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Advanced Educational Activities Pvt. Ltd.


INTERNATIONAL Armenia & Azerbaijan enters into a deal to exchange
Armenia & Azerbaijan have agreed to exchange prisoners
South Korea launches its first spy satellite
of war and work toward signing a peace treaty.
South Korea launched its first military spy satellite into
space, a little over a week after North Korea claimed to
put its own spy satellite into orbit for the first time as
Azerbaijan is releasing 32 Armenian military servicemen
and Armenia is releasing two military servicemen, as
a gesture of goodwill.
tensions rise between the rivals.

Venezuela votes on claim to Guyana-controlled oil region
Venezuelans are voting in a referendum that has
Thailand and Myanmar to set up a task force.
Thailand and Myanmar have agreed to establish a task
force to boost humanitarian assistance for people displaced
increased up the tension between the South American
country and its neighbour, Guyana. The Venezuelan by fighting between the Junta army and rebel groups.
government has called the referendum to attain popular US vetoed a UNSC resolution calling for ceasefire in
support for its historical claim to a contested oil-rich area Gaza.
of jungle currently administered by Guyana. The United States has vetoed a UN Security Council
India gets re-elected once again to IMO Council resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire
India has been re-elected to the International Maritime in Gaza. The resolution was put forward by the United
Organisation (IMO) Council with the highest tally at Arab Emirates.
elections held at its Assembly in London for 2024-25. Putin declares candidacy for Russia’s presidential
Political mission in Sudan ended: U.N. election.
The United Nations Security Council has voted to end its Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared his
political mission named ‘’UNITAMS’’ (United Nations candidacy for the country's Presidential election
Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan) following scheduled on March 17, 2024.
a request from Sudanese government last month.
Bhupender Yadav revealed three pillars of the second
COP28 UAE Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery, phase of the India - Sweden LeadIT 2.0 at COP28
and Peace unveiled. Union Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change,
The COP28 Presidency has launched the COP28 UAE Bhupender Yadav, revealed the three pillars of the second
Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery, and Peace. This phase of the Leadership Group for Industry Transition
declaration tends to redirect climate finance into highly (LeadIT). LeadIT Summit 2023, held in collaboration with
vulnerable and fragile areas, offering comprehensive financial, Sweden at COP28 in the United Arab Emirates.
programming, and partnership solutions. The declaration has
received support from 70 governments and 39 organizations. US approves sale of nearly 14,000 rounds of tank
ammunition to Israel.
Myanmar seeks political solutions to armed conflicts.
The US government has approved the emergency sale of
Myanmar’s Junta leader Min Aung Hlaing has called on
nearly 14,000 rounds of tank ammunition worth more than
armed ethnic groups involved in fight against Myanmar's
106 million dollars to Israel as its Defence Forces increased
ruling military to solve their problems "politically". The
their military operations in the southern Gaza Strip.
Myanmar’s military is facing coordinated offensives near
the borders with China, India and Thailand. Russia launches two new nuclear-powered submarines.
China accords diplomatic status to Taliban official. Russian President Vladimir Putin has launched two new
China becomes the first nation to accord diplomatic status nuclear-powered submarines that would soon start
to a Taliban nominated official, Bilal Karimi, as patrolling the Pacific region. The vessels were named the
Afghanistan's Ambassador to Beijing. Krasnoyarsk and Emperor Alexander.

Australia & PNG signs bilateral security agreement India votes in favour of a UNGA resolution that called
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his on Israel for an immediate ceasefire.
Papua New Guinea (PNG) counterpart James Marape India has voted in favour of a United Nations General
have signed a bilateral security agreement in Canberra. Assembly (UNGA) resolution that called on Israel for an
This pact allows Australia to provide PNG with more immediate ceasefire. The draft resolution demanded an
assistance for its police and support for its legal system. immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas
conflict as well as the unconditional release of all hostages.
Sweden signs defence cooperation agreement with US
Sweden has signed a defence cooperation agreement with Former Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif acquitted in
the United States in Washington which will allow the US to corruption case
access all of the Sweden’s military bases. The Islamabad High Court has acquitted former Pakistan
State of Emergency declared in Seychelles. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in the Al-Azizia Steel mill
In Seychelles, a state of emergency was declared after a corruption case. The acquittal comes as Pakistan Muslim
massive explosion at an industrial area on the main island, League-Nawaz (PML-N) chief eyes a record fourth term
Mahé. A number of people have been injured. as premier in the next general elections.
Advanced Educational Activities Pvt. Ltd. ( T.I.M.E. ) HO: 95B, 2 nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : /1
To boost tourism Indonesia plans to issue free entry Earthquake hits China’s Gansu & Qinghai provinces
visas to travellers from 20 countries. China’s Gansu and Qinghai provinces were hit by a
To push up tourism industry, the Indonesian Ministry of magnitude of 6.2 on Richter scale. The earthquake struck
Tourism has proposed issuing free entry visas to travelers the mountainous region of northwestern China killing
from 20 countries including India. 127 people in the nation’s deadliest quake in nine years.
COP28 concludes with landmark UAE Consensus Extradition of Lashkar-e-Taiba founder Hafiz Saeed
The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai has sought from Pakistan.
concluded. A landmark agreement, "The UAE Consensus," India has asked for the extradition Lashkar-e-Taiba founder
was reached by 198 participating Parties, outlining an Hafiz Saeed from Pakistan. The request was made a few
ambitious climate agenda aimed at keeping the goal of weeks ago. Saeed has been in jail since 2019. He was
limiting global warming to 1.5°C within reach. The UAE accused of masterminding the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks
Consensus is a comprehensive document that calls for a and allegedly involved in other acts of terrorism in India.
transition away from fossil fuels to achieve net zero by 2050.
U.N. warns that Myanmar stands on humanitarian
More than 1000 Bangladeshi opposition activists disaster
convicted since September. The United Nations warned that the humanitarian
Bangladeshi courts have convicted more than 1,100 situation in the Southeast Asian country Myanmar has
opposition officials and activists since September. These worsened since the army takeover nearly three years ago.
arrests have raised questions about the state of political It stated that one-third of the population of Myanmar, or
freedom and rule of law in the country. more than 18 million people needs humanitarian aid.
United States to gain access to 15 military bases in To safeguard Red Sea from militant attacks, U.S.
Finland launches multinational operation
Nordic nation Finland in future will sign a defence The United States has launched a multinational operation
agreement giving the United States access to 15 military to safeguard ship transport business in the Red Sea as
bases in NATO's newest member. The treaty must then attacks by Yemeni militants forced major shipping
be approved by the Finland’s country's parliament. companies to reroute, inciting fears of sustained
disruptions to global trade.
Venezuela, Guyana agree not to 'use force' to settle
land dispute Colorado’s state Supreme Court declares Donald
South American Nations Venezuela and Guyana have Trump ineligible to run for President.
agreed not to resort to force to settle a territorial dispute Colorado Supreme Court has declared former U.S.
over the oil-rich Essequibo region after a tense meeting President Donald Trump ineligible for the Premier post
between the two countries’ leaders in the Caribbean. under the U.S. Constitution’s insurrection clause and
removed him from the State’s presidential primary ballot.
Iran cancels visa requirement for 33 nations
Iran has decided to cancel visa requirements for visitors Gaza war: Malaysia bans Israeli-flagged ships using
from 33 more countries including including Lebanon, its ports
Tunisia, India, Saudi Arabia, and several Central Asian, In response to the war in Gaza, Muslim dominated
African, and Muslim countries. Malaysia has banned all Israeli-flagged cargo ships from
docking at its ports. It also accused Israel of violating
India, Oman adopt vision document to expand ties in
international law through the “massacre and brutality
10 key areas
against Palestinians”.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Oman's Sultan Haitham bin
Tarik adopted a vision document to expand bilateral European Union reaches agreement on asylum reforms
cooperation in 10 key areas. The two leaders also pushed to The EU countries and lawmakers have reached an
conclude a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement agreement on an overhaul of the bloc's laws on handling
(CEPA) as soon as possible during their "productive" talks to asylum-seekers and migrants. The five EU laws agreed
inject new momentum in India-Oman strategic ties. upon addressing issues including the screening of irregular
migrants, procedures for handling asylum applications.
US Department of State approved a $300 million
Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to Taiwan WHO declares JN.1 variant of Covid as Variant of Interest
The US Department of State approved a $300 million Foreign The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified that
Military Sale (FMS) to Taiwan The sale of equipment is to help a sub-variant of the Omicron strain of corona virus as a
maintain Taiwan’s tactical information systems. "variant of interest", owing to its rapidly increasing spread.
The sale is the latest US assistance for Taiwan's defenses. JN.1 has been found in many countries, including China,
UK, India and the United States.
Bhutan to build 1,000-sq. km. green city, Gelephu
Mindfulness City India sends humanitarian assistance for volcanic
Bhutan plans to build a massive “international city” named erupted Papua New Guinea
Gelephu Mindfulness City in an area of over 1,000 sq. km. Ministry of External Affairs Spokesperson Arindam
on its border with Assam, Bhutanese King Jigme Khesar Bagchi has stated that India sent humanitarian assistance
Namgyel Wangchuck announced, pitching the project as for the people of volcanic erupted Papua new Guinea.
an “economic corridor connecting South Asia with A relief assistance of one million dollars was announced
Southeast Asia via India’s northeastern States”. by India for the people of Papua New Guinea.
Chile voters reject conservative constitution France legislative house passes Immigration law
Once again the Chilean voters have rejected a proposed The French Parliament has passed legislation hardening
conservative constitution to replace its current text that its Immigration policy. The new law makes it more difficult
dates back to the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship. With for migrants to bring family members to the country and
96% of votes counted late December 17, about 55.8% had delays their access to welfare benefits. It also bans
voted “no” to the new charter, with about 44.2% in favor. detaining minors in detention centers.
Advanced Educational Activities Pvt. Ltd. ( T.I.M.E. ) HO: 95B, 2 nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : /2
African nation Angola leaves OPEC GCC signs FTA deal with S.Korea
African nation Angola has said that it is leaving The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has signed a free
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, trade agreement with South Korea. Under the agreement,
OPEC after disagreements over its production targets. South Korea will remove tariffs on almost 90% of all items,
This decision comes after the producer group lowered including liquefied natural gas (LNG), and other petroleum
Angola’s oil output target last month as part of a series of products, while the Gulf states will remove tariffs on 76.4%
cuts led by Saudi Arabia to moderate prices. of traded products and 4% of traded goods.
Argentina's new government orders major Death penalty for 8 Indians commuted in Qatar
deregulation of economy The Ministry of External Affairs had confirmed that the
Argentina's new government led by Javier Milei has launched Qatari Court of Appeals in Doha has commuted death
a series of measures to deregulate the country's struggling sentence in the case against eight former Indian naval
economy, eliminating or changing more than 300 rules via personnel charged in an espionage case.
presidential decree, including on rent and labor practices.
China launches satellite for internet technologies.
US President Biden signs $886 billion US defense China has successfully launched a test satellite for
policy bill into law satellite internet technologies. The satellite was launched
U.S. President Joe Biden signed into law the U.S. defense by a Long March-2C carrier rocket from the Jiuquan
policy bill that authorizes a record $886 billion annual Satellite Launch Center.
military spending and policies such as aid for Ukraine and
push-back against China in the Indo-Pacific. North Korean leader vowed to launch three additional
India, Bangladesh agree to extend Indo-Bangladesh military spy satellites.
Protocol (IBP) route North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has pledged to launch three
India and Bangladesh agreed to extend the Indo-Bangladesh new military spy satellites in 2024. Kim also plans to build
Protocol (IBP) route. The agreement also includes Safardighi military drones and increase the country's nuclear weapons.
in West Bengal as the new port of call under the Protocol on Pakistan's election body rejects Imran Khan's
Inland Water Transit & Trade (PIWT&T). nomination to contest the 2024 elections.
India set to buy five lithium blocks for exploration and Pakistan's election body rejected former Prime Minister
development in Argentina. Imran Khan's nomination to contest the 2024 national
India is close to striking a deal to acquire five lithium blocks elections. The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chief filed his
for exploration and development in Argentina. The agreement papers to contest from his hometown Mianwali and Lahore.
will be signed between Khanij Bidesh India Ltd.
Armed groups kill 113 people in central Nigeria. NATIONAL
Armed groups in Nigeria have killed more than a hundred
people in central Nigeria in a series of attacks on villages.
BJP wins three of four state polls.

