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How to Play You can resolve the dice in wha- Note: If you were already in times as you want,

You can resolve the dice in wha- Note: If you were already in times as you want, as long as you
tever order you like, however all Manhattan, you may not move have the Energy cubes to do so.
Players take turns in clockwise the dice of the same type must to another borough (unless you
Each time you buy a card,
order. be resolved before resolving ano- have been damaged by another
immediately reveal a
ther type. Monster’s attack).
replacement for it from the
In order to see who goes first,
each player rolls the 6 black 3. move 4. Buy Cards
dice and the 2 green dice, • If there is no one in Manhattan After resolving the dice and • Example: Kong has 10
and whoever rolls the most
Faces for dices (King of tokyo) (2 kinds of dice, black dice and green dice)

Attacks ( ) starts the game.

you must move there. When you
arrive in Manhattan, you must
making a move, you can buy one
or more cards from those avai-
and doesn’t like the cards cur-
rently available. He spends 2 to

Starting with the first player, and place your Monster on Lower lable. discard the three cards and reveal
going clockwise: Place your Mons- 1. Roll the Dice
Manhattan on the 2–4 space. You are also welcome to spend bronx the next three. He still has 8
ter in the borough of your choice, • If there is already 1 Monster 2 Energy cubes (2 ) in order to and sees an interesting card that
except Manhattan. There can be On your turn, you can roll the dice in any zone of Manhattan, you discard the three available cards
manhattan costs 3 . He buys it and reveals a
no more than 2 Monsters in any up to three times. have two options: You can move

and reveal three new ones.

new card. He still has 5 which he
borough. For your first roll, you will roll the 6 to any borough that doesn’t You can buy and/or discard cards decides to keep for another turn.
black dice (the green dice are only already have 2 Monsters in it in any order you like, and as many
Note: From here on out, the used with particular cards). Upper
(except Manhattan), or you can 5. End Your Turn
rules and cards will refer to the For your second and third rolls (both just stay in your borough. +2
players as Monsters. optional), you can reroll any or all of +1
Certain card effects activate
the dice (even ones that you chose • If you were already in Man- 5-6

during this phase.

On Your Turn: to keep on a previous roll). hattan, advance to the 2–4 2-4
This is the end of your turn; pass
1. Roll the Dice (up to 3 times) space in the next zone up in Midtown
the dice to the player on your left.
2. Resolve the Dice (mandatory) 2. Resolve the Dice Manhattan. +1
3. Move (generally optional, but Note: Once you are in Upper +1
3 5-6

sometimes mandatory) The symbols on the dice after your

Manhattan, you no longer
4. Buy Cards (optional) final roll indicate your actions for 2-4

move during this phase.

5. End Your Turn this turn.
Æ1 Lower

dice effects If there are no Monsters in place it in the same borough. Celebrity - If you rolled , the Units
Manhattan at the start of your If there are still Buildings in
If you roll fewer than in your borough attack all the
Description of the dice: turn, you don’t inflict any the stack, this will reveal a new
Faces for dices (King of tokyo) (2 kinds of dice, black dice and green dice)

3 Staten
nothing happens. Brooklyn Monsters in your borough (inclu-
Each die has 6 symbols. damage, even if you roll . one, and you can even destroy it island
ding you, of course); each Monster
If you roll triple- or more, you
immediately if you have enough in your borough suffers 1 damage
: Energy : Heal take the Superstar card, and place
heal remaining. per Unit tile in your borough.
it in front of you. You immediately
Faces for dices (King of tokyo) (2 kinds of dice, black dice and green dice)

When you destroy a Unit, take it

: Attack : Celebrity Each you rolled earn 1 +1 per beyond the - If you rolled , all Units
and put it in front of you.
: Destruction : Ouch! allows you to heal 1 Life first three . in the entire city attack; each
You cannot destroy a Unit on the
Point ( ) that you’ve lost, unless From now on, as long as you have Monster suffers 1 damage per Unit
same turn that it appears.
energy you are in Manhattan. the Superstar card in front of you, tile in his borough.
If you have enough to destroy
A Monster cannot have more than each you roll earns you 1 . Moreover, by rolling ,
You earn 1 Energy cube a Building or a Unit, you must
Faces for dices (King of tokyo) (2 kinds of dice, black dice and green dice)

