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 Integration Architecture
Overview o Integration
System Tools o
Integration Cloud
 Integration System Building Blocks
 Core Connectors
o Overview Core Connectors
o Core Connector: Worker
o Core Connector: Inbound Organization
o Integration System Security


Workday’s suite of business services

are hosted within the Object
Management System (OMS). All
customer data is stored within the
persistent store and the only way to
access this is through the OMS. This
is an important aspect of how
Workday addresses issues such as
security and performance. All
communication with the OMS is via
XML over HTTPS. Users access
Workday through Web browsers. The
User Interface Server (UI Server)
handles these requests. It provides a
rich Internet experience to the users
by making use of technologies such
as HTML5.0.

Developers also connect to the OMS via the UI Server to make use of the browser-
based tools, for example, when configuring Integration Systems or building
integrations using the EIB.

There are three ways to access the web services to get and update data via an
integration system to your Workday tenant. You may use the delivered configurable
integrations (Cloud Connect), the integration tools to create integration systems (EIB
and Workday Studio) or your own existing middleware.
There are four elements to an integration system:

 Integration System: An Integration System defines an external system in

Workday. It provides both the security necessary for an external system to access
Workday and a methodology to communicate data in a way that both Workday Web
Services and the customer system understand.

 Data Source: This indicates what kind of data Workday will receive from an
external source or will be extracted from Workday and the location of that data.

 Transformation: This converts the data into something that Workday or the
receiving external system can understand. Workday provides some transformations,
but the "build your own integration" purpose of the EIB lies partly in the fact that
users can create their own.

 Transport Protocol: This defines where, or to what endpoint, the Integration

System will send the integration’s outgoing message/data/file. The method of
delivery is also defined.
Integration Systems for Developers Workday Version 19


Workday Integration Cloud Connect is a catalog of pre-built integrations to common

applications and service providers that extend Workday's functionality. The integrations
span the entire range of Workday applications, including Human Capital Management
(HCM), Payroll, Payroll Interface, Financial Management, and Spend Management. All
integrations are hosted and maintained by Workday.

Integration Cloud Connect provides two types of integration:

Packaged integrations

Fully designed end-to-end integrations to a specific named third party application or

service. When a packaged integration is deployed, the specific business functions
between the two systems are configured with no additional coding required. The
packaged integrations are managed just like any other Workday application, and are
kept up to date with the same overall Workday update schedule.


Pre-built integration templates. While not always end-to-end like packaged

integrations, connectors address the majority of the integration effort required to
connect to third-party end points. Connectors can often be leveraged as delivered,
or they can also provide the foundation for further configuration leveraging
Workday’s Integration Cloud Platform.

Note: All Integration Cloud Connect packaged integrations and Connectors require some
level of tenant configuration and testing. Each customer may have specific mapping
requirements and different endpoint configurations. These differences in customer
configurations can be accommodated with Workday's integration templates and mapping


Workday integrations are simple enough to set up on your own. You start with an
integration template that provides a framework for Workday to communicate with an
external system. The template establishes the framework for data exchange through a
collection of integration services. Workday provides custom integration templates for
benefit providers, payroll services, recruiting applications, directory services, payment
settlement, suppliers, and more.

Each integration template contains a set of integration services, comprised of integration

attributes and maps that define specific connection points.

Integration Service

Contains a set of attributes and maps related to a specific integration function. Integration
services use XSLT to convert Workday XML into a format that an external system can read.
Integration services focus on functional areas and integration behavior (such as document
retention, field overrides, and file delivery).

Integration Attribute

Provides one or more tenanted values for a data element in Workday. For example,
attributes define deduction codes, pay rate types, benefit plan names, and citizenship

Integration Map

Defines relationships between Workday values and external system values. Examples
are maps for benefit coverage levels, marital status, gender, job classifications, and

Transaction Log

Provides a record of business processes and events in Workday. Integrations can subscribe to
specific transaction log events to capture the changes to employee data that are relevant to an
external system.

8 © 2013 Workday, Inc.


