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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
________ District






% of


of No. of
Day Items


Identifies family resources and

needs (human, material, and 2% 2 1,2
nonmaterial) TLE6HE-0a-1
Enumerates sources of family 2% 2 3 4
income TLE6HE-0a-2
Allocates budget for basic and
social need such as: 5
1.1.1 food and clothing
1.1.2 shelter and education 6% 3 5,7 6
1.1.3 social needs: social and
moral obligations (birthdays,
baptisms, etc.), family activities,
school affairs savings/emergency
budget (health, house repair)
Prepares feasible and practical
1.2.1 manages family resources 6% 3 8,10 9
1.2.2 Prioritizes needs over wants 5
Classifies tools and materials
according to their use (measuring, 8% 4 14 12 11,13
cutting, sewing) TLE6HE-0c-5
Prepares project plan for
household linens TLE6HE-0c-6 6% 3 45 46 47
Identifies supplies/ materials and 5
tools needed for the project 6% 3 16 15,17
Drafts pattern for household linens
2.1.1 steps in drafting pattern 2.1.2 6% 3 18 19, 20
safety precautions
TLE6HE-0d- 8
2.2 sews creative and marketable 5
household linens as means to
augment family income 6% 3 21 22 23
2.3 assesses the finished products
as to the quality (using rubrics
Markets finished household linens 12% 6 24,25, 26,29 28
in varied/ creative ways 5 27
Explains different ways of food
preservation (drying, salting, 4% 2 30 31
freezing, and processing)
Uses the tools/utensils and
equipment and their substitutes in 4% 2 32,33
food preservation/ processing 5
Preserves food applying principles
and skills in food preservation 4% 2 34,35
processing TLE6HE-0h-12
Conducts simple research to
determine market trends and
demands in preserved/ processed 6% 3 48 49 50
foods TLE6HE-0i- 13
Assesses preserved/processed
food as to the quality using the 8% 4 39 36,37 38
rubrics TLE6HE-0i-14
Markets preserved/processed food
in varied/ creative ways with pride 5 10% 5 40,44 41,42 43
TLE6HE-0j- 15
TOTAL 40 50 16 14 6 9 4 1
30 15 5
Department of Education
Region X - Northern Mindanao
Sumpong, Malaybalay City



Name: _______________________________________________________________ Score: __p_______

Direction: Choose and write the letter of the correct answer before the number.

1. What do we call the things, ideas, or qualities that an individual or a family.

A. goals B. resources C. values D. decisions
2. Mr. and Mrs. Antonio save money to buy a new house. They want a bigger one because their children
grow older. What kind of resources they need to have to meet the needs of their family?
A. human resources C. nonhuman resources
B. natural resources D. intangible resources
3. What do we call the additional income for a family member who has written a book, composed a song,
or invented a thing.
1. lease of property B. pension C. royalty and copyright D. salary
4. Out of family resources, what are considered as the most used by the family.
A. time, energy, and money
B. skills, attitude, and knowledge
C. recreational center and transport facilities
D. water, electricity, and hospitals
5. Family Bueno has a monthly budget of PhP 30, 000. How much is allotted for savings if they set aside
15% of their monthly budget?
A. PhP 4, 000 C. PhP 4, 500
B. PhP 4, 005 D. PhP 5, 400
6. How are family resources differing from family income?
A. Family resources refer to the wise use of money while family income is tangible resources found
in the nature.
B. Family resources refer to food we provide for the family while family income is the money, we
used in buying the food.
C. Family resources refer to tangible or intangible things that a family used to support family’s
needs while family income is the total amount of money earned by each member of the family.
D. All of the above.
7. Mr. Espejo has an income of PhP 10, 000 per month allocated budget for his family’s needs. How much
is allotted for their food if it is 30% of their monthly budget?
A. PhP 300.00 C. PhP 3, 300.00
B. PhP 3, 000.00 D. PhP 3, 033.00
8. This refers into putting action of what has been planned and organized carried out by the family
member who’s doing the activity.
A. Planning C. Evaluating
B. Organizing D. Implementing
9. Mr. Mangindo has an income of ₱ 20, 000.00 per month allocated budget for his family needs. How
much is allotted to Medical and Dental Savings for Emergency if it is 5% of their monthly budget?
A. Php 500.00 B. Php 1,000.00 C. Php 1,500.00 D.Php 2,000.00
10. These are things that each family member desires to make their life comfortable. It may be the desire of
having a car, gadgets etc. It is something that the family have or do not have but continue to live.
A. Wants B. Needs C. Values D. Objective
11. All of these are measuring tools, EXCEPT one.
A. Tape Measure C. Sewing Gauge
B. Rulers D. Seam Ripper
12. What do you call this equipment?

