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ProSlot® 5500


SET UP AND OPERATION Bally Gaming and Systems
6601 South Bermuda Road Las Vegas, NV 89119
For Customer Service and information:
+1-702-896-7772 Outside the U.S.
1-877-GO-BALLY (877) 46-22559 in the U.S. and Canada
896-7772 in Las Vegas
FAX: +1-702-896-7710
or visit our website at
Module 2
Setup & Operations Table of Contents
Major Components Diagram - Upright ................................................................................................................. 2-5
Major Components Diagram --Slant Top ............................................................................................................. 2-6
Specifications ........................................................................................................................................................ 2-7
Electrical Specifications .............................................................................................................................. 2-7
Enviromental Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 2-7
Physical Specifications ............................................................................................................................... 2-7

Setup ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2-9

MPU Jumper Selections ............................................................................................................................. 2-9
Battery Enable ............................................................................................................................................ 2-9
Door Open Detect Circuit ............................................................................................................................ 2-9
DIP Switch Selections ............................................................................................................................... 2-10
SafeRAM™ Clear Procedure ..................................................................................................................... 2-11
Demo Mode .............................................................................................................................................. 2-12
Real Time Clock (RTC) ............................................................................................................................. 2-12
Data Collection and Bonusing Systems .................................................................................................... 2-12

Machine Options ................................................................................................................................................. 2-12

Machine Option Table ............................................................................................................................... 2-13
Tower Light Options .................................................................................................................................. 2-14
Option Descriptions .................................................................................................................................. 2-14

Machine Operation .............................................................................................................................................. 2-17

Message Center ....................................................................................................................................... 2-17
WIN PAID Decimal Points ............................................................................................................................. 2-17
Playing A Game ........................................................................................................................................ 2-17
Credit Collect Messages ........................................................................................................................... 2-18

Accounting ........................................................................................................................................................... 2-18

Machine Meter Groups ............................................................................................................................. 2-19
Bookkeeping Meters ................................................................................................................................. 2-20
Win Records ............................................................................................................................................. 2-20
Game Recall ............................................................................................................................................. 2-21
Game Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 2-22
Bill Transactions ....................................................................................................................................... 2-22
Bill Transaction History ............................................................................................................................. 2-23
Progressive Jackpots ............................................................................................................................... 2-23
Current Progressive Values ...................................................................................................................... 2-24
SAS EFT History....................................................................................................................................... 2-24
Doors ........................................................................................................................................................ 2-24
Concept3® ................................................................................................................................................. 2-24

Diagnostic Tests and Functions ......................................................................................................................... 2-25

#1 Model Information ................................................................................................................................ 2-25
#2 Output Test .......................................................................................................................................... 2-26
#3 Input Test ............................................................................................................................................. 2-28
Bill Acceptor Input Test ....................................................................................................................... 2-28
Coin Acceptor Test ............................................................................................................................. 2-28
Input Ports .......................................................................................................................................... 2-28


Setup & Operations Table of Contents (cont.)
Diagnostic Tests and Functions (cont)
#4 Hopper Test ......................................................................................................................................... 2-29
#5 Reel Function Test ............................................................................................................................... 2-29
#6 Reel Tape Test ..................................................................................................................................... 2-29
#7 Reel Tilt and System Reset Records ................................................................................................... 2-29
#8 Slot Communications Test ................................................................................................................... 2-30
#9 Display Test ......................................................................................................................................... 2-30
#10 Payout Test ........................................................................................................................................ 2-30

Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................................. 2-34

Power ON Malfunctions ............................................................................................................................ 2-31
Tilt Messages ........................................................................................................................................... 2-31
Coin Acceptor Malfunctions, 2x Series Exception (tilt) Codes ................................................................... 2-31
Hopper Malfunctions, 3x Series Malfunction (tilt) Codes ........................................................................... 2-31
Reel Malfunctions, 4x and 7x Series Malfunction (tilt) Codes ................................................................... 2-32
Memory Malfunctions, 8x Series Malfunction (tilt) Codes .......................................................................... 2-32
Communication Errors, 9x Series Malfunction (tilt) Codes ....................................................................... 2-32
Malfunction and Game Codes .................................................................................................................. 2-33

ProSlot® 5500 2-4 © MARCH 2000

Module 2
Setup & Operation

Major Components Diagram - Upright


Major Components Diagram --Slant Top

ProSlot® 5500 2-6 © MARCH 2000


WARNING: Use a maximum of

six machines for each 120VAC
20A grounded circuit.

Electrical Specifications
Li ne Voltage 120 /240 VAC 50/60 Hz

Power Supply
+5, +12, -12, +24 VD C

Maxi mum
Machi ne State Idle Play Payout
Thereti cal D raw

1.2 1.7
C urrent @ 120 VAC 1.1 Amp
Amp Amp
2.35 Amp “S” Style Cabinet
.6 .85
C urrent @ 240 VAC .55 Amp 1.18 Amp
Amp Amp
Style A B C D E F Weight
Power 121W 132W 187W 259W 50 7/8" 39 ¼" 20 5/8" 22 1/8" 31 13/16" 28 1/16" 286lb
129.24 cm 99.7 cm 52.39 cm 56.2 cm 80.8 cm 75.57 cm 129.73 Kg
S 53 3/8" 39 ¼" 20 5/8" 22 1/8" 31 13/16" 28 1/16" 289lb
(Extended) 135.57 cm 99.7 cm 52.39 cm 56.2 cm 80.8 cm 75.57 cm 131.09 Kg

Enviromental Specifications

Ambient Temperature:
Max: 100°F (38°C) Min: 40°F (4°C)
Maximum Relative Humidity: 90%
Average Heat from Machine: 500 BTU/Hr.

Physical Specifications

Width Depth Height

Cabinet Approx.
Style Weight

19" 22 ¼" 20" 30 ½" 200 lb

48.26 cm 56.52 cm 50.80 cm 77.47 cm 90.72 Kg
21¼" 24 ½" 20" 30 ½" 202 lb
53.98 cm 62.23 cm 50.80 cm 77.47 cm 91.62 Kg
19" 22 ¼" 20" 40" 206 lb
48.26 cm 56.52 cm 50.80 cm 101.60 cm 93.44 Kg
21¼" 24 ½" 20" 40" 212 lb
53.98 cm 62.23 cm 50.80 cm 101.60 cm 96.16 Kg
19" 22 ¼" 20" 46 ¼" 214 lb
48.26 cm 56.52 cm 50.80 cm 117.48 cm 97.07 Kg
21¼" 24 ½" 20" 46 ¼" 217 lb
53.98 cm 62.23 cm 50.80 cm 117.48 cm 98.43 Kg
19" 22 ¼" 20" 52 ¼" 222 lb
48.26 cm 56.52 cm 50.80 cm 132.72 cm 100.70 Kg
21¼" 24 ½" 20" 52 ¼" 227 lb
53.98 cm 62.23 cm 50.80 cm 132.72 cm 102.97 Kg

“T” Style Cabinet

Installing the Machine Unpack and Inspect Machine
Unpack and inspect the machine. If the machine is
Installation Checklist damaged, contact your Bally Gaming and Systems
Review environmental and power requirements Distributor or Customer Service Representative for
Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) information.
Unpack and inspect machine Carefully unpack and remove all loose parts.
Verify that the power cord is properly routed out of the
Secure the machine to the stand (upright) cabinet. Remove all packing materials from the hopper.
Locate the cloth bag of lock cams and mounting
Install locks hardware.
Verify Specific Model Information (SMI)
Setup information before continuing to install the machine.

Secure the Machine

SafeRAM™ Clear
Remove the hopper. Mark the center of the stand.
Set game options Drill the required mounting, drop chute, and power cord
holes. Using a lifting device, place the machine on the
Review Power and Enviromental stand and route the power cord through the stand hole.
Requirements Bolt the machine to the stand. Inspect for loose
connectors and verify all printed circuit boards are firmly
Line power must provide an earth ground for safe seated.
operation. Do not overload the circuit. Refer to Electrical
Specifications on page 2-6 for more information.

Footprint - ProSlot® 5500

28" 17 15/32" 6 17/32" R 1 ½" 23 13/32" 3 7/32" R 3" R 7/16" 7 5/32"
71.12 cm 44.37 cm 16.61 cm R 3.81 cm 59.45 cm 8.15 cm R 7.62 cm R 1.12 cm 18.16 cm
17 /16"
14 " 21 /32" 18 "
12 /8"
10 " 2 /64"13
1 /16"

44.61 cm 35.56 cm 54.53 cm 45.72 cm 32.11 cm 25.43 cm 5.59 cm 4.60 cm

ProSlot® 5500 2-8 © MARCH 2000

IInstall Locks MPU Jumper Selections

Door, Stand, and other high-security locks should

Battery Enable
be ordered by the Operator from a reliable lock supplier.
See Module 3 Assemblies, Parts, & Hardware for lock The Lithium battery may be disabled for shipping or
specifications. storage. To enable the battery, locate jumper JW12 near
Remove the large and small nuts from the lock the battery and place the jumper across the two pins.
and insert the lock into the lock opening. Check the lock
for proper orientation before securing. Secure the lock Door Open Detect Circuit
with the large nut. Place the cam stop on the lock cylinder.
Attach the lock cam to the shaft and verify that it moves Some jurisdictions require a signal for a door opening
in the correct direction. Secure the lock cam with the while the machine power is OFF. To enable the Door Open
washer and small nut. Latch, place the jumper at JW11 in Position 1. Default is


Cam Stop The following table lists 2-pin and 3-pin jumper

Lock Nut

1 1

3 3
Cam 1 2 1 2
2 2
Force Nut Position 1 Position 2

Typical Lock & Cam Assembly

MPU Jumper Selections

Shipping Position Position
Jumper Purpose
Position 1 2
WARNING: Attempting to charge JW1 OUT External Antenna IN OUT
Lithium batteries can cause them to JW2 IN Wait State IN OUT
explode. JW4 512K EPROM Size 256K 512K
Replace failed batteries with Bally JW5 512K EPROM Size 256K 512K
Gaming part E-00628-0023 or its
JW6 512K EPROM Size 256K 512K
JW9 RS-232 Serial Standard RS-232 RS-422
JW10 IN SafeRAM™ Clear (unused) IN OUT
JW11 OUT VBB Door Open Latch IN OUT
JW12 OUT Battery IN OUT
Plug the line cord into a grounded power source,
but do not turn the machine on.

Note: If Door Open detection circuits

Note: The Convenience Outlet has are enabled, an Audit Keyswitch
power although the machine power activation is required to remove the 82
switch is OFF. code after power is switched ON.


DIP Switch Selections
JW3 Switches 7-8 Special Features
Two eight-switch DIP packages labeled on the MPU
board as JW3 and JW7 set the following machine The ProSlot® 5500 supports crazy reel spin where
functions: the reels spin randomly forward or reverse. Also, some
markets require an optic switch to verify Coin Diverter
JW3 - Denomination, Bill Acceptor, Reel Spin, position. Market Code 01 requires an additional protocol
Diverter Optic, EFT present (MC=01) selection for Electronic Funds Transfer.

