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NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®)

High-Risk Assessment:
Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic
Version 2.2024 — September 27, 2023


Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic Discussion

*Mary B. Daly, MD, PhD/Chair † ₪ Beth Y. Karlan, MD Ω ∆ Barbara S. Norquist, MD Ω

Fox Chase Cancer Center UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
*Tuya Pal, MD/Vice-Chair ₪ Nawal Kassem, MD, MS † Kenneth Offit, MD, MPH † Þ ∆
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Zahraa AlHilli, MD ¶ Comprehensive Cancer Center Dominique Rash, MD §
Case Comprehensive Cancer Center/ Seema Khan, MD ¶ UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center
University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Gwen Reiser, MS, CGC ∆
and Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Institute Center of Northwestern University Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center
Banu Arun, MD † Katia Khoury, MD † Leigha Senter-Jamieson, MS, CGC ∆
The University of Texas O'Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB The Ohio State University Comprehensive
MD Anderson Cancer Center Cancer Center - James Cancer Hospital
Wendy Kohlmann, MS, CGC ∆ and Solove Research Institute
Saundra S. Buys, MD ‡ Þ † Huntsman Cancer Institute
Huntsman Cancer Institute Kristen Mahoney Shannon, MS, CGC † ∆
at the University of Utah Mass General Cancer Center
at the University of Utah
Allison W. Kurian, MD, MSc † Þ ∆ Kala Visvanathan, MD, MHS † Þ
Heather Cheng, MD, PhD † Stanford Cancer Institute The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins
Christine Laronga, MD ¶
Jane Churpek, MD, MS † ‡ Moffitt Cancer Center Jeanna Welborn, MD †
University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center
Julie S. Mak, MS, MSc, CGC ∆
Susan M. Domchek, MD † UCSF Helen Diller Family Myra J. Wick, MD, PhD Ω ₪
Abramson Cancer Center Comprehensive Cancer Center Mayo Clinic Cancer Center
at the University of Pennsylvania Marie Wood, MD †
John Mansour, MD ¶
Susan Friedman, DVM ¥ UT Southwestern Simmons University of Colorado Cancer Center
FORCE: Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered Comprehensive Cancer Center Matthew B. Yurgelun, MD † Þ
Dana-Farber/Brigham and
Veda Giri, MD † Kara N. Maxwell, MD, PhD † Women’s Cancer Center
Yale Cancer Center/Smilow Cancer Hospital Abramson Cancer Center
Michael Goggins, MD ¤ at the University of Pennsylvania
The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Kevin McDonnell, MD, PhD †
Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins City of Hope National Medical Center NCCN
Andrea Hagemann, MD Ω Carolyn S. Menendez, MD ¶ ∆ Susan Darlow, PhD
Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes- Duke Cancer Institute Mary Dwyer, MS
Jewish Hospital and Washington Robin Isaac, PharmD
Sofia D. Merajver, MD, PhD ‡ Þ
University School of Medicine University of Michigan
Rogel Cancer Center ¶ Breast surgical ‡ Hematology/
Ashley Hendrix, MD, MBA ¶
oncology Hematology oncology
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital/
₪ Clinical genetics Þ Internal medicine
The University of Tennessee
Health Science Center Continue ∆ Genetic counseling † Medical oncology
¤ Gastroenterology § Radiation oncology
Mollie L. Hutton, MS, CGC ∆ Ω Gynecologic oncology/ ¥ Patient advocacy
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center Gynecology * Discussion Writing
NCCN Guidelines Panel Disclosures Committee Member
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic Discussion

NCCN Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment Panel Members

Summary of the Guidelines Updates Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that
the best management for any patient
Principles of Cancer Risk Assessment and Counseling with cancer is in a clinical trial.
• Pre-Test Counseling (EVAL-A 1 of 10)
• Testing Considerations Prior to Testing (EVAL-A 2 of 10) Participation in clinical trials is
• Choice of Multi-Gene Testing (EVAL-A 3 of 10) especially encouraged.
• Evaluating the Source of Genetic Testing Information (EVAL-A 4 of 10) Find an NCCN Member Institution:
• Tumor Genomic Testing: Potential Implications for Germline Testing (EVAL-A 5 of 10)
Circulating Tumor DNA (ctDNA)
• Post-Test Counseling (EVAL-A 6 of 10) institutions.
Positive Results NCCN Categories of Evidence and
Negative Results Consensus: All recommendations
Variants of Uncertain Significance
• Pedigree: First-, Second-, and Third-Degree Relatives of Proband (EVAL-B)
are category 2A unless otherwise
Hereditary Testing Criteria See NCCN Categories of Evidence
• General Testing Criteria (CRIT-1) and Consensus.
• Testing Criteria for High-Penetrance Breast Cancer Susceptibility Genes (CRIT-2)
• Testing Criteria for Ovarian Cancer Susceptibility Genes (CRIT-4)
• Testing Criteria for Pancreatic Cancer Susceptibility Genes (CRIT-5)
• Testing Criteria for Prostate Cancer Susceptibility Genes (CRIT-6) • Breast, Ovary, Uterine, and Prostate Cancer Risk Reduction
• Testing Criteria for Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (CRIT-7) Strategies for Transgender, Non-Binary and Gender Diverse
• Testing Criteria for Cowden Syndrome/PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome (CRIT-8) People with Hereditary Cancer Syndromes (TNBGD-1)
Gene Summary: Risks and Management • Summary of Genes and/or Syndromes Included/
• Testing Criteria Met (GENE-1) Mentioned in Other NCCN Guidelines (SUMM-1)
• Cancer Risk Management Based on Genetic Test Results (GENE-A)
• Autosomal Recessive Risk in Cancer Genes – Multi-Gene Panel Testing (GENE-B)
• Abbreviations (ABBR-1)
• BRCA Pathogenic/Likely Pathogenic Variant-Positive Management (BRCA-A) • For chemoprevention options, see NCCN
• Pancreatic Cancer Screening (PANC-A) Guidelines for Breast Cancer Risk Reduction.
• Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Management in Adults (LIFR-A)
• Cowden Syndrome/PHTS Management (COWD-A)

The NCCN Guidelines® are a statement of evidence and consensus of the authors regarding their views of currently accepted approaches to
treatment. Any clinician seeking to apply or consult the NCCN Guidelines is expected to use independent medical judgment in the context of individual
clinical circumstances to determine any patient’s care or treatment. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®) makes no representations
or warranties of any kind regarding their content, use or application and disclaims any responsibility for their application or use in any way. The NCCN
Guidelines are copyrighted by National Comprehensive Cancer Network®. All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines and the illustrations herein may not
be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN. ©2023.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic Discussion

Terminologies in all NCCN Guidelines are being actively modified to advance the goals of equity, inclusion, and representation.
Updates in Version 2.2024 of the NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic from Version 2.2024 include:
• Personal history of prostate cancer with specific features:
2nd bullet (By family history and ancestry) modified by removing: including individuals with personal history of prostate cancer who do not meet the specific features
listed above
3rd sub-bullet revised: ≥2 ≥3 close blood relatives with either breast or prostate cancer (any grade) and/or breast cancer at any age on the same side of the family
including the patient with prostate cancer
• Section added: Family history of cancer only: An individual affected with prostate cancer (not meeting testing criteria listed above) or individuals unaffected with
prostate cancer with a first-degree blood relative meeting any of the criteria listed above (except unaffected individuals whose relatives meet criteria only for systemic
therapy decision-making)
GENE-A (9 of 11)
• Footnote removed: Transvaginal ultrasound combined with serum CA-125 for ovarian cancer screening, although of uncertain benefit, may be considered at the
clinician’s discretion.
Updates in Version 1.2024 of the NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic from Version 3.2023 include:
New Section
• Breast, Ovary, Uterine, and Prostate Cancer Risk Reduction Strategies for Transgender, Non-Binary and Gender Diverse People with Hereditary Cancer Syndromes
Global Updates
• References updated throughout the guideline.
• MRI with contrast modified by adding "and without"

EVAL-A (1 of 10)
• Principles of Cancer risk assessment and counseling
1st bullet modified: "The decision to offer genetic testing Risk assessment and discussion of genetic testing involves three related stages..."
• Pre-test counseling includes the following elements
1st bullet, 2nd sub-bullet added: Variant-specific cancer risks
3rd bullet, 8th sub-bullet added: Smoking, alcohol or other exposures related to cancer risk
EVAL-A (2 of 10)
• Pre-test counseling includes the following elements (con't):
1st bullet modified: Prepare for the possible outcomes of testing, including positive (pathogenic, likely pathogenic [P/LP]) (person is a carrier of an alteration in a
known cancer-predisposing gene), true negative (person is not a carrier of a known cancer-predisposing gene that has been positively identified in another family
member), uninformative negative (person is not a carrier of a known cancer predisposing gene, and the carrier status of other family members is either also negative
or unknown), uncertain variants (person is a carrier of an alteration in a gene that currently has no known significance), and mosaic results (occurrence of 2 or more
cell lines with different genetic or chromosomal make-up, within a single individual or tissue).
• Prior to genetic testing, the following should be taken into consideration:
2nd bullet modified: ... (due to unreliable test results from contamination by donor DNA or due to somatic pathogenic variants associated with the hematologic
malignancy) until other technologies are available."
Note removed: NCCN recommendations have been developed to be inclusive of individuals of all sexual and gender identities to the greatest extent possible. On
this page, the terms male and female refer to sex assigned at birth.


Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic Discussion

Updates in Version 1.2024 of the NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic from Version 3.2023 include:

EVAL-A (3 of 10)
• Bullet removed: Multigene panel testing increases the likelihood of finding P/LP variants in genes; however, some genes do not have clear clinical actionability or have
a clear impact on change in medical management.
• 11th bullet modified: When a P/LP variant with clinical implications for patient and/or their at-risk family members is found on tumor genomic testing, germline
confirmatory testing should be done recommended.
EVAL-A (5 of 10)
• 1st bullet, 5th sub-bullet added: The fraction of pathogenic variants in cancer susceptibility genes identified through tumor-only testing, and also present in the
germline, is highly variable between genes.
EVAL-A (6 of 10)
• 1st bullet, sub-bullet 3 modified: Any VUS result that warrants further evaluation or for which a patient or provider considers using to guide management
• 1st bullet, sub-bullet 4 modified: A mosaic/ or possibly mosaic result or clonal hematopoiesis
• 1st bullet, sub-bullet 6 modified: Interpretation of PRS, if they are being considered for use in clinical management, recognizing that the clinical value of PRS has not
yet been established
EVAL-A (7 of 10)
• Positive results
4th sub-bullet modified: Multiple sources, including these NCCN Guidelines, provide estimated lifetime risks of cancer associated with specific P/LP variants.
An individual's personal risk may differ from published lifetime risks, depending on individual medical history and, importantly, based on patient age. Specifically,
patients who are older will have lower remaining lifetime risks. A discussion of risk should include:
◊ presenting risk estimates as a range rather than a single number (ie, 30-40%)
◊ presenting absolute risk and minimize use of relative risk terminology (ie, odds ratios or hazard ratios)
◊ acknowledging that risk estimates always have a margin of error
◊ identifying that these risk estimates change over time (ie, older patients will have lower remaining lifetime risk)
5th sub-bullet modified: Individuals with a P/LP variant should be informed of the importance of this information for their biological blood relatives. Knowledge
of the P/LP variant may affect risk assessment and recommendations for genetic testing, early detection, and/or cancer risk reduction in those relatives. Where
relationships allow, individuals should be encouraged to communicate this information to their biological blood relatives...
8th sub-bullet modified: For patients of reproductive age, advise about options for prenatal diagnosis and assisted reproduction, including pre-implantation genetic
testing and donor gametes...
• Footnote e added: Risk estimates are influenced by the numbers of individuals with these mutations: the more there are, the more precise the estimates are (ie, the
confidence interval is narrower).
EVAL-A (8 of 10)
• Negative results
1st sub-bullet modified: These results reduce concern for cancer risk. However, the individual may still have increased cancer risk based on personal and family
5th sub-bullet: Over time an individual who tested negative may be a candidate for additional genetic testing due to additional family history, or as new genes are
identified to be associated with cancer risk or technology advances.


Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic Discussion

Updates in Version 1.2024 of the NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic from Version 3.2023 include:

EVAL-A (9 of 10)
5th sub-bullet modified: Variant interpretation can vary between commercial laboratories. There are discordant variant interpretations across labs, requiring careful
counseling and skilled interpretation...
6th sub-bullet modified: VUS should not be used to alter medical management. In the event additional discussion is needed for classification and management,
additional genetic expertise is recommended. Screening and risk reduction strategies should be recommended on the basis of personal and family history.
7th sub-bullet modified: Testing family members for a VUS should not be done for clinical purposes, unless there are data to support discrepancy in interpretation
of results. Consider a referral to research studies that aim to define the functional impact of variants such as variant reclassification programs through clinical labs
or registries. RNA studies (when appropriate) may be a consideration to further define functional impact of variants. Testing family members for a VUS should not
be done for clinical purposes, unless there are data to support discrepancy in interpretation of results. Consider a referral to research studies that aim to define the
functional impact of variants such as variant reclassification programs through clinical labs or registries.
EVAL-B (2 of 3) and EVAL-B (3 of 3)
• Common pedigree symbols updated.
• Modified: Mating Relationship line
• Modified: Sibship line
• Footnote d added: In addition to the BRCA1 and BRCA2 PV in those of Ashkenazi ancestry, there are other ancestries which demonstrate “Founder mutations”.
In these circumstances, the decision to test will depend on the prevalence of the PV in the local population, family history, clinical features, and age of cancer
diagnosis. Some additional examples where ancestry may, along with personal and/or family history, contribute to decisions about genetic testing include the following
associations: BRCA1 PV and Polish ancestry; BRCA2 PV and Icelandic ancestry; BRCA1 and BRCA2 PV in those of French Canadian ancestry; numerous BRCA1
and BRCA2 PV in those of Spanish, Mexican, Central and South American descent; BRCA1 and BRCA2 PV and Bahamian ancestry; BRCA1 and BRCA2 PV and
Hungarian ancestry. The TP53 PV c.1010G>A (p.Arg337His) PV is seen in a subset of those of Brazilian ancestry, and CDKN2A founder c.225_243del (p.Ala76fs) in
those of Dutch ancestry. While emerging data derived from populations of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern origin have documented recurring mutations in BRCA1
and BRCA2 and other genes, population allele frequency data are not yet available to inform testing individuals based solely on ancestry in the absence of personal
and/or family history. The same is true for founder mutations in lower penetrance genes (eg, CHEK2 c.1100delC in those of northern European ancestry), where
family and personal history inform decisions for testing. See Discussion.
• Header, Testing criteria for high-penetrance breast cancer susceptibility genes, added: STK11
• Personal history of breast cancer with specific features:
Any age, family history sub-bullets removed: ≥3 total diagnoses of breast cancer in patient and/or close blood relatives and ≥2 close blood relatives with either breast
or prostate cancer (any grade)
Any age, family history sub-bullet added: ≥3 diagnoses of breast and/or prostate cancer (any grade) on the same side of the family including the patient with breast
• Family history of cancer only
1st sub-bullet modified: Individuals affected with breast cancer (not meeting testing criteria listed above) or Individual unaffected with breast cancer with a first- or
second-degree blood relative meeting any of the criteria listed above...
◊ Sub-bullet removed: If the affected relative has pancreatic cancer or prostate cancer only first-degree relatives should be offered testing unless indicated based
on additional family history.
2nd sub-bullet modified: Individuals affected or unaffected with breast cancer who otherwise do not meet the criteria above Continued
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic Discussion

Updates in Version 1.2024 of the NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic from Version 3.2023 include:

• Footnote i added: For personal or family history of: ovarian cancer, see CRIT-4, or pancreatic cancer, see CRIT-5, or prostate cancer, see CRIT-6.
• 1st bullet modified: ....It is cautioned that the majority of those PVs will be in moderate penetrance genes, which are over-represented in older affected individuals, and
for which data on appropriate management are often lacking....
• 3rd bullet modified: Individuals affected or unaffected with breast cancer who otherwise does not meet any of the above criteria...
• Header modified by adding: Specifically ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, BRIP1, Lynch syndrome genes [MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, EPCAM], PALB2, RAD51C, RAD51D. See
• 3rd bullet,
1st sub-bullet modified: An individual unaffected with ovarian cancer (with a first- or second-degree blood relative with epithelial ovarian cancer...
2nd sub-bullet modified: An individual unaffected with ovarian cancer who otherwise does not meet the criteria above...
• Footnote t added: For personal or family history of: breast cancer, see CRIT-2, or pancreatic cancer, see CRIT-5, or prostate cancer, see CRIT-6.
• Footnote u added: The listed genes differ in their levels of risk. See GENE-A for specific risks.
• Header modified by adding text from previous footnote: Specifically ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, CDKN2A, Lynch syndrome genes [MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, EPCAM], PALB2,
STK11, TP53. (See GENE-A)
• Footnote w added: For personal or family history of: breast cancer, see CRIT-2, or ovarian cancer, see CRIT-4, or prostate cancer, see CRIT-6.
• Footnote x modified by adding: See Discussion.
• 2nd bullet, 2nd sub-bullet modified: By family history and ancestry (including individuals with personal history of prostate cancer who do not meet the specific features
listed above)
• Bullet removed: Family history of cancer only: An individual affected with prostate cancer (not meeting testing criteria listed above) or individuals unaffected with
prostate cancer with a first-degree blood relative meeting any of the criteria listed above (except unaffected individuals whose relatives meet criteria only for systemic
therapy decision-making)
• Footnote z added: See NCCN Guidelines for Prostate Cancer.
• Footnote aa added: For personal or family history of: breast cancer, see CRIT-2, or ovarian cancer, see CRIT-4, or pancreatic cancer, see CRIT-5.
• Footnote bb added: Level of risk for prostate cancer varies by gene. There is emerging evidence for potential risk and/or therapeutic relevance for prostate cancer for
additional genes.
• Footnote removed: Testing for three founder P/LP variants of BRCA1/2 may be offered to individuals as early as age 18–25 years, who have one grandparent
identified as of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, irrespective of cancer history in the family, as part of longitudinal studies. For those without access to longitudinal
research studies, testing may be provided if there is access to pre-test education along with post-test counseling, additional genetic testing if indicated, and high-risk
management. Testing should not be offered outside of a medical framework or clinical trial.
• Footnote removed: This may be extended to an affected third-degree relative if related through two male relatives (eg, paternal grandfather’s mother or sister). If
the affected first-degree relative underwent genetic testing and is negative for detectable P/LP variants and there is no other family history of cancer, there is a low
probability that any finding will have documented clinical utility.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic Discussion

Updates in Version 1.2024 of the NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic from Version 3.2023 include:

• 4th bullet modified: Personal or family history pediatric hypodiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia
• 5th bullet modified from "In affected individuals with P/LP variant identified on tumor genomic testing that may have implications if also identified on germline testing"
to "In individuals with cancer with a P/LP TP53 variant identified on tumor only genomic testing, germline testing should be considered for:
1. Those meeting one or more of the other LFS testing criterion above after reevaluation of personal and family history
2. Those diagnosed age <30 with any cancer
3. Those with clinical scenario not meeting these criteria but warranting germline evaluation per clinician discretion
• Footnote ee modified: To date, there have been no reports of In contrast to other types of sarcoma, germline TP53 P/LP variants are rare in those with Ewing
sarcoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), desmoid tumor, or angiosarcoma in TP53 P/LP variant carriers.
• Footnote gg added: For testing in the pediatric setting, see Frebourg T, et al. Eur J Hum Genet. 2020;28:1379-1386.
• Footnote ii added: Mandelker D, et al. Ann Oncol 2019;30:1221-1231.
• Familial P/LP variant known, genetic testing option modified by adding text from a previous footnote: Additional testing may be indicated based on patient age and
family history other hereditary cancer(s) on the either of the family without the known P/LP variant.
GENE-A (1 of 11)
Breast Cancer Risk and Management (First Primary)
◊ 1st bullet modified: Absolute risk: 20%–40 20%–30%
Pancreatic Cancer Risk and Management and Other Cancer Risks
◊ Prostate cancer, 1st bullet modified: Emerging evidence for association with increased risk. Consider prostate cancer screening starting at age 40 years (See
Guidelines for Prostate Cancer Early Detection)
Comments modified: ...See Discussion for information regarding the c.7271T>G variant, which is associated with greater risk of breast cancer....
Breast Cancer Risk and Management (First Primary)
◊ 1st bullet modified: Absolute risk: 20%–40% 17%–30%
GENE-A (2 of 11)
Breast Cancer Risk and Management (First Primary)
◊ 3rd bullet modified: Strength of evidence of association with cancer: Very strong (with predisposition to triple-negative disease)
GENE-A (3 of 11)
Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk and Management
◊ 2nd bullet, 1st sub-bullet modified: Risk reduction: Recommend RRSO starting at age 45–50 y
Comments modified: Based on estimates from available studies, the lifetime risk of ovarian cancer in carriers of P/LP variants in BRIP1 appears to be sufficient to
justifies RRSO...

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic Discussion

Updates in Version 1.2024 of the NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic from Version 3.2023 include:

GENE-A (4 of 11)
Pancreatic Cancer Risk and Management and Other Cancer Risks
◊ Melanoma, 3rd bullet added: Management: See comment
◊ 3rd header added: Other cancers, See comment
Comment modified: Comprehensive skin examination by a dermatologist, supplemented with total body photography and dermoscopy is recommended biannually
(Chan SH, et al. Hered Cancer Clin Pract 2021;19:21). Comprehensive skin examination by a dermatologist, supplemented with total body photography and
dermoscopy is recommended biannually for individuals with P/LP variants affecting biologically-relevant CDKN2A isoforms (ie, p16INK4A and p14ARF). Because P/
LP variants that specifically disrupt the p14ARF protein cause a unique predisposition to nerve sheath tumors, sarcomas, melanoma, and other cancers, increased
multidisciplinary cancer surveillance beyond pancreatic and dermatologic management has been recommended, which may include annual full-body and brain MRI
based on the presentation in individuals/families. (Sargen et al. Br J Dermatol. 2016;154(4):785-9; Chan et al. Hered Cancer Clin Pract. 2021;19:21).
Pancreatic Cancer Risk and Management and Other Cancer Risks
◊ Header added with recommendations: Prostate Cancer: Emerging evidence for association with increased risk. Consider prostate cancer screening starting at
age 40 years (See Guidelines for Prostate Cancer Early Detection)
Comment modified: Risk data are based only on frameshift P/LP variants. The risks for most missense variants are unclear but for some P/LP variants, such as
IIe157Thr, the risk for breast cancer appears to be lower and does not reach the threshold for management change. Additional cancer risk management based on
this variant (IIe157Thr) is not recommended.
GENE-A (6 of 11)
Breast Cancer Risk and Management (First Primary)
◊ Male Breast Cancer, 2nd bullet added: Management: See comment
Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk and Management
◊ 2nd bullet, 1st sub-bullet modified: Risk reduction: Consider RRSO at age > 45y starting at 45-50 y
Pancreatic Cancer Risk and Management and Other Cancer Risks
◊ Pancreatic Cancer, 1st bullet modified: Absolute risk: 5%–10% 2%–5%
Comment modified by adding: For males, it is reasonable to consider breast cancer screening similar to that for carriers of a BRCA1 P/LP variant. See BRCA-A
GENE-A (7 of 11)
• RAD51C and RAD51D
Breast Cancer Risk and Management (First Primary)
◊ 1st bullet modified: Absolute risk: 20%–40% 17%–30%
Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk and Management
◊ 2nd bullet, 1st sub-bullet modified: Risk reduction: Recommend RRSO at starting at 45–50 y
Comment modified: Based on estimates from available studies, the lifetime risk of ovarian cancer in carriers of P/LP variants in RAD51C appears to be sufficient to
justify justifies RRSO...

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic Discussion

Updates in Version 1.2024 of the NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic from Version 3.2023 include:

GENE-A (8 of 11)
• TP53
Breast Cancer Risk and Management (First Primary)
◊ 3rd bullet modified: Strength of evidence of association with cancer: Very strong
Pancreatic Cancer Risk and Management and Other Cancer Risks
◊ Pancreatic Cancer
– 1st bullet modified: Absolute risk: 5%–10% ~5%
◊ Other Cancers
– 1st bullet added: Classical LFS spectrum cancers (in addition to breast): soft tissue sarcoma, osteosarcoma, CNS tumor, ACC
– 2nd bullet added: Many other cancers have been associated with LFS, especially melanoma, colorectal, gastric, and prostate.
Comment modified: See Discussion for information on hypomorphic variants.
GENE-A (9 of 11)
• Footnote a modified: The following genes and others are found on some of the panels, but there is insufficient evidence to make any recommendations for breast MRI,
RRSO, or RRM for: FANCC, MRE11, MUTYH heterozygotes, NBN, RAD50, RECQL, RINT1, SLX4, SMARCA4, or XRCC2; or for prostate cancer management for
HOXB13. There is emerging evidence of an increased risk for breast cancer for NTHL1 biallelic P/LP variant carriers (Weatherill CB, et al. Clin Genet 2023;103:231-
235; Grolleman JE, et al. Cancer Cell 2019;35:256-266; Salo-Mullen EE, et al. JCO Precis Oncol 2021;5; Beck SH, et al. Fam Cancer 2022;21:453-462); however,
there are not enough data yet to support increased breast cancer surveillance. There is emerging evidence of an increased risk for breast cancer for RAD51B P/LP
variant carriers (Setton J, et al. NPJ Breast Cancer 2021;7:135) and breast screening may be considered.
• Footnote i added: For risk associated with other LFS associated cancers, see de Andrade KC, et al. Cancer incidence, patterns, and genotype–phenotype
associations in individuals with pathogenic or likely pathogenic germline TP53 variants: an observational cohort study. Lancet Oncol 2021;22:1787-1798.
• BRCA1 – Fanconi anemia complementation group D1, description modified: There are rare reports of compound heterozygous or homozygous biallelic BRCA1 P/LP
variants causing FANCS..
• BRCA2 – Fanconi anemia complementation group D1, description modified:...Bone marrow failure with pancytopenia often presents in the first decade of life. Adults
with biallelic BRCA2 (one allele hypomorphic) are reported. Biallelic pathogenic variants in BRCA2 are associated with early-onset acute leukemia and solid tumors
with a cumulative probability of any malignancy of 97% by age 6 years.
• PALB2 – Fanconi anemia complementation group N (FANCN), description modified:... Bone marrow failure with pancytopenia often presents in the first decade of life.
Biallelic pathogenic variants in PALB2 are associated with solid tumors, such as medulloblastomas and Wilms tumors.
BRCA-A (2 of 3)
• Ovarian/Uterine cancer
1st bullet modified: Recommend RRSO, typically between 35 and 40 years, and upon completion of recognizing childbearing is a consideration...
PANC-A (1 of 2)
• Bullets related to data for pancreatic screening removed from this page and moved to Discussion
• 1st bullet, #2 revised: A family history of exocrine pancreatic cancer in ≥2 ≥1 first-degree and ≥1 second-degree relatives
• 1st bullet, #3 revised from "A family history of exocrine pancreatic cancer in ≥3 first- and/or second-degree relatives from the same side of the family, even in the
absence of a known P/LP germline variant" to "Some groups have recommended pancreas surveillance for pathogenic variant P/LP variant carriers in the absence of
a family history."

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic Discussion

Updates in Version 1.2024 of the NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic from Version 3.2023 include:
• Li-Fraumeni syndrome, new pages added:
LIFR-A (1 of 6) Establishing a Diagnosis and Management Plan for Patients with a P/LP TP53 Variant Found on Germline Genetic Testing and Considerations Prior
to Providing a LFS Diagnosis in a Patient Found to Have a TP53 P/LP Variant on a Germline Genetic Test
LIFR-A (2 of 6) Tissue Source Considerations and Test Metrics
LIFR-A (3 of 6) Table 1: Workup and Management Depending on Etiology of TP53 Mutation Found on Genetic Testing
LIFR-A (4 of 6)
• Other cancer risks
2nd bullet modified: Colonoscopy and upper endoscopy every 2–5 y starting at 25 y or 5 y before the earliest known colorectal or gastric cancer in the family,
respectively. For patients who have received whole body or abdominal therapeutic RT, colonoscopy screening is recommended 5 y after treatment of disease
4th bullet modified: Annual whole body MRI (category 2B).
5th bullet modified: Annual brain MRI (category 2B) may be performed as part of the whole body MRI or as a separate exam.
6th bullet added: Annual prostate-specific antigen (PSA) starting at age 40 y for prostate cancer early detection.
LIFR-A (5 of 6)
• Other aspects of managing LFS
2nd bullet modified: Because of the remarkable risk of additional primary neoplasms, screening may be should be considered for cancer survivors with LFS and a
good prognosis from their prior tumor(s).
5th bullet modified: Therapeutic RT for cancer should be avoided when possible unless locoregional risk reduction or overall survival from RT is greater than the risk
of downstream secondary malignancies; diagnostic radiation should be minimized to the extent feasible without sacrificing accuracy.
◊ 1st sub-bullet added: For patients diagnosed with breast cancer, mastectomy is preferred over lumpectomy/radiation to reduce radiation-induced sarcoma risk.
6th bullet modified: Screening recommendations should take into account personal and family history of cancer (5-10 years before earliest diagnosis). Provide
additional surveillance based on family history of cancer.
• Testing considerations bullets removed and incorporated into new LFS pages:
Somatic TP53 variants frequently confound germline testing results. Late post-zygotic aberrant clonal expansions containing a pathogenic TP53 variant, limited to
the hematologic compartment or to a tumor, may be detected in the blood or saliva through germline testing, particularly using NGS technology. The phenomenon
of aberrant clonal expansion is well described and is most often due to CHIP, which can be demonstrated in healthy populations at increasing frequency with
increasing age.i This finding has important clinical implications regarding potential application of unwarranted clinical interventions. Further, the finding of clonal
hematopoiesis itself may portend adverse clinical outcomes, such as the development of hematologic neoplasia and increased non-hematologic mortality.
Blood and/or saliva is an unsuitable source of DNA for germline testing for cases with a history of hematologic abnormalities with a hematologic malignancy with
current blood involvement or a prior allogeneic stem cell transplant. Careful examination of the patient’s complete blood count (CBC) and peripheral blood smear
may be warranted in all cases reporting the discovery of a TP53 P/LP variant, and testing of non-lymphoid ancillary tissues or close relatives may help to delineate
bona fide mosaic involvement of different germ layers.
LIFR-A (6 of 6)
• Pediatric Surveillance recommendations added:
Comprehensive physical exam including neurologic examination with high index of suspicion for rare cancers and second malignancies in cancer survivors every
6–12 mo beginning in infancy
Annual whole body MRI beginning in infancy.
Annual brain MRI may be performed as part of the whole body MRI or as a separate exam beginning in infancy.
For ACC, ultrasound every 3-4 mo beginning in infancy.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic Discussion

Updates in Version 1.2024 of the NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic from Version 3.2023 include:

COWD-A (1 of 2)
• Breast cancer (female)
3rd bullet, 1st sub-bullet modified: Annual mammography and breast MRI screening with and without contrast starting at age 35 30 years or 10 years before the
earliest known breast cancer in the family (whichever comes first).

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Breast, Ovarian, and/or Pancreatic Cancer Table of Contents
Genetic Assessment
• Risk assessment and discussion of genetic testing involves three related stages:
1) Pre-test counseling done prior to ordering testing
2) Consideration of the most appropriate tests to order
3) Post-test counseling done when results are disclosed1-6
• It is recommended that a genetic counselor, clinical geneticist, oncologist, surgeon, oncology nurse, or other health professional with
expertise and experience in cancer genetics be involved at each stage whenever possible.
• Testing should be considered in appropriate individuals where it is likely to impact the risk management and/or treatment of the tested
individuals and/or their family members who also have increased risk.
Pre-test counseling includes the following elements:
• Evaluate patient's needs and concerns regarding:
Knowledge of genetic testing for cancer risk, including benefits, risks, and limitations
 Variant-specific cancer risks
Goals for cancer family risk assessment
• Detailed family history including:
Collection of a comprehensive family history
◊ Assessment of family history; close blood relatives include first-, second-, and third-degree relatives on each side of the family,
particularly around individuals with a diagnosis of cancer (EVAL-B)
◊ Types of cancer, bilaterality, age at diagnosis, subtype, and pathology report confirmation
◊ Ethnicity (specifically Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry)
• Detailed medical and surgical history including:
Documentation of prior genetic testing results for patients and their family members
Personal cancer history (eg, age, histology, laterality)
Pathology reports of primary cancers and/or benign lesions (eg, breast biopsies)
Carcinogen exposure (eg, history of RT)
Reproductive history
Hormone or oral contraceptive use
History of risk-reducing surgeries
Smoking, alcohol, or other exposures related to cancer risk
• Focused physical exam (conducted by qualified clinician) when indicated:
CS/PHTS specific: dermatologic,a including oral mucosa, head circumference, and thyroid (enlarged or nodular on palpation)
• Generate a differential diagnosis and educate the patient on inheritance patterns, penetrance, variable expressivity, and the possibility of
genetic heterogeneity
Pre-test counseling continued

References on
a For Cowden syndrome (CS)/PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome (PHTS) dermatologic manifestations, see CRIT-8 and for Peutz-Jeghers syndrome EVAL-A 10 of 10
(PJS) dermatologic manifestations, see NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Colorectal.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN ), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
® ® ®
1 OF 10
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Breast, Ovarian, and/or Pancreatic Cancer Table of Contents
Genetic Assessment
Pre-test counseling includes the following elements (con't):
• Prepare for the possible outcomes of testing, including positive (pathogenic, likely pathogenic [P/LP]) (person is a carrier of an alteration
in a known cancer-predisposing gene), true negative (person is not a carrier of a known cancer-predisposing gene that has been positively
identified in another family member), uninformative negative (person is not a carrier of a known cancer-predisposing gene, and the carrier
status of other family members is either also negative or unknown), uncertain variants (person is a carrier of an alteration in a gene that
currently has no known significance), and mosaic results (occurrence of 2 or more cell lines with different genetic or chromosomal make-up,
within a single individual or tissue).
• Obtain written informed consent, and document the informed consent in the patient’s medical record
• Discuss plan for results disclosure when appropriate, including the possibility of the patient consenting to Release of Information of test
results to a close relative or spouse when results are released in case patient is deceased or incapacitated
• Discuss possible management options if a P/LP variant is identified (enhanced surveillance, risk-reducing agents, and risk-reducing surgery)
• Discuss that their results may be important to therapeutic decision-making as directed by a qualified health care provider (eg, oncologist).
• Advise about possible inherited cancer risk to relatives, and options for risk assessment, testing, and management
• Discuss cost of genetic testing
• Provide overview of current legislation regarding genetic discrimination and the privacy of genetic informationb
Prior to genetic testing, the following should be taken into consideration:
• The probability of P/LP variant detection associated with these criteria will vary based on family structure, which includes size of the family,
age of the family members, early death, adoption, and number of male and female relatives. Individuals with unknown or limited family
history/structure, such as fewer than 2 female first- or second-degree relatives having lived beyond age 45 in either lineage, may have an
underestimated probability of familial P/LP variant detection. The estimated likelihood of P/LP variant detection may be low in families with a
large number of unaffected and/or male relatives.
• Patients who have received an allogeneic bone marrow transplant or with active or recent hematologic malignancies should not have
molecular genetic testing via blood, saliva, or buccal samples (due to unreliable test results from contamination or due to somatic pathogenic
variants (PVs) associated with the hematologic malignancy) until other technologies are available. If available, DNA should be extracted from
a fibroblast culture. If this source of DNA is not possible, buccal samples can be considered, subject to the risk of donor DNA contamination
or malignant cells from the hematologic malignancy.
• If more than one family member is affected with cancers highly associated with a particular inherited cancer susceptibility syndrome, consider
initial testing of a family member with youngest age at diagnosis, bilateral disease, multiple primary cancers, or other cancers associated with
the syndrome, or most closely related to the proband/patient. If there are no available family members with cancer that is a cardinal feature
of the syndrome in question, consider testing first- or second-degree family members affected with other cancers thought to be related to the
gene in question (eg, prostate or pancreas with BRCA1/2).
• Testing for unaffected family members when no affected member is available should be considered. Significant limitations of interpreting test
results should be discussed.
• In children <18 y, genetic testing is generally not recommended when results would not impact medical management.7
• LP variants are usually clinically managed similarly to PVs, while patients with variants of uncertain significance (VUS) and likely benign
variants should be cared for based on the cancers present in the family.
• Choice of multi-gene testing, see EVAL-A 3 of 10. References on
b Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA). Vol. Public Law No.110-233. Available at:
EVAL-A 10 of 10
Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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® ® ®
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Breast, Ovarian, and/or Pancreatic Cancer Table of Contents
Genetic Assessment
Choice of Multi-Gene Testing
• The introduction of multi-gene testing for hereditary forms • Multi-gene testing can include “intermediate” penetrant (moderate-risk)
of cancer has rapidly altered the clinical approach to genes.d For many of these genes, there are limited data on the degree
hereditary cancer testing of patients at increased risk of of cancer risk, and there may currently be no clear guidelines on risk
inherited susceptibility to cancer and their families. Based on management for carriers of P/LP variants. Not all genes included on
next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, these tests available multi-gene tests will change risk management compared to that
simultaneously analyze a set of genes that are associated with a based on other risk factors such as family history.
specific family cancer phenotype or multiple phenotypes. • It may be possible to refine risks associated with both moderate and high-
• An individual’s personal and/or family history may be explained penetrance genes, taking into account the influence of gene/gene or gene/
by more than one inherited cancer syndrome; thus, phenotype- environment interactions. In addition, certain P/LP variants in a gene may
directed testing based on personal and family history through a pose higher or lower risk than other P/LP variants in that same gene. This
tailoredc multi-gene panel test is often more efficient and cost- information should be taken into consideration when assigning risks and
effective and increases the yield of detecting a P/LP variant in a management recommendations for individuals and their relatives who
gene that will impact medical management for the individual or also have increased risk.
their family members with increased risk. • P/LP variants in many breast, ovarian, pancreatic, and prostate cancer
• There may also be a role for multi-gene testing in individuals susceptibility genes involved in DNA repair may be associated with rare
who have tested negative for a single syndrome, but whose autosomal recessive conditions, thus posing risks to offspring if the
personal or family history remains suggestive of an inherited partner is also a carrier.
susceptibility. • As more genes are tested, there is an increased likelihood of finding VUS,
• Some individuals may carry P/LP germline variants in more than mosaicism, and clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP).
one cancer susceptibility gene; thus, consideration of a multi- • When a P/LP variant with clinical implications for the patient and/or their
gene panel for individuals already known to carry a single P/ family members is found on tumor genomic testing, germline confirmatory
LP germline variant from phenotype-directed testing may be testing should be recommended.
considered on a case-by-case basis, based on the degree of • There are significant limitations in interpretation of polygenic risk scores
suspicion for there being additional variants. (PRS). PRS should not be used for clinical management at this time and
• Because commercially available tests differ in the specific genes use is recommended in the context of a clinical trial, ideally including
analyzed, variant classification, and other factors (eg, methods diverse populations. See Discussion.
of DNA/RNA analysis or option to reflex from a narrow to a larger
panel; provision of financial assistance for cascade testing of
relatives), it is important to consider the indication for testing and
expertise of the laboratory when choosing the specific laboratory
and test panel.

c Tailored is defined as a disease-focused multi-gene panel of clinically actionable cancer susceptibility genes, in contrast to large multi-gene
panels of uncertain or unknown clinical relevance. References on
d Research is evolving, and individuals with P/LP variants in cancer susceptibility genes should be encouraged to participate in clinical trials or EVAL-A 10 of 10
genetic registries. Individuals with P/LP variants are also encouraged to recontact their genetics providers every few years for updates.
Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN ), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Breast, Ovarian, and/or Pancreatic Cancer Table of Contents
Genetic Assessment
Evaluating the Source of Genetic Testing Information
• Prior to using any germline findings for medical management, it is important to establish whether the reported findings were obtained from
a laboratory that is certified by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) to
issue a report of germline findings directly to ordering health care providers. Some states (eg, New York) may have additional reporting

• Confirmatory germline testing through an appropriately certified laboratory is clinically indicated when a potential P/LP variant is identified
through various data sources as noted below:
Commercial entities providing ancestry (and sometimes health) information typically do so through microarray-based single nucleotide
polymorphism (SNP) testing that has not been validated for clinical use. Third-party software applications can be used by consumers to
obtain an interpretation of the raw data provided by these companies. Raw data and third-party software are not able to provide information
that is appropriate for medical management, as these services are not subject to quality-control processes and recent research suggests
that the error rate (40%) is substantial.8 In addition, the current tests only provide limited founder PVs results without the benefit of family
history. More comprehensive genetic counseling and testing for PVs in other inherited cancer risk genes may be appropriate at the time of
confirmation testing.
Commercial laboratories utilizing consumer-initiated or direct-to-consumer (DTC) marketing of DNA sequence-based cancer predisposition
tests vary substantially in providing information necessary to make informed decisions regarding results and may vary in accuracy in their
variant interpretation.9,10
Research: Patients may have participated in research studies that included germline genomic analysis.11 In such cases, it is clinically
indicated to review the patient's findings with a genetics professional and/or the reporting laboratory to establish whether the original
report was generated by an appropriately certified laboratory, or whether confirmatory testing is clinically indicated.

