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Neal Igan Garcia Roxas1 Danilo S. Vargas2

Central Luzon State University1 Cnetral Luzon State University2
[email protected] 1 [email protected]

Due to globalization, exchange of human resources between countries have been rampant,
hence, intercultural communications between beings of different nationalities and cultures grew
prominent in the Philippines especially in educational institutions. This study seeks to gain a deeper
understanding of the communication processes happening inside the intercultural space. The
researcher chose and interviewed 10 foreign students in Central Luzon State University and other
universities in Baguio City that qualified the requirements proposed in the study.
Majority of the respondents were females, however, sexual preference did not influence the
academic performance of the respondents. The duration of their study in the Philippines did not
improve their situation as well. Religion and Language culture became the most influential aspect
of being a foreigner. The results showed that the respondents suffered greatly from language and
attitude problems. Moreover, family, friends, and religion greatly motivated the respondents to
study harder. According to the interviews, most of the respondents did not receive any special
program or treatments from the institution that they are enrolled in. No language subjects were
required for them to take, that is why some of the respondents could not speak or understand other
language aside from their native one.
Communication barriers caused them to diverge away from the natives. On the other hand, some
respondents experienced a different process wherein albeit of the communication barriers,
accommodative features were utilized such as showing of interests, and sympathy, that cause the
foreigners and the native to converge into each other and effectively communicate.
interactions and communication had been
INTRODUCTION triggered. The rising international market for
products and resource had called for
The world today was characterized initiatives among policymakers to promote a
by an ever-growing population of people
communicating with different linguistics and more culturally sensitive and diverse
cultures (Hybels, 2009). The diversity of society.
people in a society had grown therefore
In addition, higher
enlarging the intercultural space among us.
educational institutions had increased their
Due to globalization, the need for a effort to maximize the incentive of students
wider understanding of intercultural studying abroad (Salisbury, 2011). Students

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had travelled among other universities This has shown that there were
outside the country to attain higher quality of improvements on the interactions inside an
education (Bart et al, 2012). Internationally intercultural space most especially among
competitive students had been the aim of students. The challenge of diversity was
almost every university in the world, eventually being surpassed by people due to
according to ISO International Organization global demand of human resources.
Standardization (2017). Universities around the country have been
accepting foreign students and sending their
According to the abovementioned students to other countries to achieve a higher
study, in 2007, almost 3 million of students level of learning and educational resources.
around the world were studying in a different Thus, the interaction of intercultural beings is
country. It had been believed that these higher in the academic field. This study shall
students were insufficiently adjusted to gain information on a deeper understanding
higher education in their host country. of intercultural communications and its
However, overall achievement rates perceived influence on the academic
of international students were higher than performances of the foreign students.
drop-out rates (Barker and Westwood, 2012).
Objectives of the Study 2. To describe the cultural identities of
the respondents;
This study mainly aimed to describe the
3. To identify the agents of socialization
communication processes happening in an
used by the respondents inside and
intercultural space particularly inside the
outside of the classroom;
academic and social lives of the foreign
4. To determine the perceived influence
students of Central Luzon State University
of cultural identity and agents of
and Baguio City. The following were its
socialization to the academic
specific objectives:
performance of the respondents;
1. To determine the socio-demographic 5. To determine the intercultural
characteristics of the respondents; communication characteristics of the
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE among people increase subsequently in
“The world today is characterized by an various means in their lives (Franko et. al,
ever growing number of contacts resulting in 2012). Communication among others from a
communication between people with different totally different culture requires an extensive
linguistic and cultural backgrounds. This knowledge in effective communication
communication takes place because of contacts
(Esber, 2012). This has convinced
within areas of business, military cooperation,
science, education, mass media, entertainment, policymakers to increase their efforts in
tourism but also by immigrations brought about opening up countries for international
by labor shortage or political conflicts.” encounters among others (Aggarwal et al.,
2015). In the Philippines, many universities
- Jens Allwood (2016) As have been accepting international students for
societies throughout the world become more academic purposes.
culturally diverse, intercultural contact