JW3 sw 1- sw 4 Denomination
sw 1 sw 2 sw 3 sw 4 Value Denomination JW7 - Market Code, Reel Map-Win Table
ON ON ON ON 0000 500
OFF ON` ON ON 0001 250 JW7 Switches 1-4 Market Code
ON OFF ON ON 0002 100 Market Code designates specific operation
OFF OFF ON ON 0003 50 according to the requirements of a gaming control agency.
ON ON OFF ON 0004 25
OFF ON OFF ON 0005 20
JW7 sw 1- sw 4 Market Code
ON OFF OFF ON 0006 10
sw 1 sw 2 sw 3 sw 4 VALUE MARKET
ON ON ON OFF 0008 2 ON ON ON ON 00 Nevada,VLC

OFF ON ON OFF 0009 1 OFF ON ON 0N 01 New Jersey

ON OFF ON OFF 0010 0.50 Deadwood, SD;

Quebec, Canada
OFF OFF ON OFF 0011 0.25
OFF OFF ON ON 03 France-nominal %
ON ON OFF OFF 0012 0.20
ON ON OFF ON 04 France-basic %
OFF ON OFF OFF 0013 0.10
OFF ON OFF ON 05 Puerto Rico
ON OFF OFF OFF 0014 0.05
ON OFF OFF ON 06 South Africa
OFF OFF OFF OFF 0015 0.01
Special Denomination
ON ON ON ON 0016 $4 (Market 07) OFF OFF OFF ON 07
(AZ, International)
ON ON ON ON 0017 2.5 (International)
ON ON ON OFF 08 Indiana
OFF ON ON OFF 09 Missouri
ON OFF ON OFF 10 Colorado
JW3 sw 5 - sw 6 Bill Acceptor
OFF OFF ON OFF 11 US Air Force
sw 5 sw 6 Value Bill Acceptor
Ontario Lottery
ON ON 00 No Acceptor ON ON OFF OFF 12
ON OFF 02 JC M C B A ON OFF OFF OFF 14 Germany
OFF OFF 03 Reserved OFF OFF OFF OFF 15 New Mexico

JW3 sw 7- sw 8 Special Features

JW7 Switches 5-8 Reel Map-Win Table
sw 7 Game Feature
ON Normal Reel Spin The default MAP 00—WIN 00 is the only
OFF Crazy Reel Spin
configuration supported. JW7 sw5-sw8 should be left in
the default ON position.
sw 8 Diverter Optic Support
ON Not Present
OFF Present
Note: Jumper and DIP Switches are
sw 8 and MC=01 EFT Support enabled only once after each
ON Not Present Complete SafeRAM™ Clear.
OFF Present

ProSlot® 5500 2-10 © MARCH 2000

SafeRAM™ Clear SafeRam™ Clear EPROMs with the corresponding
Mains. Replace MPU Assembly and switch machine
A SafeRAM™ Clear erases information stored within power ON. The machine will enter a Reel Calibration
battery-backed random access memory (RAM). A procedure whereby the home position is recorded in
Complete SafeRAM™ Clear is essential before the first SafeRAM™. For tilt-free operation it is important that the
use, when EPROMs are changed, or if game memory procedure completes without interruption.
becomes corrupted.
There are three levels of SafeRAM™ Clear:
Complete - Erases and reformats SafeRAM ™.
Game options are restored to factory default. All counters
(soft meters) reset to zero.
Full - Resets all counters to zero except the
SafeRAM™ Clear counters. Game options are restored Note: If Market Code = 12, the MPU
to factory default. TEST button is inactive. A second

Partial - Zeros all counters except SafeRAM™ Clear. keyswitch provides TEST functions.
All game configurations defined by DIP switches, jumper
selections, and game options are preserved.

Switch Functions
The buttons on the Players Panel and on the MPU
Note: SafeRAM™ Clear EPROMs
Assembly have multiple uses.
are required. Contact your Bally
Gaming and Systems Distributor for
part #ME9X0001-9 (set of two). ProSlot® 5500 Sw itch Functions

Sw itch Location Function

- Activate Change Lamp

CHANGE Main Door - Restart or Activate some tests
- Exit time and date setting after SafeRam™ Clear
C ASH / - Cashout Credits
Main Door
CREDIT - Select Credit Mode on / off
SafeRAM™ Clear Procedure
- Wagers 1 credit
BET ONE Main Door

- Select Previous Option
For a Complete, Full, or Partial SafeRAM Clear,
- Spin Reels
turn the machine power OFF. Unlock and remove the MPU - Pause test display
SPIN Main Door
Assembly. Remove the Main EPROMs from U12 and U15 - Pause meter display
- Change Options
and replace them with the corresponding Clear Chips.
- Wagers maximum credits
Upon ensuring that the MPU Assembly is firmly seated BET MAX Main Door
- Select next option, meter, or game
into the Backplane Board, turn the machine power ON AUDIT
- Displays Bookkeeping Meters
while depressing the appropriate buttons. KEYSWITCH Right Side
- Releases jackpot lockup
(Upright of Machine
Complete - Press and hold the PSEUDO COIN and - Triggers some Output Tests
TEST buttons, then switch power ON. When the message AUDIT Front
CH C displays in WIN PAID, release the PSEUDO COIN and KEYSWITCH Panel,
- Same as above
(Slant Top Above
TEST buttons. The CH C message is followed by CL C. Model) D oor
Full - Press and hold the PSEUDO COIN button, then -Selects between Revenue or Tournament game
2ND Near Audit
switch power ON. When the message CH F appears in -Same as TEST (Market 12)
-Adds or removes credits (International)
WIN PAID , release the PSEUDO COIN button. The CH F
- Selects Tests or Function
message is followed by CL F. MPU
TEST - Activates next Test or Function
Partial - Switch power ON. The message CH P - Selects level of SafeRam™ clear

displays in WIN PAID. The CH P message is followed by MPU

COIN MECH - Enable or Disable coin acceptor and bill acceptor
- Simulates Coin In while main door is open
If an error was detected during SafeRAM™ Clear PSEUDO MPU
- Select Next Option
COIN Assembly
as designated by E C, E F, E P in WIN PAID, repeat the - Selects a level of SafeRam™ Clear

operation. MPU - Releases a machine tilt

Assembly - Exits Test and Diagnostics
Upon a successful SafeRAM™ Clear, the button and
tower lamps flash. Switch power OFF and replace the VOLUME - Adjusts the level of sound


Demo Mode Some accounting systems also require a key at J3
HHU on the MPU. The following table lists the systems
With Main versions developed to operate with a host and the Bally Gaming and Systems part number for the
terminal, the ProSlot® 5500 enters a non-revenue state key:
after a complete SafeRAM™ Clear. FrEE appears in
WIN PAID to indicate Demo Mode. Entering a value in ProSlot® 5500 Systems Key
Option 79, Host Terminal ID, will enable the machine for
revenue operation. System Key Part #
S A S E FT E-00664-0506
Real Time Clock (RTC)
SAS EC T E-00664-0529
If MC=08, an opportunity to change the time and
Concept3 E-00664-0520
date setting occurs after a complete SafeRAM™ Clear.
Set the date using the SPIN button to increment the number
in the flashing field (mm/dd/yy/dayof the week) and the
Machine Options
BET MAX button to move to the next field. Set the time (hh/
Machine options are set through diagnostic
mm/ss) using the same method as the date. Press CHANGE function #11. Options cannot be changed during a game
to confirm changes and exit. or when there are credits available. Attempting to change
options while there are credits will display Err in the WIN
Data Collection and Bonusing Systems PAID.
With the door open, press the TEST button until the
Communication with data collection or bonusing Message Center displays 11 d indicating diagnostic
systems is established by the Main program version. It function #11 selected. The Message Center responds
consists of four EPROMS at MPU board locations U12, as follows:
U15, U3, and U4. The part numbers for the EPROMs at
U12 and U15 begin with the letters “ME,” while the
The 11 in WIN The “d” in WIN PAID
numbers for U3 and U4 begin with letters “SE.” The prefix PAID represents WIN PAID indicates a
of the Main determines the protocol according to the diagnostic diagnostic function
following table: function #11
COIN 11 d accessed.

ProSlot 5500 Milti-Main Firmw are


Prefix Series Protocol
ME/SE95 Slot Data System (SDS)
ME/SE96 Slot Accounting System (SAS)
ME/SE97 Concept3 The machine then cycles to the first option, Option
27, and displays the current setting as follows:
ME/SE98 SDS and Peripheral Device (PRD) V1.3
ME/SE99 SAS and PRD V1.3 The 27 in WIN The “o” in WIN PAID
PAID indicates WIN PAID indicates an Option
ME/SE9A Concept3 and PRD V1.3
Option 27 Bet is accessed
ME/SE9E GRIPS Mode (Refer to
the Option COIN 27 o The 0001 in
ME/SE9F SDS and Bally Secondary Game (BSG) Table)
CREDIT shows the
ME/SE9G SAS and BSG machine is
optioned for
ME/SE9H Concept3 and BSG 0 00 1 Credit as the Bet
ME/SE9I SDS and PRD V1.5
ME/SE9J SAS and PRD V1.5 Use the SPIN button to increment or the CHANGE button
ME/SE9K Concept3 and PRD V1.5 to decrement the numerical settings. Press and hold the
buttons to rapidly advance to the setting.
ME/SE9P SAS 4.0 and PRD V1.3 To advance to the next option, use the PSEUDO COIN
or BET MAX button. To review the previous option, use the
BET ONE button.
Note: SAS Operation also requires Exit and save the options at any time by pressing
Option 78H = 0001 or 9999. the RESET button, TEST button, or by closing the door.

