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TCPB 351 Education of Exceptional Children

Documentary Review Assignment

This is an outline for TCPB 351 Documentary Review which is an individual assignment. You
are requested to choose one of the two following documentaries for your revision. Each
documentary is available on YouTube for free of charge. The links may be found below.
1. Educating Peter:
2. Including Isaac:
Guidelines for Documentary Review Assignment
Choose one of the above documentaries about a person with a disability. Write a concise review
using the guidelines provided below. Be sure to state the following information in your review
 Introduction:
o Title, director/project, actors/characters in major roles, year, and length of
 Definition:
o Name and describe the specific disability/exceptionality.
o Give some general information about the disability/exceptionality, and the needs that
usually pertain to it.
 Challenges:
o Describe the challenges and difficulties which the person has or had to overcome.
o Describe the problems that emerged along the way regarding family relationships,
education, social life, and occupational endeavors.
 Strategies:
o Describe the strategies used by the person to cope with challenges and stresses
pertaining to the disability/exceptionality.
o Describe how peer, parents, professionals, and the community supported or hindered
this person in his/her development and pursuit of life goals.
 Evaluation:
o Evaluate what can be learned from this person's experience.
o What would you do (differently) if you were this person’s teacher?

Your documentary review should be between 600 and 800 words typed in Times New Roman or
Ariel with 12 Punto size.
TCPB 351: Education of Exceptional Children
Assessment Rubric: Documentary Review
Student Name: _________________________________________ ID: ____________________ Section: ________
Criteria Ratings Points
Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exemplary /3
0-0.9 pt. 1-2 pts. 2.1-3 pts.
Introduction Missing introduction or Missing some of the points All of the information is
o Title, director/project, written poorly. provided
actors/characters in major roles,
year, and length of documentary.
Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exemplary /6
0-1.9 pt. 2-4 pts. 4.1-6 pts.
Definition Missing some of the points, Clear and gives a good Clear, comprehensive, /6
o Name and describe the specific draw only a vague description description of the portrays a detailed description
disability/exceptionality. of the exceptionality. exceptionality but could have and in-depth information of
o Give some general information been more detailed. the exceptionality.
about the
disability/exceptionality, and the
needs that usually pertain to it.
Challenges Provides little or irrelevant Provides specific, appropriate Provides comprehensive and /6
o Describe the challenges and evidence to explain the and adequate evidence to compelling evidence to
difficulties which the person has challenges the person had to explain the challenges and explain the challenges and
or had to overcome. overcome and to describe the difficulties the person had to difficulties the person had to
o Describe the problems that problems that emerged along overcome and to describe the overcome and to describe the
emerged along the way regarding the way regarding family problems that emerged along problems that emerged along
family relationships, education, relationships, social life, and the way regarding family the way regarding family
social life, and occupational occupational endeavors. relationships, social life, and relationships, social life, and
endeavors. occupational endeavors. occupational endeavors.
Strategies Analysis of the strategies used Analysis of the strategies used Analysis of the strategies used /6
o Describe the strategies used by and description of peer, and description of peer, and description of peer,
the person to cope with parental, professional, or parental, professional, or parental, professional, or
challenges and stresses pertaining community support effects community support effects community support effects are
to the disability/exceptionality. were not clearly presented. were somewhat appropriate, clear and strongly made.
o Describe how peer, parents, but has questionable aspects.
professionals, and the community
supported or hindered this person
in his/her development and
pursuit of life goals.
Evaluation Learning point evaluations Learning point evaluations Learning point evaluations /6
o Evaluate what can be learned and student suggestions are and student suggestions are and student suggestions are
from this person's experience. missing or if found, not stated, but they are somewhat stated; they are both logical
o Suggest what would you do logical nor clear; they do not logical or clear; they reflect and clear; they reflect high
(differently) if you were this reflect much professional professional growth to a and in-depth professional
person’s teacher? growth on the part of the certain extend on the part of growth on the part of the
student. the student. student.
Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exemplary /3 pts.
0-0.9 pt. 1-2 pts. 2.1-3 pts.
Grammar, Mechanics & Spelling, punctuation, Most spelling, punctuation, Free of distracting spelling, /3
Organization grammatical errors, writing and grammar are correct, and punctuation, and grammatical
o Spelling organization and sequence writing is coherent and errors. Writing is coherent and
o Punctuation create a distraction, making logically organized and logically organized and shows
o Grammar reading and understanding sequence allow reader to high degree of attention to
o Writing organization difficult. Errors are frequent. progress through essay. Some logic and reasoning of points.
o Sequence Lacks unity. errors remain. Transitions for Unity clearly leads the reader
o Unity unity is evident but not to the conclusion and stirs
consistent. thought regarding the topic.
Unsatisfactory 0-1.5 pt. Satisfactory Exemplary 3.1-5 pts. Unsatisfactory 0-1.5 pt. /5
1.6-3 pts.
Word count, Style & Font size The report does not comply The report relatively complies The report complies with
with Times New Roman or with Times New Roman or Times New Roman or Ariel
Ariel with 12 font size and the Ariel with 12 font size and with 12 font size and ranges /5
documentation uses less than ranges between 300 and 599 between 600 and 800 words
300 words. words throughout the throughout the
documentation. documentation.

TOTAL Score /15 /35


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