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Identity by definition, refers to the ideas of a experiences during adolescence. This is
sense, developed in early years of childhood, basically practiced at home with families and
of oneself as both an agent and an object that other people related with child care.
is seen, thought about, liked and disliked by Secondary socialization on the other hand,
other (Benet-Martinez, 2015). This shall help involves strong interaction of a person to his
determine the factors that are included in the environment and not only inside the family. It
cultural identity of a person. is where people influence others and vice
versa during interchange of social beliefs and
Moreover, cultural identity can be shaped
and molded through interactions among
people with different cultural backgrounds However, socialization cannot be achieved
that can be gradually constructed as one’s over a short period of time but rather,
identity (Larrain, 2014). The differences gradually through the help of different agents
between these cultures had challenged the of socialization.
communication between people.
1. Family
According to Samiksha (2016), there
In European societies, the
are six characteristics to an effective
communication. The first important thing is family no doubt the most
that it should be composed of two or more important agent of
persons exchanging ideas with each other. socialization. Raising and
educating children are the
Communication cannot be thought in basics of socialization
the absence of the exchange of ideas. In order (Gonzales-Mena, 2010). In
to finish the process, encoding and decoding sociological literature devoted
of messages must be accomplished. to family, it defined as a group
Mutual understanding means that the of individuals wherein the
receive should receive the message with the members are connected
same enthusiasm as to how it was given. It through generations
builds relationship between the source and the 2. Peers
receiver to successfully achieve so. According to an article
In the broad sense, socialization is defined as published in Boundless (2017), peer
a process through which an individual group socialization begins as early as
becomes a part of a society (Anastasiu, 2015). when a child steps out of his doorsteps.
This learning process makes it possible for Peer groups are important in adolescence
individuals to learn and acquire knowledge, because it is when a person develops an
beliefs, practices and traditions of the social identity that is separated from that of
system they wish to belong in. when he was with his parents. 3. Religion
and Church Religion is an important
According to Ibrahim et al. (2016), two avenue of socialization for many people.
distinctions of socialization must be operated: Like other institutions, churches,
primary socialization and secondary mosques, and temples have their own
socialization. Primary socialization refers to beliefs to share and
social interactions and learnings that a person

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teach upon people who wish to A study by Eze et. al (2015) states that there
be a part of it (Root, 2016). are four major factors that affect the
4. Media performances of the international students.
Mass media: newspaper, 1. Language barriers
radio, magazines, books, This has been the major
video games, movies, hindrance for the international
television—present a very students who are non-native
different aspect of English speakers. It is
socialization because it does suggested that the native
not involve actual language or main language of
interactions. It is a one-way the foreign country must be
process of learning. learnt in order to communicate
However, due to the rise successfully in an intercultural
modern technology, the space.
internet became a very 2. Adjustment Barriers This is the
prominent medium in individual’s inability to adjust in
socialization where people the interpersonal requirements
could interact to whomever demanded by the new
they wish to wherever in the environment. And by
world (J. Gonzales-Mena, environment, it means that not
2010). only language but also on the
culture, and lifestyle of the people
According to Bart et. al (2012), more the 3
living in that country. 3.
million students are studying outside their
Academic Issues Academic
country to achieve a higher quality of
concerns represent the major
education. They aim to increase their
transition phase of international
potential not only in academics but also
students. This is mostly consisting
of prior teaching style, academic
A study by Bond et. al (2008) used performance and work load
three categories that were assumed to issues.
influence the study performances of foreign 4. Cultural Issues This has been the
students in British universities, namely the biggest issue in the
following; (i)teaching style; international affairs, the
(ii)English language and conflicts between cultures.
communication; Ethnicity, language, traditions
(iii)Assessment Methods. The results then all come in this factor of
showed that the level of details given in communication.
lectures, speed of lectures, academic
resources, group or individual assessments No matter where you are in the world,
are the important drivers of the academic communication is important. But
performances of the international students. crosscultural communication can require
much effort than just interchanging ideas
through verbal and non-verbal manners.

