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Farmingdale State College

Solar Energy Center

Design, Installation and Maintenance of Grid Connected Residential

Photovoltaic (PV) Systems

This course outline is developed based on the Job Task Analysis of NABCEP.

Course description

This workshop introduces the fundamental concepts in Photovoltaic technology. It provides

training in the design, installation and maintenance of grid connected residential photovoltaic
systems. The course is developed based on the Job Task Analysis of NABCEP. Topics covered
include: Overview of PV Systems, Sunshine basics, how PV works, components of a PV system,
setup, configuration, sizing, wiring and controls, relevant sections of NEC, zoning laws and
building codes pertaining to PV systems, interconnection requirements in New York State,
specific parameters of concern to utilities in grid connected systems, practical experiments and
demonstrations of different aspects of PV, site visit with detailed explanation of maintenance and
troubleshooting. Actual hands on set-up of a small scale grid connected system. In addition,
basic electrical concepts and safety issues related to PV installation and maintenance work will
be covered. It is a 6-day, 48-hour training course that includes extensive hands-on experience
and real world applications. The first day provides an introduction to basic electricity and PV
concepts. Students are eligible to take the NABCEP Entry Level PV Exam after completing this

The Solar Energy Center at Farmingdale State College is accredited as a training institution and
continuing education institution on solar energy by the Institute of Sustainable Power. This is the
first such center to be accredited in the Northeast and the fourth in the entire USA. The center
promotes education, applied research, training and public awareness in sustainable energy and in
particular solar energy. Farmingdale State College is the site of the first utility scale photovoltaic
demonstration project in the Northeast U.S. Three 20 kW units and one 20 kW unit were
installed at various locations on campus in 1992 and 1993 respectively.


Photovoltaic Systems, 2nd Edition, July 2009. By James P. Dunlop, ISBN 978-0-8269-1287-9
National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee and American Technical Publishers:


The New Solar Electric Home; The Photovoltaics how-to handbook, By Joel Davidson
Photovoltaics Systems Engineering by Roger Messenger and Jerry Ventre

Study Guide for Photovoltaic System Installers, North American Board of Certified Energy
Practitioners, Version 5.1.2, December 2011:

Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 29 Part 1926 - Safety and Health Regulations for
Construction, Occupational Safety and Health Administration:

Photovoltaics Design and Installation Manual, ISBN 978-0-86571-520-2.

2007 Solar Energy International, New Society Publishers.

Course Materials:

Course notes will be distributed to students at the time of course including all presentations as a
hardcopy and/or on a CD.


Six days, 48-hours (Intensive Format); or two weeks, 48-hours (Extended Format)

Topics Covered:

Overview of PV systems and basic electricity, sunshine basics, how P.V. works, components of
PV systems, setup, configuration, sizing, wiring and controls, relevant sections of NEC, zoning
laws and building codes pertaining to PV systems, interconnection requirements in New York
State, specific parameters of concern to utilities in grid connected systems, practical experiments
and demonstrations of different aspects of PV, site visit with detailed explanation of maintenance
and trouble shooting. Actual hands on set up of a small grid connected system. In addition, basic
electrical concepts and safety issues related to PV installation and maintenance work will be

Detailed Course Outline:

The workshop introduces the fundamental concepts in Photovoltaic technology. It provides

training in the design, installation and maintenance of grid connected residential photovoltaic
systems. The course is developed based on Task Analysis of NABCEP. In addition, basic
electrical concepts and safety issues related to PV installation and maintenance work will be
covered. It is a 6-day, 48-hour training course that includes extensive hands-on experience and
real world applications. The first day provides an introduction to basic electricity and PV
concepts. Students are eligible to take the NABCEP Entry Level PV Exam after completing this
Topics covered include:
• Review of basic electricity

• Overview of PV Systems

• Sunshine basics

• How PV works

• Components of a PV system

• Setup, configuration and sizing

• Wiring and controls

• Relevant sections of NEC

• Zoning laws and building codes pertaining to PV systems

• Interconnection requirements in New York State

• Specific parameters of concern to utilities in grid connected systems

• Practical experiments and demonstrations of different aspects of PV

• Safety issues when working with PV

• Site visit with detailed explanation of maintenance and troubleshooting

• Actual hands on set-up of a small scale grid connected system

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of the course students should:

• Demonstrate a basic understanding of the fundamentals of electricity, solar energy, and

photovoltaics by being able to solve simple problems and perform calculations in the
above-mentioned topics.