10 . As soon as another Monster rolls a you trigger a counterattack by the

( ) for each you to do so; however you are not
triple- , he steals the Superstar entire army, and you become the
roll. Destruction required to optimize your .
card from you. defender of the city: The Statue
You can hoard Energy cubes until You can use to
you want to use them. • Example: Captain Fish rolls of Liberty comes to life and teams
destroy Buildings or , he is in Queens, where up with you. Take the Statue of
attack eliminate Units. there are 3 Buildings visible: a Liberty card and place it in front
The Durability of a Building or Hospital 2, a High-Rise 2, and a of you. As long as you have the
You inflict one damage for
Faces for dices (King of tokyo) (2 kinds of dice, black dice and green dice)

Unit indicates the number of High-Rise 1. He decides to destroy Statue of Liberty card in front of
each you roll. you have to roll in order to des-
Faces for dices (King of tokyo) (2 kinds of dice, black dice and green dice)
Super star
you, you have an extra 3 . You
the High-Rise 1 and High-Rise 2
troy it on your turn.
- If you are in Manhattan each to earn 3 . He still has 1 , but
at least
Take this card when you rollper additional
, and gain 1 , +1
lose the extra 3 as soon as you
you roll inflicts damage to all When you apply as many Des- you rolled.
this card, you gain
lose the Statue of Liberty.
the Buildings revealed are a Hos-
While you have
1 for each you roll.

Monsters outside Manhattan. truction points as the Unit or

pital 3 and a High-Rise 2. He can’t
- If you are not in Manhattan Building's durability, it is des-
Faces for dices (King of tokyo) (2 kinds of dice, black dice and green dice)

destroy any more Buildings with Ouch! statue of

each you roll inflicts damage troyed, and you earn as many liberty
to all Monsters in Manhattan.
Faces for dices (King of tokyo) (2 kinds of dice, black dice and green dice)
(for High-Rises or Tanks), (for the he has left. If you roll at least 1 , the
Each causes any Monster(s) Power Plants or Jets), or (for military opens fire:
damaged to lose 1 Life Point Hospitals or Infantries) as indica- - If you rolled , the Units in
(1 ). ted on the tile. your borough attack you; you suf-
If a Monster loses its last Life When you destroy a Building, fer 1 damage per Unit tile in your
3 4

turn it over to its Unit side, and borough.

at least
Take this card when you roll

Point ( ), it is eliminated.
+3 when you take this
-3 when you lose this
controlling Effects of Manhattan End of the Game
Card description manhattan Being in Manhattan provides The game ends at the end of a turn
advantages and inconveniences: if a Monster has reached 20 Victory
At the start of the game, there are
Points and survived, or if there is
: The cost of a card is in the  : How to play the card is no Monsters in Manhattan. • You earn 1 when you
only one Monster still in the game.
upper-left corner, and is paid in indicated above the text. If there are no Monsters in seize control of Manhattan
Energy cubes ( ). Manhattan at the end of your (1 ). Place your figure The Monster with 20 , or who is
: Effect of the card is indi- turn, you must move into in Lower Manhattan. the last survivor wins the game,
cated in the bubble. Manhattan. and is crowned King of New York.
4 Note: The three zones of
• At the start of your turn,
you earn a number of
If all the Monsters have been elimi-
5 tesla Manhattan — Lower, Midtown, and , according to which
nated in the same turn, nobody wins.

Canon and Upper — form a single zone of Manhattan you

borough. Therefore, there occupy: advanced rule
can only be one Monster in - Lower = [+1 /+1 ] Rules for 5–6 experienced Monsters.
Manhattan, regardless of which - Midtown = [+2 /+1 ] In a 5- or 6-player game, there
zone it's in. Buildings and Units can be as many as two Monsters in
- Upper = [+2 /+2 ]
Chame leon in Manhattan are accessible Manhattan. The rules are the same
• When you are in Manhat-
Faces for dices (King of tokyo) (2 kinds of dice, black dice and green dice)