References on
EVAL-A 10 of 10
Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Breast, Ovarian, and/or Pancreatic Cancer Table of Contents
Genetic Assessment
Tumor Genomic Testing: Potential Implications for Germline Testing
• Testing may provide information suggesting a potential germline finding. P/LP variants reported in the tumor may be of somatic or germline
Because tumor genomic testing is designed to address treatment actionability, not germline status, a variant that may be considered as P/
LP in the germline may not be reported at all, or reported as normal in the tumor if it lacks clinical implications.
The filtering of raw sequencing data may differ between tumor and germline testing labs so that variants reported out with one analysis
may not be reported with the other.
Somatic P/LP variants seen in tumor specimens are common in some genes with germline implications (eg, TP53, STK11, PTEN) and may
not indicate the need for germline testing unless the clinical/family history is consistent with a P/LP variant in the germline.
Tumor-only sequencing may not detect about 10% of clinically actionable P/LP germline variants (eg, deletion, duplication, and splicing
The fraction of PVs in cancer susceptibility genes identified through tumor-only testing, and also present in the germline, is highly variable
between genes.13,14
• Regardless of findings in the tumor, when germline testing is clinically indicated, it should be performed in a CLIA-approved lab with
established experience in germline testing because:
The germline panel performed by some labs offering paired tumor and germline testing may have incomplete coverage and analyze only a
subset of those genes of interest to the clinician.
The sensitivity of most tumor genomic testing is lower (particularly for intermediate-sized deletions and duplications) than germline
Similarly, circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) has the potential to identify both somatic and germline variants with germline treatment
implications. Some ctDNA assays, but not all, will alert providers that the particular gene variant identified has a high enough variant allele
frequency (VAF) that it is suspicious for germline origin. However, most commercially available assays specializing in somatic ctDNA
detection are neither intended nor validated for the reporting or interpretation of germline variants. Thus, variants detected by ctDNA that
are suspected to be present in the germline should be evaluated via a CLIA-approved assay specializing in detection and interpretation of
germline variants.
ctDNA, detected by mutation profile, copy number changes, altered methylation patterns, fragmentation, size alterations, or other
approaches, has application for disease monitoring as well as early detection. For individuals at increased hereditary risk for cancer, use of
pre-symptomatic ctDNA cancer detection assays should only be offered in the setting of prospective clinical trials, because the sensitivity,
false-positive rates, and positive predictive value of ctDNA tests for early-stage disease, which are needed to derive clinical utility and
determine clinical validity, are not fully defined.15-18 The psychological impact of ctDNA testing remains unknown.

References on
EVAL-A 10 of 10
Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN ), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Breast, Ovarian, and/or Pancreatic Cancer Table of Contents
Genetic Assessment
Post-Test Counseling
• When the testing provider/facility does not include pre-test counseling or have all of the resources or expertise for facilitating follow-up
testing, management, or family testing, referral to a genetics provider is recommended. In particular, referral to a genetics provider is
recommended for the following test results:
P/LP variant identified
Negative results but tumor profiling, personal history, or family history remain suggestive of inherited condition
Any VUS result that warrants further evaluation or for which a patient or provider considers using to guide management
A mosaic/possibly mosaic result or clonal hematopoiesis
Discrepant interpretation of variants, including discordant results across laboratories
Interpretation of PRS, if they are being considered for use in clinical management, recognizing that the clinical value of PRS has not yet
been established
Interpretation of P/LP variants for patients tested through DTC or consumer-initiated models
• Post-test counseling includes the following elements:
Discussion of results and associated medical risks
Interpretation of results in context of personal and family history of cancer
Discussion of recommended medical management options including discussion of therapeutic implications by a qualified health care
provider if positive
Discussion of the importance of notifying family members and offering materials/resources for informing and testing family members who
also have increased risk
Discussion of available resources such as high-risk clinics, disease-specific support groups, and research studies

References on
EVAL-A 10 of 10

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN ), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Breast, Ovarian, and/or Pancreatic Cancer Table of Contents
Genetic Assessment
• Positive results: Individuals with a P/LP variant should be informed of the importance of
Some medical centers include services that are specialized in this information for their blood relatives. Knowledge of the P/LP variant
cancer screening, risk reduction, and treatment for individuals may affect risk assessment and recommendations for genetic testing,
with a P/LP variant associated with increased risk for cancer. early detection, and/or cancer risk reduction in those relatives. Where
Where available, consider referring patients to these services, relationships allow, individuals should be encouraged to communicate
either on a consultative basis or for coordination of ongoing care. this information to their blood relatives. A medical provider can assist
In patients being treated for cancer, identification of a P/LP variant by providing patients with information for relatives written in simple
may affect options and recommendations for treatment of their language and a copy of their genetic test results.
disease. A P/LP variant in certain genes is also a component Over time, patients with a P/LP variant benefit from re-consultation with
of eligibility for some clinical trials. Specific circumstances are a medical provider who is familiar with inherited risk for cancer. This re-
addressed in the NCCN Treatment Guidelines for breast, ovarian, consultation is important for:
◊ Increasing compliance with screening guidelines, which is known to
and other cancers. decrease over time
Many patients who have been diagnosed with cancer and have a ◊ Re-evaluating personal choices about risk-reducing surgeries, based
P/LP variant are at increased risk for additional primary cancers on changing life stage and circumstances
in the future. Management of those risks may be appropriate ◊ Ensuring patients are following up-to-date guidelines
after treatment of the current cancer or may be combined with ◊ Discussing additional genetic testing options
treatment for a current cancer. ◊ Reviewing improved risk models as appropriate
Multiple sources, including these NCCN Guidelines, provide The frequency of follow-up depends on many factors, such as age,
estimated lifetime risks of cancer associated with specific P/LP reproductive planning, comorbidities, risk-reducing surgeries, and
variants. A discussion of risk should include: other risk factors.
◊ presenting risk estimates as a range rather than a single For patients of reproductive age, advise about options for prenatal
number (ie, 30%–40%) diagnosis and assisted reproduction, including pre-implantation
genetic testing and donor gametes. Discussion should include known
◊ presenting absolute risk and minimizing use of relative risk risks, limitations, and benefits of these technologies. See Discussion
terminology (ie, odds ratios or hazard ratios) for details.
◊ acknowledging that risk estimates always have a margin of Biallelic P/LP variants in some genes, included on gene panels, may be
errore associated with rare autosomal recessive conditions, such as Fanconi
◊ identifying that these risk estimates change over time (ie, older anemia (FA) or constitutional mismatch repair (MMR) deficiency
patients will have lower remaining lifetime risk) (CMMRD) (GENE-B). Thus, for these genes, consideration should be
given to carrier testing the partner for P/LP variants in the same gene if
it would inform reproductive decision-making and/or risk assessment
and management.19
Some P/LP variants found in blood, saliva, or buccal samples, most
notably in TP53, warrant consideration of testing of non-blood samples
e Risk to try to distinguish between germline, constitutional mosaicism, and
estimates are influenced by the numbers of individuals with these somatic findings.
mutations: the more individuals, the more precise the estimates are (ie, the
confidence interval is narrower). References on
EVAL-A 10 of 10
Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated. Continued
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Breast, Ovarian, and/or Pancreatic Cancer Table of Contents
Genetic Assessment
• Negative results:
These results reduce concern for cancer risk. However, the individual may still have increased cancer risk based on personal and family
history. Also, other family members may have a P/LP variant that the tested individual did not inherit.
Although negative results of genetic testing are generally reassuring, other reasons that a patient can test negative include:
1) A gene P/LP variant may exist in the gene that was not recognized due to limitations in technology.
2) P/LP variants exist in genes that were not evaluated by this testing.
3) Family members may harbor a P/LP variant that the patient may not have inherited.
Other family members may be appropriate candidates for testing, both to assess their own cancer risk as well as to clarify the overall
contribution of known P/LP variants to the family history. If another family member tests positive for a P/LP variant, this might lower concern
for the individuals who tested negative. The determination of a “true negative” result depends on the specific family history of cancer, the
specific P/LP variant found, and the relationship to the family member(s) who tested positive.
When an individual has tested negative, it may still be appropriate to consider increased screening and risk reduction measures for cancer
based on family history. See appropriate screening based on family history in the guidelines as outlined in Summary of Genes and/or
Syndromes Included/Mentioned in Other NCCN Guidelines (SUMM-1). Some medical centers include specialized high-risk clinics to offer
this type of family history-based screening.
Over time an individual who tested negative may be a candidate for additional genetic testing due to additional family history, as new genes
are identified to be associated with cancer risk or technology advances.

References on
EVAL-A 10 of 10
Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Breast, Ovarian, and/or Pancreatic Cancer Table of Contents
Genetic Assessment
• Variants of uncertain significance (VUS)
VUS are alterations in the genetic code for which the impact on protein function is uncertain.
VUS are common, particularly with the use of large multi-gene panels. The more genes that are included on a genetic testing panel, the
more likely a VUS will be identified.20
VUS are more commonly found during genetic testing of racial and ethnic minorities compared with non-Hispanic white individuals.20
In VUS that are reclassified, approximately 80%–90% are reclassified as likely benign or benign and 10%–20% as P/LP.21,22
There are discordant variant interpretations across labs,23 requiring careful counseling and skilled interpretation. Resources are available
to review the available data supporting pathogenic consequences of specific variants and identify discrepant results (eg,;;
VUS should not be used to alter medical management. In the event additional discussion is needed for classification and management,
additional genetic expertise is recommended. Screening and risk reduction strategies should be recommended on the basis of personal
and family history.
RNA studies (when appropriate) may be a consideration to further define functional impact of variants. Testing family members for a VUS
should not be done for clinical purposes, unless there are data to support discrepancy in interpretation of results. Consider a referral to
research studies that aim to define the functional impact of variants such as variant reclassification programs through clinical labs or

References on
Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated. EVAL-A 10 of 10
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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Breast, Ovarian, and/or Pancreatic Cancer Table of Contents
Genetic Assessment
1 Robson ME, Bradbury AR, Arun B, et al. American Society of Clinical Oncology Policy Statement Update: Genetic and Genomic Testing for Cancer Susceptibility. J Clin
Oncol 2015;33:3660-3667.
2 Berliner JL, Fay AM, Cummings SA, Burnett B, Tillmanns T. NSGC practice guideline: risk assessment and genetic counseling for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer.
J Genet Couns 2013;22:155-163.
3 American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; ACOG Committee on Practice Bulletins--Gynecology; ACOG Committee on Genetics; Society of Gynecologic
Oncologists. ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 103: Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome. Obstet Gynecol 2009;113:957-966.
4 Lancaster JM, Powell CB, Chen LM, Richardson DL; SGO Clinical Practice Committee. Society of Gynecologic Oncology statement on risk assessment for inherited
gynecologic cancer predispositions. Gynecol Oncol 2015;136:3-7.
5 Konstantinopoulos PA, Norquist B, Laccetti C, et al. Germline and somatic tumor testing in epithelial ovarian cancer: ASCO Guideline. J Clin Oncol 2020;38:1222-1245.
6 Weitzel JN, Blazer KR, Macdonald DJ, Culver JO, Offit K. Genetics, genomics, and cancer risk assessment: State of the art and future directions in the era of
personalized medicine. CA Cancer J Clin 2011;61:327-359.
7 Committee on Bioethics; Committee on Genetics, and American College of Medical Genetics and; Genomic Social; Ethical; Legal Issues Committee. Ethical and policy
issues in genetic testing and screening of children. Pediatrics 2013;131:620-622.
8 Tandy-Connor S, Guiltinan J, Krempely K, et al. False-positive results released by direct-to-consumer genetic tests highlight the importance of clinical confirmation
testing for appropriate patient care. Genet Med 2018;20:1515-1521.
9 Kilbride MK, Bradbury AR. Evaluating web-based direct-to-consumer genetic tests for cancer susceptibility. JCO Precis Oncol 2020 Mar 5;4:PO.19.00317.
10 Direct-to-Consumer Tests:
11 Green R, Berg J, Grody W, et al. ACMG recommendations for reporting of incidental findings in clinical exome and genome sequencing. Genet Med 2013;15:565-574.
12 Terraf P, Pareja F, Brown DN, et al. Comprehensive assessment of germline pathogenic variant detection in tumor-only sequencing. Ann Oncol 2022;33:426-433.
13 Mandelker D, Donoghue M, Talukdar S, et al. Germline-focussed analysis of tumour-only sequencing: recommendations from the ESMO Precision Medicine Working
Group. Ann Oncol 2019;30:1221-1231.
14 Kuzbari Z, Bandlamudi C, Loveday C, et al. Germline-focused analysis of tumour-detected variants in 49,264 cancer patients: ESMO Precision Medicine Working
Group recommendations. Ann Oncol 2023;34:215-227.
15 Duffy MJ, Diamandis EP, Crown J. Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) as a pan-cancer screening test: is it finally on the horizon? Clin Chem Lab Med 2021;59:1353-1361.
16 Offit K, Sharkey C, Green D, et al. Regulation of laboratory-developed tests in preventive oncology: Emerging needs and opportunities. J Clin Oncol 2023;41:11-21.
17 Hackshaw A, Clarke C, Hartman A-R. New genomic technologies for multi-cancer early detection: Rethinking the scope of cancer screening. Cancer Cell 2022;40:109-
18 Raoof S, Lee R, Jajoo K, et al. Multicancer early detection technologies: A review informed by past cancer screening studies. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
19 Offit K, Levran O, Mullaney B, et al. Shared genetic susceptibility to breast cancer, brain tumors, and Fanconi anemia. J Natl Cancer Inst 2003;95:1548-1551.
20 Kurian AW, Ward KC, Abrahamse P, et al. Time trends in receipt of germline genetic testing and results for women diagnosed with breast cancer or ovarian cancer,
2012-2019. J Clin Oncol 2021;39:1631-1640.
21 Esterling L, Wijayatunge R, Brown K, et al. Impact of a cancer gene variant reclassification program over a 20-year period. JCO Precis Oncol 2020; 4:PO.20.00020.
22 Mersch J, Brown N, Pirzadeh-Miller S, et al. Prevalence of variant reclassification following hereditary cancer genetic testing. JAMA 2018;320:1266-1274.
23 Balmaña J, Digiovanni L, Gaddam P, et al. Conflicting interpretation of genetic variants and cancer risk by commercial laboratories as assessed by the prospective
registry of multiplex testing. J Clin Oncol 2016;34:4071-4078.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Breast, Ovarian, and/or Pancreatic Cancer Table of Contents
Genetic Assessment

2 2 2 2 3 3
Paternal Paternal Maternal Maternal Great Great
grandfather grandmother grandfather grandmother aunt uncle

2 1 1 2
Aunt Father Mother Uncle

1 1
First cousin
Sister Brother (male)

2 2 1 1
Nephew Niece Son Daughter

2 2 Common Pedigree
Symbols (EVAL-B 2 of 3)
Grand- Grandson
a First-degree relatives: parents, siblings, and children;
second-degree relatives: grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and half-siblings;
third-degree relatives: great-grandparents, great-aunts, great-uncles, great-grandchildren, first cousins, and half aunts and uncles.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN ), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Breast, Ovarian, and/or Pancreatic Cancer Table of Contents
Genetic Assessment

Male Female Unassigned at Birth

(assigned female at birth) (unassigned at birth)

(assigned male at birth) (unassigned at birth)

Gender diverse
(assigned male at birth) (assigned female at birth) (unassigned at birth)


b Bennett R, French KS, Resta R, Austin J. Practice resource-focused revision: Standardized pedigree nomenclature update centered on sex and gender inclusivity: A
practice resource of the National Society of Genetic Counselors. J Genet Couns 2022 31:1238-1248.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN ), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Breast, Ovarian, and/or Pancreatic Cancer Table of Contents
Genetic Assessment

Relationship Sibship
(initiating genetic
line line
AMAB workup, shade if

Adopted into Deceased Consanguinity

a family

Dizygotic Monozygotic
twins twins

AMAB = assigned male at birth

b Bennett R, French KS, Resta R, Austin J. Practice resource-focused revision: Standardized pedigree nomenclature update centered on sex and gender inclusivity: A
practice resource of the National Society of Genetic Counselors. J Genet Couns 2022 31:1238-1248.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN ), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Hereditary Cancer Testing Criteria Discussion


Testing is clinically indicated in the following scenarios:
• Individuals with any blood relative with a known P/LP variant in a cancer susceptibility gene
• Individuals meeting the criteria below but who tested negative with previous limited testing (eg, single gene and/or absent deletion
duplication analysis) and are interested in pursuing multi-gene testing
• A P/LP variant identified on tumor genomic testing that has clinical implications if also identified in the germline
• To aid in systemic therapy and surgical decision-makingb
• Individual who meets Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) testing criteria (CRIT-7) or Cowden syndrome (CS)/PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome
(PHTS) testing criteria (CRIT-8) or Lynch syndrome (LS) NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Colorectal
• For personal or family history of
Breast cancer See Testing Criteria for High-Penetrance Breast Cancer Susceptibility Genes (CRIT-2)
Ovarian cancer See Testing Criteria for Ovarian Cancer Susceptibility Genes (CRIT-4)
Pancreatic cancer See Testing Criteria for Pancreatic Cancer Susceptibility Genes (CRIT-5)
Prostate cancer See Testing Criteria for Prostate Cancer Susceptibility Genes (CRIT-6)
Colorectal cancer See NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Colorectal

Testing may be considered in the following scenario (with appropriate pre-test education and access to post-test management):
• An individual of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestryc without additional risk factorsd
• Personal history of serous endometrial cancere
For a list of NCCN Guidelines that include content focused on inherited cancer conditions, including criteria for testing and/or cancer risk
management based on a genetic test result, see Summary of Genes and/or Syndromes Included/Mentioned in Other NCCN Guidelines

Footnotes on CRIT-1A

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Hereditary Cancer Testing Criteria Discussion


a For further details regarding the nuances of genetic counseling and testing, see EVAL-A.
b Eg, PARP inhibitors for ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, and metastatic HER2-negative breast cancer; platinum therapy for prostate cancer and
pancreatic cancer; and risk-reducing surgery. See the relevant NCCN Treatment Guidelines for further details.
c Testing for three founder P/LP variants of BRCA1/2 may be offered to individuals as early as age 18–25 years, who have one grandparent identified as of Ashkenazi
Jewish ancestry, irrespective of cancer history in the family, as part of longitudinal studies. For those without access to longitudinal research studies, testing may be
provided if there is access to pre-test education along with post-test counseling, additional genetic testing if indicated, and high-risk management. Testing should not
be offered outside of a medical framework or clinical trial.
d In addition to the BRCA1 and BRCA2 PV in those of Ashkenazi ancestry, there are other ancestries that demonstrate “Founder mutations.” In these circumstances, the
decision to test will depend on the prevalence of the PV in the local population, family history, clinical features, and age of cancer diagnosis. Some additional examples
where ancestry may, along with personal and/or family history, contribute to decisions about genetic testing include the following associations: BRCA1 PV and Polish
ancestry; BRCA2 PV and Icelandic ancestry; BRCA1 and BRCA2 PV in those of French Canadian ancestry; numerous BRCA1 and BRCA2 PV in those of Spanish,
Mexican, and Central and South American descent; BRCA1 and BRCA2 PV and Bahamian ancestry; and BRCA1 and BRCA2 PV and Hungarian ancestry. The TP53
PV c.1010G>A (p.Arg337His) PV is seen in a subset of those of Brazilian ancestry, and CDKN2A founder c.225_243del (p.Ala76fs) in those of Dutch ancestry. While
emerging data derived from populations of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern origin have documented recurring mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 and other genes,
population allele frequency data are not yet available to inform testing individuals based solely on ancestry in the absence of personal and/or family history. The same
is true for founder mutations in lower penetrance genes (eg, CHEK2 c.1100delC in those of northern European ancestry), where family and personal history inform
decisions for testing. See Discussion.
e This is a rare subtype of uterine cancer for which there is evolving evidence of an association with BRCA1 P/LP variants.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Hereditary Cancer Testing Criteria Discussion


(Specifically BRCA1, BRCA2, CDH1, PALB2, PTEN, STK11, and TP53. See GENE-A)a,f,g,h,i
Testing is clinically indicated in the following scenarios:
• See General Testing Criteria on CRIT-1.
• Personal history of breast cancer with specific features:
≤50 y
Any age: Any age (continued): Criteria
◊ Treatment indications ◊ Family historyn GENE-1
– To aid in systemic treatment decisions using – ≥1 close blood relativeo with ANY:
PARP inhibitors for breast cancer in the metastatic ▪ breast cancer at age ≤50
settingj,k (NCCN Guidelines for Breast Cancer) ▪ male breast cancer
– To aid in adjuvant treatment decisions with ▪ ovarian cancer
olaparib for high-risk,l HER2-negative breast ▪ pancreatic cancer
cancerj ▪ prostate cancer with metastatic,p or high- or
◊ Pathology/histology very-high-risk group (Initial Risk Stratification
– Triple-negative breast cancer and Staging Workup in NCCN Guidelines for
– Multiple primary breast cancers (synchronous or Prostate Cancer) If criteria
metachronous)m – ≥3 diagnoses of breast and/or prostate cancer for other
If testing
– Lobular breast cancer with personal or family (any grade) on the same side of the family hereditary
history of diffuse gastric cancer NCCN Guidelines including the patient with breast cancer syndromes
not met,
for Gastric Cancer not met,
◊ Male breast cancer then
◊ Ancestry: Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry cancer
• Family history of cancer only for other
as per
Individuals affected with breast cancer (not meeting testing criteria listed above) or individual unaffected with hereditary
breast cancer with a first- or second-degree blood relative meeting any of the criteria listed above (except syndromes
unaffected individuals whose relatives meet criteria only for systemic therapy decision-making).q Guidelines
Individuals affected or unaffected with breast cancer who otherwise do not meet the criteria above but have
a probability >5% of a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant based on prior probability models (eg, Tyrer-Cuzick, BRCAPro,

Continued on
Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated. on CRIT-2A
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Hereditary Cancer Testing Criteria Discussion


a For further details regarding the nuances of genetic counseling and testing, see EVAL-A.
f Testing for PVs in other genes should take into consideration factors such as patient preferences, turnaround time, and insurance restrictions to particular labs (and
thus particular panels). The prevalence of VUS increases with testing of additional genes. Individuals should have pre-test education on the challenges in managing
PVs in genes associated with specific syndromes (eg, CDH1 and TP53 given their expanding clinical phenotypes) in the absence of a family history typical of such
syndromes (does not apply for de novo PVs). Patients should also have pre-test education regarding the uncertain clinical utility of identifying certain PVs (eg,
monoallelic MUTYH).
g Meeting one or more of these criteria warrants further personalized risk assessment, genetic counseling, and often genetic testing and management.
h For the purposes of these guidelines, invasive and ductal carcinoma in situ breast cancers should be included.
i For personal or family history of ovarian cancer, see CRIT-4; for pancreatic cancer, see CRIT-5; for prostate cancer, see CRIT-6.
j Robson M, et al. N Engl J Med 2017;377:523-533. Litton JK, et al. N Engl J Med 2018;379:753-763.
k As indicated in the criteria, testing is recommended for all triple-negative breast cancers, and these indications are specifically for PARP inhibitor eligibility.
l The definition of high-risk disease is that used in the phase III OlympiA trial, which compared adjuvant olaparib to placebo among BRCA1/BRCA2 carriers with high-
risk disease (Tutt ANJ, et al. Engl J Med 2021;384:2394-2405). The definition includes:
- Triple-negative breast cancer treated with either:
-- adjuvant chemotherapy with axillary node-positive disease or an invasive primary tumor ≥2 cm on pathology analysis, or
-- neoadjuvant chemotherapy with residual invasive breast cancer in the breast or resected lymph nodes.
- Hormone receptor-positive disease treated with either:
-- adjuvant chemotherapy with ≥4 positive pathologically confirmed lymph nodes, or
-- neoadjuvant chemotherapy that did not have a complete pathologic response, with a CPS+EG score of 3 or higher.
- The CPS+EG scoring system is based on a combination of clinical and pathologic stage, estrogen receptor status, and histologic grade. See Neoadjuvant Therapy
Outcomes Calculator (Jeruss JS, et al. J Clin Oncol 2008;26:246-252; Mittendorf EA, et al. J Clin Oncol 2011;29:1956-1962). See NCCN Guidelines for Breast
Cancer for further details.
m Weitzel JN, et al. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2021;188:759-768.
n Consideration of the limitations of unknown or limited family structure is indicated in those aged ≥51 years.
o Close blood relatives include first-, second-, and third-degree relatives on the same side of the family (EVAL-B).
p Metastatic prostate cancer is biopsy-proven and/or with radiographic evidence and includes distant metastasis and regional bed or nodes. It is not a biochemical
recurrence only. Prostate cancer-specific mortality should be a surrogate for metastatic disease for family history purposes.
q This may be extended to an affected third-degree relative if related through two male relatives (eg, paternal grandfather’s mother or sister). If the affected first-degree
relative underwent genetic testing and is negative for detectable P/LP variants and there is no other family history of cancer, there is a low probability that any finding
will have documented clinical utility.
r The approximate 5% threshold for probability of carrying BRCA1/2 PVs is utilized because of availability of prior probability models; however, it is recognized that
current model estimates vary substantially, and that different thresholds may be appropriate if other genes are included in the model utilized. If genes other than
BRCA1 and BRCA2 are to be included in models evaluating the threshold for testing, the penetrance, clinical actionability, and phenotypic features of cancers
associated with P/LP variants in these genes should be considered. The panel encourages the development of validated models that include these parameters to
determine eligibility and appropriateness for gene panel testing for inherited cancer risk. These models are only validated for BRCA1/2.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Hereditary Cancer Testing Criteria Discussion


Testing may be considered in the following scenarios (with appropriate pre-test education and access to post-test management):
• Personal history of breast cancer <60 y not meeting any of the above criteria may approach a 2.5% probability of having a P/LP variant,
based on recent data.s It is cautioned that the majority of those PVs will be in moderate penetrance genes, which are over-represented in
older affected individuals. Access to an experienced genetic counseling team to discuss management options is particularly important in
this setting.
• Personal history of breast cancer diagnosed at any age with ≥1 close blood relativeo with intermediate-risk prostate cancer with intraductal/
cribriform histology (see Initial Risk Stratification and Staging Workup in NCCN Guidelines for Prostate Cancer)
• Individuals affected or unaffected with breast cancer who otherwise do not meet any of the above criteria but with a 2.5%–5% probability of
BRCA1/2 P/LP variant based on prior probability models (eg, Tyrer-Cuzick, BRCAPro, CanRisk)f

There is a low probability (<2.5%) that testing will have findings of documented high-penetrance genes in the following scenarios:
• Female diagnosed with breast cancer at age >60 y, with no close relativeo with breast, ovarian, pancreatic, or prostate cancer.
• Diagnosed with localized prostate cancer with Gleason Score <7 and no close relativeo with breast, ovarian, pancreatic, or prostate cancer.

f Testingfor PVs in other genes should take into consideration factors such as patient preferences, turnaround time, and insurance restrictions to particular labs (and
thus particular panels). The prevalence of VUS increases with testing of additional genes. Individuals should have pre-test education on the challenges in managing
PVs in genes associated with specific syndromes (eg, CDH1 and TP53 given their expanding clinical phenotypes) in the absence of a family history typical of such
syndromes (does not apply for de novo PVs). Patients should also have pre-test education regarding the uncertain clinical utility of identifying certain PVs (eg,
monoallelic MUTYH).
o Close blood relatives include first-, second-, and third-degree relatives on the same side of the family (EVAL-B).
s Kurian A, et al. JAMA 2020;323:995-997.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Hereditary Cancer Testing Criteria Discussion


(Specifically ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, BRIP1, Lynch syndrome genes [MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, EPCAM], PALB2,
RAD51C, and RAD51D; see GENE-A)u

Testing is clinically indicated in the following scenarios:

• See General Testing Criteria on CRIT-1. Criteria
• Personal history of epithelial ovarian cancerv (including fallopian tube cancer or peritoneal cancer)
at any age
• Family history of cancer only If testing If criteria for
An individual unaffected with ovarian cancer (with a first- or second-degree blood relative with criteria other hereditary
epithelial ovarian cancerv (including fallopian tube cancer or peritoneal cancer) at any ageq not met, syndromes
An individual unaffected with ovarian cancer who otherwise does not meet the criteria above but consider not met,
has a probability >5% of a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant based on prior probability models (eg, Tyrer- testing then cancer
Cuzick, BRCAPro, CanRisk)r criteria screening as
for other per NCCN
hereditary Screening
syndromes Guidelines

a For further details regarding the nuances of genetic counseling and testing, see EVAL-A.
q This may be extended to an affected third-degree relative if related through two male relatives (eg, paternal grandfather’s mother or sister). If the affected first-degree
relative underwent genetic testing and is negative for detectable P/LP variants and there is no other family history of cancer, there is a low probability that any finding
will have documented clinical utility.
r The approximate 5% threshold for probability of carrying BRCA1/2 PVs is utilized because of availability of prior probability models; however, it is recognized that
current model estimates vary substantially, and that different thresholds may be appropriate if other genes are included in the model utilized. If genes other than
BRCA1 and BRCA2 are to be included in models evaluating the threshold for testing, the penetrance, clinical actionability, and phenotypic features of cancers
associated with P/LP variants in these genes should be considered. The panel encourages the development of validated models that include these parameters to
determine eligibility and appropriateness for gene panel testing for inherited cancer risk. These models are only validated for BRCA1/2.
t For personal or family history of breast cancer, see CRIT-2; for pancreatic cancer, see CRIT-5; for prostate cancer, see CRIT-6.
u The listed genes differ in their levels of risk. See GENE-A for specific risks.
v BRCA-related ovarian cancers are associated with epithelial, non-mucinous histology. LS can be associated with both non-mucinous and mucinous epithelial tumors. Be
attentive for clinical evidence of LS (see NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Colorectal). Specific types of non-epithelial ovarian cancers and
tumors can also be associated with other rare syndromes. Examples include an association between sex-cord tumors with annular tubules and PJS or Sertoli-Leydig
tumors and DICER1-related disorders.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Hereditary Cancer Testing Criteria Discussion


(Specifically ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, CDKN2A, Lynch syndrome genes [MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, EPCAM], PALB2, STK11, and TP53) (GENE-A)a,w

Testing is clinically indicated in the following scenarios: Criteria

• See General Testing Criteria on CRIT-1.
• Exocrine pancreatic cancers
All individuals diagnosed with exocrine pancreatic cancerx
If testing If criteria for
First-degree relatives of individuals diagnosed with exocrine pancreatic cancery
criteria other hereditary
not met, syndromes
• Neuroendocrine pancreatic tumors - NCCN Guidelines for Neuroendocrine and Adrenal Tumors
consider not met,
testing then cancer
criteria screening as
for other per NCCN
hereditary Screening
syndromes Guidelines

a For further details regarding the nuances of genetic counseling and testing, see EVAL-A.
w For personal or family history of breast cancer, see CRIT-2; for ovarian cancer, see CRIT-4; for prostate cancer, see CRIT-6.
x Pancreatic cancer risk is higher in individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish descent. Genetic testing of Ashkenazi Jewish patients with pancreatic cancer may have a higher
yield of P/LP variants than of non-Ashkenazi Jewish patients. See Discussion.
y Testing of first-degree relatives should only be done if it is impossible to test the individual who has pancreatic cancer. Some second-degree relatives may meet testing
criteria based on additional family history. Approximately 2%–5% of unselected cases of pancreatic adenocarcinoma will have a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant. However, the
disease is highly aggressive and the option to test the affected relative may not be available in the future. Thus, there may be significant benefit to family members in
testing these patients near the time of diagnosis. In addition, increasing evidence suggests that identification of a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant may direct use of targeted
therapies for patients with pancreatic cancer (see NCCN Guidelines for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma). (Holter S, et al. J Clin Oncol 2015;33:3124-3129. Shindo K, et al.
J Clin Oncol 2017;35:3382-3390. Golan T, et al. N Engl J Med 2019;381:317-327.) Family history of pancreatic cancer of unknown histology is often assumed to be an
exocrine pancreatic cancer.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Hereditary Cancer Testing Criteria Discussion


(Specifically ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, CHEK2, and HOXB13z) (GENE-A)a,aa,bb
Testing is clinically indicated in the following scenarios:
• See General Tumor Criteria on CRIT-1.
• Personal history of prostate cancer with specific features:
By tumor characteristics (any age) Criteria
◊ Metastaticp met
◊ Histology
– high- or very-high-risk group (see Initial Risk Stratification and Staging Workup in NCCN Guidelines
for Prostate Cancer)
By family history and ancestry If criteria
◊ ≥1 close blood relativeo with: for other
If testing
– breast cancer at age ≤50 y hereditary
– triple-negative breast cancer at any age syndromes
not met,
– male breast cancer at any age not met,
– ovarian cancer at any age then
– pancreatic cancer at any age cancer
– metastatic,p high-, or very-high-risk group (see Initial Risk Stratification and Staging Workup in screening
for other
NCCN Guidelines for Prostate Cancer) at any age as per
◊ ≥3 close blood relativeso with prostate cancer (any grade) and/or breast cancer on the same side of the NCCN
family including the patient with prostate cancer Screening
◊ Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry Guidelines
• Family history of cancer
◊ An affected (not meeting testing criteria listed above) or unaffected individual with a first-degree blood
relative meeting any of the criteria listed above (except unaffected individuals whose relatives meet
criteria only for systemic therapy decision-making)q

Testing may be considered in the following scenario:

• Personal history of prostate cancer with intermediate-risk prostate cancer with intraductal/cribriform
histology (see Initial Risk Stratification and Staging Workup in NCCN Guidelines for Prostate Cancer) at any

Footnotes on CRIT-6A

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Hereditary Cancer Testing Criteria Discussion


a For further details regarding the nuances of genetic counseling and testing, see EVAL-A.
o Close blood relatives include first-, second-, and third-degree relatives on the same side of the family (EVAL-B).
p Metastatic prostate cancer is biopsy-proven and/or with radiographic evidence and includes distant metastasis and regional bed or nodes. It is not a biochemical
recurrence only. Prostate cancer-specific mortality should be a surrogate for metastatic disease for family history purposes.
q This may be extended to an affected third-degree relative if related through two male relatives (eg, paternal grandfather’s mother or sister). If the affected first-degree
relative underwent genetic testing and is negative for detectable P/LP variants and there is no other family history of cancer, there is a low probability that any finding
will have documented clinical utility.
z NCCN Guidelines for Prostate Cancer.
aa For personal or family history of breast cancer, see CRIT-2; for ovarian cancer, see CRIT-4; for pancreatic cancer, see CRIT-5.
bb Level of risk for prostate cancer varies by gene. There is emerging evidence for potential risk and/or therapeutic relevance for prostate cancer for additional genes.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Hereditary Cancer Testing Criteria Discussion


Testing is clinically indicated in the following scenarios:*
• See General Testing Criteria on CRIT-1.
• Individual from a family with a known TP53cc P/LP variant
• Classic Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) criteria:dd
Combination of an individual diagnosed at age <45 years with a sarcomaee AND
A first-degree relative diagnosed at age <45 years with cancer AND LFS testing
An additional first- or second-degree relative in the same lineage with cancer diagnosed at age <45 years, or a criteria met
sarcoma at any age
• Chompret criteria:ff
Individual with a tumor from LFS tumor spectrum (eg, soft tissue sarcoma, osteosarcoma, central nervous system
(CNS) tumor, breast cancer, adrenocortical carcinoma [ACC]), before 46 years of age, AND at least one first- or
second-degree relative with any of the aforementioned cancers (other than breast cancer if the proband has breast
cancer) before the age of 56 years or with multiple primaries at any age OR
If LFS testing
Individual with multiple tumors (except multiple breast tumors), two of which belong to LFS tumor spectrum with the
criteria not
initial cancer occurring before the age of 46 years OR
met, consider Individualized
Individual with ACC, or choroid plexus carcinoma or rhabdomyosarcoma of embryonal anaplastic subtype, at any
testing criteria recommendations
age of onset, regardless of family history OR
for other according to
Breast cancer before 31 years of age
hereditary personal and
• Personal or family history of pediatric hypodiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia
syndromes, if family history
• In individuals with cancer with a P/LP TP53 variant identified on tumor-only genomic testing, germline testing should
be considered for:gg,hh,ii appropriate
1. Those meeting one or more of the other LFS testing criterion above after reevaluation of personal and family
2. Those diagnosed age <30 years with any cancer
3. Those with clinical scenario not meeting these criteria but warranting germline evaluation per clinician discretion
* Other cancers associated with LFS but not in the testing criteria include: melanoma,
colorectal, gastric, and prostate.
a For further details regarding the nuances of genetic counseling and testing,
see EVAL-A. ff Chompret A, et al. J Med Genet 2001;38:43-47; Bougeard G, et al. J Clin Oncol
cc When this gene is included as part of a multi-gene panel, an individual does 2015;33:2345-2352.
not need to meet these testing criteria if testing criteria on other testing criteria gg For testing in the pediatric setting, see Frebourg T, et al. Eur J Hum Genet
pages are met. 2020;28:1379-1386.
dd Li FP, et al. Cancer Res 1988;48:5358-5362. hh This should prompt a careful evaluation of personal and family history of the individual to
ee In contrast to other types of sarcoma, germline TP53 P/LP variants are rare determine the yield of germline sequencing. Somatic TP53 P/LP variants are common in
in those with Ewing sarcoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), desmoid many tumor types in absence of a germline P/LP variant.
tumor, or angiosarcoma. ii Mandelker D, et al. Ann Oncol 2019;30:1221-1231.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Hereditary Cancer Testing Criteria Discussion


Testing is clinically indicated in the following scenarios:

• See General Testing Criteria on CRIT-1.
• Individual from a family with a known PTENcc P/LP variant
• Individual with a personal history of Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome (BRRS) CS/PHTS
• Individual meeting clinical diagnostic criteriamm for CS/PHTS testing criteria GENE-1
• Individual not meeting clinical diagnostic criteriamm for CS/PHTS with a personal history of: met
Adult Lhermitte-Duclos disease (cerebellar tumors); or
Autism spectrum disorder and macrocephaly; or
Two or more biopsy-proven trichilemmomas; or If CS/PHTS
Two or more major criteria (one must be macrocephaly); or testing criteria Individualized
Three major criteria, without macrocephaly; or
One major and ≥3 minor criteria;nn or not met, recommendations
≥4 minor criteria consider testing according to
• individual with a relative with a clinical diagnosis of criteria for personal and
CS/PHTS or BRRS for whom testing has not been performed other hereditary family history
individual must have the following: syndromes, if
◊ Any one major criterion or appropriate
◊ Two minor criteria
• PTEN P/LP variant detected by tumor genomic testing on any tumor type in the absence of
germline analysisoo

See major and minor criteria on CRIT-8A.

a For further details regarding the nuances of genetic counseling and testing, see EVAL-A.
cc When this gene is included as part of a multi-gene panel, an individual does not need to meet these testing criteria if testing criteria on other testing criteria pages are
jj These are testing criteria; clinical diagnostic criteria can be found on CRIT-8A.
kk If two criteria involve the same structure/organ/tissue, both may be included as criteria.
ll Current evidence does not support testing for succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) gene P/LP variants in patients with PHTS. (Bayley J-P. Am J Hum Genet 2011;88:674-
mm Pilarski R, et al. J Natl Cancer Inst 2013;105:1607-1616. See COWD-A.
nn If an individual has two or more major criteria, such as breast cancer and nonmedullary thyroid cancer, but does not have macrocephaly, one of the major criteria may
be included as one of the three minor criteria to meet testing criteria.
oo This should prompt a careful evaluation of personal and family history of the individual to determine the yield of germline sequencing. Somatic PTEN P/LP variants are
common in many tumor types in absence of germline P/LP variant.
Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Hereditary Cancer Testing Criteria Discussion

Major criteria: Minor criteria:ss
• Breast cancer • Autism spectrum disorder
• Endometrial cancer • Colon cancer
• Follicular thyroid cancer • ≥3 esophageal glycogenic acanthoses
• Multiple GI hamartomas or ganglioneuromaspp • Lipomas
• Macrocephaly (megalocephaly) (ie, ≥97%, 58 cm in • Intellectual disability (ie, IQ ≤75)
adult female, 60 cm in adult male)qq • Papillary or follicular variant of papillary thyroid cancer
• Macular pigmentation of glans penis • Thyroid structural lesions (eg, adenoma, nodule[s], goiter)
• Mucocutaneous lesionsrr • Renal cell carcinoma
One biopsy-proven trichilemmoma • Single GI hamartoma or ganglioneuroma
Multiple palmoplantar keratoses • Testicular lipomatosis
Multifocal or extensive oral mucosal papillomatosis • Vascular anomalies (including multiple intracranial developmental venous
Multiple cutaneous facial papules (often verrucous) anomalies)
* Other cancers associated with PTEN but not in the testing criteria include: colorectal, kidney cancer, and melanoma.


Operational diagnosis in an individual (either of the following):
1. Three or more major criteria, but one must include macrocephaly, Lhermitte-Duclos disease, or GI hamartomas; or
2. Two major and three minor criteria.