With Workday Core Connectors, you can extract foundational data such as organization,
location, and job-related definitions, transform the data, and send it to an endpoint of your
choice. Using Workday's business objects and Get_Job_Families, Get_Job_Profiles,
Get_Locations, and Get_Organizations public APIs as its foundation, Workday Core
Connectors for HCM provide a single source-of-truth for core data, and configure integration
output files that you can transform as required to serve the needs of multiple downstream

Each Core Connector is a packaged integration template with a configurable set of data
across a range of categories. Core Connectors let you specify which data elements to include
in integration output files. When launched, the integration collects a snapshot of all data and
creates an output file in XML format based on your specifications.

All Core Connector integrations create integration output files in a Workday-defined XML
format. This output can be configured for delivery, or further transformation.


The Core Connector: Worker integration system exports worker data changes from Workday
in simple XML format. Workday also supports output in CSV (Comma Separated Value)
format, with certain limitations. As you hire, promote, transfer, terminate, or update worker
data, the integration generates a text file containing the changes.
Using configurable data sections or Workday-delivered report fields and calculated fields
that you create, you can export any worker data, in any combination.

Change Detection

The Core Connector: Worker detects changes to worker data by monitoring a transaction
log. When you set up the integration system, you may select which business processes and
transaction types that the integration system should subscribe to. However, if your
integration system does not subscribe to a transaction type that affects your worker's
profile, Workday will not include changes triggered by that transaction type.

The Core Connector: Worker integration uses a three-step process to detect and report

1. When the Core Connector: Worker integration checks the transaction log, the
integration determines which workers have had changes which resulted in the
generation of at least one of the configured transaction events.

2. For each worker with a matching transactional change, the integration compares
their report fields for the time at which the integration was run and the time at
which it was last successfully run. It identifies which, if any, of the values of interest
have been modified.

3. If the worker has any changes in field values or eligibility, Workday generates an
appropriate creation, change or deletion message.


Integration services manage each category of employee data that is available for output.
Before you can configure fields, you must enable the integration services that manage those
fields. To modify the settings, select Integration System > Configure Integration Services as
a related action on the integration system.
This connector is being driven by the GetWorkers Web Service Operation. This service
operation can be accessed directly by EIB and Workday Studio. The Core Connector: Worker
abstracts the web service and you configure the integration using the tenant, rather than
writing a custom request. Notice the Worker_Response_Group of the GEt_Workers_Request
match the services selectable in the Integration Services of the Worker Connector.


Many times an external system may need a piece of data that is not available in the
Web Service Operation. You cannot change it but by using the Core Connector, you may
add a Custom Integration Service and add additional fields to the output file. These
fields can be Delivered Report Fields, Calculated Fields and even Custom Fields.

When you are defining which services to include, you can add a custom service. For
example, to add group fields not included in the underlying web service operation, create a
new Integration Field Override Service.

When you create the service, you give

the service a name, associate it to a
Business Object and define the fields.
These fields will be mapped later in the
Integration System Field Overrrides

Field attributes enable you to configure the

contents of an integration output file field by field.
You can select which fields to include in the
integration, specify whether the fields are
required, and specify maximum field length. When
the integration runs, Workday searches for
changes to the selected fields, validates that the
required fields are present in the output file,
truncates values that exceed the maximum field
length, and reports any errors or warnings in the
audit files.

To modify field attributes for an integration, as a

related action on the integration system, select
Integration System > Configure Integration Field

Before you build an integration with the Core Connector: Worker template, familiarize
yourself with each data section to understand which fields are available for output and how
the configuration options affect integration behavior

During integration setup, you enable integration services for each data section that you
want to include in the output file.

Field overrides are a flexible tool to customize your integration system. Use field overrides to
map tenanted data to an external system and add custom values to integration output files.
Field overrides use report fields or calculated fields to supply the values that are required by
the external system.

To configure integration field overrides, as a related action on the integration system,

select Integration System > Configure Integration Field Overrides.

The Core Connector: Worker includes the Define Eligibility/ Eligibility criterion field override.
Designate a report field or calculated field that identifies if a worker is or is not eligible for
the integration. The report field or calculated field must be based on the Worker business
object, and it must return a boolean true or false. A Boolean true includes the worker in the
integration, a Boolean false excludes the worker.


Attributes are values that are required to configure the integration system in Workday.
They are configurable constants that may need to be changed occasionally in Workday.
Attributes are grouped by attribute provider; an attribute provider corresponds to an
Attribute Map service. For example, the Integration Document Retention service enables
the integration to store output files for auditing purposes. The corresponding Integration
Document Retention attribute provider includes an attribute where you specify how long
documents should be retained.