 Keep
as you wish. 
to the Monster in Manhattan,
regardless of zone. Similarly, tan, you cannot use
for these two Monsters. Having one
additional place for the Monsters is
You can discard as many can change the rolls to heal, but they can
allows Units in Manhattan
For each discarded, you
face of one of the dice you haven’t resolved.
 Discard
+2 .
All Monsters (including you)  to attack the monster in still serve to trigger other
quite significant when you have so
many Monsters stomping about.
must discard one keep card. Manhattan, regardless of zone. game effects; and you can
keep: Keep these cards face-up always use cards to heal • When a card or an effect targets the
for the remainder of the game If you are attacked while you Monster in Manhattan, it affects all
discard:Resolve these cards’ yourself ( ).
unless indicated otherwise. are in Manhattan, you may flee the Monsters in Manhattan.
effects immediately, then
Manhattan, to leave your place In addition, the targets of your • If you are not in Manhattan at
discard the card.
to the Monster that attacked you attacks are determined automati- step 3 of your turn, you must
(he will have to move into Man- cally by where you are: move into Manhattan if there
hattan during his movement). are fewer than 2 Monsters there.
• If you control Manhattan,
Faces for dices (King of tokyo) (2 kinds of dice, black dice and green dice)

You still take any damage he

your inflicts damage • Just as in the normal game, only
inflicted on you. This is this only
• Dice resolution example: way you can leave Manhattan. to all Monsters outside the very first Monster on the very
Manhattan. first turn is unable to inflict any
Kong is in Manhattan. It is Unit side, which is another Note: A Discard card that damage. If Manhattan is only occu-
• If you are outside
Faces for dices (King of tokyo) (2 kinds of dice, black dice and green dice)

Capt. Fish’s turn. Capt. Fish Infantry; he puts it in his directly damages you is not an pied by one Monster, the attacking
rolls the 6 dice, and gets the borough. attack. Manhattan, your inflicts Monster inflicts damage on the
following on his first roll:
Faces for dices (King of tokyo) (2 Faces
kindsfor dices black
of dice, (King dice
of tokyo) (2 kinds
and green dice) of dice, black dice and green dice)
damage to all Monsters in Monster in Manhattan, and then
His means the Infantry If you are in Manhattan, and are Manhattan. must move into Manhattan, too.
deals 1 damage to him.
Faces for dices (King of tokyo) (2 kinds of dice, black dice and green dice)
eliminated during an attack, the
Monster that attacks you will When you move into
He keeps the and rerolls the His inflicts 1 damage to have to move into Manhattan 2 Manhattan, you normally
other four dice, trying to take Kong, who is currently in during his movement. bronx
move into the 2-4 space.
the Superstar card; now he has: Manhattan. (If Capt. Fish had
Faces for dices (King of tokyo) (2 kinds of dice, black dice and green dice)

manhattan If there is already a Monster

been the one in Manhattan, he +2 in a 2-4 space regardless of
would have inflicted 1 damage +2
the zone he is in, you must
He has one roll left. This time, on all the other Monsters.) 5-6
move into the 5-6 space.
he decides to keep the and Kong remains in Manhattan. 2-4
reroll the other three; now he Capt. Fish does not gain
has: Faces for dices (King of tokyo) (2 kinds of dice, black dice and green dice)

because he only got one , There are effectively two

During his Move Phase, +2

and he doesn’t have the tracks: 2–4 and 5–6. The

a Monster in Manhattan
1 5-6
Monster on 2–4 advances
Superstar card. advances to the next
to the next 2–4 space; the
Faces for dices (King of tokyo) (2 kinds ofFaces
and of
dice) (2 kinds of dice, black dice and green dice)

• Dice resolution: zone's 2–4 space. 2-4

Capt. Fish got neither or , Midtown Monster on 5–6 advances

Resolution of the dice:Because to the next 5–6 space.
so he doesn’t heal any , and he queens
he rolled he +1
doesn’t gain any Energy cubes. +1
destroys a High-Rise with 1 3 5-6

