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Page No.

3.1 General
3.1.1 Standards and Codes ........................................................................................ 2
3.1.2 Drawing Information .......................................................................................... 4
3.1.3 Hot Dip Galvanising ........................................................................................... 6
3.1.4 Notes on Drawings ............................................................................................ 7
3.1.5 Detailing Parameters ......................................................................................... 8

3.2 Bolts
3.2.1 Commercial Bolts .............................................................................................. 9
3.2.1 High Strength Bolts ........................................................................................... 11

NOTE : Refer to the Engineering Standards Manual Introduction MA.SP-ENG-DES-020.0 for the
complete Table of Contents, Purpose, Scope, References, Definitions, Authorisation and
Contacts applicable to ALL sections of this manual.

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3.1.1 Standards and Codes

AS 1074 Steel Tubes and Tubulars for Ordinary Services

AS 1100 Technical Drawing

Part 501: Structural Engineering Drawing

AS/NZS 1110 ISO Metric Hexagon Bolts & Screws - Product Grades A and B
Part 1: Bolts
Part 2: Screws

AS/NZS 1111 ISO Metric Hexagon Bolts & Screws - Product Grade C
Part 1: Bolts
Part 2: Screws

AS/NZS 1112 ISO Metric Hexagon Nuts

Part 1: Style 1 - Product Grades A and B
Part 2: Style 2 - Product Grades A and B
Part 3: Product Grade C
Part 4: Chamfered Thin Nuts - Product Grades A and B

AS 1163 Structural Steel Hollow Sections

AS 1170 Structural Design Actions

Part 0: Structural Design Actions – General Principles
Part 1: Permanent, Imposed and Other Actions
Part 2: Wind Actions
Part 3: Snow and Ice Actions
Part 4: Earthquake Loads

AS 1214 Hot-Dip Galvanised Coatings on Thread Fasteners (ISO Metric Coarse Thread Series)

AS 1237 Flat Metal Washers for General Engineering Purposes (Metric Series)
Parts 1 and 2

AS/NZS 1252 High Strength Steel Bolts with Associated Nuts & Washers for Structural Engineering.

AS 1275 Metric Screw Threads for Fasteners

AS/NZS 1390 Cup Head Bolts with ISO Metric Coarse Pitch Threads

AS 1418 Cranes (including Hoists and Winches) - Parts 1-18

AS 1442 Carbon Steels & Carbon Manganese Steels - Hot Rolled Bars & Semi-Finished Products

AS 1445 Hot Dipped Zinc-Coated or Aluminium/Zinc Coated Steel Sheet - 76 mm Pitch

AS 1554 Structural Steel Welding
Part 1: Welding of Steel Structures
Part 2: Stud Welding (Steel Studs to Steel)
Part 3: Welding of Reinforcing Steel
Part 4: Welding of High Strength Quenched and Tempered Steels
Part 5: Welding of Steel Structures Subject to High Levels of Fatigue Loading

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AS/NZS 1559 Hot-Dip Galvanised Steel Bolts, Nuts and Washers for Tower Construction

AS 1562 Design & Installation of Sheet Roof and Wall Cladding

Part 1: Metal
Part 2: Corrugated Fibre - reinforced cement
Part 3: Plastic

AS 1657 Fixed Platforms, Walkways, Stairways and Ladders - Design, Construction and

AS 1680 Interior Lighting

Part 1: General Principles and Recommendations
Part 2: Recommendations for Specific Tasks and Interiors
Part 3: Measurement, Calculation and Presentation of Photometric Data

AS 1684 National Timber Framing Code

AS 1720 Timber Structures

Part 1: Design Methods
Part 2: Timber Properties
Part 4: Fire Resistance of Structural Timber Members

AS 1735 Lifts, Escalators and Moving Walks - Parts 1 - 17

AS/NZS 2179 Specifications for Rain Water Goods Accessories and Fasteners

AS/NZS 2293 Emergency Evacuation Lighting for Buildings

Part 1: System Design, Installation and Operation
Part 2: Inspection and Maintenance
Part 3: Emergency Luminaires and Exit Signs

AS/NZS 2311 Guide to the Painting of Buildings

AS 3600 Concrete Structures

AS/NZS 3678 Structural Steel Hot Rolled Plates, Floor Plates and Slabs

AS/NZS 3679 Structural Steel

Part 1: Hot Rolled Bars and Sections
Part 2: Welded I Sections

AS 3700 Masonry Structures

AS 3990 Mechanical Equipment - Steelwork

AS 4100 Steel Structures

AS4428 Fire Detection, Warning, Control and Intercom Systems

AS/NZS 4455 Masonry Units and Segmental Pavers

AS 4600 Cold - formed Steel Structures

AS/NZS 4680 Hot-dip Galvanized (Zinc) Coatings on Fabricated Ferrous Articles

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3.1.2 Drawing Information


Where possible show all details for the completion of one item on the same drawing.