To modify attributes for an

integration, as a related
action on the integration
system, select
Integration System >
Configure Integration
© 2013 Workday, Inc. 15

Business Case: You will configure a new integration system based on the Core
Connector: Worker template to extract Worker data including Personal Data, Position
Data and Compensation Data. You will configure the integration services, integration
field attribute values and custom attributes in subsequent activities. We will link it to an
Integration Business Process that is initiated when the integration system is launched.

Sign in as Name (lmcneil)

1. Search for and select the task Create Integration
2. Name your new integration system

3. From the New using Template radio button,

choose the Cloud Connect for HCM >> Core
Connector: Worker template as shown here to
the right:
4. Enable the Integration Services as shown below (don't click OK yet):
a. Core Connector: Worker/Filename Sequence Generator
b. Core Connector: Worker/Integration Document Retention
c. Core Connector: Worker/Worker Personal Data Section Fields
d. Core Connector: Worker/ Worker Position Data Section Fields
e. Core Connector: Worker/ Worker Compensation Data Section Fields
5. Add a row under Custom Integration Service.
From the prompt, select Create >> Integration Field Override Service

6. Name the Integration Field Override Service WICT_HCM_Workers_Custom and

select the Business Object, Worker.

7. Add rows as shown above to include INIT and UNAME.

8. Click OK twice.

Business Case:

In this activity, you will select the attributes to include in the output file for Personal
Data, Position Data and Compensation Data. You will also configure the Field Override
service by defining two additional field for username and initials.

Sign in as Name (lmcneil)

1. Search for and select the HCM_Worker integration system

2. Configure the Field Attributes by navigating to Integration System >> Configure

Integration Field Attributes

3. In the Worker Personal Data Section Fields select:

a. Name Data
b. Name Data/ First Name
c. Name Data/Last Name
d. Address Data
e. Address Data/Address Line Data
f. Address Data/Postal Code
g. Address Data/Country
h. Email Data
i. Email Data/Email Address
4. In the Worker Position Data Section Fields select:
a. Business Title
b. Worker Type
c. Business Site
d. Business Site Address Line Data
e. Business Site Region
5. In the Worker Compensation Data
Section Fields select:
a. Total Base Pay
b. Base Pay Currency

6. Configure the Custom Overrides but

navigation to Integration System >>
Configure Integration Field Overrides

7. Configure the HCM_Worker/Define

Eligibility override as Active Status
(shown below)

8. Configure the following under Field

Configuration for
a. INIT =>Initials
b. UNAME => User Name
9. Click OK then Close.

Integration sequence generation enables your integration to generate a unique, sequenced file
name each time it runs. To create a sequence generator, as a related action on the integration
system, select
Integration System > Configure Integration Sequence Generators.


For each launch/schedule option, you can enter the following launch parameters:

 Workers enables you to restrict the integration to only considering those workers
selected in this list. If no values are configured then the integration will consider all
workers when looking for transactional and/or data changes. Specifying workers in
this list does not force their inclusion in the output file; a worker's information will
only appear in the output file if there are changes in the data fields evaluated by the
integration system.

o You may want to specify workers in this parameter at launch time if there was
an error involving data for one or more workers during a prior integration run.
You would correct the worker(s) data and then re-run the integration system
only for those workers. In this case, you should set the Last Successful
Launch Moment to the date and time used for that parameter on the prior run
which had problems.

 Full File extracts all data, regardless of how recently it was changed.

 Restrict Results By Orgs enables you to select one or more Organizations to

include in the integration output file.

 As Of Entry Moment enables you to search for and retrieve future-dated data
changes where the change has been entered in Workday, but the effective date has
not passed yet.

 Effective Date defines the end of a date range during which changes became
effective. The integration extracts all changes with effective dates on or before
this date.

 Last Successful As of Entry Moment defaults to the last moment (date and time)
at which the integration system was successfully launched. You can override this
date and time in order to force the integration to search for and retrieve data
changes over a wider period.

 Last Successful Effective Date defines the beginning of a date range during
which changes became effective. The integration extracts all changes with
effective dates after this date.

Business Case: In this activity, you will modify your integration system and configure
the required integration attributes and file name sequence generator service.