and an Infantry with 2, and Capt Fish does not move, and When you are playing with
earns 1 (for the High-Rise) chooses not to buy any cards, When a monster enters 2-4
5–6 Monsters, if any 2–4
and 1 (for the Infantry). He so this is the end of his turn. Manhattan, place his space is already occupied,
eliminates the Infantry, and He passes the dice to the player figure in the 2–4 space Æ1 Lower
the second Monster who
turns over the High-Rise to its on his left. in Lower Manhattan. enters Manhattan places his
figure on the 5–6 space of
1 Lower Manhattan.
Staten Brooklyn
statue of Summary of a Game Turn
Monsters remain in the game, liberty
from now on, there can only be
one Monster in Manhattan. If
On your turn, you must follow these phases in order: 2-4 2
0. Earnings (if you are in Manhattan or if you have Keep cards that give
there are still two Monsters in
you earnings at the start of your turn)
Manhattan, the one on the 5–6
• If you are in Manhattan, you earn the and indicated in the
space automatically moves out
of Manhattan to the borough of
zone you occupy. 6+
• Resolve the Keep cards that have effects at the start of the turn.
his choice which doesn't have Take this card when you roll
at least
+3 when you take this
already 2 Monsters in it. -3 when you lose this
card. 1. Roll the dice
Attack from
Roll the dice up to 3 time.
the Army 15
15 mn 40
2. Resolve the dice 15mn
Card You must roll in order
to take Superstar. You choose the order in which the dice : Take 1 damage per Unit
Clarifications are resolved, but you must resolve all in your borough.
the dice of one type before moving on : You and the other
• Whenever a card depicts a num-
to the next. If you get at least one , Monster in your borough
ber followed by , this indicates
you trigger an attack from the army. each take 1 damage per
the number of Victory Points
you earn by buying it. 3. Move Unit in your borough.
• You must enter Manhattan if there is : Each Monster
• It’s possible that you reach 20
Super star no Monster there. everywhere takes 1 damage
but die due to some cards. You
Goal • If Manhattan was already occupied, per Unit it its borough.
must survive your entire turn in at least
Take this card when you rollper additional
• When you progress in Manhat- , and gain 1 , +1 you can either move in any borough
order to win. If all the Monsters you rolled.

tan, you move along the same

you gain
While you have this card, roll.
you that doesn’t already have 2 Monsters, or stay where you are.
are eliminated in the same 1 for each

type of space: If you are on • If you were already in Manhattan, you must advance to the next
turn… everybody loses! You immediately gain 1 , +1
2–4, you will advance to the zone.
• No cards permit you to have more for each additional that you
next 2–4; if you are on 5–6, you 4. Buy cards
than 10 unless they explicitly just rolled.
will advance to the next 5–6. You can buy cards by spending Energy.
say that you can exceed 10 . While you have this card you
Remember, there can only be 2 5. End of your turn
Monsters in Manhattan at once! • Certain Discard cards are linked to gain 1 for each you roll.
If you are still alive and you have 20 or you are the last Monster
a borough, and they cost 1 less
• If the monsters in Manhattan are standing, you have won! Otherwise, end your turn by passing the dice
if you are in the right borough Glossary
attacked, the Monster on the 2–4 to the player on your left.
when you buy them.
space says whether he will flee.
If he flees Manhattan, he goes to • The Statue of Liberty and • Reroll: Reroll as many of the
Superstar are Goal cards. You dice as you wish, one time, Cards that inflict damage as If a card forces or allows a
the borough of his choice (pro- soon as they are purchased Monster to leave Manhattan
vided it doesn’t already have 2 earn them exclusively by rol- unless the card specifies that
ling a particular combination, you can only reroll one die. (such as General Ellis), are (such as Subway) the next
Monsters in it), and the Monster not considered to be attacks. monster who moves must enter
on the 5–6 space moves to the and you lose them if someone • Damage: Lose 1 .
else rolls that combination. Thus, this sort of damage does Manhattan.
2–4 space in his current zone, • Attack / Attacking / Attacker: A not enable Monsters in Man-
unless he also decides to flee. • Eliminated: Having 0 (or fewer).
You must roll in order Monster is considered an attacker hattan to flee; similarly, cards
• At any time if the Monster in to take the Statue of Liberty. if it inflicts at least one damage that affect attacks cannot be
Faces for dices (King of tokyo) (2 kinds of dice, black dice and green dice)

©2014 IELLO USA LLC. King of New

the 2–4 space is eliminated, the You immediately gain 3 . with from the dice; otherwise, played in response to such York, King of Tokyo, IELLO and their
Monster on the 5–6 space auto- You immediately lose 3 if you the Monster is not attacking. damage. logos are trademarks of IELLO USA
matically moves to the 2–4 space lose the Statue of Liberty. If a card increases the damage • Flee / Drive Out: When you are
LLC in the U.S.A. and of IELLO in
in his current zone. from an attack, it only does so if other countries. ® and TM denote U.S.
in Manhattan, you may yield trademarks. All rights reserved.
• If the elimination of a Mons- the Monster is inflicting at least your place only if a Monster
ter means that fewer than five one damage already. attacks you.