More than 300 were also injured in those attacks.
This region has been often troubled for several years by The Bharatiya Janata Party has won three out of four key
religious and ethnic tensions. state elections that were held last month. The BJP gained
Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan assemblies from the Indian
Ukraine to cancel free trade deal with Belarus. National Congress. In Madhya Pradesh the BJP has won
War ravaged Ukrainian government has proposed to
Parliament cancelling of its free trade agreement with
Belarus, which supports the Russia's invasion of Ukraine
for a record fifth term by winning 163 of 230 seats.
The Indian National Congress has won Telangana state,
which was ruled by the incumbent Bharat Rashtra
that began in February 2022. Samithi party.
Niger suspends all cooperation with IOF Nations
West African nation Niger has suspended all its AL
Indian Railways develop AI-based software ‘Gajraj’ to
avoid collisions.
cooperation with the International Organisation of
Francophone Nations (OIF). The military seized power in In a bid to prevent train-elephant collisions, Railway
Niger in a coup in July which was strongly condemned by Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw announced the development
France and other Western allies. of 'Gajraj', an indigenous software utilising optical fibre
cable (OFC) to alert the locomotive pilot of any suspicious
Sweden gets Turkey's parliamentary approval for activity on or near rail tracks. The AI-based 'Gajraj'
NATO membership software, successfully tested in Assam.
Turkey Parliament’s foreign affairs committee has approved
Sweden’s bid to join NATO after months of delays, clearing Zoram People’s Movement bags 27 of 40 seats
another hurdle in the Nordic country’s accession process. Zoram People's Movement (ZPM) has secured an
absolute majority in the state Assembly elections by
China to face extreme climatic conditions in 2024
winning 27 seats in the 40-member house. At the end of
China’s Chief Climate expert has stated that China likely
the counting of votes, the ruling Mizo National Front
has to face for another round of scorching heat and an
(MNF) managed to win ten seats.
increase in extreme weather next year due to the El Nino
weather phenomenon. China is now grappling with one of IMD says Cyclonic Storm MICHAUNG cross South
its coldest Decembers on record. Andhra Pradesh coast
U.S. releases final round of military aid for Ukraine Severe Cyclonic Storm “MICHAUNG”, which formed over
The United States administration has announced another the Bay of Bengal crossed the South Andhra Pradesh
round of military aid for Ukraine worth around $250 million, coast between Nellore & Machilipatnam near Bapatla with
amid its ongoing war with Russia. The year's final a maximum wind speed of 90 to 100 kilometer per hour.
package includes air-defense and artillery munitions. The name Michaung was given by Myanmar.
Advanced Educational Activities Pvt. Ltd. ( T.I.M.E. ) HO: 95B, 2 nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : /3
Tourism Ministry formulates Draft policy to enhance Prime Minister inaugurated the first Indian Art,
tourism's contribution to economy Architecture and Design Biennale at Red Fort
In consultation with the relevant stakeholders, the Tourism The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has inaugurated the
Ministry has formulated a draft National Tourism Policy, first Indian Art, Architecture & Design Biennale (IAADB) 2023
2023 which aims to enhance the contribution of tourism in at Red Fort in New Delhi. Along with IAADB the Prime
the Indian economy by increasing visitation, stay and Minister also inaugurated Aatmanirbhar Bharat Centre for
spend, and making India a year-round tourist destination. Design.
71% rural households across India have tap water India hosts four-day 27th WAIPA World Investment
connection Conference
According to a data released by the Ministry of Jal Shakti, India hosted the four-day 27th WAIPA World Investment
tap water supply has reached around 13.69 Crore Conference in New Delhi from December 11. World
households under the Jal Jeevan Mission - Har Ghar Jal. Investment Conference was held in India for the first time.
This covers 71 percent of total rural households.
'One Bharat Sari Walkathon' launched in Mumbai
66 airports in country operating on 100% green energy. The Union Minister of Textiles Piyush Goyal jointly flagged
Minister of State for Civil Aviation V. K. Singh has said that off 'One Bharat Sari Walkathon' in Mumbai. The event is
66 airports in the country are operating on 100 per cent organized by the Ministry of Textiles.
green energy. Airports like Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and
Bengaluru have achieved higher Airports International SC upholds validity of Centre’s decision to repeal
Council accreditation and have become carbon neutral. Article 370 of Constitution
Supreme Court has upheld the validity of Centre’s decision to
India so far Installs 186 GW of Non-Fossil Fuel Energy
repeal Article 370 of the Constitution of India, which granted
special status to the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir.
The Centre has said that over 186 GigaWatt (GW) of energy
The Union government had in 2019 scrapped Article 370 and
capacity from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources has
split the state into two Union Territories - Jammu and Kashmir
been installed across the country till October this year, New
and Ladakh.
and Renewable Energy Minister R. K. Singh said.
Chandrayaan Orbiter moved from Moon to Earth: ISRO Prime Minister launches ‘Viksit Bharat@2047- Voice
ISRO has successfully moved the Chandrayaan orbiter of Youth’
from Moon to Earth. After over one month of operations in Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched the
lunar orbit, the Propulsion module had fuel of over 100 kgs. ‘Viksit Bharat@2047 - Voice of Youth’. Viksit Bharat
@2047 is the vision to make India a developed nation by
Union gov. blocks over 100 websites for facilitating 2047, the 100th year of independence.
organized illegal investments.
Under the Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre PM Narendra Modi kicks off AI summit, GPAI
initiative, the Home Affairs Ministry has identified and India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated the
blocked over 100 websites involved in organized annual Global Partnership for Artificial Intelligence (GPAI)
investment or task-based - part time job frauds. As these Summit in New Delhi’s Bharat Mandapam. Japan is
websites facilitated task-based or organized illegal the outgoing chair of GPAI. India became the Chair of
investment-related economic crimes. the GPAI for 2024.
Centre releases 2nd instalment of SDR Fund to AP and Centre withdraws three criminal codes, to replace
TN for cyclone assistance them with new Bills
The Union government has released in advance the central Three criminal codes that seek to replace the British-era
share of the second instalment of SDRF of 493.60 crore laws will be withdrawn and replaced with three new Bills
rupees to Andhra Pradesh and 450 crore rupees to Tamil after including the changes recommended by a
Nadu to help the state Governments with the management parliamentary committee. The three criminal codes —
of relief necessitated by the cyclonic storm Michaung. Bharatiya Sakshya Bill, 2023, Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita
(BNS) Bill, 2023, and the Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha
Nationwide campaign to train people to give life- Sanhita (BNSS) Bill, 2023.
saving CPR launched by Union Health Ministry
Union Health Ministry has officially inaugurated a nationwide Security Breach inside Lok Sabha
CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) training program. The Indian Parliament’s Lower house, Lok Sabha
As part of this programme, more than 10 lakh participants will witnessed a security breach as two unidentified persons
be given training in a single sitting across the country. jumped inside the chamber of the House from the visitors’
gallery. The two persons took out a smoke gas canister
Resignation of Union Ministers accepted by President and hurled inside the House that led to yellow smoke.
President Droupadi Murmu has accepted the resignations
of Narendra Singh Tomar, Prahlad Singh Patel, and Centre provides optical fibre connection in over
Renuka Singh Saruta from the Union Council of Ministers. 2 lakh Gram Panchayats
Mr. Tomar’s portfolio of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Electronic and IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw has stated in
was assigned to Arjun Munda in addition to his existing the Parliament that under Bharat Net, the centre has
portfolio of Tribal Affairs. provided optical fibre connection in over 2 lakh Gram
Panchayats in the country.
Apex court makes video on Kesavananda Bharati
verdict available in 10 languages Parliament Security Breach: Home Ministry sets up
The Supreme court of India has released a video on the committee to probe
historic Kesavananda Bharati verdict in 10 Indian The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has constituted an
languages on its website. This video was launched to mark inquiry committee headed by Central Reserve Police
50 years of the judgement. The verdict had laid down the Force (CRPF) Director-General Anish Dayal Singh to
"basic structure doctrine" of the Indian Constitution. probe the security breach in the Lok Sabha.
Advanced Educational Activities Pvt. Ltd. ( T.I.M.E. ) HO: 95B, 2 nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : /4
Barracuda is ‘India’s fastest’ solar-electric boat Second phase of Kashi Tamil Sangamam 2023
launched launched in Varanasi.
Barracuda, India’s fastest solar-electric boat, was Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated the
launched at the yard of Navalt Solar and Electric Boats, second phase of Kashi Tamil Sangamam 2023 at Namo
located in Alappuzha. Barracuda was designed by Navalt. Ghat in Varanasi. This initiative is part of his vision of
The 14-metre-long, 4.4-metre-wide vessel can attain a top 'Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat,' emphasizing unity and
speed of 12.5 knots (23 kmph) and has a range of cultural integration across the nation.
seven hours on a single charge.
Army Hospital successfully conducts India's first
India, U.S. agree on need for speed on virtual assets’ Bone Marrow Transplant
standard The Army Hospital in Delhi Cantonment has successfully
In a bilateral dialogue on anti-money laundering and conducted for the first time in India, a life-saving
countering the financing of terrorism, India along with the Bone Marrow Transplant for a child diagnosed with
USA have agreed about the pressing need to accelerate a rare primary immunodeficiency disorder. The procedure
global implementation of standards for virtual assets like aimed to replace the defective immune cells with
crypto currencies to effectively to effectively address the healthy ones.
issue of regulatory arbitrage.
Gujarat’s Kakrapar nuclear reactor attains criticality
Centre allows notified private exploration agencies to Kakrapar Atomic Power Project (KAPP-4) fourth unit,
participate in critical mineral blocks auction. which is located in Gujarat has initiated the controlled
The Mines Ministry has permitted notified private fission chain reaction and thus became critical on
exploration agencies to participate in the auction of critical December 17.
and deep-seated mineral blocks explored by them. This will
attract bigger mining companies in the exploration arena. Centre asks States, advises them to maintain vigil
Flight trial of 'Autonomous Flying Wing Technology amid uptick in COVID-19 cases.
Demonstrator' tested In view of the recent increase in COVID-19 cases across
DRDO has successfully carried out a flight trial of the country and detection of the first case of JN.1 variant
'Autonomous Flying Wing Technology Demonstrator'. It is an in India, the Centre has urged states to maintain a state
indigenous high-speed flying-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle of constant attention over the COVID situation.
49 Opposition MPs gets suspended from LS
13 states, UTs have again been categorised as Forty-nine MPs from the opposition parties were
"achievers" in the logistics index chart 2023 suspended from the Lok Sabha for unruly behaviour and
Coastal states Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil disregarding the directions of the Chair. This happened
Nadu; landlocked States Haryana, Punjab, Telangana, a day after a record 78 Parliamentarians from both houses
Uttar Pradesh; North Eastern States Assam, Sikkim, were suspended till at least the end of the winter session.
Tripura and UTs Chandigarh, Delhi are among the
13 states and Union Territories that have again been Indian Parliament sanctions additional spending of
categorised as "achievers" in the LEADS [Logistics Ease ₹58,378 crore in current fiscal.
Across Different States] 2023 report. The Indian Parliament has sanctioned its approval for
a net additional spending of ₹58,378 crore in the current
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launches Viksit Bharat fiscal ending March 2024.The extra expenditure includes
Sankalp Yatra ₹13,351 crore towards fertilizer subsidies and about
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Viksit Bharat ₹7,000 crore towards spending by the Department of
Sankalp Yatra for five states. The Viksit Bharat Sankalp Food and Public Distribution.
Yatra virtually launched from Madhya Pradesh,
Telangana, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Mizoram, the Centre says that People with blood disorders not
five states where assembly elections were held recently. eligible for reservation in jobs
The Social Justice Ministry has told the Parliament that
Indian Akash air defence missile system destroys
people suffering from blood disorders like thalassemia,
4 targets simultaneously.
haemophilia and sickle cell disease were not eligible for
During the recently conducted Exercise Astrashakti 2023,
reservation in government jobs under the Persons with
the Indian Airforce has demonstrated the firepower of its
Disabilities category.
Akash surface-to-air weapon system, where a single firing
unit simultaneously engaged and destroyed four
Railway Minister says Indian Railways to become
unmanned targets.
net-zero carbon emitter by 2030.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurates Diamond Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw has informed the
Bourse Lok Sabha that the Indian Railways has set a target of
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated the becoming a net-zero carbon emitter by 2030 and is
Surat Diamond Bourse in Surat, Gujarat. This Bourse will committed to taking steps for energy conservation.
be the World’s largest and most modern center for
international diamond and jewelry business. Telecom Bill 2023 gets passed in Lok Sabha
The Lok Sabha passed the Telecom Bill 2023 which
Cabinet approves bilateral MoUs on digital will replace existing laws, including the 138-year-old
technology with different nations. Indian Telegraph Act. The Bill seeks to reform and
The Union Cabinet has approved four MoUs on digital simplify the regulatory and licensing regime for
technology with Saudi Arabia, the United States, Italy and telecommunications and remove hurdles in creating
Tanzania. The MoUs were signed at different points this year. telecom infrastructure.
Advanced Educational Activities Pvt. Ltd. ( T.I.M.E. ) HO: 95B, 2 nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : /5
Parliament Passes Provisional Collection of Taxes Indian Naval Ship Imphal inducted into the Indian
Bill, 2023 Navy
The Indian Parliament has passed the Provisional The Indian Navy had commissioned INS Imphal in
Collection of Taxes Bill, 2023. The Bill seeks to provide for Mumbai, which is its latest stealth guided missile
the immediate effect for a limited period of provisions in destroyer. Imphal is the first warship to have been named
Bills relating to the imposition or increase of duties of after a city from the Northeast.
customs or excise. The Bill seeks to repeal the Provisional
Collection of Taxes Act, 1931. 'MedTech Mitra' Initiative launched for Indian
Healthcare Innovation
Ansuman Pattnaik to head investigation unit of CCI Union Health Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya had
Competition Commission of India, CCI has selected virtually launched ‘‘MedTech Mitra’’. It is a strategic
Ansuman Pattnaik as the new head of its investigation’s initiative to empower MedTech innovators and advance
unit. He will replace Atul Verma. healthcare solutions.
French President to be chief guest at India’s Republic
Day celebrations. President Draupadi Murmu gives nod to Telecom Act
India’s Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) had announced Indian President Draupadi Murmu has signed the
that the French President Emmanuel Macron will be the Telecommunications Act, 2023, which is considered the
chief guest at the Republic Day celebrations next January successor to the Telegraph Act of 1885. The new act
26, 2024. Emmanuel Macron is the sixth French leader formalises certain practices like reserving spectrum bands
who will be the chief guest at the 2024 Republic Day for different purposes and instituting dispute resolution
parade. measures for conflicts between licensed service providers
and the government.
Centre to set up 17,000 creches across the country.
The Union Women and Child Development Ministry is India, Russia sign pacts on Kudankulam nuclear plant
planning to establish 17,000 creches in Anganwadi India and Russia have signed important agreements
centres across the country out of which 5,222 have been related to the construction of the future power-generating
approved to date. units of the Kudankulam nuclear power plant.
Gujarat to allow liquor consumption in GIFT City The Kudankulam nuclear power plant is being built in
The Gujarat government has decided to allow alcohol Tamil Nadu with the technical assistance of Russia.
consumption in GIFT City to attract global financial Under PLI scheme: Centre approves 746 applications
institutions. The state government has announced that till Nov,2023
alcohol would be allowed at hotels/restaurants/clubs The Centre has approved as many as 746 applications till
offering “Wine and Dine” in Gujarat International Finance November 2023 under the Production Linked Incentive
Tec-City near the state capital Gandhinagar. (PLI) schemes for 14 sectors such as pharma, white
In 2023 Govt gives ₹5,228 crore subsidy to incentivize goods, and electronics.
11.53 lakh electric vehicles
The Union Ministry of Heavy Industries allocated Centre tells digital platforms not to carry ads of
5,228 crore rupees subsidy to incentivise 11.53 lakh fraudulent loan apps.
Electric Vehicles in the country in 2023. The Government Minister of State for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
has also sanctioned 800 crore rupees to PSU Oil Rajeev Chandrasekhar has stated that the Centre has
marketing companies for setting up 7432 public fast directed the social media and online platforms to avoid
charging stations across the country. hosting advertisements of fraudulent loan apps.