Operational diagnosis in a family where one individual meets revised PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome clinical diagnostic criteria or
has a PTEN P/LP variant:
1. Any two major criteria with or without minor criteria; or
2. One major and two minor criteria; or
3. Three minor criteria.

a For further details regarding the nuances of genetic counseling and testing, see EVAL-A.
mm Pilarski R, et al. J Natl Cancer Inst 2013;105:1607-1616. See COWD-A.
pp Multiple polyp types are often seen in patients with PHTS, and less commonly may include adenomas, hyperplastic polyps, and other histologies.
qq Roche AF, et al. Pediatrics 1987;79:706-712.
rr The literature available on mucocutaneous lesions is not adequate to accurately specify the number or extent of mucocutaneous lesions required to be a major
criterion for CS/PHTS. Clinical judgment should be used.
ss Insufficient evidence exists in the literature to include fibrocystic disease of the breast, fibromas, and uterine fibroids as diagnostic criteria.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Gene Summary: Risks and Management Discussion



Genetic testing for

Positive for familial See GENE-A for
specific familial P/LP
P/LP variant appropriate gene
Additional testing may be
Familial indicated based on patient
Consider screening as
P/LP variant age, family history, and Testing not performed
Risk assessment if positive
known other hereditary cancer(s)
and counseling:a on either side of the family Cancer screening as
• Psychosocial without the known P/LP Negative for familial
per NCCN Screening
assessment variant. P/LP variant
and support
• Risk counseling
criteria met
• Education
See GENE-A for
• Discussion of P/LP variant found
Germline multigene panel appropriate gene
genetic testing
• Informed testing or if unaffected,
No known Not tested
consent attempt, if possible, to
familial test family member with Variant of uncertain Offer research
P/LP variant highest likelihood of a P/LP significance found and individualized
variant before testing an (uninformative)c recommendations
unaffected family member according to personal
No P/LP variant and family historyd

c If no P/LP variant is found, consider testing another family member with

a For further details regarding the nuances of genetic counseling and testing, see EVAL-A. next highest likelihood of having a P/LP variant.
b If of Ashkenazi Jewish descent, in addition to the specific familial P/LP variant, test for d Patients meeting CS/PHTS clinical diagnostic criteria (COWD-A 1 of 2)
all three founder P/LP variants. should be cared for as P/LP variant carriers.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Gene Summary: Risks and Management Discussion


The inclusion of a gene in this table below does not imply the endorsement either for or against multi-gene testing for moderate-penetrance genes.
Breast Cancer Risk and Management Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk and Pancreatic Cancer Risk and Management13-22
(First primary) Management and Other Cancer Risks
• Absolute risk: 20%–30%3,4,5,6 • Absolute risk: 2%–3%10-12 Pancreatic cancer
• Management: • Management: • Absolute risk: ~5%–10%f,23
Screening: Annual mammogram at age 40 y and Risk reduction: Evidence insufficient for • Management: Screen P/LP variant carriers with a
consider breast MRI with and without contrast risk-reducing salpingo oophorectomy family history of pancreatic cancer, see PANC-A.
starting at age 30–35 yc,d,e (RRSO); manage based on family • Strength of evidence of association with
Risk reduction: Evidence insufficient for risk- history cancer: Strong
reducing mastectomy (RRM); manage based on • Strength of evidence of association
ATM family history with cancer: Strong Prostate cancer
• Strength of evidence of association with cancer: • Emerging evidence for association with increased
Strong risk.24 Consider prostate cancer screening
starting at age 40 years (Guidelines for Prostate
Cancer Early Detection)
Comments: Heterozygous ATM P/LP variants should not lead to a recommendation to avoid RT at this time. See Discussion for information regarding
the c.7271T>G variant, which is associated with greater risk of breast cancer. See GENE-B for reproductive implications/recessive disease.
• Absolute risk:17%–30%7 Evidence of increased risk: No Other cancers
• Management: established association • Unknown or insufficient evidence
Screening: Annual mammogram and consider
breast MRI with and without contrast starting at
BARD1 age 40 yc,d,e
Risk reduction: Evidence insufficient for RRM,
manage based on family history
• Strength of evidence of association with cancer:

Footnotes on GENE-A 9 of 11 References on GENE-A 10 of 11 and GENE-A 11 of 11

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN ), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
® ® ®
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Gene Summary: Risks and Management Discussion


The inclusion of a gene in this table below does not imply the endorsement either for or against multi-gene testing for moderate-penetrance genes.

Breast Cancer Risk and Management Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk and Pancreatic Cancer Risk and Management13-22 and
(First primary) Management Other Cancer Risks
• Absolute risk: >60%5,25-29 • Absolute risk: 39%–58%33 Pancreatic cancer
• Management: See BRCA Pathogenic Variant- • Management: See BRCA Pathogenic • Absolute risk: ≤5%31
Positive Management Variant-Positive Management • Management: Screen P/LP variant carriers with a
• Strength of evidence of association with • Strength of evidence of association family history of pancreatic cancer, see PANC-A.
cancer: Very strong with cancer: Very strong • Strength of evidence of association with cancer:
BRCA1 Male breast cancer
• Absolute risk: 0.2%–1.2% by age 70 y30,31 Prostate cancer
• Management: See BRCA Pathogenic Variant- • Absolute risk: 7%–26%34
Positive Management • Management: See BRCA Pathogenic Variant-Positive
• Strength of evidence of association with Management
cancer: Strong
Comment: See GENE-B for reproductive implications/recessive disease.
• Absolute risk: >60%5,21-25 • Absolute risk: 13%–29%33 Pancreatic cancer
• Management: See BRCA Pathogenic Variant- • Management: See BRCA Pathogenic • Absolute risk: 5%–10%31
Positive Management Variant-Positive Management • Management: Screen P/LP variant carriers with a
• Strength of evidence of association with • Strength of evidence of association family history of pancreatic cancer, see PANC-A.
cancer: Very strong with cancer: Very strong • Strength of evidence of association with cancer:
Very strong
Male breast cancer
• Absolute risk: 1.8%–7.1% by age 70 y30,31,32 Prostate cancer
BRCA2 • Absolute risk: 19%–61%34,35
• Management: See BRCA Pathogenic Variant-
Positive Management • Management: See BRCA Pathogenic Variant-Positive
• Strength of evidence of association with Management
cancer: Strong
• See BRCA Pathogenic Variant-Positive Management
Comment: See GENE-B for reproductive implications/ recessive disease.

Footnotes on GENE-A 9 of 11 References on GENE-A 10 of 11 and GENE-A 11 of 11

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN ), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Gene Summary: Risks and Management Discussion


The inclusion of a gene in this table below does not imply the endorsement either for or against multi-gene testing for moderate-penetrance genes.
Breast Cancer Risk and Management Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk and Pancreatic Cancer Risk and Management13-22 and
Gene Management Other Cancer Risks
(First primary)
• Absolute risk: Insufficient data to define • Absolute risk: 5%–15%10-12,39 Other cancers
• Management: Insufficient data; managed • Management: • Unknown or insufficient evidence
based on family history Risk reduction: Recommend RRSO
• Strength of evidence of association with starting at age 45–50 yg
cancer: Limited; potential increase in female • Strength of evidence of
BRIP1 breast cancer8 association with cancer: Strong
Comments: Based on estimates from available studies, the lifetime risk of ovarian cancer in carriers of P/LP variants in BRIP1 justifies RRSO.
The current evidence is insufficient to make a firm recommendation as to the optimal age for this procedure. Based on the current, limited
evidence base, a discussion about surgery should be held around age 45–50 y or earlier based on a specific family history of an earlier onset
of ovarian cancer.
See GENE-B for reproductive implications/recessive disease.
• Absolute risk: 41%–60%36-38 Evidence of increased risk: No Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC)
• Management:b established association • Strength of evidence of association with cancer:
Screening: Annual mammogram and consider Strong
breast MRI with and without contrast starting • See NCCN Guidelines for Gastric Cancer: Principles
at age 30 yc,d of Genetic Risk Assessment for Gastric Cancer
Risk reduction: Discuss option of RRM
CDH1 • Strength of evidence of association with
cancer: Strong
Comments: There is controversy over how to manage gastric cancer risk in individuals with P/LP variants in CDH1 in the absence of a family
history of gastric cancer. However, one small study found that >50% of such individuals had gastric cancer identified at the time of risk-
reducing total gastrectomy (Jacobs MF, et al. Gastroenterology 2019;157:87-96), and penetrance for lifetime risk is increased with a positive
family history of HDGC (Roberts ME, et al. JAMA Oncol 2019;5:1325-1331). Cleft lip with or without cleft palate has been associated with
CDH1 P/LP variants (Frebourg T, et al. J Med Genet 2006;43:138-142).

Footnotes on GENE-A 9 of 11 References on GENE-A 10 of 11 and GENE-A 11 of 11

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated. Continued

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN ), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Gene Summary: Risks and Management Discussion


The inclusion of a gene in this table below does not imply the endorsement either for or against multi-gene testing for moderate-penetrance genes.
Breast Cancer Risk and Management Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk and Pancreatic Cancer Risk and Management13-22 and
Gene Management Other Cancer Risks
(First primary)
Evidence of increased risk: No established Evidence of increased risk: No
Pancreatic cancer
association • Absolute risk: >15%
established association
• Management: Screening, see PANC-A.
• Strength of evidence of association with cancer: Very
• Absolute risk: 28%–76% depending on other risk factors,
including family history, geographic location, and other
genetic modifiers40,41
CDKN2A • Strength of evidence of association with cancer: Strong
• Management: See comment
Other cancers
• See comment
Comments: Comprehensive skin examination by a dermatologist, supplemented with total body photography and dermoscopy is recommended
biannually for individuals with P/LP variants affecting biologically relevant CDKN2A isoforms (ie, p16INK4A and p14ARF). Because P/LP variants that
specifically disrupt the p14ARF protein cause a unique predisposition to nerve sheath tumors, sarcomas, melanoma, and other cancers, increased
multidisciplinary cancer surveillance beyond pancreatic and dermatologic management has been recommended, which may include annual full-body
and brain MRI based on the presentation in individuals/families (Sargen M, et al. Br J Dermatol 2016;175:785-789; Chan et al. Hered Cancer Clin Pract
• Absolute risk: 20%–40%5,6,7,42,43,44 Evidence of increased risk: No Colorectal cancer
• Management:b established association • NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk
Screening: Annual mammogram at age 40 Assessment: Colorectal (GENE-1)
y and consider breast MRI with and without Prostate cancer
contrast starting at age 30–35 y c,d,e • Emerging evidence for association with increased risk.54
Risk reduction: Evidence insufficient for RRM, Consider prostate cancer screening starting at age 40
CHEK2 manage based on family history years (NCCN Guidelines for Prostate Cancer Early
• Strength of evidence of association with Detection)
cancer: Strong45
Comments: Risk data are based only on frameshift P/LP variants. The risks for most missense variants are unclear but for some P/LP variants, such
as IIe157Thr, the risk for breast cancer appears to be lower. Additional cancer risk management based on this variant (IIe157Thr) is not recommended.
Management should be based on best estimates of cancer risk for the specific P/LP variant.

Footnotes on GENE-A 9 of 11 References on GENE-A 10 of 11 and GENE-A 11 of 11

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated. Continued

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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Table of Contents
Gene Summary: Risks and Management Discussion


The inclusion of a gene in this table below does not imply the endorsement either for or against multi-gene testing for moderate-penetrance genes.
Breast Cancer Risk and Management Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk and Pancreatic Cancer Risk and Management13-22
(First primary) Management and Other Cancer Risks
MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, and EPCAM MLH1 Pancreatic cancer
• Absolute risk: <15%46,47,48 • Absolute risk: 4%–20%49,50 • Absolute risk: <5%–10% (excluding PMS2)
• Management: Insufficient data; managed based • Strength of evidence: Strong • Management: Screen P/LP variant carriers with
on family history MSH2 /EPCAM a family history of pancreatic cancer (insufficient
• Absolute risk: 8%–38%49,50,52,53 evidence for PMS2), see PANC-A.
• Strength of evidence of association with • Strength of evidence of association with
• Strength of evidence: Strong
cancer: Limited MSH6 cancer: Strong
MSH2, • Absolute risk: ≤1%–13%51,52
MLH1, • Strength of evidence: Strong Colorectal, uterine, others
MSH6, PMS2 • NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk
PMS2, • Absolute risk: 1.3%–3%53 Assessment: Colorectal
• Strength of evidence: Limited
• Management for all genes: NCCN
Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-
Risk Assessment: Colorectal
Comments: Counsel for biallelic risk of P/LP variants that lead to CMMRD. See NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment:
• Absolute risk: 20%–40%55,56 Evidence of increased risk: No Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors,
• Management:b established association gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), others
Screening: Annual mammogram starting at age • Recommend referral to NF1 specialist for
30 y and consider breast MRI with and without evaluation and management
contrast from ages 30–50 yc,d
NF1 Risk reduction: Evidence insufficient for RRM,
manage based on family history
• Strength of evidence of association with
cancer: Strong
Comments: At this time, there are no data to suggest an increased breast cancer risk after age 50 y. Consider possibility of false-positive MRI
results due to presence of breast neurofibromas.

Footnotes on GENE-A 9 of 11 References on GENE-A 10 of 11 and GENE-A 11 of 11

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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Table of Contents
Gene Summary: Risks and Management Discussion


The inclusion of a gene in this table below does not imply the endorsement either for or against multi-gene testing for moderate-penetrance genes.
Breast Cancer Risk and Management Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk and Pancreatic Cancer Risk and Management13-22
(First primary) Management and Other Cancer Risks
• Absolute risk: 41%–60%5,8,22,57 • Absolute risk: 3%–5%10-12,22,65,66 Pancreatic cancer
• Management:b • Management: • Absolute risk: 2%–5%
Screening: Annual mammogram and breast MRI Risk reduction: Consider RRSO at • Management: Screen P/LP variant carriers with a
with and without contrast at 30 yc,d age starting at 45–50 yg,67,68 family history of pancreatic cancer, see PANC-A
Risk reduction: Discuss option of RRM • Strength of evidence of association • Strength of evidence of association with cancer:
• Strength of evidence of association with cancer: with cancer: Strong Limited
PALB2 Other cancers
Male breast cancer • Unknown or insufficient evidence
• Absolute risk: 0.9% by age 70 y22
• Management: See comment
• Strength of evidence of association with cancer:
Comments: See GENE-B for reproductive implications/recessive disease. For males, it is reasonable to consider breast cancer screening similar to
that for carriers of a BRCA1 P/LP variant. See BRCA-A.
• Absolute risk: 40%–60% (historical cohort data), Evidence of increased risk: No Thyroid, colorectal, endometrial, renal cancers
>60% (projected estimates)58-62 established association • See Cowden Syndrome Management
• Management: See Cowden Syndrome
• Strength of evidence of association with cancer:

Footnotes on GENE-A 9 of 11 References on GENE-A 10 of 11 and GENE-A 11 of 11

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN ), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Gene Summary: Risks and Management Discussion


The inclusion of a gene in this table below does not imply the endorsement either for or against multi-gene testing for moderate-penetrance genes.
Breast Cancer Risk and Management Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk and Pancreatic Cancer Risk and Management13-22
(First primary) Management and Other Cancer Risks
• Absolute risk: 17%–30%5,7,45 • Absolute risk: 10%–15%10-12,69,70 Other cancers
• Management: Annual mammogram and consider • Management: • Unknown or insufficient evidence
breast MRI with and without contrast starting at age Risk reduction: Recommend RRSO
40 y starting at 45–50 yg
• Strength of evidence of association with cancer: • Strength of evidence of association
RAD51C Strong with cancer: Strong
Comments: Based on estimates from available studies, the lifetime risk of ovarian cancer in carriers of P/LP variants in RAD51C justifies RRSO. The
current evidence is insufficient to make a firm recommendation as to the optimal age for this procedure. Based on the current, limited evidence base, a
discussion about surgery should be held around age 45–50 y or earlier based on a specific family history of an earlier onset ovarian cancer.
See GENE-B for reproductive implications/ recessive disease.
• Absolute risk: 17%–30%5,7,45 • Absolute risk: 10%–20%10-12,69,70 Other cancers
• Management: Annual mammogram and consider • Management: • Unknown or insufficient evidence
breast MRI with and without contrast starting at age Risk reduction: Recommend RRSO at
40 y starting at 45–50 yg
RAD51D • Strength of evidence of association with cancer: • Strength of evidence of association
Strong with cancer: Strong
Comments: Based on estimates from available studies, the lifetime risk of ovarian cancer in carriers of P/LP variants in RAD51D justifies RRSO. The
current evidence is insufficient to make a firm recommendation as to the optimal age for this procedure. Based on the current, limited evidence base, a
discussion about surgery should be held around age 45–50 y or earlier based on a specific family history of an earlier onset ovarian cancer.

Footnotes on GENE-A 9 of 11 References on GENE-A 10 of 11 and GENE-A 11 of 11

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN ), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Gene Summary: Risks and Management Discussion


The inclusion of a gene in this table below does not imply the endorsement either for or against multi-gene testing for moderate-penetrance genes.
Breast Cancer Risk and Management Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Risk and Management13-22 and
(First primary) Risk and Management Other Cancer Risks
Absolute risk: 32%–54%71,72 Evidence of increased risk: Pancreatic cancer
• Management: No established association • Absolute risk: >15%
Screening: Annual mammogram and breast MRI • Management: Screening, see PANC-A
with and without contrast starting at age 30 y • Strength of evidence of association with cancer: Strong
NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk
Assessment: Colorectal - Peutz-Jeghers syndrome Non-Epithelial Ovarian Cancer (Sex cord with annular
(PJS) tubules)
Risk reduction: Discuss option of RRM • Absolute risk: >10%65
STK11 • Strength of evidence of association with cancer: • Management: NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial
Strong High-Risk Assessment: Colorectal - (PJS)
• Strength of evidence of association with cancer: Strong

Other cancers
• NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk
Assessment: Colorectal - (PJS)
Comments: Case-control studies have consistently demonstrated germline STK11 PVs to be associated with high lifetime risks of pancreatic cancer.
However, these variants are rare, and the risk estimates have wide confidence intervals.
• Absolute risk: >60%5,73,74,75 Evidence of increased risk: Pancreatic cancer
• Management: Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Management No established association • Absolute risk: ~5%74
• Strength of evidence of association with cancer: • Management: Screen P/LP variant carriers with a family
Very strong76 history of pancreatic cancer, see PANC-A.
• Strength of evidence of association with cancer: Limited
Other cancersh
TP53 • Classical LFS spectrum cancers (in addition to breast): soft
tissue sarcoma, osteosarcoma, CNS tumor, ACC
• Many other cancers have been associated with LFS,
especially melanoma, colorectal, gastric, and prostate.
• Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Management
Comment: See Discussion for information on hypomorphic variants.

Footnotes on GENE-A 9 of 11 References on GENE-A 10 of 11 and GENE-A 11 of 11

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Gene Summary: Risks and Management Discussion


a The following genes and others are found on some of the panels, but there is insufficient evidence to make any recommendations for breast MRI, RRSO, or RRM for:
FANCC, MRE11, MUTYH heterozygotes, NBN, RAD50, RECQL, RINT1, SLX4, SMARCA4, or XRCC2. There is emerging evidence of an increased risk for breast
cancer for NTHL1 biallelic P/LP variant carriers (Weatherill CB, et al. Clin Genet 2023;103:231-235; Grolleman JE, et al. Cancer Cell 2019;35:256-266; Salo-Mullen
EE, et al. JCO Precis Oncol 2021;5; Beck SH, et al. Fam Cancer 2022;21:453-462); however, there are not enough data yet to support increased breast cancer
surveillance. There is emerging evidence of an increased risk for breast cancer for RAD51B P/LP variant carriers (Setton J, et al. NPJ Breast Cancer 2021;7:135) and
breast screening may be considered.
b Screening and risk-reduction management is extrapolated from BRCA1/2 data based on risk levels.
c May be modified based on family history (typically beginning screening 5–10 years earlier than the youngest diagnosis in the family but not later than stated in the
table) or specific gene P/LP variant.
d For patients with P/LP variants who are treated for breast cancer and have not had bilateral mastectomy, screening should continue as described.
e The use of MRI in these patients depends on a number of risk factors, including family history, age, breast density, and patient preference.
f The higher range of risk is reflective of a prospective study of pancreatic cancer kindreds (Hsu FC, et al. JAMA Oncol 2021;7:1664-1668).
g Risks and benefits of premature surgical menopause versus risk of cancer and family history should all be carefully considered, and the panel recommends patients
seek expert care.
h For risk associated with other LFS-associated cancers, see de Andrade KC, et al. Lancet Oncol 2021;22:1787-1798.

Strength of Evidence of Association with Cancer Population risk (per SEER registry data)
• Very strong: Prospective cohort studies in a population-based setting have • Breast cancer: 12%–13%
demonstrated risk. • Ovarian cancer: 1%–2%
• Strong: Traditional case-control studies or more than three case-control • Pancreatic cancer: 1%–2%
studies including those with cases ascertained by commercial laboratories
or those without controls from the same population. Traditional case-control
study: A retrospective study that compares patients with a disease or specific
outcome (cases) with patients without the disease or outcome (controls).
• Limited: Small sample size or case series
• None

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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Gene Summary: Risks and Management Discussion


1 Tung N, Domchek SM, Stadler Z, et al. Counselling framework for moderate-penetrance cancer- 19 Roberts NJ, Jiao Y, Yu J, et al. ATM mutations in patients with hereditary pancreatic cancer. Cancer
susceptibility mutations. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2017;13:581-588. Discov 2012;2:41-46.
2 Domchek SM, Robson ME. Update on genetic testing in gynecologic cancer. J Clin Oncol 20 Salo-Mullen EE, O'Reilly EM, Kelsen DP, et al. Identification of germline genetic mutations in patients
2019;37:2501-2509. with pancreatic cancer. Cancer 2015;121:4382-4388.
3 Marabelli M, Cheng SC, Parmigiani G. Penetrance of ATM gene mutations in breast cancer: a meta- 21 Shindo K, Yu J, Suenaga M, et al. Deleterious germline mutations in patients with apparently sporadic
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4 van Os NJ, Roeleveld N, Weemaes CM, et al. Health risks for ataxia-telangiectasia mutated 22 Yang X, Leslie G, Doroszuk A, et al. Cancer risks associated with germline PALB2 pathogenic
heterozygotes: a systematic review, meta-analysis and evidence-based guideline. Clin Genet variants: an international study of 524 families. J Clin Oncol 2020;38:674-685.
2016;90:105-117. 23 Hsu FC, Roberts NJ, Childs E, et al. Risk of pancreatic cancer among individuals with pathogenic
5 Breast Cancer Association Consortium. Pathology of tumors associated with pathogenic germline variants in the ATM gene. JAMA Oncol 2021;7:1664-1668.
variants in 9 breast cancer susceptibility genes. JAMA Oncol 2022;8:e216744. 24 Karlsson Q, Brook MN, Dadaev S, et al. Rare germline variants in ATM predispose to prostate cancer:
6 Lowry KP, Geuzinge HA, Stout NK, et al. Breast cancer screening strategies for women with ATM, a PRACTICAL consortium study. Eur Urol Oncol 2021;4:570-579.
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8 Hu C, Polley EC, Yadav S, et al. The contribution of germline predisposition gene mutations to 27 King MC, Marks JH, Mandell JB, New York Breast Cancer Study G. Breast and ovarian cancer risks
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2020;112:1231-1241. 28 Mavaddat N, Peock S, Frost D, et al. Cancer risks for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers: results
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hereditary cancer panel testing. J Natl Cancer Inst 2018;110:855-862. 29 van den Broek AJ, van 't Veer LJ, Hooning MJ, et al. Impact of age at primary breast cancer on
10 Lilyquist J, LaDuca H, Polley E, et al. Frequency of mutations in a large series of clinically ascertained contralateral breast cancer risk in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. J Clin Oncol 2016;34:409-418.
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11 Kurian A, Hughes E, Handorf E, et al. Breast and ovarian cancer penetrance estimates derived from 31 Li S, Silvestri V, Leslie G, et al. Cancer risks associated with BRCA1 and BRCA2 pathogenic variants.
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12 Norquist BM, Harrell MI, Brady MF, et al. Inherited mutations in women with ovarian carcinoma. JAMA 32 Evans D, Susnerwala I, Dawson J, et al. Risk of breast cancer in male BRCA2 carriers. J Med Genet
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13 Grant RC, Selander I, Connor AA, et al. Prevalence of germline mutations in cancer predisposition 33 Chen J, Bae E, Zhang L, et al. Penetrance of breast and ovarian cancer in women who carry a
genes in patients with pancreatic cancer. Gastroenterology 2015;148:556-564. BRCA1/2 mutation and do not use risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy: an updated meta-analysis.
14 Holter S, Borgida A, Dodd A, et al. Germline BRCA mutations in a large clinic-based cohort of patients JNCI Cancer Spectr 2020;4:pkaa029.
with pancreatic adenocarcinoma. J Clin Oncol 2015;33:3124-3129. 34 Lecarpentier J, Silvestri V, Kuchenbaecker KB, et al. Prediction of breast and prostate cancer risks
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predisposition genes and risk of pancreatic cancer. JAMA 2018;319:2401-2409. 2250.
16 Jones S, Hruban RH, Kamiyama M, et al. Exomic sequencing identifies PALB2 as a pancreatic cancer 35 Nyberg T, Frost D, Barrowdale D, et al. Prostate cancer risks for male BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation
susceptibility gene. Science 2009;324:217. carriers: a prospective cohort study. Eur Urol 2020;77:24-35.
17 Lowery MA, Wong W, Jordan EJ, et al. Prospective evaluation of germline alterations in patients with 36 Hansford S, Kaurah P, Li-Chang H, et al. Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer syndrome: CDH1 mutations
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18 Rainone M, Singh I, Salo-Mullen EE, et al. An emerging paradigm for germline testing in pancreatic 37 Kaurah P, MacMillan A, Boyd N, et al. Founder and recurrent CDH1 mutations in families with
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2020;6:764-771. 38 Xicola RM, Li S, Rodriguez N, et al. Clinical features and cancer risk in families with pathogenic CDH1
variants irrespective of clinical criteria. J Med Genet 2019;56:838-843.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN ), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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Gene Summary: Risks and Management Discussion


39 Weber-Lasselle N, Hauke J, Ramser J, et al. BRIP1 loss-of-function mutations confer high risk for 5956 Pilarski R, Burt R, Kohlman W, et al. Cowden syndrome and the PTEN hamartoma tumor
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40 Bishop DT, Demenais F, Goldstein AM, et al. Geographical variation in the penetrance of CDKN2A 60 Bubien V, Bonnet F, Brouste V, et al. High cumulative risks of cancer in patients with PTEN
36 mutations for melanoma. J Natl Cancer Inst 2002;94:894-903. hamartoma tumour syndrome. J Med Genet 2013;50:255-263.
41 Begg CB, Orlow I, Hummer AJ, et al. Lifetime risk of melanoma in CDKN2A mutation carriers in a 61 Tan MH, Mester JL, Ngeow J, et al. Lifetime cancer risks in individuals with germline PTEN
population-based sample. J Natl Cancer Inst 2005;97:1507-1515. mutations. Clin Cancer Res 2012;18:400-407.
42 Cybulski C, Wokolorczyk D, Jakubowska A, et al. Risk of breast cancer in women with a CHEK2 62 Hendricks L, Hoogerbrugge N, Venselaar H, et al. Genotype-phenotype associations in a large PTEN
mutation with and without a family history of breast cancer. J Clin Oncol 2011;29:3747-3752. Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome (PHTS) patient cohort. Eur J Med Genet 2022;65:104632.
43 Weischer M, Bojesen SE, Ellervik C, et al. CHEK2*1100delc genotyping for clinical assessment 63 Walsh S, Carter M, Tubridy N, McDermott EW. Lhermitte-Duclos and Cowden diseases:
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44 Fan X, Wynn J, Shang N, et al. Penetrance of breast cancer susceptibility genes from the eMERGE 64 Schrager CA, Schneider D, Gruener AC, et al. Clinical and pathological features of breast disease
III network. JNCI Cancer Spectr 2021;5:pkab044. in Cowden's syndrome: an underrecognized syndrome with an increased risk of breast cancer. Hum
45 Hu C, Hart S, Gnanaolivu R, et al. A population-based study of genes previously implicated in breast Pathol 1998;29:47-53.
cancer. N Engl J Med 2021;384:440-451. 65 Lukomska A, Menkiszak J, Gronwald J, et al. Recurrent mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2, RAD51C,
46 Goldberg M, Bell K, Aronson M, et al. Association between the Lynch syndrome gene MSH2 and PALB2 and CHEK2 in Polish patients with ovarian cancer. Cancers 2021;13:849.
breast cancer susceptibility in a Canadian familial cancer registry. J Med Genet 2017;54:742-746. 66 Song H, Dicks E, Tyrer J, et al. Population-based targeted sequencing of 54 candidate genes
47 Harkness EF, Barrow E, Newton K, et al. Lynch syndrome caused by mlh1 mutations is associated identifies PALB2 as a susceptibility gene for high-grade serous ovarian cancer. J Med Genet
with an increased risk of breast cancer: a cohort study. J Med Genet 2015;52:553-556. 2021;58:305-313.
48 Latham A, Srinivasan P, Kemel Y, et al. Microsatellite instability as associated with the presence of 67 Tischkowitz M, Balmaña J, Foulkes WD, et al. Management of individuals with germline variants
Lynch syndrome pan-cancer. J Clin Oncol 2019;37:286-295. Erratum in: J Clin Oncol 2019;37:942. in PALB2: a clinical practice resource of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics
49 Bonadona V, Bonaiti B, Olschwang S, et al. Cancer risks associated with germline mutations in (ACMG). Genet Med 2021;23:1416-1423.
MLH1, MSH2, and MSH6 genes in Lynch syndrome. JAMA 2011;305:2304-2310. 68 Hanson H, Kulkarni A, Long L, et al. UK consensus recommendations for clinical management of
50 Engel C, Loeffler M, Steinke V, et al. Risks of less common cancers in proven mutation carriers with cancer risk for women with germline pathogenic variants in cancer predisposition genes: RAD51C,
lynch syndrome. J Clin Oncol 2012;30:4409-4415. RAD51D, BRIP1 and PALB2. J Med Genet 2023;60:417-429.
51 Bonadona V, Bonaiti B, Olschwang S, et al. Cancer risks associated with germline mutations in 69 Song H, Dicks E, Ramus SJ, et al. Contribution of germline mutations in the RAD51B, RAD51C, and
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52 Moller P, Seppala TT, Bernstein I, et al. Cancer risk and survival in path_MMR carriers by gene 70 Yang X, Song H, Leslie G, et al. Ovarian and breast cancer risks associated with pathogenic variants
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53 Dominguez-Valentin M, Sampson JR, Seppala TT, et al. Cancer risks by gene, age, and gender in syndrome. Clin Cancer Res 2006;12:3209-3215.
6350 carriers of pathogenic mismatch repair variants: findings from the prospective Lynch syndrome 72 Giardiello FM, Brensinger JD, Tersmette AC, et al. Very high risk of cancer in familial 60Peutz-
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54 Hanson H, Astiazaran-Symonds E, Amendola LM, et al. Management of individuals with germline 73 Mai PL, Best AF, Peters JA, et al. Risks of first and subsequent cancers among TP53 mutation
pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants in CHEK2: a clinical practice resource of the American College of carriers in the national cancer institute Li-Fraumeni syndrome cohort. Cancer 2016;122:3673-3681.
Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG). Genet Med 2023. 74 de Andrade KC, Khincha PP, Hatton JN, et al. Cancer incidence, patterns, and genotype–
55 Uusitalo E, Rantanen M, Kallionpaa RA, et al. Distinctive cancer associations in patients with phenotype associations in individuals with pathogenic or likely pathogenic germline TP53 variants: an
neurofibromatosis type 1. J Clin Oncol 2016;34:1978-1986. observational cohort study. Lancet Oncol 2021;22:1787-1798.
56 Seminog OO, Goldacre MJ. Age-specific risk of breast cancer in women with neurofibromatosis type 75 Siegel A, Bremer R, Klein WMP, et al. Uptake and timing of bilateral and contralateral risk-reducing
1. Br J Cancer 2015;112:1546-1548. mastectomy in women with Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2022;191:159-167.
57 Antoniou AC, Casadei S, Heikkinen T, et al. Breast-cancer risk in families with mutations in PALB2. N 76 Packwood K, Martland G, Sommerlad M, et al. Breast cancer in patients with germline TP53
Engl J Med 2014;371:497-506. pathogenic variants have typical tumour characteristics: the Cohort study of TP53 carrier early onset
58 Pilarski R. Cowden syndrome: A critical review of the clinical literature. J Genet Couns 2009;18:13- breast cancer (COPE study). J Pathol Clin Res 2019;5:189-198.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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Table of Contents
Gene Summary: Risks and Management Discussion



ATM – AT is characterized by progressive cerebellar ataxia, telangiectasias, immune defects, and a
Ataxia-Telangiectasia (AT) predisposition to malignancy. Cells of individuals with AT are abnormally sensitive to ionizing radiation
and resistant to inhibition of DNA synthesis by ionizing radiation.
BRCA1 – There are rare reports of compound heterozygous or biallelic BRCA1 P/LP variants causing FANCS.
Fanconi anemia complementation FANCS is characterized by developmental delay apparent from infancy, short stature, microcephaly,
group S (FANCS) and coarse dysmorphic features. It is associated with defective DNA repair and increased chromosomal
BRCA2 – FA is characterized by developmental abnormalities in major organ systems, early-onset bone marrow
Fanconi anemia complementation failure, and a high predisposition to cancer. Bone marrow failure with pancytopenia often presents in the
group D1 first decade of life. Adults with biallelic BRCA2 (one allele hypomorphic) are reported. Biallelic PVs in
BRCA2 are associated with early-onset acute leukemia and solid tumors.
BRIP1 – FA is characterized by developmental abnormalities in major organ systems, early-onset bone marrow
Fanconi anemia complementation failure, and a high predisposition to cancer. Bone marrow failure with pancytopenia often presents in the
group J (FANCJ) first decade of life.
MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, CMMRD is a childhood cancer predisposition syndrome characterized by hematologic malignancies,
EPCAM – brain/CNS tumors, colorectal tumors and multiple intestinal polyps, and other malignancies including
CMMRD embryonic tumors and rhabdomyosarcoma.
PALB2 – FA is characterized by developmental abnormalities in major organ systems, early-onset bone
Fanconi anemia complementation marrow failure, and an increased lifetime risk of cancer. Bone marrow failure with pancytopenia often
group N (FANCN) presents in the first decade of life. Biallelic PVs in PALB2 are associated with solid tumors, such as
medulloblastomas and Wilms tumors.
RAD51C – FA is characterized by developmental abnormalities in major organ systems, early-onset bone marrow
Fanconi anemia complementation failure, and a high predisposition to cancer. Bone marrow failure with pancytopenia often presents in the
group O first decade of life.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

BRCA-Pathogenic/Likely Pathogenic Variant - Table of Contents
Positive Management Discussion


Site Screening/Surveillance Procedure and Interval

General • Education regarding signs and symptoms of cancer(s), especially those associated with BRCA gene P/LP variants.
• Breast awarenessa starting at age 18 years.
• Clinical breast exam, every 6–12 months,b starting at age 25 years.
• Breast screeningc,d
Age 25–29 years, annual breast MRIe screening with and without contrastf (or mammogram, only if MRI is unavailable) or
individualized based on family history if a breast cancer diagnosis before age 30 is present.
Age 30–75 years, annual mammogram and breast MRIe screening with and without contrast.
Breast Age >75 years, management should be considered on an individual basis.
cancer For individuals with a BRCA P/LP variant who are treated for breast cancer and have not had a bilateral mastectomy, screening with
(female) annual mammogram and breast MRI should continue as described above.
Discuss option of RRM
◊ Counseling should include a discussion regarding degree of protection, reconstruction options, and risks. In addition, the family
history and residual breast cancer risk with age and life expectancy should be considered during counseling.
– Address psychosocial and quality-of-life aspects of undergoing RRM.
• Consider risk reduction agents as options for breast cancer, including discussion of risks and benefits (see Discussion for details).
(NCCN Guidelines for Breast Cancer Risk Reduction).
• Breast self-exam training and education starting at age 35 years.
Breast • Clinical breast exam, every 12 months, starting at age 35 years.
(male) • Consider annual mammogram, especially for those with BRCA2 P/LP variants in whom the lifetime risk of breast cancer is up to 7%,
starting at age 50 or 10 years before the earliest known male breast cancer in the family (whichever comes first).g,h

e The
criteria for high-quality breast MRI include a dedicated breast coil, the ability to perform
biopsy under MRI guidance, radiologists experienced in breast MRI, and regional availability.
a Females should be familiar with their breasts and promptly report
Breast MRI is preferably performed on days 7–15 of a menstrual cycle for premenopausal
changes to their health care provider. Periodic, consistent breast patients. FDA Drug Safety Communication: FDA identifies no harmful effects to date with brain
self examination (BSE) may facilitate breast self awareness. retention of gadolinium-based contrast agents for MRIs; review to continue.
Premenopausal individuals may find BSE most informative when f Breast MRI is preferred due to the theoretical risk of radiation exposure in P/LP variant
performed at the end of menses. carriers.
b Randomized trials comparing clinical breast exam versus no screening g
Because of lack of screening, males diagnosed with breast cancer have historically presented
have not been performed. Rationale for recommending clinical breast with advanced stage disease. There are limited data describing the performance of breast
exam every 6–12 mo is the concern for interval breast cancers. screening for males at inherited risk; however, recent studies suggest that the detection rate is
c The appropriateness of imaging modalities and scheduling is still under
similar or better than for females at population risk. Gao Y, et al. Radiology 2019;293:282-291;
study. Lowry KP, et al. Cancer 2012;118:2021-2030. Li S, et al. J Clin Oncol 2022;40:1529-1541.
d Lehman CD, et al. J Natl Cancer Inst 2016;108. h In males, breast cancer risk in BRCA1 carriers is lower than that in BRCA2 carriers.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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BRCA-Pathogenic/Likely Pathogenic Variant - Table of Contents
Positive Management Discussion


Site Screening/Surveillance Procedure and Interval

• Recommend RRSO,i typically between 35 and 40 years, recognizing that childbearing is a consideration. Because ovarian cancer
onset in patients with BRCA2 P/LP variants is an average of 8–10 years later than in patients with BRCA1 P/LP variants, it is
reasonable to delay RRSO for management of ovarian cancer risk until age 40–45 years in patients with BRCA2 P/LP variants
unless age at diagnosis in the family warrants earlier age for consideration of prophylactic surgery. See Risk-Reducing Salpingo-
Oophorectomy (RRSO) Protocol in NCCN Guidelines for Ovarian Cancer - Principles of Surgery.
Counseling includes a discussion of reproductive desires, extent of cancer risk, degree of protection for breast and ovarian cancer,
management of menopausal symptoms, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and related medical issues.
Salpingectomy alone is not the standard of care for risk reduction, although clinical trials of interval salpingectomy and delayed
oophorectomy are ongoing. The concern for risk-reducing salpingectomy alone is that individuals are still at risk for developing
ovarian cancer. In addition, in premenopausal individuals, oophorectomy likely reduces the risk of developing breast cancer but the
Ovarian/ magnitude is uncertain and may be gene-specific.
Uterine • Limited data suggest that there may be a slightly increased risk of serous uterine cancer among individuals with a BRCA1 P/LP
cancer variant. The clinical significance of these findings is unclear. Further evaluation of the risk of serous uterine cancer in the BRCA
population needs to be undertaken. The provider and patient should discuss the risks and benefits of concurrent hysterectomy at the
time of RRSO for individuals with a BRCA1 P/LP variant prior to surgery.
• Individuals who undergo hysterectomy at the time of RRSO are candidates for estrogen-alone HRT, which is associated with a
decreased risk of breast cancer compared to combined estrogen and progesterone, which is required when the uterus is left in situ
(Chlebowski R, et al. JAMA Oncol 2015;1:296-305). HRT recommendations should be tailored depending on each patient’s personal
history of breast cancer and/or breast cancer risk reduction strategies. HRT is a consideration for premenopausal patients who do
not carry a diagnosis of breast cancer or have other contraindications for HRT.
• Address psychosocial and quality-of-life aspects of undergoing RRSO. Consider preoperative menopause management consultation
if patient is still premenopausal at time of RRSO.
• Consider risk reduction agents as options for ovarian cancer, including discussion of risks and benefits (see Discussion for details).

i Given the high rate of occult neoplasms, special attention should be given to sampling and pathologic review of the ovaries and fallopian tubes (see Discussion for
details.) See the College of American Pathologists, Protocol for the Examination of Specimens from Patients with Carcinoma of the Ovary. See NCCN Guidelines for
Ovarian Cancer for treatment of findings.
Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

BRCA-Pathogenic/Likely Pathogenic Variant - Table of Contents
Positive Management Discussion


Site Screening/Surveillance Procedure and Interval

Pancreatic • For pancreatic cancer screening recommendations, see PANC-A.

• Starting at age 40 years: (Guidelines for Prostate Cancer Early Detection)
Prostate cancer Recommend prostate cancer screening for BRCA2 carriers.
Consider prostate cancer screening for BRCA1 carriers.
• No specific screening guidelines exist for melanoma, but general melanoma risk management is
appropriate, such as annual full-body skin examination and minimizing ultraviolet (UV) exposure.

Risk to relatives • Principles of Cancer Risk Assessment and Counseling (EVAL-A)

• Principles of Cancer Risk Assessment and Counseling (EVAL-A)

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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Table of Contents
Pancreatic Cancer Screening Discussion


• Emerging data have examined the efficacy of pancreatic cancer screening in select individuals at increased risk for exocrine pancreatic cancer.
To date, most such studies have restricted pancreatic cancer screening to individuals with:
1. A known P/LP germline variant in a pancreatic cancer susceptibility gene (ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, CDKN2A, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, EPCAM,
PALB2, STK11, and TP53; see GENE-A) and a family history of pancreatic cancer (first-degree or second-degree relative) from the same
side of the family as the germline P/LP variant; or
2. A family history of exocrine pancreatic cancer in ≥1 first-degree and ≥1 second-degree relatives from the same side of the family,
even in the absence of a known P/LP germline variant (many centers would enroll individuals with one affected first-degree
relative and one second-degree relative); or
3. Some groups have recommended pancreas surveillance for P/LP variant carriers in the absence of a family history.

• For individuals considering pancreatic cancer screening, the panel recommends that screening be performed in experienced high-volume
centers. The panel recommends that such screening only take place after an in-depth discussion about the potential limitations to screening,
including cost, the high incidence of benign or indeterminate pancreatic abnormalities, and uncertainties about the potential benefits of
pancreatic cancer screening.
• Consider screening using annual contrast-enhanced MRI/magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) and/or endoscopic
ultrasound (EUS), with consideration of shorter screening intervals, based on clinical judgment, for individuals found to have potentially
concerning abnormalities on screening. Studies have typically started screening with contrast-enhanced MRCP and/or EUS in individuals at
increased risk for pancreatic cancer. The panel emphasizes that most small cystic lesions found on screening will not warrant biopsy, surgical
resection, or any other intervention.