Credits Playtests US: Mons Johnson, Bill Rose, Chip Brown, IELLO USA LLC
Rob Watkins, Andrew Gross, and the scourge of Manhat- 5550 Painted Mirage Rd. Suite 320
Game Design: Richard Garfield tan – Schuyler Garfield. ®
Las Vegas, Nevada 89149 USA

Game Development: Richard Garfield, Skaff Elias, Development, design and packaging: ORIGAMES
Koni Kim, and Guillaume Gille-Naves Coordination, debugging and layout: IELLO
Art and Colors: Igor Polouchine, Régis Torres, Guillaume Gille-Naves 9 Avenue des Érables - Lot 341 54180 Heillecourt FRANCE
Arnaud Launay, Mathieu Rebuffat, Charlotte Bey, and Art Director & Monster Design:
Sébastien Lamirand. Igor Polouchine
Series Directors: Cédric Barbé and Patrice Boulet Playtests France: Cédric Barbé, Gabriel Durnerin, Lu- FOLLOW US ON:
Project manager: Gabriel Durnerin dovic Papais, Théo Rivière, Stéphane Brissaud, Vincent
Translation: Nathan Morse Vandelli, Justine Bejo, Rodolphe Gilbart, Théodore Po-
Revisions: Russell Grieshop louchine, Frédéric Vasseur, Elliot Gille-Naves, Roman
Grolleau, and Timothée Simonot. ®
Informations to be kept

2-6 Victory



You are a giant monster, and you want Life Points
r to become King of New York! Compete
against other immense creatures, and
destroy everything in your path. In
order to win, attack your enemies,
 
crush high-rises, buy new abilities,
ge become a star, and keep an eye on the
army: The humans haven’t thrown in
the towel yet….

Contents 
• 1 rulebook
• 1 gameboard 
• 64 cards  + 2 special cards:
Statue of Liberty and Superstar 
• 46 tokens  (13 Web, 13 Jinx,
5 Souvenir, 15 Carapace).
• 8 dice (6 black and 2 green) 

• 6 Monster boards 
 

• 6 cardboard figures + 6 plastic
stands 
• A bunch of Energy cubes 
• 45 Building/Unit tiles 

 
Goal of
the Game - If the tile you destroy is a buil-
Shuffle all the cards  — Each player chooses a Monster, tile
The goal of the game is to become ding, flip it over to its Unit side,
except the 2 special cards — takes its figure , and its Mons- description
King of New York. The game ends and place it in the borough.
together in order to form a ter board , and sets the dials
as soon as a Monster has earned - If the tile you destroy is a
face-down deck. Put the top 3 to 10 Life Points and 0 Victory Each tile depicts a Building
20 Victory Points ( ) or if it is Unit, remove it from the board.
cards of the deck face-up on Points. on one side, and a Unit on the
the last Monster standing. the table near the deck and the Form a pool of the Energy cubes other. These are things that the
A Building with a
tokens. . Monsters can destroy.
durability of 1 always
setup Place the 2 special cards, Statue Shuffle all the Building tiles

has an Infantry on its 2

of Liberty and Superstar, face-up  together, and form stacks Unit side.
Place the gameboard  in the beside the deck. of 3 Building tiles, Building-
middle of the table, accessible Place the tokens  beside the side-up. Place 3 of these stacks A Building with a dura-
to all players. This represents the board. They will be used for cer- in each borough of New York. 1 2 bility of 2 always has a
City of New York, comprising five tain card effects. Don’t look at the buildings   Jet on its Unit side. 3
distinct boroughs: Staten Island Put the 6 black dice  in the below the top one; they will
, The Bronx , Queens , middle of the table, and keep be revealed as the destruction
 Durability: The number of
required to destroy it. A Building with a dura-
Brooklyn  and Manhattan  the 2 green dice to the side ensues. bility of 3 always has a
(divided into three zones: Lower, (they’re only used in certain cir-  Reward for destroying it. Tank on its Unit side. 4
Midtown, and Upper Manhattan). cumstances).

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