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Culture has a large impact on how people communication characteristics of the
work and do business, therefore, intercultural respondents.
competence have critical implications on
The study was based on Howard Giles’
globalization (Sinden, 2014).
Communication Accommodation Theory
METHODOLOGY (CAT). The theory was designed to explain
This study used the descriptive why people reduce or increase their
method of research. This kind of research communication efforts among themselves as
design aims at finding out “what is” of a well as the social consequences of doing so.
certain situation (Kowalczyk, 2015). The
study mainly intends to describe the perceived Moreover, Giles’ theory states that major
influence of the major variables that embody accommodative strategies involve
intercultural communication to the academic convergence and divergence of
performance of the respondents as well as to communicative features. Converging towards
understand intercultural communications in a or diverging away from each other can be
deeper perspective. achieved through verbal and nonverbal means
including language, choice of words, accent,
Purposive sampling method was utilized in pitch, gestures, eye contact, and one’s speech
this study. The researcher chose CLSU and rate.
Baguio City because foreign students mostly
study in those areas. The researcher chose 10 Giles furthermore concluded that people
foreign students from 5 different countries converge with those they like, respect and
who met the following requirements: those who have power over them and diverge
away from those whom they don’t get much
• Must be a citizen of a foreign country; along with. Indeed, it is possible to converge
dual citizenship was also accepted by on some communicative features while
the study; simultaneously, diverging on others.
• Must be enrolled in a university in the
More specifically, these convergence or
Philippines; BS, MS, PhD, exchange
divergence of communicative features affect
students, were all accepted by the
the social and academic competence of
foreign students. The study will then use the
The study used the qualitative technique
following intervening variables that embodies
of data collection which included scheduled
intercultural communication to determine
one-on-one interviews that gathered richer
how these factors influence the academic
information and obtained a deeper
performance of the foreign students, namely:
understanding of the intercultural
communication characteristics, agents of
communication process among foreign
socialization, and cultural practices. The
socio-demographic characteristics of the
Descriptive statistical methods were students will also be used such as name, age,
utilized in analyzing the data that were gender, and nationality. In order for students
gathered in the study. Frequency and to become more competent, global
percentage were used in analyzing nominal opportunities must be opened for them in a
data like socio-demographic and less culture-bound manner. (Ozturk, 1992)

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Educational Background in the
As presented in the earlier parts of this study,
foreign students could be enrolled student of
undergrad and postgrad courses as well
exchange students. More than half of the
respondents were taking their Bachelor’s
degree in the country (60%). This percentage
was consisted of foreign students enrolled in
St. Louis University and University of the
Cordilleras in Baguio City. Only few were
Figure 1. Research Paradigm taking Master’s degree (30%) and all of them
are from Central Luzon State University.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 1. Socio- Only one of the respondents was an exchange
demographic Characteristics Age student of Maejo University and Central
Less than half of the respondents Luzon State University (10%).
were 22 (30%) and 26 years old (30%). Few
Moreover, majority of the respondents
of the respondents were 20 years old (20%)
had been studying in the Philippines for 3
while the least number were age 19 (10%)
years now (60%) and only very few had been
and 29 (10%).
studying for 1 year and 11 months (20%). The
Sex least number of the respondents had been
studying in the country for 9 months (10%)
Out of all the respondents, 70% are females
and 3 months (10%). But the interviews
and only 30% are males. However, neither
showed that all of the respondents, regardless
being female or male changed the situation of
of the duration of their study in the country
the foreign students.
were struggling the same.
1. Cultural Identity Religious
Majority of the respondents have dual
citizenship namely: Filipino-American,
African-American, and Mexican-American Religion affects culture
(30%). There are some Thai (20%) and greatly because it is one of the pillars of
Indonesians (20%). Lastly, a Burmese (10%) human traditions. The table below shows the
and a Korean (10%) were the least members religion that the respondents believed in and
of the respondents. practiced.
As presented, the pool of respondents Islam
is a diversity of Asian and Western
One of the respondents was a Muslim
nationalities which is relevant in this study to
and believed in the Islamic religion (10%).
really understand and interpret intercultural
This comprised of religious activities such as
the following: wearing of Hijab for women
when men are around; prayers five times daily