Project views and sections where possible - third angle.

Mark centre lines clearly.

Place main dimensions in prominent locations.

Do not repeat dimensions.

Locate bolt holes on gauge lines of structural members where possible.

Indicate weld sizes by general note where possible. Indicate all welds with symbols.

Indicate general purpose or special purpose weld category by general note where possible. Refer to
Section 2.1.2.

Typical welds shall be shown for similar joints only. Typical weld symbol applies to the item it is shown
on only.

Refer to AS 1554 - Part 1 for weld preparation not detailed on drawing.

Refer to AS 1101 - Part 3 for welding symbol interpretation.

For application of Commercial Grade and High Strength Structural Bolts refer to Sections 3.2.1 and

Indicate bolt hole size by general note if possible.

Avoid crevices, pockets or ledges which may accumulate dust and moisture.

Where necessary provide shedder plates.

Seal weld all welded joints where moisture due to weather, hosing or excessive condensation may
penetrate and cause corrosion.

Refer to AISC 'Standardised Structural Connections' for bolted joint details, where appropriate.


Draw item as it appears to marker-off eg. columns horizontal - lower end to left (assume marking off
left to right).

Do not make one drawn detail cover many similar items with small differences, particularly where
misreading an alternative location for a gusset, cleat or holes may result in costly alterations to correct
the error.

Where a large item is symmetrical or nearly so about the centre line draw left half only extending
slightly beyond centre line - add appropriate note adjacent to centre-line.

Draw channels with flange and web thickness shown in short dash line (hidden lines).
Draw angles with leg thickness shown in full line, eg. Purlins and Girts.

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Enlarged local details and sections shall be close to location of main view if possible.

Omit repetitive detail if practicable with appropriate note for added clarity and economy of drawing.

On column detail show - RL value in mm at the top of each main beam connection.

(RL - Reduced Level).

Set out bracing details as they are to be installed showing centre lines of adjacent columns or rafters
and location of intersection points.

For bracing using angles, show centre of gravity axis, or gauge line (if bolted). For other sections
show centre line.

Length of beams may be drawn to smaller scale, or with length broken, but locate intermediate details
along length in approximately proportional positions.

Section dimensions - height, width etc, must be to scale.

UB and UC monorail beam details are to include a cross section of

the beam with the flange and the web thickness dimensioned.

Dimension holes in column bracket from centreline of column.

Where beam flanges are to finish flush at top, dimension joint detail
from the top flange without closing dimension.

Where beam ends locate on cleats or brackets, dimension joint

detail from bottom flange without closing dimension.

Identify ends of beams and faces of column where necessary eg. E. End, S. Face.

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3.1.3 Hot Dip Galvanising


Where fabricated components are required to be hot dip galvanised, the following points are to be
checked before finalising the design:

1. Ensure that it is possible to satisfactorily galvanise the fabrication in one piece.

2. If too large to treat as complete unit, design the fabrication in components of suitable size and
shape to facilitate galvanising of each component.

3. Where possible, bolted connections are to be provided between components. Galvanised

bolts shall be used.

4. It should be noted it is not essential that a component may be completely immersed in the
galvanising bath, as double dipping or rotation in the bath can accommodate oversized
fabrications within suitable limits.

5. Guard railing and similar light section framing should be bolted to the main structure. If
welded integral with the main fabrication it is more likely to be damaged in handling. Using
heat to straighten bent framing will damage the galvanising.

6. Where galvanising metal may enter enclosed spaces in a fabrication, the design must allow
drainage of excess metal from the component. Vent holes to enclosed spaces should be
located to provide drainage of galvanising metal. Fabrications are normally tilted when lifted
from the galvanising bath to facilitate drainage and minimise the formation of dags of
galvanising metal along section edges.

7. The galvaniser will normally cut holes at both ends of enclosed sections where venting is not
provided, to prevent possible explosion during dipping, eg. pipe handrails. These holes are
cut in the underside and may be left open after galvanising. Any restriction on the cutting of
such holes or the need to plug after galvanising should be noted on the drawing.

