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Non – Disclosure & Declaraon

The Non Disclosure Agreement is executed to ensure that during the course of employment with Virtusa
Consulng Services Private Limited, India the employee would be accessible to confidenal informaon, which is
the sole and absolute property of the Company.

In consideraon of the mutual promises and covenants contained in this Agreement and the Company’s
disclosure of confidenal informaon to the Employee, the pares hereto agree as under:

1.Definions for Confidenal Informaon and Other terms used in the Non-Disclosure Agreement.

(a)“Confidenal Informaon” shall mean and include the database made available by the Company or in its
possession, and/or any documentaon, specificaons, and any other informaon that the Company designates as
being confidenal and shall also include such informaon, material, things etc., as are listed in the Exhibit - A to
this Agreement.

(b)Confidenal Informaon shall include all such non-public informaon and know how disclosed to the Employee
during the course of his/her employment and / or the nature of the circumstances surrounding the disclosures,
sought in good faith to be treated as proprietary and / or confidenal informaon.

(c) “Confidenal Informaon” shall include any informaon concerning the organizaon business or finances of
the Company or of any third party which the Company is under an obligaon to keep confidenal that is
maintained by the Company as confidenal. Such Confidenal informaon shall include, but is not limited to,
trade secrets or confidenal informaon respecng invenons, products, designs, methods, know-how,
techniques, systems, processes, soware programs, works of authorship, customer lists, projects, plans and

(d) “The Company” shall include Virtusa and any of its subsidiaries, subdivisions, or affiliates. The Company shall
have the right to assign this Agreement to its successors and assigns, and all covenants and agreements
hereunder shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by said successors or assigns.

(e) “Company Documentaon” shall mean notes, memoranda, project informaon, intranet, announcements,
reports, lists, records, drawings, sketches, specificaons, soware programs, data, documentaon or other
materials of any nature and in any form, whether wrien, printed, or in digital format or otherwise, relang to
any maer within the scope of the business of the Company or concerning any of its dealings or affairs

(f) The term “Developments” shall mean any invenon, modificaon, discovery, design, development,
improvement, process, soware program, work of authorship, documentaon, formula, data, technique, know-
how, trade secret or intellectual property right whatsoever or any interest therein (whether or not patentable or
register able under Copyright, Trademark or similar statutes or subject to analogous protecon)

Non-Disclosure Agreement – 1.0 1

2. Permissions to use and restricons thereof:

(a) The Employee acknowledges the ownership of the Company over the Confidenal Informaon and agrees to
use the same only during the course of his/her employment and solely for the benefit of the Company and / or as
instructed by the Company during the course of employment

(b) The Employee shall not use the Confidenal Informaon as instructed by the Company and shall at no me
use such Confidenal Informaon against the interest of the Company, for his/her own benefit or for the benefit
of others.

(c) The Employee shall take utmost care and precauon in maintaining the confidenality and shall not at any
point of me divulge such informaon to any outsider, or to his/her colleagues, co-Employees unless instructed in
wring by the Company.

(d) The Employee may disclose such confidenal informaon to his/her subordinates / colleagues in discharge of
their official dues during the course of his/her employment on a “need to know basis”, provided the subordinate/
colleagues are also signatories to an Employee non- disclosure agreement. However, if such disclosure of
informaon is highly sensive / confidenal Employee shall obtain prior permission of the
Company before divulging such informaon to his/her subordinates / colleagues.

(e) The Employee shall promptly nofy the Company of any unauthorized use of confidenal informaon by
his/her colleagues / subordinates or any other person and shall co-operate and assist the Company in iniang
correcve acon.

3.Acknowledgment of the Intellectual Property Rights:

(a) The Employee acknowledges and agrees that all rights, tle, proprietary and interest in the Company’s
trademarks, copyrights, service marks, patents, designs etc., and the goodwill aached to the name are solely and
absolutely owned by the Company and shall remain vested with the Company. The Employee shall not take or
assist in taking any acon that may invalidate, prejudice or impair any right, tle and interest of the Company in
the Intellectual Property right owned by it.

(b) If at any me or mes during the Employees employment, Employee shall (either alone or with others) make,
conceive, create, discover, invent or reduce to pracce any Development (as defined in Clause 1 (f) hereto) that (a)
relates to the business of the Company or any of the products or services being developed, manufactured or sold
by the Company or which may be used in relaon therewith; or (b) results from tasks assigned to the Employee by
the company; or (c) results from the use of premises or personal property ( whether tangible or intangible) owned,
leased or contracted for by the Company, such Developments and the benefits thereof are and shall immediately
become the sole and absolute property of the Company and its assigns, as work made for hire or otherwise . The
Employee shall promptly disclose to the Company (or any persons designated by it) each such Development. The
Employee hereby assign any rights (including, but not limited to, any invenons, patentable subject maer, copy
rights and trademarks) he may have or acquire in the Developments and benefits and/or rights resulng there
from to the Company and its assigns without further compensaon and shall communicate, without cost or delay,
and without disclosing to others the same, all available informaon relang thereto (with all necessary plans and
models) to the Company

Non-Disclosure Agreement – 1.0 2

(c) The Employee shall comply with all Company requirements related to licensing and the usage of proprietary
soware and source code, open source soware and source code, and any other soware products and source
code that may have intellectual property restricons or implicaons.

