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A. F. R.

Court No. - 53

Case :- APPLICATION U/S 482 No. - 19835 of 2019

Applicant :- Nazim And 4 Others

Opposite Party :- State of U.P. and Another
Counsel for Applicant :- Devendra Dahma,Sanjay
Counsel for Opposite Party :- G.A.,Ravi Prakash Singh

Hon'ble Umesh Chandra Sharma, J.

1. Heard Sri Sanjay Mishra, learned counsel for the
applicant, Sri Pankaj Kumar Tripathi, learned A.G.A for
the State as none appeared for opposite party no. 2 and
perused the material available on record.

2. This application under Section 482 Cr.P.C has been

moved by the applicant-accused persons to quash the
order dated 26th July, 2018 passed by A.C.J.M Ist, Aligarh
in Criminal Case no. 1021 of 2018 arising out of Criminal
Case No. 222 of 2017 and order dated 16.04.2019 passed
by the learned Sessions Judge, Aligarh in Criminal
Revision No. 331 of 2018 - Shahnawaz and others Vs.
State of U.P. under Section 147, 323, 324, 504, 506 and
326 I.P.C, Police Station Kotwali City, District Aligarh,
pending in the Court of A.C.J.M Ist, Aligarh, by which both
the courts below have passed the order against the
applicant and the learned A.C.J.M Ist, Aligarh took the
cognizance under the aforesaid Sections and the learned
Sessions Judge dismissed the criminal revision against
such order on 16.04.2019.

3. In brief, facts of the case are that opposite party no.

2 lodged N.C.R No. 58 of 2017, under Sections 323 and
506 I.P.C on 15.05.2017 at 11:40 p.m. against the
applicant nos. 2 to 5, later on, which was converted into
F.I.R on 26.05.2017 under Sections 323, 324 and 506 I.P.C
as Crime No. 222 of 2017 against them. The opposite
party No. 2 was medically examined on 16.05.2017 and
supplementary medical report was prepared on
09.06.2017. Evidences were recorded under Section 161
Cr.P.C and a charge-sheet no. 194 of 2018 dated
29.06.2018 under Sections 147, 323, 324, 326, 504 & 506
I.P.C was submitted in the Court of A.C.J.M Ist Aligarh,
who took cognizance by the order dated 26th July, 2018.

4. The petitioner no. 1 was married with opposite party

no. 2 as per Muslim rites and ritual on 22.04.2014 and she
left her matrimonial house without any sufficient cause
and started living separately with her parents whereupon
applicant no. 1 filed a petition for restitution of conjugal
rights being case no. 873 of 2014 - Naazim Vs. Smt.
Rukhsana in the Court of Principle Judge Family Court,
Aligarh, but opposite party no. 2 did not appear and the
petition was later on dismissed as withdrawn. The divorce
petition between the petitioner no. 1 and opposite party
no. 2 took place on 13.06.2017 and the petitioner no. 1
was again married on 11.05.2017 with Allia D/o Shamshad
as per Muslim rites and rituals.

5. It appears that the opposite party no. 2 got annoyed

after hearing the news of second marriage of the
petitioner with Allia and therefore lodged a false report.
The petitioner no. 1 is the husband of opposite party no. 2
(as per para 8 of the affidavit, she was divorced on
13.06.2017). The petitioner nos. 2 and 3 are Dewar,
petitioner no. 4 is mother-in-law and petitioner no. 5 is

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sister-in-law (nanad) of opposite party no. 2. The
petitioner no. 1 lodged a report against opposite party no.
2, Ayyub and Kaisar sons of Saeed, Parvez and Belal sons
of Abrar Ahmad on 15.05.2017 in Case Crime No. 207 of
2017 under Sections 147, 148, 307, 452 and 504 I.P.C at
P.S Kotwali Nagar, Aligarh. In the aforesaid incident
Sharfaraz petitioner no. 2 sustained grievous injury and
was medically examined on 15th May, 2017 and an x-ray
report was also prepared on 16.05.2017.

6. The J.M Ist, Aligarh, summoned the accused persons

including opposite party no. 2 by order dated 09.04.2018
as well as one Sultan for facing trial in the aforesaid
Sections and rejected the final report no. 13 of 2017 dated
20th November, 2017. The opposite party no. 2 and other
accused persons filed criminal revision no. 230 of 2018 -
Rukhsana and others Vs. State of U.P and others which
was dismissed on 17.09.2018.