8. All welds on fabrications to be galvanised are to be continuous. Spaces in intermittent welds

allow pickling fluids to enter the joint and initiate corrosion. Exposure to weather or hosing
immediately results in corrosion stains running out onto the galvanised surface and a
reduction in the effectiveness of the coating.

9. All joints should be freely accessible to facilitate well formed continuous welds that can be
completely cleaned of slag.

10. Advice on current limitations applicable to galvanising fabrications is available from the Supply

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3.1.4 Notes on Drawings

All notes on drawings are to be printed in characters 3.5 mm high with 0.35 mm line thickness.

Locate general notes at the right hand side of the drawing.

Notes referring to a specific item may be located adjacent to the detail of the item.

Notes specifying heat treatment are to be approved by the Company Materials Metallurgist.

Welding notes specifying the use of low hydrogen or other special electrodes or the use of preheat or
postheat or any special welding procedure are to be approved by the Company Materials Metallurgist and
Welding Inspector.

Structural Steel Notes

(These notes are not applicable to quench and tempered low alloy structural steels. eg.

(Delete notes that are not applicable.)

1. All referenced standards shall be to the latest revision.

2. All dimensions shown are in millimetres.

3. All dimensions given for material are gross dimensions with no reduction for
fabrication allowances, eg. root gaps and shrinkage allowances.

4. All material shall be to AS/NZS 3678-250, AS/NZS 3679.1-300 or AS/NZS

3679.2-200 u.n.o.

5. Fabrication and erection shall be to AS 4100.

6. Maximum cut surface roughness shall be to AWRA Class 2 (approx 12 micro

metres Ra) u.n.o.

7. Item letters followed by Drawing No. (EG A-440000) and orientation shall be
clearly marked on all items.

8. All bolts shall be M……dia. High Strength (bolting procedure 8.8/….) to AS/NZS
1252. All nuts shall be to property class 8 to AS/NZS 1252 with hardened steel
washers to AS/NZS 1252 u.n.o.

9. All bolt holes shall be drilled …..dia u.n.o.

10. All high strength bolted joints shall be in accordance with AS 4100.

11. All welding shall be to the satisfaction of the Company Welding Inspector.

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12. Permanent marks shall be applied to all assembled high strength bolts and nuts
(TB or TF) to indicate snug-tight position.

13. Welding symbols are to AS 1101.3.

14. All welding and weld preparation shall be to AS/NZS 1554.1 (weld category
GP/SP) / AS/NZS 1554.5 u.n.o.

15. Qualified weld procedures are to be made available to BlueScope Steel on


16. All fillet welds shall be ….. mm continuous u.n.o.

17. Weld consumable ultimate tensile strength shall be not less than 410 MPa.

18. Non Destructive Testing shall be as nominated. MP (Magnetic Particle) - 10%,

UT (Ultrasonic Testing) 10% u.n.o.

19. For material thickness greater than 15mm, all welding consumables shall be low

20. Were flux cored welding consumable is specified, a maximum hydrogen rating of
H5 shall not be exceeded.

An AutoCAD version of these drawing notes can be found at the following address:

3.1.5 Detailing Parameters

For rationalised dimensions for detailing and gauge lines for structural sections, refer to “DESIGN
CAPACITY TABLES FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL” published by Australian Institute of Steel Construction.

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3.2.1 Commercial Bolts


Use commercial bolts and screws to AS/NZS 1111, Parts 1 and 2, nuts to AS/NZS 1112, Part 3 and flat
washers to AS 1237 for all lightly loaded bolted connections,

eg. Purlins and Girts.

Ladders, Stairways and Platforms, Guardrail posts.
All beam connections where the required number of commercial grade bolts can be
conveniently fitted.

Ensure structural joint details meet the requirements of AS 4100 - STEEL STRUCTURES - Section 9.
One washer is required under the rotating component.
Oversize holes including slotted holes require an additional washer under the non-rotating component if
covering an oversize hole.
Do not use spring Washers on structural joints - they corrode quickly.
Where maximum number of bolts in line in direction of load is greater than 5, a reduction factor is to be
applied to the joint capacity.
For - dimensions, lengths, clearance hole sizes see Page 11.

For Design Capacities – refer AISC Design Capacity Tables for Structural Steel (Parts 7 and 8).


Minimum pitch of bolts - 2.5 x diameter of bolt.

