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Cisco Identity Based Networking Services 2.0

Value of Cisco Identity Based Networking Services (IBNS) 2.0 Benefits
With the evolution of bring-your-own-device (BYOD) initiatives, a highly mobile global • Identity-based framework for session management
workforce, and virtualized and hybrid data centers, today’s enterprise networks • Robust policy-control engine to apply policies defined locally or received from an
have become literally borderless. With diverse work groups—contractors, regular external authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) server
employees, partners, etc.—needing to share the same network infrastructure, a secure
• Faster deployment and customization of features across access technologies
and scalable way of granting network access based on identity is a high priority.
Network authentication with IEEE 802.1X is fundamental for such deployments, but • Simpler and more consistent way to configure features across access methods,
to address these trends, a more flexible, scalable, and comprehensive solution is platforms, and application domains
required. The current deployment challenges demand an extensible framework that
builds on traditional identity-based networking services and can provision enhanced
authentication flexibility, local authorizations, role-based access control (RBAC), • C3PL-based identity configuration
consistent policy-based access, and the capability to use IPv6 endpoints. Cisco • Concurrent authentication methods for a single session, including IEEE 802.1X
provides a solution: Cisco IBNS 2.0. (dot1X), MAC authentication bypass (MAB), and web authentication
• Locally defined & downloadable identity service templates
Cisco IBNS 2.0 • Interface templates & Autoconf
The advanced access session manager, a core component of the Cisco Policy-
• Extended RADIUS change of authorization (CoA) support for session querying,
Aware IBNS architecture, provides a policy- and identity-based framework for flexible
reauthentication, and termination; port shutdown and port bounce; and identity
and scalable services to secure-access clients (Figure 1). This framework enables
service template activation and deactivation
provisioning for any authentication with any authorization on any media: wired or
wireless. The enhanced policy engine is equipped with a new set of capabilities, and a • Local authentication using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
flexible configuration option, Cisco Common Classification Policy Language (referred • Per-user inactivity handling across methods
to as C3PL), is provisioned, giving administrators more power to define enterprisewide • Web authentication support for common session ID
secure access policy. • Web authentication support for IPv6
Figure 1 Cisco IBNS 2.0 Access Session Manager
Cisco Policy Language–Based Identity Control with C3PL
Any Authentication The identity control policies define the actions that the access session manager takes
URL in response to specified conditions and endpoint events. A variety of system actions,
Redirect conditions, and events can be combined using a consistent policy language. For
various events, such as session start and session failure, you can specify actions in the
Any Media Any Media
control policy. These actions can be performed conditionally for different subscribers
Access Session Manager based on various match criteria. Control policies are activated on interfaces and
typically control the authentication of endpoint identity and the activation of services
for sessions.
MAB WebAuth This new configuration method offers greater flexibility in defining enterprisewide
Any Authentication
security policies and helps reduce the need to repeat configurations for each port.

© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL:
Third party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)