India is ranked the third-largest consumer of energy Cabinet sanctions 4.5 km-long six-lane bridge across
in the world. the river Ganga in Bihar
The Coal Ministry stated that India is ranked the third- The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA)
largest consumer of energy in the world, with an annual has approved a 4.5 km-long six-lane bridge across the
electricity demand increase of about 4.7 percent. Ganga river in Bihar. The estimated total cost of the
project is ₹3,064 crore, which includes construction cost
Kerala the most preferred State to work: India skills of ₹2,233 crore.
Report 2024
According to the 11th edition of the India skills Report FCI rice to be sold under Bharat brand
Kerala is the most preferred state to work in India for both In order to maintain inflation under control, the Union
men and women. The report also found that Kochi and government is considering a proposal to sell FCI (Food
Thiruvananthapuram are the most preferred cities for Corporation of India) rice under the 'Bharat' brand but the
youth in India. discounted rate has not yet been decided.
Droupadi Murmu gives nod to 3 criminal bills UGC once again clarifies that M. Phil. degrees are not
Indian President Droupadi Murmu has given her nod to recognised
three new criminal justice bills were passed by the The University Grants Commission (UGC) has once again
Parliament last week. The Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023 stated that Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) degrees are no
replaced the Indian Penal Code (IPC), 1860, which is the longer recognised.
principal law on criminal offences in the country.
The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha (Second) Sanhita, 2023 SC Collegium recommends CJs to five HCs
replaces the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (CrPC). The Supreme Court Collegium headed by Chief Justice of
The CrPC provides for the procedure for arrest, India D.Y. Chandrachud has recommended the names of
prosecution, and bail. The Bharatiya Sakshya (Second) judges for appointment as Chief Justices of High Courts
Bill, 2023 replaced the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. The Act of Allahabad, Jharkhand, Gauhati, Punjab and Haryana
governs the admissibility of evidence in Indian Courts. and Rajasthan.
Advanced Educational Activities Pvt. Ltd. ( T.I.M.E. ) HO: 95B, 2 nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : /6
ULFA signs peace agreement with Centre, Assam of ₹38,226 crore and Integrated IGST of ₹87,009 crore,
The pro-talks faction of the United Liberation Front of which included ₹39,198 crore collected on import of goods.
Asom (ULFA) has signed a memorandum of settlement
with the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and the Assam Jitesh John gets appointed as Executive Director IBBI
government. With this Memorandum of Settlement, the Jitesh John, a 2001 batch Indian Economic Service Officer
ULFA faction has formally agreed to leave violence and was appointed as new Executive Director of the Insolvency
join the mainstream. regulator Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI).

