The King of The Golden River

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KING OF THE GOLDEN THE KING OF THE GOLDEN RI By JOHN RU WHAT IS IT? Solve this puzzle by placing the point of your pencil or crayon on dot number 1 and drawing a line to dot number 2. Then you draw another line to dot number 3 and so on, until you have connected all the dots. After you have done this, you may use your crayons to color this surprise picture. 5 6 . Z, 28 30 ° ‘ 4 3 32° 3! c33 2 CLASSICS Illustrated JUNIOR . . . Number 521 . . . Published by GILBERTON COMPANY, INC., 101 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10003. Copyright November 1965 by GILBERTON COMPANY, INC. in the United States and all foreign countries. Reproductions of any material in any manner whatsoever is prohibited. Printed in U.S.A.

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