ProSlot® 5500 2-12 © MARCH 2000

Machine Options
N o. Option Setting Description No. Option S etting D escription
0000 Cash Only (0000)
(0001) Credit game 0001
27 Bet Mode
0002 Player selectable 0002 Thi s o p ti o n ha s
0003 EuroCredit 0003 s p e c i a li ze d s e tti ng s .
48 To w e r C o n f i g .
0004 P l e a s e s e e To w e r L i g h t
0000 No rebet, no autospin
(0001) No rebet, autospin at max. credits
0005 O p t i o n Ta b l e f o r d e t a i l s
0002 No rebet, autospin at max. coin /credits 0006
26 Rebet-Autospin 0007
0003 Rebet, no autospin
0004 Rebet, autospin at max. credits (0000) 4 -d i g i t i d e nti fi c a ti o n
0005 Rebet, autospin at max. coins or credits 50 G a m e ID
0000-9999 numb e r
0000 No Bell A mo unt p a i d fro m
0001 Bell rings on all wins C oi n Hopper (0000) ho p p e r up o n a lo c k up
0002 Rings on wins of 20 or more 54
P a y A mo unt 0000-9999 und e r the c o nd i ti o ns o f
09 Jackpot Bell 0003 Rings on wins of 50 or more o p ti o ns 5 6 & 5 1
0004 Rings on wins of 100 or more
0005 Rings on wins of 200 or more C redi t Numb e r o f c re d i ts fo r a
(0006) Rings on wins causing lockup 56 C ollect lo c k up up o n a ny
L o c k up collect.
0000 500
0001 250 Configured by DIP S ta rti ng a mo unt o f
To u r n a m e n t (0000)
0002 100 Switch JW3, Market 62
K i tty 0000-9999
c re d i ts fo r to urna me nt
0003 50 Code, & Mains operati on
0004 25
0005 20 C redi ts added to
0006 10 Reset P rog. (0000) c o unte r up o n
0007 5 A mo unt 0000-9999 p r o g r e s s i ve ja c k p o t
C oi n 0008 2 reset (MC =3 or MC =4)
Denomination 0009 1 (0000) No ne
0010 0.50 0001 S A S ® 3 .xx & 4 .xx
0011 0.25 78H SAS ®
ID 9998 C oi n Free (MC =6)
0012 0.20 9999 No n-C a s h. C re d i ts
0013 0.10 ( M C = 6 ) / G R IP S ®
0014 0.05
0015 0.01 S / M P I ID ( M u s t m a t c h
Ma c hi ne (0000)
0016 4 78L p r o g r e s s i ve
Numb e r 0000-0032
0017 2.5 c o ntro lle r)
Change 0000 Coins from Hopper (0000) OFF
Coin/Credit (0001) Credits to Credit Meter E ve n Ha nd 0001 E ve n ha nd p a y b y 1 0 s
Pay 0002 E ve n ha nd p a y b y 1 0 0 s
(0000) OFF. Lockup JPs for awarding prizes
0003 E ve n ha nd p a y b y 1 0 0 0 s
0001 SPL Serial Progressive Link
0002 PPI Parallel Progressive Link M a xi m um num b e r o f
0003 MAPS C r e d i t To p (0800) credi ts allowed on
Progressive 51
02 0004 S/MPI (Serial Multiplex Prog. Interface) Limit 0000-9999 c r e d i t m e t e r. F o l l o w s
0005 MPI (Multiplex Progressive Interface) o p ti o n 5 6 d e fa ult.
0006 SAS Progressive v3.xx
0007 OTT (Over The Top) Progressive OFF
To u r n a m e n t (0000)
0008 SAS Progressive v4.xx 03 S e c o nd s fo r to urna me nt
S e c o nd s 0001-0059
(see Opti on 01)
(0000) None
Number of 0001 One (0000) OFF
22 To k e n i z a t i o n
07 External 0002 Two 0001 ON
Jackpots 0003 Three T h e ID c a n b e
0004 Four re p re s e nte d a s
70, MAPS
(0000) C o mb i na ti o n o f 2 & 3 X X X X YYYYZ Z Z Z w h e r e
71, P r o g r e s s i ve 00000000000
0001 C o mb i na ti o n o f 1 & 2 opti on 70=X X X X ,
Jackpot 4 72 C a b i n e t ID
18 0002 C o mb i na ti o n o f 1 & 3 o p t i o n 7 1 = Y Y Y Y, a n d
S i g na l
0003 C o mb i na ti o n o f 1, 2, & 3 o p ti o n 7 2 =ZZZZ
0004 D escrete seri al ( M IK O H N )
A mo unt o f W i n fo r a
(0000) OFF 58 W i n L o c k up lo c k up . F o llo ws
0001 Te s t 2 o u t p u t t o e l e c t r o - o p ti o n 5 6 b y d e fa ult.
Te s t 2 &
80 me c ha ni c a l me te rs
1 0 E na b le P r o g r e s s i ve (0000) S A S ® P r o g r e s s i ve v4 .xx
OR te s t 1 0 e xte r na l ja c k p o t s i g na l 06
(see Opti on 07) G r o u p ID 0000-0255 G r o u p ID .

(0000) OFF (0000) H o s t Te r m i n a l I D i n

To u r n a m e n t 79 Te r m i n a l I D
01 0001-- Mi nute s fo r to urna me nt 0000-FFFF he xa d e c i m a l
Mi nute s
0099 A mo unt o f W i n fo r a
47 A ttract 0000 OFF S A S ® lo c k up . Mus t b e
F e a ture (0001) ON (0800) le s s tha n Op ti o n 5 8 W i n
57 S A S ® L o c k up
0000-9999 L o c k up a nd g re a te r tha n
38 Reel S top (0000) S o und fro m s p e a k e r O p t i o n 5 1 C r e d i t To p
S o und 0001 Ha nd le s o le no i d c li c k Limit


Option Descriptions Parallel Progressive Interface Link (0002) supports
discrete jackpot and Total In signals through opto-
27 Bet Mode isolators.
Multi-Area Progressive System (0003) supports a
The ProSlot ® 5500 provides four methods of bi-directional RS-232 serial link for Bally Thrillions™.
accepting wagers: Cash, Credit, Player Selectable, and Serial / Multiplexed Progressive Interface (0004)
EuroCredit. supports multiplexed jackpot and Total In signals. The
Cash (0000) registers coins in COIN IN. Coins are machine receives jackpot values through the RS-485
accepted to the maximum allowed for the game. Bill connection J14.
acceptor currency and wins are paid from the hopper. Multiplexed Progressive Interface (0005) is the
BET ONE and BET MAX buttons are inactive. same as 0004 without the connection at J14 for RS-485
Credit (0001) registers coins in COIN IN. Currency return.
and wins register in CREDIT. SAS® 3.x Host Progressive (0006) supports IGT’s
Player Selectable (0002) offers the choice between SAS 3.x Host Progressive system without serial return.
Cash or Credit selected by the CASH/CREDIT button. EFT Over the Top (0007) supports OTT bonusing
credits will force a switch from Cash to Credit. The bill feature.
acceptor will force Cash mode to Credit. The bill’s value SAS® 4.x Host Progressive (0008) supports IGT’s
will then show in CREDIT. SAS 4.x Host Progressive system.
EuroCredit (0003) registers all coins, currency, and
wins in CREDIT according to the parameter set by Option 07 Number of External Jackpots
51 Credit Top Limit, and Option 58 Win Lockup.
The available jackpots are determined by the SMI
26 Rebet-Autospin (Specific Model Information). Option 07 specifies the
number of jackpots assigned to a progressive.
Rebet allows the Player to repeat the previous
wager by pressing SPIN (providing the Bet mode is not 18 Jackpot 4 Signal
The ProSlot® 5500 has only three discrete jackpot
Autospin completes the game without waiting for
signals. If four jackpots are supported by the SMI, the
the SPIN button to be pressed.
settings of Option 18 determine how the fourth jackpot is
09 Jackpot Bell represented.
0000 causes JP2 and JP3 to activate upon the
This option configures the operation of any available fourth level jackpot. By the combination of JP2 and JP3
bell hardware. signals active at the same time, JP4 can be inferred.
0001 is the same as above using JP1 and JP2.
10 Coin Denomination 0002 uses JP1 and JP3.
0003 uses JP1, JP2, and JP3.
Denomination is set once after a SafeRAM™ Clear
according to the positions of JW3 on the MPU board. 0004 communicates the jackpot serially.
The current selection can be viewed through Diagnostic
80 Test 2 and Test 10 Enable
function #1, or by function #11 Option 10.
Electro-mechanical meters are disabled during
11 Change Coin/Credit
diagnostics to preserve accounting information. Also,
Bill acceptor operation can be configured external jackpot signals are disabled to prevent corruption
independently from the settings of Option 27. The setting of external progressive jackpots and false lockups.
0000 will dispense coins from the hopper for all accepted Option 80 overrides the feature to allow diagnostic testing
bills. of meter and jackpot outputs.

02 Progressive Type

Progressive operation is controlled by the

interaction of Option 02 Progressive Type, 07 Number of
Jackpots, 78L Machine Number and 18 Jackpot 4 Note: Option 80 is not available in
Operation. Option 02 defines the protocol. Market Code 10
OFF (0000) No progressive jackpot.
Serial Progressive Link (0001) supports a bi-
directional RS-232 serial link.

ProSlot® 5500 2-14 © MARCH 2000

Option Descriptions (cont.) 50 Game ID
01 Tournament Minutes
Four-digit Operator-accessible identification field.
With additional hardware and specific software, the
ProSlot® 5500 supports a variety of tournament operations. 54 Coin Hopper Pay Amount
See Module 12 Tournament Operation for more Maximum coins paid from the hopper upon a
information. collect lockup. Remaining credits must be paid by an
47 Attract Feature Attendant.

After a period of inactivity with no credits, feature 56 Credit Lockup

lights will sequence. Option 47 turns the feature ON or OFF. Value of credits if exceeded upon cashout that will
38 Reel Stop Sound cause a jackpot lockup. An Attendant must pay the
difference of the remaining credits and Coin Hopper Pay
Each SMI includes digital audio accompaniment to Amount Option 54.
many game functions. Option 38 allows selection of a
mechanical sound for reel stops. 0001 activates the handle 62 Tournament Kitty
release solenoid for each reel stop instead of a digital
speaker sound.
See DOC-00674-0532 Instructions For ProSound™ Note: Options 51 and 58
Developer for additional sound options. automatically follow the settings of
Option 56.
48 Tower Configuration

The ProSlot® 5500 can support two-, three-, and four-

tier towers. Except in Market Codes 3 and 4 where the
setting at Option 48 is forced to 0001, the Operator can
configure tower operation according to the Tower Light
Option table. Starting credits for tournament. See Module 12
Tournament Operation.

