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Paper C
SESSION: 2023 - 2024
TIME: 2 Hours F. M.:50
1. ThisQuestion Paper consists of 21l questions in two
sections:Section A&Section 5.
2. Section Ahas Objective type questions of 24 marks whereas SectionBcontains Subjective type questions o )
3. time
Out ofofthe
givenin(5+16=) 21questions, a candidate hasto answer (5 +10 =) 15 questions in theallotted (maxim
hours the correct order as per the section.
4. Allquestions ofa particular section must be attempted in the
correct order.
1) Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (1x4=4)
1) ASaha started with a smailshop with his focus dedication andclear ideas, Saha &Co became
One ofthe most popular brands in India besides having a good reputation all over the worid .
Which self-management skill is clearly visible in the given statement?
} Kenana traveled to Germeny from India to Dursue her higher education. But she doesn't time
she was unable to find a part
now to speak German (language of Germenv). Because of this,
job. This is an example of_
a) Interpersonal barrier c) Organizational barrier
b) Physicalbarrier d) Linguistic barrier
needs are met and
M)"Efforts are made to increase the solar power generation so that our electricity
at the same timne we do not pollute the environment or use up natural resources".
Which SDG can you relate this statement to?
a) Life on land c) Affordable and clean energy
b) Clean water and sanitation d) Reduced inequalities

iv) Assertion(A):A doctor works for a renowned hospital.

Reason(R): The statement given above is an example of wage employment.
a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
c) Ais Correct but R is not correct
d) Ais not correct but R is correct

ý High expectation from self can leave one with chronicanxiety and stress, thus leading

a) Physical c) Emotional
b) Mental d) Financial
are the ways in which personal information can be leaked from a computer.
a) Printing c) Threats
b) Scanning d) Worms

2) Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1x5=5)

i Assertion (A) - One carn be a good singer while the other can be a great athlete.
Reason(R) - Humans possess different types of intelligences but at different levels.
a) Both A and Rare correct and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and Rare correct but R is not the correct explanatior of A

c) Ais
correct but R is not correct
d) Ais not
correct but R is correct
i) The Indian the hostile nation are receiving
and using the banned a few apps stating -"serversin
acquired data improperly :
Which terminology
a) Al Ethics suits best for this action?
b) Data Privacy c) AIBias
d) AlAccess
ii) Aswe
increaseRecall , we decrease
a) Precision,
and vice-versa.
c) Recall, F1 Score
b) Precision, F1 Score
d) Precision, Accuracy
)Read the
examples given
1) Using Chat GPT towritebelow:
an email
2) Face unlock technology of
mobile phones using camera
3) Turning off lights with loT
4) Hand sanitizer
dispenser having sensor
Choose the options that are NOT AI
a) 1 and 2
c) 3 and 4
b) 3 and 1
d) 1,3and 4
are the correct decisions of an Al model.
a) Both TP and FP c) Both TP and FN
b) Both FP and FN
d) Both TP and TN
vi) Aword having low TF-1DF (nearing zero value) value means the word is
a) Common c) Unique
b) Rare
d) Versatile
3) Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions
i Statment1: There are four layers in a neural network.
Statement2: The first layer of the neural network is known as the output layer.
a) Both Statement1 and Statement2 are correct
b) Both Statementl and Statement2 are incorrect
c) Statement1 is correct but Statement2 is incorrect
d) Statement2 is correct but Statement1 is incorrect
) Which of the following is an application of data science?
a) Text Summarization c) Target Advertisements
b) Face lock in Smart phones d) Email Filters

ii) is the process of finding instances of real-world objects in images or videos.

a) Instance Segmentation c) Classification
b) Object Detection d) Image Segmentation
j)Which algorithms result in two things, avocabulary of words and frequency of the words in the
a) Sentence segmentation c) Text Normalisation
b) Tokenisation d) Bag of Words

2|ae e
Maximum possible values for all the
a) 1 evaluation metrics is
b) 100% c) Both option (a) and (b)
d) None of them
ó Identify the given Chat both type:
it learns from its environment an experience. It also builds on its capabilities based on the
from their
knowledge.These can collaborate with humans, working along-side them and learning

4) Answer any 5 out of the given 6 (1x5=5)

Statment1: The output given by the Almodel is known as reality.
Statement2: The realscenario is known as Prediction.
a) Both Statement1 and Statement2 are
b) Both Statement1 and Statement2 are
c) Statement1 is correct but Statement2 is incorrect
d) Statement2 is correct but Statement1 is incorrect

) Which teature of NLP helps in understanding theemotions of the people mentioned win i
c) Automatic Summarization
a) Virtual Assistants
d) Sentiment Analysis
b) Text Classification
used to refer to
Srishti learnt about Al terminologies but was not able to recollect the term that is
Il1) networks. Help her with the
machines that perform tasks with vast amounts of data using neural
correct term.