President signs the Bill for appointment of CEC, ECs Sharp decline in FDI into India from Cayman Islands,
India’s President Droupadi Murmu has given her nod to Cyprus during April-Sep
the Chief Election Commissioner and Other Election FDI into India from Cayman Islands and Cyprus have
Commissioners (Appointment, Conditions of Service and contracted significantly during April-September this fiscal.
Term of Office) Bill, 2023. The bill seeks to put in place The FDI from Cayman Islands decreased to 75 per cent to
a mechanism for the appointment of Chief Election $145 million during April-September from $582 million in the
Commissioner and other Election Commissioners. same period last fiscal.FDI from Cyprus contracted by over
95 per cent to $35 million during the six-month period as
PM Modi inaugurates Maharishi Valmiki International against $764 million in April-September 2022-23.
Airport at Ayodhya
Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the newly built Over 1.06 lakh firms voluntarily exited in last five years
Maharshi Valmiki International Airport at Ayodhya. The Union government has told the Lok Sabha that more
Phase 1 of the state-of-the-art airport is developed at a than 1 lakh firms have voluntarily exited under the
cost of more than ₹1450 crore. companies law in almost five years. Besides, many
companies have sought voluntary liquidation under the
Stamp released commemorating 200 years of Indian Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC).
origin Tamils in Sri Lanka
National President J.P. Nadda released a stamp ReNew & Asian Development Bank signs pact with for
commemorating 200 years of Indian origin Tamils in Sri Lanka, $5.3 bn
at BJP Headquarters in Delhi. Mr. Nadda said it is a matter of ReNew Energy Global has signed a pact worth more than
great happiness that one is remembering the year 1823 $5.3 billion with Asian Development Bank to collaborate
and commemorating it with the stamp of Indian-origin Tamils, on projects related to tackling climate change.
who had gone to Sri Lanka 200 years ago. Moody's forecasts China's credit outlook to negative.
Moody has cut its outlook on China's government credit ratings
BANKING & ECONOMY to negative from stable, citing lower medium-term economic
growth & ongoing downsizing of the property sector.
Indian government banned the export of onions till
Radhakishan Damani tops Hurun's list of 200
self-made entrepreneurs of millennia
Radhakishan Damani, veteran investor and founder of
March 31, 2024
The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) has issued
a notification to ban the export of onions until 31st March 2024.
retail chain D-Mart, leads the list of the Top 200 Self-made The ban is intended to ensure enough availability of onions in
Entrepreneurs of the Millennia 2023, with a market
the domestic markets and keeping a check on prices.
capitalisation of ₹2.38 lakh crore.
100% food-grains and 20% of sugar packaging In jute
Argentina sharply devalues its currency bags
Argentina has announced a sharp devaluation of its The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has approved
currency and also reduced its energy and transportation reservation norms for mandatory use of jute in packaging
subsidies as part of shock measures announced by new for the Jute Year 2023 -24. The Mandatory packaging
President Javier Milei. Argentine peso will be devalued by norms approved for Jute Year 2023-24 will provide for 100
50% to 800 to the U.S.dollar from 400 pesos to the dollar. per cent reservation of the foodgrains and 20 per cent of
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Partners with sugar to be compulsorily packed in jute bags.
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank (Ujjivan SFB) has announced India to become world's third-largest economy by
a partnership with, a global non-profit organisation 2030: S&P
that helps people get access to safe water and sanitation According to the S&P Global Ratings report, India will
through affordable financing, such as small loans. remain the fastest-growing major economy for at least the
Federal Bank announces strategic collaboration with next three years, setting it on course to become the
NeML world's 3rd largest economy by 2030.
Federal Bank has announced a collaboration with NCDEX Banks write off ₹10.57 lakh crore in 5 years
E-Markets Limited (NeML) to fortify the integration of As per the RBI data, banks have written off ₹10.57 lakh crore
e-procurement and e-auction systems. during the last five financial years, of which ₹5.52 lakh crore
Bank of England and RBI signs MoU was in respect of loans pertaining to large industries.
The Bank of England (the BoE) and the Reserve Bank of SCBs have written off an aggregate loan amount of
India (RBI) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding ₹10.57 lakh crore during the last five financial years.
(MoU) concerning cooperation and exchange of information
Union Bank of India partners Accenture to build data
in relation to the Clearing Corporation of India Ltd.
lake platform
November GST revenues reaches to ₹1.68 lakh crore Union Bank of India has collaborated with global
Gross Goods and Services Tax (GST) revenues grew 15.1% professional services company Accenture to design and
in November to hit nearly ₹1.68 lakh crore. November’s develop a scalable and secure enterprise data lake platform
revenues included Central GST of ₹30,420 crore, State GST with advanced analytics and reporting capabilities.
Advanced Educational Activities Pvt. Ltd. ( T.I.M.E. ) HO: 95B, 2 nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : /7
Wipro acquires three FMCG brands Centre to collect two lakh tonnes of onion during
Wipro Consumer Care and Lighting has acquired Kharif season 2023
personal care brands Jo, Doy, and Bacter Shield from The Union Government has stated that it will collect two
VVF (India) Ltd., a contract manufacturer, marking lakh tonnes of onion during this Kharif season to make
Wipro’s third acquisition in 12 months. available enough quantity of the crop in the market.
IppoPay partners with Visa to issue credit cards to Retail inflation inches to 5.55% in Nov. 2023
small business owners India’s Retail inflation has increased up to a three-month
Payment infrastructure provider IppoPay has partnered high of 5.55 per cent in November,2023 driven by higher
with multinational payment card services company Visa to food prices.
issue credit cards to small business owners in India.
IIP growth in India reaches to 11.7% in October,2023
ADB sanctions $658 million package to cash India’s factory output grew at a 16-month high rate of
crunched Pakistan 11.7% in October, recovering from a three-month low rate
The Asian Development Bank has sanctioned $658 million of 5.8% in September, thanks to base effects from last
financing package to cash-crunched Pakistan, including year when output had dropped 4.1%.
an expensive $300 million loan at market rates. Shriram Group’s AUM cross ₹2.55 lakh cr.
India Shelter Finance to launch ₹1,200-cr IPO on Dec 13 Indian conglomerate Shriram Group’s Assets Under
Shelter Finance, which is an affordable housing finance Management (AUM) for the September quarter crossed
company India fixed a price band of ₹469-493 a share for the ₹2.55-lakh crore mark against ₹2.5 lakh crore in the
its ₹1,200-crore initial public offering (IPO). previous quarter.