TOWE R LIGH T OP TION TAB LE 63 Reset Progressive Amount

Tow er Lights
Function Tow er D isplay
and S etting
Value in credits to add to a counter each time an
S ervi ce Top Flashi ng
Ja ckp o t Top S teady external top jackpot award is won. The option is available
2-Li ght (0000) Ti lts B ottom Flashi ng
D oor (s) B ottom S teady only in Market Codes 3 and 4.
Hopper P ay Not A ppli cable
S ervi ce
Ja ckp o t
Top Flashi ng
Mi ddle Flashi ng
3-Li ght 0001 Ti lts B ottom Flashi ng
D oors Top, Mi ddle, and B ottom Flashi ng
Hopper P ay Not A ppli cable SAS® 3.x or 4.x requires a setting—usually 0001.
S ervi ce 4th Li ght S teady (li ght above top li ght) GRIPS® implementation of SAS® requires a setting of
Ja ckp o t Top Flashi ng
4-Li ght 0002 Ti lts Mi ddle Flashi ng 9999.
D oors B ottom Flashi ng
Hopper P ay Not A ppli cable If MC=6, SAS® includes an AutoPlay feature where
S ervi ce Top Flashi ng a game will play without intrevention. The coin and bill
Ja ckp o t Top S teady
2-Li ght 0003 Ti lts Top S teady acceptors are disabled. Any activity at the machine or a
D oors B ottom Flashi ng
Hopper P ay B ottom S teady command from the Host will terminate Auto-Play.
Jackpots Top Flashi ng If MC=6 and 78H=9999 the machine will accept
Ti lts Mi ddle Flashi ng
3-Li ght 0004 S ervi ce B ottom Flashi ng coins and bills. If a Players Card is inserted, credits
D oors B ottom S teady
Hopper P ay Not A ppli cable become non-cashable. A cashout transferes the credits
Ja ckp o t Top Flashi ng to the Players Card.
D oors Mi ddle Flashi ng
3-Li ght 0005 Ti lts Mi ddle S teady If MC=6 and 78H=9998 the coin and bill acceptors
S ervi ce B ottom Flashi ng
Hopper P ay Not A ppli cable are disabled until a Players Card is inserted. Credits
Ja ckp o t
D oors
Top Flashi ng
B ottom Flashi ng
are then transfered from the Host. A cashout transfers
2-Li ght 0006 Ti lts Top Flashi ng the credits to the Players Card.
S ervi ce Top S teady
Hopper P ay Not A ppli cable
Ja ckp o t Top and B ottom S low Flash 78L Machine Number
D oors B ottom Medi um Flash or Fast Flash i f D rop
2-Li ght 0007 Ti lt Top S low Flash
S ervi ce Top S teady
Hopper P ay Not A ppli cable


S/MPI Identification Number. The setting must 06 Progressive Group ID
match the physical connection at the controller.
Machine ID to support the SAS v4.xx host
04 Even Hand Pay progressive system.

If supported, Even Hand Pay allows a partial 79 VLC Terminal ID

payment upon a Credit Collect Lockup so that the
Attendant Pay amount is in even thousands, hundreds, VLC operation requires a Host-provided Terminal
or tens. ID. Once the hexadecimal ID is set in Option 79, the
For example, a cashout of 10,924 credits with machine is enabled for revenue operation. Option 79 is
Option 56 Credit Collect Lockup set to 10,000 and Option set only once after each Complete SafeRAM™ Clear.
54 Coin Hopper Pay Amount set to 500 will cause the
Option 57 SAS® Lockup
hopper to pay:
500 if Option 04 = 0000 If MC=6 and Option 78H SAS® ID is 9999 or 9998,
504 if Option 04 = 0001 Option 57 is available. Any win greater than or equal to
524 if Option 04 = 0002 Option 57 and Less than Option 58 Win Lockup will cause
924 if Option 04 = 0003 a lockup. The WIN PAID portion of the Message center will
alternate “SP (amount)” and “PD 0.” Upon release of the
51 Credit Top Limit
lockup by the Attendant and a successful transfer of
The Credit Top Limit is the most credits the machine credits to the Players Card, the Message Center will show
will allow. A win less than the Win Lockup Limit Option “PD (amount)” in WIN PAID.
58 that causes the limit to be exceeded will instead be
paid from the hopper.

03 Tournament Seconds

The number of seconds for a tournament. Added

to minutes set by Option 01. See Module 12 Tournament

22 Tokenization

With some versions of Mains, setting Options 27 to

0003 and 22 to 0001 will set the coin value at 1.00. The
denomination of the machine as set by JW3 represents
the value of each credit. For example, if JW3 is 0011
(.25), then each coin adds four credits. If JW3 is 0014
(.05), then each coin would add 20 credits.
Upon cashout, the credits will decrease the number
of credits appropriately for each coin paid. If there are
fewer credits than the value of the coin, it is possible to
Note: Features and options may
have uncollectible credits remaining after a cashout.
vary by Market Code and Main
70, 71, 72 MAPS Progressive Cabinet ID firmware versions.

Bally Gaming and Systems’ Multi Area Progressive

System requires a unique ID. 70, 71, and 72 is a 12-digit
number set four digits at a time.

58 Win Lockup

The value of a single winning combination when

exceeded to cause a jackpot lockup. Option 54, Coin
Hopper Pay Amount, will not apply.

ProSlot® 5500 2-16 © MARCH 2000

Machine Operation point appears in the third position of WIN PAID. The SPIN
button illuminates and the handle mechanism unlocks,
Message Center allowing the game to be replayed. Once the game is
restarted, the decimal point disappears.
The LED Display Center consists of nine seven-
segment LEDs plus decimal points. It shows information
about the game to a Player. It also displays counters,
option settings, status, and test information to the
Operator. Note: If a door was opened to
During a game the COIN IN shows the number of correct a spin malfunction, decimal
credits wagered. The WIN PAID shows the awards for points will be in positions one and two
winning combinations or the number of coins paid from as well as position three.
the hopper. The CREDIT shows the number of credits
available for wagering.
Position 4 - Bill Transaction
WIN PAID Decimal Points
When a bill is accepted, its credit value appears in
Decimal points in WIN PAID are used to display WIN PAID. A decimal point in the fourth
information during normal operation with the door closed. WIN PAID
position indicates the amount shown in
They indicate an important event has occurred. The WIN PAID is from a bill transaction. This
decimal point is in addition to the number displayed. decimal point will remain until the start
8 8 8 8.
Reading from left to right, the decimal points shown in of the next game event.
WIN PAID represent the following:
Position 1 - System Reset (no malfunction)
Position 2 - Door Opened / Closed
Position 3 - Malfunction during reel spin
Position 4 - Bill Transaction

Position 1 - System Reset (no malfunction) Playing a Game

The ProSlot ® 5500 has safeguards against The Player must wager at least one credit to play a
tampering or loss of information that game. If Option 27 Bet Mode is not 0000 (cash only),
usually result in the microprocessor WIN PAID credits are awarded from wins; purchased by inserting
initiating a System Reset. A decimal coins or bills, or by electronic fund transfers. With special
point appears indicating a System 8. 8 8 8 Main EPROMs, credits may be added with additional
Reset (not due to a malfunction) has hardware.
occurred. This decimal point will remain until the reels Credits are wagered by selecting BET ONE or BET MAX.
spin for the second game played. BET MAX wagers all available credits or the maximum wager
for the game, whichever requires the fewer credits.
Position 2 - Opened Door Once credits are wagered, the game proceeds
according to Option 26 (Automatically at max bet if at
The machine shows an opened door by displaying default 0001.). Upon completion of the game, winning
a decimal point in this position. Upon the opening and combinations increment CREDIT and WIN PAID according to
closure of a door switch, the machine Option 27 Bet Mode, Option 58 Win Lockup, Option 51
initiates a System Reset, therefore WIN PAID
Credit Meter Limit, and the game’s paytable.
there is a decimal point in both the first
and second positions. This decimal
8 . 8. 8 8 To collect, the Player presses the CASH/CREDIT button.
Credits are transferred to a Players Card, paid from the
point remains until the reels spin for the hopper, or paid by an Attendant as dictated by the settings
second game. of Option 56 Credit Lockup, and Option 54 Coin Hopper
Pay Amount.
Position 3 - Malfunction During Reel Spin/Replay

If a malfunction occurs while the reels are spinning,

the game is suspended. When the
malfunction is corrected the reels
return to the positions they were in
before the game started. A decimal
8. 8 8 . 8


Credit Collect Messages Accounting
When credits are collected, the WIN PAID display The ProSlot® 5500 stores accounting information
shows a COL message followed by the total of credits in electro-mechanical counters (hard meters) and in
collected. If credits are collected immediately after a memory (soft meters).
winning combination, a Pd message followed by the
number of credits awarded for the winning combination Electro-Mechanical Meters
also displays.
The hard meters are visible through a window in
the Feature Glass on an upright, or under the arm rest
Example 1: A player on a slant top. They are numbered one through five.
accumulates 40 credits and decides COL The information recorded is determined by Market Code.
to cash-out. The WIN PAID shows COL, These meters cannot be set to zero by the Operator. The
following lists common configurations:
then 40. 4 0

Market Meter #1 Meter #2 Meter #3 Meter #4 Meter #5

Combined Attendant Bill Change

00 Total In Total Out
Example 2: There are 0 credits
COL Drop P ai d (coin/credit)
Combined Attendant Games
on the CREDIT display. The Player wins 02 Total In Total Out
Drop P ai d Played
20 credits. The CREDIT display 2 0 Attendant Games
increments to 20. The Player then 03, 04 Total In Coin Drop Total Out
Example 2 P ai d Played
decides to cash-out. The WIN PAID Combined Attendant
05 Total In Total Out Lockups
display shows COL, then 20, then Pd,
then 20.
Pd Drop P ai d
Combined Attendant Bill Change
08 Total In Total Out
Drop P ai d (coin only)
2 0
Total In - Increments once for each credit wagered.

Total Out - Increments once for each credit won

by a Player without a jackpot lockup.
Example 3: A Player COL
accumulates 20 credits. The Player
gets a winning combination that pays Coin Drop - Increments once for every coin
20 credits. The CREDIT display 4 0 accepted by the machine when the hopper is full.
increments to 40. The Player then Example 3
decides to cash out. The WIN PAID Combined Drop - Increments for each Coin Drop
and for each credit from a bill transaction.
display shows COL, then 40, then Pd, Pd
then 20.
Attendant Paid - Increments for each credit paid
2 0 by an attendant upon a jackpot lockup.

Bill Change - Increments the number of credits

added to the CREDIT display or coins dispensed from the
hopper for accepted bills.

Lockups - Increments once each time the machine

is released from a jackpot lockup by an Attendant.

Games Played - Increments once for each

completed game.

ProSlot® 5500 2-18 © MARCH 2000

Accessing The Machine Meter Groups
Machine Meter Groups
Machine Meter Groups are accessed by the
The availability and order of Machine Meter Groups
following procedure.
depend upon game configurations such as Market Code,
1. Insert the Audit Key in the Audit Keyswitch and
SAS® accounting protocol, bill acceptor, and progressives.
turn. The meter group number appears in COIN IN followed
Some of the meter groups further divide into subgroups.
by a decimal point. The machine cycles through the meter
group. Information is displayed in the Message Center.
2. Press and hold the SPIN button to pause the cycle.
Release SPIN to resume cycling.
3. Press the CHANGE button to accesses the next
Meter Group Description group. Press BET MAX to access the next meter within the
Display of Personality EPROM ID, Reel Map group. Press CHANGE at any time to advance to the next
and Win Table, and Hold Percentage (Available group. After the last meter in a group appears, the
only in Market Codes 3 and 4) machine returns to the condition before the meters were
Record of totals for all wagers, all payments, accessed.
and other game activity 4. Exit Machine Meter Groups by repeatedly
Listing of the total number of wins for each pressing CHANGE to advance through the groups, or by a
Win Records System Reset (Press RESET, or open and close the door.).
possible winning combination
Record of the reel positions, number of coins
Game Recall played, win amount, and credits for the last 10
games The following demonstrates the Message Center
operation when viewing the Coin Drop subgroup (#02)
Games Summary Tally of games and wagers under the Bookkeeping Meters (Group #1 in this
configuration example).
Listing of the number of bill transactions by
denomination. This group also includes
Bill Transactions counters for the total number of bills in the
stacker, and the total number of credits awarded The “02” in WIN PAID
WIN PAID indicates Coin Drop
from bill transactions.