1. Search for and select the WICT_HCM_Worker integration system

2. To configure the Attributes, navigate to

Integration System >>

Configure Integration

We must populate the attributes required for launch.

3. Populate the Version attribute by clicking the + and selecting 19 from the prompt.

4. Configure the Sequence Generator by navigating to Integration System >>

Configure Integration Sequence Generators.

5. Set the Increment By value to 1 and the Format/Syntax value to <YOUR

INITIALS>_HCMWorkerOutput_[Seq].xml (shown below) then click OK and


Business Case: In this activity, you will run the integration and view the resulting file. You
will modify personal data information for Logan and launch the integration again. The
resulting file will contain only changed worker data.

1. Search for and select the WICT_HCM_Worker integration system

2. Launch the integration by navigating to Integration >> Launch/Schedule
3. Select the Run as Current User check box then click OK. (accept default to Run
4. Allow the value of As of Entry Moment to default to today's date and time
5. Allow the value of Effective Date to default to today's date

6. Set the field value for Last Successful As of Entry Moment to 01/01/2011
12:00:00 AM then click OK.

7. View the background process. Click Refresh. It will take a few moments to run.

22 © 2013 Workday, Inc.

Integration Systems for Developers Workday Version 19

8. Once Status is completed, you may view the xml file on the Output Files tab.


The Transaction Log enables your integration to monitor events in Workday. You configure the
Transaction Log to subscribe to events for particular transaction types or business process types.
You can configure the types that you are interested in within a particular date or time range,
thereby allowing you to find and compare differences that have occurred in your Workday data
within a particular time period.

Option Description
Enables your integration system to subscribe to events that take place in Workday. This enables your
integration to only report changed fields for workers, rather than report all fields.

TRANSACTION If disabled, your integration first extracts all data for eligible records, then evaluates the data for
LOG SERVICE changes. Using this option can adversely affect performance.

Workday supports integration-specific business processes using the Integration Process

Event business process type. This business process type allows you to:

 Separate the execution of the integration itself from the act of retrieving or
delivering files. Configuring the retrieval or delivery action separately allows you to
add additional steps between these actions and the integration execution, or add
multiple retrieval or delivery actions before or after the integration execution.

 Chain together several integration systems, allowing a subsequent integration

system to consume the integration file(s) produced by 1 or more earlier integration
systems. This enables you to create new integrations using Workday Studio that
leverage existing integrations such as Payroll Interface.

The Integration Process Event default definition is usually delivered with your tenant.
The default Integration Process Event consists of 2 steps, Initiation and Service (Fire
Integration). If this default definition has not been defined in your tenant, you must
create the default definition, including the 2 steps. If this default definition and the
Initiation and Fire Integration steps aren't present, you will be unable to:

 Create an Integration Process Event for any integration system.

 Run any integration system, including EIBs.


The Integration Process Event provides the following step types:

 Initiation: This step launches the integration system to which the Integration
Process Event is associated.
 Approval: This step sends a notification to a designated worker or role
requesting that they approve the event.
 To Do: You can add additional non-Workday tasks to the process.
 Integration: This step triggers an additional integration process. This process can
be of any type, including an EIB, packaged integration, tailored integration, or a
custom integration built using Workday Studio.
 Service: The Integration Process Event supports 3 service types:
o DOCUMENT DELIVERY delivers integration files from outbound integration
systems to external endpoints. You can choose to deliver all integration output
files (referred to as Documents) produced by the current Integration Process
Event, or Documents that are
tagged based on your specification.
o Document Retrieval imports integration files either from an external
endpoint or by routing a request to a Workday user so that the user can
manually upload files for use by the integration.
o FIRE INTEGRATION executes the integration system itself, to either
generate an output file or load data from a file into Workday. This step is
always included by default in any Integration Business Process Event.

You can include additional Integration steps in an Integration Process Event. You can have
2 or more Integration steps share the same order in the Integration Process Event.
Workday then executes the steps in parallel. Workday executes the Integration Process
Event for each additional integration before continuing to the next step in the parent
Integration Process Event.

You can also have more than one Integration step in sequential order. For example, you
could add a second integration system, created in Workday Studio, that accepts the
reference of an output document as a launch parameter. You would then configure the
second integration step's launch parameters to assign the output of the first integration
system to be the input of the second. The second integration system consumes the output
file from the previous integration and produces a new integration output file. This is not
limited to a 1-to-1 relationship. For example, you could create an Integration Process Event
with 1 Initiation step and 2 Integration steps, each of which is Step a, followed by a single
Integration Step b that consumes all 3 files produced by the 3 Step a integrations.