Licence of U.P.’s Urban Co-op Bank Ltd gets US apex bank keeps key interest rate unchanged.
cancelled The US Federal Reserve has kept its key interest rate
RBI had cancelled the licence of Urban Co-operative Bank unchanged for a third straight time. It kept its benchmark
Ltd, Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh as the bank had no adequate rate at about 5.4 percent, its highest level in 22 years.
capital and earning prospects as well as failed to comply with IMF sanctions second round of $337 million for debt
the provisions of the Banking Act. ridden Sri Lanka
IDFC First Bank unveils UPI-based digital RuPay The IMF has sanctioned the second round of about
credit card $337 million of the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) to
IDFC First Bank has announced the introduction of IDFC Sri Lanka, based on the debt treatment plan drawn
First Bank digital RuPay Credit Card, powered for UPI for up by the crisis-battered island nation and its bilateral
its customers. This digital card is an addition to customers’ creditors.
existing IDFC First Bank Credit Cards, and it combines the Wholesale inflation increases by 0.26% in Nov.2023
benefits of UPI transactions and core credit card offerings. India’s wholesale prices rose 0.26% in November
MPC of RBI keeps repo rate unchanged at 6.5 % compared to a -0.52% rate in October. WPI inflation had
The Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) Monetary Policy been negative for the last seven months, rose sharply in
Committee (MPC) led by RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das November due to higher food prices.
has kept the policy repo rate unchanged at 6.5 per cent in Net direct tax collection rises 23.4% in Apr-Nov to hit
its bimonthly monetary policy review meeting. ₹10.64 lakh crore
The Standing Deposit Facility rate remains at 6.25 percent The Finance Ministry said that India’s net direct tax
and the Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) rate and the collections increased 23.4% to hit ₹10.64 lakh crore by
Bank Rate at 6.75 percent. November 30, 2023 attaining 58.34% of the Budget
UPI limit for healthcare & education payments estimates for the year.
increased to 5 lakh
BSE-listed firms, Market capitalisation increases to
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has increased the Unified
record high of ₹354.41 lakh crore
Payments Interface (UPI) payment limit from ₹1 lakh to
The market capitalisation of (formerly Bombay Stock
₹5 lakh for hospitals and educational institutions.
Exchange) BSE-listed companies surged to an all-time high
Additional allocation of ₹2,500 crore for the Interest of ₹354.41 lakh crore in early trade on December 14, 2023.
Equalisation Scheme
The Union Cabinet approved an additional allocation of Essar Global plans to ₹55,000-cr. investment in Gujarat
₹2,500 crore for the continuation of the Interest The Essar Global Fund has signed three MOUs
Equalisation Scheme (IES) on Pre and Post Shipment with the Gujarat Government for a total investment of
Rupee Export Credit till 30th of June 2024. about ₹55,000 crore ahead of the Vibrant Gujarat Global
Summit 2024.
Anish Shah is the FICCI President for 2023-24
Anish Shah, who is currently Group CEO of Mahindra IT firm Tech Mahindra launches Populii for gig workers
Group and the Managing Director of M&M is the new India’s IT major Tech Mahindra has launched a
President of Industry body Federation of Indian Chambers crowdsourcing platform named ‘‘Populii’’ that enables gig
of Commerce & Industry, FICCI. workers to collaborate with leading organisations through
micro jobs requiring “human-in-the-loop services”.
Tata Power EV Charging partners with IOCL to set up
charging points. India’s Forex reserves increases $2.816 billion to
Tata Power EV Charging Solutions Ltd., (TPEVCSL) has $606.859 billion
signed a MoU with the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL) to As per the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), India's forex reserves
roll out fast and ultra-fast electric vehicle (EV) charging points increased $2.816 billion to $606.859 billion in the week ended
across India. December 8, 2023.
Advanced Educational Activities Pvt. Ltd. ( T.I.M.E. ) HO: 95B, 2 nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : /8
Adani Group had acquired major stake in the WB forms task force to act on multilateral
Indo-Asian News Service (IANS) development banks reform plan
Adani Enterprises had acquired a 50.5% stake in the The World Bank group President Ajay Banga has said that
Indo-Asian News Service (IANS) news agency. The Adani the bank has set up a task force to study the
Group's AMG Media Networks Ltd (AMNL) acquired recommendations for strengthening multilateral
the majority stake. development banks (MDBs) laid out by an independent
experts’ group formed during India’s G20 presidency.
Adani New Industries spends $2.5 bn on green
hydrogen value chain World Bank releases second instalment of $250 million
Adani New Industries Ltd (ANIL), an arm of the Adani Group, to Sri Lanka
has spent nearly $2.5 billion so far in developing a backward The World Bank has announced the release of the second
integrated value chain for its green hydrogen project. The instalment of $250 million to the cash-strapped island
green hydrogen plant is coming up at Mundra in Gujarat. country Sri Lanka. It cited Sri Lanka's continued
satisfactory progress in reform programmes and this
Uttar Pradesh positions itself as India's second- second instalment will help stabilise the economy.
largest economy: SOIC Finance
According to a report from the prominent online blogging U.K.’s CPI falls in November to 3.9% from 4.6% in
platform SOIC Finance, Uttar Pradesh became India's October
second-largest economy with a substantial 9.2% share of British annual consumer price inflation fell in November to
the nation's GDP, elevating it from its previous third-place 3.9% from 4.6% in October, the lowest rate since
standing. Maharashtra tops the table. September 2021. Its core inflation also cooled by an
unexpectedly large amount, falling to 5.1% from 5.7%.
Ambuja Cements plans to invest ₹6,000 cr. in
renewable power projects Tata Boeing Aerospace delivers 250th fuselage for
Ambuja Cements Ltd is planning to invest ₹6,000 crore in AH-64 Apache helicopter
1,000 MW renewable power projects by FY26. This kind of Boeing's first equity joint venture in India, Tata Boeing
investment will be funded through internal accruals, constitutes Aerospace (TBAL) has delivered the 250th fuselage for
a diverse portfolio of solar and wind power projects strategically the AH-64 Apache attack helicopter from its Hyderabad
positioned across Gujarat and Rajasthan. facility.

Sugar production falls to 74.05 lakh tonnes Zee, Sony to extend merger deadline
The Indian Sugar Mills’ Association (ISMA) said that the Zee Entertainment Enterpises Ltd (ZEEL) has agreed with
production of Sugar between October 1 and December 15, Sony Pictures Networks India to discuss the extension of
2023 was 74.05 lakh tonnes as against 82.95 lakh tonnes the merger deadline.
produced in the last sugar season in the same period.
Draft omnibus framework released for Self-
Regulatory Organisations by RBI
Sembcorp partners with Japanese companies to
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has released a ‘Draft
export green ammonia from India
Omnibus Framework for recognising Self-Regulatory
Singapore's Sembcorp Industries green hydrogen unit
Organisations (SROs) for its Regulated Entities (REs)‘to
had partnered with two Japanese firms to supply green
develop better industry standards for self-regulation and
ammonia produced in India to Japan.
sought comments from stakeholders.
IMF praises India’s economic growth & calls it as star LIC gets more time to comply with minimum public
performer holding norm
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in its annual Article The Centre through a one-time exemption has decided to
IV consultation report, has called India a 'star performer'. grant one-time exemption to Life Insurance Corporation of
It credited India’s robust growth rate is due to its wise India to achieve 25% minimum public shareholding within
macroeconomic policies and economic reforms in key 10 years from the date of listing i.e. till May 2032.
sectors like digitisation and infrastructure.
Japan eases arms export controls.
Karur Vysya Bank ties up with HDFC Life For the first time in nearly a decade, Japan has eased its
Karur Vysya Bank has entered in to a corporate agency arms exports restrictions to allow it to send domestically
agreement with HDFC Life to offer life insurance products produced missiles and artillery to countries that include
to their respective customers. the United State.
Centre releases nearly ₹73,000 cr. to states as of tax
Finance Ministry allows States to borrow an extra
₹2 lakh crore this year
The Centre had released an additional tranche of tax
The Union Finance Ministry has indicated that States may
devolution dues of nearly ₹73,000 crore to State
be able to borrow about ₹2.04 lakh crore as additional
governments in a bid to improve States’ liquidity position.
borrowings over and above their net borrowing limits for
The released amount can be utilised by states for
the year 2023-24.
financing various social welfare measures and
infrastructure development schemes.
RBI strengthen norms to prevent evergreening of
loans via investments in AIFs Ola Electric files Red Herring Prospectus with SEBI
The RBI has tightened its norms for Regulated Entities for IPO
(RE) like all banks, all India Financial Institutions and Non- Ola Electric, an Indian electric two-wheeler manufacturer, has
Banking Financial Companies (including Housing Finance filed a Draft Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP) with SEBI to
Companies) to prevent evergreening of loans via raise funds for its initial public offering (IPO). The issue is
investments in Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs). a fresh issue of equity shares up to ₹5,500 crore.
Advanced Educational Activities Pvt. Ltd. ( T.I.M.E. ) HO: 95B, 2 nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : /9
IT major Microsoft to end support for Windows 10: Reliance-Disney Star sign new deal, mega-merger to
Canalys Research be finalised in February 2024
According to Canalys Research, Global IT major Microsoft Mukesh Ambani owned Reliance Industries and Walt
Corp’s is planning to end support for Windows 10 Disney Co. have signed a non-binding agreement in
operating system. This action from the company could London, thereby taking the two companies one step
result in about 240 million personal computers (PCs) forward to their mega-merger. Both companies will be
being disposed, potentially adding to landfill waste. finalising the deal in India in February 2024.