Bill History
A record of credits incremented or coins
dispensed for each of the last five bill
transactions. The 1. in COIN IN COIN
Progressive A record or amounts of jackpots paid for up to represents
Jackpots four jackpots groups. Bookkeeping

Active display of the current jackpot values as

Meter Group 1.
transmitted from the progressive controller.
Requires configuration for S/MPI progressive
operation (Option 02=0004).
A record of SAS® protocol Electronic Fund Meters with eight digits use two cycles of the
S A S ® E FT Message Center. The first cycle displays the bookkeeping
Transfers, including EFT credits and debits.
Requires configuration for SAS® protocol meter number in WIN PAID. The second cycle displays the
Time and date of the last access through: Main first four digits of the meter in WIN PAID and the last four
Doors Door, Drop Door, and BA Cashbox Door digits in CREDIT.
(Available only in Market Code 8).

The “0139” in WIN

WIN PAID PAID along with “2644
in CREDIT represents
0139 the Coin Drop Meter
value of 1,392,644
The 1. in COIN IN COIN coins
Note: Features may vary by Market IN CREDIT
Code and Main firmware versions. Bookkeeping
Meter Group 1. 2 6 4 4


Machine Meter Group Bookkeeping Meters Machine Meter Group Win Records

The Win Record Group uses two Message Center

cycles to display the number of wins for each winning
reel combination. In the first cycle, WIN PAID shows the
winning combination number. 0000 represents the
Sub-Group # Meter Description
highest win, 0001 would represent the next highest, etc.
00 Total In Credits wagered
COIN IN shows the Meter Group Number and Indicator.

01 Total Out Credits won without a jackpot lockup In the second cycle, WIN PAID and CREDIT show the
Coins sent to a separate container because the number of times the winning combination occurred. The
02 Coin Drop
hopper was full process continues until every possible winning
Coin Drop plus CHNG bill (Bill Drop) See Bill combination has been displayed.
03 Combined Drop
Transaction Meter Group
04 Coin In Coins accepted by the machine
05 Coin Out Coins dispensed by the hopper
The following represents the Message Center when
Games played. It is incremented at the start of each
viewing the win record for the second highest possible
06 Total Games
sp i n win.
Credits available to the Player when the machine
07 Current Credits
returns to revenue operation
Times an attendant has released a jackpot lockup.
08 Lockups It is incremented when the attendant activates the
Audit Keyswitch The “0001” in WIN
WIN PAID PAIDindicates the
Attendant Paid
09 Credits paid by an attendant upon a lockup second highest
Credit Collect
Lockup Credits
Attendant Paid Credits for a lockup from the setting
of Option 56, Credit Collect Lockup
0001 winning combination

The 2. in COIN IN COIN

Win Lockup Attendant Paid credits for a lockup from the setting IN CREDIT
* represents Win
Credits of Option 58 Win Lockup
Records Meter
* Super Jackpots
Number of times the top awards have been won
when Option 07 Number of External Jackpots is
greater than 0
Group 2.
Number of times the main door of the machine was
* Door Opens
opened with power ON
Games Since Games played since the last time the door was
Door Open opened
Games Since
* Games played since a System Reset
Number of times the drop door has been opened. (If
* Drop Door Opens “0000” in WIN PAID
Drop Door Switch is connected)
WIN PAID and 0126 in CREDIT
Partial SafeRAM™ Number of times the Partial SafeRAM™ Clear
* indicate that the
Clears procedure has been executed

Full SafeRAM™
Number of times the Full SafeRAM™ Clear
procedure has been executed
0000 second highest
award has occurred
COIN 126 times
Coins that should have been rejected by the coin The 2. in COIN IN
Extra Coins Sent
acceptor but were diverted into the drop bucket IN CREDIT
to Drop represents Win
because the hopper was full
Records Meter
Soft Attendant
P ai d
Purchased credits paid by an Attendant. Purchased
credits are from a bill transaction, Key On, EFT,
ECT, or from coins when Option 27=03 (Eurocredit)
Group 2. 0 1 2 6
Soft Credit
* Coins paid by the hopper from purchased credits
Bill Stacker Number of times the stacker has been removed with
Removed power ON
Current Non-
* Current Credits (Meter #07) that must be wagered
Cashable Credits
Cashable Coupon Credits from non-government bills that can be paid
Credits by the hopper on cashout
Non-Cashable Credits from non-government bills that must be
Coupon Credits wagered
For a machine with two hoppers, the number of
* Tokens Out
tokens dispensed by the second hopper

* Knock-off Credits Credits added by optional Knock-off keyswitch

Number of times the MPU Board Assembly has

* MPU Access
been removed
Door Opens With Number of times the main door was opened with
Power OFF power OFF
Games Since
* Games played since power ON
Power Fail

ProSlot® 5500 2-20 © MARCH 2000

Machine Meter Group Game Recall L- L in WIN PAID indicates last game and last spin.
Previous game is P- L, and games 3-A are indicated by
Game Recall uses six Message Center cycles to their number. Reels position to display game.
display information about completed games.
For the first cycle, WIN PAID shows the game
WIN PAID Amount Won
sequence as L for last, P for previous, 3 for third game
back—through A for tenth game back. If the game
includes multiple spins they are shown according to the 0 200
following table. COIN
Total Credits

3. 0 2 0 0
Display of Respins or 2nd Chance Spins stops
L-L P-L 3-L 4-L 5-L 6-L 7-L 8-L 9-L A-L
here twice before going to the next Spin for the current
L-9 P-9 3-9 4-9 5-9 6-9 7-9 8-9 9-9 A-9 game.
L-8 P-8 3-8 4-8 5-8 6-8 7-8 8-8 9-8 A-8
L-7 P-7 3-7 4-7 5-7 6-7 7-7 8-7 9-7 A-7 WIN PAID Function

L-6 P-6 3-6 4-6 5-6 6-6 7-6 8-6 9-6 A-6
L-5 P-5 3-5 4-5 5-5 6-5 7-5 8-5 9-5 A-5
L-4 P-4 3-4 4-4 5-4 6-4 7-4 8-4 9-4 A-4 IN CREDIT
L-3 P-3 3-3 4-3 5-3 6-3 7-3 8-3 9-3 A-3
L-2 P-2 3-2 4-2 5-2 6-2 7-2 8-2 9-2 A-2
L-1 P-1 3-1 4-1 5-1 6-1 7-1 8-1 9-1 A-1
Last Spin shows COLLECT.
The second cycle shows the wager amount in COIN
IN,the amount paid in WIN PAID, and the remaining credits WIN PAID Cashout
The third cycle shows COLL in WIN PAID, the wager
amount in COIN IN, and a blank CREDIT display.
0 200
The fourth cycle shows the amount cashed out in IN CREDIT
Total Credits
WIN PAID, the total credits in CREDIT, and meter group Meter
number 3 followed by a decimal point in COIN IN.
The fifth display cycle shows the Final Amount Paid
3.. 0 2 0 0
(F Pd) in WIN PAID, meter group 3 followed by a decimal
point in COIN IN, and a blank CREDIT display.
The sixth display cycle shows the wager amount in
COIN IN, the total amount paid (total of all spins included WIN PAID Function
as part of the game) in WIN PAID, and the remaining credits
in CREDIT. The complete cycle repeats.
The reels reposition and the cycle repeats for each
F Pd
of the remaining games and Re-spins or 2nd Chance IN CREDIT
Spins if applicable. Meter
The “L- L” in WIN
WIN PAID PAID indicates Last
Game Last Spin
L-L The entire cycle repeats.
The 3. in COIN IN
Game Recall
Meter Group 3.
Machine Meter Group Game Summary Machine Meter Group Bill Transactions

The Game Summary uses two Message Center The Bill Transaction Group uses two Message
cycles to show the number of games played for each Center cycles to display the number of bills by
amount of wager (one through the maximum number of denomination and coupons, the value in credits of all bills
credits allowed). and coupons, the number of bills and coupons currently
In the first cycle, WIN PAID shows the wager. COIN IN in the stacker; and, optionally, the value in dollars of all
displays the Meter Group Number. bills and coupons accepted.
In the second cycle, WIN PAID and CREDIT show the The first cycle shows the identification message in
total number of games played with that wager. WIN PAID. See the reference table.
In the second cycle, WIN PAID and CREDIT show the
The following example shows the Message Center accumalated value.
when viewing the Game Summary for two-credit bets. For example, the following figures present the
Message Center when viewing the Bill Transaction Meter
Group for the number of $5 bills accepted.
WIN PAID “02” indicates
a two-credit

“4.” in
02 bet
WIN PAID “5 bill” in WIN
“5.” in COIN IN 5 represents the
Meter 4. represents Bill
$5 denomina-
tion as per the
Group Meter Group
5. b i l l
WIN PAID “0026” in WIN
PAID and
0 026 “0931” in
CREDIT shows WIN PAID “0001” in WIN
COIN that 260,931 PAID and
IN CREDIT game played
with two
0 001 “0647” in

4. 0 9 3 1 credits bet COIN

that 10,647 $5
bills have
been accepted
5. 0 6 4 7
Bill Transactions Table
ID Message D escription
1 bi ll Number of $1 bi lls accepted
2 bi ll Number of $2 bi lls accepted
5 bi ll Number of $5 bi lls accepted
10 bi ll Number of $10 bi lls accepted
20 bi ll Number of $20 bi lls accepted
50 bi ll Number of $50 bi lls accepted
100 bi ll Number of $100 bi lls accepted
200 bi ll Number of 200R bi lls accepted (Market C ode 6)
500 bi ll Number of 500 bi lls accepted (Internati onal Mai n)
ALL coup Number of coupons accepted
C HNG bi ll Total credi ts for all bi lls accepted
C HNG coup Total credi ts for all coupons accepted
Total number of bi lls currently i n the cashbox/stacker
C ASH bi ll
(Resets to 0 duri ng soft drop)
Total number of coupons currently i n the cashbox/stacker
C ASH coup
(Resets to 0 duri ng soft drop)
Total value i n dollars for all bi lls and coupons accepted
AccP doll
(Market C ode 8)