7. Opposite party no. 2 and three others filed criminal

misc. application no. 37751 of 2018 in the High Court,
challenging both the above orders passed by A.C.J.M. Ist
and the Revisional Court and further proceedings of the
aforesaid case has been stayed vide order dated

8. The petitioner preferred criminal revision no. 331 of

2018 - Shahnawaz Vs. State of U.P in the Court of Sessions
Judge, Aligarh, challenging the order dated 26.07.2018,
passed by the learned Magistrate, and the dismissal order
passed by the revisional court / Sessions Judge, Aligarh,
vide order dated 16th April, 2019. Both the orders are

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illegal, arbitrary, without jurisdiction and are the abuse of
process of the court and deserve to be quashed to secure
the ends of justice.

9. The medical and supplementary report of opposite

party no. 2 do not make out any offence under Section 326
I.P.C, therefore, the orders passed by the learned
Magistrate and the revisional court are wholly illegal,
arbitrary and are liable to be quashed.

10. The opposite party no. 2 did not appear for re-
medical examination before the Medical Board despite the
order dated 23.04.2018 of the S.S.P. Aligarh. The C.M.O,
Aligarh by letter dated 04.05.2018 informed the S.S.P.
regarding her non-appearance before the medical board
for re-examination to ascertain the gravity and nature of
injury sustained by her and lastly the C.M.O. by letter
dated 21.05.2018 informed the S.S.P, Aligarh, that no
useful purpose would be served by re-medical examination
of opposite party no. 2 after a lapse of more than a year
from the date of sustaining the alleged injury by her. The
District Magistrate, by letter dated 30.05.2018 forwarded
the aforesaid report of C.M.O to the S.S.P. Aligarh,
therefore, nature of injury sustained by the opposite party
no. 2 does not come within the purview of grievous injury
under Sections 320 I.P.C and therefore, no offence is made
out under Section 326 I.P.C.

11. Otherwise also entire proceeding initiated against the

petitioners are malicious and is counterblast to the F.I.R.
and summoning of opposite party nos. 2 and 3 and others
on the basis of report lodged by the applicant no. 1. The

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petitioners are peace loving and law abiding person and
have no criminal history to their credit. They are
apprehending their arrest in pursuance of N.B.Ws issued
against them in the present case, therefore, it is prayed
that further proceedings of the present case lodged by the
opposite party no. 2 described above and N.B.Ws be

12. The opposite party no. 2 has filed counter affidaivt

(though it is not available on record), denying the
contentions and allegations of the petition, and has said
that the F.I.R lodged by her is true and correct and it is
not a counterblast to the report lodged by the applicant
and has said that a correct F.I.R has been lodged by the
applicants and the impugned order passed by A.C.J.M. Ist
and the learned Sessions Judge in revisional capacity are
not liable to be quashed and the proceedings of the
present case is not liable to be quashed.

13. Contrary to that the petitioners have filed rejoinder

affidavit denying the para-wise contents of the counter
affidavit and have reiterated the facts already mentioned
in the petition. Heard and perused the record.

14. It transpires that both the parties have lodged the

F.I.R against each other.

15 The F.I.R lodged by the applicant no. 1 against the

opposite party no. 2 and others for an offence alleged to
be committed on 15.05.2017 as per Crime No. 207 of
2017, under Sections 147, 148, 307, 452 & 504 I.P.C, P.S.
Kotwali Nagar, Aligarh, has been stayed by this Court vide
order dated 22.10.2018 passed in Criminal Application

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Nos. 37751 and 377 of 2018 under Section 482 Cr.P.C -
Smt. Rukhsana and three others vs. State of U.P and

16. It also transpires that a N.C.R No. 58 of 2017 under

Sections 323 and 506 I.P.C, has also been lodged for an
offence alleged to be committed on 15.05.2017 against the
applicants, which was later on converted into F.I.R as
Crime No. 245 of 2017, considering the medical report of
opposite party no. 2 and after investigation a charge-sheet
under Sections 147, 323, 324, 325, 506 and 506 I.P.C had
been submitted against the applicants of the present
petition. It also transpires that there was discussion and
dispute about the addition / non-addition of Section 326
I.P.C. during the investigation. Since the opposite party no.
2 did not appear for her re-medical examination as
required by the C.M.O, District Magistrate, and the S.S.P,
the I.O. had not submitted the charge-sheet under Section
326 I.P.C.