Configuring the C3PL policy from the foundation may seem challenging given A service template is applied to sessions through its reference in a control policy,
the various options with which the command set is equipped. To ease this effort, through RADIUS CoA requests, or through a user profile or service profile. Service
Cisco IOS® Software provides a conversion tool that migrates the existing identity templates also can be downloaded from the RADIUS server or configured locally on
configuration commands on the port to the new policy-mode configurations (Figure 2). the device through the Cisco IOS Software command-line interface (CLI).
Figure 2 Identity Control Policy Configuration
Main Use Cases
Concurrent Authentication
CLASS Cisco IBNS 2.0 allows the concurrent operation of IEEE 802.1X, MAB, and web
ACTION Defined under authentication methods, making it possible to invoke multiple authentication methods
class-map in parallel for a single subscriber session. This capability allows the client-supported
EVENT command
method to be completed at the earliest opportunity without the delays associated with
ACTION serialization.
Defined under Critical ACL After AAA Failure
POLICY policy-map
command Connectivity to the policy server is fundamental for successful network access. If the
AAA and RADIUS server infrastructure becomes unavailable because of a failure or
Applied with
service-policy unreachable because of network connectivity problems, the network authenticators
command (switches) may not be able to authorize the end user. Critical VLAN authorization is a
INTERFACE remedy that gives the endpoints limited access to the network during an AAA server
Service Templates A common practice for port authentication is to authorize the user with VLAN and ACL
A service template contains a set of service-related attributes or features, such as assignments. This type of access permission allows both network segmentation and
access control lists (ACLs) and VLAN assignments, which can be activated for one or access control from the enterprise edge. However, the ACL authorization infrastructure
more subscriber sessions in response to session lifecycle events. Templates simplify requires a pre-authorization ACL to be applied to the port prior to an access session.
the provisioning and maintenance of network session policies in which policies are This requirement prevents the use of critical authorization, in which the user can be
divided into distinct groups or are role based (Figure 3). given access to a critical VLAN, because the port ACL will block the user’s traffic
Figure 3 Service Template at ingress to the access network. A comprehensive solution is needed that both
authorizes the user with an appropriate VLAN assignment when the AAA infrastructure
POLICY-MAP TYPE CONTROL SUBSCRIBER X fails and authorizes an ACL assignment, thereby unblocking the port for access.
CLASS <EVENT CLASSIFICATION> The service template and the identity control policy offer options to meet these
requirements. A service template can contain IP ACL and VLAN definitions that can be
activated during session events (Figure 4).




© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL:
Third party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)

Figure 4 Critical ACLs Interface template

Cisco IBNS 2.0 leverages user-definable and reusable templates for interfaces that
can be used to manage interface configurations in a simplified manner. Interface
template provides an answer to the problem of configuration bloat and manageability
EAPoL:EAP Start Autoconf
RADIUS Access-Request
The new AutoConf solution enhances the idea of Auto Smart Port Macros for dynamic
EAPoL:EAP Start radius-server dead-criteria tries 2 device-ID based authorization by leveraging the Policy based IBNS infrastructure and
RADIUS Access-Request
the interface templates. This new framework offers clean and simplified solution for
Mark AAA=Dead automatic interface configurations at the enterprise edge leveraging the Device sensor
event authentication-failure match-first and the device classifier features offers for detection and classification of connecting
Activate Service-template 25 activate service-template CRITICAL-ACCESS endpoints at the network access.
Web Authentication Support for Common Session ID
Cisco IBNS 2.0 allows a single session identifier to be used for web authentication
No Response from RADIUS Server
sessions and for all IEEE 802.1X and MAB authenticated sessions for a client. This
session ID is used for all reporting purposes, such as show commands, MIBs, and
IPv6 Identity
RADIUS messages, and allows users to distinguish messages for one session from
Authenticating IPv6 endpoints and authorizing them for VLAN assignments in closed
messages for other sessions. This common session ID is used consistently across all
mode is possible with current Cisco IOS Software. Policy-based Cisco IBNS extends
authentication methods and features applied to a session.
this capability to ACL-based authorization (low-impact mode) and web authentication.
In addition, the critical ACL for IPv6 access can be configured for consistency with the
IPv6 configuration.
Phased Implementation Strategy
We recommend a phased deployment model for Cisco IBNS that has limited impact
RADIUS Change of Authorization on network access while gradually introducing authentication and authorization on the
IBNS 2.0 supports CoA requests to initiate: wired network. The phases, in order, are as follows:
• Activation and deactivation of service templates for sessions • Monitor mode
• Port bounce • Low-impact (or selective-access) mode
• Port shutdown • High-security mode
• Session querying
• Session reauthentication For More Information
• Session termination For more information about the Cisco IBNS Solution, visit
CoA for Local Web Authentication
The access session manager can now facilitate CoA for web authentication sessions.
All CoA commands that can be run for any authentication session are also applicable
for web authentication.

© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL:
Third party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R) C45-731544-01 4/14

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