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in the mosque or a quiet and clean place Culture
(Subuh, Dzuhur, Ashar, Magrhib, and The culture of the foreign students was one
of the fundamentals of this study. Mostly
with their language, religion, and now with
Isya); prohibition to eat pork or any food
their culture in general. However, the
with pork; reading of the holy book Qur’an;
respondents described theirs as somewhat
Fasting during Ramadhan Feast and
the same with the Filipinos, only different
celebration at the end of fasting or Eid al
Fitr. on the following aspects: food,
Nonetheless, all of the religious money/currency, education, language, and
activities that were mentioned had time management.
significant help and motivation to the Five of the respondents described the
respondent’s Filipino food as too sweet or sugary.
study, spirituality, and life in general According to them, it was hard at first to
Christianism familiarize their tastes in Filipino food.
Indonesians, Thais, Koreans, and Burmese
More than half of the respondents were preferred spicy food because most of their
Christians (70%). They practiced activities local food tasted so.
such as the following: Sunday services;
praise and worship; Bible studies; cell group There was also difference in currency
meetings and prayers every night. and value of money from each country.
Moreover, the Philippine education system
According to the respondents, they were not had started to shift into K-12 but was still
very active in practicing these religious described as very different
activities. They did irregular prayers, by the respondents.
attended Sunday services not on a weekly
basis and deviously practiced other Language differences will
be described and be given emphasis in the
activities in general.
latter parts of this chapter and how it
Buddhism influenced the academic performance of the
Only few of the respondents practiced
Buddhism (20%). They describe the religion The respondents needless to explain the
as more of a way of life which does not Filipino culture of time management. All of
require much activities that were separated the respondents described it late and tardy.
from their daily routine. Buddhism, according The way people use and regard time is
to them, was living their lives on its principles influenced by their culture and lifestyle
and morality. This was comprised of only (Larrain, 2014).
praying at night.
2. Agents of Socialization
On the contrary, Bennet (2016) stated that
assumptions that communication and Interaction with other people was relevant to
interactions styles are relate to religious the experiences of the foreign students while
beliefs or any divine interventions are afoul. they were staying and studying in the
Philippines. This section presents the
socializing features of the respondents.

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Humans perception are families were the initial inspiration of their
greatly influence by the different approach, lives. Raising and educating at home were the
value, and beliefs of the social organization basics of socialization, hence, family was the
that we belong to (Ibrahim et. al, 2016). most important agent of socialization
(GonazelsMena, 2010).
Peer Groups
Most of the respondents belong to a
The table below shows the range of number
nuclear family (80%). This means that they
of friends the respondents have here in the
were dependent among their parents, and is
Philippines. This describes how interactive
considered as the most traditional type of
the respondents were, as well as the activities
family. And the rest belongs to the extended
they did with their friends.
family (20%). This means that they live with
Some of the respondent had 10-20 friends their grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles
(40%). They said that it was really hard to at home.
make friends in a foreign country mostly
Purpose of Utilization of Internet and
because most Filipinos did not want to talk to
Social Media
them. Only those who tried to approach them
or showed interest became their friends. Few The table below presents how the
had 20 and more friends (30%). These are the respondents utilized internet and social
respondents that met good people in the media. The purpose of internet and social
country. media had been divided into three: for
entertainment, communication, and
However, less than half of the as information source.
respondents had 0-10 friends (30%). They
had very few inner circle friends because As entertainment, the respondents used
they had encountered bad experiences with Youtube (100%), Online movies and TV
Filipinos. series websites (70%), Spotify and other
music platforms (40%).
Moreover, activities with friends included
eating (90%), talking (90%), studying (70%), Moreover, social media served as
and travelling (30%). The respondents communication platforms for the
described these activities as normalized respondents. They used Facebook (100%),
activities that friends and acquaintances did Instagram (100%), Messenger (100%),
during their free time. Twitter (80%), Line (60%), Kakao Talk
(60%), and BBM (40%). Texting was not
mostly used in foreign countries that was why
Family plays a great role in the socialization the respondents relied on using social media
of the respondents. However, none of the platforms.
respondents had a family member or relative
In addition to that, news and information
here in the country. All of their parents,
source was also a purpose of the internet.
siblings, cousins and other members were all
Google was the most used platform by all of
abroad but through mediated communication,
the respondents (100%). This site greatly
they still had the chance to socialize with
helped the respondents through providing
them. According to the respondents, their
ideas and information that they needed for