• All individuals with P/LP • Consider pancreatic cancer screening beginning at age 30–35 years (or 10 years younger than the earliest
germline variants in STK11 exocrine pancreatic cancer diagnosis in the family, whichever is earlier).
• All individuals with P/LP • Consider pancreatic cancer screening beginning at age 40 years (or 10 years younger than the earliest
germline variants in CDKN2A exocrine pancreatic cancer diagnosis in the family, whichever is earlier).
• Individuals with P/LP • GENE-A
germline variants in one of Consider pancreatic cancer screening beginning at age 50 years (or 10 years younger than the earliest
the other pancreatic cancer exocrine pancreatic cancer diagnosis in the family, whichever is earlier) for individuals with exocrine
susceptibility genes (ATM, pancreatic cancer in ≥1 first- or second-degree relatives from the same side of (or presumed to be from the
BRCA1, BRCA2, MLH1, same side of) the family as the identified P/LP germline variant.a
MSH2, MSH6, EPCAM, The panel does not currently recommend pancreatic cancer screening for carriers of P/LP variants in genes
PALB2, TP53) other than STK11 and CDKN2A in the absence of a close family history of exocrine pancreatic cancer.

a Abe T, et al. J Clin Oncol 2019;37:1070-1080.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated. Continued

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Pancreatic Cancer Screening Discussion


Hereditary Pancreatitis Genes
• For individuals with P/LP variants in PRSS1 or other hereditary pancreatitis genes AND a clinical phenotype consistent with hereditary
Consider pancreatic cancer screening 20 years after onset of pancreatitis, or at age 40 years, whichever is earlier.

b The panel recognizes that patients with hereditary pancreatitis (sometimes caused by pathogenic germline variants in PRSS1, SPINK1, and other genes) have
increased lifetime risks of pancreatic cancer. The clinical significance of pathogenic germline variants in these genes is unclear, when such variants are identified in
individuals lacking a clinical history of pancreatitis. As such, the panel recommends germline testing for PRSS1, SPINK1, and other pancreatitis genes in individuals
with a personal and/or family history of exocrine pancreatic cancer only if there is a personal and/or family history suggestive of hereditary pancreatitis.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Management Discussion

Establishing a Diagnosis and Management Plan for Patients with a P/LP TP53 Variant Found on Germline Genetic Testing
• The presence of a TP53 P/LP variant on a germline genetic test may indicate a diagnosis of LFS. However, it is important to recognize that
somatic TP53 variants frequently confound germline testing results, especially when testing is performed in older adults and/or patients
with cancer.
• Late post-zygotic aberrant clonal expansions containing a TP53 P/LP variant, limited to the hematologic compartment or to a tumor,
may be detected in the blood or saliva through germline testing, particularly using NGS technology. The phenomenon of aberrant clonal
expansion is well described and is most often due to CHIP, which can be demonstrated in healthy populations at increasing frequency
with increasing age. If CHIP is misinterpreted as LFS, unwarranted clinical interventions may be advised (eg, LFS screening and
prevention). Further, the finding of CHIP itself may portend adverse clinical outcomes, such as an increased risk of future development of
hematologic neoplasia and increased non-hematologic mortality.
• Careful examination of the patient’s complete blood count (CBC) and peripheral blood smear may be warranted in all cases reporting
the discovery of a TP53 P/LP variant, and testing of non-hematopoietic ancillary tissues and/or offspring may help to delineate bona fide
mosaic involvement of different germ layers or other diagnoses (see Table 1).

Considerations Prior to Providing a LFS Diagnosis in a Patient Found to Have a TP53 P/LP Variant on a Germline Genetic Test
• Does the personal and/or family history meet LFS criteria (CRIT-7)?
Yes: Review Tissue Source Considerations and Test Metrics; and if no concerns, provide LFS diagnosis and manage accordingly; see
LIFR-A if LFS diagnosis
No: Review Tissue Source Considerations and Test Metrics; Consider testing of additional tissue sources and/or close relatives to
delineate among possibilities in Table 1.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated. Continued

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Management Discussion


Tissue Source Considerations: Was the tissue source used for germline genetic testing a reliable germline tissue for the patient?
• Blood and/or saliva
Personal history of a hematologic malignancy with active blood involvement and/or prior allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation:
Blood and/or saliva is an unsuitable source of DNA for germline testing for these patients. DNA from cultured skin fibroblasts, hair follicles,
or other non-hematopoietic origin tissue(s) is required to confirm germline origin. Blood or saliva may be used for germline genetic testing
in patients with a prior or well-controlled hematologic malignancy and no evidence of active disease.
Personal history of CBC abnormalities at the time of sample collection: Peripheral blood smear review and evaluation by a hematologist is
warranted to rule out an undiagnosed hematologic disorder, such as clonal cytopenia of undetermined significance or overt hematologic
neoplasm. Testing of cultured skin fibroblasts, hair follicles, or other non-hematopoietic origin tissue(s) or offspring may be warranted to
delineate the diagnosis (see Table 1).
Age >60 and/or history of cytotoxic therapy prior to sample collection: These patients are at increased risk for clonal hematopoiesis
and hematologic malignancies. Examination of the CBC is warranted to rule out an undiagnosed hematologic disorder. Referral to a
hematologist for peripheral blood smear review and evaluation may be appropriate. Testing of cultured skin fibroblasts, hair follicles, or
other non-hematopoietic origin tissue(s) or offspring may be warranted to delineate the diagnosis (see Table 1).
Test Metrics: Is the TP53 variant allele fraction <30% and/or are there other abnormal test metrics/results that raise the possibility of somatic
interference (eg, multiple other mosaic variants or deletion/duplications)?
• Tissue source:
Blood or saliva: Rule out a tissue source issue per "Tissue Source Considerations”
Cultured skin fibroblasts: A low variant allele fraction variant in this tissue source can be due to:
◊ Somatic variant acquired during the culturing process
◊ Somatic variant previously acquired in only a subset of the skin cells sampled (eg, from prior sun exposure)
◊ Multi-tissue post-zygotic mosaicism (see Table 1, Mosaic LFS)
◊ Technical issues (see below)
• Tumor somatic interference:
Somatic TP53 variants restricted to a tumor can be detected in the peripheral blood or saliva on a germline test due to blood/saliva
contamination with ctDNA and/or circulating tumor cells. Patients with a high volume of tumor burden, especially metastatic disease,
and/or tumors involving the blood (eg, hematologic neoplasms especially acute leukemias, myelodysplastic syndrome, and chronic
lymphocytic leukemia) are at higher risk for tumor somatic interference. DNA from cultured skin fibroblasts, hair follicles, or other non-
hematopoietic origin/non-tumor contaminated tissue(s) is required to confirm germline origin.
• Technical limitations:
Standard NGS tests utilized by most commercial germline genetic testing companies are not quantitative. Thus, a VAF <30% can be due to
technical issues such as differences in the efficiency of capture or sequencing of the normal versus variant-containing allele. Testing by an
orthogonal method (eg, Sanger sequencing for single nucleotide variants [SNVs] or microarray for copy number variants [CNVs]) may help
clarify this possibility).
• When a TP53 PV is identified for the first time in a family at an allele frequency near 50% suggesting it was present at the time of fertilization,
testing for the variant should be performed on the patient's siblings and parents to determine if this was de novo or inherited. Particularly
when the proband is a pediatric patient, the parents may not have developed cancer and family history alone may not be sufficient to
distinguish between de novo or inherited variants. Germ cell mosaicism has been reported as a cause of LFS in siblings. Even if parents test
negative for the variant, all children and future children should be tested due the possibility of recurrence due to germ cell mosaicism.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated. Continued

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN ), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Management Discussion


Table 1: Workup and Management Depending on Etiology of TP53 Mutation Found on Genetic Testinga
Blood or Fibroblast Tumor Parent Testingc Offspring Management
Saliva (VAF) (VAF)b (VAF)b Testingc
Li Fraumeni Syndrome Positive Positive Positive One parent
Spectrum – Inherited 50% risk LFS
(40%–60%) (40%–60%) (0%–100%) positive
Li Fraumeni Syndrome Positive Positive Positive Both parents
Spectrum – de novo 50% risk LFS
(40%–60%) (40%–60%) (0%–100%) negative
Post-zygotic Mosaicism: Positive or Positive or Negative or 50%
Positive Both parents
Multi-Tissue Negative Negative risk (if gonadal LFSd
(>1%–50%) negative
A. Mosaic LFS (0%–50%) 0%–100% mosaic)
Post-Zygotic Mosaicism: Positive or
Blood Only Positive Negative Both parents
Negative Negative workup and
(>1%–100%) (VAF solid tumor negative
A. Clonal Hematopoiesis < VAF blood)
B. Hematologic Neoplasm or Positive Positive Both parents
Negative Negative workup and
Precursor Condition (>1%–100%) (>1%–100%) negative
Post-Zygotic Mosaicism:
Tumor Only
Positive (>1%–100%) Both parents
A. Somatic interference from Negative Negative Cancer treatment
(>1%–100%) (VAF solid tumor negative
tumor (ctDNA or circulating
> VAF blood)
tumor cells in blood/saliva)

a Despite ancillary testing of multiple tissues and/or parental and/or offspring testing, it is sometimes not possible to determine which of the above diagnostic categories a
patient belongs. Management should be individualized based on available information. Consultation with experts in LFS diagnosis may be helpful.
b Testing of cultured skin fibroblasts, tumor, and/or other alternative tissues is recommended to aid in diagnostic clarity in all of these diagnostic categories if the personal
and/or family history are not consistent with a diagnosis of LFS and/or if there are tissue source or test metric concerns as detailed in LIFR-A 2 (Castillo D, et al. Cancer
Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2022;31:1621-1629; Schwartz AN, et al. JCO Precis Oncol 2021;5:1677-1686).
c Parental and offspring testing is recommended in all of these diagnostic categories to clarify the diagnosis and management of the patient and close relatives unless
there is a clear alternative diagnosis (eg, the patient has an active hematologic neoplasm with blood involvement as the source of the TP53 P/LP variant).
d Management for mosaic LFS is per usual LFS management at this time (LIFR-A 4).

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated. Continued

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Management Discussion


Site Screening/Surveillance Procedure and Interval

• Breast awareness,e starting at age 18 y

• Clinical breast exam, every 6–12 mo starting at age 20 yf
• Breast screening
Age 20–29f y, annual breast MRIg screening with and without contrasth
Age 30–75 y, annual breast MRIg screening with and without contrast and mammogram
Age >75 y, management should be considered on an individual basis
For individuals with a TP53 P/LP variant who are treated for breast cancer, and who have not had a bilateral mastectomy, screening with annual
breast MRI and mammogram should continue as described above.
• Discuss option of RRM
Counseling should include a discussion regarding degree of protection, reconstruction options, and risks. In addition, the family history and residual
breast cancer risk with age and life expectancy should be considered during counseling.
• Address psychosocial and quality-of-life aspects of undergoing RRM.
• Comprehensive physical exam including neurologic examination with high index of suspicion for rare cancers and second malignancies in cancer
survivors every 6–12 mo
• Colonoscopy and upper endoscopy every 2–5 y starting at 25 y or 5 y before the earliest known colorectal or gastric cancer in the family,
Other respectively. For patients who have received whole body or abdominal therapeutic RT, colonoscopy screening is recommended 5 y after treatment
cancer of disease.
risks • Annual dermatologic examination starting at 18 y
• Annual whole body MRIi,j,k
• Annual brain MRI may be performed as part of the whole body MRI or as a separate exam.
• Annual prostate-specific antigen (PSA) starting at age 40 y for prostate cancer early detection.
i Whole body MRI is not uniformly available. If whole body MRI is not available, then
e Females should be familiar with their breasts and promptly report changes
individuals with LFS are encouraged to participate in clinical trials or consider alternate
to their health care provider. Periodic, consistent BSE may facilitate breast
comprehensive imaging methods. Other components of screening are being evaluated in
self awareness. Premenopausal individuals may find BSE most informative
protocols, including biochemical screening and regular blood screening for hematologic
when performed at the end of menses.
f Or at the age of the earliest diagnosed breast cancer in the family, if <20 y. malignancies. FDA Drug Safety Communication: FDA identifies no harmful effects to date
g The criteria for high-quality breast MRI include a dedicated breast coil, the with brain retention of gadolinium-based contrast agents for MRIs; review to continue.
j Ballinger M, Best A, Mai P, et al. Baseline surveillance in Li-Fraumeni syndrome using
ability to perform biopsy under MRI guidance, radiologists experienced in
breast MRI, and regional availability. Breast MRI is preferably performed whole-body magnetic resonance imaging: a meta-analysis. JAMA Oncol 2017;3:1634-1639.
k Screening through whole body MRI has been broadly demonstrated to be feasible and
on days 7–15 of a menstrual cycle for premenopausal patients. FDA Drug
Safety Communication: FDA identifies no harmful effects to date with of potential utility in the early detection of cancer among classic LFS families, though it
brain retention of gadolinium-based contrast agents for MRIs; review to also results in the detection of false-positive findings and possible cancer overdiagnosis.
continue. Furthermore, screening utility has not been evaluated among those with a germline TP53
h Or mammogram, if MRI is unavailable. Breast MRI is preferred because of P/LP variant without a classic family history of LFS, who are increasingly identified through
concerns regarding the risk of radiation exposure in P/LP variant carriers. multi-gene panel tests.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated. Continued

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Management Discussion


Screening/Surveillance Procedure and Interval

• The screening and management of LFS is complex, and LFS is rare; it is preferred that individuals with LFS be followed at centers with
expertise in the management of this syndrome.
• Because of the remarkable risk of additional primary neoplasms, screening should be considered for cancer survivors with LFS and a good
prognosis from their prior tumor(s).
• Address limitations of screening for many cancers associated with LFS.
• Pediatricians should be apprised of the risk of childhood cancers in affected families and review screening recommendations for children with
Other aspects of • Therapeutic RT for cancer should be avoided when possible unless locoregional risk reduction or overall survival from RT is greater than the
managing LFS risk of downstream secondary malignancies; diagnostic radiation should be minimized to the extent feasible without sacrificing accuracy.
For patients diagnosed with breast cancer, mastectomy is preferred over lumpectomy/radiation to reduce radiation-induced sarcoma risk.
• Screening recommendations should take into account personal and family history of cancer (5–10 years before earliest diagnosis). Provide
additional surveillance based on family history of cancer.
• Provide education regarding signs and symptoms of cancer.
• Address psychosocial and quality-of-life aspects of the complex management of LFS.
• There is controversy over how to manage cancer risk in incidental TP53 carriers who do not meet classic LFS criteria; some data suggest
lower cancer risks in TP53 P/LP carriers who do not have a family history consistent with LFS.
• Principles of Cancer Risk Assessment and Counseling (EVAL-A)

Risk to relatives • Principles of Cancer Risk Assessment and Counseling (EVAL-A)

Pediatric Surveillance (LIFR-A 6 of 6)

l For additional information on the management of children with LFS, see Kratz C, et al. Clin Cancer Res 2017;23:e38-e45.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN ), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Management Discussion


Screening/Surveillance Procedure and Interval

• Comprehensive physical exam including neurologic examination with high index of suspicion for rare cancers and second malignancies in
cancer survivors every 6–12 mo beginning in infancy
• Annual whole body MRIi,j,k beginning in infancy.
• Annual brain MRI may be performed as part of the whole body MRI or as a separate exam beginning in infancy.
• For ACC, ultrasound every 3–4 mo beginning in infancy.

i Whole body MRI is not uniformly available. If whole body MRI is not available, then individuals with LFS are encouraged to participate in clinical trials or consider alternate
comprehensive imaging methods. Other components of screening are being evaluated in protocols, including biochemical screening and regular blood screening for
hematologic malignancies. FDA Drug Safety Communication: FDA identifies no harmful effects to date with brain retention of gadolinium-based contrast agents for MRIs;
review to continue.
j Ballinger M, Best A, Mai P, et al. Baseline surveillance in Li-Fraumeni syndrome using whole-body magnetic resonance imaging: a meta-analysis. JAMA Oncol
k Screening through whole body MRI has been broadly demonstrated to be feasible and of potential utility in the early detection of cancer among classic LFS families,
though it also results in the detection of false-positive findings and possible cancer overdiagnosis. Furthermore, screening utility has not been evaluated among those
with a germline TP53 P/LP variant without a classic family history of LFS, who are increasingly identified through multi-gene panel tests.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN ), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Cowden Syndrome/PTEN Hamartoma Table of Contents
Tumor Syndrome Management

Site Screening/Surveillance Procedure and Interval

• Due to the rarity of the syndrome and complexities of diagnosing and managing individuals with CS, referral to a specialized team
or centers with expertise is recommended.
General • Annual comprehensive physical exam starting at age 18 y or 5 y before the youngest age of diagnosis of a component cancer in the
family (whichever comes first), with particular attention to thyroid exam.
• Education regarding the signs and symptoms of cancer.
• Breast awarenessa starting at age 18 years.
• Clinical breast exam, every 6–12 months, starting at age 25 years or 5–10 years before the earliest known breast cancer in the
family (whichever comes first).
• Breast screening
Annual mammography and breast MRI screening with and without contrast starting at age 30 years or 10 years before the earliest
Breast known breast cancer in the family (whichever comes first).b,c
cancer Age >75 years, management should be considered on an individual basis.
(female) For individuals with a PTEN P/LP variant who are treated for breast cancer, and have not had a bilateral mastectomy, screening
with annual mammogram and breast MRI should continue as described above.
• Discuss option of RRM in individuals with P/LP variants identified. For those with clinical CS/PHTS syndrome, consideration of risk-
reducing surgery should be based on family history.
Counseling should include a discussion regarding degree of protection, reconstruction options, and risks. In addition, the family
history and residual breast cancer risk with age and life expectancy should be considered during counseling.
• Address psychosocial and quality-of-life aspects of undergoing RRM.
• Colonoscopy, starting at age 35 y unless symptomatic or if close relative with CRC before age 40 y, then start 5–10 y before the
Colorectal earliest known CRC in the family. Colonoscopy should be done every 5 y or more frequently if patient is symptomatic or polyps are

a Females should be familiar with their breasts and promptly report changes to their health care provider. Periodic, consistent BSE may facilitate breast self awareness.
Premenopausal individuals may find BSE most informative when performed at the end of menses.
b The appropriateness of imaging modalities and scheduling is still under study.
c The criteria for high-quality breast MRI include a dedicated breast coil, the ability to perform biopsy under MRI guidance by experienced radiologists in breast MRI,
and regional availability. Breast MRI is preferably performed on days 7–15 of a menstrual cycle for premenopausal females. FDA Drug Safety Communication: FDA
identifies no harmful effects to date with brain retention of gadolinium-based contrast agents for MRIs; review to continue.
Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Cowden Syndrome/PTEN Hamartoma Table of Contents
Tumor Syndrome Management
Site Screening/Surveillance Procedure and Interval

• For endometrial cancer screening,d consider starting by age 35 years.

Encourage patient education and prompt response to symptoms (eg, abnormal bleeding). Patients are encouraged to keep a calendar in
order to identify irregularities in their menstrual cycle.
Because endometrial cancer can often be detected early based on symptoms, individuals should be educated regarding the importance of
prompt reporting and evaluation of any abnormal uterine bleeding or postmenopausal bleeding. The evaluation of these symptoms should
include endometrial biopsy.
Endometrial cancer screening does not have proven benefit in individuals with CS/PHTS. However, endometrial biopsy is both highly
sensitive and highly specific as a diagnostic procedure. Screening via endometrial biopsy every 1 to 2 years can be considered.
Transvaginal ultrasound to screen for endometrial cancer in postmenopausal individuals has not been shown to be sufficiently sensitive
or specific as to support a positive recommendation, but may be considered at the clinician’s discretion. Transvaginal ultrasound is not
recommended as a screening tool in premenopausal individuals due to the wide range of endometrial stripe thickness throughout the normal
menstrual cycle.
• Discuss option of hysterectomye upon completion of childbearing and counsel regarding degree of protection, extent of cancer risk, and
reproductive desires. Risk of ovarian cancer is not elevated; therefore, ovaries can be left in situ.
• Address psychosocial and quality-of-life aspects of undergoing risk-reducing hysterectomy.
• Consider renal ultrasound starting at age 40 y, then every 1–2 y.
Colorectal • Colonoscopy, starting at age 35 y unless symptomatic or if close relative with CRC before age 40 y, then start 5–10 y before the earliest known
cancer CRC in the family. Colonoscopy should be done every 5 y or more frequently if patient is symptomatic or polyps are found.
Neurologic • Consider psychomotor assessment in children at diagnosis and brain MRI if there are symptoms.
• There may be an increased risk of melanoma, and the prevalence of other skin characteristics with CS/PTHS may independently make routine
dermatology evaluations of value. Annual dermatology exams are recommended.
• Annual thyroid ultrasound starting at age 7 y. This may also be considered for children at 50% risk of inheriting a known P/LP variant whose
parents wish to delay genetic testing until age 18 y.
• Principles of Cancer Risk Assessment and Counseling (EVAL-A)
Risk to
• Principles of Cancer Risk Assessment and Counseling (EVAL-A)

d There are limited data regarding the lifetime risk of endometrial cancer in CS/PHTS. Surveillance screening and surgical intervention should be on an individual basis.
e Oophorectomy is not indicated for CS/PHTS alone.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Genetic Familial High-Risk Assessment: Table of Contents
Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic Cancer

• The following section introduces special considerations for risk reduction strategies for individuals who are transgender, non-binary, and gender
diverse and is anchored in the following principles:
The terms “transgender,” “non-binary,” and “gender diverse” include a wide variety of physical and psychological states referring to individuals whose
gender identity differs from the biologic sex at birth (sometimes referred to as “sex assigned at birth”). Many of these individuals pursue gender-
affirming hormonal and/or surgical treatments at some point in their lives, which may impact their cancer risks and risk reduction options.
Our focus is on hereditary increased cancer risks due to the presence of a germline PV in a cancer-related gene. These risks may be altered by
gender-affirming treatments and should be considered in risk reduction strategies.
There are several variables associated with magnitude of cancer risk in transgender, non-binary, and gender diverse people who have a hereditary
predisposition to cancer:
◊ Status of decision regarding gender transition/affirmation
◊ Age at transition/affirmation (can be a several-year process)
◊ Use, dosage, and duration of gender-affirming hormones
◊ Types of gender-affirming surgeries
◊ Presence of additional traditional risk factors (eg, family history)
There are no prospective data on appropriate cancer risk reduction and/or screening options for average- or high-risk transgender, non-binary, or
gender diverse individuals, regardless of average risk or increased risk.
Recommendations for risk reduction must be made on a case-by-case basis depending on all of the variables involved.

Strategies for Risk Assessment and Care of Individuals Who Are Transgender, Non-binary, and Gender Diverse
• One way to approach risk reduction choices is to focus on those organs at risk based on biologic sex at birth.
Female organs at risk:
◊ Ovaries/fallopian tubes
◊ Uterus
◊ Breasts
Male organs at risk:
◊ Prostate

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Genetic Familial High-Risk Assessment: Table of Contents
Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic Cancer
Ovarian cancer: Risk reduction principles and strategies
• There are several PVs associated with an increased risk for ovarian cancer, including BRCA1, BRCA2, ATM, BRIP1, PALB2, RAD51C, RAD51D, and
Lynch syndrome genes.
• There is no known effective screening for ovarian cancer.
• It is not known what effect gender-affirming hormones have on ovarian or fallopian tube tissue.
• RRSO is recommended for individuals with one or both intact ovaries and fallopian tubes, as it is for cisgender women—see GENE-A for RRSO
recommendations and age at the time of surgery for the specific PV found.
• RRSO may be a consideration at an earlier age than recommended to alleviate gender dysphoria in conjunction with appropriate health care
• Individuals considering RRSO before natural menopause should be counseled about the adverse events, including loss of fertility, menopausal
symptoms, cardiovascular disease, and bone loss associated with premature menopause.
• There are no data on the effect of medical ovarian suppression on ovarian cancer risk.

Uterine cancer: Risk reduction principles and strategies

• There are several PVs associated with an increased risk for uterine cancer, including BRCA1 (serous endometrioid type), PTEN, and Lynch syndrome
• It is not known what effect gender-affirming testosterone therapy has on uterine tissue. However, as androgens are partially aromatized to estrogen, this
may increase circulating estrogen levels and pose a risk to the uterus.
• Screening with transvaginal ultrasound with or without random endometrial biopsies is done in some settings but its benefit is unclear.
• Hysterectomy may be a consideration at an earlier age than recommended to alleviate gender dysphoria in conjunction with appropriate health
care professionals. See GENE-A and NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Colorectal for PV-specific hysterectomy
recommendations and recommended age at the time of surgery.
• All individuals with an intact uterus should be counseled about the early warning signs of uterine cancer.
• There are no data on the effect of medical ovarian suppression on uterine cancer risk.
Prostate cancer: Risk reduction principles and strategies
• There are several PVs associated with an increased risk for prostate cancer, including BRCA1, BRCA2, and possibly ATM.
• It is not known what effect gender-affirming estrogen or anti-androgens have on the risk of prostate cancer, although some studies have reported
diffuse atrophy and basal cell hyperplasia in prostate tissue among individuals on hormone therapy. Theoretically these changes may make the
prostate gland less prone to develop cancer, but there are no data to support this. Gender-affirming hormone therapy has also been shown to alter
PSA levels, thus reducing their efficacy as a screening tool. The panel still advises PSA screening as per the NCCN Guidelines for Prostate Cancer
Early Detection.
• See NCCN Guidelines for GENE-A and NCCN Guidelines for Prostate Cancer for PV-specific screening recommendations.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Genetic Familial High-Risk Assessment: Table of Contents
Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic Cancer
Breast cancer: Risk reduction principles and strategies:
• There are several PVs associated with an increased risk for breast cancer, including BRCA1, BRCA2, ATM, BARD1, CDH1, CHEK2, NF1, PALB2, PTEN,
RAD51C, RAD51D, STK11, and TP53. Risk reducing strategies may differ by biologic sex at birth.
• Level of risk differs by gene and may guide risk reduction decisions (see GENE-A for more details).
• For transgender male and/or non-binary individuals with a PV in a breast cancer gene who have had reduction mammoplasty with retention of breast
tissue, or no surgery, breast screening may begin at an earlier age and may include mammography and breast MRI. See GENE-A for gene-specific
screening recommendations, including age to begin screening.
Female sex at birth
• It is unclear if the use of gender-affirming hormone therapy with testosterone alters the risk of breast cancer in individuals with a hereditary susceptibility
to breast cancer, although long-term testosterone in cisgender females has been shown to reduce breast glandular tissue and increase connective tissue.
• Gender-affirming breast surgery, known as “top surgery,” typically involves reduction mammoplasty with retention of some breast tissue and the nipple
areolar complex.
• Individuals with a known PV in a breast cancer gene may want to consider risk-reducing mastectomy in which greater than 95% of the breast tissue is
removed. Nipple-sparing surgery is thought to be safe in this setting. However, even with nipple sparing the aesthetic outcome may not be as good as top
surgery where some breast tissue is retained. For individuals with a personal or family history consistent with a breast cancer PV, it is recommended that
genetic testing be performed prior to breast surgery to inform the type of surgery. Individuals considering removal of all breast tissue should be referred to
a plastic surgeon to discuss options for using tissue or implants to create a masculine profile if desired.
• For transgender male individuals with a PV in a breast cancer gene who have had reduction mammoplasty with retention of some breast tissue, or no
breast surgery, breast cancer screening may begin at an earlier age and may include mammography and breast MRI. See GENE-A for gene-specific
screening recommendations, including age to begin screening. This approach is also supported by the ACR guidelines.
• The term “breast cancer” may be associated with femininity; thus, the term “chest cancer,” instead of breast cancer, may be preferred in individuals who
identify as men.
Male sex at birth
• Gender-affirming hormone therapy with estrogens and anti-androgens in transgender women increases breast tissue, which includes the formation of
ducts, lobules, and acini, similar to that in cisgender women, and this should not be described as gynecomastia. Breast changes occur within 6 months
after starting therapy and result in increased breast density. In situ and invasive breast cancers have been reported in this population. Anecdotally, these
breast tumors tend to occur at an earlier age than the average population. Breast cancer risk in individuals who are biologically male at birth, even with
breast cancer PVs, is low, and while estrogen and anti-androgens may increase breast cancer risk, they are not contraindicated in individuals taking
female-promoting (gender-affirming) hormones.
• While there are limited data on the benefit of radiographic screening of breast tissue with mammography and/or breast MRI in transgender women at
increased hereditary risk who are taking gender-affirming hormone therapy, there are case reports of breast cancer detection in this setting and NCCN
supports the rationale for breast cancer screening of cisgender males at increased hereditary risk. This area clearly represents a major research gap in
the care of transgender women who have a hereditary risk for breast cancer. Taking into account that the risk for breast cancer has been shown to be
elevated in transgender women compared to transgender men, breast screening modalities for transgender women at increased hereditary risk should be
decided on a case-by-case basis, and may be based on age, family history, the duration of use of gender-affirming hormone therapy and/or the amount
of breast tissue present; digital mammography and tomosynthesis rather than MRI is recommended by radiology guidelines. For those who have chosen
implant reconstruction, MRI without contrast can be performed to assess implant integrity; however, this would not detect cancer. Continued
Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Genetic Familial High-Risk Assessment: Table of Contents
Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic Cancer
Additional Considerations
• Transgender, non-binary, and gender diverse individuals encounter many challenges to health care, including stigmatization, denial of services,
discrimination, abuse, and possible higher rates of mortality due to lack of access to appropriate preventive care.
• Individuals pursuing gender-affirming care should be followed at centers of excellence with access to a multidisciplinary team that understands their
unique needs and provides a safe and welcoming environment. The team should include surgeons, primary care specialists, oncologists, radiologists,
pathologists, endocrinologists, pediatricians, psychologists, genetic counselors, and social workers, all of whom are trained in the appropriate care of
the transgender population and can address medical, psychologic, and social care needs.
• There is a need for formal education in the care of transgender, non-binary, and gender diverse individuals at every level of the health care system, with
a particular focus in breast/chest cancer screening.
• There is a need for research regarding the impact of gender-affirming hormones and puberty-blocking agents and how they interact with hereditary
susceptibility to cancer syndromes as well as optimal prevention strategies for these populations.
• Most electronic health data, including SEER data, census data, and even electronic health records (EHRs) do not incorporate gender identity, thus
hindering the collection of health data in these populations and denying appropriate screening invitations to these individuals.
• A National Registry on the health outcomes of transgender, non-binary, and gender-diverse populations is needed to fill the many gaps in the magnitude
and management of risks associated with gender-affirming treatment in the setting of hereditary cancer susceptibilities.
• As in all research involving human participants, care must be taken to preserve the privacy and protection of this vulnerable population.

Corman V, Potorak J, Manto F, et al. Breast cancer in a male-to-female transsexual patient with a BRCA2 mutation. Endocr Relat Cancer 2016;23:391-397.
de Blok CJM, Klaver M, Wiepjes CM, et al. Breast development in transwomen after 1 year of cross-sex hormone therapy: Results of a prospective multicenter study. J
Clin Endocrinol Metab 2018;103:532-538.
De Blok CJM, Wiepjes CM, Nota NM, et al. Breast cancer risk in transgender people receiving hormone treatment: Nationwide cohort study in the Netherlands. BMJ
2019; 365:I1652.
Hodan R, Rodgers-Fouche L, Chittenden A, et al; Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Gastrointestinal Cancer. Cancer surveillance for transgender and
gender diverse patients with Lynch syndrome: a practice resource of the Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Gastrointestinal Cancer. Fam Cancer 2023
Jun 21.
Lourenco AP, Niell BL, Cronin B, et al. ACR Appropriateness Criteria Transgender Breast Cancer Screening 2021;18:S502-S515.
Parikh U, Mausner E, Chhor CM, et al. Breast imaging in transgender patients: What the radiologist should know. Radiographics 2020;40:13-27.
Sieberg R, Soriano K, Zuurbier R. A rare case of breast cancer in a transgender woman. Radiol Case Rep 2021;16:3285-3288.
Skop M, Lorentz J, Jassi M, et al. "Guys Don't Have Breasts": The lived experience of men who have BRCA gene mutations and are at risk for male breast cancer. Am
J Mens Health 2018;12:961-972.
Sonnenblick EB, Lebron-Zapata L, Yang R, et al. Breast imaging for transgender individuals: assessment of current practice and needs. J Am Coll Radiol 2022;19:221-
Sutherland N, Espinel W, Grotzke M, Colonna S. Unanswered questions: Hereditary breast and gynecological cancer risk assessment in transgender adolescents and
young adults. J Genet Couns 2020;29:625-633.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Breast, Ovarian, and/or Pancreatic Cancer Table of Contents
Genetic Assessment
Summary of Genes and/or Syndromes Included/Mentioned in Other NCCN Guidelines

Specific Sections Included in Table of

NCCN Guideline Genes and/or Syndromes Included/Mentioned in Guideline
Treatment Guidelines
Acute Lymphocytic
Familial Genetic Alterations in ALL RUNX1, ETV6, PAX5, IKZF1, TP53
Leukemia (ALL)
Risk Stratification by Biological Disease Factors for
Acute Myeloid Leukemia RUNX1, ANKRD26, CEBPA, DDX41, ETV6, GATA2, MBD4, MECOM/EVI1
Patients with Non-APL AML Treated with Intensive
Induction Chemotherapy
Principles of Cancer Risk Assessment and
Basal Cell Skin Cancer Gorlin syndrome (PTCH1), xeroderma pigmentosa
Evidence remains insufficient for definitive recommendations regarding specific
Biliary Tract Cancers Principles of Molecular Testing criteria to guide genetic risk assessment in hepatobiliary cancers or for universal
germline testing in these tumors
Bladder Cancer Urothelial
cancer (including renal Lynch syndrome (LS)
pelvis and ureter)
Breast Cancer Refers to Genetic/Familial BOP (Breast, Ovarian, Pancreatic) Guidelines
Central Nervous System Refers to Genetic/Familial BOP (Breast, Ovarian, Pancreatic) Guidelines and
Cancer Risk Assessment and Counseling
Cancers Genetic/Familial Colorectal Cancer Guidelines
Colon Cancer Refers to Genetic/Familial Colorectal Cancer Guidelines
Esophageal and Principles of Genetic Risk Assessment for
RHBDF2; Bloom syndrome (BS)/BLM, RECQL3; Fanconi anemia (FA)/ FANCD1,
Esophagogastric Esophageal and Esophagogastric Junction (EGJ)
Junction (EGJ) Cancers Cancers
CDH1; LS/MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, EPCAM; juvenile polyposis syndrome
(JPS)/SMAD4, BMPR1A; Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS)/STK11; familial
Principles of Genetic Risk Assessment for Gastric
Gastric Cancer adenomatous polyposis (FAP)/APC; ataxia-telangiectasia (AT)/ATM; BS (BLM,
RECQL3); BRCA1; BRCA2; TP53; xeroderma pigmentosum; Cowden syndrome
Gastrointestinal Stromal
Principles of Mutation Testing KIT, PDGFRA, SDHB, NF1
Tumors (GIST)

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
Printed by Gözde Uzun Kaya on 11/14/2023 1:06:59 AM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Breast, Ovarian, and/or Pancreatic Cancer Table of Contents
Genetic Assessment
Summary of Genes and/or Syndromes Included/Mentioned in Other NCCN Guidelines

Specific Sections Included in Table of

NCCN Guideline Genes and/or Syndromes Included/Mentioned
Treatment Guidelines (Continued)
Evidence remains insufficient for definitive recommendations regarding specific
Hepatocellular Cancers Principles of Molecular Testing criteria to guide genetic risk assessment in hepatobiliary cancers or for universal
germline testing in these tumors
von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) syndrome; hereditary papillary renal carcinoma (HPRC)/
MET; Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome (BHDS)/FLCN; tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC)/
Kidney Cancer Hereditary Renal Cell Carcinoma section TSC1, TSC2; hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma (HLRCC)/FH;
BAP1 tumor predisposition syndrome (TPDS)/BAP1; hereditary paraganglioma/
pheochromocytoma (PGL/PCC) syndrome/SDHA/SDHB/SDHC/SDHD
Risk Factors for Development of Single or Multiple CDKN2a, CDK4, MC1R, BRCA2, BAP1 (including uveal), TERT, MITF, PTEN,
Melanoma: Cutaneous
Primary Melanomas xeroderma pigmentosum

Melanoma: Uveal Risk Factors for Development of Uveal Melanoma BAP1, PALB2, MBD4

Principles of Pathologic Review BAP1

Mesothelioma: Pleural Principles of Pathologic Review BAP1 TPDS

• Genetic Familial High-Risk Assessment: CEBPA, DDX41, ATG2B/GSKIP, xeroderma pigmentosum C/XPC, ERCC6L2,
Heritable Hematologic Malignancy ANKRD26, ETV6, GATA2, RUNX1, LIG-4, SAMD9/SAMD9L, SRP72, Diamond-
Myelodysplastic Predisposition Syndromes Blackfan anemia, FA, Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, short telomere syndromes,
Syndromes • Gene Mutations Associated with Heritable congenital neutropenia, myeloid neoplasms associated with Down syndrome,
Hematologic Malignancy Predisposition constitutional mismatch repair deficiency, BRCA1/BRCA2, Li-Fraumeni syndrome/
Syndromes TP53, RASopathies, other rare DNA repair syndromes/BLM, MBD4, XPC
Hereditary PGL/PCC syndrome/MAX, SDHA, SDHAF2, SDHB, SDHC, SDHD,
Neuroendocrine and Principles of Hereditary Cancer Risk Assessment TMEM127; multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1); MEN type 2 (MEN2)/RET;
Adrenal Tumors and Genetic Counseling MEN type 4 (MEN4)/CDKN1B; NF1 (NF1); TSC (TSC1,TSC2); VHL syndrome; Li-
Fraumeni syndrome/TP53; LS (MLH1, EPCAM/MSH2, MSH6, PMS2); FAP/APC
Non-Small Cell Lung
Principles of Molecular and Biomarker Analysis EGFR p.T790M

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Breast, Ovarian, and/or Pancreatic Cancer Table of Contents
Genetic Assessment
Summary of Genes and/or Syndromes Included/Mentioned in Other NCCN Guidelines

NCCN Guideline Specific Sections Included in Table of Contents Genes and/or Syndromes Included/Mentioned

Treatment Guidelines (Continued)

Ovarian Cancer Refers to Genetic/Familial BOP (Breast, Ovarian, Pancreatic) Guidelines

Pancreatic Cancer Principles of Cancer Risks Assessment and Counseling Refers to Genetic/Familial BOP (Breast, Ovarian, Pancreatic) Guidelines
Pediatric Acute
Genetic Risk Groups for B-ALL LFS/TP53 association with low hypodiploid ALL
Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Pediatric Central Nervous
Introduction to Pediatric Diffuse High-Grade Gliomas NF1, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, LS/CMMRD
System Cancers
Prostate Cancer Principles of Genetics and Molecular/Biomarker Analysis
Rectal Cancer Principles of Pathologic and Molecular Review LS, FAP, attenuated FAP (AFAP)
Small Bowel
Workup and Primary Treatment Refers to Genetic/Familial BOP (Breast, Ovarian, Pancreatic) Guidelines
Soft Tissue Sarcoma Principles of Cancer Risk Assessment and Counseling Neurofibromatosis/NF1; LFS/TP53; LS; FAP
Squamous Cell Skin
Principles of Cancer Risk Assessment and Counseling Refers to Genetic/Familial BOP (Breast, Ovarian, Pancreatic) Guidelines
Systemic Mastocytosis Diagnostic Algorithm TPSAB1
• Germline Mutation of RET Proto-oncogene
Thyroid Carcinoma MEN2/RET
• Principles of Cancer Risk Assessment and Counseling
• Principles of Pathology and Molecular Analysis
(Endometrial Cancer)
Uterine Neoplasms LS, SMARCA4
• Principles of Pathology and Molecular Analysis (Uterine
Denys-Drash syndrome (WT1), WAGR/WAGRO syndrome (WT1),
Wilms Tumor Perlman syndrome (DIS2L2), Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (CDKNIC),
Principles of Pathologic and Molecular Review
(Nephroblastoma) Frasier syndrome (WT1), Bohring-Opitz syndrome (ASXL1), MULIBREY
syndrome (TRIM37), Li-Fraumeni syndrome (TP53), Trisomy 18 syndrome

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

Version 2.2024, 09/27/23 © 2023 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), All rights reserved. NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Breast, Ovarian, and/or Pancreatic Cancer Table of Contents
Genetic Assessment
Summary of Genes and/or Syndromes Included/Mentioned in Other NCCN Guidelines

NCCN Guideline Specific Sections Included in Table of Contents Genes and/or Syndromes Included/Mentioned

Detection, Prevention, and Risk Reduction Guidelines

• Familial Risk Assessment
Breast Cancer Risk • Components of Risk/Benefit Assessment and Counseling Refers to Genetic/Familial BOP (Breast, Ovarian, Pancreatic)
Reduction • Comparison of Predictive Models of Risk of Breast Cancer and Guidelines
Risk of Carrying Pathogenic/Likely Pathogenic Variants of BRCA
Breast Cancer Screening
• Increased Risk, Screening/Follow-Up
and Diagnosis
• Risk Assessment for Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal Cancer • Increased Risk Based on Personal History of Childhood,
Screening Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancer
• Increased Risk Based on Positive Family History
Such risk genes include, but are not limited to, BRCA2, BRCA1,
Prostate Cancer Early Baseline Evaluation, Risk Assessment, and Early Detection
Detection Evaluation
EPCAM, and TP53.
Supportive Care Guidelines
Refers to some of the other NCCN Guidelines containing inherited
Survivorship Principles of Cancer Risk Assessment and Counseling
cancer content

Special Populations

Adolescent and Young

Comprehensive Initial Assessment
Adult (AYA)

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Table of Contents
Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic Discussion


ACC adrenocortical carcinoma EUS endoscopic ultrasound P/LP pathogenic/likely pathogenic