Disinvestment fetches over ₹4.20 lakh cr in past Gautam Adani plans to invest ₹9,350 crore in green
decade energy subsidiary.
Over the past decade, disinvestments have raised around Gautam Adani and his family plan to invest ₹9,350 crore
₹4.20 trillion, with ₹3.15 lakh crore was realised from minority at ₹1,480.75 per share into the Group's green energy arm
stake sales and ₹69,412 crore came from strategic Adani Green Energy Ltd to equip it to achieve the 45 GW
transactions in 10 CPSEs -- HPCL, REC, DCIL, HSCC, NPCC, target by 2030.
NEEPCO, THDC, Kamarajar Port, Air India and NINL. LIC gets permisson to set up branch in Gujarat’s GIFT
NABARD and ADB signed a pact to address climate The LIC board members have approved its proposal for
change challenges in India establishing a branch in the International Financial
The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Services Centre, GIFT City in Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
(NABARD) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
signed a pact to address climate change challenges in IDFC-IDFC First Bank merger gets approval from the
India's agriculture and rural sectors. The pact also RBI
involves the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Reserve Bank of India has given its nod for the
reverse merger of IDFC Ltd with its banking subsidiary
ADB sanctions $100 million loan improve urban IDFC First Bank. The boards of both institutions have
services and tourism facilities in Tripura approved the reverse merger in July. As part of the
The Union Government of India signed an agreement with merger, IDFC FHCL would first merge with IDFC and then
Asian Development Bank (ADB) to avail a USD 100 million IDFC into IDFC First Bank Ltd
loan to improve urban services and tourism facilities in
the northeastern state of Tripura. RBI’s report indicates Asset quality of Indian banks
improved to decadal high
ONGC Videsh (OVL) to raise 5,000 crore rupees via Gross Non-Performing Assets (GNPA) ratio of Indian
debentures and commercial paper. scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) went on improving
ONGC Videsh (OVL) plans to raise up to 5,000 crore in the second quarter of this financial year, dropping to
rupees through debentures and commercial paper to a fresh decadal low. The GNPA ratios of SCBs fell to
meet its short-term financing needs. a decadal low of 3.9% at end-March 2023 and further to
3.2% at end-September 2023.
World Bank approved $300 million loan to Tamil Nadu Investments in Participatory notes increases in
to boost Urban water and Sewerage systems November
The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors approved According to SEBI, the value of P-note investments in
a $300 million loan to the Government of India's Ministry Indian markets stood at ₹1,31,664 crore at the end of
of Finance. The loan is for the Tamil Nadu Climate November compared to ₹1,26,320 crore at the end of
Resilient Urban Development Program (TNCRUDP). October due to robust performance of the domestic
HDFC Life, NKGSB Co-Operative Bank entered into a
Corporate Agency tie-up India planning $1 billion fresh banana exports in next
HDFC Life, one of India’s leading insurers, and NKGSB 5 years
Co-operative Bank Ltd have entered into a Corporate India is planning to increase exports of banana fruit to
Agency tie-up, allowing NKGSB Co-operative Bank $1 billion in the next five years. Recently India has
customers to access HDFC Life life insurance products. successfully exported a trial shipment of fresh bananas to
the Netherlands through sea route.
India-ASEAN group to review trade pact
India and the ASEAN will start negotiations in February, Private bank Axis Bank files insolvency proceedings
2024 to modernise their decade-and-a-half-old free trade against Zee Learn
agreement (FTA). The new areas such as labour, India’s private bank Axis Bank has filed a petition against
environment, SMEs and gender are likely to be kept out. education services provider firm Zee Learn before the
National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) seeking
Adani Green enters solar power deal with SECI insolvency proceedings against the company.
Adani Green Energy has completed a power purchase December IPO generates ₹9,000 crore
agreement with the Solar Energy Corporation of India to In December month as many as 12 companies raised
deliver 1,799 MW of solar power. ₹8,931.69 crore through IPO sales this month, making it
the best IPO month in two years.
Intel gets $3.2 billion grant from Israel for a new
$25 billion chip plant Urad and Tur Dal gets duty-free imports till March 2025
Israel’s government has agreed to give chip manufacturer The Central government has extended the duty-free
Intel Corp. a $3.2 billion grant for a new $25 billion chip imports facility for Urad and Tur Dal by a year till March
plant it plans to build in southern Israel, in what is the 31, 2025. The free import policy for these pulses was valid
largest investment ever by a company in Israel. until March 2024.
Advanced Educational Activities Pvt. Ltd. ( T.I.M.E. ) HO: 95B, 2 nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : /10
Govt. makes a push for e-commerce exports AWARDS
Centre has decided to extend benefits under the
Remissions of Duties and Taxes on Export Products
(RoDTEP) scheme for shipments sent abroad via courier Dharmendra Pradhan Presents National Awards for
or e-commerce channels from sectors like gems and
jewellery, pharma, leather, textiles and handicrafts.
Educational Innovations
Union Minister for Education Dharmendra Pradhan has
conferred the National Award for Innovations and Good
China’s Xiaomi launches first electric car Practices in Educational Administration (2020-21 and
Chinese consumer electronics company Xiaomi Corp has
launched its first four-wheeled electric vehicle (EV) SU7. TI
2021-22) on 65 outstanding district and block education
officers from across the country in New Delhi. The award
aims to create a culture and ecosystem of innovations and
Financial Intelligence Unit slaps notices to crypto good practices in educational administration at the field
The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), which comes under O
level of educational administration.
2023 Diwali “Power of One’ Awards”: Ban Ki-Moon
the Finance Ministry’s Department of Revenue had sent a honoured with Lifetime Achievement Award
notice to cryptocurrency exchange Binance for operating Former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon
illegally in India through an offshore entity.

Internet giant Google okays $5 billion consumer

has been honoured with Lifetime Achievement Award at
The Power of One Award 2023 ceremony, organised by
the Diwali Foundation USA .
privacy lawsuit
Online search engine Google has agreed to settle a
consumer privacy lawsuit seeking at least $5 billion in
damages over allegations it tracked the data of users who
British Indian Smital Dhake wins UK rail award
Smital Dhake, a British Indian data scientist from
Maharashtra has been awarded the UK’s RailStaff Awards
thought they were browsing the internet privately. 2023 in the Newcomer of the Year category.

Exports of Gem, jewellery down by 4.52% in

2023 Indira Gandhi Peace Prize Winners
The Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and
The overall gem and jewellery exports witnessed an on- Development for 2023 has been jointly awarded to Daniel
year decline of 4.52% in November to ₹19,018.180 crore Barenboim and Ali Abu Awwad for their efforts in bringing
($2,263.34 million). Exports stood at ₹19,917.73 crore together the youth and peoples of Israel and the Arab World
($2437.53 million) during November 2022. for a non-violent resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Sri Lanka awards Golden Owl Award to three Indian
India’s Core sectors’ growth down to 6-month low in officers
November Sri Lanka President Ranil Wickremasinghe has honored
The total output from India’s eight core sectors posted a three Indian officers with the prestigious Golden Owl award
growth of 7.8% in November, compared to 12% in at the graduation ceremony. The officers were undergoing
October. Command and Staff course at Sri Lanka’s Defence Services
Command and Staff College at Colombo.
Small savings schemes, Interest rates up on two
schemes: January-March 2024 quarter. Kempegowda International Airport T2 claims prize at
The Centre raised the returns on the Sukanya Samriddhi UNESCO’s 2023 Prix Versailles
Account Scheme (SSAS) from 8% to 8.2%, and on 3-year Terminal 2 (T2) of the Kempegowda International Airport
time deposits from 7% to 7.1%, for the first quarter of (KIA) in Bengaluru was recognised as one of the world’s most
2024, while retaining the status quo on interest rates for beautiful airports and was honoured with the world special
all other small savings schemes. prize for interiors at the UNESCO’s 2023 Prix Versailles.

