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Unit 12


Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia wszystkie trzy zdania.
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________
• It’s important to … to your surroundings • Don’t trust her. She will … embarrassment
when you go to live in a foreign country. just to avoid talking about the problem.
• I have found a couple of interesting designs • The epidemic will … the country
you can … for your new home. considerably.
• They are planning to … the book into a film. • I have been deeply moved by the book and
I am sure it will … you too.
2. ____________________________________
• We've saved a lot of money since we had 7. ____________________________________
a solar panel installed to … power. • After long discussions, the … worker finally
• The striker’s transfer to Real Madrid would convinced the teenager to go back to school.
… a lot of interest among the press and • The coalition government put together
general public. a package of … reforms.
• If you want to … sales successfully, you • It may be dangerous to chat to strangers
should first think of designing an attractive on … networking sites.
marketing campaign.
8. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________ • The suspect was … beaten up while he
• If you overuse painkillers, they won’t have was in police custody.
any … in the future. • He was punished very … for bullying
• The way the media present the news has a classmate.
a great … on public opinion. • The crash looked terrible. I only hope their
• Due to the greenhouse …, polar ice caps van wasn’t … damaged.
are melting.
9. ____________________________________
4. ____________________________________ • Spending time in a country means that you
• The speaker’s talk was primarily … to the are … to the language and you will see
teachers. a significant increase in your fluency.
• The problem of illegal immigration is one • We camped in a very … area and the wind
of the issues that need to be … immediately. blew our tent away.
• I am not sure how Sir John Colby should be • Being … to constant noise can result in
…. hearing loss.

5. ____________________________________ 10. ____________________________________

• He was put … by the difficulty of the project. • Although they are just kids, they … classical
• Police managed to evacuate everyone from music.
the building before the bomb went … . • Many people don’t … the healing power of
• In the past, light bulbs used to give … quite sleep.
a lot of heat. • I really … you lending me your car. It was
very kind of you.

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