17. At the time of taking cognizance an exhaustive order

has been passed by the learned A.C.J.M, Ist, Aligarh on
26.07.2018, concluding that there was hole in the drum of
the left ear of the injured opposite party no. 2 Smt.
Rukhsana, hence, it is also a case of Section 326 I.P.C and
accordingly took cognizance against the applicants adding
Section 326 I.PC alongwith rest of the Sections under
which the charge-sheet had been submitted. This order
had been challenged by the applicants through criminal
revision no. 331 of 2018 - Shahnawaz & 4 Ors. Vs. State of
U.P. in which the first informant had not been arrayed as
opposite party. According to this Court, the opposite party

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no. 2 was the necessary party to the aforesaid revision and
an opportunity of hearing was required to be provided to
her also. However, the learned Sessions Judge dismissed
the criminal revision affirming the order passed by A.C.J.M
Ist Aligarh, on 16.04.2019 and concluded that it was not
necessary for the Magistrate to be in consonance with the
result of the I.O. The Magistrate has discretion to see as to
which offence is made out against the accused persons at
the time of taking cognizance and when the learned
A.C.J.M Ist came to the conclusion that on the basis of
material available on record, the accused should also be
summoned under Section 326 I.P.C, he took cognizance
against the accused persons under Section 326 I.P.C also,
which cannot be said to be bad in the eye of law.

18. Being aggrieved, this petition has been preferred by

the accused-applicants on the grounds that firstly, it is
counter blast case lodged by the applicants against the
opposite party no. 2 and other accused persons. Secondly,
the medical report and the supplementary medical report
of opposite party no. 2 did not make out any offence under
Section 326 I.P.C as opposite party no. 2 did not appear for
her re-medical examination before the medical board
despite the order of the S.S.P and C.M.O, for the
ascertainment of the nature of injury, therefore, the C.M.O
Aligarh, informed the S.S.P. that after a lapse of more than
a year from the date of occurrence if the injured is re-
examined by the medical board, no useful purposes would
be served. It has also been contended by the learned
counsel for the applicants that the learned A.C.J.M Ist,
Aligarh, was not competent enough to take the cognizance
under Section 326 I.P.C, when no charge-sheet had been

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submitted under this Section. The learned counsel for the
applicants contended that such an addition or alteration
can be made only at the time of framing of charges and
not at the stage of taking cognizance. The learned
A.C.J.M. Ist has discussed Section 320 and Section 326
I.P.C and was of the opinion that the right ear injury
sustained by the opposite party no. 2 falls under the
category of grievous hurt under the third ingredient of
Section 320 I.P.C according to which if there is permanent
privation of hearing of either ear, the injury would be
called to be grievous hurt.

19. The trial Court and the Revisional Court concluded

that the victim’s injury in the drum of the right ear as a
hole would be caused to be grievous hurt under Section
320 I.P.C and according to Section 325 I.P.C if grievous
hurt is caused voluntarily by means of any instrument for
shooting, stabbing or cutting, or any instrument, which
used as a weapon of offence is likely cause death, or by
means of fire or any heated substance, or by means of any
poison or any corrosive substance, or by means of any
explosive substance, or by means of any substance, which
it is deleterious to the human body to inhale, to swallow,
or to receive into blood, or by means by any animal, shall
be punishable with imprisonment for life, or with
imprisonment of either description for a term, which may
extend to ten years and shall also be liable to be fine and
would be punishable under Section 326 I.P.C.

20. As per the F.I.R dated 15.05.2017 at about 5:30 p.m

when opposite party no. 2 went to her matrimonial house,
her relatives did not permit her to enter into the house

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and Dewar Sarfaraz, mother-in-law Anisha, and sister-in-
law Farha beat her by their legs and fists and Dewar
Shahnawaz attacked with knife, due to which she received

21. The last I.O. Dinesh Kumar, concluded that since no

injury had been caused by any dangerous weapon in the
drum of the right ear of the victim (opposite party no.2)
and there is no loss of complete hearing capacity of her
right ear, hence, Section 326 I.P.C would not be attracted
and accordingly added Section 325 I.P.C.