AFAB assigned female at birth PCC pheochromocytoma
AFAP attenuated familial adenomatous FA Fanconi anemia PGL paraganglioma
polyposis FAP familial adenomatous polyposis PHTS PTEN hamartoma tumor
AMAB assigned male at birth syndrome
AT ataxia-telangiectasia GI gastrointestinal PJS Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
GIST gastrointestinal stromal tumor PRS polygenic risk scores
BHDS Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome PSA prostate-specific antigen
BRRS Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba HDGC hereditary diffuse gastric PV pathogenic variant
syndrome cancer
BS Bloom syndrome HLRCC hereditary leiomyomatosis and RRM risk-reducing mastectomy
BSE breast self examination renal cell carcinoma RRSO risk-reducing salpingo-
HPRC hereditary papillary renal oophorectomy
CBC complete blood count carcinoma
CHIP clonal hematopoiesis of HRT hormone replacement therapy SEER Surveillance, Epidemiology,
indeterminate potential and End Results
CLIA Clinical Laboratory Improvement LS Lynch syndrome SNP single nucleotide
Amendments polymorphism
LFS Li-Fraumeni syndrome
CMMRD constitutional mismatch repair SNV single nucleotide variant
CNS central nervous system MEN multiple endocrine neoplasia
UUAB unassigned at birth
MRCP magnetic resonance
CNV copy number variant UV ultraviolet
CPS + EG clinical-pathologic stage +
estrogen receptor status and TPDS tumor predisposition syndrome
histologic grade NF neurofibromatosis
NGS next-generation sequencing TSC tuberous sclerosis complex
CRC colorectal cancer
CS Cowden syndrome
VAF variant allele frequency
ctDNA circulating tumor DNA
VHL Von Hippel-Lindau
VUS variant of uncertain
DTC direct to consumer significance

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 NCCN Guidelines Index

Genetic Familial High-Risk Assessment: Table of Contents
Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic Cancer
NCCN Categories of Evidence and Consensus
Category 1 Based upon high-level evidence, there is uniform NCCN consensus that the intervention is appropriate.
Category 2A Based upon lower-level evidence, there is uniform NCCN consensus that the intervention is appropriate.
Category 2B Based upon lower-level evidence, there is NCCN consensus that the intervention is appropriate.
Category 3 Based upon any level of evidence, there is major NCCN disagreement that the intervention is appropriate.
All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

Discussion This discussion corresponds to the NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic.
Last updated: February 13, 2023.
Table of Contents
Overview......................................................................................... MS-2 NF1......................................................................................... MS-30

Literature Search Criteria and Guidelines Update Methodology. MS-3 PALB2 .................................................................................... MS-30

Genetic Risk Assessment and Counseling .................................. MS-3 RAD51C and RAD51D ............................................................ MS-31

Evaluating the Source of Genetic Testing Information................... MS-5 STK11 .................................................................................... MS-32

Tumor Genomic Testing ............................................................... MS-5 NCCN Genetic Testing Criteria................................................... MS-32

Multi-Gene Testing ....................................................................... MS-6 Testing Criteria Related to Prostate Cancer ............................ MS-33

Pre- and Post-Test Counseling..................................................... MS-7 Systemic Therapy Decision-Making ........................................ MS-33

High-Penetrance Breast and/or Ovarian Cancer Susceptibility Ashkenazi Jewish Ancestry..................................................... MS-33

Genes............................................................................................ MS-10 Breast Cancer Population Testing........................................... MS-34

BRCA-Related Breast/Ovarian Cancer Syndrome ...................... MS-11 Probability Models .................................................................. MS-35

Breast Cancer Risk ................................................................. MS-11 Li-Fraumeni Syndrome ............................................................... MS-35

Ovarian Cancer Risk ............................................................... MS-13 Risk Assessment, Counseling, and Management.................... MS-38
Prostate Cancer Risk .............................................................. MS-14 Cowden Syndrome/PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome ........... MS-40

Pancreatic Cancer Risk ........................................................... MS-14 Risk Assessment, Counseling, and Management.................... MS-43

Other Cancer and Health Risks ............................................... MS-15 Hereditary Pancreatic Cancer ..................................................... MS-46

Risk Management ................................................................... MS-16 Pancreas Screening ................................................................... MS-46

Other P/LP Variants Associated with Breast/Ovarian Cancer ...... MS-25 Table 1. Glossary of Relevant Genetic Terms (from the National

ATM ........................................................................................ MS-26 Cancer Institute [NCI]) ................................................................. MS-49

BARD1 .................................................................................... MS-27 Table 2. Genetic Test Results to Determine the Presence of a
BRIP1 ..................................................................................... MS-27 Cancer-Predisposing Gene ......................................................... MS-50
CDH1 ...................................................................................... MS-28 References ................................................................................... MS-51

CHEK2 .................................................................................... MS-28

MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, EPCAM ..................................... MS-29

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF).11 Assessment of

Overview an individual’s risk for familial or hereditary cancer is based on a thorough
All cancers develop as a result of pathogenic or likely pathogenic (P/LP) evaluation of the personal and family history. With respect to hereditary
variants in certain genes, such as those involved in the regulation of cell cancers, advances in molecular genetics have identified a number of
growth and/or DNA repair,1,2 although not all of these P/LP variants are genes associated with inherited susceptibility to breast, ovarian, and
inherited from a parent. For example, sporadic P/LP variants can occur in pancreatic cancer (eg, BRCA1/2, PALB2, ATM) and have provided a
somatic/tumor cells only, and de novo P/LP variants can occur for the first means of characterizing the specific P/LP variant present in certain
time in a germ cell (ie, egg or sperm) or in the fertilized egg itself during individuals and families exhibiting an increased risk for cancer. The field of
early embryogenesis. However, family studies have long documented an cancer genetics has implications for all aspects of cancer-related care of
increased risk for several forms of cancer among first-degree relatives (ie, individuals with hereditary or familial cancers, including prevention,
parents, siblings, children) and second-degree relatives (ie, grandparents, screening, and treatment.12
aunts or uncles, grandchildren, nieces or nephews) of affected individuals.
These individuals may have an increased susceptibility to cancer as the The NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®)
result of one or more P/LP variants present in parental germline cells; for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and
cancers developing in these individuals may be classified as hereditary or Pancreatic were developed with an acute awareness of the preliminary
familial cancers. nature of much of our knowledge regarding the clinical application of the
rapidly emerging field of molecular genetics, and with an appreciation for
Hereditary cancers are often characterized by P/LP variants associated the need for flexibility when applying these guidelines to individual
with increased risk for certain cancers and transmission to offspring families. Furthermore, it should be emphasized that these Guidelines were
through the mother and/or father.3,4 They often have an early age of onset not developed as a substitute for professional genetic counseling. Rather,
and exhibit an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern (ie, occur when the they are intended to: 1) serve as a resource for health care providers to
individual has a P/LP variant in only one copy of a gene). Familial cancers identify individuals who may benefit from cancer risk assessment and
share some but not all features of hereditary cancers. For example, genetic counseling; 2) provide genetics health care professionals with an
although familial breast cancers occur in a given family more frequently updated tool for the assessment of individual breast cancer, ovarian
than in the general population, they generally do not exhibit the inheritance cancer, and pancreatic cancer risk and to guide decisions related to
patterns or onset age consistent with hereditary cancers. Familial cancers genetic testing; and 3) facilitate a multidisciplinary approach in the
may be associated with chance clustering of sporadic cancer cases within comprehensive care of individuals at increased risk for hereditary breast,
families, genetic variation in lower penetrance genes, a shared ovarian, and pancreatic cancer. The current NCCN Guidelines for
environment, or combinations of these factors.5-8 Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic
focus primarily on assessment of P/LP variants associated with increased
An individual suspected of being at risk for hereditary cancer should be risk of breast, ovarian, pancreatic, and prostate cancer, including BRCA1,
offered genetic counseling.9,10 This is consistent with recommendations BRCA2, CDH1, PALB2, PTEN, and TP53, and recommended approaches

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

to genetic counseling/testing and care strategies in individuals with these NCCN recommendations have been developed to be inclusive of
P/LP variants. Where possible, P/LP variants in more recently identified individuals of all sexual and gender identities to the greatest extent
genes have been addressed to the extent possible given the limited possible. When citing published studies and recommendations from other
information available. Recommendations regarding P/LP variants organizations, the terms used (male, female) reflect the cited sources.
associated with pancreatic cancer, and pancreas screening for individuals
harboring such variants, were added to the NCCN Guidelines in the 2020 Genetic Risk Assessment and Counseling
update. Additionally, testing criteria for those with or at risk for prostate Cancer genetic risk assessment and genetic counseling is a multi-step
cancer have also been included in the NCCN Guidelines. process involving the identification and counseling of individuals at risk for
familial or hereditary cancer. The purpose of cancer genetic counseling is
A glossary of genetic terms is included in Table 1 for reference. to educate individuals about the genetic, biological, and environmental
factors related to a cancer diagnosis and/or risk for disease to help derive
Literature Search Criteria and Guidelines Update
personal meaning from cancer genetic information, and to empower them
to make educated, informed decisions about genetic testing, cancer
Prior to the update of this version of the NCCN Guidelines for
screening, and cancer prevention. Many patients undergoing genetic
Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic,
testing do not receive proper counseling.14 Further, testing rates are
an electronic search of the PubMed database was performed to obtain key
inadequate among some high-risk populations, including members of
literature using the following search terms: (hereditary breast cancer) OR
racial/ethnic minority groups.15,16 A genetic counselor, clinical geneticist,
(familial breast cancer) OR (hereditary ovarian cancer) OR (familial
oncologist, surgeon, oncology nurse, or other health professional with
ovarian cancer) OR (Li-Fraumeni syndrome) OR (tp53 breast cancer) OR
expertise and experience in cancer genetics should be involved in every
(Cowden syndrome) OR (pten hamartoma tumor syndrome) OR (pten
stage of the process.9
breast cancer) OR (brca breast cancer) OR (brca ovarian cancer) OR
(brip1 ovarian cancer) OR (cdh1 breast cancer) OR (palb2 breast cancer) Testing is clinically indicated in individuals for whom there is a personal or
OR (stk11 breast cancer) OR (rad51c ovarian cancer) OR (rad51d ovarian family history suggesting genetic cancer susceptibility and for whom
cancer) OR (hereditary pancreas cancer) OR (hereditary pancreatic results will aid in risk management and treatment. The selection of genes
cancer) OR (familial pancreas cancer) OR (familial pancreatic cancer) OR for which testing is indicated is based on the personal and familial
(brca pancreas cancer) OR (brca pancreatic cancer) OR (cdkn2a characteristics that determine the individual’s prior probability of being a
pancreas cancer) OR (cdkn2a pancreatic cancer) OR (cancer genetic carrier of a P/LP variant, and on the psychosocial degree of readiness of
testing) OR (cancer genetic counseling). The PubMed database was the person to receive genetic test results. Genetic risk assessment is a
chosen because it remains the most widely used resource for medical dynamic process and can change if additional relatives are diagnosed with
literature and indexes peer-reviewed biomedical literature.13 cancer. The genetic testing strategy is greatly facilitated when a P/LP
variant has already been identified in another family member. In that case,
the genetic testing laboratory can limit the search for P/LP variants in

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

additional family members to the same location in the gene. However, if derived DNA. In such cases, DNA of the individual being tested should be
there is reason to suspect more than one P/LP variant in the family, then extracted from a fibroblast culture, if available. If this is not possible,
broader testing may be considered. buccal cells or saliva may be considered as an alternative source for DNA;
however, a study has reported that over time, buccal epithelial cells are
For the majority of families in whom presence of a P/LP variant is replaced by donor-derived cells in allogeneic HCT recipients.18,19
unknown, it is best to consider testing an affected family member first, Therefore, genetic testing using saliva or buccal swab samples may be
especially a family member with early-onset disease, bilateral disease, or limited given this known risk of donor DNA contamination or malignant
multiple primaries, because that individual has the highest likelihood of a cells from the hematologic malignancy. Fibroblasts are also indicated
positive test result. The testing of the unaffected individual (or of when testing individuals with active or recent hematologic malignancies.20
unaffected family members) is reasonable when no affected family
member is available for testing. In such cases, it is most informative to test A counseling dilemma is posed by the finding of a variant of uncertain
the unaffected individual or unaffected close relative with the highest significance (VUS), a genetic alteration that may actually represent a
likelihood of testing positive for the P/LP variant. This may include the benign polymorphism unrelated to an increased cancer risk or may
relative closest to the family member with the youngest age at diagnosis, indicate an increased cancer risk. Retrospective analyses have estimated
bilateral disease, multiple primary tumors, or other cancers associated that 82.1% to 91.2% of the time, if a VUS is reclassified, it is downgraded
with a suspected hereditary syndrome. A negative test result in such to benign or likely benign, while 8.7% to 17.9% are upgraded from VUS to
cases, however, is considered indeterminate and does not provide the pathogenic.21,22 Therefore, VUS should not be used to alter medical
same level of information as when there is a known P/LP variant in the management. These patients should be considered for referral to research
family. Thus, one should be mindful that, when testing unaffected studies that aim to define the functional impact of the gene variant, such
individuals (in the absence of having tested affected family members), as variant reclassification programs through clinical labs or registries.
significant limitations may exist in interpreting the test results, and testing Some examples of these programs and registries include ClinVar (the
multiple family members may be indicated since absence of a P/LP variant archival database at the National Center for Biotechnology Information
in one unaffected relative does not rule out a P/LP variant in other family [NCBI]); the NIH-funded Clinical Genome Resource (ClinGen;
members. The maternal and paternal sides of the family should be; the international Evidence-based
considered independently for familial patterns of cancer. “Limited” family Network for the Interpretation of Germline Mutant Alleles (ENIGMA;
structure is defined as two or fewer first- or second-degree female; and the International Society for
relatives who survive past age 45 (on either side of the family) and/or Gastrointestinal Hereditary Tumors (InSIGHT; It
possessing no or inadequate information about one’s birth parents.17 is important to note that there may be inconsistencies among how some
programs and registries interpret the clinical actionability of some VUS,
Individuals who have received allogeneic hematopoietic cell 23,24 and variant interpretation can also vary between commercial
transplantation (HCT) should not have molecular genetic testing laboratories.25 These inconsistencies may lead to confusion regarding
performed on blood samples, as these blood cells would represent donor- medical management. Family members should not be tested for a VUS for

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

the purposes of clinical management unless there are conflicting data validity and utility, and lack of medical oversight.27 Currently available tests
between laboratories regarding the classification of a variant. In the event also only provide limited founder P/LP variant results without the benefit of
where there are discrepancies in classification, careful consideration must family history. An analysis of concordance between DTC testing results
be taken regarding family history, testing family members, and if other and results from confirmatory testing for 49 patients showed a false-
functional studies could aid in variant classification. Clinicians and positive rate of 40%, as well as variant classification errors in 8 patients.28
scientists should work together to develop a VUS classification system as Given the limitations of the information obtained from DTC services,
more information is discovered in research studies.26 Risk management confirmatory germline testing by a certified laboratory is clinically
strategies in carriers of a VUS or likely benign variant should be based on indicated, and changes to medical management based solely on DTC
family history of cancer. testing results are not recommended.28 Testing offered through DTC
services may have other limitations as well that could impact informed
Carriers of a P/LP variant should be encouraged to participate in clinical decision-making and interpretation of test results.29 These limitations
trials or genetic registries. Carriers should be encouraged to recontact include use of terms that are not clearly defined for consumers (eg,
their genetics providers every few years for updates, as laboratories may “clinical grade”, “medical grade”, and “diagnostic grade”); unclear
issue amended reports as the knowledge base surrounding hereditary procedures for processing and receiving results and for variant
cancer risk expands. reclassification; inadequate genetic counseling; and unclear use of
consumers’ health information.29
Evaluating the Source of Genetic Testing Information
Reports regarding germline findings that may impact medical management Incidental germline findings discovered through other sources (eg,
should come from laboratories that are certified by the College of participation in a research study) should be reviewed by a genetics
American Pathologists (CAP) and Clinical Laboratory Improvement professional.30 Confirmatory testing in these cases may be clinically
Amendments (CLIA), with some U.S. states (eg, New York) having indicated, especially if the reporting laboratory is not appropriately
additional reporting requirements. Recently, there has been an increase in certified.
genetic test results through direct-to-consumer (DTC) services or through
tumor profiling. The testing typically used by companies providing ancestry Tumor Genomic Testing
information directly to consumers is microarray-based single nucleotide Tumor profiling can be considered complementary to germline testing.
polymorphism (SNP) testing that has not been validated for clinical use. However, the absence of a P/LP variant for a given gene from tumor
These companies do not provide comprehensive genetic analysis that profiling does not rule out the possibility of a germline P/LP variant in that
includes gross deletion or duplication analysis. Third-party services are gene. Tumor genomic testing tends to be designed to address treatment
available to assist patients with interpreting their raw data, but these actionability and prognosis.31 Therefore, a variant interpreted as P/LP in
services are not government-regulated. In addition to the errors inherent in the germline may be interpreted as normal or as a VUS in the tumor, if that
working with raw uncurated data from DTC labs, other limitations of these variant has no clear clinical implications. In addition, the sensitivity of most
services include inadequate informed consent process, uncertain clinical tumor testing is lower (particularly for intermediate-sized deletions and

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

duplications) than that for most dedicated germline tests, sometimes due gene panel tests that include genes beyond the original indication for
to filtering out of germline findings reported in tumor sequencing results. In which testing is warranted. Phenotype needs to be considered when
a study of 21,333 patients with cancer who underwent both tumor and ordering multi-gene panel tests, to ensure that the relevant genes are
germline testing at an NCCN Member Institution, tumor-only sequencing included.43
missed 10.5% of clinically actionable P/LP variants.32 If a patient meets
testing criteria for germline testing for a given gene, then confirmatory There are several issues to consider regarding multi-gene testing. First,
germline testing should be considered through a CLIA-approved lab commercially available tests may differ significantly on a number of
despite tumor profiling results. factors, such as number of genes analyzed, turnaround time, insurance
coverage, laboratory expertise, variant reclassification protocol, methods
Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) assays may be used by some labs. ctDNA of DNA/RNA analysis, and availability of financial assistance for cascade
has the potential to identify both somatic and germline variants.33 testing of relatives, among others. Therefore, the specific laboratory and
However, since the primary intent of tumor testing is to inform treatment multi-gene test should be chosen carefully.39 In addition, P/LP variants
decision-making, ctDNA assays are not validated for reporting or identified for more than one gene add complexity that may lead to difficulty
interpretation of germline variants. The sensitivity, false-positive rates, and in making risk management recommendations.42 A management plan
positive predictive value of ctDNA tests for early-stage disease, which are based on genetic test results should only be developed for identified P/LP
needed to derive clinical utility and to determine clinical validity, are also variants that are clinically actionable.
not fully defined.34,35 The psychological impact of ctDNA testing also
remains unknown. If a germline variant that could impact medical A major dilemma regarding multi-gene testing is that there are limited data
management is detected with a ctDNA assay, then confirmatory testing and a lack of clear guidelines regarding degree of cancer risk associated
with a CLIA-approved assay intended for detection and interpretation of with some of the genes assessed, and how to communicate and manage
germline results is recommended. risk for carriers of these genes.44-48 This issue is compounded by the low
incidence rates of hereditary disease, leading to a difficulty in conducting
Multi-Gene Testing adequately powered studies.44 Multi-gene tests include moderate-
Next-generation sequencing allows for the sequencing of multiple genes penetrance genes, and they often also include low-penetrance genes for
simultaneously. This is referred to as multi-gene testing. Multi-gene testing which there are little available data regarding degree of cancer risk and
can detect P/LP variants not found in single-gene testing.36-38 Since more guidelines for risk management.39,49 Analysis from a prospective,
than one gene can explain an inherited cancer syndrome, phenotype- multicenter cohort study including 2984 patients with cancer unselected
directed testing based on personal and family history through a multi-gene based on cancer type, disease stage, family history of cancer, age of
panel test is often more efficient and/or cost-effective.39-41 Multi-gene diagnosis, and ethnicity showed that, with use of an 80-gene panel test, a
testing may also be considered for those who tested negative for one P/LP variant was found in 13.3%, with a highly penetrant variant found in
particular syndrome, but whose personal and family history is suggestive 5%.50 About half of the identified variants were of moderate or low
of an inherited susceptibility.39,42 It is now common practice to order multi- penetrance, and a VUS was also found in about half the sample. The use

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

of tailored panels that are disease-focused and include clinically a condition in which a hematopoietic stem cell begins making blood cells
actionable cancer susceptibility genes is preferred over large panels that with the same acquired P/LP variant.20 When there is no evidence of a
include genes of uncertain clinical relevance. Also, certain variants in a hematologic malignancy, then it is referred to as clonal hematopoiesis of
gene may be associated with a different degree of risk than other variants indeterminate potential (CHIP). Age-related CHIP is associated with
in that gene. For example, the presence of the c.7271T>G missense P/LP increased risk of hematologic malignancies,60,61 but may also lead to
variant in ATM is associated with an increased risk for early-onset breast unnecessary clinical intervention. Ancillary testing of non-lymphoid non-
cancer.51-53 cancerous tissue can be used to help determine the true presence of a
germline variant.20
Multi-gene tests also increase the likelihood of detecting a VUS.37-39,45,54-56
An analysis of germline genetic testing results through 2019 for 200,000 Polygenic risk scores (PRS) are now sometimes included in some genetic
patients with breast cancer and 15,000 patients with ovarian cancer test reports. PRS are groups of SNPs associated with a specific disorder
diagnosed between 2013 and 2017 showed that VUS rates increased from or disease, such as cancer. Studies evaluating the validity of PRS to refine
2013 to 2017 for both the patients diagnosed with breast cancer (8.5%– risks in those with hereditary cancer have been conducted primarily with
22.4%) and the patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer (8.1%–28.3%).57 breast and prostate cancers. Two studies identified PRS that were
This study also demonstrated racial and ethnic differences in VUS rates, strongly associated with ER-negative breast cancer in carriers of a BRCA1
with Asian, Black, and Hispanic patients having significantly higher VUS P/LP variant, overall breast cancer in carriers of a BRCA2 P/LP variant,
rates than White patients in 2017 (P < .001), for both breast and ovarian and high-grade serous ovarian cancer in carriers of both BRCA1 and
cancer. There are mixed data about the potential for harm due to BRCA2 P/LP variants.62,63 Two studies of male carriers of a BRCA1/2
misinterpretation of VUS results (eg, over-treatment), with a 2017 study P/LP variant identified PRS associated with breast cancer risk and
reporting that half of patients with VUS who were not considered prostate cancer risk.64,65 Studies have also evaluated the potential clinical
increased risk for carrying a P/LP variant undergo risk-reducing utility of incorporating PRS into a risk-stratified approach for screening for
mastectomy (RRM), suggesting potential overtreatment.14 In contrast, a prostate cancer66 and for identifying age of onset of aggressive prostate
2021 meta-analysis including 22 studies showed that individuals carrying a cancer.67 Studies of PRS have largely been done with those of European
P/LP variant had higher rates of risk-reducing surgery compared to ancestry.68 Studies with larger samples from diverse populations are
individuals with a VUS, indicating that individuals with a VUS may not be needed. Given the lack of clinical utility of PRS, these should not be used
very commonly undergoing inappropriate risk management.58 to inform medical management at this time.

There is also an increase in the chance of finding genotypically distinct cell Pre- and Post-Test Counseling
lines (ie, genetic mosaicism) with next-generation sequencing.59 Clones of For individuals potentially meeting established criteria for one or more of
non-cancerous cells (ie, aberrant clonal expansion) containing a P/LP the hereditary cancer syndromes, genetic testing should be considered
TP53 variant have been found in healthy adults undergoing multi-gene along with appropriate pre- and post-test counseling. Pre-test counseling
testing. This phenomenon can often be attributed to clonal hematopoiesis, should include a discussion of why the test is being offered and how test

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Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

results may impact medical management, cancer risks associated with the examination should be performed by a qualified clinician when
P/LP variant in question, the significance of possible test results (see appropriate.
Table 2), the likelihood of a positive result, technical aspects and accuracy
of the test, cost considerations, risks of genetic discrimination, The presentation of testing information is most effective when tailored to
psychosocial aspects, confidentiality issues, implications for treatment the age and education of the person undergoing counseling, and that
decision-making, the potential significance of the test results for family individual’s personal exposure to the disease, level of risk, and social
members, and other topics.7 A discussion of confidentiality issues should environment.7 Information could be delivered in person or over the
include an explanation of the federal Genetic Information phone.71,72 Telehealth (ie, real-time two-way videoconference) is also
Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) enacted in 2008, which prohibits most increasingly utilized as a feasible alternative for in-person genetic
health insurers and employers from discrimination on the basis of genetic counseling.72 Remote options (eg, telephone, telehealth) have the
test results.69 Since some patients with cancer who have a poor prognosis potential to help improve genetic testing rates in areas with inadequate
may be unable to receive results directly, a plan for results disclosure access.72
should be discussed, such as the patient consenting to Release of
Post-test counseling includes disclosure of results, a discussion of the
Information of test results to a spouse or other close relative. A detailed
associated medical risks, an assessment of the impact of the results on
family history should be collected, which involves development of an
the emotional state of the individual, a discussion of the impact of the
expanded pedigree, beginning with the health of the individual diagnosed
results on the comprehensive care of the individual (including discussion
with cancer and proceeding outward to include first-, second-, and third-
of therapeutic implications by a qualified health care professional), and
degree relatives on both the maternal and paternal sides. Factors that limit
how and where the patient will be screened for cancer risk.9 Counseling
the informativeness of the pedigree are small family size, a small number
should include making the individual aware of any available resources,
of individuals of the susceptible gender for sex-limited cancers, reduced
such as disease-specific support groups, high-risk clinics, advocacy
penetrance, early deaths in family members (which precludes the
groups, and research studies.73 The counselor should discuss the
possibility that they will develop adult diseases), prophylactic surgeries
importance of genetic counseling and testing for at-risk relatives.
that remove an organ from subsequent risk for cancer (eg, hysterectomy
for uterine fibroids in which the ovaries are also removed), adoptions, and Since some P/LP variants are associated with rare autosomal recessive
inaccurate or incomplete information on family members (eg, in the case conditions (eg, Fanconi anemia is associated with BRCA2, BRIP1, and
of adoption or divorce).5,70 It is also important to know the PALB2 variants), the proband should be advised regarding possible
ancestry/ethnicity of the individual, since members of certain groups (eg, inherited cancer risk to relatives and their own options for risk assessment
Ashkenazi Jewish) have increased risks of carrying P/LP variants for and management. Testing of a partner of a carrier of a P/LP variant may
specific diseases. Any family members who received genetic testing also be considered to inform reproductive decision-making.74 See
should also be noted, as well as testing results. Finally, a detailed medical Autosomal Recessive Risk in Cancer Genes – Multi-Gene Panel Testing
and surgical history from the proband should be collected, and a physical in the algorithm for a full list of the P/LP variants covered in these
Guidelines that are associated with autosomal recessive conditions.

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

Pre- and post-test genetic counseling with involvement of an expert in the following reasons: 1) increases compliance with screening guidelines,
cancer genetics is recommended. However, the panel acknowledges that since screening behaviors may decrease over time; 2) allows the patient
most genetic testing is conducted by providers with limited expertise in to re-evaluate personal choices about risk-reducing surgeries, based on
genetics and often without pre-test genetic counseling.75-77 Shortages in changing life stage and circumstances; and 3) provides opportunities to
genetics health providers,78 expansion of testing indications, aggressive “check in” with the patient about following up-to-date risk management
marketing, and increased accessibility of testing due to plummeting costs guidelines, discuss additional or emerging genetic testing options, and
inclusive of DTC models for testing provide the impetus for the panel to review improved risk models. Cancer risk estimates can change based on
identify scenarios in which referral to a genetics health provider should be larger case-control studies. Similarly, recommendations for screening and
considered. These scenarios are as follows: identification of a P/LP risk reduction can change based on new technologies and data. The
variant; negative results despite tumor profiling, personal history, or family frequency of follow-up with the patient will depend on factors such as age,
history suggestive of inherited condition; VUS result for which provider reproductive planning, comorbidities, risk-reducing surgeries, and others
considers altering clinical management; mosaic or possibly mosaic result; as applicable.
discrepant interpretation of variants (eg, discordant results across
laboratories); interpretation of PRS; and detection of P/LP variants from Counseling may be warranted for those with negative or indeterminate
DTC testing. results, as reasons for a negative result include the following scenarios:
P/LP variant exists in a gene variant that was not recognized due to
Many patients who have been diagnosed with cancer and have a P/LP limitations in technology; P/LP variant exists in a gene variant that was not
variant are at increased risk for additional primary cancers in the future. evaluated; and potential presence of a P/LP variant in a family member
Management of those risks may be appropriate after treatment of the that was not detected in the individual. The determination of a “true
current cancer or may be combined with treatment for a current cancer. negative” result depends on the specific family history of cancer, the
For example, a patient with breast cancer and a pathogenic variant in specific P/LP variant found, and the relationship to any family members
BRCA1 or BRCA2 may consider bilateral mastectomies to treat their who test positive. When an individual has tested negative, it may still be
current cancer and also to reduce the risk of a future primary breast appropriate to consider increased screening and risk reduction measures
cancer. These patients may also consider oophorectomy for treatment of for cancer, based on family history. Over time, this individual may be a
hormone receptor-positive breast cancer and also for reducing ovarian candidate for additional genetic testing due to additional family history or
cancer risk. as new genes are identified to be associated with cancer risk.

An individual's personal risk may differ from published lifetime risks, Additional information and the full list of elements that should be included
depending on medical history and patient age. Specifically, patients who in pre- and post-test genetic counseling can be found in the Principles of
are older will have lower remaining lifetime risks. Over time, patients with a Cancer Risk Assessment and Counseling in the algorithm.
P/LP variant benefit from re-consultation with a medical provider who is
familiar with inherited risk for cancer. This re-consultation is important for

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

Reproductive Options diminished ovarian reserve.81,82 Although the use of prenatal diagnosis or
The outcomes of genetic testing can have a profound impact on family PGT is relatively well established for severe hereditary disorders with very
planning decisions for individuals of reproductive age who are found to be high penetrance and/or early onset (eg, Fanconi anemia), its use in
carriers of a P/LP variant. Counseling for reproductive options such as conditions associated with lower penetrance and/or later onset (eg,
prenatal diagnosis and assisted reproduction using preimplantation hereditary breast or ovarian cancer syndrome) remains somewhat
genetic testing (PGT) may therefore be warranted for couples expressing controversial from both an ethical and regulatory standpoint. Personal
concern over their future offspring’s carrier status of a P/LP variant. Such considerations for the decision to utilize prenatal diagnosis or PGT may
counseling should include a comprehensive discussion of the potential include individual ethical beliefs, value systems, cultural and religious
risks, benefits, and limitations of reproductive options, including cost. beliefs, and social and economic factors. Successful births have been
reported with the use of PGT and IVF in carriers of a BRCA1/2 P/LP
Prenatal diagnosis involves postimplantation genetic analysis of an early variant,83,84 but data in the published literature are still very limited. In
embryo, utilizing chorionic villi or amniotic fluid cell samples; genetic addition, data pertaining to long-term safety or outcomes of PGT and
testing is typically conducted between week 12 and week 16 of gestation, assisted reproduction in carriers of a P/LP variant are not yet available.
and testing results may potentially lead to a couple’s decision to terminate
pregnancy.79,80 PGT has emerged as an alternative method of genetic High-Penetrance Breast and/or Ovarian Cancer
testing in early embryos. PGT involves the testing of 1 or 2 cells from Susceptibility Genes
embryos in very early stages of development (ie, 6–8 cells) after in vitro Specific patterns of hereditary breast and ovarian cancers have been
fertilization (IVF). This procedure allows for the selection of unaffected found to be linked to P/LP variants in the BRCA1/2 genes.85,86 In addition,
embryos to be transferred to the uterus,79,80 and may therefore offer the two very rare hereditary cancer syndromes exhibiting an increased risk for
advantage of avoiding potential termination of pregnancy. The PGT breast cancer are Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) and Cowden syndrome,
process requires the use of IVF regardless of the fertility status of the which are related to germline P/LP variants in the TP53 and PTEN genes,
couple (ie, also applies to couples without infertility issues), and IVF may respectively.87,88 PALB2 and CDH1 are also considered high penetrance
not always lead to a successful pregnancy. Lastly, the technology or breast cancer susceptibility genes.89-94 These hereditary syndromes share
expertise may not be readily available in a couple’s geographic location. several features beyond elevation of breast cancer risk. These syndromes
arise from germline P/LP variants that are not within sex-linked genes;
Various factors, both medical and personal, must be weighed in the hence, the variants can be inherited from either parent. The syndromes
decision to utilize prenatal diagnosis or PGT. Medical considerations may are associated with breast cancer onset at an early age and development
include factors such as the age of onset of the hereditary cancer, of other types of cancer, and exhibit an autosomal dominant inheritance
penetrance, severity or associated morbidity and mortality of the cancer, pattern (see Table 1). Offspring of an individual with one of these
and availability of effective cancer risk reduction methods or effective
hereditary syndromes have a 50% chance of inheriting the P/LP variant. In
treatments.79,80 For example, results form two systematic reviews have
addition, individuals with these hereditary syndromes share increased
suggested that carrying a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant may be associated with risks for multiple cases of early-onset disease as well as bilateral disease.

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

The P/LP variants associated with these hereditary syndromes are Breast Cancer Risk
considered to be highly penetrant. In addition, the manifestations (ie, Estimates of penetrance range from a 41% to 90% lifetime risk for breast
expression) of these hereditary syndromes are often variable in individuals cancer, with an increased risk for contralateral breast cancer.91,99-106 A
within a single family (eg, age of onset, tumor site, number of primary prospective cohort study including 9856 unaffected BRCA1/2 carriers
tumors). The risk of developing cancer in individuals with one of these showed that a cumulative risk of breast cancer by 80 years of age was
hereditary syndromes depends on numerous variables including the 72% for carriers of a BRCA1 P/LP variant and 69% for carriers of a
gender and age of the individual. BRCA2 P/LP variant.107 Estimates of cumulative risk for contralateral
breast cancer 20 years after breast cancer diagnosis are 40% for carriers
Prior to 2020, the NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk of a BRCA1 P/LP variant and 26% for carriers of a BRCA2 P/LP variant,
Assessment: Breast and Ovarian (Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic as of though this risk is age-dependent and greatest in those diagnosed with
2020) focused largely on testing criteria for BRCA1/2 and appropriate risk breast cancer at an early age (ie, <40 years).107
management for carriers of a BRCA1 or BRCA2 P/LP variant. Sections on
LFS and Cowden syndrome/PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome (PHTS) While the evidence is mixed, we do not currently have evidence to support
were also included. Based on strong evidence that genes beyond that BRCA-associated breast cancers are more aggressive and/or have
BRCA1/2, TP53, and PTEN confer markedly increased risk of breast poorer outcomes. A meta-analysis including 13 studies showed that
and/or ovarian cancers, these Guidelines have been expanded; see the carriers of a BRCA1 P/LP variant with breast cancer had worse overall
sections below on other P/LP variants associated with breast/ovarian survival (OS) compared to those without a BRCA1 or BRCA2 P/LP variant
cancer. (hazard ratio [HR], 1.50; 95% CI, 1.11–2.04), while OS did not significantly
differ between those harboring a BRCA2 P/LP variant and those without a
BRCA-Related Breast/Ovarian Cancer Syndrome BRCA1 or BRCA2 P/LP variant (HR, 0.97; 95% CI, 078–1.22).108 Another
Both the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes encode for proteins involved in tumor meta-analysis including 60 studies and 105,220 patients with breast
suppression. BRCA1/2 P/LP variants can be highly penetrant (for cancer also found that carriers of a BRCA1 P/LP variant had worse OS
definition, see Table 1), although the probability of cancer development in compared to non-carriers (HR, 1.30; 95% CI, 1.11–1.52; P = .001).109
carriers of BRCA1/2 P/LP variants is variable, even within families with the Carriers of a BRCA2 P/LP variant had worse breast cancer-specific
same variant.95-97 At present, it is unclear whether penetrance is related survival compared to non-carriers (HR, 1.29; 95% CI, 1.03–1.62; P = .03),
only to the specific P/LP variant identified in a family or whether additional though OS was not significantly different. This meta-analysis also showed
factors, either genetic or environmental, affect disease expression. that, among patients with triple-negative breast cancer, BRCA1/2 P/LP
Epigenetic modification can also influence disease penetrance for a P/LP variants are associated with better OS (HR, 0.49; 95% CI, 0.26–0.92; P =
variant.98 It is generally accepted, however, that carriers of BRCA1/2 P/LP .03). However, this subgroup analysis only included two studies. A third
variants have an excessive risk for both breast and ovarian cancer that meta-analysis including 66 studies also showed that a BRCA2 P/LP
warrants consideration of more intensive screening and preventive variant was associated with worse breast cancer-specific survival (HR,
strategies. 1.57; 95% CI, 1.29–1.86), but study results were too heterogeneous for

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

the analysis to be conclusive.110 Results of the prospective cohort 4.66; 95% CI, 3.52–6.23, respectively).127,128 Another case-control study
Prospective Outcomes in Sporadic versus Hereditary breast cancer showed that the 20-year survival rate in carriers of a BRCA2 P/LP variant
(POSH) study including 2733 females with breast cancer showed no with ER-positive tumors was 62.2%, compared to 83.7% in those with ER-
significant differences in OS between carriers of a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant negative tumors, though this difference was only statistically significant in
and non-carriers 2, 5, and 10 years after diagnosis.111 those <50 years of age (n = 199; 68.3% vs. 91.3%, respectively; P =
.03).129 A case-control study of carriers of the Icelandic founder BRCA2
BRCA1/2 P/LP variants are associated with early-onset breast cancer. In a variant 999del5 showed that ER-positive disease was associated with
sample of 21,401 families who met German Consortium for Hereditary increased mortality risk, compared to those with ER-negative disease (HR,
Breast and Ovarian Cancer testing criteria for BRCA1/2 P/LP variants, a 1.94; 95% CI, 1.22–3.07; P = .005).130 However, prevalence of ER-
P/LP variant was detected in 13.7% of families with a single case of breast negative disease was not significantly greater in carriers of a P/LP BRCA2
cancer diagnosed at <36 years of age.112 An analysis of 6478 patients who variant than in non-carriers (75.6% vs. 70.2%, respectively; P = .11). The
were diagnosed with breast cancer before 50 years of age showed that explanation for the association between BRCA2 P/LP variant with ER-
carriers of a BRCA1 P/LP variant had worse OS compared to patients who positive tumors and poor survival outcomes is currently unknown and
were not carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant (HR, 1.28; 95% CI, 1.05– warrants investigation, though one hypothesized explanation includes
1.57; P = .01), but this association was no longer statistically significant difference in estrogen signaling pathways and increased sensitivity to
when taking into account disease and treatment characteristics (HR, 1.20; ovarian hormones for these tumors.130,131
95% CI, 0.97–1.47; P = .09).113 BRCA2 P/LP variants were not
significantly associated with decreased OS in these analyses, except for Among patients with triple-negative disease, carriers of a P/LP BRCA
the first 5 years of follow-up (HR, 1.56; 95% CI, 1.06–2.28; P = .02). variant were diagnosed at a younger age compared with non-
carriers.121,132 In a study of a large cohort of patients with triple-negative
Some histopathologic features have been reported to occur more breast cancer (N = 403), the median age of diagnosis among carriers of a
frequently in breast cancers of individuals with a germline BRCA1/2 P/LP P/LP BRCA1 variant (n = 65) was 39 years.120 Patients in this population-
variant. For example, several studies have shown that BRCA1-related based study were unselected for family history or age. Among the group of
breast cancer is more likely to be characterized as ER-/PR-negative and patients with early-onset (age at diagnosis <40 years) triple-negative
HER2-negative (ie, “triple negative”).91,114-119 Studies have reported breast cancer (n = 106), the incidence of BRCA1 P/LP variants was 36%;
BRCA1 P/LP variants in 4.4% to 16% of patients with triple-negative the incidence was 27% among those diagnosed before 50 years of age (n
breast cancer.91,119-128 One cohort study showed an absolute lifetime risk of = 208). Results from the prospective cohort POSH study showed that,
40% for hormone receptor-positive (ER+ and/or PR+) breast cancer in among 558 patients with triple-negative breast cancer, 2-year OS was
carriers of a P/LP BRCA2 variant.91 The Breast Cancer Association greater in carriers of a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant than in non-carriers (95% vs.
Consortium and the CARRIERS case-control studies showed associations 91%, respectively; HR, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.35–0.99; P = .047), but 5- and 10-
between a BRCA2 P/LP variant and increased risk of ER-positive breast year OS did not differ significantly between these groups.111 A SEER
cancer (1.46%; odds ratio [OR], 5.68; 95% CI, 4.65–6.96 and 1.09%; OR, analysis from California and Georgia including females diagnosed with