ProSlot® 5500 2-22 © MARCH 2000

Each ten-digit number requires two cycles of the
Machine Meter Group Bill Transaction History Message Center. The first two cycles show the monetary
value. The second two cycles show the total in credits.
The Bill Transaction History Group displays the last The following show the four cycles for Progressive
five bills or coupons accepted and the coins or credits Jackpot subgroup 01, Jackpot Two for a quarter machine.
awarded for each transaction. The sequence of
transactions is shown in the left position of WIN PAID, with
1 being the most recent transaction. The remaining
positions of WIN PAID show the denomination of the bill or
coup for a coupon. Cycle One
CREDIT shows the number of credits given for the 01 indicates
transaction. For example, the figure below shows the last Jackpot Two
transaction was a $20.00 bill for which 80 credits were 7. indicates “d” shows that
given. Machine
0 1d the dollar
value is
Group 7 COIN displayed
Progressive IN CREDIT
Jackpots 00 is the first
“1” in the left
position of WIN
PAID represents
The “20” 7. 00 two digits of
the jackpot
WIN PAID represents the
the last bill denomination,
1 20 $20
Cycle Two
“6.” in COIN IN The “80”
represents represents WIN PAID
Bill The third
the credits
History Meter
6. 80 awarded for
the $20 bill 5535
through sixth
digit of the
Group jackpot
COIN amount
The final four
digits of the
7 . 7 6 .5 0 jackpot
amount of
Machine Meter Group Progressive Jackpots $00,553,576.50

If the game is configured for progressive jackpots Cycle Three

with serial return (see Game Options on page 2-13), the
Progressive Jackpots Meter Group displays the most WIN PAID The “c”
recent amount paid for up to eight progressive jackpots. indicates that
It is shown in monetary units (d) and in credits (c) rounded 0 1c the credit
value is shown
up. COIN
The following table lists the progressive jackpot IN CREDIT
The first two
Information: digits of the
7. 00 credit value
of the jackpot
Sub-Group # Description Cycle Four
00 Jackpot One (JP0)
WIN PAID The third
01 Jackpot Two (JP1)
through the
02 Jackpot Three (JP2) 0 221 sixth digits of
the credit
03 Jackpot Four (JP3) COIN value
04 Jackpot Five The last four
digits of the
05 Ja ckp o t S i x 7. 4 3 0 6 credit value
of 2,214,306
06 Jackpot Seven ($553,576.50
on a quarter
07 Jackpot Eight machine)


Machine Meter Group Current Progressive Values Cycle one

Sub-Group Number (1-5). A “1” Record Number (1-5) A “1”

If configured for S/MPI operation (Option 02 = 0004) would indicate Sub-Group n would indicate the first of
or OTT (Option 02=0007see Game Options Table on Non-Cashable Credits (Refer to five records.
page 2-13), the Current Progressive Values Meter Group the table).
displays active jackpot values as transmitted from the
WIN PAID Acknowledgement
progressive controller. Machine Meter
The jackpot values display in dollars-and-cents. The
values are ten-digit numbers requiring two cycles of the
11 1
Message Center for each jackpot level. upon COIN
configuration) IN CREDIT
The first cycle shows the jackpot number (e.g., JP1,
JP2) in WIN PAID, and the upper two digits of its value in
CREDIT. The second cycle displays the last eight digits of 9. b b 0
the jackpot value.
The display will auto sequence through all the
Transaction Number (00-FF). Status (0-F)
jackpot levels. Pressing BET MAX immediately advances Two-digit hex ID.
to the next jackpot value. Pressing CHANGE / SERVICE
terminates the display.
If an error occurs while viewing the jackpot Cycle two
values, the message Err appears in WIN PA I D ,
accompanied by an error code in CREDIT. The following
table lists error codes and explanations. WIN PAID


C ode Explanation IN CREDIT
Err 0 No serial traffic found w ithin the last 500 milliseconds. Transferred
The game is not receiving serial data from the progressive
controller. This is most likely caused by an open connection
9. 1 2 3 4
between the machine and the progressive controller or
incorrect configuration of the progressive controller.
Err 1 Serial checksum error. The data received by the game is
not the same data sent by the progressive controller. This
can be caused by an intermittent connection or too much
noise on the data lines.
Err 2 Option error. This error results when Option 02
Machine Meter Group Doors
Progressive Type is set to 0004 and Option 78L Machine If MC=8, the time and date of the last door access
Number is set to 0000. is available according to the following table:
Err 3 Coining error. Current Progressive Values are unavailable
during a game. Exit the meter group and finish the game.
Door Access
The values will display upon re-entering this meter group.
Sub-Group # Description

Machine Meter Group SAS® EFT History 00 Main Door Access

01 Drop Door Access
If SAS® protocol Main EPROMs are installed, 02 BA Cashbox Access
accouting records dedicated to SAS® operation are
available. Five most recent records of each of the five
sub-groups are presented. Each requires two cycles.

SAS EFT/ECT HISTORY Machine Meter Group Concept3

Sub-Group # Name Description
01 Non-Cashable Credits transferred that must be wagered. CONCEPT3
Credits transferred that could be wagered or
02 Cashable Sub-Group # Name Description
cashed out.
Credits not purchased by a Player (Casino 00 Bonus Credits Credits awarded in addition to wins.
03 Promotional
01 Multiplier Credits Credits awarded by factoring wins.
Forced Cashout Credits returned to the system from a cashout
To the System when the Player pressed CASH/CREDIT.
Credits paid in coins by the hopper as instructed
Forced Cashout
05 by the System from a cashout when the Player
From the Hopper
pressed CASH/CREDIT.

ProSlot® 5500 2-24 © MARCH 2000

Diagnostic Tests and Functions #1 Model Information
The ProSlot 5500 has diagnostic tests and
functions used to evaluate or change machine operation. This function enables the Operator to view
Each is accessed by opening the main door and pressing information stored in the Personality EPROM and
the TEST button located on the front of the MPU assembly. SafeRAM™ without removing the MPU board. The SMI
Every press of the button advances to the next test documentation verifies the following information:
or function. Pressing CHANGE restarts most tests. Closing
the door or pressing RESET exits Diagnostics. MOD EL IN FOR MATION

WIN PAID shows the number of the test followed by a C ode D escription C ode D escription
“d”. COIN IN and CREDIT show information relating to each Personali ty
010d 015d C razy Reels
function. EPROM ID

The following illustration shows a Hopper Test (04). Nomi nal and/or
011d Basi c 016d Bi ll Acceptor
Diagnostic tests consist of: Reel Map and
012d 017d D enomi nati on
Wi n Table
04 Indicates
013d Market C ode
Hopper Test 018d Real Ti me C lock
014d D i verter Opti c
The “d”
04 d Indicates a
COIN function To access Test 1, press and release the TEST button
IN CREDIT accessed until 01 d appears in WIN PAID. Each item of information
automatically appears in the Message Center. The
Operator can manually advance by successively
pressing BET MAX, or pause the display by pressing and
holding SPIN.
• 01 Model Information 010d Personality EPROM ID
• 02 Output Test
• 03 Input Test ProSlo® 5500 Personality EPROMs are in MPU
• 04 Hopper Test Board locations U18 and U20. They are identified with
• 05 Reel Function Test with an 11-digit alpha-numeric label. When 010d
• 06 Reel Tape Test appears in WIN PAID, the number appearing in CREDIT
• 07 Reel Tilt Records should match the second through fifth digit of the
• 08 Slot Communications EPROM label and SMI documentation.
• 09 Display Test
• 10 Payout Test 011d Nominal and Basic Percentages
• 11 Game Optioning
The Nominal Percentage is the payback
percentage of wagers to the Player if the maximum for
each game is wagered. The Basic Percentage is the
payback percentage if less than maximum is wagered.
The difference between the percentages is the Bonus
for betting the maximum.

012d Reel Map and Win Table

Item 012d shows the reel map and win table

configuration stored in SafeRAM™. Currently all SMIs
are 0-0.

013d Market Code

The value displayed will be value representing the

Market Code, MC, as determined by the switch settings
at JW7-sw1-sw4.


#1 Model Information (cont.) Test #2 - Output Test
The Output Test begins a routine which selects and
014d Diverter Optic turns ON or OFF every output under microprocessor control.
There are 64 address locations hexadecimally numbered
Item 014d indicates Diverter Optic configuration in from 00 to 3F. The first digit of the number represents the
SafeRAM™. 0 indicates a Diverter Optic has not been port and the second digit represents the bit. For example,
included with the machine. the number 28 represents port 2 bit 8.
015d Crazy Reels The test is either auto-step or manual. Auto-step
advances through all ports while manual operation allows
Item 015d indicates the reel operation in the Operator to select the port and bit. Refer to the Output
SafeRAM™. 0 indicates normal reel spin. A 1 would table.
indicate Crazy Reel operation.

016d Bill Acceptor Note: If game Option 80 is set to default

Item 016d shows the bill acceptor setting stored in 0000 (OFF), the electromechanical
SafeRAM™ according to DIP Switch JW3-sw5-sw6. meters will not be tested.

017d Denomination

Item 017d shows the two-digit code representing To start the Output Test press and release the TEST
the machine's denomination stored in SafeRAM™ button until the message 02 d appears in WIN PAID ,
according to DIP Switch JW3-sw1-sw4. indicating the Output Test is selected.
The test starts in auto-step operation as indicated
018d Real Time Clock by 020d in WIN PAID. The CREDIT display shows the two-
digit output number and port status (logic level). The status
If MC=08, item 018d shows the date (mm dd: dw toggles between 1 (logic high) and 0 (logic low). The
yy) and time (hh mm: ss). The information takes four process repeats for all outputs. Pressing the CHANGE button
cycles to complete and continues until exit. It can be while auto-cycling will restart the test.
paused by holding SPIN. To manually select an output, press the PSEUDO COIN

Note: Some of the possible output

tests may be disabled by Jurisdiction
or Market Code.

button on the front of the MPU assembly. WIN PAID changes

from 020d to 021d. Press the CHANGE button to select an
output. Once selected, press the TEST button. WIN PAID
shows 022d. The port status in CREDIT toggles between 1
(logic high) and 0 (logic low) reflecting the state of the
output. Press the TEST button again to constantly activate
the output in either state. The Message Center shows
021d in WIN PAID. Exit by pressing the PSEUDO COIN switch
until 020d displays in WIN PAID, indicating return to auto-
step operation.

Exit the test by pressing TEST to advance to the next

diagnostic test; or by pressing RESET or closing the door
to cause a System Reset .