States, UTs to borrow ₹4,13,452 crore in Q4 Hardik Singh of India named FIH player of the year,
RBI in consultation with the State Governments/Union Savita Punia claims women’s goalkeeper of the year
Territories (UTs), has declared that the quantum of total award
market borrowings by the State Governments/UTs for the The International Hockey Federation has announced that
quarter January – March 2024, would be to the tune of India’s Hardik Singh and Savita won the 2023 FIH Players
₹4,13,452 crore. of the Year and FIH Goalkeeper of the year award.
FIH Player of the Year in the women's category: Xan de
Waard, Netherlands
RBI allows extra time for implementing penal charge
FIH Goalkeeper of the Year awards among men: Pirmin
Blaak, Netherlands
As part of fair lending practice, the Reserve Bank of India
FIH Rising Stars award: Teresa Lima (ESP) and Gaspard
has granted three more months up till April 1, 2024 to
Xavier (FRA).
banks and NBFCs to implement the modified norms for
FIH Coaches of the Year awards: China women’s head coach
levying penal charges in loan accounts.
Alyson Annan, Germany men’s head coach, André Henning
FIH Umpires of the Year: Ayanna McClean (Trinidad-and-
Maharashtra has the highest number of registered Tobago) and Ben Göntgen (Germany)
investors in India
Maharashtra has the highest number of registered National Sports Awards 2023 announced
investors in India, with 14.6 million investors. Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award 2023: Chirag
Uttar Pradesh is second, with 8.7 million investors. Chandrashekhar Shetty and Rankireddy Satwik Sai Raj.
Maharashtra also leads in attracting foreign direct Around 26 Sports persons will receive Arjuna Awards for
investment (FDI). outstanding performance in Sports and Games 2023.
Advanced Educational Activities Pvt. Ltd. ( T.I.M.E. ) HO: 95B, 2 nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : /11
The Ministry also approved five coaches for the Dr Samir Shah
Dronacharya award in the regular category and three in Dr Samir Shah, an India-born media executive who
the lifetime category. worked in UK broadcasting has been announced as
The Dyan Chand award in the lifetime category will be the UK government's preferred candidate to take over as
presented to three individuals. the new BBC chairman. He will replace Richard Sharp.
Revanth Reddy
PERSONS IN NEWS Revanth Reddy has took oath as the 2nd Chief Minister of
Telangana following the recently concluded assembly
(National and International)
elections. Revanth Reddy became the first Congress chief
minister of Telangana.
Javier Milei Nikhil Dey
Javier Milei has taken oath as Argentina's President after Indian social activist Nikhil Dey has been named as the
winning elections. Argentina is suffering its worst economic International Anti-Corruption Champion by the US State
crisis in decades, with inflation heading towards 200 per cent. Department. Nikhil Dey was co-founder of Mazdoor Kisan
Shakti Sangathan (MKSS).
Vishnu Deo Sai
Tribal leader and former Union Minister Vishnu Deo Sai Alberto Fujimori
sworn in as Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh. He was elected Alberto Fujimori, a former Peruvian President has been
as leader of the BJP's legislature party at the meeting of released from Lima’s Barbadillo prison jail after 16 years
the 54 newly-elected MLAs. on humanitarian grounds. He was serving a 25-year jail
term for human rights abuses during his decade-long rule
Dr Mohan Yadav
from 1990 to 2000.
Senior BJP leader Dr Mohan Yadav will be the new Chief
Minister of Madhya Pradesh as he was unanimously elected Mahua Moitra
to this post in the BJP Legislature Party meeting. Jagdish Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra has been expelled
Deora, and Public Relations Minister Rajendra Shukla have from the Lok Sabha after the House adopted the report of
also been nominated as Deputy Chief Ministers. its Ethics Committee report. She was found her guilty of
accepting gifts and illegal gratification from businessman
Donald Tusk Darshan Hiranandani to further his interest.
Polish Parliament Members have backed Donald Tusk to
become Poland's Prime Minister after its incumbent Mateusz Fadeyeva
Morawiecki had lost a confidence vote in the country's A Russian court had sentenced Ksenia Fadeyeva, who
Parliament. The vote was 248 in favour and 201 against. led jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny's now-banned
organisation in the Siberian city of Tomsk, to almost a
Abdel Fattah El-Sisi decade in prison. She is the latest Russian opposition
Abdel Fattah El-Sisi has won a record third, six-year term figure to be detained during the war in Ukraine.
as Egypt's president, winning 89.6% of votes in an
election in which he faced no serious challengers. Bose Krishnamachari
Artist and curator Bose Krishnamachari has been
Aleksandar Vucic included in the list of the world’s most influential
Serbian incumbent President Aleksandar Vucic has personalities in the field of art, prepared by Art Review, an
claimed victory in snap parliamentary elections. His Serbian internationally-renowned art magazine.
Progressive Party, or SNS, won 47% of the vote & expected
to hold around 130 seats in the 250-member Assembly. Sandra Day O'Connor
Retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor,
Dave Sharma the first woman to serve on the nation’s highest court, died.
Dave Sharma, who happens to be the first Indian-origin
lawmaker in Australia's Parliament in 2019, was sworn in Sheikh Nawaf al-Ahmad Al-Sabah
as a Senator. He will replace ex-foreign minister Marise The Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Nawaf al-Ahmad Al-Sabah,
Payne, who retired from the Senate. died. He had been in power for the past three years. Sheikh
Nawaf was named crown prince in 2006 by his half-brother
Mohammed Al Ramsi Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad Al-Sabah and took over as emir
UAE’s Mohammed Al Ramsi was chosen as Chairman of when Sheikh Sabah died in September 2020.
the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC
23). The event is being held in Dubai, UAE, from Bo Larssondies
November 20th to December 15th, 2023. Swedish football legend Bo Larsson has died. He was 79.
He featured at the World Cups in 1970, 1974 and 1978.
Lalduhoma He is regarded as one of Malmo’s greatest-ever players.
Zoram People’s Movement leader Lalduhoma has taken
oath as Mizoram Chief Minister, along with a council of Robert Solow
11 ministers. Lalduhoma is the first non-Congress, Robert M. Solow, a Nobel Prize-winning economist, died.
non-Mizo National Front Chief Minister of Mizoram since He won the 1987 Nobel Prize in economics for his work
its formation in 1987. on the impact of technology on economic growth. Solow
is also credited as the founder of the modern model of
Bhajan Lal Sharma economic growth.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has selected Bhajan Lal
Sharma, the first-time MLA from the Sanganer assembly Vijayakant
constituency, as the Chief Minister of Rajasthan. It has Founder of the Desiya Murpokku Dravida Kazhagam
also named Diya Kumari and Prem Chand Bairwa as the (DMDK) political party and a noted Tamil actor
deputy chief ministers of Rajasthan. Vijayakanth passed away at the age of 71 after testing
Advanced Educational Activities Pvt. Ltd. ( T.I.M.E. ) HO: 95B, 2 nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : /12
positive for Covid-19. He had a successful film career Sports Minister inaugurate first-ever Khelo India Para
spanning over 150 movies, earning the title "Captain" after Games in New Delhi
his hundredth film, "Captain Prabhakaran." Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Anurag Singh
Thakur inaugurated the first-ever Khelo India Para Games
Jacques Delors in New Delhi. More than 1,400 participants from across
Jacques Delors, a former head of the EU Commission and 32 states and Union Territories including Services Sports
key figure in the creation of the Euro currency, has died. Control Board are participating in the 8-day event.
He served as President of the European Commission for
three terms from January 1985 until the end of 1994. ICC Under-19 World Cup: India’s first match is with
Bangladesh on January 20
In the Under-19 World Cup to be held in South Africa,
SPORTS India will start their first match against Bangladesh on
January 20 in Bloemfontein, South Africa as per ICC's
Vaishali Rameshbabu becomes India’s 84th grandmaster revised schedule.

Vaishali Rameshbabu has become India’s 84th grandmaster
after surpassing 2500 rating during the 2023 IV Elllobregat
Asad Shafiq announces retirement from all forms of
the game
Open. Vaishali is now the third female grandmaster from Pakistan’s Asad Shafiq has announced his retirement from all
India after Koneru Humpy and Harika Dronavalli. forms of cricket. Asad scoring 4660 runs in 77 games at

India defeats Australia in 5th & final T20I Cricket
India has defeated Australia by six runs in the fifth and
a healthy average of 38.19 including 12 hundreds and 27 fifties.
Leander and Vijay Amritraj inducted it to the Tennis
final T20 International Cricket. With this win It recorded a Hall of Fame
India’s Tennis legends Leander Paes & Vijay Amritraj has
comprehensive 4-1 series win at Bengaluru.
Indian pair lost women's doubles final in the Syed
made it into the International Tennis Hall of Fame. Paes
was inducted in the players' category and Amritraj in the
Modi Badminton tournament. contributors category. They are the first two Indians to be
The Indian pair of Tanisha Crasto and Ashwini Ponnappa
inducted into the Hall of Fame.
have lost to Japan's Rin Iwanaga and Kie Nakanish in the
women's doubles final at the 2023 Syed Modi India 2023 FIH Junior men's hockey World Cup: India lose
International Badminton tournament. to Germany 1-4 in semifinal
India loses 1-4 to Germany in the semifinal of junior men's

IBA Junior World Boxing Championship: India claims
3 gold, 5 silver and 1 bronze medals
India has bagged three gold, five silver and one bronze
hockey World Cup. Six-time champions Germany earned
just two penalty corners in the whole match but scored on
both the occasions. In this match India wasted as many
medals on the last day of IBA Junior World Boxing as 12 penalty corners.

Championship 2023 at Yerevan, Armenia.

Tennis: India’s Ramkumar Ramanathan claims

United World Wrestling (UWW) Rising Star of the Year
is Antim Panghal
Kalaburagi Open Antim Panghal, a two-time World under-20 champion and
Ramkumar Ramanathan of India has won his third ITF title senior Worlds bronze medallist (53kg) has been named
after beating Austrian David Pichler in the final of the United World Wrestling (UWW) Rising Star of the Year
Kalaburagi Open at the Chandrashekhar Patil Stadium. 2023 in women’s section.

Chess: Scottie Scheffler clinches Hero World India becomes the 2nd-ever Women's team to post
Challenge title 400-plus runs in a single day of Test Match
Scottie Scheffler has claimed the Hero World Challenge, In Women's Cricket, India scored a huge 410 runs for the
title. Scheffler has scored a bogey free four-under 68 in loss of 7 wickets on first day of the one-off Test against
the final round with a comfortable three shots ahead of England. India thus becomes only the second team in
nearest rival Sepp Straka. women’s Tests to score 400 runs in a single day after
England did this in 1935.
Bengaluru hosted Men's Volleyball Club World
Championship Indian women’s cricket team register biggest 347-run
Bengaluru hosted the FIVB ( Fédération Internationale de win over England
Volleyball) Men's Volleyball Club World Championship India women’s cricket team registered a historic 347-run
2023 at the Koramangala Indoor Stadium. For the first win over England in the one-off Test match held in
time, this prestigious tournament was held in India. Mumbai. This is the largest victory margin by runs in the
history of women's cricket.
India’s Ravi Bishnoi is world’s No.1 T20I bowler
Tamil Nadu will host Khelo India games in January 2024
India’s leg spinner Ravi Bishnoi has taken to the top spot
Khelo India games will be held in Tamil Nadu in January,
in the ICC T20I bowling chart on the back of his recent
2024. The Tamil Nadu State Government said that the
player of the series-winning performance against
games will be held in Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, and
Australia. Bishnoi is on 699 rating points.
Trichy from the 19th to the 31st of January.
Ashwini & Tanisha Crasto win women’s doubles title
at Guwahati Masters badminton tournament First-ever Khelo India Para Games: Haryana tops
The duo of Ashwini Ponnappa and Tanisha Crasto have medal tally
won the women’s doubles title at the Guwahati Masters The first-ever Khelo India Para Games (KIPG) concluded
2023 badminton tournament. They defeated the Taipei’s in New Delhi. Haryana has secured the inaugural title by
Sung Shuo Yun and Yu Chien Hui to win their second title securing 105 medals including 40 gold, 39 silver, and
as a pair. 26 bronze. Uttar Pradesh came second with 62 medals.
Advanced Educational Activities Pvt. Ltd. ( T.I.M.E. ) HO: 95B, 2 nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : /13
Bengaluru Mavericks wins the 2023 Tennis Premier IOA constitutes Ad Hoc committee to run affairs of the
League Title Wrestling Federation of India
Bengaluru SG Mavericks has been crowned the The Indian Olympic Association (IOA) had constituted a
champions of the fifth season of the Tennis Premier three-member Ad Hoc committee comprising Bhupinder
League after beating Bengal Wizards in the final. Singh Bajwa as Chairman, MM Somaya and Manjusha
Kanwar as Members. The committee is given the
Haryana emerge winners in the finals of Vijay Hazare responsibility to observe and supervise the operations of
Trophy the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI).
Haryana emerged as champions in the 2023 Vijay Hazare
Trophy defeating Rajasthan by 30 runs in the final at World Rapid Chess Championship 2023: Carlsen and
Rajkot. Chasing a victory target of 288,Rajasthan Anastasia Bodnaruk wins
managed to score 257 in 48 overs. Norway’s Magnus Carlsen won his fifth World Rapid and
16th World Championship crown at the 2023 World Rapid
Dubai Para Badminton International 2023: Manasi- Chess Championships in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. In the
Murugesan wins women’s doubles gold women’s section, Russia’s Anastasia Bodnaruk has won
India’s double’s pair of Manasi and Murugesan have the Women's event. She defeated India’s Koneru Humpy
defeated the Indonesian pair of Leani Ratri Oktila and in the Playoffs to clinch the Gold.
Khalimatus Sadiyah to secure the gold in women’s
doubles SL3-SU5 category at the 5th Fazza Dubai Para South Africa beats India to claim first Test.
Badminton International 2023. South Africa beat India by an innings and 32 runs, and it
takes a 1-0 lead in the two-match test series at Super
Starc & Cummins are most expensive IPL players Sport Park in Centurion.
Australia’s Mitchell Starc and Pat Cummins have become
the most expensive players in the history of the IPL. MISCELLANEOUS
During the recently concluded IPL 2024 auction in Dubai,
Mitchell Starc was bought by KKR for a whooping
24.75 crore rupees and Cummins to Sunrisers Hyderabad Top Russian court bans LGBT movement
for 20.50 crore rupees. Russia's Supreme Court ruled that LGBT activists should be
designated as extremists, in a move that representatives of
Gukesh wins Chennai Grand Masters 2023 title. gay and transgender people say will lead to arrests and
India’s D. Gukesh has won the Chennai Grand Masters prosecutions.
2023 tournament title by holding P.Harikrishna for a draw.
Plane carrying Indian passengers to leave France
India beat South Africa to claim the three match ODI after trafficking probe
series 2-1 French authorities have said that a plane carrying more
India beat South Africa by 78 runs in the third and final than 300 Indian passengers which has been detained
ODI of their three-match cricket series, at Boland Park. at an airport in France has been cleared to leave after
This victory helped India claim the ODI series 2-1. a probe into human trafficking claims.