made a model which predicts the performance of Indian Cricket players in upcoming
iv) Rajat has
with respect to stadium, bowlers,
matches. He collected the data of players' performance accuracy and precision value. Which of
works with good
opponent team and health. His model
the statement given below is is known as
stadium, bowlers, opponent team and health
a) Data gathered with respect to
Testing Data. Data.
Data given to an Al model to check accuracy and precision is Testing
b) Acquisition stage.
acquired in the Data
c) Training data and testing data are
as compared to testing data.
d) Training data is always larger
v) What is Recommender
and used all the
Sarthak made face
a mask detector system for which he had collected the dataset
v data to evaluate the model which
the same
dataset to train the model. Then, he used unknown dataset.
was not able to perform with
the correct answer all the time but
Name the concept.
6 questions
5) Answer any 5 out of the given separated by commas.
is a simple file format that stores data
i) c) cSv
a) ipg d) png
b) doc
preset edits or changes to a loaded facial
is acomputer generated effect that applies
ij A
word diet was appearing once in document1
iiÍ Acorpuscontains 4 documents in which the
categorize the word 'diet.'
Identify the term in which we can

a) Stop word c) Frequent word
b) Rare word d) Removable word
®v) Aditi, a student of class XU developed a chatbot that clarifies the doubtss of Economics
She trained the software with lots of data sets catering to
t all difficulty
levels. If any student woula
type or ask questions related to Economics, the software would give an instant reply.
domain of Alin the givenscenario.
a) Computer Vision c) Natural Language Processing
b) Data Science d) None of these

/N) Which evaluation parameter takes intoconsideration allthe correct predictions?

a) Accuracy c) Recall
b) Precision d) F1 Score
that makes up a picture.
means apicture element which is the smallest unit of information
a) Vision c) Pixel
b) Pics d) dpi
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills
Answer each question in 20- 30 words.
6) Differentiate between Visual and Non-verbal communication.
7) What do you mean by Emotional Intelligence and Self-regulation?
8) How does a GUIovercome the limitations of a CLI? Give example of each.
9) "Entrepreneurship has a positive impact on society." Explain any two.
A0) Mention any two human activities that lead to environmental degradation.

Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20-30 words each:

access our
11) All of us use smartphones. When we install a new app, it asks us for several permissions to
phone's data in different ways. Why doapps collect such data?
data into
12) Adrisha and Suvechha want to make a model which will organize the unlabeled input
groups based on features. Which learning model should they use and why?
13)What is Recommendation System?
14) Explain the term resolution with an example.
Text Classification?
15) How is Automatic Text Summarization different from
16)An Almodel has been developed to identify people in crowded place to determine if a person is
actually a terrorist or not, based on person's behavior, movements and psychological reactions. What
would be True Positive and False Negative for thisAl model?
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50- 80 words each: (4x3=12)
17) Aneek wants to develop an Al enabled clinical system in India to help people for getting customized
suggestion for medicine. In this regard, how could he ensure that the bias does not creep in data.
Mention any three points and define Al bias.
18) ldentify and define the typesof the learning-based approaches in the figures given below and also
write one disadvantage of each.



Figure 1

tt Ican tof you these two on the lett are

diteret Irom Mhn tuo 1 the righ:

Figure 2
Mahindra industry is developing electricity-based vehicles (EVs) for regular commuters, wno travel
by roads because electricity-based vehicles are a better choice. But the problem is that it requires
recharging after some kilometers or hours as batteries loose chare. They look to develop a
technological soiution for charging-on-the go so that batteries never run out of charge.
From the given scenario, answer the following questions:
) ldentify stakeholder for the above problem.
a) Regular commuter c) EVs
b) Mahindra Industry d) Both (a) and (b)
represents WHERE components cf the problem.
a) Mahindra Industry c) Parking Station
b) Road d) Charging Station

Äii) Mention the pain-points for the above problem.

iv) Why the above problem needs to be solved?
thanks to Al andNLP,
20) "Computers can't yet truly understand English in the way that humans do - but
they are learning it fast and already doing a lot." How is this happening? In this regard write any
similarities between Human language and Computer language.

12 picked up by the
Basedon the performance of various players enrolled at the sports university, getdeveloped
national teams and other professional teams. Theuniversity has got an Al model that can
predict if a player, based on their performance data, willmake to playing national or
Predicted values
Confusion Matrix Drafted = Yes Drafted- No

Drafted= Yes 120 40

Actual values Drafted = No 70 170

Compute all the classification metrics (Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1 score) for the


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