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Peace - Work· Fatherland 1}>
B.P: 1027. TEL: 222 22 41 01 'If}. %- ~
YAOUI\IDE ~ ~,LI-/1. .' SCHOOL "EAR: 2023/2024
~ M~8tr
~ . '





Section A: Grammar (lOmarks)

Exercise 1: Complete the following dialogue with appropriate words from the list below. (5mks)
" .

(Was, excuse me, Thank you; when, about)

Tanto: Good evening madam Could you please help me? 1 need to see a doctor.

Nurse: Hello. What's wrong?

Tanto: 1 a snake! Please help me.
Nurse: Ok, calm down~May 1 see, please? Could you tell me this happened?
Tant9: It happened ten minutes ago... We went to the bush to pick sorne fruuts.

Nurse: Please wait ~ere. 1 will caB the doctor immediately.

- - . , - - - - - - -madam.
Exercise 2: Choose the correct word in brackets to complete these sentences.(5mks)
1. The Unity Palace sits ( at / on ) a hill as you drive up from Bastos (in / after) Rosa park j unction. ,- ~

2. As they'(drove / drived) yesterday the music (blasting / blasted) from their jeep.
3. The National Museum is (before 1 between) the Supreme court of justice and the Ministry of Public
4. Good moming dear, ( where / how) are you doing?

5. The National Assembly is ( opposite / near) near the military head quarter.
Section B: Vocabulary (lOmarks)
Exercise 1: Match each word to its meaning or synonym (5mks)
Words Synonyms Answers
·01 {}

. a) volunteering 1) bravery

b) effective 2) working for free without being paiB
c) illegal 3) a cXJmmuruty or area in town where people live
d) residential area 4) something that works weIl
e) courage 5) forbidden

Exercise 2: Choose the best word to complete the sentences (3mks)

1. The mercy ships have a great vision. They provided about 4000 free surgeries to disadvantaged and (
vulnerability / vulnerable) people.
2. Mamoudou Gassama provided emergency help to a young child without thinking about his own
(safety / safeness).
3. They made an (unsuccessfull non-successful) attempt to put out the ~re.

Exercise 3: Make your own sentences with each of the following words. (2mks)
Illegal: _
'. '

Security: ----'--~ ~ __p_­
.1 '

SECTION D: Reading comprehension (10 marks)

Read the following letter and answer the questions that follow.

! • 06th September 2023.
~. - "

1 hope you enjÇ>yed the long holid<;tYs. l spend mine in Limbe with my aunt and her family. l must tell you
more about the town sometimes, but right now l want to share what 1think is special about Limbe.
It is the c1eanest city in our country! oh yes! Limbe is beautiful, and l think l know the reason why. The
inhabitants of the town have solved the problem of garbage disposaI. They have aIl volunteered to help and sa
their .city is c1ean. There's no dirt anyway and that's amazing.

The story goes that one day the government delegate to the city was driving in Limbe. In front of him was (1
large Jeep filled with visitors. They were eating, chatting and throwing fruits peals, yogurt cups and empt:1'
plastic bags out of the windows as they drove. Their car radio was blasting music loudly and they were talkillp.
excitedly about what they had seen and experienced. The' government delegate overtook them and flaggcd
them down. They stopped and he talked to them about keeping Limbe c1ean. He asked them not to throw theil
rubbish out into the streets. The visitors were astonisped! They drove on and later they noticed the c1ear
streets. They made up their minds to help to keep Limbe dean. So how did the people of Limbe do this? Then:
• is an effective weekly c1ean-up campaign. On Wednesdays the market and services are closed until midday
and aIl inhabitants get out and do their share of cleaning up: They aIl volunteer their time for this. 1 watchec
:m. They clean the environment around their homes, clear the gutters and drains, trimmed the grass, pick 'up
che rubbish, sweptthe public places and washed the floors .. The waste disposaI trucks collected the garbage.
That's why the city looks spick and span!

School children take care of the envirobent around their schools too. They sweep, cut the grass, rake the
• rubbish and dump it aIl into the large rubbish bins. Sorne schools have incinerators where the rubbish is
incinerated. Sorne schools have compost heaps for garden waste. Many schools have separate bins for plastic
bottles to encourage re-us~ and recycling.

.Everyone is happy with the results. The officiaIs of the Ministry of Public Health sat that a clean city will keep
epidemics such as cholera and Ebola away, and malaria will fine no foothold there.

With much love


1. What does Jessica think about Limbes, ~-------

Cl mk)

' 2. Who were the people in the Jeep? _
_________________________0 mk)

3. Who ~topped them? . _

_______________________0 mk)

4. The government delegate persuaded the people in the Jeep to help keep Limbe clean. True of
false? (lmk)
5. Choose the best answer: The people in the Jeep Cl mk)
1. Threw their rubbish in bins as they were driving.

II. lbrew their rubbish on the ground as they were driving.

III. . Raked their rubbish into the garbage dumps

6. Explain what school childrel} do to help the

campalgn. _ .. -- '"

Cl mk)
. 7. Was the clean-up campaign successful? Give a reason for your
answer. _
C2 mks)
8. W~uld you like to live in this town? Give a reason for your
answer. ..... ......;. _
C2 mks)
Section D: Composition (lOmarks)
Choose only one topie.AII topies earry equal marks.
1. Imagine you are a volunteer in a village in CamerooÇ.. Write a yoUf friend about your activities
as a volunteer. Explain why you enjoy this work. .)

2. .Write an informai letter to your friend about the clean up campaign you have initiated in your school .

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