Maximum pitch for load carrying bolts;
• Generally - 15 x thickness of thinner ply connected.
• For an outside line of fasteners in the direction of the design load - 4 x thickness of thinner ply
connected + 100.
• Limit - 200 max.
Maximum pitch for bolts not required to carry design loads in regions not liable to corrosion:
• 32 x least thickness of thinner ply connected.
• Limit - 300 max.


Rolled Plate;
BOLT Sheared or Hand Machine Flame Cut Rolled Edge of a
Dia Flame Cut Edge Sawn or Planed Edge Rolled Section
M12 21 18 15
M16 28 24 20
M20 35 30 25
M24 42 36 30
M30 53 45 38
M36 63 54 45

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Maximum edge distance:

• 12 x thickness of the thinnest outer connected ply under consideration.
• Limit - 150 max. REFERENCE: AS/NZS 1111, Parts 1 and 2, AS/NZS 1112 Part 3, AS 1237,
AS 4100


Head & Nut Width Height Flat Washer Bolt Length L

Bolt Medium Max Max Head Nut Max Max Nominal Min Max Allowance
Dia Clearance Across Across Max N Outside Thickness to Add to
D Hole Flats Corners H Dia Grip for
Diam F C Structural

M5 5.5 8 9 4 5 10 1 25 50
M6 6.6 10 12 4.5 5 12.5 1.5 30 130
M8 9.0 13 15 6 7 17 1.5 35 130
M10 11.0 16 18 7 8.5 21 2 40 200
M12 14.0 18 21 8 11 24 2.5 45 200 18
M16 18.0 24 28 11 15 30 3 55 500 22
M20 22.0 30 35 13 18 37 3 65 500 26
M24 26.0 36 42 16 22 44 4 80 500 36
M30 33.0 46 53 20 26 56 4 90 500 40
M36 39.0 55 64 24 31 66 5 110 500 48
M42 45.0 65 75 28 35 78 7 140 500
M48 52.0 75 87 32 39 92 8 140 500
M56 62.0 85 98 37 46 105 9 160 500
M64 70.0 95 110 42 52 115 9 180 500

Bolt Length - Range 25-70 70-160 160-300 300-500

- Increments 5 10 20 25

NOTE: Dimensions in millimetres.

Dimensions have been rounded off.
Refer to relevant codes for precise dimensions.
Grip is total thickness held together, including packing, excluding washers.

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3.2.2 High Strength Bolts


USE HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS TO AS 1252 for all major bolted connections,
eg Mill type buildings.
Ensure joint details meet the requirements of AS 4100 - STEEL STRUCTURES - Section 9.
For all clearance holes ONE HARDENED WASHER is required under the rotating component.
For oversize holes including slotted holes up to 1.33 x bolt dia long an ADDITIONAL HARDENED
WASHER is required under the non-rotating component if covering an oversize hole.
For Dimensions, Lengths, Clearance Hole see Page 13. For PITCH and EDGE DISTANCE use same
values as listed for Commercial Grade Bolts in Section 3.2.1.

For Design Capacities – refer AISC Design Capacity Tables for Structural Steel (Parts 7 and 8).


Do NOT use where dynamic reversal of stress or vibration occurs.


Use only for rigid joints where dynamic reversal of stress or vibration occurs or where slip is
eg Crane girder surge connections.
Mill building main frame connections.
Crane bracing, Building bracing.
This is the only procedure requiring attention to the contact surfaces.


Would mainly be used in flexible joints where the extra capacity of the stronger bolt (compared to 4.6/S
procedure) makes it economic.

REFERENCE: AS/NZS 1252, AS 4100.

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Bolt Clearanc Flats Corners Head Nut Outside Approx Min Max Allowance
Dia e Hole Max Max Max Max Max Max to Add to
D Dia F C H N Dia Thick Grip
M16 18 27 31 11 17 34 5 40 150 28
M20* 22 32 37 14 21 39 5 45 150 32
M24* 26 41 47 16 25 50 5 55 240 38
M30 32 50 58 20 31 60 5 70 240 46
M36 38 60 69 24 38 72 5 85 240 54

Bolt Length - Range 40 – 100 100 – 200 200 – 240

- Increments 5 10 20

NOTE: Dimensions in millimetres.

Dimensions have been rounded off.
Refer to AS/NZS 1252 for precise dimensions.
Grip is total thickness held together, including packing, excluding washers.

* Preferred sizes for BlueScope Steel use.

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