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their assignments and exams. Google also Muslim, her religion was one of the few
served as translator for the respondents who things that motivated her and brought
could not speak and understand other enlightenment to her whenever she was
languages. This was a oneway process of feeling sad, lonely, homesick, and lost in the
receiving and learning and did not involve foreign country. In general, it helped her grow
actual interactions (GonzalesMena, 2010). as a person to achieve more successes in her
study and in her life.
Moreover, Yahoo updated some of the
respondents with current news and events However, practicing religion in the
(30%). It provided local and foreign news for Philippines also had its downfall. It was
the respondents. One Muslim respondent mentioned earlier that a Muslim must pray
checked the news most of the time to know five times every day, even during classes.
the updates on the war going on in Mindanao Specifically, Subuh at 4:12am, Dzuhur at
that involves Muslims as well. 12:02pm, Ashar at 3:24pm, Magrhib at
6:32pm, and Isya at 7:47pm. There were
Intercultural Activities
times that the respondent would be late for her
However, almost all of the respondent classes because she had to pray inside her
did not have any activities or programs in dormitory which is far from her classrooms.
their universities (70%). On the other hand, There are no mosques in Central Luzon State
few of the respondents had orientation University or anywhere near the area that was
program, and welcome parties accommodated why she prayed at her room.
by Central Luzon State University whenever
Christian respondents described their
foreign students will enter the university
religion as non-strict and does not require
(40%). too much activities or rituals which means it
According to the majority of the respondents, did not consume their time nor had any
having no special programs or activities for significant influence on their academic
them made it extra harder to adjust in the performance.
Philippines. Some of the respondents entered Culture
their university just like a normal Filipino
student except the fact that they were not and Language influenced the academic
they did not know most of the things in the performance of the respondents the most. As
country at the time. mentioned in the earlier parts, it became a big
problem to their comprehension of what they
3. Perceived Influence of Cultural were studying. Most of them received limited
Identity and Agents of Socialization to information because they could not speak and
Academic Perofrmance Religious understand the language.
Other than that, food, money, and other
Religious activities were practiced by most of cultural and lifestyle differences did not have
the respondents during their study in the any significant influence to the academic
Philippines. Moreover, these activities greatly performance of the respondents.
influenced the academic performance of one
of the respondents. According to Husarida,

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Peer Groups On the contrary, social media distracted
the focus of the respondents. Platforms such
Friends had a great role in the respondent’s
as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter were
adjustment factors. According to the
very addicting for the respondents. Scrolling
respondents, friends had always been helpful
down their newsfeed or chatting with their
in their studies and in explaining things that
friends consumed most of their time that were
they could not understand. They acted as their
supposedly allotted for studying or reviewing
support group in the Philippines. Friends also
their lessons.
had their contribution on the emotional
stability of the respondents. Being away from 4. Intercultural Communication
their family, and home country was a great Characteristics Source
struggle for the respondents but their friends
The table below presents the source of
made sure to make them feel at home while in
information that the respondents were
a foreign country. Most of the respondents
receiving. This discusses who they talk to or
described Filipinos as funny and outgoing.
where they get information from while
Social communication skills with compatriots
staying in the Philippines. All of the
greatly influenced the efficiency of
respondents used internet as their source of
international students in education in a
information (100%). Moreover, almost all of
foreign country (Chen et. al, 2009).
the respondents communicated with Filipino
Family friends, and Co-foreigner friends (90%) while
more than half of them talked with their
According to the respondents, family was
Family, and Professors/Instructors/Superiors
considered as the primary inspiration of their
goals in life. In their academic performance,
family was their motivation. Whenever they The table below shows the subjects of
were feeling bad, lonely, and homesick which communication between the respondents who
hinders their efficiency academically, they they talk to or where they get the information
would talk to their family and would from. This discusses what they talk about
immediately feel better. during the process. All of the respondents
answered lifestyle or everyday instructions as
However, one of the respondents
the subject matter of their conversations
described her family’s influence as force and
(100%). This was comprised of how to’s such
pressure. This put weight on her and added
as riding public utility vehicles, buying food
frustrations. But according to her, she tried to
from the public market, or even just walking
accept them as challenge to study harder and
in the street. A situation regarding this was
be what she wanted to be. Internet and
described by one of the respondents.
Social Media
Moreover, most of the respondents also said
Internet was very helpful in the studies of
that they usually talk about their home
the foreign students. As it is a wide platform
country and vice versa, the Philippines (70%).
of information, they gather ideas and the
Most of the conversations they had with
things they did not know at websites. Some
Filipinos are composed of questions asking
also used it as translators whenever they were
about their home town,
having a hard time understanding something.