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

breast cancer showed that, among 5461 diagnosed with triple-negative .0002; relative risk [RR], 1.36; P = .001), but the difference in risk was less
breast cancer, cancer-specific mortality was lower among carriers of a pronounced for 10-year survival (risk difference, 8.6%; P = .042; RR, 1.25;
P/LP BRCA1 variant (HR, 0.49; 95% CI, 0.35–0.69) and carriers of a P/LP P = .12).160 BRCA2 P/LP variants are also associated with significantly
BRCA2 variant (HR, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.41–0.89), compared to non- higher response rates (compared with non-carriers or with carriers of a
carriers.133 BRCA1 P/LP variant) to primary chemotherapy. In contrast, BRCA1 P/LP
variants were not associated with prognosis or improved chemotherapy
Carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant who were assigned male at birth also response.157
have a greater risk for cancer susceptibility.134,135 Among male patients
with breast cancer unselected for family history, 4% to 14% tested positive The histology of ovarian cancers in carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant is
for a germline BRCA2 P/LP variant.136-139 For males carrying a P/LP more likely to be characterized as serous adenocarcinoma and high grade
BRCA2 variant, the cumulative lifetime risk for breast cancer has been compared with ovarian cancers in non-carriers, although endometrioid and
estimated at 1.8% to 7.1%.140-142 The cumulative lifetime risk for male clear cell ovarian cancers also have been reported in the former
carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant is 0.2%–1.2%.141,142 In contrast, for population.146,148,161-165 P/LP variants are also associated with non-
males who are not carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant, the lifetime risk for mucinous ovarian carcinoma as opposed to mucinous.147,149 Mucinous
breast cancer has been estimated at approximately 0.1% (1 in 1000).138,143 epithelial ovarian carcinomas may be associated with other P/LP variants,
such as TP53,166 which are implicated in LFS (see below). Non-epithelial
Ovarian Cancer Risk ovarian carcinomas (eg, germ cell and sex cord-stromal tumors) are not
Increased risks for cancers of the ovary, fallopian tube, and peritoneum significantly associated with a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant,167 though ovarian
are observed in carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant.144-146 In the setting of sex cord tumor with annular tubules is associated with STK11 P/LP
an invasive ovarian cancer diagnosis, a P/LP BRCA1 variant has been variants.168,169 Current data show that ovarian low malignant potential
found in 3.8% to 14.5% of patients, and a P/LP BRCA2 variant has been tumors (ie, borderline epithelial ovarian tumors) are also not associated
found in 4.2% to 5.7% of patients.105,147-150 BRCA1 variants have an with a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant.147
estimated 48.3% (95% CI, 38.8%–57.9%) cumulative risk of ovarian
cancer by age 70, while the cumulative risk by age 70 is 20.0% (95% CI, In studies of carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant who underwent risk-
13.3%–29.0%) for carriers of a P/LP BRCA2 variant.151 reducing salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO) for occult gynecologic
neoplasia, both invasive carcinoma and intraepithelial lesions were
Several studies have reported more favorable survival outcomes among identified in 4.5% to 9% of cases based on rigorous pathologic
carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant in patients with ovarian cancer examinations of the ovaries and fallopian tubes.170-172 Tubal intraepithelial
compared with non-carrier patients.152-158 Survival outcomes appear to be carcinoma (TIC) is thought to represent an early precursor lesion for
most favorable for carriers of a P/LP BRCA2 variant.152,157,159 A systematic serous ovarian cancers, and TIC (with or without other lesions) was
review and meta-analysis including 13 references with 4,565 patients detected in 5% to 8% of cases from patients carrying a P/LP BRCA1/2
(1131 BRCA1/2 P/LP variant carriers) showed that 5-year survival was variant who underwent RRSO.170,173,174 The fimbriae or distal tube was
higher in the P/LP carriers than in non-carriers (risk difference, 14.9%; P =

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

reported to be the predominant site of origin for these early malignancies Testing Criteria Related to Prostate Cancer) P/LP variant rates were
found in carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant.170,174,175 Although TIC highest in patients with metastatic disease (8.2%). This study also showed
appeared to present more frequently among carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 that carriers with prostate cancer had significantly decreased survival,
variant compared with non-carriers undergoing RRSO,174,175 TIC has also compared with patients who were non-carriers (5 years vs. 16 years,
been documented among patients with serous carcinomas unselected for respectively; P < .001).186 This association remained statistically significant
family history or BRCA P/LP variant status.176 Because TIC was identified when controlling for race, age, PSA, and Gleason score. Ashkenazi
in individuals who underwent surgery for risk reduction (for carriers of a Jewish ancestry is also associated with BRCA1/2 P/LP variants in patients
P/LP BRCA1/2 variant) or other gynecologic indications, the incidence and with prostate cancer, with rates for BRCA1 being 0% to 2% and rates for
significance of these early lesions within the general population is unclear. BRCA2 being 1% to 3%.177,187-190

Prostate Cancer Risk Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Germline BRCA1/2 P/LP variants are associated with increased risk for Prior to more widespread testing of individuals with pancreatic cancer for
prostate cancer.177-180 Carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant have an germline variants in cancer predisposition genes, studies showed that
estimated 7% to 26% cumulative lifetime risk of prostate cancer, while the BRCA1/2 P/LP variant rates in pancreatic cancer cases ranged from 1% to
cumulative lifetime risk is 19% to 61% for carriers of a P/LP BRCA2 11% for BRCA1 and 0% to 17% for BRCA2.191-199 However, some of these
variant.64,142,181 There is evidence that advanced or metastatic prostate studies included only patients with familial pancreatic cancer 194,195,198 or
cancer is associated with carrying a BRCA2 P/LP variant; it is not yet those of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry,196 both of whom may have a greater
known if an aggressive phenotype is also associated with BRCA1 P/LP likelihood of testing positive for a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant. More recent
variant.182-184 An international study including 5545 patients with prostate studies that used panel testing confirm that some pancreatic cancers
cancer (with European ancestry) showed that the frequency of a BRCA2 harbor actionable BRCA1/2 P/LP variants (0%–3% for BRCA1 and 1%–
P/LP variant was significantly higher in patients with aggressive disease 6% for BRCA2).200-204 Cumulative lifetime risk of pancreatic cancer is as
(ie, died from prostate cancer, metastatic disease, T4 disease, or T3 with high as 3% for males with a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant and 2.3% for females
Gleason score ≥8) than in patients with non-aggressive disease (OR, 3.19; with a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant.142 Patients with pancreatic cancer and
95% CI, 1.94–5.25).184 A study of a large cohort of patients from Spain Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry may have a greater likelihood of testing
with prostate cancer (N = 2019) showed that carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 positive for a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant, with prevalence of detected P/LP
variant had significantly higher rates of aggressive prostate cancer variants in this group ranging from 5.5% to 19%, with P/LP variants being
(Gleason score ≥8), nodal involvement, and distant metastasis compared more common for BRCA2.196,197,199,205
with non-carriers.185 In a sample of 692 patients with metastatic prostate
cancer, unselected for family history or age at diagnosis, 5.3% carried a More information on genes associated with pancreatic cancer can be
BRCA2 P/LP variant, and 0.9% carried a BRCA1 P/LP variant.183 In found below, under Hereditary Pancreatic Cancer.
addition, analyses from a treatment center database showed that
BRCA1/2 and ATM (see below under NCCN Genetic Testing Criteria:

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

Other Cancer and Health Risks The absolute risk of uterine cancer in carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant
Some studies have suggested an increased risk specifically of serous appears low overall, despite some evidence of increased risk. However,
uterine cancer in carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant.206-210 Analyses from genetic testing, including for a P/LP BRCA1 variant, may be considered for
a multicenter prospective cohort study including 1083 carriers of a P/LP patients diagnosed with serous endometrial cancer.
BRCA1 variant who underwent RRSO without hysterectomy showed an
increased risk for serous and/or serous-like endometrial cancer.211 A Studies that investigated associations between BRCA2 P/LP variant and
Dutch cohort study including 5980 carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant cutaneous melanoma have drawn inconsistent conclusions, though there
showed a 2- to 3-fold increased risk for endometrial cancer, with the is some evidence of an association.216 One study showed that females
highest risks for serous-like (HR, 10.48; 95% CI, 2.95–37.20) and p53- carrying a P/LP BRCA2 variant have an elevated risk for leukemia
abnormal endometrial cancer (HR, 15.71; 95% CI, 4.62–53.40) in carriers (standardized incidence ratio [SIR], 4.76; 95% CI, 1.21–12.96; P = .03),
of a P/LP BRCA1 variant.210 A systematic review and meta-analysis particularly females who have received chemotherapy (SIR, 8.11; 95% CI,
including 11 studies with 13,871 carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant 2.06–22.07; P = .007).217 Analyses of 3184 BRCA1 and 2157 BRCA2
showed that the prevalence of endometrial cancer was 0.62% in carriers families in the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2
of a P/LP BRCA1 variant and 0.47% in carriers of a P/LP BRCA2 variant showed that the cumulative lifetime risk of gastric cancer is 3.5% in both
(relative RR, 1.18; 95% CI, 0.7–2.0).212 For uterine papillary serous male and female carriers of a BRCA2 pathogenic variant (compared to
carcinoma, the prevalence rates were 0.20% for BRCA1 and 0.08% for 1.6% and 0.7% in male and female carriers of a BRCA1 pathogenic
BRCA2 (relative RR, 1.39; 95% CI, 0.5–3.7). It has been suggested that variant, respectively).142 A case-control analysis from Japan including
the increased risk for endometrial cancer observed in some carriers of 65,108 patients showed associations between gastric cancer and BRCA1
BRCA1/2 P/LP variants may be due to the use of tamoxifen therapy by (OR, 5.2; 95% CI, 2.6–10.5) and BRCA2 (OR, 4.7; 95% CI, 3.1–7.1) P/LP
these patients rather than the presence of a P/LP variant.213-215 variants, biliary tract cancer and P/LP BRCA1 variant (OR, 17.4; 95% CI,
5.8–51.9), and esophageal cancer and P/LP BRCA2 variant (OR, 5.6;
A meta-analysis including five studies of patients with uterine serous 95% CI, 2.9–11.0).218 Finally, an analysis of 490 families with a known
cancer and Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry showed that BRCA1/2 P/LP BRCA1/2 P/LP variant showed an increased risk for ocular melanoma in
variant prevalence was greater in those with uterine serous cancer than in carriers of a P/LP BRCA2 variant (RR, 99.4; 95% CI, 11.1–359.8), though
controls (also of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry) (OR, 5.4; 95% CI, 2.2– absolute risk is low.219
13.1).206 In a retrospective case control study including 2627 Jewish Israeli
carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant (88% Ashkenazi Jewish), risk of In cases where both partners carry a P/LP BRCA2 variant, there may be a
developing uterine cancer was increased, with an observed-to-expected high risk for the offspring to develop Fanconi anemia, a rare autosomal
ratio of 3.98 (95% CI, 2.17–6.67; P < .001).209 This association persisted recessive condition.74 A review of 27 cases of Fanconi anemia with
regardless of uterine cancer histology. biallelic P/LP variants in BRCA2 (FA-D1) showed a 97% cumulative risk of
malignancy by age 5.2 years (79% risk of leukemia by age 10 years, 83%
risk of any solid tumor by age 6.7 years, 85% risk of a brain tumor by age

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

9 years, and 63% risk of a Wilms tumor by age 6.7 years).220 Some case with MRI in some reports, resulting in a slightly lower or similar specificity
reports have also identified biallelic BRCA1 P/LP variants causing Fanconi with MRI screening (81%–98%) compared with mammography (92%–
anemia-like disorder,221,222 particularly FANCS, a severe form of Fanconi 100%).231-236 The sensitivity with ultrasound screening (33%–65%)
anemia characterized by developmental delay, short stature, and appeared similar to that of mammography in this high-risk
microcephaly.223,224 population.232,234-236 In a prospective screening trial (conducted from 1997–
2009) that evaluated the performance of annual MRI and mammography
Risk Management
in females (aged 25–65 years; N = 496) with confirmed P/LP BRCA1/2
Recommendations for the medical management of BRCA-related cancers variant, sensitivity with MRI was significantly higher compared with
are based on an appreciation of the early onset and increased risk for mammography during the entire study period (86% vs. 19%; P < .0001).237
associated cancers. An individual from a family with a known BRCA1/2 Factors such as age, P/LP variant type, or invasiveness of the tumor did
P/LP variant who tests negative for the familial variant should be followed not significantly influence the relative sensitivity of the two screening
according to the recommendations for the general population for breast modalities. Importantly, the large majority (97%) of cancers detected by
cancer (eg, the NCCN Guidelines for Breast Cancer Screening and MRI screening were early-stage tumors.237 At a median follow-up of 8
Diagnosis [available at]).
years from diagnosis, none of the surviving patients (n = 24) had
developed distant recurrence. In an analysis of 606 females with either a
Breast Cancer Risk Management
family history of breast cancer or who harbor a P/LP variant associated
Screening with increased risk for breast cancer, sensitivity of breast MRI screening
Mammography has served as the standard screening modality for was reported to be 79%, while specificity was reported to be 86%.238
detection of breast cancer during the last few decades. There are currently
All of these studies discussed above evaluated a screening strategy that
no data indicating that mammography on its own reduces mortality in
was conducted on an annual basis, and many of the studies included
females with genetically increased risk for breast cancer.225 Also, false-
individuals without known BRCA1/2 P/LP variant status. A study of 1219
negative mammography results are common and have been correlated
carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant and 732 carriers of a P/LP BRCA2
with factors such as presence of a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant and high breast
variant showed that the increased sensitivity of mammography in addition
tissue density,226-229 both of which may occur more frequently among
to MRI was greater for carriers of a P/LP BRCA2 variant (12.6%) than for
younger females. Rapidly growing or aggressive breast tumors—also
carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant (3.9%).239 In a retrospective study, a
more common among younger females —have also been associated with
different screening interval was evaluated, using alternating
decreased sensitivity of mammographic screening methods.226,230
mammography and MRI screening every 6 months in females with a
Prospective studies on comparative surveillance modalities in females at
confirmed P/LP BRCA1/2 variant (N = 73).240 After a median follow-up of 2
high risk for familial breast cancer (ie, confirmed or suspected BRCA1/2
years, 13 breast cancers were detected among 11 females; 12 of the
P/LP variant based on family history) have consistently reported higher
tumors were detected by MRI screening but not by mammography
sensitivity of MRI screening (77%–94%) compared with mammography
(33%–59%) in detecting breast cancers. False-positive rates were higher

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Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

obtained 6 months earlier. The sensitivity and specificity with MRI last administration.255,256 Retention of gadolinium has also been seen in
screening was 92% and 87%, respectively.240 the bone.257 In 2017, the FDA issued an update stating that its review of
available data had not identified adverse health effects from gadolinium
The optimal surveillance approach in individuals assigned female at birth retained in the brain and that patients should read a medication guide prior
who are at high risk for familial breast cancer remains uncertain, especially to receiving gadolinium. However, review of the evidence will continue.
for those between the ages of 25 and 30 years. While some studies have
reported an association between radiation exposure from mammography The appropriate imaging modalities and surveillance intervals are still
and increased risk for breast cancer in carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 under investigation. In a report based on a computer simulation model that
variant,241,242 current data are insufficient to support risks of radiation. evaluated different annual screening strategies in carriers of a P/LP
Nevertheless, one of the potential benefits of incorporating MRI modalities BRCA1/2 variant, a screening approach that included annual MRI starting
into surveillance strategies may include minimizing the radiation risks at 25 years of age combined with alternating digital mammography/MRI
associated with mammography, in addition to the higher sensitivity of MRI starting at 30 years of age was shown to be the most effective strategy
screening in detecting tumors. The use of MRI, however, may potentially when radiation risks, life expectancy, and false-positive rates were
be associated with higher false-positive results and higher costs relative to considered.258 Future prospective trials are needed to evaluate the
mammography. The combined use of digital mammography (two- different surveillance strategies in individuals at high risk for familial breast
dimensional, 2D) in conjunction with digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) cancer. For an individual assigned female at birth who is a carrier of a
appears to improve cancer detection and reduce false-positive call back BRCA1/2 P/LP variant, training in breast awareness with regular monthly
rates.243-252 Tomosynthesis allows acquisition of three-dimensional (3D) practice should begin at 18 years of age, and clinical breast examinations
data using a moving x-ray and digital detector. These data are should be conducted every 6 to 12 months, beginning at 25 years of age.
reconstructed using computer algorithms to generate thin sections of Between the ages of 25 and 29 years, these individuals should have
images. The combined use of 2D and DBT results in double the radiation annual breast MRI screening with contrast (to be performed on days 7–15
exposure compared with mammography alone. However, this increase in of menstrual cycle for premenopausal individuals) or annual
radiation dose falls below dose limits of radiation set by the U.S. Food and mammograms only if MRI is not available. The age to begin screening can
Drug Administration (FDA) for standard mammography. The radiation be individualized if the family history includes a breast diagnosis prior to
dose can be minimized by newer tomosynthesis techniques that create a 30 years of age.231,233,236,259,260 Breast MRI screening is preferred over
synthetic 2D image, which may obviate the need for a conventional digital mammogram in the 25- to 29-year age group. High-quality breast MRI
image.244,253,254 In carriers of a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant who are <30 years of screening should consist of the following: dedicated breast coil, ability to
age, breast MRI screening is preferred over mammography due to lack of perform biopsy under MRI guidance, experienced radiologists in breast
data to support benefit due to less sensitivity for detection of tumors MRI, and regional availability. Between 30 and 75 years of age, annual
associated with mammography. Studies have reported that deposits of mammogram and breast MRI with contrast should both be done. After 75
gadolinium, a component of MRI contrast agents, remain in the brain of years of age, management should be considered on an individual basis. In
some patients who undergo 4 or more contrast MRI scans, long after the females treated for breast cancer who have not had bilateral mastectomy,

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

mammography and breast MRI screening with contrast should continue as concluding that RRM provides a high degree of protection against breast
recommended based on age. Emerging evidence suggests that cancer in females carrying a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant.269-272
abbreviated-protocol breast MRI is a screening strategy that warrants
further investigation in carriers of a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant.261,262 It is important that the potential psychosocial effects of RRM are
addressed. A 2018 Cochrane review including 20 studies that evaluated
Carriers of a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant who were assigned male at birth psychosocial effects of RRM showed that patients are generally satisfied
should have an annual clinical breast examination and undergo training in with their decision, with reported decreases in worry about breast cancer,
breast self-examination with regular monthly practice starting at 35 years but negative impacts on body image and sexuality have also been
of age. A 12-year longitudinal observational study evaluated the outcomes reported. Additional research is needed to further evaluate the
of mammography screening in 1869 males who were at increased risk of psychosocial impact of RRM.273 RRM is also associated with long-term
developing breast cancer (ie, personal or family history of breast cancer physical symptoms, such as lower sensitivity to touch, pain, tingling,
and/or germline P/LP variant associated with breast cancer, mostly infection, and edema.268 Multidisciplinary consultations are recommended
BRCA1 and BRCA2).263 Node-negative breast cancer was identified in five prior to surgery and should include the discussions of the risks and
males (18 per 1000 examinations), which is greater than the cancer benefits of surgery, and surgical breast reconstruction options. Immediate
detection rates in both average-risk and high-risk females who undergo breast reconstruction is an option following RRM, and early consultation
breast screening. Harboring a P/LP variant (n = 47) was associated with with a reconstructive surgeon is recommended for those considering either
breast cancer (OR, 7; 95% CI, 2–29; P = .006). Because of the lack of immediate or delayed breast reconstruction.274 Nipple-sparing mastectomy
screening, males diagnosed with breast cancer have historically presented has been suggested to be a safe and effective risk reduction strategy for
with advanced stage disease.264 Annual mammogram in males may be patients carrying a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant,275 although more data and
considered, especially in those carrying a BRCA2 P/LP variant, beginning longer follow-up are needed.
at age 50 or 10 years before the earliest known male breast cancer in the
family (whichever comes first). Though gynecomastia may be associated The NCCN Guidelines Panel supports discussion of the option of RRM for
with breast cancer, it is not a risk factor for breast cancer.265 As per the individuals assigned female at birth on a case-by-case basis. Counseling
ACR’s Appropriateness Criteria, gynecomastia does not need to be for this risk-reducing surgery should include discussion of extent of cancer
present in order to obtain a diagnostic mammogram.266 risk reduction/protection, risks associated with surgeries, breast
reconstructive options, and management of menopausal symptoms. Since
Bilateral Total Mastectomy risk of breast cancer remains increased with age in carriers of a BRCA1/2
Two meta-analyses show that prophylactic bilateral mastectomy reduces P/LP variant,101 age and life expectancy should also be considered during
the risk for breast cancer.267,268 Only one of these analyses showed that this counseling, as well as family history. It is important to address the
risk-reducing surgery is significantly associated with reduced mortality.268 psychosocial and quality-of-life aspects of undergoing risk-reducing
Retrospective studies and small prospective studies provide support for surgical procedures.276


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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

The use of selective estrogen receptor modulators (ie, tamoxifen, showed that tamoxifen use was not associated with a reduction in breast
raloxifene) has been shown to reduce the risk for invasive breast cancer in cancer risk in carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant.288 These findings may be
postmenopausal individuals considered at high risk for developing breast related to the greater likelihood for development of estrogen receptor-
cancer, especially ER-positive disease.277-284 However, only limited data negative tumors in carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant relative to carriers of
are available on the specific use of these agents for primary prevention in a P/LP BRCA2 variant. However, this analysis was limited by the very
patients with BRCA1/2 P/LP variants. As previously discussed, patients small number of individuals with a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant (n = 19; 7% of
with BRCA1/2 P/LP variants who are diagnosed with breast cancer have participants diagnosed with breast cancer). Common single-nucleotide
elevated risks for developing contralateral breast tumors. In one of the polymorphisms have been identified in genes (ZNF423 and CTSO) that
largest prospective series of carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant are involved in estrogen-dependent regulation of BRCA1 expression.289
evaluated, the mean cumulative lifetime risks for contralateral breast These gene variants were associated with alterations in breast cancer risk
cancer were estimated to be 83% for carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant during treatment with selective estrogen receptor modulators, and may
and 62% for carriers of a P/LP BRCA2 variant.104 Patients carrying a P/LP eventually pave the way for predicting the likelihood of benefit with these
BRCA1/2 variant who have intact contralateral breast tissue (and who do chemopreventive approaches in individual patients.
not undergo oophorectomy or receive chemoprevention) have an
estimated 40% risk for contralateral breast cancer at 10 years, though risk The aromatase inhibitors (AIs) exemestane and anastrozole have been
is dependent on age of first breast cancer diagnosis.285 Case-control demonstrated to be effective in preventing breast cancer in
studies from the Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group reported postmenopausal females considered to be at high risk of developing
that the use of tamoxifen protected against contralateral breast cancer breast cancer.290,291 However, to date, there is little evidence supporting
with an OR of 0.38 (95% CI, 0.19–0.74) to 0.50 (95% CI, 0.30–0.85) the use of AIs as an effective chemopreventive approach for individuals
among carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant and 0.42 (95% CI, 0.17–1.02) to with a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant. A retrospective study showed that AIs may
0.63 (95% CI, 0.20–1.50) among carriers of a P/LP BRCA2 variant.286,287 reduce the risk of contralateral breast cancer in females with a BRCA1/2
This translates to an approximately 45% to 60% risk reduction for P/LP variant and ER-positive breast cancer who take Als as adjuvant
contralateral tumors among carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant with breast therapy, but these data are currently published in abstract form only.292
cancer. The data were not consistent in regard to the protective effects of
Studies on the effect of oral contraceptive use on breast cancer risk
tamoxifen in the subset of carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant who also
among carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant have reported conflicting data.
underwent oophorectomy. In addition, no data were available on the
In one case-control study, use of oral contraceptives was associated with
estrogen receptor status of the tumors. An evaluation of the subset of
a modest but statistically significant increase in breast cancer risk among
healthy carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant in the Breast Cancer
carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant (OR, 1.20; 95% CI, 1.02–1.40), with
Prevention Trial revealed that breast cancer risk was reduced by 62% in
breast cancer risk in these carriers being associated with 5 or more years
carriers of a P/LP BRCA2 variant receiving tamoxifen relative to placebo
of oral contraceptive use (OR, 1.33; 95% CI, 1.11–1.60), breast cancer
(risk ratio, 0.38; 95% CI, 0.06–1.56).288 However, an analysis of 288
diagnosed before 40 years of age (OR, 1.38; 95% CI, 1.11–1.72), and use
females who developed breast cancer during their participation in this trial

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Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

of oral contraceptives before 1975 (OR, 1.42; 95% CI, 1.17–1.75).293 Oral with a P/LP BRCA1 variant, assuming10 years of continuous oral
contraceptive use was not significantly associated with breast cancer in contraceptive use. The breast cancer risk difference attributable to oral
carriers of a BRCA2 P/LP variant in this study. In another case-control contraceptive use increased throughout life for carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2
study, use of oral contraceptives for at least 5 years was associated with a variant (compared to ovarian and endometrial cancers, which showed
significantly increased risk for breast cancer in carriers of a P/LP BRCA2 decreasing incidences as age increased).304
variant (OR, 2.06; 95% CI, 1.08–3.94); results were similar when only the
cases with oral contraceptive use on or after 1975 were considered.294 Differences in the study design employed by these case-control studies
Oral contraceptive use for at least 1 year was not significantly associated make it difficult to compare outcomes between studies, and likely account
with breast cancer risk in carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 or BRCA2 variant in for the conflicting results. The design of these studies might have differed
this study. In a third case-control study, the use of low-dose oral with regard to factors such as the criteria for defining the “control”
contraceptives for at least 1 year was associated with significantly population for the study (eg, non-BRCA1/2 carriers vs. P/LP variant
decreased risks for breast cancer among carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant carriers without a cancer diagnosis), consideration of family history of
(OR, 0.22; 95% CI, 0.10–0.49; P < .001), though not for carriers of a P/LP breast or ovarian cancer, baseline demographics of the population studied
BRCA2 variant.295 A case control study found an increase in breast cancer (eg, nationality, ethnicity, geographic region, age groups), age of onset of
risk for BRCA1 mutation carriers who started oral contraception before the breast cancer, and formulations or duration of oral contraceptives used.
age of 20 years (OR, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.20–1.75; P = .0001). Associations Larger prospective trials are needed to elucidate the impact of oral
after age 20 were not found to be statistically significant.296 contraceptives on breast cancer risk in carriers of a BRCA1/2 P/LP
To summarize, findings from case-control studies are inconsistent
regarding the effect of oral contraceptive use on the association of P/LP Ovarian/Uterine Cancer Risk Management
BRCA1 or BRCA2 variant and breast cancer risk. Oral contraceptive use
Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy
for more than 5 years may be associated with increased risk. Findings
Carriers of a confirmed BRCA1/2 P/LP variant are at increased risk for
from meta-analyses are also conflicting, with several showing that oral
both breast and ovarian cancers (including fallopian tube cancer and
contraceptive use is not significantly associated with breast cancer risk in
primary peritoneal cancer).144,145 Although the risk for ovarian cancer is
carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant,297-299 while others show mixed results
generally considered to be lower than the risk for breast cancer in carriers
based on subgroup analysis, study type, and population.300-302 Another
of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant,99,100,305 the absence of reliable methods of
2022 meta-analysis including 12 studies showed that the use of oral
early detection and the poor prognosis associated with advanced ovarian
contraceptives was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer in
cancer have lent support for the performance of bilateral RRSO after
carriers of both BRCA1 and BRCA2 P/LP variants, particularly in those
completion of childbearing.
who used oral contraceptives for 5 years or longer.303 A study examining a
hypothetical cohort of 10,000 females found that the use of combined oral An observational prospective study of 5783 females carrying a P/LP
contraceptives was associated with increased breast cancer risk in those BRCA1/2 variant showed that ovarian cancer is more prevalent in

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Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

individuals carrying a BRCA1 (4.2%) P/LP variant than those carrying a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant who developed peritoneal carcinomatosis following
BRCA2 (0.6%) P/LP variant.306 In carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant, RRSO showed that 86% were carriers of a BRCA1 P/LP variant
prevalence of ovarian, fallopian tube, and peritoneal cancers found during specifically.313 When comparing to 113 carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant
risk-reducing surgery was 1.5% for those <40 years of age and 3.8% in who did not develop peritoneal carcinomatosis following RRSO, females
those between the ages of 40 and 49 years.306 The highest incidence rate who eventually developed peritoneal carcinomatosis were older at time of
for carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant was observed between the ages of RRSO (P = .025) and had a greater percentage of serous tubal
50 and 59 years (annual risk, 1.7%); for carriers of a P/LP BRCA2 variant, intraepithelial carcinoma (STIC) in their RRSO specimen (P < .001),
the highest incidence rate was observed between the ages of 60 and 69 supporting the removal of the fallopian tubes as part of the risk-reducing
years (annual risk, 0.6%). Therefore, the recommended age for RRSO procedure. A systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis
should be younger for carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant than for carriers of including 17 studies and 3121 patients showed that STIC at RRSO was
a P/LP BRCA2 variant. strongly associated with increased risk of peritoneal carcinomatosis (HR,
33.9; 95% CI, 15.6–73.9; P < .001).314 Further, an analysis from a
The effectiveness of RRSO in reducing the risk for ovarian cancer in multicenter prospective cohort study (N = 1,083) showed an increased risk
carriers of a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant has been demonstrated in a number of for serous and/or serous-like endometrial cancer in females carrying a
studies. For example, results of a meta-analysis involving 10 studies of P/LP BRCA1 variant who underwent RRSO without hysterectomy.211
carriers of a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant showed an approximately 80%
reduction in the risk for ovarian or fallopian tube cancer following RRSO.307 RRSO may provide an opportunity for gynecologic cancer detection in
In a large prospective study of females who carried deleterious BRCA1/2 carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant. An analysis of 966 RRSO procedures
variants (N = 1079), RRSO significantly reduced the risk for BRCA1- showed that invasive or intraepithelial ovarian, tubal, or peritoneal
associated gynecologic tumors (including ovarian, fallopian tube, or neoplasms were detected in 4.6% of carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant and
primary peritoneal cancers) by 85% compared with observation during a 3- 3.5% of carriers of a P/LP BRCA2 variant.315 Carrying a BRCA1/2 P/LP
year follow-up period (HR, 0.15; 95% CI, 0.04–0.56; P = .005).308 An variant was associated with detection of clinically occult neoplasms during
observational study of 5783 females carrying a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant RRSO (P = .006).
showed that risk-reducing oophorectomy reduces risk for ovarian, fallopian
tube, or peritoneal cancer by 80% (HR, 0.20; 95% CI, 0.13–0.30) and all- In early studies, RRSO was reported to reduce the risk for breast cancer in
cause mortality by 77% (HR, 0.23; 95% CI, 0.13–0.39).306 RRSO reduces carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant.267,307,311,312,316-319 In the case-control
mortality at all ages in carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant, but among international study by Eisen et al, a 56% (OR, 0.44; 95% CI, 0.29–0.66; P
carriers of a P/LP BRCA2 variant, RRSO is only associated with reduced < .001) and a 43% (OR, 0.57; 95% CI, 0.28–1.15; P = .11) breast cancer
mortality in those between the ages of 41 and 60 years.306 risk reduction (adjusted for oral contraceptive use and parity) were
reported following RRSO in carriers of a BRCA1 and a BRCA2 P/LP
A 1% to 4.3% residual risk for a primary peritoneal carcinoma has been variant, respectively.316 A study comparing breast cancer risk in females
reported in some studies.171,307,309-312 An analysis of 36 carriers of a carrying a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant who had undergone RRSO with carriers

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

of these P/LP variants who opted for surveillance only also showed A meta-analysis including 19 studies of the association between RRSO
reduced breast cancer risk in females who underwent RRSO (HR, 0.47; and breast cancer risk and mortality showed a protective effect in studies
95% CI, 0.29–0.77).312 These studies were further supported by a meta- published earlier than 2016, but not in studies published in 2016 or later (n
analysis that found similar reductions in breast cancer risk of = 3).317
approximately 50% for carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant following
RRSO.307 Results from one of the earlier studies showed that greater reductions in
breast cancer risk were observed in females carrying a P/LP BRCA1
Results of a prospective cohort study suggested that RRSO may be variant who had an RRSO at ≤40 years of age (OR, 0.36; 95% CI, 0.20–
associated with a greater reduction in breast cancer risk for carriers of a 0.64) relative to carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant aged 41 to 50 years who
P/LP BRCA2 variant compared with carriers of a BRCA1 P/LP variant.308 had this procedure (OR, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.27–0.92).316 A nonsignificant
Another retrospective analysis including 676 females with stage I or II reduction in breast cancer risk was found for females aged ≥51 years,
breast cancer and a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant showed that oophorectomy although only a small number of females were included in this group.316
was associated with decreased risk of mortality from breast cancer in However, results from another early study also suggested that RRSO after
carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant (HR, 0.38; 95% CI, 0.19–0.77; P = .007), 50 years of age is not associated with a substantial decrease in breast
but not in carriers of a P/LP BRCA2 variant (P = .23).320 cancer risk.311 A 2017 study showed that oophorectomy was not
significantly associated with decreased risk of breast cancer in carriers of
The reduction in breast cancer risk following RRSO was questioned in a a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant (N = 3,722).324 However, stratified analyses in
prospective cohort study from the Netherlands (N = 822), which did not carriers of a P/LP BRCA2 variant who were diagnosed with breast cancer
find a statistically significant difference in breast cancer incidence between before 50 years of age showed that oophorectomy was associated with an
carriers of a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant who opted for an RRSO and females 82% reduction in breast cancer (HR, 0.18; 95% CI, 0.05–0.63; P = .007).
who did not, regardless of whether the P/LP variant was BRCA1 or The risk reduction in carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant was not statistically
BRCA2.321 Study investigators argued that previous study findings significant (P = .51). A 2020 study including 853 premenopausal carriers
showing a 50% decrease in breast cancer risk may have been influenced of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant showed the opposite: that premenopausal
by bias, specifically inclusion of patients with a history of breast or ovarian RRSO decreased breast cancer risk in carriers of a BRCA1 P/LP variant
cancer in the comparison group and immortal person-time bias. One study (HR, 0.45; 95% CI, 0.22–0.92), but not in carriers of a BRCA2 P/LP variant
that corrected for immortal person-time bias as a result of this analysis (HR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.35–1.67).325 Analysis for this study began
continued to find a protective effect of RRSO on breast cancer incidence observation 6 months after genetic testing to avoid event-free time bias.
in carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant (HR, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.42–0.82; P <
.001).322 Another prospective cohort analysis including 1289 carriers of a A large case series published in 2021 addressed the permanent exposure
P/LP BRCA1/2 variant unaffected with breast cancer (196 eventually being hypothesis that has potentially dampened the strength of the conclusions
diagnosed) also showed that, when RRSO was treated as a time- drawn from previous studies on the association between RRSO and
dependent variable, it was no longer associated with breast cancer risk.323 breast cancer risk reduction.326 Specifically, some of these earlier studies

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

assumed that this association remains constant each year following Clinical trials of interval salpingectomy with delayed oophorectomy are
RRSO. This study, which included 876 families with a known BRCA1 or ongoing (eg, NCT02321228, NCT01907789).
BRCA2 P/LP variant, showed that RRSO reduced risk of breast cancer
within 5 years following the surgery (HR, 0.28; 95% CI, 0.10–0.63 and HR, Some studies suggest a link between BRCA P/LP variants and
0.19; 95% CI, 0.06–0.71, respectively). More than 5 years after RRSO, development of serous uterine cancer (primarily with BRCA1), although
breast cancer risk reduction diminished but continued to be significant for the overall risk for uterine cancer was not increased when controlling for
carriers of a BRCA1 P/LP variant (HR, 0.64; 95% CI, 0.38–0.97), while the tamoxifen use.206,207,211 Individuals who undergo hysterectomy at the time
reduction was no longer statistically significant for carriers of a BRCA2 of RRSO are candidates for estrogen-alone HRT, which is associated with
P/LP variant (HR, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.84–1.00). a decreased risk of breast cancer, compared to combined estrogen and
progesterone, which is required when the uterus is left in situ.334 HRT may
To summarize, studies suggest a benefit of RRSO on breast cancer risk, be considered in premenopausal patients who do not carry a diagnosis of
but the magnitude of the effect based on age remains uncertain. breast cancer or have other contraindications for HRT. For patients who
choose to undergo RRSO, the provider may discuss the risks and benefits
Two systematic reviews showed that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) of concurrent hysterectomy, but more data are needed to determine the
does not negate the reduction in breast cancer risk associated with the magnitude of the association between BRCA variants and development of
surgery.327,328 One of these reviews showed that breast cancer risk tended serous uterine cancer.
to be lower in females who received estrogen only, compared to estrogen
plus progesterone (OR, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.29–1.31).327 It is important to have The NCCN Guidelines Panel recommends RRSO for carriers of a known
a discussion about the potential risks and benefits of HRT in carriers of a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant, typically between 35 and 40 years of age for
P/LP variant following RRSO, given the limitations inherent in carriers of a BRCA1 P/LP variant. Since ovarian cancer onset tends to be
nonrandomized studies.329,330 later in carriers of a BRCA2 P/LP variant, it is reasonable to delay RRSO
for management of ovarian cancer risk until between 40 and 45 years of
Salpingectomy (surgical removal of the fallopian tube with retention of the age, unless age at diagnosis in the family warrants earlier age for
ovaries) rates are increasing, especially in females <50 years of age.331 consideration of this prophylactic surgery.306 Peritoneal washings should
Despite some evidence regarding the safety and feasibility of this be performed at surgery, and pathologic assessment should include fine
procedure,331,332 more data are needed regarding its efficacy in reducing sectioning of the ovaries and fallopian tubes.172,173 The protocol published
the risk for ovarian cancer.276,333 Further, carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 by CAP (2009) can be consulted for details on specimen evaluation.335
variant who undergo salpingectomy without oophorectomy may not get the See the NCCN Guidelines for Ovarian Cancer for treatment of findings
reduction in breast cancer risk that research suggests carriers of a P/LP (available at
BRCA1/2 variant who undergo oophorectomy may receive. Therefore, at
this time, the panel does not recommend risk-reducing salpingectomy The decision to undergo RRSO is a complex one and should be made
alone as the standard of care in carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant. ideally in consultation with a gynecologic oncologist, especially when the
patient wishes to undergo RRSO before the age at which it is typically

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

recommended. Topics that should be addressed include impact on Screening

reproduction, impact on breast and ovarian cancer risk, risks associated Studies assessing whether ovarian cancer screening procedures are
with premature menopause (eg, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, sufficiently sensitive or specific have yielded mixed results. The UK
cognitive changes, changes to vasomotor symptoms, sexual concerns), Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS), which
and other medical issues. The panel recommends that a gynecologic assessed multimodality screening with transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS)
oncologist help patients considering RRSO understand how it may impact and CA-125 versus either TVUS alone or no screening, showed that
quality of life. multimodality screening is more effective at detecting early-stage cancer;
however, after a median of 11 years of follow-up, a significant mortality
Chemoprevention reduction was not observed.338,339 In phase II of the UK Familial Ovarian
With respect to the evidence regarding the effect of oral contraceptives on Cancer Screening Study (UK FOCSS), 4348 females with an estimated
cancer risks in carriers of a known BRCA1/2 P/LP variant, case-control lifetime ovarian cancer risk no less than 10% underwent ovarian cancer
studies have demonstrated that oral contraceptives reduced the risk for screening via serum CA-125 tests every 4 months (with the risk of ovarian
ovarian cancer by 45% to 50% in carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant and by cancer algorithm [ROCA] used to interpret results) and TVUS (annually or
60% in carriers of a P/LP BRCA2 variant.336,337 Moreover, risks appeared within 2 months if abnormal ROCA score).340 Thirteen patients were
to decrease with longer duration of oral contraceptive use.337 In a meta- diagnosed with ovarian cancer as a result of the screening protocol, with 5
analysis conducted in a large number of carriers of a P/LP BRCA1/2 of the 13 patients being diagnosed with early-stage cancer. Sensitivity,
variant with (n = 1503) and without (n = 6315) ovarian cancer, use of oral positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of the screening
contraceptives significantly reduced the risk for ovarian cancer by protocol for detecting ovarian cancer within 1 year were 94.7%, 10.8%,
approximately 50% for both the carriers of a P/LP BRCA1 variant and 100%, respectively. A third study including 3692 females who were at
(summary relative risk [SRR], 0.51; 95% CI, 0.40–0.65) and carriers of a increased familial/genetic risk of ovarian cancer (ie, known P/LP BRCA1/2
P/LP BRCA2 variant (SRR, 0.52; 95% CI, 0.31–0.87).297 Another meta- variant in the family and/or family history of multiple breast and/or ovarian
analysis including one cohort study (N = 3,181) and three case-control cancers) showed that a ROCA-based screening protocol (ie, serum CA-
studies (1096 cases and 2878 controls) also showed an inverse 125 testing every 3 months with annual TVUS annually or sooner
association between ovarian cancer and having ever used oral depending on CA-125 test results) identified 6 incidental ovarian cancers,
contraceptives (OR, 0.58; 95% CI, 0.46–0.73).298 A modeling study of which 50% were early stage.341 The results of these studies suggest a
including hypothetical cohorts of 10,000 females with a P/LP BRCA1 potential stage shift when a ROCA-based ovarian cancer screening
variant and 10,000 females with a P/LP BRCA2 variant showed that protocol is followed in high-risk females, though it remains unknown
combined oral contraceptive use was associated with short-term increased whether this screening protocol impacts survival. The panel does not
risk of breast cancer, but decreased long-term risk of ovarian cancer and recommend TVUS and serum CA-125 screening in those who have not
endometrial cancer (regardless of variant).304 However, this study found elected RRSO.
that the long-term benefit was reduced following menopausal HRT after
bilaterial salpingo-oophorectomy.