22. Learned A.C.J.M Ist discussed Sections 320 and 326

I.P.C, pointed out the statements of the Doctor and opined
that the injuries caused to the victim is grievous in nature
and in the opinion of E.N.T Surgeon there was a hole in
the right ear drum, hence, it was a grievous hurt. In
respect of Section 326 I.P.C, the learned A.C.J.M.Ist was of
the opinion that by the attack of stick and lathi, grievous
fetal injury may be caused, but this Court is not
inconsonance to the finding recorded by the learned
A.C.J.M.Ist because in several other cases, it has been held
by the Apex Court and the High Courts that stick and lathi
are not the deadly weapons and it is nowhere mentioned,
under Section 326 I.P.C that if any injury has been caused
by stick or lathi, it would be covered under Section 326

23. In paras 3 & 4 of the judgment passed in case of

Dhanai Mahto and Anr. Vs. State of Bihar 2000 AIR
SCW 3966-1, the Apex Court has held that bamboo-stick
and lathies are not lethal or deadly weapons.

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24. In para 3 of the judgment passed in the case of
Joseph Vs. State of Kerala 1995 SCC (Cri) 165, it has
been held that lathi is not a deadly weapon.

25. In paras 10 & 11 of the judgment passed in the case

of Phool Chand Yadav Vs. State of U.P. 2022 (4) ALJ
56, it has been held that stick or lathi is not a deadly

26. In para 13 of the judgment passed in the case of

Ram Singh and other Vs. State of Madhya Pradesh,
Gwalior Branch, MCRR No 5920 of 2018 Section 320
and Section 326 I.P.C have been discussed, in which it has
been held that lathi is not a dangerous weapons and if any
injuries has been caused by lathi, it would not be covered
under Sections 320 and 326 I.P.C.

27. According to this Court, only an injury in the nature

of a hole in the right ear drum of opposite party no. 2 is
not covered under Section 320 (thirdly) I.P.C. as there is
no medical evidence to establish that there was a
permanent privation of hearing of the right ear. It has
been seen that if a hole has been made in the ear drum,
there would not be permanent privation of the hearing
capacity of the ear. In that case, certainly there would be
some loss in hearing capacity, but it cannot be said that
there would be complete loss of hearing capacity. If there
is hundred percent loss of hearing capacity on account of
such hole injury, certainly Section 320 I.P.C would attract
and if any dangerous weapon or means mentioned under
Section 326 I.P.C has been used in commission of crime
only in that case, Section 326 I.P.C would apply.

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28. Opposite party no. 2 Rukhsana has stated to the I.O
under Section 161 Cr.P.C that Naazim hit on her right ear
due to which blood started flowing from the ear.

29. This Court is of the considered view that if an stick is

used in causing hurt or grievous hurt on the ear of a
victim, Section 326 I.P.C would not be attracted, if such
injury would have been caused by knife, or by other means
mentioned in Section 326 I.P.C, such injury would be
covered under Section 326 I.P.C provided there is hundred
percent loss of hearing capacity of the concerned ear.

30. On the basis of above discussions, this Court is of the

considered view that the injuries caused by stick in the
right ear of the victim by Naazim can not be said to be a
grievous hurt as there is no medical report that there has
been permanent loss of hearing capacity of her right ear
and also it can not be said that such injury is covered
under Section 326 I.P.C.

31. From the above discussions, this Court is of the

considered view that the learned A.C.J.M. Ist Aligarh and
the then learned Sessions Judge, have been failed in
appreciating the facts, the medical reports and the law in
right perspective and have wrongly concluded that there
was a grievous hurt defined under Section 320 (3) I.P.C to
the opposite party no. 2, and punishable under Section
326 I.P.C.

32. The power of taking cognizance regarding taking

cognizance has been considered by the Apex Court and
the High Courts, and it has been concluded that at the
time of taking cognizance, the concerned Magistrate has

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limited power and at this stage the learned Magistrate or
the concerned Court can not add or alter Section(s),
considering the case diary and the charge-sheet. If the
concerned Magistrate or the Sessions Judge are of the
view that some Section(s) have been left by the I.O, it has
power to add or alter the Section(s) at the time of framing
the charge, but not at the stage of taking cognizance.

33. On the basis of above, discussion this Court is of the

considered view that taking cognizance and summoning
the accused applicants under Section 326 I.P.C is bad in
the eye of law and the judgment of the Revisional court is
also not the correct preposition of law. Hence this
application succeeds and is liable to be allowed.


This application under Section 482 Cr.P.C, is allowed

with regard to taking cognizance and summoning t he
applicants under Section 326 I.P.C by the learned A.C.J.M
Ist, Aligarh, affirmed by the Revisional Court are
accordingly quashed.

Order Date :- 18.04.2023


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Digitally signed by :-
High Court of Judicature at Allahabad

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