Man City wins 2023 FIFA Club World Cup Final Venezuela holds military exercises.
Manchester City won the Fifa Club World Cup for the first Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro has ordered its
time by beating Brazilians Fluminense winning 4-0 in Saudi armed forces to conduct defensive exercises in the
Arabia. Julian Alvarez scored twice for Manchester City. Eastern Caribbean after the UK sent a warship toward
Guyana’s territorial waters as the South American
South Africa’s Dean Elgar announces retirement after neighbours dispute a large border region.
Test series against India
Forbes' Most Powerful Women List: 4 Indians in the list
South Africa’s Test Opener Dean Elgar had announced
The Forbes Magazine has released its annual list of Most
that he will retire from the international cricket after the
Powerful Women, and four Indians were figured in the 2023
Test series against India. He played for South Africa in
edition of the list. Union finance minister Nirmala
84 Tests and eight One-Day Internationals during his
Sitharaman is the highest-ranking Indian woman on the list
12-year long career.
with 32. The other three Indians were - HCL Corporation
Indian Women’s Cricket team records maiden Test CEO Roshni Nadar Malhotra (rank 60), SAIL chairperson
victory over Australia Soma Mondal (rank 70), and Biocon founder Kiran
The Indian women’s team achieved a historic Test win Mazumdar-Shaw (rank 76). Ursula von der Leyen,
against Australia, marking a major landmark in Indian President of the European Commission has topped the list.
cricket. This is India’s first victory against Australia in Russian embassy reopens in Burkina Faso
11 tests since the teams first clashed in the longest format The Russian embassy got reopened in African nation
in 1977. Burkina Faso after a gap of nearly 32 years. The embassy
was closed in 1992.
Anmol Kharb crowned women’s singles title at
85th National Badminton Championships Roscosmos, NASA agree to continue ISS until 2025
Anmol Kharb, 16, won the women’s singles title at Russian space agency Roscosmos and U.S. space agency
the 85th National Badminton Championships 2023. NASA have agreed to keep working together to deliver crews
In the men’s singles title clash unseeded Chirag Sen to the International Space Station (ISS) until at least 2025.
secured the national title.
China launches experimental reusable robotic
English football club Manchester United gets a buyer spacecraft into orbit.
Jim Ratcliffe, a British billionaire has made a deal to buy China has successfully launched a reusable robotic
a 25% stake in Manchester United. He further pledged to spacecraft for the third time since 2020, aimed at developing
invest $300 million in the club to try to revive its fortunes. reusable technologies to reduce space mission costs.
Advanced Educational Activities Pvt. Ltd. ( T.I.M.E. ) HO: 95B, 2 nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : /14
Road deaths drop globally: WHO report Park, thereby marking the launch of the world's largest
According to the WHO’s Global Status Report on Road concentrated solar power (CSP) project. The 950 MW phase
Safety 2023, shows road traffic deaths fell by 5% to was constructed at an investment of AED15.78 billion.
1.19 million fatalities annually worldwide between 2010
and 2021, with 108 UN member nations reporting a drop. China launches a Long March-11 carrier rocket into
India, however, has registered a 15% increase in fatalities. space
China’s Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center had witnessed
Myanmar occupies first place as world's biggest the launch of the Long March 11 carrier rocket from waters
opium producer off the coast of Yangjiang, sending three satellites into
According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and planned orbit.
Crime (UNODC) Southeast Asia Opium Survey 2023,
Myanmar occupied first place as the world's biggest China put curbs on export of rare earth processing
opium producer. From 2022 to 2023. technologies
China, which is the world's top processor of rare earths, has
ICG Ship SAJAG on a Strategic Port Visit to UAE banned the export of technology to extract and separate the
As part of its ongoing strategic overseas deployment to strategic metals. It also banned the export of production
West Asia, the Indian Coast Guard Ship SAJAG is on a technology for rare earth metals and alloy materials as well
three-day visit to the UAE. SAJAG is an Offshore Patrol as technology to prepare some rare earth magnets.
Vessel of the Indian Coast Guard fleet based on the West
Coast of India in Porbandar, Gujarat. 1 December is World AIDS Day
World AIDS Day 2023 is observed on 1 December each
Oxford University Press word of the year is ‘Rizz’ year and aims at raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic
The Oxford University Press has selected “rizz” as its caused by HIV infection. the theme of World AIDS Day
word of the year. The word describes someone’s ability to 2023 is ‘Let communities lead’.
attract or seduce another person.
International Day of Banks observed on December 4
Gujarat’s Garba dance found place in the UNESCO
International Day of Banks is celebrated on December 4
Intangible Cultural Heritage list
every year in recognition of the significant potential of
Gujarat’s traditional dance form ‘Garba’ has been figured
multilateral development banks & other international
in the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage by the United
development banks in financing sustainable development.
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO). Garba is celebrated for 9 days during the Armed Forces Flag Day to honour martyrs & soldiers
festival of Navaratri . in Indian armed forces observed on Dec 7
TIME magazine names Taylor Swift, 2023 Person of India observes Armed Forces Flag Day on December 7 every
the Year year to honour the martyrs and the soldiers in the armed
Pop singer and lyricist Taylor Swift as Person of the Year forces. It has been observed on this day annually since 1949.
making her the first woman to appear twice on a Person International Anti-Corruption Day: 9th December
of the Year cover since the franchise began in 1927. International Anti-Corruption Day is observed worldwide
The OpenAI founder Sam Altman was chosen as CEO of on December 9 every year. The theme for International
the Year 2023. Football great Lionel Messi as chosen as Anti-Corruption Day 2023 is “UNCAC at 20: Uniting the
Athlete of the Year 2023. World Against Corruption”
QS World University Rankings 2024 University of Delhi The International Day of Commemoration and Dignity
(DU) is the topmost sustainable institute in India. of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide: 9 th December
The University of Delhi (DU) is the most sustainable Indian The International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of
institute in the QS World University Rankings: Sustainability the Victims of the Crime of Genocide is observed every
2024. Globally, the university has been ranked at 220. year on December 9. The day marks the anniversary of
The University of Toronto has topped the list. the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment
India ranked 7th in the 2023 Climate Change of the Crime of Genocide, the first human rights treaty
Performance Index adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.
India has ascended to the 7th position in 2023 Climate
Vijay Diwas: 16th December
Change Performance Index (CCPI).
Vijay Diwas, is being commemorated across the country
India received a high ranking in the Green House Gasses
on December 16 every year, , to mark India's victory over
(GHG) Emissions and Energy Use categories.
Pakistan in the 1971 war and to pay tribute to the soldiers
Gemini, Google’s next generation AI system launched who sacrificed their lives for the country.
Search engine company Google has launched its next
National Consumer Rights Day: 24th December
generation AI system called Gemini AI. The AI will be
National Consumer Rights Day is celebrated on
available in three modes — Ultra, Pro and Nano. Gemini
December 24th every year. The day commemorates the
will be utilising the biggest LLM (large language model) to
passing of the Consumer Protection Act in 1986, which
perform its AI tasks.
was approved by the President on December 24th.
World's Largest Concentrated Solar Power Project
gets launched in Dubai Good Governance Day: 25th December
Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Good Governance Day is celebrated annually on
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has inaugurated the December 25th to honor the birth anniversary of former
fourth phase of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

Advanced Educational Activities Pvt. Ltd. ( T.I.M.E. ) HO: 95B, 2 nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : /15

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