Unlike other business process types, the Integration Process Event is associated with an
integration system and it can also be associated with an organization. A single integration
system may be associated with several business process definitions, 1 per organization.
Other business process types can trigger the Integration Process Event as a sub process.
When this happens, Workday attempts to find an Integration Process Event defined for the
same organization as the parent business process. If you haven't defined an Integration
Process Event specifically for that organization, Workday navigates up the organization
hierarchy until it finds a business process definition for that integration system. If one
doesn't exist, Workday uses the default Integration Process Event. Alternately, an integration
system may be associated with 1 business process, with no associated organization.


The Integration Process Event by design separates the generation of an integration file (or
multiple files) and the delivery of the file(s) to an external system. If the external system
doesn't receive an expected integration file, use the following reports to determine what
did not work as expected:

 The Process Monitor lists all integration-related events. Any Integration Process Event
that concludes by sending an integration file outside of Workday will generate at least 2
integration-related events in the Process Monitor, 1 for the Integration step and 1 for the
Deliver Document step. Both events must succeed in order for the external system to
receive an integration file. If the Process Monitor shows the integration as completing
successfully, but the external system didn't receive a file, check for failed Deliver
Document events. When you find a failed Deliver Document event, use its related action
menu to determine which Integration Process Event it belongs to. Then use the Full
Process Record report to determine what happened.

 The Full Process Record displays the results of each step in a business process
instance. This allows you to determine if the external system did not receive an
integration file due to the Deliver Document step failing, or due to an Integration
step failing to produce a file for the Deliver Document step.

Before you can create an Integration Process

Event your tenant must have a default definition
for the Integration Process Event business
process. If this default definition does not exist in
your tenant, you will be unable to access the
Launch/Schedule Integration task for any
integration system in your tenant. You must have
created the integration system that will use the
Integration Process Event business process. To
create the business process, as a related action
on the integration system, select Business
Process > Create, Copy, or Link Definition.

Configure a business process to deliver one or more integration files to an external

location by configuring a Document Delivery Service step which describes file selection,
transport, and encryption options for the integration file.


Configure a business process to retrieve an integration document from an external location

by configuring a Document Retrieval Service step which describes file selection, transport,
and decryption options for the integration file.

Document Retrieval also enables you to retrieve the output of a custom report. In this
case, Document Retrieval retrieves the data from within Workday and stores the report
output in the W: Drive for use by a subsequent integration step.

Business Case: In this activity, you will create an integration business process for
WICT_HCM_Worker. You will add a Document Delivery step to deliver the output xml file to an
SFTP server.

1. Search for and select the WICT_HCM_Worker integration system

2. Associate this integration to a Business Process by navigating to Business Process

>> Create, Copy, or Link Definition

3. Verify the Effective Date is today and accept the default values. Click OK.

4. Modify the Business Process by adding a step 'c'. It is type 'Service' and the
Specify as
'Document Delivery'. Click OK.

5. Click on the configure Document

Delivery button. Accept today as
the Effective Date and click OK.
6. Enter the values as follows:
a. Documents = From this Integration Process
b. Delivery Settings = Define Transport Explicitly
c. Transport Type = SFTP
i. SFTP Address = s
ii. Directory = /trainingXX (where XX will be provided by Instructor)
iii. Authentication Method = User Name / Password
iv. User ID = Provided by Instructor
v. Password = Provided by Instructor

7. Click OK then Close.

8. Search for and select the WICT_HCM_Worker Integration System and launch it
9. Select the Full File Checkbox and accept the default date values.
10. Click OK to launch the Integration System.
11. There will be no "Refresh" button so click on
the Integration Event name to refresh. It will
take a few moments to run to completion.
(This is a Business Process Event, not
Integration Event)

12. To view the file, scroll to the bottom of

the WICT_HCM_Worker Event to
Reports and Other Output Files.
Notice you can follow the results of
each Business Process Step.

13. You can view the Integration Event by

clicking on the Integration Event hyperlink
under the
Initial Integration Event Section.

14. Using WinSCP, access the SFTP site to view

the delivered file.

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