4. Breach of Confidenality:

(a) The Employee shall be liable to be terminated in case of breach of confidenality or violaon of any of the
terms and condions of this Agreement

(b) Without prejudice to the above, the Employee shall also be liable for irreparable damages both direct and
consequenal arising out of the breach of the provision of this Agreement

(c) The Employee acknowledges that monetary damages as spulated under clause 4 (b) of this agreement, may
not be sufficient remedy for breach of confidenality or violaon of terms and condions of this Agreement and
that the Company shall be entled, to any other rights or remedies, or to such injuncve or equitable relief’s both
interlocutory and permanent as may be deemed proper by a court of competent jurisdicon.

5. Term and Terminaon:

(a) This agreement shall be effecve as of the date entered below. The Employee’s obligaons under this
Agreement shall survive the terminaon of his / her employment regardless of the manner of such terminaon
and shall be binding upon his / her heirs, executors, administrators and legal representaves. Also clauses 4 (a),
(b) and (c) of this agreement shall survive the terminaon of this Agreement and the same shall bind the

(b) In the event of breach of the confidenality of the provisions menoned in the “Exhibit - B of this agreement,
the Employer shall have a right to terminate the employment of the Employee forthwith without resorng to the
terminaon procedure detailed in the Personnel Manual.

(c) The Employee shall return all originals, copies, reproducons, summaries, floppies, Access Card, System and e-
Mail Passwords, Library books and materials, etc., of the confidenal informaon upon terminaon of
employment with the Company or at the Company’s opon during the course of employment.

6. Interpretaon:

(a) In case of contradicon in clauses of this Agreement and the Employment offer and Terms and Condions of
Employment, the Company’s interests shall be foremost and interpretaon to that effect shall be given to such

(b) Severability: If a court finds any provision of this agreement invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be
enforced to the maximum extent permied by Law, and the other provisions of this agreement will remain in full
force and effect.

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(c) Third Party Informaon: The Employee acknowledges that, the Company during the course of its business
shall be receiving confidenal or proprietary informaon from third pares, wherein the Company is obliged to
maintain the confidenality of such informaon and to use it only for certain limited purpose as decided by the
Company & the third party. The Trainee /Employee agrees that he / she during his / her associaon with the
Company shall oblige on the Company & the third party, to hold all such confidenal or proprietary informaon in
the strictest confidence and not to disclose it to any person, firm or corporaon (except as necessary in carrying
out work for the Company consistent with the Company’s Agreement with such third Party) or to use it for the
benefit of anyone other than for the Company or such third party, without the express wrien authorizaon of the

7. Jurisdicon: The pares expressly agree that, the courts of Andhra Pradesh at Hyderabad shall have the
exclusive Jurisdicon in relaon to any dispute, difference or breach arising out of or in relaon to this Agreement.

8. Noce: The Employee authorizes the Company to nofy others, including customers of the Company and his /
her future employers, of the terms of this Agreement and his / her responsibilies. In order to nofy others, the
Company at its discreon may release adversements in any English or vernacular dailies depending on its

9. Injucve Relief: The Employee understands that, in the event of any breach, or threatened breach of this
Agreement by him / her, the Company may suffer irreparable loss and consequently will be entled to injuncve
relief to enforce this Agreement.

10. Legal Fees: The Employee agrees that, if any legal acon or other proceeding is brought for the enforcement
of this Agreement, or because of an alleged dispute, breach, default or misrepresentaon in connecon with any
provision of this Agreement, the Company shall be entled to recover reasonable legal fees and other costs
incurred in that acon or proceeding, in addion to any other relief to which it may be entled.

11. As regards interpretaon of any guidelines issued by the Company relang to the subject maer of this
agreement during the course of normal day-to-day operaons, expressly contained or not in this agreement, the
decisions of the Company in this regard will be final & binding on the Employee.

12. Enre Agreement: This Agreement along with the Employment offer Leer and Employment Terms and
Condions shall form the enre Agreement, for the purposes of interpretaon.

13. The Employee agrees that he/ she has assented to sign this agreement with a free mind & free will and not
under any sort or coercion or pressure.

The Discloser:
By signing of this document, I confirm my understanding and acceptance of the above clauses and will comply
with these clauses. I also agree that my obligaon to comply with the above will survive my terminaon of
associaon with Virtusa Consulng Services Private Limited, India .

Employee Signature:
IP Address: 2402:3a80:50:b87c:60c2:ad85:d6f5:155e
Name: Jeeva Jyothi S Date of Signing:

Non-Disclosure Agreement – 1.0 4

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