333333333
1+ + + + + ...
1 1⋅ 2 1⋅ 2 ⋅ 3 1⋅ 2 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 4 + 1/6! 0.00138888888889
+ 1/7! 0.00019841269841
+ 1/8! 0.00002480158730
+ 1/9! 0.00000275573192
+ 1/10! 0.00000027557319
e 2.71828180114638

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Reliability Predictions

A particular pump has a MTBF of 4,000 hours. What is the probability of

operating for a period of 1,500 hours without a failure?

λ = 0.00025 or 1/4,000
t = 1,500

e − λ t = e − ( 0 . 00025 )( 1 , 500 )
= e − 0 .375 = 0 . 68728

68.73% Probability exists of operating 1,500 hours without a failure

exists when the MTBF = 4,000 hours.

31.27% Probability exists of a failure before operating 1,500 hours.

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Reliability Predictions

If the reliability for a given time (t) during the random failure period
can be calculated with the formula:

− λt
R(t ) = e

Then what is the equation when I am not in the random failure period?
What if I in the infant mortality period or wear-out period?

Then the equation is slightly more difficult…

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Overall (Bathtub) Curve

Infant Random Wear

Mortality Failure Out

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Weibull Shapes
Individual Curves
Initial Break-in period
Bathtub Pattern D = 7%
Pattern A = 4%

Time Time

Pattern E = 14%
Wear out
Pattern B = 2%

Pattern C = 5% Infant Mortality
Pattern F = 68%

Age Related = 11% Random = 89%

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Weibull Analysis
Failure Curve

β <1 β =1 β >1 t 
− 
η 
R(t ) = e
Failure Rate

γ1 γ2 γ3
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

System Reliability
• Rarely do assets work alone
• Typically they are a part of a system
• Systems can many different configurations
– Series
– Active Parallel
– “Hot” Standby Parallel
– “Warm” Standby Parallel
– “Cold” Standby Parallel
• Reliability calculations for each of these is
slightly different

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Series Systems - Reliability

• A system whereby the failure of a single

machine shuts down the entire system is said to
be a “series designed system”

I 0.93 0.91 0.80 O

Rs = R1 x R2 x R3
Rs = 0.93 x 0.91 x 0.80 = 0.677 or 67.7%

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Series Systems – Failure Probability

I 0.0001/hr 0.00005/hr 0.00001/hr O

− Σλiti
Rs ( t ) = e
− Σ ( 0.0001+ 0.00005+ 0.00001)(1500 )
Rs (1500 ) = e
− ( 0.00016 )(1500 )
Rs (1500 ) = e
Rs (1500 ) = e − ( 0.24 )
Rs (1500) = 78.6%
Rs (1500) = 0.7866
Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.
Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Active Parallel Systems - Reliability

• A system where either machine can carry the full

system load and a single failure does not disrupt
the system is said to be an “active parallel

Rs = R1 + R2 – R1R2
Rs = 0.93 + 0.80 – 0.93 x 0.80 = 0.986 or 98.6%

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics

Active Parallel Systems – Failure Probability


− λ1t − λ2t − ( λ1 + λ2 ) t
R(t ) = e +e −e
− ( 0.0001)(1500 ) − ( 0.0004 )(1500 ) − ( 0.0001+ 0.0004 )(1500 )
R(1500 ) = e +e −e
R(1500) = 0.9372
R(1500) = 93.72%
Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.
Introduction to Basic Reliability Statistics



James Wheeler, CMRP

Allied Reliability
[email protected]

Copyright 2006 Allied Reliability, Inc.

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