ProSlot® 5500 2-26 © MARCH 2000



Port Bit Output Output

Port Bit Output Output # # Description Voltage
# # Description Voltage
0 0 Top Tower Lamp 6.5 VAC
2 1 TOTAL IN Meter +24 VDC
0 1 Bottom Tower Lamp 6.5 VAC 2 2 TOTAL OUT Meter +24 VDC
0 2 Bill Acceptor Ready 6.5 VAC 2 3 COMBINED DROP Meter +24 VDC

0 3 Bill Acceptor Not Ready 6.5 VAC 2 4 ATTENDANT PAID Meter +24 VDC
2 5 GAMES PLAYED Meter +24 VDC
0 4 INSERT COIn Lamp 6.5 VAC
2 6 Bill Transport Motor +24 VDC
0 6 HOLD 5 Lamp 6.5 VAC 2 8 Jackpot 1 Relay +24 VDC
0 7 COIN 8 / HOLD ATTRACt Lamp 6.5 VAC 2 9 Jackpot 2 Relay +24 VDC

0 8 HOLD 4 Lamp 6.5 VAC 2 A Jackpot 3 Relay +24 VDC

0 9 HOLD 3 Lamp 6.5 VAC 2 B Tilt Relay +24 VDC

2 C Change/Service Relay +24 VDC
0 A COIN 7 / HOLD 2 Lamp 6.5 VAC
2 D Total In Relay +24 VDC
0 B COIN 6 / HOLD 1 Lamp 6.5 VAC
2 E Game Door Open Relay +24 VDC
0 C CASH/CREDIT Lamp 6.5 VAC 2 F Handle Release solenoid +24 VDC
0 D BET ONE & BET MAX Lamps 6.5 VAC 3 8 Total In Signal +5 VDC

0 E SPIN Lamp 6.5 VAC 3 9 Jackpot 1 Signal +5 VDC

3 A End Of Game Signal +5 VDC
0 F CHANGE Lamp 6.5 VAC
3 B Door Switch Signal +5 VDC
1 0 COIN 1 Lamp 6.5 VAC
3 C Key Switch Signal +5 VDC
1 1 COIN 2 Lamp 6.5 VAC Jackpot 2 / Auxillary
3 D +5 VDC
1 2 COIN 3 Lamp 6.5 VAC Hopper Signal
3 E Jackpot 3 Signal +5 VDC
1 3 COIN 4 Lamp 6.5 VAC
1 4 COIN 5 Lamp 6.5 VAC
1 5 Middle Tower Lamp/COIN 9 6.5 VAC Note: Upon entering Output Test, the
first output tested is Port 2 Bit 0 Coin
1 6 4th Tower Lamp/COIN 10 6.5 VAC Deflector Solenoid. Thereafter, the
ports cycle sequentially.
1 7 Jackpot Bell 6.5 VAC
Test #3 - Input Test 8A means that the bill was rejected by the game.
The bill denomination could be incompatible with the
The Input Test verifies machine inputs including machine’s coin denomination. For example, a $1 bill
button and door switches. Each input is referenced by a cannot be accepted by a $5 machine.
two digit hexadecimal number. The first digit represents Credits vended for the bill would cause the game
the input port and the second digit represents the bit. For to exceed Credit Limit (Option 51). For example, a $5
example, 08 represents port 0 bit 8 (See Input Ports Table game with 990 credits and a credit limit of 1000 cannot
on 2-30). add 20 credits from a $100 bill transaction.
Press and release the TEST button until 03 d appears
in WIN PAID, indicating the Input Test is selected. Select Bill Acceptor Doors
any button or switch to test that does not exit the function
Open the Cashbox Door or toggle the COIN MECH
(RESET button or TEST button). Verify the appropriate code
switch on the MPU Assembly. The bill acceptor should
appears. The CREDIT display shows the input's Port # and
refuse all bills.
the port status (1=logic high, 0=logic low). Deactivation
of the input reverses the logic level. WBA Coupon Acceptance
Bill Acceptor Input Test With the JCM® WBA bill acceptor, a coupon is
identified by a display of d in COIN IN and coup in CREDIT.
Bill acceptor functions can be tested during Input
Test #3. They include
• Acceptance or rejection of bills
• Value in coins or credits vended for each bill
• Enabling and disabling of the bill acceptor in
response to Cash Door, Cash Box, or COIN MECH switch
• Recognition of coupons (WBA only) Coin Acceptor Test
Acceptance and Value of Bills The coin acceptor is active, indicated by the steady
amber LED on the COD board or the green LED on Coin
Insert a bill into the bill acceptor. The bill will be Mechanisms CC-16 acceptor.
returned. An invalid bill is rejected and returned with An accepted coin will cause 09, Coin Credit, to
nothing displayed. appear in the first two digits of the CREDIT display. A count
An accepted valid bill will have the bill denomination of accepted coins display in the right two digits of CREDIT.
displayed as a d in COIN IN and the denomination in CREDIT. A malfunction or improper coin travel will display
THE number of coins or credits to be vended for the bill as 0A, Coin Error, in CREDIT. (See Input Ports Table).
displays as a c in COIN IN and the value in CREDIT.
A rejected valid bill will generate one of the following
Input Ports
Port Bit Port Bit
Input Description Input Description
# # # #
0 0 HOLD 1 Switch 0 C SPIN Switch
0 1 HOLD 2 Switch 0 D BET ONE Switch
C ode Description 0 2 HOLD 3 Switch 0 E BET MAX Switch
8A Rejected by the machine 0 3 HOLD 4 Switch 0 F CASH/CREDIT Switch

8b Rejected by bill acceptor 0 4 HOLD 5 Switch 1 0 Bill Door Switch

0 5 Hopper Probe 1 1 Tournament Key Switch
8c Failure; Abnormal
0 6 Coin Out Switch 1 2 Audit Key Switch
8d Stacker Full
0 7 Meter Detection 1 3 Bill Acceptor Optic
0 8 Coin Sense 1 4 Bill Acceptor Busy Signal
0 9 Coin Credit Signal 1 5 Spare
0 A Coin Error Signal 1 6 Stacker Switch
0 B CHANGE Switch 1 7 Bill Acceptor Logic

Common reasons for 8A codes

ProSlot® 5500 2-28 © MARCH 2000

Test #4 - Hopper Test Test #6 - Reel Tape Test
For the Hopper Test press and release the TEST This diagnostic test provides a means for the
button until 04 d appears in WIN PAID, indicating the Hopper Operatior to confirm the reel symbols are in the correct
Test is selected. The hopper attempts to pay out ten coins. positions and match the information listed in the SMI
As each coin is dispensed from the hopper, CREDIT document.
increments from 0 to 10. Pressing the CHANGE button will To begin, press and release the TEST button until
repeat the test. If an error occurs, the error code appears 06 d appears in WIN PAID, indicating the Reel Tape Test is
in the first two positions of the CREDIT display. See selected. The reels slow-spin to position 0 and stop. After
exception code table for error description. a pause the reels simultaneously advance to position 21.
If the machine has a second hopper, press the SPIN The CREDIT display shows the reel position. The sequence
button at the start to select the second hopper. continues until this test is exited.

Test #7 - Reel Tilt and System Reset

Test #5 - Reel Function Test Records
The Reel Function Test verifies the reels are
operating correctly. When started, the reels spin and stop
at consecutive reel positions in reverse order (21-0). The Note: Reel tilts generated with the
spin-stop sequence continues until the test is exited. main door open are not recorded.
To start the test, press and release the TEST button
until 05 d appears in WIN PAID, indicating the Reel Function
Test is selected. This test displays the number of reel tilts and System
The reels index to the "0" position, then spin and resets that have been recorded.
stop at the highest number reel position. The CREDIT To enter, press and release the TEST button until the
display shows the number of times the spin-stop 07 d appears in WIN PAID, indicating Reel Tilt and System
sequence occurred. After a brief pause the reels spin Reset Records selected. WIN PAID shows a 2 in the third
and stop at the next lower position. position indicating information on reel tilts is being
If a reel malfunctions during the spin cycle, the reel displayed. The CREDIT display shows the total number of
number appears in the third position of WIN PAID. The reel tilts that occurred.
total number of reel malfunctions appears in the CREDIT
display. When the reels spin again, the CREDIT display To view information on tilt types 4 through 7, turn
returns to show the number of correct reel spins. the Audit Keyswitch once. To view information on resets
8 through b, turn the Audit Keyswitch again. The Message
Center automatically cycles through the reset types. The
reset type number appears in the third position of WIN
PAID, and the total number of tilts appears in the CREDIT
An MPU Board with CPU Error Resets should be
Note: Holding CHANGE when entering removed from service and returned to the factory for
Test #5 will initiate a reel calibration analysis.
and store the reel-stop center position
in SafeRAM™.

Tilt # D escription R eset # D escription

2 Reels movi ng i mproperly 8 Power Fai l Resets

4 Accelerati ng i mproperly 9 D oor Resets

5 Runni ng i mproperly A Hardware Resets

6 D ecelerati ng i mproperly b C PU Error Resets

7 Reels i n wrong posi ti on


Test #8 - Slot Communications Test #10 - Payout Test
The Slot Communication Test confirms the serial This function confirms reel symbol combinations
ports are working properly. The test checks for shorts match the game's pay table as it appears on the feature
and opens. glass. By positioning the reel symbols on the payline,
Press and release the TEST button until 08 d appears entering a wager, and pressing SPIN, the win amount
in WIN PAID , indicating the Communications Test is appears in WIN PAID. It should match the glass for the same
selected. A dash (-) appears in the CREDIT display if a winning combination.
channel is not found. Press and release the TEST button until the message
Next, 081d appears in WIN PAID. The test checks for 10 d appears in WIN PAID, indicating the Payout Test is
shorts on ports 1A, 1b, 2A, 2b. 3A, and 3b. An S appears selected. Press and hold CHANGE. The message rl 1
in the CREDIT display if a short exists. When the machine appears in CREDIT, indicating reel one is selected. While
is finished testing for shorts, the message 082d appears holding CHANGE, press the SPIN button. Reel one moves to
in the WIN PAID. A test pulse is transmited. Each receiving the next stop position. Release and press SPIN (still holding
port is tested for reception of a signal. Physical down the CHANGE button) until the desired reel symbol
connection is required. The following table lists the ports lines up on the pay line, then release the CHANGE button.
and their locations on the game. Repeat to select positions for the remaining reels.
After selecting the reel positions, press BET ONE to
select the number of credits to wager. Press SPIN. The
COMMUNICATION PORTS CREDIT display shows the win for the reel-symbol

Port Duart Name Location Connector combination, the wager, and the credits to be paid from
the hopper.
1A U25 Link Progressive Backplane Board J13
Repeat the procedures above to confirm payouts
1B U25 HHU MPU Board J3
for any reel combination and wager.
2A U34 Bill Acceptor Backplane Board J11
2B U34 Mastercom Backplane Board J6

Note: Jackpot signals through

connector J13 are disabled to prevent
false progressive jackpot lockups.
See Option #80 on page 2-13

Note: Test #8 can not test signal

reception without loopack jumpers
#11 - Game Optioning
Game optioning is set from diagnostic function #11.
See the Game Optioning section earlier in this module
for detailed instructions on accessing and setting options.

Test #9 - Display Test

This function tests the Message Center. Observe
to make sure all LED segments in each of the ten display
positions are properly functioning.
Press and release the TEST button until 09 d appears
in WIN PAID, indicating the Display Test is selected. A pattern
cycles in the Message Center that illuminates each
segment and decimal point.