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In addition, school works was also Through communication, information
the subject of some of their conversations was transmitted by the source and gained by
(70%). They talk about assignments, the receiver, or vice versa. The table below
upcoming exams, and they review lessons shows if the respondents gained and utilized
notes with others. Some of the respondents complete information or limited/incomplete
also answered common interests such as information from their source. More than half
music, movies, fashion, novels etc. as the of the respondents gained limited/incomplete
matter of their communication (40%) and information (70%) while only few of them
lastly, only few said they talk about gossips said that they gained complete information
(30%). from their source (30%).
Language Moreover, all the
All of the respondents used both English and respondents answered that they utilized the
Filipino when talking (100%). However, information that they had received, even if
some of the respondents also used their native some were complete, and some were not
language even in the Philippines such as: (100%).
Siamese (20%), Bahasa (20%), Communication Barrier
Hangul/Hanguk (10%), and Mranmabhasa
(10%). These respondents used their language During the communication process,
when they were communicating with their barriers are hindrances that are experienced
families, foreign friends, and some Filipinos by the source and the receiver that causes
who were interested in learning their ineffective communication. This greatly
language. affected the communication process of the
respondents because they had experienced
Channel different kinds of barriers such as the
The table below displays the medium in following: language barrier (100%), attitude
which the communication process happens. barrier (70%), geographical barrier (30%),
Specifically, it could be through face-to-face, use of different accents (30%), and use of
mediated, verbal, and nonverbal modes of jargons (20%).
communication. All of the respondents used
all channels of communications (100%).
All of the respondents stated that
horizontal communication was mostly
demonstrated and practiced inside their
homes. This means that all members of the
family interact and give or receive
information when communicating. On the
hand, their government use vertical
communication. From the highest entity of
the hierarchy down to the smaller units.
Information Gain and Utilization

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Figure 2. Intercultural communication Western countries and other
model of divergence and convergence continents of the world.
2. Foreign students suffer greatly
During communication process
from language and attitude
between intercultural beings, interactive
problems. There are foreign
mode of communicating was used. In this
students who came in the
case, both the native and the foreigner could
Philippines that did not know how
either serve as the source and receiver,
to speak English or any other
respectively. In the diagram above, it was
language aside from their native
showed how both ends of the process
language. Moreover, universities
received limited or incomplete information
did not require them to take
due to the communication barriers
language subjects.
experienced. Aside from that, it also caused
3. Communication barriers such as
the foreigner and the native to diverge away
language and attitude will always
from each other, stopping the relationship
be present in intercultural
that could have been formed through
communications, and it will cause
divergence among the foreigners
On other hand, both foreigner and native and the natives. However, if
received complete information in this accommodative features shall be
process. This was because accommodated used, convergence between them
features had been added in this diagram to could most probably occur.
show to reciprocate communication barriers 4. Most of the respondents received
so that the information gain would not be no special treatment or programs
hindered. when they enrolled in the
Philippines. This added the
Accommodative features include struggle of the foreign students.
showing sympathy, patience in explaining 5. Aside from language and religion,
and understanding, good listening, and other cultural aspects do not have
displaying interest towards one another.
significant influence to the
These features caused the foreigner and the academic performance of the
native to converge into each other that could foreign students.
start as a good relationship between the
intercultural beings. For further studies and researches in
the same field of communication, the
CONCLUSIONS AND researcher recommends the following:
1. Conduct the study on a larger
After conducting the interviews, and scale or number of respondents;
analyzing the data gathered, the researcher consider the diversity of the
came up with the following conclusions: respondents that shall be chosen.
1. There is a diverse pool of foreign 2. Specify and focus on the academic
student in the Philippines. Not dimension of the study; determine
only from Asia but also from or navigate the specific influence

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or if possible, effects of Beausaert, Grohnert, Niemantsverdriet, and Rienties
intercultural communications. (2011), Understanding Academic Performance of
International Students
3. Research on the universities in the
country on how they
Bennett M.J. (2016), The Value of Cultural Diversity:
accommodate the foreign students Rhetoric and Reality
studying in their institution.
4. Focus on the cultural aspect of the Benet-Martinez V. (2015), Cultural Identity Dynamics
foreign students and how it affects and Intersubjective Cultural Representations
them while here in the
Philippines; specify and dig Bertelsen P., Ozer S., Schwartz S., Singla R. (2017),
deeper on the cultural differences Ladakhi Students’ Negotiation of Cultural Identity in
the Context of Globalization-based Acculturation
of the respondents and the natives.
5. Research on how the natives
Bond A., Lebcir R. M., Wells H. (2008), Factors
perceive intercultural Affecting Academic Performances of International
communications. Students in Project Management Courses: A Case
6. Explore on the other sides of Study from a British Post 92 University
intercultural communications in
the country. Specifically, how Boundless (2017), Family, Peers, Church, and School
ethnic groups in the Philippines
communicate in our society. This Esber, Betse, C., (2012), Intercultural Communication
shall cover the Ilocanos, and Education in Multicultural Societies
Kapampangans, Maranaos,
F.A., Ibrahim, J.R., Heuer, (2016) Cultural and Social
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