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

Risk Management for Other Cancers The investigators of an analysis of breast cancer risk in carriers of
Screening for prostate cancer starting at 40 years of age is recommended moderately penetrant P/LP variants posited that, based on an absolute
for carriers of a P/LP BRCA2 variant and should be considered for carriers risk approach, screening with mammography in these carriers should
of a P/LP BRCA1 variant.180 See the NCCN Guidelines for Prostate begin when the estimated 5-year risk of developing breast cancer exceeds
Cancer Early Detection (available at General melanoma 1%, consistent with recommendations for the average-risk population.47
risk management is also indicated, such as annual full body skin exam Likewise, breast MRI screening in these carriers should begin when the
and minimizing UV exposure. There are no specific screening guidelines estimated 5-year risk of developing breast cancer exceeds 2.2%.
for melanoma, though more information can be found at the website for However, for practical reasons, beginning MRI and mammographic
the Skin Cancer Foundation ( Information on screening at the same time is a reasonable approach. The age at which
pancreas screening can be found below under Hereditary Pancreatic breast screening is recommended may be impacted by the presence of
Cancer. risk factors such as family history of breast cancer, especially early-onset
breast cancer.47 In those with a family history of early-onset breast cancer,
Other P/LP Variants Associated with Breast/Ovarian Cancer breast screening may begin 5 to 10 years earlier than the youngest breast
Prior to 2020, the NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk cancer diagnosis in the family. In individuals assigned female at birth
Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic focused largely on testing treated for breast cancer who have not had bilateral mastectomy, breast
criteria for BRCA1/2, PTEN, and TP53 and appropriate risk management screening should continue as recommended based on age. Currently
for carriers of these P/LP variants. There is now strong evidence that there is insufficient evidence to recommend RRM in carriers of moderately
genes beyond BRCA1/2 confer markedly increased risk of breast and/or penetrant P/LP variants,47 though this option may be considered and
ovarian cancers. These genes include ATM, BARD1, BRIP1, CDH1, discussed in the presence of a family history of breast cancer.
RAD51D, and STK11. The panel’s recommendations for cancer risk Discussion of RRSO may be considered when risk of developing ovarian
management intervention for carriers of P/LP variants associated with cancer exceeds that of the average-risk population. The panel uses a
breast and/or ovarian cancer risk are based on absolute lifetime risk threshold of 10% for a recommendation to discuss RRSO. For P/LP
estimates. Cancer risk management intervention may be recommended variants for which lifetime risk estimates are approximately 5% (eg,
when a carrier’s absolute risk exceeds that of the average-risk population PALB2), RRSO may be considered based on family history.345 The
(ie, 12%–13% for breast cancer and 1%–2% for ovarian cancer, based on decision to carry out RRSO should not be made lightly, given the impact of
SEER registry data342,343).47,344 Strength of the evidence supporting risk premature menopause.47 RRSO is recommended for ovarian cancer risk
estimates should also be evaluated when determining appropriate risk management in carriers of a P/LP variant in an ovarian cancer
susceptibility gene. However, some may choose to not receive an RRSO.
management for carriers of a P/LP variant. For example, prospective
cohort studies in a population-based setting can be considered very strong TVUS and serum CA-125 may be considered at the clinician’s discretion,
evidence, while limited conclusions can be drawn from case series or though there is no known benefit (see BRCA-Related Breast/Ovarian
studies with small samples.344 Cancer Syndrome: Risk Management, above).

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

The P/LP variants described below may be included concurrently in panel The association between specific types of ATM genetic variants and
testing (see Multi-Gene Testing above). Lower penetrance genes that may breast cancer susceptibility is less clear,356-359 with some evidence
be included as part of multi-gene testing but for which there is currently showing that certain missense P/LP variants may act in a dominant-
insufficient evidence of an association with breast and/or ovarian cancer negative fashion to increase cancer risk, relative to truncating P/LP
include: FANCC, MRE11A, MUTYH heterozygotes, NBN, RECQL4, variants.356,357 A meta-analysis including five studies showed that carriers
RAD50, RINT1, SLX4, SMARCA4, and XRCC2. Risk management of an ATM P/LP variant have a 38% lifetime risk of developing breast
recommendations for these genes should take into account family history cancer, with carriers of the c.7271T>G missense P/LP variant having a
and other clinical factors. A more comprehensive review of these lower- 69% risk of developing breast cancer by 70 years of age.51 An analysis
penetrance genes is described in another publication.346 from a case-control study (42,671 breast cancer cases and 42,164
controls) showed a significant association between the c.7271T>G variant
Information regarding testing criteria and risk management for LFS and breast cancer risk (OR, 11.60; 95% CI, 1.50–89.90; P = .001).52 An
(associated with germline TP53 P/LP variant) and Cowden analysis of 27 families in which P/LP ATM variants were identified showed
syndrome/PHTS (associated with germline PTEN P/LP variant) can be an association between the c.7271T>G variant and increased risk for
found in their respective sections, below. breast cancer (HR, 8.0; 95% CI, 2.3–27.4; P < .001).53
ATM The 2022 comparative modeling analysis by Lowry et al showed that
P/LP variants in the ATM (ataxia-telangiectasia mutated) gene may beginning annual MRI screening at age 30 to 35 years may reduce breast
increase risk for breast cancer. A meta-analysis including 19 studies cancer mortality by more than 55% in carriers with a P/LP ATM variant.349
showed that the cumulative lifetime risk for breast cancer in individuals The panel also recommends annual mammogram for carriers with a P/LP
with an ATM P/LP variant is 6% by age 50 years and 33% by age 80 ATM variant beginning at 40 years of age. Age at which to initiate MRI in
years.347 An analysis of 251 females who tested positive for ≥1 P/LP carriers with a P/LP ATM variant depends on a number of risk factors,
variant in a breast cancer susceptibility gene showed that the cumulative including family history, age, breast density, and patient preference. There
lifetime risk for breast cancer in individuals with an ATM P/LP variant is are no data on the benefit of RRM for carriers of a P/LP ATM variant,47 but
31.2% by age 70 years.348 A comparative modeling analysis published in this procedure may be considered based on family history. Results of the
2022 showed that the mean model-estimated lifetime risk of developing case-control WECARE study suggested that radiation exposure may be
breast cancer was 20.9% (95% CI, 23.4%–31.7%) in females who carry associated with increased risk for contralateral breast cancer in females
an ATM P/LP variant.349 A meta-analysis of three cohort studies of who are carriers of very rare ATM missense variants.360 However, these
relatives with ataxia-telangiectasia showed an estimated RR of 2.8 (90% variants are not P/LP, and a meta-analysis including five studies showed
CI, 2.2–3.7; P < .001).350 Other analyses of patients with breast cancer that radiation therapy (with conventional dosing) is not contraindicated in
showed that about 1% had an ATM P/LP variant.91,124,127,128,351-355 Studies patients with a heterozygous ATM P/LP variant.51 Therefore, radiation
to date suggest lifetime risk of developing breast cancer in females who therapy does not need to be avoided in these carriers who are diagnosed
carry an ATM P/LP variant in the range of 20% to 30%.51,347,349,355 with cancer.

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

Large studies of patients with ovarian cancer have shown that there may BRIP1
be a slightly increased risk for ovarian cancer in carriers of an ATM P/LP Panel testing of germline DNA in patients with ovarian cancer has shown
variant,159,352,361,362 but there is currently insufficient evidence to that the prevalence rate of P/LP variants in the BRCA1 interaction protein
recommend RRSO in these carriers.344 Given the association between C-terminal helicase 1 gene (BRIP1), a Fanconi anemia gene, is about
ATM and development of the autosomal recessive condition ataxia 1%.159,352,361,362,368 An analysis of 3236 females with epithelial ovarian
telangiectasia, counseling for carriers of ATM P/LP variants should include cancer, 3431 controls, and 2000 unaffected high-risk females from an
a discussion of reproductive options. ATM P/LP variants have been found ovarian cancer screening trial (UKFOCSS) showed that BRIP1 is
in patients with pancreatic cancer, with a lifetime risk of about 5% to 10% associated with an increased risk for ovarian cancer (P < .001), with the
(see Hereditary Pancreatic Cancer, below).201,363,364 For information about RR for invasive epithelial ovarian cancer being 11.22 (95% CI, 3.22–
prostate cancer risk in carriers of an ATM P/LP variant, see the NCCN 34.10; P < .001) and 14.09 for high-grade serous disease (95% CI, 4.04–
Guidelines for Prostate Cancer (available at 45.02; P < .001).369 A German study including 706 patients with ovarian
cancer who do not carry a P/LP BRCA1/2 variant showed a significant
BARD1 association between a BRIP1 P/LP variant and ovarian cancer risk (OR,
A modest association between breast cancer and P/LP variants in the 20.97; 95% CI, 12.02–36.57; P <.0001), including late-onset ovarian
BRCA1-associated RING domain 1 (BARD1) gene has been found in cancer risk, with the highest OR for ovarian cancer diagnosed after age 60
case-control studies with a prevalence rate of 0.1% to 0.51% in patients (OR, 29.91; 95% CI, 14.99–59.66; P <.0001).370 An analysis of an
with breast cancer.91,351,352,365-367 Studies show that BARD1 is prevalent in Icelandic population (656 ovarian cancer cases, 3913 controls) also
0.41% to 0.90% of patients with triple-negative breast cancer.91,126-128 The showed an association between BRIP1 and increased risk for ovarian
Breast Cancer Association Consortium and the CARRIERS case-control cancer (OR, 8.13; 95% CI, 4.74–13.95; P < .001).371 The cumulative
studies also found associations between a BARD1 P/LP variant and lifetime risk of developing ovarian cancer by 80 years of age in carriers of
increased risk of triple-negative breast cancer (0.42%; OR, 9.29; 95% CI, a BRIP1 P/LP variant is estimated to be 5.8% (95% CI, 3.6–9.1),369 though
4.58–18.85 and 0.41%; OR, 3.18; 95% CI, 1.16–7.42, respectively).127,128 lifetime risk of developing ovarian cancer may also be as high as 12%.344
The panel recommends annual mammogram for carriers of a P/LP BARD1 The panel recommends RRSO in carriers of a BRIP1 P/LP variant
variant beginning at 40 years of age, with consideration of annual breast beginning at 45 to 50 years of age. A discussion about risk-reducing
MRI. Age at which to initiate MRI in carriers with a P/LP BARD1 variant surgery may be initiated earlier if there is a family history of early-onset
depends on a number of risk factors, including family history, age, breast ovarian cancer. Ultimately, large prospective trials are needed to make a
density, and patient preference. RRM is not recommended in carriers of a firm age recommendation regarding when a discussion about RRSO
BARD1 P/LP variant, but this procedure may be considered based on should begin in these variant carriers.
family history.
Regarding breast cancer, a case-control study including 10,901 patients
with triple-negative breast cancer showed that BRIP1 was prevalent in
0.43% of cases.126 The panel has determined that more evidence is

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

needed to provide breast screening recommendations in these carriers. prevalence rate of a CHEK2 P/LP variant is about 1% to 2%.351-355,362
BRIP1 is associated with Fanconi anemia (group FANCJ), inherited in an Deleterious CHEK2 P/LP variants have been reported to occur with a
autosomal recessive manner. Therefore, counseling for carriers of BRIP1 higher frequency in Northern and Eastern European countries compared
P/LP variants should include a discussion of reproductive options. with North America.346,377-379 The cumulative lifetime risk for breast cancer
in females with CHEK2 P/LP variants and familial breast cancer has been
CDH1 estimated to range from approximately 20% to 40%, and is higher in
Germline P/LP variants in CDH1 are associated with hereditary diffuse females with stronger family histories of breast cancer than in those
gastric cancer and lobular breast cancer, and studies have reported a without.348,349,380,381 The estimated RR for breast cancer, based on data
cumulative lifetime risk for breast cancer of 39% to 52%.92-94,372,373 Given from two large case-control studies, was 3.0 (90% CI, 2.6–3.5).350 The
the considerable risk for lobular breast cancer in carriers of a CDH1 P/LP Breast Cancer Association Consortium and the CARRIERS case-control
variant, the panel recommends screening with annual mammogram (or studies showed associations between a CHEK2 P/LP variant and
consideration of breast MRI) beginning at 30 years of age. Alternatively, increased risk of ER-positive breast cancer (OR, 2.67; 95% CI, 2.30–3.11
screening may begin 5 to 10 years earlier than the youngest breast cancer and OR, 2.60; 95% CI, 2.05–3.31, respectively).127,128 The BRIDGES study
diagnosis in the family. RRM may be discussed with these carriers.
showed that carrying a CHEK2 P/LP variant was associated with all breast
There is controversy over how best to manage gastric cancer risk in cancer subtypes except for triple-negative breast cancer.355
individuals harboring a CDH1 P/LP variant in the absence of a family Studies investigating the association between breast cancer risk and
history of gastric cancer. A small study found that more than half of the specific CHEK2 variants have primarily been based on the truncating
individuals with a CDH1 P/LP variant who lacked a family history of gastric variant 1100delC. An analysis from the Copenhagen General Population
cancer had early-stage signet ring cell adenocarcinoma identified at the Study (N = 86,975) showed that CHEK2 1100delC heterozygotes had an
time of risk-reducing gastrectomy.374 A retrospective review including 75 increased risk for breast cancer when analyses were stratified by age and
families with a known CDH1 P/LP variant showed that penetrance for sex (HR, 2.08; 95% CI, 1.51–2.85).382 A case-control study (10,860 cases
lifetime risk of gastric cancer is associated with positive family history.375 and 9,065 controls) carried out by the CHEK2 Breast Cancer Case-Control
See the NCCN Guidelines for Gastric Cancer (available at Consortium of Europe and Australia showed that the 1100delC variant is for screening recommendations for gastric cancer for associated with increased risk for breast cancer, even in females
individuals with a CDH1 P/LP variant. A report of two cases showed that unselected for family history (OR, 2.34; 95% CI, 1.72–3.20; P < .001).383
CDH1 P/LP variant may also be associated with cleft lip with or without Another case-control study (44,777 cases and 42,997 controls) showed
cleft palate.376 that heterozygous 1100delC carriers have a significantly increased risk of
developing ER-positive breast cancer (OR, 2.55; 95% CI, 2.10–3.10; P <
.001), but not ER-negative breast cancer (OR, 1.32; 95% CI, 0.93–1.88; P
Another breast cancer susceptibility gene that has been identified is
= 0.12).384 Results from a meta-analysis including 18 case-control studies
CHEK2 (cell cycle checkpoint kinase 2). Panel testing of germline DNA in
large samples of patients with breast cancer has shown that the (26,336 cases and 44,219 controls) showed that the missense variant

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

I157T is associated with a modestly increased risk for breast cancer (OR, for MSH2/EPCAM, and ≤1% to 3% for MSH6.390,394-397 Risk for ovarian
1.58; 95% CI, 1.42–1.75; P < .001).385 A retrospective cohort study cancer is not increased in carriers of a P/LP PMS2 variant.397
including 3783 carriers of a CHEK2 P/LP variant showed that breast
cancer risk was elevated in carriers of c.444 + 1G>A (OR, 2.63; 95% CI, There are circumstances where clinicians may find ovarian screening
1.59–4.35; P < .001), ex8_9del (OR, 2.36; 95% CI, 1.53–3.64; P < .001), helpful; however, the data do not support routine ovarian cancer screening
p.R117G (OR, 1.65; 95% CI, 1.12–2.44; P = .01), and 1100delC variants for Lynch syndrome. TVUS and serum CA-125 testing to screen for
(OR, 1.76; 95% CI, 1.55–2.00; P < .001), compared to CHEK2 wild- ovarian cancer in postmenopausal females has not been shown to be
type.386 There is a lack of data regarding the association between other sufficiently sensitive or specific to warrant a routine recommendation.398-400
missense CHEK2 P/LP variants and risk for breast cancer. Since there is no effective screening for ovarian cancer, females should be
educated on the symptoms that may be associated with the development
The 2022 comparative modeling analysis by Lowry et al showed that of ovarian cancer, such as pelvic or abdominal pain, bloating, increased
beginning annual MRI screening at age 30 to 35 years may reduce breast abdominal girth, difficulty eating, early satiety, or increased urinary
cancer mortality by more than 55% in carriers with a P/LP CHEK2 frequency or urgency. Symptoms that persist for several weeks and are a
variant.349 The panel also recommends annual mammogram for carriers of change from baseline should prompt physician evaluation. BSO may
a P/LP CHEK2 variant beginning at 40 years of age. Age at which to reduce the incidence of ovarian cancer.399,401-405 The decision and timing of
initiate MRI in carriers with a P/LP CHEK2 variant depends on a number of BSO as an option should be individualized based on whether childbearing
risk factors, including family history, age, breast density, and patient is complete, menopausal status, comorbidities, family history, patient
preference. There are no data on the benefit of RRM for carriers of a P/LP preference, and Lynch syndrome gene, as risks for ovarian cancer vary by
CHEK2 variant, but this procedure may be considered based on family mutated gene. Estrogen replacement after premenopausal oophorectomy
history. may be considered. There is insufficient evidence to recommend RRSO in
MSH6 and PMS2 P/LP variant carriers. Risk reduction agents should be
MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, EPCAM considered, with detailed discussion between the physician and patient
Lynch syndrome results from a germline P/LP variant in 1 of 4 DNA outlining the associated risks and benefits.
mismatch repair (MMR) genes (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, or PMS2).387
Additionally, deletions in the EPCAM gene, which lead to hypermethylation Some studies have suggested that some of the MMR genes linked to
of the MSH2 promoter and subsequent MSH2 silencing, cause Lynch Lynch syndrome (MLH1 and MSH2) may be associated with increased
syndrome.388,389 Females with Lynch syndrome are at heightened risk for risk for breast cancer.406,407 However, there is currently not enough
endometrial cancer.390-393 With a lifetime risk of up to 60%, endometrial evidence for the panel to recommend breast screening for individuals with
cancer is the second most common cancer in females with Lynch Lynch syndrome beyond that which is recommended for the average-risk
syndrome.391 For ovarian cancer, estimates vary depending on the specific population.127,128,394,397,406
gene, with risk estimates ranging from 4% to 20% for MLH1, 8% to 38%
Patients of reproductive age should be advised regarding their options for
prenatal diagnosis and assisted reproduction, including PGT. This
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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

discussion should include known risks, limitations, and benefits of these false-positive MRI results, but more data are needed to determine the
technologies. If both partners are a carrier of a P/LP variant in the same sensitivity and specificity of breast MRI in individuals with NF1. A
MMR gene (eg, if both partners carry a P/LP variant in the PMS2 gene), prospective study of patients with NF1 from the United Kingdom (N = 448)
then they should also be advised about the risk for constitutional MMR showed that breast cancer risk in carriers of these P/LP variants is not
deficiency (CMMRD) syndrome, a rare recessive syndrome.408 More significantly increased at ≥50 years of age.412 Case-control analyses of
information regarding Lynch syndrome can be found in the NCCN females with NF1 from England showed that RR estimates for women
Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Colorectal aged 30 to 39 years was 6.5 (95% CI, 2.6–13.5) and 4.4 for women aged
(available at 40 to 49 years (95% CI, 2.5–7.0).416 RR estimates then drop for women
aged 50 to 59 years (RR, 2.6; 95% CI, 1.5–4.2) and continue to drop as
age increases (RR, 1.9; 95% CI, 1.0–3.3 for women aged 60–69 years
Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is an autosomal dominant hereditary and RR, 0.8; 95% CI, 0.2–2.2 for women aged 70–79 years). These
cancer syndrome that is caused by an NF1 P/LP variant. NF1 is a studies show that, beginning at age 50, breast cancer risk in women with
neurocutaneous syndrome characterized by café-au-lait spots and NF1 may not significantly differ from that of women in the general
axillary/inguinal freckling, associated with non-cancerous tumors of the population. Therefore, breast MRI screening in patients with NF1 may be
nerve tissues. Individuals with NF1 have an increased risk for malignant discontinued at 50 years of age. There are no data regarding the benefit of
peripheral nerve sheath tumors, other CNS tumors, and gastrointestinal RRM for carriers of NF1 P/LP variants. Therefore, RRM is not
stromal tumors.409-413 A population-based study in Finland of 1404 patients recommended in these patients, but this procedure may be considered
with NF1 showed an estimated lifetime cancer risk of 59.6%.409 This study based on family history. Complications related to NF1 (eg, neurologic
showed a significant association between NF1 and increased risk for complications) may appear early in life, and these have the potential to be
breast cancer (SIR, 3.04; 95% CI, 2.06–4.31; P < .001). Among patients severe.417 Therefore, referral to a neurofibromatosis specialist for
with breast cancer, NF1 was associated with poorer survival, with 5-year management is recommended.413
survival rates for patients with NF1 being 67.9%, compared to 87.8% in
patients without NF1. Excess incidence was highest in females <40 years PALB2
of age (SIR, 11.10; 95% CI, 5.56–19.50; P < .001). A population-based PALB2 (partner and localizer of BRCA2) is a Fanconi anemia gene.
study in England of 848 patients with NF1 also showed an increased risk PALB2 P/LP variants are associated with increased risk for breast cancer,
for breast cancer (SIR, 3.5; 95% CI, 1.9–5.9), especially among females with studies of patients with breast cancer showing that 0.4% to 3% harbor
<50 years (SIR, 4.9; 95% CI, 2.4–8.8).414 a PALB2 P/LP variant.91,123,351-354,362,365,418,419 A meta-analysis of three
studies estimated an RR of 5.3 (90% CI, 3.0–9.4),350 while the most robust
Given the increased risk for early-onset breast cancer in carriers of these analysis to date included 524 families with a known P/LP PALB2 variant
P/LP variants, annual breast screening with mammography should begin and estimated an RR of 7.18 (95% CI, 5.82–8.85) for female breast
at 30 years of age.413,415 Screening with breast MRI could also be cancer.90 The Breast Cancer Association Consortium study, CARRIERS
considered. The presence of neurofibromas in the breast may lead to study, and BRIDGES study all showed associations between a PALB2

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

P/LP variant and increased risk of triple-negative breast cancer.127,128,355 RAD51C and RAD51D
PALB2 P/LP variant is associated with a 41% to 60% lifetime risk of breast Genes in the RAD51 protein family are involved in homologous
cancer.89-91 However, an analysis of 251 females who tested positive for recombination and DNA repair. RAD51C and RAD51D have been shown
≥1 P/LP variant in a breast cancer susceptibility gene showed that the to be associated with increased risk for ovarian cancer. Panel testing of
cumulative lifetime risk for breast cancer in individuals with an PALB2 germline DNA in females with ovarian cancer has shown that the
P/LP variant was lower, at 29.4% by age 70 years.348 The risk increases prevalence rate of the RAD51C or RAD51D P/LP variant is about
with increasing number of relatives affected with breast cancer. The 1%.159,352,361,368 In a comparison of 1132 probands with a family history of
analysis, which included 524 families with a known P/LP PALB2 variant, ovarian cancer and 1156 controls, RAD51C was associated with an
showed that lifetime risk of breast cancer is as high as 76% when there is increased risk for ovarian cancer (RR, 5.88; 95% CI, 2.91–11.88; P <
a family history of two first-degree relatives with breast cancer.90 In a study .001).424 Analyses from the same trial (911 probands and 1060 controls)
of patients with breast cancer from Poland who underwent genetic testing, also showed an association between RAD51D and increased risk for
contralateral breast cancer was reported in 10% of PALB2 carriers.419 This ovarian cancer (RR, 6.30; 95% CI, 2.86–13.85; P < .011).425 In a case-
study also showed that 10-year survival among PALB2 carriers with breast control analysis of 3429 females with epithelial ovarian cancer and 2772
cancer was 48%, compared to 72% in carriers of a BRCA1 P/LP variant controls, both RAD51C (OR, 5.2; 95% CI, 1.1–24; P = .035) and RAD51D
and 75% in non-carriers (P < .001). The cumulative lifetime risk for male (OR, 12.0; 95% CI, 1.5–90; P = .019) were associated with an increased
carriers of a P/LP PALB2 variant is 0.9%.90 risk for ovarian cancer.426 A study including 6178 and 6690 families with a
known P/LP RAD51C and RAD51D variant, respectively, showed that the
The panel recommends annual mammogram for carriers of a PALB2 P/LP cumulative risk of developing ovarian cancer by age 80 was 11% for
variant assigned female at birth beginning at 30 years of age. Breast MRI carriers of a RAD51C P/LP variant and 13% for carriers of a RAD51D
screening may also be considered. RRM for carriers of a PALB2 P/LP P/LP variant. 427
variant may be considered.
The panel recommends RRSO in carriers of RAD51C and RAD51D P/LP
Some studies suggest an association between PALB2 and increased variants at 45 to 50 years of age. A discussion about risk-reducing surgery
ovarian cancer risk.159,420-422 The most robust data to date showing an may be initiated earlier if there is a family history of early-onset ovarian
association between PALB2 and increased ovarian cancer risk come from cancer. As with BRIP1 P/LP variants, large prospective trials are needed
the international study, which included 524 families with a known P/LP to make a firm age recommendation regarding when a discussion about
PALB2 variant.90 This study showed a 5% lifetime risk of ovarian cancer in RRSO should begin in carriers of RAD51C and RAD51D P/LP variants.344
carriers of a PALB2 P/LP variant. RRSO may be considered in carriers of
a PALB2 P/LP variant at age >45 y. Regarding breast cancer, studies have shown prevalence rates of 0.23%
to 0.45% for RAD51C and 0.29% to 0.38% for RAD51D in patients with
PALB2 is associated with Fanconi anemia, inherited in an autosomal triple-negative breast cancer.123,126,428 Two large case-control analyses
recessive manner.423 Therefore, counseling for carriers of PALB2 P/LP showed that both RAD51C and RAD51D P/LP variants were significantly
variants should include a discussion of reproductive options.

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

associated with triple-negative disease.91,355 The Breast Cancer testing is clinically indicated; 2) testing may be considered; and 3) there is
Association Consortium study and the CARRIERS study showed a low probability of testing results having documented clinical utility (ie,
associations between increased risk for ER-negative breast cancer and finding of high-penetrance genes). The testing criteria listed are for cancer
both RAD51C P/LP variant (OR, 3.99; 95% CI, 2.20–7.26 and OR, 2.19; susceptibility genes with strong or moderate evidence of actionability for
95% CI, 0.97–4.49, respectively) and RAD51D P/LP variant (OR, 2.92; breast, ovarian, pancreatic, and prostate cancer (eg, BRCA1/2, CDH1
95% CI, 1.47–5.78 and OR, 3.93; 95% CI, 1.40–10.29, respectively), with PALB2, PTEN, and TP53 for breast cancer; additionally, testing criteria for
prevalence rates of 0.26% and 0.24% for RAD51C, respectively, and LFS and Cowden syndrome continue to be contained in their own
0.17% and 0.18% for RAD51D, respectively.127,128 The panel recommends dedicated sections; see below). Included genes may change with
annual mammogram for carriers of a P/LP RAD51C and RAD51D variant emerging clinical data. Further, the personal and/or family history criteria
beginning at 40 years of age, with consideration of annual breast MRI. included may suggest the possibility of additional syndromes and would
RAD51C is associated with Fanconi anemia, inherited in an autosomal necessitate additional unlisted genes to be evaluated.
recessive manner. Therefore, counseling for carriers of a RAD51C P/LP
variant should include a discussion of reproductive options. The NCCN Panel recommends that individuals from a family with a known
P/LP variant in a breast, ovarian, pancreatic, and/or prostate cancer
STK11 susceptibility gene be tested for the known variant. However, multigene
Germline STK11 P/LP variants are associated with Peutz-Jeghers panel testing is often indicated in these individuals if the family history
syndrome (PJS), an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by suggests a different syndrome in additional to the known variant. In
gastrointestinal polyps, mucocutaneous pigmentation, and elevated risk individuals from a family without a known P/LP variant, germline multigene
for gastrointestinal cancers as well as breast or non-epithelial ovarian testing is recommended for those individuals who meet the testing criteria
cancers, such as Sertoli-Leydig tumors. Breast cancer risk in females with described in the Hereditary Cancer Testing Criteria section in the
PJS is 8% at 40 years of age, 13% at 50 years of age, 31% at 60 years of algorithm. Multi-gene testing may be considered for individuals who meet
age, and 45% at 70 years of age.169 Though there are no data on the testing criteria and who previously underwent single-gene and/or absent
benefit of RRM for carriers of STK11 P/LP variants, RRM may be deletion duplication analysis but tested negative. Both first- and second-
considered for these patients. Absolute risk of developing non-epithelial degree relatives of individuals who meet these testing criteria are also
ovarian cancer (sex cord with annular tubules) is 18% to 21%.168,169 eligible for testing, except for second-degree relatives of individuals with
Information regarding screening for patients with PJS can be found in the pancreatic cancer or prostate cancer, for whom prior probability of a high-
NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Colorectal penetrance cancer susceptibility gene is low in the absence of additional
(available at family history of cancer; only first-degree relatives of these affected
individuals should be offered testing, unless indicated based on additional
NCCN Genetic Testing Criteria family history.
The NCCN genetic testing criteria for high-penetrance breast, ovarian,
pancreatic, and prostate cancer are organized into three sections: 1)

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

Testing Criteria Related to Prostate Cancer considered in individuals diagnosed with intermediate-risk prostate cancer
Approximately 11% of patients with prostate cancer and at least 1 with intraductal/cribriform histology.
additional primary cancer carry germline P/LP variants associated with
increased cancer risk.429 As described above, germline BRCA1/2 P/LP Systemic Therapy Decision-Making
variants are associated with increased risk for prostate cancer (see BRCA- Some of the NCCN treatment guidelines for BRCA-related cancers
Related Breast/Ovarian Cancer Syndrome, above).177-180 ATM P/LP (Breast, Ovarian, Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma, Prostate; available at
variants have been found in patients with prostate cancer,179,180,186,429,430 recommend treatment with PARP (poly ADP-ribose
but there is currently insufficient evidence to recommend prostate polymerase) inhibitors for patients with germline or somatic BRCA1/2 P/LP
screening for these cancers in carriers of an ATM P/LP variant.180 variants, as PARP inhibitors have been demonstrated to be active in these
HOXB13 P/LP variants have also been found in 1.4% to 4.5% of patients patients. These agents include olaparib436,437 and talazoparib438 for HER2-
with prostate cancer.179,429,431 Prostate tumors with intraductal or cribriform negative metastatic and as adjuvant treatment for high-risk HER2-negative
histology may have increased prevalence of somatic MMR gene breast cancer (olaparib only); niraparib,439 olaparib,440,441 and
alterations.432 In addition, limited data suggest that germline homologous rucaparib442,443 for chemotherapy-refractory ovarian cancer; olaparib444
DNA repair gene mutations may be more common in prostate tumors of and rucaparib445 for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer that
ductal or intraductal origin.433 Studies examining the association between has progressed following previous treatment; and olaparib and rucaparib
carrying a germline BRCA2 P/LP variant and intraductal histology have as maintenance therapy options for metastatic pancreatic cancer.446,447
been conflicting.434,435 By definition, intraductal carcinoma includes Even though the focus of these Guidelines continues to be on
cribriform proliferation of malignant cells, as long as they remain confined management of breast, ovarian, and/or pancreatic cancer risk in
to a preexisting gland that is surrounded by basal cells. These features are individuals with associated hereditary syndromes, the Guidelines now
seen frequently with an adjacent invasive cribriform component and would identify intent to aid in systemic therapy and surgical decision-making as a
be missed without the use of basal cell markers. scenario in which germline testing is clinically indicated. If a P/LP variant is
detected through tumor profiling that has clinical implications if identified in
Testing criteria related to prostate cancer include diagnosis of metastatic the germline, then germline testing for this variant is indicated.
prostate cancer, as well as diagnosis of prostate cancer in an individual
with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry or suspicious family history (ie, breast Ashkenazi Jewish Ancestry
cancer that is triple-negative or diagnosed at an early age or in a male The rate of the three founder P/LP variants in those of Ashkenazi Jewish
blood relative, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, metastatic or high- or ancestry is 2.2% to 2.5%.448-450 Studies have shown that genetic testing
very-high-risk prostate cancer).180 Any patient in the high- or very-high-risk based on clinical guidelines emphasizing family history of breast, ovarian,
stratification group as defined in the NCCN Guidelines for Prostate Cancer pancreatic, prostate, or other cancers missed about 38% to 56% of P/LP
(available at is also eligible for testing without any variant carriers in those of Ashkenazi ancestry.448,449,451,452 Therefore, there
additional testing criteria. Consistent with the NCCN Guidelines for is some evidence to support population-based genetic testing for
Prostate Cancer (available at, genetic testing may be individuals with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry. However, there are concerns

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

about the demand on genetic counseling resources, the preparedness of breast cancer at age ≤60 years who did not meet other testing criteria
health care professionals to provide cancer genetic counseling and harbored a highly penetrant P/LP variant associated with breast cancer.
management, and participants’ fears and concerns about testing, including This percentage increased to about 5% when expanding the genes to
those regarding privacy, stigmatization, and the need for appropriate include ATM, CHEK2, and NF1. It is not likely that patients diagnosed with
medical and or surgical treatment in patients and family members found to breast cancer >60 years who do not meet other testing criteria will harbor
have a founder P/LP variant. Thus, universal testing for founder BRCA1/2 a highly penetrant P/LP variant associated with breast cancer.
P/LP variants in individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, regardless of
personal or family history, should be offered primarily in the setting of Additional tailoring of testing criteria in patients with breast cancer could
longitudinal research studies. If there is no access to longitudinal studies, be done based on histopathology or the presence of multiple primary
then testing may be offered when pre- and post-test genetic counseling breast cancers. An analysis of females >65 years (N = 26,707) from
are available (see above). There remains a vital need for longitudinal data population-based case-control studies showed that 3.42% of females with
from research studies exploring various methods of providing population- ER-negative breast cancer and 3.01% of women with triple-negative
based genetic testing of individuals with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry in the breast cancer harbored a P/LP variant in a high-penetrance breast cancer
United States. susceptibility gene (BRCA1, BRCA2, and PALB2).461 Multiple studies also
show that individuals with multiple primary breast cancers may be more
Breast Cancer Population Testing likely than individuals with a single breast cancer to harbor a P/LP variant
In 2019, the American Society of Breast Surgeons published a consensus associated with breast cancer (7.1%–13.2% vs. 4.2%–9.4%).354,462,463 For
statement recommending genetic testing for all patients with breast the 2023 Guidelines update, the panel expanded the testing criterion for
cancer.453 This recommendation was based on studies showing that multiple primary breast cancers (synchronous or metachronous) to apply
criteria in testing guidelines miss some patients with breast cancer who to all patients with breast cancer regardless of age of initial breast cancer
harbor a P/LP variant454,455 and that population-based multi-gene testing is diagnosis, which formerly applied only to patients with breast cancer
more cost-effective than testing based on personal and family history diagnosed at ages 46 to 50 years.
criteria.41,456 However, only 4.4% of patients with a high-penetrance
mutation (ie, BRCA1/2, PALB2, TP53, PTEN) were missed in the Beitsch The panel continues to endorse a risk-stratified approach and does not
et al study.16,454 Analyses from studies of postmenopausal patients with endorse universal testing of all patients with breast cancer due to
breast cancer showed rates of 3.6% to 5.6% harboring a P/LP limitations of this approach, such as low specificity, shortages in trained
variant.457,458 Further studies have reported that about 7% of those aged genetics health professionals to provide appropriate pre- and post-test
≤65 years harbor a P/LP variant that is highly or moderately penetrant for genetic counseling, and lack of evidence to support risk management for
breast cancer.457,459 A follow-up analysis of one of these studies examined genes included in many multi-gene panels. Though all patients with breast
age 60 as a cut-off for universal testing of patients with breast cancer and cancer should be evaluated to determine the appropriateness of germline
found that 8.2% of these patients harbor a P/LP variant associated with genetic testing, testing should ultimately be based on patient
breast cancer.460 In this analysis, about 2% of patients diagnosed with

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

characteristics, such as those specified in the Testing Criteria for High- take these parameters into account to determine eligibility and
Penetrance Breast Cancer Susceptibility Genes in the algorithm.16 appropriateness of multi-gene testing should be developed and validated.
Subgroup analyses of 1075 carriers of a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant from the
Probability Models Breast Cancer Prospective Family Study Cohort showed that BRCAPRO
Decision models developed to estimate the likelihood that a BRCA1/2 underpredicted breast cancer risk, but BOADICEA was well-validated.472
P/LP variant is present include BRCAPRO,464,465 Penn II,466 and the Breast In 2020, the web-based CanRisk tool was developed to apply BOADICEA
and Ovarian Analysis of Disease Incidence and Carrier Estimation for clinical use and is now available, though further development and
Algorithm (BOADICEA).464 Validated clinical and family history-based testing is needed to increase acceptability of the tool by clinicians.473
models that incorporate PRS are also emerging as precision risk Besides BRCA1/2, BOADICEA also includes PALB2, CHEK2, and ATM.
estimation tools.467-469 A lifetime risk for breast cancer of 20% to 25% or In 2022, BOADICEA was expanded to also take into account associations
greater as assessed by models based largely on family history has been between BARD1, RAD51C, and RAD51D with breast cancer risk.474
used in some guidelines to identify females as being at high risk for breast PREMMplus has also been developed at an NCCN Member Institution to
cancer. For example, this risk threshold was used in updates to the evaluate the likelihood of a germline mutation in a number of P/LP variants
American Cancer Society (ACS) guidelines on breast screening, which (APC, BRCA1, BRCA2, CDH1, EPCAM, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, biallelic
incorporate MRI.259,470 Penn II has been validated in families with two or MUTYH, PMS2, TP53, ATM, BRIP1, CDKN2A, CHEK2, PALB2, PTEN,
more cases of breast and/or ovarian cancer.466,471 Therefore, caution RAD51C, and RAD51D).475
should be taken in applying this model to individuals with only one case of
breast or ovarian cancer. In addition, this model was developed Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS)
specifically to evaluate the likelihood of a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant, and not LFS is a rare hereditary cancer syndrome associated with germline TP53
the appropriateness of multi-gene testing. P/LP variants.88 It has been estimated to be involved in only about 1% of
hereditary breast cancer cases,476 although results from other studies
If an individual does not meet the criteria for testing for high-penetrance
suggest that germline TP53 P/LP variants may be more common than
breast and/or ovarian cancer susceptibility genes that are described
previously believed, with estimates of 1 in 5000 to 1 in 20,000.477,478 The
above, then testing may be considered in those who are determined to
tumor suppressor gene, TP53, is located on chromosome 17,479,480 and the
have a 2.5% to 5% probability of harboring a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant,
protein product of the TP53 gene (ie, p53) is located in the cell nucleus
based on probability models validated for BRCA1/2 (eg, Tyrer-Cuzick,
and binds directly to DNA. It has been called the “guardian of the genome”
BRCAPro, BOADICEA). However, the panel cautions that model
and plays important roles in controlling the cell cycle and apoptosis.479-481
estimates vary substantially, and different thresholds may be applied if
Germline P/LP variants in the TP53 gene have been observed in greater
other genes are utilized in a specific model. If genes other than BRCA1/2
than 50% (and in >70% in some studies) of families meeting the classic
are to be included in models that evaluate the threshold for testing, then
definition of LFS (see Testing Criteria for Li-Fraumeni Syndrome in the
penetrance, clinical actionability, and phenotypic features of cancers
algorithm).88,477,482 Additional studies are needed to investigate the
associated with these genes should be taken into account. Models that

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

possibility of other P/LP variants in families meeting these criteria not frequency of HER2-positive breast tumors (67%–83% of evaluated breast
carrying germline TP53 P/LP variants.483 tumors) among patients with germline TP53 P/LP variants.497,498 A cohort
study including 45 patients diagnosed with breast cancer and harboring a
The classic form of LFS is a highly penetrant cancer syndrome associated germline TP53 P/LP variant showed that 36.1% had triple-positive
with a high lifetime risk for cancer. An analysis from the NCI Li-Fraumeni (HER2+/ER+/PR+) breast cancer.499 Taken together, results suggest that
Syndrome Study (N = 286) showed a cumulative lifetime cancer incidence amplification of HER2 may arise in conjunction with germline TP53 P/LP
of nearly 100%.484 LFS is characterized by a wide spectrum of neoplasms variants. This association warrants further investigation, as such patients
occurring at a young age. It is associated with soft tissue sarcomas, may potentially benefit from chemoprevention therapies that incorporate
osteosarcomas (although Ewing sarcoma is less likely to be associated HER2-targeted agents.
with LFS), premenopausal breast cancer, colon cancer, gastric cancer,
adrenocortical carcinoma, bronchoalveolar carcinoma, and brain Individuals with LFS often present with certain cancers (eg, soft tissue
tumors.88,477,481,485-491 Sarcoma, breast cancer, adrenocortical tumors, and sarcomas, brain tumors, adrenocortical carcinomas) in early childhood,487
certain brain tumors have been referred to as the “core” cancers of LFS and have an increased risk of developing multiple primary cancers during
since they account for the majority of cancers observed in individuals with their lifetimes.500 Results of a segregation analysis of data collected on the
germline TP53 P/LP variants, and, in one study, at least one of these family histories of 159 patients with childhood soft tissue sarcoma showed
cancers was found in one or more members of all families with a germline carriers of germline TP53 P/LP variants to have estimated cancer risks of
TP53 P/LP variant.477 Hypodiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia is also approximately 60% and 95% by 45 and 70 years, respectively.501 Although
strongly associated with LFS.492-494 While case reports have suggested an similar cancer risks are observed in males and females with LFS when
association between melanoma and LFS, risk estimates are currently not gender-specific cancers are not considered, breast cancer in those
available.495,496 assigned female at birth is commonly associated with the syndrome.477 It
is important to mention that estimations of cancer risks associated with
The NCI Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Study (N = 286) showed that the LFS are limited to at least some degree by selection bias since
cumulative incidence rates by 70 years of age in females are 54%, 15%, dramatically affected kindreds are more likely to be identified and become
6%, and 5% for breast cancer, soft tissue sarcoma, brain cancer, and the subject of further study.
osteosarcoma, respectively.484 The cumulative incidence rates by age 70
years in males are 22%, 19%, and 11% for soft tissue sarcoma, brain A number of different sets of criteria have been used to help identify
cancer, and osteosarcoma, respectively. Case-control analyses from a individuals with LFS. As many TP53 P/LP variants are now found through
large study including 56,480 breast tumors showed that TP53 P/LP multigene testing in individuals who do not meet standard LFS criteria, it
variants (n = 82) were significantly associated with HER2-positive disease, has been argued that a spectrum of heritable TP53-related cancer
regardless of whether disease was ER-positive (OR, 11.95; 95% CI, 5.84– syndromes exist.502 One study suggested that this spectrum includes LFS
23.0) or negative (OR, 22.71; 95% CI, 10.45–45.49).91 These results are carriers for whom a TP53 P/LP variant was found without any history of
supported by two earlier retrospective studies that reported a very high cancer or LFS in the family, as well as attenuated LFS in which a TP53