ProSlot® 5500 2-30 © MARCH 2000

Hopper Malfunctions, 3x Series Malfunction Codes
Troubleshooting Overview If a hopper malfunction occurs, a 3x tilt code
displays. The Hopper Control circuit board also includes
This section includes resolutions for common status LEDs. Common hopper malfunctions include
malfunctions. Charts defining the numerical codes for hopper jams, empty hoppers and jammed mixers. If
malfunctions and normal game operations are included. these problems occur, check the following:
1. Hopper jams usually occur because of a bent
Power ON Malfunctions coin stuck under the hopper knife, or foreign objects
If the Reel and Feature Fluorescent lamps do not freezing the mixer or pinwheel.
illuminate, check the following: 2. An empty hopper condition exists when no coins
1. Turn power switch OFF and confirm the machine exit the hopper for approximately fifteen seconds. This
is plugged into a powered, grounded outlet. can be a hopper out of coins, or a hopper that has
2. Using the Overall Wiring Diagram as a reference, jammed.
confirm the power supply is properly connected. 3. Ensure the hopper plug is firmly seated in the
3. Check circuit breakers. connector. Confirm the hopper cable is connected and
4. Confirm the power switch is connected and no wires are frayed or broken. On rare occasions, the
functioning. hopper motor or control board may need replacement.
5. Check for any loose or frayed wires.
6. Observe the System Reset LED on the MPU If a 30 code Hopper Overpay displays, the machine
board. It should illuminate briefly on power on. should be taken out of service until hopper operation
has been checked through the machine's Diagnostics
Tilt Messages function Test #4. The machine should also be checked
for possible tampering. A one-coin overpay may indicate
If a tilt occurs, the machine exhibits the following: a faulty Hopper Control Board. If the problem persists,
1. The numerical tilt code displays in WIN PAID. contact a Bally Field Service Technician.
2. The machine will not accept or dispense coins A 31 code Hopper Coin Out Jam may indicate
or bills. tampering or defective hopper components. Always check
3. All game play is suspended until the condition is the Hopper Control Board LEDs for activity indicated in
resolved by authorized service personnel. the following chart:

Coin Acceptor Malfunctions, 2x Series Exception

The ProSlot® 5500 has a coin acceptor with built -
H o p p er L E D Error D escription
in security features to prevent cheating. The most
Green (FWD ) LED Flashi ng A reverse entry condi ti on occurred. The dual
common problems are coins jamming in the acceptor opti c swi ches detected an i ncorrect di recti on
because of a bent coin, or shingling from coins inserted of coi n travel and noti fi ed the mi crocontroller.
It may be caused by a fai led opti c.
at a high rate of speed. For a coin jam or a 2x code
Red (REV) LED Flashi ng A coi n reverse condi ti on occurred. The dual
check the following: coi n-out opti c swi tches detected an i ncorrect
1. If jammed, open the door and remove the di recti on of coi n travel whi le the hopper
motor was reversi ng di recti on.
acceptor module. Once removed, coins can be gently
Red & Green LED s Flashi ng An external li ght source struck the opti c
extracted with a small screwdriver or similar tool. swi tch. The opti c swi tches are modulated
2. Confirm the Coin Optic Decoder board optic and an out-of-phase li ght source was
sensors and prism are clean. Dirt can block the light
path and prevent proper operation.

The acceptor module can be quickly replaced. See

Module 8, Peripherals, for further information.


Reel Malfunctions, 4x and 7x Series Malfunction Communication Errors, 9x Series Malfunction
Codes Codes
Reels unable to find the proper stop position result If the machine is configured S/MPI or VLC Host
in 4x tilts. 7x tilts are from movement after stopping. protocol (See Game Optioning on page 2-13 for
Check the following: Progressive Type or Terminal ID), faulty operation will
1. The optic sensors are clean. Dirt may block the generate one of the following tilt codes:
light path through the code ring of the reel.
2. Check alignment of the code ring to the opto-
interrupter on the Reel Control Board. Communication Error Codes
3. Check for a loose connection of the reel cable. C ode Description
4. Ensure proper calibration by entering Test #5 91-0 No serial traffic found w ithin the last 500 milliseconds.
and holding the CHANGE button (See #5-Reel Function Test The machine is not receiving data from the progressive
on page 2-19.). controller. This is most likely caused by an open connection
between the machine and the progressive controller or
incorrect configuration of the progressive controller.
91-1 Serial checksum error.
The data received by the machine is not the same data sent
by the progressive controller. This can be caused by an
Memory Malfunctions, 8x Series Malfunction intermittent connection or too much noise on the data lines.
Codes 91-2 Option error.
This error results when Option 02 Progressive Type is set to
The ProSlot 5500 enters a self-test upon each 0004 and Option 78L Machine Number is set to 0000.
System Reset (power or RESET button). A malfunction in 91-4 Mystery Machine Pay timing error.
system memory will generate an 8x code and flash the Jackpot award data from the progressive controller is
tower and button lamps at a coded rate. Refer to the present in th serial stream at an inappropriate time. Actuate
the Audit Keyswitch and observe the jackpot level in the
following table for flash codes: rightmost digit of the WIN PAID display (preceded by EHP),
and the jackpot amount in the CREDIT display. A keyswitch
activation is required for each jackpot award present. If the
Malfunction Flash Codes condition persists, a loss of communication between the
machine and the progressive controller may have occurred.
Flash Rate
(Per Second) 91-5 Jackpot information missing. No jackpot data from
1 Main EPROM checksum error ( U12 & U15) MAPS Atomic Progressive Controller.
2 Supplement Main EPROM checksum error ( U3 & U4) 91-7 Game Error Lockout. Host Status Poll Timeout was
3 Personality EPROM checksum error (U18 & U20) detected by the Game.
4 Volatile RAM write/read failure (U67 & U68)
91-8 Host Defined Lockout In Configuration. Game disabled
5 Non-volatile RAM (SafeRAM™) write/read failure (U67 & U68) by holiday/non holiday enable/disable configuration.
6 Battery Low (BAT1)
91-9 Game In Host Configuration. Host in the process of
Continuous SafeRAM™ Clear completed configuring the game.
91-A Game Not Configured By Host. The Host has not
configured the game.
91-B Game In Host Disable. The game has been disabled by
the Host.
91-C Game Disable By Daily Timeout. The game has been
disabled by the Daily Poll Timeout Shutdown.
91-D Game Disable for Status. The Game has been disabled
by the Host Disable flag in the Status Poll.
91-E Event Log Full. The Event Log has more than 1200 events.
EP Aw ards available but not acknow ledged by progressive
EP controller.
HP The alternation of EP, EP, EP in the WIN PAID display
indicates the pulse link is not operating correctly. It can be
caused by a machine tilt between coining and payout, or a
System Reset (including doors) between coining and payout.
Activate the Audit Keyswitch and observe EP pd on the WIN
PAID display. A 91-4 display may result if the progressive
controller does not recognize acknowledgment of the award
by the machine.

ProSlot® 5500 2-32 © MARCH 2000


ProSlot® 5500 Exception Codes

Code # Code Description Definition
20 Coin In Jam The optics on the Coin Optic Decoder board have been blocked for too long.
A coin has been accepted by the machine after maximum number of extra coins bet has been registered. Extra coins up to the maximum (currently 15) are
21 Inappropriate Coin In
paid from the hopper upon completion of the game.
22 Invalid Coin A coin has passed the coin optics during a reel spin.
23 Coin not Sensed Coin was not sensed by the drop optic (DS2-8 = OFF Diverter Optic installed)
24 Coin Reverse A coin was sensed traveling from bottom to top of the optic block.
30 Hopper Overpay More coins than expected have been sensed by the hopper's coin-out optic during a payout.
31 Hopper Coin-Out Jam Hopper's coin-out optic has been blocked too long. See Troubleshooting on Page 2-30 fo Hopper LED error codes.
32 Hopper Empty The hopper circuitry has run the forward direction for longer than 15 seconds with no coins sensed by the coin-out optic.
33 Reset During Payout A System Reset has occurred while the hopper is running
40 Reel Initialization Error Reels were unable to complete initialization after a System Reset
41 Reel #1 improper spin The reel did not spin to the expected position.
42 Reel #2 improper spin Same as above.
43 Reel #3 improper spin Same as above.
44 Reel #4 improper spin Same as above.
45 Reel #5 improper spin Same as above.
50 Slot Door Open The main door switch senses the door is open.
52 Bill Acceptor Stacker Access The Stacker Access switch senses the door is open.
53 Lower Door Open (Slant) The Lower Door switch senses the door is open.
54 Drop Door Open The Drop Door switch senses the door is open
55 Bill Acceptor Stacker Removed Signal received from the bill acceptor that there is no stacker.
60 Reset During Bill Change A system reset has occured during a bill transaction.
65 Mechanical Meter disconnect The electro-mechanical meters are disconnected from the machine (Market Codes 03, 04, 12).
70 Door Open During Reel Spin Any of the door switches have sensed a door open during reel spin.
71 Reel #1 Movement The reel moved at an inappropriate time.
72 Reel #2 Movement Same as above.
73 Reel #3 Movement Same as above.
74 Reel #4 Movement Same as above.
75 Reel #5 Movement Same as above.
80* ROM Checksum Error The checksum of the Main program (U12, U15, U3, U4) or the Personality (U20, U18) does not match the expected checksum.
81* Battery Low SafeRAM™ battery is below 2.5 VDC.
82 Door Open With Power OFF The machine door was opened while the main power was off (Requires JW11 IN).
83* SafeRAM™ Error SafeRAM™ Failed to retain information during self-test.
83F SafeRAM™ Format Error SafeRAM™ formatting has been lost due to bad RAM IC, a dead battery, or if ROM has changed. (A complete SafeRAM™ Clear is required.)
84* RAM Error Volatile RAM failed to retain information during a self-test.
90 Display Error The controlller for LED Message Center or vacuum fluorescent display has failed.
91 Communication Error The machine is expecting and not receiveng serial communication from the progressive controller. See Troubleshooting on Page 2-34).
91-0 No Communication No serial traffic found within the last 500 ms.
91-1 Serial Check-sum Error Data received by the machine is not the same as sent by the controller.
91-2 Optioning Error Conflicting Machine Options. For example, 02=04 and 78L=0.
91-4 Mystery Mach. Pay Timming Error Award data is in the serial stream at an inappropriate time or is missing.
91-5 Jackpot Missing MAPS jackpot information missing form APC communication.
91-7 Game Error Lockout Host status poll timeout detected by game.
91-8 Host Defined Lockout Game disabled by holiday/non holiday enable/disable configuration.
91-9 Game in Host Configuration Host in the process of configuring the game.
91-A Game Not Configured Host has not configured game.
91-B Game in Host Disabled Game disabled by Host.
91-C Host Disabled for Timeout Game disabled by Host Daily Poll Timeout shutdown.
91-D Host Disabled for Status Game disabled by Host Disable flag in Status Poll.
91-E Event Log Full More than 1200 events are in the event log.
EP EP Awards Available But Not Awards available but not acknowledged by progressive controller
HP Acknowledged By Controller
HdIS Communication Loss No communication with the SAS ® Host for five seconds
*Malfunction codes 80, 81, 83, and 84 are part of the machine self-test that occurs during power ON or a System reset. If an error is sensed, all of the machine's lamps (both tower lamps, bill acceptor lamp,
and all button lamps) flash. The lights flash one or more times per second, depending on the problem.


ProSlot® 5500 2-34 © MARCH 2000

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