Poetry Smack Down 1

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;’It’s time for a “sonnet off ”

1. Make it original. The written piece must be original. The first step is to choose a theme.
Typically, the theme of sonnets is about love, but you can choose to write yours on any topic.
The weirder and funnier… the better!
2. Time. You can choose to perform you poem in front of the class for extra credit (10 points).
Each poet has 3 minutes to perform.
3. Simple & Relatable. Your poem should be able to reach your audience the first time it’s
heard or read.
4. Themes. Choose themes and subjects that many people can relate to, like relationships,
politics, religion, insecurity, family-social issues, etc.
5. Power Poetry. Submit your Slam Poem on the document provided. Please note this will be
“published” for all periods to view by: Ramirez Publishing.


● Your poem should be clear and convey a message. Cannot be rated R or use profanity! If
this rule is not followed, you will not be published, and you will receive a zero.

● You must publish on the document (next page) to receive your grade.

● You must adhere to the Shakespearean sonnet rules (ie: abab, cdcd, efef, gg, rhyme scheme, 3
quatrains and a couplet, 10 syllables per line).

● Must convey a clear theme.

● Going rogue: You can choose to write another style of poetry (song lyrics, rap, free verse, etc.)
but you must have at least 14 lines and you must have a rhyme scheme.

Sonnet Writing: Use the links below to help in the writing process

How to write a sonnet

Rhyming link
Poet and writer's tool kit
Directions for publishing via Ramirez Publishing:

1. Go to the document for your class period and paste your poem to the document.
2. Your poem should have an underlined and bolded title, followed by your name in
bold. Then skip a line and paste your poem...it should be centered. It should look
like this:

Roses are Red

By: Tara Ramirez

Roses are red

Violets are blue
I love Shakespeare
You should too

3. You may not delete or “mess” with anyone’s work. This will result in an
automatic zero with no second chance for completion of assignment. Please
note that I have draftback and can see who is typing and what is being typed.
This includes deletions.


Want to get published? poetry publishing

Want a scholarship opportunity? poetry scholarship

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