A. Pinking Shears C. Embroidery scissors

B. Trimming scissors D.Bent-handled dressmaker’s shears
13. A flexible measuring device used in taking body measurements. The front has a measurement of 150
centimeters and 60 inches on the other side. Fiberglass tape is commonly used by dressmakers.
A. Tape Measure C. Sewing Gauge
B. French Curve D. Tailor square
14. A handy little spring-loaded cutting tool that allows for the snipping of threads. These clippers are
specifically used to snip threads and they are not designed to cut fabric.
A. Seam Ripper C. Buttonhole scissors
B. Thread Clippers D. Embroidery scissors
15. The following are steps in pattern drafting EXCEPT one.
A. start with a sketch into the desired size C. carries the cloth and stand while cutting
B. cut the pattern to achieve the actual shape D. pin the pattern on the cloth and start tracing
and size
16. Shears and scissors should be handled correctly. Which of the following is NOT a proper way of using
A. blades are closed when not in used C. when sharing, hold to the pointed end
B. handle must be toward the receiver D. leave it on the table after use
17. Pupils were asked to prepare a project plan for a pillowcase. All the following are parts of the plan
EXCEPT one. What is this?
A. name of the project C. materials and tools
B. objectives D. finished product
18. New technology has promoted most business to engage in its use especially in terms of fast-paced selling
or promoting products. Which of the following does not use technology in advertising linens and
other products?
A. e-mail marketing C. direct selling
B. blogging D. printed media
19. You have two pillowcases. The cost price is 100.00 each while the selling price is P120.00 each. How
much will be your total profit?
A. P40.00 B. P50.00 C. P60.00 D. P70.00
20. What is the cloth laid on top of tablecloth or on a bare table?
A. table cover C. table stopper
B. table runner D. pillowcase
21. Which of the following is the first step in sewing a table runner?
A. lay the fabric on the table, wrong side up
B. mark an allowance on the cloth
C. cut the fabric
D. press the fabric
22. How many inches is the allowance of the raw edge after laying the drafted pattern on the fabric?
A. 1⁄4 inch B. 1⁄2 inch C. 3⁄4 inch D. 1 inch
23. This type of packaging allows to stack products easily, while allowing others to see what the product
inside looks like.
A. taped packaging C. rolled packaging
B. semi-open box D. see through packaging
24. Products are packaged to send a message to people about the product you are selling.
A. for protection B. for advertising C. for convenience D. for informing
25. Which of the following purposes of packaging that designed to handle the products more conveniently?
A. for advertising C. for convenience
B. for protection D. for informing
26. This type of simple packaging uses minimal cover with a label and information about the product
or the brand.
A. ribbon packaging C. rolled packaging
B. semi-open box D. see-through packaging
27. This is a purpose of packaging that protects the product from being exposed
to heat, moisture, dust, and other things that can cause damage.
A. for advertising C. for convenience
B. for protection D. for informing

28. This is a purpose of packaging that protects the product from being exposed to heat, moisture, dust,
and other things that can cause damage.
A. for advertising C. for convenience
B. for protection D. for informing
29. Which product are example of salting?
A. bagoong, salted eggs and tinapa C. bagoong, salted eggs and longganisa
B. burong manga, fish sauce, and ham D. bagoong, burong manga, and salted egg
30. Aling Pacing and Jan went to the market to buy fish, beef, chicken, and pork. What is the best method
they should do to preserve the food they bought?
A. sweetening B. freezing C. sterilizing D. pickling
31. You are planning to bake a cake. Which tool will you used to get the exact measurement of the
A. ladle B. measuring cup C. pan D. plate
32. Dimple bought five pieces of sweet mango. Which kitchen equipment will she used to determine the
exact weight of the mangoes she bought?
A. ruler B. cup C. weighing scale D. container
33. Selecting the highest product at their peak of freshness is the _________ to consider in buying food to
be preserved.
A. first step B. second step C. third step D. last step
34. A fresh fish should have __________. The scales of a fresh fish are tight on the skin, not lose or falling
off or dried out.
A. rough B. no smell C. gill D. fins
35. It is a scoring guide used to evaluate the quality of processed or preserved food following the set of
A. assessment B. rubric C. grade D. mechanic
36. It is the process of designing, evaluating, and producing packages.
A. eating B. preserving C. scoring D. packaging
37. When the assessor’s views and scores are focused on the final product and not on the process, it is
considered as _________.
A. performance B. process C. product D. writing
38. The two components of a rubric are descriptive and __________ ratings.
A. criteria B. analytic C. holistic D. general
39. A website for business necessities for marketing products that allows plenty of room to share product
details, reviews, photos, and videos that engage potential customers use ____________.
A. radio B. newspaper C. internet D. magazine
40. Which technology is used in marketing your product using text messages to send special coupons or
deal to people?
A. telephone B. mobile phone C. radio D. telegraph
41. Which of the following types of advertising pay commercial radio stations for airtime?
A. newspaper B. TV ads C. online ads D. radio ads
42. The quick and easy way to communicate information on new products to a large number of people is
A. social media B. social science C. blog D. radio
43. When customers feel like they have a way to access you if they have questions and feel like you
genuinely care about their opinions, they become more ___________to your brand.
A. dislike B. friendly C. loyal D. angry
44. Most people around the world use this kind of technology. So advertisers use this to advertise and
promote products.
A. radio ads B. Facebook ads C. television ads D. newspaper ads
45. It is the list of the tools or materials that you already have and needed for the project.
A. procedure B. materials C. project title D. tools needed
46. Which of the following states the goals that you aim to achieve in the project?
A. procedure B. objective C. project title D. tools needed
47. This assesses the finished product using scoring rubric with a specific criterion.
A. procedure B. evaluation C. objective D. project title
48. It is a careful and detailed investigation of a specific problem, concern, or issue using the scientific
A. Experiment B. Investigation C. Research D. Negotiating
49. A discussion to find ideas in solving a problem or issue.
A. Brainstorming B. Planning C. Writing D. Researching
50. The following are importance of research except one.
A. empowers us with knowledge and efficient learning of new things.
B. helps us understand various issues of life in a larger manner.
C. makes bad habits of reading, analyzing, thinking, and learning.
D. leads us to the ultimate philosophy of all the subjects and builds a graphic vision of life.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X
District of Kadingilan I




1. B 26.C
2. C 27.A
3. C 28.D
4. A 29.B
5. C 30.D
6. C 31.B
7. B 32.B
8. D 33,C
9. B 34.A
10. A 35.B
11. D 36.B
12. D 37.D
13. A 38.C
14. B 39.A
15. B 40.B
16. C 41.D
17. C 42.A
18. D 43.A
19. D 44.B
20. A 45.D
21. A 46.B
22. B 47.B
23. B 48.C
24. B 49.A
25. B 50.C

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