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Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

P/LP variant was found with a cancer history but not meeting LFS estimated positive predictive value of 20% to 35%,477,507 and, when
criteria.503 A sequencing study conducted at an NCCN Member Institution incorporated as part of TP53 testing criteria in conjunction with classic LFS
including 17,922 patients with cancer showed that 35.3% of 34 patients criteria, have been shown to improve the sensitivity to 95% (ie, the
with a germline TP53 P/LP variant did not meet LFS testing criteria.504 Chompret criteria added to classic LFS criteria detected 95% of patients
Research in this area is evolving. For the purposes of the NCCN with TP53 P/LP variants).477 The Chompret criteria are the second set of
Guidelines, two sets of these criteria are used to facilitate the identification criteria included in the NCCN Guidelines. Although not part of the original
of individuals who are candidates for testing for TP53 P/LP variants. published criteria set forth by Chompret et al, the panel recommends
adopting the 2015 Revised Chompret Criteria and testing individuals with
Classic LFS criteria, based on a study by Li and Fraumeni involving 24 choroid plexus carcinoma or rhabdomyosarcoma of embryonal anaplastic
LFS kindreds, include the following:488 a member of a kindred with a subtype diagnosed at any age and regardless of family history (for
known TP53 P/LP variant; a combination of an individual diagnosed at ≤45 inclusion in criterion 3), based on reports of considerable incidence of
years of age with a sarcoma and a first-degree relative diagnosed with TP53 P/LP variants found in patients with these rare forms of
cancer at ≤45 years of age; and an additional first- or second-degree cancer.477,486,509-511 The panel supports the broader age cut-offs proposed
relative in the same lineage with cancer diagnosed at <45 years of age or by Tinat et al, based on a study in a large number of families, which
a sarcoma diagnosed at any age (see Testing Criteria for Li-Fraumeni detected germline TP53 P/LP variants in affected individuals with later
Syndrome in the algorithm). Classic LFS criteria have been estimated to tumor onsets.509,511
have a high positive predictive value (estimated at 56%) as well as a high
specificity, although the sensitivity is relatively low (estimated at 40%).477 Patients with early-onset breast cancer (age of diagnosis ≤30 years) who
Thus, it is not uncommon for individuals with patterns of cancer outside of were assigned female at birth, with or without family history of core tumor
these criteria to be carriers of germline TP53 P/LP variants.490,505 Classic types, are another group for whom TP53 gene P/LP variant testing may be
LFS criteria make up one set of criteria included in the guidelines to guide considered.510 Several studies have investigated the likelihood of a
selection of individuals for TP53 P/LP variant testing (see Testing Criteria germline TP53 P/LP variant in this population.477,509,512-515 Among females
for Li-Fraumeni Syndrome in the algorithm). <30 years of age with breast cancer and without a family history, the
incidence of TP53 P/LP variants has been reported at 3% to
Other groups have broadened the classic LFS criteria to facilitate 8%.477,513,515,516 Other studies have found an even lower incidence of
identification of individuals with LFS.506-508 For example, criteria for TP53 germline TP53 P/LP variants in this population. For example, Bougeard et
testing proposed by Chompret and colleagues recommend testing for al reported that only 0.7% of unselected females with breast cancer before
patients with multiple primary tumors of at least two “core’ tumor types (ie, 33 years of age were carriers of a germline TP53 P/LP variant.509
sarcoma, breast cancer, adrenocortical carcinoma, brain tumors) Furthermore, Ginsburg and colleagues found no germline TP53 P/LP
diagnosed at <36 years of age or patients with adrenocortical carcinoma variants in 95 unselected females with early-onset breast cancer who
diagnosed at any age, regardless of family history (see Testing Criteria for previously tested negative for BRCA1/2 P/LP variants.512 When taking into
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome in the algorithm).507 The Chompret criteria have an account family history of LFS-associated tumors, the TP53 germline P/LP

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Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

variant prevalence increases. For example, in a study including 83 Risk Assessment, Counseling, and Management
patients with BRCA1/2 P/LP variant-negative early-onset breast cancer The approach to families with other hereditary breast cancer syndromes,
(age of diagnosis ≤35 years), deleterious TP53 P/LP variants were such as LFS, reflects that of hereditary breast/ovarian cancer in many
identified in 3 of 4 patients (75%) with a family history of at least 2 LFS- ways. However, there are some syndrome-specific differences with regard
associated tumors (breast cancer, bone or soft tissue sarcoma, brain to assessment and management. In the case of LFS, there are multiple
tumors, or adrenocortical carcinoma) and in 1 of 17 patients (6%) with a associated cancers, both pediatric and adult, that should be reflected in
family history of breast cancer only.514 In another study, all females <30 the expanded pedigree (see Testing Criteria for Li-Fraumeni Syndrome in
years of age with breast cancer who had a first- or second-degree relative the algorithm). Cancers associated with LFS include but are not limited to
with at least one of the core cancer types (n = 5) had germline TP53 P/LP premenopausal breast cancer, bone and soft tissue sarcomas, CNS
variants.477 tumor, adrenocortical carcinoma, hypodiploid acute lymphoblastic
leukemia, unusually early onset of other adenocarcinomas, or other
A member of a family with a known TP53 P/LP variant is considered to be childhood cancers.477,493,500,510 Verification of these sometimes very rare
at sufficient risk to warrant variant testing, even in the absence of any cancers is particularly important.
other risk factors. Individuals not meeting testing criteria should be
followed according to recommendations tailored to one’s personal cancer Employment of a screening protocol that includes MRI may improve early
history and family history, and testing for other hereditary syndromes may cancer detection in individuals with LFS.519 In 2017, the panel made
be considered. When TP53 is included on multigene panels, testing revisions to the LFS management recommendations following revisions to
criteria for LFS do not need to be met. If a TP53 P/LP variant is detected the “Toronto protocol,” screening recommendations developed by a multi-
through tumor profiling, and there are clinical implications if a TP53 P/LP institutional group of experts.520 NCCN recommendations for management
variant is identified in the germline, then germline testing for a TP53 of LFS apply specifically to adults with LFS, and discussions with patients
variant may be considered, depending on a careful examination of the should address the limitations of screening for the many cancers
individual’s personal and family history. TP53 P/LP variants are common associated with this syndrome. Pediatricians should be made aware of the
in tumors.517,518 Therefore, if a TP53 somatic P/LP variant is found in the risk for childhood cancers in affected families and review with these
absence of paired germline analysis, then germline testing may not be families the screening recommendations for children with LFS.520 It is also
warranted unless there is clinical suspicion of a germline P/LP variant. If a important to address the psychosocial and quality-of-life aspects of this
TP53 P/LP variant is found in blood, saliva, or buccal samples, then this syndrome. Given the complexity of LFS management and that LFS is rare,
warrants consideration of testing of a non-blood sample to try to individuals with LFS should be followed at centers with expertise in
distinguish between germline, constitutional mosaicism, and somatic management of this syndrome.
findings, such as CHIP.
For those at risk for breast cancer, training and education in breast self-
examination should start at 18 years of age, with the patient performing
regular self-examination on a monthly basis. For members of families with

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

LFS, breast cancer surveillance by clinical breast examination is Many of the other cancers associated with germline TP53 P/LP variants
recommended every 6 to 12 months, beginning at 20 years of age (or at do not lend themselves to early detection. Thus, additional
the age of the earliest known breast cancer in the family, if younger than recommendations are general and include comprehensive physical
20 years of age) because of the very early age of breast cancer onset examinations (including neurologic examination) every 6 to 12 months,
seen in these families. Recommendations for breast screening in LFS are especially when there is a high index of suspicion for second malignancies
similar to those for BRCA-related breast and ovarian cancer syndrome in cancer survivors and rare cancers (see Testing Criteria for Li-Fraumeni
management, although screening is begun at an earlier age. They include Syndrome in the algorithm). Clinicians should address screening
annual breast MRI screening with contrast (preferred) or mammogram if limitations for other cancers associated with LFS. Colonoscopy and upper
MRI is not available for individuals assigned female at birth aged 20 to 29 endoscopy should be done every 2 to 5 years, starting at 25 years of age,
years; annual mammogram and breast MRI screening with contrast in or 5 years before the earliest known colon or gastric cancer diagnosis in
individuals assigned female at birth aged 30 to 75 years; and management family history (whichever comes first). Education regarding signs and
on an individual basis for individuals assigned female at birth older than 75 symptoms of cancer is important. Patients should be advised about the
years. For individuals assigned female at birth who have a family history of risk to relatives, and genetic counseling for relatives is recommended.
breast cancer diagnosed earlier than 20 years of age, breast MRI Annual dermatologic examination should be done beginning at 18 years of
screening with contrast may begin at the earliest age of diagnosis. In age.
patients assigned female at birth who were treated for breast cancer and
who have not had bilateral mastectomy, mammography and breast MRI Whole-body MRI for screening of cancers associated with LFS is being
screening with contrast should continue as recommended based on age. evaluated in multiple international trials. Use of whole-body MRI is
As with carriers of a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant, breast MRI screening in appealing due to its wide anatomic coverage and the potential to cut down
individuals assigned female at birth who are younger than 30 years of age on the number of imaging studies that a patient undergoes.521 A meta-
is preferred over mammography due to less sensitivity for detection of analysis including 578 individuals with TP53 P/LP variants across 13
tumors and to limit radiation exposure. prospective cohorts showed that baseline whole-body MRI identified
cancer in 7% of the sample, with 83% of the cancers being localized and
Although there are no data regarding risk reduction surgery in individuals able to treat with curative intent.522 In a prospective observational study, a
with LFS who were assigned female at birth, options for RRM should be clinical surveillance protocol for carriers of a TP53 P/LP variant from
discussed on a case-by-case basis. Counseling for risk-reducing surgeries families affected by LFS was incorporated.523 The surveillance protocol
may include discussion of extent of cancer risk reduction/protection, risks included biochemical methods (ie, bloodwork to evaluate 17-OH-
associated with surgeries, degree of age-specific cancer risk, progesterone, total testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate,
reconstructive options, and competing risks from other cancers. Family androstenedione, complete blood count [CBC], erythrocyte sedimentation
history and life expectancy should also be considered during this rate, and lactate dehydrogenase; and 24-hour urine cortisol) and imaging
counseling. techniques, such as annual brain MRI, annual rapid whole-body MRI,
ultrasound of the abdomen and pelvis, and colonoscopy.524 For

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

surveillance of breast cancers, the protocol was similar to the NCCN Only very limited data exist on the use of prenatal diagnostics/genetic
Guidelines for LFS Management in Adults.523 Eleven-year follow-up of this testing for TP53 P/LP variants in families with LFS.531,532 For a general
study, which included 89 carriers of a TP53 P/LP variant, showed that this discussion on the topic of reproductive options and counseling
surveillance protocol may be beneficial, with 84% (16 out of 19) of patients considerations, see the section above on Reproductive Options under
who were diagnosed with cancer and had chosen to undergo surveillance Genetic Risk Assessment and Counseling.
being alive at final follow-up, compared to 49% (21 out of 43) of patients
who were diagnosed with cancer and had chosen to not undergo Cowden Syndrome/PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome
surveillance (P = .012).524 Five-year OS was greater for patients The spectrum of disorders resulting from germline P/LP variants in
undergoing surveillance (88.8%) compared to patients not undergoing PTEN533 are referred to as PHTS. The spectrum of PHTS includes
surveillance (59.6%; P = .013). The clinical surveillance protocol employed Cowden syndrome, Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome (BRRS), adult
was shown to be feasible, though further evaluation is warranted.523 Based Lhermitte-Duclos disease (LDD), Proteus-like syndrome,87,534,535 and
on these study results the panel recommends annual whole-body MRI as autism spectrum disorders with macrocephaly.87,535,536 Cowden syndrome
a category 2B recommendation. This is consistent with recommendations is rare, with an incidence of 1 in 200,000, although it is likely to be
described in the Toronto protocol.520 The panel acknowledges that this underestimated due to difficulties associated with making a clinical
surveillance method may not be uniformly available. Patients who do not diagnosis of the disease.537,538 Cowden syndrome is an autosomal
have access to whole-body MRI should be encouraged to enroll in clinical dominant disorder, and most cases are associated with germline PTEN
trials, or alternative comprehensive imaging methods may be used. The P/LP variants, though one study found that germline KILLIN methylation
panel also acknowledges that whole-body MRI screening of all individuals may also be associated with this syndrome.539 The frequency of germline
with LFS may result in false positives and overdiagnosis.522,525 Further, the PTEN P/LP variant in Cowden syndrome cases is high, at approximately
utility of whole-body MRI has not been evaluated in individuals with a 80%.540
TP53 P/LP variant who don’t have a classic family history of LFS, a group
that is increasingly being identified through multi-gene testing. The brain Hamartomas (benign tumors resulting from an overgrowth of normal
may be examined as part of whole-body MRI or as a separate exam. tissue) are a common manifestation of the PHTS syndromes. Cowden
syndrome is associated with multiple hamartomatous and/or cancerous
Individuals with a TP53 P/LP variant are at increased risk of second lesions in various organs and tissues, including the skin, mucous
malignant neoplasms.510,526 Radiosensitivity in individuals with a TP53 membranes, breast, thyroid, endometrium, and brain.87,541 However, it has
P/LP variant is not significantly different than in the general been suggested that patients with other PHTS diagnoses associated with
population,527,528 but carriers seem to be more susceptible to PTEN P/LP variants should be assumed to have Cowden syndrome-
radioresistance.528-530 Though use of therapeutic RT should generally be associated cancer risks.
avoided in individuals with a TP53 P/LP variant, clinical decision-making
should take into account the availability of other curative treatment The lifetime risk for breast cancer for females diagnosed with Cowden
options. syndrome/PHTS has been estimated at 40% to 60%, with an average age

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

of 38 to 50 years at diagnosis.87,542 Some studies (as discussed above) the cumulative lifetime risk for LDD was reported to be 32%.544 The
have reported a higher cumulative lifetime risk for breast cancer (77%– preponderance of evidence supports a strong association between adult-
85%) in individuals with Cowden syndrome/PHTS or PTEN P/LP onset LDD and the presence of a PTEN P/LP variant,540,553 although
variants.543-545 A large European cohort study estimated lifetime risk for exceptions have been reported.554 In addition, there is a relatively large
breast cancer in females as 54.3% to 75.8%.546 There have been only two body of evidence to support that 10% to 20% of individuals with autism
cases of breast cancer reported in males with Cowden syndrome/PHTS.542 spectrum disorder and macrocephaly carry germline PTEN P/LP
Although many females with Cowden syndrome/PHTS experience benign variants.536,555-558
breast disease,87 there is no evidence that the rate is higher than in the
general population.542 As in many other hereditary cancer syndromes, affected individuals are
more likely to develop bilateral and multifocal cancer in paired organs.540
Thyroid disease, including benign multinodular goiter, adenomatous Although not well defined, females with Cowden syndrome/PHTS may
nodules, and follicular adenomas, has been reported to occur in have a 5% to 22% risk for endometrial cancer.87,542,546,559 While many
approximately 30% to 68% of adults with PTEN P/LP variants,535,547 and females with Cowden syndrome/PHTS may also have uterine fibroids, this
the lifetime risk for thyroid cancer (follicular or papillary) has been risk is not likely to be much greater than in females without Cowden
estimated at 3% to 16.5%.87,546,548 However, data tend to be aggregated, syndrome/PHTS or PTEN P/LP variant.542
so it is difficult to calculate rates for multinodular goiter versus solitary
nodules.542 A retrospective chart review of 47 children with PTEN P/LP In addition, brain tumors and vascular malformations affecting any organ
variants showed that 26% had abnormal thyroid imaging.549 The youngest are occasionally seen in individuals with Cowden syndrome/PHTS,
reported case of thyroid cancer in a child with Cowden syndrome/PHTS although the risks for developing these conditions are not well
was at age 7.550 defined.87,542 It is important to note, however, that most of the data on the
frequencies of the clinical features of Cowden syndrome/PHTS are from
Macrocephaly (defined as head circumference greater than the 97th compilations of case reports of relatively young individuals who may have
percentile)551 is a common finding in patients with Cowden subsequently developed additional signs of the disease (ie, new
syndrome/PHTS. It has been estimated that approximately 80% to 100% cancerous lesions), and these data are also likely to be confounded by
of individuals with this syndrome will exhibit this clinical finding.542 Adult selection bias.87 Furthermore, a considerable number of these studies
LDD and autism spectrum disorder characterized by macrocephaly are were published prior to the establishment in 1996 of the International
strongly associated with Cowden syndrome/PHTS.534,540,544,552 A rare, Cowden Consortium operational diagnostic criteria for the syndrome,
slow-growing, benign hamartomatous lesion of the brain, LDD, is a which were based on published data and the expert opinion of individuals
dysplastic gangliocytoma of the cerebellum.87,544 In a multicenter representing a group of centers mainly in North America and Europe.87,560
prospective study examining 3042 probands who met clinical criteria for
Cowden syndrome/PHTS, 6% met criteria for LDD.547 In a study of Benign skin lesions are experienced by most to all Cowden
individuals meeting the diagnostic criteria for Cowden syndrome/PHTS, syndrome/PHTS patients.535,541,549 Skin lesions associated with Cowden
syndrome/PHTS include trichilemmomas (ie, benign tumors derived from

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NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024

Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

the outer root sheath epithelium of a hair follicle), oral papillomas, esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), upper gastrointestinal polyps were
mucocutaneous neuromas (hamartoma of the peripheral nerve sheath), found in 67% of patients.564 A systematic review of published case series
palmoplantar keratoses, penile pigmentation, lipomas and vascular (N = 102) regarding gastrointestinal manifestations in Cowden
anomalies, and fibromas.542,549,561 Trichilemmomas associated with syndrome/PHTS and component syndromes showed that 92.5% of these
Cowden syndrome/PHTS tend to appear on the face, particularly the eyes, patients had polyps, with 64% having 50 or more.566 Histologies were
mouth, nose, and forehead.542 Most individuals with Cowden described as: hyperplastic (44%), adenomatous (40%), hamartomatous
syndrome/PHTS exhibit characteristic mucocutaneous lesions by their (38%), ganglioneuroma (33%), and inflammatory (24.5%). Other studies
twenties, and such lesions have been reported to occur in 99% of have also reported ganglioneuromatous polyps (ie, rare, benign peripheral
individuals with Cowden syndrome/PHTS, showing nearly complete nervous system tumors) in this population.542,567 A retrospective chart
penetrance, although this may be a reflection of selection bias in the cases review of 47 children with PTEN P/LP variants showed that only 13% had
reported.162,534 The presence of three or more mucocutaneous neuromas gastrointestinal polyps, but 34% had other gastrointestinal symptoms such
is considered a major diagnostic criterion of Cowden syndrome/PHTS,542 as abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, and/or constipation.549 Early-onset
while the presence of two or more trichilemmomas has been reported to (<50 years of age) colorectal cancer has been reported in 13% of patients
be pathognomonic for Cowden syndrome/PHTS.562,563 However, since with PTEN P/LP variant-associated Cowden syndrome/PHTS, suggesting
most of the evidence regarding trichilemmomas is from the older literature, that routine colonoscopy may be warranted in this population.564 The
it is possible that the association with Cowden syndrome/PHTS is lifetime risk for colorectal cancer has been estimated as 9% to 16%.544,545
somewhat overestimated.87 There are reports of individuals with a solitary
trichilemmoma who do not have Cowden syndrome/PHTS.562,563 Several studies have projected lifetime estimates of cancer risk that are
Nevertheless, due to the strong association between these lesions and significantly higher than previously estimated. In a study of patients
Cowden syndrome/PHTS and the difficulty in clinically distinguishing meeting diagnostic criteria for Cowden syndrome/PHTS (N = 211;
between a trichilemmoma and another mucocutaneous lesion, it is identified from published literature and records from a single institution),
important that a diagnosis of trichilemmoma is histologically confirmed. the cumulative lifetime risk for any cancer was 89%.544 PTEN P/LP
variants had been identified in 97 of 105 patients (92%) who underwent
It was previously estimated that about half of individuals with Cowden testing. The cumulative lifetime cancer risks for all evaluable patients (n =
syndrome/PHTS have gastrointestinal polyps.564 However, this was almost 210) were 81% for female breast cancer, 21% for thyroid cancer, 19% for
certainly an underestimate.564,565 In an analysis of 67 PTEN P/LP variant endometrial cancer, 15% for renal cancer, and 16% for colorectal
carriers undergoing colonoscopy, colorectal polyps were found in 92.5% of cancer.544 In a prospective study that evaluated genotype-phenotype
patients.564 About half of the patients undergoing colonoscopy had associations between PTEN P/LP variants and cancer risks,545 deleterious
hyperplastic polyps, and about 25% had polyps that were hamartomatous, germline P/LP variants in PTEN were identified in 368 patients.
ganglioneuromatous, or adenomatous.564 Adenomatous or hyperplastic Calculation of age-adjusted SIRs using cancer incidence data from the
polyps were associated with development of colorectal cancer in this SEER database showed elevated SIRs among individuals with PTEN
sample. Out of 39 carriers of a PTEN P/LP variant undergoing P/LP variants for breast cancer (25), thyroid cancer (51), endometrial

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Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

cancer (43), colorectal cancer (10), renal cancer (31), and melanoma Risk Assessment, Counseling, and Management
(8.5). The estimated cumulative lifetime cancer risks were 85% for breast, The assessment of individuals suspected of having Cowden
35% for thyroid, 28% for endometrial, 9% for colorectal, 34% for renal, and syndrome/PHTS incorporates both a history of the benign and malignant
6% for melanoma.545 In another study in individuals with PHTS found to conditions associated with the syndrome and a targeted physical
have deleterious germline PTEN P/LP variants (N = 154; detailed examination, including the skin and oral mucosa, breast, and thyroid gland
information available in n = 146), age- and gender-adjusted SIRs were and head circumference (see Testing Criteria for Cowden
elevated for female breast cancer (39), endometrial cancer (49), female Syndrome/PHTS in the algorithm). The NCCN Guidelines Panel has
thyroid cancer (43), male thyroid cancer (199.5), female melanoma (28), established a list of criteria to help indicate which individuals are
and male melanoma (39).543 The cumulative lifetime risks in these candidates for testing for PTEN P/LP variants (see Testing Criteria for
individuals were 77% for female breast cancer and 38% for thyroid cancer. Cowden Syndrome/PHTS in the algorithm). These criteria are used to
The cumulative lifetime risk for any cancer was 85% overall, and females assess the need for further risk assessment and genetic testing. When
with Cowden syndrome/PHTS were found to have a 2-fold greater cancer PTEN is included on multi-gene panels, these testing criteria do not need
risk compared with males with Cowden syndrome/PHTS.543 It is important to be met. Clinical diagnostic criteria have also been developed to help
to note, however, that all three of these studies suffer from significant identify clinical features associated with Cowden syndrome/PHTS (see
ascertainment biases, in that patients were usually selected for PTEN Revised Clinical Diagnostic Criteria for PTEN Hamartoma Tumor
testing based on the presence of these malignancies, which would inflate Syndrome in the algorithm, and discussed below under Clinical Diagnostic
the projected lifetime cancer estimates. An observational study of 180 Criteria). Patients who meet clinical diagnostic criteria for Cowden
patients with PTEN P/LP variants used Kaplan-Meier methods to estimate syndrome/PHTS as described in this section are candidates for testing for
that female carriers (n = 99) have an 87% cumulative risk of developing PTEN P/LP variants.
any cancer and/or LDD by 60 years of age, while male carriers have a
cumulative risk of 56%.568 Testing Criteria
Testing criteria for Cowden syndrome/PHTS are grouped into three
The BRRS variant of Cowden syndrome/PHTS has been characterized by general categories. A patient is considered for testing for PTEN P/LP
the presence of multiple lipomas, gastrointestinal hamartomatous polyps, variants based on whether they meet certain criteria or combinations of
macrocephaly, hemangiomas, developmental delay, and pigmented criteria from these three categories. The first criteria category includes
macules on the glans penis,569 although formal diagnostic criteria have not individuals meeting diagnostic criteria for Cowden syndrome571: a personal
been established for this syndrome. PTEN gene P/LP variants testing in history of BRRS, adult LDD, autism spectrum disorder with macrocephaly,
individuals characterized with BRRS have been reported in approximately or two or more biopsy-proven trichilemmomas. Any individual presenting
60% of these patients.570 Further, in another study, 10% of patients with with one or more of these diagnoses warrants PTEN testing. Previously,
BRRS for whom a PTEN P/LP variant test was negative were shown to be some of the criteria from this group have been referred to as
carriers of large PTEN gene deletions.552 “pathognomonic,” although it is unlikely that any of these conditions can
stand alone as a definitive diagnostic criterion for Cowden

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Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

syndrome/PHTS. Another criterion that can be considered to be sufficient P/LP variants are commonly found in tumor tissue.572-574 If a PTEN variant
to warrant testing for PTEN P/LP variants is a family history that includes is detected through tumor profiling and would be classified as P/LP if
the presence of a known PTEN P/LP variant. present in the germline, then germline testing for PTEN should be
The next category of criteria represents “major” features associated with
Cowden syndrome/PHTS and are described in the Guidelines (see Clinical Diagnostic Criteria
Testing Criteria for Cowden Syndrome/PHTS in the The frequency of PTEN P/LP variant in individuals meeting International
algorithm).535,538,547,551,571 With respect to decisions related to the presence Cowden Consortium diagnostic criteria for Cowden syndrome has
of mucocutaneous lesions, the panel did not consider the available previously been estimated at about 80%.542,570 However, evaluation of
literature to be adequate to accurately specify the number or extent of data based on samples analyzed at a single academic pathology
these lesions required for the condition to be defined as a major criterion laboratory (N = 802 evaluable) reported a much lower frequency (34%) of
for Cowden syndrome/PHTS, and clinical judgment is needed when PTEN P/LP variants among individuals meeting diagnostic criteria538 for
evaluating such lesions. An individual exhibiting two or more major criteria Cowden syndrome.535 The authors concluded that the current Consortium
where one criterion is macrocephaly meets the testing threshold. An diagnostic criteria are not as sensitive in identifying individuals with PTEN
individual with three or more major criteria (without macrocephaly) is also P/LP variants as previously estimated. Since PTEN P/LP variants are
considered to meet the threshold for testing. In addition, individuals relatively rare, recommendations regarding Cowden syndrome diagnostic
exhibiting one major criterion with three or more minor criteria (see Testing criteria may be based on studies with a small number of patients. Studies
Criteria for Cowden Syndrome/PHTS in the algorithm) also meet the with larger samples have their flaws as well, as patients are selected for
testing threshold; if an individual exhibits two or more major criteria but testing based on the number and magnitude of clinical features, which
does not have macrocephaly, then one of the major criteria may be may lead to overestimation of the features of Cowden syndrome.542 A
included as one of the three minor criteria to meet the testing threshold. review was conducted examining each consortium diagnostic criterion,
and revised criteria were proposed that are more stringent and take into
The final category of criteria represents features with a “minor” association
account clinical features that are often seen in PHTS.542 The criteria were
with Cowden syndrome/PHTS.535,538,547,571 These criteria are described in
designed by focusing on clinical features associated with PTEN P/LP
the Guidelines (see Testing Criteria for Cowden Syndrome/PHTS in the variants. The panel recommends using these criteria for clinical diagnosis
algorithm). An individual would need to exhibit four or more minor criteria of PHTS (see Revised Clinical Diagnostic Criteria for PTEN Hamartoma
or, as discussed above, three or more minor criteria and one major Tumor Syndrome in the algorithm).
criterion to meet testing.
Screening Recommendations
Lastly, an individual who has a first-degree relative diagnosed with
Cancer is the major health risk associated with Cowden syndrome/PHTS.
Cowden syndrome/PHTS or BRRS for whom testing has not been
Therefore, the NCCN Panel has outlined guidelines for prevention and
performed would also meet the threshold for PTEN testing if the individual
early detection screening of commonly associated cancers with Cowden
meets at least one major criterion or two or more minor criteria. PTEN

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Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

syndrome/PHTS. Current medical management recommendations for discussion of extent of cancer risk reduction/protection, risks associated
individuals with Cowden syndrome/PHTS include annual physical with surgeries, reconstructive options, and reproductive desires. It is also
examinations, starting at 18 years of age (or 5 years before the youngest important to address the psychosocial and quality-of-life aspects of
age of diagnosis of a component cancer in the family). undergoing risk-reducing surgical procedures.

The recommendations for individuals with Cowden syndrome/PHTS who Given that Cowden syndrome is rare, there are no data on screening for
were assigned female at birth focus on primary and secondary prevention endometrial cancer in these patients, though consideration of screening
options for breast cancer since this is the most commonly associated can begin as early as age 35. The panel recommends patient education
cancer in individuals with Cowden syndrome/PHTS based on the available regarding the symptoms of endometrial cancer including the necessity of a
literature. Individuals assigned female at birth should begin regular prompt response to symptoms such as abnormal bleeding. Prompt
monthly breast self-examinations at 18 years of age and have a reporting promotes early detection of endometrial cancer. The evaluation
semiannual clinical breast examination beginning at 25 years of age or 5 of these symptoms should include an endometrial biopsy. Though
to 10 years earlier than the earliest known breast cancer in the family endometrial cancer screening does not have proven benefit in individuals
(whichever comes first). Individuals assigned female at birth should also with Cowden syndrome, endometrial biopsy is highly sensitive and specific
have an annual mammogram and breast MRI screening with contrast as a diagnostic procedure. Therefore, screening through endometrial
starting at 35 years of age, or 10 years earlier than the earliest known biopsy every 1 to 2 years may be considered.
breast cancer in the family (whichever comes first). After 75 years of age,
management should be considered on an individual basis. In patients Routine TVUS to screen for endometrial cancer in postmenopausal
treated for breast cancer who were assigned female at birth and who have individuals has not been shown to be sufficiently sensitive or specific to
not had bilateral mastectomy, mammography and breast MRI screening warrant a positive recommendation but may be considered at the
with contrast should continue as recommended based on age. A single- clinician’s discretion. However, TVUS is not recommended as a screening
center retrospective study including 65 females diagnosed with PHTS tool in premenopausal individuals due to the wide range of endometrial
showed that the yield of breast cancer screening (MRI and strip thickness throughout the normal menstrual cycle.
mammography) is comparable in this population, compared to other
Individuals with Cowden syndrome/PHTS have approximately at least a
carriers of high-penetrance breast cancer susceptibility genes (eg,
3% to 10% lifetime risk of developing thyroid cancer,87 compared to about
1% in the general population.576 An annual thyroid ultrasound should be
Although there are no data regarding risk reduction surgery in individuals performed, starting at age 7.577 Children at risk for a PTEN P/LP variant
with Cowden syndrome who were assigned female at birth, the option of (based on a parent’s carrier status) whose parents wish to delay genetic
RRM and hysterectomy should be discussed. Oophorectomy is not testing may also undergo annual thyroid ultrasound, since this is a
indicated for Cowden syndrome since ovarian cancer risk is not elevated noninvasive procedure. Colonoscopy is recommended starting at 35 years
in these patients. Counseling for risk-reducing surgeries may include of age, or earlier if symptomatic. If a close relative was diagnosed with
colon cancer before 40 years of age, then colonoscopy screening should

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Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

begin 5 to 10 years before the age of the earliest known diagnosis. associated with the genes PRSS1 and SPINK1.579 Patients with pancreatic
Colonoscopy should be performed every 5 years or more frequently in cancer and Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry may have a greater likelihood of
cases where the patient is symptomatic or polyps are found. To screen for testing positive for a BRCA1/2 P/LP variant, with prevalence of detected
renal cell carcinoma, renal ultrasound should be considered every 1 to 2 P/LP variants in this group ranging from 5.5% to 19%, with P/LP variants
years beginning at 40 years of age. Annual dermatologic examination is being more common for BRCA2.196,197,199,205
recommended. If there are symptoms in children, then assessment of
psychomotor abilities should be considered, as well as a brain MRI. Given the considerable rate of predisposing P/LP variants in patients with
Education regarding the signs and symptoms of cancer is important; pancreatic cancer, as well as the fact that typical clinical factors (eg, young
patients should also be advised about the risk to relatives, and genetic age of onset, family history of cancer) are poorly predictive for identifying
counseling is recommended for at-risk relatives. carriers of a P/LP variant, universal genetic testing for these individuals is
warranted. Given the elevated rates of P/LP variants in pancreatic cancer
No published data exist on the use of prenatal diagnostics/genetic testing and that pancreatic cancer risk increases when there is a family history,593-
for PTEN P/LP variants in families with Cowden syndrome. For a general 595 testing of first-degree relatives of patients may be beneficial. However,

discussion on the topic of reproductive options and counseling testing the patient is preferred. Testing of second-degree relatives is
considerations, see the Discussion section above on Reproductive generally not recommended but may be considered in select cases. Given
Options under Genetic Risk Assessment and Counseling. that mortality rates for this cancer are high,596,597 it may be beneficial to
family members to test patients near the time of diagnosis, since the
Hereditary Pancreatic Cancer option to test the patient may not be available for very long. Family history
Pancreatic cancer is thought to have a familial or hereditary component in of pancreatic cancer with unknown histology is often presumed to be
approximately 10% of cases.203,204,578-580 Harboring a P/LP variant has exocrine. Detecting a germline P/LP variant can potentially aid in
been found to be associated with a greater incidence of pancreatic cancer treatment decision-making, particularly regarding systemic therapy options
than family history alone (without the presence of an associated germline (see Systemic Therapy Decision-Making above).
variant).581 An analysis of 250 patients with pancreatic cancer who
underwent multigene panel testing with a >80 gene panel showed that Pancreas Screening
15% harbored a P/LP variant.582 Germline P/LP variants found in Evidence to support screening for pancreatic cancer comes from studies
pancreatic adenocarcinoma include BRCA1, BRCA2, CDKN2A, MMR including those who harbor an associated germline P/LP variant and/or
genes associated with Lynch syndrome (ie, MSH2, MLH1, MSH6, PMS2, those who have a particularly strong family history of pancreatic cancer
EPCAM), ATM, PALB2, STK11, and TP53.90,197,199,201,204,363,364,579,581,583-592 (two or more first-degree relatives on the same side of the family, or three
BRCA2 and CDKN2A are generally the most prevalent, with rates in or more first- or second-degree relatives on the same side of the family).
moderate- to high-risk families ranging from 2% to 6% for BRCA2 and An analysis of outcomes from three European centers including 411
1.5% to 2.5% for CDKN2A.194,198,203,204 In addition, hereditary pancreatitis, asymptomatic individuals showed that pancreatic cancer was detected in
which is associated with increased risk for pancreatic cancer, is 7% of carriers of a CDKN2A P/LP variant and less than 1% of those with

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Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

familial pancreatic cancer.598 For the carriers of a CDKN2A P/LP variant degree relative).602 If family history criteria are met, then pancreas
for whom a lesion was detected, 75% were resectable, with a 5-year OS screening may be considered at age 50, or 10 years younger than the
rate of 24%. A prospective study including 347 carriers of a germline earliest pancreatic cancer diagnosis in the family, whichever is earlier.602
CDKN2A P/LP variant who participated in a 20-year pancreatic cancer The International Cancer of the Pancreas Screening Consortium
surveillance protocol at a medical center in the Netherlands showed that recommendations for pancreas screening in individuals with increased risk
pancreatic adenocarcinoma was diagnosed in 20.7% by age 70 years.599 for hereditary pancreatic cancer do not include carriers of a TP53 P/LP
Out of the 36 pancreatic cancers diagnosed, 83.3% were resectable, and variant in this group,602 as there are very limited data on pancreatic cancer
33.3% were diagnosed as stage I. Five-year OS in those who underwent screening in these carriers. However, the NCCN Guidelines panel
resection was 44.1% (95% CI, 27.2–71.3). In another analysis from six recommends that pancreatic cancer screening be considered in carriers of
high-volume centers in Italy including 187 high-risk individuals, a TP53 P/LP variant, if there is additional family history of pancreatic
abnormalities were detected in about 28%.600 Out of the cysts detected, cancer (at least 1 first- or second-degree relative), as there is some
62.2% were branch-duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms. evidence of a modestly increased risk of pancreatic cancer in these
Pancreatic adenocarcinomas made up 2.6% of the findings (n = 5). carriers.201,204
Finally, another analysis including screening of 354 asymptomatic high-
risk individuals showed suspicious pancreas lesions in 19%.601 Out of the For carriers of a CDKN2A or STK11 P/LP variant, no additional family
lesions detected from screening, 90% were resectable, and the 3-year OS history is needed to warrant screening. For carriers of a CDKN2A P/LP
rate was 85% in those with resectable lesions. The considerable rate of variant, screening may be considered at age 40, or 10 years younger than
resectable asymptomatic lesions found from routine screening of high-risk the earliest pancreatic cancer diagnosis in the family, whichever is
individuals demonstrates the potential for downstaging (ie, identification of earlier.602 For carriers of a STK11 P/LP variant, screening may be
lesions at an earlier stage). There is also the potential for impact on considered beginning at ages 30 to 35, or 10 years younger than the
mortality rates, though long-term studies are needed in this area. Lesions earliest pancreatic cancer diagnosis in the family, whichever is
detected through routine screening may not always require resection (eg, earlier.402,602
sporadic branch-duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms).
Hereditary pancreatitis is defined by the presence of a causative P/LP
Therefore, larger long-term studies are needed to further determine the
variant such as PRSS1 or SPINK1, or a suspicious family history of
risks and benefits of routine pancreas screening in high-risk individuals, as
chronic pancreatitis (two first-degree relatives or three second-degree
well as the threshold for surgical intervention.601
relatives across two or more generations) without precipitating factors and
With the exception of CDKN2A and STK11, pancreas cancer screening in with a negative workup for other known causes of pancreatitis.603
individuals who have a P/LP variant associated with increased risk of Hereditary pancreatitis is associated with increased lifetime risk of
exocrine pancreatic cancer (ie, ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, MSH2, MLH1, exocrine pancreatic cancer.603-605 The clinical significance of the P/LP
MSH6, EPCAM, PALB2, TP53) is not recommended unless there is variant such as PRSS1 or SPINK1 is unclear without a clinical history of
additional family history of pancreatic cancer (at least 1 first- or second- pancreatitis. Therefore, germline testing for PRSS1, SPINK1, and other

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Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

genes associated with pancreatitis is generally not recommended unless

one’s personal or family history is suggestive of hereditary pancreatitis.603
Pancreas cancer screening is recommended in individuals harboring one
of these variants only in the presence of a clinical phenotype consistent
with hereditary pancreatitis. For individuals meeting these criteria,
screening may begin at age 40, or 20 years after onset of pancreatitis,
whichever is earlier.602

When screening is recommended, it may be done with contrast-enhanced

MRI/magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) and/or
endoscopic ultrasound (EUS).601,602,606 MRI and EUS have been shown to
be superior in detection of subcentimeter pancreatic cysts, compared to
CT.606 Screening at a high-volume center of expertise is recommended,
preferably in the context of a research study. In those for whom screening
shows potentially concerning features that suggest progression, shorter
screening intervals may be indicated.

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Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic

Table 1. Glossary of Relevant Genetic Terms (from the Kindred

National Cancer Institute [NCI]) An extended f amily.
Autosomal dominant
Autosomal dominant inheritance refers to genetic conditions that occur when a
A graphic illustration of f amily history.
P/LP variant is present in one copy of a given gene (ie, the person is
heterozygous). Penetrance
A characteristic of a genotype; it refers to the likelihood that a clinical condition will
Autosomal recessive
occur when a particular genotype is present.
Autosomal recessive inheritance refers to genetic conditions that occur only when
P/LP variants are present in both copies of a given gene (ie, the person is Proband
homozygous for a P/LP variant, or carries two different variants of the same gene, The individual through whom a f amily with a genetic disorder is ascertained. In
a state ref erred to as compound heterozygosity). males this is called a propositus, and in f emales it is called a proposita.

de novo mutation Sporadic cancer

An alteration in a gene that is present for the first time in one family member as a This term has two meanings. It is sometimes used to dif f erentiate cancers
result of a P/LP variant in a germ cell (egg or sperm) of one of the parents, or a occurring in people who do not have a germline P/LP variant that conf ers
P/LP variant that arises in the f ertilized egg itself during early embryogenesis. increased susceptibility to cancer f rom cancers occurring in people who are
Also called new P/LP variant. known to carry a variant. Cancer developing in people who do not carry a high-
risk P/LP variant is referred to as sporadic cancer. The distinction is not absolute,
because genetic background may influence the likelihood of cancer even in the
A phenotype or trait that occurs with greater f requency in a given f amily than in
absence of a specif ic predisposing variant. Alternatively, sporadic is also
the general population; f amilial traits may have a genetic and/or nongenetic
sometimes used to describe cancer occurring in individuals without a f amily
history of cancer.
Family history
The genetic relationships within a f amily combined with the medical history of
individual family members. When represented in diagram form using standardized
symbols and terminology, it is usually ref erred to as a pedigree or f amily tree.

Founder effect
A P/LP variant observed with high frequency in a population f ounded by a small
ancestral group that was once geographically or culturally isolated, in which one
or more of the f ounders was a carrier of the mutant gene.

The cells f rom which eggs or sperm (ie, gametes) are derived.

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Table 2. Genetic Test Results to Determine the Presence

of a Cancer-Predisposing Gene
Result Description
The person is a carrier of an
True-positive alteration in a known cancer-
predisposing gene.

The person is not a carrier of a

True-negative known cancer-predisposing gene
that has been positively identified
in another family member.

The person is not a carrier of a

Indeterminate (uninformative) known cancer-predisposing gene,
and the carrier status of other
family members is either also
negative or unknown.

The person is a carrier of an

Inconclusive (variants of alteration in a gene that currently
uncertain significance) has no known significance.

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gynecologic cancer predispositions. Gynecol Oncol 2015;136:3-7.

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