• Apply safety principles in connection with working with electricity, PV components,

electrical equipment, and on roofs.

• Identify PV system components and explain their interconnections.

• Understand issues involved with the selection of an appropriate location for a PV system
• Calculate electrical and mechanical loads and perform PV system sizing.

• Perform PV system electrical and mechanical design given a specific installation project.

• Analyze the performance of a PV system.

• Work efficiently in a PV system installation and conduct electrical and system

performance measurements.

• Understand issues in connection with maintenance and troubleshooting of a PV system.

• Understand issues related to PV markets, applications, regulations, and policies.

Details of the Workshop

DAY 1:

Introduction to the workshop. Covering aspects of what, how and why of the course. (1 hr)

Overview of basic electricity. Resistance, Current, Voltage, Power, Energy. Series and parallel
circuits. Performing electrical calculations. Practice problems. (5 hrs)

Introduction to photovoltaics (PV). Basic Electrical Concepts in PV Systems. Basic

understanding of PV system parts. Example problems will be worked out. (2 hrs.)

DAY 2:

PV systems concepts in more detail. Principles of conservation of energy use in buildings and its
impact on the PV design. Verifying client needs. (2hrs.)

Sunshine Basics. Path of sun, Finding solar noon, What is full sun, How much full sun is
received in a location, NREL data bases for estimating system performance. Best location for
PV, Shading issues, Effects of “off south” installation, Collector angles. (4hrs.)

Simple experiments and demonstration on electrical concepts, PV panels, wiring, calculating

loads, and other exercises. (2 hr.)

DAY 3.

How PV Works: The components of a PV system (Module, array, inverter, balance of system)
The essential miracle of the semiconductor. V vs. I characteristics. The components of a PV
system; Module, array inverter, system interconnection. Blocking diodes, bypass diodes what
they are and when to use them. Shading effects on a series string. (2 hrs.)

System sizing, Utility synchronous systems, Determining the Residential loads and Energy
consumed and generated. System performance using standard data. Use of software packages
for system sizing. Design examples and practice problems. (3 hrs.)

Practice mounting of PV panels on model roof structures. (Desktop Roof model). Study of
stand-alone systems and various wiring methods. Tour of a PV site on campus and discussion of
common issues in connection with design, installation, maintenance and troubleshooting. (3 hrs.)
DAY 4:

Overview of National Electric code in general for residential systems. Specific review of
National electric code for PV Systems. Electrical inspection issues of PV systems and solution
approaches. (4 hrs.)

Mechanical consideration for mounting PV panels. Wind loading calculations.

Evaluating integrity of roof due to weight of panels and wind loading. Discuss different
mounting systems available in market. Mounting of PV panels on roofs rack mounts, dealing
with steel and aluminum issues. Pole mounts (3hrs.)

Design exercises and practice problems (1 hr).

DAY 5:

Safety issues regarding PV on roofs, working on roofs, OSHA Requirements/Guidelines

Aesthetic and appearance issues (2 hrs.)

Hands-on activity: Install stand-alone systems and measure performance. Students install a
small, real-life grid connected PV system on a model roof structure using basic components.
They test all components and measure the performance of the system built. (6 hrs)

DAY 6:

Interconnection Requirements. How to obtain an intertie agreement with local utility. Short
discussion on commercial interconnection requirements. (1hr.)

PV Storage Systems: type of typical equipment, sizing, handling of batteries and list of
manufacturers (1hr.)

Overview and Summary of entire course. Typical flow of process to put up a residential
interconnected PV system from beginning to end including the common dos and don’ts. Review
for the NABCEP Entry Level PV exam. (2 hrs)

Discussion session to answer any final questions. Student feedback session and awarding of
certificates. (1 hr)

Practice exam offered by Solar Energy Center. Answers to the practice exam problems. (3 hrs)

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